CONTRACT 4939-6 CLOSEDExhibit B ity of El Segundo 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245 TASK ORDER # -lp Issued under AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES, dated November 4, 2015, Project Name: Project Number: Contractor Name: Vendor Number: Contract Number: Account Number: Date Prepared: Accounting Services for Finance Department N/A MV Cheng & Associates, Inc. 16107 various 2 -22 -16 Project Descri tiony Temporary finance department staffing Description of Services to be Performed by, Consultant r this Task Order; Temporary employee, Agnes Walker, to replace Ruby Carrillo Quincey. Agnes will be serving as Interim Fiscal Services Manager. Duties include preparation of mid -year budget, annual budget, preparation of annual audit, single audit, MTA audit, asset forfeiture report, daily general ledger functions. Performance r to be Achieved by Consultant: To possess the skills and experience to perform the duties of a Fiscal Services Manager with respect to accounting and budgeting. Time for Completion: Upon commencement and transition of a permanent Fiscal Services Manager or as determined by the City Manager. Cost Estimate: 2 days per week, approximately $53,200 until September 30, 2016 as needed. CONSULT�T/ ONTRACTOR Date R 4� ?&0(v 4 �'. en Date Date