CONTRACT 4269D Amendment CLOSEDAgreement No. 4269D 1" b...a RzT,4 O" AM ENDMENT TO AGREEMENT NO. 4269 BETWEEN THE CITY OF EIS SEGUNDO AND AEROTEK THIS 2ND AMENDMENT ("Amendment ") is made and entered into this 1st clay of October, 2013, by and between the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a general law city and municipal corporation existing under the laws of California ( "CITY "), and AEROTEK on -call services ( "TEMPORARY STAFFING SERVICES "). 1. Pursuant to Agreement Noe 4269 ("Agreement "), executed by the parties on or about March 1, 2012, the terns of the agreement is extended until September 30, 2014. 2, This Amendment may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which will be an original, but all of which together constitute one instrument executed on the same date. 3.. Except as modified by this Amendment, all other terms and conditions of Agreement No. 4269 remain the same. 4. Exhibits A, B, and C are incorporated by reference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this contract the day and year first hereinabove written. 4CITY EL S p.OIii1�0 AEROTEK e u r Aver Oi FA R Ci h APPI MAP: -,; B r' y' � Attorney Taxpayer ID No, 62- 1822806 Agreement No. 4269D 15YHBIT A Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Services Agreement ("Agreement ") dated March 1, 2012 by and between Aerotek, Inc. ("Aerotek!) and City of El Segundo ("Client'), Client agrees to reimburse AEROTEK In full at the following approved rates: -- - - WON R3.1 I I LZMYA On Agreed and Accepted: Client Name Title r r r Aerotek E & E A Div Io TEK, Inc. n By: % Title Agreement No. 4269D E1.NI L i'® r - vPLEVAII:T'v ' '1lz,l ES 9 GP.NEP AL PREVAILING WekQE D6TFiRL,J1NAT)CN MADE BY THE DIRECTOR-OF [INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA LABOR CODG PART7, CHAPTER 1, ARTICLE 2, SECTIONS 1770, 1773 AND 17'73,1 FOR CONVAERCIAL BUILDING. HIGI•I &Y, HEAVY CONSTRUCTION AND DREDGING PROJECT& CRAFT., PLA.BOIt;ERAIID PELATED CI,ASSIETCATIQYS DETERMINATION: SC -23- 102 -2- 2011 -1 ISSUPJ D k'J') : August 22, 2011 EXPIRATION D-ALTE OF DE'iJ• RIMIN/kI 'ION: June 30,201V- Effective. until superseded by a uew delerminaliun issued by theDirectcr oflndt:strial Relations- Con +.act the Division ofi.abor Statistics and Research (415) 703.4774 far the new rates after 10 days from the expiration dale, if no subsequent dctermination is issued. LOCALITY: All Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, Mane., Orange, Riverside, SariBurnardino, San Luis Obispo, Santa 13arbara, uttd Ventura counties. Ondicates tut applerticeablc craft. F- Mctiyc as or July 1, 2008, Lte issuance and publication ofthe prevailing; wage apprentice scheduleJapnrentice wago rates havre bean reassigned b} ate l3epatfntentuf .IndustristRelationsfra!n the Division ot•Labor Statistics and Research io the Division orApprentieesltip Standards. TD obtain any apprentice scheduiesfapprenticts m&g rates, please contack the Division of Apprenticeshin Standords of r°Fer to the Diivisioa of Appreaticeship S'tandurds' vrebsike at ttttp 1/ �n +vt.dir_c ;i.aC,vldas /d�s_htrni. �r-or a14551f1L'ati0llwithin cack group, soo page. 14. °Any houi5 worked over 12 hours in a single workdav are doub1c, (2) tithe, Saturdays in the sunie work week arty be worked at straig'nl - tine if job is situ[ dawn during wort_ weal' (luc to inciei-imit w!:adw or similarAct of God, or a. situalion beyond the employers control. Includes an amount per hour worked for s Lill plt;me ital dues AM OGN17.91) HOLI DA V5: Holidays upon which Ilia general pravailing hourly wage rate for-Holiday work shall ba, paid, :hall be all holidays in dte Collective bargaining ai+plicable to the partienlar craft, cl!tssi float ion, or type of worker employed an the project, Which is on file with the Director: of Jndustria) Relations, Ifihe prevailing race is not based on a coldcotivcly r,argained rate, Ilse holidays upon which The prevailing rate shalt be paid shall bens prnvidod in Suction 13700 oCthu (juvernmem COLIB. You ratty uhtaitl the holiday provisions for the ctuT:nk detcrtninations oa thelnternetat 11; apt %istiv:Y.d �r.ca,00<<IDLSIL'PWD. ldniidu�r provisions for currant or superseded deterrninatinns tit, ^.y be obtained by contacting the Prevailing Wage Unit at (it 15) 703 -4774. ' FIZrtVELAPYOrftlZSll1 35 I57'E:N(.'1;1':EY'PrIE,l3':Ina cardr,nr ;a�vitltL.rtborColr Szctians 1;73.1 and 17?3.9,cantritcinrshall in ake travel ;andlor subsisience payments to each worker is execute the work. You ntay k ain the travel audfor subsist�"tice pro' +isioas Sor the current detera,inutio;IS on the Internet at h t.uai . vw�e-.dir.ca.t;ov,''DLSRlP1'/D. Travel anal /ar subsistence reytii,entcnts for current or superseded deterntinalious may he obtained by cnnlauting the Prcvatiliitg Wage Uuit at (4)5) 71)1- 4774. a� Jsctrolrn =er Pavi,renls Siroiehl =rime Ov"Iiulc I' urty Rule,, 'v• c; - ' ,:.= ili�a:r n Basic 1leaith Pension Vacatimi) Training 014( - r Hours Total Daily S;tlur +.lay Sundny ( a arricylnrsnttj tlnurly aril antd Paynient Hourly. lad Rate %leeltnre IInI;(lay` hale. I 1i2a 1 112X Iluliday CL1; S1.1.=ICA•1ION' GROUPS Group 1 $27,29 6.76 (.00 3,60 11.64 0,39 3 44.68 58325 53.325 71 3) Crnu13 2 27.84 6.76 6.00 3.60 0,64 9.39 a 4 51 59.15 59.15 73.07 Gra,tp 3 26.39 6.76 6.00 3.60 41.154 0,39 9 45.78 59.975 57.973 74.17 Group 4 29.114 6.7G 6.00 3.60 0.54 0.39 6 47.33 62,30 62,30 77,27 Grolra 5 30 s9 6.76 6.00 3.6t1 (),64 0,39 8 117.60 62.825 62,525 77.47 Ondicates tut applerticeablc craft. F- Mctiyc as or July 1, 2008, Lte issuance and publication ofthe prevailing; wage apprentice scheduleJapnrentice wago rates havre bean reassigned b} ate l3epatfntentuf .IndustristRelationsfra!n the Division ot•Labor Statistics and Research io the Division orApprentieesltip Standards. TD obtain any apprentice scheduiesfapprenticts m&g rates, please contack the Division of Apprenticeshin Standords of r°Fer to the Diivisioa of Appreaticeship S'tandurds' vrebsike at ttttp 1/ �n +vt.dir_c ;i.aC,vldas /d�s_htrni. �r-or a14551f1L'ati0llwithin cack group, soo page. 14. °Any houi5 worked over 12 hours in a single workdav are doub1c, (2) tithe, Saturdays in the sunie work week arty be worked at straig'nl - tine if job is situ[ dawn during wort_ weal' (luc to inciei-imit w!:adw or similarAct of God, or a. situalion beyond the employers control. Includes an amount per hour worked for s Lill plt;me ital dues AM OGN17.91) HOLI DA V5: Holidays upon which Ilia general pravailing hourly wage rate for-Holiday work shall ba, paid, :hall be all holidays in dte Collective bargaining ai+plicable to the partienlar craft, cl!tssi float ion, or type of worker employed an the project, Which is on file with the Director: of Jndustria) Relations, Ifihe prevailing race is not based on a coldcotivcly r,argained rate, Ilse holidays upon which The prevailing rate shalt be paid shall bens prnvidod in Suction 13700 oCthu (juvernmem COLIB. You ratty uhtaitl the holiday provisions for the ctuT:nk detcrtninations oa thelnternetat 11; apt %istiv:Y.d �r.ca,00<<IDLSIL'PWD. ldniidu�r provisions for currant or superseded deterrninatinns tit, ^.y be obtained by contacting the Prevailing Wage Unit at (it 15) 703 -4774. ' FIZrtVELAPYOrftlZSll1 35 I57'E:N(.'1;1':EY'PrIE,l3':Ina cardr,nr ;a�vitltL.rtborColr Szctians 1;73.1 and 17?3.9,cantritcinrshall in ake travel ;andlor subsisience payments to each worker is execute the work. You ntay k ain the travel audfor subsist�"tice pro' +isioas Sor the current detera,inutio;IS on the Internet at h t.uai . vw�e-.dir.ca.t;ov,''DLSRlP1'/D. Travel anal /ar subsistence reytii,entcnts for current or superseded deterntinalious may he obtained by cnnlauting the Prcvatiliitg Wage Uuit at (4)5) 71)1- 4774. a� C I f 1: 1 ' 6 -- 11. 1 C ',' i 1" k) I! k1 L-'! W 1-11! L 'it mqt -0 mv :7,1 irz"d -q:, I b, .;i ;'I z!ic I%le U,""nw, wtYttl,j— r417v,sl od 1 11; haywi v b vwv:1 %0Ii4111)4,ir,,9 4• R. J-0 VJOI-' -. P ilfj' , '11--!ILIN I I Tb I iVi Nomli 0i I -,..dev Ifffoci I I T-uLv.,j I al.,cmu. " ry 1! ° •1'xI a;' Pw4L H NA., .Jj Rim C.w, I n.144:f" Trod: I HCvYnAwWwQ I vc- •p cam 0 AP F. aw Nw cam W") 1-lit".14F •wir Aw Do Rv Ile }; .I "F.'shm mwt.,p bpi MOO howu a: is Oman .t11—k(v--1j1-% Up.4 SW Oki 1;41111Ca1; lowall N4W 00 1., rn91n AV don ov—, ".w Mg- 01"W Aq vm4 :'e : I way Mwwlww,Zg Pop, WI -: i-o- Tr01114.411 .1-11111 P1 WIN Gn :...o 1 .11. . - .:! � , . ;:.! .. 0 wa 0504 ha bil", Agreement No. 4269D 4 L 9 1 '1 1 30- fiLt Ll -an _0 ut-31 lea •:t icbtci 1,9C14`1!`rhi?P ,,j.N1kjtIni4dI,v-u: 1-!l'41 Now I-IL, - 1,1.11 , ro'; v lild 1 ITI, I l� 1,1W. q 1, l+; ;il k1Q, ax P,•I; IJL 41 Ica"'11 MOO 1i ill 0 Im .04 :Ill w w 1 ••j •howls Rd••owir Pwt-w.) JIul Me.11 I;%Y UMMMW mv gumbl! W.'acl, vd,Lzr. rip cc wl uqww Inowul (%wq SIMM wMin .yOrIM"Z17 WyWnSU-. 1;;b-;, L!,Zef-g: 11 014, V114 A-,- •+)RIJ -JI10f4wr ,,:pOlMy .1•'•111112:. gWrg'.AMlWI WW. •KIMC MM4 AlMIA Whill WAK114- ZILI. Tintu'diw -uzi,I(h °,- Vv1-1K`,- ii—IMIJ-1111 'N-)lyofflkjr-*300 01 RR'A Su)vupc A44,Ah on= Q "vilcm,c (vfAlIv" lIj112!5f (-'I wa. it yryl :el :8 CAMMM %X l-Nal Umk i,J-ZX Is Zlll Ill oll L.11Trl ne 3 vw 'L (1vT,1,2•i WI 1'i11Cu ;ac: KAU Agreement No. 4269D EXHIBIT C - DRIVERS A UDENDUM This AUDUN1)OM made as part of the SERVICES AGRUGMENT ( "Agreen?ent ") made on the March 11a, 2012 by and between AEROTM Inc ( "AERGTEK") and City of Ef Segundo ( "Client" ). If there is any u;nllict between (lie Agreement and (Ills Addendum, (Ills Addendum will control. AEROT'EK agrees that approved Conlract Employev(s) may, be required to operate. a motor vehicle that can be logally driven with only a valid standard non- cornrnerciol driver's license. AEROTEK hereby agrees, in writhlg, that rulrtimal driving is nuthorined. Clleett agrees to review approved Contract Employee(s) driv'Ittg record (Department of ldolnr Vehiek Repot1) before alto %ving approved Coidt aot Umployce(s) to operato any of Client's vehicles, tiillwr owned or non - owned, C 11 L o v e oa b tlt to rl les rrs i tl' 4 t f" r r v _t Im- � � o ° t, nlloNvxntce IIIcrct,lw_imale.8 dIAI&AMAtt(ilmii I tr 0maL&mm"11t gAtltat,&-tj tNPI Client further wanderstunds chat AEROTEK does not provide autarnobile insueattec coverage for Client's vehiele(s), approved Coutract Errployee(s) personal vehicles) theft are used ire conjunction with any job specifc:ations of driving for Client, or ifthr. motor vebiole(s) arc used in any other capacity for Client. Client agrees to have Contract Euaployce(s) listed on Client's automobile insurance polioy tas an additional h(surcd. Client will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless AEROTEK, it's owners, dircetors, and affiliates, fr-ortt any claims, costs, expenses (including reasonable attorney fees), damages, obligations or losses arising from or restdting front approved Contract Employees) operation of a utiotor vehicle(s), either owned or non•orvned, as part of the approval contract employees) assignment for the, Client including third party liabilities arising from ur n suiting front such operation of a motar vehicle(s). IiV `V ITNESS S' HEltF010, (170 p,.;lles lyave 0 ;xecaetnd Ibis Agreerna;it, under seal, the day rend year ires3 abc writtest. AGl EF,I? AND ACCEPTED: Aerolek 5 +srrateR itarlYrtN#Swtatrdl lrl'tkat b l r yt I Sll ;nnttate Out Client ntent IP "St,es°J r:' fl'4 iii laical7tcl ?rt;u.nlalisu Sigienfe�re