CONTRACT 4975 One Page Service Agreement CLOSEDAgreement No. 4975 Below you will find 'a checklist relating to Insurance and other requirements that are required for doing business with the City of El Segundo, Only those items checked -off are MANDATORY, however if your standard policies exceed the minimum requirements please Include, Commercial general liability insurance must meet or exceed the requirements of lSO -CGL Form No, CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. The amount of insurance set forth below will be a combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage for the policy coverage, Liability policies will be endorsed to name the City, its officials, and employees as "additional insureds" under said, insurance coverage and to state that such insurance will be deemed "primary" such that any other insurance that may be carried by the City will be excess thereto. Such insurance must be on an "occurrence," not a "claims made," basis and will not be cancelable or subject to reduction except upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City. Please find additional Terms and Conditions on the reverse side of this Services Agreement. This is not a purchase order or an authorization to begin work. ® Comore_h_e_nsiy1.fiqLieryI Li li including coverage for premises. products and completed operations, independent contractors, personal injury and contractual obligations with combined single limits of coverage of at least 10$ , 00,000 per occurrence, ® uto L abill , including owned, non -owned and hired vehicles with at least ® $1,Q9 Lo 00 per occurrence, ❑ X1 00 000.300 000 per occurrence. ❑ As required by State Statutes, A copy of your current policy must be submitted naming yourself and or your company. ® rker° Corgi ens lio insurance: as required by State Statutes, (Not needed if Self-employed with no employees and CONTRACTOR signs statement to this effect,) ® us_Li it : The CONTRACTOR shall agree to have a current City of El Segundo license on file at City Hall or purchase said license (at no cost to the City). ❑ t?e in ls: Plans must be approved and permit(s) issued (no fee) by the Planning and Building Safety if appropriate. Call the Planning Manager @ (310) 524 -2340 if you have questions, ❑ Co of 4g icture l,t , (Drivers license etc,) PLEASE NOTE: ALL APPLICABLE INFORMATION LISTED ABOVE MUST BE OBTAINED AND ON FILE, PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A CiTY PURCHASE ORDER BEING SENT TO YOU (VIA FAX OR HARD COPY) BY THE RISK MANAGERIPURCHASING AGENT, THUS AUTHORIZING COMMENCEMENT OF WORK FOR THE CITY. SubrnMell by cam lele all ,tanks: COLOR COPY REC ARE[) I ACK °ro F111E CITY Company Name: GiM Business Interiors By (Print name & title): Steve Easley, CEO Judi Harvey, VP of AdT4i tration Company Street Address: 1099 W La Cadena Vendor's Authorized Signature requi Drive City, State, Zip: Riverside, CA 92501 Dale signed: " 1/26/16 Phone: (800) 686 -6583 FAX: (951) 684.0837 Vendor's Email address: Seasley @gmbi,net Vendor's Web site: hftp:l/www.gmbi.net Mail original agreement and insurance to: City of El Segundo - City Clerk 350 Main Street, Room 5, El Segundo, CA 90245.3813 OriginatorfDepartmenl Contact: F. Rivera, P "nci al Civil' En in r Date initiated: 111416 Department Head Approval ' Date Approvedfl� Finance Approval l' to Approved: City Attorney Approval, Date fnr iti, City Gerk Approval, Gate: " " ' 1� /- cc: Business License; City Clerk, Purchasing Agent Requ'dgrrg DepL name. , Publi Revised Services Agreement for GM Furniture Move 01.26.16 " 1126116 Agreement No. 4975 Agreement No. 4975 EXHIBIT A - Page 1 of 3 1; V 11 t Scope of Work for Modular Furniture Move for Checkout Building Carpet Replacement Project P o°ect- S.ecicic S o e In Jackie Day's office in the Checkout Building, take apart and move her desk and shelving to a different area in order for carpet to be removed and replaced. Move the furniture parts back to Jackie Day's office and reassemble the desk and shelving the way they were before. Coordinate all work and any construction changes with City staff and the contractor at least two weeks in advance in order for staff to accommodate the construction activities. Protect in place all other other office furniture and equipment, etc. Work shall be completed either the same Friday of the furniture move (Option I cost) or three calendar days later (Option 2 cost). Oer�eral Scooe Contractor's Lump Sum bid shall provide for all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals required to entirely complete the project to the City's satisfaction. Work is to be performed by personnel with the proper certifications for the construction. Repair /replace any City property damaged during the project to City satisfaction. Adhere to requirements of City agreement. Prevailing wages are applicable and shall be included in the bids. Adhere to SB 854 requirements as necessary. Information is available at hum twww.dir,cu,u,+ov ublic- works SQ854.html 0 Contractor shall provide proof of required insurance endorsements and business license upon award. Agreement No. 4975 EXHIBIT A - Page 2 of 3 Service Request 30821 Aecou NT = Ec Ryan T177 ORDER DATE 12/16/2015 1/16/16 SCOPE OF WORK OPTION 1 (QUOTED WITH PREVAILING WAGE): 1) ALL WORK TO BE DONE ON FRIDAY 2) G/M TO REMOVE (01) EA HERMAN MILLER CANVAS WORKSTATION FROM OFFICE ON FRIDAY, 3) G/M TO REMAIN ON SITE DURING CARPET INSTALLATION 4) G/M TO SET (01) EA HERMAN MILLER CANVAS WORKSTATION INTO PLACE AFTER CARPET INSTALLATION COMPLETE. TOTAL: $547 OPTION 2 (QUOTED WITH PREVAILING WAGE): 1) G/M TO REMOVE (01) EA HERMAN MILLER CANVAS WORKSTATION FROM OFFICE ON FRIDAY PM AFTER WORK HOURS. 2) G/M TO SET (01) EA HERMAN MILLER CANVAS WORKSTATION INTO PLACE ON MON AM. 'SPECIFIC ROOM /DEPT t lu n-i m"ED BY Schedule Name Schad. Date Travel Time In I Out In 1 Out Total Hours Total Labor Charges Total Labor: DATE COMPLETED I G/M SERVICE MGR CUSTOMER SIGNATURE CUSTOMER NAME DATE' Total Labor $0.00 $0.00 WORK COMPLETED wo !jttL)Wwww,cjmbj,net 800. 686-6583 800-686-6583 Fax: 951-684-0837