CONTRACT 4941C Othera SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 04k 2 ED I SO N" 2015 Direct Install Program M EDISON INTflRNATIONAL ©Compny Partner Authorization Form Please review, complete, sign and submit this form authorizing an SCE - approved Consultant to perform the services outlined below. ol Customer Name - -- - �� �H two Contact Name/Title , -1 A ri -F. ✓ , ire .," t", Service Address w Phone sd This Customer Authorization Form is entered into by the Customer listed above in connection with Southern California Edison's (SCE) Third Party Implemented Turnkey Program (Program). _ _ (use 'Contact Name' listed above) a representative of Customer, am duly authorized to sign this Authorization on behalf of Cu. er... . ... t __......_ stomer. Customer hereby authorizes _r ---� - °- ma- -- -��w�_ -,-- _rr -u,-- (Consultant) to conduct an Energy Survey of Customer's facility and to replace and /or install energy efficiency equipment recommended by Consultant as a result of the Energy Survey (collectively, the "Work "). Customer understands that Consultant has been pre- approved by SCE to perform the Work and that the Work will be performed at no cost. Customer agrees that all of the Work shall be subject to all terms and conditions of this Authorization and of the Program y Customer agrees to provide Consultant reasonable access to Customer's facility for the Work, including the Energy Survey and replacement and /or installation of the recommended energy efficiency measures. Customer further agrees to provide SCE and Consultant (or other SCE consultants) reasonable access to Customer's Facility for all inspections or verifications of such Work as may be required by SCE in its sole discretion. Customer acknowledges that SCE will provide up to $10,000 in services and equipment per Service Account for accounts with demands of 0 -99 kW, or up to $15,000 per Service Account for accounts with demands of 100 -199 kW. Project caps subject to change. Program funding is limited and is available on a first -come, first - served basis until funding is depleted or the Program is terminated, Customer must meet the following requirements to be eligible for the Program: (1) Facility site must be a nonresidential active SCE customer and the facility must be located within SCE's service territory; (2) SCE Customers must pay the Public Purpose Programs Charge ( "PPP ") on the SCE electric meter where the Work is to be performed; (3) Customer certifies that Customer has not and will not receive any funds from any other energy conservation program funded by the PPP for the same energy savings components installed under this Program; and (4) Customer and all Work must meet all other Program requirements, terms and conditions; Customer acknowledges that connected load at Customer's facility may increase if the Work involves replacing burned out or missing lamps. Customer hereby agrees that SCE makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the Work, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Customer agrees to hold harmless SCE, its officers, directors, affiliates and employees, from and against any and all liability, damages, losses, claims, demands, actions, costs, including attorneys' fees and expenses and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs, or any of them, resulting from, arising out of, or in any way directly connected with Work performed by Consultant. Customer hereby agrees to hold the Consultant solely responsible for any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages and expenses, including attorneys' fees and costs, which Customer may incur as a result of the Work. Customer is solely responsible for ownership of the equipment and services under the Program. Items installed are warranted by Consultant for one year. Customer agrees that SCE may provide Customer's contact information to Consultant (and other SCE consultants) for the exclusive purpose of carrying out the Work and the Program. Customer acknowledges that Consultant has been authorized to contact Customer only with regard to performing the Work, and that any other services, installations, improvements or equipment provided to Customer by Consultant have not been authorized by SCE, and SCE assumes no responsibility therefore. By signing below, I acknowledge that SCE will reimburse the installing contractor for services performed pursuant to the Program and that this expense will be charged to the Program budget allocated to my City or County. I also acknowledge that any energy savings associated with the Work done pursuant to this Program will not count toward the Customer's tier level advancement in the Energy Leader Partnership Program, The funding for this Program is limited. The Program is offered in conjunction with SCE's Commercial Direct Install (DI) program. All terms and conditions of the Commercial Direct Install program apply to Customer and the Work to be performed pursuant to this Program. AGREED AND ACCEPTED: i r Customer Signature _ ' ... ...... .w Date SS APE ROVED A5 ID AMT: 6 GRfVI "� � c,I FY P,[ 1DHNEY . X ", Cit Clerk Direct Install Program is funded by California ratepayers and administered by SCE under the auspices of the CaliforniavId tE'i uAd n. For further information, please contact SCE at (800) 736 -4777. N R -402 —V 1 -0913 White - SCE Canary - Vendor Goldenrod - Customer C -5608 Rxmip DescRiplitan. Busluess Narn,,-,. Sc-ice Accotiot Nmne SAN Addrcss: Ufifitv Direct Installation Pro ram - Survey Worhshect Update 0810145 Date: 10/30/2015 BY, IS City lAaintcinancc FacfliIly SW 3001183324 ID . . . . . . . . . ...................... . ... ........ . . . ........... . . . ......................... I'A Segundo; City of Rate. C7JS - 2 Op Hours: 6205 150 Iflinios Sl , I-A Segiiind: o, 90245 fl: onitac,t Name. Hepoll(L'ifflile Posmion MG 11 Arhatyst Business I'l-I 310 5242365 Contact 0111lone. Segment. HM LO SO LRS WWWWW Area 5,000 VAR: 120 1-It, 18 11 C Clast signaalre, r,1 , � I l , I , I b I , I , I, � I , j I , , , I I l 1 , , n I I '. V I ) 11 I lil I I I I I I I 'I / L�!','Naqc English GS SCII UNlV CC MIS(.' Ci T I o- ­T577M 7777 .NI -M... tKWHS ------- - -- - - il 7 M1"SI'.kfiITV^ 91K11 211-1 (1 to I) I I, if 1 b!; 4Fr -Iube G,.,ard C II jq I Fl, 1,1.') 3F1 (11 to 1) E IMP 11 ISO T t ube Givard 3E E AFT It V,y 1) Wlndoo, Ffll �A I. �IL!10 U 911 4F 1 (2 to 2) Senscif , Wall 810 1),:, �,,IE 7 it, �,Mjl I� I lIv1W 'm", AFT (I to 4) +,r l'. 11 Sensor 4L HB H1"¢ ,, NA Ij 911l"W, 4E �T n 100 41-1 (AB) ......... . If CH, h if F Sensor 6L. HB !KV . ............... 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