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CONTRACT 4802A-1 CLOSEDCity of El Segundo 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245 TASK ORDER # 4802A -1 Issued under AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES, dated January 31, 2015 Project Name: N/A Project Number: N/A Contractor Name: MuniTemps a division of Government Staffing Services, Inc. Vendor Number: Contract Number: 4802 & 4802A Account Number: 001 - 400 - 1301 -6214 Date Prepared: 09/28/15 191023111IBM Temporary employee services Description of Services to be Performed by Consultant under this Task Order: Temporary employee Services (Deputy City Clerk 1). Cheryl Moore from MuniTemps is the employee selected for this position. This is the third Task Order issued for Cheryl Moore. This Task Order #4802A -1 is to add an additional amount of $10,000.00. (The first Task Order #4802 -1 was for $10,000.00. The second Task Order #4802 -2 was for $15, 000. 00.) Time for Completion: To be Determined Cost Estimate: $10,000.00 for third Task order. (Additional amendment to the agreement and Task Orders will be For Internal Use Only: Budgeted XYes No Appropriation Transfer Needed: _X_Yes No Date City Council Approved: 2015 -08 -18 Amendment to add additional Dollar Amount $16,000.00 Agenda Item No.: 11 (Consent) Comments: 1 Exhibit B