PROOF OF INSURANCE (2016) CLOSEDit c/61�bWACS, Int. e. Po Box 257' DESCRIM0, POLIMS O,. - «' r: - Policy # CIP239821 GCrryiMERMAL r~rEOE RAL LIAWILITY 00 20 33 04 13 THIS ENDO EMIE T CHANGES THE-POLICY, PLEASE DE =AD IT CAREFULLY. This endorsornent modifies inzurerm provided aincJ6�r the tollovj:nol- CCMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABUTY COVEPAGE PART A, $action li — ' Who is An lrmsirted I$ aayrronded, to fnoWds as an additional hisursd any peown air orpunixation %r iwhorn you are I arfCrrra iriii orseratioris Miert you "recd' such person of orfiarsi atiori have aoreatd in writing in 4a contrscrt or agreerhent thst -such pereon or organization tie added as an additional insured on your polldy. 80011 Person or Organization Jr, an sdditlontai lnaurred only 4h respeol to tltaiaitity for "budily injury " 0property da oe`" , "personal end adwedts,i d isju " oauted, in wilwAo or in part " by: 1, `foraacis- or,omi'ssions; or 2, Tbe: seta or amiss ions of those acting o,jj yourr taehtalC„ In the poriorr ante of your'ongoing! oiderations for 1110 dditicanad insured. liow p r, the, insurance afforded to seoir adc9ilonral insured - 1. on y "appli", -to We 0„ eni W?-7ftted by ,asap, and 2. #Pauli not be broader than Mat wriiich yov are required by the oontraot or soreernent to provide for such adoidiitinal inscired, A N er on's tat oroandzetion`rs st lus as all addiiotiai insured under this en ddrse ortt We when yoair operations for that additional 9rieured are cornpieted S. With respect to the insurrrl'ace afforded to ftbe addlWriol insureds, the 'oUov ing aoditionar exclusions aped y: TI) rnsur.0 nee does not apily to 1. "Bodily Injury", "properly dsrna9e." or " °psrsonsl and a vodisino injury" arising out of the rendering of, or the faldure to ronciet, any professional arcl4teoturol, erigineorino .or, sviveyino.sorvlaes. iiidluttino, a. The preparing, .jppro0nG,- or iaifirig t� prepare or approve, maps, shop dr whirs, opinions, reporm, surveys. fdefrl orcders, . cban e order ^s or draawwirras and si�eitioart6ons# or t�. upervdsory, trispadtdon, arwiltetural or drrotraaaeririg aaivlties: `fhi"s ex0ltrairrri appiias even T the, clolais aptairmst any Insured aiteoe neoligonce or other, wrrarafdtioIng, in the iupepAsiori, Hiring" ernptoynsent" training or mronito Q of oi�liers by that insured, If the "oo urrra'aaoo "° whi(ih oravapo tlir 1041 iy u1jory "o ' PxproprMrty darn0se°" or the offen "° se whidi errtrsed The "personal rend radwrrrd;isirao inju y " insreiwerd tile rendering of or the failure to render any pragseidnal proliitecttirai, enoriisrsdto, or avrveyirio seriadr s. CG 20 33 -04 13 0 frisi rf1m.. rvir68 OffiM tnc , 2012 Pago 1 of .2 ` odliy Injury r "Prvrmaty dwnarge," o,�vgrrsn after a. All worth, Including 1118tarlats, prlS or ecIdipment furnished In 4}ennraotion witil such work on the r je t (fatties' than elvice, tatlalrneh noa or. rapafrs) to be performed by 'or on behalf o ttta ttdd @ "tionat isasurcri(a) gat the, lraoratfora of the covered Wee ahofls has Irian COMp feted; or b, That paortlora t "Yqurr YwVk' oirt of Which the injury or darnaga arises has wen paut to its intandad Im by any person or or ,anizatdo¢a other than another vontr ator or subcontmotor an aged In performing; ; 'Operattoris for 'a Principal as ra vast of the sam a paroj ot, i� With re eat to the isi arance dtforded to these dit n lnsureds, the fol6cmAdpi is added to avtton ttl - t.ttttlts Of ItIstiftitvt e.* 'rile rraosi we vrlll pay un bataalf of the Additional insured Is the aMpuilt of insarraarva., 1, Required by the onlra' of or a reemank you ha�v antemd Into yi'sth the additional lnsasmd or i Available under than ap laiieable timtts of tnsur, ante voo n in the Deolaravons* whichever is lbs. This nd rsert� tarot shall not increase the 001otabla t,lr$ts of snsurranve ahoVM in the eraletatiorm pave org, Inswanoa ervi % offlce, irav,, 2Cf,2 `y 04 PRIMARY AND NON-CONTRISUTING INSURANCE (Third-Party's Soile Negligence) lbaIndomement mwifies 4MUMICe fxo ded under the 49 tti4wrWl�;l The follamni; is adow to section jv -�,,orrirnefcial General, Uabifily Condi It lofia, Pftgraph-4 SecOn IV' Comineirclat General Uabiltily, Ckindjjj0qs 4. OtMer Insumnoo. 4 Notwitlistarlding time prwslons of sub'-pamoraphs 8,, b, and 0 rat thins Immoraph 4, Wh respect to Me Third,PaAy shoNn bek7g, it is uriderstood, and agreed that in the evert ofe ofal(n (x,lsug" adsing out, of th6 Named haureft sole rte dtilgence, thit insumnce Omit be, pdmop/ and arty other invuronge "laintrMiled by the vd6tjo4 insures named ante Third Party below shall be excesu The Thild Party to whw Ws wdomement apoes is: ANY PFOS64 OR ORGANiZATiON WITH W')JOM THE W$URED HASAGREI-E-0 SY WRITTEN CONTRACT TO PERFORM SERV=-S ANO PRIOR To Afrt LossfHAT ARE WrHINIKE TERM 'S AND CONDITIONS OF THIS POUCY To WHICI.i n1jS FORM IS Xrfk>1150, Abeenoe of a speoffically, neaned Third Party abaw means that time par,' SIOns of tits endoroament W;Y,145 required by WhItan contractual 490181"ant ^Mih any Tbj(d Party florwhom You are *foiming Work, All Wer terms, and conditions of ift polipy, remain Unclianged. This endorsemunt 1% Offectlw on the inQeptiop date of the pciiGy unless oU3e*se staleo, nenein, (Tbue Inf0f(Illation Wow fs roquired only volloti this ,enOrsement to issued gul*oquent to preparation of the Policy.) PoWy Wfnber,,' CI P2$9821 Namedensured: HADRONEXfW., Efr�rseroent Sffocli* Date: 0MV2016, Includes c0pyrt"ght0d MUtOrlill Of lnsuranc* SWMCPS Offlea, Inc. Nvith its porm$sslon Oppyri,ght, insurance somoas ofticeinc. 1994 KITH DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE R001 8/28/2015 THIS CERTIFICATEIS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATIONIS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PAYCHEX INSURANCE AGENCY INC /PHS 210756 P: F:(888) 443 -6112 PO BOX 33015 SAN ANTONIO TX 78265 INSURED HADRONEX INC 2067 WINERIDGE PL ESCONDIDO CA 92029 COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: INSURER C INSURER D INSURER E INSURER F REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. /NSR TYPE OF INSURANCE AD DL.SUBR POLICYNUMBER POL/CYEFF POLICY EXP LIMITS rTn WI? (MM/DD/YYYY) iuil,rmnrvvvv, COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE g CLAIMS -MADE OCCUR DAMAGE TO RENTED , PREMISES (Ea occurrence) MED EXP (Any one person) y PERSONAL & ADV INJURY GE 'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APf� 1ES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ POLICY PRO 0 LOC JECT PRODUCTS - COMP /OP AGG OTHER $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ (Ea accident) BODILY INJURY (Per person) ANY AUTO ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per accident) HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE AUTOS (Per accident) UMBRELLA LIAR OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS -MADE AGGREGATE $ DECi IIETENTION f WORKERS COMPENSATION X PER OTH- ANDEMPLOYERS'LIABILITY STATl1TE ER ANY PROPRIETOR /PARTNER/EXECUTIVE YIN E,L,. EACH ACCIDENT J 1/ 000,000 A OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) ❑ NIA 76 WEG GH3220 10/01/2014 10/01/2015 X E,L.DisEASE -EA EMPLOYEE 0, 000 If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.,L., DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT 0 0 0 0 F�o / DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS /LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached If more space Is required) Those usual to the Insured's Operations. Blanket Waiver of Subrogation applies per Waiver of our Right to Recover from Others Endorsement WC000313 attached to this policy. Notice of cancellation will be provided in accordance with Form WC990394 attached to this policy. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO (d DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. ATTN• PW DEPT AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 350 MAIN ST EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 C0 1'988 -20114 ACORD CORPORATION. All ACORD 25 (2014/01) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD SM . t"ONUNYYYY R10 2 2 8 /2 5 /20 1`5 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE THIS CEATtFICAT91S ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDERJHIIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE .A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, $MPORTANT; if the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the pollcy(les) must be endorsed, If SUBROGATIONIS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement an this certificate dogs not confer rights to the —cartificate holder In lieu of such endorsernenk(s). , wll�� (888) 443--6112 PAYCq1KX --;.h'SURANCF.-,' AGEN(.-'Y ENC/PHS Tlk—lllt I" E UAft, I 2 100.5) 6 P . F' 816 ) 4 4 3 - 6 1 1 .L 2 Po aox 3�01�5 *0jVe%;t AVRNIDING C*VC �OrF SAN ANTON'10 TX 78265 Co . ............ rMED HIADRONEX T1\fC 8Yf 11. 2067 Wit,4ERIDGE PL ESCONDI,DIO CA 92029 COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER. REVISION NUMBER* THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAI" THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED 70 11,1E INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD JI4DICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONLItTION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH ��,Is CERTIFICATE MAY BE !S$UEO OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN is SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE SEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, Pok VA *M COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY gwjz. CLAIPAS-NAADE OXCUR R00 nmw-w,�o El PERSONAL & AW INJURY GE,1401 %L A4 GENII, AGOREGMTE I. tMIT APPLIES PER POL PRO. Lac OTHFA; AUTOMMLE LIABILITY ANYALTO ALL OWNED SCHEDULE[) acoa:? NJURY (flat 4wmlk"I AUTOS AUTOS NON4MNED KIREDAUTOS 90. rFCC�n',lenakt EA(Ai OCCUMIENCE UMBRELLA LIAR OCCUR EXCM UAS CLAIMS-MADE .. ........ . .... ... . . YIN E. L. EN-'Ii A-00 E'A I1, 000, ()00 (.XIIIUKIJVVI NIA 0 J F11 r?-, wWSEAMSE. EA '1, 0()0, 000 A 0,1and4f" M M) 1, 000, 0 0 Q 0 ESCR IPTIOti OF OPFAA7 I(XIS bakw 0 U a.'. .o t ii e in 3 ureO, S OPX rR L 1 o 11 S CERTIFICATE 14OLDER CANCELLATION._ SHOULD ANY OF Ttl IE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WI'S'H PROM IONS. ci,cv of El segwad.o -WVW0R;t6 REPPEARATR 1.50 ILI'INOIS ST `7 'El, SEGUNDO, CA 90245 C 1988.io-14Af6RD —CORPORATIOW AlFighis roserved, ACORD 25 (2014101) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD "In W, M/i v, Policy Number: 76 WEG GH3220 Endorsement Number, 05 Effective Date: 08/28/15 Effective hour is the same as stated on the Information Page of the policy. Named Insured and Address: HADRONEX INC 2067 WINERIDGE PL ESCONDTDO, CA 9209 We have the right to recover our payments from anyone liable for ai injury covered by this policy. We will not enforce our right against the person or organization marred in the Schedulle, (This agreement applies only to the extent that you perform work under a written contract that requires y(.'Au to obtain this agreement frorn us,), You must maintain payroll records accurately segregating the remuneration of your employees while engaged in the work described in the Schedule. The additional premium for this endorsement shall premium otherwise due on such remuneration. I U-T+ = +� ANY PERSON OR ORGANIZATION FROM WHOM YOU ARE REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT TO OBTAIN THIS WAIVER OF RIGHTS FROM US. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AT TN. FLORIZA RIVE RA, PW DEPT 350 MAIN ST EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 5 % of the California workers' compensation Job Description BLANKET OPERATIONS ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK SERVICES. Countersigned by Authorized Representative Form WC 04 03 06 (1) Printed in U.S.A. Process Date: 0 9 / 01 / 15 Policy Expiration Date- 10/01/15 ESCt1'"PU'K CA 97ta75 1.760445.5151 Policy number' 62,64245 »7 Underrwr'men by,. U'11TED t,PIAdCCr G (ASUr WCOMP;ANY SC7 20,20 is pgts "P of p ertaa"trr�te Mohler Insured! Agent C:1I"r �1p CIa�AE�I"9t1 ilr�et�l�l� fI11C'IPC"�fEld�iSt11C1�iC�' QO FOX KS 7067 WINlwld6it E RACE #E 725 E `JAL' LEY Ply` Pt196057 ESCCIrdi7 VOt CA 92029 CSCClr 0100 (A 92025 PORTIa NO, M1 44820 This document certifies that insurance pralines id ratiNd tae1mv, have been issued its the,de5ignamd insurer lo,the insured nnnanti abovefor than period() indicated. 11a1s Certsali tu'i's issartd fear infrrrraaation purooses only. It ralnfarrs no ri hts capon the Certificate holder and, doe carat (haange, Act modify, of extend the coverages afford d by the poles listed below., 'thy cover6yes. affrrttled by lire policies llste� below are sac j tt to oll ate Para Ins,, exclusions, limitations, cndtrcsernen , and covdllions'-df these polid s. 'ill yEffrral� aaa . aB tZ IM �Ut' ...x .a.., .. ...., Poky Expiration Date, re- f, '2666 , , ..x,.. „,a ... „ , .. a ........ anxuararr�a aCww�rr�a��,1 Clr�ai ti il5 Pt lUltkJPI P 1a II P St 4 q tt1P tII iCl1 SBPaCrfF UNIT .....v. �xx.i x,a to 1IPISUICfi7da Nd176PIPi iPd6ll I PS `„ 5' ti000C 1 $l$l,NC i8 6i.6:iiii`f ...n .... m +r.lpM ,. ed{.,� «{xy�I} �^'y^.�y.�j... {x�w, �.;'¢r �,y.f.",g,;ep q mya�x7­111 L9 "Y ➢Y'tF.,W9R Pt ,wN' P4 4'W'"'1.J 14'AFNMA k.�L.P 4l�L'4�d� «" 00.000' " "�"�'FMV rewlwPi�WMGW'i'6 v""Yd"iW�'iE»P, 0.PP 9 .. . •_.. .. .r• .. ., nrr w <' w rxr , .fir. en r. ,. a •. wr w. •r • ,r,.s trr ,r .. ". .. xn v +:.., r•.rx ....� v u,. .,rv,.,. � *.'" taPldEtt�Atl1" S��IP wttdPtl'"a�1Pd�l�P�"taaP!,C.o .,..tnUt�YtldCPw��tr�dtP�51i�P t.PSrtP"t eba:ai.aal+ti a�aatc� ctnf�r 2011 poi'dd7: 1 6a 'iFTMIAOXBPJa5751 l'EIIIC4 PAYMENTS C MPIdtHE SIIJE $500 DED COWSION $500 WAIVER DED Certificato number r 14015NET 45 Please be advised that the certificate holder will not be natified in the event of as raid -term cancellation. fW M 5141 Oft?) aRrltd VERt01SU1,UMC 225 F VAttEY PKWY ESt:ONt0 UM s2t025 Policy nranllrer 06264246-7 v'r1r1vrllrrrtterw by. U111ttr1 miler dal; (ASUaRy Compa'n'y Ins6wext, HADAMU 1KC 0tADltONEX INC May 20, 2015 2067 VANERIOGE PtAa #f Policy 6W., Rb 10 2015 • Feb 1, 2016 RSC6ND10 0, CA 82025 Malling Address PO So, 94739 44 « C�e11rr" �� 11�J�t l'° i 11-800-444-4487 for clstmer ;service „.2 4 haatrs a r)ay, NA m e of par on or O1 r a,n ization 'I days a week CITY OF SACRAMENTO PO, BOX 7 POltJIAM , MI 4885`7 The person or 12rg rail tion named above is an Insured with respect to Such Iihlritity cu1re1oge as is afforded by the policy, but this inswance applies to said insured drily as a pewit liable iet the condoctol another insured aM therl only to the erien0 of that liability, We also agree voith your that Insurance pfovided by this endorsement wilt fire primary fus fitly parer wA,speclli(ally descrioed on the Declarations Page, Limit-of Liability Bodily Injury Not applicable Property Damage Not applicable Combined liability $1,600,000 each accident All otherterrns, limits and provisions of °this policy remain Unchanged. This endorsement applies to Policy Nurntmt: 06264245-7 Issued tat (Maine of lr ureri); HAt RONEX, M Elfectrolr: date tai endorsement: 05/2012015 Policy exPis"ation date: 021 '11 01 rvm) too cacao) PAYCHEX INSURMCE AGENCY INC/F-TiS PO BOX 3301-5 S" ANTONIO TX 78265 Cl.it.-.v o Ell Seyu-,dbc 150 ILLINOIS ST ACORD 25 (2014101) "rhlsl,,.--.iidoi.mni,entCJ,iak Ves time Pollcy-Nesse Read It CareAdly FIRIMARY AND NON-CONTRIBUTING INSURANCE (Third-Party's Sole Negligence) 71fls undomement r eA knswvrce P° 'fed undw Ow fdlawfta CXMWETUAL OENEM. L i-,Ascay a.wEFzAGr,.-., PART OWK- M- ANO WNTRAMMRS PR)TEx,11WE LABLITY awE...,RAGE PARW PRODUCTS=MPL E"ETED OPSRATMS LJABI rTYCXWERAGr-.,PAF?T' LIABUTY COVERAGE F'-IAR9' SLAW[ ERS LABUTY aNEPAGE FORM 711ta fdkwiV m added to Saetlon P - Cominel-OW Geftral I IaWtY 0DWOOM, ftlegraph 4: Secdon IV. ComirerWal Gonsfal UWAIRV Colitfloolvs 4. Mier lneumm, the pnwWuns of )uu-✓amoraphs 8, b, mW C W Oft paragyaph 4 ,Pmh rest Am to Uhle Thrd Party shmn belcw, d rt; uru defstoo(j and agmed that in 11h". wwent Ora o ilm 0; "sult" wiMrig oW of the Nwrect knsuretfsa ask' o neo4gent.,e, IN 1neutence shat p6mary arw arry other 41wwronce niWntarned lby the addiftmW kwturW namW, as the ThvJ Party txtkm 31,Wt be ammss and non,"OCMAWWY- nv'ThM PwW to vdim 098 endmawnent spoiss w ANY PERSON OR ORGAWATtON Wrr�j W�jom -n4E tNSVRLi--.-D HAS AGREED BY WRF'rEN M.4TRACT TOMWERPORM If ERVCE-S AND TDR0A TO ANY LOSSTRAT ARE, WM--fl11,jTHE 'rE1'-:,RJW8 AND CONDITIONS OFTHIS P-70LICY "TO WH04 748 FORM 148 ATTACHS). k arum a SPe.611110,30y natned Thkd NOY 8,bomu, means knat thie pmysiorm d We aador, mki, t a n apply "as m0red by wml ten corkmwal agreaqjert wilh any Third Plwl y ft whom you are pvtorening V+vl( " All obier to s and cond1hom, of His pDky remWn anal anged, This undursoment is effeicUmi On the mceptN on data of "je p(Amf.,y uf,mfl ess ottv,�rw�se slat efj 4m0ll, (The k4ormaliw, IxIoN Is miWed onty v^jr Uft errfor'setylent 16 is-sued SUbstNue1,Q to Ptepwation of Uw., Puticy) Pok..,,y Numtm r OP' 230821 Named Usurad l-4ADRONEX INC Endormnevit EffWk w- Nlc6., EfIdWSLIMefit Wet No, AF 001397 0712 InC,Wdeg COPY110tecl materfal of IIn surance Sommes Office, Inc. wk its jimrmlsolon OOPYrtght, ISMU'SMce Services Office, Irma 1994 BIROMER WSURAW1 725 E VAUNIMMY MUMMA (A 92025 1-760-AS-5151 Polity number: 062,64249.7 Ur*rwft" by: UPOTED RNAWAL (ASUAVIrY C011 M's AW May 20, 2015 Rap, I G( I Owdftrale DOWder h%sured Agent dN'&'SkrJWAW6 ..... . ............ ...... .......... .. E UO E X RCS 2067 WINERM )GE M. CE #111i 725 E VAIJ EMM" PO 9OX 2,57 ESCONDOO, (A 920,29 ESCOM)DO, CA 92025 IM IIAND, 4 48870 11% document, crolfies Irrat kisurance pDlides Wendfied Wow have been u.ssued by the, designated 4isurpf to the Mrrsured named above for the period(s) ondicaled, TMs Ca6catels 6%ued for Worrna6un purpowsor4y, rt confers ino 6qirls upwl the cerfificate hddei and does rot diange, after, niodffy, of extend the awwages affaii'drd by dv ptkdes fisted Wow The covesages afforded by the poNdes Hsted Wow are subjeci to afl the ssssss® exdusiorri, HrMtOons, eindarsements, and candifions of dmh polldes. R'bL, 2015' P'o'MMc'y"Ex,p9ra'g"o�i'Da,te'a I`eb '20' 1,65, D'A'M'E S , I , AM'O 1 00 C 1 0 1 RADNE 1 11 St N , GLE " LI , MIT .. .... MOTOUST $W0,000 COMMED SsNGU,, UNT Descflj;IIJon of Lucadon/VehldeOpedal ltcki°ins Sdieduled autas only, MEMCM PAYMENFS $5,0(X) COMPREHENSIVE $500 DE ' D Crol U901M $500 W/WAJVER IXI') CertMute, number 14015NET245 Please be advised that the certificate holder will not be notified in the emt of a mid-term cancellation. M Fam SJ41 OOMII rmilt of 1,1abili „ Bodily Injury Not appNpma IPa Property Damage NotaNNmpllocabk Conibirsed Uakiflity $1,000,000 each accident M al-berterms, Hima amid provisions of Oasis policy mvnafim unckanged. °0"Hs emmdofseifn em apI)Iies to PfAcy Numbo . 06264245-7 Is amp to (NaQmw d' NmmW� red) N DN' ONE) p8' C Effmve day cl vidwsement 0512012015 kfiq expimakmu dada: 02101/2016 ES ONOWD, 9202 lky nwiniber NNI - UeM finarKiM Cauffifty U mpany Nmwak KAORONEX NON H DROMI' , WC Wy 23, 201 m 2W? WNEEDGE PIACE Q., POky PeflaM Feb 1„ 2015 - Feb N„ 2016 LISCMDOO, 0b 92029 Malling Addrus PO Ow 979 Additional Insured endorsement rmilt of 1,1abili „ Bodily Injury Not appNpma IPa Property Damage NotaNNmpllocabk Conibirsed Uakiflity $1,000,000 each accident M al-berterms, Hima amid provisions of Oasis policy mvnafim unckanged. °0"Hs emmdofseifn em apI)Iies to PfAcy Numbo . 06264245-7 Is amp to (NaQmw d' NmmW� red) N DN' ONE) p8' C Effmve day cl vidwsement 0512012015 kfiq expimakmu dada: 02101/2016 PAYCHEX INSURANCE AGENCY INC/PHS PO BOX 33015 SAN ANTONIO TX 78265 ll,)() ILLJNOL ST lElamml