CONTRACT 4834 One Page Service Agreement CLOSEDAgreement No. 4834 Services n CONTRACTOR: MORNING STAR PRODUCTIONS LLC DATE 110115 i U10W you �l,8 tin a checklist relating to Insurance ar1�i rtttrFr requirements 1hal art, regdured for doing business witn Me City of Et Serguodo Uniyr those items checked -riff are MANDATORY. however r; your slarir and Policies exceed the minirnuni requirernenls please Include Commercial general liability insurance must meet or exceed the requirements of ISO -CGL Form No. CG 40 01 11 85 or 88. The amount of insurance set forth below will be a combined single limit per occurrence for bodily ii.jury, personal in)urr, and propert=y damage for the policy coverage. Liability policies will be endorsed to name the City, its officials, and employees as "additional insureds" under said insurance coverage and to state that such insurance will be deemed "primary" such that any other insurance that may be carried by the City will be excess thereto. Such insurance must be on an "occurrence." not a "claims made," basis and will not be cancelable or subject to reduction except upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City. Please find additional Terms and Conditions on the reverse side of this Services Agreement. This is not a purchase order or an authorization to begin work. .] 4y ai�if,i l�r r ;i�r A ;ri�d r rl babiMy including coverage for premises, products and completed operations, independent contraflors, personal injury and contractual obligations with combined single limiu of coverage of at least i3W) 00ii per occurrence, CONTRACTOR will require its insurer to modify such certificates to delete any exculpatory wording stating that failure of the insurer to mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation, and to delete the word "endeavor" with regard to any notice provisions. 'rritrw G.iit�ui(y, including owned non -owned and hired vehicles with at least Z 1,000 000 per occurrence. oi),O)r 300,0,4) per occurrence As required by State Statutes. A copy of your current oolicy must be submitted naming yourself and or your company ,�n ri fi g , i g Gi (sr it �frr� ®a ..................... rr td r�,; as required by State Statutes (Nol needed rf Setf- employed with no employees and CONTRACTOR. signs statement to this effect) If you have no employees please sign here to certify (t ilia pe..t rr i ii. F The CONTRACTOR shall agree to have a current City of El Segundo license on Fle at City Hall or purchase said, license (at no crust to the City) (( rflyt Plans must be approved and permit(s) issued (no fee) by the Planning and Building Safety ifappropriate. Call the Planning R a'nager L (310) 524 -2340 if you have questions PLEASE NOTE; ALL APPLICABLE INFORMATION LISTED ABOVE MUST SE OBTAINED AND ON FILE, PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A CITY PURCHASE ORDER BEING SENT TO YOU (VIA FAX OR HARD COPY) BY THE RISK MANAGEMPURCHASING AGENT, THUS AUTHORIZING COMMENCEMENT OF WORK FOR THE CiTY, ;uim""ittea bb rim ti leie arik i 1 ;?i7ics:. Company Name_ By (Print name & title); i.)¢,n'riili vst,ar Productions LLC Company Street Address " +utlr braxfol ,rts ;tiriaurs: r, r�rAeia r;P. 41213 Sandalwood Cyr city State, zip f tusr rvt i CA 92562` ...,_....m Phone: FAX 951 - 617 -4443 � 951 . E77 -8477 Voridor's Email address ,jendor s Web site aucioguyCwrnswp,rrofn _ "') w+, rA5 r4 ^, P L " -,F. Mail original agreement and insurance to: City , f El Segundo — City Clerk 350 Main Street, Room 5, El Segundo, CA 90245 -3813 cc: Business �� "` ,y Cleric, Purchasing Agent; Requesting Do,[, pio imr i`.+�i {h:. F 0 .S TO FORM; CITY ATTO of El Segundo 1,GEWIfIALLY, Tha nmtehale, Pumheae`) covemd by mja samiuea agreameni and puohaw, o0e ajmiohmd by GmUm subod jo, aK (Uw na/ma and condbomsoontaixad infl'flooderwhiuh ',��Oer in acuopdng flriao/der agtwn m NAM byandoompNmK inaUW"n NnnMert if Iono u/um. 4��omm �nding upun �upa�eaunloaa subooque�N agneu - k�men(��oHoranypu�ionu{�e N|nwhUo8� �hMenaocq�umacxanp PuohaseomgeUbyUia odor onnshubuuunqua|iNdacc pannaof 11 u*ms and uondiUona in tf�hu1Ae, Thm Nam ofony pm" m" is a{ho nituram ioduded and made a pal tuuInToWy M |he exwg|igmdheddrePurnUmaeu50d UPS pk%andhe"ma"auU �1'1enonlytoihae*on{(h',itsuchte/mnamcnnomen|WiNwaWrmsmnd umdikisA on/oo Se/ 2JNSPECTION. The Pumheaefumiuhad muu\bomxa(10aoopodhmd in fl m urdmr, (rao hum aU dufi�ctu m SmUe/s podormanuc daa|Dn. wmdunansNp. and maleho|a and,�xcep1 as oO�fanwao |s � mubja6to jnopeci000md�esl,byCIty ata{lUmaoand I[befre 0ndmocnpAnu%aoyunyPurdemeiufauodWbainoomffleee.o/noiea speclhad.Q�moyr�octU, requieSel|eramanad|!wi\howchargo.nr mquimda|/vafyo(om1' IPuohaomoiaedxtinn|oplicmffia(iceqI �I{aHo unde/uhe cioumst'anoma 11f se: Uario unab|aar refuses to nonec( yuuo asmawioin aUmcdeemod manonob|m byCiy, Cit',/ may(ooninm|a|he urctarinwho|mo/lnpod3eUerbaoma!|hohsaaWr�po��Pumhaneo and!nodd\UnnWooy000s hrwhiuhSsUar may becumu|iaU|a�CiY und�/offie/pmvisionsof(kiauln1yrmuwImmbumeCi{yRran | kunqpodawonSuAoflierrnla�ed costs il,�Cuoad orpaymenisNSmUar � in arnnil-danxe Willi Ineferms of odorfo/ unocceplod Purckmoma Nokw|buauding Day's ofaoy Purohioo. Sets ris Uabb Rr � Iote,n(dafeds`fifaudorouuh gloss, m/sokusaocunaUNOKid � CHANGES, Ci�naymakeohongauwl�|nNagenam|scopauf�Iu ooa/ind,ewIogs and opedfiuoduna for ypeda||ymonu�dumdaupp|ies. � p|aceojda|ivoj,y.mnNudo(sNpmen!orpuuNngnf M eova/bygiv|n8 no�|cmio8eUoran�subomqueoUyoonUnniogsockchange�inwn|iny |f such changeyafk�c101ocoaio<arNaUmafequirEdf0rpndbrmanceof Tk<su�ar,unoqu|(ah|emdiusUnan�in�aphnaurdohva�orUu�hmus1 � bumudM NoohangeUy SOWN Awmd WWI GUYS Wen appmva| Any do|mby Saner b� 'an ad|us(maniunderihiuseoUonmua|hemmUe |inwri!ingwKhinflhnuy(8U) days dumihedclteofeop\p/by8a\|oro| nnkhc,jfion oysuck change unf�as OiywarveaUi000ndi8on inwnbng No�mg1n<Nssm2kna�useoS�larhnmpua�e�ogw��p�dnnnance � uA(huu deraaohangmg 4 TERMi4AT|W Ci�y mey 1orminaIe t�rm cider a� uny hme oKhu/ �verba||ynrin*(bUnQ,wifl-Imwifliou| cause, 8huu|daa/mino\innnncur �QywN pay WE 'as1Vpar5nmanoeunNsshWnnioaUonMuoi(or m va uMm phuo for q'ie pal-formed and ""'c pled /porhcm of Me Pumhmue City may pnmidm written u of bFrminaiun Ar fyeur'a c;;u!4SaUoroknss alit WcnmpywRh\hnrde|1SaUo/dous h�Uumvw/k|nomaoonableUmopa,Ndo,�i|stoped�/m � n�m/s�x � �mPulwkhk MeUmespoModbrWbwed byamendoi Gdn wiUha|�ab�a�Q��/anye�msonos�inumedbyCi� 5JOME EXTENSON, 01 mmy exhnd he dme bn oomp|e"Itioo if, in opt soledekmumab n,Se��e/vveode|aymdbacauaeofuuammbayund Gde/o mn|b and mi0mu\ sow 'uNuUo/ nag|iyancy n he oven| da|ay was Caused byCi,f. Se||e/n sdm �n'lady io!im\cd \n ecowonog mnnwy oduaUy and necessan|y axpendad by AUmr bocauue u0 iAm delay \hee|snohgNto reoowaron\idpawdpmi{ @RE`E0ES CUMWLAThVE QN's hgh\s and /amed|eo onder Nu ode, -eooiexc|usivaaodarmin addikontuanyhyh\o and nmadio� pnwWad b'y 7T|TLE TO: 5 maom��s WO mmp��� pu�haomd ucdor �in mdo pug $v Ann $dmtoGdyu won SYamoUeomooepUmioebNxvqln Agreement No. 4834 8P&YMENTCKy*iUpaySOea8u WuBvngao�p�fldm�n�kmsbn maienabaodsupphesdehewdandaxqudo/somicesende,nuand aomPind Ci�y Will no� pay cmdaUm shipping, padoging ur bmong expeuomoun|ama�md�oUin�himo�erDm��wiUno|ho�muwd 9X4DDAN|1f1CAn0K SeUer a9:Pey n� indemn�fy onU hu|U Q� ha/m|emyhmmaodogainSanyuhIm. WAY Uamegcs. coos (induUiog wiflrnu,t|imoMaUon, admmey's k'es}, inuhas, or ahsfny cut uf flia Puodiama or #e order. or(he/r Shuu|d ',,,'iv be named m anysuV.upshm/bdmnyda/mbebmugU\ against i|byoui!msmemmye, mvcM.m phe cmmw he gmuAWos no no, ahsing ou\W0m Pondaea or oAec GeUevwUdefenUCley(d(-,Wy o request and wKh 000nnd QN) and indemn8y (NY or anykd8moni mmo rndmgainsti|orany Sums pmidoub n) of,,qjsqfoeojj ry a�oovvise For puPwsew &Nin eac on ^c4� |nd&o Cdyt ohom, alectod oIdNo. andum�oyeea Kinaxp�nWyundn�modmodageed���e�,nQomg pumio�on��Usum�e�nninm|�onu/(h�oorUor Thamqu�roman�an� 0la lypauond|im/snfnnaumnua �ov ragatoba maiNainodhy Se|ier, andaivy approval ofmuu inuu ancabyQ1ammAi Mudd manUwill xdmanymonoorUm8o,qua|KyfleliobUKmnandnbUQ""*ioo ssswund by Sgol, plysumv to ods omir, mduding. wAaA haIrtAkuk 10 NepmOa/unsuoncom|ng|ndemn|fivaUon � 10ANARRMUY 8eUeageeoOhu|po Roman iucnvomd0yKmmos| %o/ab|ecnmnoernm|wa,ranUee(heSeUe/gmaWanycus"merb,Ma oameuruubAW|y eim/hruupoiemor yenioot orsuuh o\har morm fsv mbi werranUns as A speo8ed |n tNn ottor YYmmnhao w1U loo offmJ/vm fapedionu,acm4anceo[fl-)aPondhasm byQ|y 11AS0GNMW, 0, may aoy0n ihas orUar Exnep/ no |o ony paymonn dun, unde/0iyorde,.Gsflarmaynn|ams|QnorsuUounkadMe o�derwi(hnoiCiiyaw,U(anappmvai 3hou�dCi�giveconyen|.KwNnoi � rehme 8eUerhnm any ubUgahooaunder\him olderood aoy800a|weo ofsubconhodorwiUbeuonsidnred8eUuraagmoL 12JN8URANCE 3eUarmuM pmvids Me innur�'ooa d uo No � k�ayUma|ofWlm Services AgemmeoL 18PERM|TQ� Oe||armuMpmcum aU necmaoajparm|sunU(|cenaas` mid Ado by ad federal, aiute.and|pon||mxs brpono/mmg(hiumdo/ 14|fi0EPBN0ENTC0W RACI OR CiY "Ind Sd|e,agreefnalSaKu/ will mcAooanmdapexden(mn�raoWrand will hr�lnmn(m|0 Akin kmid the munna!nwNd ISdporOW 8dWrwNhn/mmMcWmum/ y|mda/nawicm�obapadbrmedfor amp|cyoomhUo under cno|md ,eiWQy GoUwr/aouianagoonorempkyaaof City aodisno|mnhUwd M puffiujAo in aoy pension noumnco, bonus ory1mIarU*nehb id � �� k�aas Anyymvi�on �|hisn��r|l� mmy CK pnm ys / amp ay'eor�givoCi��ahgh���mdGe�eraaW�ed��||aufUoio0�u ' ea(om0od�CrUmwm�me000�u|3�|a/ wm�or�mem�uammmsu wiUoUow|hmImokunn�meCiyasto end I muUso(|ho*mkun|y 15AAlIVER. Qify'a mwimw n, aospNnra of or pmymon| for, wnrk pmdug I by Se|fer unde, |h<a ulnjn, will no� be vnoovnuc�d b) � opemun as uwsve,ofany hghtsCby muyhmeunder�Ny Agmomoot oru[onyuauoeofadunahoKghnmGm||e/uparh/mmnnv Awawa/by Qyo/ony0eac*ufaoy�enn,ommnairrt.o'mmdMonoonbinedinINS mda/wUAou\badcamadNUaowalvar�anyoubeequaNbnmch��o yamom any o\halern xov nant. o/conomn xonNnad in tiyo/der vdmflno/h the aamaof dlbfinqn|ohoi,ada 16ATERPRETAT Di1q, Th�Ag�en en�weo d/a�o in *xdwN be nunokuad if) mcmrdonumwiNWe laws offla8tu|eo[CalkmiImoU / exclxs{vn venue for any ocUonmvu|vin8thaagmumeo( will boinLou / An0n|naCou"y Agreement No. 4834 Iwcreatl(:n ancl fllwi )ej�mdnrllelnt 401 SheMan Sheet El �.)egundc� CA 910245 1�140RNNGS FAR FIA)DUCTUNS LLC agnius to IMUP sulmd WvOn issai s orms for Cly of El SeWoW 2015 Wath of jWy Worwin Wads Ar cquoamnt mnud and Wr semqnon afo waved v QuMe # 0•0985 CATY agmeslopay MORN NG,",,, W, �i 9 %,ich seuvi(X�!S, the SUIT Of� Fouil ffiousand si� inused sqwyqy four (Jdl�iarsrjr ml twein�/ thfe��� c�ents ($4,674,23), UTY aqu,t3cs to I,��ay 50%of to bimse an May 12015 and the neiinagni�ug cMJu y 4, 2015 i 41213 Sandalwood Cir Murrieta, CA 92562 Phone: 951- 677 -4443 Fax: 951 - 677 -6477 www.MSMP.com Client On Site Contact / Details The City of El Segundo Alison Dobay 350 Main Street Ship Date Recreation Supervisor El Segundo, CA 90245 Load Out Deliver and Set at 10:00am on Phone: 310 - 524 -2702 7/4/2015 10:00 AM 7/4/2015 10:00 PM July 3, 2015 Jesse Bobbett - Qty„ Description Event on July 4, 2015 from 'bobbett @elsegundo.org Rate Price 10:00am to 3:00pm and 5pm to Alison Dobay - Audio System 10:00pm adobay @elsegundo.org (Remove after Event on July 4, Rental 1 VRX 3 Pack 2015 Agreement No. 4834 u Oe Quote Number: Q -00985 El Segundo 4th of July 2015 Venue Address 401 Sheldon Street El Sequndo, CA 90245 Account Manager Customer PO Terms Discount Brian Shannon Tax Rule Deposit Deposit Due Date Shipping Method Sales Tax $0.00 N/A 3/12/2015 12:39 PM Page 1 of 2 Ship Date Load In Show Start Load Out Return Date 7/3/2015 8:00 AM 7/3/2015 10:00 AM 7/4/2015 10:00 AM 7/4/2015 10:00 PM 7/5/2015 8:00 AM Type Qty„ Description Note Time Rate Price Price Ext. Note Audio System Rental 1 VRX 3 Pack Mains 1 Day Rate 360.00 360.00 Rental 4 VRX 2 Pack 2 are for Mains and 1 Day Rate 240.00 960.00 2 are for Stage Right Fill Rental 3 Genie ST 25 1 Day Rate 100.00 300.00 Rental 4 Radian Dual 18" Sub 1 Day Rate 100.00 400.00 Rental 4 EAW LA 212 Speaker / Monitor Stage Monitors 1 Day Rate 40.00 160.00 Rental 2 JBL JRX 112M Speaker / Monitor Stage Monitor 1 Day Rate 25.00 50.00 Rental 2 JBL EON 15 Powered Speaker Far Stage Left and 1 Day Rate 50.00 100.00 Stage Right Fill Rental 2 JBL EON518s Powered Subwoofer Far Stage Left and 1 Day Rate 50.00 100.00 Stage Right Sub Fill Rental 2 Speaker Pole Extention Crank Up 1 Day Rate 15.00 30.00 Rental 2 Triple Tap, Black 1 Day Rate 1.00 2.00 Rental 2 100' 14 Gauge Edison AC 1 Day Rate 10.00 20.00 Rental 2 50'14 Gauge Edison AC 1 Day Rate 5.00 10.00 Rental 2 XLR 100' Cable 1 Day Rate 10.00 20.00 Rental 2 XLR 50' Cable 1 Day Rate 2.50 5.00 Rental 2 XLR 10' Cable 1 Day Rate 0.00 0.00 Rental 1 Speakon "A" 1 Day Rate 100.00 100.00 Rental 1 Amp Rack 5 (Itech) 1 Day Rate 300.00 300.00 Rental 1 Amp Rack 8 (2 XTI) 1 Day Rate 80.00 80.00 Rental 1 Ram Tech "B" Kit 1 Day Rate 250.00 250.00 Rental 1 Ram -Tech Fan Out - 54 Channel 1 Day Rate 25.00 25.00 Rental 1 Yamaha M7CL Digital Audio Console 1 Day Rate 350.00 350.00 Rental 1 Denon CD MP3 Bluetooth Media Player 1 Day Rate 50.00 50.00 Rental 1 Dual XLR (M) to Dual RCA (M) 1 Day Rate 0.00 0.00 3/12/2015 12:39 PM Page 1 of 2 Type Qty„ Description Rental 1 Work Box "B" Rental 1 "B" Mic Stands Rental 1 Shure ULXP 2 Pack Kit Retail 4 9 Volt Battery Rental 1 A Power Distro Kit Rental 1 6/4 Y Rental 15 Cable Ramp Guard Dog Note Total Applied Payments: Labor Labor 1 Lead Audio Technician on July 3 and 4, 1 Day Rate 2014 Labor 1 Assistant Audio Technican on July 3 and Day Rate 150.00 4, 2014 Show Expense Show Expense 1 Insurance Waiver of Subrogation Misc 1 Administrative Fee to cover the costs of meeting contractual expectations. 1 Day Rate 250.00 1 Day Rate 0.00 Show Expense Total: 250.00 0.00 $250.00 Note Trucking Agreement No. 4834 Service 1 24' Bobtail Truck 1 Day Rate 430.00 430.00 Service 200 Trucking Mileage Quote (Quote Number: Q- 00985) Note Time Rate Price Price Ext. Microphone, DI, 1 Day Rate 250.00 250.00 Cable and Adapter ($2,560.62) 2. All prices and discounts are based on current availability and payments Total: $4,674.23 Package Total Applied Payments: $0.00 Administration Fee. 1 Day Rate 100.00 100.00 1 Day Rate 150.00 150.00 b. Any and all Permits and Licenses as may be required by City, County, 1 Sales 2.28 9.12 Power Distro Kit 1 Day Rate 100.00 100.00 Includes Cable Trunk and Distro Head 1 Day Rate 10.00 10.00 1 Day Rate 15.00 225.00 2 Day Rate 500.00 1,000.00 2 Day Rate 400.00 800.00 1 Day Rate 250.00 1 Day Rate 0.00 Show Expense Total: 250.00 0.00 $250.00 Note Trucking Service 1 24' Bobtail Truck 1 Day Rate 430.00 430.00 Service 200 Trucking Mileage 1 Mileage 0.85 170.00 Misc 1 Fuel Surcharge 1 Day Rate 60.00 60.00 Notes: Subtotal: $7,234.12 Terms: 1. NET 30 with City of El Segundo Purchase Order or 50% Deposit Due by Sales Tax: $0.73 May 1, 2015 with Balance Due on July 3, 2015. Discount: ($2,560.62) 2. All prices and discounts are based on current availability and payments Total: $4,674.23 being made in cash or check. Other forms of payment are subject to a 3% Total Applied Payments: $0.00 Administration Fee. 3. Client is to provide the following: Balance Due: $4,674.23 a. Client is responsible for the security of Morningstar Equipment on July 3 and 4, 2015. b. Any and all Permits and Licenses as may be required by City, County, State or Venue. 4. Morningstar Productions LLC will Purchase a City of El Segundo Business License. X Agreed and Accepted By: Date: 3/12/2015 12:39 PM Page 2 of 2