PROOF OF INSURANCE (2015) CLOSED03/12/2025 15:43 3106760041 BILLIARDS BARST❑ PAGE 01 WOULD AMY or YHE ABOVF DUCOWD IMMIC ES BE CAWCELLM BEFORE CITY OF EL SEGUND0 TIM 11004RATIOW p^TV THMEOF. NCTIOE WILL BE DRI.NMED M RS OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES ACCOCAOICE WFM TNT POLICYFROVINON& 401 Sheklm St lkurN¢p� YA1TU1 t EL SEGUNDO CA Wm RINA L SILVA TM ACORD ". * and kmo am ttd MMcks Of AODRD 0310512025 11:57 3106760041 BILLIARDS BARSTO PAGE 07 POLICY NUME)ER- 605831433 RUSINESSOWNERS BP 04 50 Ch 97 THIS IENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. I!' S, ,,; tllr -Ast K #1 Ink, This endorsement modifies Insurance provided under ttv Mowing: BUSINESSOWN15R6 POLICY SCHEDULIIff- Name Of Person Or Orgarlizatlon: CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, ITS OFFICIALS AND EWLOYEES Information required to oomplah this Schedule, if not shown on this endorsement, will be shown in the Declas- raitlQns. The folloWing Is ridded to Paragraph C. Who W "An insured in the Sa Wrieslowners Liability Coverage Form: 4. Any person or organixetlort shown In the Schedule Is also an insured, but only with ramped to liabillty arising out of your ongoing operations performed for that insured, RP 04 80 01 97 Qopyright, Insumnoe Sarvires Offitse. 11M. 1907 Page 1 of 1 0 03/05/2025 11:57 3106760041 BILLIARDS BARSTO PAGE 06 L I RT R. *a 043377 07 277,E ARTF IA 81,VV,, SUITV 201 TE1 PHONE..1310) 370 -1597 a ,,, l 43: ROTJeR'r A BOITANO - - ROBERT A BOMANO KFUSTIE AOFTANO 1 2003 104rVROLETSIWOOI15001" 2 # CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER UTL 4. X2 3 1995 FORD EGONO E150 VAN 4X2 GA PVMMERCURY INSURANCE COMPANY 15 k is 40 locEC79T$3Ei79928 iGNESIGS4e8146992 I ME14N88HOMW FT TOO b 10W ON LAM. a Paw Y tw 4tny 4=0% or I N X003 U 09/2008 U 06=01 nl IMMLOHMAww M Covsmg6 q4M= only It pro ndum dnrpe W Nalad below. Covsr&Q4&1m1k al,s subjed b all poNcy twma. t 1111 MT ... �* Ai701LY IIIJURY LM,w4rrY I�100,000 e�arraroN $3W,0aa IfA0HA6Cblhti CAR GM CAR .�.� WOMID AND AMOUNTO OF - •• , ASAMR OR REPLAC11VIINT Dwroavo " •S _ " LWH R11 Aft STATED _. N:ry LY1SILnrM " l a {YOa iAaNAOr� err ..... 733 ^l r IIi1WK MEWS MSUAED ARni SULIff" TO 1 ,5PNDOM . E $30,000 Manwwa� >680,000 �cnwaamrr 16 Z.{. 7 rte. OI DKOWM�. .. a nTe M u.. rr,3.s0a COLLISION _ry lNArcIIMUIM__�. _ .. Al 7 OA FWA10 PIS aP U -1 0 0412013 UA.SC U -179 �1t RFPECTIV19 10/07/2014 The enclosed Auto Insurance Renewal Bill axed the U251 IMPORTANT NOTIC$ are part of this policy. These specify the amount of your premium, your payment Option*, any applicable fees, and the duftlldii l,� Your automobile insurmzce expires and coverage ceases at 12:01A1.t on 10/07/3014. CoVeragp! undery this policy will become effective provided you pay the premium, and any applicable feem' nd,lcated. an the Auto I.neuranee Renewal Rill. If you have any queetions, please contact your Ag1 t bro er at the phone number provided above. „. PAY PLAN PA,YMIM AMT PER DUE DATE NEXT PAYKENT FEE DUE DATE Full Pay $955.61 NONE 10/06/7014 2 Pay $494.11 $10.00 10/06/2014 $491.50 $10.00 12/19/2014 3 Pay $133.61 $10.00 10/06/2014 $331.00 510.00 11/19/2014 Same Pay $164.61 $1.00 10/06/2014 $161.40 $1.00 11/07/3014 VM. VIOL. 00D$ VIOL. DATE VIOL. CODE VIOL. DATE VIOL. CODE VIOL. DATE 2 ACC 11/27/2007 ACC 01/11/2013 I UND. R. Nghlrm AMOUNT DUE: S 164.61 OUR DATE: 1 2014 MAkAMOAM 0910F !t$'14 4un GAMIS OPY Prowas Date, 09105/2014 wA&M M QAP OOMERAOB CAR GM CAR ASAMR OR REPLAC11VIINT Dwroavo " CAR CAR CHAR 4ONPMWNAME aexwnKaCAR1 $100 CM:2$100 CAN $ $1 41. QALlORM/1 �.: COLLISION CAR1 6A2 S600 CAR Al 1AR : OA FWA10 PIS j 281 � RRSNCi CAR1 li7t5 .. GAS $75 CAq 3 3 raOA f>iE RERTAL OAR Is mum Ay 1nA1^* U -1 0 0412013 UA.SC U -179 �1t RFPECTIV19 10/07/2014 The enclosed Auto Insurance Renewal Bill axed the U251 IMPORTANT NOTIC$ are part of this policy. These specify the amount of your premium, your payment Option*, any applicable fees, and the duftlldii l,� Your automobile insurmzce expires and coverage ceases at 12:01A1.t on 10/07/3014. CoVeragp! undery this policy will become effective provided you pay the premium, and any applicable feem' nd,lcated. an the Auto I.neuranee Renewal Rill. If you have any queetions, please contact your Ag1 t bro er at the phone number provided above. „. PAY PLAN PA,YMIM AMT PER DUE DATE NEXT PAYKENT FEE DUE DATE Full Pay $955.61 NONE 10/06/7014 2 Pay $494.11 $10.00 10/06/2014 $491.50 $10.00 12/19/2014 3 Pay $133.61 $10.00 10/06/2014 $331.00 510.00 11/19/2014 Same Pay $164.61 $1.00 10/06/2014 $161.40 $1.00 11/07/3014 VM. VIOL. 00D$ VIOL. DATE VIOL. CODE VIOL. DATE VIOL. CODE VIOL. DATE 2 ACC 11/27/2007 ACC 01/11/2013 I UND. R. Nghlrm AMOUNT DUE: S 164.61 OUR DATE: 1 2014 MAkAMOAM 0910F !t$'14 4un GAMIS OPY Prowas Date, 09105/2014 bashed . SMANO, ROWRT & (INN) Ijwttr ! . (OM)—MLLAME A RAPSTOOLS OF BAY + 157W HAWMRNE BLVD + LAWNBALE CA W250 Agent 79- 55 -3SL Ail9r�'s 0 � EfferdVe Date Policy Number POUCY of die Company Ycar WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS I NNDOR NT. BLANKET We have the right to r=ver our payments from anyone Iiabk for an injury mimed by dais polity. We will not eQlurm our right against dw pawn or orgail=tion for which you perform work under a writtai cunu2ct due requires you to obtain this agreement from us. The vA&tionil premium, for this endocsentent shall he --!.O-%ofdwWodm'Cocipmatiostpremiuiii otherwise due for the swc(s) listed below on such remuneration, subject to a mini nutu urge of $2S O All written contracts in the states) of CA 'Phis cndorsctncnt is part of yeaur policy_ It :gpMedea and cot M6 anything to the contrary. It i,s odherwile subiwt to all the terms of the policy. Counter hated Audwriacd ReptraentatLLvt "436P I Q" Mr 1rt194411A MM"21 PAW; aI