PROOF OF INSURANCE (2013) CLOSEDDAT )Y E (MMIDnIIr �- CE TIFI: TE OF LIA��l MY 1NSW..A E 05/1812012 THIIStICERTIFICATE T E I NOT ISSUED N A MATTER OF INI d`TION O!NILY ANDY CONIFERS NO IRIGM. UPON "I"1r1 ERTIFICAT t'f E�4Di:1� T141:9 I,Y OR MEGA if AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THI; POLICIES BELOW. THIS CEMIFICATV OF INGURANIX WE$ NOT 00N3TrrUTE A CONTRACT SI"'I`iMtN THE ISSU 11110 INSURERIS), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE ICERTI Tl HOLDM IMPORTAi+ . If the certificallts holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSUMD. M j0ICY(;—WJ must Fe endon>ted. If SUMft0dffION IS WANE .subject to the tornre and conditions of the poltcy, certai m n poticlee Rmy requIM an endarseent. A statsrttent on this cartIfleate does not confer rights to the certHlcate holder In Ilou of such endorsemaros� PRODUCER NA Suml $Mini Shorr Agency, Inc. , (ti ) 798.8644 Na , (562) 799.4244 5500 Atherton St. #320 S„ susan(�sirorr.us Long Beach, CA 90615 IMWI" AF RDINO COVERAGE NAIL k INSURER A: Aswdated Industrft Ins, Co. INli.0 0.3 INSURER e Harold Hofmann INSURER o : DBA: Hofmann & Son INSUFMR D: 4443 VW. 161 st Surat INSURER E: Lawndele, CA 90260 INSURER F : GOVERAGIES CERTIFICATE N ER.a REVISION NUMBER -, THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT" THE POUCIES OF IMUMM ISTED 5ELO'W I vt" 09914 IS IJED 73 THE INSURED IMAM I R'TH5 PO ICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOT 41THSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OP ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE, INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSION& AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN RECUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, TYPE OP INSURANCE �'NRR ry v%) POkVDYNBNIISSR P LINrtS GENERAL L)AI' LITY EACH OCCURRENCE s 1,000,000 CO EROIAL OENERAL LIAI nsry' PitEMlilaaE$I p tlyl r, l 100,000 CI.AMWAOE 21 "OUR MED P P (Any ane pman I< ..� Excluded A X AES1022852 05/1712012 05!7712013 ., PERS131NAL i1 ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 OEXERALACCREICATE $ 2,000,000 GSN'LACSRE4ATE LIMITAPPLIES PER; PROOUCTS - COMPIOP ACC $ 2,000,000 P POLICY „ 9 LOC AVTOMOWLE LAMI„1"1"y NIN ELI a Ian! ANY AUTO BODILY INJp� URY (Per person) S " AUTOS NED AUTOBU�O BODILY' INJURY (Fw aoddenl) S ON HIRMAUT05 ALMO•QSWNED Ieeultl nl. $ $ UMBRELLA LL49 OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ EXCESS LIAR CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE ])ED RETENTIONS $ WORKERS O RIPEN 11ION k 11 AND EMPLOYERS' LIAMLITY YIN T(N? L PIrI [ ANY PROPRIMRIPARTNEROXECLITIV6 OFFIC[RIMEMEGREXCLUDED7 NIA E L. EAC H ACCIDENT $ fN nUOM In NH) C, L.DMEASE CA EMPLOYE $ II (Im7 is under l� RI'P ON OF OPERATIONS TI aglow ,S E.L. DISEASE -1?41I.IiT"r LIMIT-12 DESCRIPTION OF OP'SRAIRONS I L N$I I VEHICLES (Afineh ACORO 161, Aftoonol RamellN Wh9duls„ R moro "m le reglolrad) Sorvlce & Repair PlumbInglSeymm See City of FI Segundo Addltlional Insured endorsement attaatled, 30 days nGdes of cancellation. IAES1022652 I ro , a tn tx�wo ft"pwmim dwowam in tb V*Iqh t" I. 12. ON WWWASU" 4F M%EMM 'Rwft� og*,h%"d gW= W"M don it mdoor,*** IM, wwum I ma's'"W'db; mtvft olo vim POW Or ovqwftftn,w"Wd �hm as a d&ft"rmt,ft*"ad, 1. odkolo, S. X 61 ; mmom., I • , - vmw MM Awnprow. 1 '0109-MROPMORMEOMWC91 100WAM pow I of 2 b"www#ftwb"w= � IIEta'aa11� ixfYOWal 11, 1"M Commercial General Liability 1% Ufflft orUp 10ar. $1,040,000 Occurrence /2,000,000 Aggregate tali ftftft*d : 5 7 Tw, 17/ 13 14, {� OF 2 500 t�+ ara X) Pw ompow. is *@ME plaww gar; 1m. zuso m=ww4m wa: Harold Hofmann OSA: Hofmann & Son, 4443 W. 161st St., 17. Associated Industries Ins. Co. La,wnda,l e, CA 90260 w Pwftl' e.I . AES1022652 19. EwMw8wMftfft~. . 20. GNMa na ftet ej I. as�w, 5/17/12 Pis R"Gf 2 rtWaRIMMOTCLea (qomoo wp CERTHOLDER COPY SC P.O. BOX 420807, SAN FRANCISMCA 94142,0807 OERTIFICATI: OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE ISSUE DATE: 05 -03 -2012 GROUP: 000318 POLICY NUMBER: 0000128 -2011 CERTIFICATE It> 185 CERTIFICATE EXPIRES: 07-01 -2012 07- 01- 2011107- 01 -2012 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPT, EL SEGUNDO CITY 330 MAIN ST EL SEGUNAO CA 80245 -3813 This Is to certify that we haute issued a valid LCornpensation insurance policy In a form approved by the California Insurance Commissloner to the employer named below for the policy period Indlcatec!_ This policy is not subject to cancellation by the Fund except upon 30 days advance written notice to the employer, We will also give you 30 days advance notice should this policy be cancelled prior to its normal expiration. This certificate of insurance Is not an insurance policy and does not arnpnd, extend or alter the cpverage afforded by the policy listed herein, Notwithstanding any requirement, terra or condition of any contract or other document with respect to Which this certificate of insurance may be issued or to which it may pertain, the insurance afforded by the policy described) !hrereirn is subialct to all the terms, exclustons, and condillores, of such policy. Authorised Representative President and CEO UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE BY ENDORSEMENT, COVERAGE UNDER TNI5 POLICY EXCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: THOSE NAMED IN THE POLICY DECLARATIONS AS AN INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYER OR A HUSBAND AND WIFE EMPLOYER; EMPLOYEES COVERED ON A COMPREHGNSIvg PERSONAL LIABILITY ;NSURANCE POLICY ALSO AFFORDING CALIFORNIA WORKERS' COMPENSATION BENEFITS; EMPLOYEES EXCLUDED UNDER CALIFORNIA WORKERSi COMPENSATION LAW. EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY LIMIT INCLUDING OCFIENSE COSTS: $1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE. ENDORSEMENT 92069 ENTITLED CERTIFICATE HOLDERS' NOTICE EFFECTIVE 01 -01 -2005 IS ATTACHED TO AND FORMS A PART OF THIS POLICY. EMPLOYER HOFMANN, HAROLD SC 4443 W IG1ST ST LAWNDALE CA 80250 [B10,SGj (FIEV.9-20 1o) PRINTED : 05 -03 -2012