PROOF OF INSURANCE (2012) CLOSEDHpr 17 21.112 J:UbVM HH LHStKJLI FHX page 1 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE T>r11!(MAMMO)YY) THIS IS TO emnFY THAT THE POUCIEt iNDICATED. *F"STANDINS ANY RT CE1 ,FICATE MAY OE ISSUED OR MAY EXCI. SIONSANDCONDMONOOFSUCH A I oIIBRALUAYLITY EXCESS LIAO DED I I RETFNT10N4 OF totSU LISTEN BELOW HAVE BEEN IS ZO TO ME INSUIRED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD JUIREM MIT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR ^! THER OOCUMSNT VATH RESPECT TO WMICH THIS 1ERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,, "OLICIP.S. /.SWATS 8HO N MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. 12,9mm. LIMITS ✓ / P380001117 1 811 &2011 1 811512012 k EACH OCCURRENCE Q s __ 2 000,01 Sdroduled Al Endl #PP83130610 Professional SeMCBs pWonywd by fife In#Ured are EXduded 177 A E cUTiYr IWAI f P ? I 1N Eodt OV4C410 308 A Ce Holde! Is an AddIllboal It tmured e, noW atwlWve. t d0i s rs f w m, A oike!rs" +C wpsn l In #w Scheftkl that mm 0851 to a Ca*dct that f"10110, 512011 18/1512012 911/2011 1 811&2012 8015/2011 18Y15J201Z PERSONAL SADV I►IIURY S 2,000,' r3 AGORix?ATf _.....'U.gOM..._PAdCi # 4, m, # 4,000. s # T Z001). BODILY INJURY rw pram) BODILY INJURY OW mo d§ M) 66 1• 1: t EACH OCCURRENCE $ AGOREOATE _ I t s s 7SI, .M E.L. DISEASE - FA EMPLOYE E s E.L DISEASE - w1 YUM1T sFF 1 0 S2A00. r Claim gmmfflxw�ao ltrad wlitl !flew Irawsured p�Tlar tost LA Per tiTrw ailBTwaw iX Ille 1� � �►rprl irwllla n eTore ICrffisr k6 CC Sm Stebm 01 SHOUL)D ANY OF THE ABOVE DE9DRIBND POLICIES BE CANCBLI !D BEFORE m O ICI $ s Ur11%O, II ACCORDANCE; WIN THE POLICY PROVIZIONCS IhM!•L BE DpLTVERED iN Its 01i THE EXPIRATION DATI' THE:R El Segundo C�W 90245 AUTHORMOREPREBENrArA A Pilcle K. [atom 0 1900 -2010 ACCORD CORPORAIrION. All righte mswved. ACORD 28(2010106) The ACORD rwms and (ago are r"Isbened marks of ACORD cover ?40.3 12660170 (ShO gabumm Eoater 4/16/2012 12 =06,28 PM Pmga 1 of I Hpr 17 ?U12 J: UbHm HF LHbEKJL 1 I-HX page Policy Number: PS130001177 RLI Insurance Company Named Insured: Melvyn Green and Associates, inc. THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE BEAD IT CAREFULLY. RLIPaCk® FOR DESIGN PROFESSIONALS SCHEDULED ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under ttie Ibllowing: BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM - SECTION 11— LIABILITY Schedule Name of Person(s) or Orr��snIWIon(s): / City of E1 Segundo, its czlals and employees 1. SECTION II C. Who is An Insured is arnended to include as an addltional insured the person or organizaWn shown in 11hle schedule above, but only respect vAth to Aabltlty for "bodily Injury -, "property darn at or "personal and advartlsing lnjuf caused In whole or in part by you or those acting on your behalf: a. In the perforrnanos of your ongoing operations; b. in connection with premises owned by or rented to you; or c. In connection w9th "your worts" and included within the "product-oompleted operations h azae. 2. The Insurance provided to the additional insured by this endorsement Is limited as follows: a. This Insurance does not apply to the rendering of or failure to render any "professional selvIcee. b. This endorsement does not increase any of the limits of insurance stated In 0. Liability And Medical Expenses Umils of Insurance. 3. The folloing is added to SECTION III H.2. Other Insurance -- COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS (BUT APPLICABLE ONLY TO SECTION II — LIASILITY) However, if you specifically agree in a Contract or agreement that the insurance provided to an ,additional Insured under this policy must apply on a ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS POLICY REMAIN UNCHANGED. PPB 313 0610 Page 1 of 1 CLLR? MO., 19860170 (OAC) M&ecoa Poorer 6f16/ ?019 12.94,28 Pal Papa 9 of 3 Hpr 17 eU12 b:ubNM HH LHSLMjhI FHX Page j WORKERS; COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY WC 04 03 05 (Ed. n4�4j `� WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS ENDORSEMENT— CALIFORNIA We have the right to r our psywwwmita fmM ar"ao Nklxla for an iniury comed by this policy. We will not enforce our right against the pomon or organimban nomd, in the Schedule!. (rhlrl aorbament applies, only to the extantthet you perform work under a vAlftn contract that requires you to obtain tltls agreenwrt from, uo.i You must mttintain payroll records accurately segregating the remuneration of your empicyees while engaged in the work described in the Schedule. The additional premium for this endorser, ment shell be 2 of the California workers! compensation promium atherwise due on such remuneratlon. Schedule Person or organization Job Oa cription City of El Segundo, its officials and Jobs perf�orrned for any person or otganization that you have employees agreed with in a wrWan c a *rict to provide this agreerrrent. Thla endorsement changes the poloyto which It Is attached end is effective on the date issued unless otherwise stated. {ruts Wormatlon below Is required dreg whwn this endomen wnt to Issued subsequent to prepwatlon al' Pie polkY.) Endonemerrt Efredrve 811!2011 Polley No. PSWOD01142 Endorsement No. Insured insursheeCormany. Ru Insurance Company Melvyn Green and Associates, Inc. ., Countenlgnad By =W1 No., 1266e17o rs&c) Aab"Ca r.-tar 4/16/2011 12256178 PH Page 3 of 3