CONTRACT 4130 Memorandum of Understanding• ! + + 1 + a 1
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under c) Purpose: The purpose of this agreement ("Agreemenf') is to outline conditions
- Agencies will share _ • - information in COPLINK s r
this Agreement, Agencies, as well as all individuals who operate or use
COPLINK, agree to adhere to the guidelines specified in this Agreement.
r AgenLcy Participation: The LARILJP is a cooperative venture of justice agencies
in Los Angeles County, California. Any law enforcement agency in Los Angeles
County may apply to participate in LARILJP. To participate in LARILJP and have
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as the Legal Representative • the RTIIS. When those Agreements are
approved as authorized, they will not require further review or approval by each
participating agency. Such IGA's shall have no material changes adversely
2ffecting the participating agencies included in this Agreement.
California law prohibits the release of victim information in specific sex relate
crimes, sealed juvenile records, and the release of summary criminal history
unauthorized persons.
recorded on COPLINK, and retained to allow the System Administrator to
complete the internal audit.
2) Ownership: Each Agency retains control • all information it provides through
COPLINK Each Agency is responsible for creating, updating, and deleting
records in its own records management system or database, according to its own
policies. Each Agency shall use its best efforts to insure the completeness and
RegLQnal Torwrism lntefflwea�e-and Inte"r thon Svegtgm — COMM
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• Unauthorized Requests: Requests for information in C•PLINK that is not
authorized for viewing will be referred to the Agency that authored or originated
the requested information ("Source Agency").
c) Prohibition Against Release of Information: No Agency nor Authorized User shall
release or make available any information it has accessed to any person or entity
not authorized to access the C•PLINK system, • to any third party without the
prior written approval of the Source Agency, or as required by law.
c) Mold Harmless: To the extent permitted by law, Agencies agree to hold Source
Agencies harmless for any information in COPLINK, or any action taken as a
• that data, regardless of whether the data is accurate or not, or any time
delay associated with changes, additions, • deletions to the information
Regional Terrodam InfieL
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contributed. This hold harmless provision shall not apply to the willful misconduct
or gross negligence • Source Agencies.
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Termination • Lo• ins: Each Agency System Administrator is responsible for
timely removal of any login accounts as Authorized Users leave the Agency, fail
to meet the requirements of this Agreement, or are denied access by the Agency
System Administrator for any other reason.
a) Information Confidentiality: Information in COPLINK is confidential and is n
subject to public disclosure, except as required by law. Only Authorized Use
are allowed to view and use the information in COPLINK The Information wil
b) Internal Requests for Information: An Authorized User who receives a request
from a non-authorized requestor for information in COPLINK shall not release
that information, but may refer the requestor to the Source Agency.
c) Removal or Expungement of Records: LARILJP shall determine a schedule for
record deletion, removal expungement, and other edits. Any Agency that seeks
to edit a record sooner than the scheduled time shall contact the Contractor
2) Network Access: Access to COPLINK will be provided by a private network
maintained by the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department or any other secure
network configuration that is mutually acceptable to the member agencies or
others with which an approved IGA has been executed.
b) System Availabilily: COPLINK shall operate 24-hours a day, 7-days a week, with
downtime limited to those hours required for any necessary maintenance
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a) Term: This agreement will commence on the date that it is adopted by thaw
first LARILJP participating t-
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City 'ep4resent'ative
City Manager
City Attorney
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