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CONTRACT 4802 On Call Agreement CLOSEDAgreement No. 4802 Agreement No. AGREEMENT FOR STAFFING SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL $EGVNDO AND MUNITEMPS, a division of GOVERNMENT STAFFING SERVICES, INC. FIVE YEAR ON -CALL SERVICES TEMPORARY STAFFING SERVICES This AGREEMENT is entered into this 31st day of January, 2015, by and between the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation ( "CITY ") and MUNITEMPS, a division of GOVERNMENT STAFFING SERVICES, INC., a California corporation ( "STAFFING FIRM "). 1, CONSIDERATION. A. As partial consideration, STAFFING FIRM agrees to perform the work listed in the SCOPE OF SERVICES, below; B. As additional consideration, STAFFING FIRM and CITY agree to abide by the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement; C. As additional consideration, CITY agrees to pay STAFFING FIRM for STAFFING FIRM's services an amount not to exceed Twenty -five thousand dollars ($25,000), unless City Council appropriates amounts above that amount. CITY may modify this amount as set forth below. Unless otherwise specified by written amendment to this Agreement, CITY will pay the Bill Rate per Hour mutually agreed upon by the CITY and STAFFING FIRM, as set forth in an approved "Temp Staffing Request" form. 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES. A. STAFFING FIRM will; Recruit, screen, interview, and assign its employees ( "Assigned Employees ") to perform the type of work described on a "Temp Staffing Request" form under CITY's supervision. Any duly executed and approved Temp Staffing Request fonn will become a part of this Agreement. A sample of STAFFING FIRM's Temp Staffing Request form is attached as Exhibit A and is incorporated by reference; ii. Pay Assigned Employees' wages and provide them with the benefits that STAFFING FIRM offers to them; Page 1 of 13 Agreement No. 4802 iii. Pay, withhold, and transmit payroll taxes; provide unemployment insurance and workers' compensation benefits; and handle unemployment and workers' 00MFen$AtiQa 910i= inY0lYing A55ipd Egloym5 iv. Prior to assigning any employees to perform any work for CITY, STAFFING FIRM will identify potential candidates to CITY who are "Retired Annuitants" from the California Public Employees Retirement Systems (Ca1PERS). B. In addition to the Temp Staffing Request form, specific services required of the Assigned Employee will consist of the tasks and obligations defined in CITY's Task Order(s). Any duly executed and approved Task Order will become a part of this Agreement. The standard form for the Task Order is set forth in Exhibit B. C. Temporary staffing services required by CITY will be provided on an as- needed basis with CITY determining and advising STAFFING FIRM as to when specific services are required to be performed or completed by STAFFING FIRM, D. STAFFING FIRM will, in a professional manner, furnish all of the labor, technical, administrative, and other personnel, all supplies and materials, equipment, printing, vehicles, transportation, office space and facilities, and all tests, testing and analyses, calculation, and all other means whatsoever, except as herein otherwise expressly specified to be furnished by CITY, necessary or proper to perform and complete the work and provide the professional services required of STAFFING FIRM by this Agreement. 3. PAYMENTS. A. For CITY to pay STAFFING FIRM as specified by this Agreement and as set forth in each approved Task Order, STAFFING FIRM must submit a detailed invoice to CITY which lists the hours worked and hourly rates for each personnel category and reimbursable costs, the tasks performed, the percentage of the task completed during the billing period, and the cumulative percentage completed for each task. B. STAFFING FIRM has no obligation to continue performance once any not -to- exceed sum limitation has been attained. Furthermore, CITY will be responsible to monitor fees charged in relation to the not -to- exceed sum(s). CITY will either terminate the assignment or increase the not -to- exceed sum(s) prior to attainment of the not -to- exceed sum(s) limitation. CITY will be responsible for all charges for services in the event CITY fails to notify STAFFING FIRM of termination of the assignment or fails to increase the not -to- exceed sum(s). C. The maximum not -to- exceed amount for any individual Task Order will be limited to $10,000.00, to be billed at the agreed upon bill rate and the number of hours CITY directs STAFFING FIRM's employee to work on each Task Order. Page 2 of 13 Agreement No. 4802 4. PREVAILING WAGES. A, Pursuant to Labor Code � 17Z0, glad 45 spwiflgd in 8 Califomia Code of ltuL;wui►uu., y i uvuv, u i ill I ►ilu ► ►tiLY► i►►cni tn►y i►.1 wLnAl; ►!f p►cvnuli►g wugca based on the wages listed on Exhibit C. It is STAFFING FIRM'S responsibility to interpret and implement any prevailing wage requirements and STAFFING FIRM agrees to pay any penalty or civil damages resulting from a violation of the prevailing wage laws. B. In accordance with Labor Code § 1773.2, copies of the prevailing rate of per diem wages are available upon request from CITY's Engineering Division or the website for State of California Prevailing wage determination at hti�_:_��_��w,ciir_�_.i, c�v_hI.SR:1PWI). STAFFING FIRM must post a copy of the prevailing rate of per diem wages at the job site C. CITY directs STAFFING FIRM's attention to Labor Code §§ 1777.5, 1777.6 and 3098 concerning the employment of apprentices by STAFFING FIRM or any subcontractor. STAFFING FIRM must not provide labor, technical, administrative, and other personnel to CITY that qualify as tradesmen in any apprenticeship occupation. D. Labor Code § 1777.5 requires STAFFING FIRM or subcontractor employing tradesmen in any apprenticeship occupation to apply to the joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public works project and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade for a certificate of approval. The certificate must also fix the ratio of apprentices to journeymen that will be used in the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to journeymen in such cases will not be less than one to five except: When employment in the area of coverage by the joint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days before the request for certificate, or ii. When the number of apprentices in training in the area exceeds a ratio of one to five, or iii. When the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis state -wide or locally, or iv, When STAFFING FIRM provides evidence that STAFFING FIRM employs registered apprentices on all of his contracts on an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight journeymen. V. , STAFFING FIRM is required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs if STAFFING FIRM Page 3 of 13 Agreement No. 4802 employs registered apprentices or journeymen in any apprenticeable trade on such contracts and if other contractors on the public works site are makin8 such contributions, vi,. STAFFING FIRM and any subcontractor must comply with Labor Code §§ 1777.5 and 1777.6 in the employment of apprentices. vii. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules and other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, ex -officio the Administrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. E. STAFFING FIRM and its subcontractors must keep an accurate certified payroll records showing the name, occupation, and the actual per diem wages paid to each worker employed in connection with this Agreement. If any of the positions filled by STAFFING FIRM under this Agreement are subject to the prevailing wage requirements under the California Labor Code sections referenced in this Section 4, the record will be kept open at all reasonable hours to the inspection of the body awarding the contract and to the Division of Labor Law Enforcement. if requested by CITY, STAFFING FIRM must provide copies of the records at its cost. 5. FAMILIARITY WITH WORK. A. By executing this Agreement, STAFFING FIRM agrees that STAFFING FIRM has Carefully investigated and considered the scope of services to be performed; ii. Carefully considered how the services should be performed; and iiid Understands the facilities, difficulties, and restrictions attending performance of the services under this Agreement. 6. TERM, . A. The term of this Agreement will be for a period of five (5) years beginning on the date of this Agreement, except that the term will be extended to the completion date of any Task Order in effect at the end of the term of this Agreement. B. The term of this Agreement and any Task Order may be extended by written amendment to the Agreement or any Task Order. C. The time period for STAFFING FIRM'S performance of the services to be Provided in accordance with the provisions of any Task Order will be as set forth in the Task Order. When services are requested by CITY, STAFFING FIRM will Page 4 of 13 Agreement No. 4802 commence the requested services within a three -week notice period at any time during the term of this Agreement. CITY may terminate this Agreement as stated in Section 13, 7. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. STAFFING FIRM will not perform any work for specific project scopes of work and services under duly executed and approved Task Orders under this Agreement until: A. STAFFING FIRM furnishes annual proof of insurance as required under Section 21 of this Agreement; and B. CITY gives STAFFING FIRM a written notice to proceed, C. Should STAFFING FIRM begin work on any approved Task Order in advance of receiving written authorization to proceed, any such professional services are at STAFFING FIRM's own risk. 8. CHANGES. CITY may order changes in the services within the general scope of this Agreement, or in any duly executed Task Order, consisting of additions, deletions, or other revisions, and the contract sum and the contract time will be adjusted accordingly. All such changes must be authorized in writing, executed by STAFFING FIRM and CITY. The cost or credit to CITY resulting from changes in the services will be determined in accordance with written agreement between the parties. 9. TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER, STAFFING FIRM will provide CITY with a Taxpayer Identification Number. 10. PERMITS AND LICENSES. STAFFING FIRM, at its sole expense, will obtain and maintain during the term of this Agreement, all necessary permits, licenses, and certificates that may be required in connection with the performance of services under this Agreement. 11. PROJECT COORDINATION AND SUPERVISION. A. STAFFING FIRM shall provide to CITY one or more workers as requested by CITY. Such workers shall provide services under CITY's management and supervision at a facility or in an environment controlled by CITY. B. Should the STAFFING FIRM'S assigned temporary employee be unable to complete his /her respective responsibilities on any specific project assignment as set forth in the Task Order, for any reason, he /she will be replaced by another qualified person approved by the CITY. 12. WAIVER. CITY's payment for services provided by STAFFING FIRM under this Agreement will not be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights CITY may have under this Agreement or of any cause of action arising from STAFFING FIRM's performance. A waiver by CITY of any breach of any term, covenant, or condition contained in this Agreement will not Page 5 of 13 Agreement No. 4802 be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other term, covenant, or condition contained in this Agreement, whether of the same or different character. 13. TERMINATION. A. Except as otherwise provided, CITY may terminate this Agreement, or any individual Task Order, at any time with or without cause. Notice will be in writing at least thirty (30) days before the effective termination date. B, STAFFING FIRM may terminate this Agreement, or any individual Task Order, at any time with CITY's mutual consent. Notice will be in writing at least thirty (30) days before the effective termination date. C, Should termination occur, all finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, traps, reports and other materials prepared by STAFFING FIRM will, at CITY's option, become CITY's property, and STAFFING FIRM will receive compensation for any work satisfactorily completed up to the effective date of notice of termination, not to exceed the total costs under Section 1(C). D. Should the Agreement, or any individual Task Order, be terminated pursuant to this Section, CITY may procure on its own terms services similar to those terminated, E, By executing this document, STAFFING FIRM waives any and all claims for damages that might otherwise arise from CITY's termination under this Section. 14. NOTICE OF BREACH AND OPPORTUNITY TO CURE. Neither party will be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement based on a breach that is capable of being cured until it has received written notice of the breach from the other party. The party charged with breach will have fifteen (15) days from the date of receiving such notice in which to cure the breach or otherwise respond, If the circumstances leading to the charge that the Agreement was breached have not been cured or explained to the satisfaction of the other party within fifteen (15) days from the date on which the party received notice of breach, the non - breaching party may terminate this Agreement. 15. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. All documents, data, studies, drawings, maps, models, photographs and reports prepared by STAFFING FIRM for CITY under this Agreement are CITY's property. STAFFING FIRM may retain copies of said documents and materials as desired, but will deliver all original materials to CITY upon CITY's written notice. CITY agrees that use of STAFFING FIRM's completed work product, for purposes other than identified in this Agreement, or use of incomplete work product, is at CITY's own risk. 16. PUBLICATION OF DOCUMENTS. Except as necessary for performance of service under this Agreement, no copies, sketches, or graphs of materials, including graphic art work, prepared pursuant to this Agreement, will be released by STAFFING FIRM to any other person or CITY without CITY's prior written approval. All press releases, including graphic display Page 6 of 13 Agreement No. 4802 information to be published in newspapers or magazines, will be approved and distributed solely by CITY, unless otherwise provided by written agreement between the parties. 17. INDEMNIFICATION. A. STAFFING FIRM agrees to the following- i. Indemnification for Professional Services. STAFFING FIRM will save harmless and indemnify, including, without limitation, CITY's defense costs (including reasonable attorney's fees), from and against any and all suits, actions, or claims, of any character whatever, brought for, or on account of, any injuries or damages sustained by any person or property resulting or arising from any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission by STAFFING FIRM or any of STAFFING FIRM's officers, agents, employees, or representatives, in the performance of this Agreement, except for such loss or damage arising from CITY's sole negligence or willful misconduct. ii. Indemnification for other Damages. STAFFING FIRM indemnifies and holds CITY harmless from and against any claim, action, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorney's fees), injuries, or liability, arising out of STAFFING FIRM's breach of this Agreement, except for such loss or damage arising from CITY's sole negligence or willful misconduct. Should CITY be named in any suit, or should any claim be brought against it by suit or otherwise, whether the same be groundless or not, arising out of STAFFING FIRM's breach of this Agreement, STAFFING FIRM will defend CITY (at CITY's request and with counsel satisfactory to CITY) and will indemnify CITY for any judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or otherwise. B. CITY agrees to the following: To the extent permitted by law, CITY will defend, indemnifv and hold STAFFING FIRM and its parent, subsidiaries, directors, officers, agents, representatives, and employees harmless from all claims, losses, and liabilities (including reasonable attorneys' fees) to the extent caused by any acts undertaken by STAFFING FIRM employees at the direction of CITY employees. C. For purposes of this section "CITY" includes CITY's officers, officials, employees, agents, representatives, and certified volunteers. D. It is expressly understood and agreed that the foregoing provisions will survive termination of this Agreement. Page 7 of 13 Agreement No. 4802 E. The requirements as to the types and limits of insurance coverage to be maintained by STAFFING FIRM as required by Section 21, and any approval of Said insurance by CITY, are not intended to and will not in any manner limit or quality the liabilities and obligations otherwise assuaged by SlAk1,1NC; r11LM pursuant to this Agreement, including, without limitation, to the provisions concerning indemnification. 18. ASSIGNABILITY. This Agreement is for STAFFING FIRM's professional services. STAFFING FIRM's attempts to assign the benefits or burdens of this Agreement without CITY's written approval are prohibited and will be null and void. 19. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. CITY and STAFFING FIRM agree that STAFFING FIRM will act as an independent contractor and will have control of all work and the manner in which is it performed. STAFFING FIRM will be free to contract for similar service to be performed for other employers while under contract with CITY. STAFFING FIRM is not an agent or employee of CITY and is not entitled to participate in any pension plan, insurance, bonus or similar benefits CITY provides for its employees. Any provision in this Agreement that may appear to give CITY the right to direct STAFFING FIRM as to the details of doing the work or to exercise a measure of control over the work means that STAFFING FIRM will follow the direction of the CITY as to end results of the work only. 20. AUDIT OF RECORDS. STAFFING FIRM will maintain full and accurate records of all amounts invoiced to CITY with respect to all services and platters covered under this Agreement. CITY will have free access at all reasonable times to such records, and the right to examine and audit the same and to make transcript therefrom, and to inspect all program data, documents, proceedings and activities. STAFFING FIRM will retain such financial and program service records for at least four (4) years after termination or final payment under this Agreement, 21. INSURANCE. A, Before commencing performance under this Agreement, and at all other times this Agreement is effective, STAFFING FIRM must procure and maintain the following types of insurance with coverage limits complying, at a minimum, with the limits set forth below: Type of Insurance Commercial general liability: Professional Liability Business automobile liability Workers compensation Limits (combined single) $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Statutory requirement. R Commercial general liability insurance will meet or exceed the requirements of ISO -CGL Forrn No. CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. The amount of insurance set forth above will be a combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal Page 8 of 13 Agreement No. 4802 injury, and property damage for the policy coverage. Liability policies will be endorsed to name CITY, its officials, and employees as "additional insureds" undo Said illburaiiQv GoyQrage and t0 state that such insurance will be deemed "primary" such that any other insurance tnat may cc curried ny uir7 win tie excess thereto. Such endorsement must be reflected on ISO Form No. CG 20 10 11 85 or 88. Such insurance will be on an "occurrence," not a "claims made," basis and will not be cancelable or subject to reduction except upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to CITY. C. Automobile coverage will be written on ISO Business Auto Coverage Form CA 00 01 06 92, including symbol 1 (Any Auto). D, Professional liability coverage will be on an "occurrence basis" if such coverage is available, or on a "claims made" basis if not available. When coverage is provided on a "claims made basis," STAFFING FIRM will continue to maintain the insurance in effect for a period of three (3) years after this Agreement expires or is tenninated ( "extended insurance "). Such extended insurance will have the satne coverage and limits as the policy that was in effect during the term of this Agreement, and will cover STAFFING FIRM for all claims made by CITY arising out of any errors or omissions of STAFFING FIRM. E. STAFFING FIRM will furnish to CITY duty authenticated Certificates of Insurance evidencing maintenance of the insurance required under this Agreement, endorsements as required herein, and such other evidence of insurance or copies of policies as may be reasonably required by CITY from time to time. Insurance must be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best Company Rating equivalent to at least a Rating of "A:VII." R Should STAFFING FIRM, for any reason, fail to obtain and maintain the insurance required by this Agreement, CITY may obtain such coverage at STAFFING FIRM's expense and deduct the cost of such insurance from payments due to STAFFING FIRM under this Agreement or terminate. 22. USE OF SUBCONTRACTORS. STAFFING FIRM must obtain CITY's prior written approval to use any subcontractor while performing any portion of this Agreement. Such approval must be of the proposed subcontractor and the terms of compensation. The subcontractor for any specific project scopes of work and services will be listed in the Task Order. 23. NOTICES. All communications to either party by the other party will be deemed made when received by such party at its respective name and address as follows: CITY Human Resources Department City of El Segundo 350 Main Street Page 9of13 STAFFING FIRM MuniTemps -- Municipal Staffing c/o Compliance Office PO Box 718 El Segundo, CA 90245 Fax: 310 - 322.6053 Phone: 310 -524 -2381 Agreement No. 4802 Imperial Beach, CA 91933 Fax: 866- 498 -6678 Phoney 866 - 444-6844 Any such written communications by mail will be conclusively deemed to have been received by the addressee upon deposit thereof in the United States Mail, postage prepaid and properly addressed as noted above. In all other instances, notices will be deemed given at the time of actual delivery. Changes may be made in the names or addresses of persons to whom notices are to be given by giving notice in the manner prescribed in this paragraph. 24. SOLICITATION. STAFFING FIRM maintains and warrants that it has not employed nor retained any company or person. other than STAFFING FIRM's bona fide employee, to solicit or secure this Agreement. Further, STAFFING FIRM warrants that it has not paid nor has it agreed to pay any company or person, other than STAFFING FIRM's bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement, Should STAFFING FIRM breach or violate this warranty, CITY may rescind this Agreement without liability. 25. THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES, This Agreement and every provision herein is generally for the exclusive benefit of STAFFING FIRM and CITY and not for the benefit of any other party. There will be no incidental or other beneficiaries of any of STAFFING FIRM's or CITY's obligations under this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the State of Califomia may exercise the rights reserved for it under this Agreement to ensure compliance with applicable California laws and regulations. 26. INTERPRETATION. This Agreement was drafted in, and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, and exclusive venue for any action involving this agreement wit[ be in Los Angeles County. 27. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement, and its Attachments, sets forth the entire understanding of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. There are no other understandings, terms or other agreements expressed or implied, oral or written with respect to the subject matter hereof. There are three (3) Exhibits to this Agreement. This Agreement will bind and inure to the benefit of the parties to this Agreement and any subsequent successors and assigns. 28. CONSISTENCY. In interpreting this Agreement and resolving any ambiguities, the main body of this Agreement takes precedence over the attached Exhibits; this Agreement supersedes any conflicting provisions. Any inconsistency between the Exhibits will be resolved in the order in which the Exhibits appear below: A. Exhibit A: Temp Staffing Request; B. Exhibit B: Task Order; Page 10 of 13 Agreement No. 4802 C. Exhibit C: Prevailing Wage Requirements. 22, RVLE$ VF WNURVIUM, Each Party 1W the opporMaity w independently review L1119 Agieen1ent wtu► Wgat COURWl. Aecuruingty, uiis Agreeineitt will oe conArueu sttnply, us a whole, and in accordance with its fair meaning; it will not be interpreted strictly for or against either Party. 30. SEVERABILITY. If any portion of this Agreement is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, then such portion will be deemed modified to the extent necessary in the opinion of the court to render such portion enforceable and, as so modified, such portion and the balance of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect. 31. AUTHORITY /MODIFICATION. The Parties represent and warrant that all necessary action has been taken by the Parties to authorize the undersigned to execute this Agreement and to engage in the actions described herein. This Agreement may be modified by written amendment. CITY's city manager, or designee, may execute any such amendment on behalf of CITY. 32. ACCEPTANCE OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURES. The Parties agree that this Agreement, agreements ancillary to this Agreement, and related documents to be entered into in connection with this Agreement will be considered signed when the signature of a party is delivered by facsimile transmission. Such facsimile signature will be treated in all respects as having the same effect as an original signature. 33. COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS. The parties agree that all of the provisions hereof will be construed as both covenants and conditions, the same as if the words importing such covenants and conditions had been used in each separate paragraph. 34. CAPTIONS. The captions of the paragraphs of this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and will not affect the interpretation of this Agreement. 35. FORCE MAJEURE. Should performance of this Agreement be prevented due to fire, flood, explosion, war, embargo, government action, civil or military authority, the natural elements, or other similar causes beyond the Parties' control, then the Agreement will immediately terminate without obligation of either party to the other. 36. TIME IS OF ESSENCE. Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Agreement. 37. STATEMENT OF EXPERIENCE. By executing this Agreement, STAFFING FIRM represents that to the best of its knowledge, it has demonstrated trustworthiness and possesses the quality, fitness and capacity to perform the Agreement in a manner satisfactory to CITY. STAFFING FIRM represents that its financial resources, surety and insurance experience, service experience, completion ability, personnel, current workload, experience in dealing with private Staffing Firms, and experience in dealing with public agencies all suggest that STAFFING FIRM is capable of performing the proposed contract and has a demonstrated capacity to deal fairly and effectively with and to satisfy a public agency. Page 11 of 13 Agreement No. 4802 38. MOTOR VEHICLES, STAFFING FIRM's Worker(s) are not authorized to operate a motor vehicle without STAFFING FIRM's express written pen'ni5siont and if 50 duthudzed, CITY and STAFFINU FIRM will mutually agree in writing and CITY will add STAFFING FIRM as additionally insured on CITY's insurance if so agreed. 39. COMPLIANCE WITH CIVIL RIGHTS. During the performance of this Agreement, STAFFING FIRM agrees as follows: A. Equal Employment Opportunity. In connection with the execution of this Agreement, STAFFING FIRM must not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, or national origin. Such actions include, but are not be limited to, the following: employment, promotion, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rate of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training including apprenticeship. B. Nondiscrimination Civil Rights Act of 1964. STAFFING FIRM will comply with all applicable federal regulations relative to nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs. C. Solicitations for Subcontractors. In all solicitations, either by competitive bidding or negotiations, made by STAFFING FIRM for work to be performed under a subcontract, each potential subcontractor shall be notified by STAFFING FIRM or STAFFING FIRM's obligation under this Agreement and the regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the grounds of race, religion, color, sex or national origin. [SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE] Page 12 of 13 Agreement No. 4802 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO MUNITF..MPS, a division of GOVERNMENT STAFFING SERVICES, INC. 9' ATTEST: �..`..�.ea Taxpayer ID No. 20- 8332593 .,free 'lea r, � City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: MARK D JIENS]LEY, City Attorney LE David King, Assist n�C�ty Attorney Page 13 of 13 Exhibit "A" Agreement No. 4802 4 0 s a U Y C m ffi m c W N a E F�- 0 in W U c a m a rn c a C Cl) E 10 o A a1O 00 CL � a�Ei •O 'c 8 OP E co o x a• E av �0 X `Q �2i 10 OP o v i W O N «' 1 N cn LLi 44 ®j Q a a m y cxmQ�a W CL f6 L L a m 2 c cy I� oc c a c.0i ca w U W o >�°�a� O V C 6XI 0 0 D E m m —° a V Q Z d „ r c o Z 0 Q � () y N O O y O m LL c nQV LL d~ N.LO. QG7 a � o ai m a_ m c 0' (6 to N w ca Q N - p N w C f0 U O � ~Ear Q d o t f0 0 0 7 d i a+ o 'FD caNE�v ® V1 yQ ca E w. N 01 y N W ` a E O. �I a c cF ♦ G O (O Z w 5 O 91 L N a E U -a - N � N W > w LLI acia`ni��a,� N —•- N 3 °' c E ;L- t:: dy z 7 Y p }}N � �'c 2 CL O Q C w 3 C Dn c to N m � cca' aEi�a oQ°w 2 C U a CL d cc� V 6 = it ,L r O L C N a > r }EQL�a 22 C9 U O N .� Q 4 0 s a U Y C m ffi m c W N a E F�- 0 in W U c a m a rn c a C Exhibit "B" Agreement No. 4802 City,& E I S eg u n d 0 350 Win .Skase&, El -Segon, do, CA 90245 TASK ORDER # 20 Issued .under,AOREEMENT FOR SERVICES, dated 0 20_. Project Name: Project N u, rnber, Contractor Name: Vendor Number. Contract Numi ber: Account Number: Project Description: Descrholtion of Services,,to,,,be,f!erform!ed,by Consultant under this Task Order: Time for Completion: Cost Estimate: CONSULTANT /CONTRACTOR Recorn mendedlApproyed By: Date Date Exhibit B Finance Director City Manager Date Date Page t PAGE ) of 2 Agreement No. 4802 3W Main Skt*L 0 15- Z071 1'= I, 1 Agreement No. 4802 Page j PAGE I of f LNUMPAGES) Exhibit "C" Agreement No. 4802 GENERAL PREVAILING WAGE DETERMINATION MADE BY THE DIRECTOR OF INDUSTRIAL RELATION'S PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA LABOR CODE PART 7, CHAPTER 1, ARTICLE 2, SECTIONS 1770, 1773 AND 1773.1 FOR COMMERCIAL BUILDING, HIGHWAY, HEAVY CONSTRUCTION AND DR-EDGING PROJECTS CRAFT: #LABORER AND RELATED CLASSIFICATIONS DETERMINATION- SC-23-102-2-2014-1 ISSUE DATE: Atigust 22, 2014 EXPIRAT ION DATE OFDETER'LVHLN.4,TJOL'T: June 3O,2015*. Effective until sLil)ea-ededbya new determination issued by the Director of hiclustrial Relations. Contact the Office of the Director - Research Unit at (415) 703-4774 for new rate-, after 10 clays frorn the expiration date., if no subsequent determination is is-sued. LOCALITY: All localities within Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles., Mono, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties, EnipJ23Ler Pa rnents _S�trajhtjinic Overtime Hourly Rates Classification Basic Health Pension Vacation/ Training Other Hours Total Daily b Saturday bc Sunday (Journeypel-6011) Hourly and and Payment Hourly and Rate Welfare Holida)° to 11/2X 11 /2X Holiday CLASSIFICATION GROUPS Group 1 $30.19 6,81 6.25 4.47 0.64 0.52 8 48.88 63.975 63,975 79.07 Group 2 30.74 6,81 0.25 4.47 0.64 0.52 8 49.43 64.80 64,80 80.17 Group 3 31.29 6.81 6.25 4.47 0.64 0,52 9 49.98 65,625 65.625 91.27 Group 4 32.84 6.81 6.25 4.47 0.64 0,52 8 51.53 67.95 67.95 84.37 Group 5 33.19 6.81 6.25 4.47 0.64 0.52 8 51,88 68.475 68,475 85.07 ff Iiidicates,- aiiapl)r-eiiticeable craft. The current apprentice wage rates are available on the Internet Ca), hit t)-,Hwww.d ir. C!,asp. To obtain any apprentice Wage rates as Of July 1, 2008 and p prior to September 27,2012, please contact the Division ofAI)pi't,,nticcsliipStati&rdi or refer to the Division of Apprenticeship Staridards'website at h(tn:// a For classificatiuii Within eACh gfULIJ), See page 14. b Any hours worked over 121ioucs i-Li a single workday are double (2) time. Saturdays in the saniQ Work week may be worked at straight-time if job is shut down during work week due to inclement weather - or sin-Oar Act of God, or a sftualiun beyond the employers control, Includes .an .amount per hour worked for supplemental dues RECOGNIZED HOLIDAYS: Holidays upon which the general prevailing 110111-ly Wage Tate for Holiday work shall be paid, shall be all holidays in the collective bargaining agreement, applicable to the particular crall, classification, or type of worker employed on the project, which is on file with the Director of Indnstri;al Relations, If the prevailing Tale is not based on a collectively bargained rate, the holiday,-, upon vv-hich the prevailing rate shall be paid shall be as provided in Sectiou 6700 of the Goveranient Code, Youniay - obtain the holiday provisions for the current determinations on the 1-titeriietathttp://www.dir.glgov/OPRL/PWD, Holiday provisions for current orsupersudcd deterininations- niay be obtained by contacting the Office of the Director- Research Unit at (415)'703 -4774. TRAVEL AN /OR SUBKSTENCE PAYLVIENT: In accordance with LaboT Code Section-, 1773.1 and 1773.9, contractors shall make travel and /car subsistence peryrtt_enrs to enclt s�orker to execute the �vorlc. You curly obtain tlic travel and/or siibsisteliec provisions for the carrent determinations on the Internet athttiu://www, Travel and/or subsistence requireincliLs for current or superseded determinations may be obtained by contacting the Office of the Director - Research Unit at (415) 703-4774. 13 DETERMIKATION, SC-23-102 4-2614-1 Agreement No. 4802 ,GROUP 2 (.continued. Tank 3caler and Cleaner Tr,,.e Cffinbber, Faller, Chain Saw Operator, Pitt3buqdi Chipper andsirwiar type Bruslt ghm4de!rs Und"n.-mud Laborer, including Caisson Bel lower GROUP3 Asphalt Installation ofall fabrics Buggymobile Main Compactor Call types including Tampers, Barko, Wacker) Concrete Cutting Torch Concirtc Pile Cutter Driller, Tackhaninae•, 2 1/2 tI, drift steel or longer Dri Pak-h Machine Gas, Oil and/or Water Pipeline Wrapper - 6-inch pipe and over by any nicthod, inside and out High Scaler (including drilling ofsanie) Intpaet Wrench, Multi•Plait Kettlenien, Pounan and Men applying asphalt, larkold, cieosotc, iinw- caustic gild SinfilaT type VVIS IerialS Laborer, Fence Erector Material Hoseman (Wails, Slabs, Floors and Decks) Opera tors of Pneumatic, Gas, Electric Tools, Vibrating Machines, Pavement Breakers, Air Blasting, Conic-Alongs, and shnilar mcchanical tools not s"rgtcly classified herein; operation efreniote controlled robotic tools in ,-onnectio � it with Laborers work Pipehiyces backup nun, coating, grouting, making ofjoints,scaling, caulking, diapering and including rubber gasket joints, pointing and any and all other services Power Post Hole Digger Rock Slinger Rotary Scarifier or Multiple Head Concrete Chipping Scarifier Steel Headerboard Man and Guideline Setter Trenching Machine, Hand Propelltd GR QjfP 4 Any Worker Exposed to Raw Sewage Asphalt Raker, LuIcinan, Inner, Asphalt Dumpinau, and Asphalt Spreader Boxes (All types) Concrete Core Cutter (wails, floors or ceilings), Grinder or wander Concrete Saw Man„ Cutting Walls or Flat Work, &,oring old or new concrete Cribber, Shorer, Lagging_ Sheeting and Tvtncli Bracing, Hawd-Guidtd Lagging Hammer Read Rock Slingvr Laborer, Asphalt-R ubber Distributor Bowman Laser Beam in couttec tion with Laborer's work Oym,ize Concrete Vibrator Operator, 70 potinds and over Pipclaycr Prvlabrieated Manliok Installer Sandblaster (Nazzlenian), Water Blasting ports Slaot-Blast fraftic Lane, Closure, certified GROUI § Blasters Powdernian Driller Toxio Waste Removal Welding, certified or otherwise in conawtion with lAbomm' work W-H