CONTRACT 4421 One Page Service Agreement CLOSEDAgreement No. 4421 Microsoft Word - 032613 Services Agreernent for The Trip.doc - down..„ http: / /mail.meetthetrip, corn /webmaii /src /downtoad.php ?sta - tMessage OONTRACR R Somme Bonin D RAThe Trp DATE Nhrch 27, 2013 Wcw you 41 find a dnecldist relating to Insurance and other requirements that are required for doing business whh the C7ty of 8 Segundo, Only those items checked -df are WEATORY, hover if your standard policies exceed the minimum requirements please include. Commercial general liability inuranoe must meet or exceed the regUrernerb of ISSO -C 3L Form No. CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. The amount of insurance set forth below wall be a corrfined sine lirrit per axrurrenae for bodily injury, personal inuy, aid property damage far the policy omerage. Liability policies mitt be endorsed to name the City, Its vRicials, and employess as "additional Irscred's" under said insurance coeerage and to state that such Insurance Wil be deerned "primary" such that ary other insuance that may be carried by the City mill be excess thereto. Such Insuarim must be on an "o=wrence," not a "claims made;' basis and mill not be cancelable or subject to redx tlon except upon thirty (30) days prior written nodce to the qty. Please find adMcnal Terms and Cond dims on the reverse slde of this Services Agreement. This Is not a purchase order or an auavdzation to begin work. ® Ova General LiaW lty, inducing coverage fnr premises, products and completed eper■walt cns, independent contractors, personal injury and contractual obligations Wth oarbined single limits al'cwerage d at least 1� ,00.0000 per occurrence. CONTRACTOR will require its Inrsrrer to nx dfy such certificates to delete arty exculpatory wording stadrrg that failure of the Insurer to mall written notice of cancelladon hVoses no obikjadon, and to delete the word `iendeavor" with regard to any notice provisions. r. � ® Auto Uabil , including a�ried, nah -v�u and hired vehicles with at least: �i ZQ C,+i� V'AQ [Q $1,000, OO per occurrence. ❑ J10o.0oo- 3o0,0oo per occurrence_ As required e Statutes. AM of your current policy must be submtted nerring yourself ard cx TWY. ® ac's' cn Insurance: as required by State Statutes. (Not raxleci if Setf th no erro and CONTRACTCR signs statement to this e )�� ❑ Business Denise: The CONTRACTOR shall agree to have a current City of 8 Sao license on file at City ball or purchase said license (at no cost to the City_ ❑ i hrits: Plans must be app used avid perrrit(s) issued (no fee) by the Planning and Budding safety if appropriate. Call the Planning ivlanager @(310) 5242340 if you have questions. RIASE NOM ALL APPUCABLE MMM ICN L 81ED ABOVE MUST BE CRUNED AND CN FILE, PRICR TO TIC 15SL ANCE CF A CITY R MALSE CtMER BBNG S94T 10 YOU MA FAX CR N= COPY) BY TFE filSFi MAMONROXMIM AGENT, 1H0 AWKWI G — - - YRCRME CF VCW FCR 1i aTY Subrritted by (complete ail blenls): C CUFED 13AC lr33'r�',i 1 ' Steve B ruin , ,(Print narrttley "I b" 4 �k P.M boL Rancho Santa Mvgafite4 CA 926M Phase: 6754 FAX � �_ . � _ a r - . • . — � v � " dam' "` w �r — N � -fit � * r 9 cc: 6 rassLke�llB, t MttID Pl1Li1Ni1�19 i 4110113 r I of 3 �' 4/10/2013 3:15 PM Microsoft Word - 032613 Services Agreement for The Trip.doc - down.,„ http: / /tnaii.meetthetrip. corn/ webn-ail/ src /download.php ?startMessage... y° Services A reernent OQNTFRA T Steve Bonin D BSAThe Trip GATE March 27, 2013 Belau you will find a checklist relating to Insurance and other requirwmts that are required for doing business with the City d 8 Segundo Cnly those Kerns checked -off are WM ATORY, hoAmw if your standard pdidm exceed the ninirrum requirements please thdu cle. Commercial general liability insuanoe must meet or exceed the requirements of I804)GL. Form No. CG 00 011185 or 88. The amount d insurance set forth beloN will be a combined single lirrit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal iryuM and property damage for the policy coverage Liability policies Will be endorsed to name the City, Its ofildals, and employees as "additional irared's" under said insurance omwage and to state that such Insurance Will be damned "primary" such that any other Insurance that may be carried by the aty WII be excess thereto. Such insurance must be on an "occurrence," not a "claims made," basis and WII riot be cancelable or m*d to redudlon except upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City. Please find adchonal Terms and Conditions on the reverse side of this Services Agreement. this is not a purcllase order or an audxdmtion to begin work. ® Camhmsive Cmya Liablity< including coverage for premises, products and completed operations, indepenclent contractors, personal injury and cantradual obligations with carbned single limits of eDierage of at least 1� , VWy:::N per occurrence. CONTRACTOR will require its Insuer to modrfy such cet roes to die any exculpatbory warding stating that failure of the Insurer to mall written notice of cancisilation imposes no obligation, and W delete the word `lendeavor" Mh regard W any notice provisions. F � ® Auto Uabd' , induding awned, nail -omed and hired vehides with at least: CL-i'�i v�i .-, Ji ® 1000000 per occurrence. ❑ $100.000 - 300.000 per occurrence_ As required by State, SWes, A, cup of your current policy rrust be subs tied narring yourself and cr �C� y. Workers! cn Insurance as required by Stale Statutes. (Not needed if �f Wt no an d OC�NT A� sib scat nil to this effect. ) ❑ Business License: The aWTRAC TCR shall agree to have a current City of 8 Segundo license on file at Qty tall or purchase said license (at no cost to the Qty). ❑ Parts: Plans mast be approved and pwmit(s) issued (no fee) by the Planning and Wilding Safety if appropriate. Call the Planning imager c@ (310) 5242340 if you have questions. PLEASE NOME: ALL APPLICABLE RFCF f 'RCN USIM ABOVE MJST BE C@WNED AND CN FILE, PRICK TO 1HE ISSUANCE CF A CITY PLR MSE aMM BEING SENT TO YOU (VA FAX CR HAM OOP) BY TFE RISK IMMM MASING AGENT, `! LW AU1MNG COmmEmcE ENTcFvcwRtRwCITY. Sikh tilled by (oorrplete ail blanks): C1(_ I C*T�my Nary (hint narne tithe): Steve Boning t 10 C° r 11 Via Amfsiosa Act, C Qty, Stabem, Zip: : Rancho Santa CA 92f;86 Phone: FAX 949.6BOV54 A ....:_.._.. _ .._- _ —. . _....... _- � Vendor's Email address: i s �ih Mail orig nal agreement and insurance to: City of 8 0Vrma/0WaMwt Led f', R ( c: Brans �Cem; dbt, 4.l g ^! vt ng04 rame- �e ° r E III APPROVED AS 4/10113 CITY- ATTORNEY 1 of 4/10/2013 3:15 PM Agreement o.21 Microsoft Word - 032613 Services Agmcment for The Trip,doc - down... b-ttp:,I/mailineetthetrip.coffi/webmail! srci'dowWoad.php?startMessage., ---------- :— rjr se mn we6,,-�y, 3 i e 1 er a1ei -v: no acceoab Aomoes Vi i° 8,PAYWNT Oty �Air „3y C a' -e i, V "Purnhase!') coAaned by is services agpmrient and pirchase order rnalienrtals and supoies delKered arid acceloW ors randered and r' ei ne.4 t e Purr; shed by -Seirer subjem- m ai, the terms aidd wcept&d. cfty --Ml nr! pay cattaye. V�nqkq cac,° Zjrg or k=ming ccridibmsomtained in tiiiis order Mich Seller, in accepiting this order, expenses unkess s*Iied in this order. Drafts Wll not behoriored. WNDEMACATCN. Saiiier --Vees n- nd--mif� and -nod C-ibv hanyiess "romand against any clairin, actim, darm7s, costs (inducling, ftriq V%*—ten ircoeptarce or el zi or any PAM "Y' the -i w irijjur'�' or ars>q ca'a e� -'�e w-'aut irrlwkn' aftrns r Ruf&z5e oa, - by this ordL-, --crsu-Mes unquabfedl amepw4x- afai! Purchase or tie adv. or tzeir petfbm'aace- Shodfd Olty be rian-VO ,I . .a wia =Ocns In 71% taT --& l re-fa. d to ter- any w� ors4hwfd ar-.y ciam !Y-:. 1, agoanvt 't by or Otherme- in this crder are andn-�a partdthe order only to the extent Wiether bw sam be gwiciless or not, atrising out of the Flu or it s*W tie Purchase ordered, the Oce, and ft delivery, and Uien order. or t,,er ;etrrranze, Selkar %,%44 deyvnd C$,v a. I Q t, s itquest an4 only to the extent fiat sucli tems are consistent Wth the terrris and Wth counsel satisfactory to City) and iridermirty Oty for any juckpirwt conditions of this order. rLrdemd aon,--A it orarry surr-,s pdd 4 in s� . t a ofnesvise. Rf 2.1INSPIMMOK The Purrhasefumr4iedaivslbeexacdyas specifiedin Nposes of this section 'QV incILKIes Citys officers, elected cfficWs, thJs oftiff, t-es �-a-n J! wfects in Sekrs Lv*Amr1ee, deW�1. & R is exriress;-V i�rrdntmd Wd aDreeci In the kmarsnti� arid mahaids- and, ex aW as ot,, ise otwi �s treg ng poosions; surove terin- n* h-s- Cl w� JIM_ ion or ft sutiect to inspection and test by Otj at all tinims and Paces. If before � orayenls as tc, tw typess ate' a,,?nts ,� ,n%irance C.:hel-'Ve to be firk4 aa*ptanoa, a iy any Purchaise is found to be incowde*, or not as maintained y Selier, arid any 43xoM of such insurance by My, are .0, or swi f 6, d” 0, ty may fe'l e,-* t 1 t r Oqj ge S#-, ° er to correz t I W t0. C"" a, not jntenc�"l to =� 'm;;' nom in arq n'anner fl(rit or qU4'1'Y the '4.ijtes o'%q'AWe4eRVW/ ofs'Ch Pwch�azp at a lVd"t0on in pecee tots equt*je and cb-mjMoms taherj,Y- assunwJ u,, -Sockne ppurs,-= to th,.s -order UOi I'le CjmQnV.-'P>t-'-' ff �elef �s unaUe CX rewfuses to CW-L-.1 s&e, --n ck ;-Ort c u ti v n U - o r-, t t he- r -; v, a s w ra c ove �T r! rQ ip c i ---- n, ft a t car iterns Wthin a tirne demned maGwable by aty, City rray terrninate the IO.VOMNTY. -'Wer agees that die Purchase is comed by the a-derin4decrin part Sderbe3,saNfk-,ksastore*WPumhasm rimst favorabie ouTrr weclail varranties Oie Seller jves to any custwier a-d in wdt a-, 1b, any V sp_ler -,ay lab tc C4y for the sarne or' .i " nti ly sinil ar sup oks or seMces, or such carer under dtw prwislais of fis o reirriburse City for all -iore 'wrt*)e varrantes as. i spe-,if ,ed En t,,is c6er ',Akr" %es t,,O tr atw oceits incurred, or pWrrents to Seller te e4fecM ncWftqvidng any inspection a, acceptance of the �r, accgydance -wtv the w,.:ris of tSs varier` for maccepted pljguhases, Purchase by City. N,-&vVisL-v.ft Gr/s aweptaxeof arTy Purhase-, Seiler ;-, LaUe V 11ASSIGIIAMR QN- may assw 'Un's ol Ex 10 any latent dek;bs, taLd ors goss. rastakes as constitute firaud. t due urdertivis criJer, Ge.'Ier rray not svgn orsuoyr.t.-act thi 3,CPANGM City may rii4e charigm- Wthin the guwal SGOPe Of this - drervvVs arid sp;,-ficaVia-s for spw*v supp'lies, --ccL TT c er a-4 --ry ransAemcr nVtliod c1 soijbrrwA or packing. f2,f the onder by g-VN.- sul:=nvactrx vull bs agwit. Olaycfts M "Arm% 1" 1 WjRWCz Sder nusi, lx icie the insuranoe, is d on Jme swh changes Affect the oost of or the Urne, eqLired for pffbwwoe of fxe sheet of this Semmes A, m--rlt Otis order, w a�LL�de a4usbmnt in the price Qr clal�wery or boh rrust 11PMXM Seger nxist prwure d4 rfecewy fx,;Mts a-d k-V-Tses- Any claim by -c4d;er LY awn{ a4uexrent under this section aust be niade 141NDEPENMV L"CiNTRACIrR Orty- arid Seller agree 01,at -Saller in vAErKj Whin thirty (' daW from the date of weipt by Seiler of to �ret t f ft C. �d aR X-)ry mi; r4 a-6 ao indepevm-n' ac"nra- r ave -a, ' �f -0 ncOl callon d such changie uniless City �Aaver, this canotm in wft Sdjer �41 , _ wl the rriarpw in MGh is it penmmJ. �e on Lt Not:nma rll- #�s seton exa tses tyg wt, - mr1ormince -*X ;�frr-w sery ", to -be pwr-ryed fa, ctier Mrie JrOer of th-e Oder as chaxjecl' 4, TEWNATO-k C)tv rray Lermale this ader at any We, eitier pate in any peftsiaq dui, insurcyrpe, r-M. . r ortti -d to peruck s -Y si 'I ,,'&4 N' CA- iil Ar- -742 4A -Neru, taise Slic-111d' taimehator-, "Xa;- �Ot� rv�-A!6�5 k-4 :L:-' I Qtv wk W/ Sew as V unti. such ter", tee -,i-eyappewto W�e City tie fight In dmctSdisr as to hUedetadsokicim, pro rat order p i n e for the perfonred wd a c c e p t e d pcdon d t h e tie v j a Y , - - to exemse a atasured cash over V - e kit ear's the, R'irviasw Coy r PwOam mitton r4c,;-, V tmnih,-A-M for See(s t;eijej, V,qjl Vow the cjpa t-on of the Qity as to &,A d to a-lwlt SoMei fek or fais to IX)rMOY l^ t1s: Q*f el sd�r rl?--es mly. not cure syb %, lure Wthh a to firne period, or M Is to perferin 15,VJUVM iaitjs a x-c-eptance af, r:. w fcr the Rjrchase vAhln the titTie spedfied for allomDd by exterision), Seller prum-o prepared f,-i -Sel,�&r -.;q W'[ viis Orcw- WA not -re CiTstnuena to 41 be liabie, to City for any excess costs incurred by City. cge rate as a vAver n F a-, r a-, t t y i I W h, lVe ill KA,6 T' t T'5 Aq. 10--e-t or 5.11VE EMNSIGN, Oty iiay eseteid tie tr.v-m tr co-roeton if ir, ; of my caw of xbon arising kcrf,r pe;Rxn'wcr;% A v4ver by O�/Is ade deternination, 156lef vas dda,* Lecaise of ca4es txWid - City r I tained'r' 11� �f wy �trwch �Y, ary teiii-m wvenwt or =dW, cw V S SeiLoes m0d aid Wthcut 861er's ktift or neffigerx*, In the "tt wriervi-kicA to de�c-nv.. to t)e a : %merd ary skemwitcraacl of Ine Ft- as ca*e- 1-V' Oity. Geees sde re-' is iirmted to -'eco'eling sa-e or ay ol-" tel a cavew-f- WxAcn '=tain -j un Chi crdac a d -acessap,)- expandec, q, Sea o9cause -,` zrk MEMer of then cy d t Oa-racter., -el, ajs is fighir to rewier antics paded r,,roft, 116,W71EIRKETATIOL This Aq.,,N�rnent was driAed n, ;z-d WO bc 6.PBVEDM CUMJLATIVF- Otis fkjits aid reTedes undear this order ow-,Ou ed i n acradmce ---jvOth ties ay of t-e 9ZL- d, Cd t'Of--'3- and- are not eyde Y-e andx-- in a-Tr t --, t ai rtipts anai pc-eaf-- prcided exdu--,e for w4 elkr� �,Nft agree,-&, ce- it by law. Angeiess Cbunty. 7.117LE Title and supoies purchased under hs order Otys nor, - --- - -- - --------------- 2 of 3 4 / 1 0i`20 113: L5 '6 vl Agreement No. 4421 Microsoft Word- 032613 Services Agreement for The Trip.doc - down... hitp ; / /mail.meetthetrip. corn/ webmail lsrc /downioad.php ?startMessage... CAY of B sepiijo Recreation and Pair Depixh tent 401 Sheldon Street B SeWr_b CA 90245 E)MBI T "A'' — SCOPE OF SERVK:M oagTRACI-CR agees to promde lire singe services (TheTrip tribute baro for Oty of B SegL�s SuriTner Concerts in the Paris Series: • Location: B Segundo U . Park • ° Date: Sunday, JUy7, 2013 f U 4.�. rfV.00pr • Trip Band will consist of four individual Contractors. • Any shares to dates and times wii I require an approval from Recreabon & Parks Deperirrat. City of a Seg x& agees to provide sound and stage. • Qty agrees to pay conh'acbor at the conTklion of services. • Coriftwtor met sulonirt invoice to Recreation & Parks Deptrnent no loiter Mm May 31: 2013. EXHBIT °IW'— CCMVNSATION SO4MULE City agrees to pay CC NT ACTCR for ft perfamwice of such services, the sLrn of: Cne thor.rsand one hur>dred dollars ($1,100) �t� ° Date_ of 3