CONTRACT 4432 Maintenance and Repair Agreement CLOSEDAIAIN"rV(-VR-,'E AGRXEMEII,�L'r
1�111R, (21"I"YOF F], SE,(AJI'9])0 A]NdD
THIS A(.MFI3A1I�'JNIT ("Agreexr cmf') T,s rrmi!10 Md I'IRLeri:xI into ffik p :'day of
Nfay, 2Q13, �)y and between the MY (:47, EL SEGI-1141),1011 a gf.-nual, Law wid aluuicipa�
001111-"Ornflon �mid A� tl Ei,4'rERPRISBS 11M "IBA Ad FENCE UMPANY,
t'nir rirofk
The Mks aFre as ROW*
i\s p!mrfial Iruo,amld euahn, CC* YMAkI'()K,,%grcus to perfolm the, wcvrk disted urk the
S(-,'01" E (W SER Wovv�
As addUionup aad CTF'Vogee to ablilcie 'by Ox,
Levns anJ exmiditions contained in this vi%,.gW cemoot�
it, As MAW ow wWwalm, CITY agree�5 to pay, CobITRA(�',PDR un a t' unip qum
ba,W is anumotait set fbrth in dic attached Exh0j,K %+dch is Incorporated by
1d:)c CI(YN1'lTAUPUWs w0 es. CrUN" Yd 14 pay mul amount prouipHy,
�)w Ix)( lab"T' than 0111dy (3M sbys aRer reuiving (X.)WRA(,"T0R.'s inviniice,,
2, 'I"ERK Fh li�ann of ads Agreeriwilt vvifl 1' ['�O'tn NI'a�,w, p, 20f 3 w SicpterAbcs,30, 2N 3, T[i[c
"\greeviunm bQ, 001'1"'uVed upan nultwd coriscn( 1�4 0v: padios,
21), ISCO I'll 1'�„ OF, S FIR V, 1 (111&
A I D MRAMUR W perRvm st-x-vi,xs, tisW in the i�iifta0od A.
(-'IM'IITl4-\CT0R wift, I'a a mama; WO sM of le Mm,
iechnicy d, acirninistradve, proO.ts^dcinal aid o0w pergonnel, all siapfifiui MW
ro"Oerials, cquipmenq pHAK& MM& umupwu6m; oMce gmunod LIM,
:mxd A IM, 10SNOg andarialy -,es" and kdI cpdler mcans what'soever"
excqq 01 WWI nvtheriwi&ilm expri,-aspy spocifled po hu furnisNmi by CYYY, eMry
Or pr" Pcv to perfcnml Mui ,xisnl�)Iete the vmrk md pmMde ke II mNmkmW saMcets
4,,, PRRVA,fl1JNG
Pur,,,uant lo jAbor CAM § 1720,, and as sj=ificid in 8 Callkviia ( cWie cif
AgWallons § 16000 rnum pay u(s srorknrs pricvaffit^g wages, ft
k, t ".U' 'YIRA CIDR'� q spocisibHlly to inteirret arid 4nl�DIesneM wly j.xevUfldIj,
Page I W
4432 , �j
a if
VvlligC Coi,4TRM-7011 agves U) pay any penaUy or Mf
dainages rt.n,;�106ng fironi a vktlation or ffie prcvaiiing %vage �aws,
I rt acco M [[j I abo r § 1. 7 "p p 2, cc p ks o ['the pre vai � in g r,.,i Le o f per di an
are a,vaiIabk,,, tipon ]Ivqucst h:'Offl CITYS F'Mi ":�iDCUiflj� DiViSj,M-i OF d1c
WC h sti: e por Sta te cp F Ca] V fo rrii a Preva.j Ii n g wage (� a k ic�riri. a L
a7atWa post a copy of". the
prevaihng raw ofper (ficin vvagcs naafi, dre job sitc,
C, CTFY dh'cos M's aaMon to fobw (Ande §§ I 7TT% 07T6 and
3098 concening the mlployment: ()Fappircit6cu, by CONI RACJ'(A,, ot any
D--Labor Code § 17715 mpdms CITI H'AC F)R, or snbccmhx,Aor cmtplo,ying,
tindemnon hi any appvdiveQ) cwcupwion to apfly Lo the la's' nt apprenkeAlf)
("onard(rce mara si Me ,ilc or the juMho mas pijea and MAT vidnidwas pp e
program in Sat Mic Mr a eMeMe ofipproval,, The
inwo So Nx Q MR nap aNWMAKCS 10 jMMM3qnCH that IVIR LHO Used At the
wompance or the comm et. ih: m6a kq)prcnOoi, s io pc,aa ,neyinc-n in Such Lases
p,AJH ao[ kx,, pcs!t than one k)
AM emphyrnm in dw ama
,e by phcjciint
comn%m has mcould an amagc, or 15 1wromV in die 90 LhWs be lk
req lesi fo r ccr 6 h Care, 1) 11'
an. IvYItc n the n unan r o f a ppnn ales i n i nd K n w area c cceds �i ra p io o
onc. U-) iv c. or
iii, %'Vhen Lhe an can show thal it is mphwing d Vast 1/30 of As
niembership (hrinigh afqmi±cmhi , [v,,6vJ,ng on. an ,mnoai sil,,atc ,vkt
or [ocaHy, or
iv Men p•o�,ddes asp idcnce th 1 C(")b[f R-ACT104"', csnploys
rcgis,boreid appi,(,maws on avail oni�s cirnnuacas Obi ari RJURU'31 tivcj'ag�� cip ' not
ICSS TOR one upprentice [0 Cighl �CJLHUCPIMT
aS coniffl-)iudons rtnwa fi,mds, es(aMished k)r
the .1dininaall"16on prograins einrj]o oi
rcgisti-,�re(] appi%�aIdcos orjounmyrnen in any U,atie wn
and 1foler umbudors on Lhe pubk )v-orks sjk aix nwaing Sa,idi
(:0i'TFRA(TIT app . vind aim, lor ri'mim coniply vvith abor am odc §§
1777 5 aml I 77T6 hi We empktymmH orjqwwWcv,
Page 2 of 8
44, 2
VJ kdortnatioli r0afl'�"C 6() LLV )fTUH6GCSHjN "Wndarids:' vvage scheduk-s an.d Dthc�
=pOrennents in ay k OWN Omn the 1hredor or WhWda! Rebtoas,
e,,,,, offi6�ii the A,dmhdmmkn orAppankeWdy San OmpAsu; COOK-
or Cronii dv-, Dnvi&n of AppeNceship S(wdards and ids bran6h offtos,
( 01,4 VR A (111) It aru I i Is subenArachm u awl k eq) an accu mte ced 1 Mal pnynA �
rccords showhig hic 111'aaie, oczupafhm, mud the adu',fl Pyyr Lficin Vvagd� s paid to (-ach
VWIOH,'.eL ernpk)),ed h; cmainectOn wUh Us Agmunctfl, Thd record vJd bc� 'I pd.
open at aH vvam)nable IT3urs lo [ho inspedW of diio body a,,,varding lhc.
and k) LN, Div�s�nn or haNn Low HnImenwK InvWwMed by cry,
( UNTRAUOR inuM pawido cojes Whe runvAs ul As cost
5. FANUfAmirm p n wousc,
By exemaNg dis Agmunient, CONTRACTOR rurwesons thal COVICRACIUR
Thon-wigh(y in%'es6g�-,ued and cionsHicr(ti d dic scot'uC" ifl'scvi'nccs Lo bu
C"arefiffly hiovv th"o s hc'idd be lo"'Idbrinicd; drid
Undcrs(,',�inds We EadNen WcON, and rcsidedons Mndhq,
perNininwee or dw scrvVces uadcs, 06s i',,g;vcmcni,
prsi!-"r6ces kc,"ok'c' �voirk upon an", Sratc, v.rarn:nits dufl
hus or W inveshgatz the sk and is or oJH be CuflHy acqUdhl(ed
v"'Wd Uhc con Jihciins then cxc;ting behir caninwn(liq; dw =Ws Wtum0-
Should Ri"("TOR uHSCOV'cir nk�y dwuw cir �nl<110'00'111 CCIOCHO(ws dvo
nnatcrnah�y alfccl the perhrmance sui nJces. vvm
unincdiatcIy h-lfwn-a 0"1"( oCsueh and vvrH nou
CO3NITEAX I'OR's own Wk ukd vvr4k-n wsk-uu�Jions all-c" vc"ce�vr"d Vroln '("ITY,
jli, Bcfi'-"ru 'uonuncn6ng i)er[6nrwncc under IN ikgreenienQ and at aH w1un-Arnes Us
i\gnoenlent is CROCIPVC, w�H �,lriacunc' Suld CIsl'IkOa'41 �hv Vrdtw,,�kqg
qjpe8 or insurance vOth covenyc WS conioonj M a ndrdn"mq nu Ow Wits
so fbah hdnvt�
ChAnnwrell genom! WbHky�
Bu sinc,�ss autoinobite ha,bflit),
Workers coniperisation
Page 3 n F 8
d 'hnils' (conINLIC'd si
" ("n o o , o 0 o
s d,d onmo
SiatuWq7 rccpdrcn,aend,
G:;uarmagauu':ao.u,dnal ganao,s°a�d dWhy n%'a suaatlugGc wafd 111Canr M' eq'MCcl (he q°equiu°uuru:uew,.r of
lluorrrl ill o. M 00 01 11 85 or Sit, Tdya; a:a,rnuruo l of a % " %malaa•aua ee set iinh
uo.11aoau)"kl' w -uanll lbC nn c omUaaalued Aang, e US per aoccuunacuuce fbr duauodd ➢y ii1juoary, personal
ianju:n.arg ", awa "NO.d liuu°u %perly plop %uuuage 'gun° Ic pvallnurd d"uadanudail.y :puada,,au,a,, %Yvdl:U be
-irdorsr,d do 1Ca.a.Vlradb„ ..; k ",ab, s as "aa4.d0"du�
"VI" its a'Du�ln�.11a'n.d &s" a9'a " %hn':� �:pll11 ."N�k�'P q!G M 1wi4,gVad. " ^~a I.IIx"VdB.:p"
said an'ka',%',ILVaan"nce, re,G➢�^q;,l " "°' g �.a"nG� � .�. y�"„
T��T ]Loin. ;h", and �� d.aa " " %�:a�a:d.a; u.Qiod�:4�, „ull�a�:d`a aa.ra,q.nJla.r:IC]lQ;vr; 'ira "a�d 'nr�a� ad�'�r9'a:'411r a� ac.V71 na6a'.na" ,
Sal llch, fln.uug any other uou:au %a Mcc g.dauuat %u- %uuy be n,aded by r'it:y °uao ll be e,uaau >u;,,u thereto.
Such insurance % .� be on an "44In4°a"a%"" b7Ut a% a''lnaad ""JH
rauou. be uragcucdaWa guar S�Jrbpn( A, (o ,°(,ductiu:an cxN."u,yl upon thirly (30) days pq°na: r w,Wuwu':,�.
u'uvrUCC U) c` /d
�,. J"9 %Wtrom,odbodor t��kR'� �i,avay, a�� %JQ bµiYN "ll'M on W Bv0,1lpt,:^"as AM Qb, "e%:aage Fonn W.
00 0 : 06 9Z Nu 0Wui g v °IaanaaN" V Il (Any Am)
ga "a,a,'P'OR udaaM fiullll:ish do,o My�u. %nuno°,R %.0 ll a_y:o�uudao .ud;us or wuuuvn,,;au.
III %T'; aN1.zsva.ync beq0. 6d'c"d °r L'
aucaud.o a d.Ulln.�" o� a °o,dwoa r^Ira�
uaavdaoll,douul �oad ua'a an b ` "�lB.u.oca` o.�G 'IhW ll'CLI.u; aouad ',,Ull� llu OddIHN L'Yku.a°u CC Of "aaa %W`1Nlaa N° d'ua Corogoar,,,S
i,..a %wV.a(%.s as may u. aqa; %b ,y au;a l by City dN `m time Lo fim.ic, dwou'aan�d
a:uawsu be d'Oab lud a'"ur h %w as ou "r.ulu ul b "uaa °now,uod A'N"L Rest a_`onu p"'aay [ "" adn.g
%` "qu 4.deaI a:a'n ad da :s1 o d;J'd %taang hw"rv.11 "ANT" Cer ldllc,i:ae(s) ahVVIIs[ r dd+'`u„A "dV %IId Ihe,
eau aunu° I' aXddll �)WOw,uudl'w Pdallc°uy dud()"y day notice of av a ood:� b "'.q, , daagika.
W.�H OudaaK pd.'�n ii:rll;u%P°4 r to mo::'bt: ad`p ,!wu da 4.�,C��.adail a�u�es W Vd:;�i e any
y "° d ,, ", u n v �.daa:�k:d, d�aNda,aa'o" of u11ll.,'�:� aun ".ina.1P'b�� °a" la.a 1rr anVt ^aryd,a�°:nd4I` all nl nla�,,"e h.9�ll.
a� "; 5 a a % 0.d t�a.i I J a: ',W ''4�r"pFtl D �l ". n @ n a�a� I a�a Q. V':a.�'l;
r::wlc'elliafl w'au im1p ov .^u no ol°u igau.dobua and to odeda:[c urge N'll cur d elilao.Nen'clilll° "" aaaaduh regard
daa `.vary a "utoduCrw jaa rdu ua,lio':;aaa,u,
d::udNr.auuY.a�N. o, "o, %NTR,yN,"TOR, N"a:;n ,my a n;,oa %u,: 11ull ILo nblalloa% uNul unu %du %gs7ldu�u ddna: duiuuNLNne,ou
n a :; by ga — . V fgP`n'i� _ ms " rv°& p such 0ao "wvw"n m ("'01''J d R A,(�TOVNI�"S
a,, r,Ja4 a'IV,� ":" ,igad': id ":^;dUm>ia,;ry Q~lr�o.; d 4' %,.%t , of "'gully "da II %nMau.tldyi °r, fa " ftLN d %i0 ",�x %:' %uk�V %�;m';I dM " >!,:P)
r°uJd ". wider ldl is ,v ,'nneN o: i[er nod
o quuu. s
7' "' ) d" a �" I s W w I rtp` k � i ,'' adx .pa d?C.: nnYidQ,'�" dVk"
d du'w��d Po �gd'��, III �.�a�Jd�:��0rlyllf. w "n da" �;" d �.1�' � d u����. +d_ �l l; II: ^�. %ondh ud.'.: %a nrb�ILdo�;u a. u�.r unw,nuo Lnlllou.L
A, ','- o "d°d"lU�Ao," WW d`ooaauq,lhus pmornrursuraniuc as ra;ado.n�ihn°eaI auock r 6 of this,
11a, i ve nlen t; and
y!U�. ( 'll" +ayoao ' a "g )ia! d r.A(' d OR, ar ra"„o.�dden g "'a,!oAuo.°ru d:u'r G,'gooco;:c d.,
C `. SdnO Udil:`,d begin u,vork in rILdvaNncc of aecei"Jillurm vgll ldu "u -ova ruutl.dul:naavaudno:rn
k, pro ccdd, alil.'y suc'` pllllod,a ss -- Ilraad ;";r a V ices out! a! 1 a nl "I;".d IRJJaM ° "ada4 o"all a'kl,
d a ."� a;l %J y O,'% ➢aYn.1'.'N:1L e �.�:ds f x��„�°V',4a�i7ila�:�nt a any �JIVll" %.a "a
�^' %. d�,ua;,v, uG.: as v, ua uu..0 ra a,aua oa -ao% h,. v,a�. CITY ,
with or ),vit oi,. g o,auun.auua, t�llvat.u.a.e urG,.g.unrrrildnuu.d.uonl u,VM tx' ir: wa°P:tuauga
r ud: a 4 ons
4 f
4 0' '_
It WRTMACIUR may tennhwac this Agreenical ipan provkHng MR= m1c
MY at W Oddy (30) dn),s h0'orc thm; Len-ninaJcln datc,
Shc'�Wd dke &gvcf"nvtnL be Umnhmwd prsuani to thk Secdc"n, (-ITY, 1u)' pril)CU1112
on he own MUM s-R+ s AmHmqo Me WnWaAL
BY c!NeculGing this di-111CUMANA, w, 0B` U FRAC"T0P Svi'ves aqY nad afl ckttilv"' k"o'
l'. 'Inmgpcs that lidg,M ndwn°viscarisc E @ "onll (J FY 1et'1a1ii1a(JM1 LMdCa- di]1 i SCGkoH,
1, 1 I D K'41vi 1`n" f FJ (;/*,] 14 h 1°`�.
indenindin and ho ids WIN Munless flow asid agniumt any,
danwgm /. wh Adndkg, Wout HmHa6wq rcwanahk,�
"'Idtorucy's and penakixs), ii-ijuric's' oi�'� out of "this
Ag"mmenn nr its perl'armance inckuhng, �,,vkhout Hvlknaiionl' dani Bf�'cs Or
"tri ing Froun ("MPTINAMM& rwnovnL mutcalWW", iTsponse of.
Mher pfan co ice rniug Any rcsitdfitl)"n" tnn ibc' rckas'(' of "'Ilriy
hazaNfous substanw2 inio the cuBmitnue"'W, 11'ac ""uch or, CJarnagc
Wang float 011"s Me nkghgence or WMI Mco"ducL shom crry he,
named in any muR, or shouki mny WE be Wought agahmi H hy suit or
We same be gr(rnndless or no, wishng out oft&
or its pertyinance, WwrRAMATR M de1nd CAIN Yf,
ca' ' request and wHh coumel Wsh=ry to crry) Hnd wHi indemnij,
( I_11""N' For jfj�'Aglu�vwlrd retiltdc"re'd, "ag"'flit"d, 4 or any ""'urns pn'i'd out ill
nn 4fl!r ^,urum,rn or ofl'n'.rvvise'
B, For pmposcs or ads MUMMY" 1MIMIS U FS omewsaMAS,
agrecnicnt us gun tondul W be as bmad W kckud've as is jwnakbb N] by Uiic
the 'Staic nnd that- if an), pio'dor is 11(dd inv�flid:' t[ os' apicced Lka� mine
hakilic't" vviH:1 notvviihSW1[P]il1& C(H16MUC h kffl kgal R)n,,c and cffkt,
4 no cxpvm fl'v mndcrsiood and agn'ccd dlnit Ow f'omgm 11 ng pmivisnoiv� ivdi SM-N`tVC
tcnninatJwn offldq
The IC(JURnw"N as W dw tAwN and [Ands of %wance covamp U) bc
maii,oattled by (��Oit'TTPA('l 0R, as rephvd IV dis Agmemma, mW kuq appowd
W'Mdd [HSIONAVICC by CITY, ac not hAndW Lo and "S rml An any mw Wnd aiii
qualty the 1WHIJes and MAWMW oWvAsc, msum af by
pmmm io Us Agwmnsk, hwhWingcMdiouc lindfatim4 U) dw provishmn;
p"ge 5 or 8
9, F`MF,,VEf"MEf q'FR.A.CTOR. CITY and. (,',ON'JRA(,"UOR agme Ot
W ad as an Mpmdwh commetor nFul %WH have contrcd of aH w(wk and 1hc
Irrannei, in v"41iclr is RpuMmut W NTH MTOR wil I 8-,)c frectocontract fo sijTiihaxscrvic�c to
be peWnwd Or officr crriployeirs aid ilC Under coroxact v6d'l i's r(of an
n9wd or emphyee, of'(,'1'FY and is no! en ti to pardelpatc hiainy pension plarl, insurance,
Nnnm or MIlar Nmehts O Y pnWKS Nw Rs emMoy ms. Any pmvishm in Us Agmemem I&
nmy apVmr u) Ove CF FY W, right to cnI ccl C',ONTR,A(,TOR as to the ck:tafls ordohij; the
ov W exelvise a tneasure, ofcontrol over the vmrk nicartm dwi MM'F1,?j1,CT0R, will fi,)JNovv 111c
Mcdon ofthe OTY as to end resufts of the ,vork cidy,
10. N U r I M
A, AM given or recphrod R; be given [XINUrUn, U) LhiS, AgVCCAIwCl-VR V,, ]j I)c II'aj
100•ting and an at,, be gVen by pem)nal Mwwy or b�"' laaiL ["k-6'c'u SuIL �"Jy nlW�
'a'yM hc akfi ' s�;
(] 11", a 'dIlovvs�
11.) C y ,f;uk N'rujdh�
I 0 scgundo
350 Moki Sad
FJ Segundo, CA 90245
Phone: 310024-2716 or 3 10011 28K2
Uax 310 647-4123
To OY',�Tp' 'A'C"I'01", R'on sk!ua
A a. 'cncc i-"o" III pany
2("D U F, N,,,ii Orcsk,n road c.
11'\IWhciin (,VA, 9280(,,d
P[kon(�� N,4-6301 33,00
Sx: 7 14 W (460 1 ',
V)hcei addressed' V n accordwice N'Mh this rNlra Igraph.' nodc'cs AviIl� hic": ��"j vcr
up- n add posia in tho UUM Sams iu& postage Vrepaid. In all (Alin, instance,
ioftes r)M be diceilleld �':'
, � � ,, � " 11 � �-1 [ ( �
( hangcs nwy hc, tnadc 41 thi-! MIMCS w 'f'�ddircss"es of peiricia"s (o whi�"'an no6c " twc
to be Ovw b"' giving aIoOc"� a71 lhc' nwnncr presclibcd in (his Ipa nip ph'
g.y TA XPAVER I DENT! FWATION NUMBER. CX)VV'R/\('-',TOR wifl pro'vuck.' (11"i, vvi�h It
N 2 VNIA I V U, R, z-\� wa i Yon Ibya (-,, IT'i' o r my brmch o F any kaw n, covuo n�'rrfl . or conch!p on ew auu tied
in dds Agmwucn� v,Jd,Il not bc, CICCMCN1 [0 OC "A WaiN,'CN' and 'Wly SUbSC(JUC hrcach OVdtc sarn'nc or allan'
o,Ahcr [c',rnu, coverant, oir cond4ion conudned in tHs AgvumnOle, sume or cER,cww
Ghail w'ip'r'
pagc () of 8
13, (X)NS"MkU(7F1WV Th�-- 1,,,,wguagu of cadh part of Us Agmemms wi] I be consaued sinply
and according Lo its, fair ineaning, and thas Agrccrnen wifl. never bc ccwistrui(°xf citherloror
against 6ther frivty
14. SEVIRRAR! 11 IV airy poaRt of UK QRwrums is dc0,rrcd by a coart•t ol' coinpo ,,n�
junisledon w4e hnviNd or unenkwceaWc, thmi mich 1.,)ortion vvifl be dessned modified Lo Q
extent riceesswy iin the opinion or cowi to renckr ouch Portion eriftweeable and, as So
ii-iodified, such portion and the balawe ordis Agmemerit. wfl[ connisUC ill ti,111 force and CT66c(
WMAnwNS, The cyhrts or We Imunjouldui or 1his Akgreernow am! Wr convmdens: of
inkrowe ont and MU nN arwo Tu humpmuMon nT Oki Agivetnw
! 6 NVA [Y 11R. t°" Or all pMASOP or 119S Agreumwd M H M be deenacd w cowWrwe a
vvan l ot, troy cithcii O Q! such Ww"NmMe a CMMNAI q "MM ,
17. Po rwRMWEAmom 115s lQrceineral was Med 04 aud wHJ bu conArM it iwcomhnce
MY the bass of am swe orcidurnk, and oxchNivo venue fbr any Won Kwdying UM
zlg vdt bc in ounty,
V Ms Agrecrunu may, be subject to ai-td uondi6oncd
upon appirov,,,,d and raMmhon �hy die H! SCgLUU10 CHy CAninck ]]I is Agrla',�incn[ �s wA Muding
LigNM C�1 "I" Uotil =Wqed by Ile (1, Mmulcr Ile ParUes repntsciif and wanuk that Wb
noxwuy Won has been hy the NVOCS p Uoh()d,,�o the unidcrs�gned w exucute 065;
/\,grc�cnv,ml and lo cilage W die Moas desmPal hensh, "110s Qrmnwt awy be nvWHkd by
,,vra rbcn _lgreelncni: P[o11Lt1g(X il�ly eMCub any Such alnendmeto of bchaH,l)tTTF)(,
19. AMEFOMWE M 1001SUMALE, S[GN[1A!1,URJ 1S. T➢",- Pnr6es wglee that dds, Pqgroenvno,
a, a" nn&Nnq 1P US AlmennoW, aad rdawd domnncnIs b,�i )c: cn[ertd N n(o in cormecti,rin
,:vi In Ulis, "'kgj,ccnient he uoasidcrc�,i vvheri ffic nfoV polity
Such Wshvile siginnturc YAH he Med W MI wNwets to Wng Hie
SWI)c Cftw,':ct its P1.Va ori,,61m dgnawrc,
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2 1, CAPTRMS 1Iw LaplAws oU Um pamgmphs of Us QvwrrNR WE mmvw%we of
retw rencc, nifly, aind v,''iH 11ol aft� o Ule oCthk Agreenient,
22. PURCII NIA,41',LTRE. Sh(yWd puRmnwmu nF Uds Agmemew be prevaued due to W, Dom]
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Nge 7 or 8
that there; are additional terms and conditions contained in Exhibit "A" that are not in conflict
with this Agreement, those terms are incorporated as if fully set forth above. there are no other
understandings, terms or other agreements cxpressed or implied, oral or written.
IN WITNFSS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this contract the day antiwar
first hereinabove written.
CITY OF EL 3'0 xt
Greg r" "I "
,ro �
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ATTEST; _....
`I'&xpayer TIJ h1a. 33- 0259373
ank City Attorney
Page 8 of 8
Off= 714.630-3390
n frot - Toll fim- 8004.19-014
Lkonst #62120
2831 F. IA Creme Ave.
Arwhailli, CA 92AD6
4 4 3 tai Ag
F": 71"30-001.1
F. - T.11 6"! IRW40"O 1.1
;UC—REA—T-1 (J'N--P—A R K
3 -L I N
310- $634),N37
fliefisila%viop iornmiatfon omflinm ttmqcolK6J'workwetnitnd (0 l)td 10 111A PR's WW our pfflivUlWy WKC-OTT MUMMI, tm YvUwc
4432 A
Page 2
Job, City of F..1 Segundo
items checked to the left are incorporated into this estimate / ro losat
X This bid includes prevailing wages. On.c continuous mobilization is included.. Each
additional mobilisation is $1,000.00.
We are a non -union shop. Normal workdays are 10 hours (6:30 - 17:00). Jobs requiring
X I Project Stabilization Agreements, Apprenticeship Training or insurance "wrap
coverage,, TaX a uire special ricing adjustments or administrative charges
X Performance and payment bonds are not included but can be added. Permits and local.
fees are not included.
Clearing, grubbing, surveying„ staking, grading, trWYic control and special signage are
7C not included.
Removal of existing fences and shrubs /small trees is not included. Unexposed rock,
X structure and wall foundations, buried pavement, and other obstructions may req. uire
special, additional cost, footing; modifications or fence line relocations. Concrete coring
or saw cutting is also additional.
This is a design -build project. We fol.l.ow "standard practices commonly used in the
X trade" along with our 50 years of experience. No additional specifications or special
desie criteria have been identified or re taired.
X No additional consideration is made for wind - loading, seismic, or other engineering
and/or SWAPP protection,
X Railroad insurance rider and/or fla o en, if r,eq nixed, are not included.
Concrete gate rollwa.ys, motor mounting pads and fence rnow strips are riot included. if
X listed above, track embeds and post sleeves are included and shipped loose for
embedment by others.
X Standard field welding is included. Structurally classified, certified field welding is not
X 11 wall not be intenkercd with or altered, l� any ad.�, coauuoAly used in the trade, which
-1 will enl to its standard means- and -meth
ar , without a change order E ±RpTv al.
X Electrical uencbing, conduit, and wiring are not included. Electrical grounding of the
fence if required) is by others.
htsurance coverage are $1,000,000,00, $2,000,000.00 aggregate. Additional insured
X certificates are issued "per project ". Optional forms: `CG 2010 07/04' for on going
o crations or `CG 2037 07/04' for completed operations.
X This bid is subject to A -1 Fence obtaining acceptable credit information and terms in
atr subcontract a recrnclit
X Any fence riot shown above is excluded. 2tiantities guoted are as shown..
A -1 Fence Company is pant of A4 Enterprises, Inc. A -1 Fence Company was
established in 1.953.