2013 Nov 26 - CC PACKET SPCSPECIAL MEETING AGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street TELECONFERENCE LOCATION: Lahaina Fire Station Conference Room 1860 Honoapilani Hwy Lahaina, Maui, HI The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City - related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and /or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the Meeting. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person. Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state: Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 310 -524 -2305. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 5:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member, Atkinson ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total). Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves before addressing the City Council. Failure to do so is a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Consideration and possible action to direct staff to prepare the necessary documents to potentially place ballot measures on the April 2014 election to amend the City's tax codes for purposes of increasing the City's revenues, including but not limited to: potentially eliminating the sales tax credit granted to businesses and create a parking lot tax as part of the City's business license taxes ( "BLT "); increasing the utility user tax ( "UUT "); increasing the transient occupancy tax ( "TOT "); and, imposing a UUT on the residents. (Fiscal Impact: Unknown). Recommendation — 1) Direct staff to prepare the necessary documents to potentially place ballot measures on the April 2014 election to amend the City's tax codes for purposes of increasing the City's revenues, including but not limited to: (a) eliminating the sales tax credit granted to businesses which reduces the amount of BLT the businesses pay and create a parking lot business license tax; (b) increasing the utility user tax imposed on businesses;(c) increasing the transient occupancy tax; (d) imposing a utility user tax on the residents; and (e) amending other portions of the City's tax codes to increase City revenues; 2) Take other related action. ADJOURNMENT— POSTED DATE: TIME: NAME: 2 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION: MEETING DATE: November 26, 2013 AGENDA HEADING: Unfinished Business Consideration and possible action to direct staff to prepare the necessary documents to potentially place ballot measures on the April 2014 election to amend the City's tax codes for purposes of increasing the City's revenues, including but not limited to: potentially eliminating the sales tax credit granted to businesses and create a parking lot tax as part of the City's business license taxes (`BLT "); increasing the utility user tax ( "UUT "); increasing the transient occupancy tax ( "TOT "); and, imposing a UUT on the residents. (Fiscal Impact: Unknown). RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1. Direct staff to prepare the necessary documents to potentially place ballot measures on the April 2014 election to amend the City's tax codes for purposes of increasing the City's revenues, including but not limited to: (a) eliminating the sales tax credit granted to businesses which reduces the amount of BLT the businesses pay and create a parking lot business license tax; (b) increasing the utility user tax imposed on businesses; (c) increasing the transient occupancy tax; (d) imposing a utility user tax on the residents; and (e) amending other portions of the City's tax codes to increase City revenues. 2. Take other related action. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. November 19, 2013 City Council Staff Report with: a) Attachment A — UUT and TOT Comparisons with Nearby Cities b) Attachment B — Survey results and comments -All responses c) Attachment C — Survey results and comments- Registered Voters 2. Staff presentation to Council at the November 19, 2013 City Council Meeting FISCAL IMPACT: Amount Budgeted: $N /A Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): N/A ORIGINATED BY: Mark. Hensley, City .Attu }+ ^ . -�A r REVIEWED BY: Deborah Cullen, Director of Finan bL1 APPROVED BY: Greg Carpenter, City Manager BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The Council has held meetings on September 25, October 1, and November 19, 2013 to discuss potential tax measure to place on the April 2014 election as well as providing direction to the City Manager regarding a public outreach/education process regarding the City's financial condition. Attached is the staff report from November 19, 2013, which contains a detailed account of the City's financial condition, the public outreach process and the various options available to Council regarding potential tax measures. At the November 19th staff presented the Council with the survey results of the public outreach meetings and included in this presentation were policy questions regarding tax measures. (see attached staff report and attachments). During this meeting Council considered a total tax (without determining how it would be imposed) of between $5 million and $7.4 million. The Chamber of Commerce requested that it be given a week to take these numbers back to its members and provide a proposal from the business community regarding the City placing tax measures on the April 2014 election. The Council agreed but recognized the relatively short window of time it has to direct staff as to how it wants to proceed. Accordingly, this Special Meeting is being held so that the Council can consider the Chamber's proposal and potentially provide direction to staff. EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 19, 2013 AGENDA STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Unfinished Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to direct staff to prepare the necessary documents to potentially place ballot measures on the April 2014 election to amend the City's tax codes for purposes of increasing the City's revenues, including but not limited to: potentially eliminating the sales tax credit granted to businesses and create a parking lot tax as part of the City's business license taxes (`BLT "); increasing the utility user tax ( "UUT "); increasing the transient occupancy tax ( "TOT "); and, imposing a UUT on the residents. Additionally, direct staff as to whether to prepare an advisory ballot measure that would reflect whether or not the voters believe a portion of any proposed tax increase should be provided to the El Segundo Unified School District. (Fiscal Impact: Unknown). RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1. Direct staff to prepare the necessary documents to potentially place ballot measures on the April 2014 election to amend the City's tax codes for purposes of increasing the City's revenues, including but not limited to: (a) eliminating the sales tax credit granted to businesses which reduces the amount of BLT the businesses pay and create a parking lot business license tax; (b) increasing the utility user tax imposed on businesses; (c) increasing the transient occupancy tax; (d) imposing a utility user tax on the residents; and (e) amending other portions of the City's tax codes to increase City revenues; 2. Direct staff as to whether or not to prepare an advisory ballot measure that would reflect whether or not the voters believe a portion of any proposed tax increase should be provided to the El Segundo Unified School District. 3. Take other related action. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Attachment A — UUT and TOT Comparisons with Nearby Cities Attachment B — Survey results and comments —All responses Attachment C — Survey results and comments— Registered Voters FISCAL IMPACT: Amount Budgeted: $N /A Additional Appropriation: N/A Account Number(s): N/A ORIGINATED BY: Mark Hensley, City Attorney REVIEWED BY: Deborah Cullen, Director of Finance APPROVED BY: Greg Carpenter, City Manager BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: At the August 22, 2013, City Council Strategic Planning Workshop, the Council was presented with budget information for fiscal years 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 which shows that the City has had and continues to have a budget that is not structurally balanced. The payments the City receives from Chevron pursuant to agreement entered into within Chevron earlier this year is providing the revenues necessary to balance the 2013/2014 budget. However, based on forecasted revenues and expenditures staff is projecting a budget shortfall of $ 3,602,802 million for fiscal year 2014/2015 and if the City were to increase expenditures for capital projects recommended by staff the deficit increases to $5,602,802. The Council was presented with several options for purposes of beginning the discussion of how to balance the City's budget in future years, including (1) reducing City expenditures by reducing or eliminating City services; (2) contracting out public safety services; or (3) increasing the City's tax revenues. With regard to the latter option, staff provided Council with an overview of different scenarios for amending the City's tax codes and how such would increase City revenues. The Council also raised issues such as potentially placing an advisory measure on the ballot to determine if the voters would want some portion of any potential new tax revenues provided to the ESUD. Additionally, Council requested some information with regard to potentially imposing a utility user tax on residents. City taxes are currently only imposed on businesses within the City. On September 25, 2013 staff made a presentation to Council for consideration and possible action to direct staff to prepare documents for potential tax increases. During this meeting there was consensus from Council to direct staff to prepare a public information program related to the City's financial situation. Staff was instructed to coordinate dates, times and venues for the public information meetings with as many community groups and citizenry as possible. Included in this list were all Commission, Committee and Board meetings. Council also asked that staff create a survey that can be handed out at each meeting to gauge community /business feedback. A financial presentation with details regarding the City's financial position and 3 -year forecast was prepared. Included in this presentation were the options and potential tax increases that were previously presented to Council. In an effort to disseminate this information to all residents a video was created and made available on the City's website and the local cable channel. Additionally, 3 outreach meetings were scheduled for the general public, (two weekday meetings and one weekend meeting) and a letter was mailed to all residents that have a water billing account with details (time /place) for the scheduled outreach meetings. The City also ran 2 advertisements in the El Segundo Herald and flyers with outreach information were made available at all City facilities. Since September 25th the City Manager has made this presentation at 13 meetings and conducted surveys at each of these venues. The community groups include the Friends of the Library, Park Vista, Rotary and Kiwanis clubs and the Boards and Commissions include Recreation and Parks, Planning Commission and El Segundo Board of Education. Approximately 170 individuals have completed the survey consisting of 10 questions /options related to demographics, tax increases and City services. The results of the survey showed that generally the individuals participating were satisfied with City services and a majority supported a potential tax increase. See attached for complete results and comments, including the actual surveys. Staff is seeking direction from the Council with respect to what tax measures, if any, that Council wants to place on the April 2014 general municipal election. Council has until January 8, 2014 to adopt the necessary documents to place ballot measure on the April election. However, staff thought it was prudent to place this matter before Council as soon as possible given that staff does not know how long Council may wish to discuss and consider its options and, depending on Council direction, staff needs sufficient time to prepare the necessary documents for Council action. The potential tax increases are proposed to be general taxes (meaning they will be deposited into the City's general fiend and can be used for any lawful local government purpose) and the proposed increases require approval by a majority of the electorate pursuant to Article XIII C of the California Constitution. To place a general tax increase on the general municipal election four of the five Council Members must pass the resolution(s) necessary to place the proposed increase(s) on the ballot. Utility Users Tax The City currently imposes a 3% UUT on businesses for electricity, gas, water services and 2% for communication services. As shown on Exhibit A, the City charges less UUT than the surrounding jurisdictions. Staff estimates that for each 1% increase (in all UUT's combined) the City will collect estimated additional annual revenues of $1,401,204. If the Council were to impose a UUT on residents, for each 1% of tax imposed on residential electricity, gas and water services the City would collect approximately $342,350 of additional annual revenues. Transient Occupancy Tax The City currently imposes an 8% TOT on individuals occupying hotels or motels within the City. Exhibit A reflects that the City charges less, and in some cases substantially less than the surrounding jurisdictions. Staff estimates that for each 1% increase in TOT the City will collect an additional $637,500 in annual revenues. Business License Taxes Elimination of Business Sales Tax Credit The City currently provides businesses with a credit towards their annual business license tax in an amount equal to the sales tax payments the City receives from businesses. If the City eliminates this credit, it is estimated that the City's annual BLT revenues will increase annually in the amount of $1,100,000. Imposing a Parking Lot Tax Imposition of a 10% citywide parking tax would provide up to $1,158,392 in additional business license taxes depending on which of the following taxes were collect: 1. Airport parking (long -term parking) estimate revenue - $295,000; 2. Transient validation and valet parking estimated revenue - $346,404; 3. Monthly tenant parking estimated revenue - $516,900 Advisory Ballot Measure — ESUSD The Council expressed some interest in potentially putting an advisory ballot measure on the election for purposes of seeing if the voters would like to see some portion of the revenues from any proposed tax increase provided to the ESUSD. The Council can place such a measure on the ballot but it has no binding legal effect and will not require that the City provide any revenues form any increase in tax revenues the School District. However, the Council and future Council can consider the results of such an advisory measures as the Council adopts its annual budget. This would require two separate ballot measures. The questions might look like this: Measure A: "SHALL THE ORDINANCE (ORDINANCE NO. 123) AUTHORIZING THE IMPOSITION OF A PARKING TAX AT AN ANNUAL FLAT RATE OF $X DOLLARS ($X) PER PARKING SPACE BE ADOPTED?" Measure B: SHALL THE ORDINANCE (ORDINANCE NO. 456) ADVISING THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO REGARDING THE EXPENDITURE OF NEW PARKING TAX REVENUE BE ADOPTED? Procedural Issues Re Preparation of Ballot Measures What Specific Amendments/Increases Does Council Want to Place on the Ballot? Staff needs Council direction regarding which taxes, if any, that four members of the Council can agree on amending and /or increasing. It only takes three members of Council to place the advisory measure on the ballot, but unless four Council Members can agree on the proposed amendments /increases to the City's tax code, an advisory measure would be moot. Does Council Want the Proposed Amendments/Increases combined into one ballot measure or does it want separate ballot measures for each proposed amendment /increase? Council has the option of either combining all of the proposed amendments and /or increases into one ballot measure (except an advisory ballot measure which must be a separate measure) or placing separate ballot measure for each amendment and /or increase on the ballot. This is a policy consideration for the Council. Council may wish to consider whether it wants all of the measures tied together with the understanding if it passes or fails that all of the proposed amendments pass or fail as opposed to having each amendment /increase voted on separately. An additional consideration is that a ballot measure question can only contain 75 words. Thus, depending on number of amendments /increases that the Council wants to include in the ballot measure then it may become more difficult to specifically describe each amendment /increase than it would be if all of the amendments /increases are placed on the ballot as separate measures. For example, if the Council were to place all of the amendments /increases before the electorate then the ballot question might take the form of one of the two options below: "SHALL THE ORDINANCE (ORDINANCE NO. 123) ENTITLED "AN INITIATIVE MEASURE AUTHORIZING A ONE PERCENT (1 %) INCREASE TO THE UTILITY USER TAX, BUSINESS LICENSE TAX, AND TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX TO FUND GENERAL MUNICIPAL SERVICES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, POLICE PROTECTION AND INVESTIGATIONS, SUPPRESSION OF GANG AND DRUG RELATED CRIMES, REMOVAL OF GRAFFITI, RAPID RESPONSE TO EMERGENCIES, SERVICES TO SENIOR CITIZENS, AND MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF CITY STREETS AND LANDSCAPING" BE ADOPTED?" [70 words] "SHALL THE ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN INITIATIVE MEASURE AUTHORIZING A 1% INCREASE TO THE UTILITY USER TAX; A 2% INCREASE TO THE BUSINESS LICENSE TAX; AUTHORIZING A 3% TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX; REPEALING THE BUSINESS INCENTIVE TAX CREDIT; AND ADDING A NEW PARKING TAX TO FUND GENERAL MUNICIPAL SERVICES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, POLICE PROTECTION AND INVESTIGATIONS, RAPID RESPONSE TO EMERGENCIES, SERVICES TO SENIOR CITIZENS, AND MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF CITY STREETS" BE ADOPTED?" (71 words) Alternatively, if each is proposed separately then the measures would be virtually identical and read as follows: "SHALL THE ORDINANCE AMENDING EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 3 -7 TO INCREASE THE UTILITY USER TAXES BY 1% TO FUND GENERAL MUNICIPAL SERVICES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, POLICE PROTECTION AND CRIME SUPPRESSION SERVICES, FIRE PREVENTION AND SUPPRESSION SERVICES, AND PARK AND RECREATION FACILITIES AND SERVICES BE ADOPTED?" "SHALL THE ORDINANCE AMENDING EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE § 3 -4 -3 TO INCREASE THE TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAXES BY 1% TO FUND GENERAL MUNICIPAL SERVICES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, POLICE PROTECTION AND CRIME SUPPRESSION SERVICES, FIRE PREVENTION AND SUPPRESSION SERVICES, AND PARK AND RECREATION FACILITIES AND SERVICES BE ADOPTED?" `SHALL THE ORDINANCE AMENDING EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ELIMINATE THE BUSINES LICENSE SALES TAX CREDIT AND ESTABLISH A PARKING TAX TO FUND GENERAL MUNICIPAL SERVICES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, POLICE PROTECTION AND INVESTIGATIONS, SUPPRESSION OF GANG AND DRUG RELATED CRIMES, REMOVAL OF GRAFFITI, AND RAPID RESPONSE TO EMERGENCIES BE ADOPTED?" Conclusion Staff wanted to place this issue before Council well in advance of the cut -off date so that Council would have adequate time to consider its options and staff would have adequate time to prepare the necessary documents, if so directed by Council, to place ballot measures on the April general municipal election. ATTACHMENT A - UUT & TOT COMPARISONS WITH NEARBY CITIES GAS, ELECTRIC Ft WATER UTILITY USERS' TAX 12% All Charge Residential UUT except for City of El Segundo 10% Average° 8% 7% 6% 4% a� - 2% f' — 0% `ago cfp "o aP c., TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX 14% 12% 10% -- 8% 6% 4% 2% tea° r 0 rye ec� e City of El Segundo ATTACHMENT B O1 Are you an El Segundo Resident, Employee or Owner of an El Segundo Business? Answered: 160 Skipped; 0 Resident of El Segundo Employee or Owner of an El Segundo... Other 0% 20% Answer Cholces Resident of El Segundo Employee or Owner of an El Segundo Business Other # Other (please specify) 7 Local (Immediate) Resident 2 Work in El Segundo. Employee- 3 _ Involved 4 Have done business with the City. 5 Non - resident 6 Home -based business. 7 Apartment Building Owner 40% 60% 80% 100% 1/17 Responses 85% 136 26.88% 43 5.83% 9_ . Hate - - -- - - r11/7/2013 1:51 PM 11/7/2013 1:47 PM 11/7/2013 1:44 PM _- 10/29/2013 3:32 PM 10/29/2013 3:08 PM 10/28/2013 8 :38 AM 10/24/2013 9:24 AM City of El Segundo Q2 How long have you been a resident of El Segundo? Answered: 145 Skipped; 15 0.5 yrs 6 -10 yrs 11 -15 yrs i I 16+ yrs Anew ar Choices 0 -5 yrs 6 -10 yrs 11 -15 yrs 16+ yrs Towl' ResporWeMS:145 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Responses 11.03% 2117 13.79% - - - - °_ _ -- - 11.72% � -- -- - 63.45% 16 20 17 92 Yes PW City of El Segundo 03 Are you areglatered voter In El Segundo? Armweft&-157 Skipped.3 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% AnsWer ChWdOs Responses Yes 81.53% 126 No 10.47% 29 Taut 157 3117 Male Female City of E Segundo 04 Whet is your gender AmwvwW.160 Skipmd 0 09E 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Arntwt.Clwk4s Responses Male 59.38% 95 Female Y 40.839E 65 Total _ - - 180 4117 A3wer Choicoi 18 -30 v- — 31 -40 41-50 51.60 61+ Total Respondents: 158 City of El Segundo Q5 What age group are you in? Maswsred:155 5kippeck 2 i 1#3 -3D i I 31.40 41-50 51.60 81+ i 0% 20% 40% 80% 5117 Respopt:as 20.25% 27.22% 80% 100% 1 14 32 43 68 Police Services Fire Services Recreation and Parks Services City of El Segundo QS Are you satisfied with the level of service provided in the following areas? Answered: 156 Skipped:4 VWn.."IJ � v i _.' Library Services 6/17 Condition of Streets and Sidewalks r City of El Segundo 441. -J1 r M Condition of Public Buildings Overall City Services 0% 20% 40% 60% 60% 100% a, Very Satisfied Satisfied No Opinion ® Dissatisfied 0 Very Dissatisfied 7/17 Very Satisfied Satisfied 66.45% 30.97% 103 46 No Opinion Dissatisfied 1.29% 1.29% 2 2 Very Dissatisfied Total Respondents 0 %. 0 155 Police Services Fire Services 66.45% 30.32% 2.58% 0.65% O %. 103 47 4 1 0 155 Recreation and Parks Services 51.97 %. 39.47 %. 6.58 %. j 1.32% 0.66% 79 60 10 i 2 1 152 7/17 City of El Segundo Library Services 44.3M 83.il% IIA11% S.31% 1.32% 67 so 27 151 of ev"u. si...4 is.s. 39-74% 947% 31.13% 2.05% 28 00 14 47 4 0% "3 Oo"Oorw of Public Aulldings 18.1111% 4?AO% 23.38% 11.04% 28 73 36 17 a '154 Overall City Services 3.25% 1.30% 33.12% 02.34% 0% 1 $1 1 6 2 0 154 8/17 City of El Segundo Q7 Given the City's financial situation, do you believe the City should: Answered: 156 Skipped.4 Reduce the Size of the _ City... Further - - -- reduce Employee... - Consider `n J Contracting J ENV for County... r',� Consider Contracting for County... 9/17 Consider Contracting for County... Increase Taxes City of El Segundo 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Strongly Support _In Support O Neither .Oppose E Strongly Oppose 10/17 Strongly Support Neither Oppose Strongly Total Support 1 Oppose Respondents Reduce the Size of the City Worldorce 10.53% 21.71% 25.66% 26.32% 15.79% 16 33 39 40 24 152 Further reduce Employee Salaries and Benefits 1 20.67% 22.67% 24% 19.33% 9 14.00% 31 34 36 29 ^ 21 ] 151 Consider Contracting for County Services for Fire 11.26% 18.54% 8.61% 31.13% 30.46% 17 28 13 47 46 151 Consider Contracting for County Services for 3.97% 12.58% 10.60% 30.46% 42.38% Sheriff { 6 19 16 46 64 151 Consider Contracting for County Services for 6.67% 28.67% 19.33% _ 24% 21.33% Library 10 43 29 36 32 150 Increase Taxes 27.33% 41.33% 10.67% 9.33% 12% 41 62 16 14 18 151 10/17 City of El Segundo Q8 Based on the information provided what is your opinion on the following tax measures: Increase in TOT (Hotel Visitor Tax) Increase Business UUT (Utility Tax) 1 Implement a New Residentla... Eliminate Business License Ta... Answered: 155 Skipped :5 ■ 11/17 City of El Segundo 1 Implement a Parking Tax 0% 20% 40% Increase in TOT (Hotel Visitor Tax) Increase Business UUT (Utility Tax) 60% 80% 100% Strongly Support M Support Neither M Oppose W Strongly Oppose Implement a New Residential UUT (Utility Tax) Eliminate Business License Tax Credit Implement a Parlang Tax singly support 9upprirt Neither I Oppose Wronglyoppogo _Total Respondents 54.55% 29.22% 6.49% 6.49% 3.25% 84 45 10 10 5 154 41.06% 33.77% 11.92% 10.60% 2.65% 62 51 18 16 4 151 35.53% 28.95% 15.79% 13.82% 5.92% 54 44 24 21 9 152 34% 30.67% 22% 10.67% 4% 51 46 33 16 6 152 T 36.24% 37.58% 11.41% 9.40% 6.04% 54 56 17 14 9 _150 - 12/17 S Responses 1 �2 3 4 5 City of El Segundo Q9 Do you have any suggestions for how the City can raise revenues? Answered: 58 Skipped: 102 Higher taxes on Chevron. Bring new business to El Segundo (e.g. Smoky Hollow revitalization). Upgrade downtown businesses, buildings and parWng to make it more accomodating to all. Plus make sure Chevron is paying their stare ongoing. Include the School District i Hold events at El Segundo beach, charge entry and charge parlvng at event. Bring Park & Rec feesto compare with Manhattan Beach and other cities. Dais 11/13/2013 9:02 AM 11/13/2013 8:52 AM 11/13/2013 8:27 AM 11/7/2013 2:06 PM 11/7/2013 2:00 PM 6 Could we re- structure fire dept. —keep local, but more joint response agreements? or combo 11/7/2013 1:57 PM employee /volunteer? Charge residentstrash fee or have them pay trash collection companies directly. 7 You have a tough job. Thanks! 11/7/2013 1:54 PM 6 i ~ Raise other fees —> plancheck/permits —> Rec /Park fees —> Sponsoring events by corporations. 11/7/2013 1:52 PM — 9 Sports Venue - Maple / Mash - Douglas Area^ R 11/7/2013 1:51 PM 10 Increase income taxes 11/7/2013 1:46 PM 11 Pay for trash. Have 401kwith .25 City match same as private business. 11/7/2013 1:44 PM 12 One possibility is IF we are to implement a new residential UUT that it happenswhen a property issold 11/6/2013 3:25 PM and the new buyerwould be subject to a fixed UUT from thereon forward. So currently, everyone does not have to pay new tax. Only new residents are subject to it when they buy property in El Segundo. 13 —> Increase businessgrowth (retail) on Main Street and Plaza El Segundo —> Recruit new businessesto 10/29/20134:18 PM have open houses, advertise, co- sponsor events, engage in the community. [Increase UUT: 1% & 3 %] 14 1 think schools need to cover the cost of staffing provided by City. Increase fees for filming in El 10/29/2013 3:48 PM Segundo. [This person wrote under #8 —> Eliminate Business License Tax Credit, "Partial "] 15 Tax plunge, tax tennis courts, handball courts, per hour. ! 10/29/2013 3:43 PM 16 Charge for trash -residential. 10/29/2013 3:41 PM 17 Make available secondary street signs such as "Mike Gordon Parkway" to businesses is: El Segundo 10/29/2013 3:35 PM Boulevard "Chevron Parkway" etc. 18 Rent golf course. Sell the sand on the beach! It replaces itself. 10/2912013 3:34 PM 19 Sell property (lease ?) 10/29/2013 3:33 PM 20 Residents pay for residential trash pick -up. TOT - Raise 2 %; Trash pick -up paid by residents; Utility-2% 10/29/2013 3:32 PM across the board. 21 Vote for a parcel tax on every piece of property in El Segundo - commercial and private. —T — 10/2912013 3:19 PM 22 _ Y I'm all for solving the problems as much as possible via taxes on visitors, ie: TOT & parking taxes. Also, 10/29/2013 3:16 PM are proposed economic development improvements accounted for? 23 Residential Responsibilities... Raise in Taxes... —> Metered parking on Main, Richmond, & Grand. 10/29/2013 3:13 PM 24 Aggressively pursue expanding the tax base visa attracting more businesses ("Silicon Beach" in 10/28/2013 8:38 AM Smokey Hollow) - Variety, variety, variety. - Encourage residentsto upgrade their houses. 26 Aggressively develop new business to move to the City. 10/28/2013 8:34 AM 26 See above and charge for trash collection. 10/28/2013 8:30 AM 27 Try to attract more businesses and diversify businesses as well as increase taxes by a small amount over i 10/28/2013 8:28 AM many payers, residential and business. 28 t � Consider taxes listed above. 4 10!28/2013 8:28 AM 13/17 City of El Segundo 28 Enforce business license requirements within the City. Have employees withing certain groups pay 10/28/2013 8:24 AM more for free benefits they receive. Quit waiving fee'sfor all the non -profit groups in the City. Charge residentsfor garbage collection, but exclude apartment and condo units, 30 Need major P.R. campaign effort to inform public on need to support utility taxes. 10/28/2013 6:22 AM 31 Bring in new business! Lower business taxes and restrictlonson businesses. 10/24/2013 4:03 PM 32 Establish some kind of parking / mooring fee for all shipsthat offload their crude 1/2 mile off the City 10/24/2013 2:27 PM coast.Require residents to pay trash. 33 Residents need to pay fair share of City services expense. 10/24/2013 2:25 PM 34 ^Us resi dents need to pay more (trash, uut, other taxes). Employees have been drasl!caIly cut, more cuts 10/24/2013 2:24 PM will just reduce further services. i 35 Increase taxes: [TOT, UUT, Residential UUT, Parking Tax & Eliminate Business License Tax Credit]. Citizens pay for their trash collection. 36 1. Residential Trash Tax 2. Hotel Occupancy Tax 37 Increase Chevron Tax to be equal to surrounding Oil Refineries. 38 Have residents pay for trash pick -up. 39 'Increase Hotel tax "More retail by Plaza El Segundo? " Outsource golf course "Increase parking tickets fines. *Put parking meters in on Main St. "Increase UUT, lease parking spaces for fee on Sepulveda areas. " Use City parking garage by 99cent store for leased LAX pig. "Use Chevron taxes *Charge for all services used (PD & FD) if person broke the law. 40 -,--TRe.4dents need to pay more fortheir services. 41 Manage the money correctly. The taxes are not competitive with other South Bay Cities. They don't seem to be having this problem. Bad business decisions on your part. Why would you lower your taxes when everything naturally increases? 42 Reduce - expenditures -why raise taxeswhen City has probably been mismanaged over the years. 43 Outsource 44 TOT is way too cheap! Should be at least 12 %. Businesstax + Residential utility tax should be increased. Red -card fees, look at reduced health care costs for the City employees. 45 TAKE THE UUT EXCEPTION FOR ALL APARTMENT UNITS 4 AND DOWN 7010 UNITS NOT PAYING. REVISIT TRASH COLLECTION FEES IF IT RAISES INCOME FOR CITY. 46� 1 Ask people with low long- 7!mtstaxes to pay higher tax.(or demand?). (THAT WOULD BE ME, BY THE WAYI) 47 Unfortunately across the board tax increases with prudent cuts. 48 Contact Byran and Eva Sweeney for more ideas of economic and CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT as they did with the ES Museum of Art & their fire station development. 49 increase Parks & Rec fees 50 Tax Retirees 51 Make filming -> film industry more attractive - filming - studios. 52 "All of the above, "Sell excess equipment. "Ensure salaries are equivalent to other cities "Treat i retirement benefits to retirees like businesses (eliminate via payout). 53 54 55 56 charge for trash collection attract more businesses encourage shopping local Don't touch employees anymore. Increase taxes ALL Residents, single, multi, etc pay for track pick up. Improve development of lands. Increase some form of property taxes 57 Increase user fees at ParWRec. 58 �~ Add a 114 or 112 cent/dolIar city sales tax. 14/17 10/24/2013 2:22 PM 10/24/2013 2:19 PM 10/24/2013 2:15 PM 10/24/2013 2:14 PM 10/24/2013 2:10 PM 10/24/2013 1:48 PM 10/24/2013 1:45 PM 10/24/2013 1:42 PM 10/24/2013 1:40 PM 10/24/2013 9:56 AM 10/24/2013 9:47 AM 10124/2013 9:24 AM 10/24/2013 9:19 AM 10/23/2013 3:02 PM 10/23/2013 2:44 PM 10/23/2013 2:32 PM 10/23/2013 7:40 AM 10/23/2013 7:29 AM 10/21/2013 3:44 PM 10/21/2013 3:41 PM 10/21/2013 3:39 PM 10/21/2013 3:37 PM 10/21/2013 3:32 PM 10/21/2013 2:56 PM City of El Segundo Q10 Do you have any suggestions for how the City can reduce expenses? Answered: 54 Skipped: 106 �f Responses Dabs 1 Cut management for Fire /Police. We don't need two Police Captains, etc... 11/13/2013 8:38 AM 2 4 Limit or reduce police and Tire department salaries, benefits, pension. Also, reduce top management 11/13/2013 8:35 AM positions. 3 Street sweep: eliminate or reduce frequency. Do we have to have two lifeguards with pool when high T 11/7/2013 2:00 PM school is using it? r W 4 v Reduce pensions 11/7/2013 1:54 PM Lower administrative costs(salaries(benefits). Reduce size of Police force. - 11/7!2013 1:51 PM 6 dial -a -ride? 11/7/2013 1:48 PM 7 s Pay to pickup trash. Negotiate payment of retirement benefits. 11/7/2013 1:46 PM Simplify sysiemswithin City. Use technology. 11!712013 1:44 PM 9 Instead of laying off people, they can change to part-time employees. 10/29/2013 4:56 PM 10 -> Can a group create a fund raising arm for major projects such as Uurho Saari? Annual Library fees 10/29/2013 4:18 PM i would be OK with me! (Family) 11 Sell of or lease land or parking lot on northeast comer of Main and Grand. That is a ton of space just 10/29/2013 4:06 PM used forFirefightersto parkCharge higher fees for non - residents to use City facilities (Parks & Rec). �- 12 Where I worked they draw a line in the sand & said - all new hireswould not receive retiree medical 10/29/2013 3:48 PM benefits. 13 _ Retire the exorbitant selades$250k+ of bosses.i 10/29/2013 3:43 PM 14 No pensions for City employee& 10/29/2013 3:39 PM 15 Reduce salariesand pensions. 10/29/2013 3:33 PM 16 Cutout some special events- Parks& Rec. Reduce expenses for trips, conferences, and seminars 10129/2013 3:32 PM including Police and Fire. - 10/29/2013 3:29 PM 17 Forma blue ribbon committee to look at possible reducing $ busses -dog park -trash fee. etc. etc. Less to schols 18- - I'm glad we're a full service City. I appreciate the cutsthat have been made. I thinkthat cost control 10/29/2013 3:16 PM - needsto remain In focus (limiting raises& benefits) within maintaining current staffing levels, 19_ Re- position Fire & Police Staffing. -3 Beach Cities Shared Services. 10/29/2013 3:13 PM 20 Y Automate as many services as possible. Install solar (PV & Thermal) on all City building& Add a - 10/28/2013 8:38 AM windmill next to the water tower or above the power station / Hyperion ridge. 21 f Allow more position vacated not to be filled with full time employees. Lookto outsource non - resident 10/28/2013 8:34 AM -22 facing departments ^ -' Include Chevron in the elimination of the business license tax credit. Don't commit to supporting a 10/28/2013 6:30 AM pool for W eebum USD, I 23 Eliminate life time benefitsfor everyone, 10/28/2013 8:26 AM 24 Does the city need a fleet of buseefor shuffle services. Why purchase all the fire equipment vehicles 10/28/2013 8:24 AM (ladder truck search and rescue trailer, etc) when all they do issit, or go to garage for repalm I 25 Close down the swimming pool. Cut the number of City worker& � 10/28/2013 8:18 AM w 26 -w 1, Look closely at how to contain coats in safety area. In new none, how do we cut the fat so to speak I 10/28/2013 8:13 AM Primarily since It appearsto be most expensive item In E.S. 2. How an Independent entity evaluate the City for Ideas on how to nun City more efficiently. 15/17 City of El Segundo 50 eliminate retirement benefits for those with lessthan 30 yearsservice 61 Reduce retirement benefits. Reduce size of fire department. 52 Comments are spot on. The unions have too much way -limit union contributions to campaigns. 53 Severely cut or eliminate all pensions. 54 Reduce the budget to Recreation and Parts; -used by a limited number of residents. 16/17 10/21/2013 3:45 PM 10/21/2013 3:37 PM 10/21/2013 3:36 PM 10121/2013 3:32 PM 10/21/2013 3:02 PM 27 Motorcycle -Gone 1 Fire Station 10/28/2013 8:11 AM 28 Vote for a Republican conservative in all areas of Federal, State, County, and City governmentill 10/24/2013 4:03 PM 29 Library and fire department. 10/24/2013 2:27 PM 30 Reduce pendons. 10/24/2013 2:27 FM 31 Go county fire and county library. 10/24/2013 2:25 PM 32 Eliminate fire dept. L.A. County can do just as good of a job. 10/24/2013 2:24 PM 33 *Regionalize city services* Eliminate medical benefillsto City Council Members *Eliminate special 10/24/2013 2:22 PM events paid for by City - le: July 4th, that generate unnecessary cools, especially overtime cost. 34 1. Take away lifetime medical for City Council. 2. Start regionalizing more City services throughout 10/24/2013 2:19 PM T Southbay. (ie: animal control) 35 *Charge residents trash fees *Raise tax by 1% *Implement parking tax 10/24/2013 2:15 PM 36 Eliminate lifetime medical benefitsfor City Council. 10/24/2013 2:14 PM 37 Oulsource City Services is: Maintenance, Street Division, Vehicle Maintenance 10124/2013 212 PM 38 Drop the library and bring It back when you can afford it. 10/24/2013 2:0-7 PM 39 1 will need more information, but I believe — better management could reduce cost without the need to 10/24/2013 1:42 PM raise taxes. 40 DO NOT TAX BUSINESSES OUT OF BUSINESS! FUND RAISERS?! RAISE RENT ON SENIOR 10/24/2013 9:24 AM HOUSING. OPEN EXPENSIVE SENIOR HOUSING AS REVENUE. FLAT E.S. TAX ON ALL RESIDENTIAL & ANY HOUSING. 41 Reduce Pensions 10/24/2013 9:18 AM 42 Number of employees and compensation both seem high. 10/23/2013 3:11 PM 43 Pensionsforthe police/fire & Top ES Mgmtistoo high. Under#7, Reduce the Size ofthe City 10/2312013 3:09 PM Workforce, this person wrote, "Police & Fire". Under#7 Further reduce Employee Salariesand Benefits, this person wrote, "Police, Fire, UpperMgmt". 44 Reconsider County Fire Research County Library 10/23/2013 2:57 PM 45 EMPLOYEE SALARIES AND BENEFITS NEED TO BE REDUCED TO PAY LEVEL OF PRIVATE 10/23/2013 2:56 PM INDUSTRY. EL SEGUNDO DOES NOT HAVE A REVENUE PROBLEM. IT HAS A SPENDING PROBLEM. 46 Further reduce Employee Salaries and Benefits, this person wrote: "Especially FD & PD". That isthe 10/23/2013 2:35 PM City's Job to figure out, but the way to go. 47 Reduce retiree health expenses think Obamacare for them reduce pensions- 10/23/2013 2:32 PM 48 Acromthe board cuts to balance expenses to revenue. 10/23/2013 7:29 AM 49 Reconsider outsourcing of fire services J 10/21/2013 3:47 PM 50 eliminate retirement benefits for those with lessthan 30 yearsservice 61 Reduce retirement benefits. Reduce size of fire department. 52 Comments are spot on. The unions have too much way -limit union contributions to campaigns. 53 Severely cut or eliminate all pensions. 54 Reduce the budget to Recreation and Parts; -used by a limited number of residents. 16/17 10/21/2013 3:45 PM 10/21/2013 3:37 PM 10/21/2013 3:36 PM 10121/2013 3:32 PM 10/21/2013 3:02 PM City of El Segundo Q1 1 Other Comment Answered: 12 Skipped: 148 # Responses 06110 1 [Dissatisfied with condition of City swimming] pool[s]- 10/29/2013 4:18 PM 2 Looked like revenue is highest it has been, & projected to increase. Now there is a deficit. How do we 10/29/2013 3:49 PM control our expense? 3 Increase TOT by only 1 %. I 10/29/2013 3:41 PM 11 4 Strongly support Increase in TOT by 2% and strongly support Implementation of new residential UUT 10/29/2013 3:32 PM by 2 %. - 5 Condition of Streets& Sidewalks "could be improved".a 10/28/2013 8:38 AM 6 Wish Library wasopen Fridays! Need to know more about (contracting for County servicesfor R 10/28/2013 8:28 AM Fire /Sheriff) to make an informed decision. 7 Why is the Library going to reopen on Fridays for 9 months only? Then layoff 3 new hires, 1 full time 10/28/2013 8:21 AM emp, part time. It seems like reopening on Fridays iswaste of money and personnel. 8 [Staff] have already paid a lot in the last round. Police Services are more important than Fire. 10124/2013 2:24 PM 9 Don't IIke the City closed on Fridays. 10/24/2013 2:10 PM 10 NONE - FEDERAL, STATE, COUNTY, CITY, PROPERTY TAX, SALES, EXCISE TAXES AND ALL 10/23/2013 2:56 PM ADDED FEES TAKE 50% OF MY INCOME, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Under #16, "Are you satisfied..." —> Condition of Streets& Sidewalk, this person wrote, "DEPENDS ON VARIOUS STREETS ". 11 Note on #6 "Are you satisfied..." —> Library Services, this person wrote, "w/ Fri hours". 10/23/2013 2:53 PM 12 Under #6 —> Rec & Parts+ Library Services, this person wrote, "Schedule of classes & facilities is 10/23/2013 2:46 PM limited. Under #7 —> Consider Contracting for County Services for Library, this person wrote, "unless it meansclosing school libraries". 17/17 Resident of El Segundo Employee or Owner of an El Segundo... Other 0% Answer Choices Resident of El Segundo City of El Segundo ATTAC H M ENT C Q1 Are you an El Segundo Resident, Employee or Owner of an El Segundo Business? AnsweTed:128 Skipped.0 Employee or Owner of an El Segundo Business Other Total Respondents. 128 20% 40% 80% 80% 100% Responses 88.22 ° /. 127 20.31% 26 1.58% N2 # Other (please specify) Date 1 Home -based business. 10/28/2013 8:38 AM 2 Apartment Building Owner 10/24/2013 9:24 AM 1 /17 0-5 yrs 6 -10 yrs 11.15 yrs 18* yrs Y City of El Segundo Q2 How long have you been a resident of El Segundo? An5wered:128 Skipped.0 60% 80% 100% Answer ChWea/ � Fw aponsrf 0 -5 ym 7.03% 9 8-10 yrs T 12.50% 16 11 -15 ym 12.50% 16 16t yrs 87.97% 87 Total Respondents: 128 - - -- 2/17 Answer Cholusx Yes No Tatoll Yes City of El Segundo 03 Are you a registered voter In El Segundo? Answered; 428 Skipped: 0 No 0% 20% 40% 60% Responses 100% 3/17 80% 100% 120 128 Answer Cholass Male Female To"[ City of El Segundo Q4 What is your gender? Answered: 128 Skipped:0 Male Female 0% 20% 40% 80% lwspmses 57.01% 42.19% 4/17 80% 100% 74 54 128 City of El Segundo Q5 What age group are you in? Answered: 927 Skipped; 9 1930 31ai0 4140 S1 �i0 81* 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 900% Amwor.Chdcas Res ss 18.30 0% 0 3140 49.60 41.40. 41� 7.87% 18.80% 25.98% 47.24% *Wl FtOoPor*01 f21 I 5117 90 Police Services Fire Services Recreation and Parks Services City of El Segundo Q6 Are you satisfied with the level of service provided in the following areas? Answered: 126 Skipped; 2 bee J. 6/17 Condition of Streets and Sidewalks City of El Segundo Condition of Public Buildings ? -1 Overall City Services l Police Services Fire Services Recreation and Parks Services 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Very Satisfied 'I';_ I Satisfied ; No Opinion W Dissatisfied ■ Very Dissatisfied Very Smashed Satisfied No Opinion Wsssttsfied very Nissans} fed Total Respondents 61.00% 35.20% 1.60% i 1.60% 0% 77 44 2 2 0 126 W 64.30% 32% 2.40% 0180% 0% 81 40 3 1 0 125 50.41% 42.28% 4.88 ° /. 62 62 6 2 1 123 7/17 Library Services Condtfon Of Strooft and CondlOon of Publio With Overall Oily Services City, of EI, Seoundo, 8117 122 124 125 125 46,00% 38.82% 11A$% 3,29% 0.$2% 56 47 U 4 fdowalt+ 16.39% 34.43% 3111-52% a."% 2A6% 20 47 12 42 40.60% 49.40% 12.80% 0% 20.60% 24 012 26 1$ 0 28-00% 05% 0.80% 0% 2,40% 38 as a 1 0 8117 122 124 125 125 City of El Segundo Q7 Given the City's financial situation, do you believe the City should: '•'� =.1 Reduce the size of the City... - -- Further reduce Employee... Consider Contracting for County... Consider Contracting for County... ■ 8/17 I. Consider Contracting for County... Increase Taxes City of El Segundo 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% i Strongly Support W Support O Neither 0 Oppose E Strongly Oppose 10/17 8lranplY i Support Neither Oppose Strongly Total - support � - -- Oppose Respondents _ 22.95% 24.69% Reduce the Size of the City Worldorce 11.48% , 27.05% 13.93% 14 28 30 , 33 17 122 Further reduce Employee Salaries and Benefits 22.60% 23.33 %y 24.17% 20.83% 9.17•/. 27 28 29 25 11 120 Consider Contracting for County Services for Fire 10.60% 18.03% 31.97% V 31.15% 8.20% 13 22 10 39 38 122 Consider Contracting for County Services for 1u 3.33% 12.30% 9.17% 33.33% 41.67 ° /. Sheriff 4 15 11 40 50 120 Consider Contracting for County Services for ~ "~ 5.83% +27.50% 17.50% ~ 25.83% y`T 23.33•/. _ _ Library 7 33 'I 21 31 28 120 Increase Taxes .,. „_ 28.05•!.~ t53 44.54% 8.40% 7.58•/. 31 10 9 16 119 10/17 Increase in 'NT (Hotel Visitor Tax) Increase Business ULM (Utility Tax) Implement a New Residemle... City of El Segundo QS Based on the information provided what Is your opinion on the following tax measures: Answered: 123 Skipped; 5 ■ Eliminate Business License To... LM 11/17 lmplemenl a Parking Taa City of El Segundo 1 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Strongly Support A Support M Neither M Oppose E Strongly Oppose strongly Support Increase in TOT (Hotel Visitor Tax) 56.10% 69 Increase Business UUT (Utility Tax) 41.67% 50 Implement a New Residential UUT (Utility Tax) 33.00% 40 Eliminate Business License Tax Credit 33.00% 40 Implement a Parkng Tax _ 35.29% 42 5uppsrrt tVsitlrrr Oppose Strongly Oppose Total Responaentt 27.84% i 7.32% 5.08% 3.25% 34 9 7 4 123 33.33% 13.33% 10% 1.67% 40 16 12 2 120 28.83% 18.18% 13.22% �~ 6.81% 35 22 16 8 121 30.58% 22.31% 10.74% 4.13 % 37 27 13 5 122 38.06% 10.92% 10.08% 5.04% 46 I 13 12 6 119 12/17 City of El Segundo Q9 Do you have any suggestions for how the City can raise revenues? Answered: 46 Skipped: 82 a� Responses 1 Higher taxes on Chevron. Bring new business to El Segundo (e.g. Smoky Hollow revitalization). 2 Upgrade downtown businesses, buildings and parking to make it more accomodating to all. Plus make sure Chevron is paying their share ongoing. 3 Include the School District 4 Hold eventsai El Segundo beach, charge entry and charge parking at event. 5 Bring Park& Rec feesto compare with Manhattan Beach and othercit!es. 6 Could we re- structure fire dept. -keep local, but more joint response agreements? or combo employee /volunteer'? Charge residentstrash fee or have them pay trash collection companies directly. 7 j You have a tough job. Thankssi —8--F Raise otherfees: -> plancheckipermits -> Rec /Parkfees -> Sponsoring events by corporations. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 Increase income taxes. One possibility is IF we are to implement a new residential UUT that it happenswhen a property issold and the new buyer would be subject to a fixed UUT from thereon forward. So currently, everyone does not have to pay new tax. Only new residents are subject to it when they buy property in El Segundo. -> Increase buslnesegrowth (retail) on Main Street and Plaza El Segundo -> Recruit new businessesto have open houses, advertise, co- sponsor events, engage in the community. [Increase UUT: 1 % & 3 %] I think schools need to cover the cost of staffing provided by City. Increase fees for filming in El Segundo. [This person wrote under #8 —Eliminate Business License Tax Credit, "Partial "] Tax plunge, tax tennis courts, handball courts, perhour. Rent golf course. Sell the send on the beach! It replaces itself. -. Sell property (lease ?) Vote for a parcel tax on every piece of property in El Segundo - commercial and private. I'm all for solving the problems as much as possible via taxeson visitors, ie: TOT & parking taxes. Also, are proposed economic development improvements accounted for? Residential Responsibilities... Raise in Taxes,,> Metered parking on Main, Richmond, & Grand. Aggressively pursue expanding the tax base visa attracting more businesses ( "Silicon Beach" in Smokey Hollow) - Varlety, variety, variety. - Encourage residents to upgrade thelr houses. Aggressively develop new busl new to move to the City. See above and charge for trash collection. Date 11/13/2013 9:02 AM 11/13/2013 8:52 AM 11/13/2013 8:27 AM 11/7/2013 2:06 PM 11/7/20132:00 PM _...4. 11/7/2013 1:57 PM 11/7/2013 1:54 PM 11/7/2013 1:52 PM 11/7/2013 1:46 PM 11/6/2013 3:25 PM 10/29/2013 4:18 PM 10/29/2013 3:48 PM 10/29/2013 3:43 PM 10/29/2013 3:34 PM 10/29/2013 3:33 PM 10/29/2013 3:19 PM 10/29/2013 3:16 PM 10/29/2013 3:13 PM 10/28/2013 8:38 AM 10/28/2013 8:34 AM w 22 to attract more businesses and diversify businesses as well as increase taxes by a small amount over 10/28/2013 8:28 AM many payers, residential and business. 23 Consider taxes listed above. 10/28/2013 8:26 AM � 24 Enforce bualnessllcense requirements within the City. Have employeeswithing certain groupspay 10/28/2013 8:24 AM more for free benefits they receive. Quit waiving fee's for all the non - profit groups in the City. Charge k residents for garbage collection, but exclude apartment and condo units. 25 Need major P.R. campaign effort to inform public on need to support utility taxes. 10/28/2013 8:22 AM 26 Bring In new businewl Lower business taxes and restrictionson businesses. �T ^ 10/24/2013 4:03 PM r 27 Usresidenteneed to pay more (trash, uut, othertaxes), Employeeshave been drastically cut, more cuts 10/24/2013 2:24 PM will just reduce further services. 28 1, Residential Trash `fax 2. Hotel Occupancy Tax 10/24/2013 2:19 PM 13/17 City of El Segundo 29 "Increase Hotel tax "More retail by Plaza El Segundo? " Outsource golf course *Increase parking tickets 10/24/2013 2:10 PM fines "Put parking motors In on Main St. *Increase UUT, lease parking spacesforfee on Sepulveda areas. " Use City parking garage by 99cen1 store for leased LAX pig. "Use Chevron taxes'Charge for all services used (PD & FD) if person broke the law. `: 30 Reduce - expenditures - why raise taxes when City has probably been mismanaged over the years, 10/24/2013 1:42 PM 31 Outsource 10/24/2013 1:40 PM 32 TOT is way too cheap! Should be at least 12 %. Business tax + Residential utility tax should be 10/24/2013 9:56 AM Increased. Red -card fees look at reduced health care costs for the City employees 33 TAKE THE UUT EXCEPTION FOR ALL APARTMENT UNITS 4 AND DOWN 7010 UNITS NOT PAYING. 10/24/2013 9:47 AM REVISIT TRASH COLLECTION FEES IF IT RAISES INCOME FOR CITY. 34 Askpeople with low long- 71mtstaxes to pay higher tax.(or demand ?). (THAT WOULD BE ME, BY THE { 10/24/2013 9:24 AM WAYI) l 35� Unfortunately acrosethe board tax increaseswith prudent cuts~ 10/24/2013 9:19 AM 36 Contact Byran and Eva Sweeney for more ideas of economic and CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT asthey 10/23/2013 3:02 PM did with the ES Museum of Art & their fire station development. 37 - increase Parts a Rec fees 10/23/2013 2:44 PM 38T Tax Retirees 10/23/2013 2:32 PM 39 Make filming —> film Industry more attractive - filming - studios T T 10/23/2013 7:40 AM 40 *All of the above. "Sell excess equipment. 'Ensure salaries are equivalent to other cities. "Treat 10/23/2013 7:29 AM retirement benefitsto retirees like businesses (eliminate via payout). 41 charge fortrash collection attract more businesses encourage shopping local 10/21/2013 3:44 PM 42 Don't touch employees anymore. Increase taxes 10/21/2013 3:41 PM 43 ALL Residents single, multi, etc pay for track pickup. 10/21/2013 3:39 PM 44 Improve development of lands. Increase some form of property taxes. 10/21/2013 3:37 PM 45 Increase user fees at ParWRec. 10/21/2013 3:32 PM 46 Add a 1/4 or 112 cent/dollar city sales tax. I 10/21/2013 2:58 PM —.. 14/17 1 2 3 4 5 6 D 9 10 11 12 13 14 City of El Segundo Q'10 Do you have any suggestions for how the City can reduce expenses? Answered. 43 Skipped: 85 Responses onto ^ Cut management for Fire /Police. We don't need two Police Captains, etc... 11/13/2013 8:38 AM Limit or reduce police and fire department salaries, benefits, pension. Also, reduce top management 11/13/2013 8:35 AM positions. Street sweep: eliminate or reduce frequency. Do we have to have two lifeguardswith pool when high school isusing it? Reduce pensions dial -a -ride? Pay to pick up trash. Negotiate payment of retirement benefits. -- Instead of laying off people, they can change to part-time employees. �T u —> Can a group create a fund raising arm for major projects such as Uurho Saari? Annual Library fees would be OK with me! (Family) Sell of or lease land or parking lot on northeast comer of Main and Grand. That is a ton of space just used for Firefighters to parkCharge higher fees for non- residentsto use City facilities(Parks& Rec). Where I worked they draw a line in the sand & said — all new hireswould not receive retiree medical benefits. Retire the exorbitant salades$250k+ of bosses. ` No pensions for City employees. Reduce salaries and pensions. —_ Forma blue ribbon committee to look at possible reducing $ busses —dog park —trash fee. etc. etc. Lessto schoos. 15 I'm glad we're a full service City. I appreciate the cutsthat have been made. I thinkthat cost control needsto remain in focus(limiting raises& benefits) within maintaining current staffing levels 16 Re- position Fire & Police Staffing. —> Beach Cities Shared Services. 17 Automate as many services as possible. Install solar (PV & Thermal) on all City buildings. Add a windmill next to the water tower or above the power station ! Hyperion ridge. 18 Allow more position vacated not to be filled with full time employees. Look to outsource non - resident facing departments 19 Include Chevron in the elimination of the business license tax credit. Don't commit to supporting a y pool for Wisebum USD. 20 Eliminate lifetime benefitsfor everyone. y 21 Does the city need a fleet of buses for shuttle services. Why purchase all the fire equipment vehicles (laddertruck, search and rescue trailer, etc) when all they do issit, orgo to garage for repairs. 22 Close down the swimming pool. Cut the number of City workers 23 ~_ 1. Look closely at how to contain costs In safety area, In new norm, how do we cut the fat so to speak Primarily since it appears to be most expensive item in E.S. 2. How an Independent entity evaluate the City for ideas on how to run City more efficiently. 24 Motorcycle -Gone 1 Fire Station .�..�.�.._,..�.�. - .,...�.._...,�..,�...�� -- 25 — Vote fora Republican conservative In all areas of Federal, State, County, and City govemmenttil� 26 Reduce pennons .,27..... Eliminate fire dept. L.A, County can do Just aegood of a Job. 15117 11/7/2013 2:00 PM 11/7/2013 1:54 PM 11/7/2013 1:48 PM 11/7/2013 1:46 PM 10/29/2013 4:56 PM 10/29/2013 4:18 PM 10/29/2013 4:06 PM 10/29/2013 3:46 PM 10/29/2013 3:43 PM 10/29/2013 3:39 PM 10/29/2013 3:33 PM 10/29/2013 3:29 PM 10/2912013 3:16 PM 10/29/2013 3:13 PM 10/28/2013 8:38 AM 10/28/2013 6:34 AM 10/28/2013 8:30 AM 10/28/2013 8:26 AM 10/2812013 8:24 AM 10128/2013 8:18 AM ~v 10/28/2013 6:13 AM 10128/2013 6:11 AMW~ w� 10/24/2013 4:03 PM^ 10/24/2013 2:27 PM 10/24/2013 2:24 PM City of El Segundo 28 1. Take away lifetime medical for City Council. 2. Start regionalizing more City services throughout 10/24/2013 2:19 PM Southbay. (!e: animal control) 29 Outsource City Services is:: Maintenance, Street Division, Vehicle Maintenance 10/24/2013 2:12 PM 30 1 will need more information, but I believe – better management could reduce coal without the need to 10/24/2013 1:42 PM� �~ raise taxes. 10/24/2013 9:24 AM 31 DO NOT TAX BUSINESSES OUT OF BUSINESS! FUND RAISERS ?! RAISE RENT ON SENIOR HOUSING. OPEN EXPENSIVE SENIOR HOUSING AS REVENUE. FLAT E.S. TAX ON ALL RESIDENTIAL & ANY HOUSING. 32 Reduce Pensions 10/24/2013 9:18 AM 33 Number of employees and compensation both seem high. 10/23/2013 3:11 PM 34 Pensions for the police /Tire & Top ES Mgmt is too high. Under #7, Reduce the Size of the City 10/23/2013 3:09 PM Workforce, this person wrote, "Police & Fire ". Under #7 — Further reduce Employee Salaries and Benefits, this person wrote, "Police, Fire, Upper Mgmt ". 10/2312013 2:35 PM 35 Further reduce Employee Salaries and Benefits, this person wrote: "Especially FD & PD ". That is the City's job to figure out, but the way to go. Reduce retiree health expensesthink0bamacare for them reduce pensions- 10/23/2013 2:32 PM 36 37 Across the board cuts to balance expenses to revenue. 10123/2013 7:29 AM 38 Reconsider outsourcing of fire services 10/21/2013 3:47 PM _ 39 eliminate retirement benefits for those with lessthan 30 yearsservice _ 10/21/2013 3:45 PM 40 Reduce retirement benefits. Reduce size of fire department. m_ 10/2112013 3:37 PM 41 Comments are spot on. The unions have too much may - limit union contributionsto campaigns. 10/21/2013 3:36 PM 42 Severely cut or eliminate all pensions y V yY 10/21!2013 3:32 PM �43� Reduce the budget to Recreation and Parks- used by a limited number of residents. 4 10/21/2013 3:02 PM �– 16/17 City of El Segundo Q11 Other Comment An3wered :9 Skipped:119 17/17 Responses [Date I [Dissatisfied with condition of City swimming] pool[s]. 10/29/2013 4:18 PM 2 Looked like revenue is highest. It has been, & projected to Increase. Now there is deficit. How do we 10129/2013 3:49 PM control our expense? 11' 3 Condition of Streets& Sidewalks "could be improved ". 10/2812013 8:38 AM 4 Wish Library was open Fridaysl Need to know more about (contracting for County services for 10/28/2013 8:28 AM Fire /Sheriff) to make an Informed decision. 5 Why is the Library going to reopen on Fridays for 9 months only? Then layoff 3 new hires, 1 full time 10/28/2013 8:21 AM emp. part time. It seems like re -opening on Fridays iswaste of money and personnel. 6 [Staff] have already paid a lot in the last round. Police Services are more important than Fire 10/24/2013 2:24 PM 7 Don't like the City closed on Fridays 10/24/2013 2:10 PM S �I � Note on #6 "Are you satlsiled..." —> Library Services, this person wrote, "w/ Fri hours". I} 10/23/2013 2:53 PM 9 Under #6 —> Rec & Parks+ Library Services, this person wrote, "Schedule of classes & facilities is 10/23/2013 2:46 PM limited. Under #7 —> Consider Contracting for County Servicesfor Library, this person wrote, "unless it meansclosing school libradee'. 17/17 0 U O a cn L (/Y f� ro 4-J O 4— W O V O 0 W ^: W\\ W W -^ J W MO i N N L N fa Q1 +-j O O N C O op Q 0 Ln ^CL W V 1 X 4� tf)- -L4 -ch i/ . tn- -U - �L V)- V. l t/3- CD O O O O O O al O O r1r3 M d- 00 �L V)- V. l t/3- 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 te 'r' 0 0 0 pp 1 0 d' O M Y r` y r/ Y co c O O co c O 1 i 0 +_+ CAA +_+ W O m +j � CO •— f0 .� .� J W w 0- - . _ a z cr- LL � ao cn � w e® cn � 0 � � i r; 1` ~ oa N (� W 0 0 N LL H oa N W O � N LL LO H oa N W 0 0 N LL ,q- T- 00 CN ti CO � I N 00 6 g O co N 000ti LO co C6 C41 C6 LO co 00 CO N LO LO O CO LO L� 00 LO c M J J LaL ''AA I.L w O w T W .r ^.L� LLJ W W a. wXZ) • C41 Lo- .s. 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