The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items.
Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City - related business that is within the
jurisdiction of the City Council and /or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the
Meeting. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person.
Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state: Your name and residence and the
organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524- 2305 -.
Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.
TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2013 — 4:00 P.M.
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30
minute limit total). Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of
another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves before addressing the City Council.
Failure to do so is a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250.
1. Consideration and possible action to interview candidates for the position of the
City Treasurer and make an appointment to serve the remainder of the current
Recommendation — 1) Interview candidates; and 2) Appoint a City Treasurer to
serve the remainder of the current term (until April of 2016); or, 3) Alternatively, take
other action related to this item.
DATE: / - 2- 13
NAME:!ct:vdr ,.K
AGENDA STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Committees, Commissions and Boards
Consideration and Possible action to interview candidates for the position of the City
Treasurer and make an appointment to serve the remainder of the current term.
1. Interview candidates; and,
2. Appoint a City Treasurer to serve the remainder of the current term (Until April of
2016); or,
3. Alternatively, take other action as related to this item.
Application of candidates,
City Council Staff Reports dated December 18, 2012 and December 4, 2012
FISCAL IMPACT: Included in Adopted Budget
Amount Budgeted: $ None
Additional Appropriation: N/A
Account Number(s):
ORIGINATED BY: Mishia Jennings, Executive Assistant
APPROVED BY: Greg Carpenter, L ity Manager
Order of interviews listed below:
Scheduled Interview
1. Don Brann
2. Crista Binder
3. Michael van Biezen
4. Matthew Robinson
5. Kevin Haggerty
6. Milan Cve is
15 :15
7. Samantha Lee
January 8, 2013 - 4:00 PM
City Treasurer
• Mayor Carl Jacobson
• Mayor Pro Tern Suzanne Fuentes
• Council Member Bill Fisher
• Council Member Dave Atkinson
• Council Member Marie Fellhauer
• City Clerk Tracy Weaver
• City Treasurer Chris Powell
• Greg Carpenter, City Manager
• Mark Hensley, City Attorney
• Deborah Cullen, Director of Finance/Human Resources
• Kevin Smith, Fire Chief
• Mitch Tavera, Police Chief
• Debra Brighton, Director of Library Services
• Sam Lee, Director of Planning and Building Safety
• Stephanie Katsouleas, Director of Public Works
• Robert Cummings, Director of Recreation and Parks
• Cathy Domann, Deputy City Clerk
• Mishia Jennings, Executive Assistant
• Mickie Tagle, Executive Assistant
• Public Copy
Application for Consideration for Appointment as City Treasurer
(First Name) (Middle) (Last Name)
Address: Telephone #s
Residence 640 CALIFORNIA STREET Res (310) 364 -0117
Bus. (310)963 -0117
Mailing same as above Fax (310)335.0092
e-mail dsbrann @sbcglobai.n 3.
Name and Address of Employer Not Applicable
Present Occupation Retired
Are you a registered voter? Yes I % No
Cnmmirnity Servinp Eacnpripncp-
From (date)
To (date)
City of El Segundo
City Council Member
Capital Improvement Projects AC
Broadway in the Park
1 11/07
USC-- Rossier School of Education
Public Policy & Planning
1982 Doctor of Education
CSU - -LA -- School of Education
Elementary Education
1972 Master of Arts
USC-- Marshall School of Business
Marketing & Finance
1968 Bachelor's of Science
Additional Pertinent Courses or Training:
Accounting coursework; investment strategies class; business finance emphasis; budget management experience
Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests:
experience with g.o. bonds -- insuring, rating & sale - -Wall St. trips; maintenance of reserves; ability to write clearly
City of -El Segundo Part II
Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary:
1. Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background training, education and
interests which qualifies you as a candidate? .
i think I meet the qualifications of the post. I have z demonstrated record of community service. My experienc
and education supplemented by ongoing coursework have prepared me for this next opportunity, i have a record
of outstanding performance and the results to substantiate it. fviy work ethic is legendary. i work well vvllt I otn i s,
2. What do you see as the objectives /goals of the City Treasurer?
The goal is to maximize return on investment while ensuring safety of the funds and permitting access to fLIOds
illquidity) as needed. Another goal is to maintain public confidence in the process through reglulai cofnmunications
Through prudent investments and diversification of the portfolio, the objectives of the City can be attained
3. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
By working with and through the most effective brokers and money managers, focusing on timelines or due cia.L:,
tot City budget obligations and negotiating the lowest available fees for services. I have the time nul "'I to
i0 the important tasks the Treasurer is expected to perform.
4. Please describe your experience overseeing and monitoring an investment portfolio?
t,ave had the opportunity to manage tens of millions of dollars and balance budgets for three decades_ Clow
AL dits have routinely verified the procedures and results My background in retail, management audit:; &I-1-0
o,-,,slness finance education Will contlnUe to suoijort me In this assionnlent. I have sewed on a Circdis v:�ICn Liv iiG
5. Please describe your experience overseeing daily cash management of an organization?
As along Ulne public school district superin(endent of schools, always in small districts, I have had ti'ie Iespor -
sibility to provide continuous oversight of cash flow to connect it to upcoming expenses such as payrnern[ de a;crin
or payroll obligations.
6. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references that are familiar with your
background and abilities to perform the duties as a City Treasurer (other than family members):
LI e-ue Former City Treasurer 748 Center
Name Address
B.rluil Lanphere Former City Treasurer 812 McCarthy
Name Address
i_r,ri� :vlitchell 880 Apollo
Name Address
7. Please attach a copy of your professional resume.
310) 640 -9167
(310) 877 -0096 cell
(310) 563 -1010
rz- A / -,. /Z'
For further information call (310) 524 -2302. You may fax your competed application to (310) 322 -7137 or email it to
*This is a Public Document and may be disclosed upon request.
640 California Street, El Segundo, CA 90245
Cell: (310) 963 -0117 Home: (310) 364 -0117
Email: dsbrann@sbcglobal.net
Born November 1, 1945
Excellent health
Married (1967)
Two daughters, both K -12 teachers
Interim Superintendent
San Gabriel Unified School District (K -12)
San Gabriel (Los Angeles County)
1993 -08
Wiseburn School District (K -8)
Hawthorne (Los Angeles County)
1992 -93
Mother Lode Union School District (K -8)
Placerville (El Dorado County)
1984 -92
Old Adobe Union School District (K -6)
Petaluma (Sonoma County)
1981 -84
Wilsona School District (K -8)
Lancaster (Los Angeles County)
1979 -81
Wilsona Elementary School (K -8)
1976 -79
Program Coordinator, Categoricals
El Segundo Unified School District (K -12)
El Segundo (Los Angeles County)
1973 -76
Reading Specialist - Center Street School (K -6)
El Segundo Unified School District
1970 -73
Classroom Teacher - Center Street School (Gr. 4)
1968 -70
Research Analyst and Auditor, Management By Objectives
Program - May Company Department Stores of
Southern California
PREPARATION 1992- Various local, regional, state, and national programs
1991 Summer Superintendents' Conference
University of Southern California
1990 School Facilities Planning Certificate Program
University of California, Davis
7 -2012 Page 1 - 5
640 California Street, El Segundo, CA 90245
Cell: (310) 963 -0117 Home: (310) 364 -0117
Email: dsbrann &bcglobal.net
Management Topics
University of California, Berkeley
Superintendents' Academy
Doctor of Education (Admire. /Curriculum)
2001 -12
University of Southern California
Master of Arts in Education (Reading)
California State University, Los Angeles
Bachelor of Science (Business Administration - Marketing)
1999 -00
University of Southern California
Associate of Arts
1996 -99
El Camino Community College
Board of Directors, Hawthorne Chamber of Commerce
1993 -08
Southwest SELPA Superintendents' Council
1992 -93
El Dorado County Superintendents' Council
1985 -91
Sonoma County Superintendents' Gang of 13
1984 -91
Superintendents' Council for Special Education
1984 -89
Superintendent Honig's Small School Districts'
Advisory Committee
1983 -87
Schools Committed to Reducing Utility Bills (SCRUB)
(Board of Directors)
Small School Districts Association (Co- Founder)
(President 1992, 1993)
Association of California School Administrators
1982 -98
American Association of School Administrators
1968 -
Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fraternity
Founder & Vice - President, Board of Directors - Da Vinci
Charter Schools
2008 -12
Member, El Segundo City Council
2001 -12
Vice President, The Cosca Group
2001 -05
Member, Chevron El Segundo Refinery Community Advisory
Panel (CAP)
2000 -06
Chair, LAX' MAC
1999 -00
Member, El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee
Member, Leadership El Segundo
1996 -99
Chairperson, Southwest SELPA
1995 -98
Board of Directors, Hawthorne Chamber of Commerce
7 -2012
Page 2 - 5
640 California Street, El Segundo, CA 90245
Cell: (310) 963 -0117 Home: (310) 364 -0117
Email: dsbrann*bcglobaLnet
1994 -98
Secretary, Hawthorne Presidents Council
1994 -99
Chairperson, Hawthorne Cable Usage Corporation
1993 -98
Planning Committee, School Community Partnership
1991 -92
Petaluma Valley Rotary Club
1991 -92
Petaluma Boys and Girls Club Capital Campaign
1987 -91
United Way Admissions Committee
1986 -92
Personnel Board, City of Petaluma
1986 -89
General Plan Development, Public Facilities Committee, City
of Petaluma
1984 -89
Evaluator, Commission on Teacher Credentials
Chairperson, Blue Ribbon Articulation Task Force
Co- Founder, President, Small School Districts Association
1982 -84
Board of Directors, Chairperson, Employee. Assistance
Service for Education
Board of Directors, Vice - President, Friends of the Antelope
Valley Indian Museum
1981 -84
Board Member, Antelope Valley Transportation Agency
Member, Lancaster School District Gifted and Talented
Education Program Planning Group
Curriculum Development Task Force, El Segundo Unified
School District
Wiseburn School District Blue Ribbon Panel
President, South Bay Reading Council
Coordinator, El Segundo Junior Olympics Program
ACSA Region XIV Superintendent of the Year Award - 2007
PTA Very Special Person (VSP) Award from the Wiseburn
Branch of the Centinela Valley Chapter, 1995
Selected as One of the Top 100 School Executives in North
America by an expert panel sponsored by the
Executive Educator, 1985
Nominee to Board of Directors of the California
Reading Association, 1973
Dean's List Scholar at the University of Southern California,
SPEECHES "Preparing Students For A New Century" - El Segundo
Chamber of Commerce's Salute to Business (El
7 -2012 Page 3 - 5
640 California Street, El Segundo, CA 90245
Cell: (310) 963 -0117 Home: (310) 364 -0117
Email: dshrann (&hcglohaLnet
Segundo, 2000)
"Wiseburn School District'- Hawthorne Rotary Club
(Hawthorne, 1994)
"School Finance" - California Retired Teachers'
Association (Placerville, 1992)
"Public School Issues" - Petaluma Valley
Rotary Club (Petaluma, 1991)
"Substance Abuse Education" - McDowell
Drug Task Force (Petaluma, 1989)
"How to Shorten Board Meetings" (dissertation research) -
California School Boards Association annual
conferences (San Diego, 1986; San Francisco, 1987)
"Recruiting and Retaining Teachers in Rural Schools" —
Small School Districts Association annual conference
(Sacramento, 1986)
"Small Schools Give Personal Touch"
Daily Breeze, Perspective, March 2000
"What Works May Cost More - But, So What!"
Small School Districts Association Newsletter, January,
"It's an Investment, Not an Expense"
Petaluma's Argus Courier, Guest editorial, April 1991
"Play First - Eat Last"
California Curriculum News Report, April 1981
"Going Backwards Works"
ACSA's Thrust, January/February 1981
"Teacher Bank Accounts"
California Curriculum News Report, October 1980
"So You Want to Save Some of Your Time"
ACSA's Thrust, March 1978
Meetings of School District Governing Boards:
Duration and Frequency
University of Southern California, 1982
7 -2012 Page 4 - 5
640 California Street, El Segundo, CA 90245
Cell: (310) 963 -0117 Some: (310) 364 -0117
Email: dsbrann *bcglobal.net
CERTIFICATES Standard Elementary Teaching Credential
Ryan Administrative Services Credential
Ryan Reading Specialist Credential
Specialist Certificate - Curriculum Director
California State University, Los _Angeles
7 -2012 Page 5 - 5
Application for Consideration for Appointment as City Treasurer
(First Name) (Middle) (Last Name)
Address: Telephone #s
Residence 509 California St., El Segundo, CA 90245 Res. H: (3101322 -9321 C: (213) 200 -1046
Bus. W: (424) 646 -7908
Malling Some as above Fax. NIA
e -mail crista.binder0snrynet.com
Name and Address of Employer Los Angeles World Airports - Maintenance Services Division 7411 W rld Wa
Weal, Los Aagpele§&A 9004
Present Occupation Chief Management Analyst
Are you a registered voter? Yes X No
Communliv Service Experience:
From (date)
To (date)
City of El Segundo Capital
Chair - 4 years
Improvement Program Advisory
Committee Member - 2 years
Citizens Advisory Committee for
Committee Member
School District Facilities
City of El Segundo Youth Drama
Program — Drama Boosters
University of Southern California Political Science 1989 - Bachelor of Science
California Slate University Northridge Future Focused 2006 - Certificate
Additional Pertinent Courses or Training:
Ce Wed Treasury Professional (CTP) - Association of Financial Professionals
Facilities Mans ement Professional (FMP) — __International Facility Management Association
Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests:
City of Ei Segundo Part II
Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary:
Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically In your background training, education and
interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
I should be appointed Cify 'treasurer of El Segundo due to my unique experience in.public treasury rnanacrement.
I've been fortunate to have worked as the Assistant Treasurer and Director of Cash na Management Services For the
City of Los Angeles from 2004 until 2011. During my time in the City Treasurer's Office, I was responsible for the
City's 160 billion cash management program, treasury accpuntin operations. and treasury technology solutions. I
was also responsible tar leading the City's largest bank conversion project which focused on modernizing a 30-y agar
old legacy banking structure autornaling the cash receipting process. and optirnlzing_best in class technology, For
these efforts, the City was reca nized as a leader In municipal treasury management by our core rate peers (see
attached articles).
f also have experience presenting financial information to (lie City's elected officials, public and corporate Ireas�ury
or3anizalions, financial services providers and City departments.
I've also boon fortur }ate to participate in In my local comnxrnity as a volunteer for youth snorts, treasurer of the Et
5egrnndo Youth Dramaerogram, Chair and committee member of the City's Capital nI Program Adviso_
Committee and committee member on the Citizens Advisory Committee for School District Facilities.
2. What do you see as the objectiveslgoals of the City Treasurer?
The rp ima responsibilities of a public treasurer are to ensure the publies trust in the many ernenl of the City's
financial assets. This oblective Is met b adhering to all applicable laws and regulations for public funds
managentient, specifically meeting the California Stake G¢vernment Code 53600 prudenl investor standards which
stipulate that the satet+voof the City's assets conies first, meeling the C }lv's liguidily needs second, and third,
achieving a market rate of return measured against a recognized performance benchnnark.
3. Flow would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
Thesekf jectives aro mot be establishing and maintaining,a sound investment policy upcfatedand_approved
annually, reporting monthly. on the status of cash management and inyeslments to the _City Council, implementing
iniernai controls for the proper handling of public funds, �establishing _bank relationships Iliat_minimiza cost and
rnaximlze technotogy and processing officienctes, measuring success against recognized performance benchmarks
and overall implementation of best practices In treasury management.
4. Please describe your experience overseeing and monitoring an investment portfolio?
As Assistant Treasurer I was responsible for assisting the City Treasurer with monitoring and approving tho daily
purchase and sale of securilles_for all of the Treasurer's investment pools Core Reserve, Special). On a dally
basis 1 worked with the investment officers in ensurincl accurate reporting of collected balances for dally cash
positioning and cash forecasling._ I alsomonitared fixed inwrne rnarkets ulilizlrig 8 rnberg_ and other reporting
tools and worked with the City's investment advisory to ensure compliance with the City's Investrnentpolicy Can a
monllily basis, i participated In the_ review and reporting of the City's cash managerTlent and invosimont activities to
the City's Budget & Finance Committee and City Council.
I also appoinled by the Mayor of Los Angeles to serve on the City's_ Investment !Advisory Committee (IAC).
5. Please describe your experience overseeing daily cash management of an organization?
Ivor prima responsibilities as Director of Cash Management Services and then Assistant Treasurer for the Clty of
Los Angeles was to oversee the daJ.1y cash management prociram which included monitoring daily inflows and
outflows through all of the City's-bank accounts releasing wire transfers implenionling merchant card programs for
various City.departments, automating the cash receipting process, worklM.wllh the City Controller on optimizin -q
payables via ACH, implementing payee posltlye p;! ,, and irnplemenfinn other treasury solutions to increase
efficlencles and reduce costs. I was also responsible for managing all of the City's primary banking relationships for
depository accounts. purchasing card pro -amens. paying agent services and other financial services �vhen needed.
6. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references that are familiar with your
background and abilities to perform the duties as a City Treasurer (other than family members):
Please see attached list of references
Name Address Phone
Name Address Phone
Address Phone
7. Please attach a copy of your professional resume.
Date: __ j_ it
For further information call (310) 524 -2302. You may fax your competed application to (310) 322 -71137 or email it to
"This is a Public Document and may be disclosed upon request.
Crista Binder, CTP
509 California Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 322 -9321
crista.binder rr sprynet.com
December 11, 2012
Office of the City Council
City of El Segundo
350 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
Attn: Mishia Jennings, Executive Assistant
Dear Ms. Jennings
I am interested in applying for the appointed position of Treasurer for the City of El
Segundo. I believe I possess unique qualifications for this position due to my experience
in treasury management for the City of Los Angeles, This letter, resume and list of
references are attached to the City of El Segundo City Treasurer application, Thank you
very much for this opportunity. Please contact me at (310) 322 -9321 (home) or (213)
200 -1046 (cell) if you have any questions or need any additional information.
Crista Binder, CTP
1. Michael D. Feldman, Deputy Executive Director
Los Angeles World Airports, Facilities Management Group
#1 World Way, Los Angeles, CA 90045
(424) 646 -5322
2. David V. Shuter, Deputy Executive Director
Los Angeles World Airports, Facilities Management Group
#1 World Way, Los Angeles, CA 90045
(424) 646 -5679
3. Ralph Morones, Airport Manager III
Los Angeles World Airports, Maintenance Services Division
7411 World Way West, Los Angeles, CA 90045
(424) 646 -7900
rmoronesO- )Iawa.orn
4. Henry W. Stern, City Treasurer
City of Anaheim, CA
200 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92805
(714) 765 -5117 x5544
5. Craig A. Jeffery, Managing Partner, Founder
Strategic Treasurer
(678) 466 -2222
6. Stefan Jaskulak, Deputy Chief Financial Officer
City of Atlanta, GA
68 Mitchell St., Suite 11100, Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 330 -6268
7. Georgia Matlera, Senior Assistant Chief Executive Officer — Public Safety
Los Angeles County
Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration
500 W. Temple St., Room 766, Las Angeles, CA 90710
(213) 893 -2374
matters ceo.lacounl . ov
c rista.bindernsnrynet.com
509 California Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
Home (310) 322 -9321
Work (424) 646 -7908
Twenty -two years of professional and managerial experience in the public sector with an emphasis on
treasury management, investment and cash management, budget formulation, financial administration,
policy development and implementation, and staff development and training.
Professional Experience
Chief Management Analyst
City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles World Airports 2011- Present
• Manage the administrative operations for the Maintenance Services Division including an
operating budget of $100 million.
• Supervise employees engaged in budget preparation and control, contract formulation and
management, accounts payable, technology solutions, payroll, workforce management of 1,100
maintenance personnel, and all other administrative duties for the division.
Assistant Treasurer
City of Los Angeles, Office of the Treasurer
• Responsible for the planning, coordination and direction of three divisions in the Office of the
Treasurer — Cash Management, Treasury Accounting, and Systems, which are responsible for
managing, reconciling, reporting, and supporting multi - billion dollar investment and cash
management activities.
• Managed, directed and implemented within 18 months a complete conversion of the entire City of
Los Angeles' banking and related financial operations to Wachovia and Wells Fargo banks.
• Responsible for developing a city -wide financial business continuity plan to ensure continuity of
financial operations during any type of disruption focusing on technology infrastructure and
connectivity of all financial systems and related financial operations.
• Responsible for ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations governing public funds
management including public funds investments, banking regulations, and data security.
• Responsible for the continual development of best practices in treasury management and
integration in accordance with the Office of the Treasurer's Strategic Plan.
• Liaison to City elected officials, department heads, outside financial advisors, legal counsel and
other consultants and agency staff to clearly communicate, interpret, and implement complex
financial laws, policies, best practices and procedures related to public funds management.
Director of Cash Management Services /Chief Management Analyst
City of Los Angeles, Office of the Treasurer 2004 -2007
• Planned and coordinated the direction of $60 billion dollar banking and cash management
• Developed and implemented new policies and procedures to streamline banking operations,
increase efficiency and enhance revenue for the City.
• Developed the Office of the Treasurer's proposed budget and made policy recommendations on
behalf of the Treasurer relative to a broad range of banking and fiscal matters.
Budget Director
City of Los Angeles, Office of the Mayor
2001 -2003
• Developed and balanced the Mayor's annual proposed budget ($5.1 billion) including citywide
funding priorities, detail of appropriations and expenditures, financial outlook, and streamlining
and efficiency measures.
• Oversaw several City departments including the City Administrative Officer, Personnel
Department, Office of Finance, Office of the Treasurer, Employee Relations Board, City
Employees' Retirement System and Fire and Police Pensions.
• Reviewed and developed policies for City departments including such issues as smoothing
pension contributions, securing special purpose revenues, analyzing revenue projections,
developed scenarios to fund new police officers with bonds and/or other special assessments,
automation of financial reporting, implementation of budget control measures and
implementation of a comprehensive review of City fees.
• Provided cost -effective policy recommendations to produce and sustain a quality City workforce,
which included reducing position vacancies, allocating new positions, reviewing position
classifications and ensuring appropriate organizational structure for City departments.
City of Los Angeles, Office of the City Attorney
Chief Administrative Officer (2000 -2001)
Director of Budget, Financial and Special Services (1996 -2000)
1996 -2001
Managed an operating budget of $72 million and, a liability claims budget of $84 million. Other
duties included managing outside counsel contracts, judgment obligation bonds, grants
administration and accounting.
Supervised all employees engaged in budget preparation, financial reporting, grants management,
personnel, systems, document services, payroll and accounting.
City of Los Angeles, Office of the City Administrative Officer 1990 -1996
Senior Administrative Analyst I (1995 -96)
Administrative Analyst I & H (1991 -95)
Management Assistant (1990 -1991)
• Assisted in the formulation, development and preparation of various department budgets (Office
of Finance, Office of the Treasurer, City Administrative Officer, Community Development
Department, Department of General Services, City Council and Department of Aging) and was
responsible for reporting to the Mayor and Council for consideration in the City Budget.
Conducted research, forecasts and monitored revenue projections.
• Coordinated contracts between departments and vendors and participated in many coordinating
• Prepared written reports and made oral presentations to management, Council, Mayor, and other
City officials and departments.
• Public Speaking - Delivered numerous presentations to elected officials, community groups, other
governmental agencies, various financial services providers, trade organizations, non - profit
financial organizations regarding a variety of financial, budgetary and policy issues.
Writing Policies and Procedures — Prepared Mayor's Budget Policy Letter, Neighborhood
Council Budget Summary, Fair labor Standards Act (FLSA) policy for attorneys and support
staff, request for proposals for cash management and banking services, etc.
Management and supervision - Supervised between four and 40 staff engaged in investments,
cash management, financial reporting, accounting, budget development, financial administration,
grants management, financial analysis, accounts payable, liability claims management, systems
and document services during my tenure with the City.
Education and Affiliations
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 1985 -1989
• Bachelor of Arts, Political Science
The Los Angeles County Learning Academy, Los Angeles, CA
Future - Focused Leadership Management Development Training Program
Certificate of Completion
Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee
• Chair - City of El Segundo, CA (2008 to Present)
• Committee Member
Citizens Advisory Committee for School District Facilities
• Committee Member — City of El Segundo
Certified Treasury Professional (CTP)
Association of Financial Professionals (AFP)
Facilities Management Professional (FMP)
International Facility Management Association (IFMA)
Association of Financial Professionals Pinnacle Award Grand Prize Winner
Association of Financial Professionals Strategy Award Winner in Cash Management
Treasury & Risk Magazine Alexander Hamilton Award in Cash Management
Treasury Today Adam Smith Award in Banking Relationship Management
GFOA Award for Excellence Business Continuity Planning in Treasury Management
2006 - Present
2009 -2011
2004 Present
2012- Present
W 1;
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Adam Smith Awards
for Best Practice and Innovation
Awards Supplement
hi association with
treasuryt(Smit h ')�:. ia'v�
d arn Awards
Adam Smith Awards for Best Practice and Innovation 2010 - Winners
wl ulc -Dre as u,.,/ Tbdav Adair St Ah -AVv arc, s 1,D,- Best P! a ou ;a!-, cd I ri t io i a I tc�-- 20 G, A � vvv nc- s
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ConocoPhillips DKV
* FLAGSTONE P,"- Go �Slc
(D in,Desff
OmnicomGroup Inc
2 A 0
innovation --;- service
0/ Honeywell
Global business PHILIPS
starwood V.-
0/ Honeywell
Global business PHILIPS
starwood V.-
W,nno;' Bif loer inn Jaskulak C, Los AnC)ekrs
H;9!- iy Com-nenood of E To-&;-ci • A: Sev
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Winner - Stephanie Als!c'--,' (,J,crosofl 2,
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Higt'ilv Conimended jolin Voords • OfTinicorn 22
Tr '; �-"o wl'VU(ve-' ripprAvt 'o oiaroto recta misandan
P&',obul cw%jrl.; ILK-, RLVllLJrA IC aloO ai'dWe4s FjFc
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Highly Commerioad * Judy Bouchwd * "'OonocoPhillips
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City of Los Angeles
joya De Foor e CTR
Crista Binder * CT Assistant Treasurer
Stefan Jaskulak • CTR. Director of Cash Managernent Services
a PNMWY WOW, lreasl;:y Wau to
bf--g -�o C!I� '30 years MrAval ape veam mr;
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Aaarn Smith Awards
IISBC 4,19[�
Please note that the Treasury Today Adam Smith Awards
Lunch 2011 v iii be held on 16" June
Treasury officials at the
C ity of Los Angeles
enhance treasu
teclinol���v ages nha ce.
financial I-1zr�ctions across
dCDartmenLS to win AFII's
2009 Pinnacle Grand Prize
t s .l air LO Sal,.' T1 W (hC Cil l ' (I
Los Anrelcs used to have a ti
Issues in Its tr asury depar[IT eat,
fts legacy banking wu ncrc I'vas three
decades old, and its ill - house trey -ur°
ss'stums tser€ built in ti'v mid - 19,401,
,add w that political pressures di ar go
being a)nc ;it'c.lje lar. esL cities in rat
COarnrry', A bUdtlet Ct isi$ and, perhaps 1110M
tr(ublesonlc, a na'#',lia sf rise x11101 -1
,Lint- cl«ision tnukers that rrc2 lr).- serVcQ
more of a dericcil ii,nc-L on. 11- Inv €3rtrtir but
rlarclly fmidainemal and certainly not i
=dace to spend Precious reto urce_s.
In re aleny; rrr<,sur,,' Was rtsponsible for
managing $- billion in a;,sets for a ci-Y
With 1?'r,iilicintilier:itingbur1 r,
operating the rnatialn's basics[ port,
+s pLIbIiC librOV SySt D :raid
,11.1bUdy-owned iidlits' and 90 parks,
with x.0,000 - wrt'iing I -Fiore
thin 4 million re"} dears. TrUISUFV i.as a
Duw PLICC, though its ilcit dear Oulstl
rli departtiicrtL who Lim! 'IL
°4NObodi livid any ides how
sisni �u trIlasurV Wlis. SIlid Crist.a
Binder, CT'P, thw c.ir;'S :ISSiSUMI.
"It as a :illam
Over a i'datir ClY sbon, period of tilde_
du pice ainending, prczs ;ires and rhose
skc-,,ved perceprimis, L.A.'.s masury
Learn rlan.sfornled the deparmit -m and
finataci<al ( I ncdola.s across the cine WILL
ac noiis that. camcd them AFN Pin.nadt,
Grand Pri -z4e,. presented at rl,e 1009
Atliival C:ntnts.rettcc In i,an Fr wise i
and underwritten by Wells Fargo. On
the Process, they bear out treasury
departruents at tic•. and Nificrosoftj
Craig klar'tin, NFPs Director
of Executive Programs, cafled the
department's ability to manage city- politics
while achieving significant functional
improvements "quite impressive.'
"What was nlost Impressive about W113t
the city of 1_(is Angeles did was the sheer
scope of what they undertook given the
obvious politics concernea„ , i�'Tarrin scald,
"SCI not on h- did rrlc'.5' c7tc:'c great gains
from a treasury rechn(71.oev and Process
effic°iem -y- perspective, bui they- had to gift
the heads of all the ;agencies to buy° into
the new processes.'
The achievements
V'liat were tke improvements? first,
and perhaps most fund atnentally; tile
department selected and impleineiited
a traditional banking structure With a
ni astl r conccaatration account, sevemi
sub concentration accounts, hundreds of
depository accounts and four accounts
for controlled disbui' einclats. `Though
this solution is not unique, it is radicilk-
diBerem from rile prsiaOtis itruct!i,i
of only one Cell OUl depository account
with 14 zero balance and standidone
disblirsrnierit accoii :its,' Binder noted.
The department automated posting,
to the gericral ledger with a new Ill -
house built treasury workstation, and
atironiat(d rcporting through tlac city's
Intranet and online banking applications.
z- 3
'I'reasttry officials also eliminated
credit c=ard prucessing thanes with
implementation of wircless terniinals,
and empowered city otficiiils across
deparu-nents with virtual access to access
information oil transactions and perf`orna
reconciliations through tin online system
while centralizing banking functions in
the €reasuiy department.
And that's only a short -list of
improy, ments. Binder laid out these
improved processes and more in four
broad categoric s:
• Automation of receivables
- Remote deposit capture, virtual
sash letter and wire!ess merchant
• Automating payables
- Single file for all payments
ryes, conmifled disbursement,
Positive pq
• Automating data management
- Daily niuulti- b'ankBAireporting,
autoftaai d general ledger posting,
daily paid iten, upd;ite
Risk managemerit
- Check and t'-CH positive payi
teller line positive pay, payee
manic valiciat£(Sri
In the process, treasury's work saved
the city S 1.5 rnillion and gcn- nauxi an
addidoria_l S4.5 million it,, revenue.
The process
How did they do ir? IreasuryY started.
siin {fly enough, by asseiribling a team,
though Its Composition was llnusuu .
Father than tapping typical leadefship
offices in the city (the ma.yor's office,
city' council, tic.j, City trclsuaer l;3va De
l~(it'ir, C°TR slid- Binder parttaet'ed with
those closest to the various princesses
being overhauled, the cit)- officials with
chi: largest stake ill success or failure
of rrcas,ur 9 overhaul. Heads of the city
call trolier .and information technology
offices joitaed rile leadership teand;.
Binder led the operating comnlittee
in charge With implementing new
procc "es, IvilL De Foor leading the
steering committee, charted with setri.ng
a visiori and trailblazing.
"Our job," De Four said, "was to
remove the roadblocks so tilt operating
committee could actually do the nitty
gritty work."
Step two sv.Is to conduct a deliberative
assessr ent ofeach department's
financial protocols and needs. Led
bv' De f=ool, treasur- developed and
C�Iecrlred tI three -tielcd a.44essnienr
process to evaluate each city department
cash flwv. accoutating .atid teclinoloz,,,
processes. IDepartnients were, divided
into rie:rs baser; on the lcviJ of each
panicular department' soph_istic.trion
in financial processes. A dcparrmenr
With intricate financial processes would
require inorc attention (and, spee.itir i;l:
in. ore immedlare atrenrion) di.ln (lug
that was involved hi only a Cnv banking
processes, for exarriple. Assc snients
involved tsyo of direr mectin ;+ a idl
m42tribl=rs each dcparrntent. Officials !h
the various departments %vcry engaged
in the procey?, De Foor and Binder
StrCSsctt, as xvere oth,r Sr: ff nicmhet''_ of
the rrca urr department. 1~7epartrnent,il
st -, fifers were later pri:scaied ii ch
amessmetat results, as'k-sd for further
niput, and because treasttry srall-M
w rc it voli,rd throughout the p roc —' &,
they became track-end bank ng experts
inti €iaately f7uniliaii• with financial
functionscity. vide. Ultiniate.ly, De
Foor said, the s =.4tenai(: process of
Collaboration and efigagerlenr actor"
eparrniints ana -with financial 4ter viccs
and re 9£i(i i ?yr proviC �rti- -Jr €3v;' .ile
suci:ess of the protect,
"Planning as the key," Lie Foor
1(s such a inig otgitn- & -ition and
there stick a fear =of. -han e, Ve had to
c;et sortie cheerleaders that. undersroud
What were doing wus going, to help them
perform their core. Functions in their
dcpartmctit. Some of their- depsa<<nicius
said fior the first tittle, anybody c:'cr
ked thrill; Whatdo3.vou do
i1(.lY� ii�.1 C31 Sing
ww,v,Af�Fc)nliuenag, AFPFxtIiangr 1 53
Application for Consideration for Appointment as City Treasurer
Michel Alexander van Biezen
(First Name) (Middle) (Last Name)
Address: Telephone #s
Residence 716 W Mariposa Ave El Segundo 90245 Res. (310) 640 -3479
Bus. (310) 334 -2480
Mailing 716 W Mariposa Ave El Segundo 90245 Fax. (310) 334 -8235
e-mail mvanbiezenO- Yahoo.com
Name and Address of Employer 2000 E Imperial Hwy _El Segundo Ca 90245
Present Occupation Program Manager
Are you a registered voter? Yes —X— No
Community Service Experience:
From (date)
To (date)
Sep 2006
Soccer Referee
Sep 1992
Feb 2010
Soccer Coach
Heart Track Team
Coach and Editor
1990 MS
California State University Long Beach
California State University Long Beach
1984 BS
Additional Pertinent Courses or Training:
Six sigma Expert. Statistical Quality Control. Program Management. Finance and Earned Value
Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests:
Tauqht business mathematics at LMU 1993 – 2010) Taught Physics and Astronomy at LMU, ECC. and SMC (1992-
City of El Segundo Part II
Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary:
Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background training, education and
interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
15 years experience as a rxogram manacter. Always completed programs on time and on budget. I have a vex
strong background in managing funding, staffing, and program execution. Strong background in developing
program management tools, finance tools. proposal tools, and scheduling tools
As a manager of a large program with hundreds of professional employees and team leads under my direction I
have shown strong leadership skills and I have shown the ability to take in large amount of technical and financial
information in order to make sound financial and programmatic decisions.
2. What do you see as the objectives /goals of the City Treasurer?
The primary objective of the City Treasures is to safe
-guard Cites funds and to ensure that the funding will be
available as needed to meet its financial obligations on schedule. It is im artant to maximize the return on the
investments of the available funds through the appropriate investment techniques that will ensure the absolute
safety of the investment and the avaitability of the funding as required to enable the city to operate as required.
3. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
Place the available funds in a balanced mix of investments such that the principle is safe, maximizes the return on
those investments, and with the maturity_ dates of the investment propedy managed such that funding for all fiscal
obligations will be available when needed.
4. Please describe your experience overseeing and monitoring an investment portfolio?
My experience of overseeing an investment portfolio is limited to my own personal investments in real estate,
ent bonds. and 401 K
5. Please describe your experience overseeing daily cash management of an organization?
As the program manager of a hundred million dollar aerospace program at Raytheon, i am personally_ responsible
for the entire budget, and manage the daily financial activities on the program, I am responsible for quarterly
financial reports, performance to plan, analysis of expenditures to plan, variance analysis, and for bringing in the
program on schedule and within budget. l personally oversee all the financial planning, and cost expenditures as
well as ail the staffing on the program. I have developed an array of tools that help me have complete
understanding and control of all financial statistics and help me manager the program and the bud et. Government
audits have given me high marks for my management style and for my management tools. I have been given
remarks from these auditors like: "AII programs in the country should be run like you run yours ", and " I can see that
you really know what you are doing'.
6. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references that are familiar with your
background and abilities to perform the duties as a City Treasurer (other than family members):
David Swartzlznder 2000 E Imperial Hwy El Segundo Ca 90245 (310)- 334 -8764
Name Address Phone
Raman Singh 2000 E Imperial Hwy El Segundo CA 90245 [310) 334-7627
Name Address Phone
Dave Atkinson 727 W Mariposa Ave El Segundo CA 90245 {310) 322 -1235
Name Address Phone
7. Please attach a copy of your professional resume.
Signature Michel van Biezen Date: 12/1412912
For further information call (310) 524 -2302. You may fax your competed application to (310) 322 -7137 or email it to
mienninrtsMelseaundo. ora
*This is a Public Document and may be disclosed upon request.
Michel A. van Biezen
716 West Mariposa Avenue
El Segundo, California 90245
HOME (310) 640 -3479
WORK (310) 334 -2480
CELL (310) 426 -4904
OBJECTIVE: To be appointed as the El Segundo City Treasurer
Program manager 1995 - present
Raytheon Systems Company,
E1 Segundo
Leading engineering teams in the development of tactical
radar hardware and software for the F -15 and F -18
fighter aircraft
Strong knowledge of program finances, earned value,
return on investment, budget management, scheduling,
resource management, and variance analysis.
Strong ability in generating financial and program tracking
tools, and completing programs on time and within budget.
Strong abilities in proposal writing, proposal execution, and
contract negotiations.
Design engineer (Raytheon) 1988-1995
- Designed, coded, tested, and integrated tactical radar
software for the F -14, F -15, and F -18 fighter aircraft .
- Supported flight testing through analysis of instrumentation
data, and audio and visible recordings and by fixing any
performance anomalies which were found.
Conducted training classes on radar, and radar software
development, for newly hired engineers and
engineering groups at our facility and our subsidiaries.
- Designed the software architecture for the data processor
of an experimental real time mapping radar for commercial
aircraft using ADA.
MTS (Raytheon) 1984-1988
Developed software for the following research projects:
- Infrared laser inspection system using C and Fortran
- Expert system for the wave soldering process (C and prolog)
- Automated inspection station with voice entry using C
Conducted R & D for the following projects:
- Plating thickness of PWBs as a function of population
- Surface mounted soldering integrity
- Impedance matching in multi - layered PWBs
a Business Mathematics instructor (part time) 1993-2010
Loyola Marymount University
Lectured business mathematics concentrating on investments,
optimization, annuities, real estate financing, etc.
• Physics and Astronomy Instructor (part time)
Loyola Marymount University
• Physics Instructor (part time)
El Camino College
• Astronomy Instructor (part time)
Santa Monica College
• Physics, Astronomy, and Mathematics instructor (part time)
Compton College
• TA in the Physics Department
EDUCATION: Master of Science in Physics,
California State University, Long Beach
Bachelor of Science in Physics,
California State University, Long Beach.
SKILLS: Six sigma expert
Financial and proposal tool expert
Program planning expert
Computer programming: Fortran, C, Basic, Assembly,
Jovial, Prolog, 1750A, and ADA.
Knowledge in A.C. and D.C. circuits, OP Amps, and
Certified in electronic assembly and inspection.
CLEARANCES: Secret and SAR (active)
PERSONAL: Married with eight children.
HOBBIES: Running, bicycling, soccer, karate, carpentry, and gardening.
Coached soccer and track and field.
Soccer referee.
REFERENCES: Upon request.
1996 - present
1994 - present
Application for Consideration for Appointment as City Treasurer
Matthew Aaron Robinson
(First Name) (Middle) (Last Name)
Address: Telephone #s
Residence 941 Loma Vista St., El Segundo, CA 90245 Res. 310 - 874 -9213
Bus. 213- 787 -8870
Mailing 941 Loma Vista St., El Segundo, CA 90245 Fax.
e -mail matt.a.robinson(a)gmail.com
Name and Address of Employer Analytic Investors LLC
555 W. 5th St., Los Angeles, CA. 90013
Present Occupation Financial /Portfolio Analyst
Are you a registered voter? Yes X No.
Community Service Experience:
From (date)
To (date)
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Supplemental Workshop Teacher
Bachelor of Science
CaII Poiy San Luis Obispo
Minor: Finance
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Bachelor of Science
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Bachelor of Science
CaII Poiy San Luis Obispo
Minor: Finance
Additional Pertinent Courses or Training:
Fixed Income Instruments, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Financial Engineering & Risk Management, Advanced
CorporaIg Finance. Introduction to Futures and Options, Financial Accounting, Probabiltty Models for Economic Decisions
Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests:
CFA Charter holder, extensive technical knowledge of computer programming and numerous applications
City of El Segundo Evart II
Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary:
Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background training, education and
interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
As a CFA charter holder, I've completed a globally respected, rigor0LIS, graduate -level curriculum that typically -
requires four years to corn fete. The subject matter includes ethical and professional standards economics
financial and reporting analysis, equity investments fixed income and corporate finance to name a few. I am
extremely trustworthy, sociable, and comfortable in front of people. I have lived in El Segundo for over 20 years and
I care deeply about the success and well -being of this city.
2. What do you see as the objectives /goals of the City Treasurer?
The obiectives /goals of the city treasurer are to reconcile all incoming and outgoing city financial transactions in a
swift safe responsible, and compliant manner. Another important objective is the intelligent investment of idle city
funds. It is important to understand and manacle all current and future debt obligations and to make sure that the
cities income and investment portfolio manages risk /return objectives to safely, and adequately meet these tarcLpts.
3. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
As a current employee of an innovative financial services company, my rote as a financial /portfolio analyst requires
that I stay current with market events and research in academia. In addition one of my primary tasks is to monitor
and invest/ raise cash in our portfolios to reflect client cash flows. _I_am_very_ risk _conscious and have experience
meeting risk /return constraints while maintaining compfiance.
4. Please describe your experience overseeing and monitoring an investment portfolio?
I am currently responsible for upwards of $1,6 billion in global assets. Overseeing and monitoring investment
portfolios is possibly my greatest strength, and is something with which I am certainly familiadcomfortable.
Maintaining proper risk exposure, cash levels, and return tartlets is second nature. -I am also responsible for-portfolio
attribution on a monthly basis. This often requires interaction with current and prospective clients via conference
calls and /or meetings.
5. Please describe your experience overseeing daily cash management of an organization?
As one might imagine, $1.6 billion spread over 20+ client accounts can create frequent cash flows via contributions
redemptions, dividends, etc. I need to see that these funds are invested when necessary, or that cash is raised to
fulfill any _obligations.
6. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references that are familiar with your,
background and abilities to perform the duties as a City Treasurer (other than family members):
David Krider Pasadena_ 626 - 485 -8949
Name Address Phone
John Gushman Los Angeles 908 -656 -0278
Name Address Phone
Scot Nicol El Segundo 310 - 529 -5286
Name Address Phone
7. Please attach a copy of your professional resume.
. - -'
Signature: Date: 12/17/2012
Matthew A. Robinson, CFA
941 Loma Vista St., El Segundo, CA 90245 • (310) 874 - 9213 • matt.a.robinsonAgmail.com
California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) San Luis Obispo, CA
Double Major. Bachelor of Science, Matbematics dam' Statistics, summa cum laude June 2008
Concentration in Finance GPA: 3.91
• Division 1A Scholarship Athlete: Men's Soccer, 2003 — 2006
Academic Honors
• Cal Poly Scholar Athlete of the Year, 2006
• ESPN Academic All- District Team, 2006
• Big West All- Academic Conference, 2005 & 2006
• Accenture Outstanding junior in Math
• El Segundo High School Valedictorian, 2003
• El Segundo High School Student of the Year, 2003
• Dean's and President's List Every Quarter/Year
• College of Science and Math Outstanding Senior
Analytic Investors, LLC Los Angeles, CA
Portfolio /FinancialAnalyst, 2008 — Present
Responsible for day -to -day monitoring, rebalancing, trading, and attribution for over $1.6 billion in Global and Japanese
equity portfolios for a variety of institutional clients.
Conduct supplementary research to address risk reduction and excess return initiatives for our portfolios.
Develop and maintain a robust optimization code base and streamline all possible operational processes.
Professor Larry Gorman San Luis Obispo, CA
Senior Project, 2007 -2008
Wrote a thesis -like paper that used Fama- French principles to develop a structured 130/30 benchmark index.
• Created Excel spreadsheets and wrote VBA code to extract relevant financial data for S &P 500 companies.
Wrote a script in MATLAB that retrieved the data and performed 130/30 portfolio optimization.
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo, CA
Linear Algebra H Instructor, 2007 — 2008
Taught a supplemental instruction workshop to students coming from two upper - division lecture sessions.
• Addressed the many student difficulties inherent to linear algebra; a proof intensive study.
• Presented spontaneous, innovative, and coherent responses to student inquiries, which demanded an innate
knowledge in the field of linear algebra and the capability to think abstractly.
Financial Technology Partners San Francisco, CA
SummerAnalyst, 2007
Grained transaction experience working for a boutique investment bank specializing in the financial technology sector.
• Performed strategic analyses to advise a publicly listed $600M developer of electronic bond trading platforms
on a potential buy -side transaction.
• Worked directly with senior bankers in the development of a buyers list and a presentation to the management
of a $35M financial supply chain solutions company on a sell-side transaction.
Constructed deal summaries for M&A and financing activity within the financial technology sector to be
distributed to potential clients of the firm.
Scholarships: Robert C. Byrd Honor, Brian Trotter Memorial, Hanna Herrmann Memorial, Chevron Community,
George H. McMeen, American Legion Baseball, Robert P. Balles Math.
Proficiencies: MATLAB, C + +, Visual Basic, Gauss, SAS, R, S -Plus, Java, MINTAB, Maple, and all Microsoft
Office Applications.
Interests: Soccer, Volleyball, Baseball, Golf, Skateboarding, Surfing, Snowboarding, Traveling, Poker, and New
York Times Crossword Puzzles.
Other: Chartered Financial Analyst, Exam P (Probability) Actuarial Exam Certified, SAT 1460 (Math 800).
Application for Consideration for Appointment as City Treasurer
Kevin (Kip) Peter
(First Name) (Middle)
Address: 612 E Maple Ave, El Segundo, CA 90245
Mailina Same
(Last Name)
Telephone #s 310 607 9908
310 607 9609
F x
866 - 308 -2635
e -ma"rt
kiph @hasys.com
Name and Address of Employer H&A Systems Engineering (Note: Self Employed)
PO Box 2875 El Segundo, CA 90245
Present Occupation Engineering Consultant
Are you a registered voter? Yes X No
C'nmmunity SRrvirp F-Kd oriARm-
From (date)
To (date)
BSA (Cub and Boy Scouts)
Feb 2007
^Cubmaster, Committee Chair, Asst
5/80 BSE
scoutmaster, Merit Badge Counselo
American Heritage Girls
Aug 2008
Founded Troop, Treasurer, Unit Lea
Founded So Cal Summer Cam
Institute of Electrical and
Conf Finance Chair, ECI Director,
Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
Area Chair, LAC Chair, CLCPE Rep
For additional organizations, please see resume
Frii iratinn-
Electrical Engineering
6/83 MSE, 6/88 PhD
University of Michigan
Electrical Engineering
5/80 BSE
Additional Pertinent Courses or Training:
Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests: Organizational leadership experience highlights: IEEE LA Council Chair,
Board Member of Electronic Conventions Inc., and Finance Chair IEEE 2002 Radar Conference
City of El Segundo Part IC
Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary:
.1 Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background training, education and
interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
My pastexperience as LA Council Chair, ECI Board Member, and Finance Chair of the 2002 Radar Conference
demonstrates the type ofoversightwith integrity needed in a City Treasurer. In addition, I have oversightof the investment
of approximately 1.2 M$ in my consulting firms SEP -IRA accounts
2. What do you see as the objectives /goals of the City Treasurer?
Restore confidence to the office after the recent personal scadal. Provide oversight and leadership for staff and the
investment advisory committee with high integrity and without conflict of interest. Make wise and safe investments with
city funds. Ensure that all transactions are timely and accurately recorded-
3 Wow would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
Work closely with staff using the philosophy of 'Trust, but verify" to ensure timely transactions and accurate recording.
Carefully compare recommendations of the advisory committee with city investment guidelines, general economic
conditions, and possible conflicts of interest to ensure that investments are wise and free from conflict of interest.
4 Please describe your experience overseeing and monitoring an investment portfolio?
Provide oversightofSEP -IRA managed portfolio accounts for my consulting firm.
Reviewed investment portfolio reports from corporate audit committee while on ECI Board of Directors
Directed placement of received funds in interestbearing account and local checking account for 2002 Radar Conference.
5. Please describe your experience overseeing daily cash management of an organization?
Responsible for billing and receipt of payment for my consulting contracts. Responsible for conference accounts,
income and expense accounting, and allocation of funds between local checking and interest bearing account
Responsible for balancing the Council budget, shutting down the office, and restoring confidence in Council leadership
6, Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references that are familiar with your
background and abilities to perform the duties as a City Treasurer (other than family members):
W. Cleon Anderson 3139 South 2850 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84109 Voice: 801- 466 -1410 E -mail: w.c.anderson @ieee.org
Name Address Phone
Scott E. Miller P.O. Box 15544, Long Beach, CA90815 -0544 Voice: 562 - 431 -7493 E-maiI:soDtt@sempeinc.com
Name Address Phone
G. Christian Morales 2333 Scout Way, Los Angeles, CA 90026 Voice: 626-318-8832 E -mail: keokimorales@gmail.com
Name Address Phone
7. Please attach a copy of your professional resume.
Date: 12/17/2012
For further information call (310) 524 -2302. You may fax your competed application to (310) 322 -7137 or email it to
"This is a Public Document and may be disclosed upon request.
K. P. (Kip) Haggerty, Principal Systems Engineer
Contact Information
H &A Systems Engineering
P. O. Box 2875
El Segundo, CA 90245
Voice: 310- 607 -9609
Fax: 866 - 308 -2635
Web: www.hasys.com
Summary of City Treasurer Qualifications
• Served as a member of the Board of Directors for Elec-
tronic Conventions, Inc. (Book Value 10 M$)
• Finance Chair for the 2002 IEEE Radar Conference
• Run own engineering consulting firm.
• IEEE Regional Awards for work restoring the LA Coun-
cil of IEEE
• Provide investment oversight of my firms SEP -IRAs
Employment History
Dates Position
8/94 to Principal Systems Engineer: H &A Systems Engineering, El Segundo, CA — He provides control, com-
Present munication, and sensor systems engineering consulting. He specified requirements, defined architecture,
performed trade -off studies, analyzed performance, and produced system designs for advanced airborne
radar, cruise missile defense, electronic warfare, calibration, power electronics, active RFID location, and
sobriety monitoring devices.
6/88 to Senior Staff Engineer: Hughes Aircraft Company, El Segundo, CA — He developed, simulated, and
8/94 analyzed avionic system concepts that included spread spectrum data communications, radar, and air
traffic control communications. He led a cooperative engagement system concept study. He participated
in a demonstration of the first high - resolution radar range profiles from a new waveform.
1990 Instructor: Advanced Technical Education Program, Hughes Aircraft Company, El Segundo, CA — He
developed and taught a course in Kalman Filtering.
9/84 to Systems Engineer: Hughes Aircraft Company, El Segundo, CA — He designed, simulated, analyzed
6/88 and verified radar signal processing, tracking, and calibration algorithms.
7/80 to Member of the Technical Staff: Hughes Aircraft Company, El Segundo, CA — He designed, simulated,
9/84 analyzed and verified radar signal processing and tracking algorithms.
• M.S. in System Science, ENGR. and Ph.D. in Electrical
Engineering, UCLA, 1983, 86, and 88 respectively. Ma-
jor: Control Systems, Minors: Communication Systems
and Applied Mathematics
• B.S.E. in Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, 1980 (Cum Laude). Emphasis: Control Sys-
tems and Computer Engineering.
Doctoral Thesis
Chair: Richard E. Mortensen, Professor Emeritus of
Electrical Engineering
Title: Aggregation and Validation of Random
Square Wave Load Models for Electric Power Utility
Load Control of Residential Cooling and Heating
Honors Received
• Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society
• Hughes Aircraft Company Graduate Fellowships
Continuing Education
• STAP l: Introduction to Theory and Applications, IEEE
Radar Conference, Joseph R. Guerci, 2002
• Pulse Compresion in Radar Systems, IEEE Radar
Conference, Marvin Cohen, 2002
• Fundamentals and Applications of Object- Oriented
Programming Using C + +, UCLA Extension 1996
• Systems Engineering with Models and Objects,
David W. Oliver, 1994
• New Parallel Architectures and Languages, NTU,
Arvind, 1992
• Fuzzy Logic: Applications and Perspectives, IEEE,
M. Togai, L. Zadeh, P. Bonissone, 1991
• Structured System Development, Imtiaz Pirbhai, 1991
• Massively Parallel Processing Architectures, NTU,
Winthrop W. Smith, 1990
• Modern Navigation Systems, Walter R. Fried, 1990
Professional Activities and Honors
Professional Affiliations
• Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE)
• IEEE Los Angeles Area Consultants' Network (LAACN)
IEEE Awards
• Millennium Medal (2000)
• Regional Activities Board Achievement Award (1999)
• Region 6 Special Achievement Award (1998)
Hughes Awards
• 1992 Group Achievement Award, Advancement of
Hughes in Tactical Airborne EW
• 1992 Achievement Award
• 1990 Superior Team Award, APG -71 FSD Software
• 1989 Achievement Award and Bonus
• 1989 Superior Performance Award
• 1988 Approved Cost Savings: $83,000 for Efficient
Utilization of Department Computing Resources
California Professional Engineering Licenses
• Electrical Engineer
• Control System Engineer
Scott E. Miller, PE
P.O. Box 15544
Long Beach, CA 90815 -0544
Voice: 562 - 431 -7493
E -mail: scott @sempeinc.com
G. Christian Morales, Camping Director
BSA Los Angeles Area Council
Cushman Watt Scout Center
2333 Scout Way
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Voice: 626 - 318 -8832
E -mail: keokimorales @gmail.com
W. Cleon Anderson, PE
2005 President of IEEE
3139 South 2850 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84109
Voice: 801 - 466 -1410
E -mail: w.c.anderson @ieee.org
• IEEE RadarCon -02 Finance Chair and Webmaster
(2001 -2002)
• Electronic Conventions Inc. (ECI) Director (2000)
• Second Vice President, California Legislative Council
for Professional Engineers ( CLCPE) (1997 -1998)
• IEEE Region 6 Southern Area Chair (1999)
• IEEE Los Angeles Council Chair (1998), Past Chair
(1999), Webmaster (1998- 1999), Legislative Coordina-
tor (1995- 1997), CLCPE Delegate (1995 -1998)
• IEEE LAACN Webmaster (1996 -1998, 2001 - 2012),
Chair (1997 -1998)
• IEEE Coastal Los Angeles Tellers Committee Chair
(2000), Nominations Committee Chair (2000), Nomina-
tions Committee (2001)
• IEEE South Bay Harbor Section Educational Activities
Chair (1996- 1998), Tellers Committee Chair (1999)
• Electrical engineering, mathematics, and artificial intel-
ligence reader for Learning Ally (1991 -1998)
• University of California Academic Senate Computing
Policy Committee and Academic Computing Council
Scott Miller served with me on LA Council as my Treasurer and
then became Council Chair after me. He appointed me to the ECI
Chris Morales is the BSA staff person responsible for camping and
worked with my wife and I to initiate the first Southern California
Regional Summer Camp for American Heritage Girls. I am working
with Chris on planning our third camp for next summer.
Cleon was part of the Regional governance when I served as LAC
Chair, Area Chair, and ECI Director. As Region Director, he was
the driver behind my receipt of the IEEE Regional Activities Board
Achievement Award for my work on restoring the LA Council after
a previous slate of officers were removed by the Regional Activi-
ties Board.
Application for Consideration for Appointment as City Treasurer
Milan M. Cvejic
(First Name) (Middle) (Last Name)
Address: 1514 E. Elm Ave., 90245 Telephone #s
Residence Res. 310 866 0368
N/A Bus. 310 824 8044
e -mail milan.cve0ic0)gmail.com
The Gores Group; 10877 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, 90024
Name and Address of Employer
Private Equity Business Development
Present Occupation
Are you a registered voter? Yes No
rnmmi rnif i Coniirn Fvnwrianrm-
From (date)
To (date)
St Steven's Event Planning Committee
Aug, 2011
Sept, 2011
Committee Member
2002; B.S.
Fria irntinn-
Marshall School of Business, USC
Business Administration
Dec 2010; MBA, Graduate Certificate
in Financial Analysis and Valuation
University of California, Riverside
Business Administration
2002; B.S.
Additional Pertinent Courses or Training:
CFA, Level I
Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests:
Spent the first part of my career on a team executing trades for institutional clients including (private funds, pension
fund) I was born and raised in El Segundo and would wel_co_me the chance to leverage my professional experiences
and help contribute within the community.
City of Er Segundo Part II
Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary:
Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background training, education and
interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
Over 7 years experience in wealth management, working with institutional investors (state pension funds and private
institutional funds) and investing across all asset classes (equities, fixed income, money markets and other ligujd
2. What do you see as the objectives /goals of the City Treasurer?
The City Treasurer must allocate the city of El Se undo's funds into a Portfolio of diversified Investments in a
manner in which the city will eam a return on capital while paying particular attention to capital preservation. risk,
and f;miqg of outflows. Effective communication with the cily council members of the investment advisory board
and full understanding of the city's cash needs.
3. How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
The investment mandate for El Segundo Is quite conservative and narrow. l will be thoughtful about each portfolio
investment and review it with prudence, care and with the above obiectivesl oals in mind. In addition to working
with the Deputy Treasurer on a daily basis. I will see to it that I have regular and effective communication with the
council and the investment advisory board. Finally. I will develop a working relationship with all existing brokers.
4. Please describe your experience overseeing and monitoring an investment portfolio?
I began my career at Smith Barney, where I was part of a team that acted as executing broker for a state pension
fund and various hedge funds. We also were involved with managing Large diversified portfolios for huh net -worth
individuals. That team eventually moved to Wachovia where we continued to perform these services for institutional
and individual investors. I eventually moved to a position within Wachovia in which my team oversaw investments
for several individuals with net worth in excess of $50m. A good portion of these portfolios were invested_ in liquid
investments such as money market funds. I researched products and made investment recommendations based on
capital preservation. yield. and investment objectives.
5. Please describe your experience overseeing daily cash management of an organization?
6. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references that are familiar with your
background and abilities to perform the duties as a City Treasurer (other than family members):
David Leeney_ 10877 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90024 310- 209 -3010
Name Address Phone
Paul Vannuki 10900 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90024 310- 443 -7565
Name Address Phone
Jeffrey Horn 9665 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 _ 310- 205 -7784
Name Address Phone
7. Please attach a copy of your professional resume.
For further information call (310) 524 -2302. You may fax your competed application to (310) 322 -7137 or email it to
*This is a Public Document and may be disclosed upon request.
Milan Cvejic
1514 E Elm Ave.
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 866 -0368
milancvejic @gmail.com
Employment History
Senior Associate Los Angeles, CA
■ Originate new opportunities within the business services vertical
■ Maintain dialogue with C -level executives, corporate development professionals and investment
■ Research various industries involved with B -to-B services
Intern /Analyst Santa Monica, CA
■ Engaged in industry analysis and research at an industry agnostic M&A sell -side advisory firm
■ Advised CEO and president on current valuation metrics being used in various industries
■ Called upon potential strategic buyers to learn about their corporate development plans
■ Involved in every aspect of the M&A sales process
Financial Advisor- Excelsior Wealth Management New York, NY
■ Was an integral part in growing assets under management by 22%
■ Helped increase team revenue by 13% during first 12 months of production
■ Built client equity portfolios with approximately fifteen closely followed companies
■ Managed portfolio risk with a focus on individual holdings
■ Kept clients abreast of news pertaining to each of their portfolio holdings
Trading /Sales Associate Los Angeles, CA
• Executed risk arbitrage trades for our institutional hedge fund and pension fund clients
• Monitored special situations for catalysts as a part of our event driven value investment approach
• Maintained real -time spreadsheet to reflect current M&A deal terms; Searched spreadsheet for
changes in deal spreads and attractive risk adjusted opportunities
• Executed client orders including large block trades, paired trades, bond trades, and option trades;
reported executions; trade reconciliation
SMITH BARNEY 2003 -2005
Trading /Sales Associate Los Angeles, CA
■ Tracked potential spin -offs, mergers, rights issues, short squeezes, recapitalizations, and
bankruptcies for event driven investment approach
2006 to 2010 University of Southern California
• MBA, Business Administration
• Graduate Certificate in Financial Analysis and Valuation
1998 to 2002 University of California
• Bachelor of Science, Business Administration
• Honors Program
Technology /Licenses
• Passed the series 7, 63 & 66
• Passed CFA, Level I
Los Angeles, CA
Riverside, CA
Application for Consideration for Appointment as City Treasurer
Samantha E. Lee
(First Name) (Middle) (Last Name)
Address: Telephone #s
Residence — 1233 East Oak Avenue Res. _ (310) 647 -7247
Bus. (310) 529 -838
Mailing Same as above Fax-
e-mail, sammvselterAyahoo.com
Name and Address of Employer:
Los An el s Ward it o oft the Deputy ExecutbW Director — om tr Iler 6Q5A_W_e__sl-QMtury Blvd. Suite 601.
Los Angeles. CA 90045
Present Occupation: Senior Management Analyst - Office of the Comptroller
Are you a reglstered voter? Yes X No_�_
Community Service Experience:
From (date)
To (date)
Senior Citizen Housing Corporation
Board of Directors
University of Southern California
Public Administration —
5/1998 — MPA
Financial Management
University of California, Riverside
Political Science &
6/1996 — Bachelor of Arts
University of Southern California
Public Administration —
5/1998 — MPA
Financial Management
Additional Pertinent Courses or Training:
Other Pertinent Skills, Experience or Interests:
City of EI Segundo Part 11
Please furnish brief, written responses to the questions below using additional sheets, if necessary:
Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background training, education and
interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
I think that I should be appointed to position of City Treasurer because I offer a unique combination of experience,
education, and interests that can only benefit the City. I have long -term residency in El Segundo; a public education
in the ESUSD; a bachelor's degree in political science as weU as a master's degree in public administration; over 15
years of experience in local government financial management; and finally, I have made the thoughtful choice to
raise my family here. With these aspects of my life, I will bring an extremely rare, well- rounded perspective to the
position of City Treasurer.
2. What do you see as the objectives /goals of the City Treasurer?
I feel the primary goal of the City Treasurer is to safeguard the assets of the City of El Segundo through an
investment portfolio that is guided by a strong investment policy. The investment policy must not only comply with
the relevant state statutes regarding the investment of public funds, but must also take into account that SLY
principal: (1) Safety of the assets; (2) Liquidity of the assets, and; (3) Yield or return of the Invested assets. The
assets of the City of El Segundo must be protected in order for the City to maintain and preserve the quality of
services it provides to its citizens (both residential and business) and visitors.
3. Wow would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
I would help achieve the goals and objectives by ensuring that the City's investment portfolio complies with the city's
investment policy and relevant state statues, while also taking Into consideration the recommendations of the
Investment Advisory Committee. I would also strongly pursue two of the stated goals for the Treasurer's office for
the current fiscal year, (1) "seek certification of City of 1=1 Segundo investment policy by CMTA to assure it is held to
the highest standards of investment guidelines ", and (2) "evaluate Investment advisory policy diversification
guidelines to assure adequate reduction of concentration risk in portfolio ". The Treasurer's office must also seek to
maximize the efficiency of cash receipts and disbursements of city funds. I understand the roles and responsibilities
of various entities involved in local government financial management, and the need for cooperation and collegiality
among them — this understanding will be vital to achieving the goals and objects of the Treasurer's office.
4. Please describe your experience overseeing and monitoring an investment portfolio?
Although I do not have direct experience overseeing or monitoring an investment portfolio in my professional duties,
I have extensive experience in the daily management of local government finance including the issuance of
municipal debt and the associated investment of the debt proceeds. I am also familiar with the roles and
responsibilities of the various agents involved in local government financial management, and I have developed a
network of professional contacts in this arena.
5. Please describe your experience overseeing daily cash management of an organization?
Although 1 do not have direct experience overseeing the daily cash management of an organization, I am familiar
with the critical concepts of efficient processing of receipts and payments. The banking services provided to the City
should be maximized to improve the City's cash management practices, where available, while also ensuring
compliance with federal and state requirements (including timely remittance of federal and state withholding taxes,
etc.). This is why the stated goal of the Treasurer's Office for the current fiscal year of "completing the RFP process
to consolidate banking and brokerage activity to reduce cost and time associated with the use of multiple banking
and broker institutions" will be of great significance.
6. Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references that are familiar with your
background and abilities to perform the duties as a City Treasurer (other than family members):
Karen Sisson -_ Pomona College, 333 North College Way, Claremont CA 91711 (909)621-8132
Name Address Phone
K rl P n — Port of Los Angeles, 425 S. Palos Verdes Drive, 4t" floor, 'San Pedro CA 90731 (3101732-7706
Name Address Phone
Eileen Yoshimura_— Port of Los Angeles, 425 S, Palos Verdes Drive. 41" floor. Sant Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 732 -7755
Name Address Phone
7. Please attach a copy of your professional resume,
Dale: ! -
For further lnformation call (310) 524 -2302. You may fax your competed application to (310) 322-7137 or email It to
mjenninas(M- elseaundo.orn
*ThIs is a Public Document and may be disclosed upon request.
Samantha E. Lee
1233 East Oak Avenue
El Segundo, California 90245
(310) 647 -7247
Education: University of Southern California
Master of Public Administration, Emphasis: Financial Management May 1998
University of California, Riverside
Bachelor of Arts, Political Science & Economics June 1996
Experience: Senior Management Analyst 2006 - Present
Los Angeles World Airports, Office of the Comptroller /Chief Financial Officer
• Serve as the Chief of Staff to the Deputy Executive Director — Comptroller /Chief
Financial Officer.
• Provide analysis, review and liaison support for all Department accounting, financial
reporting, financial systems and risk management functions and programs.
• Interpretation of and compliance with City policies, procedures and regulations
regarding financial and personnel management.
• Prepare written correspondence, memorandums, and commission reports.
• Prepare, administer and monitor operating budget of the Comptroller Office.
• Review, analyze and make recommendations on budget expenditures and
personnel practices of the Comptroller organization (4 divisions).
Management Analyst II 2000-2006
Los Angeles World Airports, Office of the Chief Financial Officer
• Serve as staff assistant to the Deputy Executive Director /Chief Financial Officer.
• Provide analysis, review and liaison support for all Department accounting, financial
planning, financial reporting, financial systems functions and programs.
• Prepare request for proposals for professional services and administer contracts.
• Prepare written correspondence, memorandums, and commission reports.
• Prepare, administer and monitor operating budget of the Chief Financial Officer.
• Review, analyze and make recommendations on budget expenditures and
personnel practices of the Finance organization (4 divisions).
Management Assistant 1999 -2000
Los Angeles World Airports, Office of the Chief Financial Officer
• Serve as staff assistant to the Chief Financial Officer.
• Prepare written correspondence and commission reports.
• Review, analyze and recommend position on proposed financial legislation.
• Prepare and monitor operating budget of the Chief Financial Officer.
• Coordinate the request for proposal process and contract administration.
• Review; analyze and make recommendations on budget expenditures and
personnel practices of the Finance organization (3 divisions).
Project Assistant 1996 -1999
Los Angles World Airports, Operating Budget Section
• Analyze and review divisional budget proposals and requests.
• Serve as divisional budget liaison during budget preparation /implementation.
• Review and analysis of budget transfers.
• Formulate revenue projections for annual departmental operating budget.
• Prepare monthly revenue and expenditure variance reports.
• Review and analyze position control report.
Presentation: Update on efforts to recruit for the vacant office of the City
Treasurer and potential action by City Council regarding appointing a person or
calling a special election to fill the vacancy.
(Fiscal Impact: N /A)
1. Receive and file presentation;
2. Take action regarding appointing or calling a special election to fill the
vacancy in the office of the City Treasurer.
3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item.
Staff Report from December 4, 2012 Council Meeting
Amount Budgeted: N/A
Additional Appropriation: N/A
Account Number(s): N/A
ORIGINATED BY: Mickie Tagle, Senior Executive Assistant
APPROVED BY: Greg Carpenter, City Manager t'
The former City Treasurer resigned on November 22, 2012 and the City has until January
25, 2013 to either appoint a person to the vacant office or call a special election to fill the
vacancy. As was stated in the staff meeting for the December 4, 2012 City Council
Meeting, the cost of calling a special election will exceed $60,000 and could exceed
$100,000. The City Clerk's Office has still not been able to get an estimate from the
County regarding the cost.
At the last City Council Meeting, City Council asked Staff to advertise vacant position of
City Treasurer and to prepare an application as well as a general description of the duties
of the office to provide to residents that may want to consider being appointed as City
Treasurer. Staff did prepare such documents and posted the advertisement on the City
website on Thursday, December 6, 2012. To -date, December 11, 2012, there are no 4
applicants. Staff will provide the Council with copies of the applications received by
noon of the day of the Council Meeting by 2:00 p.m. of that day.
Based upon the discussion had by the Council during its last meeting, it appeared that the
Council wanted to review the number and quality of applicants and then decide how to
proceed at the next Council Meeting.
2 40
Consideration and possible action regarding filling the vacancy in the elected office of
the City Treasurer based upon former Treasurer Chris Powell's resignation from that
office on November 26, 2012. (Fiscal Impact: Unknown at this time)
1) Discuss potential options and/or potentially take action to fill the vacant City Treasurer
position by either appointing a person to fill the position for the remainder of the term
(April 2016) or holding a special election in June.
2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item.
FISCAL IMPACT: Potential Budget Adjustment Required
Amount Budgeted: $0.00
ORIGINATED BY: Mark Hensley, City Attornef tA.,0
APPROVED BY: Greg Carpenter, City Manager
On November 26, 2012 the City Clerk's office received a letter of resignation from former
Treasurer Chris Powell. Pursuant to Government Code §§ 1750(e) and 1770(c), the resignation
creates a vacancy in the elected office of the City Treasurer. The term of office for the vacant
position ends in April 2016.
Government Code § 36512 provides that, within 60 days of November 26th, the City Council
may (1) appoint an eligible elector to fill the vacancy or (2) call for a special election for the
voters to fill the vacancy. The special election must take place not sooner than 114 days after
calling for the election. The City does not have an estimate at this time as to what the County
will charge the City for calling a special election but it is estimated that such cost could well
exceed $100,000. The City Attorney's Office and Clerk's Office are reviewing whether the
election qualifies for a vote by mail only process which could substantially reduce the costs of
the election.
The 60 day deadline for taking action to either appoint or call for a special election is January 25,
2013. The next special election that is more than 114 days from the time period within which the
Council has to make a decision is June 4, 2013.
4 157
f � pity. Cc�una l c%� to appoint a person to the vwated office, the City Couttc4i could
Implement an application process or siinply vote on persons :nominated by Cotincil Members.
Any person selected by the City Council most be ail eligiblc elector, i.e., a person mtist be a City
resident and be eligible to vote. A person appointed to office would serve for the iemninder of
the Wm (April 2016).
Please note that a vote to appoint an individual to the City Council is a majority of the qum m.
Accordingly, If only. three Council Members are present to vote, two affirmation votes will
appoint. i
Ma lin v Ballenger (1930) 26 CalApp2d 45.