CONTRACT 4692 CLOSEDAgreement No. 4692 Services Agreement ®' CORMW09N CAMW t- t t' r, including coverage far premises, Products and completed operadorts, independent coma=, personal injury and contractual obkab= with wr&W single Nmits of coverage of at least Sl.Ob0M per oo . ® && URW N , kk*V owned, non -ow6d and hned vehicles with at least: ❑ 51.000.000 per occurrence. Cl 1100A M-- 300.000 per occurrence, ® As required by State Statt tes. A copy of your cwrent poky must be submitted namfg yowW and or your company. llV�icer ' CompensOm_Walmw. as mquked by State Statutes. (Not needed f SSI- employed wilh no emp4m and CONMCTQR signs statement to this efWA.) ❑ %jgaa UMM: The CONTRACTOR Ad agree to have a cement City of El Segundo lkaense on file at Cihr Hd or purchase said !'rcerw (at no oast tQ the CRy). ❑ Permits: Plans must be approved and permKs) issued (no flee) by the Pin* and BwWq Safety if appopdaW. CaN [he Ptanrtertg Mai W @ (310) 524 -2340 4 you have questions. �I Cooy of vrdid,_pMe I.D. (Drivers license etc.) Pi.EAW NOTE: ALL APPLICABLE INFOR"71061 LWO ABOVE MUST BE OBTANEO AND ON W, PRIOR 70 THE ISSUANCE OF A CRY RNOIASE OWR MW SENT` TO YOU (IAA FAX OR HARD COPY) BY THE RISK KWGBWqfi0VAW AGENT, 'THUS AIM OWN COMMENC130Mf OF WOW( FOR THE WY. 2&rnw by (camalate on btenkt): Gown Vwl r Ily / ( rov R3 Ss-3 Mail original wwont and la 1' clty :i Segundo,- City Cleric 350 NIA Room � EI Swundo, CA 902 13 OriginelaVOepariment � _� ., i"�.> tW Rnerwe AWwal: cc: Bwkwo ubm; Gly TKYED AS TO FORM: CI ORNEY i -GENERALLY. " s, supplies, or services (may, 'Purchased covered by this services agreement and purchase order ('order`] must be famished by Suer MOW tD all the terms and conditions contained in this order wtrich Seller, In ac7eptlng tuts order, agrees to be bounds by and comply with in all particulars. No other terms or conditions are b rift upon the parties unless subsequently agreed to in writing. Written acceptance or shipment of all or any portion of the Purchase covered by ttns order constitutes urrquaiibed acceptance dd ad terms aid corddons in this order. The lem of any proposal referred to in this order are included and made a part of the order ahty to the extent it spewed the Purchase ordered, the price, and the delivery, and then only lo the extent the such leans are consistent with the terms and condoms of this order. 2.0iSPECTM The Purchase furnished must be exactly as specified in this wier, free from all defects in SeWs performance, design, workmanship, and materl+aks, and, w dept as otherwise provided, is subject to inspection and test by City at all times and places. If, before final aooepiance, any any Purchase is found b be Incornplete, or rol as specified, City may reject tl, require Seller to correct it without charge, or require delivery of such Purchase at a reduction in price that is equitable under the drandtances. If seller is unable or refuses a erred sudm items within a timme deemed reasonable by City. City may terminate the order in whole or in part Seller bears all risks as b rejected Purchases and, In addition to any costs for which Seller may became liable to City under other provision of this order, must reimburse City for all transportation costs . other related costs incurred or payments to Seger in aeomlance with the terms of this order for unwed Purchases. Notwithstanding Clys acceptance of any Purchase, Seller is liable for latent defects, fraud, or such gross mistakes as constitute fraud. &CHANGE& City may make changes within the general scope of this order in draw kW ands spe ificak ms for speddy manufactured supplies, place of delivery, method of shipment or pecitinhg of the order by 9f9 notice io Seger and subsequently confirming such changes in writing. If such changes atTieet the cost of or the time required for performance of tlhts order, an egAabie a*usOhhent in the price or delivery or both must be made. No change by Seger is allowed wiMW City's wrMw approval. Any claim by Seller for an a*strnent wxW this section must be maee n writing within stony (34) daps from the dale of receipt by Seiler of notificalm of such change unless City waives tt>us cohdillorh n writing. Nothing in this seclorm excuses Seller from proceeding with perf ranee of the order as changed. 4. TERMINATION. City may terminate this order at any time, either verbally or in writing. with or without cause. Should termination occur, City wig pay Seger as hug peribmwnce until such termination the unit or pro rata order price fix the pderlbr med and accepted portion of the Purchase sty may provide written notice of termination for Series defwk t Seger refuses or fads to comply with this order. If Seger does not m such facture within a rye time period, or fails to perform the Purchase within the lime specified (or allowed by eAvWon), Seger MR be liable to City for any excess coats Incurred d by City - S.TIME EXTENSIOK City may extends the time for completion f, in City's sole deWmination. Seiler was delayed because of causes beyond Seller's control and without Sellers fault or negligence. In ftre event delay was caused by fdtyr. Seller's sole remedy is limed to recovering money actuailly and necessardy expended by Seger because of the delay, there is no ngW a recover anticipated proft 6 REMEDIES CUMULATIVE Clys rights and reined ies wider this order are not exclusive and are in admen to any rightsand ramedd'res provided by law. T.TITLE. Title to materials and supplies purchased under this order pass directlyy from Seller to City upon City's written acceptance following reement No. 4692 B.PAYMENT. City will pay Seder aft recelVW9 acuptalble Invoices for maesials and st"fies delivered and accepted or services rendered and acceig "'. City wN not ray cartage. shiffing, pa*a^ or boxing w unless specified in this order. Qralts coal not be honored. 9.1NDEMNIFiCATION, Seller agrees to indemnify and hold City harmless from and against any dam, actioth, damages, costs (including, without lnitedon, allorney's fees), injuries, or ilabilily, arising out of the Purchase or the ordm or their perlbrmanoe. Should City be named in any suit or should any claim be bum * against it by suit or otherwise, whether the same be grwxlless or not arising out of the Purchase or order, or their performance, Seller will deiexnd City (at City's request and with counsel satisfacrory to City) and uxknnfy City for any judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or oftwise. For purposes of this Section 'city" includes CKYs of ers, elected officials, and employers. it is expressly understood and weed that the bregoamg provisions will survive errmkiefim of this order. The requirerm►rts as to the types and liinits of insurable coverage to be mantabhed by Seder, and any approval of such insurance by City, are not intended to w d will not in any manor limit or qualify the diaries and obligations otherwise assumed by Seger pursuant to this order, including, without limitation, to the provisions wncemkig indgnu►fication. 10.WARRANi'Y. Setter agrees that the Pdhd''dnase is covered by the most favorable comawdal warranties the Sober gives to any customer for the same or substantially, similar supplies or seniaes, or such other more favorable warranties as is specified in this order. Warranties will be effective notwithstanding any inspection or acceptance of the Purchase by City. % ASSIGNMENT. City may assign this order. Except as to any payment due under this order. Seger may not assign or subcontract the order without City 's written approval. Should City give consennt, it will not relieve Seiler from any obligations under 96 order and any transferee or subtracmr will be considered Seller's agent 12JNSURANCE. Seler must provide the insurance kWkated on the face street of this Services AgreemenL 13.PERMIT& Seller must procure all necessary permits and ticarises, and abide by all federal, state, and local laws, for pettm nog this order. 11UNDEPENDENT cowrRACTOR. City and Seger agree that Sedan will act as an nhciependemt contneclar and mil have control of as world and the manner in whkh is is performed. Seiler wig be free to contract for sir filar service to be performed inr other employers while under contract wA City. Seller is not an agent or employee of City and is not entitled to partldp * In any pension Flan, insurance, bonus or similar benefit$ City provides kx its employees. Any pmvision in this order that may appear to give City the right to detect Seder as to the details of doing Me work or b exerdse a measure of control over the work means that Seger will follow the dfirextion at the City as to end results of ttie work Only. 11WAIVER. City's review or acceptance del, or payment tor, work prod tict M eWW by Seller under this order will not be construed to operate as a wakes of any rights City may have under Kris Agreement or of any cause of action ar lsi g from Seller's perfomrance. A waiver by City of any breach of any term, ooveharmt, or eondiliion contained in this order wig not be deemed to be a w elver of any submgxwd breach of the same or any curer term, cove►rarmt, or oandritlon contained in this order, Wietherof tie same or ffwent character. 16 WERPRETATiON. This Agreermme+ht was dratted in, and will be construed in accorda toe with ire laws of the State of California, and enodusive venue for arty action Invohring this agreement will be in Los Angeles County. mmnm h Agreement No. 4692 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC LIBRARY 111 W. MARIPOSA AVE. EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 EXHIBIT "A" — SCOPE OF SERVICES LIBERTY CITY agrees to provide live music services during the Library's concert series from October 1, 2014 through September 2015. The CITY agrees to pay LIBERTY CITY on an as- needed basis an amount set forth in Exhibit "BA subject to the limitation that total services must not exceed Five Thousand Two Hundred ($5,200.00). EXHIBIT "B" — COMPENSATION SCHEDULE • The CITY agrees to pay LIBERTY CITY for the total of ten performances of such . services as follows: the sum of $500.00 each performance for October 2014 through December 2014; and $514.00 each performance for January 2015 through June 2015; and September 2015. • The CITY agrees to release payment to Contractor after each performance but may not be guaranteed. SIGNED: . DATE: �