2014 Aug 04 - CC MIN SPC SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, August 04, 2014 El Segundo Public Library 111 W. Mariposa Avenue, El Segundo, CA 90245 5:00 p.m. 5:00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER— Mayor Fuentes at 5:00 PM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member ROLL CALL Mayor Fuentes - Present Mayor Pro Tern Jacobson - Present Council Member Atkinson - Present Council Member Fellhauer - Present Council Member Dugan - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Pursuant to Government Code § 54954.3(a), the only public comment that will be permitted during this Special Meeting is that pertaining to the agenda item listed below. Individuals who have received value of$50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. Kim Thoman, El Segundo PTA Council President, spoke on behalf of the Library and Crossing Guard partnership with the City and the ESUSD. Kendra Walther, resident and Center Street PTA President, spoke on behalf of the Library and Crossing Guard partnership with the City and the ESUSD. Kristen Patterson, resident, spoke on behalf of the Library and Crossing Guard partnership with the City and the ESUSD. Melissa Moore, Superintendent of ESUSD, spoke on behalf of the Library and Crossing Guard partnership with the City and the ESUSD. Cathy Shearon, resident, spoke on behalf of the Library and Crossing Guard partnership with the City and the ESUSD. Dr. Antonio Mendez, resident, commented on the OpenGov part of our web site. Ron Swanson, resident and business owner, concerned with the proposed budget cut of crossing guards for the schools. Jane Friedkin, resident, commented on assisting the ESUSD, Mrs. Friedkin has stated the well has run dry and the City must take care of itself first. Chris Powell, former school Board Member and CFO for the ED! Foundation, feels the funds are necessary for the school district. The Ed! Foundation has done well, however, the funds for this year have been allotted. Mike Lipsey, resident, commented on the need for crossing guards in the district. MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING(SPS) August 4,2014 PAGE NO. 1 Loretta Frye, resident, stated the citizens elect a Council to run and take care of our City and the school board is elected to take care of the schools. Ms. Frye commented on other sources of income for the ESUSD. Dr. Bill Watkins, school board member and resident, spoke on behalf of the library and the Crossing Guard partnership with the City and the ESUSD. Council Commented on the Public Communication received by the residents. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS: 1. Consideration and possible action regarding a strategic planning workshop resulting in City Council guidance to staff for completing preparation of the Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Budget which includes a discussion of all City revenues and expenditures for the 2014-2015 budget. Staff will present a brief overview of policy issues, challenges/limitations, staff proposed goals and strategies associated with preparation and planning of the fiscal year budget including, without limitation, the following matters: Greg Carpenter, City Manager, introduced the presentation. a. Review of changes to FY 2014-2015 Preliminary Budget since June 26, 2014 Strategic Planning Session. Deborah Cullen, Finance Director b. Yearend Fund Balance Update based on projected FY 2013-2014 yearend revenues and expenditures. Deborah Cullen, Finance Director Meeting recessed at 6:15 PM Meeting resumed 6:27 PM c. Three-Year Forecast— Staff's presentation three year Budget forecast and Council discussion and direction regarding this forecast. Mayor Fuentes opened the discussion for Council to discuss the possible reductions in the City departments shown in "Reducing the Budget Deficit" handout. (Items d and a on the Agenda) d. Options for expenditure reductions — Presentation by staff regarding potential expenditure reductions and Council discussion and direction regarding these proposals. e. Options for program reductions and/or revenue increases - Presentation by staff regarding potential program reductions and Council discussion and direction regarding these proposals. Council voted on Service/Staffing Reduction Options by Department: FIRE DEPARTMENT: 1. Run short up to 3 Suppression Positions Daily — FAILED Yes; 2 (Atkinson, Dugan) No; 3 (Fellhauer, Fuentes, Jacobson). MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING(SPS) August 4,2014 PAGE NO.2 FINANCE DEPARTMENT: 2. Freeze FT Accounting Technician Position — backfill with PT — PASSED 5/0 HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT: 3. Reduce PT City Receptionists service hours — PASSED 5/0 4. Reduce Non personnel budget— FAILED Yes; 1 (Dugan) No; 4 (Atkinson, Fellhauer, Fuentes, Jacobson, ,) CITY'S MANAGER DEPARTMENT: 5. Reduce two FT Administrative Positions to one FT and one PT - FAILED Yes; 1 (Dugan) No; 4 (Atkinson, Fellhauer, Fuentes, Jacobson) PLANNING & BUILDING SAFETY: 6. Reduce Contractual Services — FAILED 0/5 LIBRARY SERVICES DEPARTMENT: 7. Reorganize staffing and freeze vacant position — PASSED 5/0 POLICE DEPARTMENT: 8. Reduce Staff by two sworn positions — PASSED 5/0 RECREATION & PARKS DEPARTMENT: 9. Freeze FT Park Maintenance Worker— backfill with PT — PASSED 5/0 10.Terminate Services Agreement with Tree Musketeers — FAILED 0/5 11.Reduce park repairs and projects — FAILED Yes; 2 (Fellhauer, Jacobson) No; (Atkinson, Dugan, Fuentes) 12.Reduce operating hours of various Recreation facilities — $41,000.00, Council Member Fellhauer proposed only $20,000.00 in cuts. PASSED Yes: 3 (Fellhauer, Fuentes, Jacobson) No; (Atkinson, Dugan) **Mayor Fuentes asked for a matrix on usage of the various recreation facilities** 13.Reduce Acacia Pool hours — PASSED Yes; 4 (Atkinson, Fellhauer, Fuentes, Jacobson) No; 1 (Dugan) 14.Reduce recreation facility supplies and projects - $12,000.00, Council Member Atkinson proposed only $6,000.00 in cuts. PASSED Yes; 3 (Atkinson, Fuentes, Jacobson) No; 2 (Dugan, Fellhauer) 15.Reduce Special Event Budget — PASSED 5/0 16.Reduce Cable TV programming (PT salaries) — FAILED 5/0 17.Reduce Cable TV operating supplies — FAILED Yes; 2 (Atkinson, Jacobson) No; 3 (Dugan, Fellhauer, Fuentes) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: 18.Staff reductions — FAILED 0/5 19.Reduce supplies — FAILED 1/4 Yes; 1 (Jacobson) No; 4 (Atkinson, Dugan, Fellhauer, Fuentes) 20.Reduce services — FAILED 1/4 Yes; 1 (Dugan) No; 4 (Atkinson, Fellhauer, Fuentes, Jacobson) MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING(SPS) August 4,2014 PAGE NO.3 CITY TREASURER: 21.Reduce supplies & services — PASSED 3/2 Yes; 3 (Atkinson, Dugan, Jacobson) No; 2 (Fellhauer, Fuentes) CITY CLERK: 22.Reduce supplies & services — FAILED 0/5 PROGRAM REDUCTION OPTIONS: Items 23-25 were voted on during a previous Strategic Planning Session. Items 26-28 for the preliminary budget will remain as is and will be brought back at a later date for further discussion after the City/Schools Affairs Subcommittee meeting. Council Member Fellhauer brought back to the table the discussion of council members receiving medical benefits for life after 5 years of service. Council Member Fellhauer does not see the value in Council Members receiving retirement benefits as well. Council Member Fellhauer would like the Council to voluntarily remove themselves from these programs. Council Discussion Council directed staff to prepare a report on what the process would be to change the retiree medical benefits for City Council Members and all city employees and the PERS participation for City Council. ADJOURNMENT at 7:49 PM Tray Wqa4r, ity Clerk MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING(SPS) August 4,2014 PAGE NO.4