CONTRACT 4307 CLOSEDAgreement No. 4307
4 07 .9� �..
HIS MAINTENANCE AGRFE't ENT ("Agreement°) is made and entered into this 1()ih day of
October. 2012. by and between the CITN' OF EL SEGUNDO. u general law ciTy and municipal
corporation("Cl'I Y")and Robert's Liquid Disposal,a sale proprietor I"CONTRACTOR"I,
1-he Parties three as follows:
As partial considera6on°CONTRAC I OR agrees to perl-orm the work listed in die
COPL Ol' SiiRVICFS, below.
:��»additional consideratiorn, ('¢� 'l l AC"I CSR ar►d CITY agree to abide b the
terms and conditions contained in this Alt merit
C. As additional consideration. CITY agrees to pay CONTRACT(L-)R for
CON•rRACTOR's services not to exceed ten thousand dollars ISIO.(H)O.()))_
CITY ,Mll pay this sum(s)on the basis ol'the hourl) rates and cost reimbursement
rates as specified in the attached Fxhibit`A." which is incorPt►rated hcrcin.
2. TERM. I he term of this Agreement will be from November 1. '_012, w October 31. 2013.
The Agreement may he renewed upon mutual consent or the parties.
CONTRALA OR will perform w%vage pumping anti disp,40 wr%ice:s listed in the
attaches! F!%hibit "A.- rNhich is incorporated hN reference, I'lic pro%isions
contuined Its this Agreemeni Mll super.male -un% conflicting prm isions in i`xhibit
it. I lw w wage pump ing and lispositI r%iccs req u ired hti 0 T Y wiII be prop ided 4 i
an as-needed basis with CITY determining and ad%ising CON I C"COR as to
when specific -vi-vices are required in N performed or vounplewd b�
CONT LAt:Tt)R will,in a professionsl trtartncr, furnish all of the labor. tc�chniral,
administrative, proiessional and other personnel. all supplies and materials.
equipment_ printing. vehicles, transportation. office space and facilities, and all
tests. testing and analyses, calculation. and all other means whalsoever, except as
herein otherAise expressly specified to be furnished b% CITY. necessary or proper
to perform and complete the work and provide thtr sewage pumping and disposal
4 ,,)
SQ1111"Vices rcq%iirvd of(.()N'r'R-,9W1r0R b1%1 this—Aglicenivw-
4. PREVAILLNG WAGES. I 1'require d by applicable smic law including. without limitation
Labor Cok§§ 171 0(as amended by AB 975 l2001)), 1771, 1774, 1775. and 1776®
CONTRACTOR must pay its workers prevailing wages. It is CONTRACTOR's resptinsibiliq
to interpret and implement any prevailing wag requirements and CONTRACTOR agrees t®pay
any penafts or civil damages;Vsulting from a viol tiall of the prevailing Wage laws. In
accordance with Labor Code § 1773,2,copies of the prevailing rate of per the %%upes are
available upon request fro m C TY's Lnginecring Division or the web.-die fear State of California
Prevailing wage determinlion at ov,DL.,S A cop), ofthe vailing
rate of per diem wagcq must he posted at thejob site.
Fq'n, ("1 17 if) Pay CO :Nrl,IIAUIOR aw, specifioi bk this Jkj�rccn'1'0��gw
I'K,A(71 OR,TMIDIA submit a dewiled invoicc to (.,'I I Y.
1'hc fna,,idnium annoum fair sc%%Ige purarK.ita and dispcisal ,o.,rvieos i'i
filifited 1,41 S 10.000,
By execufling flfls ,NFrei-m,i!jnt, FR,,�y C 1'011y,ii,eprescrms 0w CON 1 RACTOR
i horultghly in,minigated and consideired 0he sciqw ofser%iccs u') lmo
H ("UrerW ly ec"midercd llow rhe services should he perforrinc&,and
911 1 Jndermarids lhic fhcifificsm difficuldes. and rcmint:flons aftriding
pr,rf4rmorice of the sipm,ices tiWer this Agriceirient.
If services involve work upon any site,CONATRAC I OR wwrartis that
CONTRACTOR has or will investigate the site and is or will be fully acquainted
with the conditions there existing.before commencing the services hereunder.
Should CON'rRACTOR discover any latent or w*no%%m conditions that may
materially of the perfornumcc oft e scrvice CONMACTOR N%ill
immediately inform CITY of such fuct and will not proceed except at
CON'l"M-1-OR's own risk until written instructions are received from CI 1Y
Before commencing performance Linder this Agreement.and at all other tincs this
Agoemeni is effective, CONTRAC'TOR will procure and maintain the l'ollowing
4 3 0 7
Mrs of hourmwe mRh cmcmgc WN compl)ing' "o. I I in�n I Un'I" w%ith 0 lie Hmits
set funh hejo"�
lypp of QsTrq'VIWCCI L 1 WT S Qp pjhj-lj�a»4^Qdy.,1
Commercial general 11thlity SUMA000
Business amomobile liability S I MU0100
Thtwkers compensadon Sualulm=y reqUiremem
Cow-runc.'It."i'M "..mM d kllhlht.) iB•,Wjuce %vW cueet or e,,ceed tic requi•on-wnt., of
IS1U-(..'G[. I-orm Nm C& 00 W 11 85 or HE lhe amown nC Ommue w; Wh
above %xill be a conthwd Qvoe lira it per occmrepcc t'or boklflw permra
and projmLy Jamage for the pokc.� cokcnqpc'�- Liabifilr� pflicw� wtl be
endorsed Ki nme Uq. Rs olh6dn and empW"as m'WWN SmW umler
Sa d hu"wrance and �.o statc 111"It-AlCh kISUI-.fflCC V &CIIICd
Mch JUL al*� other insurance that ina) he camed by (Q mill he emys Werm),
Sim..11 tnsura I I ce %%d l bv on un -occurrewive." i I 0t as -t:l a i rI as makle", ba".-*s tu t d w.wVl i
= he cmwtdahle ow suQtw is reductia)yj CXCep�. jjjqon &.nwS pjj9:YIr
wKWn nolke to t,,
AmomAhHe covemp QJI ho %Weti on ISO Runinew Auk, (ovemgc Ponn L A
0(t 01 06 92, tncladmg s�nibol I t,A,v,, Aim.'i h.
D CON I RAU IDR %011 limmish m Cj duy m6sukated (..:ec6flvaw,,s ird gnsurance
ivoinlenance of the insurmico req&ed under IS Agrccmcm
endwsumms as rapamd hxAm ;md such oiher oUnce of insurmice tm
oFpoWes as may be reasonably reqWred by (2, Rom udw in mmy Waame
mum be pKed "it imurns with a cumem AAL Unt Um pm* RmQ.!
cquhmkm w at Want as WiNg of W17 WAllemom mm Wal Owl Me
rnsurer wM pro\ldc-1hin; 00) day m0ce Wan, cancelhilmi of covemp.
CINY I RAC")IT QH mqtdre IN insurer Co: mmlify si.xh i[tit ;.a l'@
exeulpawD mordhg mming Ki Mure of We insuver, w, maab wrivell of
cancellmion knposes mi k6hgathm aW to
he any notice pr(�.ovkions.
Should COTIT TAW(IR, IS an, rcumm, IWI it, 451ahi and nudmuhi the insuranco
requKal by IN %gremnm (!* no) ;+Wn �uch ctv�,-e•ag� utit CONI RACA OR"
cxpethe and deduo Te coo of such Wsuram Am Inyments W io
(IMTRACTOR as clerthls Agrocmwni or iera6mo.�:
IL TINIK F011 FIE11MRNIANCE. CON I RAC I OR mil ma pmRwm a, ""k uWcr this
Agmenwnt until:
A C(W I RACTOR I'umkhes proof ofinsurancens veqK4 umOr Seedmi 7 of Us
Agmemunu nmd
11ge 3 ol 7
4 .307
R (�'ITY gives C'UN I RAC I OR :.i 'Iwohce Lo Pi-ocvr,'d
Shou I d CON I P-\('11 OR hcJn v�oi-k in advince ofi,ecei%in L, �,µHtwn awhohzation
to procccd. an� :,uch services are at I RAC I(#R's own 6sk,
1) FE RAI I N A FI 0 N
k L x c c pi, a s I rt I t c ir N%i s c I i rk d- e d CITY i i i;i v t e i i i i I I t;I I C tlIis Aun, e t I I C n t ,1 t :I CiIIIQ
r tt11ll11t C z I I l W, 0 z i C C 0 f te i n i a i i o i ,v I e ii t i rt l i l i,,,.
B t ON I RAC TOR Tva terminate Tl-ti,,.ALwcnlent upon pro%Idinu- "MIALCII wMcc to
Cl I1 at least i 1 30 1 day s before I!ie c I I'Cci I t e ternimai I on cLoi-
shoold dic Axlcelvlcnt he Lernnnuled rMI-SLIM11 10 IIIIS SeQfi011, C I II 4 IM'.1% PI-ClCUIN
001 w, o% n leinis er ices sflllillari to dli:)sc wnininatC&
Bv execunflu, thi..,dncunlew, ('()\TR,-\('FOR vaives any bnd ItH clainvt.. fol
ikinlau,Q'i that Illight odicr\visc arise front UI I 'l ',s writilinanon tuldC[, 111'Es sccnMl
A, CONTFL%CTOR indemnities and holds CITY harmless from and against an),
claim, action, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorney's fees),
injuries, or liability, arising on( of this Agreement, or its performance.
Should CHA be named in anN quit, or should an%- claim be brought against it
by suit or othenvise, whether the same he groundless or not, arising out of
this Agreement, or its performance, CONTRACTOR %%ill defend CITY (at
CITY's request and %vith counsel satisfactor-, to CI I'1 ) and %%ill indemnif"
CITY for any judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in
settlement or When%ise.
R For pkii'llposes of this section "CI MCILIde' ( M ofiik:ers. officii1s,
al!cruN. repre,elllailives. "ind cet-rAle,,] whlnlccl•s.
It 1," cx° lrcs!flk UllUCP,UIUU LIMI agrteu iha[ tile "ill SUT\kC
Cerniinaiion OfdIAS A21['UMIML
I I l\M.)EIPENDFNT CON TRAC'U0 R. CI I Y and I R,v I("jR that
('0110RACTOR will act as an indcpendcifli cont rxLor and v h,tre con(ro� ofall Nvot-k and the,
mallner in vdlik:h 'P, it. perklmied CC)NTRA('_f(..)R will be frve w contraci I'Ci-shudar �ev\Ice k)
be Pel'i'LITTIled filT ohet' vdiile under contract. � Iih CITY CONI RACTOR is not an
apent or cnnlplo kLe 1:4(11 Y ,..Pld is not ertlifled to p-nicipate its anx pension pLLtn,
�IMUS OT 1-dMikil-benclits CI I Y providcs ticr its cwplmces.. Amr provkion in ihis
that ni�i% appeair to Fite 4'11TY die rlvht to direct CO-NN I. RAC I OR as to:a Ileac: detalk ol'domg the
mark or to exercke a 111CIDSLIN of cojnxtA o\cv the % ov-k rnean,, ihai. C0\TRA(__I(.)R sXdl follot�
the dir-cenon ol'Oic CITY a.,, to end resuhs %,,C,u`k 0111k
llagk:4 441 7
A Ak 8wlk.cs pmen or NqWrcd to tv p%vn Immuml w this Apmemcm "HJ be in
vi r j I i I vInd Im 11,"n I'W I';A pwA I I I a I Ill no6:ilig doc!, noll
�m,1wdv �"s m)d ('A a"', I R,1�( FOR"��,
Wom nmityss."oW smi by nil! m HI be addm;wd di IWW111,
Co� of l J
(A AM.%ame"Wr Apo%wir
351 Noun suca
F1 Nepundy(A
IoU awl IRM IM Roban w Ljqwd I Wpul
Huhm Harick,
I TH K Twd
Saylila 4 \ 90417fl
It Mun MAW On assadmw WA Om pxJ,,.!raph. ht I.locsned
11pon kqlwn 4in dw 11, nhck� SIiw,, rviiid, �11L!P,O,J, hl Afl 0%1"L I
di2c7fllej u!! Acn iii lhi,' 61111le oll at' Lud
t (Ilunges nm) A nuh in We nv= or udlemn to pay"s hi Wwn misa.H11:1
it, he �!kicin b3, 61 IIhLw, manilff hi Ails �mmgim�')K
L3 TAXF WEN IDENTHWATION A IRER CO NA RAC I OR o'Ifli rijv\u11: ( I n Y "kuflii
14. WAIVER A "mwoQ, U I Y of w) hmmt of m* wnu. am enum. -v cmAmm wishwd
nn llwi %%ih nol� he dieciincd w be a "Aw Wan�u hrM,At:h oftfic umie o nn�
olhcr wrin, 2MCMa vi comMon conwhwd m 4' 6w Agwomm "heM, Xkc cww or 114wriii
chm w.tier,.
V ; ('01"ISIS'l R 1 (71,It Ns. 111V huguage of CAI pan mif th�s 'agcctnnicw ak ix cc4�UmnWd
M�d lwcuxijHiq!! iq, iw', 1' 'Ind Aws Ng'110i:flhAlt 11,111JU
apinsi eiflicir pav!�,
11SIVERARL10 If an) rmhm A Us Aqwnw, k kdanod h ;m M..ciuit
Jum,duniciv, wil he N%and ca uncrik"mM, Am mwh podmi \"H bc dmmed nwMA U; T;."
I lxcco"nr� m flic red On: LA)Ufl to rimdt� suh pilmGm I'll t.''c'J dv wid" ;110, SO
wo%h CivtL Imd I pimik,I v cvj� he K I hmck� �I f fl I�I, \g III I T%Nt� V,;11� ti;4 wnI9 ni tw 61 1 ul�, fori,x m ii,1 11.,v,m
17. 1 011I MS I hU LJOKS 01 dW IMMPUAI 4 IMS AgWWnM! M Wr 0wommcc A
iif(cril,m,c onl) and A-dl niol lfl1eMl flild l'➢ fqap'TCUIOM`11 oll dw,
fly 5 u l 7
4 10 7 pp
18, WAIVER. Mlhvr ol' aq pro%Won of US Agivement W1 ma he deemed to cynsbuw as
"ad eror a in other IMP OWL nar vvH I sueh "a iver constitute as confinuing %Qvcr,
I I I NTERPRETATI ON. I his A gmemov "as drafted i n, -i I Id w%i t I lac t:o1vu-ucd I I
"show kmsuc we SMW of c0i Awn A. and ON&Ushe " owe Aw a, aa Am Moiling tits
mgwenwnt whi he in LoN AngeRs C`cnun*t .
?0 110h Agnemou =3 he suflect io and candanmed
upon appro%ap ,.ind radfilcarion he the El SegumW Councii, 11 his Aurcerocia i-, not hinding
apo:)ii CITY untill executed b) the Chy Munager, 1he 11,w.ics ruprei�ru and xarrant ffi,.ut wall
nccv�,-,,arb aci.ioti has been taken hN the Ionks ui ai..ahori/e the lo exi�cu[Q- this
:\�..!reernem and to engage m the acniorv, de,ciibecl licrein. 116 kgrearnent iqmN bc nuxilld h%
Hmen agwunwn, CITY's chy nmnager may O\CCAAC jn� such oniencinient on hchy r or C I I Y,
2L ACC EPTANCE CW FA('S I'VIILF., SIGNAXI R ES. I he Parties aprce that this Agrecrilcm.
agwements ancillay W dds Agremnent,and irelauaca,l to be entered hflo k! 01[111ccLion
o6th 1his Agrccruicni "dl Inc conAd"od igned udwn dic ,ign;,aure vfa parr isdeh�crcd be
facsimilc Siach hAnnfle Qnwurc "M lie urexed in wall rcspcci,n,' ha, in,,.i the
,anic ti'tiock as an ,c4riVinal �ignmure
21 EFFEC-F QF UMFUM In Ow new of any conNiCL incomWency, or incoqt-Q,
[vti,%ecit priwision,oft,his 'its atu.ichnw-nts. rlrt purcha-ic, ordei or noflcc to
pi-octed., the pro�isions of this Agcemcni i= gmern au ti COMIC
23 U'U"TIONS. Fhe colimions c4 Ke pwapson cilhi, Agwerns" am Am com cniawe of
rofereucc qmll anti w�Ii no 1.a l I'CO L 1.I I C j I I I C k'[)N I LU i I�r 1, k q f this A1,!1'0 t I IA:0 11.
24 FORCE NIAJEL ICE, ShWd pedinnmwe ofiitw Agrocmem be panented due Rv 111w, Ilir d.
eNpllosion, war. wrt-orim aeii. �tnhargo, pokownwni Mom vd;H qw Slim) Monty. the itmvi
elcnncnls�or anther OnAlar causes he,mid IS PaHivs' conirol, ilicrt dw %pr-cenienl \01
initnvdijtel" tori-ninn vviahmi obijibn oNhho pzg to dw voter.
25. FNTIRb, AGREEMENT. I Its Agmement and it:, tme aunknon COMM% aw We
agrecrticia lvmeen C0N1R,:41'F0R and CITY reNXciring sc�%aeu Pumping arld disjlo,al
maintenance. to the cxwnt that there are WHO' ienn� anod conditions contaiiwd in Fxhibit
--A- that are nos. in conilict %%ith this -%?greenjcnt., those term s my WuMumwd as I My set Awill
ahoy, rhcre am no 01a UAdustandirrign 10MIN OT other C\rFeSCd Ur h1l[fliCkL ONd
or t%H u en,
IN W rNLSS WHIPRI701 the palc�, hevvt,) haVQ e�CLNIJed thiS 111C,.Ltr And ",-COT
lice 6 of 7
4307 .
CITY §\ EL S° 10
6Rr6�y\%t 2
C!§ Ma gy4
&X-Pa)ter \m 3209
\ # o" /
Nige 7 A£7
4 il 0
Exhibit "A"
Scope of Work and Midget
kvlbott-� Liouid l%i'l PIW1ILIC t11C dt,: lPLcj in 1he t;lbkl
JCl i L L -nk:cdcd KLS ith a I)CI to cxCed of S I t)k�
111J\1 !ILIMLM Of
trips "'hall not C-\Cedd 2-H h""'e'd oll the rale )lee[ hcd'm,
Sen ic" ProvideLh
RobeII%, Liquid Dkposai )-eIll pullip Hquid %%LvLc I
mark! k' tank �tcm a[ [lie Fl 'Seuundo Bcach R,Lilivoom f�ici[ii\' . locu�:-d it 1115 Vi,l,, d,:1 Mar. Li
N'QLL1i LIO. ( M1 24 on an IU" ccdc. h iiCluid ��I'Ic �11 he rfI-1 'ed PoIll dw
UI1&nnmmJ taiiks %)a IUCIIIIII 110SC alld LIL[IONII.C11 dl-ecC Tmo mobde t',Mkcr truck,,
Iranspom:d to a Ln-s All gL le, Cokmt,� Sankmuott Dl;md '-Ilfflll�diSJ)O,"Ld .'I(C Ill
\010) all applicaHe la%4,, Invludln'L, %iNiOW lhllilMi-Al. wLICI!
b% dic Lcu!* Recional Comrol Bo-'-Ird.
For hquid %%astc coll Ctcd Mond n% ihrou,�h I'ridao he veen tO)tl a,ni, ajid 2:C11 1 Ill
I lourl% Labor g4 hournlinimunli I
I Sw��M Tu . I,r,,% I - ,
...... ................................................ ... ............
For liquij %�amc �:011ected Nlondo ihroo-h Friday. ht i lecli ':N) p n-i� ,anal 101D p III
............... ........... . ..........
1 lourk Labor t4 holu miti'mikIIII) "-'Im
L1A—'1--!�'-1!'u,:k Im trip
kol' lklklid C11IIMQLI MWILIW lhrokl"`Jl J'rld'I hvil%cen ti 00 1"I'l, mid 1' (10 J 111 and '111
I l'I d I Q k c I i d
l4111% 1 dINIV 14 1101.11 11-11111111LIM I S-'2 5,1111
SIl �L I I-L1,Ck
.....................................- .................. ......................... ...........
�w c, I I-t i c k oc r t r,
................ ............... I �I