CONTRACT 4600 Maintenance and Repair Agreement CLOSED Agreement No. 4600
T1,11S MAINTENANCY', M."T'Rii'EMENT ("'Agreement") is 1,11atle and entered into diis 8th. day of
Mi,q, 201 t and betww- n the CITY OIF E'L as gencral Law city and municipal
corpon"Atk'-')n ("CITY") "Ind Qgsj
IT 'fit I
rVicts, ,a,Cqb1`;,,i'rnia ("CONIRM"TOR"
J'he Paxcie's al,'�ree as foliows,
A, A,,parfl.aad ci,,insideration,C'0'NTRA(.,T0R aptes to perfi.)rfn 111c, work JiS101 iR the
SC-01T OF SERVI("ES, -attachf-A in f,,,xtsibil A,
B. As additional cunqiderafior,,, CONTRA( FOR and CITY agnx to abide bY the
t,,(;,jjkjitioj.js cm�,,uiined in tarry " ;m
C" Asadditiunal consideratilon,(711 agrees to pa y C01,VT'R.ACTk)R.$82,154 sci
forth in the attached fixhibit"A," which is incorporated by refeunce., folir
CON'YRACIT-W's services. crrY will ff ay smelt amount rm-offlfAIY� bUt not
111 an lidrty(30)days after rexeiving CON'TRACTO[Z's iwvok,',e
TERM. The terin of this Agreevient will be frum kv 29, 20.1-41,
D e, rc.,ijew ] i )n rulmal escmt f
Via. will Ix-601-111 servicu, fisdeAl in the attached 1"xhibit A.
B, C'ONTRACTOR.Nvill, in a w4kinarflike M,.111,11�1("fl funiish all of the labor,
technical,administratiye,profiessiorial and other personnet, till supj)fiea ,' arld
fnaterials,equipinient,prillj.jf1g, "ribIsporUalion,offit:C Space und fucflifiers'
, J,kill other ineam ,h, s v -
,i n d ,juc' T % at. oe er
(All tests, tes6ng and analyses, c�fjciujatjon
e'xcept d's hereirl ollierwise expressly sj�wcifiCd U)he furnished by CITY, awccsqti)
or farm piur toperfimm and complelle the work, atad pfovide the professiotial serl(ices'
j,etpirfad of C',ON'TRACTOR by 1-his Agreement,
4, PRE VAILING WAGES, H"jujuired by jjpyjjjf,;abje state haw, inclading, without linuitatit')n
J,,,abor("ode 17,20 fasaniertded by AB 975 (2001)), 1771, 1774, 1775,and 17 X
Agreement No. 4600
(.'-',01.,4TRi,%CTOR inust pay its wofkers prevailing wages, It is C ON'T"RACTI,)R Is resjxansibifity
us Astegmt and wpkmem any pmwiifing wvqgt,-,requirementswid,CONT RAC`TORigrees to pay
any penaky(w civil V'sulunj;IMI 01 Violation of'tile prevailing Nvzlge laws, In
accomance Mwith. Labor(,`o dc § 17731,cooe's or the J?revai fing, raw (fl"j')er dien't wage"are
available upon request ftotn C TY's F.""Tigineering
Di v is i(,)Il()f th ^e,b�;h e for S We of Q H Foada
rate ofper diern wages must be V)sted at the job
A. By executing this Agro=,wnt, (,,()NTR,A(,'T()R represents that(somorrOR
i, j"hOtx,)ug1j1y hveQaWd and consideted thf,,-scope gat"seirviccs )lo ix,'
T CampHy cionsif fered how, the services Should be per ortned, and
ifi. Uaiilerstaiads the MUM difficulties, andrestrkclions attending
pedbrmamce&the sers,kxs under this Agreemerit,
W if services jnvolveve�,,ork upon,any site,, warrants IN�,V
()ONTRACT(AR hw,, ()T will investigiate the sitesand is (),t°)wjjj lx. fief acquainted
whh We condh%s mew ears sfing,betbre corvirnencing dw swNkti herew'deir.
','hould ("ONTRA('71TOR discover arty haterit or unknown coindifions tf-wt ni;,q
InawdaBy affhet the pedbrma=0011C�,ervjccs,CONTRACTOR Wil]
jn err 4,,ii[ateiy hdan an, P raft fjrcj, ajrgj Ai.11 not proceed except 4
(�'ONTRACT(`)[Vs own dsk WH vakwn havuetion's ("ITY
Before Ctwlwne nci under thisAgreernent. anti M rd! (Mber-Triles 1his
Agreement is Mcdve, COU'RACIT)lZ will pr(x-ure, and maintain thc
types ar jinsuvance ixith cover,,1ge jijj�uijs C(qjjjplying, tit a rrafrtfuiu^rtaarrq %,ith the finilrs
set ford-k Ix"low:
I,,,,j°jjei,cj al general fiabifiiy'a
Bilsiness auumnobile fiability
Workcrrs curnpensation, Statutory requi rerneni
K c'(,mnfviercW1 genmal lbhHky insurance vvUl tneei or emxed the of
ISO .cc, 14)nn p4o, 03 00 Ol 11 85 or K Ile amount of insumnce set Wh
af),)vc vvRl>ff bt a comhWed shroc lknit ['x"r occul-rence for bodily injury, PCfs(')wd
injury, and propx.,rty darmagw for the policy cover',�,Ie. LA&Hty p4cies vvill he
Page 2(1 b
Agreement No. 4600
endorsed to nan'le MY, its 41idels, mid einpkIcesas "addificnial iltsureds" uixider
s,aid insurance coveragte arsd Tcl"Statje that sjj(.,jj ills1jrance W he dmnwd 'VdMaq"
suctl that any adwr hnurani:v jj:,aty J)e cirried by ,("ity cAH be as es& ffic..'reho,
Such insur�'.wce A1111 tX' on ari, "cwcurrence," not a "clairns rnade," basis, and will
not be cafi�ae';fiahle" ()t to red'uc(ion except upon thirty(30)days prtor writtO,
noke M) MY,
CA W)mUlle, covorage will be wrinen on ISO Bus4iess Auto Coverav,,e F"orill ('A
W 0 C 06 92, ineWdMg sym&d I (Any Auw),.
1), CONTRA OX)R W Wish to CMY CWjy Qaratfnawmati aatt of C,,erfificaics of Insurance
evidencing, ruaintenance irif the insurance required Under this Avg reernenl,
endi,lrsenienls as required herein, and such wher evidencir of insurance or copics
4),j' g-q)ficjcs as rnay be reascma[4y rearm n,'A by (Wiry frolit 611te to fifnt.-' In'surarice
annual be placed mdo Nswern Mth as cunvnt A.M. 13cm (N)nq)any RaEh1,1,J
e(It'dValent to at lea'SL as Rating of "A,:V1L"' (,erfific'ate(s) n-waat rellect fliat thc!
insur('°r will 'priovide° thigly �311 by make cd any nuMadon W' coyemge,
CON'TRA )R will require its illsurer Ic Mtaa.:fj'y sti1j, ceqiji�,,aies to delete any
t,.,,xc,ujj-)atory rrording stating, that Chime of the insurer to aTjajj WI.itte111, ()f
caMm5n impmes no obfif;jfion, and to delete, the word"eradeavot" �vitfi rf-"gard
tx,) any nofice proviskus.
Shoiald CONTRAMURR, for any reason—fail to obtain anct mainiain the insunilnf"C
re(jaired by this At�rcenmnt, Chy a"q Win mich covii2ge at comrRAVIVIR"s
cmrmnse and dedjac.,t tjje cxist of sitch insurance Poin payments clue R)
C(,)N'1"RAC'TO'9, untfver this Agreerrient or ternlifiale.
7. 'I'MME,'r F(')R PERFORMANCE CONTRACTOR will not perffonrrej any work under 1his
Agnwnuml undfi,
A, C'ONTRA.17'71 OR farnishes pr(,,K)f ofhamaww as mqtdred under Section 6 csl`tfids
,A,grevn,,iew; and
i3' Cj"J'Y g d
',ives(.,,()NTRA("j'�)R a written Nofice tc) Proex.,, ,
111f)Wizal on
Q SOM C,'ON"rRA.(."`FOR begin wc�rk in advance of receiving rite as �MIM - , J,
1'-(" 1:mxecd, any Such Prof"essional ^Crvict,',°s art at CONTRAC71T)R's own risk.
A, jixcept as<,)tjjejwise pmvidej MYTIYkay tenninaw Ads Agwemut at as We
with ()rwitlioutc.use, Noi,ice of lern'lillation )AA11 be in +&Tifirlg.
B, CON'T'RAC!TOR rnay wrininate this Agreement upon pl-kwiding vvr�ltcn nofice to
(XT at was My (30)days fxnforc tile efftetive tc,rrn.i inalion date,,
F%ge 3 (16
Agreement No. 4600
Shotild the Ag.,reernent fx,;terminated pursi.w.nt to this Sectiori,CITY may procwe
"'m its own tenns SCITVices SIMilar to those tertninated.
1). By e(rw o,aing iffis d(x,,iinient,CIONTI(ACTC)R.waives any and all clainlN for
i,:Iarnaps (fiat n-,Oghl whenxiseunsc.frorri CITY's tennirtationunder this Section,
A- CONTRACTOR indeonnifi vs and of CITY harmlests from and against any
claim, action, dain4!p%, casts, (Including
, witbout Ifirnitation, attorney's fee,$),
injuries,or fiablilty, aiising otit of this ALgreement,or its performance,excelpt
fi)r such loss or danutge arising firoin C. pt sole negfigence or wilifill
miscondut.-L Should CF'rY be narned in wiy suit, or ,,diould any Claim lie
brought apinst , dry suit or othelivi.w., whether the sayne be groundless or
not, arising out of this Agiii.,ftmieni, or its performance, CONTRACTOR will
defend crry (at crry"s request and with cxrummnse l 4.wafisfactfiry lo crry) an(ri
will indem"if,
y ITY for any,itioLginent rendered against it or any swims, paid
out in.settlement or othei�wise.
B, F"m purposes, of this secfifan 'XITY", inchules CFFY'nn oflICA"yrs,
ctnployeef" Igents, repiVsentatives, and ecrtitiod voll-junteers,
C it is c.xpre.ssly i;,nderstood an(I aptef.] that the foreg(yinp, pff"wisions %w ill SI,),F-,,,iVe
C'ON'IFTRA I aiM the
( FOR, -4,vill an indepelv-jent coiltractor'.utd will finve contn.)l <,0'all wor
in which is it perforTned, CONTRM.."rOR will be free to c4,vtract fur sfisfflar service to
Inch tperftnined ft,�r other einployel's while iinder-a;cjutract with CrTy, C(,"Pq`ITRACT(.)R is imt an
agent of ernplo'yee (,.�f'CITY and i�,-, nof entifled to participatein any pelashm plan,
[,iontis orsinfflar beriefits CITY provkle,, ft)t its,cniphoyees. Any provision, in this Apeement that
CIFFY the fight to direct CONTRACTOR as details of doing the wol'k
n'nay appelir 10 give
or to exercke a irieasiixe of control twer Ibe work rnearts that CONTRAC.-FOR will ftyllow thA',,
wJjrc,ctkni of the CITY as to end resuhs of the work only.
Page 4 A 6
Agreement No. 4600
X. All notices given or rcuju6rcd to be given to 1his will be in
wrifil"Ig and Ina y be given, by j,,,un4jl defivery i)r by ruail, Noficc Sseni by 11niald
will be ad(Imssed as foll;owsl-
Stephanie lcoasouleas, PX,
Depatiment rff Publit"Wcm,ks',
C,ity ofEl Segundo
350 Main Strext,
11 undc,C
"ro co�,q-rRAC,'TOR.'
Rionnic Garcia. CH'(3/1-'resident
Garci,,i A,,;set Manageakent, Iric, oba
E'�rnph'e Building
, and Envirorimcnial Services
28"?1 W. Valley BI vd,
Alhambra,CA 91803
f626) 289-8755
Bo When addiessed in accoi-dimace, with this Ticoices will be dc,�eincd gilotni
upon deposit in thr, U'nilt,d St,,aus nuil, postage pa-.paid,, In all other insvujC1t'.'S,
n0ficc-, will be decined given A-1 the tinx of a(lual dt-1i'velY.
(1, Changes n'iay be made in the naines or addtesses ofjwxsonrvs to MU)"'I 110fices Ire
to bc given by giving notice in the mannier prescribed in this paraj,,Yraph,,„
12, TAXPAYER 1J,)EN"rfFiCA'1r1'1ON NUMBER. (1','O1NTR,A("'T'(.)R.will providlo,CTINVviffia
'uzixpaycr h1wificationr Number,
13, WAIVER, A waiver by "I'TY Oftany,blTach of any lerm,c()vcnapj,ukr condition conlai ned
or any
in this Aul recnicut will ciol,ti dex,,nned to be ,i waiver of sequent breach l'the swritt"
other tcrjj:,,f,,()vcnaxu,or condidon, nu inn" in this Agreemeril, whether-(4 the sarne or
characttn 1
�4, CONSTRIJI(7110N. 'I'lie languaj;p of cach irm.,ut of 1h Apeernent will kxmvitruccl �siuiply
arid a
cA;orffing b,,i its fair meari-ing, and this Agreement will never be conscrucd eiffitn" for ar
'ipj�nsl )ciflher paT'ty"
�5,, SEVERABLE. If any jx)ilion of this Agnxawnt is declared by a couit of cornpetew,
jut],sdiction to he ipivalid or 11jell such portion will be deet'rik'A ruodifi ed Lo flue
5 of 6
Agreement No. 4600
extent necessary 0 Te opillion, of aiv e.outt to reader such portion and, as S,()
immilled, sucl, ponon and Me Wane of IN A,l,!,recrnew �yjjj ciolifinue, in Wbrce aml ellb-1,
'�,& C'APTIOlYS. Ite caMpans of the powagrapbg a Ws Agreenterl, 11i, t,,,# ,onvenience or
nomme oly anti vvjU 13ot aliku Te interpretatiort�:tfthk Agrec,rnicnt,
17. WAIVIAL VVWWT as any pnMon of this Agivnwvt will TIN N! dWTV;X1 t(;
W l�! VtJIA �AcyuthvrproQhnL nor"vvi11 such Wivercrunstilute I
IS, INTER]PRETA110N. 'rhisAlpreanent was drake in,aod will be ccostno"d in I'lex"ord",om"e,
Iaws of the SmW tA WERvda, und cxcl"ive venuc'� (Or s-JIY s
agreemeni = 1xv in LAM, AngWS COWY,
This Qvoc"ient MY In! sUtflect W aand
tpin a,�ppnwal and rwinemion by 1he E Segundo City Coujicil, Tlds Agi'venwifl i� not H 14,1619
upon trntil executed by dic Cfly The Parties represent and W0,1411,11 thal "10
nwe"my m6un has be ma ukm by the, P!,WOCS K) dutborize 1he undersip"ne'd lo exectat, Olis
Agreenaelit alld tO OWe 0 W Vr"i(,,nvs klescribed hemb. "Dvis Agnmuw, u)ay he noxfifit"41 by
"O'diten agrevivml. (71"FY's c4ty manapr g,,jr�jy
2V%CC7EjYr,kvN(Ji,' OF FAC'SIMILE S1(,,NATUR:ES The Parities aj,,,,ree that fbis Agreenrelit,
agwe"Will", ancilla.1-Y lo this Agreement, and to be er1wre"d Wo in
mik W AgMeMMU W be amdderi d signefl ,ak�h(j, SjgjjwAjjjr-u pariyis dehvcred try
facsiagic transinisshmi. S1Wh WCS'Wlile Siap'lature will t)e, h'e-alvd irr all rcsj,avcvr; asfi'mJng Ole
sanve cifed as an ndginal signalure
2 1. EFin,()It COAMI ACT, in ow evan nf any connh, pk �tency, vvvicn
any pmvision ofthis .AgreelneriL im muwWnenw, dic, Purchase Older us nWkr ho pmead,th(!
prmsOns ol"UhAgreenient Wt jpvern arld cUll'swi.
22, CAIrl'IONS. The capfi3Ons or me pamgmphs of this Agrecmicill arc fol, lof
mOmwe ony and will ,not atTC,(J tjj[e, v4oiis Agn*=K
23. FORCE AUXURE, Sfamd(.4 perfol-mance of d9s Agreernou be Inevoud due U) Hry WO.
eq Io6on,svar, teuorim own embMIO,j,.1,OVUDYT1Cn1,KAU3H; OVU OT"aa UM0614 OW "U11,
cknmov or o0ul sirnivu causes beyond Me Wks, then the)kgreeivievl will
irnrr,cdi,ately Jr%NlVinale Without ot',fig
.'ation of citfier pwrly it)the other,
24. EWIRE AGREI',MENT This Agreerneni rural is cme immlawnt =14= the We
agles,ns,mi lvi%ccn. (X)NTRAC'r0R and (',11TY resp(Tting C!ify Hall inwisfifial spac,�e� fIcalling,
I o d-w,, t,,�xtent d-T,ask th,re ape addUkmwl ternis and condijio ;,js era Fxbdr,�4 "A"' Olat are c4(a
in cwMhi vAh % Agmemmin those leniv, an: 4worporakcr'd as it'J11,11Y set forth aho'veFl-,ten"
jrc no other unlymawUng, tunm(w oker apuNnwas or iimpfikO, onal orwritwu,
loge 6 of 6
Agreement No. 4600
r� WITNE'i'S WMMEOF Oic Ininks hew havc cxmmwd lKs amuw aw day mul ymu"
'0' ..........
Row6c G-axcili,CU"oh"'fr's (.4'
(my Nhumpi, Ciarcia &,6et Ink- dba
UnQu BuHWng inul EnviwnnicnUd Serviss
Taxpayer ID No, ,,
�,i�;cnse No,
Stato License No, ......_m_
IM A,R K I 1 IE N i"Ill"j- "lorn.),
su"int Ci�y
K 1�
Insuruncu, Reviewed liy�
Page 7 of 6
Agreement No. 4600
Exhibit A
Scope of Work for
City Hall Interstitial Space Cleaning
The Contractor will provide the following Work in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
General Conditions:
• Provide City staff with a section-by-section schedule for the cleaning, to take place Friday,
Saturday, and Sunday, at least two weeks prior to beginning the work
• Use negative-air fans/air scrubbers during the project working times.
• Protect in place all equipment, desks, copy machines, plotters, printers, personal items on
a 1 I work surfaces, etc. within the project areas (e.g., plastic containment).
• Work is to be performed by personnel with the proper certifications for the construction or
cleaning activities
• Clean all Interstitial Space above existing T-bar ceilings on the ground floor of the building
as shown on the attached drawings
Phase 1: Cleaning and repair/replacement of Ground Floor Interstitial Space with T-bar
• Protect in place all insulation, ceiling tiles, and appurtenances within the interstitial space
and on the ceiling, including all lighting, smoke alarms, HVAC equipment, HVAC venting,
PA system equipment, conduit, cables, etc.
• Prepare and protect all areas within the project scope from debris that may come out of or be
removed from above the ceiling tiles during the cleaning. The use of plastic sheets for
containment is acceptable.
• Use a HEPA vacuum to remove the dust and roof debris that has fallen on the existing
insulation within the project areas. Carefully remove the insulation and place aside in order
to clean the ceiling tiles. After the c eiling tiles have been cleaned, return the removed
insulation to its original location.
• After the insulation has been removed from above the ceiling tiles, use a HEPA vacuum to
remove any remaining dust and roof debris on the existing ceiling tiles in each area.
R eturn any removed insulation and ceiling tiles to their original locations.
• Replace all insulation that is unfit for re-use at a total cost not to exceed $1200. Obtain
Public Works Project Manager approval for all insulation replacements to verify the
need for replacement and actual quantities to be used. The insulation must match existing
insulation color and type unless otherwise agreed to by the City project manager in
• Replace ceiling tiles that are broken or stained at a total cost not to exceed $300. Obtain
Public Works Project Manager approval for all ceiling tile replacements to verify the
need for replacement and actual quantities to be used. Provide vendor documentation for
material costs. At the end of the project, all ceiling tiles must be intact and fully white in
color. New ceiling tiles must match those tiles that currently exist unless otherwise
agreed to by the City's Project Manager in writing.
• Dispose of all construction waste/debris, damaged or unusable insulation, and damaged or
stained ceiling tiles in accordance with applicable law.
• Coordinate schedule with the City's Project Manager or other designated representative to
350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245-3813 (310)524-2300
Agreement No. 4600
allow 10 working days for the City to test the newly cleaned HVAC system before receiving
final approval of completion of work for Phase 1.
Phase 2: Ground Floor Work Surfaces Cleaning (to commence after the HVAC system testing
is complete)
• Remove and properly dispose of all plastic containment, adhesive tape on the ceiling areas
and walls, and any debris that has fallen and collected on any City work surfaces as a result
of the original roof project or work conducted under Phase 1 as described above. Use a
HEPA vacuum to remove any debris or dust from all work surfaces within the Project Area,
including but not limited to carpets, desks, work stations, chairs, office equipment, etc.
• Dust and wipe-down City work surfaces (desks, counters, office equipment and work stations)
• Completely remove adhesive tape residue to the City's Project Manager's satisfaction for
any tape residue used for plastic containment.
• Repair/replace any City property damaged during the project to City satisfaction.
350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245-3813 (310)524-2300
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Agreement No. 4600
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Agreement No. 4600
Cm ii ipany Nan w,611""""iv"..!" I.,,-,--/�"",fiI"�,,,�,,,a'.
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Phone e�)' '- 3 7-5,5 -71V 7'/ J. .......)
Provide and furnish all N.abor,
materials, tools, equipment and
40 services necessary to clean all ground
15, 6 S�F
level City Hall Building interstitial
spaces in accordance with this RFP
and specifications
Provide and furnish all labor,
materials, tools, equipment and
services necessary to clean all carpet (51 0
2 1 Luflap Surn and work surfaces after the HVAC
system and the interstitial spaces
have been cleaned in accor(Jance
with this RFP and specifications
.................. ................
TOTAL BASE BID (lin Figures)
... ...................................................................................................................................... ............ ...........
.............................................. -—-------- .......
EIS'elitundo, CA 9024,5 3814 (310)524-2300