ORDINANCE 1494ORDINANCE NO. 1494 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP 12 -05, ZONE CHANGE NO. ZC 12 -03, ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT NO. ZTA 12 -05, AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO DA 12 -04; ADDING ESMC § 15- 3- 2(A)(9) FOR THE 888 NORTH SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT. The City Council of the City of El Segundo does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds and declares that: A. On September 11, 2012 The Realty Associates Fund IX, L.P., filed an application for an Environmental Assessment No. EA -997, General Plan Amendment No. GPA 12 -03, Specific Plan No. SP 12 -05, Zone Change No. ZC 12 -03, Zone Text Amendment No. ZTA 12 -05, Development Agreement No. DA 12 -04, Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 12 -08, Administrative Use Permit No. AUP 13- 11, Parking Demand Study No. PDS 12 -06 and Subdivision No. SUB 12 -07 for Vesting Tentative Map Parcel Map No. 71788 for three lots, to re- designate and rezone an approximate 2.98 acre property at 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard from Corporate Office (CO) Zone to 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard Specific Plan (888 NSBSP) to allow construction of a five -story, 89 foot high, 111,350 square foot hotel with up to 190 rooms and one level of underground parking; B. The Project application was reviewed by the City of El Segundo Planning and Building Safety Department for, in part, consistency with the General Plan, the 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard Specific Plan, and conformity with the El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC "); C. In addition, the City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA "), the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of Regulations § §15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines "), and the City's Environmental Guidelines (City Council Resolution No. 3805, adopted March 16, 1993); D. An Initial Study /Mitigated Negative Declaration (ISMND) was prepared pursuant to the requirements of CEQA Guidelines § 15070 and circulated for public review and comment between December 12, 2013 and January 14, 2014 in compliance with CEQA Guidelines § 15087;