CONTRACT Related to Agr. 2478 Other ,���� ;a � ;._.<. a �_•- C- ' � • I Thi�p�e is patt of your da�a�t-DO NOT D�CARD � �� 2��'I 3� 5�46i29 f � � � � ��� ���� ������������ �as� , � ���� ¢ � + R�:oMadlF[le�d in OlHc{al Records � '� ¢ Recanda�"s Otflce�Los Anp�el�Couniy� � � Califomla ��� � 1°tlQ4J13 AT 08:04AM �s: o.00 �s: o.00 ax�: c.00 pam: a.o0 6EAD9tHEET Z0737104286QOOit 00008609�Z9 I �������� SEQ: 01 DAR - Mail (Hard �apy) ( � ���I���H��U� �� ��I � �� ��� ��� ����' THI�Ft�1iM !S NdT T+0 BE DUPLIGATED Etlei�i , � _ . r R . � � s� a. s � � [1 AFTER RECORQINCa REfURN TO; ( FOR RECORDEFi'S USE ONLY ' � Dtirector iof Publ�tc WvrksP.E. � � Clty of E!Segundo � i 3S0 AAai�Sh'eet � Et Segu►tdo,CA 9Q245 i ( ������� � � ( � � __.,.._...._�__.r..a...�..................._......_.�______�___._ _�_�.__._�____ QUITCI.AIM DEED ..�,.......�...�..�........._ __._..,—............-�................�.�._.�._..�...._._. .AIlt PRODUCTS MANUFAG"fURING CORPC)RATIUN,a Delaware Corporarion,formerly Air Products and ett�micals Ina�he,reby quitclaims to: CITY OF EL SEGUNDCI, All the riglata gcanted to AIlt PR4DUCTS MANUFACT[7RING CORPC)RATI�N.a Dclawarc corporaticm,i�acluding all right,title and inter�st in and to all its pipeline,s l�+ing�erein: By Pipelinc License Agreement No.2478 dated November 5, 1996;First Amendrnent dated . September 1b, 1997;5econd Amendment dated June 19,2007;Third Amendment dated April S, 2012;Resolution No.3997. I .,a Dated tb�i�s�day of October,2013. AIR PRODUCTS MANiJFACTURING CORPORATI4N,a Delaware CorporatiQn forn►erly Air Pmducts and Chemicals Inc. $y, Rie�/.e%��...�� _-. —.._..._._, Wiltiam J.I�atfimarstt+om Pzesident and Treasurer CA 84U8.13 . � . �. � ' •• . +, + • STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF F�AItRIS BEFORE ME,the undersignett authority,a Notary Pubtic iu and far the State af Texas, on this da,y personallY appeared Willism J.Hanunarstrom.President and,Treasurer of AIIt PR�DDUC'i'S 1�ZANV'FACTURYNG CURPORATION kaown ta me tu be the person whose nam�is eubscribed to the foregaing imstrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the sama faz the purposes and consideration therein eapreased in the capaciry thcrein state�i and as the act and deed�f said carpoFation. �ivErt�r�mnt n�t�HAxn�vn s�.oF o�cB c�� „ � a�� aay o�nc,�vb�e.+-- , A.n.,Zo�3. � Notary Publie for the Sta of Teaas My comwnaission cxpires: �'�'�7`�'"._•—•�.. $'�'�' A+ry�Com�on Explras `�*�� O7/T6P201'S . � . � ' ' w ` `+ p + 1 ACCEPTANC�OF EASEMENT ' by CITY O�EL SEGUND4 This i�to certify that the interest in rea�grop�rtl'condayed by the deed or grant dated October 2, 2d13 from Air Pmdncts Manufacturing Corparatiar�, a Delaware Corpora�ian (�ormerly Air Pmducts and Cheatniaats, Inc.}, to the city of El Seg�mdo, a �eneral law city and muniaipal corporation, is accepted by the undersigned officer on behalf of the City pursuaut to atrthority conferred by City Coun�cil Resolation No.4255 adapteci on Apri12, 2042 and the City consents to recardation thereof by its duly authoriz�officer. � ,I�' 7'"�-� C�reg C onter Date City er ATTEST: yw , ` City cletk APPRO F . Maz�c . C' orney � H.Berger, Assiatant City Attonnc 407069�3.3 C-1 � --� , . . / . ' � �' �. ' � P October 3Q,2013 i STATfi OF CAI.IFORN:iA ) CDUN'TY C}P LC�ANGBLES ) SS CI'TY OF EI.SEGi3ND0 ) , C}n C?ctaber 9, 2013, before rne, Cathy Domaniy Deputy City Clerk, personalIy appeared Greg Caxpenter,City Manager for the City af EI Segundo,who proved to me on the bas�s of sat�sfactory evidence to be the person whese name is subecribed to the within i�nst�xmez�►t,and acknowledged to me that he executed the saine in hi�8 authorized capacity,and#hat by his signa.tuxe on the instrurnent the pereon, or entity upon behal# of which th� persons acted, executed the instru�ment. I cerkify under the Fenaliy of Perjwey under the laws of the Sate of C.alifornia that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. Witness my hand and Official Seal. Cathy D D�puty City Qerk • � e Th(s is a true and certifted copy of the rec.ord �,a��ORa��,�oG if it t�ears the seal,imprintad in purpla ink, �P � *.��'s� . of the Reg(s�ar-Re�crdedC�wnty Clerk �,�� �� ��� `', . r� ,�� �'�� �``i � �'�'�t'"�I� �"k���5 1 � �Y � Ja�! 2 7 2Q14 ��t�>��. , �����;, � ¢;F, g25' y� �� �p °-�. .t U �J �i '�� �' _ �� K ��i Losj�������( �Q,�. .� ,�J' LES COUMY�CAL�FORNlA �SANGEL� , . . . � . � + I � This pa�ge is p�t of your dac.unt�t-DQ NOT D�CARD � �� � 2a 13'� 5�4C29 ¢ t � � � �� ��� lllll���l�l�� o�os� . � II� � + ReeoMedlFtiad in OJNclat Records � '� ¢ itecarde�'s Ot�Ce,�os M�etes i:otttitY� � ¢ CaliTontla ��� � 11JQ4/13 AT OS:Q4AM �as: o.00 �s: o.00 a�: c.oa PXID: 0.DO LEADStHEET 201591042t�60QQ2 0000s�o��Zs ������� �� SEQ: 01 DAR - Mail (�ard Copy) � ���i���a��� �� ��i � � o������ ���o TNIS PQI2M IS NdT T�0 BE DtlPLICATED � , � . . � � , . ' ' +' �. � ' � AF?ER I�ECORI3�NQ REIURN TO: J FOR FiECORDER'S USE ONLY � � Stephanie Katsouleous.P.E. { Dtrector of Public Works { ' Clry of EI Segurtdn i 3S0 Main Street Et Segundo,CA 90245 i � •201315848�9' I � � � I I I __.,�,�...............�..,,.,......_..._.....�_.�.r----...____._ _�....._..__.___.._...._._ QUITCI.AIM DEED .,.._._.,._..__.___....�._.. ......_.__.......__._...,..........�..._._..._..�._.._......... ...�_ AIIt PRODUCTS NIANUFACT[tRING CURPOR.ATION,a Delaware Corporat�on,formerly Har Products aud Ch�micals Inc.�hereby quitclaims to: GITY OF EL SEGUNDK�, ,A,ll the righta granted to AIl2.PRUDUGTS NfANUFACTiJRING CflRPORATI4N.a D�laware corporation,iuclud�ag all rlght,tide and interoat in and to all its pipelines lying therein: By Pipelinc License Agreement No.2A�78 dated Novem6er 5. 1996;Ficst Amendrnent dated . September lfi, 1997;Sax�nd Amendmcnt dated June 19,2U07;Third Amendment dated April S, 2012;Resolution No.3947. I na Dated thiis�_day of October,2013. AIlt PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING C�RPt)RATION,�Delaware Cor�wration formearly Air Products and ChemiCals Iuc. B Ii1D�/.�%�Gt�-���i����aGtt. .� —��._. y, •1.j/�.�. William J.Hla�nmarstmm Fxesident and Tr+easurer CA 840$.13 , � . + . �. • ' •• , �, • • STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS BEFORE NlE,the undersigaed autharity,a Notary Publia in and for the State aF T�cas, on tlus day personally appeared Williar.n_J.Hammarstrom.President an�T�g�urar of AIR PRODUG`TS MANUFACTURYNG CORPURA,TION kn�wn to me ta be the person whase nasne is sabecritsed ta the foregoing iz�striunent and aclmowledged to me that he eaecuted the sama for the purposes and consideration therein eaQressed in the capacity there�in etated and as the act and deed of said corpaFation, , �K� GNEN UNDER MY HA,ND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of C�c��eX" , A.D.,2n13. . Notary Publie for the Sta of Teaas My com�wdssivn expires: ��,�-- � �',!,[��.,. � York �'� �91R015 �� . � . � , ' e �, " � 1 _ ACCEPTANCG OF EASEMEN'I' ' by CITY OF EL SEGUNDQ This is to certify tha#the interest iu rea�Properh'oouvcyod by the de�ed or grant dated October 2, 2013 froin Air Pmdncts Manufacturin$ Cerporation, a Delawara Corporation (formerly Air Products and C�cmicals, Inc.), to the city of Bl Segundo, a general taw city and municipat ccnporation, is accepted by the undersigned officer on behalf af the City pursuamt to authority confecred by Ciry Council Resolution No.4255 adopted on Apri12, 2002 aud the City consents to recordation thereof by its duly authoriz�d officer. � �' T'�-,� CAeg C onter Date City er ATTEST: ,�������--.'' yW , Gity Clark APPRO F . Mar�� . C" omey � �i.Berger, Assiataut City Attomc 40746913.3 C-1 e • ` � . ► `L � � � 1� w � �./ Octaber 3U,2013 I STATE UF CALIFORNlA ) : CUUNTY QF L;QS ANGBLES ) SS crxy o��.S�cz�rroo j , Qn Ortober 9, 2U13, before me, Cathy Domann, Deputy City Clerly persona�Iy appeared Greg Caxpenfier,City Manager far the City of EI S��gundo,who proved to xne on the basi�s of satisfactory evidence #o be the person whose name is subacribed to the within�nstxumez�t, and ac�a�owledged to me that he e�cecuted the sarne in his author3zed capacity,and that by his sign�ature on the instrurnent the pereon, ar entity upon behaif of which the persons acted, executed the instru�ment. I cerkify under the Penalty of Perjury undex the laws o#the Sate of California that the£oregaing paragraph is true and correct, Witness my hand and Official Seal. Cathy Deputy City Glerk . . „ This is a bue and c�rti��cf capy of the record �;R��oRO��,�oG if it bears the seal,imprintad in purple fnk, ��P � � **'�- of the Regf�ar-R�rdeNCnun�r Cterk � �' '��� � °�'� . � ���r;. �, . , z ������ � �� a�� � zQt� ,����� � ,� , , �� �, �. �,:���� �� � ��3 ; �i � �.t����'�:� " �i� �vs �$C��V���t�����Q� . ; � NTY,CALIFORNIA �SRNGELES'� , . . . ti .