WHEREAS, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation (Metro) is considering
the award of a design and construction contract for the Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor
Project at its June 27, 2013 Board of Directors Meeting; and
WHEREAS, the Metro Staff recommends increasing the life of project budget by $160
million more than the project's April 2013 Metro Board-adopted life of project budget,
WHEREAS, the Metro Measure R Unified Cost Management Process and Policy states
that project funding shortfalls can be funded by reallocating funds from other projects
within the sub-region(s) served by a project, and
WHEREAS, the Metro Board will also consider a Measure R Project funding
acceleration policy at its June 27, 2013 meeting that will require Metro to issue bonds
and take out loans guaranteed by Measure R, Proposition A and Proposition C, and
WHEREAS, the Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Project contract award
recommendation for the June 27, 2013 meeting includes the use of $47.1 million of
Proposition C 25% funds currently allocated to the South Bay Highway Program and
$47.48 million of Measure R funding from the LAX-Metro Airport Connector transit
project, as part of the $160 million to be reallocated from the South Bay and Central
areas to be served by the Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Project, and
WHEREAS, the application of the April 2011 Metro Board- adopted Cost Management
Process and Policy in this instance jeopardizes the very integrity for which the flawed
policy was designed to protect and sacrifices regional equity by: 1) allowing project
shortfalls to be made up utilizing funding committed to out-year sub-regional projects
and programs, and 2) allowing funding commitments to be rescinded at the whim of the
Metro Board without consultation or concurrence by the affected subregion(s), and
WHEREAS, the proposed acceleration policy would reduce the subregions' access to
Measure R funds and require these funds to be spent before 2023, thereby dramatically
increasing the probability that second and third decade Measure R projects promised to
the voters in Measure R, the November 2008 L. A. County '/-percent sales tax increase
for transportation improvements, will not be built;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by adoption of this resolution, the City of El
Segundo hereby:
• OPPOSES METRO Staff recommendations for items #10 and # 52 on the June
27, 2013 METRO Board Agenda items
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• OPPOSES the use of South Bay Highway Program funds and LAX-Crenshaw
Connector funds as part of the contract award recommendation for the Crenshaw
- LAX project and
• SUPPORTS other approaches such as the proposed Knabe/O'Connor Motion
that would fund the South Bay portion of$160 million shortfall;
• SUPPORTS the O'Connor/Knabe Motion (Item No. 11) on the Metro Acceleration
Policy to protect highway funding from reallocation to transit prior to 2019; and
• SUPPORTS a collaborative process to re-visit the flawed Metro Measure R
Unified Cost Management Process and Policy with sufficient time for stakeholder
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, with the concurrence of the Mayor, that by the adoption
of this Resolution, the City of El Segundo hereby OPPOSES the Metro recommended
funding plan for the Crenshaw/LAX Transit Project Corridor and support the Director
Knabe and O'Connor motion.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of June, 2013.
Bill Fisher, Mayor
Tr cy We er, City Clerk
MARK D. HEN:1 EY/G y rney
Kar H. Berger, A-'istant City Attorney
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