ORDINANCE 1479 ORDINANCE NO. 1479 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1-2 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE IN ITS ENTIRETY ESTABLISHING GENERAL PENALTIES FOR VIOLATING THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE; PROCEDURES FOR ISSUING CITATIONS; AND AUTHORIZING PROSECUTIONS. The Council of the City of El Segundo does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds and declares as follows: A. Since the City's incorporation,the community has expanded both in population and development; B. The City's role in protecting public health and safety becomes more complex as the community's expansion leads to greater a greater population, more structures, and aging infrastructure; C. To help ensure that the public is informed regarding the City's health and safety regulations, and to assist with the City's compliance efforts, it is vital that the El Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC")be both clear and comprehensive; D. It is in the public interest to consolidate code enforcement regulations into a single title within the ESMC so that the public,and City staff,can easily refer to the various means by which the City can obtain compliance with the ESMC; E. The Council believes that voluntarily compliance with the ESMC is a hallmark of good citizenship and helps protect public health, safety, and welfare. It also recognizes, however, that there are instances where compliance must be obtained through civil proceedings or criminal prosecution; F. This Ordinance will help implement the City's goals in protecting public health, safety, and welfare by consolidating various enforcement options into one Title; clarifying the processes by which such enforcement may be conducted; and establishing sufficient safeguards to ensure fair and equitable treatment. SECTION 2: Chapter 1-2 of the ESMC is amended in its entirety to read as follows: 1 "CHAPTER 1-2 GENERAL PENALTIES 1-2-1 GENERAL PROHIBITION. 1-2-2 GENERAL PENALTY. 1-2-3 PENALTIES FOR INFRACTIONS. 1-2-4 PROVISIONS PUNISHABLE AS INFRACTIONS: 1-2-5 CODE ENFORCEMENT. 1-2-6 CITATION PROCEDURE FOR VIOLATIONS. 1-2-7 FAILURE TO APPEAR. 1-2-8 PROSECUTORIAL DUTIES OF THE CITY ATTORNEY. 1-2-1 GENERAL PROHIBITION. A. It is unlawful for any person to violate,or fail to comply with,any provision of the El Segundo Municipal Code. Each and every violation of any part of this Code including,without limitation,any franchise or permit issued pursuant to this Code,is a misdemeanor unless otherwise specified. B. Every person violating the Code is guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of this Code is committed, continued, or permitted by such person. C. In addition to these criminal penalties, any condition caused or permitted to exist in violation of any of the provisions of this Code is a public nuisance and may be abated in accordance with this Code. • 1-2-2 GENERAL PENALTY. A. Persons convicted of a misdemeanor, the penalty for which is not otherwise prescribed, will be punished by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00); by imprisonment for not more than six (6)months; or by both a fine and imprisonment for each violation of this Code. B. The City Council may establish lesser fines for specific misdemeanor violations by resolution. 1-2-3 PENALTIES FOR INFRACTIONS. A. Each infraction is punishable as follows: 1. A fine not exceeding $100.00 for the first violation; 2 2. A fine not exceeding $200.00 for a second violation of the same provision within one (1)year; 3. A fine not exceeding $500.00 for each additional violation of the same provision within one (1) year of the first violation. B. Any offense which would otherwise be an infraction may be prosecuted as a misdemeanor if a defendant was convicted for the same violation two (2) or more times within the twelve (12) month period immediately preceding the commission of the offense; C. A fourth violation of the same Code provision regardless of the time of occurrence must be prosecuted as a misdemeanor. D. The City Council may establish lesser fines for specific infractions by resolution. 1-2-4 PROVISIONS PUNISHABLE AS INFRACTIONS: The following sections of this Code are punishable as infractions and not as misdemeanors: 3 4-1-1 BUSINESS LICENSE REQUIRED 4-1-25 BUSINESS LICENSE VEHICLE TAGS 4-3-2 ALARM PERMITS REQUIRED 4-4-9 VEHICLES FOR HIRE/OEPERATIO PERMIT REQUIRE 4-4-22 VEHICLES FOR HIRE/ MISREPRESENTATION PROHIBITED 4-6-8 SECONDHAND STORE AND JUNK SHOPS-COMPLIANCE 4-8-3 ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT REQUIRED; EXCEPTIONS 4-8-21 HOURS OF ENTERTAINMENT 4-8-22 ENTERTAINMENT—CONDUCT UPON PREMISES BUSINESS REGULATIONS/MOTION 4-11-3 PICTURE, RADIO AND TELEVISION/ PERMIT REQUIRED HEALTH AND SANITATION/GARBAGE 5-2-5(D) AND RUBBISH CONTAINER: Tampering/Removal of garbage container contents 5-2-7 GARBAGE TRANSPORTATION REQUIRED 5-2-8 GARBAGE—DEPOSIT OR BURIAL PROHIBITED 5-2-9 GARBAGE—COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL DEPOSITION 5-3-2 LITTERING STREETS 5-3-3 LITTERING—CONTAINERS REQUIRED FOR HAULING 5-6-3 SMOKING PROHIBITED TOBACCO PRODUCTS—PROHIBITED 5-6A-3 SALE TO MINORS. PROHIBITED SALE WITHOUT PROPER IDENTIFICATION. 7-6-1 USE OF VEHICLE FOR HUMAN HABITAT 7-6-2 GAMBLING 7-6-4 WEAPONS 7-6-5 MERCHANDISE ON STREET OR SIDEWALKS 7-6-8 CONSUMPTION OR POSSESSION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 7-7-2 HANDBILLS-DISTRIBUTION 7-7-3 HANDBILLS—POSTING PROPERTY 7-7-4 HANDBILL—PLACE IN VEHICLES 7-7-6 HANDBILL—LOCATIONS WHERE PROHIBITED 7-9-2 PRIVATE PARKING LOT—UNLAWFUL ACTS VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC/ 8-4-19 MISCELLANEOUS TRAFFIC/DRIVING ON PARK VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC/ 8-4-24 MISCELLANEOUS TRAFFIC/ COASTERS AND SKATEBOARDS VEHICLE AND TRAFFIC/STOPPING, 8-5-5 STANDING AN PARKING/STOPPING OR STANDING PARKWAY VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC/STOPPING, 8-5-12 STANDING AND PARKING/FRONT AND SIDE YARD PARKING 9-2-5 PUBLIC WAYS AND PROPERTY/ PI LNTIN(:\/P(. TATI(1N 1-2-5 CODE ENFORCEMENT. A. Authorization. The Police Department,Fire Department, and Building Official, and other persons designated by the City Manager are authorized to enforce the various provisions of this Code under their respective authority or as is specifically assigned to them by the City Manager or City Council. B. Powers of Arrest. Officials and employees designated to enforce provisions of this Code have authority to arrest persons pursuant to Penal Code § 836.5 for purposes of issuing citations for violations of provisions of this Code. Police officers have full authority to arrest persons for violations of the provision of this Code pursuant to any applicable provision of the Penal Code. 1-2-6 CITATION PROCEDURE FOR VIOLATIONS. A. Any city officer or employee arresting any person for a violation of any provision of this Code,who does not immediately take such arrested person before a magistrate, as prescribed in the Penal Code of the State, must prepare in duplicate a written notice to appear in court. B. The notice must contain: 1. The name and address of the person arrested; 2. The offense charged,the time and place of the alleged violation; 3. Where and when such person must appear in court. The time specified in the notice for appearance must be at least ten (10) days after such arrest. The place specified in the notice to appear and the notice must conform with all applicable provisions of the Penal Code. 4. The arresting city officer or employee must deliver one copy of the notice to appear to the alleged violator. In order to secure immediate release, the violator must give a written promise to appear in court at the time and place indicated on the notice by signing the duplicate notice.That signed copy must be retained by the city officer or employee.Thereafter,the arresting city officer and employee must release the alleged violator from custody. The duplicate copy of the notice to appear must be filed in the manner prescribed in the Penal Code. 1-2-7 FAILURE TO APPEAR. Any person who willfully violates a written promise to appear in court by failing to appear at 5 the time and place stated is guilty of a misdemeanor regardless of the disposition of the charge upon which the person was originally arrested. 1-2-8 PROSECUTORIAL DUTIES OF THE CITY ATTORNEY. A. In addition to any other general functions, powers, and duties given to the City Attorney by this Code or California law,the City Attorney will: 1. Prosecute on behalf of the people all criminal and civil cases for violations of this Code; any franchises or permits issued pursuant to this Code; city ordinances; and any state misdemeanors that the city council elects to enforce. 2. Draft complaints for such cases and prosecute all recognizances and bail bonds forfeited arising from or resulting from the commission of such offenses. 3. Prosecute all actions for the recovery of fines,penalties,forfeitures,and other money accruing to the City under this Code or otherwise. 4. Represent the City in all appeals arising as a consequence of the City Attorney's prosecutions. B. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, the city attorney is the only officer that may file misdemeanor charges in accordance with this Code. The city attorney may, in his or her discretion, prosecute misdemeanor violations of this Code as infractions. C. Nothing contained in this section will interfere with the authority of public safety officials to arrest persons pursuant to any applicable provision of this Code and/or the California Penal Code." SECTION 6: Repeal or amendment of any provision of the ESMC will not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before this Ordinance's effective date.Any such repealed part will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION 7: If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction,the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. 6 SECTION 8: The City CIerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance;cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original ordinances;make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and, within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance,cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law. SECTION 9: This Ordinance will become effective thirty days following its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of June, 2013. "„ / ill Fisher, Mayor ATTEST: alert D-040441 r /Ai Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED ASS I E. : MARK D. HE 1.L " ' 'i ; ■torney . By: 1 Karl"-1. Berger, As ' ant City Attorney 7 ATTEST STA'L'E OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES )ss. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO } I, Tracy Weaver, CMC, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No 1479was regularly introduced and placed upon its first reading at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 21 sc day of May,2013.That thereafter,said Ordinance was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 4th day of June, 2013, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Fisher, Jacobson, Fuemtes, Atkinson, Fellhaouer NOES COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None e1I79EL 'Tracy eaver,City Clerk 8