CC RESOLUTION 4784 RESOLUTION NO. 4784 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF PUBLIC RECORDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of El Segundo as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds as follows: A. Certain documents from the City Clerk's Office, City Attorney's Office, Fire Department, Library, Police Department, Public Works, and Treasury are proposed to be destroyed in accord with Government Code § 34090; B. The City Attorney gave written approval for the destruction of these records pursuant to Government Code § 34090; C. Based upon the documents presented to it for destruction, it does not appear to the City Council that these records need be retained and are occupying valuable storage space. SECTION 2: Pursuant to Government Code § 34090, the City Council approves the destruction of the records referred to in attached Exhibit"A," which is incorporated by reference, and authorizes the City Clerk to dispose of the records in any lawful manner. SECTION 3: Upon destroying these documents, the City Clerk is directed to complete a certificate verifying the destruction of these records and file the certificate with the City's official records. SECTION 4: The City Clerk is directed to certify the adoption of this Resolution; record this Resolution in the book of the City's original resolutions; and make a minute of the adoption of the Resolution in the City Council's records and the minutes of this meeting. SECTION 5: This Resolution will become effective immediately upon adoption and will remain effective unless repealed or superseded. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of September 20 2. Carl Jacobso 4ayor ATTEST: rl j ,0igakcei„, Tra p y Wea City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney By: 3 L Karl H. erger Assistant City Attorney EXHIBIT A CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECORDS DESTRUCTION FORM The records listed below are scheduled to be destroyed, as indicated on the Retention Schedule adopted by the City Council (Resolution 4291 adopted 12/17/02, Amended 06/07/06 by Resolution 4471): Records Description Start End Box # Retention Period Dept Date Date Litigation, Proseecution, 1944 2004 Various City Transactional Items, and Attorney's Miscellaneous Items. Office APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION: Department Head Date APPR D FOR DESTRUCTION: / 1 / hv City - ttorney Date I HEREBY CERTIFY that the items listed above are approved for destruction on in accordance with City policies and procedures: (Ogeta00 q. . 12. racy aver, City Clerk Date P:\City Clerk\Destruction_Retention\2012 Certs\Library.doc CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECORDS DESTRUCTION FORM The records listed below are scheduled to be destroyed, as indicated on the Retention Schedule adopted by the City Council (Resolution 4291 adopted 12/17/02, Amended 06/07/06 by Resolution 4471): Records Description Start End Box # Retention Period Dept Date Date Miscellaneous 2009 1/1/09 12/31/09 1 2 years City Clerk Corres s ondence Public Records Request 2009 1/1/09 12/31/09 1 2 ears City Clerk Miscellaneous Working Files 2006 2006 1 2 years City Clerk —Pro s 218 Protest 2006 Miscellaneous Working Files 2004 2004 2 2 years City Clerk —Election 2004 Miscellaneous Working Files 2006 2006 2 2 years City Clerk —Election 2006 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION: q i4 /z Dep anent Head Date APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION: ANL C17 /11- / 12-- Ci Attorney WIPP- Date I HEREBY CERTIFY that the items listed above are approved for destruction on -K —1 t- in accordance with City policies and procedures: ()MAI Ueitaeh---- Tracy Weaver, City Clerk Date P:\City Clerk\Destruction_Retention\2012 Certs\City Clerk-1.doc CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECORDS DESTRUCTION FORM The records listed below are scheduled to be destroyed, as indicated on the Retention Schedule adopted by the City Council (Resolution 4291 adopted 12/17/02, Amended 06/07/06 by Resolution 4471): Records Description Start End Box # Retention Period Dept Date Date Public Records Request JAN DEC 38 6 Year Fire 2004 2005 Invoice/P.O. 2004 2005 39 6 Year Fire Front Office Payroll copies JAN DEC 38 2 calendar year Fire 2008 2009 Suppression Payroll copies JAN DEC 38 3 calendar year Fire 2008 2009 APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION: Dep., ment Head Date APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION: ---114A72_ C ty Attorney Date I HEREBY CERTIFY that the items listed above are approved for destruction on (1 -4_12- in accordance with City policies and procedures: ("Iwo° q.2-41Q- Tracy We—a4, City Clerk Date C;\Documents and Settings\CDomann\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK84\Cert of Destruction-FD Request submit 7 11 12.doc CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECORDS DESTRUCTION FORM The records listed below are scheduled to be destroyed, as indicated on the Retention Schedule adopted by the City Council (Resolution 4291 adopted 12/17/02, Amended 06/07/06 by Resolution 4471): Records Description Start End Box # Retention Period Dept Date Date Cit Council Agenda 1998 2001 10 ears Librar El Segundo Unified School 2005 2007 - 2 years Library District Planning Commission 2007 2010 - 2 years Library Agenda &Minutes Parks & Recreation Agenda 2000 2008 - 2 years Library &Minutes Sr. Housin_ Minutes 2007 2009 2 years Librar APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION: f V10 —7)I lam. D partment Head Date APPROV D FOR DESTRUC ION: D 11 ( 1 City Attorney ate I HEREBY CERTIFY that the items listed above are approved for destruction on 9-((-t 'a- in accordance with City policies and procedures: _))1,11e_.rirOate,(A) 12_412. Tracy Weaver, City Clerk Date C:\Documents and Settings\JLeMay\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK58\Cert of Destruction(3).doc CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECORDS DESTRUCTION FORM The records listed below are scheduled to be destroyed, as indicated on the Retention Schedule adopted by the City Council (Resolution 4291 adopted 12/17/02, Amended 06/07/06 by Resolution 4471): Records Description Start Date End Date Box Retention Dept Period 01/01/2006 12/31/2006 PARKING CITATIONS Citation Citation# 1 2 YEARS POLICE #498504 502526 01/01/2007 12/31/2007 PARKING CITATIONS Citation# Citation 2 2 YEARS POLICE 513387 #527902 01/01/2008 12/31/2008 PARKING CITATIONS Citation# Citation 3 2 YEARS POLICE 488177 #520326 01/01/2009 12/31/2009 PARKING CITATIONS Citation# Citation# 4 2 YEARS POLICE 502527 508975 01/01/2004 12/31/2004 TRAFFIC CITATIONS Citation# Citation# 1 2 YEARS POLICE 450817 482976 01/01/2005 12/31/2005 TRAFFIC CITATIONS Citation# Citation# 2 2 YEARS POLICE 483000 484799 01/01/2005 12/31/2005 TRAFFIC CITATIONS Citation# Citation# 3 2 YEARS POLICE 484800 486699 01/01/2005 12/31/2005 TRAFFIC CITATIONS Citation# Citation# 4 2 YEARS POLICE 486700 488799 01/01/2006 12/31/2006 TRAFFIC CITATIONS Citation# Citation# 5 2 YEARS POLICE 483200 496999 01/01/2006 12/31/2006 TRAFFIC CITATIONS Citation# Citation# 6 2 YEARS POLICE 497000 501063 01/01/2008 12/31/2009 AFTER DATA FIELD INTERVIEW CARDS 080101- 090101- 1 ENTERED IN POLICE 081230 091221 RMS N:\My Documents\Records documents\destruction of records\Cert of Destruction 07162012.doc Records Description Start Date End Date Box Retention Dept # Period PUBLIC RECORDS WHEN NO CHECKS 01/01/2008 12/31/2009 1 LONGER POLICE REQUIRED CONVERTED CRIME STATISTICAL, DOCUMENT IMAGING, MONTHLY UNIFORM 1995 2002 1 POLICE ORIGINALS NO CRIME REPORTS LONGER REQUIRED IMPOUNDED & STORED VEHICLES REPORTS (FORM CHP180) 01/01/2005 12/31/2005 1 2 YEARS POLICE NON-CRIMINAL REPORTS ONLY IMPOUNDED & STORED VEHICLES REPORTS (FORM CHP180) 01/01/2006 12/31/2006 2 2 YEARS POLICE NON-CRIMINAL REPORTS ONLY IMPOUNDED & STORED VEHICLES REPORTS (FORM CHP180) 01/01/2007 12/31/2007 3 2 YEARS POLICE NON-CRIMINAL REPORT ONLY IMPOUNDED & STORED VEHICLES REPORTS (FORM CHP180) 01/01/2008 12/31/2008 4 2 YEARS POLICE NON-CRIMINAL REPORTS ONLY NON- CRIMINAL REPORTS (LOST & FOUND PROPERTY, INCIDENT 01/01/2005 12/31/2007 1-5 2 YEARS POLICE REPORTS, TRAFFIC COLLISIONS PROPERTY DAMAGE) _ WHEN NO SUBPOENAS 01/01/2007 12/31/2009 1 LONGER POLICE REQUIRED _ DAILY CRIME REPORT 01/01/2007 12/31/2009 1 2 YEARS POLICE LOGS 2 YEARS PUBLIC ARREST LOGS 01/01/2007 12/31/2009 1 NO LONGER POLICE REQUIRED N:\My Documents\Records documents\destruction of records\Cert of Destruction 07162012.doc Records Description Start Date End Date Box Retention Dept Period MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE WHEN NO (LETTERS,NOTES, 01/01/2009 12/31/2009 1 LONGER POLICE DRAFTS, MEMOS, ETC.) REQUIRED COPIES OF DUPLICATE WHEN NO RECORDS 01/01/2007 12/31/2009 1-2 LONGER POLICE REQUIRED WARRANTS PRINTOUTS WHEN NO NO LONGER ACTIVE 01/01/2007 12/31/2008 1 LONGER POLICE REQUIRED CLEARANCE WHEN NO LETTERS/APPLICATIONS 01/01/2007 12/31/2009 1 LONGER POLICE REQUIRED DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE VALIDATION LIST (NCIC 01/01/2000 12/31/2003 1-2 2 YEARS POLICE MONTHLY REPORTS) CRIME REPORTS: SEALED CASES (FACTUAL 01/01/2005 12/31/2007 1-2 3 YEARS POLICE INNOCENCE) CRIME REPORTS: 7 YEARS OR MISDEMEANORS,NO 1995 1997 1-5 UPON DOJ POLICE LONGER ACTIVE, CLOSED NOTIFICATION CASES. CONVERTED INTO CRIME REPORTS 10/01/2002 12/31/2003 1-36 DOCUMENT POLICE (ORIGINALS) IMAGING/NO LONGER NEEDED CONVERTED INTO CRIME REPORTS DOCUMENT (ORIGINALS) 01/01/2004 12/31/2004 1-26 IMAGING/ POLICE ORIGINALS NO LONGER NEEDED CONVERTED INTO DOCUMENT CRIME REPORTS 01/01/2005 12/31/2005 1-29 IMAGING/ POLICE (ORIGINALS) ORIGINALS NO LONGER NEEDED N:\My Documents\Records documents\destruction of records\Cert of Destruction 07162012.doc Records Description Start Date End Date Box Retention Dept # Period CONVERTED INTO CRIME REPORTS DOCUMENT (ORIGINALS) 01/01/2006 12/31/2006 1-31 IMAGING/ POLICE ORIGINALS NO LONGER NEEDED CONVERTED INTO CRIME REPORTS DOCUMENT (ORIGINALS) 01/01/2007 12/31/2007 1-33 IMAGING/ POLICE ORIGINALS NO LONGER NEEDED APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION: Department Head Date APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION: q ( J (- ' ity Attorney te I HEREBY CERTIFY that the items listed above are approved for destruction on in accordance with City policies and procedures: f i I ult6022 q Tr,cy WeJer, City Clerk Date N:\My Documents\Records documents\destruction of records\Celt of Destruction 07162012.doc CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECORDS DESTRUCTION FORM The records listed below are scheduled to be destroyed, as indicated on the Retention Schedule adopted by the City Council (Resolution 4291 adopted 12/17/02, Amended 06/07/06 by Resolution 4471): Records Description Start End Box # Retention Period Dept Date Date Personnel background files 1999 200i . zi apyears Police for candidates not selected, withdrew, or were dis s ualified• APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION: C-- ----- 7--k■--Lo rt.._ epartsnent Head Date AP OVED FOR DESTRUCTION: rr?/1...,.. -4q(' _\ a.,(Az._ NCity Attorney Date - . 0 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the items listed above are approved for destruction on 9/-11- r?i in accordance with City policies and procedures: 0 ' , I q.m./2_. Tracy Wea 4` r, City Clerk Date C:\Documents and Settings\cjeffers.PD\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKA\Cert of Destruction.doc CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECORDS DESTRUCTION FORM The records listed below are scheduled to be destroyed, as indicated on the Retention Schedule adopted by the City Council (Resolution 4291 adopted 12/17/02, Amended 06/07/06 by Resolution 4471): Records Description Start End Box # Retention Period Dept Date Date Public Works Bids—Copies 1/1/09 12/31/09 i. Bid Opening+2 Public of Unsuccessful Bids Years Works APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION: � l 1 -do? �. __^ /— /0 - /2— Depart, e t Head Date APPRO/ + 'DESTRUCTION: ///?/1 ity Attorney Date I HEREBY CE, IFY that the items listed above are approved for destruction on `I^ey -(Y in accordance with City policies and procedures: r /, , i q.z4i2. Tracy W-' er, City Clerk Date P:\City Clerk\Destruction Retention\2012 Certs\PW-1.doc Box# 1 PW 01-12 Pump Station 6 PW 01-15 Pump Station 5 Box#2 Parking Garage Project PW 03-11 Sewer Lining Project PW 02-10 City Hall Elevator Installation Box#3 PW 07-01 Playground Equipment Replacement PW 05-13 Installation of ADA Doors PW 01-05 Rec Park Electrical Upgrades Box#4 97-98 Repair of Sewer Lines Sewer System Rehab PW 97-24 Sewer Manhole Lining Pw 95-6 Sewer Manhole Lining PW 00-18 Sewer Access Structure Lining PW 05-12 Rehabilitation of Continetal Blvd. PW 07-03 Library Restoration PW 06-12 Repacement of Blue Stones Box#5 PW 03-05 Park Vista Exterior Painting PW 06-05 05-06 Annual Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter, ect. Park Vista Senior Housing Deck Repair Box#6 PW 03-14 Installation of Chloronation System at City Plunge Upgrades and Misc. Items PW 01-18 Imperial Ave. Vista Upgrade PW 03-17 Pavement Rehab for El Segundo Blvd. Box#7 PW 09-08 Annual Curb and Gutter,ect. PW 07-11 2006-2007 Slurry Seal Project PW 09-10 Furnishing and Application of Slurry Seal on Various Streets PW 97-17 Rehab of Vista Del Mar Box#8 PW 01-21 Maintenance Facility Storage Bins Roof Structure PW 01-11 Maintenance Facility Replacement and Upgrade of Generator PW 02-01 Sewer Access Structure Lining Project Box#9 PW 06-09 Slurry Seal PW 01-07 Pumpstation No.17 PW 04-11 Curb and Gutter, ect. PW 08-09 2007-2008 Slurry Seal PW 07-02 Curb and Gutter, ect. Box# 10 Sanitation Pump Station No. 7 PW 04-09 Holly/Kansas Park PW 98-6 Sewer Rehab W of Virginia Between Oak and Walnut PW 99-4 Sewer Lining Project Box# 11 PW 00-6 CCTV Sewer Main PW 00-1 Pump Station No.13 Modification PW 08-05 2007-2008 Annual Concrete Rplacement Pump Station 15 and 19 City Council Agreement Box# 12 PW 04-02 Skateboard Park Project PW 07-08 Rosecrans Pavement Rehabilitation PW 00-12 Sanitary Sewer Manhole Lining CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECORDS DESTRUCTION FORM The records listed below are scheduled to be destroyed, as indicated on the Retention Schedule adopted by the City Council (Resolution 4291 adopted 12/17/02, Amended 06/07/06 by Resolution 4471)( e A se_ c.„ � { Records Description Start End Date Box # Retenti Dept Date on Period UBOC Deposit Slips 4/1/2004 09/30/2004 244516204 7 Years Treasur Worker Comp Check Register 10/1/2003 09/30/2004 244516221 7 Years Treasury &Paramedic UBOC Deposit Slips 10/1/2004 12/31/2004 244516255 7 Years Treasury Rce&Park Union Bank Statement/Wires 10/1/2004 09/30/2004 244516199 7 Years Treasur UBOC Deposit Slips 3/15/2005 05/31/2004 244516237 7 Years UBOC Deposit Slips 10/1/2004 12/31/2004 244516255 7 Years Treasur Credit Card Resort 1/1/2003 12/31/2004 615403765 7 Years MEM Utilit Users Tax 10/1/2006 9/30/2007 279774872 7 Years Treasur Utilit Users Tax 10/1/2006 9/30/2007 279774873 7 Years Treasur Utilit Users Tax 10/1/2006 9/30/2007 279774874 7 Years Treasur APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION: (,3 if Z ] p art me l-ead Date APPROVED FOR DESTRUCTION: -7 4'2-0-'7 ( /1 Ce fe Cfty Attorney Date �" � I HEREBY CERTIFY that the items listed above are approved for destruction on in accordance with City policies and procedures: q•24.12-Tracy Weer, City Clerk Date N:\MISC\Destruction\Cert of Destruction-Jun 12.doc