CC RESOLUTION 4801 RESOLUTION NO. 4801 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A NEW FEE SCHEDULE FOR RECOVERING COSTS INCURRED FROM THE REVIEW AND ISSUANCE OF ENTERTAINMENT PERMITS. The City Council of the City of El Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds as follows: A. The City Council may establish fees for services under various provisions of California including, without limitation, Business & Processions Code § 16000; Government Code §§ 36936.1, 43000, 54344, 65104, 65456, 65874, 65909.5, 65943, 66013, 66014, 66451.2; and Health and Safety Code §§ 510, 175951, 17980.1, 19852. B. Pursuant to Government Code § 66016, the City made data available regarding the cost, or estimated cost, of providing services for various fees ten (10) days before the public hearing held on December 18, 2012. C. On December 18, 2012 the City Council heard public testimony and considered evidence in a public hearing held and noticed in accordance with Government Code § 66016. D. At the recommendation of the City's Department of Planning and Building Safety and the City Manager, the City Council believes that it is in the public interest to establish the recommended fee for Entertainment Permit to recover the costs of the review and issuance of Entertainment Permits. SECTION 2: The Fees, attached as Exhibit "A" and incorporated into this Resolution as fully set forth, are approved and adopted. SECTION 3: Unless otherwise revised, the fees established by this Resolution will be automatically adjusted on an annual basis at the beginning of each fiscal year based on the average percentage change of the previous calendar year to the City's costs for administering the services set forth in Exhibit "A". The first fee adjustment cannot be made before a minimum of ten (10) months after the effective date of this Resolution. SECTION 4: This Resolution is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (Al. Pub. Res. Code §§ 21000, et seq.,; "CEQA") and CEQA regulations (Cal. Code Regs. tit. 14 §§ 15000, et seq.) because it establishes, modifies, structures, restructures, and approves rates and charges for meeting operating expenses; purchasing supplies, equipment, and materials; meeting financial requirements; and obtaining funds for capital projects needed to maintain service within existing service areas. This Resolution, therefore, is categorically exempt from further CEQA review under Cal. Code Regs. tit. 14, § 15273. SECTION 5: Pursuant to Government Code § 66017, all fees related to the Planning and Building Safety Department set forth in this Resolution will become effective on February 15,2013 and will remain effective unless repealed or superseded. SECTION 6: The City Clerk will certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution; will enter the same in the book of original Resolution of said City; and will make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the record of proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of December 2012. Carl Jacot 'on, ayor ATTEST: ti LCiz &t. Tracy Wea/er, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: MARK D. HENSLEY, City Atto ney By: Karl H. Berger, Assistant Cityrney EXHIBIT A ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT FEES NEW ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT $778.00 ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT RENEWAL $302.00 P:1Planning&Building Safety10 Planning-OId\PROJECTS(Planning)1976-100019901990 Entertainment Permit Fees.CCResn.doc COST ALLOCATION AND FEE STUDY ANALYSIS Service Reference No Entertainment Permit—New Application S-055 Note: Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units Total Units 1 Department Position Unit Time Unit Cost Annual Total Cost(Unit Cost (Hrs) (Hourly x Unit Units x Annual Units) Time) Planning Assistant 4.0 $489.19 1 $489.19 Planner Office 0.25 $21.65 1 $21.65 Specialist Planning 1.0 $252.92 1 $252.92 Manager Police Records 0.10 $14.98 1 $14.98 Supervisor _ Total(Sum Total (Sum of Unit Cost) Total Cost of All of Unit Time) Applications 5.35 hrs $778.73 $778.73 $778.73 is the Cost per New Application Service Reference No Entertainment Permit—Renewal S-055 Note: Unit Costs are an Average of Total Units Total Units 9 Department Position Unit Time Unit Cost Annual Total Cost (Unit Cost (Hrs) (Hourly x Unit Units x Annual Units) Time) Planning Assistant 2.0 $244.59 9 $2,201.31 Planner Office 0.5 $43.31 9 Specialist $389.79 Police Records 0.10 $14.98 9 $134.82 Supervisor Total (Sum Total (Sum of Unit Cost) Total Cost of All of Unit Applications Time): 2.6 hrs. $302.88 $2,725.92 $302.88 is the Cost per Renewal Application ,_... . . . .Dp• . . — .b., ;. . _ .. . . ., . . . . . ... . -- • • •- . ._. •. . :-] -,:::. -.''',. ..•• 'm- -7A. ,!z'. :;,.....,;.„.i,:!i•;,..,,.-,.._..-., LI • - e- .: • --It 1--."::•.I.A'-`,-- ..) ,_ .... . - 1 -, , .. . ..:.....:, _ -...gt::!=:;:k..'::::::. -E-l--.•?---- ' :.,...,--i.P.-;:.,-,- .-- 0n• 1;-'—'').-.• :1 -:`-'&;:",L--• , .-.1- g , , 'L, r.'.': -. :••.;:gi;L.,•'-‘(.7 -''•4 w . : : 1.:4-'.A., p. esi H --1±-4-•--, .. 1-at...;_ !" --:-, : .:1,„; 4 2 ' ,. .:: =,A.111-K...-:-1 .•,:r2. _z • 1 , 24.- .,J-...--...,..--, . g,- ....: E—, It TH.'::•:'..1: '.. 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