The City Council of the City of El Segundo does ordain as follows:
SECTION 1: Findings. The findings set forth in Planning Commission Resolution
No. 2703 are incorporated into this Ordinance by reference as if fully set forth.
SECTION 2: A new Chapter 15 -24A entitled "Right -of -Way Dedications and
Improvements," consisting of §§ 15 -24A -1 to 15- 24A -6, is added to the El
Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC ") to read as follows:
15- 24A -1:
15- 24A -2:
15- 24A -3:
15- 24A-4:
15- 24A -5:
Relief from requirements.
15- 24A -6:
15- 24A -1: Purpose.
This Chapter is intended to implement the orderly acquisition and
improvement of public rights -of -way to benefit public health, safety and
welfare. Private property owners should provide and improve public rights -
of -way to ensure that private property development does not adversely
impact other public and private facilities and services.
15- 24A -2: Definitions.
Unless the contrary is stated or clearly appears from the context, the
following definitions govern the construction of the words and phrases
used in this chapter. Words and phrases not defined by this chapter have
the meaning set forth elsewhere in this Code, Government Code or the
Public Resources Code.
"Development" has the meaning set forth in Chapter 15 -1 of this Title.
"Director" means the public works director or such other director
designated by the city manager.
"Environmental Assessment" means a review of a development in
accordance with Section 6 of Resolution No. 3805, adopted March 16,
"Use" has the meaning set forth in Chapter 15 -1 of this Title.
15- 24A -3: Dedication.
A. Dedication. Unless otherwise provided, any development requiring
an environmental assessment located on a lot abutting public
rights -of -way, must dedicate a portion of that lot to widen the public
rights -of -way in accordance with the standards in Exhibit C -8 of the
General Plan Circulation Element. Property dedications must be
noted on building plans before the City issues a building permit and
the dedications must be made before the City approves a final
inspection for a building permit or issues a certificate of occupancy
for a proposed project. The Director is authorized to substitute an
irrevocable offer to dedicate or to substitute a combination of a
dedication and an irrevocable offer to dedicate for public rights -of-
way in compliance with the standards in Exhibit C -8 of the General
Plan Circulation Element and subject to § 15 -24A -4 of this Chapter.
B. Width. Table 1, below is based on Exhibit C -8 of the General Plan
Circulation Element and establishes the standard right -of -way
widths for the various classifications for public rights -of -way. The
right -of -way dedication on an individual lot is that portion of private
property necessary to provide one -half (1/2) of the required
standard width, measured from the centerline of the street.
Table 1
Right-of-way Classification
Minimum Width feet
Major Arterial
142 -150 (varies based on lane
Secondary Arterial
98 -120 (varies based on lane
Collector divided
Local — commercial
60 -64 (varies based on lane
Local — residential
1. Greater Widths. Greater widths may be required as by the
Director of Public Works or designee conditions of
subdivision maps, site plan review, conditional use permits
or standards variances.
2. Reduced Widths. The required standard width may be
reduced at specific locations on specific streets due to
unusual conditions, as authorized by the Director of Public
Works or designee.
C. Effect on Required Yard Areas and Building Area Ratios. All
required yard areas, lot coverage and floor area ratio a calculations
must be measured after the dedication or reservation. If the
Director of Public Works requires an irrevocable offer to dedicate,
the required yard areas, lot coverage and floor area ratio
calculations may be measured not including the area of dedication
or reservation.
15- 24A-4: Improvements.
A. Applicability. Before the City approves a final inspection for a
building permit or issues a certificate of occupancy for any
development or change of use, a property owner must make all
required improvements and repairs to abutting public right -of -ways.
The improvements and repairs must extend along the width and
depth of the property and for a reasonable distance beyond the
property as is necessary to complete the improvement or repair.
Existing improvements that are damaged and that may have been
damaged during construction of the building must also be repaired.
B. Required Improvements; all development. Development or a
change of use is required to provide the following right -of -way
improvements that the Director determines to be required and
1. Sidewalk/Wheel Chair Ramps and Parkway. Construction or
repair of a sidewalk/wheel chair ramp and parkway adjoining
the site. The sidewalk must have a minimum clear width of
five feet (5') and a parkway, or six feet (6') if the sidewalk
adjoins the curb.
2. Curb and Gutter. Construction or repair of curbs and gutters
adjoining the site. All unused curb cuts must be replaced
with a full- height curb and gutter.
3. Parkway Trees. Any missing or damaged parkway trees
must be replaced with a minimum 24 -inch size box tree in
accordance with Chapter 9 -3 of this Code and administrative
policies and procedures promulgated by the city manager.
4. Alley Paving. Construction, replacement, repair or extension
of alley paving up to standard width. The alley must be
paved the length of the site. If vehicle access is taken from
the alley, the Director may also require that the alley be
paved to a point where the alley intersects a paved public
right -of -way, and curb returns must be relocated as
5. Roadway Paving. Repair or replacement of roadway paving
to standard street width as required in Exhibit C -8 of the
General Plan Circulation Element.
C. Required Improvements; new development requiring an
environmental assessment. In addition to the improvements
required by this section for development, the following right -of -way
improvements must be provided:
1. Alley Lighting. Construct or install on -site alley lighting.
2. Roadway Paving. Construction or extension of roadway
paving to standard street width as required in Exhibit C -8 of
the General Plan Circulation Element.
3. Traffic Signals and Street Signs. Provide a prorated share of
the cost of all roadway signal and street sign modifications
attributable or partly attributable to the development.
4. Street Lights. Install or relocate street lights. This may
include widening the right -of -way as necessary.
5. Utilities Relocation. Relocate utilities as necessary to provide
for the improvements set forth above.
D. Standards. All improvements within public rights -of -way must be
installed in conformance with the specifications on file with the City
Engineer's office.
15- 24A -5: Relief from requirements.
The Director may waive requirements of this Chapter if the Director
determines that such improvements are unnecessary for a public purpose
or that the cost of the improvement is proportionally excessive when
compared to the scale of the project or the demand generated by the
project subject to the findings set forth below. The determination of the
Director may be appealed to the Planning Commission in accordance with
Chapter 15 -25 of this Code.
A. To waive the need for improvements and dedications otherwise
required by this Chapter, the Director must find upon substantial
evidence that:
1. The proposed waiver maintains the minimum roadway width
necessary for emergency vehicle access as determined by
the Fire Chief;
2. The proposed waiver maintains the minimum roadway width
and lane widths deemed necessary for safe two- directional
vehicular passage. The minimum lane width cannot be less
than 10 feet in width for a travel lane and 8 feet in width for a
parking lane;
3. The proposed waiver will maintain the necessary roadway
width for the traffic volumes projected during the General
Plan buildout as determined by the Director of Planning and
Building Safety unless the Director determines that the
dedication or irrevocable offer to dedicate will require the
removal of all or a portion of an existing building;
4. The proposed waiver complies with any requirements of
State and Federal regulations, including, without limitation,
disabled access requirements for public sidewalks;
5. The proposed waiver would not be detrimental to the
neighborhood or district in which the property is located;
6. That the proposed waiver is necessary in order that the
applicant is not unreasonably deprived the use or enjoyment
of his property; and
7. The proposed waiver is consistent with the legislative intent
of this Title.
B. Conditions. If the Director grants a waiver, the Director may
impose such conditions necessary to safeguard public health,
safety, and welfare. In all instances the Director must impose the
following conditions:
1. Establish a term during which the irrevocable offer to dedicate
is effective.
2. The waiver does not become effective for ten (10) days from
when it is granted or, if an appeal is filed, there is a final
3. The waiver becomes null and void if it is unused for one
hundred eighty (180) days from its effective date.
15- 24A -6: Notification.
A. Copies of the findings and decision of the Director must be mailed
to the applicant and all persons within three hundred feet (300) of
the proposed project site."
SECTION 3: Environmental Review. This Ordinance is exempt from review
under the California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources
Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA ") and CEQA regulations (14 California Code of
Regulations §§ 15000, et seq.) because it does not involve any commitment to a
specific project which could result in a potentially significant physical impact on
the environment and establishes rules and procedures to implement an
organizational or administrative activity that will not result in direct or indirect
physical changes in the environment. Accordingly, this Ordinance does not
constitute a "project" that requires environmental review (see specifically 14 CCR
§ 15378(b)(2, 5)). Even if the Ordinance were to qualify as a project, it would be
categorically exempt as a Class 1 or Class 5 project since, at best, it would
constitute a minor alteration of existing public structures involving no expansion
of use, or a minor alteration in land use limitations (see 14 CCR §§ 15301,
15305). The City will conduct environmental review of each individual project
affected by this Ordinance.
SECTION 4: If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a
court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will
not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to
this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable.
SECTION 5: Repeal or amendment of any provision of the El Segundo Municipal
Code does not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or
preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring
before this Ordinance's effective date. Any such repealed part will remain in full
force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurring before
the effective date of this Ordinance.
SECTION 6: The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this
Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original
ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this
meeting; and, within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this
Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law.
SECTION 7: This Ordinance will become effective on the thirty -first (31st) day
following its passage and adoption.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1St day of November, 2011.
Eric Busch, Mayor
I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby
certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five;
that the foregoing Ordinance No. 1465 was duly introduced by said City Council
at a regular meeting held on the 18th day of October, 2011, and was duly passed
and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and
attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the
1 st day of November, 2011, and the same was so passed and adopted by the
following vote:
AYES: Busch, Fisher, Brann, Fuentes, Jacobson
NOES: None
Cindy Mcdesen, City Clerk
Mark E
The City Council of the City of El Segundo does ordain as follows:
SECTION 1: Findings. The findings set forth in Planning Commission Resolution
No. 2703 are incorporated into this Ordinance by reference as if fully set forth.
SECTION 2: A new Chapter 15 -24A entitled "Right -of -Way Dedications and
Improvements," consisting of §§ 15 -24A -1 to 15- 24A -6, is added to the El
Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC ") to read as follows:
15- 24A -1:
15- 24A -2:
15- 24A -3:
15- 24A -5:
Relief from requirements.
15- 24A -6:
15- 24A -1: Purpose.
This Chapter is intended to implement the orderly acquisition and
improvement of public rights -of -way to benefit public health, safety and
welfare. Private property owners should provide and improve public rights -
of -way to ensure that private property development does not adversely
impact other public and private facilities and services.
15- 24A -2: Definitions.
Unless the contrary is stated or clearly appears from the context, the
following definitions govern the construction of the words and phrases
used in this chapter. Words and phrases not defined by this chapter have
the meaning set forth elsewhere in this Code, Government Code or the
Public Resources Code.
"Development" has the meaning set forth in Chapter 15 -1 of this Title.
"Director" means the public works director or such other director
designated by the city manager.
"Environmental Assessment" means a review of a development in
accordance with Section 6 of Resolution No. 3805, adopted March 16,
"Use" has the meaning set forth in Chapter 15 -1 of this Title.
15- 24A -2: Dedication.
A. Dedication. Unless otherwise provided, any development requiring
an environmental assessment located on a lot abutting public
rights -of -way, must dedicate a portion of that lot to widen the public
rights -of -way in accordance with the standards in Exhibit C -8 of the
General Plan Circulation Element. Property dedications must be
noted on building plans before the City issues a building permit and
the dedications must be made before the City approves a final
inspection for a building permit or issues a certificate of occupancy
for a proposed project. The Director is authorized to substitute an
irrevocable offer to dedicate or to substitute a combination of a
dedication and an irrevocable offer to dedicate for public rights -of-
way in compliance with the standards in Exhibit C -8 of the General
Plan Circulation Element and subject to § 15 -24A -4 of this Chapter.
B. Width. Table 1, below is based on Exhibit C -8 of the General Plan
Circulation Element and establishes the standard right -of -way
widths for the various classifications for public rights -of -way. The
right -of -way dedication on an individual lot is that portion of private
property necessary to provide one -half (1/2) of the required
standard width, measured from the centerline of the street.
Table 1
Right-of- a Classification
Minimum Width
Major Arterial
142 -150 (varies
based on lane
Secondary Arterial
98 -120 (varies
based on lane
Collector divided
Local — commercial
60 -64 (varies
based on lane
Local — residential
1. Greater Widths. Greater widths may be required as by the
Director of Public Works or designee conditions of
subdivision maps, site plan review, conditional use permits
or standards variances.
2. Reduced Widths. The required standard width may be
reduced at specific locations on specific streets due to
unusual conditions, as authorized by the Director of Public
Works or designee.
C. Effect on Required Yard Areas and Building Area Ratios. All
required yard areas, lot coverage and floor area ratio a calculations
must be measured after the dedication or reservation. If the
Director of Public Works requires an irrevocable offer to dedicate,
the required yard areas, lot coverage and floor area ratio
calculations may be measured not including the area of dedication
or reservation.
15-24A-3: Improvements.
A. Applicability. Before the City approves a final inspection for a
building permit or issues a certificate of occupancy for any
development or change of use, a property owner must make all
required improvements and repairs to abutting public right -of -ways.
The improvements and repairs must extend along the width and
depth of the property and for a reasonable distance beyond the
property as is necessary to complete the improvement or repair.
Existing improvements that are damaged and that may have been
damaged during construction of the building must also be repaired.
B. Required Improvements; all development. Development or a
change of use is required to provide the following right -of -way
improvements that the Director determines to be required and
1. Sidewalk/Wheel Chair Ramps and Parkway. Construction or
repair of a sidewalk and parkway adjoining the site. The
sidewalk must have a minimum clear width of five feet (5')
and a parkway, or six feet (6') if the sidewalk adjoins the
2. Curb and Gutter. Construction or repair of curbs and gutters
adjoining the site. All unused curb cuts must be replaced
with a full- height curb and gutter.
3. Parkway Trees. Any missing or damaged parkway trees
must be replaced with a minimum 24 -inch size box tree in
accordance with Chapter 9 -3 of this Code and administrative
policies and procedures promulgated by the city manager.
4. Alley Paving. Construction, replacement, repair or extension
of alley paving up to standard width. The alley must be
paved the length of the site. If vehicle access is taken from
the alley, the Director may also require that the alley be
paved to a point where the alley intersects a paved public
right -of -way, and curb returns must be relocated as
5. Roadway Paving. Repair or replacement of roadway paving
to standard street width as required in Exhibit C -8 of the
General Plan Circulation Element.
C. Required Improvements; new development requiring an
environmental assessment. In addition to the improvements
required by this section for development, the following right -of -way
improvements must be provided:
1. Alley Lighting. Construct or install on -site alley lighting.
2. Roadway Paving. Construction or extension of roadway
paving to standard street width as required in Exhibit C -8 of
the General Plan Circulation Element.
3. Traffic Signals and Street Signs. Provide a prorated share of
the cost of all roadway signal and street sign modifications
attributable or partly attributable to the development.
4. Street Lights. Install or relocate street lights. This may
include widening the right -of -way as necessary.
5. Utilities Relocation. Relocate utilities as necessary to provide
for the improvements set forth above.
D. Standards. All improvements within public rights -of -way must be
installed in conformance with the specifications on file with the City
Engineer's office.
15- 24A-4: Relief from requirements.
The Director may waive requirements of this Chapter if the Director
determines that such improvements are unnecessary for a public purpose
or that the cost of the improvement is proportionally excessive when
compared to the scale of the project or the demand generated by the
project subject to the findings set forth below. The determination of the
Director may be appealed to the Planning Commission in accordance with
Chapter 15 -25 of this Code.
A. To waive the need for improvements and dedications otherwise
required by this Chapter, the Director must find upon substantial
evidence that:
1. The proposed waiver maintains the minimum roadway width
necessary for emergency vehicle access as determined by
the Fire Chief;
2. The proposed waiver maintains the minimum roadway width
and lane widths deemed necessary for safe two- directional
vehicular passage. The minimum lane width cannot be less
than 10 feet in width for a travel lane and 8 feet in width for a
parking lane;
3. The proposed waiver will maintain the necessary roadway
width for the traffic volumes projected during the General
Plan buildout as determined by the Director of Planning and
Building Safety unless the Director determines that the
dedication or irrevocable offer to dedicate will require the
removal of all or a portion of an existing building;
4. The proposed waiver complies with any requirements of
State and Federal regulations, including, without limitation,
disabled access requirements for public sidewalks;
5. The proposed waiver would not be detrimental to the
neighborhood or district in which the property is located;
6. That the proposed waiver is necessary in order that the
applicant is not unreasonably deprived the use or enjoyment
of his property; and
7. The proposed waiver is consistent with the legislative intent
of this Title.
B. Conditions. If the Director grants a waiver, the Director may
impose such conditions necessary to safeguard public health,
safety, and welfare. In all instances the Director must impose the
following conditions:
1. Establish a term during which the irrevocable offer to dedicate
is effective.
2. The waiver does not become effective for ten (10) days from
when it is granted or, if an appeal is filed, there is a final
3. The waiver becomes null and void if it is unused for one
hundred eighty (180) days from its effective date.
15- 24A -5: Notification.
A. Copies of the findings and decision of the Director must be mailed
to the applicant and all persons within three hundred feet (300') of
the proposed project site."
SECTION 3: Environmental Review. This Ordinance is exempt from review
under the California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources
Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA ") and CEQA regulations (14 California Code of
Regulations §§ 15000, et seq.) because it does not involve any commitment to a
specific project which could result in a potentially significant physical impact on
the environment and establishes rules and procedures to implement an
organizational or administrative activity that will not result in direct or indirect
physical changes in the environment. Accordingly, this Ordinance does not
constitute a "project" that requires environmental review (see specifically 14 CCR
§ 15378(b)(2, 5)). Even if the Resolution were to qualify as a project, it would be
categorically exempt as a Class 1 or Class 5 project since, at best, it would
constitute a minor alteration of existing public structures involving no expansion
of use, or a minor alteration in land use limitations (see 14 CCR §§ 15301,
15305). The City will conduct environmental review of each individual project
affected by this Resolution.
SECTION 4: If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a
court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will
not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to
this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable.
SECTION 5: Repeal or amendment of any provision of the El Segundo Municipal
Code does not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or
preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring
before this Ordinance's effective date. Any such repealed part will remain in full
force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurring before
the effective date of this Ordinance.
SECTION 6: The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this
Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original
ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this
meeting; and, within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this
Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law.
SECTION 7: This Ordinance will become effective on the thirty -first (31st) day
following its passage and adoption.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1St day of November, 2011.
Eric Busch, Mayor
I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby
certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five;
that the foregoing Ordinance No. 1465 was duly introduced by said City Council
at a regular meeting held on the 18th day of October, 2011, and was duly passed
and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and
attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the
1 st day of November, 2011, and the same was so passed and adopted by the
following vote:
AYES: Busch, Fisher, Brann, Fuentes, Jacobson
NOES: None
Cindy Mo esen, City Clerk
Mark C