R081.tif:3 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 f THIS.,INDENTUREi MADE,,t1ae:15th-,day of Aprt.I,L! 1927.9_at. the City. of Los. Angeles.,,.County,,.,qf 'LL03 Angeles,, . State .of Ca;ifprnia, ­bY,and between:BENNO M. BRINK, .the duly appointed, _q4alified.,.And ;.acting' administratorr'of .the':Estate:iofr,A,lice C. McArd.le. deceased .,the:party ,of! the- first,,,partp.. ;..-and,.the� CITX.;OF EL -SEGUNDO,, .•a municipal corporation of-...the?-sixth classj situat,edjin the County of Los Angeles., State.-.of:Californiaj the party of the second part, W _.1 T N E.S S :E�T;H THAT VIHEREAS,, I p4rsuant t . o(-4iqtiqe'S,'given ,thereof, the said party of the first I part, did sells subject to confirmation by the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Los Angeles, the real property h . ereinafter describedp situate in the said County, and at such sale the said party of the second part be- came the purchaser of said real property for the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars,, and WHEREAS, the said Superior Court, upon return of said sale on February 24 1927, and upon notice of at least ten days having been given, did., on the 6th day of April 1927, make an order confirming said 'sale and directing conveyance to be executed to the said party of the second parts a certified copy of which order o - f confirmation was recorded on May-'3rd g 1927, 1 in Book 6671 Page 162 , of official Records of said County: NOW, THEREFORE, the said,­Benno M.,.,,BrIAk0-- as Administrator of the estate of Alice C. McArdle, deceased,, as aforesaid., the party of the first part, :pursuant to the order aforesaid, of the said Superiol-, Court,#', and in." considerat ion. of the of one Hundred ($100. 00)', Dbllars,, .to;; him,: in hand pa id by the said, party :of the second piirt receipt- whereof: I a hereby• acknowledged, 4a.a, granted bargainedst'sold:and conveyed ,'--and.by.the,se,presents does grant., bargain,, sell ..and convey unto the said'party,-o:f.the second parts 0 deceased., at the time of her deaths and also all the right, title . 3 an . d interest that the said estate's by opera tion Of Jaw or otherwise, that of said de other than, or in addition top 4 may have acquired, 5 cedentt at the time of he r deatht.in and to all that certain lots 6 pieces or parcel of lands situate, lying and being in the City Of y of Los Angeles, Stat I e'of California, and more 7 El Segundo., Count � 8 particularly described as 0 llOwso to-wit: :The North 25 feet' of Lot 70 in `Block 109 Segundo, Tract No- 1685p in the � Ci tY Of El �Californiaq" as per Map of said tract re- 10 Page, 9.8 of Maps, in corded' in Book .blq at it the office Of the Coun ty Recorder of said Los A age le a county, Cali forni a street purposes 'property is to be used..for public Said is 13 said landt:ortion, thereof, only, and in the event that or any p t, r being.30. used, the same 14 r -if, afte not used'forstreet purposes, 9 it 15 or vacate& a .streets s,: a, public d for ''.such ,purposess. is.�abandone their heirs., 16 y adjoining, propert revert to the owners.of the— shall 17 executor'st';administratot8p successors or assigns 18 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD ALL AND SINGULAR., the said premises 19 unto, the said party of the second part to be used as and for a Nt ur, p-ab I id* t atr eet and for no other p pose ty of the first part., as 2 NE -said par IN 'WIT SS, WHEREOF the, uch;Admnistratorp has hereunto 'set his *'hand 'the day and' year first s 123 hereinabove written. s r—M a or he EstaFe 0 A Adm 25 Alice C- McArdles Deceased. # 26 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 27- 'of A*&,:yjpA.D. 1927 COUNTY...,,,, before met F 28 OF :LOS. ANGELES � . ) % _.� ; . 0 '14th' day --, County and 0 thi s­ _'Paid Coun n 'and for,, the in.: 'and !,Mac. 6A& r7. �. " . � " . i n per s qf0tilL onally . ed,and swor,s. din -name t#ere In 29 State#., resi 1 8 . I to,. me, to'be',the, person whose ',AMOVM 'Benno��*­;,Brinkj_ knowlpdged to me.. ..:appeared'. itii , I -and �ae g instrument rorogoiP subseribod:';, �tO .-30- is' subscribed the � same AhatlhO. WITNESS my"hand.,and_.Official seal- A., !e 31, 04 No STY U -Los Ang State of Californi • of' elesp 0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, ss. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. I, VICTOR D. McCARTHY, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, Los Angeles County, California, do hereby certify that the real property described in the within instrument is being conveyed to the City of El Segundo for public street purposes, and that the same has been duly accepted by the Board of Trustees of said City, the resolution of acceptance of the said Board of Trustees being of record in the minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo, Los under date of ... :...A�ril 29t4 1927. y� t„ IC y� t„