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0 2f; ♦�_ Ili fm DI v g" pq d C�'iUc 3j 1S3nO3d ld 030HO33H i O �o I f-i �r U / m • a); C6 l �i r-4 ns O -1 I" i • V) H �� +3 a o coi co O sj". no cJ 1•. � •0 1 O r-i Q? �.v (D -N q it � ; •'-I • �� F i�l 0 T•1 ' 2f; ♦�_ Ili fm DI v g" pq d C�'iUc 3j 1S3nO3d ld 030HO33H i O �o I f-i �r U m Ly a); l �i r-4 ns LLJ T•1 ' 2f; b 0' 0 r-1 a� l p d m E ; ; u �J <co pq q C�'iUc 3j 1S3nO3d ld 030HO33H i � co s f � ; W I f-i O V n NO m Ly a); l �i r-4 ns LLJ m. �! o UJI +3 a o coi T•1 ' 00i H r•1 i A h A Y L_ 1 2f; b a�i r-1 to pq q i 64 `U a) f-i O V m a); m. �! o +3 a o coi 00i H r•1 i A h A Y L_ 1 Partial Release of Mortgaae CORPORATION ]Ari0hl all men by tbeoe Pre0entC. That for a71d i7b consideration, of the S117a of _QnQ...hun- d.re,d... Dollars, the receipt Whereof is hereby acknowledged, th....... certain, parcel.... of land situ- ate, lybig a71l bei7a,' b?, the ................TD.wn..QI_.G; .Se.gundn-.--..-----.-------------.-.---------------- COWIty of ----------- --.W_$__ Axe& e_ ieH....-------------------- •---------------- - - - - -. . State of Califo7.7da, describedas follows, to wit--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The :Westerly 20 feet of Lot 2_ in Block 105 of the Town of _________________ ---- Z1,..3egundo.,...as..: par -- Map- - racQxdad.. in. .BoDk__20., -. -Pages ._22.-- an-d --- 23------------- ....ui_.Map.a,_An.. the - -- office- --af--- he-- C,ounty..Rec order._af _.said - -.%mun ty ---- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- -• ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------- ------- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------•----- •- •------------------ - - - - -- -------------------•------------------------------------------------.----- ..................•-----•-----•-----------•--•...•-•--------........----------...•------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -. -------------------•---•------.....---------------------- .....------ - - - - -- -------•-------.....------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------•••----------------------•------------------•------------------------------- - - - - -- -------------------- . - -... TVe hereby release front the lien of ..... ne_________ ------ _..................... 7rzort�at,e__._,.uu�rla -ZW* ----------------------•------------------------------------------- .... - - -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- •--•---•----------. aszigna- d------------------------- - - - -to the Great iAstern build_ing_ -and __Loan_AssQG_ie _i -p rl_____________________ a C07'porati.o71, dated - - - -- "t©b,%r- - -2- , ------- 1926., Ct7ld recorded ill the office of the County Recorder, of said ----- las.. Angelaa ......... ...................... .Cou,7aty Qj .....- .in, r Offi -c ial-- "-- - - " - "� � " " ; - -- ------ $ook -- 6400............ at j;a�e._12A_.af .. - - - - -- recor(Is of sazd C'01171ty. Tfilheronf %7.n v";47 f1++no+ wea +ern klli l r7 i na- anti Lnnn-- L4S.ne:i.fl.ti fin STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, ss. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. I, VICTOR D. McCARTHY, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, Los Angeles County, California, do hereby certify that the real property described in the within instrument is being conveyed to the City of El Segundo for public street purposes, and that the same has been duly accepted by the Board of Trustees of said City, the resolution of acceptance of the said Board of Trustees being of record in the minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, Los Angeles County, California, at Page..I.-41 .. .....thereof, under date of .......... Jul�r 20th 198._. . .......... ............................... .... �ity Clerk of e o Segun Cal. as COUNTY OF. TQ a .Angelea ..... On this ..... l2tll ..... day of . -------- `luly----------------- ------- A. D., rg?.8 before rye, E . R Kre$l --------------------------------------- a Notary Public in and for the saicl --- County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appearcd Felix__ B_,___J8_]r1Qv_S1 T_ $ 11d ___lxeor9e --- L'_re_sl ----- known to me to Le the 2re- sident__ and Se_eretary of the p- QC- ia.ticn - -. the Corporation that executed the within Instrument, known to me to be the person who executed the within Instrument, on behalf of the Corporation therein nzn.ed, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same. in Witness Wif¢reof, I have hereunto set my band and afG d my oCcial seal the day and year in this certificate first above it . - - - - - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - -- - -- Xo'nrp hnl�'o nn.d for eyl,t ACRN0NLE4)GNIE?7P— Corporation— Wolcott's Notary Blank 221 MORTGAGE— Partial Release— Corp.— Wolcott's R. E. Plank tono