TIiIa INDE11TURE made this 19t} day of Octo] er,
A. D., 1928, by and between LOLL AI1GELLu FIR T I1tiT1 Chit.!
TRUuT a national bai]i.l.t'`
successor to PAOIFIC 20UT1r;"' "T MU;'T w ;;�,VI11U ;iJ i" a
corporation, havini its principal place of busiiie:;s in
the City of Los Angeles, County of Los liiq,o les, Jtote of
California, first party, and the CITY OF LL c;LuUlfyO, a
municipal corporation] of the sixth class, situated in file
County of Los Angeles, estate of Cali.fo-r�]ia, secoi,d part;;,-
W I T 11 E a .i B T H :
That the said first party, for and in consider-
ation of the sum of ;fight Hundred Dollars (y £300.009, laviful
money of the United ;states of Airierica, to it in hand PUi(l
by the said second party, the receipt of which is liereb-y
acknoviledged, does by these presents Crain ai;cl coiive,-: unto
the said second party, a perpetual easeiient and rich=:- oi'_�lUy
for a public street, in, over, ,jpon arid acro:_s t1 r_t Certain
piece or parcel of land situated, lyinC aiid beint: Di the
City of El �;el,undo, Coui]ty of Lo.,3 Mini e1es, ,state of Cali:f'Jr1ji_fl,
described as follows, to -wit:
Tire 11ortherly forty (40) feet of I.ot ten (10 )
3lock 104, El :jegundo aheet Jo. 3, as recorded
in Book 20, Pages 22 -23 of 11aps, i;ecords of
Los Angeles Count;,;, California, oil file in tl:e
office of the County Recorder of
Said property is to be used for public street
purposes only, and in the event that said land, or any
portion thereof is not used for street purposes, or if
after being so used, the same is abandoned for such pur-
poses, or vacated as a public street, it shall revert to
the first party, its successors and assigns.
TO HAVE APID TO HOLD all and singular, the said
premises unto the said second party, to be used as and
for a public street and for no other purpose.
111 VJITTIE:;6 �J1ii:RE01 +', the said Los Angeles First
2lational Trust & Savings Bank, a national banking assoc-
ietion, successor to Pacific Southviest Trust & ;;av!nLs
Bank, a corporation, has caused its name to be hereunto
affixed by its Vice President and Assistant Trust Officer
thereunto duly authorized, the day and year first herein-
above viritten.
/)AI /
County of Los Angeles y
On this 25th day of Ootober
Carolyn F. Erhardt
LOS ANGELE:� FIIt�T Il�ll 1;1,�iL 'h :U�i
& aAV1iI� B ''I1
B ?
A. D. 19 28 , before me
a Notary Public in and for said County and
State, residing therein, duly commissioned and qualified, personally appeared
17, R. Hervey known to me to be the Vice - President, and S• Co Baxter
known to me to be the Assistant Trust Officer of the
the National Banking Association that executed the within instru-
meint, known to me to be the persons who executed the within
instrument on behalf of the association therein named, and acknowl-
edged to me that such association executed the same.
Witne .so my hand and official seal.
ary T'ublic in and for said County and State.
I, VICTOR D. McCARTHY, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, Los Angeles County, California, do
hereby certify that the real property described in the within instrument is being conveyed to the City of El
Segundo for public street purposes, and that the same has been duly accepted by the Board of Trustees of said
City, the resolution of acceptance of the said Board of Trustees being of record in the minutes of the proceedings
' of the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, Los Angeles County, Califor*1, Page 1-280 ....thereof,
�. under date of....... November 2nd, 1928. _
City Clerk I gundo, Cal.
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