R011.tifI . Vartial A ill1987-RAB. IN CONSIDERATION of the partial payment of the debt secured by the Trust Deed executed by HYRUIJ J. k�NDEItSOId and ISAB�LLIt M. ANDEFMSON his wife —to the Q Lifo r n i aT t1e jnsurir�nce CompL q recorded MA -_y t 192B—, in Book 8,977 Page 115 of Official Records, in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, the undersigned, at the re- quest of the holder_ of the note_ thereby secured, does hereby remise, release and reconvey to the person or persons lawfully entitled thereto, without warranty, all the estate granted by said Trust Deed, in the real property in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as follows: The Northerly Fort (40) feet of Lot Emit (8) in Block Thirteen --( -1 —nf' 111r 3 t i v 1„, t of' R1 Segundo- as per map recorded in Book 21, Page 98 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder _-of Said _County in so far as an easement for public street pur- poses in. Favor 011' the City of R1 Segundo, in Qncerned Ia Mitrtege; intreof, the CALIFORNIA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused its corporate name to be signed to these presents by its Vice - President and attested by its Assistant Secretary, who has affixed its corporate seal this_ 21st day of September 192 8 III STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, ss. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. I, VICTOR D. McCARTHY, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, Los Angeles County, California, do hereby certify that the real property described in the within instrument is being conveyed to the City of El Segundo for public street purposes, and that the same has been duly accepted by the Board of Trustees of said City, the resolution of acceptance of the said Board of Trustees being of record in the minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, Los Angeles ounty, California, at Page under date of ................. 9Ct •..A* .... 928.................. ti City Clerk o the ]mown to me to be the Vice- President and Walter Eden I known to me to be the Assistant Secretary of the California Title Insurance Company, the corporation that executed the within instrument, and known to me to be the persons who executed the within in- strument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. III \Fitness my hand and official seal. Notary Public in �L., s Count y, California. Form 213- 4- 29- 27-4 3\1 s Vartial Aeeon be p ance ffJ_ 1987 -RAB. IN CONSIDERATION of the partial payment of the debt secured by the Trust Deed executed by HYRUl, J. ANWItSOIJ and ISABELLA M. ANDERSON, his wife to the catiforniafiifle In surance COP) panq recorded MAY —I 5;_ , 192$_, in Book £3.577 Page 115 of Official Records, in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, the undersigned, at the re- quest of the holder_ of the note_ thereby secured, does hereby remise, release and reconvey to the person or persons lawfully entitled thereto, without warranty, all the estate granted by said Trust Deed, in the real property in the County of Los Angeles, -State of California, described as follows: The Northerly Fort (40) feet of Lot Eight (8) in block Thirteen _( 1 of Ct jl FRS, in the C i t.V of Fl Segundo,-- as per map recoi ded in Book 21, Page 98 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder —of— said - _County- in so far as an _easement for public street pur- .1n Witnea Vbereof, the CALIFORNIA TITLE INSURANCE CO \IPANY has caused its corporate name to be signed to these presents by its Vice - President and attested by its Assistant Secretary, who has affixed its corporate seal this— 213t day of_ September 192--8. CALIFORNIA TIT E INSURANCE OMPANY, By__2� Vice -Pr ldent. Attested _ _-Assistant Secretary. STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of I_os Angeles, I ss. On this 21st day of September 192- , , before me— dargare . Eames a Notary Public in and for said County, personally appeared —_— H. P. _Kelly known to me to be the Vice - President and Walter L known to me to be the Assistant Secretary of the California Title Insurance Company, the corporation that executed the within instrument, and known to me to be the persons who executed the within in- strument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. \Fitness my hand and official seal. M Kotary Public in and .r Los .Angeles County, California. En Form 213- 4- 29- 27-4 \I 7 V u a z 'a J a qr N N M � q PP F Ao •c O � N �O ' U .-1 U -P O • 0 �+ J 1 CSi W w H O N ° +� -P O 0 Q p HrJ O GO tw C, U Q U O 7 V u a z 'a J a qr N N M � q PP F Ao •c O � N �O