2008 JUL 15 - CC PACKET - 2EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 15, 2008 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Unfinished Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to approve funding for an additional Tyler Technologies' Eden water billing software module to perform customer electronic billing for water service. (Fiscal Impact: $22,200.00) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Approve funding for an additional Eden water billing software module to perform electronic billing; 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: On June 4, 2008, City Council approved a $69,095 request to purchase a new software program by Tyler Technologies for the City's basic water billing activities. At that time, Council asked staff to report back on whether the software, named Eden, had the capability to perform electronic billing services. Eden can provide electronic water bills (via email) using an additional software enhancement module. The license fee for the enhancement is $16,500, training for electronic billing is $2,400.00, and the annual software maintenance fee is $3,300.00. Thus, the first year total for the package would be $22,200 in addition to original $69,095 already approved. (Background and Discussion continued on the next page) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None FISCAL IMPACT: $22,200.00 Operating Budget: None Amount Requested: $22,200.00 Account Number: 501 -400- 7103 -8207 Project Phase: N/A Appropriation Required: No ORIGINATED EY: DATE: Stephanie Katsouleas, Director of Public Works 07/8/08 REVI ,WD BY: DATE: ck Wayt, I me ity Manager 7i`r9' Background & Discussion (continued) In summary, the additional Eden water billing module has the following capabilities: Electronic Billing: Bills can be sent via email, either in addition to or in place of paper bills. The initial account set up must be performed by staff, and issues regarding identity theft for electronic billing would need to be addressed before electronic accounts are created. Viewing and Paying Bills: Customers would be able to view their water bills electronically through a login portal after setting up a unique user ID and password (which requires staff assistance). Multiple water accounts can also be grouped under a single user logon. Both electronic check routing and credit cards can be used to pay bills, although credit card numbers are not stored permanently and must be re- entered each time a bill is paid electronically. A recurring payment schedule can be established through a bank account clearing house if the customer wishes to set up an automatic payment schedule. Payments can also be seasonally averaged to meet special user situations. City Council approved the purchase the basic Eden water billing software on June 4, 2008. Tyler Technologies estimates that it will take approximately seven (7) months to install and customize the software, migrate El Segundo's existing water accounts and train staff on its operation and capabilities. Thus, electronic billing could potentially be implemented at the beginning of 2009 following full software integration and purchase of the additional software enhancement tool. EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 15, 2008 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Unfinished Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding: 1) the approval of funds for needed filter /circulation repairs to the Urho Saari Swim Stadium Pool (The Plunge) at 219 W. Mariposa Avenue and 2) proceeding with a feasibility study for the construction of a new aquatics facility at Hilltop or another location. (Fiscal Impact: $706,000.) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Consider improvements and repairs to the filter /circulation system of the Urho Saari Swim Stadium; 2) Consider investigating the feasibility of constructing a new aquatics facility at Hilltop or other location; 3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: The Urho Saari Swim Stadium was constructed in 1938. The building houses a larger 25 yard pool, a smaller recreation pool and men's and women's locker rooms. The two pools currently provide community recreational, competition and fitness program opportunities, although the larger pool cannot adequately accommodate water polo and long course swimming competitions. (Background and Discussion continued on the next page) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 2005 City of El Segundo Aquatics Master Plan Executive Summary FISCAL IMPACT: $706,000 Operating Budget: N/A Amount Requested: $706,000 for the Plunge repairs Account Number: Budgeted: 301 -400- 8202 -8476 (Aquatics Facility CIP) $399,000 Needed: 703 - 200 - 0000 -2630 (Developer's Aquatic Fund) $307,000 Project Phase: N/A Appropriation Required: Yes ($307,000) TED BY: DATE: Stephanie Katsouleas, Director of Public Works 07/9/08 REVIEW BY: DATE: ck Wayt, Interim Cit Manager Background & Discussion (continued) On June 17, 2008, staff presented an overview of the current maintenance needs of the Urho Saari Swim Stadium (i.e., the Plunge), stating that a new filter system and replacement of associated pool circulation equipment is needed in order to keep the facility's water filtration systems operating properly. Following public comment, Council asked staff to provide at the next council meeting more detail on both the existing swim stadium needs as well as options for designing and constructing a new facility. This follow -up report is presented in three parts: 1) past repair history and existing swim stadium needs, 2) community needs as identified the Aquatics Master Plan, and 3) potential funding sources for repairs to the Plunge and construction of a new aquatics facility. Past Repairs and Existing Swim Stadium (Plunge) Needs Over the past decade, both the pool and building have undergone several repairs as identified in the following table for a combined total of $481,715: Repairs Building $157,142 1999: Siemens roof replacement $88,000 2005: Reinforcement of the ceiling $124,898 trusses X198,817 2008: Window replacement $70,000 current) underway) Total $282,898 Pool .. 1999: Siemens boiler and piping replacement $157,142 2005: Chlorinator replacement $33,417 2007: Replacement of deck heaters $8,258 Total X198,817 The facility's filter /circulation system is corroding after decades of use and is in need of replacement if the pool is to remain operational in the future (see photos below). On Wednesday, June 25, 2008 staff noticed that the patch area on the fourth filter tank has started to leak and the metal surrounding the patch has thinned significantly, thus making it likely that repair or pool closure is imminent. Staff does not have the expertise to predict when the system will ultimately fail and thus recommended that Council approve $676,000 for the repair so that it could be scheduled to minimize the impact on users. Staff estimated that the total time for both design and actual repairs would take a minimum of six (6) months to complete if funding was approved. Corroding Pipe with Patch Failing Patch on Tank Rusting Pipes Cracked and Rusting Pipe Staff recently consulted with Rowley International for its professional opinion on what other mechanical repairs (in addition to filter /circulation system) might be needed for the two pools 2 over the next decade. Rowley's opinion was that the boiler would be the only equipment potentially needing replacement, and that it would be less expensive than the 1999 replacement cost because new piping would not be needed again. However, the boiler shows no signs of distress and could easily last another decade. In summary, there is very little mechanical equipment needed to operate the two pools, and all but the circulation system have been repaired or replaced in recent history. Lastly, the pools show no signs of structural distress and are physically sound, although routine the and plaster maintenance and repair would not be uncommon. The repair and /or replacement needs of the building itself have not been fully assessed, but would likely include a complete renovation of the locker rooms and overhead bleachers as well as compliance with all applicable Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. However, this renovation is optional and does not affect the structural integrity or safety of the building. Community Needs as Defined by the Aquatics Master Plan The Aquatics Master Plan was completed and approved by the Recreation and Parks Commission and City Council in 2005. An executive summary of the report is attached. The plan summarized the community demographics, conducted a pool needs assessment (via telephone surveys, questionnaires and public workshops) and provided a framework for future decision making. It concluded that in addition to existing facilities (counted as 1.75 pools), El Segundo needs another 1.69 pools to meet its current community needs, and that by 2025 those needs will increase an additional 0.41 pools for a total of 3.85 pools. A pool is defined as a 25 meters x 20 yards. The plan also recommended the following: 1. Support identified aquatic programming needs by providing appropriate aquatic facilities. 2. Renovate and repair existing aquatic facilities to maximize efficiency and to contribute to appropriate community image. 3. Facilitate the development of new aquatic facilities at Hilltop Park so that the aquatic recreational needs of the existing and future citizens are met. Lastly, the plan provided schematic drawings of various configurations and cost estimates for a Hilltop aquatics facility. Based on the facility features provided, the cost to construct ranged from $6 million to $9.8 million. All designs included at least one recreational pool and one competition pool while sizing and associated accommodations /features varied. Demolition costs were not included in these estimates. Funding Options Funding currently available for aquatic needs is nearly $1.9 million, and includes $399,000 from the Capital Fund and $1.5 million from the Plaza El Segundo Development Agreement. A cursory look at potential sources of funding for a new aquatics facility might include: $4,000,000 Two (2) California Infrastructure Bank Loans available specifically for Recreation and Parks projects $TBD Reduction of the undesignated /unreserved General Fund balance $TBD Reallocation of a portion of the Athletic Fields Naming Rights designation for the athletic fields 3 Recommendations Staff recommends that City Council: 1. Determine whether to keep operational and maintain the Urho Saari Swim Stadium, and if so, approve $676,000 in funding for the current filter /circulation repairs needed. 2. Approve $30,000 in funding for a comprehensive study as a first step toward investigating the feasibility of constructing a new aquatics facility at Hilltop or other location in El Segundo. U1 AR r EXECUTIVE SUMMA Y 11 h This report describes the process used to reach the proposed recommendations for the City of El Segundo's Aquatic Master Plan. ,t Aquatic programs and facilities should be tailored to the needs of the community as indicated by current and historic uses, as well as input from the master plan process. 3 PROCESS 3 What Is the Aquatic Master Plan? The Aquatic Master Plan is a road map, setting out goals to address the current and future needs of the community for aquatic facilities and programs. It is intended to be an implementation tool for the City of El Segundo, providing an orderly guide for the orderly development and management of aquatic services, programs, and facilities for the City. Who was involved? The development of the Master Plan was built upon y community input. Hundreds of residents participated in the planning process. This included a community wide phone survey, user group questionnaires, stakeholder questionnaires, and community workshops. Additionally, data provided by City staff was also utilized in the 3 development of the Master Plan. 3 What was the process? 3 Extensive consultation, research, and analysis have been undertaken and combined 3 together to produce the El Segundo Aquatic Master Plan. It is a plan that identifies and quantifies the aquatic needs of current and future El Segundo residents. Through the efforts involved in the Master Plan process, the needs and concerns of the residents are considered and coalesced into a final document that creates a vision for the future of aquatics in the community. 3 3 El Segundo Aquatic Master Plan 1 A EXECUTI VE SUMMAR Y j There were three (3) primary phases involved in the master plan process, which included: Phase 1: Community Analysis Inventory and review of aquatic programs and facilities, as well as demographic trends. 3 •:4 Demographic Trends 44 Inventory of Community Wide Aquatic Facilities ❖ Inventory of Aquatic Programs and Activities Phase 2: Needs Assessment Working with the community to identify aquatic recreation needs Random Sample Household Phone Survey 444 User Group Questionnaires ❖ Stakeholder Questionnaires ❖ Community Workshops 3 Demand and Needs Analysis Phase 3: Framework for Future Decisions Creating a plan of action. •'• Draft report and recommendations ❖ Council review and approve final report COMMUNITY ANALYSIS The community analysis is an inventory and review of the community, and its aquatic recreation assets and opportunities. Demographic Trends The population of El Segundo has increased by 5.3 percent over a ten -year period with a slight increase in household size [U.S. Census data]. The fastest increases in population in El Segundo appear in the age categories of 5 to 14 years, and 35 to 54 years. El Segundo is a mature City with only very slow growth expected in the next 25 years. El Segundo's population is expected to increase from the 2004 estimate of 16,861 to 19,479 by 2030. j The City has an older age profile, however, growth over the 1990 to 2000 decade was i characterized by an above average proportion of families with children. El Segundo is over 80.0 percent white, but has experienced above average growth in Slack, Asian /Pacific Islander and Hispanic ethnic groups between 1990 and 2000. Incomes and housing values are significantly above average. The demand for aquatic facilities generated by the demographic profile in El Segundo is reflected in the demand and needs analysis. El Segundo Aquatic Master Plan 2 t EXECUTIVE SUMMA R Y a M a a a Existing Aquatic Facilities The three (3) City -owned aquatic recreation facilities, combined with other community and regional facilities, constitute a system in which a variety of passive and active aquatic recreation experiences are possible. Urho Saari Swim Stadium has two (2) indoor pools, a 25 -meter competition pool and a smaller recreation pool. Hilltop Park and Acacia Park each have one (1) outdoor recreation pool. Regional facilities in the south bay area include Westchester YMCA, the Torrance Plunge, and the Hawthorne Plunge. According to the telephone survey conducted as part of this report, approximately 25% of El Segundo residents are "frequent users" of the public recreation facilities, and another 29% are "moderate users ". Urho Saari Swim Stadium is the facility 41% of the telephone survey respondents indicated they use most often. 9 Existing Aquatic Programs and Services Aquatic programs and services are provided for a variety of age groups including pre- school, elementary school, middle school, high school, adults, and seniors. There are Y also programs and services developed for the community at large and families. Programs are designed and delivered primarily based on interest of the participating population groups. There are a significant number of organized aquatic sports programs for youth and adults. There are a good variety of aquatic programs and classes for all age groups. NEEDS ASSESSMENT The following needs assessment tools were utilized in determining the aquatic recreation 3 facility and program needs for the City of El Segundo: ••• Random Telephone Survey ❖ User Group Questionnaire ❖ Stakeholder Questionnaire ❖ Community Workshops ❖ Demand and Needs Analysis The questionnaires and workshops are the outreach tools used to evaluate the perception of needs from community members. The telephone survey and demand /needs analysis represent the statistically valid, quantifiable foundation for the recommendations. r El Segundo Aquatic Master Plan 3 4 EXECUTI VE SUMMA Y The aquatic facility and program demand analysis is built upon: ❖ Rates of Usage ❖ Data from Aquatic Sports Organizations ❖ City Vision or Goal for how much of the demand can be supported ❖ Background and Perspective on aquatic uses from other jurisdictions ❖ Current aquatic programs and participation rates ❖ Facility requirements needed to meet aquatic recreation program criteria. The demand analysis derives an estimated number of facilities to meet current and forecasted demand. The facility demand is then compared to the existing facility inventory to determine surpluses or deficits. Aquatic facility requirements for the City of El Segundo is currently 1.69 pools and the forecasted needs to the year 2025 is 2.10 pools (a "pool' is considered to be equivalent to a 25 M x 20 Yards) FRAMEWORK FOR FUTURE DECISIONS Recommendations are intended to address the aquatic recreation needs identified in previous sections and are a result of analysis of existing inventory, evaluation of demand, 09 community input, and consideration of City goals and policies. Generally, the objective is to link community goals and vision, community input received from the master plan process, aquatic program needs, and aquatic facility needs. Aquatic Recreation Facility Community Concept The overall concept approach that guides development of aquatic facility recommendations, which follow, are based upon the Needs Assessment and can be summarized as follows: ,=I ❖ Support identified aquatic programming needs by providing appropriate aquatic facilities ❖ Renovate and repair existing aquatic facilities to maximize efficiency and to contribute to appropriate community image. ❖ Facilitate the development of new aquatic facilities at Hilltop Park so that the aquatic recreational needs of the existing and future citizens are met and so that future facilities are integral with, provide support for, and enhance the effectiveness of the overall aquatic system in El Segundo. I El Segundo Aquatic Master Plan 4 r-) '1 9.00 EXECUTIVE SUMMA Y This executive summary is a concise representation of the research and recommendations contained in the fl Segundo Aquatic Master Plan document. For more detailed information, please refer to the complete report. t. u K El Segundo Aquatic Master Plan 5 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 15, 2008 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS & BOARDS AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to adopt a resolution establishing the Environmental Committee and appointing Committee members. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Adopt Resolution establishing the Environmental Committee and related procedural regulations; (2) Appoint Committee Members to the Environmental Committee, if any, and terms of office; and (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: Committee /Commission & Board: # of Openings Apoointee(s): Term Exnirel . Environmental Committee 5 06/30/09 ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Draft Resolution FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ORIGINXTED: Assistant REVIEWED Jack WamC Interim 06/30/09 06/30/10 06/30/10 06/30/11 Date: -1(9M Datez _ l ` L-�r 0 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE EL SEGUNDO ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE AND RELATED PROCEDURAL REGULATIONS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council for the City of El Segundo as follows: SECTION 1: ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE ESTABLISHED; PURPOSE. An Environmental Committee ( "Committee ") is established for the purpose of reviewing current city environmental practices, identifying new environmental goals and objectives, and developing a framework for protecting the City's quality of life while moderating the growth demands upon our natural resources and the impacts their use /consumption has upon our environment. SECTION 2: MEMBERSHIP. A. The Committee will consist of five (5) members. Three (3) members constitute a quorum for conducting meetings and taking action. B. The Committee membership will represent the following interests: Two (2) members will represent the business community; 2. Two (2) members will represent the residential community; 3. One (1) member will be an official from the El Segundo School District; C. In addition, the City Manager will appoint one City employee to be an ex- officio member of the Committee; D. Once there are sufficient members from community interest organizations to form a quorum, those members may appoint two (2) additional members from the community at large. E. Unless otherwise provided, during their incumbency all members must be, and remain, city residents. Should any member cease to be a city resident, that office will be deemed vacant and the term of such member terminated. F. Upon a position becoming vacant for any reason, a majority of 2R3 Committee members may select a replacement member in accordance with the membership diversity established by this section. If a majority does not exist, the city council may fill vacancies in accordance with this section in order to form a quorum. Once there are sufficient members to form a quorum, those members may fill any remaining vacancies in accordance with this section. G. No Committee member may be a public official elected to city government. SECTION 3: TERMS OF OFFICE. A. Unless otherwise provided, of members first appointed to the Committee, two (2) will be appointed for a term of one (1) year, two (2) will be appointed for a term of two (2) years, and one (1) will be appointed for a three (3) year term. Succeeding members will be appointed for terms of four (4) years. The ex- officio member's term may be designated by the City Manager. B. Unless otherwise provided, all Committee members will serve until a successor is qualified and appointed. SECTION 4: ORGANIZATION. A. Each January, the Committee will annually organize and elect a chairperson and vice - chairperson from its membership for a one - year term. In the chairperson's or vice - chairperson's absence or disability, the Committee may designate a chairperson or vice - chairperson pro tempore. B. Regular meetings must be held on a day and time established by Committee resolution and may be amended from time to time. C. The Committee may establish its own rules and procedures for conducting business including, without limitation, meetings. All meetings must comply with the Ralph M. Brown Act. SECTION 5: NONATTENDANCE. Unless otherwise provided, should a Committee member fail to attend three (3) consecutive meetings, unless excused for cause by the Committee chairperson, that member's office will be deemed vacant and the member's term ended. SECTION 6: APPOINTMENT PROCEDURES. 2 Z� 4 A. Persons seeking appointment to the Committee should file applications, in a form prescribed by the city manager, or designee, to the city manager's office. B. The city manager or designee will forward applications received for Committee vacancies to the city council, and interviews of applications will be scheduled at a properly noticed and open meeting of the city council. Such meeting will generally occur outside the city council chambers in an appropriate city facility to allow for informal interaction between the city council and the applications. C. Applicants will be interviewed individually on a staggered schedule. D. The city council will take action regarding Committee appointments at a regular or special city council meeting after interviewing all qualified applicants. Candidates for a Committee vacancy will be nominated by individual council members and voted on an individual basis rather than by a slate vote. E. An applicant must be appointed to a Committee by a majority vote of the city council. F. If, following a city council vote on all available applicants for a Committee vacancy, the vacancies for a Committee are not all filled, the application period to fill the vacancies will be automatically extended by an additional thirty (30) days or the city council may designated a different time period by majority vote. G. Upon the time period being extended, the city manager's office will seek further applicants in accordance with applicable law. SECTION 7: REMOVAL BY CITY COUNCIL. All members serve at the city council's pleasure and may be removed by a majority vote of the city council at any time. SECTION 8: VACANCY. If a vacancy occurs other than term expiration, notice must be given to the city council and city clerk. The city council may appoint a new member in accordance with this Resolution for the remaining portion of the term. SECTION 9: This Resolution is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA ") and CEQA regulations (14 California Code of Regulations §§ 15000, et seq.) because it consists only of revisions and clarifications to existing codes and 3 2q 5 procedures regarding appointing persons to City commissions, boards, and committees. Adoption of this Resolution will not have the effect of deleting or substantially changing any regulatory standards or required findings. SECTION 10: This Resolution is effective immediately upon adoption and will remain effective unless repealed or superseded. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 2008. ATTEST: Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney M Karl H. Berger, Assistant City Attorney Kelly McDowell, Mayor 4 2�b / 8 §< j) Am [cc \ § ) I d b g \ K d §!!))---- -- ---- QRg & §§§EER@2@ j \ � \ \ Kql; cr \ 'I) )§S° 0} (\ t k ; u� a § uj 3 § \ / ƒ 2 . �f § 8 § 7 \ \ o }� 10 {\ cn \\ cc o cr e % co \ CD Z. z k (_ )$ ;m, a, §,s#7 6-z X, })\ (• §§§' §7§m..;, }[§( «e /Zi)!5z §G§ - °' k)) » }XWMM /ƒP�) \ ! § ^A ®� } §((�(6)ƒ »Kl:a!% § /( / §edoo ( \ / \c! \ \) «) \Q!% § << ,moo $ /( mg0ll4? %e ° ° °``< «»!<o :ke»���,� { \ $f� §`7 \ \§ & \)` &;r| 0 §!!))---- -- ---- QRg & §§§EER@2@ j \ � \ \ Kql; cr \ 'I) )§S° 0} (\ t k ; u� a § uj 3 § \ / ƒ 2 . �f § 8 § 7 \ \ o }� 10 {\ cn \\ cc o cr e % co \ CD Z. z k (_ )$ §/ \ o) 6-z X, })\ K)w %<EM) e �k «�6: ��k § / \ /§ § }[§( «e /Zi)!5z §G§ - °' k)) » }XWMM /ƒP�) \ - _ : :J£ {oz \ \ZCLD ar L) m$ ®� } §((�(6)ƒ »Kl:a!% § /( / §edoo ( \ / \c! \ \) «) \Q!% \)a ;3Eg�la = ;� =2 »» «M3=o`xx: ® << ,moo $ /( mg0ll4? %e ° ° °``< «»!<o :ke»���,� §!!))---- -- ---- QRg & §§§EER@2@ j \ � \ \ Kql; cr \ 'I) )§S° 0} (\ t k ; 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SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor McDowell at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Mayor McDowell - Present Mayor Pro Tern Busch - Present Council Member Brann - Present Council Member Fisher - Present Council Member Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS: None The City Attorney stated that Council would be meeting in closed session pursuant to items identified on the agenda and Government Code §54956.9(b) item was a threat of exposure to litigation known to the public generally. CLOSED SESSION: The City Council moved into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et seq.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator; and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation; and /or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel); and /or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators; as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956.9(a) - -1- matter City of El Segundo vs. City of Los Angeles, et. al. LASC No. BS094279 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(b): -1- potential case (no further public statement is required at this time); Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(c): -0- matter. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 17, 2008 ^ PAGE NO. 1 DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957): - 0- matter CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54957.6): - 4- matters City Negotiators: Interim City Manager Jack Wayt; Human Resources Director Bob Hyland; Finance Director Deborah Cullen; Richard Kreisler. Employee Organizations: (1) Unrepresented management/confidential employees (City employees who are not members of bargaining units); (2) the El Segundo Police Officers' Association; (3) El Segundo Firefighter's Association; and (4) the El Segundo Police Manager's Association. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956.8): - 0- matter SPECIAL MATTERS: - 0- matter Council recessed at 6:.50 p.m. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 17, 2008 PAGE NO. 2 �Uti REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 2008 - 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor McDowell at 7:00 p.m. INVOCATION — Pastor Roger Kinsey, Pacific Baptist Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Bill Fisher PRESENTATIONS a. Council Member Brann presented a Proclamation to Bob Motta, Recreation and Parks Cnmmissinn Chair. announcina July as Parks & Recreation Month. ROLL CALL Mayor McDowell - Present Mayor Pro Tern Busch - Present Council Member Brann - Present Council Member Fisher - Present Council Member Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. Kelly Kemp, resident, spoke regarding the Capital Improvements Project Committee meetings. Requested that money not be spent on the Urho Swim Stadium Pool filtration system and instead a strategy be developed to refurbish or replace the pool. Barbara Briney, resident, spoke regarding Item 1, improvements and repairs to the Urho Swim Stadium Pool filtration system. Requested Council not spend funds to repair the filtration system at this time and instead develop a plan to refurbish or replace the pool. Jim Boulgarides, resident, spoke regarding Item 1, improvements and repairs to the Urho Swim Stadium Pool filtration system. Requested Council develop a long term plan to replace the pool. Liz Garnholz, resident, spoke regarding Item 1, improvements and repairs to the Urho Swim Stadium Pool. Stated the pool should be repaired and maintained not replaced. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 17, 2008 PAGE NO. 3 �UJ A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only. MOTION by Council Member Jacobson, SECONDED Council Member Fisher by to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS (PUBLIC HEARING) C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Consideration and possible action regarding the approval of funds for needed improvements and repairs to the Urho Saari Swim Stadium Pool (The Plunge) at 219 W. Mariposa Avenue. (Fiscal Impact: $676,000) Stephanie Katsouleas, Interim Public Works Director, gave a report. MOTION by Council Member Fisher, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Busch to hold off on a decision regarding pool repair and address this item at the upcoming Strategic Planning Meeting scheduled for 8:30 a.m., June 27, 2008, Police Department Emergency Operations Center. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 Item to be agendized for July 15, 2008 Regular City Council Meeting. 2. Consideration and possible action regarding appointing a Council Member to participate in meetings /discussions regarding constructing a restroom/ lifeguard /storage facility on the beach adjacent to Grand Avenue and Vista del Mar. (Fiscal Impact: None) Stephanie Katsouleas, Interim Public Works Director, gave a report. Council consensus to appoint Mayor Pro Tern Busch to participate in discussions regarding a proposed restroom /lifeguard /storage facility on the beach adjacent to Vista del Mar at Grand Avenue. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS 3. Consideration and possible action regarding the announcement of the appointments of candidates to the following Committees, Commissions and Boards (CCBs): Library Board of Trustees and Planning Commission. Mayor McDowell announced the following appointments to the CCBs: Reappoint Steve Hunt and appoint Laura Verouden to the Library Board of Trustees to full terms to expire 6/30/2011; Reappoint Suzanne Fuentes and appoint Ryan Baldino to the Planning Commission to full terms to expire 6/30/2012. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 17, 2008 PAGE NO. 4 r 9 00 1 -t E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 4. Approved Warrant Numbers 2566151 to 2566339 on Register No. 17 in the total amount of $601,749.54 and Wire Transfers from 5/23/2008 through 6/5/2008 in the total amount of $1,047,065.35. Authorized staff to release. Ratified: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreement; emergency disbursements and /or adjustments; and wire transfers. 5. Approved Regular and Special City Council Meeting Minutes of June 4, 2008. 6. Accepted a $5,000,000 grant from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) (Grant Agreement for Project No. AIP 3 -06- 0139 -47) to be used for the Residential Sound Insulation (RSI) Program. Authorized the Mayor to execute. 7. Accepted additional grant funding from the Urban Area Security Initiative Fiscal Year 2006 ( "UASI FY06 ") federal grant program to provide hazardous materials training, urban search and rescue ( "USAR ") training, and interoperable self- contained breathing apparatus; and authorized the City Manager to sign a UASI FY06 contract amendment describing the allocation. (Fiscal Impact: $205,525) Authorized the City Manager to sign an Amendment to City Contract # 3736 with the City of Los Angeles. 8. Authorized the City Manager to bid and award a contract for a vehicle to be utilized by the Fire Department as funded in the FY 2007/2008 Equipment Replacement Fund, and approval to retire to auction a pool car. (Fiscal Impact: Not to exceed $28,000) 9. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY MAYOR MCDOWELL 10. Approved Agreement No. 3831 for the Municipal Area Express (MAX) commuter bus service. (Fiscal Impact: FY 08 -09 $57,108; FY 09 -10 $60,203; FY 10 -11 $63,880; Total Fiscal Impact $181,191 over 3 years). Authorized the City Manager to execute the agreement on behalf of the City. MOTION by Council Member Fisher, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tem Busch to approve Consent Agenda Items 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 9. Consideration and possible action regarding authorization for the Police Department to purchase nine Ford Crown Victoria police package vehcles piggybacking on an existing Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department contract. (Fiscal Impact: $222,300) MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 17, 2008 PAGE NO. 5 MOTION by Mayor McDowell, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Busch pursuant to El Segundo Municipal Code Sec. 1 -7 -10, to waive the bidding process and authorized the Police Department to purchase nine Ford Crown Victoria police package vehicles piggybacking on an existing Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department contract. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 F. NEW BUSINESS G. REPORTS — CITY MANAGER - NONE H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY — Announced that the City Council, in closed session this evening, voted unanimously to authorize the filing of a request for a hearing regarding Los Angeles World Airport's application for a noise variance that has been filed with Cal Trans. REPORTS — CITY CLERK - NONE REPORTS — CITY TREASURER - NONE K. REPORTS — CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Fisher — NONE Council Member Jacobson — Spoke regarding upcoming July 4th celebration. Council Member Brann — Reported on recent League of California Cities Conference. Mayor Pro Tern Busch — Spoke on the Environmental Ex�o on July 3`d 3 -7 p.m. on Main Street. Announced the Guaymas Sister City visit over the July 4t weekend. Mayor McDowell — Spoke regarding the proposed Military Processing Station Public Hearing at the next Planning Commission Meeting. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have receive value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. Liz Garnholz, resident, spoke regarding the El Segundo Power Plant and upcoming public meeting on June 25, 2008, at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. Mayor McDowell requested feedback from the community regarding LED lights that have been placed on a trial basis in the parkway trees on Main Street. MEMORIALS — Amy Grant, sister of RSI Program Manager James O'Neill. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 17, 2008 PAGE NO. 6 �U� ADJOURNMENT at 7:55 p.m. Cathy Domann, Deputy City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 17, 2008 PAGE NO. 7 .J U J SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 2008 — 4:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER — Mayor McDowell at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Mayor McDowell - Present Mayor Pro Tern Busch - Present Council Member Brann - Present Council Member Fisher - Present — arrived at 4:15 p.m. Council Member Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total). Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves before addressing the City Council. Failure to do so is a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. - NONE SPECIAL MATTERS: -1- matter Interview of candidates and potential appointments to the Library Board of Trustees and Planning Commission. [Note: the interviews will commence at approximately 4:00 p.m. and take place in the West Conference Room in City Hall] Council consensus to reappoint Steve Hunt and appoint Laura Verouden to the Library Board of Trustees to a full terms to expire 6/30/2011; reappoint Suzanne Fuentes and appoint Ryan Baldino to the Planning to full terms to expire 6/30/2012. ADJOURNMENT — 5: 00 p.m. Cathy Domann, Deputy City Clerk r, EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION: MEETING DATE: July 15, 2008 AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda Consideration and possible action to authorize the Interim City Manager to execute a Lease with The Aerospace Corporation (the "Lessee ") to construct a private pedestrian bridge (the "bridge ") over El Segundo Boulevard near the intersection of Douglas Street. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Authorize the Interim City Manager to execute a lease with The Aerospace Corporation in a form approved by the City Attorney to allow a private pedestrian bridge over El Segundo Boulevard; and (2) alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: On June 26, 2008, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2635 which allows a pedestrian bridge to be constructed with a condition that the City and The Aerospace Corporation enter into a lease regarding the bridge. (See Background & Discussion on next page) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Lease; Planning Commission Staff report; and Resolution No. 2635 FISCAL IMPACT: None Operating Budget: NA Amount Requested: NA Account Number: NA Project Phase: NA Appropriation Required: No ORIGINATE DATE: 7 Ga Chic , Direct lanning and Building Safety REVI DATE: 7 � /v 1 ack Wayt, Interim ity Manager R\Planninq & Building Safetv\PROJECTS\ 751- 775\EA- 765 \EA- 765CCstaffreoort071508 SKversion final 7- 10- 08.doc BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION (Continued): The Aerospace Corporation filed an application for a pedestrian bridge spanning El Segundo Boulevard. The proposed bridge would connect the Los Angeles Air Force Base with the Aerospace Corporation. On June 26, 2008 the Planning Commission approved the project subject to the City and The Aerospace Corporation entering into a lease which will allow the Aerospace Corporation to use the public right -of -way. A complete overview of the proposed project is included in the staff report presented to the Planning Commission which is attached to this memorandum. To implement the proposed project, The Aerospace Corporation agreed to grant the City an airspace easement extending over The Aerospace Corporation property from its A -9 Building to the City's existing right -of -way over El Segundo Boulevard. This will allow the pedestrian bridge to be constructed completely within the public right -of -way. Consequently, The Aerospace Corporation must lease the public right -of -way from the City to construct, operate, and maintain the pedestrian bridge. The draft lease term is fifty (50) years with a fifty (50) year renewal option. The Lessee would pay nominal rent in the sum of one dollar ($1) per year. If the City Council takes the recommended action, The Aerospace Corporation can begin constructing the bridge in August/September. /,, J .J LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND THE AEROSPACE CORPORATION THIS LEASE is made and executed this ---- day of 2008, between CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation and general law city ( "CITY "), and The Aerospace Corporation, a California nonprofit corporation ( "LESSEE "). 1. RECITALS. This Lease is made with reference to the following facts and objectives: A. LESSEE, a California nonprofit Corporation operating in El Segundo for over forty years, desires to construct a private pedestrian bridge over El Segundo Boulevard that connects to its primary customer, The Los Angeles Air Force Base; and B. The construction of this bridge would add to the safety and security of employees of both companies as well as CITY; and C. The right to the airspace above El Segundo Boulevard where the bridge will reside is technically owned and controlled by CITY. 2, LEASE; DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. CITY leases to LESSEE to use, on the terns and conditions of this Lease, portions of real property identified in attached Exhibit "A" ("Property "), which is incorporated by reference. �. RENT. LESSEE agrees to pay to CITY as rental for the Property the sum of one dollars (S 1.00) per year, payable in advance on January I of each year during the term. 4. TERM. The term of this Lease is fifty (50) years, with a fifty (50) year renewal option at the request of LESSEE at the same rate. 5. USE OF PROPERTY. Subject to the limitations listed below, LESSEE may use the Property for a private pedestrian walkway over El Segundo Boulevard. The Property may not be used for any other purpose. The pedestrian walkway will be inaccessible to the public and will only be used by employees of The Aerospace Corporation and the Los Angeles Air Force Base. 6. HAZARDOUS WASTE. CITY has not, nor, to CITY's knowledge, has any third party used, generated, stored, or disposed of, or permitted the use, generation, storage, or disposal of, any hazardous material (as defined below) on, under, or within the Property in violation of any law or regulation. LESSEE agrees that it will not use, generate, store, or dispose of any hazardous material (as defined below) on, under, or within the Property in violation of any law or regulation. LESSEE agrees to defend and indemnify CITY, as provided in this Lease, against any and all losses, liabilities, claims, and /or costs arising from any breach by LESSEE of any warranty or agreement contained in this section. As used in this section, "hazardous material" means any substance, chemical or waste that is Page 1 of 7 ') I J i A. identified as hazardous, toxic or dangerous in any applicable federal, state or local law or regulation (including petroleum and asbestos). 7. POSSESSORY INTEREST TAXES. LESSEE is informed by CITY pursuant to Revenue & Taxation Code § 107.6 that its property interest in the Property may be subject to property taxation if created and that LESSEE may be subject to the payment of property taxes levied on its interest. LESSEE may not deduct such amount from payments to CITY. 3. QUIET ENJOYMENT. CITY agrees that LESSEE, upon making payments to be paid by LESSEE under the terms of this Agreement and upon observing and keeping the agreements and each of the covenants of this Lease will lawfully and quietly hold, occupy, and enjoy the Property during the tern of this Lease. 9. CITY'S LIMITED WARRANTY. CITY warrants that it is under no disability, restriction or prohibition, whether contractual or otherwise, with respect to its right to execute this agreement and perform its terms and conditions and has the legal right, power and authority to grant all of the rights granted herein. 10. TERMINATION. This Lease may be terminated as follows: A. At the expiration of the term; or B. Upon mutual written agreement between the parties. C. Within ninety (90) days after termination, or such other time as mutually agreed to by the parties, LESSEE must remove its pedestrian bridge from the Property at no cost to CITY. 11. SALE OR TRANSFER BY CITY. Should CITY, at any time during the term of this Lease, sell, lease, transfer, or otherwise convey all or any part of the Property to any transferee other than LESSEE, then such transfer will be under and subject to this Lease and all of LESSEE's rights hereunder. 12. RELOCATION BENEFITS. LESSEE acknowledges that it was informed that CITY is a public entity and that the Property was previously acquired by CITY for a public purpose. LESSEE further acknowledges that any rights acquired under this Lease arose after the date of acquisition of the Property and that said rights are subject to termination when the Property is needed by CITY. LESSEE acknowledges that at the time of any termination of this Lease, LESSEE will not be a "displaced person" entitled to any of the relocation assistance or benefits offered to displaced persons under State or Federal law. 13. NO PUBLIC PROJECT. All rights given to LESSEE pursuant to this Lease are for LESSEE's use of the public property identified herein. Any trespass, use, or other utilization of private property by LESSEE is done at its own risk; LESSEE is not an agent Page 2 of 7 , of CITY and this Lease is not intended, nor should it be construed, to constitute a public project. 14. FORCE MAJEURE. Should performance of this Lease be prevented due to fire, flood, explosion, war, embargo, government action, civil or military authority, the natural elements, or other similar causes beyond the Parties' control, then it will immediately terminate without obligation of either party to the other. 15. ALTERATIONS, MECHANICS' LIENS. LESSEE will keep the property free from any liens arising out of any work performed, material furnished, or obligations incurred by LESSEE. 16. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING. This Lease may be assigned or transferred by LESSEE to a successor in interest upon CITY's written consent which will not be unreasonably withheld. CITY's city manager may execute such written consent on CITY's behalf. 17. HOLDOVER. If LESSEE holds possession of the Property after the initial term, or any option, expires, with CITY's written consent, LESSEE will become a tenant from month -to -month at the fair market rental rate per month. Such tenancy will be subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Lease. 18. INDEMNIFICATION. A. LESSEE indemnifies and holds CITY harmless from and against any claim, action, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorney's fees), injuries, or liability. arising out of this Lease, or its performance, except for CITY's sole active negligence. Should CITY be named in any suit, or should any claim be against it, by suit or otherwise, whether the same be groundless or not, arising out of this Lease, or its performance, pursuant to this Lease, LESSEE will defend CITY (at CITY's request and with counsel satisfactory to CITY) and will indemnify it for any judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or otherwise. B. For purposes of this section "CITY" includes CITY's officers, officials, employees, agents, representatives, and volunteers. C. LESSEE expressly agrees that this hold harmless and indemnification provision is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the law of the State of California and that if any portion is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance will, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. D. It is expressly understood and agreed that the foregoing provisions will survive termination of this Lease. E. The requirements as to the types and limits of insurance coverage to be maintained by LESSEE as required by Section 19 below, and any approval of such insurance by CITY, are not intended to and will not in any manner limit or qualify the liabilities and obligations otherwise assumed by LESSEE pursuant to Page 3 of 7 this Lease, including but not limited to the provisions concerning indemnification. 19. INSURANCE. LESSEE must procure and maintain insurance of the type, for the period, with the coverages and limits, and in accordance with the terms, conditions, and requirements that follow: A. LESSEE will provide Commercial General Liability, Broad Form General Liability and Business Automobile Liability insurance that meet or exceed the requirement of ISO Forms GI-0002, GL0404 and CA0001, Code 1, respectively, in the most current State of California approved forms, in connection with LESSEE's performance in the amount of not less than $ 1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage for each policy coverage. B. Commercial General Liability, Broad Form General Liability and Business Automobile Liability policies required in this Lease will be endorsed to name CITY, its officials, volunteers, and employees as "additional insureds" under said insurance coverage, to state that such insurance will be deemed "primary" such that any other insurance that may be carried by CITY will be excess thereto, and to state that the policy(ics) will not be cancelable or subject to reduction except upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to CITY. C. LESSEE will furnish to CITY a certificate of insurance, in the standard form required by CITY, duly authenticated, evidencing maintenance of the insurance required under this Lease and such other evidence of insurance or copies of policies as may be reasonably required by CITY from time to time. Insurance must be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best Company Rating equivalent to at least a Rating of "A:VII." 20. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. LESSEE will, at its sole cost and expense, comply with all of the requirements of all federal, state, and local authorities now in force, or which may hereafter be in force, pertaining to the Property and will faithfully observe in the use of the Property all applicable laws. The judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction that LESSEE has violated any such ordinance or statute in the use of the Property will be conclusive of that fact as between CITY and LESSEE. 21. WAIVER OF BREACH. Any express or implied waiver of a breach of any term of this Lease will not constitute a waiver of any further breach of the same or other term of this Lease. 22. NOTICES. Except as otherwise expressly provided by law, all notices or other communications required or permitted by this Lease or by law to be served on or given to either party to this Lease by the other party will be in writing and will be deemed served when personally delivered to the party to whom they are directed, or in lieu of the personal service, upon deposit in the United States Mail, certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed to: Page 4 of 7 r vj`t LESSEE at: Jerry Hashimoto -The Aerospace Corporation 2350 E. El Segundo Blvd., M2 -333 El Segundo, CA 90245 CITY at: Public Works Director 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 00245 Either party may change its address for the purpose of this Section by giving written notice of the change to the other party. 23. ACCEPTANCE OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURES. The Parties agree that agreements ancillary to this Lease and related documents to be entered into in connection with this Lease will be considered signed when the signature of a party is delivered by facsimile transmission. Such facsimile signature will be treated in all respects as having the same effect as an original signature. 24. GOVERNING LAW. This Lease has been made in and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California and exclusive venue for any action involving this Lease will be in Los Angeles County. 25. PARTIAL INVALIDITY. Should any provision of this Lease be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be either invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Lease will remain in effect, unimpaired by the holding. 20. INTEGRATION. This instrument and its attachments constitute the sole agreement between CITY and LESSEE respecting the Property, the use of the Property by LESSEE, and the specified term, and correctly sets forth the obligations of CITY and LESSEE. Any Lease or representations respecting the Property or its licensing by CITY to LESSEE not expressly set forth in this instrument are void. There is one (1) attachment to this Lease. 27. CONSTRUCTION. The language of each part of this Lease will be construed simply and according to its fair meaning, and this Lease will never be construed either for or against either party. 28. AUTHORITY /MODIFICATION. The Parties represent and warrant that all necessary action has been taken by the Parties to authorize the undersigned to execute this Lease and to engage in the actions described herein. This Lease may be modified by written amendment. C ITY's city manager, or designee, may execute any such amendment on behalf of CITY. 29. COUNTERPARTS. This Lease may be executed in any number or counterparts, each of which will be an original, but all of which together will constitute one instrument executed on the same date. Page 5 of 7 �1 i J IN WI'T'NESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this contract the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CDaniel ROSP E C )RATION Bar ce Ci ty Manager Manager, Facilities ATTEST: Taxpayer ID No. Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: MARK D. HENSLEY. City Attorney By: Karl 11. Berger, Assistant City Attorney Page 6 of 7 ��V Exhibit A The pedestrian bridge linking the Los Angeles Air Force Base and the Aerospace Corporation will cross El Segundo Boulevard approximately feet east of the intersection of El Segundo Boulevard and Douglas Street as shown on the attached Sheet Al -101. The bridge will be approximately 12 feet wide as shown on Sheet A2 -101. The bridge will be approximately 17 feet above the existing roadway surface as shown on sheet A4 -101. Page 7 of 7 mill II All 9t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 �- I 12; Ln w lwi, Bpttt sl �-� :i d �: 3 � ji a3 - --------- i Ot it O SV qa Pis IN Ii Fl: No"My I N!)JM HIM .. = . —V.. VVYWIdUS0912M M391? sl ,%'CIIVA3',3 NVId N8311Vd IIJI 11YI30 dy) SSV9Di V ZIO-SSV10 13YA18d F. — — — — — — — — — — — — i;vllc Nfld IVI liVd Z8 WOILVA313 -VI.8Vd NDIVA313 IV118Yd 1.0 u CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT PUBLIC HEARING: June 26, 2008 SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment No. EA -765 APPLICANT: Aerospace Corporation c/o Daniel S. Barbee Los Angeles Air Force Base c/o Joseph H. Schwarz, Colonel, USAF PROPERTY OWNER: The Aerospace Corporation and the LA Air Force Base REQUEST: Proposal to install a pedestrian bridge over the public right -of -way at El Segundo Boulevard approximately 317' -0" east of the intersection of El Segundo Boulevard and Douglas Street PROPERTY LOCATION: 2350 E. El Segundo Boulevard I. Introduction The proposed project is a request to approve Environmental Assessment No. EA -765 and adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration ( "MND ") for constructing a 135 -foot long, 12 -foot wide, 25' -9" tall restricted access pedestrian bridge (the "Bridge ") spanning across El Segundo Boulevard anchored on each end by a 35- foot tall stair /elevator tower (the "Tower"). The southern Tower will be located within the City's right -of -way. The pedestrian bridge will span El Segundo Boulevard, approximately 317' -0" feet east of the intersection of El Segundo Boulevard and Douglas Street. The Bridge will extend from the Aerospace Corporation property located at the southeast comer of El Segundo Boulevard and Douglas Street, commonly referred to as 2350 El Segundo Boulevard, to the Los Angeles Air Force Base property located at the northeast corner of El Segundo Boulevard and Douglas Street. The proposed bridge will be the subject of a lease between the City and the Aerospace Corporation that will establish conditions for land dedication for future street widening and right -of -way improvements, and airspace rights where the proposed bridge will be located that will be leased to the Aerospace Corporation. The proposed northern Tower is located on the Los Angeles Air Force Base property, which is federally -owned property and is therefore not subject to regulation by the El Segundo Municipal Code. The LAAFB will not be a party to the lease. II. Recommendation Planning staff recommends that the Planning Commission review the facts as contained within this report, and adopt Resolution No. 2635 approving Environmental Assessment No. EA -765 with the proposed conditions and mitigation measures to mitigate impacts. III. Background The Aerospace Corporation is a nonprofit company that operates a federally funded research and development center for the United States Air Force and also works with other governmental agencies and commercial firms. The Aerospace campus is located at 2350 El Segundo Boulevard and is bounded by El Segundo Boulevard on the north, Aviation Boulevard on the east along the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railroad right -of -way, on the east and south, and by Douglas Street on the west. The site is approximately 36.2 acres. In April 2006, the Planning Commission approved Environmental Assessment No. 622, allowing 752 -space parking structure, a new four -story 177,400 gross sq. ft. office building ( "A -9" Building), a new one -story, 15,900 gross square foot high -bay laboratory, and the demolition of an existing six -story 96 -foot tall 122,700 square foot one -story office building. The Director of Planning and Building Safety also approved a Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) to create two lots from four existing lots to accommodate the proposed development. EA No. 622 was approved in accordance with the provisions of the El Segundo Municipal Code for the Light Industrial (M -1) Zone. The LAAFB property is located at the northeast corner of El Segundo Boulevard and Douglas Street commonly referred to as 463 N. Aviation Boulevard and is bounded by El Segundo Boulevard to the south, Douglas Street to the west, Northrop Grumman Corporation to the north, and Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railroad right -of -way to the east. The site is approximately 46.52 acres. Aerospace is currently under construction with the "A -9" Building. The Bridge as proposed under EA 765 will be connected to the "A -9" Building. The Aerospace Corporation and the LAAFB maintain a unique relationship in that classified material and information is circulated to and from both locations requiring the need for a secured bridge with no public access. Currently Aerospace and LAAFB personnel are required to go through security four times when delivering information and material to and from the Aerospace Corporation and the LAAFB. Additionally, the personnel must travel and cross El Segundo Boulevard at grade with such materials. The proposed Bridge will be a direct and secured connection for Aerospace and LAAFB personnel and will provide for a more efficient security procedure. �1 !, �I The surrounding land uses and zoning are as follows: Existing Land Use North: Federal Property, LAAFB South: Industrial East: Railroad right -of -way West: Industrial General Plan Designation North: Federal Government South: Light Industrial East: Transportation Railroad West: Light Industrial IV. Analysis Zone Public Facilities (P -F) Light Industrial (M -1) n/a Light Industrial (M -1) The proposed Bridge will be the third bridge proposed over El Segundo Boulevard and will span 135' -0" from tower to tower. The proposed bridge will be located approximately 317' -0" from the El Segundo Boulevard and Douglas Street intersection. The Towers that will support and anchor the Bridge on both the LAAFB and Aerospace properties will be approximately thirty -five (35) feet high. The maximum height of the Bridge will be approximately 25' -9" and will be constructed of white aluminum cladding and translucent glass panels that will be approximately 8' -9" high. The glass panels will be approximately 6' -6" tall. The Bridge will have an underside clearance of 17' -0" from the crown of the street (EI Segundo Blvd.) The total height from the street surface to the top of the glass on the Bridge will be approximately 25' -9 ". Per the Circulation Element of the City of El Segundo's General Plan, El Segundo Boulevard is designated as a Major Arterial (8 Lanes Minimum). The current width of El Segundo Boulevard within the area of the proposed Bridge is 111.89' and is improved with eight thorough lanes and a left turn pocket and a dedicated right turn lane. The proposed Bridge will span 135' -0" and will require that Aerospace dedicate approximately 6' -3" to the City along El Segundo Boulevard to accommodate and provide for a right -of -way width of 118' -0 ". The 118' -0" road width will enable the City to provide up to 10 lanes from the Bridge westerly to the intersection of El Segundo Boulevard and Douglas Street consistent with the Circulation Element Master Plan of Streets and planned roadway improvements in the City's General Plan. This will include four (4) through lanes for east bound traffic and four (4) though lanes for west bound traffic. In addition, there will be two (2) dedicated left turn lanes for west bound traffic seeking to make left turns south onto Douglas Street. Just east of the Bridge the 118' -0" right -of -way width will provide up to nine (9) lanes. The 135' -0" span of the Bridge will be from Tower to Tower and will not require a center column support on El Segundo Boulevard. The lack of a center column will provide more flexibility for the City to implement the planned right -of -way r� . a improvements in the future that include any necessary street center line shifts or re- striping in connection with any street widening. The applicant and City are proposing to enter into a pedestrian bridge within the City's right -of -way. conditioned and subject to City Council Approval lease agreement. Lease Agreement lease agreement to allow the Approval of EA 765 will be review and approval of the As noted, the applicant proposes that the City and Aerospace enter into a lease to allow the pedestrian overpass in the public right -of -way. In addition to the irrevocable offer of dedication for real property. Aerospace will also grant the City airspace easement to allow the pedestrian bridge to be constructed entirely within the City's right -of -way. The irrevocable offer of dedication will be used for future street widening and road improvements. In turn, the City will lease back the identified airspace (from the property line to the "A -9" building on the Aerospace Corporation property) to the Aerospace Corporation to operate, control, and secure the proposed bridge for its use. Consequently, the entire width of the pedestrian bridge (except that portion located on the LAAFB property) will be within the public right -of -way. The proposed term of the lease is fifty (50) years, with a fifty (50) year renewal option at the request of the Lessee. The LAAFB will not be a party to the lease agreement. The proposed bridge will not prevent pedestrian use of the sidewalk below the bridge. ZONING CONSISTENCY The following chart reflects development standards for the Light Industrial (M -1) Zone. Although the proposed Bridge will be located solely within the existing public right -of -way and the proposed airspace rights dedication, a comparison of the proposed Bridge with the M -1 development standards that apply to the Aerospace property where the Bridge connects to the "A9" building is provided to show consistency with the adjacent use. The Bridge is consistent with the M -1 development standards relative to height and is not subject to setbacks as the bridge will be part of the public right -of -way. Minimum Lot Size 10,000 s . ft. 1,576,900 s . ft. Height 200 feet maximum Tower: 35' -0" Bridge: 25' -9" Front Setback 25 feet minimum N/A Side Setback 15 feet minimum N/A Rear Setback 10 feet minimum N/A GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY The General Plan Land Use Designation of the project site is Light Industrial. The proposed project is consistent with the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the General Plan as specified in the attached Resolution. El Segundo Boulevard is identified as Major Arterial (8 Lanes Minimum) within the Circulation Element of the General Plan. El Segundo Boulevard is currently developed with nine lanes. Although El Segundo Boulevard meets the minimum number of lanes required, the width of the right -of -way and roadway is less than the minimum planned right -of -way and roadway standard as required by the General Plan. The proposed project will dedicate approximately 6' -3" from the Aerospace property so as to provide the necessary width of 118' -0" for El Segundo Boulevard and accommodate 10 lanes with 4 lanes going in each direction with two dedicated left two lanes. The proposed private pedestrian bridge will meet Circulation Element Objective C2 -1 and Circulation Element Policies C2 -1.2, C2 -1.3, and C2 -1.4. Objective C2- 1 in the Circulation Element states "Provide a pedestrian circulation system to support and encourage walking as a safe and convenient travel mode within the City's circulation system." The proposed private pedestrian bridge will provide a safe, secured, convenient mode of travel between the Aerospace Corporation "A- 9" building and the Los Angeles Air Force Base, a secured federal military facility. Circulation Element Policy C2 -1.2 states "Develop a citywide system of pedestrian walkways, alleviating the conflict between pedestrians, auto, and bicyclist throughout the City." The proposed private pedestrian bridge will provide a safe mode of travel for pedestrians as the proposed private pedestrian bridge will alleviate the need for pedestrians to cross El Segundo Boulevard at grade when traveling to and from the Aerospace Corporation and the LAAFB. Circulation Element Policy C2 -1.3 states "Encourage new development in the City to participate in the development of the citywide system of pedestrian walkways and require participation funded by the project developer where appropriate." The proposed private pedestrian bridge is being constructed and funded in its entirety by the Aerospace Corporation. Circulation Element Policy C2 -1.4 states "Ensure the installation of sidewalks on all future arterial widening or new construction projects, to establish a continuous and convenient link for pedestrians." The proposed private pedestrian bridge project will provide the necessary land dedication to accommodate future public right -of -way and roadway improvements which includes street widening and the incorporation of new sidewalks as required. The project also meets Land Use Element Objective LU7 -1 "Provide the highest and most efficient level of public services and public infrastructure financially possible." The proposed private pedestrian bridge is being privately funded by , the Aerospace Corporation and the proposed project is providing the City with the necessary land dedication to facilitate future roadway improvements. V. Inter - Departmental Comments The project applications, Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration, plans, and photo simulations were circulated to City Divisions and Departments for review, comment and conditions. Comments and conditions were received from the Planning & Building Safety Department, El Segundo Fire Department, Public Works Department, and the Recreation and Parks Department. All interdepartmental comments are attached as Exhibit C. Staff has incorporated those comments that are reasonable and demonstrate legal nexus as conditions of approval in this resolution (See Condition Nos. 1 through 25). VI. Environmental Review The proposed project has been analyzed for its environmental impacts and a draft Initial Study of Environmental Impacts (Exhibit B) was prepared pursuant to Public Resources Code § 15063 (the California Environmental Quality Act). A Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts is proposed for this project pursuant to CEQA § 15070. The Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared and circulated for public review and comment from May 22, 2008 to June 23, 2008. Several areas of concern were noted as potentially significant if not mitigated. These areas include Aesthetics, Cultural Resources, and Geology and Soils. Staff has incorporated Mitigation Measures (as outlined below) that reduce the impacts for each of these areas to "Less that Significant' with Mitigation. Mitigation Measures are incorporated into the Initial Study document as well as the draft Resolution. The mitigation measures that have been proposed to mitigate these impacts to less than significant are as follows: AESTHETICS - Mitigation Measures MM AE -1 Lighting must be limited to within the interior of the bridge surface and designed to minimize glare to passing motorist. CULTURAL RESOURCES — Mitigation Measures MM CR -1 In the event that archaeological resources are encountered during the course of grading or construction, all development must temporarily cease in these areas until the resources are properly assessed and subsequent recommendations are determined by a qualified consultant. 6 MM CR -2 In the event that paleontological resources are encountered during the course of grading or construction, all development must temporarily cease in these areas until the resources are properly assessed and subsequent recommendations are determined by a qualified consultant. GEOLOGY AND SOILS — Mitigation Measures MM GS -1 The proposed bridge structure must be appropriately designed by a structural engineer. To ensure that the bridge can safely withstand anticipated ground movement in the case of a seismic event, plans will be reviewed by the City for compliance with structural and safety standards before construction. MM GS -2 A geotechnical report must be prepared and submitted to the City that addresses soil conditions within areas under the jurisdiction of the City. If required by the City, existing fill soils must be removed and re- compacted in accordance with the appropriate governmental standards before construction. No impacts or less than significant impacts would occur and therefore no mitigation measures were required for Agricultural Resources, Air Quality, Biological Resources, Hazards & Hazardous Materials, Hydrology & Water Quality, Land Use Planning, Mineral Resources, Population /Housing, Public Service, Recreation, Transportation/Traffic, Utilities /Service Systems, Noise, and Mandatory Findings of Significance. No significant impacts that cannot be mitigated would occur as a result of the proposed project. All departments concur with the staff recommendation to approve a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts. The proposed project qualified for a Categorical Exclusion under the guidelines of the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA). The exemption was filed by the LAAFB pursuant to NEPA as required as the LAAFB is a federal facility. VII. Conclusion Planning staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 2635 approving Environmental Assessment No. 765 since the required findings for support have been made. VIII. Exhibits A. Draft Planning Commission Resolution No. 2635 B. Initial Study Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program (MMRP) C. Categorical Exclusion (Exemption) per NEPA D. Inter - departmental Comments /Conditions , . E. Applicants application F. Plans (distributed separately) Prepared by: Louis Morales, Project Consultant 4 4 /TA - n Kimberly Chri to sen, AICP, Planning Manager Department of Planning & Building Safety Gary Chicots, Egiector Department of Planning & Building Safety PAPlanning & Building Safety\PROJECTS\ 750 - 775\ EA- 765\2008.06.26.EA- 765PCsr.doc RESOLUTION NO. 2635 A RESOLUTION APPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 765 TO ALLOW THE AEROSPACE CORPORATION TO CONSTRUCT A PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE OVER EL SEGUNDO BOULEVARD FROM 2350 EAST EL SEGUNDO BOULEVARD TO THE LOS ANGELES AIR FORCE BASE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 483 NORTH AVIATION BOULEVARD The Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The Planning Commission finds and declares that: A. On June 25, 2007, Michael Laughlin, on behalf of The Aerospace Corporation ( "Aerospace ") and the Los Angeles Air Force Base (The "LAAFB "), filed an application for Environmental Assessment No. 765 for constructing a private pedestrian bridge over El Segundo Boulevard; B. The application was reviewed by the City's Planning and Building Safety Department for, in part, consistency with the General Plan and conformity with the El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC "); C. In addition, the City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA "), the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of Regulations § §15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines "), and the City's Environmental Guidelines (City Council Resolution No. 3805, adopted March 16, 1993); D. The Department of Planning and Building Safety completed its review and scheduled a public hearing regarding the application before this Commission for June 26, 2008; E. On June 26, 2008, the Commission held a public hearing to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the application including, without limitation, information provided to the Commission by City staff, the applicant and the public; and F. The Commission considered the information provided by City staff, public testimony, the applicant, and The Aerospace Corporation's representatives. This Resolution, and its findings, are made based upon the evidence presented to the Commission at its June 26, 2008 hearing PAPlanning & Building Safety\PROJECTS \751- 775\EA- 765\PC 6.26.08 \EA -765 PCreso.doc .� 13 including, without limitation, the staff report submitted by the Planning and Building Safety Department. SECTION 2: Factual Findings and Conclusions. The Commission finds that the following facts exist: A. The subject site is located in the Light Industrial (M -1) Zone at 2350 East El Segundo Boulevard in the El Segundo public right -of -way and in the Public Facilities P -F Zone at 483 North Aviation, the LAAFB; B. The surrounding land uses consist primarily of light industrial uses. The LAAFB has a General Plan land use designation of Federal Government and located in the Public Facilities (P -F) Zone. The Aerospace Corporation has a land use designation of Light Industrial and is located within the Light Industrial (M -1) zone; C. The proposed project is for constructing a private pedestrian bridge and related support towers that will allow the bridge to span 135 feet over El Segundo Boulevard which will connect the LAAFB and Aerospace properties for exclusive use by LAAFB and Aerospace personnel; D. The proposed private pedestrian bridge will be 135 feet long, 12 -feet wide and approximately 25' -9" in height. The bridge will have a 17' -0" high under clearance to the right -of -way below and will be anchored by a tower at each end. The towers will be approximately 35' -0" in height and will contain elevators and stairs for access. The bridge will consist of white aluminum cladding and glass panels; E. The Aerospace property is irregular in shape with approximately 1,185 feet of street frontage on El Segundo Boulevard and is approximately 36.2 acres in size. The LAAFB property is also irregular in shape and has approximately 1,050 feet of street frontage on El Segundo Boulevard and is approximately 46.5 acres in size; and F. Vehicular access along El Segundo Boulevard will not be impacted. The project will dedicate approximately 6' -3" in the form of a irrevocable dedication to the City for future roadway and right -of -way improvements, which includes but is not limited to street widening pursuant to the Circulation Element of the General Plan. SECTION 3: Environmental Assessment. Because of the facts identified in Section 2 of this Resolution, the proposed project was analyzed for its environmental impacts and a Draft Initial Study was prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines § 15063. The Initial 2 PAPlanning & Building Safety\PROJECTS \751- 775\EA- 765\PC 6.26.08\EA -765 Meso.doc vJi Study demonstrated that the project would not have a significant effect on the environment with the implementation of mitigation measures. A Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts is proposed for this project pursuant to CEQA Guidelines § 15070. The mitigation measures listed in the mitigated negative declaration are sufficient to reduce all identified environmental impacts to less than significant levels. Accordingly, based upon the evidence presented to the Commission, the City need not prepare an environmental impact report for the proposed project. Additionally, the project qualifies for Categorical Exclusion under the guidelines of the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) and an exemption was filed by the LAAFB pursuant to the NEPA requirements. SECTION 4: General Plan and Zoning. The proposed project conforms with the City's General Plan and the zoning regulations in the ESMC as follows: A. The General Plan Land Use Designation of the project site is Light Industrial. The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Designation of Light Industrial and the goals objectives, and policies of the General Plan. Specifically, Goal LU7, Objective LU7 -1, and Objective C2 -1, which provides for a pedestrian circulation system to support and encourage walking as a safe and convenient travel mode within the circulation system, and Policies C2 -1.2, C2 -1.3, and C2 -1.4 all dealing with pedestrian activity and future arterial widening. B. Objective C2 -1 in the Circulation Element states "Provide a pedestrian circulation system to support and encourage walking as a safe and convenient travel mode within the City's circulation system." The proposed private pedestrian bridge will provide a safe, secured, convenient mode of travel between the Aerospace Corporation "A -9" building and the Los Angeles Air Force Base, a secured federal military facility. C. Circulation Element Policy C2 -1.2 states "Develop a citywide system of pedestrian walkways, alleviating the conflict between pedestrians, auto, and bicyclist throughout the City." The proposed private pedestrian bridge will provide a safe mode of travel for pedestrians as the proposed private pedestrian bridge will alleviate the need for pedestrians to cross El Segundo Boulevard at grade when traveling to and from the Aerospace Corporation and the LAAFB. D. Circulation Element Policy C2 -1.3 states "Encourage new development in the City to participate in the development of the citywide system of pedestrian walkways and require participation funded by the project 3 PAPlanning & Building Safety\PROJECTS \751- 775\EA- 765\PC 6.26.08\EA -765 PCreso.doc �. J developer where appropriate." The proposed private pedestrian bridge is being constructed and funded in its entirety by the Aerospace Corporation. E. Circulation Element Policy C2 -1.4 states "Ensure the installation of sidewalks on all future arterial widening or new construction projects, to establish a continuous and convenient link for pedestrians." The proposed private pedestrian bridge project will provide the necessary land dedication to accommodate future public right -of -way roadway improvements which includes street widening and the incorporation of new sidewalks as required. F. The project also meets Land Use Element Objective LU7 -1 "Provide the highest and most efficient level of public services and public infrastructure financially possible." The proposed private pedestrian bridge is being privately funded by the Aerospace Corporation and the proposed project is providing the City with the necessary land dedication to facilitate future roadway improvements. G. The proposed private pedestrian bridge requires review for conformance with the General Plan. The proposed private pedestrian bridge conforms with the General Plan and assists with meeting various goals and objectives of the Circulation Element and Land Use Element of the General Plan. H. The ESMC requires the proposed private pedestrian bridge conform with its zoning regulations. I. The proposed private pedestrian bridge will be connecting two existing uses to provide a safe mode of pedestrian traffic. The Aerospace Corporation is located in the Light Industrial (M -1) Zone and is a permitted use within M -1 Zone. The Los Angeles Air Force Base is located in Public Facilities (P -F) Zone and is a permitted use under the P -F Zone. Both existing uses are consistent with the zone where they are located relative to development standards and permitted uses. The proposed private pedestrian bridge will be part of the public right -of -way and will not have an adverse effect on the purpose for each of the existing zones pursuant to § 15 -6A -1 and 15 -10 -1 of the ESMC. SECTION 5: Approval. Subject to the conditions listed in attached Exhibit "A," which are incorporated into this Resolution by reference, the Planning Commission approves Environmental Assessment No. EA -765. 2 PAPlanning & Building Safety\PROJECTS \751- 775\EA- 765\PC 6.26.08\EA -765 Meso.doc SECTION 6: This Resolution will remain effective unless superseded by a subsequent resolution. SECTION 7: The Commission Secretary is directed to mail a copy of this Resolution to Daniel Barbee c/o the Aerospace Corporation, and the LAAFB and to any other person requesting a copy. SECTION 8: This Resolution may be appealed within ten (10) calendar days after its adoption. All appeals must be in writing and filed with the City Clerk within this time period. Failure to file a timely written appeal will constitute a waiver of any right of appeal. SECTION 9: Except as provided in Section 8, this Resolution is the Planning Commission's final decision and will become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of June, 2008. ATTEST: Gary Chicots, Secretary Cheryl Frick, Chairperson City of El Segundo Planning Commission Frick - Fellhauer - Fuentes - Rotolo - APPROVED AS TO FORM: Wagner - Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney in Karl H. Berger, Assistant City Attorney 5 PAPlanning & Building Safety \PROJECTS \751- 775 \EA- 765\PC 6.26.08\EA -765 PCreso.doc 11 1 00-1 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2635 Exhibit A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL In addition to all applicable provisions of the El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC "), Aerospace Corporation agrees that it will comply with the following provisions as conditions for the City of El Segundo's approval of Environmental Assessment No. EA- 765 ( "Project Conditions "). Planning and Building Safety Department 1. Any and all approvals in connection with EA -765 require that a lease agreement be executed between the City and The Aerospace Corporation before they become effective. The lease agreement must contain provisions to allow the pedestrian bridge to be built within the City's public right -of -way and the identification of certain airspace easements and land dedication for future roadway improvements. 2. All mitigation measures in the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts for the proposed private pedestrian bridge are incorporated by this reference into these conditions of approval. All mitigation measures must be listed on the plans submitted for plan check and the plans for which a building permit is issued. 3. Before building permits are issued, plans must show conformance with the 2007 California Building Code, 2007 California Mechanical Code, 2007 California Plumbing Code, 2007 California Electrical Code, and 2007 California Energy Code, all as amended by the ESMC. 4. Before building permits are issued, plans must show compliance with accessibility requirements per Chapter 11 of the 2007 California Building Code, as amended by the ESMC. 5. Before building permits are issued, the applicant must develop plans, showing that the facility substantially conforms with plans approved and on file with the Planning and Building Safety Department. Any subsequent modification to the project as approved, including the site plan, floor plan, elevations, landscaping and materials, must be referred to the Director of the Planning and Building Safety Department for a determination regarding the need for Planning Commission review of the proposed modification. rei PAPlanning & Building Safety \PROJECTS\751- 775\EA- 765\PC 6.26.08 \EA -765 PCreso.doc 6. Before building permits are issued, the applicant must obtain all the necessary approvals, licenses and permits and pay all the appropriate fees as required by the City of El Segundo. 7. Pedestrian grade separation, elevators, stairways, turnstiles, doors and gates must comply with accessibility requirements of chapter 11 -B of the California Building Code, as adopted by the ESMC. 8. Pedestrian grade separation must comply with Chapter 31 and Chapter 32 of the California Building Code, as adopted by the ESMC. Fire Department 9. The entire pedestrian bridge including, without limitation, the anchoring towers must be inspected by the El Segundo Fire Department before the City issues a certificate of occupancy to ensure egress requirements are met. Public Works Department 10. The Aerospace Corporation must provide an airspace easement for the portion of the pedestrian bridge that would otherwise be located outside the public right -of- way. 11. The Aerospace Corporation must provide an irrevocable offer to dedicate 6' -3" for future street widening and road improvements for the portion of the pedestrian bridge on its private property and must ensure that a minimum of 118 foot right - of -way is secured to meet the minimum street and sidewalk width requirements for El Segundo Boulevard. 12. Any street closures must be coordinated with the Pubic Works Department and local transit agencies such as the MTA and Torrance Transit (Route 8). To the extent possible construction must take place at night to mitigate traffic impacts on El Segundo Boulevard. 13. Any and all damaged or off -grade curb, sidewalk and pavement must be removed and replaced as required by the Public Works Department by an appropriately licensed contractor. Contractor must ensure that City standards for sidewalk construction are met. Sidewalks should be a minimum of four (4) feet with at least two (2) feet of landscaping /green space between the curb face and sidewalk. 14. The applicant must ensure that encroachment permits if required and /or deemed to be required by the City are secured from the Public Works Department before PAPlanning & Building Safety\PROJECTS \751- 775\EA- 765\PC 6.26.08\EA -765 PCreso.doc f) 1 .�JU commencing any and all work in the public right -of -way. Maintain pedestrian access on at least one side of the street during construction for commuters who use the green line. 15. The project must comply with the latest NPDES requirements and provide Best Management Practices (BMPs) for sediment control, construction material control and erosion control. 16. A construction bond in favor of the City of 10% or $250,000 whichever is greater, is required. 17. The Aerospace Corporation must sign a lease agreement, in a form approved by the City Attorney, with the City to allow the bridge to be constructed in the public right -of -way. 18. The Aerospace Corporation must assure that pedestrian usage of the sidewalk at street level will not be impeded. A 17' -0" clearance from the crown of the roadway to the underside of the pedestrian bridge will be maintained. 19. Before the City issues any permits, applicant must identify electrical source of power for the bridge elevators. 20. No sub -grade facilities or structures (i.e. base pads) are allowed within the established 118' -0" public right -of -way along El Segundo Boulevard. 21. The applicant is responsible for the full cost of any utility relocations required for the construction project. The applicant must submit a plot plan identifying all existing sub -grade structures and utilities (water, sewer, gas, etc.) around the construction project. 22. The applicant must ensure that the bridge safety railing is adequate to protect pedestrian users and meets minimum code requirements. In addition, the total height of the railing and glass panels above the bridge deck for the portion of bride over the El Segundo Boulevard right -of -way shall be a minimum of 6 feet in height. Recreation and Parks. Department 23. All landscaping located within the must be replaced and upgraded and must be provided with a permanent automatic or irrigation system. 8 PAPlanning & Building Safety\PROJECTSl751- 7751EA- 765\PC 6.26.081EA -765 PCreso.doc v .J 24. All landscape and irrigations plans must be submitted for review and approval by the Planning and Building Safety Director and the Director of Recreation and Parks. 25. The Aerospace Corporation agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against any claim, action, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorney's fees), injuries, or liability, arising from the City's approval of Environmental Assessment No. EA -765. Should the City be named in any suit, or should any claim be brought against it by suit or otherwise, whether the same be groundless or not, arising out of the City approval of Environmental Assessment No. EA -765, agrees to defend the City (at the City's request and with counsel satisfactory to the City) and will indemnify the City for any judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or otherwise. For purposes of this section "the City" includes the City of El Segundo's elected officials, appointed officials, officers, consultants, and employees. By signing this document, Daniel Barbee on behalf of Aerospace Corporation and Joseph H. Schwarz on behalf of the Los Angeles Air Force Base certify that they have read, understood, and agree to the Project Conditions listed in this document. Daniel Barbee Aerospace Corporation Joseph H. Schwarz Los Angeles Air Force Base {If Corporation or similar entity, needs two officer signatures or evidence that one signature binds the company} M PAPlanning & Building Safety\PROJECTS 1751- 7751EA- 7651PC 6.26.081EA -765 PCreso.doc •.�JG EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 15, 2008 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to award a Standard Public Works Contract to Kalban, Inc. for the 2007 -2008 annual contract for curb, gutter, handicap access ramps, sidewalk and other minor improvements at various locations citywide. Approved Capital Improvement Project. Project No. PW 08 -05. CDBG Project No. 601066 -07. (Fiscal Impact: $231,477.40 ($210,434.00 contract amount plus 10% contingencies)) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Authorize the City Manager to execute a Standard Public Works Contract in a form approved by the City Attorney with Kalban, Inc.; (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: On May 6, 2008, the City Council adopted the plans and specifications for the 2007 -2008 annual contract for curb, gutter, handicapped access ramps and replacement of displaced sidewalks, and driveways citywide and authorized staff to advertise the project for competitive bids. (Background and discussion continued on the next page...... ) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Location Maps FISCAL IMPACT: $231,477.40 Operating Budget: N/A Capital Improvement Program: $247,040 Amount Requested: $231,477.40 Account Number: 106 -400- 8203 -8604 $100,000 Gas Tax C I P 111 -400- 2795 -8441 $131,477.40 CDBG Project Phase: Award of Contract Appropriation Required: No ORIGINATED BY: DATE: Stephanie Katsouleas, Public Works Director REVIEW D BY: DATE: Jack Wayt, In erim City Manager EA3 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (continued) On June 17, 2008, the City Clerk received and opened four (4) bids as follows: 1. Kalban, Inc. $210,434.00 2. FS Construction $226,425.00 3. Nobest, Incorporated $240,000.00 4. Sully - Miller Contracting Co. $259,760.50 Staff contacted the references provided by the low bidder, Kalban, Inc., and received favorable responses regarding the quality of the contactor's work. Thus, staff recommends awarding a Standard Public Works Contract to Kalban, Inc. for $210,434 as the lowest responsible bidder. The total $231,477.40 requested includes the bid amount of $210,434 plus an additional 10% contingency for potential change orders. In addition to $100,000 from Gas Tax Revenue, $147,040 in Community Development Block Grant funding is available for the construction of curb ramps to enhance handicapped access at street corners. .��U CITY MAP Handicap Access Ramp CDBG Project No. 601066 -07 City of El Segundo PW 08 -05 J CALIFORNIA ST BUNGALOW DR MARYLAND ST SIERRA ST PENN ST \ SHELDON ST CYPRESS ST EUCALYPTUS OR PEPPER ST MAIN ST CEDAR ST � {31VARld) ' Am sraHOnH SELBY ST E RD < S < W 2 W W W W W VIRGINIA ST L.-- ._ll– _..- .JL - -J N C LOMA VISTA ST HILLCRE8T 3T __ _ �g YU < < � 3 3 3 � N N NASH ILLI - Ej CL CL ((�- �{�((�'��'�'���--�'jj''��""'' {��`"�J (—'- -� �-- -J L__LJ F l�l____J 7 P::41 EFA Awn {avwAno �— • I,�7 � - r Yti 4 _� W ­­===ZJLLCREST S � � 7 f 3 3 _ VO� � L S DOUGVI3 ST INDIANA ST ILLINOIS ST WASHINGTON ST KANSAS ST CALIFORNIA ST OREGON ST NEVADA ST CENTER ST BUNGALOW DR MARYLAND ST LOMITA 8T a SIERRA ST PENN BY W SHELDON Sr ARENA ST EUCALYPTUS OR STANDARD IST MAIN ST RICHMOND ST CONCORD ST VIRGINIA ST w 3: WHITING ST LOMA VISTA ST `% Lt L L 0 MV W /0 V 1 w r O Z .O L CL L z NlNININININ O N O1 c0 CL C,i Z Q cu cu LLI Q1 � ��wWZ�J��(nzzcn Jcnc�JW JUi zcn J�,� �mc�Z3:w<zWCnzzcnaZ�¢�¢c� LU o J Z W ZU)aZ~ L z C C _ 0 0 U) U c� a L _0 CU N _ = Cf6 C N C. cu cu 70 Cl) — > +� Cl) O U .0 c O m m � cu r O a a O U cu v O cu ca mC i�r -�- c N•- N �t�NNNNN cn 0> (u c co U 't NN 't cod'NMNN U !E .0 E_ "T N N O c 0 c ca C C EO ,� U 2 m c c A L L j V E O V _U _� O CL � 'D z NlNININININ O N O1 c0 CL C,i cu cu Q1 c c > Z C C _ 0 0 U c� a L _0 CU N _ = Cf6 C cu cu 70 Cl) — > +� Cl) O U .0 c O m m � cu r O a a O U cu v O cu ca ,.. u> > c N �_ cn 0> (u c co U c E J U !E .0 E_ C C N c 0 c ca C C EO ,� U 2 m c c A L L j V E O V _U _� O CL � 'D m f6 R3 f0 E 000� 2 >m� 2 "D 'v a v v a� a� — a)� C c v c c c c��� v cm o m m m o o o LLI n n 5 m co c m co m m cu c c c c m w w o o o E E E O N _— E E E m E EYYYY c0 (� 0 U? 0 O O— m m m M M M m (C f0 (0 cII - LO Q11= <lM =wa CL CL ncncn z NlNININININ O N O1 c0 CL C,i CITY MAP 2008 -2009 Annual Curb, Curb & Gutter And Sidewalk improvements City of El Segundo PW 08 -05 cn LA- 0 7ALIFORNIA UNGALOW DR MARYLAND ST WERRAST I PENN ST WELDON ST I :YPRE88 ST i ♦LYPTUS DR PEPPER ST MAIN ST CEDAR ST VIRGINIA ST MA VISTA ST LLCREST ST or � INDIANA ST ILLINOIS ST WASHINGTON ST KANSAS ST CALIFORNIA ST OREGON ST NEVADA ST CENTER ST BUNGALOW OR MARYLANO ST Nd LOMITA ST SWRRA ST d PENN ST W SHELDON ST ARENA ST EUCALYPTUS OR STANDARD ST MAIN ST RICHMOND ST CONCORD ST VIRGINIA OT WHITING ST LOMA VISTA ST C a� a� O b i..l Q A� z� W !1 1 ^ 'j 40 Z JO l 96ed muom a3aNn=i Ann 09 '10 AHl?J`d00W 008 vZ 9£ 8 VSOdl8VIN 1S3M LZ9 £Z LZ 96 '1S NIVIN 0/3 VSOdIHVVY S/S ZZ 9'ZZ6 666 89£ VMJ0JIIV0 L£L Ol 31dM 1SV3 09Z6 2 ZL 9Z 3ldt11N 1S3M t% OZ 9L6 dlIWOl0006 66 08 bill WOl OZ6 8L AVMNl ]Vd X101218 3AOW3U 08 ` IIW01 L 66 LL Z8 VAV401 £66 96 9Z'69 91 80Z VIIW01 Z66 96 89 09L VIIW01 006 K 08 VIIV401 t798 £ 6 8Z 0t 9K dliWOl 8178 Z 6 96 vilWOl 6Z8 LL K `dllWOl 608 06 006 S`dSNV)4 66t, 6 96 SVSNV>I 9H7 8 9'££6 IVIH3dW1 1SV3 OOZE L 96 IVIH3dWl 1SV3 OZ66 9 9Z'666 lt/I?13MI 1SV3 VOZ 9 b9 1S3J0111H 6V9 V OOZ 0ONn!D3S 13 '3 601?Z £ 9 LZ 3AV IVIH3dWl NO 2JV030 996 Z AVMN8Vd MU= `10188 3AQV43H 9L'£66 92 Z66 3ldt1W 1SV3 00K 01VINb0J11V0 8bL 6 SNUVW3H ( -qs) 3OV-ld3H /3AOW3U (ZI-1) 33VId38 13AOW3N (rl) 33VId3H 13AOW3H (ps) 3DVld3N /3AOW3a SS3baad "ON AVM3Al21a b311no ..Z6 v 821(10 JIINO 82!!10 >nvm3a1S muom a3aNn=i Ann Z 10 Z abed 969 ££L 9 Ms Ielol 017 ZL9 "1S I2IW HIV R 3AV 31d` VY 30 N01103S201N1 17£ S>11:lvW3m U'l) 33V1d3H /3AOW3M US) 33V1d32I 13AOW3H NOIIV3Ol ON ISd 009C..9 = SS3NM3IH1 6-£Z m vz u M3d 13MCINddS 313MONOO M311no.—Y 969 ££L 9 Ms Ielol mHom a3aNn:j Allo t,9Z TnNIVM 1SV3 L 0 L L EE 9'Z£ VINIE)HIA OtQ ZE Ot7Z 3210 VVVDAS 1SV3 L L Z L Lc 9L 9'170£ 1S aNOWHOI�:f L£t7'E£V6ZV OE N011` 001 HOA HOSIM3dnS 33S 9'9LIV NUVd 0321 6Z IIV'83AO .9L 1H NOWV M3N 66 9'EZ 09L INIVd 1S3M 099 8Z ZL t7E 09Z ZtvL NVO lS3M t7Z L HS`dN H18ON L06 LZ 9Z 3132)ONOO /M 30VId3?tl S >101218 3AOW32:] 9L'98 Z6L '10 AHiHVOOW 9V8 9Z SNUVW3H Us) 33V1d3H /3AOW3N 0-1) 33V1d3H 13AOW3H U -I) 33V ld3H 13AOW3U US) 30VId3a 13AOW3U SS3maad 'ON AVM3ARIa M3uno ..Z6 v emnO IKINO 13mnO I 3ovm3aIS mHom a3aNn:j Allo EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 15, 2008 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to waive the formal bidding process and approve a contract with Gary V. Bufkin Computer Consulting (GVBCC) for the development of a centralized permit module for permitting activities in the Engineering Division of Public Works. (Fiscal Impact: $16,250.00) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Pursuant to El Segundo Municipal Code §1 -7 -10, waive the formal bidding process for the development of a Public Works Permits Module for the Engineering Division. 2) Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract in a form approved by the City Attorney to purchase the permit module software from Gary V. Bufkin Computer Consulting. 3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: The Public Works Engineering Department is in need of a centralized permit module for recording and issuing permits for work conducted in the public right -of -way. Currently, permits issued are logged into an excel spreadsheet which is then stored on the shared network drive. The file is maintained solely by the department's engineering technician. (Background and Discussion continued on the next page) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Gary V. Bufkin Computer Consulting Project Estimate FISCAL IMPACT: $16,250.00 Operating Budget: $46,100.00 Amount Requested: $16,250.00 Account Number: 001 - 400 -4104 -6206 Project Phase: N/A Appropriation Required: None ORIGINATED BY: DATE: anie Katsouleas, Director of Public Works 07/9/08 REVI BY: DATE: ack Wayt, Into <=Zity Manager Background & Discussion (continued) This structure has significant limitations, including: • It is not user friendly for department wide accessibility and use, i.e., it is not centralized. • It has no reports application. Users cannot easily research historical records for permits issued to a particular company or address. • It is not integrated with private property work that impacts the public right -of -way (i.e., new sewer or water lateral connections from private property). Public Works is proposing to have a centralized module developed that would be fully integrated with the Department of Planning and Building Safety's existing permit database system (Muni Permits). The integration would ultimately allow any employee using the Muni Permit System to easily view, research and print any Public Works permits, including those associated with private property developments. Muni Permits was exclusively created by Gary V. Bufkin Computer Consulting for the El Segundo Planning and Building Safety Department to meet unique needs that typical off the shelf permitting systems could not meet. Any changes or modifications to Muni System thus require the services of GVBCC because there are no other vendors intimately familiar enough with the City's permitting system to easily support and modify it. This, in effect, identifies GVBCC as a sole source provider given that Public Works prefers to integrate into the existing permitting system rather than launch a new, different system. ! , J � `1 Gary V. Buskin Computer Consulting (559) 499 -8349 Project Estimate City Of El Segundo: Public Works Permits Modifications and Additions to Muni Permits System Proposal Date: 06/01/2008 Proiect Description: Modify existing permits system developed by GVBCC to include Public Works Permits currently being issued by hand. The current Engineering Module will be enhanced for the inclusion of additional permits required for public works and the modification of the existing permits for accurate tracking. Modifications to be Performed ♦ Modifications to Existing Public Works Permit as per Public Works Specifications ♦ Modifications to Existing Work in Public Street Permit as per Public Works Specifications ♦ Modifications to Existing Encroachment Permit as per Public Works Specifications ♦ Modifications to Existing Move Authorization Permit as per Public Works Specifications ♦ Addition of Fire Flow Test Tracking Permit ♦ Addition of Water and Sewer Service Request Permit ♦ Addition of Inspection Tracking ♦ Addition of Time Tracking for Inspections performed by Public Works on Public Works Permits ♦ Addition of Fees and Payments Tracking of Public Works Permits ♦ Utilities to Maintain Master Table Information ♦ Reports for Permits Completion, Permits Fees Collect, Permits Status, Etc. Summary of Work to be Performed: Modifications to Existing Public Works Permit Modifications to Existing Work in Public Street Permit Modifications to Existing Encroachment Permit Modifications to Existing Move Authorization Permit Addition of Fire Flow Test Tracking Permit Addition of Water and Sewer Service Request Permit Addition of Inspection Tracking Addition of Time Tracking for Inspections performed Addition of Fees and Payments Tracking of P.W. Permits Reports Contigencies Total Project Hours: 10 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 10Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 20 Hours 20 Hours 130 Hours & $125.00 per hour Price Quoted above includes Travel Travel Time and Accomidations Project Cost for Application Design: $ 16,250 • This proposal is valid for 90 Days from the above stated date. • Upon approval GVBCC will submit a detailed time line which will include project due dates. v4-is Upon approval GVBCC will perform detailed interviews with staff to determine the details of the project specifications and design (fee schedules, fees to be track, screen / report layouts, etc) Thank You Gary V. Bufkin Gary V BuAin Computer Consuitin_g Gary V. Bufkin Computor Consulting Fresno. Ca (559) 499 -9349 Page 2 r EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: Juy15,2008 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to award a Standard Public Works Contract to Armand Gonzales Inc. dba Gonzales Construction for construction of a Fire Station at 2261 East Mariposa Avenue. Approved Capital Improvement Program. Project No.: PW 08 -06 (Fiscal Impact: $7,206,298.00) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Waive a minor irregularity in the bid received from Armand Gonzales, Inc. dba Gonzales Construction and reject the bid protest received from bidder Griffith Company; (2) Add the following options to the contract for a total of $684,283: (a) 8" concrete precast band ($52,034); (b) brick veneer ($55,940); (c) built in desk, nightstand and bed frames ($67,000); (d) ceiling tile above showers ($1,000); (e) gypsum board ceilings ($10,000); (f) epoxy flooring ($5,000); (g) photovoltaic collector panels ($355,000); (h) seismic early warning system ($37,450); (i) precast concrete caps ($21,400); (j) day tank for generator ($4,000); (k) 8" vehicular concrete paving ($50,459); (1) Plymovent vehicle exhaust system ($25,000). (3) Authorize the City Manager to execute a Standard Public Works Contract in a form approved by the City Attorney with Gonzales Construction, Inc for $6,211,443 (Base Bid) plus $684,283 (Options), for a total of $6,895,726; (4) Authorize a construction contingency in the amount of $310,572 for unforeseen additional work; (5) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (Background and discussion continued on the next page........) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: FISCAL IMPACT: $7,206,298.00 Capital Improvement Program Amount Requested: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required: $7,750,000 (Public Safety) $7,206,298.00 301 - 400 - 8201 -8999 Award of Construction Contract No anie Katsouleas, Public Works Director J00 10 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (continued) On May 6, 2008, City Council adopted the plans and specifications for construction of a Fire Station to replace the existing Fire Station No. 2 and authorized staff to advertise the project for competitive bids. The Notice of Inviting Bids specified that the successful contractor would be selected based upon the Base Bid amount. Contractors responding to the bid notice were also asked to provide quotes for several options. On June 24, 2008, the City Clerk's office received eighteen (18) bids. Three Bids were received after the 11:00 a.m. submittal deadline and were returned to the bidders unopened. The following fifteen (15) Base Bids were opened: 1. Gonzales Construction, Inc. 2. Griffith Company 3. FEI Enterprises, Inc. 4. G -2000 Construction, Inc. 5. Harbor Construction, Inc. 6. Robert Clapper Construction Services, Inc. 7. Chegini Enterprises, Inc. 8. Tower General Contractors 9. Woodcliff Corporation 10. TG Construction, Inc. 11. Moment Construction, Inc. 12. GC Builders, Inc. 13. SAIFCO Construction Company 14. Morrissey Construction Co., Inc. 15. SBS Corporation $6,211,443.00 $7,036,950.00 $7,189,735.00 $7,228,000.00 $7,273,000.00 $7,273,000.00 $7,495,000.00 $7,641,000.00 $7,800,000.00 $7,864,921.00 $7,864,921.00 $7,915,500.00 $8,200,000.00 Incomplete Incomplete The total budget allocated for this construction project was $7,750,000. Following the bid opening, the apparent lowest bidder was Gonzales Construction, Inc., whose Base Bid plus options and construction contingencies totaled $7,206,297. A review of projects completed by Gonzales Construction, Inc., indicates that they have done extensive work very similar to the work anticipated for the construction of the new Fire Station. References contacted indicated that this firm was competent and cooperative during construction of various projects. The firm's contractor's license is current and it has the financial capability to undertake this project. After the bid opening, the second lowest bidder, Griffith Company, protested that Gonzales Construction's bid submitted included only one original copy submittal, where the Notice of Inviting Bids stated "bidders are required to submit one (1) original set and one (1) copy of the proposal forms." The City Attorney's Office characterizes this as a minor irregularity that can be waived by City Council. Staff recommends that City Council award the Fire Station construction project to Gonzales Construction, Inc. �J1 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 15, 2008 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding acceptance of the project for the Replacement of Water Mains, located at the 600 -700 block of Lomita and Sierra Streets, 800 block of Bungalow Drive, 800 block of Maryland Street and 900 -1000 block of Walnut Avenue. Approved Capital Improvement Project - Project No.: PW 07 -10 (Fiscal Impact: $742,744.21) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Accept all work under this contract as complete; (2) Authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office; (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: On October 16, 2007, City Council awarded a contract for $742,125 to John T. Malloy, Inc. to replace water mains on Sierra and Lomita Streets between Mariposa and Maple Avenues; Maryland Street and Bungalow Drive between Maple and Walnut Avenues, and Walnut Avenue from Maryland Street to Center Street. (Background and Discussion provided on the following page) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Notice of Completion FISCAL IMPACT: $742,744.21 Capital Improvement Program Amount Requested: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required: $1,255,672.93 $ 742, 744.21 501 - 400 - 7103 -8207 Accept the work as complete No ORIGINATED BY: DATE: Steph nie souleas, Public Works Director 7/8/08 REVIE D BY: DATE: Jack Wayt, Int City Manager �J� 1 1 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (continued) The following is a summary of the change orders undertaken to successfully complete the project: Item No. Description of Changes Amount 1 Original Contract Amount $742,125.00 2 Relocate Fire Service on Sepulveda Boulevard and Holly Avenue $19,397.75 3 Repair of Emergency Water Main Break at the Intersection of Aviation and El Segundo Boulevard $38,008.76 4 Install Additional Fire Hydrant Spool $400.00 5 Soil Testing $5,950.80 6 Additional piping $3,061.90 7 Credit for Elimination of Slurry Seal ($35,200.00) 8 Credit for Service Reconnect ($31,000.00) Final Contract Amount $742,744.21 All work associated with Project No. PW 07 -12 has been completed to the satisfaction of the City and staff recommends acceptance of the complete project. 053 Recording Requested by and When Recorded Mail To: City Clerk, City Hall 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Project Name: Replacement of Water Lines, 2006 Project No.: PW 07 -10 Notice is hereby given pursuant to State of California Civil Code Section 3093 et seq that: The undersigned is an officer of the owner of the interest stated below in the property hereinafter described. The full name of the owner is: City of El Segundo 3. The full address of the owner is: City Hall, 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA, 90245 4. The nature of the interest of the owner is: Public Utilities 5. A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was field reviewed by the City Engineer on June 25, 2008. The work done was: Replacement of water lines. 6. On July 15, 2008, City Council of the City of El Segundo accepted the work of this contract as being complete and directed the recording of this Notice of Completion in the Office of the County Recorder. 7. The name of the Contractor for such work of improvement was: John T. Malloy, Inc. 8. The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, and is described as follows: Public Utilities 9. The street address of said property is: 600 -700 blocks of Lomita and Sierra Streets, 800 block of Bungalow Drive, 800 block of Maryland Street and 900 -1000 block of Walnut Avenue Dated: Stephanie Katsouleas Public Works Director VERIFICATION I, the undersigned, say: I am the Director of Public Works /City Engineer of the City El Segundo, the declarant of the foregoing Notice of Completion; I have read said Notice of Completion and know the contents thereof; the same is true of my own knowledge. I declare under penalty of perjury the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on , 2008 at El Segundo, California. Stephanie Katsouleas Public Works Director r, ,,• ,. J Ct Notice of Completions \PW 07 -12 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 15, 2008 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to approve the use of the City of El Segundo logo, Fire Department vehicle graphics, Fire Department uniforms, and El Segundo Fire Station #2 in a special edition of a cable television production of Trading Spaces. Fiscal Impact: None RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Authorize the City Manager to execute a License Agreement with Space Between Productions, LLC, in a form approved by the City Attorney, to allow the use of the City of El Segundo logo, El Segundo Fire Department vehicle graphics, El Segundo Fire Department uniforms, and El Segundo Fire Station #2 in a cable television production of Trading Spaces; 2) Authorize the City Manager to execute a Location and Liability Release, in a form approved by the City Attorney, to use Fire Station #2 in a cable television production of Trading Spaces; 3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: Space Between Productions, LLC and Discovery Communications, Inc. is proposing to feature two members of the El Segundo Fire Department in a special edition of a cable television production of Trading Spaces. The television series features friends or neighbors who redecorate a room in each others' homes. This special edition will include a scene in which the two members of the El Segundo Fire Department exchange keys at Fire Station #2. Mayor Kelly McDowell will also be featured presenting a proclamation to the show's host. The filming at Fire Station #2 will take place on the morning of July 19, 2008. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Acquired Footage / Still Photograph License Location and Liability Release FISCAL IMPACT: None Operating Budget: n/a Amount Requested: n/a Account Number: n/a Project Phase: n/a Appropriation Required: _Yes X No ORIGINATED BY: DATE: 07/01/08 Kevin S. Smith, Fire Chief REVTInteri Y: DATE: y Manager J ;J 12 Space Between Productions, LLC 9911 West Pico Blvd. Suite 250 Los Angeles, CA 90035 Acquired Footage /Still Photograph License Licensor ( "Owner "): Address: Phone: Fax: Description of Footage /Still: For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Owner hereby grants Space Between Productions, LLC ( "Producer ") and Discovery Communications, Inc. ( "DCI ") and their respective parents, successors, licensees and assigns, the right, but not the obligation, to incorporate the Film Footage [] Video Footage [] Still Photograph described above (the "Property ") in any manner DCI sees fit in DCI's film or video production tentatively entitled "Trading Spaces" (the "Production "), and to use and authorize others to use the Property as so incorporated in the Production in the distribution, sale, licensing, marketing, advertising, promotion, exhibition and other exploitation of the Production in all markets and media (whether now known or hereafter developed), throughout the universe, in perpetuity. Owner warrants and represents that Owner has the right to grant all rights granted herein and Producer and /or DCI's use of the Property as permitted herein will not infringe on the rights of any third party. Owner will indemnify and hold Producer and /or DCI, their parents, successors, licensees and assigns, harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses arising out of any breach of the foregoing warranty. Owner acknowledges that Producer and /or DCI will rely on this permission potentially, at substantial cost to Producer and /or DCI and Owner hereby agrees not to assert any claim of any nature whatsoever against anyone relating to the exercise of the permissions granted hereunder. A G R E E D A N D FOR OWNER PRINTED PRINTED NAME NAME SIGNATURE SIGNATURE BY: BY: TITLE: TITLE: DATE: DATE: ACCEPTED: SPACE BETWEEN PRODUCTIONS, LLC T e i 1*7m1»u., i JJ(� LOCATION AND LIABILITY RELEASE As we have discussed, Discovery Communications, Inc. ( "DCI ") and Space Between Productions, LLC ( "Company ") are co- producing a series of television programs called Trading Spaces (the "Series ") about friends and neighbors who redecorate a room in each others' homes over the course of three days with the assistance of an interior designer and a carpenter. The only restrictions on redecorating the room selected (the "Room ") are the amount of time it takes and the designated budget. However, you can also stipulate the use for the Room, but you won't see the final result until the redecoration of the Room is finished. As a part of the Series, Company intends to film, video tape and /or photograph the people, activities and events involved in connection with redecoration of the Room in your home, and with your redecoration of the room selected by your friends and neighbors for you to redecorate in their home (collectively, the "Recording"). This Release confirms our mutual understanding of the terms and conditions pursuant to which you will make your home, its contents and surrounding area: (address) (the "Property ") available to Company on (dates) (the "Shoot Dates ") for the purposes of decorating and recording scenes in connection with the Series, including, without limitation, shooting biographical interviews, location and neighborhood scenes, set -up, shopping and all work and redecoration scenes. In consideration of our agreement to record the Property, you hereby agree that: 1) The Property will be available for recording during the Shoot Dates and Company shall be entitled to make such use of the Property as may be required during the Shoot Dates (including, without limitation, your permission for your friends and neighbors who are redecorating the Room to stay in your home overnight). Company may place all necessary facilities, vehicles and equipment on the Property during the Shoot Dates, and agrees to remove same after completion of work and leave the Property in substantially the same condition as when Company entered upon it, reasonable wear and tear excepted (except that the redecoration of the Room shall remain). It is further agreed that if such Recording is not completed during the Shoot Dates, Company and /or DCI shall be entitled to return to the Property to continue Recording at a mutually- agreed upon time. 2) Prior to the Shoot Dates, the Property will be made available to a representative of Company at a mutually - agreed upon time for the purpose of videotaping/ photographing and measuring the proposed Room(s) in connection with preproduction of the episode of the Series in which the Property will appear. In addition, prior to and immediately following the Shoot Dates, the Property will be made available to a home inspector selected by Company at Company's sole discretion for purposes of inspecting the Property for any damage existing prior to and following the Shoot Dates. Company and /or DCI shall further be entitled to return to the Property (i) on a date to be mutually agreed upon in order to take photographs for a book related to the Series (the "Photographs ") and (ii) for one (1) additional day approximately 2 weeks after the Room is redecorated to shoot LA 1270459860 follow -up interviews and Room scenes. Company and /or DCI will make every effort to schedule this "follow -up" shoot day at a mutually agreed upon time. 3) Company will own solely and exclusively, without compensation to you, the results and proceeds of the Recording and the Photographs hereunder (the "Materials ") with the right for the full period of copyright, including all extensions and renewals thereof, and thereafter in perpetuity, throughout the world, to use and re -use all or any part of the Materials for the purpose of making and producing television programs and other works, and advertising, publicizing and exploiting the same, by all means and in all media, whether now known or hereafter devised, and to authorize others to do so. Neither you, nor any tenant, nor other party now or hereafter having an interest in the Property shall have any right of action against Company and /or DCI or any other party arising out of any use of said Materials. All rights and releases granted by this Location and Liability Release shall be irrevocable under all or any circumstances, and shall not be subject to rescission, termination or injunction. 4) You agree that Company and /or DCI, as applicable, shall have these further rights: a) to redecorate the Room with the aid of interior designers and other contributors. Such redecoration may include making permanent changes, additions and alterations in and to the Room and its contents (such changes, additions and alterations, together with the original item so changed, added to or altered, as the case may be, if any, shall collectively be referred to as the "Redecorated Property "). The condition and state of the Room and its contents at the end of the Shoot Dates shall be accepted by you in its final "as is" condition, and neither Company nor DCI shall be responsible for any further redecoration or for restoring the Room to its original condition (even if the decor is not to your personal taste). b) to make changes, additions and alterations in and to the Property (exterior and interior, excluding the Room) but these shall be of a temporary nature only and, after final use hereunder, the Property shall be restored (excluding the Room) to its original condition unless otherwise agreed by you. C) to incorporate the said scenes in the final version of the Series, either as a sequence on its own or preceded, interlaced, or followed by such scenes as we may require including, without limitation, still photographs or scenes of studio sets representing the interior of the Property. d) to exploit the Series containing the said scenes in all manner and media throughout the world in perpetuity; without limiting the foregoing, you hereby waive any "droit moral" or any similar "moral rights" you have. LA 1270459860 2 ,_ n 5) All materials and /or improvements provided by Company in connection with the Redecorated Property and the Series (collectively, the "Program Materials/ Improvements ") shall remain on the Property for your continual use; provided, however, you hereby agree that you will not attempt to sell, donate, dispose of or otherwise transfer ownership (each, a "Transfer ") of any Program Materials /Improvements without first obtaining the prior written consent of Company and DCI. Any attempted Transfer of the Program Materials/ Improvements shall constitute a breach of this Release. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event you Transfer title to the Property to an unrelated third party (i.e., you sell your home), Company and DCI shall be deemed to have consented to the Transfer only of those Program Materials/ Improvements that are attached or appurtenant to the Property. You hereby acknowledge and agree that a breach by you of this paragraph would cause Company irreparable injury and damage that cannot be reasonably or adequately compensated for by damages in an action at law, and therefore, you hereby expressly agree that Company shall be entitled to injunctive and other equitable relief to prevent and/or cure any breach or threatened breach of this paragraph by you. Further, you agree to pay Company the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) per breach as liquidated damages in the event you breach this paragraph. You agree that One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) is a reasonable estimate of the amount of damages Company is likely to suffer in the event of any breach of this paragraph, considering all of the circumstances existing as of the date of this Agreement. 6) Company shall use reasonable care to prevent damage to the Property, and Company will indemnify you, and all other parties lawfully in possession of the Property, and hold each of them harmless from any claims and demands of any person or persons arising out of or based upon any property damage suffered by such person or persons resulting directly from any act of gross negligence on Company's part in connection with Company's use of the Property. In case of a material breach of this paragraph by Company, your remedies, if any, shall be limited to an action at law for monetary damages, and the rights and releases herein granted by you shall not terminate by reason of such breach. For the avoidance of doubt, in no event may you terminate this Location and Liability Release or obtain injunctive or other equitable relief with respect to any breach of Company's or DCI's obligations hereunder. 7) You agree that you will remove any contents of sentimental and /or unusual value, or that may be irreplaceable, from the Property prior to commencement of the Shoot Dates. Any items that remain in the room will therefore be available for change with the exception of items the homeowner and Company location scouts have agreed are unchangeable and are listed here: You hereby acknowledge that items located on the Property other than in the Room are often used by the designers in the redecoration of the Room and you hereby agree that any such items are available for change and use in the Room under the ground rules of the show, provided, however, any items of exceptional LA 1270459860 3 value outside of the Room that you want to list as "off- limits" for use (i.e., cannot be used in the Room) have been listed in writing by you and such list is attached to this form. 8) You hereby represent and warrant that you have the right to and do hereby grant to Company and /or DCI, and their respective parents, subsidiaries and affiliates, licensees, successors and assigns, the right to enter upon and film, photograph and record all or any part of the exterior and interior and contents of the Property, including names, signs and identifying insignia of the Property with such personnel and equipment as we may consider necessary or desirable. You hereby further represent and warrant that you are the sole owner /a joint owner lease circle one of the Property, together with the buildings and improvements thereon, that legal title to the Property is held in your name or, if joint ownership, in the names of the joint owners, and you have the right to permit redecoration of the Room as contemplated by this release. If the Property is held in joint ownership, you own the Property together with 9) You acknowledge and agree that neither Company nor DCI is required to use or exercise any of their rights hereunder or, if exercised, to incorporate the filming, photography or recording in the Series, or any other audio - visual, print or other material, Company and /or DCI may, at any time, decide not to use the Property (or to discontinue use of the Property) by giving you written notice of such election in which case, neither Company, DCI nor you have any obligation under this Release. 10) You agree that you will not, at any time, give to any person, any interview, or make or issue, either directly or indirectly, any public announcement, press release, or other publication, or disclose any information about this release, the Series, the episode of the Series in which you and /or the Property appears (the "Program "), Company or DCI without Company's and DCI's prior written consent. In furtherance of the foregoing, you agree to hold the existence of this release and its terms and conditions confidential and not disclose same to any person except as required by law or for the enforcement of this Release. Without limiting the foregoing in any way, you will not yourself, nor will you authorize others to, prepare or assist in the preparation of any written work, any audio work, and/or any visual work that depicts, concerns or relates in any way to your participation on the Program or mentions the words "Trading Spaces ". You shall not at any time use any of Company's or DCI's names, logos, trade names or trademarks (including, but not limited to, the title of the Series), nor those of any related companies, in any manner, including in connection with any kind of advertising, promotion, publicity, merchandise, or other produce or service. For avoidance of doubt, you agree to immediately inform Company regarding any and all requests from third parties for publicity (including, but not limited to, television, radio and print interviews) in connection with your participation on the program, and you shall not disclose any information directly or indirectly connected to your participation on the program (for example, revealing any details regarding the redecoration of the Room, whether orally or visually) or consent to LA 1270459860 4 I any such publicity without the prior approval of Company and DCI. You hereby acknowledge and agree that a breach by you of the foregoing would cause Company irreparable injury and damage that cannot be reasonably or adequately compensated for by damages in an action at law, and therefore you hereby expressly agree that Company shall be entitled to injunctive and other equitable relief to prevent and /or cure any breach or threatened breach of the foregoing by you. Further, you agree to pay Company the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) per breach as liquidated damages in the event you breach the foregoing at any time prior to the date that is five (5) days following the initial air date of the Program. You agree that One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) is a reasonable estimate of the amount of damages Company is likely to suffer in the event of any breach of the foregoing during such period, considering all of the circumstances existing as of the date of this Agreement. In addition, you hereby agree that you shall not at any time publicly criticize, ridicule or make any statement, written or verbal, which disparages or is derogatory of Company and /or DCI or any of their respective affiliates or any of their respective officers, directors, agents, attorneys or employees. 11) You agree to pay all state, federal and other applicable taxes and license fees on the fair market value of any and all merchandise and/or home improvements provided you as a result of your appearance on the Program. You hereby release Company and DCI, any of Company's or DCI's respective affiliated entities, officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives or contractors and all other persons and entities connected with the Program, of any and all liability in connection with any such taxes. 12) You hereby acknowledge that you understand that there is a risk of injury to person or damage to property as a result of participation in the series and you are voluntarily participating in the Program (including any task the fulfillment of which is required by Company and /or DCI) with knowledge of the risk involved, and you hereby agree to accept any and all risks of personal and emotional injury and, subject to paragraph 6 above, property damage, and verify this statement by placing your initials here. 13) You hereby release Company, DCI and any of Company's and DCI's respective affiliated entities, officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives or contractors, successors, assignees and licensees, and each of them (herein the "Released Parties ") from any and all claims, liabilities, demands, actions, causes of action, costs and expenses, whatsoever, at law or in equity, known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, suspected of unsuspected, which you and/or your heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns ever had, now have, or may, shall or hereafter have arising out of your participation in the program including, without limitation, for or on account of any injury and /or illness or death, and /or for or on account of, subject to paragraph 6 above, any damage to real or personal property. This release specifically includes any and all claims for damages or penalties relating to or in any way connected with the matters referred to herein, whether or not now known or suspected to exist, and whether or not 5 J 1 LA 127045986x1 1~ ) � � 4 specifically or particularly described or referred to herein. You expressly waive any right or claim of right to assert hereafter that any claim has, through ignorance, oversight or error, been omitted from the terms hereof. You hereby verify this statement by placing your initials here. 14) As lawful consideration for being permitted by Company to be a participant on the program, you agree that you, your assigns, heirs, successors, distributees, guardians, and legal representatives will not bring or be a party to any legal action or claim against the Released Parties based upon or arising out of your participation on the program or in any way related to the Program, or any exploitation of the Program, on any legal theory whatsoever (including, but not limited to claims for injury, dismemberment or death to yourself, subject to paragraph 6 above, damage to personal and /or real property, rights of privacy and publicity, or defamation. Your initials here: 15) You understand and agree that all rights under Section 1542 of the Civil Code of California and similar law of any state or territory of the United States are hereby expressly waived. Said section reads as follows: "1542. Certain claims not affected by general release. A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect or exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor. 16) You hereby agree never to make a claim or file any complaint, charge, lawsuit or request for investigation, asserting any claims that are released above against any Released Party, in their personal capacity or otherwise, and their agents and insurers. In the event of a breach by you of the foregoing by filing or refusing to dismiss a complaint, charge, grievance, arbitration, or lawsuit based on claims that you have herein released, you agree to pay for all costs incurred by any person you complain against or sue in violation of this agreement in defending against your claim, including reasonable attorneys' fees. In the event you breach any provision of paragraph 14 above, then you agree to pay for all costs incurred by that released party in bringing an action to enforce this agreement, including reasonable attorneys' fees. 17) This Release constitutes the entire understanding between you and Company and DCI with respect to the Property. No other agreement, written or oral, express or implied, exists between us with respect to the Property. The representations, warranties and indemnities herein shall survive the termination, execution, completion or expiration of this Release. You agree that Company may assign this Agreement and its rights hereunder to any third party. 18) You shall not mention or "plug" any commercial product or service on the Program. You have not paid or accepted any money or other valuable consideration in connection with your appearance on the Program, nor have you LA 1270459860 6 JO, authorized anyone else to do so. You are aware that payment or acceptance of, or agreement to pay or accept, any money or valuable consideration for the appearance of any person, or the mention of any thing on the Program without disclosure to the broadcaster prior to broadcast is a federal offense punishable by fine and /or imprisonment. You agree that if anyone tries to induce you to accept any such payment, you shall immediately notify Company. 19) The parties agree that this Agreement shall be controlled by California law without regard to its conflict of laws principles. All disputes under this Agreement shall be resolved by litigation in the state and federal courts located in Los Angeles County, California and the parties all consent to the jurisdiction of such courts, agree to accept service of process by mail, and hereby waive any jurisdictional or venue defenses otherwise available to it. 20) You acknowledge and agree that all information provided by you to Company is true, accurate, and complete. The name given below is your legal name. Any other name(s) or alias(es) used by you within the past five years is also noted below. The Social Security number furnished is your true Social Security number. You have been given ample opportunity to read, and have carefully read, this entire Release. You understand you are bound by each and every term of it. You acknowledge that you received a copy of this Release. You understand and acknowledge that providing false or incomplete information to Company may result in my disqualification and /or elimination from the Program, in Company's sole discretion. Please acknowledge your agreement to the terms of this Release by signing where indicated below and returning this release to Company. (Please Print) Name: Signature: Address: City /State /Zip Date: Social Security No.: LA 1270459860 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 15, 2008 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to waive the formal bidding process pursuant to the El Segundo Municipal Code §1 -7 -10 and authorize the Fire Department to purchase twenty -five (25) self- contained breathing apparatus units under the competitive bid executed by the Southern California Area Personal Protective Equipment Consortium (County of Los Angeles contract number MA -IS- 43634 -1). The City will be reimbursed for these expenditures through the Urban Area Security Initiative Fiscal Year 2006 grant funding. (Fiscal Impact: Not to exceed $140,725) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Pursuant to El Segundo Municipal Code §1 -7 -10, waive the bidding process and authorize the Fire Department to purchase twenty -five (25) self- contained breathing apparatus units under the competitive bid executed by the Southern California Area Personal Protective Equipment Consortium; 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: The Los Angeles Area Fire Chiefs Association has established a goal of creating an area wide standard for self- contained breathing apparatus to ensure firefighter safety. The organization has acquired grant funding through the Urban Area Security Initiative and the State Homeland Security Grant Program to ensure that all firefighter positions in the area are issued a standardized breathing apparatus. The Southern California Area Personal Protective Equipment Consortium was established to research and develop specifications for a standardized breathing apparatus. The specification went out to competitive bid and was awarded to Sperian. The El Segundo Fire Department has been offered the opportunity to purchase twenty -five units based on our nineteen suppression positions and six units being assigned to our Urban Search and Rescue unit under the terms of the grant. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None FISCAL IMPACT: $ Not to exceed $140,725 Operating Budget: $140,725 Amount Requested: Not to exceed $140,725 Account Number: 001 -400- 3202 -8104 Project Phase: n/a Appropriation Required: _Yes X No ORIGINATED BY: DATE: 07/02/08 Kevin S. Smith, ire Chief REV D Y. DATE: /n //Zz � �' �"' � .gib � EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 15, 2008 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding the approval of the examination plans for the Personnel Merit System job classifications of Water Maintenance Worker I and Senior Building Inspector. (Fiscal Impact: None) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Approve the examination plans; 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: Section 1 -6 -9 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, entitled "Examinations ", provides that the Personnel Officer shall review and recommend to the City Manager, who in turn shall recommend to the City Council, an appropriate examination plan and weights for each portion of the examination for Personnel Merit System job classifications. Approval of examination plans for Merit System job classifications in all City Departments has been required since the passage of initiative Ordinance No. 586 in April 1962. (continued on next page) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None FISCAL IMPACT: None Operating Budget: Amount Requested: Account Number: Various Project Phase: Appropriation Required: Yes X NO ORIGINATED BY: DATE: July 2, 2008 V'�� Bob Hyland, Director uman Resources REVIEWE BY: DATE: i ck Wa I yt, nterim y Manager Agenda 14 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: For departments other than the Police and Fire Departments, the plan may consist of any one or combination of the following techniques: 1. Written; 2. Oral; 3. Demonstration; 4. Any evaluation of education, experience, or skills or physical fitness, which fairly evaluated the relative capacities of the applicants. Police and Fire Departments: The examination plan, for entrance or promotional, for the Police and Fire Departments, shall consist of a written examination and one or more of the following: 1. Oral; 2. Demonstration; 3. Any evaluation of education certification, experience, or skills or any test of manual skills or physical fitness, which fairly evaluates the relative capacities of the applicant. Water Maintenance Worker I Multiple Choice Written Test Structured, Technical Oral Interview Senior Building Inspector Structured Technical and Career Preparation Interview (Open- Competitive) Pass /Fail 100% (Open- Competitive) 100% EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 15, 2008 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding the establishment of a Public Agency Retirement System (PARS) Supplemental Retirement Plan and the determination of future annual costs of providing the plan benefits for eligible members of the El Segundo Supervisory and Professional Employees Bargaining Unit. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Receive and file agenda item as information only. 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: The current three year Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the El Segundo Supervisory and Professional Employees Bargaining Unit provides that effective October 1, 2008 the City will contract with the Public Agency Retirement System (PARS) to provide the PARS .5 @ 55 Retirement Enhancement Formula as a supplement to the City's 2% @ 55 Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) Formula for non - safety employees. Eligible members of the El Segundo Supervisory and Professional Employees Bargaining Unit are those who: 1. Are 55 years of age or older; 2. Have completed 15 years of continuous service with the City of El Segundo; and 3. Service or disability retirement from the City of El Segundo. (Continued on Next Page) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None FISCAL IMPACT: None Operating Budget: Amount Requested: Account Number: Various Project Phase: Appropriation Required: Yes X NO ORIGINATED BY: DATE: July 1, 2008 Bob Hyland, Director o uman Resou es REVIEWED BY: DATE: JaceWaA t im City Manager '1 5 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: As required by Section 7507 of the California Government Code, City staff secured the services of an enrolled actuary (John E. Bartel, Bartel Associates, LLC) to determine the future annual costs of providing the plan benefits and is making the results of that study available for public review. A copy of the actuarial report is on file with the City Clerk's Office. The cost of the PARS Supplemental Retirement Benefit will be shared between the City, as the employer, and the covered employees. The cost to the covered employees, effective October 1, 2008 will be 1% of their total annual pay, ($30,000) via payroll deduction. The projected annual actuarial cost of the Supplemental Retirement Benefit to the City is $71,000. A Resolution authorizing the establishment of a Public Agency Retirement System (PARS) Supplemental Retirement Plan to be administered by Phase II Systems, PARS Trust Administrator, will be on the August 5, 2008 City Council Agenda. EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 15, 2008 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding the Resolution approving the Agreement and Election to Prefund Other Post Employment Benefits with California Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) through participation in the California Employer's Retiree Benefit Trust Program (CERBT) and the Resolution to approve the Delegating of Authority to Request Disbursements from the trust; RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Adopt the required Resolutions. 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: The City of El Segundo provides post- retirement medical benefits to employees who retire directly from the City under CalPERS, with age and service requirements that vary by bargaining units. Historically the City has accounted for retiree healthcare benefits as they were paid. Continued on next page ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Exhibit A - Agreement and Election to Prefund Other Post Employment Benefits Exhibit B - Delegating of Authority to Request Disbursements FISCAL IMPACT: None Operating Budget: Amount Requested: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required: _Yes x No ORIGINATED: DATE: July 15, 2008 bm&4�1� Deborah Cullen, Director of Finance DATE: July 15, 2008 W, City;f-I.Mager 16 % Oe) ,, BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: On June 21, 2004 the Government Accounting Standards Board approved Statement No. 45 (GASB 45), Accounting Standards for Other (than pensions) Post Employment Benefits (OPEB). The purpose of GASB 45 is to recognize the cost of post- retirement benefits when the employee is rendering service; GASB 45 requires the City to account for this promised benefit on an accrual basis (as the benefits are earned). To consider a retiree healthcare plan funded for GASB 45 purposes, assets must be set aside in a trust that cannot, legally, be used for any purpose other than to pay retiree healthcare benefits. On March 20, 2007, Council approved funding of $1,500,000 from the Economic Uncertainty Fund to be designated for future payments of the GASB 45 obligation. On September 18, 2007, the City Council approved the establishment of an irrevocable trust with CalPERS to fund the City's GASB 45 Other Post Employment Benefits obligation. Additionally, Council approved funding the "Pay -As- You -Go" amounts annually and to contribute up to $2 million per year not to exceed the full annual required contribution (ARC). The identified full annual contribution for fiscal year 07/08 was $4.370 million as noted in the Actuarial Valuation report completed by Bartell and Associates. On May 20, 2008, Council approved the designation of $970,000 in General Fund Surplus in order to fully fund the ARC for fiscal year 07/08. In order to participate in the CERBT, CalPERS requires us to do the following: Complete the "Delegation of Authority to Request Disbursements "; Present the "Agreement and Election to Prefund Other Post Employment Benefits" and the "Delegation of Authority to Request Disbursements" to the City's governing body for adoption and approval. -, 01, ) 1#%',- Ca1PERS DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY TO REQUEST DISBURSEMENTS RESOLUTION OF THE City Council (GOVERNING BODY) OF THE City of E1 Segundo (NAME OF EMPLOYER) The City Council the positions of (TITLE) (GOVERNING BODY) City Manager (TITLE) delegates to the incumbents in and Finance Director authority to request on behalf of the Employer disbursements from the Other Post Employment Prefunding Plan and to certify as to the purpose for which the disbursed funds will be used. By _ Title Witness City Clerk Date OPEB Delegation of Authority (2/07) Kelly McDowell APP (����° ' ITY ATTORNEY/ r•7 v / � CALIFORNIA EMPLOYER'S RETIREE BENEFIT TRUST PROGRAM ( "CERBT ") AGREEMENT AND ELECTION OF City of El Segundo (NAME OF EMPLOYER) TO PREFUND OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS THROUGH CaIPERS WHEREAS (1) Government Code Section 22940 establishes in the State Treasury the Annuitants' Health Care Coverage Fund for the prefunding of health care coverage for annuitants (Prefunding Plan); and WHEREAS (2) The California Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) Board of Administration (Board) has sole and exclusive control and power over the administration and investment of the Prefunding Plan (sometimes also referred to as CERBT), the purposes of which include, but are not limited to (i) receiving contributions from participating employers and establishing separate Employer Prefunding Accounts in the Prefunding Plan for the performance of an essential governmental function (ii) investing contributed amounts and income thereon, if any, in order to receive yield on the funds and (iii) disbursing contributed amounts and income thereon, if any, to pay for costs of administration of the Prefunding Plan and to pay for health care costs or other post employment benefits in accordance with the terms of participating employers' plans; and WHEREAS (3) City of El Se do (NAME OF EMPLOYER) (Employer) desires to participate in the Prefunding Plan upon the terms and conditions set by the Board and as set forth herein; and WHEREAS (4) Employer may participate in the Prefunding Plan upon (i) approval by the Board and (ii) filing a duly adopted and executed Agreement and Election to Prefund Other Post Employment Benefits (Agreement) as provided in the terms and conditions of the Agreement; and WHEREAS (5) The Prefunding Plan is a trust fund that is intended to perform an essential governmental function within the meaning of Section 115 of the Internal Revenue Code as an agent multiple - employer plan as defined in Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 43 consisting of an aggregation of single - employer plans, with pooled administrative and investment functions; Rev 04/25/2008 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT EMPLOYER HEREBY MAKES THE FOLLOWING REPRESENTATION AND WARRANTY AND THAT THE BOARD AND EMPLOYER AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: A. Representation and Warranty Employer represents and warrants that it is a political subdivision of the State of California or an entity whose income is excluded from gross income under Section 115 (1) of the Internal Revenue Code. B. Adoption and Approval of the Agreement; Effective Date; Amendment (1) Employer's governing body shall elect to participate in the Prefunding Plan by adopting this Agreement and filing with the CalPERS Board a true and correct original or certified copy of this Agreement as follows: Filing by mail, send to: CalPERS Constituent Relations Office CERBT (OPEB) P.O. Box 942709 Filing in person, deliver to: Sacramento, CA 94229 -2709 CalPERS Mailroom Attn: Employer Services Division 400 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95814 (2) Upon receipt of the executed Agreement, and after approval by the Board, the Board shall fix an effective date and shall promptly notify Employer of the effective date of the Agreement. (3) The terms of this Agreement may be amended only in writing upon the agreement of both CalPERS and Employer, except as otherwise provided herein. Any such amendment or modification to this Agreement shall be adopted and executed in the same manner as required for the Agreement. Upon receipt of the executed amendment or modification, the Board shall fix the effective date of the amendment or modification. (4) The Board shall institute such procedures and processes as it deems necessary to administer the Prefunding Plan, to carry out the purposes of this Agreement, and to maintain the tax exempt status of the Prefunding Plan. Employer agrees to follow such procedures and processes. Rev 04/25/2008 2 C. Actuarial Valuation and Employer Contributions (1) Employer shall provide to the Board an actuarial valuation report on the basis of the actuarial assumptions and methods prescribed by the Board. Such report shall be for the Board's use in financial reporting, shall be prepared at least as often as the minimum frequency required by GASB Statement No. 43, and shall be: (a) prepared and signed by a Fellow or Associate of the Society of Actuaries who is also a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries or a person with equivalent qualifications acceptable to the Board; (b) prepared in accordance with generally accepted actuarial practice and GASB Statement Nos. 43 and 45; and, (c) provided to the Board prior to the Board's acceptance of contributions for the valuation period or as otherwise required by the Board. (2) The Board may reject any actuarial valuation report submitted to it, but shall not unreasonably do so. in the event that the Board determines, in its sole discretion, that the actuarial valuation report is not suitable for use in the Board's financial statements or if Employer fails to provide a required actuarial valuation, the Board may obtain, at Employer's expense, an actuarial valuation that meets the Board's financial reporting needs. The Board may recover from Employer the cost of obtaining such actuarial valuation by billing and collecting from Employer or by deducting the amount from Employer's account in the Prefunding Plan. (3) Employer shall notify the Board of the amount and time of contributions which contributions shall be made in the manner established by the Board. (4) Employer contributions to the Prefunding Plan may be limited to the amount necessary to fully fund Employer's actuarial present value of total projected benefits, as supported by the actuarial valuation acceptable to the Board. As used throughout this document, the meaning of the term "actuarial present value of total projected benefits" is as defined in GASB Statement No. 45. If Employer's contribution causes its assets in the Prefunding Plan to exceed the amount required to fully fund the actuarial present value of total projected benefits, the Board may refuse to accept the contribution. (5) The minimum Employer contribution will be at least $5000 or be equal to Employer's Annual Required Contribution, whichever is less, as that term is defined in GASB Statement No. 45. Contributions can be made at any time following the seventh day after the effective date of the Agreement provided that Employer has first complied with the requirements of Paragraph C. Rev 04/25/2008 3 .�l�s D. Administration of Accounts, Investments, Allocation of Income (1) The Board has established the Prefunding Plan as an agent plan consisting of an aggregation of single- employer plans, with pooled administrative and investment functions, under the terms of which separate accounts will be maintained for each employer so that Employer's assets will provide benefits only under employer's plan. (2) All Employer contributions and assets attributable to Employer contributions shall be separately accounted for in the Prefunding Plan (Employer's Prefunding Account). (3) Employer's Prefunding Account assets may be aggregated with prefunding account assets of other employers and may be co- invested by the Board in any asset classes appropriate for a Section 115 Trust. (4) The Board may deduct the costs of administration of the Prefunding Plan from the investment income or Employer's Prefunding Account in a manner determined by the Board. (5) Investment income shall be allocated among employers and posted to Employer's Prefunding Account as determined by the Board but no less frequently than annually. (6) If Employer's assets in the Prefunding Plan exceed the amount required to fully fund the actuarial present value of total projected benefits, the Board, in compliance with applicable accounting and legal requirements, may return such excess to Employer. E. Reports and Statements (1) Employer shall submit with each contribution a contribution report in the form and containing the information prescribed by the Board. (2) The Board shall prepare and provide a statement of Employer's Prefunding Account at least annually reflecting the balance in Employer's Prefunding Account, contributions made during the period and income allocated during the period, and such other information as the Board determines. F. Disbursements (1) Employer may receive disbursements not to exceed the annual premium and other costs of post employment healthcare benefits and other post employment benefits as defined in GASB 43. (2) Employer shall notify CalPERS in writing in the manner specified by CalPERS of the persons authorized to request disbursements from the Prefunding Plan on behalf of Employer. Rev 04/25/2008 4 J (3) Employer's request for disbursement shall be in writing signed by Employer's authorized representative, in accordance with procedures established by the Board. The Board may require that Employer certify or otherwise establish that the monies will be used for the purposes of the Prefunding Plan. (4) Requests for disbursements that satisfy the requirements of paragraphs (2) and (3) that are received on or after the first of a month will be processed by the 15th of the following month. (For example, a disbursement request received on or between March 1st and March 31st will be processed by April 15th; and a disbursement request received on or between April 1st and April 30th will be processed by May 15th.) (5) CalPERS shall not be liable for amounts disbursed in error if it has acted upon the instruction of an individual authorized by Employer to request disbursements. In the event of any other erroneous disbursement, the extent of CalPERS' liability shall be the actual dollar amount of the disbursement, plus interest at the actual earnings rate but not less than zero. (6) No disbursement shall be made from the Prefunding Plan which exceeds the balance in Employer's Prefunding Account. G. Costs of Administration Employer shall pay its share of the costs of administration of the Prefunding Plan, as determined by the Board. H. Termination of Employer Participation in Prefunding Plan (1) The Board may terminate Employer's participation in the Prefunding Plan if: (a) Employer gives written notice to the Board of its election to terminate; (b) The Board finds that Employer fails to satisfy the terms and conditions of this Agreement or of the Board's rules or regulations. (2) If Employer's participation in the Prefunding Plan terminates for any of the foregoing reasons, all assets in Employer's Prefunding Account shall remain in the Prefunding Plan, except as otherwise provided below, and shall continue to be invested and accrue income as provided in Paragraph D. (3) After Employer's participation in the Prefunding Plan terminates, Employer may not make contributions to the Prefunding Plan. Rev 04/25/2008 5 (4) After Employer's participation in the Prefunding Plan terminates, disbursements from Employer's Prefunding Account may continue upon Employer's instruction or otherwise in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. (5) After thirty -six (36) months have elapsed from the effective date of this Agreement: (a) Employer may request a trustee to trustee transfer of the assets in Employer's Prefunding Account. Upon satisfactory showing to the Board that the transfer will satisfy applicable requirements of the Internal Revenue Code and the Board's fiduciary duties, then the Board shall effect the transfer within one hundred twenty (120) days. The amount to be transferred shall be the amount in the Employer's Prefunding Account as of the disbursement date and shall include investment earnings up to the investment earnings allocation date immediately preceding the disbursement date. In no event shall the investment earnings allocation date precede the transfer by more than 120 days. (b) Employer may request a disbursement of the assets in Employer's Prefunding Account. Upon satisfactory showing to the Board that all of Employer's obligations for payment of post employment health care benefits and other post employment benefits and reasonable administrative costs of the Board have been satisfied, then the Board shall effect the disbursement within one hundred twenty (120) days. The amount to be disbursed shall be the amount in the Employer's Prefunding Account as of the disbursement date and shall include investment earnings up to the investment earnings allocation date immediately preceding the disbursement date. In no event shall the investment earnings allocation date precede the disbursement by more than 120 days. (6) After Employer's participation in the Prefunding Plan terminates and at such time that no assets remain in Employer's Prefunding Account, this Agreement shall terminate. (7) If, for any reason, the Board terminates the Prefunding Plan, the assets in Employer's Prefunding Account shall be paid to Employer after retention of (i) amounts sufficient to pay post employment health care benefits and other post employment benefits to annuitants for current and future annuitants described by the employer's current substantive plan (as defined in GASB 43), and (ii) amounts sufficient to pay reasonable administrative costs of the Board. (8) If Employer ceases to exist but Employer's Prefunding Plan continues to exist and if no provision has been made by Employer for ongoing payments to pay post employment health care benefits and other post employment benefits to annuitants for current and future annuitants, the Board is authorized to and shall appoint a third party administrator to carry out Employer's Prefunding Plan. Any and all costs associated Rev 04/25/2008 6 J ( 1 with such appointment shall be paid from the assets attributable to contributions by Employer. (9) If Employer should breach the representation and warranty set forth in Paragraph A., the Board shall take whatever action it deems necessary to preserve the tax - exempt status of the Prefund ing Plan. I. General Provisions (1) Books and Records. Employer shall keep accurate books and records connected with the performance of this Agreement. Employer shall ensure that books and records of subcontractors, suppliers, and other providers shall also be accurately maintained. Such books and records shall be kept in a secure location at the Employer's office(s) and shall be available for inspection and copying by CalPERS and its representatives. (2) Audit. (a) During and for three years after the term of this Agreement, Employer shall permit the Bureau of State Audits, CaIPERS, and its authorized representatives, and such consultants and specialists as needed, at all reasonable times during normal business hours to inspect and copy, at the expense of CaIPERS, books and records of Employer relating to its performance of this Agreement. (b) Employer shall be subject to examination and audit by the Bureau of State Audits, CaIPERS, and its authorized representatives, and such consultants and specialists as needed, during the term of this Agreement and for three years after final payment under this Agreement. Any examination or audit shall be confined to those matters connected with the performance of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the costs of administering this Agreement. Employer shall cooperate fully with the Bureau of State Audits, CaIPERS, and its authorized representatives, and such consultants and specialists as needed, in connection with any examination or audit. All adjustments, payments, and /or reimbursements determined to be necessary by any examination or audit shall be made promptly by the appropriate party. (3) Notice. (a) Any notice, approval, or other communication required or permitted under this Agreement will be given in the English language and will be deemed received as follows: �7n Rev 04/25/2008 0 1 0 Personal delivery. When personally delivered to the recipient. Notice is effective on delivery. 2. First Class Mail. When mailed first class to the last address of the recipient known to the party giving notice. Notice is effective three delivery days after deposit in a United States Postal Service office or mailbox. 3. Certified mail. When mailed certified mail, return receipt requested. Notice is effective on receipt, if delivery is confirmed by a return receipt. 4. Overnight Delivery. When delivered by an overnight delivery service, charges prepaid or charged to the sender's account, Notice is effective on delivery, if delivery is confirmed by the delivery service. 5. Telex or Facsimile Transmission. When sent by telex or fax to the last telex or fax number of the recipient known to the party giving notice. Notice is effective on receipt, provided that (i) a duplicate copy of the notice is promptly given by first -class or certified mail or by overnight delivery, or (ii) the receiving party delivers a written confirmation of receipt. Any notice given by telex or fax shall be deemed received on the next business day if it is received after 5:00 p.m. (recipient's time) or on a nonbusiness day. 6. E -mail transmission. When sent by e-mail using software that provides unmodifiable proof (i) that the message was sent, (ii) that the message was delivered to the recipient's information processing system, and (iii) of the time and date the message was delivered to the recipient along with a verifiable electronic record of the exact content of the message sent. Addresses for the purpose of giving notice are as shown in Paragraph B.(1) of this Agreement. (b) Any correctly addressed notice that is refused, unclaimed, or undeliverable because of an act or omission of the party to be notified shall be deemed effective as of the first date that said notice was refused, unclaimed, or deemed undeliverable by the postal authorities, messenger or overnight delivery service. (c) Any party may change its address, telex, fax number, or e-mail address by giving the other party notice of the change in any manner permitted by this Agreement. .,7 J Rev 04/25/2008 8 (d) All notices, requests, demands, amendments, modifications or other communications under this Agreement shall be in writing. Notice shall be sufficient for all such purposes if personally delivered, sent by first class, registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, delivery by courier with receipt of delivery, facsimile transmission with written confirmation of receipt by recipient, or e-mail delivery with verifiable and unmodifiable proof of content and time and date of sending by sender and delivery to recipient. Notice is effective on confirmed receipt by recipient or 3 business days after sending, whichever is sooner. (4) Modification This Agreement may be supplemented, amended, or modified only by the mutual agreement of the parties. No supplement, amendment, or modification of this Agreement shall be binding unless it is in writing and signed by the party to be charged. (5) Survival All representations, warranties, and covenants contained in this Agreement, or in any instrument, certificate, exhibit, or other writing intended by the parties to be a part of their Agreement shall survive the termination of this Agreement until such time as all amounts in Employer's Prefunding Account have been disbursed. (6) Waiver No waiver of a breach, failure of any condition, or any right or remedy contained in or granted by the provisions of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by the party waiving the breach, failure, right, or remedy. No waiver of any breach, failure, right, or remedy shall be deemed a waiver of any other breach, failure, right, or remedy, whether or not similar, nor shall any waiver constitute a continuing waiver unless the writing so specifies. (7) Necessary Acts, Further Assurances The parties shall at their own cost and expense execute and deliver such further documents and instruments and shall take such other actions as may be reasonably required or appropriate to evidence or carry out the intent and purposes of this Agreement. , i� -, j u0 Rev 04/25/2008 9 A majority vote of Employer's Governing Body at a public meeting held on the day of the month of in the year , authorized entering into this Agreement. Signature of the Presiding Officer: Printed Name of the Presiding Officer: Name of Governing Body: Name of Employer: Date: APPR 4�'fiQ F(�RM�� .01 A TORNEY r BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM BY KENNETH W. MARZION ACTUARIAL AND EMPLOYER SERVICES BRANCH CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM To be completed by CalPERS The effective date of this Agreement is: Rev 04/25/2008 10 0 8 1 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 15, 2008 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to increase the amount that the City Manager is authorized to approve Professional Service Agreements for developer reimbursed environmental review services, not to exceed $125,000 for the existing pre- approved list of consultants that provide environmental review services pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act guidelines (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations to assist the City in the processing of entitlement projects. (Fiscal Impact: None) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1. Authorize the City Manager to sign Professional Service Agreements for applicant reimbursed environmental review services approved as to form by the City Attorney in an amount not to exceed $125,000; and /or 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: The Planning and Building Safety Department currently provides for administration and review of all entitlement projects concerning environmental review pursuant to CEQA and NEPA regulations. Planning and Building Safety staff along with the City Attorney has provided (Continued on next page...) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None. FISCAL IMPACT: None Operating Budget: N/A Amount Requested: N/A Account Number: N/A Project Phase: N/A Appropriation Required: _ Yes X No ORIGINATE Y: DATE: 1. 7��� Gary Chicots, Dir tor, Planning and Building Safety Department REVIEWED BY: DATE: Jack Wayt, Interim City Manager PAPlanning & Building Safety\Staff Reports 2008 \Environmental Consultants CC Staff Report 2008.07.15.doc 17 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 15, 2008 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (cont.) Page 2 review of projects subject to CEQA and NEPA through the development process. On September 4, 2007, the City Council approved a list of qualified consultants to provide on- call environmental review services as requested by the Department to address the increased number, size, scope, and complexity of projects that required extensive environmental review. That action resulted in the City Council pre- approving a maximum contract amount of $75,000 for developer reimbursed environmental review services. The Planning Division has since utilized the services of environmental consultants to prepare more extensive environmental review, primarily Mitigated Negative Declarations and focused project Environmental Impact Reports. The costs for the service are paid by the applicant through a Reimbursement Agreement and in accordance with a Professional Service Agreement for environmental services reviewed and approved by the City Attorney and signed by the City Manager. The costs associated with environmental consulting services are rising in large part as a result of the constantly increasing and increasingly complex regulations and legislation and compliance with CEQA and /or NEPA that apply to review of development projects as well as generally increased overhead and personnel costs. Therefore the $75,000 limit that the City Council established is no longer an adequate threshold. Staff is now requesting that the City Council increase the pre- approved on -call environmental review services amount from $75,000 up to a maximum of $125,000 in order for staff to minimize time delays waiting for contract approval and maximize the efficient processing of projects. This limit would not include the overhead charge for reimbursement of staff and City Attorney time established by the City's fee schedule. The City's adopted fee schedule currently allows Planning and Building Safety Department to contract for professional services for environmental review. Resolution No. 3617 establishes that the applicant pays for the contract costs for environmental review services and a 20% charge for staff's administration of the contract (monitor budget compliance, billing, and applicant reimbursement payments), as well as coordinate and review the consultant's work, prepare staff reports, and ensure that projects are properly noticed. The costs for the service will continue to be paid by the applicant in accordance with a Reimbursement Agreement and a Professional Service Agreement reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. The existing pre- approved environmental consultant list allows the expedited processing of professional services agreements and prevents unnecessary delays in the processing of major projects. Larger developer funded projects that exceed $125,000 in cost and City initiated projects such as long range planning projects or studies would still need City Council approval. The Planning and Building Safety Department recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to sign Professional Service Agreements for applicant reimbursed environmental review services approved as to form by the City Attorney, in an amount not to exceed $125,000. PAPlanning & Building Safety\Staff Reports 2008 \Environmental Consultants CC Staff Report 2008.07.15.doc IJ `j EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 15, 2008 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to replace three hand -held parking ticket writers currently utilized by parking enforcement. (Fiscal impact not to exceed $18,500.00 from equipment replacement funds /unallocated funds) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Approve the purchase of three "AutoCITE" hand -held parking ticket devices. 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: The Police Department's Traffic Division, Parking Enforcement Unit utilizes the AutoCITE hand -held parking ticket device manufactured by Enforcement Technology Inc. The three units were purchased during the 1999/2000 fiscal year; the units were scheduled for replacement in 2002/2003. Although the units are still functional, new technology has improved their operating effectiveness. The technology allows the officer to correct citations before printing, issue and track written warnings placed on vehicles and has an automated time -limit marking feature that electronically marks the tire and reminds the officer to return to the vehicle when the allotted time has expired. The new devices also have an updated printer that operates in a more efficient manner. The new software electronically downloads data; this function is currently performed manually. The devices will also be equipped with digital cameras that are capable of photographing parking violations to improve documentation. This feature can reduce the number of violations that are contested and validate the activities of the officers in the field. The cost to upgrade the device with a camera is $400, per unit, and is included in the proposed quote. Continued on next page ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: $9,000.00 Amount Requested: $18,500.00 Account Number: 601 -400- 3101 -8104 Project Phase: Approp4t!!�uired: X No OR N D BV DATE: mmiAs, Mief of Police KEVI IS DATE: Ja ayt, Interim Ci y Ma ager UU BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION (continued): Staff recently tested and evaluated AutoCITE and two other hand -held parking ticket devices. One by T2 Systems ($26,500 for three) and one by ParkTrak Inc. ($31,500 for three). Staff found the AutoCITE unit to be superior to the other manufacturers in the areas of ergonomics and performance. AutoCITE has shown that their product is durable, in use since 1999, and at $18,500 it is the least expensive. Staff requests Council approve the expenditure of up to $18,500 to Enforcement Technology Inc. for the purchase of three (3) AutoCITE hand -held parking ticket devices with camera and AutoISSUE software. There is $9,000 set aside in the equipment replacement account and an additional $48,500 in the unallocated equipment replacement account to fund this purchase. These units should be placed on the equipment replacement schedule with a four -year service life. v�J EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 15, 2008 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding awarding a contract to provide and install emergency equipment onto 10 new marked patrol vehicles. Fiscal Impact: $87,000. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Award the contract from RFP 08 -07 to the lowest responsive bidder, 10 -8 Retrofit, and approve the purchase and installation of emergency equipment for 10 marked patrol vehicles. 2) Alternately, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: The police department is currently beginning the process of replacing and converting its patrol fleet. Part of this process is choosing a vendor qualified to purchase and equip each vehicle with new emergency equipment identified by staff, including light bars, gun racks, strobe lights, sirens, radios, computer consoles, and push bars. On May 1, 2008, staff released RFP 08 -07 to five vendors requesting bids for the purchase of specific equipment and the installation of said equipment. On May 20, 2008, the City Clerk received and opened the following bids: Airwave Communication 10 -8 Retrofit ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 10 -8 Retrofit Quotation FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: $127,500 (Capital /Automotive) Amount Requested: $87,000 Account Number: 601 - 400 - 3101 -8105 Project Phase: N/A Appropr' io quired: No Cumn-Ns, Chief of Police $93,829.00 $86,041.15 Continued next page -T 2. -clNe REVIEW DATE: i� Jac ayt, IZ City anager J � l/ 19 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION (Continued): Staff reviewed the proposals submitted and determined that both companies met the specifications of the RFP and both proposals included the same equipment and labor. Based on the review of the proposals submitted, including an evaluation by the City of El Segundo Equipment Maintenance Manager and the Purchasing Agent, and on -site visits to both facilities, staff recommends award of this contract to the lowest bidder, 10 -8 Retrofit, in an amount not to exceed $87,000. v� i 10 -I AErsofffININRINCrFINIelf SAMY sli1/er /NSTAUA ONS Dear; Sergeant Leyman We would like to thank you for the opportunity in allowing us to submit a bid to your city. 10 -8 Retrofit is a prominent competitor in the business of emergency vehicle outfitting. 10 -8 Retrofit will provide parts and installation per your specifications sheet on Bid number RFP 08 -07, to include 9 Ford Crown Victoria and 1 Chevrolet Tahoe for a total of $86,041.15 including tax. Price also included Code 3 light bars. Sincerely, Dan Keenan President 10 -8 Retrofit Inc. �:Su Mwf' -88 -2008 17:34 Z O U) W O> O Z Z Z w Z w w o J � � waa 00¢ w U Z D w U O CL Z O_ N iL w z 2 O °o V w ¢ C) W Lo C4 = o N x p W w N rc P. 02/04 q V Q O U q •tA W M t/i to % to (A �, (9 Vi di t9 to f9 Vi M M ffi M W �A v �, 1 UN Zt- I., to (A (H W M M (N Go (0 Ol W W h (A M Un M N LO (A U) G m ~ e W N a r. m H ►- N i m � � C• .0.0 yr N E � _ �= n aD o V r .' c m J m n N O c O C C m D Y sQ O O O N 0; N D H m C N m O A 10 v N y) r a.ca m m y N m m m E rn L H 2 L m r y m '- E 0 a OE C �' i° �• N ; o $� o � m E oEi00a o W ix O m O c 7 C C 01 U to E O3 c O V 00 N Y 7 L N U M C 0 Z .E N ; r m N O O «( 0) Q Cj O C Q a m ,# L O CO .0 J E¢ a 0 O m O ; O JE p W p j0 C N c 0.1 O N L J N y N m m C J U OC O m O D C O t0 � m O 07 C E N ; b O N C c v O N o Er E m o; j o c o iq a D m c y a O E — o E =iSn ° c m m > > 2S m w. O o U o U- U io a C4 O i a X m Z J m S 33 U m O pp U c c¢ 10- m a w tz W Y ~ ^ m pN O �p (� N Jm U DI 007 n m w W Z �i N N (O t�D tp 117 •[7 iA N = N N y N 07 o�}f O , W J J m CZ J d 7 7 V C\j Z Z Z Z t7 (D C7 a F X O a 3, U N Z3 � C m 2_ o 0 0 0 0$ m (? 0 d a. w(n m « n] 0) m Y Z°° y C) ° O7 Q Z D d C 07 O O O O (n N N Z a m C W ¢ J O J m J 70 rn J ' ' ' ' ' O z d O c O c r m D LL E rn r Z h N w CD 0 N N m f0 a ` N a U L cn m N 01 m O0 07 m y mm O f0 m f6 E Y V n L O O m Um 1 C Q W Z C J cl O O N O O O A m J U C W O CF. J :3 0 U U U U U G c � Q ) � > (/7 W U m J N = a > y U ~ 1.1HY -08 -2008 17: 34 O CA ac W O� p z z0 ]U� 0 W O w a x a LL D LL 00 c F H U z W U O a A P. 03 %'04 m 0 c L O L t6 N � L w m ti to c» e» u, v, 611, �» rA 1% 691 to 69 to to Fn . > c ¢ E 'J v cc a U) ti V� J o m LL :iMG f► •� 'ri -)C,� a z a m i; m m Y n 0 rl .60 c c c c c 4)0._ \ c c 7 o 60 .n W. ca to tal to eA of ui 69 sA rn u9 to Go w 11 ° . o 3 3 N 3 3 3 3 3 N > W a m m y 41 m m m : 7 m .O U m ¢ ¢ c ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢¢atn m ¢ W N Q z J X W y 0 o J W •1 a a Q m y cm y 0 c m `m to N c E Y! J U o 7 = m c ° L y J 2 E c O m L y = O `o C c U Q U Y O fn p to O d a c � _ ~ m a�i ¢ C 2 Fu r O V) o U o y CO v ui T O m a v m a O c n r W O) C H E E m - m cr m m o 3 m m W c SiLU o o c E E c /1 -le T _ W Z m m io Y v 3 m c m N o U a 0 ^ ° c y C ° D c Q Q C y Y o o p m y U m Q1 7 OL £ A m 3 C m � 3 m UV (O C m = O j a c Q Q 03 a O ? �. Y •E m Q Xpp ° y O Y N O N to m L r y N r C y Of U C ¢ L D c0 O m tO — c0 3 y m a N y Y C w m N f0 .`3� m 7 f0 S O 7 a V L D i0 c�3 ,J X J a_ y c7 YO H o m _ R O O v O V J - y m c 7 O vS3 ttl m U 2 E O /1 Q O z 7 y m O C 7 LL Q Q c O m LL 3 F- f6 LL X C m Cr w J r2 = p U cx U W U U ¢ ca m Q co o m w O m t M N Q ♦- m N U 0 QQM o Am -1 J _0 '° U) C 3 N o v o v y f O C U a O U o a a v z 3i C O L y U 7 O E m J y U 7 O .Y to O Y �n O Y W � .0 m N 0 ° a C m cv U W N Y m O co /0 m ¢ 2 ¢ a m m LL o 0 0 y o m y rn LL m y Z c m O O -� a c° a c c to 1`- F cn I- z y y c ° IL =3 c m cl f 0 D m Y y L o m m m a y c �' y CY. r t y m 7 c r 0 o 'ti 7 Y - m o y o o Vl o 10 c- C cy m _ W LL Z � tl m U m c 7 (7 m j C O U O U C o U y m p m ¢ 3 LL L N _ U C d c7 F F- d d a 0. < _ P. 03 %'04 m 0 c L O L � m � L m a O W L c c y o O m v y E to m > c ¢ E J O LL L o m LL �_ •� � E a m i; m m Y n c c c c c 4)0._ c 7 o 7 E 7 E 7 E 7 E a>= m a° 7 E E N 2 O O O .o C c O ° . o 3 3 N 3 3 3 3 3 C `m > 3 m m y 41 m m m : 7 m .O U m ¢ ¢ c ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢¢atn m ¢ W N Q J X W y 0 o J W a Q m y cm y C5 C: `m to N c C t Y! J U o 7 = m c ° L y J b m c O m L y = O e0 ¢ C c U Q U .a O fn p to O d a c _ ~ m a�i ¢ 2 Fu r VIH(- UtJ -ZWVJd 1 ( - ):: U) Z 0 w o 0 Z (9 t2 4 (nwg f a waa LL a LL yw U Z) w U J 0 CL f- �W . H OR :r �mr T �x v TOTAL P.04 10 -5 RETROFIT_ 1911 McKINLEY AVENUE LA VERNE, CA 91750 909 -593 -2900 Office 909 -593 -2291 Fax Name / Address CITY OF El. SEGUNDO 350 MAIN STREET I?L SEGUNDO. CA. 90245 -3895 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE C/O ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Estimate Date Estimate # 5/12/2008 3004 Signature Subtotal $66'070.89 Sales Tax (8.25 %) $4.44174 Total $70.513.63 J2 P.O. No. Terms Due Date Project Net 30 6/11/2008 Qty Description Cost Total 8 CODE 3 2147A6 -RB w /LIT3KITAA LIGHTBAR 1,860.00 14,880.00T' 0 ARDENT SOLARIS W/ W FEET R/11 LENS 1,460.001 0.001 8 PAR'I'ITION W/ SLIDING WINDOW RECESS IORP/ AND LOWER PANELS 544.20 4.353.601 1 SHIPPING AND FREIGHT CI IARGE / GROUND TO 10 -8 369.53 369.53 8 RHINO 16" PUSH BUMPER 03 -08 CV 5038 154.80 1.238.401 8 FULL SIZE SLIDING TRAY AC- CVTRAY 259.20 2,073.60T 8 SETINA DUAL GUN RACK W/ LOCKS SHOTGUN / AR 249.50 1,996.001 1 SHIPPING AND FREIGHT CHARGE / TO 10 -8 GUN RACKS 50.00 50.00 16 LITTLE: LIIF..RHEO 12 ",END CHAS LFI2ERB 35.05 560.801 8 TRUNK BOX W /LOCKABLE. LOCKER AC- CVLTBOX 324.00 2.592.001 8 JO'CI'O DESK FLOOR PLATE AND CONSOLE. 425 -6025 309.66 2.477 291 8 JOTTO DESK DUAL CUP HOLDER 425 -6033 42.90 343.20T 8 JO'ITO DESK FACEPLATE ROCKOVER 425 -5432 337.68 2.701.44 T I SHIPPING AND FREIGHT CHARGE/ JO'I -I'O DESK 200.00 200.00 16 DYNAMAX SIREN SPEAKER 100 WATT MS-100W/BRACKET 139.00 2.224.001 8 CODE 3 CORNER STROBES 490HC1. 178.80 1.430.401 8 ANTENNA COAX & CONNECTOR W /UNITY GAIN ANTENNA / GPS ANTENNA 136.30 1,090.40T 8 RELAYS, CIRCUIT BREAKERS, SOLENOIDS. NYLON TERMINALS. 75.00 600.001 CROSSLINKED POLY -WIRE 0 WIRING PACKAGE FOR CROWN VIC POWER GUARDIAN 598.00 0.001 8 PATROL POWER CROWN VIC 668.00 5.344.00 "1 8 PELICAN MOUNT FLASHLIGHT CHARGER ON TRUNK WALL 7060 LED 142.80 1.142.40T 8 1IEADLIGHT FLASHER 41.78 334.241 8 SMART SIREN CONTROLLER 703.20 5.625.601 8 SIREN /PA AMPLIFIER 326.70 2.613.601 8 UNITROL PA MIC UMNC'I'-SB 28.80 230.4111 8 LABOR -SHOP REMOVE EQUIPMENT FROM OLD UNITS/ INSTALL 1,450.00 11.600.00 EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT AND CUSTOMER PROVIDED / RADIO / PRISONER SEAT / DATA 911 COMPUTER / TRUNK GUN RACK / RUN FLAT/ VIDEO CAMERA /2008 FORD CROWN VIC / RFPtt 08 -07 Signature Subtotal $66'070.89 Sales Tax (8.25 %) $4.44174 Total $70.513.63 J2 1 D -8 RFTROFI T_ 1911 McK1NLEY AVENUE LA VERNE, CA 91750 909 -593 -2900 Office 909 - 593 -2291 Fax Name / Address C11'Y OF EL SEGUNDO 350 MAIN STREET FL, SEGUNDO. CA. 90245 -3895 ADMINISTRATIVE.. SERVICE C/O ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Estimate Date Estimate # 5/12/2008 3006 Signature Subtotal 58.283.66 Sales Tax (8.25 %) "`' I�' Total $8,842.82 P.O. No. Terms Due Date Project Net 30 6/11/2008 Qty Description Cost Total I CODE, 3 2147A6 -RB W /LI'I'3KI'FAA L IGHTBAR 1.860.00 1,860.001' 0 ARJE:NT SOLARIS W/ W FEE'r R/B LENS 1,460.00 0.001 2 GUN RELEASE BUTTONS 5.00 10.001 I SETINA DUAL GUN RACK W/ LOCKS SHOTGUN / AR 249.50 249.501 I 1.1111F LITE,RHEO 12".END CHAS 35.05 35.051 I JOl 10 DESK CONSOLE 425 -6012 148.98 148.981 JO 'I "1'0 DESK FLOOR PLATE 425 -6204 109.98 109.981 1 JO1°iO DESK CUP HOLDERS 425 -6038 52.26 52.261 I JOI-I'O DESK 3" ARMREST 425 -6358 2730 27.30T 1 JO1 -f'O DESK SIDE MOUNT 425 -5210 182.28 182.281 1 JOl "TO DESK MDC CLAMSHELL KEYBOARD TRAY 425 -5523 355.32 355.321 I SHIPPING AND FREIGHT CIIARGE / 10170 56.00 56.00 1 CODE 3 CORNER STROBES 490HCL 178.80 178.801' I ANTENNA COAX & CONNECTOR W /UNITY GAIN ANTENNA / GPS ANTENNA 136.30 136.301' I RELAYS.CIRCUTT BREAKER FUSES. WIRF.,CONNECTORS.ECT. 75.00 75.00E 1 PATROL POWER SUV TAHOE 740.00 740.001 0 POWER GUARDIAN WIRE PACKAGE 598.00 0.00E I HEADLIGHT FLASHERS (WIG -WAGS) 656106 50.56 50.561' 1 TROY GUN EASEL CP -2SUAC 288.00 288.00E 1 SMART SIREN CONTROLLER SS2000SM -SD 703.20 703.20 T 2 DYNAMAX SPEAKER 100 WATT W/ BRACKETS 139.00 278.001 I UNIIROL PA MIC UMNCT -SB 28.80 28.801 1 SIR[. N /PA AMPLIFIER UM80K 326.70 326.701 1 CODE 3 NARROWSTIK FIGHT LED 40.5" NASI.839RB 896.63 896.631' 2 WORK LIGHTS/ MOUNT LIGHTS ON REAR DOOR 22.50 45,00T 1 LABOR -SHOP REMOVI: OLD EQUIPMENT AND INSTALL EMERGENCY 1,450.00 1.450.00 EQUIPMENT AND CUSTOMER PROVIDE. / RADIO / VIDEO CAMERA / DATA 911 COM PLAT R / 08 CIIEVY TAHOE BID REP# 08 -07 Signature Subtotal 58.283.66 Sales Tax (8.25 %) "`' I�' Total $8,842.82 10 -5 RETROFIT_ 1911 McKINLEY AVENUE LA VERNE, CA 91750 909 -593 -2900 Office 909 -593 -2291 Fax Name / Address (AIY OF EL SEGUNDO 350 MAIN STREET I?L SE'GUNDO, CA. 90245 -3895 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE C -O ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Estimate Date Estimate # 5/15/2008 3023 Signature Subtotal $6,245.62 Sales Tax (8.25 %) $387.97 Total $6'633.59 �J l l P.O. No. Terms Due Date Project Net 30 6/11/2008 Qty Description Cost Total 1 PARTITION W/ SLIDING WINDOW RECESS IORP/ AND LOWER PANELS 54420 544.20T 1 SHIPPING AND FREIGHT CHARGE / GROUND TO 10 -8 58.00 58.00 I RHINO 16" PUSH 13UMPER 03 -08 CV 5038 154.80 154.80 *1' 2 GUN RELEASE BUTTONS 5.00 10.001 1 FULL SIZE SLIDING TRAY AC- CVTRAY 259.20 259.201' I SETINA DUAL GUN RACK W/ LOCKS SHOTGUN / AR 249.50 249.501 1 SHIPPING AND FREIGHT CHARGE / TO 10 -8 (;UN RACKS 10.00 10.00 2 LITTLE L.ITE,RHEO 12 ",END CHAS LF12F.RB / ON PILLAR 35.05 70.10"1' I TRUNK BOX W /LOCKABLE LOCKER AC- CVLTBOX 324.00 324.001' 1 JOT -I'O DESK FLOOR PLATE AND CONSOLE: 425 - 6025 309.66 309.661' I JO'1 -1'0 DESK DUAL CUP HOLDER 425 -6033 42.90 42.901' 1 JOTTO DESK FACEPLATE ROCKOVER 425 -5432 337.68 337.68T 1 SHIPPING AND FREIGHT CHARGE/ JOTI'O DESK 25.00 25.00 2 DYNAMAX SIREN SPEAKER 100 WATT MS -100 W/ BRACKET 139.00 278.00T 1 ANTENNA COAX & CONNECTOR W /UNITY GAIN ANTENNA / GPS ANTENNA 136.30 136301' 1 RELAYS. CIRCUIT BREAKERS, SOLENOIDS, NYLON TERMINALS, 75.00 75.001 CROSSLINKED POLY -WIRE 0 WIRING PACKAGE FOR CROWN VIC POWER GUARDIAN 598.00 0.001 I PATROL POWER CROWN VIC 668.00 668.001 1 PELICAN MOUNT FLASHLIGHT CHARGER ON TRUNK WALT, 7060 LEI) 142.80 142.80 f I HEADLIGHT FLASHER 41.78 41.781 SMART SIREN CONTROLLER 703.20 703.201 1 SIREN /PA AMPLIFIER 326.70 326.701' I UNITROL PA MIC UMNCf -SB 28.80 28.80T 1 LABOR -SHOP REMOVE EQUIPMENT FROM OLD UNITS/ INSTALL 1,450.00 1,450.00 EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT AND CUSTOMER PROVIDED / RADIO / PRISONER SEAT / DATA 911 COMPUTER /TRUNK GUN RACK/ RIJN FLAT/ VIDEO CAMERA / VISOR LIGHT/ PRISONER SEAT/ STROBES 2008 FORD CROWN VIC / SLICK TOP RFPIE 08 -07 Signature Subtotal $6,245.62 Sales Tax (8.25 %) $387.97 Total $6'633.59 �J l l CITY OF EL SEGUNDO - REOUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP No. # 08-07 — Police Unit Equipment Conversions Vendor purchased and supplied equipment: • See attached three Exhibits City provided equipment: Purchasing Division Finance Department J. Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone: 310/524 -2339 Fax: 310/322 -2756 • Data 911 MDC, screen and keyboard, necessary mounting brackets/hardware, modem/antenna, wiring harnesses as provided by manufacturer. • Radios • L3 Video camera system All work as stated in the abovementioned specifications for each unit will be completed within j working days or earlier. Please list below your Company's hours of operation: Hours: Z oc,a,el /-i� _30 r'.rrl Days: 4;4.1Vt- j �i2� y EXCEPTIONS: Please state any and all exceptions that you are taking to any portion of this Request for Proposal. If not addressed below, the City then assumes that the vendor will adhere to all terms and conditions as contained in the proposal document. 2008 -04 -04 RFP 1108 -07 Police Unit Equipment Conversions - FINAL.doc PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER 1 ') J CITY OF EL SEGUNDO - REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP No. # 08-07 - Police Unit Equipment Conversions 8.0 RFP PROPOSAL SHEET Purchasing Division Finance Department J. Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone: 310/524 -2339 Fax: 310/322 -2756 I, the undersigned, have read and understand the attached specifications for products and services. If awarded the contract, I agree to perform the work in accordance with the terms and conditions of the bid. Bid Amounts: For products and services (including all applicable 8.25% sales tax), as outlined in the specifications: Products and services: For one (1) new Police Package Chevrolet Tahoe - For one (1) City unit 57 replacement with new Police Package Ford Crown Victoria - $ � .3 3 , SY- For eight (8) new Police Package Ford Crown Victoria's - $ (` 2% /Unit x 8 - $ 70 Grand Total: The undersigned agrees to furnish above service in accordance with Notice Inviting Bids, Specification and Bid Form, which are intended to be read and interpreted as a whole. Date:` -3"'l� Bid submitted by (complete all blanks): Companyy NA ,� 1 By Mint name _& title): �✓ Company Street_ Ad ress: Sign : City, State, Zip. i Date. ,, Lf Y-,4 PnTe: 910el FAX: 2-91 Email: Web site: Terms: �-� % `-- days, net JLI days Delivery: days ARID 2008 -04-04 RFP #08 -07 Police Unit Equipment Conversions - FINAL.doc PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER vJV Purchasing Division CITY OF EL SEGUNDO — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Finance Department RFP No. # 08-07 — Police Unit Equipment Conversions J. Richard Hogate, Purchasing Agent Phone: 310/524 -2339 Fax: 310/322 -2756 Rrm name must appear here -I, 9.0 VENDOR QUESTIONNAIRE In submitting a proposal, each bidder shall also provide the following information: (Use additional sheets, if necessary.) Brochures and advertisements will not be accepted as a direct response to the questionnaire. A qualifying proposal must address all items. Incomplete proposals will be rejected. Organization: Describe your firm's qualif ications to provide the service specified in this RFP. Be sure to include: founding date (month and year) and brief history of firm; facility /office location, current number of employees (full -time and part - time); special equipment acquired for the work; firm's vision and mission statements, and key services offered. References: List three or more clients for whom you have been providing Police Unit Equipment Conversions. These references must be current, similar in size and scope of work. For each of these references, include organization name, address, and the name and telephone number of the contact person. Quality Control Program: Describe your firm's established "proactive" Quality Control program that you will be providing to the City to ensure a high level of performance is maintained on a consistent basis. Include any examples of forms currently being utilized and their particular functions/uses. Contract administrator: Indicate the name, title, telephone number, and years of experience of the individual who will be administering the contract, if awarded to your firm. Emergency information: List names and telephone numbers of persons that the City may need to contact in case of an emergency after hours, on weekends or holidays. Subcontracting: Is your firm planning to subcontract portions of the work? Yes No . If yes, indicate the name of the subcontractor(s) and the portion of the work that will be subcontracted in each case. Employees: How many employees do you plan to hire or retain to provide the services specified in this RFP? Are they going to be permanent full -time or part -time employees? How long must a part-time employee work in your firm to become a permanent full -time employee? What percentage of your staff is currently employed full -time on a permanent basis? Employee benefits: What kind of employee benefits does your firm have to offer to employees? Are your part-time employees going to be paid on an hourly basis plus benefits? Employment practices: Include with your submittal a summary of your firm's employment policies and procedures, as well as any equal employment opportunity and affirmative action polices. In addition, include a summary of your firm's training and injury/illness prevention programs. 2006 -04-04 RFP 008 -07 Police Unit Equipment Conversions - FINAL.doc PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER 14 v J 1 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS [MUST BE SIGNED & SUBMITTED WITH PROJECT PROPOSALI To be awarded this contract, the successful bidder must procure and maintain the following types of insurance with coverage limits complying, at a minimum, with the limits set forth below: Tvue of Insurance Limits Commercial general liability: $1,000,000 Garage liability $1,000,000 Business automobile liability $1,000,000 Workers' compensation Statutory requirement. Commercial general liability insurance must meet or exceed the requirements of the most recent ISO -CGL Form Number. The amount of insurance set forth above must be a combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage for the policy coverage. Liability policies must be endorsed to name the City, its officials, and employees as "additional insureds" under said insurance coverage and to state that such insurance will be deemed "primary" such that any other insurance that may be carried by the City will be excess thereto. Such insurance must be on an "occurrence," not a "claims made," basis and will not be cancelable or subject to reduction except upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City. Professional liability coverage must be on an "occurrence basis" if such coverage is available, or on a "claims made" basis if not available. When coverage is provided on a "claims made basis," the Consultant must continue to maintain the insurance in effect for a period of three (3) years after this Agreement expires or is terminated ( "extended insurance "). Such extended insurance must have the same coverage and limits as the policy that was in effect during the term of this Agreement, and cover the Consultant for all claims made by the City arising out of any errors or omissions of the Consultant, or its officers, employees or agents during the time this Agreement was in effect. Automobile coverage must be written on ISO Business Auto Coverage Form CA 00 0106 92, including symbol I (Any Auto). The Consultant must furnish to the City duly authenticated Certificates of Insurance evidencing maintenance of the insurance required under this Agreement, endorsements as required herein, and such other evidence of insurance or copies of policies as may be reasonably required by the City from time to time. Insurance must be placed with admitted insurers with a current A.M. Best Company Rating equivalent to at least a Rating of "AN11." Certificate(s) must reflect that the insurer will provide thirty (30) day notice of any cancellation of coverage. The Consultant will require its insurer to modify such certificates to delete any exculpatory wording stating that failure of the insurer to mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation, and to delete the word "endeavor" with regard to any notice provisions. By signing this form, the bidder certifies that it has read, understands, and will comply with these insurance requirements if it is selected as the City's consultant. Failure to provide this form may render the bidder's proposal "nonresponsive.."" Date poserBidder - �o- BRErROf�rE�ERCE�crvEHic�E Sc�ES sEAricE /NSTAUMONS Reference List City of Covina Police 444 N. Citrus Ave. Covina, Ca 91723 Contact Dave Povero (626) 705 -6972 Fax: 626 332-7479 City of Baldwin Park 14403 E. Pacific Ave. Baldwin Park, Ca 91706 Contact: Mike Madrid (626) 705 -8983 Fax: 626 337 -1 753 City of Fullerton Police 303 W. Commonwealth Ave. Fullerton, Ca 92832 Contact: Gary Gomer (714)920 -4831 Tony Sambrano (714)738 -6307 Fax: 714 738 -3100 City of Los Alamitos Police 3191 Katella Ave. Los Alamitos, Ca 90720 Contact: Tony Brandy berry (562)254 -2091 Fax: 562 493 -1255 Los Angeles County OPS 13001 Dahilia St. Downey, Ca 90242 Contact: John Hernandez (562)940 -8373 Fax: 562 401 -0173 Glendora Police Department 150 S. Glendora Ave. Glendora, Ca 91741 Contact: Chuck Ochoa (626) 914 -8250 Fax: 626 963 -2154 City of El Monte Police 11333 Valley Blvd. El Monte, Ca 91731 Contact: Allen (626) 580 -2128 Fax: 626 444 -2206 Los Angeles World Airport 7441 World Way West Los Angeles, Ca 91731 Contact: Mala Takaki (310) 646 -9455 Fax. 310 646 -3287 San Bernardino School Police 777 F. Street San Bernardino, Ca 92410 Contact: Hector Moncada (909) 785 -9114 Fax: 909 388 -6035 Cal. State Long Beach 6300 State University Dr. Long Beach, Ca 90815 Contact: David Wagner (562) 985 -2099 Fax: 562 985 -8533 1911 McKinley Avenue — La Verne, Ca 91750 Telephone: 909 -593 -2900 — Fax: 909 -593 -2291 Contact: Mario Montes -- Email: Mario I0-BRetrofitI(�Werizon.net -- www.10- 8retrofit.com eb. S. 1±08 9:58AM McLure I °surance 3rokarage, Irc. Ncl.64[9_ ". OAYENWOOmYYY) C CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 2/812008 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION MCL(TRE INSURANCE BROKERAGE ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 17671 Irvine Blvd. Suite 101 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Tustin, CA 92780 1 (714)664-8911 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED INSURER A: TOPA INSURANCE CO. 10 -8 RETROFIT 1911 MCRINLEY AVE LA VERNE, CA 91750 CnVFRAr.r -c INSURER B: UPLORER TNSMUNCE INSURER C: STATE COWENSATION INS . E'UM INSURER D: I I THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAYHAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. IweR I.TR RO TYPE POLICY NUMBER p0 I Y EFF THE DA POLICY IRATION D i LIMITS A GENERAL UABlLITV X I COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY I CLAIMSMADE [j OCCUR X DED:1.000 GP 3397194 I 10/22/07 10/22/08 EACH OCCURRENCE i t 00 QQQ PREMISES Ea o=wca S 50,0001 MED EV (Any one person) f 2,900 PERSON&&ADVINJURY s 1.000.000 I x DED : 1 , 000 GENERAL AGGREGATE i 72,006,0 0 GEN'L AGGREGATE UMTT APPLIES PER X I POLICY JECT LOC PRODUCTS- COMP /OP AGG f 1,000,000 i • B I I x I AUTOMOBILE X I h---' LIABILITY ANYAUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULEDAUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON- OWNEDAUTOS I I C,BV 2026587 101/01/08 I 01/01/09 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (EaeccldaN) I y 1,000,000 I I BODILYINJURY I (Parr --) j BODILY INJURY (Peracddem) s ' PROPERTY DAMAGE (ParacCbent) I$ A I GARAGE LIABILITY ANYAUTO I X GARA E1=P GP 3397194 10/22/07 10/22/08 AUTO ONLY- EAACCIDENT S 200,000 OTHER TI," EAACC AUTOONLY: AjGG s 200,000 15 200 000 EXCESSIUMBRELLA LIABILITY OCCUR ❑ CLAWMADE DEDUCTIBLE i ' I RETENTION t I EACH OCCURRENCE $ AGGREGATE 6 $ S S i C WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY AW PROPRIETORIPARTNUMIDMCLMW � �� Kyea,aeealoeuMer SPECIAL PROVISIONS below W /C- 1766419 -2007 12/01107 12101108 WCSTATU- H- TORYLIMiT3 E.L. 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ACORD26(2001108) OACORD CORPORATION 1988 i3 0 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 15, 2008 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding the approval of a Professional Services Agreement between the City of El Segundo and The Omega Group to upgrade the current Geographic Information System (GIS) based crime analysis system. (Fiscal Impact: $18,995.) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Authorize the City Manager to approve a Professional Services Agreement, approved as to form by the City Attorney, between The Omega Group and the City of El Segundo to upgrade the current Geographic Information System (GIS) based crime analysis system. (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: City Council approved the police department's original purchase of the CrimeView system on May 30, 2001. Since that time, the GIS mapping software used in the CrimeView application has become an integral part of the police department's day -to -day operations. CrimeView allows for plotting of crime trends, performing queries, and analyzing and graphing comparisons of statistical data. There have been six versions released since 2001 and the version currently in use no longer interfaces with the West Covina Service Group (WCSG) CAD and RMS. CrimeView is a proprietary GIS crime analysis solution available only from The Omega Group. CrimeView has an advanced interface to the police department's existing Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Records Management System (RMS) databases. Continued next page ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: The Omega Group quote dated March 31, 2008 FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: Amount Requested Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriatiorylaqu ORIGINATED .3T�� $22,000 (Capital /Computer Software) $18,995 109 -400- 3101 -8109 None hief of Police DATE: 17 - r-cl? DATE: Ja Wa t I y , ntenm i� ty Manager 2 if i BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION (continued): The City's Information Systems Division has been integral in the identification and selection of this vendor and software program. They both agree and support this proposal. The required funding for this upgrade was approved by City Council in the FY 07/08 budget process. �,'V ; a aME6A GROUP March 31, 2008 David Gray Technical Services Manager El Segundo Police Department El Segundo, CA The leader in providing innovative GIS solutions to pudic safety and education agencies. 5180 Carroll Canyon Road, 1st Floor v San Diego, CA 92121 -1775 Phone: 858.450.2590 • Fax: 858.450.0239 E-mail., rr ilAtheomeoaoroun.com • Web: www.theormoaaroup.com Re: CrimeView Desktop Upgrade (Conversion) David Gray: Enclosed are the estimated costs for the Conversion of CrimeView Desktop to ArcGIS 9.x. Application descriptions, along with pricing, requirements and configurations are included. The Omega Group was founded in 1992. Our mission is dedicated to enriching the quality of life in communities by providing solutions for public safety agencies. The Omega Group's professional experience includes working with over 350 law enforcement agencies implementing our CrimeView Enterprise solutions, which focuses on mapping and analysis applications for crime analysts, officers, command staff and the community. The Omega Group is an ESRI (Premier) Foundation Partner, recognized by ESRI for its development of solutions built on ESRI technology. We offer to our clients: • Mapping technology and services • Project management, application building, testing and analysis • Ongoing education, training and support After the completion of services and acceptance of our work, we will continue to provide to the client ongoing software and system maintenance via our Customer Support Program. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions; our office number is (800) 228 -1059. Thank you, Chris Baldwin Western Division Sales Manager C R I M E V I E W El Segundo Police Department, The Omega Group, Inc. California Exhibit A CrimeView Conversion March 31, 2008 Application Description CrimeView is essential to law enforcement agencies that are committed to Community Oriented Policing, Problem Solving and CompStat management. CrimeView permits law enforcement agencies to geographically view and analyze data from their RMS (Records Management System), CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) and known- offender data sets. Users can map, analyze, and report crime incidents by type, proximity, or other search criteria. This geographic presentation of the data quickly identifies problem areas and trends associated with crime data. Rather than spending hours pouring over tables and reports, a visual representation of the same data is presented on a map, which can be evaluated quickly and easily. This information helps with officer deployment by quickly identifying the areas where the officers are needed most. Effectiveness of current law enforcement efforts can be quickly illustrated by the geographic representation. Data Flow Alternative data flows (hardware/network configurations) are available. The diagram represents the preferred data flow for the implementation of CrimeView. Data Flow Import wtsaro Sarver wW extract datasets from RMS.CAD and other data Sources, process data, and output data tD a Geo- database C*mVlaw Deallop wIB query the Spatlai Database. Selection Layers wit be retumed to the CrimeView ~Gtatlon CrimeView workstatlon(s) 2 4U� El Segundo Police Department, The Omega Group, Inc. C R I M E V I E W California Exhibit A CrimeView Conversion 31, 2008 Proiect Estimate This is an upgrade that includes services to rebuild your existing application so that it will work in the ArcGIS 9.x environment. The upgrade is a complete rebuild of the CrimeView application. Software and Professional Services are included in the implementation. In order for the client to receive the upgrade price, the client must be current and active with the customer support program. The Package total is estimated at $18,995.00. This estimate should not be treated as a quote. ESRI software versions and quantities need to be confirmed. Only one license of CrimeView Desktop is assumed. Credit: ($2,495.00) Client overpaid support costs by $2,495.00. These monies would have provided support to El Segundo for the term of 5123107 to 5122108. El Segundo Police Department is applying the overpayment of Support Costs to this quote. Maintenance: $2,495.00 • One (1) year of Annual Maintenance* *As of 5/23 /07, Client is no longer current under the Omega Support Plan. Client will begin new maintenance plan, and will commence upon completion of Task 3 (below) Software: $3,495.00 Omega software includes one (1) year of maintenance. Omega Software: • One (1) licensed copies of CrimeView 4.x, upgrade version $495.00 • One (1) licensed copy of The Omega Import Wizard No Cost ESRI Software: • One (1) licensed copy of ArcGIS 9.x $1,500.00 • Maintenance paid for one (1) license of ArcView 3.x, plus extensions, for upgrade to ArcGIS 9.x and Spatial Analyst 9.x $1,500.00 Professional Services (Per Task): $15,500.00 Task I Project Planning and Data Collection • Identify GIS map layers and design preferences • Identify source tabular data from RMS and CAD • Collect base map GIS data layers • Connect to records data source, extract sample datasets and send output profiles to Omega using Import Wizard • Collect lookup tables Task 2 Application Development • Add GIS layers to map document and create address locators • Develop and configure data import profiles. Two (2) profiles are included :' U i El Segundo Police Department, The Omega Group, Inc. 11k C R I M E V I E W California Exhibit A CrimeView Conversion March 31, 2008 • Create Saved Queries database and design Crystal Report templates • Add Omega functionality and other customizations to GIS application • Test application functionality • Develop training documents Task 3 Application Deployment (At Client Site) • CrimeView Desktop Installation: Up to eight (8) hours on -site. One (1) Omega personnel. • Install and configure data import profiles on import machine • Test import profiles and import historical data • Schedule automated data import process • Install and configure OmegaGIS application on user machines • CrimeView Desktop On -site training: Sixteen (16) hours on -site for two (2) persons, One (1) Omega personnel. • Travel for The Omega Group: One (1) staff members to provide installation and training for one (1) trip Task 4 Finishing Application Design • Edit and Customize Import Profiles, Saved Queries, Crystal Report Templates and Application Style, per user feedback. • Test Application Functionality NON - DISCLOSURE This document has been prepared by the sales division of "The Omega Group and is a confidential document that contains ideas, concepts, methods and other proprietary information. Readers are to treat the information contained herein as confidential and may not copy or reproduce any of these materials for distribution outside of their organization without the written permission of The Omega Group. The estimate will remain valid for 3 months from the date on the estimate for Omega Software and Services only. End of Estimate Payment Schedule In consideration of the services to be performed by Omega, Omega shall be entitled to compensation in the total amount of $18,995.00. The payment schedule is as follows: • Thirty percent $5,698.50 of the total amount due upon execution of this (30 %) Agreement. • Thirty percent $5,698.50 Of the total amount due upon delivery CrimeView (30 %) Desktop Software • Thirty percent $5,698.50 of the total amount due upon completion of 30% CrimeView® Desktop Deployment • Ten Percent (10 %) $1,899.50 of the total amount due thirty (30) days after completion of services 4 �Uu El Segundo Police Department, The Omega Group, Inc. •�• C R I M E V I E W California Exhibit A CrimeView Conversion March 31, 2008 Omega Maintenance Plan Maintenance, Annual (Customer Support): Clients that are not current under support will pay a maintenance activation fee. Please see the Customer Support Program Document for details of coverage. Implementation Timeline Unless otherwise documented, the completion of all services will take approximately 90 days from date of data collection. Onsite installation and training will be scheduled only after application development is complete. Additional Software Licenses (Costs) Full Price / Upgrade Price CrimeView Licenses (Single Use License) $1,500.00 each/ $495.00 each Data Specifications Datasets to be Imported via Omega Import WizardTM The client operates the West Covina User Group RMS and CAD system. The following data sets represent tables of data to be extracted by The Omega Import Wizard. A total of two (2) profiles have been identified for this project. Data Set Database or Vendor Data Set Database or Vendor • Calls for Service CAD I • Cases RMS Please review the Omega Import Wizard Appendix for more details regarding the Omega Import Wizard and the use of Profiles. Because a significant amount of work (and cost) can be attributed to the incident or person data being imported, it is important that Omega Project Management have access to local knowledge regarding the RMS or CAD data/database as outlined under General Requirements (see next page). Hardware Specifications Hardware for the Client Workstations (For CrimeView® Desktop) The Omega Group recommends the following hardware specifications for a workstation with a stand -alone crime analysis application working with ArcView and CrimeView Recommended Minimum • Intel Core 2 Duo Pentium 4 (3.20 GHz) • Memo — 1 -2 GB Memory 1 GB • Hard drive — 80GB Hard Drive — 40 GB • CD- RW/DVD • Video/graphics -256MB Video /graphics 256 MB • 1 Gigabit Ethernet 5 J 7 C R I M E V I E W El Segundo Police Department, The Omega Group, Inc. California Exhibit A CrimeView Conversion March 31, 2008 Client Project Management Critical to the success of every implementation is having the appropriate client staff prepared to be active participants and to understand what is expected from them for the duration of the implementation. Two critical components to this implementation pertain to local knowledge of data schema for the RMS /CAD data sources and what data should be available for mapping and reporting. Database Schema The client should expect to provide staff resources who can demonstrate knowledge of the tabular structure (schema) of the RMS, CAD and other data sources. These persons will be expected to assist Omega Technicians in building SQL statements that includes all the fields of data that the client wants for mapping and reporting. This assistance would primarily be in the form of understanding database structure and table relationships. Report Data The client should expect to provide staff resources who can confirm what data needs to be included for mapping and reporting. These persons should have direct experience in working with crime data through current extractions from the RMS, CAD and other data sources and from the perspective and experience of a crime analyst. The Omega Group maintains an inventory of data extraction templates (e.g. SQL Statements) that can be used to as a starting point for the development of a customized data interface. However, having client staff that can provide local knowledge of the database can reduce the overall project time, facilitate the ongoing maintenance of the application and produce a more useful crime mapping and reporting environment. Project Planning Remote Connectivity: Secure or confirm remote access via the use of Expert City's GoToMyPC or the use of a VPN Connection. • Establishing Remote Connection to the Server(s). • Data Collection, Installation and Technical Support may be performed through remote connection, reducing cost of project and time it takes to complete services • Omega Recommends ExpertCity's GoToMyPC or VPN for remote connections ■ Provide Network IP Address if VPN is used If the client is unable to provide high speed remote access with GoToMyPC or similar connection software to The Omega Group for the collection of the required data sets then an additional fee will be charged to the client based on the additional time required for data collection. rol W El Segundo Police Department, The Omega Group, Inc. C R I M E V I C W_ California Exhibit A CrimeView Conversion March 31, 2008 System Architecture Server and Workstation Hardware: The client will provide for hardware to be utilized in conjunction with CrimeView® Desktop. Hardware should include workstations and a file server(s) to store GIS data. The Omega Group recommends the client to maintain a database of relevant Geographic Information in a file server for the CrimeView application(s). This database will be a warehouse of street, boundary and point data, as well as incident and person data sets from the client data systems. Data Geography: The client will provide for the geographic base data for the project. In addition to the Street Centerline this may include: Parks, Schools, Beats, Reporting Districts, Landmarks, Stations, Parcels, etc. During the project kick -off a discussion regarding the type and availability of data will ensue. • Street Centerline File: The client must provide accurate reference data that will be used to generate a geocoding service. Typically the reference data is a street centerline file, address points or a parcel layer. Application Deployment Prior to the CrimeView® Desktop Installation: the following items should be completed by the Network Administrator / GIS Coordinator and Crime Analyst: • ESRI Training Course: The Crime Analysts/ Onsite Administrators have completed ESRI's Introduction to ArcView (course) Information may be found at website: http://training.esri.com/ilt/schedule/index.cfm o The Omega Group highly recommends all personnel working with CrimeView to have the Introduction to ArcGIS I and/or Introduction to ArcGIS II training in addition to CrimeView training. At least one person, preferably the on -site CrimeView administrator, should have a solid understanding of ArcGIS (ArcMap and ArcCatalog). The Omega Group requires that at least the system administrator or primary user receive ArcGIS training prior to receiving CrimeView training. • CrimeView® Desktop Training Facility: The client has secured an adequate room with network and internet access to train individuals on CrimeView' Desktop. The room will require enough workstations for everyone to be trained, each with a copy of ESRI's ArcView 9.x and ESRI's Spatial Analyst 9.x installed. The client will install the ESRI software. 7 4 t U C R I M E V I C W El Segundo Police Department, The Omega Group, Inc. California Exhibit A CrimeView Conversion March 31, 2008 Crystal Report Templates The Omega Group has reviewed four separate report templates provided by the El Segundo Police Department. The El Segundo Police Department uses Microsoft Excel to create these reports. These same reports may be developed in Crystal Reports; however the report design cannot be duplicated. The report samples are: • Weekly Activity Report • Part I Crimes and Arrests Statistics by Reporting District • Monthly Crime Statistical Report • Density Crime Map by Frequency The Omega Group is prepared to re- create the Weekly Activity Report, with limitations, as part of the project proposed. First limitation, the data supplied in the report sample must reside in the RMS. Second limitation, the map portion of the report will not be guaranteed as part of the report creation. The Part I Crimes Report and the Monthly Crime Statistical Report may be re- created as a Crystal Report Template for an additional cost. The Omega Group suggests addressing the development of these reports after the completion of all services associated with this proposal. The Sample Reports are attached to this quote. 5.L' 0 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 15, 2008 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding awarding a contract in an amount not to exceed $95,000 to Data 911 to provide Mobile Data Computers (MDCs) for all patrol cars, the command post vehicle, the animal control truck, and one back -up system. This contract includes all related equipment to support the systems with the exception of modems. Fiscal impact: $95,000 — paid from equipment replacement and COPS Grant funds. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Authorize the City Manager to sign a contract in a form approved by the City Attorney in an amount not to exceed $95,000 for the purchase of sixteen Data 911 MDC system upgrades paid for from the Equipment Replacement Fund and the Citizens' Option for Public Safety (COPS) grant. 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: The police department's patrol division vehicles are currently equipped with Data 911 M5 MDCs. The department utilizes MDCs in each patrol unit as a tool for sending and receiving information to and from the communications center, as well as information from law enforcement databases. The current MDCs were purchased in FY 2002/2003. They consist of a 500 MHz Pentium III processor with 512 MB of RAM memory and a 20 GB hard drive. The MDCs are in need of replacement or upgrade for the following reasons: • They cannot efficiently run current CAD software or current city standard software (Word, Excel, etc.). • Boot -up times are approaching three minutes before the MDCs are ready for use by the officers. • The current MDCs are no longer covered under factory warranty, therefore needed repairs are costly and unit downtime is longer due to availability of older parts. Continued next page ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: $74,100 (Equipment Replacement) $269,045 (COPS grant) Amount Requested: $74,100 (Equipment Replacement) $20,900 (COPS grant) Account Number: 601 -400- 3101 -8104 (Equipment Replacement) 120 -400- 000 -8104 (COPS) Project Phase: N/A ired: x Yes No ORIGINATED !/ DATE: umming , Chief of Police REVIE BY: DATE: ck Wayt, Interim City Manager BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION CONTINUED: Four vendors provided estimates for replacing or upgrading this equipment, Data 911, Motorola, L3 Communications, and Panasonic. Staff analyzed all the proposals and found that Motorola and Panasonic systems did not meet our specifications for memory, speed, and monitor clarity. The L3 Communications system did not meet memory specifications. Data 911's increased memory and speed make it a system that can not only efficiently run our current CAD software and increase boot up time, but it will be able to efficiently run other systems we may add in the future, such as an in -car fingerprint recognition system, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Data network, and the Department of Motor Vehicles Photo network. Staff has found the Data 911 MDC system to be efficient, reliable, and easy to repair. We have also found the employees at Data 911 to be responsive and helpful to our needs. In addition, all ESPD patrol personnel and many civilian personnel are already trained on the operation of the Data 911 system. The system is ergonomically correct and fits safely onto an aftermarket console that is mounted between the driver and passenger side airbags of our patrol units. It was also determined the current Data 911 systems touch screens are functionally operational and reliable. Keeping these screens in service and under warranty at a cost of $226 each per year and replacing only the other components will result in a savings of $31,900 over replacing the screens, making this the lowest cost proposal, as well as the only one that meets our specifications. Staff recommends funding the proposed upgrades with $74,100 from the equipment replacement fund and $20,900 from the COPS grant fund. The specific request to utilize COPS grant monies to upgrade MDC's was approved at the February 20, 2007 City Council Meeting. EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 15, 2008 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding final acceptance of construction related to the City's Residential Sound Insulation Program Group 17 (27 Homes). Project No. RSI 06 -17. (Final contract total = $1,227,648.88). RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Recommendation — (1) Accept the work as complete; (2) Authorize the City Clerk to file the City Planning and Building Safety Director's Notices of Completion in the County Recorder's Office; and (3) Alternatively discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: The project is a part of the City's Residential Sound Insulation (RSI) Program financed by federal grants from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the settlement agreement with Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA). The RSI Program offers modifications to owners of qualifying residential property in the City of El Segundo that reduce interior sound levels of noise generated by air traffic from neighboring Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). At its meeting on December 19, 2006 the City Council awarded a construction contract to S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc. for construction related to Group 17. The work has now been completed. The final contract amount based on measured quantities is $1,227,648.88. Staff recommends acceptance of this project. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: List of homes in Group 17 FISCAL IMPACT: Amount approved by City Council: Amount Requested: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required: $1,311,530.00 $1,227,648.88 116 -400- 0000 -8960 Group 17 - Acceptance of the work No ORIGINATED BY: DATE: July 3, 2008 6 oil-q'' mes S. O'Neill, Program Manager REVIEWED BY: DATE: J City Manager J 22 Residential Sound Insulation Program Group 17 RSI Number Project Address 17.01 424 Hillcrest St. 17.02 525 Hill crest 17.03 - 17.04 426 Valley St. 17.05 -17.06 412 Concord St. 17.07 -17.08 416 Richmond St. 17.09 859 Penn St. 17.10 -17.13 849/ 853 Penn St. 17.14 633 Penn 17.15 619 Maryland St. 17.16 708 Bungalow Dr. 17.17 -17.18 731 Center 17.19 635 Center St. 17.20 -17.25 1217 -1229 E. Mariposa 17.26 1236 E. Mariposa Ave. 17.27 1630 E. Palm Ave., #06 L� ? � 1 .