138STAFF REPORT: November 7, 2007 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (cont.) According to the most recent Crime and Arrest statistics report (January 2007 — June 2007, Exhibit 1) prepared by the Police Department, the proposed restaurant is located in Reporting District (RD) 108. Based on 2007 reported data prepared by the Police Department, the district had a total of 55 Part I crimes (criminal homicide, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny -theft, motor vehicle theft and arson) and 35 felony and misdemeanor arrests. There were 13 alcohol related offenses and arrests reported in this district. The Police Department and the Department of Planning and Building Safety have no concerns regarding the issuance of a new ABC license for the proposed restaurant. The approval of this license request would be for the convenience of serving alcoholic beverages to the customers to complement the food service at a proposed new restaurant. A request for a new license is required, since the applicant does not currently hold a Type 47 license, and there was no previous license issued for this address location. The applicant's proposed hours of alcohol sale are expected to be during the hours the restaurant is open. The restaurant's hours of operation will be limited to 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Mondays through Thursdays, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Fridays and Saturdays, and 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. on Sundays. On October 1, 2007, the Director of Planning and Building Safety Department approved an Administrative Use Permit application (EA No. 767, AUP No. 07 -06) for 333 Main Street. The Director's decision was forwarded to the Planning Commission on October 11, 2007. The Planning Commission chose to continue the item on October 11, 2007, since the applicant and their representative were not present at the meeting. On October 25, 2007, the Planning Commission chose to Receive and File the item with the conditions of approval as amended. A new approval letter was issued on October 30, 2007, to reflect the changes to the conditions of approval requiring review of the project in one year for compliance with the conditions of approval. The ABC license review is a separate application from the City's AUP process, which requires mandatory findings that are regulated by the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. The Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) in addition to reviewing the City's AUP approval is responsible for running a complete background check on all alcohol license applicants, as well as conducting site inspections, before the issuance of any type of license. PAPlanning & Building Safety\PROJECTS\ 751 - 775\ EA- 767\2007.11.7.EA- 767ccreport.doc 1 .j l