111The Network Bid System
17 '9
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Summary of Responses to RFB -VT- 172072
All vendors that have responded to this solicitation are shown below. Company names shown in red included
exceptions with their response. To see a specific vendors complete response (including exceptions and any
supporting documents), click on their Vendor ID #.
To indicate the winner, or apparent low bidder for a line item, click on the radio button in the select column next to
the appropriate company name. To indicate one company for all line items, click on their company name in the
top table. To change to sortadgheet view c11414 here.
Title: D(osel Particulate Filters
Status: Pending: Selections have not been made for all line Items.
Vendor ID1
Company Name
Response # Total Old Line Items Total
duty trucks per specification attached.
�Ele<r t��man. Pori AS&ryi ° 9I.all.ltew -i
$223312.0000 [__��
>34 4
Kube Engineering
No Bid
t_54Z5 71.1ohnson Machinery, Co
h ori)
No Bid
t�,913 71U S Hose, Inc
No Bid
® Petros Energy Products, Inc.
No Ed
FYI - New Feature - If you do not want to award this to any vendors Dick Her to publish a No Award notice.
Select Company Name unit Coat
Charges to furnish labor, equipment and material to install Diesel particulate filters on 17 heavy
Item #1:
duty trucks per specification attached.
Brand Requirement: Not Applicable - Service Item
1Quantity; 17
Select Company Name unit Coat
Total Cost
Ire n Parts &Services o otit
ervice vice Item $13,136.0000
Do Not Award This Item
Update Selections Publish Info to Vendors Cancel - Return to Main Menu
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