106(1) Records to be Kept For Inspection. Beginning December 31, 2007, the
municipality or utility shall keep the following records either in hard -copy
format or as computer records:
(A) A list by vehicle identification number of vehicles, identifying each
vehicle type; engine manufacturer, model -year, family, and series;
and status as a total fleet or low usage vehicle; and
(B) Correlated to each vehicle, the installed diesel emission control
strategy family name, its serial number, manufacturer, installation
date, and if using a Level 1 or Level 2 verified diesel emission
control strategy, the reason for the choice; and
(C) Records of maintenance for each installed diesel emission control
strategy; and
(D) For fuel or fuel additives used as a diesel emission control strategy,
the most recent two years' worth of records of purchase that
demonstrate usage; and
(E) For each low usage vehicle, or low - population county low usage
vehicle, its mileage or engine hours as of December 31 of each year
beginning 2007, and records to document its five -year mileage or
engine hours, as of December 31 of each year beginning 2007,
correlated to the vehicle identification information in
paragraph (1)(A) above; and
(F) If a municipality or utility is located in a low- population county or has
been granted low- population county status, documentation affirming
that the vehicle is not operated at any time in a metropolitan
statistical area as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau; and
(G) For each engine for which a municipality or utility is claiming an
extension pursuant to paragraph (d)(4), the retirement date
correlated to the vehicle identification information in
paragraph (1)(A) above; and
(H) For each engine for which a municipality or utility is claiming an
extension pursuant to paragraph (d)(5), the records of the test plan,
including start and end dates of the experiment; diesel emission
control strategy manufacturer name and contact information
(representative, address, and phone number); name and type of
experimental diesel particulate matter emission control strategy; and
targeted data to be generated by experiment and correlated to the
vehicle identification information in paragraph (1)(A) above; and