102Identification of each engine, by vehicle identification number; engine manufacturer, model -year, family, and series; and type of vehicle for which no diesel emission control strategy has been verified; or 2. Identification of each engine, by vehicle identification number; engine manufacturer, model -year, family, and series; and type of vehicle for which a specific diesel emission control strategy would void the original engine warranty and a statement from the engine manufacturer or authorized dealer stating the original engine warranty would be voided; or 3. Identification of each engine and vehicle combination, by vehicle identification number; engine manufacturer, model - year, family, and series; and type of vehicle for which no diesel emission control strategy is commercially available and a list of manufacturers that have been contacted, with the manufacturers' responses to a request to purchase; and 4. A description of the reason for the request for a compliance extension for each engine or engine and fleet - vehicle combination; and 5. A copy of the statement of compliance as required in subsection (f)(1)(K); and 6. The application for compliance extension to be submitted to the Executive Officer no later than July 31 annually beginning 2007. a. A municipality or utility. For a Group 1 engine, the Executive Officer will accept an annual compliance - extension application until July 31, 2011, after which the municipality or utility shall comply with subsection (b) by December 31, 2012. The Executive Officer will only grant one compliance extension for an engine in Group 1. For a Group 2 engine, the Executive Officer will accept an annual compliance extension application until July 31, 2011, after which the municipality or utility shall comply with subsection (b) by December 31, 2012. b. A municipality or utility either located in a low - population county, or granted low population county status. For a Group 1 engine, the Executive Officer will accept an annual compliance extension application until July 31, 2017, after which the municipality or utility shall comply with subsection (b) by December 31, 2018. The Executive 11 A. U ,