101(2) Compliance Extension Based on No Verified Diesel Emission Control Strategy. If the Executive Officer has not verified a diesel emission control strategy, or one is not commercially available, for a particular engine and vehicle combination, an annual extension in compliance may be granted by the Executive Officer under one of the conditions specified below: (A) Executive Officer Compliance Extension. The Executive Officer shall grant a blanket one -year compliance extension if a diesel emission control strategy is not verified for an engine ten months prior to each compliance deadline specified in subsection (c). For a Group 1 engine for which there is no verified diesel emission control strategy, the Executive Officer shall grant a one -year extension, after which the municipality or utility shall comply with subsection (b). If no diesel emission control strategy for the engine is verified during the extension period, the Executive Officer shall grant an additional one year extension. The Executive Officer may grant one -year extensions until December 31, 2012, (or December 31, 2018 for a municipality or utility located in a low- population county, or granted low- population county status), after which the municipality or utility shall comply with subsection (b). 2. For a Group 2 engine for which there is no verified diesel emission control strategy, the Executive Officer shall grant a one -year extension, after which the municipality or utility shall comply with subsection (b). If no diesel emission control strategy for the engine is verified during the extension period, the Executive Officer shall grant an additional one -year extension. The Executive Officer may grant one -year extensions until December 31, 2012, (or December 31, 2017 for a municipality or utility located in a low - population county or granted low- population county status), after which the municipality or utility shall comply with subsection (b) (B) Municipality or Utility Application for Compliance Extension. A municipality or utility may apply to the Executive Officer for a compliance extension pursuant to subsection (d)(2) for an engine no later than July 31 prior to each compliance deadline specified in subsection (c). Before requesting this extension, the municipality or utility shall demonstrate compliance or intent to comply with applicable deadlines for the remaining vehicles in the fleet. The municipality or utility shall meet the following application conditions and documentation requirements by providing the following to the Executive Officer: 10 JL