95(3) An alternative fuel engine, heavy -duty pilot ignition engine, or gasoline engine. Model -year 2004 -2006 alternative fuel engines must be certified to the optional, reduced emission standards as specified in title 13, California Code of Regulations, section 1956.8 (a)(2)(A). Gasoline engines must be certified to the emission standards as specified in title 13, California Code of Regulations, for heavy -duty Otto -cycle engines used in heavy -duty vehicles over 14,000 pounds gross vehicle weight, sections 1956.8(c)(1)(B) and 1976(b)(1)(F); or (4) The highest level diesel emission control strategy per title 13, California Code of Regulations, section 2702 (f), Table 1, that is verified for a specific engine to reduce diesel particulate matter and which the diesel - emission- control strategy manufacturer or authorized dealer agrees can be used on a specific engine and fleet - vehicle combination, without jeopardizing the original engine warranty in effect at the time of application. (c) Implementation Schedule. (1) A municipality or utility shall comply with the schedule in Table 1 - Implementation Schedule for a Municipal and Utility Total Fleet Vehicle, 1960 to 2006 Model -Year Engines for the specified percentage of vehicles by each applicable compliance deadline. Table 1 - Implementation Schedule for a Municipal and Utility Total Fleet Vehicle, 1960 to 2006 Model -Year Engines. a An owner may not use Level 1 technology, as classified pursuant to title 13, California Code of Regulations section 2020, as best available control technology on a Group 1 engine or vehicle. (2) Municipality or Utility Located in a Low - Population County. A municipality or utility that is headquartered in a county in Table 2 may elect to follow the option in Table 3 below in lieu of the implementation schedule in Table 1. 4 0 90 Percentage of Group Compliance Group Engine Model -Years to Use Best Available Deadline, Control Technology As of December 31 20 2007 1 a 1960-1987 60 2009 100 2011 20 2007 2 1988 —2002 60 2009 100 2011 2003 —2006 50 2009 3 (Includes dual -fuel and 100 2010 bi -fuel engines) a An owner may not use Level 1 technology, as classified pursuant to title 13, California Code of Regulations section 2020, as best available control technology on a Group 1 engine or vehicle. (2) Municipality or Utility Located in a Low - Population County. A municipality or utility that is headquartered in a county in Table 2 may elect to follow the option in Table 3 below in lieu of the implementation schedule in Table 1. 4 0 90