541. The storage of flammable cryogenic fluids in stationary containers is allowed
in an M -1, MM, and MU -N Zone with a Conditional Use Permit issued by the
Planning Department.
2. The storage of flammable cryogenic fluids in stationary containers is allowed
in the M -2 Zone.
Establishment of limits of districts in which storage of flammable or
combustible liquids in outside aboveground tanks is prohibited.
The limits referred to in Sections 3404. and 3406.2.4.4 in which the storage of
Class I flammable liquids or Class II combustible liquids in aboveground tanks
outside of buildings is restricted are established as the City of El Segundo's
corporate boundaries.
Exceptions: Such use is allowed in the following zoning districts:
1. The storage of Class I flammable liquids or Class II combustible liquids in
aboveground tanks outside of buildings is allowed in M -1 and M -2, Zones;
2. The storage of Class II combustible liquids in aboveground tanks outside of
buildings is allowed in C -0, MM, MU -N, MU -S or P -F Zones;
Establishment of limits of districts in which storage of liquefied petroleum
gases is to be restricted.
The limits referred to in Section 3804.2, in which storage of liquefied petroleum gas
in excess of an aggregate of 2,000 gallons water capacity is restricted are
established as the City of El Segundo's corporate boundaries.
1. The storage of liquefied petroleum gas in excess of an aggregate of 2,000
gallons water capacity is allowed in the M -2 Zone, when located at least
one -half (1/2) mile from property zoned or designated for residential use and
at least one -half (1/2) mile from existing residential development with a
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