11STAFF REPORT: November 7, 2007 Page 2 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (cont.) Introduction Every three years the State of California adopts the model uniform codes (building, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, energy, fire, and administrative). After these model codes are adopted, local governments have 180 days to add any local amendments to these uniform codes. The California Building Standards Commission requires all jurisdictions throughout the State of California to begin enforcing the latest edition of the California codes by January 1, 2008. The Planning and Building Safety Department staff and the Fire Department staff recommend that the City Council adopt these new codes with amendments with an effective date of January 1, 2008. The California uniform codes provide the minimum standards for any building or structure which is erected, constructed, altered or demolished. Staff is recommending some local amendments to the uniform codes to protect public health, safety and the welfare of the occupants and the economic viability of the community. Proposed Amendments Both the Building Safety Division and Fire Department staff are proposing a limited number of amendments to the Building and Fire Codes. Those changes are identified in the attached ordinances. Adopting these local amendments will have an insubstantial effect on wood and metal construction since the new uniform codes incorporate most of the local amendments made to previously adopted uniform codes. Building Code The proposed building code amendments include adding definitions for administrator and building access; modifying the definitions for low -rise and mid -rise buildings consistent with the proposed fire code amendments to clarify that the height of a building is measured from the topside of the roof above the topmost space that can be occupied to the lowest floor level of building access; adding a requirement consistent with the proposed fire code amendments that requires Group B occupancy buildings (office buildings) larger than 12,000 square feet to have automatic sprinkler systems; and to add a requirement consistent with the proposed fire code amendments to require automatic sprinkler systems for buildings four stories or more in height. Other proposed building code amendments include local amendments (which are substantially the same as the amendments made to the 2001 codes) establishing the requirements and permit process for temporary buildings, structures and trailers; permit fees; construction debris; and what type of buildings require building permits; when permits can and cannot be issued because of environmental regulations and pending discretionary approvals before the Planning Commission. Additionally, a new proposed building code amendment includes a clarification that shear walls cannot be made of particle board, fiberboard, gypsum wall board or stucco. P: \Planning & Building Safety \Staff Reports 2007 \2007 building & fire code update 11- 07- 07.doc , } G11