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2007 AUG 08 - CC PACKET SPECIALAGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (EOC) In Police Building 348 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245 The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City - related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and /or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the Meeting. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person. Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state: Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524 -2305. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 2007 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (EOC) in Police Building 348 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245 8:00 a.m. - Noon 8:00 A.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. 001 SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS: 1. Consideration and possible action regarding a staff presentation of the assumptions made in preparing the FY 2007/2008 City Budget, including an estimate of the revenues and expenditures, the assumptions made in presenting a balanced budget. Recommendation: 1) Council to provide preliminary direction to staff regarding recommended changes to the 2007 -2008 Preliminary Budget; 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 2. Consideration and possible action regarding detailed summaries of all department budgets included in the FY 2007 -2008 Preliminary Budget including detailed descriptions of the recommendations stated in the budget overview. Recommendation: 1) Council to provide preliminary direction to staff regarding recommended changes to the 2007 -2008 Preliminary Budget; 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 3. Consideration and possible action regarding staff recommendations for proposed new programs included in the FY 2007 -2008 Preliminary Budget as specified in "Attachment A ". Recommendation: 1) Council to provide preliminary direction to staff regarding recommended changes to the 2007 -2008 Preliminary Budget; 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 4. Consideration and possible action regarding staff recommendations for all personnel reclassification changes included in the FY 2007 -2008 Preliminary Budget as detailed in "Attachment B ". Recommendation: 1) Council to provide preliminary direction to staff regarding recommended changes to the 2007 -2008 Preliminary Budget; 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 5. Consideration and possible action of a proposed reorganization of the Administrative Services Department, including the creation of a Director of Finance position and a Director of Human Resources position (See "Attachment C "). Recommendation: 1) Council to provide preliminary direction to staff regarding recommended changes to the 2007 -2008 Preliminary Budget; 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 6. Consideration and possible action to provide $750,000 in the FY 2007 -2008 Preliminary Budget to fund programs recommended by the Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee (CIPAC) (See "Attachment D "). Recommendation: 1) Authorize staff to include $750,000 in the FY 2007 -2008 Preliminary Budget to fund projects recommended by the Capital Improvement Advisory Committee (CIPAC); 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 002 7. Consideration and possible action to provide $240,200 in the FY 2007 -2008 Preliminary Budget to fund technology projects recommended by the Executive Technology Review Committee (See "Attachment E "). Recommendation: 1) Authorize staff to include $240,000 in the FY 2007 -2008 Preliminary Budget to fund technology projects recommended by the Executive Technology Review Committee (ETRC); 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 8. Consideration and possible action regarding recommendations from the Investment Advisory Committee to place into a CalPERS irrevocable trust $1.5 million previously authorized by the City Council during FY 2006 -2007 and to authorize and place into an irrevocable trust an additional $1.5 million in the 2007 -2008 Preliminary Budget for the purpose of funding long -term retiree medical costs in accordance with Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB 45) requirements (See "Attachment F "). Recommendation: 1) Authorize staff to analyze and prepare a report for Council to consider placing the funds into a CaIPERS irrevocable trust as part of the FY 2007- 2008 Budget adoption; 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 9. Consideration and possible action of proposed designation of funds received for the Athletic Field naming rights as follows: a. Appropriate $350,000 to reimburse the Traffic Mitigation fund for the Douglas Street improvements; b. Authorize $100,000 for long -term maintenance of the synthetic turf on the Athletic Fields located at 2201 E. Mariposa Avenue; c. Appropriate $200,000 for the Recreation Park Retaining Wall Project on the softball field located on the east side of Eucalyptus Street, between Grand Avenue and Holly Avenue. (See "Attachment G ") Recommendation: 1) Authorize staff to include recommended changes to the FY 2007 -2008 Preliminary Budget; 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 10. Consideration and possible action regarding the Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 status of the Equipment Replacement Fund; review funding levels, accumulated totals and lifecycle adjustments from prior years and proposed funding included in the Fiscal Year 2007 -2008 Preliminary Budget. (See "Attachment H ") Recommendation: 1) Council to provide preliminary direction to staff regarding recommended changes to the 2007 -2008 Preliminary Budget; 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 11. Consideration and possible action to authorize continued financial assistance to the El Segundo Unified School District in the amount of $250,000 annually. (See Attachment I ") Recommendation: 1) Council to provide preliminary direction to staff regarding recommended changes to the 2007 -2008 Preliminary Budget; 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 003 ADJOURNMENT POSTED: DATE: 641A-410-4— TIME: o$ : 41 P.m NAME: 004 O y OMM 4 W N 0 co 00 4- N O ' O U N G d ra +r d QZ 3 ooll* CL d M o `O _ U N M C O N O (� pQ N C N +� O Lp in C r ca r N N •O N a O ch O eh G O om~ � .-. C O d N LL CL O o a O O O Q O N Ccp p I d O O O In O LO $ O U m G y C CL O O O N O O> - O? �+ Q M r p O O N O M L r 0 O� Q T- 0 C A N O O � V c0 Ir •O CD � O r r C V 04 S O N C CL E y �.. 'C 'C ;r , w a c Li o U a c>a a° N m (/Oj U. M r+ O M LL �+ U. �+ LL +' d j Z' C ` d Z M LL r m C C C C C C N LA C C c0 G7 C C O C d O �+ d 3 0 C a c� C 7 Q aL N a LA s c� c� _ m a o o t- z 000 O O O O ONO O O LO N O O O I- O N I C OD O u•) cn N 0 N C) LO M N ti r- 4.' N iN N .0 CL 0 a CL a C) 00 O O 0 o N 4 O N A w+ Q la v C r O O o c r � y� Q V N ° C° V c >, -r �I a� �' c t c cn O E ? 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(Fiscal Impact = $3,513,000 in recommended projects). RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Receive staffs presentation of CIPAC recommendations; (2) Authorize staff to include recommended changes to the FY 2007 -2008 Preliminary Budget; and (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: CIPAC's recommendations were submitted for City Council consideration on July 17, 2007. The following table indicates funding available and projects recommended by CIPAC for inclusion in the FY 2007 -2008 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: NA Capital Improvement Program: $3,513,000 as indicated in table Amount Requested: NA Account Number: NA Project Phase: NA Appropriation Required: NA ORIGINATED BY: DATE: ? L`i Q 7 Steve Finton,,Pyblic Works Director REVIEW // DATE: ? L? /c, lv� ring CIPAC Recommendations for FY 2007 -08 Project No, Pro ect Requested I Amount General Fund Gas Tax I Sewer Fund Water Fund P C Amount Recommended 1 Sewer Main Repair 1 $835,000 1 1 1 $835,000 $M'000 2 Pump Station No. 1 Upgrades and Force Main and Station No. 7 Abandonment (Design) 8300,000 $542,000 $542,000 3 Air and Marine Traffic Radar Tracking and ID 1 $315,000 1 $25,000 $26,0Q0 4 Curb and Sidewalk Replacement Citywide $185,000 1 1$100,000 $100,000 5 Pump Station No. 2 Upgrades and Force Main Replacement $900,000 $100,000 $100,000 6 Water Main Replacements 1 $900,000 1 1 $986,000 $986,000 7 Washington Park Irrigation System Replacement 1 $210,000 1 $210,000 1 1 $210,000 8 Retaining Walls at Recreation Park 1 $220,000 1 $220,000 $220,000 9 Arterial Streets Rehabilitation Program $850,000 1 $39,000 $100,000 1 1 1$100.000 $239,000 10 LED Traffic Signal Retrofit $170,000 1 $170,000 1 1170,OW- I 1 Stevenson Field Bleachers $26,000 1 $26,000 $26,000 12 Downtown Wireless Intemet $60,000 1 $60,000 1 $80 000 Total $750,000 $200,ODO $1,477.000 986,000 $100,000 $3,513.000 ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: NA Capital Improvement Program: $3,513,000 as indicated in table Amount Requested: NA Account Number: NA Project Phase: NA Appropriation Required: NA ORIGINATED BY: DATE: ? L`i Q 7 Steve Finton,,Pyblic Works Director REVIEW // DATE: ? L? /c, lv� ring ATTACHMENT E EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 8, 2007 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Special Orders of Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding a presentation of a summary of projects recommended by the Executive Technology Review Committee (ETRC) for inclusion in the Fiscal Year 2007 -2008 Budget. (Fiscal Impact $240,200 General Fund) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Authorize staff to include recommended changes to the FY 2007 -2008 Preliminary Budget; and, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: The Executive Technology Review Committee met and reviewed the proposed projects. The projects were ranked and the following projects were recommended by the committee: ;¢ •, f Project Funding Operating Budget: $240,200 Llcensin .L£ 46,800.00 �eetcQr " . NA YPyca Mal om l 35,950.00 eTIII SeNet Lcnsi8 1 NA 28,900.00 !t� Router and Firewal x : 99,050.00 Q��stys {Appilca�oh . 29,500.00 :Yry �y 240,200.00 ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: $240,200 Capital Improvement Program: NA Amount Requested: NA Account Number: NA Project Phase: NA Appropriation Required: NA ORIGINATED BY: DATE: 7/Z--7/C) Deborah Culjen,,elnterim Finance Director , REVIEW Manager DATE: 7 009 Strategic Planning Session Fiscal Year 2007 -2008 Summary and Recommendations for Retiree Healthcare Plan GASB 45 Impact ATTACHMENT F Summary On June 21, 2004 the Government Accounting Standards Board approved Statement No. 45 (GASB 45), Accounting Standards for Other (than pensions) Post Employment Benefits (OPEB). The purpose of GASB 45 is to recognize the cost of post employment benefits when the employee is rendering service; GASB 45 requires the City to account for this promised benefit on an accrual basis (as the benefits are earned). GASB 45 underlying theory: Financial statements should reflect benefit costs as they are earned, not on a pay -as- you -go basis. Current employees are accruing retirement benefits now, even though benefits are actually paid later. To consider a retiree healthcare plan funded for GASB 45 purposes, assets must be set aside in a trust that cannot, legally, be used for any purpose other than to pay retiree healthcare benefits. Historically the City has accounted for retiree healthcare benefits as they were paid. The FY 2006 -2007 budgeted amount was $1.706 million and the projected FY 2007 -2008 budget projection is $1.791 million. Requirements of GASB 45 ■ Need to define and document OPEB plan • Need to obtain actuarial valuation of unfunded liability and related annual required contribution ■ Need to determine funding Staff has obtained an actuarial valuation of the unfunded liability and is addressing the remaining requirements in the Strategic Planning Session. Components considered in Actuarial study: ■ Benefit promise ■ Participant Statistics; Number of active participants; average age, average service, and average persable wages and number of retirees; average age, and average retirement age. ■ Future Healthcare inflation rates Options to address OPEB liability 010 ■ Renegotiate, change, eliminate, or otherwise reduce benefits ■ Share health benefit cost increases with employees and retirees ■ Cap employer's total exposure ■ Establish a funding level and fund Annual Required Contribution (ARC) through irrevocable trust Implications of continuing to fund OPEB on a pay -as- you -go basis • At some point pay -as- you -go contributions will become much more expensive than the ARC. • Failure to pre -fund increases risk that future benefits, the costs of which are expected to rise exponentially, can actually be fully funded. • Failure to pre -fund may have negative effect on bond ratings. Recommendations: ■ Establish an irrevocable trust through CaIPERS. ■ Deposit the $1.5 million into the trust designated by Council funded from the 05 -06 surplus which was deposited into the Economic Uncertainty Fund. ■ Deposit up to $1.5 million into the trust if there is any 06 -07 General Fund surplus. ■ Council establish a policy to deposit future excess General Fund surplus into this trust, possibly phased in over a period of time. A1 ATTACHMENT G EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 8, 2007 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Special Orders of Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding the designation of revenues received pursuant to an agreement with Thomas Properties Group, LLC. relating to the naming rights to the Athletic Facility at 2201 E. Mariposa Avenue and the specific designation of the revenues as follows: 1) Reimburse of traffic mitigation funds previously allocated to the Douglas Street Gap Closure project; 2) Fund construction of retaining walls at the Recreation Park softball field at located on the east side of Eucalyptus Street between Grand and Holly Avenues and on the north side of the Teen Center at 405 east Grand Avenue; and, 3) Establish a fund for maintenance of the Athletic Facility. (Fiscal Impact = reallocation of $1.5 Million) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Appropriate $350,000 in naming rights revenues to the Douglas Street Gap Closure Project and transfer $350,000 in Traffic Mitigation Funds from the Douglas Street Gap Closure project to the Traffic Mitigation Fund; (2) Appropriate $200,000 in naming rights revenues to the Recreation Park Softball Field Retaining Wall project and the Teen Center Retaining Wall Project; (3) Establish the Athletic Facility Maintenance Fund and allocate $100,000 to the fund; (4) Leave $850,000 in the Economic Uncertainty Fund; (5) Authorize staff to include recommended changes to the FY 2007 -2008 Preliminary Budget; and, (6) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: On April 3, 2007 City Council approved an agreement with Thomas Properties Group, LLC.(TPG) related to naming rights to the Athletic Facility under construction at 2201 E. Mariposa Avenue. At the meeting, Council considered several alternative uses of the $1.5 Million in naming rights revenues received through the agreement, but ultimately placed all the funds into the Economic Uncertainty Fund. Discussion of the alternatives uses was deferred to the Strategic Planning Session. (Continued on next page) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: Athletic Field Maintenance Fund (to be established) Capital Improvement Program: Douglas Street Gap Closure Project (Account # 301 - 400 - 8203 -8949) Traffic Mitigation Fund (Account # 301 -400- 8141 -8948) Retaining Walls at Recreation Park (Account # 301 - 400 - 8202 -8996) Amount Requested: NA Account Number: NA Project Phase: NA Appropriation Required: NA 'GINATE �: DATE: %/Z7/ J-7 eb Ora h C� je nterim Finance irector i DATE: 71Z 7 6) 1 JeTpteAart, City Manager (112 Backaround and Discussion Continued Alternatives discussed at the April 3, 2007 meeting are as follow: Councilmember Jacobson recommended that $350,000 be allocated to the Douglas Street project and an equal amount of Traffic Mitigation Funds be returned to the Traffic Mitigation Fund to reverse actions taken by Council on December 5, 2006 required to fund the Athletic Facility project. Councilmember Busch recommended that $200,000 be allocated to fund retaining wall projects deferred through the July 24, 2006 Strategic Planning Session and on December 5, 2006 to generate funding for the Athletic Facility project. • Councilmember Fisher recommended that the naming rights revenues be placed in a fund established for the long -term maintenance of the Athletic Facility. The recommended Council action addresses these recommendations and leaves $850,000 in the Economic Uncertainty Fund. r1 ] ,'3 ATTACHMENT H EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 8, 2007 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Special Orders of Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding funding levels and accumulated funds in the Equipment Replacement Fund; proposed funding for Fiscal Year 2007 -2008; removal of equipment from consideration under the fund; and, adjustments to equipment lifecycles. (Fiscal Impact = reallocation of $1.967 Million) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Authorize staff to include recommended changes to the FY 2007 -2008 Preliminary Budget; and, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: Funds for the replacement of rolling stock, computers and other equipment are managed through the Equipment Replacement Program (ERP). Through the annual budget process, funds are allocated to each piece of equipment identified in the ERP. Lifecycles and replacement costs are used to develop annual allocations for each piece of equipment. Once full replacement funding is allocated, allocations cease until the piece of equipment is replaced. Departments can move funding within equipment accounts to meet their equipment needs. Also, if a piece of equipment is deemed unnecessary, it can be deleted from the ERP and funds allocated can be used to purchase other needed equipment. Staff recently reviewed equipment included in the ERP. Each department identified antiquated or unnecessary pieces of equipment that would not be replaced. Those pieces of equipment have been removed from the ERP and funds accumulated have been placed in unallocated ERP accounts for each department. Due to budget constraints in previous years, allocations to the ERP were reduced by extending equipment lifecycles. This year lifecycles have been restored to previous levels and the ERP will be fully funded in the amount of $1.967 Million. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Equipment Replacement Schedule FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: $1.9 Million Capital Improvement Program: NA Amount Requested: NA Account Number: NA Project Phase: NA Appropriation Required: NA IGINAT� ED BY: DATE: 7/- 7/(}.7 Deborah ul 1 , Interim Finance Director City Manager DATE: 7/11/61 10 014 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT INVENTORY - FISCAL YEAR 2007/2008 2007 5-30 1 it Draft FY 07A)8 Repl Replacement FY Sedan, Mercury, Grand Marquis 1102 25,271 06/07 07/08 9 15/16 29,000 3,000 4,870 3,000 4,870 Laptop, Deli Plus latiwdc 2142 2,989 01/02 02/03 05/06 4 4 05/06 08109 3,000 2.140 900 Laptop, Dell Latitude D800 10229 3,110 04/05 3,110 04105 05/06 4 08/09 3,000 2,140 900 Laptop, Dell Latitude D800 10228 2,917 99/99 99100 4 02103 3 000 3,000 Laptop, Dell 2141 2878 2,169 03104 04/05 4 07 /08 I,1100 1,800 850 Conpuw•r,Dcll Opuplcx GX270 1,493 05/06 05106 4 08/09 1,500 1,050 450 Handhcld/Sottware xxxxx 2218 2,105 99/00 00/01 4 03/04 2,400 2,400 Printer, Laserla 405ON 720 90/91 91192 10 00101 1,000 1,000 TSpc to (WW6) 466 2007 , Purchase Savings/Unallocated 43 844 47 700 23,367 7,930 Cwputcr.Dcll Opuplex GX270 2882 1,959 03/04 04105 4 07/08 1,800 1,800 1,800 800 850 500 Computer. Nil Opuplcx GX620 19 "Oat 10458 1,647 05/06 06/07 4 09 /10 09110 1,800 800 500 Computer, Dell Opuplex GX620 19 "Bat 10463 1,647 05106 06107 4 4 09/10 1,800 800 Computer, Dell Opuplex GX620 19 "Oat xxxx 1,657 05/06 1,818 96/97 06/07 97198 3 99/00 2,000 2,000 Printer, HP LaserJct 5N 2012 1,156 04/05 05106 5 09/10 1 200 408 300 CCash Drawer /Shp Pnnw'r xxxx 9 985 10,400 6,600 _ 2,6311 Computer, Dell Optiplcx GX620 19 "Bat 10456 1,647 05106 06/07 4 09/10 1,800 1,800 800 800 500 5W Computer. Dell Opuplcx GX620 19 "Oat 10457 1,647 05/06 06/07 4 09/10 04/05 3,000 3,000 Computer, Dell GX 110 w 120" LCD 2389 2,600 00/01 02/03 01/02 03/04 4 4 06/07 1,800 1,800 475 Compuwr,Ddl Opuplex GX260 2597 2,269 1,933 01/02 02/03 4 05/06 2,500 2,500 Printer, JiP 4100 DTN Off¢cJct G95 10014 10012 1,023 00 /01 01/02 4 04/05 1,200 1,200 2 000 Scanner FujitScanner. Scams - Fujitsu 10061 1,379 99/00 00/01 5 04 /(15 2.000 1,506 Purchase SaviaasNaallocated 12,458 14,100 13,606 1,475 714 1,250 85/86 86/87 7 92193 2,100 2,100 Ballot Counter 715 1,250 85/86 86/87 7 92/93 2,100 2,100 Ballot Counter 2,500 4 200 4,200 Compuw•r,Dcll Opuplcn GX260T 2535 2,250 02103 04/05 4 07/08 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 550 550 Computcr,Dcll Opuplex GX260r 2534 2,250 02/03 04/05 4 07/08 06/07 1,800 1,800 475 Compuwr,Ddl Optiplcs GX260T 2543 2,203 02103 2,450 01/02 03/04 02/03 4 4 05/06 I,8010 11800 Computer. Dell GX 150, 17" Bat 2406 1,859 03104 04/05 4 07/08 1,800 1,800 850 Dell, Opuplex GX270T w /17" 10200 1,715 02/03 03/04 5 07/08 1,500 1,500 450 Pinion, HP L.-Jet 42004 10022 10025 1,081 99100 04/05 1 04/05 1,200 1,200 Printer /HP 1200C 1,499 04/05 05/06 5 09/10 1,500 850 350 Print". HP w /duplex xx" 1,696 W /OS OS /Ofi 5 09/10 1,800 950 400 Ponta, HP Colo LascrJct 3700N Color xxsx 1,429 99/00 00/01 5 04/05 2,000 2,000 Scanner, Fujitsu 2154 Purchase Savings/Unallocated 18432 17 OW 16,200 3,625 Sedan (Crown Victoria) 0/2) 7002 3 (100 00/01 01/02 5 05106 2,800 1,800 2.800 1,175 625 Computer, Gateway 5!d X -C 10242 1,717 04105 1,859 03104 05/06 04105 4 4 08/09 07/08 I,R00 1,800 900 u Itx GX270T w /17" Dell, Opp • 10241 I,859 03/04 04105 4 07/08 1,800 1,800 900 Dell. Opuplex GX270T w /17• 10203 10198 1,859 03/04 04/05 4 07/08 1,800 1,800 900 Dell, Opuplex GX270T w /17" 10235 I,1159 03/04 04/05 4 07/08 1,800 1,800 900 Dell, Opupkx GX270T w 117" 0 01102 02103 4 05/06 1,800 1,800 Computer, Dell GX400 2506 2495 0 01/02 02103 4 05/06 1,800 Law Computa, Dell GX400 2467 2,450 01/02 02/03 4 05/06 1,1100 1,800 Computer, Dell 17" Oat 10193 1,467 03/04 14/05 5 08/09 000 1,150 350 Printer, HP 420ON 10204 1,467 03/04 04/05 5 08/09 1,500 1.100 350 Printer. HP 42WN 371 760 84/85 85/86 10 94195 500 500 Tlpcwritcr(1 /2) 864 678 95196 96197 10 05 /U6 750 750 TSpc.T,w (WWISOO) 2,400 99199 99/00 10 08/()9 3,000 2,650 350 Caron MP90 rcada /prmicr 2224 Unallocated Funds 21 354 24 450 23,075 5,275 Sedan (Crown Victoria) (112) 7002 3,000 00 101 01/02 5 5 05/06 05106 2,800 5,600 2,800 5,600 Sedan (Crown Victoria) 5725 24,300 00/01 24,300 00 101 01/02 01102 5 05106 5,600 5.600 Sedan (Crown Victoria) 5726 5727 23,000 00/01 01/02 5 05/06 5,600 5.600 Sedan (Crown Victoria) 5729 23,000 00/01 0I/02 5 05/06 5,600 5.600 Sedan (Crown Victoria) 2007 7 -25 Revised FY charges with new computer life SPS version 1 7/27/2007 015 7/27/2007 2007 7 -25 Revised FY charges with new computer life SPS version 01F CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT INVENTORY - FISCAL YEAR 200712008 2007 5.30 1st Draft FY 07108 Total Accum 07/08 Chrg Repl Replacement through FY Ile. Unit M Cost In Svc Year Life Yr Cori 09/30/08 I'm Chorle 900 900 Dell, Optiplex GX270T w /17" 10202 1,859 03/04 04/05 4 07108 06/07 1,800 1,800 1,800 Comp.=.Dcll Opuple. GX260T 2532 2,254 02103 2.565 01102 03/04 02103 4 4 05/06 I,800 1 1111 Computer, Dell PIII Computer, Dell GXI 10, 17' Oat 2402 2401 2,500 01/02 02103 4 05106 1,800 1,800 I,8W 900 Dell, Opupicx GX270T w /17" 10237 1,859 03/04 04/05 4 07 /U8 07/08 1,800 1,800 1,800 00 9ll, De Opuex pl GX270T w /17" 1 226 1.859 03/04 1,859 03/04 04/05 04/05 4 J 07/08 1,800 I'm 900 Dell, Opuplcx GX270T %/17' 100233 2886 2,021 03/04 04/05 4 07/08 1,800 1,800 900 Dell, Opuplex GX270T w /17" 2865 2,021 03104 04/05 4 07/08 1,800 1,800 900 Doll, GX270T wit 2466 2,600 01/02 02103 4 05/06 1,800 1.8!10 4 Computer, Dell 17" Oat, GX400 user, a 10234 1,859 03104 04105 4 07/08 1,600 1,800 900 Dell, Opuplcx GX270T %117" 10236 1,859 03/04 04/05 4 07/08 1,800 1,800 900 Deli, Opttplcx GX270T w 1I7" 2,077 06107 07118 5 It/12 2,200 440 440 Printer, HP LaserJet 4L';ODTN Pnmcr, HP LmrJct J IWDTN .... I0026 2,708 02103 03/04 5 07/08 2,000 2,000 375 Duplex Scanner, Fujitsu 10023 4,104 01102 02/03 S 15 06/07 99/00 5,000 1,000 5.000 1,000 Ty-p,-,,t. 455 371 608 85186 760 84/85 86/07 85/86 IU 94/95 Soo 5 00 Type (1 /2) 460 1,520 85 /86 86167 10 95/96 1.000 1.000 ytta Typcwntcr Canon MP90 reads /pnn(cr (1 /2) 2224 2,400 98199 99/00 10 081()9 3,000 4,260 2,650 1,900 350 450 Canon MP60 MaroPmter /reader 1(b 19 4,134 02/03 03/04 IU 12/13 65,760 61.290 9,415 141 025 Soda. (Crown Vtctma) 2901 3,000 00101 2,845 00/01 01/02 01/02 5 4 05/06 04/05 5,600 3,600 5,600 3,600 Dell Imaging Workstation, 20" LCD 2389 3,900 98/99 99/00 4 02/03 3.000 3,900 D0.111aptop Computer, Deli 0puplex GX260T 17" 2090 2653 2,386 03104 04/05 4 07108 1,800 1.800 1,800 900 900 Cornpula. Dell Opuplex GX270T 17" 10227 1,959 03/(14 04/05 4 4 07/08 05/06 1,800 1,800 1.800 Computes, Dell 17" Oat, GX400 2393 2,750 01/02 2,500 01/02 02103 02/03 4 05/06 1,900 1,800 Cumputa, Dell 17" Oat, GX 150 2442 2394 2,500 01/02 02103 4 05/06 1,800 1,800 Computer, Dell 17" Oat, GX150 2530 2,100 02/03 03/04 4 06/07 1,800 1,8(10 600 Computes, Deli Opuplex GX260T 17" 2443 2,500 01/02 02103 4 05106 I,A00 11800 Computer, Dell 17" Oat, GX150 Computer, Opuplcx GX280, 17" panel 10402 1,800 04/05 05106 4 08/09 1,800 1,175 625 400 Computer, Dell Opuplcx GX260T 17" 2596 2,063 02103 03/04 4 06107 1.800 100 1.800 Law 400 Computes, Dell Opuplca GX260T 17" 2594 2, 063 02/03 2,(163 02103 03/04 03/04 4 4 06/07 06107 .8 I,800 1,800 400 Computer, Dell Opuplex GX260T 17' 2595 1,647 05/06 06/07 4 09/10 1,800 800 500 Cmmputa, M-11 Opuplex GX620 19"Oat "Oat 10459 1,647 05/06 06107 4 09 /10 1.800 800 500 Computer, Dell Opuplex GX620 19 "Oat 10525 1,647 05/06 06/07 4 09/10 1 800 800 500 Computes, Dell Opupkx GX620 19 I0467 1,647 05/06 06/07 4 09/10 100 8 00 500 Computer, Dell Opttplex GX620 19 "O at 10461 1,647 05/06 06/07 4 09/10 1,800 8 110 SOU Coinputa, Dell Opuplex GX620 19"Oat 10572 2,021 03104 04/05 4 07108 1,800 1.800 Computcr,Dell Opuplcx GX270T 17" 2884 2,021 03/04 04/05 4 07108 1,800 1,800 900 9900 Computa.Dc11 Optiplcx GX270T 17" 2883 10238 1,859 03104 04/05 4 07108 1,800 1.800 900 Computcr,Dell Optiplex GX270T 17" 10243 1,718 04/05 05/06 4 08109 2,000 1,325 675 Computer, Gateway Profile S 2533 2,600 02/03 03/04 4 06/07 1,800 I,BW 400 60T 1 Computer, Dell Opuplcx GX260T 17' 633 8,000 92193 93/94 IU 02/03 8,000 8,000 Embedded Software Cashiering S)stcm/SoOwerc &Licmxs xxxx 33,035 04105 05/06 5 ()9110 38.30U 21.000 2,000 8,600 Pi-inter, HP LaserJa 405ON 2320 1,845 99/00 1,494 93/94 DON 1 94/95 4 4 03/04 97/98 2,000 2.000 2.000 Prier, HP LascrJet 4 (New unit a1 W 11) 699 2105 4.158 97/98 98/99 3 00/01 4,S00 4.500 Printer, HP LaserJet 5S1 2152 4,492 98/99 99/00 4 02/03 5'0()0 5,000 Printer, HP 81000N•uay 2153 4,492 98/99 99100 4 02/03 5,000 5,000 Printer, HP 8100DN +ua) Printer, HP 1.1 4200UTN I W IU 2,547 02103 03/04 5 07/08 2,500 2.500 1,750 SW 55(1 Printer, HP4200DTN 10027 2,223 03/04 2,091 03104 04 /US 04/05 5 5 08109 08/09 2,300 2,100 1,600 500 Printer, Panasonic Laxv Colur 2868 900 04/05 06107 5 10/11 1,100 400 200 Fax, Panafax L'F -9000 (I12 - Egtrxxxing) xxxx 2,586 03/04 04105 5 09/09 2,600 1,950 600 Fax, Panafax DX2000 10028 10009 2,586 03104 05/06 5 09/10 2,600 1.450 600 Fax, Panafax DX2000 2309 2,641 99/00 99/00 5 03104 3000 3,000 Fax. Panafax DX2000 780 1,780 94/95 95/96 IU 04/05 2,000 2.000 Shredder Sheer cotta w /stacker, V580 10017 5,596 00/01 01102 10 10/11 7,000 4.650 12,020 750 Purchme Savings/Unallocated 133 239 140200 123,620 22,8110 SDLT double -dyne System IOWI I9,600 01/02 02/03 7 08/09 20,OW 1,300 15,557 1,300 4345 I Flat Panel MKM 2854 1,298 02/03 11,987 06/07 03/04 07108 5 5 07/08 11/12 13,500 2,700 2,700 Server, SQL 2005 Enterprise Edition (tea) sass 6,800 05106 06/07 5 10 /11 7,200 2,900 1.400 Server, Pavniem Sasa API xxxx 7,496 05106 06107 5 10 11I 7,800 3.000 1,5W Sm., PowerEdge 2850 3 0 Gllr xxxx 2511 7,170 02/03 03/04 5 07108 7,200 7,250 1.850 Scrvcr, PowerEdgc 251X) (EmcodaO l) 2855 7,170 01/02 02103 5 06107 8,500 8.500 Sava, Power Fdge 2500 Server, PowaFdgc 2650 (DCES2) 10039 4,825 02/03 03 /04 5 07/08 5,000 5.000 7,000 1.250 1,750 Sma, Po%cr dgc 2650 (Cl12K02) 2858 6,718 02/03 03/04 5 5 07/08 07 /08 7,000 7000 7.000 1,750 Server, PowesFdge 2650 (CH2K01) 2859 6,718 02/03 4.825 02103 03/04 03104 5 07108 5,000 5,000 1.250 Sm., Pawa Edge 2650 (DCES 1) 10040 6,704 03/04 04/05 5 08/09 7.000 5.400 1,650 Smer, PowaFdgc 2650 (Exch Server 2) 10195 5,086 03/04 04/05 5 08109 5,500 4,250 1.300 Sma, Power Edge 2650 (APPS3K01) 10194 4.943 03104 04/05 5 08/09 5,500 4.250 1.300 Smor. PowaFdgc 2650(ESWE801) 10231 4,987 02103 03/04 7 09/10 5,000 3,350 am Sm,cr, Power Edge 2650(DCCH I) 2856 4,987 02/03 03104 7 09/10 5,000 3.350 800 Sass. Puwa Edge 2650 (DCCH2) 2857 7/27/2007 2007 7 -25 Revised FY charges with new computer life SPS version 01F r S s �. U W y N z°r> ] T. 0 cc �o qVj iF� N V V 4 � , Z_ � O m Y cc W -T rVr =�8 C, w d 6 m g m 0 ---------- _— _ — dgsoo��s���aa�n Boos= ssaoxa�n�o�a�a�as?��a����a�a���osnn - 0 r� ry n n N �C ry n n n v ry ry �n N ry �O - O V! 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' O O Oo� oO oO o O 0O O 0 O O O J -4 O " O O 4 O o j u — 0 0 0 = a oO "0 ' ^0 0S� o a0 0 S o0 o C °o 0 o 0 Q _ $y OOP �25000 ° °Sdm rim a3�o<S,_ °s_� aaS�a�R3�3���_o,S` rgar_ • NNN NNNNNNNNNNNN "N- -.,,- N---- -�, - -- v�oo U > U V Z -- sd" wz E m g - - d c - A 55 a s X0 $ r C Y x7 .. 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c� ih g$•g $xXXitxxxxxx __ —ic x i<xx_X o z o o$^Y i 446 4 ((''t< 4.X7- °8 °88 V U U U iy+ yyOU U U U UU U UU a -...= UUUUU =OU � � FF Y SU S u a u y e a L'• 'n •+ � y + j, _ _ § E x< nn a£ .-an It n O O g g O O O g a ' i < y S H 8 c ��d[�<' <' <'�c:+5�5� £..r'� £�.h, ��n°�.si�: vsi�nusi�: uti�: Fiiiiaiadia `aii�.LLF= �n<�ic:+i�,�'F =r=r s 0 N N n CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT INVENTORY - FISCAL YEAR 2007/2008 2007 5-30 1 st Draft FY 07/08 SWAT Bullnproof Vests (161 z "r ...... 3,500 - -' 94195 95/96 10 04/05 3,500 3000 4,670 1,475 Cutting Torch - Steely 2790 29,823 06/07 07/18 5 11 112 35.000 800 7 0(10 Mobile ALPR System aass 7,578 06/17 07/08 5 11/12 10,000 2.000 2.000 ReMOtorless Total Station Bluetooth ssss 600 94195 95/96 10 04/05 600 600 Pais - Tamron 2766 3,000 94/95 95196 10 04105 3,000 3,000 Photo Enlarger - Beuaer xxxx 2764 5,740 95196 96/97 10 05106 6,000 6,000 885 Lab Vent - Labcoao0 2767 500 84/85 85186 20 04/05 600 600 2,400 Photo Stand - Kaiser "Go 818 973 94195 95/96 IU 04/05 IOW 1,000 1,250 VCR - Encore Vidw" 2795 2,567 98/99 99/00 10 08 109 3,000 2,650 350 Frazer - ColdTcch 2747 1,514 99/00 00/01 10 09110 1,800 1,400 200 Range - Maytag 2755 1,220 99/00 00101 10 09/10 1,600 1,300 146811 Refrigerator - Amapa 2748 1,071 03104 04105 10 13/14 1,100 350 100 • of (22 c� 3320 8,728 03/04 04/05 IU 13/14 9,000 3,250 950 Helmet Radio Kit (5) Helmet Radio Kit (5) 2772 2773 7,025 99/00 00/01 5 04/05 9,000 6,775 Sony Color Monitors (11) 2,222 06107 07/08 5 11/12 3,000 600 600 Toshiba 20" DVD/VHS TV (7) ass. 4,642 94195 95/96 10 04105 5.000 51000 54,745 Walk- Through Metal Detxtor 819 8,122 06107 07/08 5 It/12 12,000 2,000 2,000 Tatter Gun X26E w /Audio -Video (6) ssss 28,126 06/07 07/06 5 18/12 34,000 6,800 6,600 Taser Gun X26E w /Audio -Video (20) mss 9,400 01/02 02.103 5 06/07 9.500 9,500 Trier guns (22) 2775 2,648 06/07 07/08 8 14115 3,500 450 450 Benelli LE M4 Shotgun (2) sssa 6,786 01102 02/03 8 09 110 8,000 5,700 1,100 Shotguns (Border Patrol model) 2776 4,135 02/03 03/04 5 07/08 4,200 4,200 1,075 Net Gun 2792 2777 41,900 01/02 02103 10 11/12 47,000 26,650 5,100 Glock 21 gims/magazmcs (85) 2,697 01102 02/03 5 06/07 3,500 5,15(1 1,650 SighWincunts -SWAT (8) 2778 9,130 01/02 02/03 7 08/09 10,000 8,900 2,300 M -3 Tactical ress/pouches (75) 2779 11,457 01102 02/03 7 08109 14,000 12,000 2 700 Sun- cillance roves &system 2791 10,454 04/05 05/06 5 09110 12,000 5,3W 1,400 Personal Escape Masks (CBRN) (72) xxxx 10,970 0002 02/03 10 11112 13,000 5,950 Gas Masks, Advantage (75) 2780 2,923 98/99 99/00 5 03104 4,000 4,000 Security Camera -F-ast Lot 2781 17,282 97198 98/99 5 02/03 20,000 20,000 Video Camera System 2756 14,293 99/00 00/01 IO 09/10 20,000 16,850 Video Camera /Dispatch CO. 2782 9,293 99/00 00101 10 09110 12,000 9,500 1 250 Photo Card/Photo I D Systern 78512787/10 2754 15,958 01/02 02/03 5 06/07 18,000 18,000 Prolaser III (vafTc - 4) 30,025 05106 06107 6 II/12 40,000 7.260 660 Cudruvaseular Machines xxxx 2571 3,662 02/03 03/04 4 06/07 5,000 5,000 Elliptical , PRECOR 2794 85,000 98/99 99100 20 18/19 100,000 42,900 5,200 Communications Generator 1600,000 99/00 00/01 10 09/10 2,500,000 IAW,OW 350,000 Motorola Wireless Dispatch Sys. x %xx 34,464 02/03 03104 5 07108 35,000 35,000 8,750 Radio Workstation xxxx 3,853 01102 02103 5 06/07 4,500 4,500 Cordless XLT Headsets 00 sets) xxxx 1,335 89/90 90/91 16 05/06 2,520 2.520 Mobile 8905 7401 4.000 90191 91/92 0 05/06 4,000 4,000 Mobile 2,180 98/99 99/00 7 05106 2,500 2.500 Motorola Spectra A3 Mobile Radios (3), Motorola XTL 5000 UHF xxxx sue 10,082 06/07 07/08 10 16/17 14,000 1,400 5 000 1.400 5 000 Mobile Radios (13), Motorola XTL 5000 UHF au 43.690 06107 07/08 10 16117 50,000 2.000 2. 2.600 Mobile Radios (5), Motorola XTL 5000 UHF su s 23,050 06/07 07/08 10 16/17 6,000 6 600 600 600 Mobile Radios (1), Motorola XTL 5000 UliF sssa 4,152 06/07 07/08 10 16/17 16/17 14,000 4400 8.400 Mobile Radios (3), Motorola XTS 5000 UHF uxs 10.933 W /07 07/08 10 16/17 80,000 6.000 8.000 Mobile Radios (19). Motorola XTS 5000 UIIF seas 73.588 06107 07108 10 26,000 2,600 2.600 Mobile Radios (5), Motorola XTS 5000 UHF asas 20,487 06/07 07/08 10 16/17 64,000 6,400 6.400 Mobile Radios (IS), Motorola XTS50 I; HF ssss 58,693 06/07 07/08 10 10 16/17 16/17 35.000 3-5 00 3,500 W I;HF Mobile Radios (Y), Motorola XTL SU 0 secs: 29,979 06/07 07108 64,000 12,800 6,400 Mobile Radios 04 Motorola XTS 5000 3088 -310' 59,393 05/06 06/07 10 10 15/16 15/16 44,000 SAW 4.400 Mobile Radios 02), Motorola XTS 5000 3076 -308: 39,820 05/06 06/07 IU 14/15 40,600 10,600 4.300 Mobile Radios- (9)Motorola xxxx 30,210 15,680 04105 03/04 05/06 04/05 10 I3/I4 17,500 6,300 1,650 Motorcycle Radio (5), Motorola xxxx 4,002 05/06 06/07 10 15/16 5,000 1,0011 500 Mobile Radios - (I) Motorola X'rL5000 xxxx 225,000 W /01 OI102 10 Ill /I1 225,000 162,975 20,675 Motorola XTS3000 Porubles (75) xxxx 48,527 Purchase Savinas/Unallocawd 4,810,139 6.425.554 4,051,235 794,765 Sedan, Crown Victoria 3370 24,077 06107 07/08 6 12/13 28,000 6,000 4,670 6,000 4,670 1,475 Computer, Dell File Server 2637 7,496 1,647 02103 05/06 03/04 06/07 5 4 07108 09 /10 1,800 800 5W Computer, Dell Opuplex GX62019'Oal "Oat 10,460 1,647 05106 06107 4 09110 1,800 800 SW Computer, Dell Optiplex GX620 19 10526 2,085 02/03 03/04 4 06/07 2,100 2,100 Printer, HP U 4200UTN 10035 2,766 01/02 02/03 4 05106 3,000 3,000 Fax, Panafax DX2000 2714 2,861 04/05 05/06 4 08/09 3,000 2,120 885 Laptop, Dell Latitude C810 xxxx 9,224 04/05 05/06 5 09110 10,700 5,850 2,400 Automatic Defibrillator (4) xxxx 4,623 04/05 05/06 5 09/10 5,600 3,050 1,250 Automauc Defibnllator S2- 1.ifpak (2) xxxx 670 92193 93194 Ill 02103 IOW 1,000 Tvpcssntcr 728 4,893 Purchase Savinis(Unallocated 577 097 63.000 34,283 146811 3332 542,000 94/95 95196 20 14/15 921,400 529,085 56,100 Aerial Ladder 3320 30,()10 87/88 88/89 15 02103 101,250 71,705 Air Fillinst Station 3345 138,267 85/86 86187 22 07/08 385,025 17,825 Fire Enttme (E35) 427,044 08/09 20 27/28 750,0(1) 0 0 Fire Engine(dchvcry pending) xxxx 263,IUO 92/93 93/94 16 08/09 447,970 393,227 54,745 Fire Engine (F32) 3346 2007 7 -25 Revised FY charges with new computer life SPS version 8 7/27/2007 rI�� .+r §ids. M&M 2ng� MUM s� - - n .o .i n Hh � a0 � •• N H N M N v v O M — .� � N .. _ N Y� N .. — V V h Y .. — _ n .. ^ P n ^ r'1 � N V n N — — — .-. — �I v 'I — — �I M of N m — _ �. _ — _ — � ^f a$ g�°g sgs�sss $�s�sss��$sos�sso °���gs�s °o €� °s�sso §so�os$� = �ssssgs� °s•s��.s��o���so�ssss� F oU $ _ °_°Oa °L•+o000ogi00o000000oO°000 -° - °0 °0000 °0o eo a�_o =.o ,oco000� co_$a°°gng °o ��o`�o iOm °o�o�° -� = :oo � 0000 ° -0 0 0 0 ^° o ^o o. o= = b o o ^° 4 _ _ ry _ — _ m m m h _ — _ ✓, r O ° _ _ — _ — ° O— r r r r. .D ry — ✓, h m — _ r h r n _ ✓t m _ _ ------------ v H h r n --------- ^ m �t 8° S° S oS8�-_ -- O O O O s 3 J O S 0 S o 0 < �+> aS^^ oom. a��aao` 1' 0^.` 00000aaa000^ aao' 8aoaomo°^ o^°^ oa�ao.° 38^ 0�80�00000�° 00>& �°.or.��a &aoa.0 ^oaao3o ^o0 ^0 ^00008 uy 8o° COo�aQa ^ooc-- aav__- aaaS`"S'"S.e ��"•"•'"'�a° �$So COogoo�'oo �` ��' Q. �aaQ�aa�$a�'T�o888�SBo��""c` -.c `•'�S �0amoaaaPs' sssaaasasa0Pa0�000aaPa' 00a' o °o88'aea ?oa�smaPaPa�aa��aaaaa» g0000�ao= OO,Unw j Z cc ^ - "N - - - - - - m. - -- 0 -�: .orvrvrvNrvNry -,, F�. > yiU >�z U 8 v ; > OCz - _e< -,--c nmM m,., �., .., . -,NNNN � -rva n v.�^., m mrvNry ., �^.,� �°+ v x � 8 x y x r u � x •D K r .'^' o'b o.^V � NrvNrvNrvNry NrvrvNry Nry r 0 7 �+: a .3-5 .^ww F- � '" `" c w•W � � � E � �m m � � D_ �- XXXXXXX j•-. t H i ; �N . c y F- crv� _ �%�^' G mcuu v N = «�• ..�t Bur -,rry, cj 3 ° 6 fix`_^,• o° ay6�Oo 0 2 ggg0000 ouu� __ o �zaeo qB�E� � b mCC 'cyn 0 o_wsy _a ;; g2 o v S � 4 4 r - &x mm��< 3 °ASS $�__ F"tg sv �H -- ° 00 0 ao ^_uu 9a B0§au�c g « C E E g _ u'. i-2• r2- '= F 8 F o o v<i s E ° y R u H �'., w �' °• D S b? !i tl k $$ o$ 0 �.�� uiSf uuuuuuu:j� CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT INVENTORY - FISCAL YEAR 2007/2008 2007 5-30 1 sl Draft FY 07108 Sanni r Printer, HP LJ 4200DTN Printer, HP L1 4200DTN Printer, Sgaewriter Pipeline 1301DSNITI Portable VHF (18) Portable XTS5000 UHF Radios (12) Portable XTL5000 VHF Radios (17) Portable XTS50W UHF Radios (8) Portable XTL5000 VHF Radios (2) Portable XTS5000 UIIF Radios (I8) Portable XTS5000 UHF Radios (16) 2853 - -- 2,422 03/04 04/05 5 08/09 2,450 1,850 bw 797 1,415 93/94 94/95 5 98/99 1,600 1,600 251,053 10036 2,085 02/03 03/04 4 06107 2,100 2,100 09/10 10037 2,085 02/03 03/04 4 06/07 2,100 2,100 R 649 460 90191 91192 6 96/97 460 460 98/99 10038 1,143 98/99 99/00 5 03/04 1,325 1,325 06/07 34 37,806 vanes vanes 6 04105 33,645 33,645 8,487 98199 39,122 06107 07/08 10 16/17 45,000 4.500 4,500 aaaa 55,059 06107 07/08 10 16/17 60,000 6,000 6,0011 as" aaaa 33,625 06/07 07M 10 16117 40,000 4,000 4,000 Motorola portable L'HF radio (3) 7,792 06/07 07/08 10 16/17 101000 1,000 1,000 aaaa xxxx 71,896 03/04 04/05 10 13114 72,000 26,100 7.650 99/00 117,250 03/04 04/05 10 13114 Sedan 833 22,825 xxxx 4,162 851 7 07/08 26,300 26,340 6,152,909 2564 437 7/27/2007 2007 7 -25 Revised FY charges with new computer life SPS version 3305 121,529 96/97 97199 15 11/12 179,489 127,975 12,850 Rcuue Ambulance 3312 164,184 03/04 04/05 15 19/19 251,053 59,850 17,400 Rescue Ambulance(R31) 31,585 04105 05106 5 09/10 36,700 20,150 8,250 Monitor/Dcf,bnllator Life Pak 12 (2) xxxx 12,235 97/98 98/99 R 05106 13,000 14,035 1,035 Mcmtor /Dcfibnllata 1165 12,235 97/98 98/99 8 05/06 13,000 14,035 1,035 Momtor /DeObnllalor 1166 50,964 06/07 07/88 5 11 /12 59,000 11,800 11,800 3 -E SaicsR -M Series Manual uaa 8,487 98199 99100 5 03 /04 10,000 10,000 Oxygen kor, Oxygen Malyux 2724 9502 14,447 95/96 %/97 8 03/04 18,500 7,625 L lIF EKG Telemetry Units (2) 10,877 02103 03104 8 IU /I I Motorola portable L'HF radio (3) xxxx 426 542 591,742 271.970 53,x70 3359 3,000 98/99 99/00 5 03/04 5,000 7,000 Sedan 3371 22,825 00101 UI /02 7 07/08 26,300 26,340 3.300 Sedan, Grand Marquis 3360 23,300 00 101 01/02 8 08/09 29,500 25,060 4,440 Truck, Ford Super Cab 3361 23,300 00/01 01/02 8 08/09 29,500 25.060 4.440 Truck, Ford Sups Cab Computer, 0.11 Opupkx GX620 19 "Bat 10464 1,647 05/06 06!07 4 09 /10 I,SW 800 8 00 500 3110 Computer, Dell Optipla GX620 19'Oat 10540 1,647 05/( 6 06/07 4 09/10 1,800 I SW 800 Soo Computer, 0.11 Opuplcs GX620 19'flat 10530 J,647 05/06 06107 4 09/10 400 OW Prmlcr, Shaewlucr 8646 460 625 90/91 99100 91/92 00 /01 6 10 96/97 09110 1,000 850 150 na 2735 2137 1,853 00/01 01/02 7 07 108 2,100 2,100 300 Mobile radio (X3361) Mobile 2741 1 853 00/01 01102 7 07/08 300 Mobile radio (#3360) 82 156 101 302,100 91,310 14 3354 40,000 99/00 00/01 IU 09/10 52,(100 40,300 5,850 Crcw Cab Truck 3355 1.570 99/00 00/01 5 04/05 1,800 1,800 Generator Computer,Dcll Optiplcx GX260 2570 2,200 02/03 03/04 4 06/07 1,800 1,800 800 475 S00 Computer, 0.11 Opuplex GX620 19 "flat 10462 1,647 05106 06/07 4 09/10 1, 800 1,800 800 500 Computer, Dill Opuplex GX620 IY "Oat 10531 1,647 05106 06/07 4 09/10 3,000 2.05(1 850 Laptop, Dell Latitude C810 xxxx 2,861 2,765 04/05 04/05 05/06 05106 4 5 08/09 09/10 3,000 1,650 675 CBRN Detection Equipment xxxx 10,641 04/05 05/06 5 09/10 12,000 6.600 2.700 CBRN Detection Equipment xxxx 254412541 1,391 02/03 03/04 3 05 /06 1.400 1,650 250 Sony /Olympus digital camera (2) 3,613 03/04 04/05 10 13/14 3,700 2,910 135 HNU Toxic DcLector xxxx 0087 4,000 91/92 92193 IU 01102 5,400 5.400 Combustible Gas Indicator 3,861 03/04 04105 10 13/14 3,900 1,350 425 Combo Gas/Oxygen Indicator xxxx 2746 1 880 99100 00 /01 5 04/05 2 200 2.200 Fisc Step Analysis Kit (X3348) 78077 93,800 69,310 12,360 Mobile Mini Storage 20' 9501 2,605 95/96 96/97 20 15/16 4,430 4,000 2.550 2,000 250 200 Mobile Mini Storage IV 1161 2,000 2,299 96/97 97/98 97/98 98/99 20 20 16/17 17/18 2,500 1.750 50 Mobile Mini Storage 10' 2738 3,873 06107 07/08 10 16117 5.200 520 520 Projector. LCD "2" (EOC) aaaa 18,737 03/04 05/06 10 14/15 25,000 6.550 2.650 SE Inspector Suncy Meter xxxx 14,459 04105 05106 5 09110 15,000 8,250 3,375 Chemical & Biological Agent Detection Kit xxxx 5,243 04/05 05/06 5 09/10 5 300 2,900 1.200 BiologicaVChemical Detection Kit xxxx 2,339 04/05 05106 4 08109 2,400 1,575 825 Computer, Gateway 5MX -C Ddux (EOC) xxxx 2,339 04/05 05/06 4 08109 2400 1.575 825 Computer, Gateway 5MX -C Ihlux (F-OC) xxxx 4,261 05/06 06/07 5 10/11 4,500 1.800 900 Scher, PowaEe I xxxx )009 04/05 05/06 4 08/09 3,1100 2.050 B50 C 0 Laptop. 0.11 Latitude C810 w /docking st Left xxxx 1, 293 05/06 06/07 4 09 /10 1,500 600 300 Laptop, Dell Latitude D510 Ccleron M xxxx 1,293 05106 06/07 4 09/10 1,500 600 300 Laptop, 0.11 Latitude DSIU Cdaon M xxxx 1,293 OS /U6 06/07 4 09110 I,SW 600 300 Laptop, Dill Latitude D510 Cdcron M xxxx 1,293 05/06 06/07 4 09/10 1,500 600 300 Laptop, Dell Latitude D510 Celeron M xxxx 1,293 05/06 06/07 4 09/10 1,500 600 300 Laptop, Dell Latitude D510 Celvon M xxxx 1,293 05106 06/07 4 09/10 1,500 600 300 Laptop, 0.11 Latitude D510 Ccleron M xxxx 1,295 05116 W /07 4 09 /10 1,500 600 300 Laptop, 0.11 Lautudc D510 Cclaon M xxxx 1,295 05/06 06/07 4 09/10 1,500 600 300 Laptop, 0.11 Latitude D510 Cclaon M xxxx 1.295 05/06 06/07 4 09/10 1,500 600 300 Laptop, Dell Latitude D51 U Cclaon M xxxx 1,295 05/06 06/07 4 09/10 1,500 600 300 Laptop, 0.11 Lautudc DS IU Cderon M xxxx 1,295 05/06 06/07 4 09/10 1,500 600 300 Laptop, Dell Lautudc D51u Cdaon M xxxx 1,295 05/06 06/07 4 09110 1,500 600 300 Laptop, Dell Lautudc D510 Ccleron M xxxx 1,295 05/06 06107 4 09/10 1.500 600 300 Laptop. [hat Lautudc D510 Ccleron M xxxx 7/27/2007 2007 7 -25 Revised FY charges with new computer life SPS version } 8 Y t = H Q y � jT CC � CO � U w < i O m C] yacZ + U w U R G.<.1 S y N 0 99 F m f d 0 W SSSB<3 §a<1= 0888°°9 'b000000bo tkk5 n : n. &u� � £SRag��PBr°m°�rR��r a8o�oaaSaao���aaao R ZEE �8 E _ N -•- _- -NNn�, -�N � �o�oaa- 0000�go�° -boa - o�Sa38288 aoo&a�o8 °o ��00000�aa ooao�.a °o c'3•m �,., m,oaxoaa�om��ax 8��000088� aS�o�aaas3�. ^^'o""" ^ ^�o ac ^�a oo8�S80000�ooao - Smya�am`.co°amm�'mmam""��'^ '" 8a= u u u no 0 0 o y u � o �Ot �Z C�O i� a SSX �if N O O N O O O e P S r r�rN�',$����Kyy�a�S �NNN °�o'"P NNry V NNN�rv��NNNN�$r'N`��:°r�NNNNN 1 J m a U U U s .- Oo0Uu.0 7 = ws . 2 &A2 s cv S LL °Oa J m a U U U s .- Oo0Uu.0 7 = ws . 2 &A2 s cv t 0 i" ww W U 'L� y V wF�F..o Omp.° yzzx fug � i 8 dw w � C w i O w §R$$$n$$°$ li =s�saao�� h h b P -414 ��o�s °oss h I m m s��g °s gsss�gs$s�soos� °s�s� $ = goo= ?a_- o - - - - - - ^S ^o aS8P�S $"'maw Sao °3 �mPC `"da ••�'••� � o�aoS000000 _ E tt ~a X Ed ± t 2 2 e v5i V a «F- >iO�G. §9 HIM : 71� . , M — - — N a0 .4 h 16 P r'f — — .. — — 1 °sgmIDIli0 oss�- o��so�aa?�� --- o-o�o's m `•'$mo as ao ao �' oo m -�1 O°o� o 0 0 0o c o0 -aa - x s -- - o - N - N - N - - a :. o a S„ aa �N� - °ogN o 0 N o N N 0 N LL��QgooaE z E � � �� �� �u �� m��o �N xd�8'•: r s M m m`u w c7 X m gu V &u V uu 0 e N 0 n E 3 i m m 0 0 N �E2 mm�< U79y o8y" 3 =mss U 79 E E v t o 2�yyrH o Em`mF m � XE 'j6 u u4 8 a �yt= Vt•2 a :E --a v u c= ccc = yy� ni i vsi< c�3dxo��a' iiii< Uui �>'F�v�, D z, §9 HIM : 71� . , M — - — N a0 .4 h 16 P r'f — — .. — — 1 °sgmIDIli0 oss�- o��so�aa?�� --- o-o�o's m `•'$mo as ao ao �' oo m -�1 O°o� o 0 0 0o c o0 -aa - x s -- - o - N - N - N - - a :. o a S„ aa �N� - °ogN o 0 N o N N 0 N LL��QgooaE z E � � �� �� �u �� m��o �N xd�8'•: r s M m m`u w c7 X m gu V &u V uu 0 e N 0 n E 3 i m m 0 0 N CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT INVENTORY - FISCAL YEAR 2007/2008 2001 5.30 1 st Draft FY 07108 Prm er. HP4000 TN Printer, HP LaserJe-t 6 Motorola 2 -way Radios Battay Tester Portable Suck Weida Vacuum, Washbay Fog- Scanner Unallocated Funds Purchase Savinas/Unall"eted 933 10041 1,622 , ,,., 98/99 ,...,. 99100 3 - -- 01/02 944 906 96/97 97198 6 02/03 xxxx 30,123 03104 05/06 10 14/15 #2274 1,872 94/95 95196 6 00101 2212 2,841 96197 97/99 10 06/07 #2286 2,000 96197 97198 10 06/07 4268 2,400 00/01 01102 5 05/06 196 550 1,800 1,Sw 1,500 1,500 40,000 8,900 4,450 3,000 3,000 3,693 3,695 6,000 6,000 2,800 2,800 05/06 05/06 6,800 1,8110 7,180 274,453 245,260 20,575 Sena, Dell PowcrEdge 2650 2861 6,316 03/04 04/05 5 08109 6,400 4,850 1,800 1.5110 Computa, Dell GX150 2482 2,600 01102 02103 4 05/06 05/06 100 1,800 1,8110 Computer, Dell GX 150 2483 2,168 01/02 2,063 02103 02103 03/04 4 4 06/07 1,800 1,800 450 Dell, Opuplez GX260T 17 panel 2592 2,021 03/04 04/05 4 07108 1,800 1.8110 900 Dell, Opuples GX21UT 17 panel "Oat 10043 1,647 U5/06 06/07 4 09/10 1,800 800 S00 Computer. Dell Opuplex GX620 19 xxxx 2,424 02/03 03/04 4 06/07 2,500 2,500 Printer, HP 460ODN Color 2868 3.846 05/06 06107 5 11112 4,300 1,600 800 Handheld Met. Reding Computer 1,677 112103 03 /04 4 06 /U7 1,800 1'800 Printer, HP 4200'!19 2869 28fi9 2524 14,850 01/02 02/03 Ill 11/12 21,000 11,31)0 2,400 Air Compressor (Ingersoll Rand) 2527 3,980 89/89 89/90 7 95/96 5,500 5,500 Concrete Mixer 2512 15,365 92/83 83/84 23 05/06 28,(100 28,000 Forklift 2570 1,760 86/87 87/88 IS 04/05 3,(100 3,000 Gencratur 2501 16,928 89190 90/91 17 06107 28,000 2810110 Truck, Choy 2540 21416 02/03 03/04 S 10 /11 30,400 11,900 4,200 Truck, Chevy 2503 17,100 90/91 91192 15 05106 30,000 30,000 Truck, Chevy 2506 23,625 88/89 89/90 22 IU /II 66,000 63,100 1,0011 Truck, Fad 2508 3,000 00/01 01/02 7 07/08 5,000 5,0110 Sedan 2509 26,400 01/02 02103 11 12113 32,000 15,365 3,350 Truck, Chi,) 2505 116,109 01102 02103 15 16/17 187,000 69,650 13,000 Truck Boom 2518 1,000 01102 02/03 3 04/05 5,000 0 Truck 2511 13,600 92193 93/94 14 06/07 29,000 31,100 Truck, Ford 2560 1,500 92193 93/94 14 06/07 2,000 2.000 Trailer 2530 37,560 98189 89190 17 05106 85,000 85,000 Backhoe 6,181 04/05 05/06 1 14/15 7,000 1,850 750 Chlorine S) Stan zxxx 2515 1,558 98199 99/00 7 05/06 1,900 1,900 Pump 2571 1,190 89/90 90/91 16 05/06 1,500 11000 Pump 2509 2,706 04 /05 05/06 5 09/10 3,200 1.700 700 Rammer, 4- Stroke 2531 5,000 93/94 94/95 15 08/09 7,250 6,650 950 Trailer Mounted Arrow Board 2510 2,106 04/05 05/06 5 09/10 3,200 1,750 Rama, 4 -Suakc m 2580 6,231 05/06 06/07 10 15/16 6,500 1,200 Flu Saw (M 27MECO) 1,659 05106 06/07 5 IU /I I 1.900 600 300 Chauww, Concrete -Gas 14" szxx 2,700 90/91 91192 10 00/01 3,500 3.500 Bar Cod: Scanner 9001 564 825 74/75 75/76 17 99/011 1,000 1,000 Typewriter 10044 7,995 93194 94/95 10 03104 10,394 10,395 Earth Boring Machine 799 3,182 94195 95196 10 04105 3,500 3,500 Tapping Machine 2538 7,355 02/03 03104 8 10 111 10,100 5,900 1,400 Light Tow., Allnand R800 2,279 94/95 95/96 5 99/00 2,400 2.400 Line I- ocator R801 867 94195 95/96 5 99/00 950 950 Metal Locator xxxx 3,040 88189 89190 10 98/99 5,360 5,360 Cci wr 2562 900 91/92 92193 15 06/07 1,500 1.500 Chloinato 5,324 97/98 98/99 5 02103 6,000 4" Tat Portable Met. 10045 19,000 Unallocated Funds 400591 638,054 490,445 33,125 1119A 0 06107 07X% 8 14115 8.100 1,000 1,000 Sedan, Crown Victoria Computer, Optiples GX260T I) "parxl 10048 2,269 02103 03/04 4 06/07 1,800 Law 1,175 475 625 Computer. Opuplez GX280, 17" panel 10404 1,8110 04/05 05/06 4 08/09 1,800 1,800 1,800 Computer, CX150 17" panel 2478 2,489 01/02 2,489 01/02 02103 02103 4 4 05/06 05106 1,800 1,800 Computa, GX 15017 "panel 2473 2,078 03 /(M 04105 4 07/08 1,800 1'8 00 9m Computer, Opu plex GX270T, 17 panel 2887 2,079 03/04 04/05 4 07108 1,800 1,800 900 Computer, Opuplez GX270T, 17 pawl 2877 1.859 03104 04 /05 4 07108 I,SW 1.800 900 Computer, Opeplcz GX270T, 11 panel I0240 2,489 01/02 02/03 4 05106 1,800 1,800 Computer, GX 15017 "pawl 2471 2,109 05106 06/07 4 09/10 2,300 1,035 635 Computer, GX520 Min towns xxxx 2,109 05/06 06107 4 09/10 2,300 1,035 635 Computer. GX520 Mmuowers xxxx 2472 2,489 01/02 02/03 4 05/06 1.800 1.8m Computer, Pentium 111 2510 2,600 02103 03104 4 06/7 1,900 1,800 475 Computer, Opupkx GX260T 17 panel 2,489 01102 02/03 4 05/06 1,800 1,800 Computer, Dell GX 130 17" panel 2479 2,489 01/02 02103 4 05/06 1,800 1,800 Computer, Dell GX 150 17" panel 2469 2,489 01102 02103 4 05106 1,800 1,8()0 Computer. Dell GX 15U 17" panel 2476 1,102 02/03 03/04 4 06/07 1,200 1,200 Printer, HP22UODN 10047 740 99/00 00/01 4 03104 800 SW Printer, lip OffceJet RSOXI zxxx 1081 530 94/95 95/96 4 98/99 600 600 Printer, HP LasaJet 4L 10051 1,600 98/99 99100 4 02/03 1,800 1,800 Prima, HP LaserJet 4000TN 2,586 03104 04/05 5 08/09 2,600 1.950 600 Fait. Panafax DX2000 10050 6,040 05/06 06/07 5 10 /I1 6,600 2.600 1,300 Printer Zebra P330i & Cards 1- 5,628 04/05 05/06 5 09/10 6.600 3,630 1 500 Program registration Pnm. A Cards ra zzsx 4,105 90/91 91/92 8 98/99 4,600 4,600 Copier -Sharp R302 R858 2,290 93194 94/95 5 98/99 2,400 2,4010 Copier -Xerox 5314 2007 7 -25 Revised FY charges with new computer life SPS version I I 7/27/2007 02.5 w C-2 C o �j e p oe o p p op y� p p po p p p pp p - pp88 e ppyp�� 8 88 a pp888S - - - - - <3$ 8 88888 �� ��d 8 o 000 R88 8858 o g --- --- - -- _ o - - - - -- F- o. 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BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: Agreement No. 2893 between the City and the El Segundo Unified School District (ESUSD) expired in October 2005. That agreement stated the City would provide $250,000 annually to ESUSD for the provision of "student services and maintenance of facilities that serve the need of students of the District and are not being funded by other sources." On July 17, 2007, the City Council authorized an addendum to Agreement No. 2893 to provide for the payment of $250,000 to the District during the current fiscal year. Also, the Council directed that this issue be placed on this agenda for further consideration. Attached for the Council's review is "Exhibit A" which shows the history of financial assistance provided by the City to ESUSD. By way of explanation, the City approved a Restated Joint Use Agreement with ESUSD on December 8, 1992, which provided for a seven -year funding arrangement wherein the City paid $750,000 in December 1992, $750,000 in July 1993 and $500,000 annually from 1994 through 1998. On September 21, 1999, the City Council approved $250,000 in funding from ESUSD and on June 19, 2001 the City and ESUSD entered into a five -year agreement in which the City provided $250,000 annually during the term of the agreement. It should be noted that the agreements approved in 1999 and 2001 (Please see attached page marked "Background and Discussion ") ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Exhibit A — History of funds provided by City to ESUSD. Restated Joint Use Agreement dated December 8, 1992. Agreement No. 2893 — Funding Agreement dated December 8, 2001 FISCAL IMPACT: $250,000 annually Operating Budget: Amount Requested: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required: _Yes _ No . July Jeff_Srt�ty Manager 1 1 (130 Background and Discussion (con't): are "stand alone" contracts and are not part of the overall Restated Joint Use Agreement between the City and ESUSD. The Restated Joint Use Agreement, in effect since December 1992, expires in September 2012. That agreement states basically that the City and School District shall share their respective facilities. It should be noted also that the agreement between the City and ESUSD providing for Library Services on ESUSD sites expires on September 30, 2007. The City's Library Board of Trustees has completed its review of a draft successor agreement and will making its recommendations to the City Council within the next several weeks. Should the Council choose to enter in to a long -term funding agreement with ESUSD, staff recommends that the funding provided by the City be linked to an observable program or facility wherein performance of services can be verified. Staff, of course, would work closely with representatives of ESUSD to identify the program or facility which would be funded by the City, so as not to diminish the value of the fund transfer to the District. 0.31 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESUSD ANNUAL EXPENDITURE BUDGET Fiscal Year Budget 1992 -93 750,000 1993 -94 750,000 1994 -95 500,000 1995 -96 500,000 1996 -97 500,000 1997 -98 500,000 1998 -99 250,000 1999 -00 250,000 2000 -01 250,000 2001 -02 250,000 2002 -03 250,000 2003 -04 228,800 2004 -05 250,000 2005 -06 250,000 2006 -07 250,000 Actual 750,114 750,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 228,200 250,000 250,000 250,000 Exhibit "A" ()39 RESTATED JOINT USE AGREEMENT This Agreement is made and entered into this 8th day of December 1 1992, by and between the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation ( "City), and EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY (District). W I T N E S E T H WHEREAS, Chapter 10, Part 7 of Division 1 (Section 10900, et seq.) of the Education Code of the State and empowers School Districts and Cities conduct programs of community recreation playgrounds and recreation, and acquire, operate centers within, or without the t City; and of California authorizes to organize, promote and to establish systems of improve, maintain and arritorial limits of the WHEREAS, said City owns, operates and maintains certain public recreation facilities known as: E1 Segundo Recreation Park, 401 Sheldon Street; E1 Segundo Library Park, 600 block Main Street; E1 Segundo Hilltop Park, Maryland Street and Grand Avenue; Urho Saari Swim Stadium, 219 West Mariposa; Acacia Park, 623 -25 West Acacia Avenue; Washington Park, Washington Street at Palm Avenue; Constitu- tion Park, Washington Street between Palm and 38116.1 l;u►j,Tk A_ Q_1j Z Z X06 Gr ^�Gt�kOf 1 38116.1 Maple Avenue; Sycamore Park, Holly Avenue and Kansas St.; Candy Cane Parkette, 100 block of Whiting Street; and WHEREAS, said District owns, operates and maintains certain school facilities known as: E1 Segundo High School, 640 Main Street, E1 Segundo; Center Street School, 700 Center Street, E1 Segundo; E1 Segundo Middle School, 615 Richmond Street, E1 Segundo; Imperial Street School site, 530 Imperial Avenue (as long as the site is owned by the District); School District Offices, 641 Sheldon Street; and WHEREAS, the aforementioned facilities are available for such use, which use will not interfere with any other purposes of the City or District; and WHEREAS, City and District have found that it will be to the public interest, economically and practically, to cooperate with each other in regard to the recreational use of the aforemen- tioned facilities and therefore desire to enter into an agreement pursuant to the provisions of said Chapter 10; WHEREAS, City and District have previously entered into an agreement on September 12, 1990 which was amended on August 20, -2- LUI TR_ 8kaj 22 06 .ei_ . ^FGUNA 4 38116.1 1991 to establish joint use of their facilities and appropriate consideration therefor; and WHEREAS, City is concerned with the continued quality of education its residents receive and desires to provide financial support to School District; and WHEREAS, City and District are desirous of expanding the scope of the original agreement, as amended, to provide City greater access to District's facilities in exchange for reasonable additional consideration, thus City and District wish to restate and reform the original agreement to provide for said expanded scope and additional consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION 1. Supersedes Prior Agreements. This Agreement supersedes and takes the place of any other agreement between the parties concerning the same subject matter including the September 12, 1990 agreement and its August 20, 1991 amendment. SECTION 2. Term. This Agreement shall be for the term of twenty -two (22) years, commencing September 12, 1990, and terminating September 12, 2012. SECTION 3. Definitions. (a) The term "educational and athletic programs and activities," as used in this Agreement, shall mean those programs of education under the direction and supervision of District. -3- WN FRAL 1j 22 06 f1 38116.1 (b) The term "public recreational programs and activities," as used in this Agreement shall mean those programs of recreation under the direction and supervision of the City and which are open to the general public, and shall not be construed to include those activities conducted and supervised by District after school hours. SECTION 4. District's Use of City Facility. The City agrees to allow District to utilize the buildings and grounds located at the aforementioned City sites for educational programs and activities in accordance with a schedule acceptable to the City and District, provided, however, that such scheduled use shall not at any time interfere with the use of the buildings, grounds, equipment for the regular conduct of recreation or for any other purpose authorized by the City. District shall have priority over non - recreational activities in the scheduling of buildings and grounds during periods when they are not used for recreational purposes. SECTION 5. City Use of District Facilities. District agrees to allow the City to utilize the buildings and grounds located at the aforementioned school sites for public recreation programs and activities in accordance with a schedule acceptable to District and the City, provided, however, that such scheduled use shall not at any time interfere with the use of the buildings, grounds, equipment for the regular conduct of school or for any other purpose authorized by District. The City shall have priority over non - school activities in the scheduling of -4- W11 I RA Ij 2206 (111 buildings and grounds during periods when they are not used for school purposes. The City agrees to conduct and supervise public recreational programs and activities in conformance with policies and budget limitations of the City, acceptable to District, on the aforementioned school facilities of District. It is agreed further in this regard, that the City shall provide all expend- able supplies and materials and shall furnish and compensate all personnel necessary to conduct such programs and activities, except as may be mutually agreed upon by the City and School District from time to time during the terms of this Agreement and as provided by law. SECTION 6. Urho Saari Swim Stadium. The City agrees to allow residents of El Segundo Unified School District use of Urho Saari Swim Stadium when open for recreational swim or instructional classes. SECTION 7. Rules and Regulations. During the conduct of such programs and activities, each Party may formulate and enforce such rules and regulations as are acceptable to the other party, and are necessary to maintain proper standards of conduct and safety on the said facilities for all age groups. SECTION 8. Duty to Repair. Each Party shall repair, cause to be repaired, or reimburse the other for the cost of repairing damage to said facilities occurring during the period of use by that Party, except where such damage may be attributed to ordinary or reasonable use of such facility. Except as otherwise 38116.1 -Jr - l.Ul�l I�/ ►V �� 22 06��'7 �,'- ^rGUNDR provided for in this Agreement, each Party shall be responsible for normal operation, maintenance and repair of its own buildings and facilities. SECTION 9. District's Indemnification. District shall defend and hold the City, its city council, officers, agents and employees, free and harmless from any liability for loss, damage, injury or death to persons, or damage to or loss of property, including City property, arising out of District's use of the subject premises or any building, facility or equipment located thereon. District shall carry public liability insurance as hereinafter set forth in Section 10 of this Agreement. SECTION 10. District's Duty to Insure. District shall keep in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement public liability insurance, insuring and protecting the City and District from and against any and all liability of the City for damages arising out of or connected with the use by District, its agents, employees, permittees and students of the subject premises or any building, facility or equipment located thereon. All public liability insurance required hereunder shall be in the minimum amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) and a certificate of such insurance showing the City as additional insured shall be provided to the City. Said certificate shall provide that the City shall receive 30 days notice of cancella- tion of said policy. SECTION 11. City's Indemnification. The City shall defend and hold District, its Board of Education, officers, agents and 38116.1 -6- uJ14 11�U I1 22 06 r ►- �cru�at� employees, free and harmless from any liability for loss, damage, injury or death to persons, or damage to or loss of property, including school property, arising out of the City's use of the subject premises or any building, facility or equipment located thereon. The City shall carry public liability insurance as hereinafter set forth in Section 12 of this Agreement. SECTION 12. City's Duty to Insure. The City shall keep in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement public liability insurance, insuring and protecting District and the City from and against any and all liability of District for damages arising out of or connected with the use by the City, its agents, employees, permittees and students of the subject premises or any building, facility or equipment located thereon. All public liability insurance required hereunder shall be in the minimum amount of One Million (1,000,000) Dollars and a certificate of such insurance showing District as additional insured shall be provided to District. Said certificate shall provide that District shall receive 30 days notice of cancellation of said policy. In the alternative City may provide evidence of self- insurance to District's satisfaction. SECTION 13. Limits on Use. Neither Party shall permit any person or organization to use any of the facilities, buildings or accessories thereto where such use is inconsistent with the provisions of Section 10900 through 10916 of the Education Code of the State of California. 38116.1 -7- 22 06 .r ;. . ^rrUNDi� () 3 9 SECTION 14. Use Schedules. The District Superintendent of the School District and the City Manager of the City are hereby authorized and directed by the respective parties to develop necessary schedules and /or details in connection with the operation of the facilities pursuant to this Agreement which shall be consistent with the above stated purposes. SECTION 15. Additional Rights of City and Consideration Therefor. (a) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, the City shall be granted additional rights with regard to the use and improvement of the playground and recreational areas, buildings, and other facilities at all of District's facilities. In addition to the rights granted elsewhere in this Agreement, the City shall be permitted full access and the right to construct, improve and /or expand its opportunities for use of the playground, recreational, and building areas, provided that all such work shall be approved in advance by District and submitted for approval to the Office of the State Architect (11OSA11), where appropriate. District shall not unreasonably withhold or delay such approval. The City must coordinate its use of any school facility with District so as not to interfere with education related uses of the facilities it desires to use. The City shall be responsible for completing any physical improvements it initiates and for repairing and maintaining said physical improvements. (b) Notwithstanding Section 2 of this agreement, the term of the provisions of this Section 15 shall be for a period 38116.1 -8- l,u 14 11ihv,1 22 06 F) 4 n 38116.1 of five (5) years. The termination of this 5 -year term shall not affect the term of any other section of this Agreement as provided for elsewhere herein. City and District may agree to extend this Section 15 for additional terms by mutual written agreement. (c) The rights granted hereunder, shall be all- inclusive with regard to District properties at 640 Main Street, 700 Center Street, 615 Richmond Street, 530 Imperial Avenue and 641 Sheldon Street and shall include classrooms, meeting rooms, cafeterias, kitchens and any other facilities at those addresses. However, it is understood that District shall continue to use these facilities during the effective term of this Section 15, and that District shall have first priority in the use of any facility covered by this section. No improvement constructed by the City shall interfere in any way with District's use of the improved facility. (d) For the additional privileges granted by this Section 15, the City shall pay District seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000) per year for the five (5) year term of this Section 15. Payment for the first year's extended use, shall be due and payable immediately upon the execution of this agreement and on July 1 of each year thereafter. Each annual payment payable by the City to District hereunder, shall be consideration for the extended use provided to the City in the fiscal year in which the payment is made. .l.U141 KhV fj 22 06 t}41 Each such payment hereunder shall be a separate payment for the consideration received in the year in which the payment is made and shall be conditioned upon the receipt of the extended use of facilities from District for that fiscal year. Each individual payment is a separate obligation of the City and shall not become due and payable until the fiscal year in which the consideration is received by the City. The Funds to be paid by the City to District hereunder shall not come from the proceeds of property taxes received by the City but shall instead come from those funds deposited in the City's general fund which are derived from sources other than property taxes. Further, no Funds expended under this Agreement shall be derived from assessments based on the value of property within the City or from any monies appropriated by the State of California. (e) The parties understand that the District will plan its educational program for future years based on the assumption that it will be receiving annual payments in the amounts specified above. The District's plans and expenditures now will be different than they would be if the District did not have the expectation of receiving these additional funds. It is the intent of both parties that the District plan ahead in this manner and commit these funds to such projects as will best address the educational needs of its students over a five year period during which they will be received. 38116.1 -10- 2Z 06 z SECTION 16. Binding on Successors. This Agreement shall be binding on the assigns, transferees and successors in interest of the City and District whether said successor in interest is a unified school district or other political entity. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto have executed this Agreement by their officers duly authorized. EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT L�1 Superi dent Approved As To Form: District Counsel By ` ✓t� 38116.1 -11- CITY OF EL SEGUNDO �l By May6r Attest: i City Clerk Approved As To Form: r By City Attor y 22 06 �' 1r,UND0f) 4 `� J 17 `�J t✓ " C�!`� � ��% tom.% /�% �..�� � +F✓ t ��i��� %��� ` 6r LELAND C. DOLLEY,. City Attorney December 15, 1992 Superintendent William N. Manahan, Ed.D. El Segundo Unified School District 641 Sheldon Street El Segundo CA 90245 Re: Restated Joint Use Agreement between the City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Unified School District of Los Angeles Count_ Dear Dr. Manahan: Enclosed is one of the two original duly executed Restated Joint Use Agreements between the City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Unified School District of Los Angeles County. Simultaneous herewith, the second original is being delivered to City Clerk as Custodian of Records for the City. This will also confirm that our check was delivered to you on 12/8/92, in the sum of $750,000. Sincerely yours, Julia O. Abreu, Legal Assistant LCD:joa Encl. CC: City Council Frank V. Meehan, City Manager Peter Lucey, Esq. !�Vtr l I�k1 a 22 06 350 Main Street, El Segundo, California 90245 -0989 (1 "Av Ir- . "Ini 0nn 710'7 T".7....). --- 717.. 000 .47/) F',"♦ 7n/) FUNDING AGREEMENT This Funding Agreement ( "Agreement ") is made this 19 day of June 2001, between the City of El Segundo ( "City ") and the El Segundo Unified School District ( "District "). RECITALS WHEREAS the City is desirous of providing funds to District for purposes of funding student services as well as maintenance of District facilities that are not being funded by other sources; WHEREAS such services benefit the youth of El Segundo by providing such youth with vital services that will lessen the need for City services such as police and park and recreation services and will result in better educated youth in the City; WHEREAS the City believes that the District's educational services play a critical role in providing the City with future citizens that will dedicate their time and knowledge to the community and thereby increase the quality of life in the City of El Segundo; NOW THEREFORE, the City and District do hereby agree, covenant and warrant as follows: Section 1. Funding of District Services. The City shall on or before October 1, 2001 and on or before October 1, for each of the next four years thereafter, pay the District $250,000. The District shall use such funds foy providing student services end mmaintenance of facilities that serve the needs of the students of the District and are not being funded by other sources. In the event that the City determines that it is not in the City's best interest to make any of the $250,000 payments, the City can terminate its obligation to make such payments by giving the District 30 days advance written notice of its intent to cancel its payment obligation hereunder. Section 2. Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire understanding of the City and the District with respect to the subject matter hereof and all prior written and oral agreements regarding the subject matter hereof are superseded by this Agreement. f1 *41 Section 3. Modifications This Agreement can only be modified in a writing approved by the City Council and the District Board. This Agreement is hereby approved as of the date first written above. DISTRICT: President, D trict Board ATTEST: CITY: Mayor Mike Gordon :o. •�� -r Approved as to Form: /. IJ Bo rd Co nsel Mark D. Hensle ,City Attorney nor,