2007 APR 03 - CC PACKETHFRIT 4 9KNUME� .f, J F 0 AGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City- related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and /or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portions of the Meeting Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired Please respect the time limits Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p m the prior Tuesday) The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes in length In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524 -2305. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2007 - 5:00 P.M. Next Resolution # 4507 Next Ordinance # 1406 5:00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 CLOSED SESSION: The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et sue) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation, and /or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel), andlor conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators, as follows i CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956 9(a)) — 2 matters 1 City of El Segundo v 2221 Park Place, LASC Case No BC319034 2 City of El Segundo vs City of Los Angeles, at al LASC No BS094279 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956 9(b) -0- potential case (no further public statement is required at this time), Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956 9(c) -0- matter DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) -0- matter CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54957 6) -0- matter CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956 8) -0- matter SPECIAL MATTERS: -0- matter A♦ 2 J 0 HERrT qC AGENDA L EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL z COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City- related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and /or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portions of the Meeting Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired Please respect the time limits Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p m the prior Tuesday) The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes in length In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524 -2305 Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2007 - 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION — Pastor John Svendsen, First Baptist Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Mayor Pro Tem Eric Busch Next Resolution # 4507 Next Ordinance # 1406 003 PRESENTATIONS - (a) Proclamation declaring April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month and designating April 25, 2007 as Denim Day to communicate the impact of rape and sexual violence in Southern California (b) Commendation to Allison Reaser upon winning the Group "B" CSLSA/USLA (California Surf Lifesaving Association /United States Lifesaving Association) Poster Contest ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves poor to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only. Recommendation - Approval B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Consideration and possible action regarding a status report of the issues identified by the Ad Hoc Aquatics Operations Committee, summary of actions taken, and recommendations by the Recreation and Parks Commission. (Fiscal Impact: None) Recommendation - (1) Approve the attached status report identified by the Ad Hoc Aquatics Committee, summary of actions taken, and recommendations from the Recreation and Parks Commission, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of an item Is made, the item(s) will be considered Individually under the next heading of business 4 Loo 2. Warrant Numbers 2558531 to 2558778 on Register No. 12 in the total amount of $1,288,115.37 and Wire Transfers from 3/9/2007 through 3/22/2007 in the total amount of $1.502.230.74. Recommendation — Approve Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release Ratify Payroll and Employee Benefit checks, checks released early due to contracts or agreement, emergency disbursements and /or adjustments, and wire transfers 3. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 20, 2007. Recommendation — Approval 4. Consideration and possible action regarding the approval of the examination plans for the Personnel Merit System job classification of Water/Wastewater Maintenance Worker 1 /11 and Network Assistant. (Fiscal Impact: None) Recommendation — (1) Approve the examination plans, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 5. Consideration and possible action to waive the formal bidding process and approve the purchase of 20 TASER International Model X26 Tasers with digital cameras and holsters from Pro Force Law Enforcement in an amount not to exceed $28,230 from the asset forfeiture fund. (Fiscal Impact: None) Recommendation — (1) Pursuant to El Segundo Municipal Code Sec 1 -7 -10, waive the formal bid process based on a sole source vendor for the purchase of TASER International Model X26 Tasers with digital cameras and holsters from Pro Force Law Enforcement, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 6. Consideration and possible action regarding acceptance of the project for Sycamore Avenue Street Improvements between Sheldon and Penn Streets — Project No. PW 03-15. (Final contract amount = $92,623.30) Recommendation — (1) Accept the work as complete, (2) Authorize the City Clerk to file the City Engineer's Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office, (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 005 7. Consideration and possible action to approve a budget appropriation of $375,000 and to amend an existing professional services agreement with MRH Structural Engineers to increase the agreement and purchase order by $375,000 for building plan review services. Total amount not to exceed $632,544 for Fiscal Year 2006- 2007. (Fiscal Impact - $375,000, Expenditures are offset by revenue collected for plan review services paid by developers) Recommendation — (1) Authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with MRH Structural Engineers to increase the amount by $375,000 for plan review services, (2) Approve a budget appropriation of $375,000 for building plan review services, (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 8. Consideration and possible action to waive the formal bidding process and to approve a budget appropriation and professional services agreement with Data Microlmaging Company (DMC) for $15,000 to provide microfiche services to the Planning and Building Safety Department. (Fiscal Impact $15,000) Recommendation — (1) Authorize the City Manager to waive the formal bidding process and to execute standard Professional Services Agreement with Data Microlmaging Company to provide microfiche services, (2) Approve budget appropriation for $15,000 to provide microfiche services, (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 9. Consideration and possible action to waive the formal bidding process and to approve a budget appropriation and professional services agreement with John L. Hunter and Associates, Inc. for $12,000 to provide implementation support of the City's Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan (SUSWMP) Ordinance 1329. (Fiscal Impact $12,000) Recommendation — (1) Authorize the City Manager to waive the formal bidding process and to execute standard Professional Services Agreement with John L Hunter and Associates, Inc to provide implementation support of the City's Standard Urban Water Mitigation Plan (SUSWMP) Ordinance No 1329, (2) Approve budget appropriation for $12,000 to provide implementation support of the City's Standard Urban Water Mitigation Plan (SUSWMP) Ordinance No 1329, (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 10. Consideration and possible action regarding a modification of three new Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) licenses to allow for increased hours of operation for a new market currently under construction at a new shopping center (Plaza El Segundo) located at 760 South Sepulveda Boulevard, EA No. 744 and AUP No. 07- 03. Applicant: Mrs. Gooche's Natural Foods Markets, Inc. (AKA Whole Foods) c/o Lanny Kusaka (Fiscal Impact: None) Recommendation — (1) Receive and file a determination that the City Council does not protest the issuance of three new Type 21, 41 and 42 ABC licenses at 760 South Sepulveda Boulevard, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 6 Usti 11. Consideration and possible action regarding the approval of a budget appropriation and a Third Amendment to a Professional Services Agreement with Willdan for providing planning consulting services for a second interim Senior Planner position for the Planning and Building Safety Department. (Fiscal Impact: Up to $93,600) Recommendation — (1) Authorize the City Manager to execute the Third Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement as to form approved by the City Attorney, (2) Approve a budget appropriation for $93,600 to provide planning consulting services for a second interim Senior Planner position for the Planning and Building Safety Department, (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA F. NEW BUSINESS 12. Consideration and possible action to approve a license agreement between the City of El Segundo and Thomas Properties Group, LLC regarding the naming rights of the athletic fields located on the northeast corner of Nash Street and Mariposa Avenue (Fiscal Impact: $1.5 million in revenues received in exchange for naming rights) Recommendation — (1) Approve attached license agreement between the City of El Segundo and Thomas Properties Group, LLC, (2) Deposit funds received from the agreement with Thomas Properties Group, LLC into the City's Economic Uncertainty Fund and schedule specific discussion of the funds during the upcoming Council Strategic Planning Session, (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 13. Consideration and possible action regarding award of a six month contract extension to The Jones Payne Group for design and testing services related to the Residential Sound Insulation (RSI) Program and authorize staff to draft and advertise a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for future design and testing services. (Fiscal Impact: $872,692) Recommendation — (1) Award a contract extension to The Jones Payne Group for Design and Testing Services, (2) Authorize the City Manager to execute the contract extension, (3) Authorize staff to draft and advertise a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for future design and testing services, (4) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 7 007 14. Consideration and possible action to Planning and Building Safety staff to review and to prepare municipal code amendments to the existing off - street parking and loading requirements in El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) Chapter 15 -15. (Fiscal Impact: None) Recommendation — (1) Receive staff presentation, (2) Direct staff regarding proceeding with further analysis and development of municipal code amendments to ESMC Chapter 15 -15 regarding off - street parking and loading requirements, (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item G. REPORTS — CITY MANAGER H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS — CITY CLERK REPORTS — CITY TREASURER K. REPORTS — CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Fisher - Council Member Jacobson — Council Member Boulgarides — Mayor Pro Tem Busch - Mayor McDowell — PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have receive value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed MEMORIALS — 0v8 CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, at sue) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation, and /or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel), and /or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) ADJOURNMENT POSTED nn DATE TIME I J� NAME 009 roc[arnatian pCitp of Ct *tgunbo, Caltfornia WHEREAS, The United States Government has declared April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Peace Over Violence (formerly the Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women) has declared April 25, 2007 as Denim Day in Los Angeles County to draw attention to the fact that rape and sexual assault remain serious issues in our society; and WHEREAS, Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Denim Day were further instituted to call attention to misconceptions about sexual assault, and the problem that many in society remain disturbingly uninformed with respect to issues of assault and forcible rape, and WHEREAS, The importance of this issue is underlined by statistics indicating that someone is sexually assaulted in America every 2- and -a -half minutes, 61% of rapes are not reported to the police and only t- in - 16 rapists are prosecuted, and WHEREAS, Wearing jeans during Sexual AssaultAwareness Month, became an international symbol of protest of harmful attitudes about rape in r999 after an Italian Supreme Court decision overturned a rape conviction because the victim wore leans The justices reasoned that the victim must have helped her attacker remove her leans, implying her consent, and WHEREAS, The Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women organized Denim Day in LA to invite public discourse, and to eventually eliminate attitudes that blame the victim and prevent victims from seeking assistance, because the same attitudes held by the Italian Supreme Court exist here in our communities, and WHEREAS, Survivors of sexual assault deserve support and assistance, not shame and blame, and with proper education on the matter, there is compelling evidence that we can be successful in reducing incidents of this alarming and psychologically damaging crime. NOW, THEREFORE, on this 3rd day of April, 2007, the Mayor and the Members of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby proclaim the month of April 2007 as Sexual Assault Awareness Month, designate April 25, 2007 as Denim Day, and encourage our citizens to wearleans on Wednesday, April 25, 2007 to help communicate the message that there is no excuse and never an invitation to rape o,. 010 � � .� � � � � � � � Q �l � \ � \\ \ � 7 w /\ 01)� y�7 ) � \ oG/ ci \ d � / 7 ƒ 2 � � � � .� � cl _ � to / � ± 3 .\ 2 ,ell § U a � � § J ( \ \ �0 � � § \ \ \ 5 2 e � \� 7 � � § � » ) q � \ / ( ; \ j ) ® > � / & ° U4a / \ ) : E \ \\ � \ \ ƒ78 § �( \ \ : ® \ t` L� N� Oil EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE. April 3, 2007 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING Reports of Committees, Commissions, and Boards Consideration and possible action regarding a status report of the Issues Identified by the Ad Hoc Aquatics Operations Committee, summary of actions taken, and recommendations by the Recreation and Parks Commission (Fiscal Impact None) COUNCIL ACTION 1) Approve the attached status report of Issues identified by the Ad Hoc Aquatics Committee, summary of actions taken, and recommendations from the Recreation and Parks Commission, 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this Item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION On August 15, 2006, City Council created the Ad Hoc Aquatics Operations Committee to meet, discuss and make recommendations regarding aquatic operations and maintenance issues at the Urho Saari Swim Stadium (The Plunge) Comprised of nineteen community members, two Council members, two Recreation and Park Commissioners, and several City staff, the committee met on September 6 and October 11, 2006 Forty -six issues pertaining to aquatic program operations were identified At the November 21, 2006 City Council meeting, these issues were directed to the Recreation and Parks Commission for review and recommendations At the December 2006 Commission meeting, eleven Issues were discussed and recommendations made At the January 2007 (continued on following page ) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Attachment #1 Ad Hoc Aquatic Committee Issues, Actions Taken, and Recreation and Parks Commission Recommendations FISCAL IMPACT: None Operating Budget. - -- Account Number, - -- Project Phase. - -- Appropriation Required* _Yes X No 0 1( i BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (continued .) Commission meeting, thirty -four issues were discussed and recommendations made Staff was directed to bring a report identifying these recommendations to the February 2007 Commission meeting The Commission reviewed and made a recommendation regarding the final issue pertaining to residency standards at their March 2007 meeting SUMMARY OF FORTY -SIX AD HOC AQUATIC COMMITTEE ISSUES, ACTIONS TAKEN, AND RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS Attachment #1 identifies the forty -six issues raised by the Ad Hoc Aquatic Committee, the status of each issue, and Recreation and Parks Commission recommendations Thirty -eight of the questions or solutions to issues raised by the Ad Hoc Committee were addressed or are being implemented Seven Ad Hoc Committee issues raised were recommended by the Commission to remain as is and not to change current operations for These issues involved the Masters adult and Sea Turtles youth swim teams and included creating pay -as- you -swim or punch card payment options, pro - rating or reimbursing fees for individual days the program may be closed, and allowing free participation for select participants The final issue involved a policy change explained below and pertains to contract instructional aquatics programs and the requirement for a 50% minimum residency standard The Ad Hoc Aquatics Committee inquired about the minimum residency percentage requirement and requested amendment of that issue Department policy identified contract instructional aquatic programs maintain a 50% percent minimum residency percentage The Masters Adult Swim Team, Sea Turtles Youth Swim Team, Private Lessons, Junior Guards, and Lifeguard Training programs are all contract instructional aquatic programs that allow non- residents to participate but that under current policy have a minimum residency requirement of 50% Participation fees are charged for both residents and non - residents, with non - residents being charged an additional $10 fee for each program session The Recreation and Parks Commission created a Subcommittee comprised of Commissioners and several El Segundo residents to evaluate and make recommendations pertaining to Recreation Division program residency standards The Subcommittee unanimously recommended, and the Commission voted 4 to 1, that the 55% minimum residency requirement be removed but that El Segundo residents always be given priority registration and participation priority over non - residents, that in -pool participation maximums of 8 -10 persons per lane (80 total in -pool participants) be set to maintain pool safety standards, and if maximum potential class registration is reached, non - residents will be bumped from the program to accommodate residents z 013 ATTACHMENT # 1 AD HOC AQUATIC OPERATIONS AND POOL USE COMMITTEE ISSUES ISSUE STATUS or ANSWER TO QUESTION and RECREATION and PARK COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS Masters Swimmers 1 Can program start earlier (at Yes Implemented Commission consensus 5 40am Instead of at 5 45am) What is the back -up plan If staff 2 with keys are not there on time In Multiple staff now have keys to open pool in a m Commission consensus am ? 3 No on -site registration allowed at Working on getting The Plunge connected to City computer registration The Plunge system Commission consensus Can a "punch card" system be 4 created so Its more of a "pay -as- Commission consensus to maintain current operations /payment systems you swim" program rather than a and to not provide a punch card or a pay -as- you -go system straight "monthly fee "? Can program fees be pro - rated? (if participant wants to try program for a Commission consensus to maintain current operations /payment systems 5 couple weeks or program Is dosed for a and to not pro -rate fees (unless the pool Is unforeseeably closed for several week or multiple days in a month, weeks, at which point fees could be pro- rated) participants do not want to pay for full mo) j Can participants be reimbursed Commission consensus to maintain current operations and payment 6 for missed pool time (same issue systems and Is against reimbursing (unless the pool is unforeseeably closed as pro - rating Issue above)? for several weeks, at which point fees could be pro- rated) Correct Monday a m Issues Correct y a Implemented Maintenance staff arrive earlier In a m Saturday closing staff 7 (heat, chlorine, etc) trained to monitor /check pool operational systems before closing Commission consensus 8 More pool time is desired Commission consensus to continue current group usage times and that Masters have enough pool -use time given their participation numbers 9 Why can't keys be given to Contract Instructors (swim team Keys to City facilities only given to City staff Early a m opening problem coaches)? issues have been corrected Commission consensus Can Participant Registration/ Participants can register and pay for the whole year, quarterly, or monthly, 10 Waiver be good for a whole year, whichever preferred Full registration /waiver completed with first payment, rather than having to be done only a payment form Is signed thereafter wleach payment Commission multiple times a year? consensus Can certain people /groups be 11 allowed to swim for free (I a for high school swim staff, or elite Commission consensus that all participants should pay established fees and swimmers, etc ) at discretion of that certain groups or people should not be allowed to swim for free contract instructor? Can High School swimmers/ Yes Implemented High school age under -18 yr olds now allowed in 12 teens be allowed to swim in program w /contract instructor approval, a swim coach (i a High School or Masters program ? club team coach) reference and parent - signed waiver /release form Commission consensus Masters swimmers were pushed out of their evening use a few As a result of investigating overall pool use and redistribution of group usage 13 years ago and only have limited pool time several years ago, and due to Masters instructor decision, the morning time currently evening time Masters had was given up Commission consensus 014 14 Why is there a need for 2 life Safety Commission consensus to maintain policy of 2 guards at a minimum guards on deck at all times? El Segundo High School 15 Would like more Summer swim Several programs might use increased pool time Commission consensus program time in pool more time could be given to ESHS if other programs have less time 16 They have no Friday swim time in Currently, Friday morning is only specific time set aside for maintenance summertime during the summer Commission consensus Group Swim Lessons 17 Adaptive classes need to be Implemented Commission consensus restricted to the small pool If adaptive, youth lessons, or other use is allowed in big pool 18 during adult lap swim, place sign Implemented Commission consensus on deck for identifying lanes for this purpose during adult lap swim Fall/Winter /Spring lesson times Current pool usage cannot accommodate earlier lesson times without taking 19 are too late in the evening (can time away from other group use Commission consensus they start earlier in evening ?) 20 Why do parents need to stay off This is a safety and program operations policy Commission consensus to the pool deck? maintain current operational policy Swimnastics 21 No one was present representing Staff attempted to have Swimnastic participation on the Ad Hoc Committee Swimnastics group No one from Swimnastics chose to participate at either Committee meeting Lap Swim 22 Shower heads in locker room Shower heads replaced Staff monitor and ask HS teams /coaches to showers are missing monitor too Commission consensus Years ago participation was low in late- afternoon Saturday and on Sundays 23 More lap swim time on Saturday Coupled w /aquatic program funding reductions, resulted in hours reductions & Sunday Staff can request additional funding, if participation doesn't justify need, expanded use time not necessary Commission consensus If The Plunge is closed Sundays, 24 educate the public and place Implemented Commission consensus signage outside Public needs to be more informed 25 of pool programming, more New signage has been created and posted Commission consensus signage re operational hours, closures for maintenance Recreational Swim Increase the amount of time for Years ago participation was low in late- afternoon Saturday and on Sundays 26 Rec Swim on Saturday's Coupled w /aquatic program funding reductions, resulted in hours reductions Staff can request additional funding Commission consensus Aquatic staff are enforcing participant pool use restrictions in small pools in The Plunge small pools need to order to curb inappropriate behavior that was causing problem issues 27 have age or size limitations for Commission consensus their use Restrict what people can bring Implemented Restrictions have been placed and signs posted Commission 28 into the pool consensus 2 015 29 Keep those who can't pass swim test in shallower end (by installing To address this issue, aquatic staff are monitoring swimmers and directing new lane line in pool at the 5' ) non - swimmers to shallower end of the pool Commission consensus What Lifeguard Training is Standard, multiple Red Cross certificates /training required for aquatic staff 30 required /provided? Additional in -house traimngs provided Aquatic Manuals for aquatic staff in place Commission consensus Lifeguards need to be more Implemented Specific training has been provided and incorporated into on- 31 vocal, assertive and authoritative, going aquatic staff trainings Commission consensus enforce more deep water testing of swimmers, etc 32 Lifeguards need to be in matching Implemented Commission consensus uniform (swimsuits, whistles, etc ) Sea Turtles Youth Team Can program fees be pro -rated ? (if participant wants to try program for a Commission consensus to maintain current operations /payment systems 33 couple weeks or program is closed for a and not pro - rating fees (unless the pool is unforeseeably closed for several week or multiple days in a month, Weeks, at which point fees could be pro - rated) participants do not want to pay for full mo ) Can fees be reimbursed when program is closed /not offered for Commission consensus to maintain current operations and payment 34 appropriate &/or approved systems and not reimburse fees (unless the pool is unforeseeably closed for reasons? several weeks, at which point fees could be pro- rated) Could Sea Turtles use pool time 35 given to High School when High Implemented Commission consensus School is at away meets /matches? Can a "punch card" system be 36 created so its more of a "pay -as- Commission consensus to maintain current operations /payment systems you swim" program rather than a and not implement a punch card or a pay -as- you -go system straight "monthly fee "? Staff, specifically program check - 37 in person, needs to be more Implemented Commission consensus friendly and provide better customer service Have an updated participant 38 registration list/roster at the pool Implemented Commission consensus facility daily Can a "try out time" for potential 39 participants be established and Implemented Free "try -out" time established every Wednesday night fees be less or waived (have a Commission consensus grace period) 40 Volunteer Coaches & Processing Implemented Process in place, must pass background check /screening time of contract instructors process Commission consensus 41 Why do parents need to stay off the pool deck? This is a safety issue & program operational policy Commission consensus 42 Can parents or others be Implemented Process in place, must pass background check/screening assistant coaches? process Commission consensus U16 43 Can parents or others be Implemented Process in place, must pass background check /screening volunteers? process Commission consensus Current Dept policy identifies 50% minimum residency requirement for Why is there a requirement fora aquatics contract instructional programs Commission voted 4 to 1 r r minimum percentage of residents (Commissioner Glynn -Rich opposed) to approve unanimous Subcommittee 44 in the program and why it recommendation to remove the 50% minimum residency requirement but to enforced require El Segundo residents be given priority registrations at all times over non - residents and if necessary bump a registered non - resident to allow a resident into a program if necessary 45 The Sea Turtles website needs Implemented Contract instructor updated the Sea Turtles website updating Commission consensus Pool Rental Groups South Bay United Water Polo (was "Kai Water Polo') Why are rental groups treated Rental groups aren't a contract instructional class and fall under facility/pool 46 differently than other groups rental policies and procedures Commission consensus using the pool? 0 17 () On N ( j { \\ {\ }\ | \ (®:) \/§i ['§!! _ § : ; rW!!\l= t )E /( \ )§ \ !1},r\)) ) ( § : .E .!r §! \ : _ . H.1; , <: ;; r ! § ]\. /WW _§ { \\ {\ }\ | §±R \ \ \)) _ / \ \ \(\ \ k \Z (z \ §±R CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 3/9/2007 THROUGH 3122/2007 Date Payee Amount Description 3/12/2007 West Basin 869,179 02 H2O payment 3112/2007 Federal Reserve 15000 Employee I Bonds 3/12/2007 Nationwide Retirement 23,445 94 457 contributions 3/1412007 Lane Donovan Golf Ptr 19,370 96 payroll transfer 3/14/2007 Health Comp 6,04734 Weekly claims 3/9 3/1412007 Cal Pers 242,795 40 Retirement 2/20/2007 La Salle 43,725 00 ABAG Payment 3/21/2007 Health Comp 1,67670 Weekly claims 3116 3/22/2007 Employment Development 43,360 27 State Taxes 312212007 IRS 214,891 97 Federal Taxes 3/9- 3/22/07 Workers Comp Activity 37,588 14 SCRMA checks issued 1,502,230 74 DATE OF RATIFICATION 4/03107 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE. Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by %Y) (In_ n,-, —kri " 363 %a% DepJty Tre rer Date 3 -Z3 -v Date Z7 to 1,502,230 74 /Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo 619 REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 2007 - 5 00 P M 5 00 P M SESSION CALL TO ORDER — ROLL CALL Mayor McDowell - Absent Mayor Pro Tern Busch - Absent Council Member Boulgandes - Absent Council Member Fisher - Absent Council Member Jacobson - Absent Clerk Domann declared the meeting adjourned to 7 00 p m March 20, 2007 due to a lack of a quorum, 3 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING RCH 20, 2007 PAGE NO 1 REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 2007 - 7 00 P M 7 00 P M SESSION CALL TO ORDER — 7 03 p m by Mayor McDowell INVOCATION — Pastor Roger Kinsey, Pacific Baptist Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Councilmember Carl Jacobson PRESENTATIONS — (a) Council Member Fisher presented a Proclamation to John Stevenson, Head Baseball Coach, in recognition of being the first baseball coach in California to win 1,000 games (b) Mayor McDowell presented a Proclamation to Linda Conkey, Raytheon, on behalf of the Junior Reserves Officers' Training Corps ( JROTC) in recognition of the 9th Annual West Coast JROTC Drill Team Competition (c) Mayor McDowell presented Commendations to the El Segundo Girls Varsity Waterpolo Team for their CIF championship Caitlin Brmey Jacqueline Combs Ashley Cordobes Haley Cox Carissa DeSalles Rachel Jarvis Jenna Johnston Chelsea Kemp Coaches Scott Garinger Manager Stephanie Ng ROLL CALL Coral Kemp Jenn Kreutzer Rachel Leahy Jenny Merva Elie Quane Amber Rava Madison Renfro Amanda Schat George Harris and Kelly Kemp Mayor McDowell - Present Mayor Pro Tern Busch - Present Council Member Boulgandes - Present Council Member Fisher - Present Council Member Jacobson - Present MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 20 2007 021 PAGE NO 2 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed - NONE A PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only MOTION by Council Member Jacobson, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Busch to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 B SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS C UNFINISHED BUSINESS Consideration and possible action to approve a license agreement between the City of El Segundo and Thomas Properties Group, LLC regarding the naming rights of the athletic fields located on the northeast corner of Nash Street and Mariposa Avenue (Fiscal Impact $1 5 million in revenues received in exchange for naming rights) - ITEM PULLED FROM THIS AGENDA D REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS E CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business Approved Warrant Numbers 2558273 to 2558530 on Register No 11 in the total amount of $1,304,877 63 and Wire Transfers from 2/23/07 through 3/8/07 in the total amount of $968,820 84 Authorized staff to release Ratified Payroll and Employee Benefit checks, checks released early due to contracts or agreement, emergency disbursements and /or adjustments, and wire transfers 3. Approved Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of March 6, 2007 4 Declared City property as surplus and authorized the Risk Manager /Purchasing Agent to sell and dispose of City property at auction (computer equipment, office furniture, etc.) that has become surplus and /or unsuitable for continued City use (Fiscal Impact Revenue) 5 Awarded Standard Public Works Contract No 3703 to Heisler Landscape General Engineering, Inc for replacement of playground equipment in Recreation Park (300 E Pine MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 20, 2007 022 PAGE NO 3 Avenue) and Candy Cane Park (100 Whiting Street) Approved Capital Improvement Project. Protect No. PW 07 -01. (Contract Amount = $348,873 16) Authorized the City Manager to execute the contract in a form as approved by the City Attorney 6 Accepted the project as complete for the replacement of the automated engine control panel for the emergency natural gas water pump for the City of El Segundo water distribution system located at 400 Lomita Street (Final Contract Amount = $15,511 19) Authorized the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office 7 Accepted the project as complete for the replacement of blue stone crosswalks in the intersection of Grand Avenue at Main Street Approved Capital Improvement Project Project No PW 06 -12 (Final Contract Amount = $ 80,500) Approved Change Order No in the amount of $7,600 Authorized the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office 8 Waived the formal bidding process based on a sole source vendor for the purchase and maintenance of an Internet based online crime reporting system and approve Contract No 3704 with Coplogic Inc to equip the Police Department with an Internet based crime reporting system Fiscal Impact not to exceed $21,000 in Citizens Option for Public Safety (COPS) grand funds Authorized the City Manager to execute the contract as approved by the City Attorney to purchase the Desk Officer Reporting System from Coplogic MOTION by Council Member Fisher, SECONDED by Council Member Jacobson to approve Consent Agenda items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA - NONE F NEW BUSINESS 9 Consideration and possible action regarding the FY 2006 -2007 First Quarter Financial Review, preliminary FY 2005 -2006 General Fund savings, and direction on allocating the Fiscal Year 2005 -2006 General Fund surplus of $6.895 million, which was deposited into the Economic Uncertainty Fund (Fiscal Impact estimated $6 895 million from the Economic Uncertainty Fund) Bret Plumlee, Administrative Services Director, gave a report MOTION by Council Member Boulgandes, SECONDED by Council Member Fisher approve the following staff recommendations for allocating the FY 2005 -2006 General Fund surplus of $6 895 million which was deposited into the Economic Uncertainty Fund Designate $1 5 million in the Economic Uncertainty Fund toward Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) 45 This is an accounting standard which requires the City to record short term and long term liabilities for retiree health and other than pension obligations Setting aside money toward this obligation combined with the City's ongoing efforts to negotiate increased sharing of the future medical costs will give us a head start toward a funding plan This item is being reviewed by the Investment Advisory Committee MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 20, 2007 023 PAGE NO 4 who will report to City Council a variety of potential alternatives for funding the requirement at the Fiscal Year 2007 -2008 Strategic Planning Session 2 Designate $1 5 million in the Economic Uncertainty Fund for Fire Station #2 With the cost of construction continuing to grow at an estimated 1 5% per month, this will give the City an additional protection against inflation prior to the award of the construction contract in early 2008 3 Increase the General Fund Unreserved, Undesignated fund balance as of September 30, 2006 by the average Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate of 4 79% or $583,903 This is the average Los Angeles /Riverside area CPI rate for the 12 month period of October 1, 2005 through September 30, 2006 The fund balance policy adopted by the City Council in FY 2000 -2001 requires that the General Fund Unreserved, Undesignated fund balance be increased annually by the CPI, and this increase was not made for the past 2 fiscal years 4 Designate $1 2 million in the Economic Uncertainty Fund to be set aside for the anticipated funding shortfall in Gas Utility User's Tax of $1 2 million With the uncertainty of the future operations of the local power plant, this will give the City a head start toward phasing this revenue source out completely beginning in FY 2007 -2008 5 Transfer $1 2 million to the Equipment Replacement Fund to bring it closer to fully funded This will replenish funds that have been depleted in previous budget years 6 Leave the remaining balance of dust over $910,000 in the Economic Uncertainty Fund for funding any overall FY 2007 -20208 budget shortfall MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 510 Staff to review the GASB 45 accounting requirement with Investment Advisory Committee and bring back alternatives to Council at the FY 2007 -2008 Strategic Planning Session in July 2007 Staff will also review the Equipment Replacement Schedule and bring back a recommendation for allocating the $1.2 million that will be transferred from FY 2005 -2006 General Fund surplus in the Equipment Replacement Fund. G REPORTS — CITY MANAGER - NONE H REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY - NONE REPORTS — CITY CLERK - NONE REPORTS — CITY TREASURER - NONE K REPORTS — CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Fisher — Spoke regarding the success of the recent "Trees to the Sea" event Council Member Jacobson — Spoke regarding the A380 Air Bus takeoff from LAX this evening Announced the grand opening of the Car Museum at 610 Lairport this weekend MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 20, 2007 024 PAGE NO 5 Council Member Boulgandes — Spoke regarding the "Run for Education' Saturday and encouraged community participation Mayor Pro Tern Busch - 10 Consideration of possible action regarding the City's position on AB 391 (Lieu), a bill which expands municipal representation on the Southern California Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Board of Directors MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Busch, SECONDED by Council Member Boulgandes to approve Resolution No 4506 supporting AB 391, a bill which expands municipal representation on the Southern California Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Board of Directors MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 Spoke regarding the upcoming Jr ROTC at Raytheon and the success of the recent "Trees to the Sea" event Congratulated Recreation staff on their musical production "Foot Loose" and noted the public could attend the production this Thursday, Friday and Saturday Mayor McDowell — Thanked everyone who contributed to the successful "Trees to the Sea" event Reported that Assemblyman Ted Lieu would be holding an open house at his El Segundo office, 500 Center Street, on March 22, 2007 from 5 00 p m to 7 00 p m Announced the memorial services for former Mayor Pro Tern John Gaines would be at 12 Noon, Saint Anthony's Church, on Saturday, March 24 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have receive value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed Gail Church, Tree Musketeers, thanked Council, staff and citizens for their help and support for the "Trees to the Sea" protect MEMORIALS — George Durkos father of retired El Segundo Fire Engineer Tim Durkos and former El Segundo Mayor Pro Tern John Gaines ADJOURNMENT — at 8 18 p m Cathy Domann, Deputy City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 20, 2007 02J _ PAGE NO 6 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA MEETING DATE: April 3, 2007 AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda Consideration and possible action regarding the approval of the examination plans for the Personnel Merit System fob classifications of Water/Wastewater Maintenance Worker 1 /11 and Network Assistant (Fiscal Impact None) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION. 1) Approve the examination plans, 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION. Section 1 -6 -9 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, entitled "Examinations ", provides that the Personnel Officer shall review and recommend to the City Manager, who in turn shall recommend to the City Council, an appropriate examination plan and weights for each portion of the examination for Personnel Merit System fob classifications Approval of exam plans for Merit System fob classifications in all City Departments has been required since the passage of initiative Ordinance No 586 in April 1962 (continued on next page) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None FISCAL IMPACT: None Operating Budget: Amount Requested: Account Number: Various Project Phase: Appropriation Required: _ Yes X NO ORIGINATED BY. - DATE: March 20, 2007 ,9 1;k7 /X v4 Bret M Plumlee, Director of Administrative Services DATE: Jeff AA%art, City Manager Agenda 556 026 10 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: For departments other than the Police and Fire Departments, the plan may consist of any one or combination of the following techniques 1 Written, 2 Oral, 3 Demonstration, 4 Any evaluation of education, experience, or skills or physical fitness, which fairly evaluated the relative capacities of the applicants Police and Fire Departments The examination plan, for entrance or promotional, for the Police and Fire Departments, shall consist of a written examination and one or more of the following Oral, Demonstration, Any evaluation of education certification, experience, or skills or any test of manual skills or physical fitness, which fairly evaluates the relative capacities of the applicant Water/Wastewater Maintenance Worker 1 /11 (Open- Competitive) Multiple Choice Written Test Pass /Fail Structured Technical and Career Preparation Interview 100% Network Assistant (Open- Competitive) Multiple Choice Written Test Pass /Fad Structured Technical and Career Preparation Interview 100% `2 7 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 3, 2007 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to waive the formal bidding process and approve the purchase of 20 TASER International Model X26 Tasers with digital cameras and holsters from Pro Force Law Enforcement in an amount not to exceed $28,230 from the asset forfeiture fund (Fiscal Impact None) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Pursuant to El Segundo Municipal Code Sec 1 -7 -10, waive the formal bid process based on a sole source vendor for the purchase of TASER International Model X26 Tasers with digital cameras and holsters from Pro Force Law Enforcement 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this Item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION. In 2001, the City Council authorized the police department to purchase 22 TASER International M26 Tasers and equip each patrol car and the SWAT Team with these electronic control devices as a force deployment option Since the purchase and deployment of the M26 Tasers, technological advances have emerged including the addition of an integrated audio and video digital camera, which is an option on the X26 model On September 19, 2006, the City Council approved the 2006/2007 budget which included a Capital Outlay Request in the amount of $77,940 from asset forfeiture to purchase 60 TASER International Model X26 Tasers The TASER International Model X26 Taser is the only ambidextrous law enforcement electronic control device with the added feature of an integrated audio and video digital camera - Continued on next page - ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None FISCAL IMPACT. Operating Budget None Amount Requested: $28,230 Account Number: 109 -400- 3105 -8104 Project Phase. fired: Yes DATE: Chief of Police�� DATE- Manager �� 028 Background and Discussion (continued) In December 2006, six TASER International Model X26 Tasers were purchased from Pro Force Law Enforcement and, following the completion of necessary training, deployed by the Department's Use of Force staff for evaluation The Use of Force staff has completed their evaluation and recommends moving forward with the purchase and deployment of additional TASER International Model X26 Tasers The primary reason for this recommendation is due to the capabilities of the attached digital video camera which provide both audio and video recordings of an incident when the X26 Taser is deployed The ability to capture both audio and video recordings is beneficial for use during criminal prosecution, excessive use of force allegations and investigations, and use of force tactics training Additionally, the X26 Taser is smaller in size and easier to manipulate Although the X26 Taser is smaller than the current M26, the controlling capabilities are equal At this time, Police Department staff recommends replacing the M26 Tasers currently in all patrol cars and those assigned to the SWAT Team with TASER International Model X26 Tasers It is further recommended the department equip and train animal control personnel with X26 Tasers as these electronic control devices have proven effective in controlling aggressive dogs Upon deployment of the X26 Tasers, Department Staff will continue to evaluate this force deployment option to determine if assigning an X26 Taser device to all field personnel would be a more efficient manner of deployment The justification to utilize Pro Force Law Enforcement as a sole source vendor for the purchase is due to Pro Force Law Enforcement's being the sole authorized distributor of the Taser Model X26 within California Staff recommends the City Council waive the bidding requirements and authorize a purchase from Pro Force Law Enforcement in an amount not to exceed $28,230 for the purchase of 20 TASER International Model X26 Tasers with digital video camera attachments and holsters to replace the current electronic control devices �w� K. EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 3, 2007 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding acceptance of the project for Sycamore Avenue Street Improvements between Sheldon and Penn streets - Project No PW 03 -15 — (Final contract amount = $92,623 30) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Recommendation — (1) Accept the work as complete, (2) Authorize the City Clerk to file the City Engineer's Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office, (3) Alternatively discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: This project consisted of the construction of street improvements for Sycamore Avenue between Sheldon and Penn Streets On November 8, 2006 the City Council awarded a contract in the amount of $81,392 00 to Elite Bobcat Service, Inc The final contract amount represents actual measured quantities at the completion of the fob The work has now been completed to the satisfaction of staff Staff recommends acceptance of this project ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS, Notice of Completion FISCAL IMPACT. Capital Improvement Program: $96,50000 Amount Requested, $92,62330 Account Number 106 - 400 - 8203 -8607 Protect Phase. Acceptance of the work Appropriation Required: No ORIGINATED BY: REVIEWED v Works Director Manager DATE. DATE: 3 yq u�0 �Q Recording Requested by and When Recorded Mail To: City Clerk, City Hall 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Project Name Sycamore Avenue Street Improvements Project No PW 03 -15 Notice is hereby given pursuant to State of California Civil Code Section 3093 et seq that Dated 1 The undersigned is an officer of the owner of the interest stated below in the property hereinafter described 2 The full name of the owner is City of El Segundo 3 The full address of the owner is City Hall, 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA, 90245 4 The nature of the interest of the owner is City street 5 A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was field reviewed by the City Engineer on March 16, 2006 The work done was Street improvements 6 On April 3, 2006, the City Council of the City of El Segundo accepted the work of this contract as being complete and directed the recording of this Notice of Completion in the Office of the County Recorder 7 The name of the Contractor for such work of improvement was Elite Bobcat Service, Inc 8 The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, and is described as follows Sycamore Avenue Between Sheldon and Penn Streets 9 The street address of said property is N/A Steve Finton City Engineer/ Public Works Director VERIFICATION I, the undersigned, say I am the City Engineer of the City El Segundo, the declarant of the foregoing Notice of Completion, I have read said Notice of Completion and know the contents thereof, the same is true of my own knowledge I declare under penalty of perjury the foregoing is true and correct Executed on 2007 at El Segundo, California N \NOTICES \PW NOC (01/08/02) Steve Finton City Engineer /Public Works Director 031 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT MEETING DATE: April 3, 2007 AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda Consideration and possible action to approve a budget appropriation of $375,000 and to amend an existing professional services agreement with MRH Structural Engineers to increase the agreement and purchase order by $375,000 for building plan review services Total amount not to exceed $632,544 for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 (Fiscal Impact - $375,000, Expenditures are offset by revenue collected for plan review services paid by developers) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION' 1 Authorize City Manager to execute an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with MRH Structural Engineers to increase the amount in the agreement and purchase order by $375,000 for plan review services, 2 Approve a budget appropriation of $375,000 for building plan review services, and /or 3 Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: Under an existing 3 -year professional seances agreement with the City, MRH Structural (continued on next page) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1 Scope of Services. FISCAL IMPACT: $375,000 Operation Budget: Amount Requested: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required: $418,000 $375,000 001 -400- 2403 -6214 N/A X Yes _No ($375,000) ORIGINATED BY: qq� DATE: �� ��,ct�� chi ✓,�'- r��'� ---- � —L Gary Chicots, In e/- im Director, Planning and Budding Safety Department REVIEWED DATE: 4 7 U3� STAFF REPORT: April 3, 2007 Page 2 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (cont.) Engineers (MRH) provides plan review services for the department to ensure construction documents conform to the adopted building code at a cost not to exceed an amount of $257,544 for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 The fees charged by MRH for their services are a percentage of the plan check fees collected by the City This is a common fee structure in the industry for plan review services The monies collected by the City are paid by the applicant to compensate the City for the resources used to review the documents Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 has been an extremely busy year for the department Several large scale, complex projects including Plaza El Segundo, Corporate Campus (The Edge), Chevron Refinery Coker Plant remodel, the new Aerospace Parking Structure and Office Building, Teledyne and others have absorbed an enormous amount of the department's resources (staffing and budget) The Plaza El Segundo and the Corporate Campus projects alone have cost approximately $193,000 to date this fiscal year for plan check services conducted by MRH Structural Engineers All construction related documents for these large scale projects, which have been submitted to the City for plan review, has been outsourced to MRH to ensure compliance with all related building codes As stated earlier, the costs for these services are paid for by the applicant The Planning and Building Safety Department has exhausted the original $257,544 that was budgeted for these services in the professional services agreement The Planning and Building Safety Department requests that the professional services agreement with MRH Structural Engineers be amended to increase the amount in the agreement and the purchase order by an additional $375,000 Staff believes that this amount should be sufficient based upon the anticipated projects for the remainder of the fiscal year (September 30, 2007) P \Planning & Building Safety \Consultant Building Services\2007 04 03 MRHContractAmendment1CCRpt doc u33 MRH Structural Engineers Structural Engineering - Plan Review Services - Forensic Investigations Proposal of Contract Plan Check Services El Segundo RFP # CEDS 06 -11 MRH Structural Engineers shall perform the following professional services when requested by the Planning & Building Safety Director of the City of El Segundo ❖ Provide thorough quality code compliance plan reviews according to all adopted and legislated codes and regulations to include reviews of construction documents submitted to the City for • Building permits • Mechanical permits • Electrical permits • Plumbing permits • Grading permits • Energy Compliance reviews The above reviews shall include • Review analysis of all engineering calculations • Review of Geotechnical and Soil Reports • Review of other technical reports as needed • Review of book specifications • Review of Field Changes and Deferred Submittals • Review of additional work on projects as needed • Recheck of all plans and supporting documents through to approval ❖ Perform accelerated plan reviews on an as needed basis ❖ Perform all plan checks with competent personnel qualified and experienced in the discipline to be reviewed Reviews on structural plans shall be by a registered Structural Engineer •A Coordination and integration of all separate permits, those under our review, for each project ❖ Advise and consult with the Building Official, or staff, regarding potentially unsafe conditions shown or not shown within plans that may not be specifically covered in code. Provide recommendations for discretionary decisions that must be made by the Building Official Page 1 of 6 1411 North Batavia Street, Suite 202, Orange, CA 92867 Tel (714) 633 -6302 Fax (714) 633 -4917 034 MRHStructural Engineers Structural Engineering - Plan Review Services - Forensic Investigations ❖ Advise and consult with the Building Official, or staff, regarding issues of conflicts between adopted codes and unadopted or other legislated codes and regulations. ❖ Provide the applicant and the City clear and comprehensive corrections lists with deficient items referred to specific code sections to ensure understanding, reduce project conflicts and resubmissions, and speed the approval process for all ❖ Provide review, consultation, and corrections follow -up service for each project through to final approval Approval will be by MRH or the City staff at the City's option ❖ Pick up plans at the City mostly within a day of notification, maximum 24 hours In most cases MRH plan checkers will personally pick up and drop off plans at the City ❖ MRH guarantees to meet the following City requested maximum turnaround times for plan reviews for non - complex and non -multi building projects Pickup and deliver days are not included in the plan check and recheck times 1. Architectural and Structural ( includes Accessibility and Energy Reviews) • Regular plan check • Accelerated plan check and over $1,000,000 in valuation. • Accelerated plan check and under $1,000,000 in valuation 2. Grading Regular plan check Accelerated plan check- 3. Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical • Regular plan check • Accelerated plan check 15 working days 10 working days 5 working days 10 working days 5 working days 10 working days 5 working days Page 2 of 6 1411 North Batavia Street, Suite 202, Orange, CA 92867 Tel (714) 633 -6302 Fax (714) 633 -4917 035 MRHStructural Engineers Structural Engineering - Plan Review Services - Forensic Investigations ❖ MRH is dedicated to assisting the City and its applicants in minimizing conflicts, facilitating solutions, and providing a thorough but efficient review process. We store to establish and keep communications open to achieve those goals • We will fax or email our correction lists to the applicants before returning plans to the City for pick -up, when requested • We will gladly review faxed and or emailed material between submissions • We will gladly attend all pre - submittal and design discussion meetings requested by the City, and without charge to the City • We will meet with applicants at City offices, or ours, with reasonable notice. • We will be available to the City and the applicants by phones Monday through Friday, from 8 00 to 5 00 (often earlier and later and on the weekends.) • We will have a live person to answer the phone and we will return phone calls mostly within the same day • We are mtemet accessible and will have our e-mail address on the corrections lists • We will make our mobile phone and pager numbers available to the City staff members • We will obtain service with the City's cellular provider, if the volume of work warrants Page 3 of 6 1411 North Batavia Street, Suite 202, Orange, CA 92867 Tel (714) 633 -6302 Fax (714) 6334917 036 MRHStructural Engineers Structural Engineering - Plan Review Services - Forensic Investigations Fees ❖ Valuated Reviews For permit applications where fees are based on project valuation, MRH shall provide the above service based upon a percentage of the total of the standard plan check fees charged by the City for each application reviewed, and any final adjustments due to revised valuations Standard fees are the basic City fees prior to any discounts given to the applicants MRH fees shall be per the following fee schedule Project Valuation up to $1,000,000 $1,000,001 to $ 4,000,000 ... $4,000,001 to $7,000,000 $7,000,001 to $10,000,000 over $10,000,000 MRH % of Citv fee 48% 44% 38% 34% 25% ❖ Quantity Count Reviews For permit applications where fees are based on project item quantities (mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and grading), MRH shall provide the above service based upon 65 percent of the total of the standard plan check fees charged by the City for each application reviewed, and any revised final quantity adjustments Standard fees are the basic City fees prior to any discounts given to the applicants. ❖ Hourly Reviews For permit applications and follow -on deferred item or field change submittals where fees are not based on project valuation or quantity counts, MRH shall provide the above services for an hourly rate of $75 00 per hour ❖ Accelerated Fees For all reviews requested to be accelerated MRH shall provide the above service for an additional $70.00 per hour • :• Plan Check Enpmeer. If MRH offers to make Plan Check Engineer(s) available to work at the city, MRH shall provide the staff duty at the city for an hourly rate of $105 00 per hour ❖ Travel time for pick -ups, deliveries, and to and from recheck meetings shall not be included in time worked ❖ Rechecks and plan check meetings are included in the base fees Page 4 of 6 1411 North Batavia Street, Suite 202, Orange, CA 92867 Tel (714) 633 -6302 Fax (714) 633 -4917 037 MRHStructural Engineers Structural Engineering - Plan Review Services - Forensic Investigations Billing: ❖ MRH shall provide the City with itemized billing on a monthly basis This will avoid prolonged accounting uncertainties for both parties Bills are due within thirty (30) days of the date of the invoice Insurance: MRH currently carries $1,000,000 of professional liability insurance coverage and shall continue to maintain that coverage and other insurance coverages that may be required by the City until the expiration a working agreement Non - Discrimination: MRH is an equal opportunity employer and contractor and will not exclude or discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in consideration of contract award opportunities MRH will always consider, and utilize sub - consultants, bidders, and vendors in a manner consistent with non - discrimination objectives. Length of Validity: This proposal shall be valid for on hundred eighty (180) working days from the submittal deadline of August 22, 2006 Business License: MRH has a current City of El Segundo business license on file at City Hall, Page 5 of 6 1411 North Batavia Street, Suite 202, Orange, CA 92867 Tel (714) 633 -6302 Fax (714) 633 -4917 (�38 MRHStructural Engineers Structural Engineering - Plan Review Services - Forensic Investigations Contact Information: ❖ Please contact Legal Information: Mohammad Harin, S E., Principal phone 714 - 633 -6302 fax: 714- 633 -4917 email MRH_SE @sbcglobal.net MRH Structural Engineers 1411 N Batavia Street, Suite 202 Orange, CA 92867 ❖ MRH Structural Engineers, Incorporated is a California corporation and is located at the above address Federal Taxpayer I D number 95- 4863086. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (714) 633 -6302 Yours truly, Mohammad Harin, S E Principal Page 6 of 6 1411 North Batavia Street, Suite 202, Orange, CA 92867 Tel (714) 633 -6302 Fax (714) 633-4917 039 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA MEETING DATE: April 3, 2007 AGENDA HEADING: Consent Aqenda Consideration and possible action to waive the formal bidding process and to approve a budget appropriation and professional services agreement with Data Mlcrolmaging Company (DMC) for $15,000 to provide microfiche services for the Planning and Building Safety Department (Fiscal Impact $15,000) COUNCIL ACTION- Authorize City Manager to waive the formal bidding process and to execute a standard Professional Services Agreement with Data Mlcrolmaging Company to provide microfiche services, 2 Approve budget appropriation for $15,000 to provide microfiche services, and /or 3 Alternatively discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: Documents Including but not limited to plans, permits, and Planning Commission staff reports and resolutions are required to be filed In the City's permanent records The documents are kept on microfiche because of limited storage space ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1 Exhibit A, Scope of Services 2 Exhibit B, Schedule of fees with Data Mlcrolmaging Company FISCAL IMPACT. $15,000 Operating Budget: Amount Requested. Account Number- Project Phase. Appropriation Required: $418,000 $15,000 001 - 400 - 2403 -6214 N/A X Yes _ No ($15,000) (continued on next page) ORIGINATED BY: DATE. � 1 ���ary Chicots, Inter m Director, Planning and Buildi Jeff !9toart, 5Z`Ity Manager rtment J`7 (J40 STAFF REPORT April 3, 2007 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (cont.) Page 2 The total amount budgeted for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 Is $10,000 The amount of Building plan check and permit activity and Planning application activity has Increased substantially this fiscal year because of numerous large projects and the $10,000 budgeted for this year has been expended (through an existing purchase order) Therefore, the Planning and Building Safety Department Is requesting an additional $15,000 for a total of $25,000 for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 to cover the expense of these needed services Plan retention fees collected at time of permit Issuance offset most of the cost of this service During the 2000 -2001 fiscal year staff contacted three possible vendors for proposals for microfiche services Data Mlcrolmaging Company was selected based on the cost and quality of service Data Microlmaging Company has continued to provide high quality service over the past 6 years Therefore, Planning and Building Safety staff recommends continuing with Data Mlcrolmaging Company and enter into a Professional Services Agreement for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 Planning and Building Safety staff anticipates transitioning to scanning of documents using the Questys system as the method of document retention for the next fiscal year P \Planning and Building Safety \ConsuitantBuddingServices\2007 04 03 DataMicrolmaging Contract CCrpt doc 041 EXHIBIT A Scope of Services CONTRACTOR shall perform to City, microfiche of plans, permits, and any other documents as needed Process begins with a pre - production batch of documents This batch is used to set up processes from document pick up to delivery back to the City During this pre- production run, CONTRACTOR will interact heavily with the City to ensure that CONTRACTOR has set the exact requirements that will ensure total satisfaction for the City Once accomplished, these "production" specifications will not be changed except as agreed to by the City The typical steps involved in any conversion project include 1. CONTRACTOR will pick up pre - production batch as scheduled by City. 2. Documents will be prepared and processed according to work instructions developed with the City 3 Precision microfilming to Kodak Image Guard microfilm will commence 4. Indexing of files based upon derived search criteria. 5. Visual Quality Control & Image enhancement as needed. 6 Microfilm duplicates will be accomplished as needed. 7. Delivery of jacketed microfilm and source documents (ff desired) back to City if desired. 8 Thirty day follow -up meeting to ensure customer satisfaction. 9. CONTRACTOR shall provide a 5 day turn around or as determined by City CONTRACTOR shall view documents and data security with the utmost of care and regard The handling, movement, scanning and security of all City hard copy or computer files is done under the direct supervision of CONTRACTOR management and in keeping with quality procedures In specific 1 CONTRACTOR agrees to hold confidential all financial, regulatory, business operations and other information pertaining to City and its clients during the term of contract and beyond No information will be shared with any person or entity without written permission of the City 2 Handling of documents will consist of moving files from City to CONTRACTOR secured production facility in Burbank All CONTRACTOR service vans have secunty locking systems and all drivers receive appropriate security training Driver will verify box and transmittal lists upon pick up Files will be returned to the customer in substantially the same condition as received 3 All customer files are logged and tracked throughout the process CONTRACTOR to work with City should any special security or control procedures be desired -18- G 112 The handling, movement, scanning and security of all customer hard copy or computer files is done under the direct supervision of CONTRACTOR management and in keeping with quality procedures In specific- 1 CONTRACTOR shall provide its own employee operators to perform all duties necessary to successfully film documents and index images Z CONTRACTOR will follow work instructions as provided by the City to include loading new documents into microfiche packets and/or providing new packets as required 3 Contractor to work with City as necessary to ensure the successful completion and implementation of projects This will require cooperation between CONTRACTOR operators, staff, City employees, consultants, vendors, and system administrators 4 CONTRACTOR will schedule monthly meetings with appropriate users and technical staff to insure mutual understanding of the goals of the users with respect to image quality and system performance 5. CONTRACTOR will film City files as received We will verify filmed images, provide quality control checks to each document filmed. -19- GA 3 City of El Segundo Document Imaging Services Pricing Microfilming Service 0 414 Precision Microfilming: Building Permit Drawings "A" size drawings $ 0.363 /each "B" size drawings $ 0 583 /each "C" size drawings $ 0.627 /each "D" size drawings $ 0 737 /each "E" size drawings $ 0 792 /each "J" size drawings $ 0 869 /image Microfiche Jackets $ 0 40 /each Duplicate Microfiche $ 0 40 /each Precision Microfilming: Plans Documents Microfilmed $ 0 363 /each Microfiche Jackets $ 0 40 /each Duplicate Microfiche $ 0 40 /each Document Destruction $ 7 00 Ibox Pickup/Delivery $ 25 00 0 414 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 3, 2007 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda Consideration and possible action to waive the formal bidding process and to approve a budget appropriation and professional services agreement with John L Hunter and Associates, Inc for $12,000 to provide Implementation support of the City's Standard Urban Water Mitigation Plan (SUSWMP) Ordinance No 1329 (Fiscal Impact $12,000) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION 1 Authorize City Manager to waive the formal bidding process and to execute a standard Professional Services Agreement with John L Hunter and Associates, Inc to provide implementation support of the City's Standard Urban Water Mitigation Plan (SUSWMP) Ordinance No 1329, 2 Approve budget appropriation for $12,000 to provide implementation support of the City's Standard Urban Water Mitigation Plan (SUSWMP) Ordinance No 1329, and /or 3 Alternatively discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: On January 16, 2001 City Council approved Ordinance 1329 Implementing the SUSWMP of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board for the Los Angeles region John L Hunter and Associates, Inc assists the Planning and Building Safety Department staff In implementing the ordinance by providing consulting services for SUSWMP plan check review and staff training (continued on next page) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1 Exhibit A, Scope of Services 2 Exhibit B, Schedule of Fees with John L Hunter and Associates, Inc FISCAL IMPACT $12,000 Operating Budget: $418,000 Amount Requested: $12,000 Account Number. 001 - 400 - 2403 -6214 ($12,000) Project Phase. N/A Appropriation Required: X Yes _ No ($12,000) ORIGINATED BY: DATE' Chicots, Interim Director, Planning and Builds Jeff Stky(a/art, City Manager DATE: ) 1q/v-1 045 STAFF REPORT April 3, 2007 Page 22 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (cont.) The original amount budgeted for storm water services for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 was $10,000 The amount of building plan check and permit activity has Increased substantially this fiscal year because of numerous large projects and the $10,000 budgeted for this year has been expended (through an existing purchase order) Therefore, the Planning and Building Safety Department Is requesting an additional $12,000 for a total of $22,000 for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 to cover the expense of these needed services Staff believes that this revised amount should be sufficient based upon the anticipated projects for the remainder of the fiscal year (September 30, 2007) During the 2000 -2001 fiscal year staff reviewed proposals for SUSWMP plan review services John L Hunter and Associates, Inc (formerly Hunter - Kennedy and Associates) was selected based on the cost and quality of service John L Hunter and Associates has continued to provide high quality plan review services and staff training over the past 6 years Therefore, Planning and Building Safety staff recommends continuing with John L Hunter and Associates and enter Into a Professional Services Agreement for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 Staff will conduct a bid process for Fiscal Year 2007 -2008 P \Planning and Budding Safety \ConsultantBwldmgServices\2007 04 03 Johni-HunterContract CCrpt doc 046 John L.-Hunter ANO ASSOCIATES, INC. March 27, 2007 City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 Subject: Proposal for NPDES Services Dear Mary Per our recent discussion, we are pleased to present a scope of services under this proposal for continued NPDES services The NPDES permit is expinng and the Regional Board has not yet adopted the new permit Therefore, the scope of services under this proposal is based on the current permit Requirements may change upon the issuance of the new permit The scope of service in this proposal is limited to the review of Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plans ( SUSMP) for applicable projects under the NPDES permit John L Hunter & Associates, Inc (JLHA) scope of work will include the following • Review SUSMP and Local Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (LSWPPP) for priority projects per the NPDES permit JLHA will review documents submitted by applicants for potential storm water impact concerns and require mitigative measures as necessary • Plans reviews of specific projects will be on a time and materials basis per attached standard rate schedule It was a pleasure working with you last year and I look forward to working with you again this year Please call me if you have any questions Sincerely, John L Hunter, P E Registered Environmental Assessor Electronically Submitted 047 John L._Hunter For Stormwater /EnvuonmentalComphanceServices ANO AB BOC IATEB, INC Principal $115/hr Protect Engineer/Manager $95/hr Public Education /Outreach Manager $95/hr Inspector/Engineer $85/hr Laborer (OSHA 40hr certified) $65/hr State Certified Laboratory Analysis Cost + 15% Legal Consultation, Court Appearances/Document review, etc $250/hr Inspection — Auto facilities $85 /inspection Inspection — Industrial /Commercial facilities $105 /inspection Inspection — Restaurant $65 /mspection 24 -hr industrial wastewater composite sampling (including setup) $150 /location 24 -hr ambient air sampling $100 /day Photo ionization/Flame ionization detector $50 /day Combustible gas monitor $50 /day Shallow soil or sludge sampling equipment $75 /day Subcontracted equipment Cost + 15% For Weekends, Holidays or evenings add 50% to listed price Pries effective as of January 1, 2007 048 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 3, 2007 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Calendar AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding a modification of three new Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) licenses to allow for increased hours of operation for a new market currently under construction at a new shopping center (Plaza El Segundo) located at 760 South Sepulveda Boulevard, EA No 744 and AUP No 07 -03 Applicant Mrs Gooch's Natural Foods Markets, Inc (AKA Whole Foods) c/o Lanny Kusaka (Fiscal Impact None) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION- 1 Receive and file a determination that the City Council does not protest the issuance of three new Type 21, 41 and 42 ABC licenses at 760 South Sepulveda Boulevard and /or, 2 Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this Item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: At its April 4, 1995 meeting, the City Council directed staff to bring all future ABC licenses to it for review The ABC regulations require a 30 -day review and comment period, for alcohol sales at restaurants, after notification of the local police and planning departments The grounds of a protest should relate to public health, safety or welfare concerns According to the most recent Crime and Arrest statistics report (July 1, 2006 — December 31, 2006, Exhibit Al) prepared by the Police Department, the proposed restaurant is located in Reporting District(RD)318 Based on reported data prepared by the Police Department, the district had a total of 20 Part I crimes (criminal homicide, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny -theft, motor vehicle theft and arson) and 16 felony and misdemeanor arrests (continued on next page ) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1 Crime and Arrest Statistics by Reporting Districts (RD) (Exhibit A) 2 Police Reporting Districts Map (Exhibit B) 3 Revised Approval Letter to Applicant dated March 23, 2007 (Exhibit C) 4 Planning Commission Staff Report dated March 22, 2007 (Exhibit D) FISCAL IMPACT: None Operating Budget, N/A Amount Requested- NIA Account Number. N/A Project Phase. N/A Appropriation Required: _Yes x No ORIGINATED BY: /� _ DATE: Gary Chicots, Interim EKy6ctor, Planning and Bui REVIEWED Jeff St�City Manager DATE: VIVO 045 STAFF REPORT- April 3, 2007 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (cont.) The Police Department and the Department of Planning and Building Safety have no concerns regarding the issuance of the three ABC license types The approval of the modified hours of operation for the three ABC license requests would be for the convenience of serving the applicant's customers at the various indoor restaurants within the market, and not a necessity Three new license requests are required, since the market is under construction as part of a new shopping center (Plaza El Segundo) and the applicant does not currently possess Type 21, 41, and 42 licenses On March 14, 2007, the Director of Planning and Budding Safety Department approved an Administrative Use Permit application (EA No 744, AUP No 07 -03) for 760 South Sepulveda Boulevard The Director conditioned the approval of the Administrative Use Permit to limit the hours of operation to 6 00 a m to 12 00 p m , seven days a week for the grocery store and the restaurants located within the grocery store The wine tasting room hours of operation were conditioned to be limited to 11 00 a m to 12 00 p m , seven days a week The hours of operation previously requested and approved in the original Administrative Use Permit were for 7 00 am to 11 00 pm seven days a week and the wine tasting room hours of operation were from 11 00 am to 12 00 am seven days a week The Director's decision was forwarded to the Planning Commission on March 22, 2007 The Planning Commission chose to Receive and File the item and the conditions of approval The ABC license review is a separate application from the City's AUP process, which requires mandatory findings that are regulated by the Department of Alcohol Beverage Control The Department of Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) in addition to reviewing the City's AUP approval is responsible for running a complete background check on all alcohol license applicants, as well as conducting site inspections, before the issuance of any type of license P \Planning & Building SafeWROJECTS\726- 750 \EA - 744\2007 4 3 EA- 744CCreport doc � U EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT RECORDED PERIOD: JULY - DECEMBER 2006 PART I CRIME AND ARREST STATISTICS BY REPORTING DISTRICT RD RD IPMRI TI GRIMES :ALL FELONY�MISD -ARRESTS TOTAL !PERCENTAGE-+)r- 101 13 8 21 T620% c 102 5 3 § -38% 103 4 1 5 -62% 104 15 18 33 -x154% 105 9 6 15 -15% 106 10 8 18 +38% 107 18 22 40 +208 ° /a 108 11 21 32 +146% 109 5 7 12 -80/0 110 4 2 6 -54% 111 2 1 3 -77% 112 18 13 31 +136% 113 9 1 12 21 +62% 114 3 1 4 -69% 115 0 0 0 0% 116 0 0 0 0% 201 11 8 19 +46% 202 6 5 11 -15% 203 6 4 10 -23% 204 3 3 6 -540/c 205 9 5 14 +8% 206 6 7 15 +15% 207 12 16 28 +115% 208 9 6 15- +15% 209 15 it 26 +100% 210 17 21 38 +192% 211 7 4 11 _ -150/0 212 6 4 10 -230fo 301 6 3 9 -310/c 302 4 1 5 -62% 303 2 1 3 -77% 304 1 1 2 -85% 305 1 1 2 -85% 306 0 0 0 0% 307 0 0 0 0% 308 20 28 48 +269% 309 9 14 23 +77% 310 1 1 2 -85% 311 4 0 4 -69% 312 3 2 5 -62% 313 1 0 1 -92% 314 1 3 -770/a 315 4 3 7 -46% 316 0 0 0 0% 317 3 1 4 -690/0 318 16 20 36 -177% 319 32 25 58 +3460/c 320 2 1 3 -77% 321 0 0 0 00/0 322 3 1 4 -59% 323 0 0 0 0% 324 0 0 0 0% TOTALS 349 322 671 Number of Reporting Districts = 52 Average # of Part I Crimes per Reporting District = 7 Average # of Felony/ Misdemeanor Arrests per Reporting District = 6 Average # of Crimes and Arrests per Reporting District = 13 Results from 07/01/2006 through 12/31/2006 Records /an Page 1 2/8/2007 051 11 M W 0 W U N J O U CL N O A O Z V F a � O a W G: O 7- J U5� "I ;L Z 1 J O U 11 E R I r4 91%01111� C.41 Elected Officials Kelly McDowell, Mayor Eno Buaeh, Mayor Pro Tem Jim Boulgodd a, Council Mambar Cad Jaaohaon, Counoii Mambar Bill Fuh.r, Council Member Cindy Mort...n, CBy Clrk Ralph Lanphto, City Tmaunr Appointed Officials J.Rr.y Sta.0, City Mamg.r Mark D R.narry, CdyAMmey Department Directors Bill crow., Aolannt pry Manager Brat Plumlae, Admin."h. Saw,.. Kevin Smith, Fm Chu/ D.bn Brighton, Library 6 Cable Serviox Gary Chuob, Inlrim, Planning and Building Safety Dowd Cummings, Poll.. Chief Steven Fmion, Publu Work. Rieh.rd B..M R.era.d.n & Park. www elsegundo org Department of Planning and Building Safety March 23, 2007 Lanny Kusaka TMG Solutions 6733 Sepulveda Boulevard, Suite #265 Los Angeles, CA 90045 RE Environmental Assessment No. EA -744 and Administrative Use Permit (AUP) No. 07 -03 (REVISED) Modification of an existing Administrative Use Permit (AUP No. 05 -03) for the Off -site General License (Beer, Wine and Distilled Spirits) and On -Site Sale and Consumption of Beer and Wine in Conjunction with the Operation of a Grocery Store (Types 21, 41 and 42 State of California Alcoholic Beverage Control Licenses) Address: 760 S. Sepulveda Boulevard Dear Mr Kusaka In accordance with El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC ") Chapter 15 -22, the Interim Director of Planning and Budding Safety Department has APPROVED the modification of an existing Administrative Use Permit for three Alcoholic Beverage Control Licenses (Type 21, 41 and 42) at a market currently under construction in a new commercial shopping center (Plaza El Segundo) located at 760 South Sepulveda Boulevard in the Commercial Center (C-4) Zone to modify the operating hours from the hours as originally approved The market was previously approved for a Type 21 license for the on -site sale and off -site consumption of beer, wine and distilled spirits, a Type 42 license for occasional on -site sale and on- site consumption of beer and wine, where food would not be required for a wine tasting room, and a Type 41 license for the on -site sale and on -site consumption of beer and wine in the restaurant areas within the market The tenant space for the market is approximately 65,000 square feet in area The proposed wine tasting room within the market will be 333 square feet in area and it will contain eight seats and six tables. Multiple restaurant areas located within the market are approved to serve alcoholic beverages (beer and wine) The restaurant areas are a total of 1,004 square feet in area and they contain 57 seats Beer, wine and distilled 350 Main Street, E/ Segundo, Cahforma 90245 -3813 `i J Phone (310) 524 -2380 FAX (310) 322 -4167 spirits will not be served or consumed in any outdoor seating areas or in the indoor seating areas for the coffee /juice bar, the tea counter, and the bakery The market was previously approved to operate the grocery store and indoor restaurants from 7 00 a m to 11 00 p m , seven days a week and the wine tasting room from 11 00 a m to 11 00 p m , seven days a week Specifically, the request is to allow the market to operate the grocery store and indoor restaurants from 6 00 a m to 12 00 a m , seven days a week and the wine tasting room hours from 11 00 a.m to 12.00 a m , seven days a week The Interim Director has not identified a reason to oppose the issuance of a Type 21, Type 41 and a Type 42 license by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Department for the restaurant located at 760 South Sepulveda Boulevard This approval of EA -744 and AUP No 07 -03 supercedes the approval granted in Environmental Assessment No EA -682 and Administrative Use Permit No 05 -03 The following are the findings and facts in support of each finding for this decision FINDINGS AND FACTS IN SUPPORT OF FINDINGS: Environmental Assessment No. 744 Finding 1 • The proposed project for permitting the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages is consistent with uses allowed in the recently approved 425,000 square -foot shopping center on a 110 -acre site The development was approved through Environmental Assessment No 631, Development Agreement No 03 -1, General Plan Amendment Nos 03 -4 & 03 -5, Zone Change Nos 03 -2 & 03 -3, Zone Text Amendment No 04 -1, and Subdivision No 03 -7 (Vesting Tentative Map No 061630) with conditions A certified Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was required and approved for the development of the shopping center Facts in Support of Finding 1 1 The applicant proposes to provide for the sale of beer and wine for on -site consumption at a proposed grocery store (in conjunction with a bona fide public eating place and a wine tasting room) and for the general sale of alcohol in conjunction with the operation of a grocery store for consumption off the premises in original sealed containers CEQA does not require an environmental assessment if the project consists of permitting the sale of alcohol within a previously approved shopping center currently under construction Additionally, no expansion of the building is proposed The subject tenant will be located within the Plaza El Segundo shopping center, which has previously been approved under a certified Final Environmental Impact Report r,: A Ir0A 2 The 65,000 square -foot grocery store is located at 760 South Sepulveda Boulevard in a commercial shopping center currently under construction Administrative Use Permit 07-03 Finding 1 • There is compatibility of the particular use on the particular site in relationship to other existing and potential uses within the general area in which the use is proposed to be located Facts in Support of Finding 1 1 The applicant is proposing to provide off -site general sales and on -site sale and consumption of beer and wine in a proposed grocery store The 65,000 square - foot grocery store will be located within the Plaza El Segundo shopping center at 760 South Sepulveda Boulevard, Space A -6 The grocery store will contain various indoor eating areas consisting of a combined square footage of 1,005 square -feet that will sell beer and wine, as well as a 333 square -foot wine tasting room with eight seats The total number of seats proposed within the various restaurant - dining areas of the grocery store is 57 seats Additionally, the grocery store has been approved with an alcohol license for the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits for off -site consumption (general alcohol Type 21 ABC License) General seating with tables are proposed near the front of the store (near the tea counter, bakery, and coffee /juice bar areas) containing a combined total of 1,491 square feet and 94 seats An outdoor dining area is proposed in front of the grocery store with 911 square feet in area and will contain 22 tables and 44 seats However, the general seating in front of the store (Tea counter, Bakery, and Coffee /Juice Bar areas) and an outdoor dining area in the front of the budding will not be permitted to have on -site sale and consumption of beer and wine 2 The minimum number of required parking spaces for the grocery store (based upon the proposed uses) is 235 stalls and 375 parking spaces are provided 3 The surrounding land uses include commercial uses, offices, and light and heavy industrial uses The proposed grocery store with restaurant area and wine tasting room uses which will serve alcohol will be compatible with the surrounding uses 4. The grocery store must obtain the State of California Alcohol and Beverage Control (ABC) licenses for on -site sale and on -site consumption of alcohol (Type 41 and Type 42) and on -site sale for off -site consumption of alcohol Type 21) 5 The hours for alcohol sales will be the same as those hours the grocery store is open The grocery store and indoor restaurant's hours of operation will be limited 3 055 to 6 00 a m to 12 00 a m, seven days a week The wine tasting room hours of operation will be limited to 11 00 a m to 12 00 a m , seven days a week 6 The General Plan land use designation for the site is Commercial Center 7 The zoning for the site is Commercial Center (C-4) Grocery stores are a permitted use in this Zoning District in accordance with Section 4 1 2 of the Development Agreement by and between the City of El Segundo and Mar Ventures, Inc, developer of the Plaza El Segundo project The proposed use (on -site sale and consumption of beer and wine and off -site sale of alcohol at retail establishments) requires an Administrative Use Permit in accordance with ESMC §§ 15 -5G -4A and 15 -5G-4B 8 On March 22, 2007, the El Segundo Planning Commission is scheduled to Receive and File the Administrative Use Permit request Finding 2 • The proposed use is consistent and compatible with the purpose of the Zone in which the site is located Facts in Support of Finding 2 1 The General Plan land use designation for the site is Commercial Center 2 The zoning for the site is Commercial Center (C -4) Grocery stores are a permitted use in this Zoning District in accordance with Section 4 1.2 of the Development Agreement by and between the City of El Segundo and Mar Ventures, Inc , developer of the Plaza El Segundo project The proposed use (on -site sale and consumption of beer and wine and off -site sale of alcohol at retail establishments) requires an Administrative Use Permit in accordance with ESMC §§ 15 -5G-4A and 15 -5G -4B 3 The purpose of the Commercial Center (C-4) Zone is intended to provide for developing commercial establishments (retail and services) serving the City and surrounding area The proposed use is consistent with this purpose of the zone in that the budding will contain a grocery store with indoor eating areas and a wine tasting room 4 The proposed use is consistent with the Land Use Element in that the Commercial Center Land Use Category is intended to permit a mixture of community - serving retail, restaurants and other commercial service uses in an integrated shopping center design to serve a broad cross section of the City and surrounding area 615 n 4 0 5 The proposed use is consistent with Land Use Element Goal LU4 in that it provides a stable tax base for the City through development of new commercial uses, primarily within a mixed -use environment, without adversely affecting the viability of Downtown 6 The proposed use is consistent with Land Use Element Objective LU4 -1 in that it promotes the development of high quality retail facilities in proximity to mayor employment centers 7 The surrounding land uses include commercial retail, office, and light and heavy industrial uses The proposed grocery store with indoor restaurant use and a wine tasting room which will serve alcohol will be compatible with the surrounding uses Restaurants in the same district will have alcohol licenses for the sale of beer and wine Finding 3 The proposed location and use and the conditions under which the use would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity Facts in Support of Finding 3 1 The restaurant eating areas and wine tasting room will be located inside of a newly constructed grocery store building with on -site parking 2 The surrounding land uses include commercial, heavy industrial and light industrial uses The proposed grocery store with restaurant area and a wine tasting room where alcohol will be served will be compatible with the surrounding uses The proposed outdoor seating area in front of the store is not included for the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages 3 The grocery store hours of operation are limited to 6,00 a m to 12 00 a m , seven days a week for the grocery store and indoor eating areas and 11 00 a m to 12 00 a m , seven days a week for the wine tasting room 4 The existing grocery stores and restaurants in the surrounding area with alcohol licenses have not been a source of crime or security problems Finding 4 Potential impacts that could be generated by the proposed use, such as noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, traffic, and hazards have been recognized and mitigated 5 Ji Facts in Support of Finding 4 1 The sale of alcohol will not create any new impacts that would not be normally associated with the operation of a grocery store with indoor dining areas and a wine tasting room 2. The proposed hours of operation for alcohol sales and the location of the proposed restaurant and wine tasting room within the grocery store, which is located in a predominantly commercial and industrial zone that is not adjacent to any residential uses, will help to minimize impacts on surrounding uses 3 The hours of operation for the grocery store off -site general alcohol sales and restaurant area with on -site sales and consumption of beer and wine will be limited to 6 00 a m. to 12 00 a m , seven days a week, and the wine tasting room hours will be limited to 11 00 a m. to 12 00 a m , seven days a week The hours of operation will limit noise impacts by patrons arriving and leaving the subject site as the grocery store will close at 12 00 a m seven days a week No residential uses are adjacent to the subject property In addition, ample parking is being provided on the subject site Therefore, there will be no impacts on residential uses in the City 4 In addition to complying with the requirements of the City of El Segundo and the State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control the restaurant is subject to County Health Department regulations that address and monitor impacts of fumes and odors Finding 5 • The State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control has issued or will issue a license to sell alcohol to the applicant Facts in Support of Finding 5 1 The applicant must obtain three licenses from the State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (Type Nos 21, 41 and 42) DIRECTOR PLANNING AND BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT ACTION Based on these findings and facts in support of these findings, the Director of Planning and Building Safety Department APPROVES the proposed project, subject to the following conditions 1 The hours of operation approved by this permit must be limited to 6 00 a.m to 12 00 a m , seven days a week for the grocery store and indoor eating areas and 11 00 a m to 12 00 a m , seven days a week for the wine tasting room Any 6 ��8 change to the hours of operation or the hours that alcohol may be served is subject to review and approval by the Director of Planning and Budding Safety 2 Any subsequent modification to the project as approved must be referred to the Director of Planning and Budding Safety for approval and a determination regarding the need for Planning Commission review of the proposed modification 3 Any subsequent changes to the floor plan and areas where alcohol will be served must be reviewed and approved to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Budding Safety Department 4 The applicant must obtain and maintain all licenses required by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act (Business & Professions Code §§ 23300 at seq ) The applicant must obtain and maintain a Type 21 license for the market for on -site sale and off -site consumption of beer, wine and distilled spirits, a Type 41 license for the on -site sale and on -site consumption of beer and wine in the restaurant areas within the grocery store, and a Type 42 license for occasional on -site sale and on -site consumption of beer and wine, where food would not be required for a wine tasting room 5 The Planning and Budding Safety Department and the Police Department must be notified of any change of ownership of the approved use in writing within 10 days of the completion of the change of ownership A change in project ownership may be cause to schedule a hearing before the Planning Commission regarding the status of the administrative use permit 6 The applicant must comply with all regulations of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act and the regulations promulgated by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board including, without limitation, the regulations set forth in 4 Cal Code of Regs §§ 55 et seq 7 The applicant must post a sign in a clear and conspicuous location listing a phone number at which a responsible party may be contacted during all open hours of the establishment to address any concerns of the community regarding noise in the market and parking lot Said contact's name and phone number must also be available through the market staff at all times 8 The applicant must, at all times, display a Designated Driver sign of at least ten inches by ten inches (10" X 10 ") in the wine tasting room and restaurant dining areas at eye level The sign must be worded in a way that reminds patrons who are consuming alcohol to designate a non - drinking driver 9 "No Loitering" signs must be posted to the rear of the property and on property adjacent to the licensed premises, under the control of the licensee Such signs 7 J must measure no less than seven inches by eleven inches (7" X 11 ") and the lettering must be no less than one inch (1 ") in height 10 There must be no exterior advertising of any kind or type, including advertising directed to the exterior from within, promoting or indicating the availability of alcoholic beverages Interior displays of alcoholic beverages which are clearly visible to the exterior must constitute a violation of this condition 11 All employees serving alcoholic beverages to patrons must enroll in and complete a certified training program approved by the State Department of Alcoholic Beverages Control (ABC) for the responsible sales of alcohol The training must be offered to new employees on not less than a quarterly basis 12 Any and all employees hired to sell alcoholic beverages must provide evidence that they have either a Completed training from the State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), Inglewood District Office administered Leadership and Education in Alcohol and Drugs (LEAD) Program in the form of an ABC - issued certificate, or, b Completed an accepted equivalent by the ABC, Inglewood District Office to ensure proper distribution of beer, wine and distilled spirits to adults of legal age If any prospective employee designated to sell alcoholic beverages does not currently have such training, then, c The ABC - licensed proprietors must have confirmed with the Planning and Budding Safety Department within fifteen (15) days of the Director's decision, or by final project approval, that a date certain has been scheduled within the local ABC Office to complete the LEAD course d Within thirty (30) days of taking said course, the employees, or responsible employer must deliver each required certificate showing completion to the Police Department 13. The licensee must have readily identifiable personnel to monitor and control the behavior of customers inside the building premises Staff must monitor activity outside in the parking lot and any adjacent property under the establishment's control to ensure the areas are generally free of people and are cleared of patrons and their vehicles one -half hour after closing 14 If complaints are received regarding excessive noise, parking availability, lighting, building access, and the like associated with the sale of alcohol, wine tasting room or restaurant areas, the city may, in its discretion, take action to review the N Administrative Use Permit, including without limitation, adding conditions or revoking the permit. 15 No consumption of alcoholic beverages must be permitted in the outdoor seating area in front of the market 16 There must be signs posted at the various dining areas throughout the market prohibiting the removal of alcoholic beverages from designated restaurant dining areas 17 The outdoor dining /seating areas must comply with ESMC § 15 -2 -16 18 The budding must not be occupied by more persons than allowed by the California Fire Code, as adopted by the ESMC 19 The building and any outdoor seating must comply with California Budding and Fire Code requirements, as adopted by the ESMC 20 The approval of EA -744 and AUP 07 -03 supercedes the approval granted in EA- 682 and AUP 05 -03 21 The Applicant agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against any claim, action, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorney's fees), injuries, or liability, arising from the City's approval of Environmental Assessment No. 744 and Administrative Use Permit No 07 -03 Should the City be named in any suit, or should any claim be brought against it by suit or otherwise, whether the same be groundless or not, arising out of the City approval of EA -744 or AUP 07 -03, the Applicant agrees to defend the City (at the City's request and with counsel satisfactory to the City) and will indemnify the City for any judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or otherwise For purposes of this section "the City" includes the City of El Segundo's elected officials, appointed officials, officers, and employees PLANNING COMMISSION Please be advised that this does not conclude the review process This determination will be transmitted to the Planning Commission at its March 22, 2007 meeting with the recommendation that the Planning Commission Receive and File the determination, An appeal of this decision may be filed with the Planning Division prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which this decision is to be received and filed If an appeal is filed, the item will be scheduled for a future public hearing (as required by the El Segundo Municipal Code) The City Council will determine whether or not to protest the issuance of the three ABC Licenses (Type 21, 41, and 42) at its meeting on April 3, 2007 Al 0 If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact Marla Baldenegro, Assistant Planner, at (310) 524 -2341 Sincerely, Gary Chicots, Interim Director Department of Planning and Building Safety P \Planning & Building Safety\PROJECTS\726- 7501EA- 74412007 3 23 EA -744 Revised AUP LTR doc GG21 10 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT PUBLIC HEARING: March 22, 2007 SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment No. 744 Administrative Use Permit No. 07 -03 APPLICANT: Mrs. Gooch's Natural Foods Markets, Inc. c/o Lanny Kusaka PROPERTY OWNER: Rosecrans Partners 3, LLC REQUEST: A Request to Amend Administrative Use Permit No. 05 -03 for Three Types of Alcohol Beverage Licenses For a New Market. (Type 21, 41, and 42 ABC Licenses). PROPERTY INVOLVED: 760 S. Sepulveda Boulevard DESCRIPTION The Planning Division received an application to modify an Administrative Use Permit that had been previously approved for three different alcohol licenses for a new Whole Foods market currently under construction at a new commercial shopping center (Plaza El Segundo) located at 760 South Sepulveda Boulevard in the Commercial Center (C-4) Zone The applicant is requesting to modify the hours of operation for the grocery store, restaurants and wine tasting room within the market The market was previously approved to operate the grocery store and indoor restaurants from 7 00 a m to 11 00 p m , seven days a week and the wine tasting room from 11 00 a m to 11 00 p m , seven days a week Specifically, the modification request is to allow the market to operate the grocery store and indoor restaurants from 6 00 a m to 12 00 a m , seven days a week and the wine tasting room hours from 11 00 a m to 12 00 a m , seven days a week The Planning Commission originally received and filed the Director of Planning and Budding Safety's determination approving the Type 21 license for the on -site sale and off -site consumption of beer, wine and distilled spirits, a Type 42 license for occasional on -site sale and on -site consumption of beer and wine, where food ,) i, ) J would not be required for a wine tasting room, and a Type 41 license for the on -site sale and on -site consumption of beer and wine in the restaurant areas within the market The tenant space for the market is 65,024 square feet in area The proposed wine tasting room within the market will be 333 square feet in area and it will contain eight seats Wine for off -site consumption will be displayed in 350 square feet of shelving area and 8 wine stack clusters 16 square feet each, adjacent to the wine tasting room Multiple restaurant areas located within the market are proposed to serve alcoholic beverages (beer and wine) The restaurant areas that will serve alcoholic beverages are a total of 1,005 square feet in area and they contain 56 seats Beer, wine and distilled spirits will not be served or consumed in any outdoor seating areas or in the indoor seating areas for the coffee /juice bar, the tea counter, and the bakery The following chart describes the proposed dining and seating areas in the market Indoor Restaurant Seafood - 230 SF 11 seats and seating areas Mexican( Asian Food - 775 SF 46 seats that will serve (Subtotal - 1005 SF) alcohol Indoor seating for serving alcohol and and seating areas that will not serve alcohol Outdoor Dining and Seating that will not allow alcohol Total Wine Tasting Room — 333 SF i ca uQurnGi - u u �r Bakery — 1007 SF Area Adjacent To The Coffee /Juice Bar -208 SF 911 3,501 SF 8 seats 9 seats 50 seats 32 seats 44 seats 200 seats The Administrative Use Permit is required for the new market since there is no previous business with a license at this location, prior to the adoption of the current code Grocery stores are a permitted use in this Zoning District in accordance with the commercial Center (C -4) Zone and Section 41 2 of the Development Agreement by and between the City of El Segundo and Mar Ventures, Inc , developer of the Plaza El Segundo project The proposed use (on -site sale and off- site consumption of beer, wine and distilled spirits and the on -site sale and on -site consumption of beer and wine) requires an Administrative Use Permit (AUP) in 064 accordance with ESMC §§ 15 -5G-4 (A) and 15 -5G-4 (6) of the Commercial Center (C-4) Zone The applicant intends to provide 911 square feet of outdoor seating area with 22 tables and 44 seats Alcoholic beverages cannot be served and /or consumed in outdoorseatmg areas unless requested through an Administrative Use Permit application Outdoor dining areas greater than 200 square feet in area are subject to providing parking at a ratio of one space for every 75 square feet of area Outdoor dining is a permitted accessory use and does not require a modification to this discretionary permit, provided the area does not exceed 200 square feet of floor area and does not include alcohol consumption The following chart is the parking analysis for the proposed uses Indoor Retail within Market 25,000 SF —I Space /300 SF 83 30 Parking Spaces (includes Wine 25,000 SF - 1 Space/350 SF 7140 Parking Spaces Retail area — 350 SF 12,472 SF —1 Space /400 SF 31 18 Parking Spaces and 8 wine stacks 16 SF each Indoor Dining and 2,552 SF — 1 Space/75 SF 34 00 Parking Spaces Wine Tasting Room Outdoor Dining and 911 SF — 1 Space/75 SF 12 14 Parking Spaces Seating Outdoor Retail ( 1,383 SF — 1 Space /400 SF 1 3 45 Parking Spaces Total 1 67,316 SF J 235 0 Parking Spaces The proposed outdoor seating area in front of the market is 911 square feet and would require approximately 12 parking spaces The proposed outdoor garden center with 1,273 square feet and the outdoor shelving for the sale of soil amendments with 110 square feet would require approximately 3 additional parking spaces The total required parking for the proposed Whole Foods Market is 235 parking spaces and 375 parking spaces are provided, The hours of operation will be limited to 6 00 am to 12,00 pm, seven days a week for the grocery store and indoor eating areas and 11 00 am to 12 00 pm, seven days a week for the wine tasting room Any change to the hours of operation or the hours that alcohol may be served is subject to review and approval by the Director 3 ' ii of Planning and Building Safety In addition to this request for an administrative use permit for alcohol beverage licenses, the applicant intends to file an entertainment permit request to allow acoustical music within the market during the hours of operation seven days a week Live music requires administrative approval of an Entertainment Permit by the Planning and Building Safety Department that is required on an annual basis in conjunction with the annual renewal of a business license The music is intended to add to the ambience of the market Planning staff reviewed the application and the Director made the necessary findings to grant an Administrative Use Permit The attached letter specifies all of the required findings for the permit II. Inter - Departmental Comments The project applications and plans were circulated and all inter - departmental comments are attached to the report. The following Divisions and Departments had comments regarding the project POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 No consumption of alcoholic beverages would be permitted in the outdoor dining area in front of the market. 2 There must be signs posted at the various dining areas throughout the market prohibiting the removal of alcoholic beverages from designated restaurant dining areas FIRE DEPARTMENT 3 Outdoor seating and building must comply with California Building and Fire Code requirements III. RECOMMENDATION Receive and File IV, EXHIBITS A Administrative Use Permit Approval Letter, dated March 14, 2007 B Administrative Use Permit application C Letter from Whole Foods Market dated March 13, 2007 12 ���U Prepared by Marla Baldenegro, Assistant Planner Kimberly Chr' ensen, AICP, Planning Manager Department of Planning & Building Safety Ga hico Interim Director Department of Planning & Building Safety P \Planning & Budding SafeVPROJECTM726- 7501EA- 74412007 3 22 EA -744 PC�SR doc 067 s. i-' , o � `tt� � City of El Segundo RB 2 0 2001, Planning and Building Safety 350 Main Street PLANNING DIVISION El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 524 -2344, FAX (310) 322 -4167 www elseoundo oro APPLICATION FOR AN ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT Environmental Assessment No: 74!� — A.U.P No: 07- 03 Date: ZfJ D Applicant: Pars Gooch's Natural Food Markets, Inc. (DBA bmole Foods Market) Name (print or type) 15315 Magnolia Blvd - ,//320 Address Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 City /St/Zip 818 /501 -8484 818/501 -6908 Phone Fax Lydia.Cervera@wholefoods.com Email VJILWAAA7ae r ,t`re Check One: Owner ❑ Lessee Agent ❑ PropertvOwner : 7, LL.L Honeywei!i! -liter, a Delaware -GeT-per-e-E36 /,� rfFq 14q/S fLlr y Name (print or type) 321 ��TNSr. Address 1Y7A v q,,3tTAN i�EltGll Cry 9oZG6 City /St/Zip c/o Mr. Dan Crosser Comstock,Crosser & Associates 321 12th St., 11200, ianhattan Beach,CA 90266 G, 310/546.5781 x204 21,9 Phone / Fax Em�� .� Signature Representative of applicant: (i.e., attorney, expeditor, etc.) TMG Solutions - Lanny Kusaka Name (print or type) 6733 S Sepulveda Blvd., 11265 Address Los Angeles, CA 90045 City /St1Zip 310/337 -7290 Phone 310/337 -7294 Fax Lanny tmgsolutions.net Email EA- 744,AUP 07.03 gnature 068 760 S Sepulveda Bivd Arch itectlEngineer• Lester Paley Name (print or type) 12410 Burbank Blvd. Address N. Hollywood, CA 91607 city /St/Zip Property situated at: General location: 818/506 -5447 Phone Fax Les @paleyarch.cem Em 'I h ,� 4 Sin _ Please see att legal description. Provide attachment, 5. S Sepulveda Blvd. between Rosecrans Blvd. & Hughes Way Address (Street(Avenue (Street/Avenue) Zoning; C -4 (Commercial Ctr) General Plan Land Use Designation: Commercial Center Request: Under the provisions of Section 15 -22 -3 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, application for consideration of an Administration Use Permit for the above described property Describe in detail the entire proposed project (type of construction, materials to be used, uses involved, i e, bank, general office, industrial, restaurant, etc,) buildings, and other equipment necessary to the project Please see attached 2 1 Describe the existing development on the site (Include square footages and uses of each buildln ) Please see attached L 6 9 EA- 744,AUP 07 -03 760S Sepulveda Blvd Explain in detail why this particular site is especially suited for the proposed development and how it is compatible with the purpose of the zone Please see attached 4 Describe how the proposed project relates to the development of adjacent properties and the immediate area and will not have detrimental effects to the adjacent properties or neighborhood Please see attached Describe the requested hours of operation of the proposed useluses Please list hours for each use if there are multiple uses on the site If the application is for an alcohol permit, please also clarify if any entertainment is proposed and what are the requested hours of entertainment Please see attached 6 If the application is for an alcohol permit, please list the type of alcohol license you are requesting (i e , Type 41, On -site Sale and Consumption of beer and wine) Please see attached 670 EA- 744,AUP 07 -03 760 S Sepulveda Blvd Note- Must submit separate Affidavits if there are multiple owners OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT AoS SLR -A/'^S - y - PC' I 6'r OR f 3, L L C- 1, We) 4 L141)iGr%y Go. am (are) the OWNER(S) of the property Involved In this application, I (we) have familiarized myself (ourselves) with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application, and the Information Documents and all plans is true and correct to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief 1 a —/ U7 Owner's Signature OWNER'S AUTHORIZATION MRS. GOOeNS "*-YVX44-;✓OOD MA4 Ze-e l !NO. I hereby authorize PM W406-6 rODDS M ' �to act for me in all matters relevant to this application I understand that this person will be the primary contact on the project and will be sent all information and correspondence �Z Owner's Signature APPLICANT AFFIDAVIT 12 —( -o7 Date W f LuIX}rVl KAIV MRS, �LYXkt�S tJA't- U�W -Fp co nnA+GicU�, t��. 1, jfe DoA w40l -� Foo05 A4P 2-G/ � - am VIf$ the APPLICANT(34 of the property Involved In this application, I (pa) have familiarized myself (pyrse� with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application, and the information documents and all plans is true and correct to the best of my (p<knowledge and belief Applicant's SI ture Date EA- 744,AUP 07 -03 760 S Sepulveda Blvd U �7 1 Administrative Use Permit Findings Mrs. Gooch's Whole Foods Market 850 S. Sepulveda Boulevard, El Segundo 1. Describe in detail the entire proposed project (type of construction, materials to be used, uses involved, i.e. bank, general office, industrial, restaurant, etc.) buildings and other equipment necessary to the project. The applicant is the Mrs Gooch's Whole Foods Market which is proposed to go into an approximately 65,000 tenant space of a new mayor commercial development at 850 S Sepulveda Boulevard, north of Rosecrans Avenue The associated parking for the center will be held in common and will meet parking demand with convenient access from the mayor arterials The development of the shopping center will be designed to enhance this location as a major commercial center with landscaping, orientation and buffering to prevent potential impacts of the commercial uses on any sensitive use The applicant has an approved Administrative Use Permit as allowed under Section 15- 22-3 of the Code to permit a Mrs. Gooch's Whole Foods Market to do the following 1 Sell a full line of alcoholic beverages for off -site consumption in conjunction with the operation of the market (Type 21 ABC License) 2 Sell beer and wine for on -site consumption in conjunction with the operation of a restaurant within the market. (Type 41 ABC License) 52 seats will be available for alcohol service 3 Sell wine for on -site consumption in conjunction with occasional wine tasting events within the market (Type 42 ABC License) The applicant is proposing to modify the previous grant to permit Expansion of store hours from 7;00 a m to 11,00 p m., to 6.00 a m to 12 00 a m , seven days/week This includes the sale of alcoholic beverages 2 Expansion of wine - tasting hours of operation to 11 00 a m to midnight, seven days a week 3 Acoustical music during wine tasting events and in the restaurant The earlier opening time will facilitate the sale of breakfast The later hour will allow the market to remain consistent with other grants in the vicinity The music will simply enhance the high quality shopping experience at the market as well as during the wine - tasting events EA- 744,AUP 07 -03 072 760 S Sepulveda Blvd All of the uses will remain secondary to the primary use of the Mrs Gooch's market operation Each of the licenses will continue to meet ABC standards for that type of license For example, the restaurant Type 41 License will include a full menu and operate as a "bona fide eating establishment ", and the wine tasting area will have controlled ingress and egress with clearly defined and designated physical barriers to separate it from the adjacent off sale license 2. Describe the existing development on the site. Include square footages and uses of each building on the site. The site is currently under construction, with a planned opening date of April, 2007 Other portions of the commercial center are under various stages of development 3. Explain in detail why this particular site is especially suited for the proposed development. This area was planned for large -scale uses, commercial and industrial The mayor arterials of Sepulveda Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue provide adequate access to the site The proposed market location is convenient to those who intend to purchase, enjoy or sample fine alcohol as well as other food and beverage items in the market The ability to taste wine before buying A suggests that the store will be highly desired by both amateur and professional wine connoisseurs in the area The wine tasting service is unlikely to bring long lines of customers or create any significant change to the type of activities expected at a quality major market To attend these events, people will purchase tickets either in advance or at the door No one can attend without a ticket and no one under 21 will be allowed in The events will be held only in the wine tasting area. The wine tasting area, approximately 600 square feet in size, is toward the back of the store where wines are stocked and not within view of the entrance This section will be cordoned off to prevent customers from "crashing" the event and to maintain the maneuverability of shopping carts The ambience of the store is intended to draw a sophisticated clientele The hours of operation are fully within the normal hours of operation of the market, reflecting the shopping habits of the market's clientele and the hours of operation of many other businesses nearby The property will also be well lit and well maintained and the business operator has a strong history of responsible business practices Alcohol sales and consumption has become an expected convenience at quality markets such as Mrs Gooch's Mrs. Gooch's Whole Foods Markets only see wine tastmgs as an opportunity not to sell more wine but to sell better wine by educating and inspiring the customers Similarly, all of their alcohol sales are designed to compliment v `7 3 and enhance their capacity as a full serve market, a market with an expected long -term relationship with the community 4. Describe how the proposed project relates to the development of adjacent properties and the immediate area and will not have detrimental effects to the adjacent properties or neighborhood. The planning, zoning and development on all surrounding properties reflect larger scale development serving community commercial and Industrial / office uses There are no sensitive uses that might reasonably experience an Impact from any of the uses proposed in this application Finally, per City of El Segundo guidelines, the alcohol license will be transferred from another property within the County, so there will be no net Increase in the number of license in the area For these reasons, we respectfully request approval of the subject applications mt 01/10/07 EA- 744,AUP 07-03 074 760 S Sepulveda Blvd .D ::32G. SY § °R1'tiA'" ��'•KS C.f 914 ✓u phonen� $!$.6t#g.gq,$4 March 13, 20D7 Ms. Maria Baldenegro CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Dept. of Community, Economics and Development Services 350 Main Street Ell Segundo, CA 90245 Re: Modification to Administrative Use Permit (AUP) No. 05-03 Dear Ms. Baldenegro: Erna 61,,990?099 I hope this letter will provide a better explanation of the music we hope to be able to hear at the Whole Foods Market in Ell Segundo. The music will be acoustic music — primarily guitar — which will be background music NOT entertainment. This music would be played occasionally on the evenings, weekends or during holiday shopping periods. People will not come to Whole Foods Market with the intention to listen to the music. There will not be a schedule posted or advertisements posted or malted with the names /dates of the musician /s who will be playing at the store. We are a grocery store and our intention is to create a calm, pleasant shopping experience. The music is intended to add to the ambience of the store, not be the focal point; we prefer our food items and cuisine to be the primary focus. A good example of our concept would be Nordstrom's use of live piano music as people browse or shop. Patrons do not frequent the store solely to listen to the music but are usually in a better frame of mind because of it. If you have questions or need additional information please call me at 818/501- 8484, x 111. Sincerely yours, Lydia ervera Assistant to Michael Besancon, President 075 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE. April 3, 2007 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION, Consideration and possible action regarding the approval of a budget appropriation and a Third Amendment to a Professional Services Agreement with Wllldan for providing planning consulting services for a second interim Senior Planner position for the Planning and Building Safety Department (Fiscal Impact Up to $93,600) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Authorize the City Manager to execute the Third Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement as to form approved by the City Attorney, 2) Approve a budget appropriation for $93,600 to provide planning consulting services for a second interim Senior Planner position for the Planning and Building Safety Department, and /or, 3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: The Senior Planner position in the Planning and Building Safety Department became vacant in February 2006. The Planning and Building Safety Department filled the position by retaining consultant services from Wllldan that included a part time interim Senior Planner to fill the vacancy and in addition retained a part-time Associate Planner (until September (Continued on next page) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS- 1) Scope of Services FISCAL IMPACT: $93,600 Operating Budget: $628,800 Amount Requested- $93,600 Account Number. 001 -400 - 2402 -6214 Appropriation Required, X YES —NO ($93,600) ORIGINATED BY: DATE. Gary D Chicots, In rim Director, Planning and Building Safety Department REVIEWED Jeff DATE- '1/) 1 1 STAFF REPORT: April 3, 2007 Page 2 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (cont .I 2006) to address special projects because of the Department's high volume of work assignments The recruitment process to fill the Senior Planner vacancy is underway, however, the Planning and Building Safety Department does not anticipate filling the vacancy until late in the fiscal year The Planning and Building Safety Department is continuing to fill the position with an interim Senior Planner The current position is being filled with less than a full time staff person (32 hours a week) The Planning and Building Safety Department is continuing to maintain a high volume of work assignments particularly complex development projects (including Plaza El Segundo Phase II, The Edge (14 -acre project on the northern portion of the Corporate Campus site), an upcoming project at 1700 Grand Avenue, the Chevron refinery, the El Segundo Power Plant Rezoning, and several other projects) and long range planning assignments (including the Housing Element) necessitating the skills of a Senior Planner Therefore, the Planning and Building Safety Department is requesting appropriation of an additional $93,600 and approval of a third amendment to the professional services agreement with Wllldan to retain planning consultant services for a full time Senior Planner in addition to the current part time Senior Planner to assist in completing the Department's workload. Wllldan fees are $90 /hour for a Senior Planner The cost for a Senior Planner is $93,600 based upon a rate of $90 /hour at 40 hours per week for a period of 26 weeks for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2006/2007 (from April 2007 through September 28, 2007) The Planning and Building Safety Department Is continuing to pursue reimbursement agreements that may cover a portion of the cost Additionally, some of the cost will be recouped through the existing reimbursement agreement with Mar Ventures that pays for planning services for their 14 -acre project on the northern portion of the Corporate Campus site, an upcoming project at 1700 Grand Avenue, and the Plaza El Segundo Phase II project P \Planning & Building Safety\Consultant Ping ServicesWildan Services\2006- 2007\2007 04 03 Interim Senior Planner 3rdAmendment CCReport doc fU 7 SCOPE OF SERVICES The tasks that may be performed by Willdan in providing permit processing and other planning services to the City of El Segundo, Include the following • Conduct project site visits and communicate directly with applicants regarding the specific requirements and /or Information necessary to process applications, • Review and determine completeness of applications received, • Review proposed development plans for compliance with City's General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and any applicable design guidelines or Specific Plan requirements, • Review proposed development plans for conformance to the City's development policies and standards contained in the General plan and Zoning Ordinance, respectively, • Coordinate the City's interdepartmental review of proposed projects, • Meet with applicants to discuss their projects and any suggested design changes, as necessary, • Prepare Initial Studies and Negative Declarations or Mitigated Negative Declarations pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), • Process Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs), Subsequent EIRs, Supplemental EIRs, or EIR Addendums prepared by other consultants, • Prepare staff reports, including conditions of approval and recommendations, for consideration and action by the Planning Commission and City Council, • Prepare Planning Commission and City Council resolutions and /or ordinances related to proposed development projects and CEQA document certification, • Prepare and coordinate the posting, publication and mailing of all required public notices, • Coordinate the distribution of project- related documents to outside agencies, as required, • Schedule and assist in conducting public workshops /EIR scoping meetings, as deemed necessary, • Schedule and assist in conducting public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council, • Coordinate the preparation and filing of all required notices with the State Clearinghouse and /or County Clerk, • Respond to public inquiries for zoning and other planning related information and otherwise assist with the operation of the City's one stop permit center, and • Perform other related tasks as assigned by the Planning Manager P \Planning & Building Safety\Willdan Scope of Services doc v �8 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 3, 2007 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING. New Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION* Consideration and possible action to approve a license agreement between the City of El Segundo and Thomas Properties Group, LLC regarding the naming rights of the athletic fields located on the northeast corner of Nash Street and Mariposa Avenue (Fiscal Impact $1 5 million in revenues received in exchange for naming rights) COUNCIL ACTION* 1) Approve attached license agreement between the City of El Segundo and Thomas Properties Group, LLC, 2) Deposit funds received from the agreementwith Thomas Properties Group, LLC into the City's Economic Uncertainty Fund and schedule specific discussion of the funds during the upcoming Council Strategic Planning Session, 3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION. On February 5, 2007, the City Council amended the City's policy on naming facilities to allow the City Council and staff to negotiate and license naming rights for specific facilities within the City The impetus for that action was the potential to negotiate with corporate entities that might have an interest in purchasing the naming rights for the athletic facility currently under construction at the northeast corner of Nash Street and Marposa Avenue During the week following the Council's action, the Thomas Properties Group, LLC (TPG) contacted staff and indicated that they were interested in purchasing the naming rights for the athletic fields on behalf of the future anchor tenant on the Campus El Segundo project Accordingly, the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tern and City Manager met with a representative from TPG to discuss the issue After some negotiation and analysis of the "value" of naming rights at that location, the two parties agreed that TPG would pay to the City a sum valued as follows $1 5 million, paid in two installments and $610,000 in project improvements, including grading, enhanced fencing and gates, and additional landscaping (Please see attached page marked "Background and Discussion ") ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Agreement between City and Thomas Properties Group, LLC FISCAL IMPACT- $1 5 million in revenue during FY 2006 -2007 and FY 2007 -2008 Operating Budget, Amount Requested: Account Number: Appropriation Required _Yes X No ORIGINATE DATE, arC , Jeff Manager I Diq A Background and Discussion (con't): The recommended term of the attached licensing agreement is twenty (20) years TPG agrees to pay to the City $1 5 million in two installments $750,000 would be payable within thirty (30) days of executing the agreement, and the second would be payable by January 31, 2008 In addition, TPG would have an option, on a year -to -year basis for up to ten (10) years, to pay the City $75,000 in order to retain the naming rights for that year The agreement would give TPG the option of naming the facility after itself, the Development or a tenant in the Development The agreement calls for TPG to submit to the City a detailed plan for the display of a logo on the two athletic fields The Sponsor shall retain the right to change the name or logo, at its own expense, consistent with the terms of Section 1 of the agreement The agreement would provide various protections to the City in the event of bankruptcy and criminal acts In the event that the company for whom the field is named files for bankruptcy protection, or an officer of the firm is convicted of a felony, the City would retain the right to terminate the agreement with no obligation to return any portion of the Sponsorship Payment The agreement also states that TPG may not sell or assign the naming rights to another person or entity The agreement includes a provision whereby the City may allow additional, but limited sponsorship opportunities on the site, such as engraved bricks, walls and /or plaques, dedications, and related items However, such items would not conflict with the primary field naming rights, and would be subject to the City's existing facilities naming policy It should be noted that TPG is also providing funding for several on -site improvements Those improvements, valued at $610,000, include steel fencing, perimeter landscaping and an overhead archway structure These items of work were included in the project bid specifications as "additive" items and provide a substantial enhancement of the project Should the Council approve the agreement with TPG, staff believes that it is important to recall that several actions were taken when the City Council provided funding for the Athletic Field facility on December 5, 2006 Specifically, the Council took the following action • Moved the $40,000 from the Capital Improvement account for the Teen Center Retaining Wall Project to the Athletic Field construction account • Moved $890,000 in general funds from the Douglas Street Gap Closure account to the Athletic Field construction account • Backfilled the Douglas Street Gap Closure account with $350,000 in Traffic Mitigation Funds and $540,000 in Federal SAFETEA -LU funds The Council also directed staff to come back with external sources of funding (e g , funding derived from "naming rights ") in an effort to backfill funding sources available for the new fire station that will be built next to the Athletic Fields On March 20, 2007, the Council took action to provide additional funding for the fire station project However, staff believes it was the Council's direction to revisit the funding sources for the Athletic Fields at a future date in the event that the City was successful in receiving funds in exchange for Naming Rights Accordingly, staff recommends that funds received from the agreement with TPG be deposited into the Economic Uncertainty Account and that discussion of funds received from the agreement be placed on the agenda under a specific line item during the annual City Council Strategic Planning Session later this summer In sum, staff believes that a partnership between the City and TPG represents an appropriate and natural collaboration wherein both entities receive substantial benefits qAP ATHLETIC FACILITY NAMING RIGHTS LICENSE AGREEMENT This ATHLETIC FACILITY NAMING RIGHTS LICENSE AGREEMENT ( "Agreement ") is entered into this _ day of , 2007 between the City of El Segundo, a California municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City) and Thomas Properties Group, LLC ( "Sponsor ") RECITALS WHEREAS the City has designed and is planning to construct athletic facility located at the Northwest corner of Nash Street and Manposa Avenue ( "Athletic Facility "), and, WHEREAS the City has determined that it would serve the public's interest to allow a private entity to display its name on the Athletic Facility in exchange for purposes of providing additional revenue to the City NOW THEREFORE, the City and Sponsor do hereby covenant, warrant and agree as follows 1 Sponsorship Rights Upon delivery of the Sponsorship Payment referred to in Section 3 below, Sponsor shall have the following rights (collectively the "Sponsorship Rights ") (a) the exclusive right to display on the entrance to and the playing surfaces of the Athletic Facility (1) its name and/or logo (2) the name and/or logo of Sponsor's Campus El Segundo development (the "Development ") , and (3) the name and/or logo of a tenant in the Development, and (b) the exclusive right to name the Athletic Facility in the name of Sponsor, the Development, or a tenant in the Development Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City shall have the right to install reasonably - sized (a) plaques in tribute to current or historical City public figures, together with the names and logos of individual or corporate sponsors, on the plaza, pavers and buildings of the Athletic Facility, (b) temporary banners or signs advertising special events at the Athletic Facility with the names and/or logos of event sponsors on the fences surrounding the field, but only for the duration of such special event, (c) names and/or logos in the snack bar of goods sold at such snack bar, and (d) subject to Sponsor's prior written approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, the name and/or logo of the sponsor of any scoreboard that may be erected on the Athletic Fields 2 Term The Sponsor shall have the Sponsorship Rights as provided for herein this Agreement for term of twenty (20) years (the "Term "), commencing from the date that construction of the Athletic Facility has been substantially completed and the Athletic Facility is open and available for public use (the "Completion Date ") In the event the Completion Date has not occurred by January 31, 2008, the Sponsor shall have the right to (a) terminate this Agreement, in which case the City shall be obligated to return to Sponsor the Sponsorship Payment within thirty (30) days of receiving written notice from the Sponsor of its intent to terminate this Agreement, or (b) extend the Term by the number of calendar days between December 31, 2007 and the Completion Date Sponsor may extend the Term for up to ten (10) additional one (1) year periods by providing to the City written notice thereof and making an extension payment of $75,000 for each such extension at least sixty (60) days prior to the then- schedule expiration of the Term 1 -6160697 2 Page 1 of 5 Initials 3 Sponsorship Payment Within thirty (30) days of the execution of this Agreement, Sponsor shall pay the City the sum of seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000), and on or before January 31, 2008, Sponsor shall pay City an additional sum of seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000) (collectively the two payments shall be referred to as "Sponsorship Payment ") as consideration for the Sponsorship Rights 4 Display of Name and/or Logo Prior to any public display of a name and/or logo on the Athletic Facility, Sponsor shall submit a reasonably detailed plan for the City Council's or its designee's review and approval The City Council shall not unreasonably withhold, condition or delay such approval During the term of this Agreement, the Sponsor shall be allowed, from time to time and at its own expense, to change the name or logo consistent with Section 1 above or to assign its rights in this Agreement to a person that occupies real property located within the Specific Plan area within which the Athletic Fields are located The City Council shall retain the right to approve of any such name or logo change, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed The City Council's failure to disapprove any name or logo within sixty (60) days after Sponsor's written request shall be deemed to be the City Council's approval thereof Any purported assignment to a person or entity that does not own or occupy real property located within the Specific Plan area within which the Athletic Fields is (i) subject to the approval of the City Council, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, and (n) must not result in the display of a name or logo that is not in compliance with the El Segundo Municipal Code Sponsor cannot sell or assign its rights under this Agreement to another person or entity in exchange for monies that exceed the amount of the Sponsor Payment or the annual cost of exercising its option to extend the term of this Agreement as set forth above, unless (i) the City Council in its sole discretion approves of such sale or assignment, which approval may be conditional, and (ii) the sale or assignment must not result in the display of a name or logo that is not in compliance with the El Segundo Municipal Code Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, in no event shall the City Council be required to approve of any name or logo that would result in alcohol, tobacco or sexual content, or any other content that would be inconsistent with youth sports, being depicted or described on the Athletic Facility 5 Bankruptcy /Criminal Acts. In the event that the Sponsor files for bankruptcy protection or the Sponsor, or one of its officers, is convicted of a felony with regard to actions undertaken on behalf or relating to the Sponsor, this Agreement shall terminate and the City shall have the right to remove the Sponsor's name and logo from the Athletic Facility and shall have no obligation to return any or all of the Sponsorship Payment 6 Miscellaneous 6 1 Governing Law This Agreement been executed and delivered within the State of California, and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of California The venue for any legal or equitable action relating to this Agreement shall be the Los Angeles Superior Court 6 2 Full Integration This Agreement is the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous oral and 2 - 6160697 2 Page 2 of 5 Initials -T p written agreements and discussions This Agreement may only be amended only by a written instrument executed by the parties hereto. 6 3. Joint Drafting Each party has cooperated in the drafting and preparation of this entire Agreement and in the event there is a dispute there involving the interpretation of this Agreement, the language shall not construed against either party based upon a particular party having drafted a portion or all of the Agreement 6 4 Attorneys' Fees In the event of litigation arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to its reasonable attorneys' fees and costs 65 Severability In the event that any term, covenant, condition, provision or agreement contained in this Agreement is held to be invalid or void by any court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of any such term, covenant, condition, provision or agreement shall in no way affect any other term, covenant, condition, provision or agreement and the remainder of this Agreement shall still be in full force and effect unless the invalidity would materially affect the consideration being received by one of the parties hereto 6 6. Titles The titles included in this Agreement are for reference only and are not part of the terms of this Agreement, nor do they in any way modify the terms of this Agreement 6 7 Counterparts, This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, and when each party has signed and delivered at least one such counterpart, each counterpart shall be deemed an original, and, when taken together with other signed counterparts, shall constitute one Agreement, which shall be binding upon and effective as to both parties 6 8 Notice Any and all notices given to either party under this Agreement shall be given as provided in this paragraph All notices given to either party shall be made by certified or registered United States mail, or personal delivery, at the noticing party's discretion, and addressed to the parties as set forth below. Notices shall be deemed, for all purposes, to have been given on the date of personal service or three (3) consecutive calendar days following deposit of the same in the United States mail As to Sponsor: Thomas Properties Group LLC 515 South Flower Street, Sixth Floor Los Angeles, California 90071 Attn Dennis Watsabaugh As to the City: 3 - 6160697 2 Page 3 of 5 Initials -�qC Attn City Clerk City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 7 11 Successors and Assigns This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the parties and their successors and assigns Any failure by a party hereto to enforce any term or condition hereof shall not be deemed to be a waiver by such party hereto to enforce such term of condition during the term of this Agreement WHEREFORE, the parties hereto have read all of the foregoing, understand the same, and agree to all of the provisions contained herein. DATED DATED APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D Hensley, Esq., City Attorney for City of El Segundo SPONSOR Thomas Properties Group LLC By Its By Its CITY CITY OF EL SEGUNDO By Kelly McDowell, Mayor 4 - 6160697 2 Page 4 of 5 Initials �q Attest; CindyMortesen, —city Clerk 5-61606972 Page 5 of 5 Initials M /. EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE. April 3, 2007 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING. New Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION* Consideration and possible action regarding award of a six month contract extension to The Jones Payne Group for design and testing services related to the Residential Sound Insulation (RSI) Program and authorize staff to draft and advertise a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for future design and testing services (Fiscal impact $872,692) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Award a contract extension to The Jones Payne Group for Design and Testing Services, 2) Authorize the City Manager to execute the contract extension, 3) Authorize staff to draft and advertise a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for future design and testing services, and 4) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION' At its meeting of November 5, 2003, the City Council awarded an agreement to The Jones Payne Group for the provision of Design and Testing services The agreement was awarded for a period of one (1) year, with the City's discretion of extending the agreement in one (1) year increments for a maximum of three (3) years The City Council extended that agreement at its meeting on April 5, 2005 and again on March 21, 2006 The current contract and its extensions with the Jones Payne Group, Inc (which covers through Group 22) provides for their design services during construction of homes for which designs have been completed (answering design questions posed by Contractors or as related (continued on next page) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Proposal from the Jones Payne Group, Inc FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: $3,000,000 Amount Requested: $872,692 Account Number: 116 -400- 0000 -6214 Appropriation Required: X Yes _ No ORIGINATED. DATE. March Cam/ James S UP REVIEWED BY DATE: 1/7 1 /U -� -13 X80 Background and Discussion (con't): to conditions that arise during construction) The contract does not allow for design work to begin for homes to be included in Group 23 or beyond Staff is proposing this current extension to be awarded in order to continue design work while staff completes a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a new contract for design and testing services This proposed extension would equate to six (6) months worth of new design and, at a pace of a group of 25 homes each month, result in designs for 150 homes divided over Groups 23 through 28 The proposal from the Jones Payne Group, Inc has submitted a proposal for $872,692 This design work will include architectural assessments, designs for mechanical systems and the associated electrical work, acoustical testing at 10% of the homes, Property Owner reviews, and Punch List inspections The proposal reflects an increase in labor costs of 4% due to cost of living allowance The proposal also includes creating a CD -ROM for each group of homes with a digital record of the scope of work for each home and a floor plan linked to photos of property elevations, interior and exteriors of existing windows and doors to be treated, as well as special conditions Staff is of the opinion that this interactive tool, which will be included in the documentation provided to Contractors prior to bidding, will result in Contractors better understanding the conditions of homes, and hopefully more accurate pricing The costs of the contract extension reflect a are covered by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Grants and funding from Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) • The .ones Payne Group March 6, 2007 Mr James O'Neill Program Coordinator City of El Segundo City Hall 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 -3895 RE Residential Sound Insulation Program Workorder No 4 Dear James 321 Summer Sheet Fourth Floor Boston, MA 02210 T 617 790 3747 F 617 790 3748 sysvw jonespuyne corn Enclosed, please find our fee proposal for your review and comment Attached you will find a fee breakdown, schedule and scope clarification document including exhibit "A" Work Order #4 includes the Base A &E Scope and Acoustical Testing services for between 150 units as specified in the scope of work Note the following Base A &E Service inc One Overall Cost Average Cost Average Cost Average Cost Time Costs $22,63400 per Unit W04* per Unit W03* per Unit W02* Architectural $464,55767 $3,09705 $2,73413 $2,40883 Mech /Elec /Structural $286,20000 $1,90800 $2,00866 $61016 Acoustical Testing $48,19000 $321 26 $36640 $47615 Environmental Engineering $8,36000 $5573 $000 $000 Total $807,30767 $5,38205 $5,185 19 $3,49514 - Average coat based on 100 units far bbD 2 300 urns for M 3 and 160 units M 4 not speafe to housing stack Direct Expenses Overall Cost Cost Unit W04 Cost Unit W03 Cost Unit W02 A &E Services $27,55000 $18366 $18887 $31690 Mech /Elec /Structural $22,63400 $15089 $11093 $11860 Acoustical Testing $15,20000 $101 33 $11200 $17080 Environmental Engineering $000 $000 $000 $000 Total $65,38400 $43589 $411 80 $60630 Note Dvetl expenses itemized here are for all consultants The cost per unit has increased overall by a total of $274 95 This slight cost increase is the result of a variety of other factors including The fee for Workorder 3 was submitted in February 2006 The Team has since experienced increased labor costs of 4% Note that the total fee increase factors to less than 4 %d We have added scope for the development of HomeProfilesTm This line item was added at your request providing a digital record of Property Owner Agreements for each residence Delivered on CD -ROM in a simple -to- navigate browser format, HomeProfilesTA4 will allow contractors to see a number of properties "virtually" from a computer, including windows and doors, specialty conditions and property elevation photos all linked to a floor plan for easy reference 082 • The .ones Payne Group 3 We have added scope for environmental services to update program specifications and offer feedback to current policy with regard to lead paint and asbestos removal 4 Note that fee is burdened to assume there will not be an extension under the current contract This is due to the fact we cannot assume we will be selected as the preferred consultant under the next solicitation We understand that an RFP process will be initiated with the intent of securing a consultant allowing for continuous design in 2007 Should the selection process once again identify Jones Payne as the preferred team, management costs for the next phase will decrease due to program overlap (assuming the same size contract) The attached fee is based on feedback we have received from the City with regard to bidding schedules, design methodology, and contractor feedback Note the following 1 We assume the contract is based on 150 units Design approach has been modified to limit assessments to the morning hours, with concept packet production taking place in the afternoon Resources performing the assessments visits will have the flexibility in schedule to participate in Punch Lists in the afternoons as well as schedule and procure signed homeowner agreements The pace to the design process is as follows Week 1 — 8 Assessments/ 8 CP's Week 2 — 8 Assessments/ 8 CP's/ 8 HOA's Week 3 - 8 Assessments / 8 CP's/ 8 HOA's Week 4 - 8 HOA's/ Bid Set for City Review Week 5 - Buffer for issue resolution Week 6 - Final Bid Documents 3 Fee is based on the assumption homeowners are scheduled for assessment visits Monday — Thursday mornings (2 1day) 4 Fee is based on all design and construction meetings taking place Monday — Thursday mornings 5 Fee is based on punches and finals taking place Monday — Thursday mornings and Fridays 6 Fee is based on the assumption that if a homeowner issue pushes up against a bid deadline, the bid package move forward and the homeowner issue continue through the resolution process with insertion at the next available bid set 7 The fees allow for the M/E consultant to gather all necessary data for design of a ventilation or cooling system Bid documents will be prepared design for ventilation systems at all units and notating upgrade requirements for cooling 8 Per the request of the City, fee assumes no field level participation for pre - construction walk - throughs (note hours have been budgeted for RFI's and design clarification) 9 Per feedback from City staff and Contractor's, fee includes a complete review of the detail set with the goal of parsing the detail count in half 10 Per feedback from City staff and Contractor's, fee includes preparation of a submittal requirement checklist to be provided to Contractor's to help streamline the review process 083 • The .tines Payne Group We hope you find this information helpful and are available to discuss your comments at any time Regards, John H Hansen, Assoc AIA Principal in Charge Cr� cc Patrick Leroy, Project Manager Linda Evans, Principal Finance and Administration 084 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 3, 2007 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: New Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to Planning and Building Safety staff to review and to prepare municipal code amendments to the existing off - street parking and loading requirements in El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) Chapter 15 -15 (Fiscal Impact None) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION. 1 Receive staff presentation, 2 Direct staff regarding proceeding with further analysis and development of municipal code amendments to ESMC Chapter 15 -15 regarding off - street parking and loading requirements, and /or 3 Alternatively, discuss and take other actions related to this Item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: The Planning and Building Safety Department requests Council direction to review the existing off - street parking and loading requirements in ESMC Chapter 15 -15 comprehensively and to propose municipal code amendments to meet the current needs of residential, commercial, and industrial uses on next 1 El Segundo Municipal Code Chapter 15 -15 Off - Street Parking and Loading Spaces 2, Zoning Code Interpretations Pertaining To Off - Street Parking and Loading Requirements FISCAL IMPACT: None Operating Budget: NIA Amount Requested: N/A Account Number: N/A Project Phase. N/A Appropriation Required: _ Yes X No ORIGINATED BY* DATE: Gary Chicotsts, InZmr Director, Planning and Building Safety Department REVITrtCity BY- DATE:1 Jeff anager 4 08 5 STAFF REPORT- April 3, 2007 Page 2 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (cont.) The City's existing off - street parking and loading requirements have not been reexamined since the late 1990's Some of the standards no longer meet the needs and operational characteristics of residential, commercial and industrial uses For example, recent commercial office and retail projects, such as Plaza El Segundo at 850 S Sepulveda Boulevard and the Edge (part of the Corporate Campus site) at 850 N Nash Street, have shown that some of the existing off - street vehicle parking and loading requirements are not entirely appropriate for large- scale, campus -style developments Also, existing standards for residential parking space configurations and accessibility are marginally functional Planning staff proposes to evaluate the ESMC Chapter 15 -15 in its entirety The primary issues that are anticipated to be addressed include but are not limited to the following Width and depth of parking stalls, vehicle backup dimensions, and aisle dimensions for commercial, industrial, and residential uses The intent is to provide flexibility for commercial parking structure design to address different lot configurations for greater ease of ingress and egress to parking stalls and to provide options for alternative width and depth of parking stalls and aisle dimensions to achieve equivalent ease of access. Additionally, the standards for width and depth of parking spaces and vehicle backup dimensions, both in garages and in unenclosed on -grade configurations, will be evaluated to ensure that they meet the needs of single -family and multiple -family residential uses Number and dimensional requirements of loading areas for commercial and industrial uses. The intent is to provide adequate loading areas that are appropriate for the land uses on the properties rather than to structure requirements by zone Driveway ramp standards. The intent is to develop standards for driveway ramp design particularly addressing functionality and safety including where driveway ramps and pedestrian sidewalks or walkways intersect Simplify and clarify code requirements The intent is to incorporate past interpretations into the code where applicable and to make the understanding of the requirements easier for the public Establish requirements for minimum number of spaces for new categories of land uses. The intent is to modernize the standards where appropriate relating to different land uses by adding standardized requirements for the minimum number of spaces for new categories of land uses where industry standards exist for such use categories rather than to require parking demand studies Changes to the number of required vehicle spaces for residential and /or general commercial office and /or retail uses are not anticipated at this time The Planning and Building Safety Department presented this information at the Planning Commission meeting of March 22, 2007 for their information and to discuss both the proposed issues to be analyzed and any additional areas that they would recommend be studied The 086 STAFF REPORT April 3, 2007 Page 3 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (cont.) Commission concurred that the parking and loading standards should be studied and evaluated They did not recommend any specific additional areas for study, however they felt that parking and loading space dimensions and parking lot/parking structure design were especially important along with residential parking design They also recommend that a comparison to other cities' regulations be included A copy of ESMC Chapter 15 -15 and the existing adopted Zoning Code Interpretations are attached for your reference RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE PROCESS Planning and Budding Safety staff recommends that the City Council direct staff to review and to prepare municipal code amendments to the existing off - street parking and loading requirements in El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) Chapter 15-15, Should the City Council direct staff formally to make amendments to the Municipal Code, staff would prepare the necessary text amendments and environmental review documents and schedule the matter for public hearings before the Planning Commission followed by the City Council The entire process is anticipated to take approximately four months to complete P Planning & Building Ssfel: ,Staff Reports 200A2007 04 03 Parking-rextAmend CCReportdoc 087 15 -15 -1 CHAPTER 15 OFF - STREET PARKING AND LOADING SPACES SECTION 15 -15- 1 Purpose 15 -15- 2 General Provisions 15 -15- 3 Parking Spaces Required 15 -15- 4 Mixed Occupancies 15 -15- 5 Parking Area Development Standards 15 -15- 6 Loading Area Development Standards 15 -15- 7 Plan Preparation And Permit Approval 15 -15- 8 Joint Use And Off -Site Parking Facilities 15 -15- 9 Shared Parking, Smoky Hollow 15 -15 -10 Sites With Transportation Systems Management Plans 15 -15 -11 Applicability Of Chapter In C -RS Zone 15 -15 -12 Failure To Maintain Required Parking 15 -15 -13 Off -Site Parking, Smoky Hollow Specific Plan 15 -15 -2 15 -15 -1 PURPOSE: The purpose of this Section is to provide for adequate off - street parking and loading standards, to assure that parking spaces shall be suitably maintained and available for the use of the occupants of the site and to mitigate associated on- street parking and traffic circulation problems throughout the City (Ord 1212, 11 -16 -1993) 15 -15 -2. GENERAL PROVISIONS: A Parking And Loading Required No use or building shall be established, erected, enlarged or expanded unless on -site parking and loading facilities are provided and maintained as required by this Chapter B Design. Parking facilities shall be designed so that a car within a facility will not have to enter a street to move from one location to any other location within the same facility. C Tire Stops Bumpers or tire stops a minimum six inches (6 ") in height shall be provided in all parking lot areas abutting a building, structure, sidewalk, planting area, street or alley D Tandem Spaces All tandem parking spaces, where allowed, shall be clearly outlined on the surface of the parking facility. City of El Segundo 088 15 -15 -2 15 -15 -2 E Exit Parking facilities in nonresidential zones shall be designed in such a manner that any vehicle on the property will be able to maneuver as necessary so that it may exit from the property travelling in a forward direction However, cars may exit onto an alley travelling in a reverse direction F Access By Alley Where vehicular access is provided by an alley, parking may intrude into the required rear yard, provided, however, the amount of setback intruded upon shall be replaced by increasing the other required yards on -site by an equivalent amount G. Fractional Spaces Where the application of the following cumulative parking schedules results in a fractional space, then the fractions shall be rounded to the nearest whole number H Guest Parking No required guest parking space for any residential use shall be located, in whole or in part, in any required front yard or front two - thirds C/O of any required side yard Maintenance And Compliance No person, company or organization shall fail to maintain the facilities required to be provided by this Chapter, or by any applicable provision of prior laws, variance, use permit, or precise plan heretofore or hereafter granted by the Planning Commission or City Council No required parking shall be utilized in any manner so as to make it unavailable for the occupants, their clients or visitors of a building or use during the hours such budding or use is normally occupied This meaning shall not be construed to prohibit security devices J Waiting Spaces Waiting spaces, where required, are to be located adjacent or near to the required loading spaces in order to accommodate trucks waiting for loading dock space K Loading Spaces 1 Design Loading spaces shall be designed so they will not interfere with vehicular circulation. 2 Site Location Loading spaces shall be sited to avoid views from public streets (Ord 1245, 2 -6 -1996) L Pavement And Surfacing All permanent on -site parking, loading, vehicle storage and vehicle sales areas shall be paved with approved concrete or asphaltic concrete On -site parking areas to be used for no longer than one year shall be surfaced and maintained with an impervious material acceptable to the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services so as to eliminate dust and mud All on -site parking areas shalt be graded and drained so as to dispose of all surface water in accordance with the Uniform Building Code City of El Segundo X8 9 15 -15 -2 15 -15 -3 M Lighting Any lights provided to illuminate any parking area or vehicle sales areas as permitted by this code shall be arranged so as to direct the light away from any premises upon which a residential dwelling unit is located (Ord 1245, 2 -6 -1996; amd Ord. 1315, 1 -18 -2000) 15 -15 -3 PARKING SPACES REQUIRED- The number of on site parking spaces required for the establishment of a building or use shall be provided and thereafter main- tained at the following ratios, provided, however, that for any building or use enlarged or increased in capacity, additional parking facilities shall be required only for such enlargement or increase Additional parking facilities need not be provided in R zones unless such enlarge- ment or increase results in the addition of a dwelling unit. Unless stated otherwise, parking shall be based on net floor area as defined in section 15 -1 -6 of this title. A Residential Uses Residential Use Number Of Parking Spaces Required 1. Single - family and two -family 2 spaces for each unit and one additional space for dwellings dwelling units exceeding 3,000 square feet of gross floor area 2 Condominiums, residential co- 2 spaces for each unit plus 2 visitor spaces for the ops and multiple - family dwell- first 5 dwelling units and 2 visitor spaces for each ings additional 3 units (e.g , 1 -5 units = 2 visitor spaces, and tourist courts 6 -8 units = 4, 9 -11 units = 6, 12 -14 units = 8, etc ) 3 Lodging houses, rooming 1 space for each sleeping room houses, and guesthouses (Ord 1279, 10 -7 -1997) B Nonresidential Uses: Nonresidential Uses Number Of Parking Spaces Required 1 Hospitals 1'/2 spaces for each bed 2 Hotels 1 space for each of the first 100 rooms; space for each of the next 100 rooms, and /2 space for each room above 200 rooms 3 Motels, auto courts, bed and 1 space for each sleeping unit breakfast inns, motor lodges, and tourist courts 4 Seniors communities, rest 1 space for each 2 beds homes, convalescent homes December 2006 City of El Segundo 15 -15 -3 15 -15 -3 December 2006 City of El Segundo /� ,] Nonresidential Uses Number Of Parking Spaces Required 5 Offices, commercial, video 1 space for each 300 square feet for the first arcade, and food -to -go uses 25,000 square feet 1 space for each 350 square feet for the second 25,000 square feet 1 space for each 400 square feet for the area in excess of 50,000 square feet 6 Restaurants, drive- through 1 space for each 75 square feet, including outdoor restaurants, bars and cocktail dining areas if outdoor dining area exceeds 200 lounges square feet or 20 percent of indoor dining area, whichever is less No parking is required for restaurants under 500 square feet which do not provide sit down eating accommodations 7 Manufacturing, research and 1 space for each 500 square feet for the first development (includes office 50,000 square feet with on site testing facilities) 1 space for each 1,000 square feet for the area in excess of 50,000 square feet 8. Medical /dental offices and 1 space for each 200 square feet clinics 9. Warehouses and storage 1 space for each 1,000 square feet for the first buildings 20,000 square feet 1 space for each 2,000 square feet for the second 20,000 square feet 1 space for each 4,000 square feet for the area in excess of 40,000 square feet 10 Automobile repair garages, 2 spaces for each service stall plus 2 spaces for body shops, and service sta- office tions 11 Schools, private a Pre - school, elementary 1 space for each 1 classroom, plus 1 space for through junior high level each employee and faculty member b High school level 7 spaces per classroom plus auditorium or stadium parking requirements December 2006 City of El Segundo /� ,] 15 -15 -3 15 -15 -3 Nonresidential Uses Number Of Parking Spaces Required c Adult level, college, busi- 1 space for every 50 square feet of gross floor area ness and trade or 1 space for every 3 fixed seats - whichever is greater; or, as modified by a parking demand study 12 Places of public assembly in- cluding, but not limited to, theaters, auditoriums, ban- quet facilities, meeting rooms, clubs, lodges and mortuaries. a With fixed seats 1 space for every 3 seats' b Without fixed seats 1 space for every 30 square feet of floor area used for assembly purposes 13 Churches 1 space for every 4 seats' 14 Cafes: a. Which equal 20 percent or 1 space for each 300 square feet less of the gross floor area of a multi- tenant shopping cen- ter, office development or the commercial portion of a mixed used development b. Any portion of a cafe or 1 space for each 75 square feet, including outdoor any cumulative floor area of areas if outdoor dining area exceeds 200 square multiple cafes which exceed feet 20 percent of a multi- tenant shopping center, office devel- opment, or the commercial portion of a mixed used de- velopment Note 1 Based upon the uniform building code, areas having fixed benches or pews shall have 1 seat for each 18 inches of length Dining areas shall have 1 seat for each 24 inches of booth length, or major portion thereof (Ord 1279, 10 -7 -1997, amd Ord 1286, 3 -17 -1998, Ord 1395, 5 -16 -2006) C Compact Parking Compact parking shall be allowed for office and industrial uses to a maximum of twenty percent (20 %) of required parking spaces Parking spaces provided in excess of the required number may be compact size Compact parking shall not be allowed for retail uses City of El Segundo December 2006 0 92 15 -15 -3 D Parking Reductions. 15 -15 -5 1 The planning commission may reduce the required amount of parking in the SB, MM, Grand Avenue commercial and medium density residential zones up to ten percent (10 %) (Ord 1279, 10 -7 -1997) 2 The planning commission may modify the required number of parking spaces in any commercial or industrial zone, including in the Smoky Hollow specific plan area up to a maximum of ten percent (10 %), based on the submittal of a parking demand study Additionally, for any use for which the number of parking spaces is not listed, the director of community, economic and development services or planning commission shall specify the required number of spaces based on a parking demand study A parking demand study shall include, but not be limited to, information specifying the number of employees, customers, visitors, clients, shifts, deliveries, parking spaces, or other criteria established by the director of community, economic and development services (Ord 1279, 10 -7 -1997; amd Ord 1315, 1 -18 -2000) 15 -15 -4 MIXED OCCUPANCIES: In the case of mixed uses in a budding or on a site, the total requirements for on site parking facilities shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses computed On site parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing required parking facilities for any other use (Ord 1212, 11 -16 -1993) 15 -15 -5 PARKING AREA DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: A Stall Sizes And Aisle Widths. 1 The parking stall sizes shall be as follows. Zone Width Depth Nonresidential, 8'/2 feet 18 feet Dead end parking stall or adjacent to an obstruction 10 feet 18 feet Compact parking spaces 81/2 feet 15 feet Residential (outside dimensions) Single - family residential (R -1) 10 feet 20 feet Mobile home in mobile home park 9 feet 20 feet Two - family residential (R -2) 9 feet 20 feet Two -family residential (R -2) on a substandard lot 8'/2 feet 20 feet Multi -family residential (R -3) 8'/2 feet 20 feet (Ord. 1257, 6 -18 -1996) December 2006 (' City of El Segundo V 9 3 15 -15 -5 15 -15 -5 2 Aisle width for angled parking spaces shall not be less than the following Angles Of Parking Aisle Width Clear Parking Stall Depth' Parallel to 30 degrees 12 feet 16 feet 45 degrees 15 feet 19 feet 60 degrees 18 feet 20 feet 90 degrees 25 feet 18 feet Note 1 Measured perpendicular to aisle Three feet (3') of the length of a parking space may overhang into a landscaped area if the landscaped area provides a six inch (6 ") tall curb. That portion of landscaping will not be considered as contributing to required landscaping STANDARD STALLS A B C D E F Parking Aisle Width Parking Stall Parking Stall Tire Stop Angle Clear Depth Width Overall Location 30 12' 16' 16' 0" 44' 3' 45 15' 19' 11' 33/," 53' 4' to property line 60 18' 20' 9' 4' /4' 58' 2' in Smoky Hollow 90 25' 18' 8' 6" 61' (Ord 1245, 2 -6 -1996) Czty of El Segundo December 2006 094 15 -15 -5 3 Parking stall sizes for vehicle lifts is as follows Zone Smgle4amdy residential and two -family residential zones (outside dimensions) One vehicle lift space (Ord 1401,10 -3 -2006) 15 -15 -5 Width Depth 12 feet 22 feet B Tandem Parking- Parking stalls in a tandem configuration are prohibited in all zones, except as follows Zone Allowable Tandem Parking Provisions Percentages All residential zones Restricted to 2 vehicles in tandem, in a n/a designated parking space for use by occupants in the same dwelling unit SIB, MM, and Grand Tandem parking up to 4 cars deep shall n/a Avenue commercial be allowed with a travel lane on both ends The following uses are allowed to have a certain percentage of tandem parking spaces General retail 30 Manufacturing 85 Offices 85 Research and development (includes 85 office with on site testing facilities) Restaurants 10 Warehousing 85 C -RS, C -2, C -3, MU -N, Tandem parking shall be allowed for 20 MU -S, M -1 and M -2 office and manufacturing, except for structures under 15,000 square feet, in which case said use shall obtain a CUP (Ord 1272, 6 -17 -1997) December 2006 City of El Segundo 095 15 -15 -5 15 -15 -5 C Covered Parking Requirements All required parking spaces shall be covered in the following manner, Use Parking Enclosure One - family dwelling Fully enclosed garage Two -family dwelling Fully enclosed 2 car garage Multiple- family dwellings, including condomini- ums, residential cooperatives, boarding houses, lodging houses and rooming houses Covered structure (enclosed on 3 sides) Visitor parking spaces need not be enclosed or covered (Ord 1212, 11 -16 -1993) D Underground (Subterranean) Parking Facilities, The following maximum lot coverage shall apply to communal underground parking facilities: (Ord 1245, 2 -6 -1996) I Oty of El Segundo December 2006 096 Subsurface Area Height Of Garage Zone Setbacks Of Lot Utilized Wall Above Grade Residential No setbacks, provided facility nla n/a is covered and subsurface Residential Parking facility cannot in- 75 percent No more than 2 feet trude into required setbacks Residential Parking facility cannot in- 60 percent No more than 5 feet trude into required setbacks and an average of and the area surrounding the not more than 4 feet outside wall shall be land- scaped Residential Parking facility cannot in- 40 percent Over 5 feet trude into required setbacks and the area surrounding the outside wall shall be land- scaped Commercial No setbacks, provided facili- None None ties are completely subsur- face and covered Industrial No setbacks, provided facili- None None ties are subsurface and cov- ered (Ord 1245, 2 -6 -1996) I Oty of El Segundo December 2006 096 15 -15 -5 E Parking Of Licensed Recreational Vehicles And Habitable Vehicles- 15 -15 -5 1 Parking of any mobile home, camper, house trailer or other habitable vehicle outside of an authorized mobile home park or licensed recreational vehicle parking facility is prohibited except that such vehicles may be parked on any public property or right of way subject to any applicable parking restrictions including, without limitation, section 7 -6 -1 of this code, or on any developed residential lot as long as the vehicle, if parked in a front yard, is parked on a nonporous surface pad adequate to accommodate the parked vehicle 2 A habitable vehicle parked on private property may be occupied for residential purposes for no longer than seventy two (72) hours (outside of an authorized mobile home park) within any thirty (30) day period No habitable vehicle may be occupied for commercial purposes except as provided by section 13 -1 -2 (appendix chapter 31, division II) of this code (Ord 1261, 10 -1 -1996) Entrances And Exits The location and design of all driveway entrances and exits are subject to the approval of the director of planning and building safety and must comply with the criteria listed below, Zone All zones; except R -1 and R -3 R -1 Distance From Side Property Line n/a n/a R -3 5 feet minimum in front 21a of lot Entrance or exit on or from an alley may be less (Ord 1401, 10 -3 -2006) Curb Cut And Driveway Width Minimum 10 feet Maximum 30 feet Minimum 10 feet Maximum 20 feet for lots less than 50 feet in width and a maximum of 50 percent of the lot width for lots 50 feet or greater in width Minimum 12 feet No more than 20 percent of lot width or maximum 30 feet G. Handicapped Parking Handicapped parking shall be provided in accordance with part 2 of title 24 of the California Administrative Code (Ord. 1245, 2 -6 -1996, amd. Ord 1315, 1 -18 -2000) H Vehicle Lifts Vehicle lifts may be used by right to provide off street parking spaces on lots in the single - family residential (R -1) zone and the two - family residential (R -2) zone where the vehicle lifts provide parking in excess of the minimum number of required parking spaces subject to the standards in this section and in this chapter. December 2006 ti 9 " City of El Segundo 15 -15 -5 15 -15 -5 1 Vehicle lifts may be conditionally permitted for required off street parking spaces on lots in the two -family residential (R -2) zone subject to the following: a The vehicle lift must be located only within a fully enclosed garage b. A vehicle lift may only be used to store two (2) vehicles vertically where a minimum vertical height clearance from the floor to the ceiling plate of the garage is a minimum of fourteen feet (14') clear of obstructions c A vehicle lift must be designed and used as a designated parking space for use only by occupants in the same dwelling unit as the parking space located directly below the vehicle lift d A vehicle lift must be permitted only with a key locking mechanism e A vehicle lift must be permitted only if it is operated with an automatic shutoff safety device and is installed in accordance to manufacturer specifications 2 Vehicle lifts may be conditionally permitted for required off street parking spaces on lots in the two - family residential (R -2) zone subject to the following. a The vehicle lift must be used only on a lot less than forty five feet (45') in width b. The vehicle lift must be located only within a fully enclosed garage c A vehicle lift must only be used to meet the minimum number of required off street parking spaces in addition to a minimum of two (2) fully accessible parking stalls located on the floor surface within a garage or garages. d A conditional use permit subject to chapter 23 of this title must be obtained for use of a vehicle lift that is provided to meet the minimum number of off street parking spaces in the R -2 zone e A vehicle lift may only be used to store two (2) vehicles vertically where a minimum vertical height clearance from the floor to the ceding plate of the garage is a minimum of fourteen feet (14') clear of obstructions f A vehicle lift must be designed and used as a designated parking space for use only by occupants in the same dwelling unit as the parking space located directly below the vehicle lift. g. A vehicle lift must be permitted only with a key locking mechanism h A vehicle lift must be permitted only if it is operated with an automatic shutoff safety device and is installed in accordance to manufacturer specifications (Ord. 1401, 10 -3 -2006) December 2006 City of El Segundo 15 -15 -6 15 -15 -6 15 -15 -6 LOADING AREA DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Every budding hereafter estab- lished, erected, enlarged or expanded for commercial, manufacturing or December 2006 Czty of El Segundo t� 15 -15 -6 15 -15 -6 institutional purposes in the commercial or manufacturing zones listed below must be provided with loading space as set forth below However, for any building or use enlarged or increased in capacity, additional loading spaces are required only for such enlargement or increase All required loading spaces are in addition to the required on site parking spaces set forth in section 15 -15 -3 of this chapter and must be developed and maintained in accordance with section 15 -15 -2 of this chapter Loading spaces may be provided either completely or partially within a budding when such building is designated to include adequate ingress and egress to the loading spaces LOADING SPACE SIZES Space Space Vertical Width Depth Clearance 13 feet 50 feet 16 feet NUMBER OF LOADING SPACES REQUIRED August 2005 City of El Segundo 4 �� Loading Spaces Waiting Spaces Zone Building Floor Area Required Required SB & MM 0 - 10,000 square feet 0 10,000 - 25,000 square 1 feet C -3, CO, 0 - 999 square feet 0 MU -N, MU -S, M -1, M -2 1,000 - 25,000 square feet 1 C -3, C -4, CO, 25,001 - 100,000 square 2 MU -S, MU -N, feet M -1, M -2, SB, MM 100,001 - 250,000 square 3 feet Each additional 100,000 1 square feet or fraction thereof Over 1,000,000 square 1 for every 5 load - feet ing spaces Each space 13'W x 50'L x 16'H August 2005 City of El Segundo 4 �� 15 -15 -6 15 -15 -6 Required loading spaces for hotel or institutional uses must be provided as set forth in the following schedule Loading Loading Spaces Waiting Spaces Waiting Spaces Zone Building Floor Area Required Required C -4 0 - 25,000 square feet 0 15,001 - 75,000 square feet 2 (single- tenant budding) Each additional 100,000 square 1 0 - 25,000 square feet 1 for each Over 1,000,000 square feet (multi- tenant budding) tenant over spaces. Each space 10,000 13'W x 50'L x 16'H. square feet Required loading spaces for hotel or institutional uses must be provided as set forth in the following schedule Loading spaces within the boundaries of the Smoky Hollow specific plan should be located on the side or in the rear of buildings whenever possible If located in the front yard, the loading platform must be set back from the front property line a minimum of 30 feet Commercial or manufacturing zoned lots or parcels that are less than 6,000 square feet in area must provide an on site loading space area that is not less than 12 feet wide and comprised of an area equal to not less than 8% of the lot or parcel area and in no case can such loading area be less than 360 square feet (Ord 1382, 3 -15 -2005) August 2005 City of El Segundo 1 01 Loading Spaces Waiting Building Floor Area Required Spaces Required 0 - 999 square feet 0 1,000 - 15,000 square feet 1 15,001 - 75,000 square feet 2 Each additional 100,000 square 1 feet or fraction thereof Over 1,000,000 square feet 1 for every 5 loading spaces. Each space 13'W x 50'L x 16'H. Loading spaces within the boundaries of the Smoky Hollow specific plan should be located on the side or in the rear of buildings whenever possible If located in the front yard, the loading platform must be set back from the front property line a minimum of 30 feet Commercial or manufacturing zoned lots or parcels that are less than 6,000 square feet in area must provide an on site loading space area that is not less than 12 feet wide and comprised of an area equal to not less than 8% of the lot or parcel area and in no case can such loading area be less than 360 square feet (Ord 1382, 3 -15 -2005) August 2005 City of El Segundo 1 01 15 -15 -7 15 -15 -9 15 -15 -7: PLAN PREPARATION AND PERMIT APPROVAL: A A proposed parking area plan and, if 'applicable, the loading and waiting space area shall be submitted to the director of community, economic and development services at the time of the application for the building permit for the budding for which the parking, loading, and waiting area is required The plans shall clearly indicate the proposed development, including location, size, shape, design, curb cuts, lighting, landscaping, and parking spaces in full compliance with code requirements B No budding permit shall be issued until the applicant has presented satisfactory evidence to the director of community, economic and development services that parking and loading facilities required by the provisions of this chapter will be provided and maintained (Ord 1212, 11 -16 -1993; amd Ord 1315, 1 -18 -2000) 15 -15 -8 JOINT USE AND OFF SITE PARKING FACILITIES: All parking spaces shall be located on the same lot or budding site as the use for which such spaces are required, except within the boundaries of the Smoky Hollow specific plan (see section 15 -15 -13 of this chapter), provided, that such parking spaces for nonresidential uses may be located off site on a different lot or lots, subject to a parking covenant approved by the planning commission, which shall be recorded in the office of the county recorder, prior to the issuance of any building permits, and, may include such conditions as the planning commis- sion may impose Off site parking for fewer than ten (10) parking spaces shall be subject to approval of the director of community, economic and development services, subject to a parking covenant, which shall be recorded in the office of the county recorder, and, may include such conditions as the director of community, economic and development services may impose This off site parking may include the joint use of off site and on site parking spaces by mutually exclusive uses (Ord 1283, 11 -18 -1997, amd Ord 1315, 1.18 -2000) 15 -15 -9 SHARED PARKING; SMOKY HOLLOW: Shared parking facilities within the boundaries of the Smoky Hollow specific plan may be granted up to a twenty percent (20 %) parking reduction for uses with significantly different peak flours of operation Requests for shared parking must meet the following requirements: A A parking study shall be submitted by the applicant demonstrating that there will not exist substantial conflict in the peak hours of parking demand for the uses for which joint use is proposed, B The number of parking stalls which may be credited against the requirements of the structures or uses involved shall not exceed the number of stalls reasonably anticipated to be available during differing hours of operation, C A written agreement shall be drawn to the satisfaction of the city attorney and executed by all parties concerned assuring the continued availability of the number of stalls designed for joint use; and August 2005 City of El Segundo 102 15 -15 -9 15 -15 -13 D This provision is suggested as an administrative guideline The planning commission shall ultimately determine the size of the parking reduction Twenty percent (20 %) reductions should be rare (Ord 1212, 11 -16 -1993) 15 -15 -10 SITES WITH TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT PLANS: The number of required parking spaces (section 15 -15 -3 of this chapter) and parking facilities location for nonresidential uses (section 15 -15 -2 of this chapter) may be modified subject to approval of a transportation systems management plan pursuant to the procedures and requirements of chapter 16 or 17 of this title (Ord 1212, 11 -16 -1993) 15 -15 -11 APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER IN C -RS ZONE: In the C -RS zone, section 15 -15 -3 of this chapter, spaces required, shall be fully applicable to all buildings constructed or enlarged after January 1, 1971 All buildings constructed prior to January 1, 1971, which do not meet the requirements of this chapter may comply with these provisions in the following manner Existing uses in an existing building may change to any other use enumerated in the permitted uses section of the C -RS zone without providing additional on site parking spaces, provided, however, that all existing on site parking spaces provided in connec- tion with the building or structure shall be continued and available for use with the subject budding or structure (Ord 1245, 2 -6 -1996) 15 -15 -12 FAILURE TO MAINTAIN REQUIRED PARKING: In the event on site parking and loading area facilities required to be provided under this code are not maintained for licensed vehicle parking and truck loading area purposes to the extent required, the director of community, economic and development services shall revoke and cancel the certificate of occupancy theretofore issued for such structure However, if it appears that failure to maintain such required parking was reasonably beyond the control of the person required to maintain the same, the certificate of occupancy shall not be revoked until the owner has had at least ninety (90) days to reestablish the minimum required parking. In the event the certificate of occupancy is revoked, the premises covered thereby shall not be occupied or used for any purpose until a new certificate of occupancy has been issued (Ord 1212, 11 -16 -1993, amd Ord 1315, 1 -18 -2000) 15 -15 -13 OFF SITE PARKING; SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN: Required parking for a development within the boundaries of the Smoky Hollow specific plan may be located off the site under certain circumstances Request for off site parking must meet the following requirements A The off site parking shall be located so that it will adequately serve the use for which it is intended In making this determination, the following factors, among other things, shall be considered August 2005 City of El Segundo t 03 15 -15 -13 15 -15 -13 1 Proximity of the off site parking facilities; 2 Ease of pedestrian access to the off site parking facilities, and 3 The type of use the off site parking facilities are intended to serve (i e , off site parking) may not be appropriate for high turnover uses such as retail B A written agreement shall be drawn to the satisfaction of the city attorney and executed by all parties concerned assuring the continued availability of the off site parking facilities for the use they are intended to serve (Ord 1212, 11 -16 -1993) Augus12005 City of El Segundo 0 .L V 1 15 -16 -1 CHAPTER 16 DEVELOPER TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT (TDM) SECTION 15 -16 -1 Purpose 15 -16 -2 Applicability Of Requirements 15 -16 -3 Development Standards 15 -16 -4 Monitoring 15 -16 -5 Enforcement 15 -16 -2 15 -16 -1 PURPOSE: The purpose of this Chapter is to set forth requirements for major new developments to provide facilities that encourage and accommodate the use of ride sharing, transit, pedestrian, and bicycle commuting as alternatives to single- occupant motor vehicle trips A reduction in such trips can be expected to assist in reduced traffic congestion, air pollution and energy consumption impacts related to the new employment growth ac- commodated by new developments (Ord 1212, 11 -16 -1993) 15 -16 -2 APPLICABILITY OF REQUIREMENTS: A Prior Approval, Prior to approval of any development project, the applicant shall make the provision for, as a minimum, all of the following applicable transportation demand management and trip reduction measures B Exceptions This Chapter shall not apply to projects for which a development application has been deemed 'complete" by the City pursuant to California Government Code section 65943, or for which a notice of preparation for a DEIR has been circulated or for which an application for a building permit has been received, prior to the effective date hereof C Increased Floor Space The requirements shall also apply to any existing nonresidential use which proposes to increase its gross floor area by twenty five percent (25 %) or more above the floor area existing on the effective date hereof, and which after expansion exceeds the minimum building size This Chapter shall then apply to the entire develop- ment D Maintenance All facilities and improvements constructed or otherwise required shall be maintained in a state of good repair (Ord 1212, 11 -16 -1993) City of El Segundo 105 15 -16 -3 15 -16 -3 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: 15 -16 -3 A Twenty Five Thousand Square Feet Nonresidential development of twenty five thousand (25,000) square feet or more and all projects within the Urban Mixed -Use Zone shall provide the following to the satisfaction of the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services a bulletin board, display case or kiosk displaying transportation information located where the greatest number of employees are likely to see it Information in the area shall include, but is not limited to, the following 1. Current maps, routes and schedules for public transit routes serving the site, 2 Telephone numbers for referrals on transportation information including numbers for the regional ridesharing agency and locate transit operators, 3 Rideshanng promotional material supplied by commuter - oriented organizations, 4 Bicycle route and facility information including regional /local bicycle maps and bicycle safety information, and 5 A listing of facilities available for carpoolers, vanpoolers, bicyclists, transit riders and pedestrians at the site B Fifty Thousand Square Feet Nonresidential development of fifty thousand (50,000) square feet or more shall comply with subsection A of this Section, and shall provide all of the following measures to the satisfaction of the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services 1 Preferential Parking Not less that fifteen percent (15 %) of employee parking areas shall be designated as preferential parking and shall be located as close as is practical to the employee entrance(s) without displacing handicapped and customer parking needs. This preferential carpool /vanpool parking area shall be identified on the site plan upon application for building permit, to the satisfaction of Director of Community, Economic and Development Services A statement that preferential carpool /vanpool spaces for employees is available, and a description of the method for obtaining such spaces must be included on the required transportation information board Projects may reduce the total number of required parking spaces by one vehicle space for every one space which is marked and reserved for preferential parking, up to a maximum of ten percent (10 %), upon application to and approval by the Director of Community, Econom- ic and Development Services 2 HOV Loading Area A safe and convenient zone shall be provided in which high occupancy vehicles (vanpools and carpools) may deliver or board their passengers This staging area shall provide adequate space for passenger loading, unloading and waiting, which does not interfere with on -site circulation patterns When located within a parking structure, a minimum vertical interior clearance of seven feet two inches (7'2 ") shall be City of El Segundo 106 15 -16 -3 15 -16 -3 provided for the loading area in accessways to be used by such vehicles Adequate turning radii and parking space dimensions shall also be included in HOV loading areas 3 Vanpool Access Preferential parking spaces reserved for vanpools must be accessi- ble to vanpool vehicles When located within a parking structure, a minimum vertical interior clearance of seven feet two inches (7'2 ") shall be provided for those spaces and accessways to be used by such vehicles Adequate turning radii and parking space dimensions shall also be included in vanpool parking areas 4 On -Site Amenities Or Shuttle In order to reduce the need for employees to drive personal vehicles for midday activities, the project shall provide any one or more of the following measures which together shall be sized to accommodate during the course of the business day at least twenty percent (20 %) of the on -site population a On -site amenities b Guaranteed operation of a privately operated midday shuttle serving the project site for the life of the project A reduction in the total number of required parking spaces of up to one percent (1 %) shall be permitted, based on the extent of the amenities, upon application to and approval by the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services 5 Bicycle Facilities Bicycle racks or other secure bicycle parking shall be provided to accommodate four (4) bicycles per the first forty eight thousand (48,000) square feet on nonresidential development and one bicycle per each additional forty eight thousand (48,000) square feet of nonresidential development Calculations which result in a fraction of 0.5 or higher shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number A bicycle parking facility may also be a fully enclosed space or locker accessible only to the owner or operator of the bicycle, which protects the bike from inclement weather Specific facilities and location (e g , provision of racks, lockers, or locked room) shall be to the satisfaction of the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services 6 Showers And Lockers (Optional) Projects may provide shower and locker facilities for bicycle riders, motorcycle riders, and pedestrians If these facilities are provided, the number of preferential parking spaces may be reduced by up to three percent (3 %) and the total number of required spaces may be reduced up to one percent (1 %) based on the extent of facilities, upon application to and approval by the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services. 7 Transit Support Facilities (Optional) Projects may provide facilities which will promote transit use If transit facilities are provided, the number of preferential parking spaces may be reduced by up to five percent (5 %), and the total number of required spaces may be reduced up to one percent (1 %) for provision of bus transit facilities, and up to two and one -half percent (2'/2 %) for rail transit, upon application to and approval by the [ Czty of El Segundo A. 15 -16 -3 15 -16 -5 Director of Community, Economic and Development Services (Ord 1212, 11 -16 -1993, amd Ord 1315, 1 -18 -2000, 2000 Code) C One Hundred Thousand Square Feet Nonresidential development of one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet or more shall comply with subsections A and B of this Section, and shall provide all of the following measures to the satisfaction of the City 1 Sidewalks or other designated pathways following direct and safe routes from the external pedestrian circulation system to each building in the development 2 If determined necessary by the City to mitigate the project impact, bus stop improve- ments must be provided The City will consult with the local bus service providers in determining appropriate improvements. When location of bus stops and /or planning building entrances, entrances must be designed to provide safe and efficient access to nearby transit stations /stops 3 Safe and convenient access form the external circulation system to bicycle parking facilities on -site (Ord 1212, 11 -16 -1993) 15 -16 -4 MONITORING: Physical facilities shall be verified through the City's existing development review process Initial enforcement shall consist of verification during plan check and field inspection prior to release of utilities /certificate of occupancy (to ensure that preferential parking spaces are marked, lockers are installed, etc ) Subsequent enforcement shall be per established Zoning Code procedures (Ord 1212, 11 -16 -1993) 15 -16 -5 ENFORCEMENT: The Director of Community, Economic and Development Services or his /her representative is hereby designated as the enforcing agent of this Chapter and any amendments thereto pursuant to Section 15 -1 -4 of this Title (Ord 1212, 11 -16 -1993, amd Ord 1315, 1 -18 -2000) City of El Segundo 1 08 ZONING CODE INTERPRETATION SUBJECT: Back Up Space (Aisle Width Clear) for Residential Parkins Section: 20.54.050 A.(2) Page: 248 This section of the code requires a 25 foot back up space for 900 angle parking. For residential garages this 25 feet may be modified depending on the location of the existing residence and garage. Please refer to the descriptions below for determining the "buildable area" on lots in which a detached garage is located behind the residence Legal Non - Conforming When the existing back up space between the house and the garage is less than 25 feet, the following procedure should be used to determine the buildable portion of the lot- a line should be drawn parallel to and 10 feet from the edge of the driveway furthest from the dwelling. A second line should be drawn to extend the rear portion of the house closest to the driveway into the driveway (i.e showing the minimum back up ,_- distance currently provided) The intersection of these two lines forms the maximum point to which new construction may be extended. A line should be drawn from this point to the required width of the garage (or the maximum width of the existing garage if it is substandard in width) This line will define the required back up space and the "no build" area where no new construction is allowed. (Please refer to the attached drawing "A.") Conforming or Exceeding Standard When the existing back up space between the house and the garage is greater than or equal to 25 feet, a line should be drawn from the required width of the garage (or the maximum width of the existing garage rf it is substandard in width) to a point that reflects the minimum required standards of the Code This point is defined as follows a line parallel to and 25 feet from the garage should be drawn A second line, parallel to and 10 feet from the edge of the driveway furthest from the dwelling should be drawn. The intersection of these two lines reflects the minimum required standards of the Code and is the maximum point to which new construction of the house may be extended The line connecting the garage and this point will define the required back up space and the "no build" area where no new construction is allowed. (Please refer to the attached drawing 'B ") Date: November 15. 1999 By: James M. Hansen zcntnglback up space zct Y V \, fl (Leda l i�1an �'ar �irntir , I o� ZO' S vs�d J-0 1 I ah,s li�-2 22' cl�idewc�4 15� iG .1 , 4 I � c�n_i n_� ?la e. Cvri�ir�� -� �a ✓a��\ I � J- �'�'UBJECT: Parking -Compapt Parking for Hotels and BecreatiolT SECTION #- 20.54 050 C PAGE #: On March 26 and April 9, 1998, respectively, the Planning Commission determined that compact parking for hotels and recreational uses are permitted to a maximum of twenty (20 %) percent of required parking spaces. Given the lack of specificity in the Zoning Code regarding compact parking for non -retail commercial uses, and the similar parking operational characteristics between hotels and offices, the Planning Commission felt it would be appropriate to permit compact parking for hotels and recreational facilities in the same percentage as permitted office and industrial uses. DATE: 4/13/1998 BY: •• a: P, Director zanwg \zm %ad98 -7 &8 zci i.i2 ZONING CODE INTERPRETATION SUBJECT: Parking — Compact Spaces SECTION # 20.54 030 C and 20 54 050 A (1) PAGE #: 246 and 247 Section 20 54.030 C allows a maximum of 20% of required parking for certain uses to be compact spaces and any parking in excess of the required number may also be compact Section 20.54 050 A (1) requires compact spaces to be 8 -1/2 feet wide by 15 feet deep Compact Parking Spaces in excess of the required parking may not be reduced to less than these dimensions (8 -1/2' by 15'). This interpretation was applied in July 1998 to 201 North Douglas, Plan Check #1009 -97 DATE: 11/09/1998 BY: Bret 13 rmard AICP, Director =1ng\zc1 \prkg 2 i13 ZONING CODE INTERPRETATION SUBJECT: PARKING FOR OUTDOOR DINING AREAS SECTION #: 20.08.420 (FLOOR AREA (NET). 20.08.855 (STRUCTURE) AND 20.54.030 B.(6) (PARKING SPACES REQUIRED) PAGE #: 24 44 AND 244 Parkang spaces are required for outdoor dining areas at the same ratio required for all restaurants, which is 1 space per 75 square foot of net floor area. The walls which surround outdoor dining area are structures (20.08.855) and therefore the area is included as floor area. The exception for courts or atriums uncovered and open to the sky does not apply to outdoor dining areas. DATE: M rch 28 99`j / BY: Sharon Hi htow C zoning \prkngdm �i4 ZONING CODE INTERPRETATION SUBJECT: Parking — Parallel Spaces SECTION #- 20 54 050 A (2) and 20 46 030 E (2) PAGE #: 248 Parking space and backup dimensions and standards for various angles (30, 45, 60, and 90 degrees) are provided within this Code Section; however, there are no standards provided for Parallel Parking Spaces, except for Smoky Hollow. Therefore, the following standards, which are used by Public Works for on- street parallel spaces shall apply ZONE STALL STALL WIDTH DEPTH All Zones (Except Smoky Hollow 8'— 6" 22' -24' Small Business (SB), Medium Manufacturing (MM), and Grand Avenue Commercial Zones GAC 8'— 6" 24' End Stall Without Obstructions 81-61, 17' Public Works identifies 24 feet as ideal and 22 feet as a minimum depth. DATE: 11(09/1998 BY: / � ' Bret Bf ard, nice, Director zamng\zn�prkg 1 4 ZONING CODE INTERPRETATION SUBJECT: Required Parking for Single- Family & Two - Family Dwellings SECTION #: 20.54.030 A. PAGE #: 244 Two parking spaces are required for each dwelling unit and one additional space for dwelling units exceeding 3000 sq. ft. of gross floor area. Sections 20.08.360 and 20.08.415, respectively, define dwelling unit and floor area. These sections are not clear if the intent is to include the square footage of an attached garage when calculating the gross floor area and determining the required number of parking spaces. The intent of the Planning Commission and City Council when adopting the one additional required space for dwelling units over 3,000 sq ft. was to accommodate additional vehicles and storage normally associated with larger homes, which can accommodate more people. Therefore, when calculating if a dwelling unit is over 3,000 sq. ft. do not include the garage area. Although the Zoning Code does not provide a definition of garage, the Uniform Building Code defines a garage as a building used to store motor vehicles. Any portion of a garage which cannot realistically be used to store a vehicle, such as a storage closet, workshop or a washer /dryer area, should not be calculated as part of the garage, but should be included as part of the dwelling unit. This interpretation also provides equity with lots that are developed with detached garages which are clearly not a part of the main building or dwelling unit, by not penalizing lots that are developed with attached garages. DATE: 12/12195 BY: zoning \regpaAk zn 1 1 O ZONING CODE INTERPRETATION SUBJECT: Allowances for Tire Stops and Overhangs in Residential Garages Section: 20.54.050 A (1) and (2) Pages: 247 and 248 Tire stops and overhangs (e g. storage cabinets, room additions, etc ) may encroach into the minimum required depth of a residential garage space as follows Tire stops not more than 6 inches high may be located a maximum of 3 feet from the garage wall opposite the garage door. This height restriction allows the bottom of the car to easily fit over the tire stop so the car can pull as far forward as possible '*5rci-Se c 'x-8r -�bor 3 'rv, llJ0.�� Overhangs may encroach into the garage space a maximum distance of 3 feet from the wall opposite the garage door, provided that they are a minimum of 42 inches above the garage floor This height restriction allows the hood of the car to fit underneath of the overhang. Date November 18. 1999 By James M Hansen zonmglhre stops za 3 (7w SUBJECT: Parking- Tandem Spaces in CO Zone SECTION #• 20.54.050 B. PAGE #: -242 On April 9, 1998, the Planning Commission determined that tandem parking in the Corporate Office (CO) Zone is permitted for manufacturing and warehouse uses up to 20% of the required parking, but not permitted for office uses. The Zoning Code specifically permits tandem parking in all other commercial and manufacturing zones for office and manufacturing uses. The Commission determined the intent of omitting the CO Zone in 1993 was to prohibit tandem parking for the large multi- tenant parking structures in the zone. It was not intentionally adopted to limit tandem parking for existing non - conforming manufacturing and warehouse uses in the CO Zone. DATE: 4/13/1998 BY: zamag \z=%ad98 -9 = CIS ZONING CODE INTERPRETATION SUBJECT: Vehicular Parking in the Front Yard for lots with Alley Access in the R -1 and R -2 Zones SECTION #- 20 20 100 (R -1) 20 22 100(R -2), 1028 200, 20 54 050 E 1 J PAGE # 69, 77 -2, 250 On April 8, 1999, the Planning Commission upheld the Director's decision to prohibit vehicular parking (and thus, parking pads) in the front yard of lots which have alley access and which are located in the R -1 and R -2 Zones DATE: 27 Aonl, 1999 JMM Bret 1� Betnard, AicP, Director AD: 98 -30 P lznninglzd2d9 &30 �i9 ZONING CODE INTERPRETATION SUBJECT: SECTION #. 20.54 030 A (2) PAGE #: 244 Parking — Visitor Parking Two (2) Visitor Parking Spaces are required for the first five (5) dwelling units and two (2) Visitor Spaces for each additional 3 units (e g. 1 -5 units = 2 visitor spaces, 6 -8 units = 4....) for Condominiums, Residential Co -ops, and Multi- Family dwellings. The definition of Multi - Family Dwellings and Condominiums indicates a minimum of three (3) dwelling units. Therefore, any number of dwelling units less than three (3) does not require visitor spaces, and this Section should read "(e.g. 3 -5 units = 2 visitor spaces), as no visitor spaces are required for only one (1) or two (2) dwelling units. DATE: 11/09/1998 zomnglzcdvisprkg ') A1.0