2006 JUN 20 CC PACKETAGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City- related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the Meeting During the first Public Communications portion of the Agenda, comments are limited to those items appearing on the Agenda During the second Public Communications portion of the Agenda, comments may be made regarding any matter within the jurisdiction of the City Council Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired Please respect the time limits Members of the Public may place items on the second Public Communications portion of the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p m the prior Tuesday) Other members of the public may comment on these items only during this second Public Communications portion of the Agenda The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes in length In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524 -2305. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2006 - 5:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL Next Resolution # 4472 Next Ordinance # 1396 i, 01 PUBLIC COMMUNICATION - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS - 1 Consideration and possible action to appoint the City Attorney as labor negotiator with regard to the terms and conditions of the City Manager's employment contract CLOSED SESSION: The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et sue) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation, and /or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel), and /or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators, as follows CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956 9(a)) - 3 matters 1 City of El Segundo v 2221 Park Place, LASC Case No BC319034 2 City of El Segundo v CTF2, Alaska, LASC Case No BC319033 3 City of El Segundo vs City of Los Angeles, et al LASC No BS094279 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956 9(b) -2- potential cases (no further public statement is required at this time), Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956 9(c) -0- matter DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) - 0 matter CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54957 6) -2- matters 1 Labor Negotiator Jeff Stewart, City Manager Unrepresented Employees Management/Confidential Employees (include all City Employees who are not members of bargaining units) 2 Labor Negotiator Mark Hensley, City Attorney Unrepresented Employee Jeff Stewart, City Manager CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956 8) -0- matter SPECIAL MATTERS: Council will move to open session at approximately 6 30 p m 1 Interview of candidates and potential appointment to one position on the Recreation and Parks Commission will be held in the West Conference Room, commencing at approximately 6 30 p m This meeting is open to the public 2 002 AGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City- related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the Meeting During the first Public Communications portion of the Agenda, comments are limited to those items appearing on the Agenda During the second Public Communications portion of the Agenda, comments may be made regarding any matter within the jurisdiction of the City Council Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired Please respect the time limits Members of the Public may place items on the second Public Communications portion of the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Managers Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p m the prior Tuesday) Other members of the public may comment on these items only during this second Public Communications portion of the Agenda The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes in lenath In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524 -2305. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2006 - 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION — Father Jim Anguiano of Saint Anthony Catholic Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Jim Boulgandes Next Resolution # 4472 Next Ordinance # 1396 0UJ, PRESENTATIONS — (a) Recognition of Colonel Joseph M. Codispoti for his years of service to the community as the Commander, 61$t Air Base Group, Department of the Los Angeles Air Force Base (b) Proclamation commemorating July 23, 2006 as National Parents Day in El Segundo ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves pnor to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed (a) Introduction and summary of new and continued projects in the City of El Segundo by West Basin Municipal Water District A five - minute overview presentation by Richard Nagel, General Manager, West Basin Municipal Water District A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title Recommendation — Approval B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS Consideration and possible action to conduct a Public Hearing and introduce an Ordinance approving the issuance of a Petroleum Pipeline Franchise Agreement to Chevron Pipeline Company for a period of ten years for a jet fuel pipeline located generally in Virginia Street between Imperial Avenue and El Segundo Boulevard. (Fiscal Impact: $3,000 — estimated annual franchise fee). Recommendation (1) Open Public Hearing, (2) Discussion, (3) Introduction and first reading of an Ordinance to approve the issuance of a Petroleum Pipeline Franchise Agreement to Chevron Pipeline Company for a ten -year period, (4) Schedule second reading and adoption of the Ordinance on July 18, 2006, (5) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 4 u04 C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 2. Consideration and possible action regarding adoption of a Resolution to declare City -owned property located directly east of 150 and 160 South Sepulveda Boulevard as surplus property and authorize the City Manager to commence the process to sell the property in accordance to Government Code §54222. (Appraisal Value - $360,000) Recommendation (1) Approve Resolution declaring City -owned property located directly east of 150 and 160 South Sepulveda Boulevard as surplus property, (2) Authorize the City Manager to commence the process to sell the property, (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 3. Consideration and possible action on a lease option agreement between the City of El Segundo (City) and the El Segundo Unified School District (District) regarding the operation of a swim complex proposed to be constructed by the District at El Segundo High School, 640 Main Street. Recommendation — (1) Authorize the Mayor to execute the Lease Option Agreement between the City and El Segundo Unified School District, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 4. Consideration and possible action regarding the announcement of the appointment of a candidate to the one vacancy on the Recreation and Parks Commission. Recommendation — (1) Announce the appointee to the Recreation and Parks Commission, if any, and term of office, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of an item is made, the items) will be considered individually under the next heading of business 5 ()0J 5. Warrant Numbers 2553692 to 2553922 on Register No. 17 in the total amount of $1,310,076.34 and Wire Transfers from 5126/2006 through 6/8/2006 in the total amount of $931,227.11. Recommendation — Approve Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release Ratify Payroll and Employee Benefit checks, checks released early due to contracts or agreement, emergency disbursements and /or adjustments, and wire transfers 6. City Council Meeting Minutes of June 7, 2006. Recommendation — Approval 7. Consideration and possible action regarding the award of contract to Damon Construction for repair and maintenance of curbs, sidewalk and curb ramps citywide - Project No. PW 06 -05. (Fiscal Impact: $92,386) Recommendation (1) Award contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Damon Construction, in the amount of $92,386; (2) Authorize the City Manager to execute the contract on behalf of the City, (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 8. Consideration and possible action regarding the approval of Contract Change Orders in conjunction with construction of the Douglas Street Gap Closure Recommendation (1) Authorize the Director of Public Works to execute Change Order Nos 2, 3, 6 and 8 to the existing Public Works Agreement with SEMA Construction, Inc in the total amount of $71,490 76, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 9. Consideration and possible action regarding award of contract to S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc. for construction related to Group 9 (25 residences) and Professional Building Contractors, Inc. for construction related to Group 10 (23 residences) of the Residential Sound Insulation Program. (Estimated construction cost and retention - $2,075,610) Recommendation (1) Award contract to S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc, (2) Award contract to Professional Budding Contractors, Inc„ (3) Authorize the City Manager to execute construction contracts in a form approved by the City Attorney, (4) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 066 10. Consideration and possible action to accept the project for surface refurbishment of seven (7) tennis courts and a basketball court at Recreation Park (339 Sheldon Street). Approved Capital Improvement Project — Project No. PW 06 -02. (Final Contract Amount: $31,960) Recommendation (1) Accept the work as complete, (2) Authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office, (3) Alternatively, discuss and other action related to this item 11. Consideration and possible action to accept the project for installation of American with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant Automatic Doors at the west entrance to City Hall (outside City Council Chambers), and the main entrance of the Police Department. Approved Capital Improvement Project — Project No. PW 05 -13, CDBG Project No. 600803 -05. (Final Contract Amount: $37,250). Recommendation — (1) Accept the work as complete, (2) Authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office, (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 12. Consideration and possible action regarding the approval of the examination plans and revised class specifications for the Personnel Merit System job classifications of Battalion Chief and Fire Engineer. Recommendation (1) Approve the Examination Plans for Battalion Chief and Fire Engineer, (2) Delete current class specifications for Battalion Chief and Fire Engineer, (3) Approve and add revised class specifications for Battalion Chief and Fire Engineer, (4) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA F. NEW BUSINESS 13. Consideration and possible action regarding adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to bid and award contracts for equipment and vehicles funded in the FY 2005 -2006 Equipment Replacement Fund and approval to retire and surplus identified equipment and vehicles. (Fiscal Impact: $873,538) Recommendation (1) Adoption of Resolution, (2) Authorize Mayor to sign the Resolution, (3) Authorize staff to surplus and sell equipment and vehicles identified in Exhibit A, (4) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 7 007 14. Consideration and possible regarding a new Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) license for a new retail establishment under construction at a new shopping center (Plaza El Segundo) located at 720 South Sepulveda Boulevard, EA No. 706 and AUP No. 06-4. Applicant: Cost Plus, Inc. (Fiscal Impact: None) Recommendation (1) Determine that the City Council does not protest the issuance of a new Type 20 ABC license at 720 South Sepulveda Boulevard, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 15. Consideration and possible action regarding a new Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) license for a new restaurant under construction at a new shopping center (Plaza El Segundo) located at 2015 Park Place, EA No. 709 and AUP No. 06 -6. Applicant. Salt Creek Grille El Segundo, LLC aka Salt Creek Grille. (Fiscal Impact: Recommendation (1) Determine that the City Council does not protest the issuance of a new Type 47 ABC license at 2015 Park Place, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item G. REPORTS — CITY MANAGER — NONE H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY — NONE I. REPORTS — CITY CLERK J. REPORTS — CITY TREASURER K. REPORTS — CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Fisher - Council Member Jacobson — Council Member Boulgarides — Mayor Pro Tern Busch - 008 Mayor McDowell — 16. Consideration and possible action to appoint a member of the City Council as the City of El Segundo's representative on the Southern California Cities Joint Powers Consortium. Recommendation (1) Appoint a member of the City Council to serve as the City's representative on the Southern California Cities Joint Powers Consortium, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have receive value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed MEMORIALS — CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et sue) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation, and /or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel), and /or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) ADJOURNMENT POSTED DATE 14 119 TIME 0�, :. 14A '' NAME G, U 1j, PRESENTATIONS — (a) Recognition of Colonel Joseph M Codispoti for his years of service to the community as the Commander, 61St Air Base Group, Department of the Los Angeles Air Force Base ("i0 roc[amation Cttp of el &gplbo, Cattfornia WHEREAS, In every culture and time period, the family has stood as the most fundamental human institution, the starting point of life, the sustamer of well- being, and the school of love WHEREAS, Commitment to family has always been a core value, however, what was often held as common value, recognized as common sense, even understood as self - evident in the past, is sometimes not so today WHEREAS, As our nation struggles with effects of family breakdown, youth violence and a host of other critical problems, more and more voices are calling for a re- examination of our priorities and fundamental values WHEREAS, In 1994, President Bill Clinton signed into law the resolution adopted by the U S Congress establishing the fourth Sunday of every July as Parents' Day, a perennial day of commemoration similar to Mother's Day and Father's Day in order to recognize, uplift and support the role of parents in the rearing of children. WHEREAS, The establishment of Parents' Day was the result of a bipartisan, multiracial and interfaith coalition of religious civic and elected leaders who recognized the need to promote responsible parenting in our society and to uplift ideal parental role models. NOW, THEREFORE, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby proclaim July 23, 2006 as Parents' Day in El Segundo, and encourage our citizens to recognize the importance of responsible parenting in creating a healthy society t O sfi G 6� %/( /c[�!P •_� /)i /J>. J /!�J /Y ��Y r> /!!J i. /r/yu /a� (� /L>n /f /lY /�>e / /�%✓! /ny //� b /CJGJ `J / ✓ ✓dUY /! C i i EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 20, 2006 AGENDA HEADING: Soecial Orders of Business Consideration and possible action to conduct a public hearing and introduce an ordinance approving the issuance of a petroleum Pipeline Franchise Agreement to Chevron Pipeline Company for a period of ten (10) years for a het fuel pipeline located generally in Virginia Street between Imperial Avenue and El Segundo Boulevard (Fiscal Impact = $3,000, estimated annual franchise fee) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION- Recommendation — (1) Open Public Hearing; (2) Discussion; (3) Introduction and first reading of an Ordinance to approve the issuance of a petroleum Pipeline Franchise Agreement to Chevron Pipeline Company for a ten -year period, (4) Schedule second reading and adoption of the Ordinance on July 18, 2006, and (5) Alternatively discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION. On January 16, 1996, the City of El Segundo entered into a non - exclusive Oil Pipeline Franchise Agreement ( "Pipeline Franchise ", Ordinance No 1246) with Chevron Pipeline Company ( "Chevron ") for a ten -year period ending on May 12, 2005 to operate and maintain a pipeline system consisting of a single line of pipe twelve (12) inches in internal diameter for the purpose of transporting petroleum products in, under, along, and across public streets in the City of El Segundo as shown on the attached map A copy of Ordinance 1246 is available for review in the City Clerk's Office, (Please see "Background and Discussion" on following page) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Map Franchise Ordinance Application from Chevron Pipeline Company Resolution No 4465 (Resolution of Intent to hold a public hearing) FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: NA Amount Requested: NA Account Number: NA Project Phase: NA Appropriation Required: No ORIGINA ED BY: DATE /� // 0 Ste Finton, erector of Public Works G 012 1 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (continued The Pipeline Franchise has been maintained by Chevron in a holdover status by annually submitting payment of franchise fees calculated pursuant to the terms of the franchise agreement On November 8, 2005, the City of EI Segundo received a letter of application from Chevron requesting that the City grant a new franchise agreement for ten (10) years, for the same pipelines On May 16, 2006, City Council adopted resolution No 4465 declaring its intent to conduct a public hearing to consider all oral and written testimony regarding the Pipeline Franchise On May 25 and June 1, 2006, the City Clerk published notification as required by the Public Utilities Code Franchise fees paid to the City underthis Franchise Ordinance are regulated by the California Public Utilities Code This fee is based on the length and diameter of pipes covered under the Franchise and as adjusted for inflation from year to year The estimated annual franchise fee will be $3,000 per year. 013 O 1 C O �r7 F H Z N \y W I J W O 2 O CALIFORNIA ST w C Q W BUNGALOW DR MARnANO sT Ill SIERRA ST \ C PENN ST C SHELDON ST 10 C C CYPRESS ST aaCCC SUCALYPTUSOR PEPPER ST � ❑�� MWN ST C� —JJI CEDAR ST VIRGINIAST LOMA VISTA ST C HILLCREST 5T 15 ✓ W YU i � w < < 0 U Z Z ; � 3 ; � y W LL J O LU y F Q U y O < J l� Y w I � CCC�LI}❑ h C t�o B®CCBg Gov C ®B —'a"U N ro B A! u� e ,.m sAno \fie N .0 o BB� 88 a C: fo o � IH w < s 0 o a 3 3 ; � < ; J J a O Z m 014 l� r�l Wjll `itl- W SF9tS�9E�A8[SILS W W w C Q W BUNGALOW DR MARnANO sT Ill SIERRA ST \ C PENN ST C SHELDON ST 10 C C CYPRESS ST aaCCC SUCALYPTUSOR PEPPER ST � ❑�� MWN ST C� —JJI CEDAR ST VIRGINIAST LOMA VISTA ST C HILLCREST 5T 15 ✓ W YU i � w < < 0 U Z Z ; � 3 ; � y W LL J O LU y F Q U y O < J l� Y w I � CCC�LI}❑ h C t�o B®CCBg Gov C ®B —'a"U N ro B A! u� e ,.m sAno \fie N .0 o BB� 88 a C: fo o � IH w < s 0 o a 3 3 ; � < ; J J a O Z m 014 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO CHEVRON USA, INC. AN OIL PIPELINE FRANCHISE WITHIN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. The city council of the city of El Segundo does ordain as follows, SECTION 1 The City Council finds and determines as follows. A The city of El Segundo ( "City ") received an application from Chevron U.S A. Inc. ( "Chevron ") for a franchise to lay and use pipes and appurtenances for transmitting and distributing oil or products thereof (as defined below), for any and all purposes in, under, along, across or upon the public streets, ways, alleys and places within the city of El Segundo. B Chevron had a 10 -year oil pipeline franchise agreement with the City which expired on May 12, 2005, but which franchise agreement Chevron maintained in a holdover status by annually submitting payment of franchise fees calculated pursuant to the terms of such franchise agreement and the City's acceptance thereof Chevron seeks to be granted by the City a new franchise agreement for ten (10) years, for the same pipelines. C In accordance with state law, the City Council, at a regular meeting held on May 16, 2006 declared its intention to grant said franchise agreement to Chevron by adopting Resolution No 4465. D The City Council also conducted a duly noticed public hearing on June 20, 2006, and after considering all oral and written testimony at said hearing, approved the granting of this franchise agreement to Chevron in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Ordinance SECTION 2. Definitions Unless the contrary is stated or clearly appears from the context, the following definitions will govern the construction of the words and phrases used in this chapter A "City" or "Grantor" means the city of El Segundo, a general law city and municipal corporation of the State of California, in its present incorporated form or in any later reorganized, consolidated, enlarged or reincorporated form B. "Director' means the Director of Public Works of the City C "Engineer" means the City Engineer of the City, or designee 015 D. "Facilities" means 'Pipes and Appurtenances" as defined below. E "Franchise" means this Ordinance, including its terms and conditions, and includes the authorization by the City to transmit and distribute oil or petroleum products for any and all purposes under, along, across or upon the public streets, ways, alleys and places in the City by means of pipes and appurtenances F. "Grantee" means Chevron U S A Inc a Pennsylvania corporation and its lawful successors or assigns G "Hazardous Materials" means any flammable, explosive, or radioactive materials or hazardous, toxic or dangerous wastes, substances or related materials or any other chemicals, materials or substances, exposure to which is prohibited, limited or regulated by any federal, state, local law or regulation or which, even if not so regulated, may or could pose a hazard to public health and safety, including, without limitation, asbestos, PCBs, petroleum products and byproducts, substances defined or listed as "hazardous substances" or "toxic substances" or similarly identified in, pursuant to, or for purposes of, the California Solid Waste Management, Resource Recovery and Recycling Act (Gov't Code §§ 66700 et seq.), the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (42 U S.0 §§ 9601 et seq ), the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (49 U S.C. §§ 1801 et seq ), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U S C §§ 6901 et seq ), California Health & Safety Code §§ 25117 or 25316, including the regulations promulgated thereto (see 22 Cal Code of Regs § 66261 3), any substances or mixture regulated under the Toxic Substance Control Act of 1976 (15 U.S.0 §§ 2601 et seq.); any "toxic pollutant" under the Clean Water Act (33 U.S C §§ 1251 et seq.), and any hazardous air pollutant under the Clean Air Act (42 U S C. §§ 7901 et seq.) H "Lay and use" means to lay, construct, erect, install, operate, maintain, use, repair, replace, or remove. "Oil or petroleum products" means oil, gas, gasoline, petroleum, wet gas, hydrocarbon substances, nitrogen and other industrial gases, water, waste water, mud, steam and other liquid substances not more hazardous than the aforesaid substances "Pipes and appurtenances" means pipes, pipelines, manholes, valves, appurtenances and service connections necessary or convenient for the operation of said pipes or pipelines, including conduits, cathodic protection devices, wires, cables, other appurtenances and fiber optic communications systems necessary or convenient for the exercise of the Grantee's business in, upon, along, across, under or over those streets of OiG the City which are described in the attached Exhibit "A" which is incorporated by reference K "ESMC" means the El Segundo Municipal Code, as amended L "Streets" means the public streets, ways, alleys and places within the City as the same now or may hereafter exist, and in which the City has the authority to grant a Franchise SECTION 3: Granting clause /Rights to Grantee; Term of Franchise A Pursuant to, and subject to, the Franchise Act of 1937 (California Public Utilities Code §§ 6201 -6302; "Act "), City grants to Grantee a franchise to use, or to lay and use pipes and appurtenances for transmitting and distributing oil or petroleum products for any and all purposes, under, along, across or upon the public streets within the City as described in Exhibit "A" and identified on the maps attached as Exhibit "B" and incorporated by reference. B As part of this Franchise, Grantee may install, operate, maintain, replace, repair, abandon in place and /or remove such scraper traps, manholes, flanges, conduits, culverts, vaults, valves, appliances, cathodic protection systems, attachments and other appurtenances (collectively, "appurtenances ") as may be necessary or convenient for the proper maintenance and operation of the pipelines under this franchise; provided, however, that Grantee must first secure the requisite permits and /or approvals from City for construction or excavation C This Franchise is granted in lieu of all other franchises for pipelines held by the Grantee, or by any predecessor of the Grantee, for transmitting and distributing oil or petroleum products within the City's present or future jurisdictional limits. Acceptance of this franchise constitutes Grantee's abandonment of all such franchises within the City's present or future jurisdictional limits in lieu of which this franchise is granted, and as Grantee's agreement to comply with all of the Franchise's terms and conditions D. This Franchise has a term of ten (10) years from and after the effective date of this Ordinance ( "initial term "), unless the following occurs: 1 Grantee voluntarily surrenders or abandons the Franchise; or 2. The property affected by this Franchise is purchased, condemned, or otherwise taken by a public entity rendering the Franchise useless; or 017 3 The Grantee forfeits the Franchise by violating its terms and conditions or that of the Act E Grantee has an option to extend this Franchise for an additional ten (10) year period of time before the end of the initial term of this Franchise, upon the City's written approval, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld or conditioned The parties must commence good faith negotiations on such extension upon notification from Grantee to the City of its election to renew this Franchise, which notice must be given not later than twelve (12) months before the initial term expires SECTION 4: Compensation In consideration of City's granting this Franchise, in addition to complying with the Franchise's terms and conditions, Grantee must pay to the City the following A Base Annual Fee During the term of this Franchise, Grantee agrees to pay the City a base annual fee for this Franchise as set forth in § 6231 5 of the Act The base fee is subject to increase to the maximum rate established in subsequent amendments of the Act The Franchise fee will be prorated for the remainder of the calendar year based on a 360 -day year, with the first payment of the Franchise fee accruing from May 13, 2005 2, Should Grantee partially abandon pipelines or should Grantee partially remove such pipelines payments otherwise due the City for occupancy of the streets by such pipelines will be reduced by the length and diameter of pipeline abandoned or the actual pipeline removed, beginning with the first day of the next succeeding Franchise year, and for each subsequent franchise year. The base rate, however, will be modified to reflect the increase (as provided below) applicable to such abandoned or removed pipeline at the beginning of the next succeeding Franchise year following abandonment or removal The base annual fee is due and payable annually on January 2, during the term of the Franchise for the preceding annual period, without demand and upon filing of the report required by this Section. Any fees or expenses charged to Grantee by City pursuant to this Section, or any other provision of this Franchise, unless disputed in good faith, must be paid when due or are deemed delinquent Any undisputed delinquent amounts will accrue interest commencing thirty (30) days after the due date, at the rate of one and one -half percent (1.5 %) per month (based upon a 30 -day calendar month) or any lesser amount if required by law Any 018 neglect, omission or refusal by Grantee to pay any undisputed delinquent fee with any late charges, within thirty (30) days of written demand for payment is grounds for the City to declare the Franchise forfeited 4 Payments must be made to the Office of Treasurer, City of El Segundo, or at such place as the City may, from time to time, designate in writing The base annual fee must be paid annually during the term of the Franchise, including the year of granting the Franchise B Annual Increase The amount of each annual payment of the base annual fee is subject to an increase after the first year of the Franchise and each subsequent year during the term of this Franchise, based on § 6231 5 of the Act, as amended 2. The increase is based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI), All Urban Consumers, for the Los Angeles- Anaheim- Riverside area (1982 -84 = 100), as published by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor, for the month of September immediately preceding the month in which payment is due and payable, divided by the Consumer Price Index, All Urban Consumers, for the Los Angeles- Anaheim - Riverside area, for June 30, 1989, which equals 100 (Note This was revised to reflect what is in the Cal. Public Utilities Code Section 6231 5) If the Index is discontinued or revised during the term of this Franchise, such other governmental price index or computation with which it is replaced chosen by the City will be used in order to obtain substantially the same result as would be obtained if the Index had not been discontinued or revised. 3 The City will determine the adjustment in CPI and will provide the Grantee with the correct schedule before December 1 preceding the month of January in which payment is due and payable C Reports Required The Grantee must file with the City Clerk and City's Finance Director, on or before January 2nd after the expiration of the calendar year, or fractional calendar year, following the date of the granting of this Franchise and on or before January 2nd (Note: These revisions were made to reflect the requirements set forth in Section 4(A)(3)) after the expiration of each calendar year thereafter, two copies of a report duly verified by the oath of the 019 Grantee or by the oath of a duly authorized representative of the Grantee, showing for the immediately preceding franchise period: (a) The length of pipelines in lineal feet covered by this Franchise; (b) The nominal internal diameter of such pipelines expressed in inches, (c) The rate per foot per year; and (d) The total amount due the City SECTION 5: Rights of the City. A This Franchise does not impair or affect any right of the City to acquire the property of the Grantee, either by purchase or through the exercise of the right of eminent domain, subject to Grantee's rights, remedies and defenses, and nothing in this Franchise may be construed to contract away, or to modify or to abridge, either for a term or in perpetuity, the City's right of eminent domain in respect to the Grantee, nor will this Franchise be given any value before any court or other public authority in any proceeding of any character in excess of the necessary publication costs and any other sums paid by Grantee to the City at the time this Franchise was acquired B In connection with any change in grade, alignment or width of any public street, way, alley or place ( "the Streets "), or the construction of any subway or viaduct, or any other street improvement of any kind by the City, where Grantee's rights to occupy the Streets do not supersede the City's rights, Grantee must, at the City's direction and at Grantee's sole cost and expense, comply with all of the following provisions, as applicable. Within ninety (90) days after Grantee receives written notice from the City that work is to be done pursuant to any reserved right and specifying the general nature of the work and the area in which the same is to be performed, the Grantee must commence to do all things necessary to protect and support its franchise property during the progress of such work. If so ordered by the City, Grantee must relocate those pipes and appurtenances installed, used and maintained within the street to such extent, in such manner, and for such period as is necessary to permit the performance of such work in an economical manner, and to permit the maintenance, operation and use of such street improvement. 0"�0 2 Grantee must pay to the City the full amount of any increase in cost for the construction, installation or repair of any bridge, or any artificial support in or underlying any street in which any pipes or appurtenances of the Grantee are located, if such increase in cost is required in order to provide for the installation, maintenance or operation of Grantee's pipes or appurtenances in or on the street area which the bridge or other artificial support covers or underlies. 3 Grantee must cooperate with the City to take all actions reasonably necessary in order to accomplish the completion of any City street improvement project within a reasonable period of time After Grantee receives written notice from the City that work is to be done, the Grantee must diligently prosecute such work to completion 4 In the decision process necessary to determine if Grantee's pipelines and /or appurtenances are required to be relocated, the City will also consider all known future projects that, if done separately, may cause multiple relocation of the pipelines and /or appurtenances If such known future projects can be identified, full consideration of concurrent projects will be given by City. If the City requires the relocation within the public street, way, alley or place more than once within a period of ten (10) years, the City will pay the cost of the second and all subsequent relocations within such ten (10) year period. 5 In the event that the City changes the planned rearrangement of pipelines, or the notice given to Grantee, the Grantee will be given an additional period of not less than sixty (60) days to accomplish such work When Grantee's rights to occupy the Streets predate or supersede the City's rights, such relocations will be performed by Grantee as set forth above with the costs reimbursed to Grantee by City 6 Except as otherwise provided above, when City requires a rearrangement of Grantee's facilities and such rearrangement is done for the accommodation of any person, firm, corporation or public agency other than the City, the cost of such rearrangement will be borne by the accommodated party Such accommodated party, in advance of such rearrangement, must (a) deposit with the Grantee either cash or a corporate surety bond in an amount, as in the reasonable discretion of the Grantee, to pay the costs of such rearrangement, and (b) execute an instrument agreeing to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Grantee from any and all damages or claims caused by such rearrangement. This provision will not be construed to require Grantee to rearrange its facilities Uri Any accommodation for rearrangement of Grantee's facilities will be made at the Grantee's sole discretion Nothing in this Agreement may be construed to require the City to move, alter, or relocate any of its pipelines upon public streets at its own expense, for the convenience, accommodation or necessity of any other public utility, person, firm or corporation, now or hereafter owning a public utility system of any type or nature, or to move, alter, or relocate any part of its pipelines upon said streets for the convenience, accommodation or necessity of the Grantee SECTION 6 Other obligations of Grantee; Indemnification. The Grantee must comply with all of the following provisions A. Within sixty (60) days after the City Council adopts this Ordinance, Grantee must file with the Director improvement plans relating to all of Grantee's facilities located within the City, and a map or maps showing the location, length and size of all such facilities which have been installed, relocated, removed or abandoned by Grantee. B. Within six (6) months after the installation of any new pipelines under this franchise, Grantee must file with the Director an "as built" map or maps showing the approximate location, length and size of all of Grantee's pipelines so installed C. Grantee must construct, install and maintain all pipes and appurtenances in a good and workmanlike manner, and of good materials, and operate in conformity with all applicable federal, state, and local laws including, without limitation, the El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC). In case of public utilities subject to the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California, the rules, regulations and orders of the Public Utilities Commission will govern whenever any conflict may exist between them and the applicable ordinances, codes, rules and regulations adopted or prescribed by the City. To the extent required by applicable law, the Grantee must obtain and maintain a permit from the City of El Segundo Fire Department to construct, install, use, operate, repair or modify a pipeline for the transportation of flammable or combustible liquids. D Grantee must pay the City, on demand, the cost of all repairs to public property made necessary by any operations of the Grantee under this Franchise, provided Grantee fails to make such repairs after notice and reasonable opportunity to complete such repairs E. Grantee agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officials, officers, and employees, from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages to persons or property, U22 demands, actions, judgments, causes of action, assessments, penalties, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable fees of legal counsel, expert witnesses and accountants) arising out of or resulting from Grantee's operations under this franchise, except to the extent caused by City's sole active negligence, and for all damages proximately resulting from the failure of Grantee to faithfully observe and perform each and every provision of this franchise and of the Act Grantee is solely responsible for complying with all laws, regulations, and other orders which are applicable to the installation, repair, relocation or removal of its facilities, whether federal, state or local City's approval of such installation, repair, relocation or removal will not relieve Grantee of any liability Grantee may have for contaminated soils or other environmental liability attributable to or arising from Grantee's pipes, appurtenances and other facilities Any fee paid by Grantee pursuant to this Agreement will in no way limit Grantee's obligation to compensate City for any damage, claim, expense or loss whatsoever, as set forth in this paragraph. F In addition, Grantee indemnifies and holds the City harmless from and against any claim, action, damages, costs (including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees and penalties), injuries, or liability, arising out of this Agreement, or its performance including, without limitation, damages or penalties arising from Grantee's removal, remediation, response or other plan concerning any Hazardous Materials resulting in the release of any hazardous substance into the environment Should the City be named in any suit, or should any claim be brought against it by suit or otherwise, whether the same be groundless or not, arising out of this Agreement, or its performance, Grantee will defend the City (at the City's request and with counsel satisfactory to the City) and will indemnify the City for any judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or otherwise The foregoing indemnity is intended to operate as an agreement pursuant to 42 USC § 9607(e) (the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act; "CERCLA ") and Health & Safety Code § 25364 to defend, protect, hold harmless, and indemnify the City from all forms of liability under CERCLA, or other applicable law, for any and all matters addressed in this Franchise. G In no event will Grantee's indemnity obligation under this Franchise include indemnification for the City's gross negligence or willful misconduct SECTION 7: INSURANCE. A Before commencing performance under this Franchise, and at all other times this Agreement is effective, Grantee must procure and maintain the following types of insurance with coverage limits complying, at a minimum, 023 with the limits set forth below: Tvoe of Insurance Commercial general liability- Workers compensation Limits (combined single) $2,000,000 Statutory requirement B Commercial general liability insurance must meet or exceed the requirements of ISO -CGL Form No. CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. The amount of insurance set forth above will be a combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage for the policy coverage. Liability policies will be endorsed to name the City, its officials, and employees as "additional insureds" under said insurance coverage and to state that such insurance will be deemed "primary" such that any other insurance that may be camed by CITY will be excess thereto. Such insurance must be on an "occurrence," not a "claims made," basis and will not be cancelable or subject to reduction except upon thirty (30) days pnor written notice to the City C Grantee will furnish to the City duly authenticated Certificates of Insurance evidencing maintenance of the insurance required under this Agreement, endorsements as required herein, and such other evidence of insurance or copies of policies as may be reasonably required by the City from time to time. Insurance must be placed with admitted insurers with a current AM. Best Company Rating equivalent to at least a Rating of "A VII." Certificate(s) must reflect that the insurer will provide thirty (30) day notice of any cancellation of coverage Grantee will require its insurer to modify such certificates to delete any exculpatory wording stating that failure of the insurer to mad written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation, and to delete the word "endeavor" with regard to any notice provisions D. Should Grantee, for any reason, fad to obtain and maintain the insurance required by this Agreement, the City may obtain such coverage at Grantee's expense or terminate this Franchise E Grantee must deliver to City, in the manner provided for notices, copies or endorsements of all insurance certificates and endorsements required by this Ordinance, within the following time limits For insurance required at commencement of this Ordinance, within thirty (30) days after this Ordinance becomes effective, 2 For insurance becoming required at a later date, at least ten (10) days before the requirement becomes effective, or as soon thereafter the requirement, if new, becomes effective; and 10 024 3 For any renewal or replacement of a policy already in existence, at least twenty (20) days after expiration or other termination of the existing policy B. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, Grantee may provide a program of self- insurance provided it can demonstrate that it had a net worth of $10,000,000 00 within the preceding year. The City, at its sole discretion, may allow Grantee to self - insure provided the self - insurance program complies with the provisions and specified limits contained herein, and is approved by the City Manager and City Attorney If such approval for self - insurance is granted, the City will be precluded from exercising the remedies afforded to it pursuant to subsection D of this Section T. SECTION 8: PRESENCE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Except as otherwise provided below, Grantee may not or permit any Hazardous Materials to be discharged or released in, under, or about the streets or adjacent properties at any time. Grantee must, at its expense, procure, maintain in effect and comply with all conditions of any and all applicable permits, licenses, and other governmental and regulatory approvals required of Grantee for Grantee's use of the streets or adjacent properties Upon expiration or earlier termination of the franchise term, Grantee must cause all Hazardous Materials released by Grantee in or under the Streets or adjacent properties, if any, to be removed from the streets or adjacent properties in accordance with and in compliance with all applicable laws Grantee may not take any remedial action in response to the presence of any Hazardous Materials in or about the streets or adjacent properties, nor enter into any settlement agreement, consent decree or other compromise in respect to any claims relating to any Hazardous Materials in any way connected with the streets or adjacent properties, without first notifying City of Grantee's intention to do so and affording City ample opportunity to appear, intervene or otherwise appropriately assess and protect City's interests SECTION 9 NOTICE TO GRANTOR: Grantee must immediately notify City in writing of (i) any enforcement, cleanup, removal or other governmental or regulatory action instituted, completed or threatened pursuant to any applicable laws relative to the streets or adjacent properties; (u) any claim made or threatened by any person against Grantee or the streets or adjacent properties relating to damage, contribution, cost recovery compensation, loss or injury resulting from or claimed to result from any Hazardous Materials; and (iii) any reports made to any governmental agency ansing out of or in connection with any Hazardous Materials in or removed from the streets or adjacent properties, including any complaints, warnings or asserted violations in connection therewith Grantee must also supply to City as promptly as possible copies of all claims, reports, complaints, notices, warnings or asserted violations, relating in any way to the streets or adjacent properties, or Grantee's use of the streets Grantee must promptly deliver to City copies of manifests reflecting the legal and proper disposal of all Hazardous Materials removed by the Grantee from the streets or adjacent properties 11 025 SECTION 10. Assignability Grantee may sell, transfer or assign this Franchise or any interest therein directly or indirectly, or any of the rights or privileges hereby granted, with the City's prior written consent, which will not be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the above statement, Grantee may transfer or assign this Franchise to any parent, subsidiary or affiliate without obtaining the consent of City, provided Grantee provides written notification within thirty (30) days of said transfer or assignment and submits written evidence of the same, including a certification executed by a duly authorized officer of the Grantee Upon compliance with the foregoing, this Franchise will be binding on the successors and assigns of the parties hereto, and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto SECTION 11: Excavations. A Grantee must obtain an excavation permit in accordance with the ESMC, and pay the applicable fee therefor, before commencing any excavation in any street or public right of way, or before disturbing the earth beneath the surface of the street, except in the case of an emergency Before any excavation permit is issued for the construction or installation of a pipeline for the transmission of flammable or combustible liquids, gases or hazardous materials, Grantee must obtain the applicable permits from the City If the proposed location of the excavation does not, or will not, unreasonably interfere with the use of the streets by the City or if Grantee holds rights to occupy the area of the Streets which supersede the City's rights, and Grantee complies with all applicable laws, the Public Works Director will issue the appropriate permit(s) B. Where it is necessary to lay any underground pipes through, under or across any portion of a paved or macadamized street, such work, where deemed by Grantee in its sole discretion to be a safe method of installation, as well as practicable and economically feasible, may be done by a tunnel or bore so as not to disturb the foundation of such paved or macadamized street. If the same cannot be done, or if it is necessary to cut the street in order to access existing pipes and appurtenances, such work will be done pursuant to an excavation permit. C All work is subject to the City's inspection . All street coverings or openings, valves, vaults and manholes must at all times be kept flush with the surface of the streets; provided, however, that vents for underground vaults and manholes as well as cathodic protection devices, including pole- mounted rectifiers may, subject to the City's prior approval, extend above the surface of the streets when such vents and cathodic protection devices, including pole- mounted rectifiers, are located in parkways, between the curb and the property line. The Grantee must provide adequate traffic safety barriers, signs, devices and traffic safety warning equipment in accordance with the ESMC and comply with such additional 12 026 safety measures as the City may direct. D In emergencies, Grantee may commence excavation of streets without prior permit; provided, however, Grantee acts in a reasonable and diligent manner as soon as practicable after the onset of said emergency to obtain a permit authorizing such work E Grantee acknowledges that the City's records may not be complete and that pipes and appurtenances previously unknown to City are frequently discovered Consequently, by granting this franchise or by approving any excavation permit requested by Grantee, the City does not warrant the accuracy of information supplied to the Grantee by the City regarding the location or existence of other facilities Nothing herein will make the City, or any officer, agent or employee of the City, responsible or liable to the Grantee or to any other person by virtue of the City's approval of excavation permit plans, regardless of whether any information is supplied by the City to the Grantee pertaining to the location of existing pipes, facilities or other improvements on, in or under any street or other public property. SECTION 12: Grantee's Emergency Response Plan; Pipeline Accidents A The Grantee must develop and maintain an emergency response plan, reasonably satisfactory to the City, which covers all franchise operations within the City. In general, an emergency response plan meeting the requirements of Federal and State law and containing the information contained in this section is acceptable The emergency response plan must include a 24 -hour notification program and proof of arrangements capable of providing emergency response services, including without limitation to traffic control, street excavation pipeline repair, and supplies and services as necessary, within two (2) hours of notification of any problem, and such other information as the City may reasonably require. Repairs to a public street, alley or parkway must be completed within 72 hours of Grantee completing repairs to its facilities and clean up of any materials released from its facilities, if reasonably possible, unless otherwise authorized by the City The City must be notified ten (10) days in advance of any proposed change in such arrangements. Any changes in or revisions to Grantee's emergency response plan must be submitted to the City on the first working day of the subsequent calendar year B. Whenever any pipeline or appurtenance breaks or leaks so as to cause the release of oil or petroleum products into or under the public nght -of- way, Grantee, and any other person using or controlling the pipeline or appurtenance, must immediately notify the City's Police Department and Public Works Department and implement precautionary safety measures including traffic control, system shutdown, valve closures, and public 13 027 notification In the event of an emergency which threatens life, health, safety, or property, and where it is not possible to obtain an excavation permit before commencing the work, the Grantee may commence such work, provided, however, that within seventy -two (72) hours thereafter the Grantee must apply for an excavation permit Adequate traffic safety barriers must be maintained at all times, and any damaged portion of the street must be restored to at least the condition that existed immediately before the damage C If any portion of any City street is damaged by reason of defects, breaks or leaks in any of the pipes and appurtenances maintained or constructed by Grantee, or by reason of any other cause attributable to or arising from the operation of any pipes and appurtenances constructed or maintained by Grantee, the Grantee must, at its sole cost and expense, immediately repair all damage and restore the street to the condition existing before such damage occurred. All such work must be done under the City's direction, and to the City's reasonable satisfaction Grantee must repair such damage and restore the street within three (3) working days after receiving a written demand from the City or such other reasonable period as the Director may authorize when required for the protection of the public health and safety D Should Grantee, after reasonable notice, fad or refuse to pave, surface, grade, repave, resurface or regrade any damaged street as required by the provisions of this franchise, the City may cause the work to be done after written notice is given to Grantee and will keep an itemized account of all costs incurred. The Grantee agrees to, and must, reimburse the City for all such costs, including reasonable administrative overhead expenses, within thirty (30) days after presentation to Grantee of an itemized account of such costs SECTION 13 Abandonment Should Grantee abandon all or any part of the pipes and appurtenances which encompass this Franchise, such abandonment must be accomplished by Grantee as required by the State of California Pipeline Safety Act, or other governing State or Federal laws or statutes. Grantee will not owe the City any compensation for the privilege of said abandonment The ownership of all franchised property so abandoned in place, immediately vest in the City except that Grantee will retain all liability for the installation or construction of those facilities, and any liability for Hazardous Materials, as those liabilities exist as of the date of the Abandonment. SECTION 14: Default. A Effect of Default Should Grantee default in the performance of any of the terms, covenants and conditions herein, and such default is curable, the City may give written notice to Grantee of such default. Should Grantee not commence the work necessary to cure such default within sixty (60) 14)O days after such notice is received by Grantee, or prosecute such work diligently to completion, the City may declare this Franchise forfeited. Upon giving written notice of forfeiture to Grantee, this Franchise will terminate and Grantee's rights will terminate. Should the Franchise be forfeited, Grantee must execute an instrument of surrender and deliver same to City. In the event of noncompliance by the Grantee with any of these conditions, the City may, in addition to all other remedies, bring suit for the forfeiture or termination of this Franchise B. Force Maieure. Should Grantee's performance of this Franchise be prevented due to fire, flood, explosion, war, embargo, government action, civil or military authority, the natural elements, or other similar causes beyond Grantee's control, then Grantee will not be deemed to be in default or forfeit its Franchise rights if it commences and prosecutes performance with all due diligence and promptness upon being able to do SO. C Cumulative Remedies. No provision of this Franchise for enforcing the terms and conditions of this Franchise is an exclusive remedy or procedure for enforcement These remedies and procedures are in addition to those provided by law and are cumulative. SECTION 15 Dispute Resolution. If a dispute arises between the parties relating to this Franchise, the parties agree to use the following procedure before either party pursuing other available legal remedies, except when doing so would cause the expiration of an applicable statute of limitations A meeting will be held promptly between the parties, attended by individuals with decision- making authority regarding the dispute, to attempt in good faith to negotiate a resolution of the dispute. If, within thirty (30) days after such meeting the parties have not succeeded in negotiating a resolution of the dispute, they agree to submit the dispute to mediation City and Grantee will equally advance a proportionate share of the costs of mediation The parties will )omtly appoint a mutually acceptable mediator within thirty (30) days from the conclusion of the negotiation period The parties agree to participate in good faith in the mediation and related negotiations for a period of sixty (60) days. Any decision of the mediator must be supported by written findings of facts and conclusions of law If the parties are not successful in resolving the dispute through the mediation, the matter may be submitted to a court of law SECTION 16: Notice. Any notice required to be given under the terms of this Franchise, the manner of services of which is not specifically provided for here, may be served to the following identified addresses, or to such other address as may from time to time be furnished in writing by one party to the other, and by depositing said notice in the United States mad, postage prepaid When the services of any such notice is 15 0 2 9 made by mail, the time such notice will begin with and run from, is the date of deposit of the same in the United States mad Upon City City of El Segundo Public Works Department Attn: Director of Public Works 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA Upon Grantee: Chevron U S.A Inc. c/o Chevron Pipe Line Company 16301 Trojan Way La Mirada, CA 90638 Fax (714) 228 -1524 Attn Team Leader) SECTION 17 Grantee's Acceptance of Franchise. Except as otherwise stated herein, Grantee must within thirty (30) days after this Franchise is adopted, file with the officers of the City designated herein the following instruments or documents- A. File with the City Clerk Grantee's written acceptance of the terms and conditions of this ordinance B File with the City Clerk certified copies of the policies of liability insurance and workers' compensation insurance, or, in lieu thereof, certificates evidencing such insurance, which policies must be in accordance with the terms and conditions of this ordinance Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, Grantee may provide a program of self- insurance provided it can demonstrate that it had a net worth of $10 million within the preceding year The City, at its sole discretion, may allow Grantee to self- insure provided the self - insurance program complies with the provision and specified limits contained herein, and is approved by the City Administrator and City Attorney. C File with the City Clerk, within ten (10) business days after the City Council adopts and passes the ordinance granting this franchise and thereafter at all times during the life of the Franchise keep on file with the City Clerk, a bond issued by an admitted surety insurer, and in a form approved by the City Attorney, in the penal sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000), conditioned that the Grantee will well and truly observe, fulfill, and perform each condition of the Franchise and that in case of any breach of condition of the bond, the whole amount of the penal sum 16 0 J 0 therein specified will be recoverable from the principal and surety upon said bond If said bond is not filed, or if it does not receive the approval of the City Attorney, the Franchise may be revoked or forfeited and any money paid to the City in connection therewith will be retained by the City. SECTION 18: Reimbursement for City's posting and publication expenses. The Grantee will pay the City a sum of money sufficient to reimburse the City for all posting and publication expenses incurred in connection with the granting of this Franchise Such payment must be made by Grantee within thirty (30) days after the City provides to the Grantee a written statement of such expenses. SECTION 19. Venue. The Parties agree that all actions or proceedings arising in connection with the ordinance will be tried and litigated in the State courts located in the County of Los Angeles, State of California. The Parties intend that this choice of venue be mandatory and not permissive in nature, thereby precluding the possibility of litigation between the parties with respect to or arising out of this Ordinance in any jurisdiction other than that specified in this Section Each party waives any right it may have to assert the doctrine of forum non convernens or similar doctrine or to object to venue with respect to any proceeding brought in accordance with this Section, and stipulates that the State courts located in the County of Los Angeles, State of California have in person jurisdiction and venue over each of them for the purpose of litigating any dispute, controversy, or proceeding arising out of or related to this Agreement. SECTION 20• No Waiver. Grantee is not excused from complying with any of the terms and conditions of this Ordinance by any failure of the City upon any one (1) or more occasions to insist upon or to seek compliance with any such terms or conditions No City waiver of any provision or consent to any action constitutes a waiver of any other provision or consent to any other action, whether or not similar No waiver or consent constitutes a continuing waiver or consent or commit a party to provide a waiver in the future except to the extent specifically set forth in writing Any waiver given by a party will be null and void if the party requesting such waiver has not provided full and complete disclosure of all material facts relevant to the waiver requested SECTION 21 Binding Effect. Each and all of the provisions hereof are binding on and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective heirs, successors, and permitted transferees and assigns SECTION 22: Amendment. No amendment, modification, or supplement to this ordinance is binding on any of the parties unless it is in writing, signed by the parties, and approved through legislative action. SECTION 23. Entire Agreement. This ordinance constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with regard to this subject matter. This ordinance supersedes all previous agreements between or among the parties There are no agreements, representations, or warranties between or among the parties other than 17 031 those set forth in this Agreement or the documents and agreements referred to in this agreement SECTION 24• Construction. Each party has been represented by counsel in the negotiation and execution of this ordinance. The terms of this ordinance were negotiated by the Parties and the language used in this Franchise is deemed to be the language chosen by the Parties to express their mutual intent This Franchise will be construed without regard to any presumption or rule requiring construction against the party causing such instrument or any portion thereof to be drafted, or in the favor of the party receiving a particular benefit under this Agreement. No rule or strict construction will be applied against any Person SECTION 25: Miscellaneous Provisions. A Captions The captions here are for convenience and reference only, and are not part of this Franchise, and do not in any way limit, define or amplify the terms and provisions hereof B Governing Law This Franchise has been made and will be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California C Execution. The Mayor of the City will approve and sign and the City Clerk will attest to the passage of this Ordinance. This Ordinance will take effect thirty (30) days from the date of its adoption. Once this Ordinance becomes effective, it will be deemed to be applicable as of May 13, 2005. SECTION 26 Repeal of any provision of the El Segundo Municipal Code will not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before this Ordinance's effective date Any such repealed part will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action of prosecuting violations occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION 27. Severability If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable SECTION 28• The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original ordinances, make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and, within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law SECTION 29• This Ordinance becomes effective thirty (30) days after adoption 18 032 Mark D 0 PASSED AND ADOPTED this _ day of 2006. Kelly McDowell, Mayor Berger, joistant City Attorney CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing resolution, being RESOLUTION NO. was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the day of 2006, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote. AYES NOES. ABSENT ABSTENTION NOT PARTICIPATING. WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this day of , 2006. Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk Of the City of El Segundo, California (SEAL) 19 033 Location of pipeline in the City particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the South line of E1 Segundo Boulevard 20.00 feet easterly of the center line of Whiting Street: THENCE northerly across E1 Segundo Boulevard to a point 7.00 feet South of the center line of E1 Segundo Boulevard; THENCE easterly parallel to the center line of E1 Segundo Boulevard to a point 12.50 feet westerly of the center line of Virginia Street; THENCE northerly parallel to the center line of Virginia Street and its extension to a point in Imperial Avenue lying 16.00 feet South of the center line of Imperial Avenue; THENCE easterly parallel to the center line of Imperial Avenue to a point 150.00 feet easterly of the center line of Virginia Street; THENCE northerly parallel to the center line of Virginia Street to the North City boundary. This Franchise is hereby granted to Grantee, and its lawful successors and assigns subject to the terms of this Franchise. This Franchise shall include the right, for the period and subject to the terms of this Agreement, to so maintain, operate, repair, and renew the pipeline system of Grantee authorized hereunder as already laid and constructed in said Streets, if any - Exhibit "A" 034 6 Q J2, L W r J W O CALIFORNIA ST BUNGALOW DR MARYLAND ST SERRA ST PENN ST SHELDON ST CYPRESS ST EUCALYPTUS DR PEPPER ST MAIN ST CEDAR ST t W V ➢ 7 > I < w c � 1 � y W I d W W W W W W � I 6 Y ILL �M_ ■m.� V IRMNNA ST BAY ONNE COMA VISTA ST ❑ ) W HILLCREST ST 15 �� YU ILJJJ � � 0 < < > w < 3 U d 3 > 3 W W li. J W Z e Y F- Q > c cn 0 J 3 i a z � o ;\ m 035 Exhibit "B" L W e > c cn U > L cn -00 CL fa U cl- c i $ mC LL C ig 3 035 Exhibit "B" November 8, 2005 Steve Finton Director of Public Works City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Re- Franchise renewal Application City Ordinance No. 1246 CPL ROW #90181 Dear Mr Finron. to Chevron RECEIVED NOV 15 2005 FuBUC WORKS ENGINEERING Chevron Pipe Line Company, as agent for Chevron U.S.A. Inc., requests a grant from the City of El Segundo for a ten year franchise agreement for one 12 -inch aviation jet fuel line under City streets from El Segundo Refinery to serve LAX. The current franchise agreement expired on May 12, 2005. Chevron U. S. A. Inc. shall pay the City of El Segundo an annual franchise fee which complies with the Franchise Act of 1937 (Public Utilities Code sections 6201, et seq.). Please vest the agreement in Chevron U. S. A. Inc., a Pennsylvania corporation. Please send the agreement for processing to: 16301 Trojan Way, La Mirada, CA 90638. Should you have any concerns, feel free to contact me at (714) 228 -1523. Thank you for your help and consideration with this matter. Sincerely, --T7--Z��'A� Ray Riddle Right of Way Specialist 03b- RESOLUTION NO. 4465 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENT TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING ON JUNE 20, 2006 REGARDING THE GRANT OF AN OIL PIPELINE FRANCHISE TO CHEVRON. The City Council does resolve as follows SECTION 1 The City Council finds and declares that A On November 15, 2005, the City of El Segundo received an application from Chevron Pipeline Company ( "Chevron ") for a franchise to lay and use pipes and appurtenances for transmitting and distributing oil or petroleum products for any and all purposes in, under, along, across, or upon the public streets, ways, alleys and places within the City's jurisdiction ( "Pipeline Franchise "), B Chevron previously held a Pipeline Franchise (Ordinance No 1246) for operations with the City that expired on May 12, 2005 SECTION 2 Pursuant to Public Utilities Code § 6232, the City Council declares its intention to conduct a public hearing on June 20, 2006 at 7 00 p m in the City Council Chambers at 350 Main Street, EI Segundo, to consider all oral and written testimony regarding the Pipeline Franchise before determining whether to grant a new Pipeline Franchise to Chevron SECTION 3 The City Clerk is directed to publish public notice of the public hearing (including all requirements set forth in Public Utilities Code § 6233) at least one time within fifteen (15) days after this Resolution is adopted in a newspaper of general circulation SECTION 4 This Resolution will become effective immediately upon adoption and remain effective unless superseded by a subsequent resolution PASSED AND ADOPTED this jALtday of May '2006 APPRI Mark E A r - 031 CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five, that the foregoing resolution, being RESOLUTION NO 4465 was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 16th day of May 2006, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES McDowell, Busch, Boulgarides, Fisher, Jacobson NOES: None ABSENT None ABSTENTION None NOT PARTICIPATING: None WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this 16th day of May 2006 Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk Of the City of El Segundo, California (SEAL) 'iJ6 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE June 20, 2006 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING Unfinished Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION Consideration and possible action regarding adoption of a resolution to declare City -owned property located directly east of 150 and 160 S Sepulveda Boulevard as surplus property, and authorize the City Manager to commence the process to sell the property in accordance to Government Code §54222 (Appraisal Value $360,000) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION, 1) Approve Resolution declaring City owned property located directly east of 150 and 160 South Sepulveda Boulevard as surplus property, 2) Authorize the City Manager to commence the process to sell the property, and /or, 3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: On October 18, 2005 City Council authorized staff to obtain an appraisal for the fair- market value of City -owned property located directly east of 150 and 160 S Sepulveda Boulevard Staff hired the appraisal firm, The Horizon Group, and received an appraisal of $360,000 (Continued on next page.. ) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. 1 Resolution 2 Legal description FISCAL IMPACT None Operating Budget NIA Amount Requested: NIA Account Number: N/A Project Phase- N/A Appropriation Required —Yes X No ORIGINATED BY DATE. Seimone Jurps(/birector of Planninq and 6 City Manager l..1 J STAFF REPORT June 20, 2006 Page 2 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION (cont.) Staff has received interest from the neighboring property owners to purchase the City's property. For the City to sell the property, the City Council must first declare the property as surplus Next, staff will then begin the sale of the surplus property following the requirements of Government Code §54222 This requires the City of El Segundo to first offer the property for sale to several public agencies before offering the property to the general public Once the sale process is complete, staff will return to City Council with the highest qualified purchase price As another possible option, the City Council may choose not to sell the property but instead follow the recommendations by the Golf Course Sub - Committee At the regular meeting of the Golf Course Sub - Committee on May 2006, the Golf Course Sub - Committee unanimously voted to utilize the city property to relocate storage containers to free up space for a proper wash rack area This property would be used to relocate three storage units from the maintenance area to that location The new space freed up in the maintenance area would then be used to construct a wash rack that would consist of a water filtration system to recycle water used in the cleaning of maintenance vehicles and equipment. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council declare the property as surplus, and authorize the City Manager to sell the property pursuant to Government Code §54222 040 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION DECLARING REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 150 AND 160 S. SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD TO BE SURPLUS PROPERTY AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SELL IT IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAW. The City Council does resolve as follows. SECTION 1 - The City Council finds and declares that, A On June 1, 2005, the City of EI Segundo filed an application requesting that the City Council declare real property located lust east of 150 and 160 S Sepulveda Boulevard and north of the existing golf course maintenance building and south of the parking lot serving the existing commercial center at 150 and 160 S. Sepulveda Boulevard ( "Surplus Property ") to be surplus and authorize the City Manager to dispose of such property in accordance with applicable law A graphical depiction of the Surplus Property, along with its legal description, is attached as Exhibit "A," and incorporated by reference, B Pursuant to Government Code § 65402(a), the City submitted its application to the Planning Commission for review. The City's submission was reviewed by the Planning Commission for, in part, consistency with the General Plan and conformity with the El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC "), C. At its regular meeting on June 9, 2005 the Planning Commission considered the information provided in the City's application regarding the Surplus Property and found that selling the Surplus Property would be consistent with the City's General Plan, D. A review of the City's application shows that the Surplus Property is no longer required for the City's use and its sale will provide a public benefit to the City including, without limitation, revenue to pay for other public needs within the City's jurisdiction, E The Surplus Property will be offered for sale in accordance with applicable law including, without limitation, Government Code § 54222; F. Before the Surplus Property is sold, an appraisal will be performed establishing its fair market value. SECTION 2• Purpose of Surplus Property Sale A The City's purpose in selling the Surplus Property is to facilitate use of the parcel for parking or related commercial use, 041 B All of the Surplus Property, consisting of 9,697 square feet, is proposed to be sold for the purpose stated above SECTION 3• Environmental Assessment The Planning Commission found that the proposed project is exempt from CEQA requirements pursuant to CEQA Guidelines § 15312 and the El Segundo Guidelines. Specifically, the City proposes to sell the Surplus Property, the Surplus Property is not located in an area of concern, the Surplus Property does not have significant value for wildlife habitat or other environmental purpose; and the use of the Surplus Property and adjacent property has not changed since the time the City acquired the Surplus Property Accordingly, this project conforms with a Class 12 categorical exemption under CEQA SECTION 4 Report The Planning Commission submitted its report to the City Council in accordance with Government Code § 65402(a) finding that selling the Surplus Property is consistent with the General Plan SECTION 5 Authorizations The City Manager, or designee, is authorized to take all steps needed to offer the Surplus Property for sale including, without limitation, obtaining an appraisal; offering the Surplus Property for sale in accordance with applicable law including Government Code § 54222 and a competitive auction procedure; recommending a qualified buyer and price to the City Council; and, following City Council approval of the sale, executing all documents required for conveying the Surplus Property on the City's behalf SECTION 6. This Resolution will become effective immediately upon adoption and remain effective unless superseded by a subsequent resolution PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of June, 2006 Kelly McDowell, Mayor APPROVED A O / Mark D. Hens y By. , r K ' H. Berger, Ass ant City Attorney r' 4 CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five, that the foregoing resolution, being RESOLUTION NO was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 20th day of June, 2006, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES. 2006 NOES ABSENT ABSTENTION NOT PARTICIPATING WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this 20th day of June, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk Of the City of El Segundo, California (SEAL) 043 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (REVISED) NORTH VILLAGE CENTER THAT PORTION OF PARCEL 1, PARCEL MAP NO 17749, IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, IN THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS FILED IN BOOK 207, PAGES 56 THROUGH 60, INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 1, THENCE SOUTH 23' 5 P 55" EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 51170 FEET ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL I TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING FOR THIS DESCRIPTION; THENCE SOUTH 66'07'05" WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 80 26 FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 1, THENCE SOUTH 23° 52' 55" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 1 AND ITS SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION 90 00 FEET, THENCE NORTH 81'56' 50" WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 94 53 FEET TO SAID EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 1, THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE NORTH 23` 51' 55" WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 140 00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING EXCEPTING AND RESERVING TO CHEVRON U S A INC, A PENNSYLVANIA CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, ALL OIL, GAS AND OTHER HYDROCARBON SUBSTANCES, NON- HYDROCARBON GASES OR GASEOUS SUBSTANCES, ALL OTHER MINERALS OF WHATSOEVER NATURE, WITHOUT REGARD TO SIMILARITY TO THE ABOVE- MENTIONED SUBSTANCES, AND ALL SUBSTANCES THAT MAY BE PRODUCED THEREWITH FROM THE PROPERTY WITHOUT ANY RIGHT TO USE THE SURFACE OR THE FIRST 500 FEET BELOW THE SURFACE, BY DEED RECORDED MAY 24, 1988 AS INSTRUMENT NO 88- 826097, OFFICIAL RECORDS AREA = 9228 SQ FT = 0 21 ACRES 05- 1055 -2225 000 -505 01 V t r1 nn 1 I I Ir I I I I I I I , I I I I � I I I III I III lil I I I I II III I I I I I I I I � I U) 1 G , m' II DI I I I i � � I I �,I P- � I I i'I ( I I I ,II Ilia III II� i I I I Iii I R�II� I Ilf 17625 Crenshaw Blvd, Ste 300 CIVIL Torrance, California 90504 ENGINEERING Tel ( 327 -0018 (310 Fax (310)327 -0175 OCAGROUP www dcac,vdeng com GRAPHIC SCALE 0' 100' 200' SCALE 1 " = 100' LEGAL DESCRTIPTION EXHIBIT MAP 1,._ CSC 11055-2225000-5050 s 4 5 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE- .tune 20, 2006 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Unfinished Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION. Consideration and possible action on a lease option agreement between the City of El Segundo (City) and the El Segundo Unified School District (District) regarding the operation of a swim complex proposed to be constructed by the District at El Segundo High School, 640 Main Street RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION- 1) Authorize the Mayor to execute the Lease Option Agreement between the City and El Segundo Unified School District, 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: In December 2005, the El Segundo School District approached the Aquatic Subcommittee about putting together a community bond initiative to renovate the existing football field and auditorium at the high school and to build a new community swim complex at the high school The District proposed a partnership with the City whereby the District would build the proposed swim complex and the City would maintain and operate the facility On May 16, 2006, the City Council appointed Mayor Pro Tem Busch and Councilmember Boulgandes to explore and negotiate a potential contract with the District regarding the operation of the swim complex Mayor Pro Tern Busch, Councilmember Boulgandes and staff met with representatives from the District and negotiated the attached draft Lease Option Agreement The agreement would allow the City to exercise a lease option with the District within sixty days from the date after applicable statute of limitations have expired with regard to the District's approval of the required California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review for the construction and use of the swim complex proposed at El Segundo High School (Please see attached page marked "Background and Discussion ") ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Lease Option Agreement between the City and El Segundo Unified School District FISCAL IMPACT NIA Operating Budget: Amount Requested. Account Number: Project Phase Appropriation Required- _Yes _ No U46 3 Background and Discussion (con't): The agreement includes the following • The City has 60 -days following the expiration of the statute of limitations with regard to the District's completion of CEQA determination to exercise its option to maintain and operate the proposed aquatics complex, • An annual "opt out" provision for the City as long as the City provides 12 months written notice to the District of that intention, • A mechanism whereby the City and District meet annually to work out an appropriate schedule for the proposed aquatics complex, • A "sunset clause" that would terminate the agreement in the event that construction on the complex is not started by January 2010 and completed by January 2012, • A provision that neither party shall be responsible for funding mayor repairs or replacement of the proposed facility "absent a subsequent agreement being reached by the parties " Should the City Council approve the attached agreement, it is anticipated that the District will commence necessary CEQA work on the protect and take other actions necessary to place an appropriate bond measure on a future ballot In addition, it will be necessary to complete a legal description The legal description for the property will be prepared by staff and attached to the agreement Finally, it should be noted that the decision to exercise the City's option to maintain and operate the proposed facility will come back to the City Council for consideration in the form of a written notification to the District The item will be placed on a future Council agenda upon the District's completion of required CEQA work 01110 1 LEASE OPTION AGREEMENT THIS LEASE OPTION AGREEMENT ( "Agreement "), is entered into by the City of El Segundo, a California Municipal Corporation ( "City"), and the El Segundo Unified School District ( "District ") this _ day of June, 2006 ( "Effective Date ") District and City are also individually referred to herein as a "party" and collectively referred to herein as the "parties " Capitalized terms used in this Agreement and not defined elsewhere have the meanings given them on the attached Exhibit C RECITAL Pursuant to Education Code Section 10900 et seci , District and City are entering into this Agreement for purposes of granting the City an option to lease from District the real property described in Exhibit A hereto ( "Property ") with the Aquatic Improvements thereon The Parties agree as set forth below I EXERCISE OF OPTION The City shall have Sixty (60) days, from the date that the applicable statute of limitations has expired with regard to the District's preparation and approval of the environmental review pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act for the construction, operation and use of the Aquatic Improvements on the Real Property, to exercise its option granted hereunder to lease the Property pursuant to the terms and conditions contained herein The City shall exercise its lease option by providing the District with written notice within such sixty (60) day time period of its election to exercise its option In the event the City does not exercise its option this Agreement shall be deemed terminated and shall be of no further force or effect 2 LEASE OF PROPERTY Subject to the City exercising its option to lease the property pursuant to Section 1 hereof, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements set forth in this Agreement and other good and valuable consideration, District leases the Property to City and City leases the Property from District, upon and subject to the terms set forth in this Agreement. Except as otherwise expressly set forth herein, City shall have sole possession and control of the Property pursuant to the terms of this Agreement 3 TERM The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date that the Distract has completed the Aquatic Improvements on the Property and delivered possession of the Property and the Aquatics Improvements to the City ( "Commencement Date ") and continue for a forty year period thereafter. In the event that the District has not commenced construction of the Aquatic Improvements on or before January 1, 2010, and substantially completed the Aquatic Improvements on or before January 1, 2012, this Agreement shall be deemed terminated and be of no further force or effect The District shall be solely responsible for the construction of the Aquatic Improvements The City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at any time by providing the District with twelve (12) months advance written notice of its intent to terminate this Agreement 4 RENT City shall pay District rent in the amount of one dollar ($1 00) per year 048 Lease Option Agreement with ESUSD - Final 05/04/2006 5 PERMITTED USE City will use the Property for offering educational, recreational, and competitive aquatic related activities to the public The City shall have the right to, in its sole discretion, determine the fees that it may charge to the public for use of the Property and Aquatic Improvements and the fees shall be retained and controlled by the City Notwithstanding the foregoing, the District shall be allowed to utilize the Property and Aquatic Improvements based upon a schedule agreed to by parties, in their respective sole discretion, on an annual basis It is contemplated that the District shall utilize the Property and Aquatic Facilities approximately 30 hours per week It is contemplated that the District shall utilize the Property and Aquatic Facilities for District students for District related physical education classes, water polo , and swimming and diving teams and other competitive District aquatic activities The District may charge fees for participants and spectators for such District activities, and the fees shall be the retained and controlled by the District The District shall be responsible for providing any special equipment it needs its high school students' activities In the event that the parties cannot agree upon the schedule on or before April I of each year, then the City shall have the right to establish the schedule for the next calendar year 6 CONDITION OF PROPERTY District represents and warrants that the Property and the Aquatic Improvements are suitable for use by the public and that it has reviewed the environmental condition of the Property and that there are no Hazardous Materials contained thereon and that the District shall be solely responsible and liable for any claims ansmg from or relating to Hazardous Materials being present on the site that were present on the site prior to the Commencement Date or any defects that existed in the Property or the Aquatic Improvements prior to the Commencement Date In this connection, District agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, and its elected and appointed officials, officers, employees and agents resulting from a breach of the representations and warranties contained in this Section 6 7 MAINTENANCE The City shall provide normal and routine maintenance with regard to Property and Aquatic Facilities, including maintaining proper water quality of the pool, keeping the pool, pool deck area, restrooms and parking lot areas clean and maintaining the safety equipment for the Aquatic Facilities The City may close the pool from time to time for purposes of carrying out such normal and routine maintenance or for public health purposes The City shall not be obligated to replace or make mayor repairs to the Aquatic Facilities To the extent that replacement or mayor repairs to the Aquatic Facilities become necessary, the parties shall meet and discuss how to fund the replacement or repair of the Aquatic Facilities The parties intend that they will use their respective best efforts to keep the Aquatic Facilities in good repair while protecting the parties rights under this Agreement It is contemplated that an amendment to this agreement may be necessary with regard to major repairs to ensure that the City's investment in the repairs is commensurate with assurances respecting the City's rights under this Agreement However, neither party shall be obligated to fund the replacement or repair of the Aquatic Facilities absent a subsequent agreement being reached by the parties 8 UTILITIES The City shall pay the gas, electric and water utility costs incurred with regard to the Property and Aquatic Facilities The District as part of the construction of the Aquatic Facilities shall cause these utilities to be metered separately from the other utilities utilized on the adjacent District property `11�1 � Lease Option Agreement with ESUSD - Final 05/04/2006 9 OPERATION The City shall be allowed to operate the Aquatic Facilities between the hours of 6 a in and 10 p m The City shall provide adequate staffing and supervision for purposes of safely operating the pool for the programs and activities that it conducts on the Property The City shall determine on an annual basis the amount that it will budget for programs and activities that will be conducted on the Property The City shall control and regulate the use of the parking lot which is located on the property and that is considered an Aquatic Improvement Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City shall not supervise the District's use of the pool for its high school activities and the District shall be solely responsible for the supervision and the safety of the individuals involved in such activities. Both the City and District shall conduct their respective programs and activities on the property in compliance with all Laws 10 INDEMNIFICATION (a) To the maximum extent permitted by law, District agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and its elected and appointed officials, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, injuries, actions, claims, lawsuits, costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees and costs) of any kind or character to any person or property arising from, related to or caused by the negligent or wrongful misconduct of the District and its elected and appointed officials, officers, employees and agents relating to District's construction or use of the Property and the Aquatic Facilities (b) To the maximum extent permitted by law, City agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the District and its elected and appointed officials, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, injuries, actions, claims, lawsuits, costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees and costs) of any kind or character to any person or property arising from, related to or caused by the negligent or wrongful misconduct of the City and its elected and appointed officials, officers, employees and agents relating to City's use of the Property and the Aquatic Facilities The indemnification provisions set forth above shall survive the termination of this Agreement I 1 WARRANTIES City and District each acknowledge and represent that it is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing and has the right, power and authority to enter into this Agreement and bind itself hereto through the party set forth as signatory for the Party below 12 QUIET POSSESSION So long as City keeps, observes and fully satisfies all covenants, obligations and agreements of City under this Agreement, District shall take no action that would interfere with the City's quiet possession and use of the Property during the term of this Agreement 13 DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION If any Casualty damages or renders any portion of the Property or the Aquatic Facilities City shall have no obligation to either restore the Property to the condition it was in prior to the Casualty City may terminate this Agreement in the case of damage or destruction of the Property 14 DEFAULT AND RIGHT TO CURE (a) Events of Default The occurrence of any of the following constitutes an "Event of Default" by City under this Agreement District and City agree that the notices required by LJU Least Option Agreement with ESUSD - Finai 05104/2006 this Section 17 are intended to satisfy any and all notice requirements imposed by the Laws and are not in addition to any such requirements i Failure to Pay Rent City fails to pay any Additional Rent amount as and when due and such failure is not cured within fifteen (15) days after District notifies City of City's failure to pay Additional Rent when due. u Failure to Perform City breaches or fails to perform any of City's non - monetary obligations under this Agreement and such breach or failure is not cured within fifteen (15) days after District notifies City of City's breach or failure, provided that if City is not able through the use of commercially reasonable efforts to cure such breach or failure within a fifteen (15) day period, City's breach or failure is not an Event of Default if City commences to cure such breach or failure within the fifteen (15) day period and thereafter diligently pursues the cure and effects the cure within a period of time that does not exceed an additional sixty (60) days after the expiration of the initial fifteen (15) day period (b) Remedies Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default, District may at any time and from time to time, without notice or demand, as its sole remedy, file an action for specific performance (c) District's Default District will be in deemed to be in default and breach of this Agreement if District fails to perform any term or condition under this Agreement within forty - five (45) days after receipt of written notice from City that specifies a specific failure by District under this Agreement No such failure, however, will be deemed to exist if District has commenced to cure the default within such period and provided such efforts are prosecuted to completion with reasonable diligence Delay in cunng a default will be excused if it is due to causes beyond the reasonable control of District (d) No Waiver No failure by either District or City to insist upon the performance of any provision of this Agreement or to exercise any right or remedy upon a breach or default hereof constitutes a wavier of any such breach or default Any such waiver may be made only by a writing signed by the Party providing the waiver One or more waivers by a Party is not to be construed as a wavier by that Party of a subsequent breach or default of the same provision 15 ASSIGNMENT /SUBLEASE Neither the District or the City may transfer its interest under this Agreement without the consent of the other party, which consent may be withheld in the party's sole discretion 16 NOTICES Any notice to be given or other document to be delivered by any Party to the other or others hereunder, and any payments between the Parties, may be delivered in person to an officer of any Party, or may be deposited in the United States mail in the State of California, duly certified or registered, return receipt requested, with postage prepaid, or by federal Express or other similar overnight delivery service or by facsimile transmission with a copy sent via U S Mail and addressed to the Party for whom intended, as follows t,�Jl Lease Option Agreement with FSUSD - Final 05/0412006 To District El Segundo Unified School District 641 Sheldon Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Facsimile No (310) 640 -8272 With a copy to Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Rudd & Romo 17871 Park Plaza Drive, Suite 200 Cerritos, CA 90703 Attu Andreas C Chialtas, Esq To City City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Attention City Manager Facsimile No (310) 322 -7137 with a copy to Jenkins and Hogm 1230 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 110 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Attention Mark D Hensley, Esq Telephone No (310) 643 -8448 Facsimile No (310) 643 -8441 Any Party hereto may from time to time, by written notice to the other, designate a different address which shall be substituted for the one above specified Unless otherwise specifically provided for herein, all notices, payments, demands or other communications given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given and received (i) upon personal delivery, (n) as of the third business day after mailing by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as set forth above, (in) the immediately succeeding business day after deposit with Federal Express or other equivalent overnight delivery system or (rv) upon transmission by facsimile 17 MISCELLANEOUS, (e) Amendment, Waiver This Agreement cannot be amended, modified or revised unless done in writing and signed by an authorized agent of the District and an authorized agent of the City No provision may be waived except in a writing signed by both Parties. (f) Recordma A memorandum of this Agreement shall be recorded r Lease Option Agreement with ESUSD - Final 05(04(2006 (g) Entire Agreement This Agreement and the exhibits attached hereto, all being a part hereof, constitute the entire agreement of the Parties hereto with respect to the leasing of the Property and Aquatic Improvements to the City and will supersede all prior offers, negotiations and agreements (h) Governing Law This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of California and the venue for all legal and equitable actions shall be the Los Angeles County Superior Court (r) Severabilrty If any covenant, term, provision, condition or agreement of this Agreement is, to any extent, held invalid or unenforceable, the remaining portion thereof and all other covenants, terms, provisions, conditions and agreements of this Agreement will not be affected by such holding, and will remain valid and in force to the fullest extent permitted by law 0) Attorneys' Fees If either District or City commences any litigation or judicial action to determine or enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing Party in any such litigation or judicial action is entitled to recover all of its costs and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and expenditures) from the non - prevailing Party (k) Joint Drafting. This Agreement shall be construed as though it was jointly drafted and the doctrine than any ambiguity contained in a contract shall be construed against the party whose counsel drafted the contracted is expressly waived by each of the parties hereto (1) Third Party Beneficiaries Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to confer any right upon any person that is not a signatory to this Agreement GJ Lease Ophon Agreement with ESUSD - Final 05/0472006 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused this Agreement to be executed "DISTRICT" By- Chris Powell, President Approved as to Form Andreas C. Chlaltas, District Counsel "CITY" By Kelly McDowell, Mayor Attest Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk Approved as to Form- Mark Hensley, City Attorney 054 Lease Option Agreement with ESUSD - Final 05/04/2006 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY [To be attached] 065 Exhibit A 05/04/2006 EXHIBIT B DEPICTION OF AQUATIC FACILITIES [To be attached] 0J6 Exhibit B 05/04/2006 i t� �e x w J 0 2 O 0 Z D J W EXHIBIT C DEFINITIONS "Aquatic Facilities" mean the following physical improvements that District is required to construct on the Property two pools, necessary pump, filter and maintenance equipment, restroom and locker facilities, administrative office space, storage space, concrete pool decking, a parking lot adjacent to the swim complex, and appropriate fencing and landscaping "Casualty" means any physical loss, destruction or damage to property which is caused by fire, windstorm, hail, lightning, vandalism, theft, explosion, collision, accident, flood, earthquake, collapse, or any other peril "Casualty" does not include any waste or excessive or unreasonable wear and tear caused by the City "Hazardous Materials" means any of the following, in any amount (a) any petroleum or petroleum product, asbestos in any form, urea formaldehyde and polychlorinated biphenyls, (b) any radioactive substance, (c) any toxic, infectious, reactive, corrosive, ignitable or flammable chemical or chemical compound, and (d) any chemicals, materials or substances, whether solid, liquid or gas, defined as or included in the definitions of "hazardous substances," "hazardous wastes," "Hazardous materials," "extremely hazardous wastes," " restricted hazardous wastes," "toxic substances," "toxic pollutants," "solid waste," or words of similar import in any federal, state or local statute, law, ordinance or regulation now existing or existing on or after the Effective Date as the same may be interpreted by government offices and agencies, including, without limitation, (i) trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, perchloroethylene and other chlorinated solvents, (u) oil or any petroleum products or fractions thereof, (in) asbestos, (iv) polychlorinated biphenyls, (v) flammable explosives, (vi) urea formaldehyde, (vu) radioactive materials and waste, and (vin) infectious waste It is the intent of the Parties hereto to construe the term "Hazardous Materials" in its broadest sense "Hazardous Materials Laws" means any federal, state or local laws, ordinances, codes, statutes, regulations, administrative rules, policies and orders, and other authority, existing now or in the future, which classify, regulate, list or define hazardous substances, materials, wastes contaminants, pollutants and/or the Hazardous Materials, including without limitation the following statutes and regulations, and any other legal authority, regulations, or policies relating to or implementing such statutes and regulations Federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 ( "CERCLA" or "Superfund "), as amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 ( "SARA "), 42 U S C § 9601 et seq , Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 ( "RCRA "), 42 U S C § 6901 et seq , Clean Water Act ( "CWA "), 33 U S C § 1251 et seq , Clean Air Act ( "CAA "), 42 U S C § 78401 et seq , Toxic Substances Control Act ( "TSCA "), 15 U S.0 § 2601 et seq , The Refuse Act of 1899, 33 U S C § 407, Occupational Safety and Health Act ( "OSHA "), 29 U S C § 651 et seq , Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 49 U S C Section 1801, et seq , United States Department of Transportation Table (49 CFR 172101 and amendments thereto) and the Exhibit C 057 05/04/2006 Environmental Protection Agency Table (40 CFR Part 302 and amendments thereto), California Carpenter- Presley -Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act ( "California Superfund "), Cal Health & Safety Code § 25300 et seq , California Hazardous Waste Control Act, Cal Health & Safety Code Sections 25100 et seq , Porter - Cologne Water Quality Control Act ( "Porter- Cologne Act"), Cal. Water Code § 13000 et seq , Hazardous Waste Disposal Land Use Law, Cal Health & Safety Code § 25220 et seq , Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 ( "Proposition 65 "), Cal Health & Safety Code § 25249 5 et seq , Hazardous Substances Underground Storage Tank Law, Cal Health & Safety Code § 25280 et seq , California Hazardous Substance Act, Cal Health & Safety Code § 28740 et seq , Air Resources Law, Cal Health & Safety Code § 39000 et seq , Hazardous Materials Release Response Plans and Inventory, Cal Health & Safety Code §§ 25500- 25541, Toxic Pits Cleanup Act of 1984 ( "TCPA "), Cal Health & Safety Code §§ 25208 -25208 17, Other Laws and Regulations All other regulations promulgated pursuant to said foregoing laws or any amendments or replacement thereof, provided such amendments or replacements shall in no way limit the original scope and/or definition of Hazardous Materials defined herein as of the execution date of this Agreement "Laws" means any law, regulation, rule, order, statute or ordinance of any governmental or private entity in effect on or after the Effective Date and applicable to the Property or the use or occupancy of the Property, including, without limitation, Hazardous Materials Laws 0.38 Exhibit C 05/04/2006 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE. June 20, 2006 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS & BOARDS AGENDA DESCRIPTION. Consideration and possible action regarding the announcement of the appointment of a candidate to the one vacancy on the Recreation and Parks Commission RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1 ) Announce the appointee to the Recreation and Parks Commission, If any and term of office, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this Item BACKGROUND DIS USS ON Committee /Commission & Board # of Openings Appointees) Term Explrefs) Recreation and Parks Commission ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. N/A FISCAL IMPACT N/A 06/30/10 ORIGINATED Date. June 12, 2006 JUI O Abreu, Executive Assistant REVIEWED Date: June o5-9 4 o (/a x m RI y 11 T \1z, A aC m d 33 mo p A' S 3 3P 'u 3 o m z m BQam� Ro83m m m- g 3 2 a n < ga „ad o 3 m S n N 53 a n °»A3° 3 sr CIF a "s ^� m � ° a °'off m o 3 a N9� n ry�ry a o H P �O�Ay ^11 ,Z 901�m P o )F m z O m m P`, z s a A n T - 04 II 1 O °i ry Oa A m a = 11 - N N ff110 u a °T o n m ' mo A m OaO- s 33 36No v - ° 6dzm �q a ma No m ° 0 3�u 40 cu S u m A_ a 3 ° _ n v u m 3 m o � � 3 6T 3 3 a 3 5 � N 3 n O 0 0 m 0 x N O C 2 y DO A z z m m z ti mmmpAmv" -mE mS -mfTa aAmmOapo� Om_m mDD ;AllA�cm�i ;cc z��P Z�x��nm��"� Ammvo,mc,mAmm_i��"oo ��; za �_ 2i moy�mz NMI;� y N y N m o m% .� C VmjyNCA ZZOS ZZ2mm((113I1A m�- 1y000TACC mmmpOO min NzKrmAx, zz y z i 0 .mm5 m O m S Z y -Di 0 i p 0 0 ~oami' ~ mooiA� z�� c z m I c y my ^ o c m O N Wa �(� Wuama v. o 0 w k N m N ON$N N O 0 0 T D v m A O n N O T C Z m A m m u, m m A D A n >0 N� om >m Nc <0 � o 0 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 5/26/2006 THROUGH 618/2006 Date Payee Amount Description 5/31/2006 Siemens 44,837 50 Otrly Energy payment 6/1/2006 Health Comp 5,362 DO Weekly claim 5/26 6/1/2006 Employment Development 41,198 59 State Taxes 61112006 IRS 202,041 52 Federal Taxes 6/5/2006 Federal Reserve 15000 Employee I Bonds 6/5/2006 Federal Reserve 250 DO Employee EE Bonds 616/2006 CalPERS 323,945 11 PERS Retirement 6/6/2006 Pitney Bowes 1,00000 Library Postage Machine 6/7/2006 CalPERS 261,67827 PERS Health 6/7/2006 Lane Donovan Golf Partners 18,357 52 Lakes payroll transfer 618/2006 Health Comp 1,83057 Weekly claims 6/2 5/25- 6/8/06 Workers Comp Activity 30,576 03 SCRMA checks issued 931,227 11 DATE OF RATIFICATION. 6/20/06 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by (. I Deputy Treas er Date l (L Ak 6 bi g-, jA= Director clmihistrative Servic# City Manager 6 lf(4 Date 1V /b& Date 931,227.11 Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo b ul I REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 2006 - 5.00 P M 5 00 P M SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Council Member Jacobson at 5 00 p.m. ROLL CALL Mayor McDowell - Absent Mayor Pro Tern Busch - Absent Council Member Boulgarides - Present Council Member Fisher - Present Council Member Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS Consideration and possible action to appoint the City Manager as labor negotiator for the Management/Confidential Employee Group (which includes all City employees who are not members of bargaining units ) MOTION by Council Member Boulgandes, Seconded by Council Member Fisher to appoint Jeff Stewart, City Manager, as labor negotiator for the Management/Confidential Employee Group (which includes all City employees who are not members of bargaining units ) MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 3/0 MAYOR MCDOWELL AND COUNCIL MEMBER BUSCH ABSENT Council recessed at 5 05 p m CLOSED SESSION CANCELLED DUE TO A LACK OF QUORUM 0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 7, 2006 PAGE NO 1 0 6 `' REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 2006 - 7.00 P M. 7.00 P M SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor McDowell at 7 00 p m INVOCATION — Chaplain, Captain Bradley Kimble of the Los Angeles Air Force Base PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Bill Fisher PRESENTATIONS — a Council Member Jacobson read the Proclamation by the Mayor and Members of the City Council proclaiming Saturday, June 10, 2006 as Super CPR Saturday to encourage participation in Cardio- Pulmonary Resuscitation training and presented the Proclamation to Acting Fire Chief Kevin Smith Council Member Boulgarides presented a Commendation to Cathy Domann, Deputy City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, for having attained the prestigious Master Municipal Clerk Academy Program Level One designation. c. Mayor ProTem Busch presented a Proclamation by the Mayor and Members of the City Council to Steve Odabashion proclaiming Saturday, June 17, 2006 as Beauty & The Beach Day in El Segundo, a community beach cleanup effort spearheaded by the El Segundo Power, LLC and members of the El Segundo Kiwanis Club ROLL CALL Mayor McDowell - Present Mayor Pro Tern Busch - Present Council Member Boulgardes - Present Council Member Fisher - Present Council Member Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed Jack Kenton, resident, spoke regarding the Residential Sound Installation Program and the reimbursement of residents who previously paid a portion of their RSI MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 7, 2006 PAGE NO 2 0613' Betty Taylor, Whole Foods, spoke on Item 18, ABC License for the new market located at Plaza El Segundo and requested the Council approval. Linda Copperman, resident, spoke regarding the RSI Program and requested that apartment complex owners also be reimbursed for their portions paid for previous RSI A PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only MOTION by Council Member Jacobson, SECONDED by Council Member Fisher to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 B SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS Consideration and possible action to conduct a Public Hearing and adopt a Resolution approving an updated Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) for the City of El Segundo Municipal Water System. (Fiscal Impact; None) Mayor McDowell stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a public hearing regarding adoption of a Resolution approving an updated Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) for the City of El Segundo Municipal Water System City Clerk Mortesen stated that proper notice was completed and no communications had been received in the City Clerk's Office Steve Finton, Public Works Director, gave a report Resident, requested that the Recreation and Parks look into classes on drought resistant landscaping MOTION by Council Member Jacobson, SECONDED by Council Member Fisher to close the public hearing MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMCUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 MOTION by Mayor ProTem Busch, SECONDED by Council Member Jacobson to approve Resolution No 4468 approving adoption of the Urban Water Management Plan for 2005 MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 C UNFINISHED BUSINESS 2. Consideration and possible action regarding the presentation of Fiscal Year 2005 -2006 Midyear Financial Budget Review, approval of Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 Budget Preparation Calendar Bret Plumlee, Administrative Services Director, gave a report MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 7, 2006 PAGE NO 3 r,6 r Council consensus to receive and file Fiscal Year 2005 -2006 Midyear Financial presentation and direct staff to proceed with Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 Budget Calendar. D REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 3 Consideration and possible action regarding the setting of a date and time for interviewing candidates to the Recreation and Parks Commission, Council consensus to set date for interviews of candidates to the Recreation and Parks Commission, at 6 30 p m., Tuesday, June 20, 2006. 4 Consideration and possible action to approve the Recreation and Parks Commission's recommendation to place the name of Rex C Kenyon on the Freedom Park Memorial MOTION by Council Member Fisher, SECONDED by Council Member Jacobson, to approve Recreation and Parks Commission's recommendation to place the name of Rex C Kenyon on the Freedom Park Memorial MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE, 5/0 E CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business 5 Approved Warrant Numbers 2553392 to 2553691 on Register No 16 in the total amount of $2,053,898 76 and Wire Transfers from 5/5/2006 through 5/25/2006 in the total amount of $1,946,089 59. 6 Approved City Council Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2006 7 PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCIL MEMBER FISHER 8. Authorized City Manager to approve increasing an existing purchase order with MRH Structural Engineers by $110,000 for plan review services (Fiscal Impact - $110,000, expenditures are offset by revenue collected for plan review services paid by developers). 9 Approved Professional Services Agreement No. 3602, in a form approved by the City Attorney, to administer the 2006 -2007 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program between the City of El Segundo and Tina Gall for an amount not to exceed $17,100 per year Contract period July 1, 2006 through September 30, 2009 with an option for annual review and renewal not to exceed a total of three years (Fiscal Impact: $17,100 annually) Authorized the City Manager to execute MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 7, 2006 PAGE NO 4 0 65 10. Approved Professional Services Agreement No 3603, in a form approved by the City Attorney, to implement the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Juvenile Diversion Project between the City of El Segundo and South Bay Youth Project (South Bay Youth Project is sponsored by the City of Redondo Beach, a chartered municipal corporation) for an amount not to exceed $16,000 Contract period July 1, 2006 through September 30, 2009 with an option for annual review and renewal not to exceed a total of three years (Fiscal Impact. $16,000 annually) Authorized the City Manager to execute 11 Authorized the City Manager to execute an amendment to a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) No, 3374 with the City of Redondo Beach to extend the term of the MOA until July 1, 2008, for continued development of an Implementation Plan for Jurisdictional Groups 5 & 6 in compliance with Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) regulations mandated by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (Fiscal Impact $1,300 estimate) 12 Accepted the work as complete on the project for Rehabilitation of Continental Boulevard from El Segundo Boulevard to Grand Avenue approved Capital Improvement Project — Project No PW 05 -12 (Final Contract Amount- $148,208.70) Authorized the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office. 13 Adopted Resolution No 4469 required by the Public Contract Code Section 20168 declaring that a state of emergency existed at the intersection of Mariposa Avenue and Douglas Street during the period of April 21, 2006 to April 28, 2006 due to the damage caused by the breakage of a 12 -inch diameter water main and authorizing staffs previous efforts to make emergency procurement required to repair the damage and protect public health, safety and welfare, and approval of payments to contractors that repaired said damage (Fiscal Impact $64,802) Approved a payment in the amount of $7,861 83 to Doty Bros Equipment Company for repair of the water main Approved a payment in the amount of $38,540 17 to Sequai Contractors, Inc. for removal and replacement of damaged asphalt and concrete improvements Approved a payment in the amount of $18,400 to the Pressure Grout Company for pressure infection of grout to fill voids under the intersection 14 Approved participation by the EI Segundo Police Department in a "California Seat Belt Compliance Campaign" (CSBCC) sponsored by the California Office of Traffic Safety Participation includes one -time grant funding in the amount of $14,981. 15 Authorized the City Manager to issue a letter of concurrence to the Los Angeles World Airports to utilize a radio frequency adjacent with one assigned to the City MOTION by Council Member Fisher, SECONDED by Council Member Boulgandes to approve Consent Agenda Items 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 7, 2006 PAGE NO 5 066 CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA Consideration and possible action regarding adoption of a resolution amending the City Clerk's Department Records Retention Schedule for City Council Meeting Audio and Video and Web Video Tapes. MOTION BY Council Member Fisher, SECONDED by Council Member Jacobson to adopt Resolution No. 4471 amending the City Clerk's Department Records Retention Schedule for City Council Meeting Audio and Video and Web Video Tapes Technology sub - committee to return to Council with a proposal to keep these as permanent records MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 F NEW BUSINESS 16 Consideration and possible action regarding the Police Department utilizing up to $149,785 of funds accumulated in the Fiscal Year 2005/2006 Equipment Replacement Schedule to purchase Motorola mobile and /or portable radios (Fiscal Impact. $149,785) Jack Wayt, Police Chief, gave a report. MOTION by Mayor ProTem Busch, SECONDED by Council Member Jacobson, Pursuant to El Segundo Municipal Code Sec 1 -7 -10, waive the bidding process and purchase mobile and portable radios through a "piggyback" arrangement to an existing Los Angeles County Master Pricing Agreement MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 Staff to do a survey to ascertain the applicability of obtaining mobile units for Fire Department also City Manager Stewart suggested that this be addressed during the budget cycle 17 Consideration and possible action to adopt a Resolution implementing a program to reimburse certain homeowners in the City of El Segundo for costs Incurred while participating in the City's Residential Sound Insulation (RSI) Program. (Fiscal Impact. $284,187) City Manager Jeff Stewart gave a report. MOTION by Mayor ProTem Busch, SECONDED by Council Member Boulgandes to adopt Resolution No 4470 adopting policies and procedures for distributing settlement funds to residential homeowners participating in the Residential Sound Insulation program and authorize staff to notify eligible homeowners of their ability to apply for reimbursement of expenses MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 18 Consideration and possible action regarding three new Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) licenses for a new market currently under construction at a new shopping center (Plaza El Segundo) located at 760 South Sepulveda Boulevard, EA No 682 and AUP No 05 -03. Applicant Mrs Gooch's Natural Foods Markets, Inc. (aka Whole Foods), c/o Lanny Kusaka MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 7, 2006 PAGE NO 6 06i Seimone Jugis, Planning & Building Safety Director, gave a report Council consensus not to protest the Issuance of three new Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) licenses for a new market currently under construction at Plaza El Segundo, 760 South Sepulveda Boulevard, Mrs Gooch's Natural Foods Markets, Inc. 19 Consideration and possible action regarding an existing agreement with Consolidated Disposal Services, Inc. to extend the term of the agreement for a five -year period at a fixed 3 18% cost Increase in the first year and no cost increases during the remaining term for continued residential and municipal solid waste and recycling collection and disposal services (Fiscal Impact $613,200 annually for five years) Steve Fenton, Public Works Director, gave a report MOTION by Council Member Boulgandes, SECONDED by Council Member Fisher to authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the existing Agreement No 2410 with Consolidated Disposal Services, Inc in a form as approved by the City Attorney, to extend the agreement for a five -year period at a fixed 3 18% cost Increase in the first year and no cost increases during the remaining term MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 510 G REPORTS — CITY MANAGER — Congratulations to Cathy Domann for attaining her MMC level one, and commented on her efficiency and professionalism H REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY — NONE I REPORTS — CITY CLERK J REPORTS — CITY TREASURER K REPORTS — CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Fisher— NONE Council Member Jacobson — NONE Council Member Boulgandes — Requested a debriefing on the Disaster Drill held recently Mayor Pro Tem Busch — Reported on Little League Baseball playoffs Congratulated the High School Baseball Team for their appearance at the CIF Finals. Mayor McDowell — Reported on a meeting with Don Brann, Wiseburn School District Superintendent. Announced the appointment of his brother Rob to the Federal Aviation Commission He also commented on the Author's Fair presented by the Library Announced that John Gaines is recovering from his recent illness MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 7, 2006 PAGE NO 7 X68 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have receive value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed Mike McAllister, resident, spoke regarding reimbursement to the RSI recipients who paid a portion of their sound Insulation MEMORIALS — Nancy Scott, mother of newly elected Mayor of Torrance Frank Scotto, Ray Parcell, retired, long time aerospace employee and Rotarian, Thelma Einstein Bernstein, actress and singer, and property owner of some mayor business sites in El Segundo and mother of Clifford Einstein and Albert Brooks, and John Hauck, brother of former Recreation & Parks Director Stacia Mancini CELEBRATIONS - Birth of Emily Michelle Plumlee daughter of Bret and Michele Plumlee. ADJOURNMENT at 8 30 p m. Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 7, 2006 PAGE NO 8 069 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 20, 2006 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding the award of a contract to Damon Construction for repair and maintenance of curbs, sidewalk and curb ramps citywide - Project No PW 06 -05 (Fiscal Impact = $92,386 00) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION. Recommendation — (1) Award contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Damon Construction, in the amount of $92,386.00; (2) Authorize the City Manager to execute the contract on behalf of the City; (3) Alternatively discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: The project is an annual contract for curb and sidewalk repair throughout the City On April 4, 2006 the City Council approved plans and specifications and authorized staff to advertise the project for receipt of construction bids On May 23, 2006 the City Clerk received and opened five (5) bids Staff recommends award of contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Damon Construction, in the amount of $92,386 00 (Background and Discussion continue on the next page... ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Map of proposed locations FISCAL IMPACT. Capital Improvement Program- $40,00000 Operating Budget $50,00000 Amount Requested: $92,38600 Account Number- 106 - 400 - 8203 -6206 ($40,000) 001- 400 - 4202 -6206 ($50,000) Project Phase. Award of contract Appropriation Required, Yes $2,386 00 (106 -400- 8203 -8608) ORIGIN ED DATE. St ve Fint (rector of Public Works �G REVIEW j DATE: 6 1? Jeff , City Manager 7 BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION CONTINUED: BID RESULTS 1 Damon Construction Co $ 92,386 00 2 Y &M Construction $ 97,127 50 3 M 3 Services $115,61707 4 CJ Concrete Construction, Inc. $133,010.00 5 Belaire -West Landacape, Inc $152,48800 ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION The budget for this project is $90,000.00 ($40,000 00 through the FY 2005 -06 Capital Improvement Program and $50,000 00 through Public Works Department operating budget) An additional appropriation in the amount of $2,386.00 is required to fund the proposed contract Gas tax funds are available to cover the requested appropriation from the balance of appropriations remaining after completion of the Continental Boulevard rehabilitation 0171 N 54' ul Z f r I IT ydW 4V i o �. tt MAIN ST I V 4 1 ,m 4 I ° A i m = I0 O m f D i _j °0 l WASHINGTON ST CDle CL S SEPULVEDA NSEPULVEDA BLVD L% m 0 m w I I CD CD 8 p t 6 I '�jljl Vr I 4 3 44 CD CD V� ___.__ 44 � — _ '�• ) I�AVIATION BLVD�� II lr t {( EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 20, 2006 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding the approval of Contract Change Orders in conjunction with construction of the Douglas Street Gap Closure Project. (Fiscal Impact = $71,490.76) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Recommendation - (1) Authorize the Director of Public Works to execute Change Orders Numbers 2, 3, 6 and 8 to the existing Public Works Agreement with SEMA Construction, Inc in the total amount of $71,490 76, and (2) Alternatively discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: On June 21, 2005, the City entered into a Public Works Agreement in the amount of $19,939,025 with SEMA Construction, Inc for construction of the Douglas Street Gap Closure Project City Council also authorized a construction contingency in the amount of 10% of the contract amount ($1,923,903) for additional work required due to potential unforeseen conditions (Please see 'Background and Discussion" on following page) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Maps of completed work (2 pgs ) FISCAL IMPACT: Capital Improvement Program- Operating Budget: Amount Requested: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required BY• $1,923,900 $71,49076 301- 400 - 8203 -8949 ($32,543,050) Construction No Finton,'birector of Public Works Jeff x110/ DATE: C� Y3 8 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION- (continued) Status Construction has been underway since November 28, 2005 and the work is on schedule for completion in July 2007. To date, most of the work has been related to utility relocations and storm drain construction (see attached map) Below is a status of the completion of the main elements of the project Item of Work % . - Edison Electrical System 60% Oil Line relocations Shell /Crimson - ExxonMobil 100% Pacific Pipeline 15% SBC Relocation 60% Storm Drains 50% City Water Mains 30% County Water Main 60% Excavation for roadway 10% Retaining Walls for Roadway 30% Pedestrian Bride - Railroad Bride - Shoofl 40% Transit Center Parkin Lot - Traffic Signal - Street Lighting Payments and Grant Reimbursement Payments to contractor to date $4,290,322 79 (22% of contract) Grant reimbursements received to date $3,221,748.25 Approval of Change Orders As the work progresses, unforeseen conditions may require the contractor to perform work at additional cost under a change order. Also, if a more efficient way to construct the project is identified, cost savings can be accomplished through credit change orders To date, four change orders have been negotiated It is recommended that Council authorize the Director of Public Works to execute the change orders described below The change order numbers are referenced by the Construction Engineer's numbering system and are not in sequence As issues are encountered during construction, change order numbers are assigned to each issue such that any additional costs can be tracked separately Staff has deemed Change Orders 2, 3, 6 and 8 to be valid and negotiated change order costs with the contractor Change Orders 1, 4, 5, and 7 are still issues that may or may not result in formal contract change orders to be considered by Council 6 74 This change order changes ➢ Increase diameter of Los Angeles County Department of Public ($8,82900 Works barrier water main from 45" to 48 ". 48" pipe is more readily credit) available and less expensive Los Angeles County approved the credit) change essential due to the construction of a parallel transmission main ➢ Increase the length and diameter of jacked steel casing from 85 to $87,93700 160 feet and increase the diameter from 54" to 60" This casing will house the County's water main Extending the casing Douglas intersection could not be constructed per plan due to enhanced the constructability and expedited the work. ➢ Install 1,937 Lineal Feet of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) ($109,583 61 storm drain pipe in lieu of the same length of Reinforced Concrete credit) Pipe (RCP) in non - traffic bearing locations. HDPE pipe is much easier to install and provides comparable structural support. Total Change for Change Order No 2 (30,465 61 credit) This change order ➢ Delete the contract item for installation of 1,100 lineal feet of 12" ($173,600 00 water main Much of this water main was determined to be non- credit) essential due to the construction of a parallel transmission main under this project The remainder of the main in the Park Place Douglas intersection could not be constructed per plan due to underground conflicts. Therefore, staff recommends deleting the item and renegotiating for a price to install the remainder of the main per a different design Deletion will have no effect on the function of the City's waters stem ➢ Construct modifications to the water system in the Park $143,61925 Place /Douglas Intersection As indicated in the above, the water mains in the intersection of Park Place and Douglas could not be constructed per plan due to various underground conflicts The ultimate installation was more difficult to install due to additional depth and utilities to protect Staff negotiated a price to install the mains according to a new design Additionally, an additional 8" water main crossing was installed near Rosecrans Avenue to maintain water service to customers on the east side of Douglas Street during construction and to enhance water quality ➢ Pothole existing utilities. This work includes digging to find utilities $25,00000 in conflict with construction. Doing so before construction saves money because plans can be made to avoid or relocate the conflict and reduce delay claims by the contractor ➢ Relocate water mains City water mains were discovered to be in $96,94712 conflict with storm drain construction at 5 locations The water mains were relocated the vicinity of the storm drain alignment Total Change for Change Order No 3 $91,966.37 v 7,, This change order accomplishes the ➢ Substitute Crushed Miscellaneous Base for Crushed Aggregate ($36,26072 Base Material This material is used under the roadway and credit) parking lot to provide additional strength Crushed Aggregate Base is composed of all virgin aggregate Crushed Miscellaneous Base consists of a blend of virgin and recycled aggregates and is less expensive and more readily available The substitution will not affect the strength of the roadway ➢ Steel prices escalated after the bid opening and the contractor $36,26072 submitted a claim for escalation in price for steel bridge components Bid prices are fixed for sixty days after bid opening Due to delays in executing the contract past the sixty days, the City was exposed to escalation claims By executing this change, the contractor has agreed to shield the City from all other potential cost escalation claims with the exception of asphalt concrete Total Change for Change Order No 6 $000 This change order accomplishes the following changes. ➢ Compensation to contractor for apprentice training Incompliance $10,000.00 with Federal Funding Requirements, the contract documents require that the contractor provide apprentice training. The contract requires that the City reimburse the contractor $0 80 per hour per apprentice trained It is estimated the 12 apprentices will be trained for 6 months The amount of this change order is an estimate The contractor will only be reimbursed for the actual hours of training provided not to exceed the change order amount. Total Chanqe for Chanqe Order No. 8 $10,00006- Balance of Contingencv City Council authorized a 10% contingency ($1,923,903) to cover additional work discovered during construction The following indicates the balance of available contingency funding Contingency Amount $1,923,903.00 _ Total of Change Orders to date $71,490 76 Balance of Contingency Funding Additional Change Orders $1,852,412.24 Additional change orders have been encountered and are currently being negotiated These change orders will be submitted for Council consideration in the future Staff continues to work with the contractor and the construction manager to mitigate additional costs and to identify and implement measures to reduce costs c;Y6 Douglas Street Gap Closure Completed Work June 12, 2006 Amy / ;�♦ prop, aTr � ans'tC ♦ � ` \ ` egfer X/, \ Legend Electrical System •� Complete Storm Drain Complete Water Mains Complete .............. Retaining Walls r • �'• Complete . RR Shoolfly Ballast • r Complete r �` c / *3w; 0, � I Oero T ✓ J 1 ; rn Se e,}f O A � d`9e Douglas Street Gap Closure Completed Work June 12, 2006 1 `j �j� x Legend Storm Drain Complete RR Shoolfly Ballast Complete Rosecrans Ave. v m c 0 w m Q EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA MEETING DATE- June 20, 2006 AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agen( Consideration and possible action regarding award of contract to S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc for construction related to Group 9 (25 residences) and Professional Building Contractors, Inc for construction related to Group 10 (23 residences) of the Residential Sound Insulation Program (Estimated construction cost and retention $2,075,610) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION. 1) Award contract to S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc , 2) Award contract to Professional Budding Contractors, Inc , 3) Authorize the City Manager to execute construction contracts in a form approved by the City Attorney, and 4) Alternatively discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: On May 25, 2006 the City Clerk's office opened sealed bids for Group 9 (RSI 06 -03) and Group 10 (RSI 06 -04) of the City's Residential Sound Insulation Program Two bids were received for each group and the results of the bid openings were as follows Group 9 (RSI 06 -03) 1 S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc $ 848,200 00 2 Professional Building Contractors, Inc $ 888,200 00 Group 10 (RSI 06 -04) 1 Professional Building Contractors, Inc $1,038,718 00 2 S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc $1,100,600 00 (Please see attached page entitled "Background and Discussion ") ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS' 1) Bidder's Proposal and Statement from S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc for Group 9 2) Bidder's Proposal and Statement from Professional Building Contractors, Inc. for Group 10 FISCAL IMPACT Operating Budget $2,500,000 Amount Requested $2,075,610 Account Number: 116 -400- 0000 -8960 Bid Groups: 9 and 10 Appropriation Required, X Yes _ No ORIGINATED. DATE. June 1 20U6 Seimone J r i e r of Planning and Building Safety REVIEW DATE: Je Yar�tCityManager 9 07,j Backaround and Discussion (cont. A review of the Bid from S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc for Group 9 was performed, and proved to be responsive S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc is performing construction work on Groups 5 (31 residences), Group 6 (36 residences), Group 7 (21 residences) and Group 8 (24 residences) on the City's RSI Program A review of the Bid from Professional Building Contractors, Inc for Group 10 was performed, and proved to be responsive S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc performed the construction work on Group 3 (49 residences) of the City's RSI Program The amount requested for the contract with S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc would be $933,020, which includes the Total Bid of $848,200 00 from S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc and an additional 10% of that Total Bid for potential change orders related to unforeseen conditions The amount requested for the contract with Professional Building Contractors, Inc would be $1,142,590, which includes the Total Bid of $1,038,718 00 from Professional Building Contractors, Inc , and an additional 10% of that Total Bid for potential change orders due to unforeseen conditions The contracts differ in their amounts due to the scopes of work associated with the individual residences being treated in each Group Group 9 (25 residences) is comprised of seven (7) single family homes and eighteen (18) multi -family units, while Group 10 is comprised of twenty (20) single family homes and three (3) multi -family units The cost difference between groups can also be attributed to the scopes of work being customized to each residence, including the number of windows and doors to be replaced, the mechanical equipment to be installed to provide proper ventilation, "Upgrades" requested by some property owners, and other necessary improvements as determined by the architects and engineers The bids for Group 9 were within 5% difference of each other, and the bids for Group 10 were within 6% of each other, typical of tight and accurate bidding and detailed specifications and scopes of work As City Council is aware, eighty percent (80 %) of costs associated with the Residential Sound Insulation Program are covered by federal grant funding from the FAA Remaining expenses, with the exception of elective "Owner Upgrades" selected by property owners, are now covered by the new settlement with Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) To date, the RSI Program has completed work on 323 residences It is anticipated that at the completion of Group 10, 411 residences will have been completed by the City's RSI Program With the new funding from LAWA, it is anticipated that the program will treat 300 residences annually Construction at the new pace is expected to begin in January 2007 with Group 11, as these designs are currently being completed �D BIDDERS'S PROPOSAL AND STATEMENT CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Project Number RSI 06 -03 "Residential Sound Insulation Program — Group 9" PROPOSAL To the Mayoi and City Council City of El Segundo 350 Main St Et Segundo, CA 90245 The undersigned declares that he/she has carefully examined the location of the proposed work and has otherwise satisfied himself/herself as to the nature and location of the work, and is full informed as to all conditions and matters which can in any way affect the work or cost thereof, that he /she has examined the Contract Documents, and has read the accompanying `BIDDING INSTRUCTIONS" and hereby agrees to provide the following To furnish all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, and services and to do all the work required for the "Residential Sound Insulation Program — Group 9" in strict conformity with the Contract Documents and at the following lump sum price, to Wit ID Address Description Property Cost Subtotal 901 770 W Imperial Avenue #100 RSI Improvements $ �t8,� $��� °° 902 770 W imperial Ave #5 RSl Improvements i $ It vma l 901 310 W Imperial Ave #5 RSI Improvements � $ -zS v Air Conditioning and all associated electrical 3 \ODD 904 1 947 Virginia Street RSI Improvements $ 111D Pm $ 4O =°' 905 941 Loma Vista Street RSI Improvements $ 3Ak lOtvA $ 3N z� 906 621 West Walnut Avenue RSI Improvements $ `,50 ZmC $ 907 948 Cedar Street Unit A RSI Improvements $3� \ODD°° Air Conditioning and all associated electrical $ 908 948 Cedar Street, Unit B RSI Improvements $ Z4 Ou---> $ 909 948 Cedar Street, Unit C RSI Improvements $ ZU u. $ O ccu" 9 10 1000 East Acacia Avenue RSI Improvements $ IS tAD °' ou \mow Gara e windows 9 11 ] 022 E Imperial Ave #I RSI Improvements 9 12 1022 E Imperial Ave #2 RSI Improvements $Z pbPD Bidder's Proposal and Statement Group 9 City of El Segundo Residential Sound Insulation Program r 8.1 � 9 13 1022 E Imperial Ave #3 RSI Improvements $ O`° $ 3o-m 9 14 1022 E Imperial Ave #4 RSI Improvements $3 ls:t; D $ 9 15 1022 E Imperial Ave #5 RSI Improvements $ 23 tom"' _ 9 16 1022 E Imperial Ave #6 RSI improvements $33,°on°' 9 17 1026 E Imperial Ave 41 RSI Improvements $ 3 S cl °' $ 3'S IOVO.a 9 18 1026 E Imperial Ave #2 RSI Improvements $ zok t°' 9 19 1026 E Imperial Ave #3 RSI Improvements $ 920 1026 E Imperial Ave 44 RSI Improvements $ 921 1026 E Imperial Ave #5 RSI Improvements $ 214% ,Oblty $ iOiA w 922 1026 E Imperial Ave #6 RSI Improvements $ 372 Ott°" $ 923 833 Sheldon Street RSI Improvements $ Windows #13 and #14 1J' 9 24 746 Loma Vista Street RSl Improvements $ ak NJ D $ 36� km'-° 925 941 Virginia Street RSI Improvements SA-k.rzvf7 $ 4-�r Total vBid (Contract Sum) c (words) (figures) In case of discrepancy between the words and figures. the words must prevail NOTICE. BIDDERS WILL NOT BE RELEASED DUE TO ERRORS AND ILLEGIBLE BIDS MUST BE DISQUALIFIED NOTICE: Total Bid (Contract Sum) must equal the total of Schedule of Values. If the Total Bid does not equal the total of the Schedule of Values, it is grounds for rejection of the Bid. Furthermore, inconsistencies between the Schedule of Values and the Plans for each Dwelling are grounds for rejection of the Bid This bid is based upon completing the work as set in the Construction Schedule published in the Contract Documents If awarded the contract for the Work, the undersigned hereby agrees to sign the contract and furnish the necessary bonds not more than ten (10) calendar days after Notice to Proceed date Bidder s Proposal and Statement 2 City of El Segundo Group 9 Residential Sound Insulation Program 08� Enclosed is a Bidder's Bond, certified check or cashier's check, which is not less than ten percent (10 %), as a guarantee that the undersigned will enter into the contract if awarded to the undersigned The undersigned further agrees that in case of default in executing the required contract with necessary bonds and insurance, within the time limits above specified, said bonds or check and money payable therein must be fortified to and become the property of the City of El Segundo, State of California Name of Firm�i�� 3!5 s. F- rzt.nlU�• SFr-cP�- Address �1'r; ctt. -e- 1 32-1) Telephone Number 3iJ� " 4-7 Contractor's License Number l "/ (10 l ( 0 Type of License B (2/ a b 1 License Expiration Date - -3 1 - 07 Type of Entity 11 Sole Proprietorship ❑ Partnership corpomtion 0 Other Bidder's Proposal and Statement Group 9 City of El Segundo Residential Sound Insulation Prog" ,� BIDDERS'S PROPOSAL AND STATEMENT CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Project Number RSI 06 -04 "Residential Sound Insulation Program - Group 10" PROPOSAL To the Mayor and City Council City of El Segundo 350 Main St. El Segundo, CA 90245 The undersigned declares that he /she has carefully examined the location of the proposed work and has otherwise satisfied himself/herself as to the nature and location of the work, and is full informed as to all conditions and matters which can in any way affect the work or cost thereof, that he /she has examined the Contract Documents, and has read the accompanying "BIDDING INSTRUCTIONS" and hereby agrees to provide the following To furnish all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, and services and to do all the work required for the "Residential Sound Insulation Program - Group 10" in strict conformity with the Contract Documents and at the following lump sum price, to Wit Bidder's Proposal and Statement Group 10 City of El Segundo Residential Sound Insulation Program lfJ JAddress Property ID Description IS Cost Subtotal; 1001 770 W Imperial Avenue RSI Improvements #63 x�G S�� , 1002 905 Dune Street 1 RSI Improvements S Doors B, C, and D S , upgrades - 110 03 738 Redwood Avenue RSI Improvements S"- ' Door B Upgrade S S 1004 654 W Sycamore Avenue RSI improvements $ 1005 646 W Sycamore Avenue RSI Improvements S Door C Upgrade $ �` G Window tint $ Air Conditioning and all $ associated electrical S 10 06 415 West Palm Avenue RSI Improvements $ .V Door C upgrade $ 7 l(p Window tint $ q $ 7 10 07 617 Whiting Street RSI Improvements $ Q ;f z Window grilles S 10 08 224 West Maple Avenue RSI Improvements 0 $ 47,t �e° 3 Provide pull down stairs $ /1 S y3� Bidder's Proposal and Statement Group 10 City of El Segundo Residential Sound Insulation Program lfJ 1009 201 West Maple Avenue RSI Improvements $ 3 I $ 11 10 10 935 Cypress Street RSI Improvements $ Z $ 4 10 11 324 East Acacia Avenue RS1 Improvements $ 7 $ 7:5,732 Hardware at Door A $ 10 12 925 Eucalyptus Drive RSI Improvements $ 3/0 3 $ 56 Z65 10 13 920 Eucalyptus Drive RSI Improvements $ 4 $ 7 a 1014 835 Eucalyptus Drive RSI Improvements $ / $ " 10 15 307 East Walnut Avenue RSI Improvements $ Air Conditioning and all associated electrical $ 10 16 217 E Sycamore Avenue RSI Improvements $ 7-757 $ Gi 785% Op ue lass at Door E $ 7 LV, 10 17 808 McCarthy Court RSI Improvements $ 21 Door A Upgrade $ Q Hardware at Doors A & B $ 10 18 831 Bungalow Drive RSI Improvements Window & Door tint 10.19 205 E Maple Avenue, Unit A RSI Improvements $ Air Conditioning and all associated electrical $ 7,-) 1020 205 E Maple Avenue, Unit B RSI Improvements $ �J _ $�(1 fJ / Air Conditioning and all associated electrical $ �,t 1021 747 Virginia Street RSI Improvements $ 41 6� ilo r $ 7 / 06 C Garage window $ / �� 1022 750 Loma Vista Street I RSI Improvements $' /r 4c Air Conditioning and all associated electrical $ `, ,' +o. Textured glass for Door B 1 $ 10 23 629 West Oak Avenue RSI Improvements $, Window and Door brit $ _Low E glass at Doors A -C $rc % Cl Door A upgrades Total Bid (Contract Sum) / r c� i�(i tt 11tI /CiCIFJ 7it�� �t (!C�1 Iii 4e-I /il�Cf�l % (words) (figures) In case of discrepancy between the words and figures, the words must prevail NOTICE: BIDDERS WILL NOT BE RELEASED DUE TO ERRORS AND ILLEGIBLE BIDS MUST BE DISQUALIFIED NOTICE: Total Bid (Contract Sum) must equal the total of Schedule of Values, If the Total Bid does not equal the total of the Schedule of Values, it is grounds for Bidder's Proposal and Statement 2 City of El Segundo Group 10 Residential Sound Insulation Program p rejection of the Bid. Furthermore, inconsistencies between the Schedule of Values and the Plans for each Dwelling are grounds for rejection of the Bid This bid is based upon completing the work as set in the Construction Schedule published in the Contract Documents If awarded the contract for the Work, the undersigned hereby agrees to sign the contract and furnish the necessary bonds not more than ten (10) calendar days after Notice to Proceed date Enclosed is a Bidder's Bond, certified check or cashier's check, which is not less than ten percent (10 %), as a guarantee that the undersigned will enter into the contract if awarded to the undersigned. The undersigned further agrees that in case of default in executing the required contract with necessary bonds and insurance, within the time limits above specified, said bonds or check and money payable therein must be fortified to and become the property of the City of El Segundo, State of California Name of Firm Address- Telephone Number Contractor's License Number 1` 125 Sheldon St., El Segundo, CA 90245 310 -524 -0590 765663 Type of License Class B License Expiration Date 7/31/07 Type of Entity, El Sole Proprietorship El Partnership:gCorporation ❑ Other I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct Contractor Representative Title Ridiard S. WiLliaw President Signature Dated this 25th day of 2006 If Corporation, please attach evidence of authority to sign. Bidder's Proposal and Statement Group 10 City of El Segundo Residential Sound Insulation Program �' c U EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 20, 2006 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING. Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION, Consideration and possible action to accept the project for surface refurbishment of seven (7) tennis courts and a basketball court at Recreation Park (339 Sheldon Street) Approved Capital Improvement Project - Project No PW 06 -02 - (Final Contract Amount = $ 31,960 ) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION- Recommendation — (1) Accept the work as complete, (2) Authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office, and (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: On March 21, 2006, the City Council awarded a contract to Trueline in the amount of $31, 960 for the surface refurbishment of seven (7) tennis courts and a basketball court at Recreation Park All work has now been completed to the satisfaction of the City and staff recommends acceptance of the project The final contract amount is $31,960 ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Notice of Completion FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget Capital Improvement Program- Amount Requested. Account Number: Project Phase. Appropriation Required, $40,000 $31,960 301 -400- 8202 -8644 Accept the work as complete No ORIGINATED J" DATE: June 6, 2006 St ven Firiton _ Director of Public., Works At 10 Recording Requested by and When Recorded Mail To: City Clerk, City Hall 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Project Name Tennis Courts and Basketball Court Surface Refurbishment Project No PW 06 -02 Notice is hereby given pursuant to State of California Civil Code Section 3093 et seq that 1 The undersigned is an officer of the owner of the interest stated below in the property hereinafter described 2 The full name of the owner is City of El Segundo 3 The full address of the owner is City Hall, 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA, 90245 4 The nature of the interest of the owner is Public Recreation Park 5 A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was field reviewed by the City Engineer on June 6, 2006 The work done was Surface refurbishment of seven (7) tennis courts and a basketball court 6 On June 20, 2006, City Council of the City of El Segundo accepted the work of this contract as being complete and directed the recording of this Notice of Completion in the Office of the County Recorder 7 The name of the Contractor for such work of improvement was Trueline 8 The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, and is described as follows City recreation facilities 9 The street address of said property is 339 Sheldon Street Dated Steve Finton City Engineer VERIFICATION I, the undersigned, say I am the Director of Public Works /City Engineer of the City El Segundo, the declarant of the foregoing Notice of Completion. I have read said Notice of Completion and know the contents thereof, the same is true of my own knowledge I declare under penalty of per jury the foregoing is true and correct Executed on , 2006 at El Segundo, California Steve Fenton Director of Public Works /City Engineer Notice of Completions \PW 06 -02 lfl 0 0 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT DESCRIPTION. MEETING DATE. June 20, 2006 AGENDA HEADING, Consent Agar Consideration and possible action to accept the project for Installation of American with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant Automatic Doors at the west entrance to City Hall (outside City Council chambers), and the main entrance of the Police Department Approved Capital Improvement Project - Project No PW 05 -13, CDBG Project No 600803 -05 (Final Contract Amount = $ 37,250) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION- Recommendation — (1) Accept the work as complete, (2) Authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office, and (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: On February 7, 2006, the City Council awarded a contract to Don La Force Associates Inc , in the amount of $37,250 for the installation of ADA doors at the west entrance to the City Hall and the main entrance of the Police Department All work has now been completed to the satisfaction of the City and staff recommends acceptance of the project This project is funded by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS- Notice of Completion FISCAL IMPACT. Operating Budget. Capital Improvement Program: Amount Requested. Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required: $60,000 $37,250 111 -400- 2781 -8498 Accept the work as complete No ORIGIN TED DATE. June 6, 2006 Cfnvan Finfnn niranfnr of Pi iKhr 1A /nrke 089 1 1 Recording Requested by and When Recorded Mail To: City Clerk, City Hall 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Project Name Installation of ADA Automatic Doors at the City Hall and Police Department Project No PIN 05 -13 Notice is hereby given pursuant to State of California Civil Code Section 3093 et seq that 1 The undersigned is an officer of the owner of the interest stated below in the property hereinafter described 2 The full name of the owner is City of El Segundo 3 The full address of the owner is City Hall, 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA, 90245 4 The nature of the interest of the owner is Public Buildings 5 A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was field reviewed by the City Engineer on June 9, 2006 The work done was Installation of ADA Doors at the West Entrance to the City Hall and the Main Entrance to the Police Department 6 On June 20, 2006, City Council of the City of El Segundo accepted the work of this contract as being complete and directed the recording of this Notice of Completion in the Office of the County Recorder 7 The name of the Contractor for such work of improvement was Don La Force Associates Inc 8 The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, and is described as follows City Buildings 9 The street address of said property is 348, 350 Main Street Dated Steve Finton City Engineer VERIFICATION I, the undersigned, say I am the Director of Public Works /City Engineer of the City El Segundo, the declarant of the foregoing Notice of Completion. I have read said Notice of Completion and know the contents thereof, the same is true of my own knowledge I declare under penalty of per jury the foregoing is true and correct Executed on 2006 at El Segundo, California Steve Finton Director of Public Works /City Engineer Notice of CompletionsTV106 -02 U J U EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA MEETING DATE: June 20, 2006 AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda Consideration and possible action regarding the approval of the examination plans and revised class specifications for the Personnel Merit System fob classifications of Battalion Chief and Fire Engineer RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Approve the Examination Plans for Battalion Chief and Fire Engineer, 2) Delete current class specifications for Battalion Chief and Fire Engineer, 3) Approve and add revised class specifications for Battalion Chief and Fire Engineer; 4) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: Section 1 -6 -9 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, entitled "Examinations ", provides that the Personnel Officer shall review and recommend to the City Manager, who in turn shall recommend to the City Council, an appropriate examination plan and weights for each portion of the examination for Personnel Merit System fob classifications Approval of exam plans for Merit System job classifications in all City Departments has been required since the passage of initiative Ordinance No 586 in April 1962 ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Revised class specifications for Battalion Chief and Fire Engineer FISCAL IMPACT- None Operating Budget: Amount Requested* Account Number. Project Phase- Appropriation Required: _Yes X No ORIGINATED: REVIEWED kire Chief DATE. June 6, 2006 DATE: (/13/6( ci9 2 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION Cont.: For departments other than the Police and Fire Departments, the plan may consist of any one or combination of the following techniques 1 Written, 2 Oral, 3 Demonstration, 4 Any evaluation of education, experience, or skills or physical fitness, which fairly evaluated the relative capacities of the applicants Police and Fire Departments: The examination plan, for entrance or promotional, for the Police and Fire Departments, shall consist of a written examination and one or more of the following Oral, Demonstration, Any evaluation of education certification, experience, or skills or any test of manual skills or physical fitness, which fairly evaluates the relative capacities of the applicant The current need for these exams is in anticipation of vacancies.in these ranks as a result of projected retirements The last recruitment process for these positions were developed and conducted by an outside testing firm and the proposed exams will be developed and conducted in house by Fire Department and Human Resources Division staff Battalion Chief (Closed Promotional /Open Competitive) Written Exercise Weighted 20% Structured Technical and Career Preparation Interview Weighted 40% Tactical Exercise(s) Weighted 40% Candidates must pass each phase in order to be placed on the eligibility list Fire Engineer Written Test (multiple choice) (Closed Promotional) Weighted 25% Candidates must achieve a score of 70% or higher on the written test in order to continue in the examination process Performance Test Weighted 75% Pre -trip Inspection 10% Driving 15% Street Driving Rodeo Driving Pumping Operations 25% Aerial Ladder Operations 25% L192 Candidates must pass each phase of the performance test - Pre -trip, Driving, Pumping Operations, and Aerial Ladder Operations, in order to have their name entered on a promotional employment eligibility list Should a candidate fail any portion of the driving tests, or be deemed to operate any piece of equipment in an unsafe manner, he /she will not be allowed to continue in the examination process Revisions to the class specification for Fire Engineer include changing the experience requirement from a vague statement of any combination of education and /or experience that has provided the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for satisfactoryjob performance to two years experience as a full -time firefighter with the El Segundo Fire Department Additions to desirable education /training include Fire Apparatus Driver /Operator 1A and IB and State Firefighter I and II certification Changes were also made to the special requirements of the position to address agreements from the El Segundo Firefighters' Association Memorandum of Understanding These changes include the additional requirement for candidates for Engineer to possess a valid Class "A" California driver's license as of August 24, 2006 The exam plan for the position has been amended to include the breakdown of the weights of the various test phases Revisions to the class specification for Battalion Chief include making possession of a Chief Officer certification desirable instead of a requirement The exam plan for the position has been amended to allow for a Closed Promotional /Open Competitive exam instead of the Closed Promotional only 093 City of El Segundo, CA Job Description Job Code* 403 BATTALION CHIEF Definition Under general direction, plans and manages designated operations of the City's Fire Department in providing fire suppression, prevention, inspection, emergency medical services, disaster preparedness and /or hazardous materials programs Essential Functions: Essential functions, as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act, may include the following duties and responsibilities, knowledge, skills and other characteristics This list of duties and responsibilities is ILLUSTRATIVE ONLY, and is not a comprehensive listing of all functions and tasks performed by positions in this class Characteristic Duties and Responsibilities Positions in this classification typically perform a full range of duties at a level of complexity represented by the following types of responsibilities Reviews and develops policy and procedures related to assigned function(s), assists the Chief in the efficient operation of the Department overall Responds to and establishes the incident Command Post for a full range of emergency situations including fires, hazardous materials incidents, mass casualties, explosions, radioactive materials, entrapments, vehicle accidents, bomb threats, acts of civil disobedience and violence, responds to mutual /automatic aid to assist other jurisdictions, conducts field inspections of fire, hazardous materials and emergency management operations, directs the preparation of activity reports, special reports and other communication Develops comprehensive plans to meet the City's future needs for fire, hazardous materials and /or emergency management services, manages and coordinates activities with those of other agencies, monitors and maintains appropriate City involvement in multi - jurisdictional matters Provides leadership, program development, administration and coordination of designated Department operations, special projects and services, monitors for compliance with City and Department policy and procedures and Federal, State and local codes and regulations, serves as liaison with the community, professional groups and other external contacts and resources for the City Identifies training needs, develops goals and objectives for Department and individual training activities, develops and delivers specific training programs applicable to all aspects of fire and Department related services, identifies external resources for providing training, maintains records and prepares reports, develop and monitor individual career development plans Coordinates designated Fire Department operations with activities of other programs, departments or staff to ensure program delivery according to appropriate policies, procedures and specifications, confers with and advises staff and the public in providing advice, problem solving assistance, answers to questions and interpretation of Department procedures, goals and policy Participates in the development of the annual budget including personnel, training, equipment, materials requirements and capital improvements, makes revenue and expenditure projections, develops program budgets, monitors budget expenditures and authorizes purchasing, monitors and evaluates program costs Resolves discrepancies or procedural problems and responds to program administration and /or delivery questions ensuring necessary follow -up occurs, assists with, provides input and monitors Department records for operational and budget development and accountability, maintains records, conducts research 0191 and writes comprehensive reports, prepares and presents written and oral reports to other City departments, City Council, commissions, task forces, agencies and other groups Directly and through subordinate supervisors, hires, directs work efforts and evaluates staff, provides for and /or conducts staff development, establishes work methods and standards, initiates corrective and /or disciplinary action and responds to grievances and complaints according to established personnel policies and procedures and in consultation with the Chief and Human Resources Knowledge Skills and Other Characteristics, Knowledge of principles, practices and techniques of fire prevention, suppression, inspection, hazardous materials and emergency management Knowledge of fire department organization and management Knowledge of techniques and equipment used in fire fighting Knowledge of labor relations, negotiations and labor law Knowledge of adult learning principles Knowledge of automated business computing systems Knowledge of the principles and practices of effective management and supervision Knowledge of protect management principles and practices Skill in the conduct of all facets of fire management and fieldwork Skill in program development, implementation and evaluation Skill developing and delivering professional and technical training Skill in conducting complex procedural and statistical analyses Skill in assessing objectives and operational requirements to develop and implement appropriate policies and procedures for the City and the Department Skill in managing, developing, motivating and evaluating professional and support staff Skill in managing special projects, activities and programs Skill in conducting research and preparing clear, concise and comprehensive reports Skill in understanding and applying complex regulations, procedures and guidelines Skill in communicating effectively orally and In writing Skill in the use of personal computers and office/financial related software in a Windows -based operating environment Skill working under pressure, handling significant problems and tasks that arise simultaneously and /or unexpectedly Skill establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with staff, other City employees, and the public Licensing /Certification Reauirements Possession of current EMT and CPBXerhficphons ossession of a valid Class C California driver's license,and a satisfactory driving record Possession of State Chief Officer Certification is desirable Qualifications Candidates for in -house Battalion Chief promotional examinations shall be required to have eight (8) years experience in the fire service including 4 years as a Fire Captain and possess a Bachelors 4egree or 10 years of service as a Fire Captain with the El Segundo Fire Department If the promotional testing is declared to be open - competitive, the requirements for outside candidates shall be equivalent to the educational requirements and /or equivalent to the time in rank in a fuli4ime professional fire department (Bachelor's degree or equivalent iUaquired effective July 1, 2006) Deleted -1 Deleted Cendicatlon 1 Deleted State Chief Officer Certification or equivalent ¶ Deleted approprutte to egmpmenit �I operatatl Deleted Degree , Deleted Deleted 005 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FIRE ENGINEER DEFINITION Under general supervision, drives, operates, and maintains firefighting apparatus and related equipment, responds to fire and other emergency calls, fights fire, mitigates hazardous materials emergencies, and provides other services, performs related duties as required EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Duties may Include, but are not limited to, the following 1 Inspects fire vehicles to ensure presence of appropriate equipment and operational efficiency, cleans and performs minor maintenance, drives firefighting apparatus and other units to emergency sites in a safe and efficient manner, locates hydrants, attaches hoses, and operates pumps at proper pressures, evaluates adequacy of water system and available water supply 2 Participates In fire extinguishment, ventilation, salvage, rescue, and other operations, operates various firefighting, control, and rescue equipment such as pumps, ladders, air chisel, and extrication tools, lays hose lines and directs water streams into fires 3 Provides emergency medical services to Individuals In need of such care, provides care consistent with standards and permitted procedures established for patient care 4 Inspects and clean ;various firefighting equipment and apparatus, performs routine and preventive maintenance on equipment as necessary, assists In maintaining clean and orderly conditions in and about the fire station 5 Participates in inspections of public and commercial buildings for fire prevention and target hazard Identification and review 6 Participates in training and development activities to maintain current knowledge of technological advancements, geographical layout of streets and addresses, operation of all fire apparatus, and other relevant Information 7 Interacts with and represents the Department to the community and the public at large 8 May participate in special projects, develop and /or conduct training, maintain records, prepare reports, and perform work assignments while serving on various committees 9 May provide direction and training to Firefighter personnel and serve as acting Captain as required { Education and /or Experience ,Two years experience as a full -time firefighter with the El Segundo Fire Department The following education /trammq � Supplemental specialized training in .fire lechnologv. in the areas of fire hydraulics apparatus equipment and tactics and strategy Deleted Deleted J Deleted. Any combination of education and /or experience Nat has provided the knowledge skills and abilities necessary for satisfactory job performance Example cumbmabons Include t Deleted r (�- Dee-lleted.TT Formatted Font Anal Deleted,, ,l Formatted Indent Left 05" j Formatted Font Anal F Deleted F �1 { Formatted Font Anal Deleted supplemented by specialized training in Fire Technology 096 FIRE ENGINEER Pane 2 California State Fire Marshal Training and Educaboncourses in the areas of Fire Command tA, Fire - Command 1B Fire Prevention 1A Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator 1A and Fire Apparatus Driver /Operator 1 B_ Possession of a California State Firefighter I andJl certificate I. Knowledoe. Skills. and Abilities Considerable knowledge of fire safety laws and ordinances, firefighting methods and techniques, operation and maintenance of pumping engines and ladder trucks, practical/ applied hydraulics, location of hydrants and water mains, traffic regulations and Crty, geography, principles and practices observed in rendering emergency medical services Knowledge of firefighting strategy and tactics, the Incident Command system, and alarm assignment responses Ability to drive and operate firefighting equipment skillfully under a variety of conditions, compute engine and nozzle pressures, act effectively and quickly In emergency situations, prepare manual drawings of locations to scale, read electrical, gas, water, and propane valves, work effectively and cooperatively with others, understand and follow verbal and written directions Special Requirements Possession ofva valid Class B California driver's license, and a satisfactory driving record, current EMT and CPR certifications Possession of a alid Class A California driver's license Is required after August 24 2006 Depending upon assignment, the followmgg_aniapauon may be regwred_ Breathing Apparatus Repast ,Examiner in the Department's DMV Employer Testing Program I. tire fire -eng wpd l Formatted• Normal, Justified Deleted 211 and tactics and strategy 9 I Deleted C _ z� Forman athW Indent Left 05" Deleted and Deleted 9 Deleted t Formatted. Indent First line 0 5" 1 Deleted. ¶ 1 Deleted. FIRE ENGINEER Papa 1t{ Deleted o,abilitytoobt.,h Deleted State Firefighting II certificate is desirable Deleted any or Deleted. I Formatted Indent First fine 0 5" I Deleted Certificate Deleted may be required Deleted- Function as an e Deleted 1 9 9 a A 7 P 1 A 1 P 7 P 9 1 A 7 a 097 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 20, 2006 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: New Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding adoption of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to bid and award contracts for equipment and vehicles funded in the FY 2005 -2006 Equipment Replacement Fund and approval to retire and surplus identified equipment and vehicles (Fiscal Impact = $873,538) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Recommendation 1) Adoption of Resolution; 2) Authorize Mayor to sign the Resolution, 3) Authorize staff to surplus and sell equipment and vehicles identified in Exhibit and /or, 4) Alternatively discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (Please see `Background and Discussion" on following page) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1 Resolution 2 Exhibit A — FY 2005 -2006 Equipment Replacement Recommendations FISCAL IMPACT- $873,538 Operating Budget: Amount Requested: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required: Equipment Replacement Funds $873,538 601 - 400 - 2601 -8105 ($64,298) 601 -400- 3101 -8105 ($288,520) 601 - 400 - 3202 -8105 ($7,000) 601 - 400 -4202 -8105 ($87,998) 601 - 400 -5102 -8105 ($69,200) 601 - 400 -4202 -8104 ($5,500) 601 -400- 5102 - 8104($8,500) Annual Purchase No Fmton,'Dlrector of Public Works 601 - 400 -4101 - 8105($44,950) 601 -400 -3201 - 8105($25,475) 601 -400- 3205 -8105 ($26,000) 601 - 400 -4205 -8105 ($66,309) 601 -400- 7102 -8105 ($148,394) 601 - 400 -4301 -8104 ($21,000) 601 -400- 7102 -8104 ($10,394) DATE: 6113 DATE: 098 13 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (continued) The City of El Segundo has an inventory of over 350 units including 220 pieces of equipment (i e , generators, mowers, compressors, etc) and 130 pieces of rolling stock The majority of the City's rolling stock is light duty vehicles such as sedans, pick -up trucks and SUVs The remaining stock is specialized units such as fire trucks, backhoes, dump trucks and tractor loaders Funding Each City department pays a capital recovery charge for each unit annually in the Equipment Replacement Fund The Fund allows departments to replace units in accord with the normal useful life of each unit In FY 2005 -2006, $2,603,500 was budgeted for vehicle and equipment replacement costs The last equipment replacement recommendations were approved by Council in FY 2001- 2002 for the purchase of nine units at a cost of $320,490 Since that time, equipment replacement has been deferred due to fiscal constraints. More vehicles and equipment require replacement this year due to the past deferrals. Redeployment of Used City Vehicles Many vehicles in the City fleet are redeployed once they are replaced by a new unit. For example, a police patrol car may be refurbished and redeployed as pool car. Then, the pool car that is replaced by that redeployed patrol car is sent to auction The same goes for many of the pick -up trucks in the Public Works and Recreation and Parks Departments The replacement budget for units that will be replaced by a redeployed unit is usually $5,000 These funds are used to refurbish units before they are deployed back into the fleet Interdepartmental Consultation Public Works Staff worked with staff from the Police, Fire and Recreation and Parks Departments to provide the vehicles and equipment that met their needs The City's inventory was evaluated considering age, mileage and mechanical condition. Based on that review, staff identified 29 units that require replacement, 13 units to deferto a subsequent year and 5 units that will be replaced with redeployed vehicles Purchasing Process Staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager or designee to bid and award contracts for the replacement of 29 units Staff will take all reasonable measures to obtain competitive pricing including soliciting bids and awarding contracts to the lowest responsible bidder, and /or piggybacking other governmental contracts such as the State of California and other counties, cities and special districts List of Vehicles and Equipment Exhibit A summarizes purchase, redeployment and surplus recommendations for FY 2005- 2006 The total estimated cost of purchases is $873,538 all of which is approved and available in the FY 2005 -2006 Equipment Replacement Fund Staff recommends approval of the accompanying Resolution authorizing the City Managerto bid and award contracts forthe equipment and vehicles listed in Exhibit A U99 RESOLUTION NO A RESOLUTION WAIVING BIDDING REQUIREMENTS IN THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO BID, AWARD, AND EXECUTE CONTRACTS FOR SPECIFIC EQUIPMENT The City Council of the City of El Segundo does resolve as follows. SECTION 1: The City Manager, or designee is authorized to bid and award contracts for the equipment and vehicles listed in the attached Exhibit "A" which is incorporated by reference SECTION 2 Pursuant to El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC") § 1- 5A -7(I), the City Manager is authorized to execute all contracts awarded pursuant to this Resolution without further City Council approval. SECTION 3 The City Manager, or designee, may take all reasonable measures to obtain competitive prices for the equipment and vehicles in Exhibit "A ". While the procedures set forth in SSMC §§ 1 -7 -6 to 1 -7 -9 should generally be followed, failure to follow those procedures will not render transactions authorized by this Resolution void The City Manager may, but is not required to, seek additional City Council approval for transactions made pursuant to this Resolution SECTION 4: Pursuant to ESMC § 1 -7 -10, the City Council waives the bidding requirements listed in the ESMC in favor of those listed above for the items specified in Exhibit "A" SECTION 5 The authorizations granted by this Resolution will expire after all transactions in Exhibit "A" are complete or upon termination by City Council action. SECTION 6. The City Clerk is directed to certify the adoption of this Resolution, record this Resolution in the book of the City's original resolutions, and make a minute of the adoption of the Resolution in the City Council's records and the minutes of this meeting 100 SECTION 7 This Resolution will become effective immediately upon adoption and remain effective unless superseded by a subsequent resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _ day of 2006. APPROVED Mark D Hen a Berger, A,fsistant City Attorney G' Kelly McDowell, Mayor 101 CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing resolution, being RESOLUTION NO was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 20th day of June, 2006, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES NOES: ABSENT ABSTENTION. NOT PARTICIPATING WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this 20th day of June, 2006 Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk Of the City of El Segundo, California (SEAL) i�� Exhibit A - FY 2005.2006 Equipment Replacement Purchase, Redeployment and Surplus Recommendations Soiled by Recommendabon 3101 PD 4005 Truck, Ford Pu;k-up 1993 77,737 1 Defer until FY 06/07 3101 PD 4006 Van, GMC 1993 12,178 Deferunhl FY06/07 3101 PD 4300 Van Chevrolet As" 1995 22 501 Defer until FY 06/07 4601 PW EM #2271 Brake Machine, Ammo 4000 1980 NA Deferunhl FY 06/07 4601 PW EM #2268 Engine Scanner Snap-On 2000 NA Defer until FY 07/08 4601 PW EM R565 Emission Testar 2000 NA Defer until FY 07/08 4202 PW Street 2642 Trader, MAlerbdt 1980 NA Defer unlit FY 06/07 u R m° rc 4202 PW Street 2615 Mower, Rotary Roof 942151 1998 1 NA Defer until FY 07/08 m Truck -Super Duly, Ford LN 700 � 4205 PW Traffic 2625 Aerial Bucket 1982 26,294 1 Defer until FY 06107 7102 PW Water 10044 Earth Boning Machine 1993 NA Deferreplacement indefinite) 7102 PW Water 2515 Pump, Wacker P013A, 1999 NA Defer until FY 08/07 7102 PW Water 1 2571 Pump Homelde 120TP3 1969 NA Defer until FY 06107 4301 PW WW 2309 Sewer Rodding Machine 2001 NA Defer until FY 06/07 $101 PO 4027 Motorcycle, Kawasaki 1996 32,065 Nore lacament Sell unit 4027 at auction 3101 PD 4132 Sedan Fab Crown Victoria 1997 722,610 Nore lacament Sell unit 4132 at auction i 3101 PD 4370 Sedan, Buick Regal 1994 110,168 Nore lacament Sell unit 4370 al auction a m 4202 PW Street 2816 Mower, Ford Holla 1995 NA Na replacement Sall unit 2816 at auction b � 4202 PW Street 1 2684 Concrete Mixer, Essick 62-C 1979 1 NA INorepilacement Sell unit 2684 at auction Replace with tike un,L Existing unit will be kept 3201 Fire Admm 3370 Sedan, Mercury Grand Marquis 1999 99,683 inserviceandreplace und3358 Replace with like unit and sell unit 3311 at 3205 Fire Enure 3311 Sedan, Mercury Grand Marquis 1995 90,497 auction Replace with unit Met can maintain emergency rights and PD adlo Current electric and is limited In range and opeatonal time, and has mechanical dd8culhes $Be unit 4032 at 3101 PD 4032 Utili Vehicle 2002 2,549 auction Replace wit like unit and sell unit 4302 at 3101 PD 4302 om Amroslar 1992 27,520 auction Replace wit like unit and sell unit 4321 at 3107 PD 4321 . Fom Crown Vic[oda 7997 88.425 auction [GEM Replace wit like unit and sell unit 4325 at 3101 PD 4325 Memu Grand Margws 1999 103,670 auction Replace wit like unit and sell umt 4375 at 3101 PD 4375 , Buick Re 1 1995 700300 auction Replace wit like unit and sell unit 4376 al 3101 PD 4376 , Buick Regal 1995 111,295 auction w Replace vnh like unit and sell unit 4378 at 3101 PD 4378 Van, Chevrolet Astro 1998 93,523 auction 3 Replace wit hke unit and sell unit 4379 at Y 3701 1 PO 1 4379 SUV, Chevrolet Blazer 1998 100,037 auction i Replace with like unit Unit 4120 auctioned 3101 PD 4120 Sedan Ford Crown Victims 1997 72,695 05/06 Replace wit like unit Existing unit will be kept 3101 PD 4140 Sedan, Ford Crown Victoria 2000 92 883 In service and replace 2803 Replace mh like unit Existing unit will be kept 3101 PD 4377 Sedan Mercury Grand Marquis 1997 1 70 034 Imserviceandreplaca,1371 Replace wit like unit Existing unit will be kept 3101 PD 4319 Sedan, Mercury Grand Marquis 2002 42 134 in service and replace unit 4372 Replace with like unit Existing unit will be kept 3101 PD 4324 Sedan MercuryGrand Marquis 1999 66 156 in service and re lace umt4384 Replace with utility service buck and sell unit 2601 PW GOO 2102 Van ChevroletA" 1992 36,543 2102 at auction Replace with utility service buck and sell unit 2601 PW Govt 2116 Van, Chevrolet As" 1991 52,061 2116 at auction Replace with like unit , upgrade to diesel and 4202 PW Street 2654 Trick - Super Du ,FordF Oiler 1989 81,641 sell unit 2654 at auction Replace with like unit and sell unit 2687 at 4202 PW Street 2687 Sprayer FMC 1988 NA auction 1 of 2 611312006 Exhibit A - FY 2005.2006 Equipment Replacement Purchase, Redeployment and Surplus Recommendations Sorted by Recommendation 104 2 of 2 6113/2006 Truck - Light Duty w/ Utility Bed, Ford Replace with lake Una, upgrade to one ton state 4202 PW Street 2601 F250 1992 73,129 bed, add IRt to and sell unit 2601 at auction Replace with like undand sell unit 2675 at 4205 PW Traffic 2675 Truck - Light Duty. Ford F350 (Paint) 1990 72 350 auction Replace with like wit and sell wit 2675A at 4205 PW Traffic 2675A Paint Machine and Equipment NA NA auction Replace with like unit and retain unit 251210 facilitate Rec Park lighting maintenance and 7102 PW Water 2512 Forklift, H ter S50F 1982 1177 H other Park functions a Replace with like unit and sell wit 2503 at 7102 PW Water 2503 Thick - Light Duty, Chevrolet 250 1991 86207 lauchon $ a 7102 PW Water 2530 Backhoe, Case 580K 1969 3086 H Replace with like unit, add pavement breaker attachment and sell unit 2530 at auction i Replace with like unit and sell unit 2375 at 4301 PW WW 2375 Pump Peabody 6TCCDD 1986 1172 H auction Replace with like unit and sell unit 6400 at 5102 Rec Park 6400 Truck - Super Duty. Ford Chi r 1984 62226 H auchon Replace with like unit and sell unit 6416 at 5102 Rec Park 6416 Tractor, Garden 1999 NA auction Replace with like unit and sell unit 6418 at 5102 Rec Park 6418 Mower, X -Mark 1998 NA auction Replace win unit 3370 and sell unit 3358 at 3202 Fee Sulip 3358 Sedan, Ford Crown Victoria 1994 103,442 auction Replace with unit 4319 and sell unit 4372 at 3101 PD 4372 Sedan, Suck Rapt 1994 89,855 auction 22 Replace with unit 4324 Umt 4384 auctioned i. 3101 PD 4384 Sedan Ford Escort 1988 83,350 10MI04 n Replace with unit 4377 and sell unit 4371 at 3101 PD 4371 Sedan, Brock Regool 1994 119,006 auction Replace win unit 4140 and sell unit 2803 at 4101 1 PW En gin 1 2803 Sedan, Ford Taurus lCoty Yard 1993 59,555 lauctsm Replaced with like unit 02/06 Sell unit 2620 at 0 4202 PW Sheet 2620 Generator - Small, Honda 1997 NA auction Replaced with like unit 02/06 Sell um12644 at L 4205 PW TmKc 2644 Generator, Small - Honda 1994 NA auchon c N ,r Replaced wain like unit 11/05 Sell and 2301 et m p 4301 PW WW 2301 Sevier Podding Machine 1995 NA auction ry a_ Replaced with like unit 11/05 Sell unit 2377 al y 4301 PW WW 2377 Pump, Wacker 1991 NA auction K 104 2 of 2 6113/2006 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE- June 20, 2006 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING. New Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding a new Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) license for a new retail establishment under construction at a new shopping center (Plaza El Segundo) located at 720 South Sepulveda Boulevard, EA No 706 and AUP No 06 -4 Applicant Cost Plus Inc (Fiscal Impact None) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION. 1 Determine that the City Council does not protest the Issuance of a new Type 20 ABC license at 720 South Sepulveda Boulevard and /or, 2 Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION. At its April 4, 1995 meeting, the City Council directed staff to bring all future ABC licenses to It for review The ABC regulations require a 30 -day review and comment period, for alcohol sales at restaurants, after notification of the local police and planning departments The grounds of a protest should relate to public health, safety or welfare concerns According to the most recent Crime and Arrest statistics report (June 2005 — December 2006, Exhibit Al) prepared by the Police Department, the proposed restaurant Is located in Reporting District (RD) 318 Based on reported data prepared by the Police Department, the district had a total of 20 Part I crimes (criminal homicide, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, (continued on next page ) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1 Crime and Arrest Statistics by Reporting Districts (RD) (Exhibit Al) 2 Police Reporting Districts Map (Exhibit B) 3 Approval Letter to Applicant dated May 31, 2006 (Exhibit C) 4 Planning Commission Staff Report dated June 8, 2006 (Exhibit D) FISCAL IMPACT: None Operating Budget, N/A Amount Requested, N/A Account Number: N/A Project Phase N/A Appropriation Required: _Yes x No ORIGINATED BY. DATE: 6��006 Seimone Jugis, irector of Planning and Building Safety I:1 =kT1D i49] JeffBWWart, City M DATE, 10D 14 STAFF REPORT: June 20, 2006 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (cont.) larceny -theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson), and 16 felony and misdemeanor arrests The Police Department and the Department of Planning and Building Safety have no concerns regarding the issuance of the three ABC license types The approval of the ABC license request would be for the convenience of providing alcoholic beverages for sale which compliment the other food and hard goods available to the applicant's customers and not a necessity A new license is required, since the retail store is under construction as part of a new shopping center (Plaza El Segundo) and the applicant does not currently hold a Type 20 license On May 31, 2006, the Director of Planning and Budding Safety Department approved an Administrative Use Permit application (EA No 706 and AUP No 06 -4) for 720 South Sepulveda Boulevard The Director conditioned the approval of the Administrative Use Permit to limit the retail store's hours of operation to 9 am to 9 pm Monday through Saturday and from 10 am to 7 pm on Sunday with extended hours of operation during the holiday season The holiday hours of operation (Thanksgiving Day through New Year's Day) would be from 8 am to 11 pm daily The Director's decision was forwarded to the Planning Commission on June 8, 2006 The Planning Commission chose to Receive and File the item and the conditions of approval The ABC license review Is a separate application from the City's AUP process, which requires mandatory findings that are regulated by the Department of Alcohol Beverage Control The Department of Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) In addition to reviewing the City's AUP approval is responsible for running a complete background check on all alcohol license applicants, as well as conducting site inspections, before the issuance of any type of license P \PBS\PROJECTS \701 - 725 \EA - 706 \EA -706 ccreport doc i06 EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT RECORDED PERIOD JUNE - DECEMBER 2005 PART I CRIME AND ARREST STATISTICS BY REPORTING DISTRICT RD RD PART ICRIMES FELONY /MISD ARRESTS TOTAL PERCENTAGE +/- 101 20 9 29 +520% 102 8 9 17 -100/0 103 5 5 10 -470/0 104 11 9 20 +5D /o 105 6 6 12 -37% 106 9 5 14 -260/0 107 IS 33 48 +152% 108 4 11 15 -210 /0 109 5 13 18 -5% 110 5 3 8 -580/0 111 0 21 21 +10% 112 13 13 26 +37% 113 4 17 21 +11% 114 3 19 22 +160 /D 115 0 0 0 0% 116 0 15 15 -210 /D 201 9 11 20 +5% 202 2 28 30 +58% 203 9 6 15 -210 /0 204 3 19 22 +16% 205 8 10 18 -5% 206 6 12 18 -5% 207 9 22 31 +63% 206 17 13 30 1 +58% 209 16 31 47 +147% 210 8 21 29 +53D/D 211 12 14 26 +37% 212 4 20 24 +260/b 301 9 14 23 +210/0 302 5 8 13 -32% 303 6 25 31 +63% 304 1 7 8 -58% 305 7 17 24 +26% 306 1 1 2 -890/0 307 0 0 0 0% 308 22 47 69 +263% 309 12 19 31 +630 /D 310 2 3 5 -74% 311 5 8 13 -320/0 312 8 5 13 -32% 313 0 2 2 -89% 314 4 14 18 -5% 315 0 7 7 -630/a 316 4 2 6 -68% 317 1 13 14 -26% 318 20 16 36 +690 /0 319 26 19 45 +137% 320 3 4 7 -63% 321 4 4 8 -58% 322 2 0 2 -89% 323 0 1 1 -950/0 324 4 2 6 -680/0 TOTALS 357 633 990 Number of Reporting Districts = 52 Average # of Part I Crimes per Reporting District = 7 Average # of Felony/ Misdemeanor Arrests per Reporting District = 12 Average # of Crimes and Arrests per Reporting Distract = 19 (Results from 06 /01 /20D5 through 12/31/2005 Records /eg Page 1 1/27/2006 107 0 N a N 17 i v M uw M aulw ° T � r ° o , N U f }y T 6 Y T � V I- 1 l CL J LU 6 / Lu r m T to �a LL IL ¢ o cn J O V i Z !e: T V J O • e U ' 1 cc M l✓ c L L 4 .L Elected Officials Kelly McDowell, Mayor Eac Busch, Mayor Pm Tom Jim Bouigandas, Council Member Carl Jacobson, Council Member Bill Fish.,, council Member Cindy Mortasan, City Clerk Ralph Lanpha", City Treasurer Appointed Officials JaHray Stewart, Qty Manager Merit D Nenslay, City Attorney Department Directors Bill Crewe, A"hitant City Manager Bret Plumlea, Admmishabve Services Norm Angelo, Fir, Chief Dab" Brighton, Library & Cable S.oea Saimone JurJis, Planning and Building Sefaty Jack Wayi Polka Chief Steven Fmton, Public Works Vacant Racraahon B Porker www elsegundo org Department May 31, 2006 Jane L Baughman Cost Plus, Inc 200 4th Street Oakland, CA 94607 1 ®f Planning and Building Safety RE Environmental Assessment No. EA -706 and Administrative Use Permit (AUP) No. 06 -4 Request to Sell Beer and Wine for Off -Site Consumption in Conjunction With the Operation of a New Retail Store (Type 20 State of California Alcoholic Beverage Control License) Address: 720 S. Sepulveda Boulevard Dear Ms Baughman In accordance with El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC ") Chapter 15-22, the Director of Planning and Budding Safety Department has APPROVED Administrative Use Permit No 06 -4 for the on -site sale and off -site consumption of beer and wine at the new retail store The Director has not identified a reason to oppose the issuance of a Type 20 license by the Alcoholic Beverage Control for the off -site consumption of beer and wine at 720 S Sepulveda Boulevard The following are the findings and facts in support of each finding for this decision FINDINGS AND FACTS IN SUPPORT OF FINDINGS: Environmental Assessment No. 706 Finding 1 The proposed project for permitting the sale of alcoholic beverages is consistent with uses allowed in the recently approved 425,000 square -foot shopping center on a 110 -acre site The development was approved through Environmental Assessment No 631, Development Agreement No 03 -1, General Plan Amendment Nos 03 -4 & 03 -5, Zone Change Nos 03 -2 & 03 -3, Zone Text Amendment No 04 -1, and Subdivision No 03 -7 (Vesting Tentative Tract No 061630) with conditions A certified Final Environmental 350 Main Street, El Segundo, California 90245 -3813 Phone (310) 524 -2380 FAX (310) 322 -4167 4 l09 Impact Report (EIR) was required and approved for the development of the shopping center Facts in Support of Finding 1 1 The applicant proposes to provide for the sale of beer and wine for off -site consumption at the proposed retail store CEQA does not require an environmental assessment if the project consists of permitting the sale of alcohol within a previously approved shopping center currently under construction Additionally, no expansion of the building is proposed The subject tenant will be located within the Plaza El Segundo shopping center, which has previously been approved under a certified Final Environmental Impact Report 2 The 18,301 square -foot retail store is located at 720 South Sepulveda Boulevard in a commercial shopping center currently under construction Administrative Use Permit 06-4 Finding 1 • There is compatibility of the particular use on the particular site in relationship to other existing and potential uses within the general area in which the use is proposed to be located Facts in Support of Finding 1 1 The applicant proposes to provide the on -site sale of beer and wine for off -site consumption at a retail store The 18,301 square -foot retail store will be located within the Plaza El Segundo shopping center at 720 S Sepulveda Boulevard The retail store will devote approximately 1,288 square -feet of floor area to the sale of beer and wine located in the north west corner of the building In addition, alcohol products may be cross - merchandised in other departments within the store 2 The minimum number of required parking spaces for the retail store (based upon the proposed uses) is 61 stalls and 93 parking spaces are provided 3 The surrounding land uses include commercial uses, offices, and light and heavy industrial uses The proposed retail store that will sell alcohol for off -site consumption will be compatible with the surrounding uses 4 The store must obtain a State of California Alcohol and Beverage Control (ABC) license for sale and off -site consumption of beer and wine (Type 20 Alcoholic Beverage Control License) _L 2 5 The hours for alcohol sales will be the same as those hours the retail store is open The retail store hours of operation will be limited to 9 am to 9 pm Monday through Saturday and from 10 am to 7 pm on Sunday with extended hours during the holiday season The holiday business hours (Thanksgiving Day through New Year's Day) would be limited to 8 am to 11 pm daily 6 The General Plan land use designation for the site is Commercial Center 7 The zoning for the site is Commercial Center (C -4) Retail stores are a permitted use in this Zoning District The proposed use (off -site sale of alcohol at retail establishments) requires an Administrative Use Permit in accordance with ESMC § 15 -5G-4B 8 On June 8, 2006, the El Segundo Planning Commission is scheduled to Receive and File the Administrative Use Permit request Finding 2 • The proposed use is consistent and compatible with the purpose of the Zone in which the site is located, Facts in Support of Finding 2 1 The General Plan land use designation for the site is Commercial Center 2 The zoning for the site is Commercial Center (C -4) Retail stores are a permitted use in this Zoning District The proposed use (on -site sale and consumption of beer and wine and off -site sale of alcohol at retail establishments) requires an Administrative Use Permit in accordance with ESMC § 15 -5G -46 3 The purpose of the Commercial Center (C-4) Zone is intended to provide for developing commercial establishments (retail and services) serving the City and surrounding area The proposed use is consistent with this purpose of the zone in that the retail establishment will sell beer and wine as a complimentary product to the variety of food, household goods, and entertainment products available for purchase 4 The proposed use is consistent with the Land Use Element in that the Commercial Center Land Use Category is intended to permit a mixture of community- serving retail, restaurants and other commercial service uses in an integrated shopping center design to serve a broad cross section of the City and surrounding area 5 The proposed use is consistent with Land Use Element Goal LU4 in that it provides a stable tax base for the City through development of new commercial 111 3 uses, primarily within a mixed -use environment, without adversely affecting the viability of Downtown 6 The proposed use is consistent with Land Use Element Objective LU4 -1 in that it promotes the development of high quality retail facilities in proximity to major employment centers 7 The surrounding land uses include commercial retail, office, and light and heavy industrial uses The proposed retail store will be compatible with the surrounding uses Other business establishments including a grocery store in the same district will have alcohol licenses for the sale of beer and wine Finding 3 ® The proposed location and use and the conditions under which the use would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity Facts in Support of Finding 3 1 Alcohol sales will be completed within the retail store that will be located within a newly constructed budding with on -site parking 2 The surrounding land uses include commercial, heavy industrial and light industrial uses The proposed retail store which will sell beer and wine for off -site consumption will be compatible with the surrounding uses 3 The retail store hours of operation will be limited to 9 am to 9 pm Monday through Saturday and from 10 am to 7 pm on Sunday with extended hours during the holiday season The holiday business hours (Thanksgiving Day through New Year's Day) would be limited to 8 am to 11 pm daily Finding 4 ® Potential impacts that could be generated by the proposed use, such as noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, traffic, and hazards have been recognized and mitigated Facts in Support of Finding 4 1 The sale of alcohol will not create any new impacts that would not be normally associated with the operation of a retail store 2 The proposed hours of operation for alcohol sales and the location of the proposed retail store, which is located in a predominantly commercial and 4 i�� industrial zone that is not adjacent to any residential uses, will help to minimize impacts on surrounding uses 3 The hours for alcohol sales will be the same as those hours the retail store is open The retail store hours of operation will be limited to 9 am to 9 pm Monday through Saturday and from 10 am to 7 pm on Sunday with extended hours during the holiday season The holiday business hours (Thanksgiving through New Year's Day) would be limited to 8 am to 11 pm daily No residential uses are adjacent to the subject property In addition, ample parking is being provided on the subject site Therefore, there will be no impacts on residential uses in the City Finding 5 ® The State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control has issued or will issue a license to sell alcohol to the applicant Facts in Support of Finding 5 1 The applicant must obtain a Type 20 license from the State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control DIRECTOR PLANNING AND BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT ACTION Based on these findings and facts in support of these findings, the Director of Planning and Budding Safety Department APPROVES the proposed project, subject to the following conditions 1 The hours of operation approved by this permit must be limited to 9 am to 9 pm, Monday through Saturday, 10 am to 7 pm Sundays with extended hours of operation during the holiday season only The holiday hours of operation must be limited to 8 am to 11 pm daily from Thanksgiving Day through New Year's Day Any change to the hours of operation or the hours that alcohol may be served is subject to review and approval by the Director of Planning and Building Safety 2 Any subsequent modification to the project as approved must be referred to the Director of Planning and Building Safety for approval and a determination regarding the need for Planning Commission review of the proposed modification 3 Any subsequent changes to the floor plan and areas where alcohol will be sold must be reviewed and approved to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Building Safety Department a .L IJ 5 4 The applicant must obtain and maintain all licenses required by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act (Business & Professions Code §§ 23300 et seq,) The applicant must obtain and maintain a Type 20 license for the retail store for on- site sale and off -site consumption of beer and wine 5 The Planning and Building Safety Department and the Police Department must be notified of any change of ownership of the approved use in writing within 10- days of the completion of the change of ownership A change in project ownership may be cause to schedule a hearing before the Planning Commission regarding the status of the administrative use permit 6 The applicant must comply with all regulations of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act and the regulations promulgated by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board including, without limitation, the regulations set forth in 4 Cal Code of Regs §§ 55 et seq 7 The applicant must post a sign in a clear and conspicuous location listing a phone number at which a responsible party may be contacted during all open hours of the establishment to address any concerns of the community regarding noise in the parking lot Said contact's name and phone number must also be available through the retail store staff at all times 8 "No Loitering" signs must be posted on the rear exterior of the building and on property adjacent to the licensed premises, under the control of the licensee. Such signs must measure no less than seven inches by eleven inches (7" X 11 ") and the lettering must be no less than one inch (1 ") in height 9 There must be no exterior advertising of any kind or type, including advertising directed to the exterior from within, promoting or indicating the availability of alcoholic beverages. Interior displays of alcoholic beverages which are clearly visible to the exterior must constitute a violation of this condition 10 The licensee must have readily identifiable personnel to monitor and control the behavior of patrons in the parking lot and any adjacent property under the establishment's control to ensure the areas are generally free of people and are cleared of patrons and their vehicles one -half hour after closing 11 If complaints are received regarding excessive noise, parking availability, lighting, building access, and the like associated with the sale of alcohol, the city may, in its discretion, take action to review the Administrative Use Permit, including without limitation, adding conditions or revoking the permit 12 The building must not be occupied by more persons than allowed by the California Building Code, as adopted by the ESMC 6 13 The Applicant agrees to Indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against any claim, action, damages, costs (Including, without limitation, attorney's fees), injuries, or liability, arising from the City's approval of Environmental Assessment No 706 and Administrative Use Permit No 06-4 Should the City be named in any suit, or should any claim be brought against it by suit or otherwise, whether the same be groundless or not, arising out of the City approval of EA -706 or AUP 06-4, the Applicant agrees to defend the City (at the City's request and with counsel satisfactory to the City) and will indemnify the City for any judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or otherwise For purposes of this section "the City' includes the City of El Segundo's elected officials, appointed officials, officers, and employees PLANNING COMMISSION Please be advised that this does not conclude the review process This determination will be transmitted to the Planning Commission at its Thursday, June 8, 2006 meeting with the recommendation that the Planning Commission Receive and File the determination An appeal of this decision may be filed with the Planning Division prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which this decision is to be received and filed If an appeal is filed, the item will be scheduled for a future public hearing (as required by the El Segundo Municipal Code) The City Council wilt determine whether or not to protest the issuance of the ABC License (Type 20) at its meeting on June 20, 2006 If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact Alexis Schopp, Planning Technican, at (310) 524 -2343 Sincerely, Seimone Jurjis, ,Director Department of Planning and Building Safety Cc Rhoda Regaiado, Cost Plus, Inc P \Planning 6 Building Safety \PROJECTS \701- 725\EA- 706 \EA -706 AUP LTR doc �t� roftswrelm4wl c�lhf 7i7 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT PUBLIC HEARING: June 8, 2006 SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment No. 706 Administrative Use Permit No. 06 -4 APPLICANT: Cost Plus, Inc. PROPERTY OWNER. Rosecrans Partners 3, LLC REQUEST- A Request for an Alcohol Beverage Licenses for a New Retail Store (Type 20 Alcohol Beverage Control License) PROPERTY INVOLVED: 720 S. Sepulveda Boulevard 1. DESCRIPTION The Planning and Budding Safety Department received the above referenced application for an Administrative Use Permit to allow an alcohol license to sell beer and wine for off -site consumption at a new 18,301 square -foot retail store currently under construction at a new commercial shopping center (Plaza El Segundo) located at 720 South Sepulveda Boulevard in the Commercial Center (C -4) Zone The applicant is requesting a Type 20 license for the on -site sale and off -site consumption of beer and wine The Administrative Use Permit is required for sale of alcohol at the new retail store since there is no previous business with a license at this location, prior to the adoption of the current code. Retail stores are a permitted use in this Zoning District in accordance with the Commercial Center (C -4) Zone The proposed use (on -site sale and off -site consumption of beer and wine) requires an Administrative Use Permit (AUP) in accordance with El Segundo Municipal Code §15 -5G -4B of the Commercial Center (C -4) Zone The applicant intends to display the alcohol in the northwest corner of the building in an area that is approximately 1,288 square feet Additional store area may be devoted to the display of alcohol when alcohol is cross - merchandised in other departments No alcoholic beverages would be consumed on site The hours of operation for the retail establishment will be limited to 9 am to 9 pm Monday through Saturday and from 10 am to 7 pm on Sunday with extended hours of operation during the holiday season The hours of operation during the holiday season would be extended to 8 am to 11 pm daily from Thanksgiving Day through New Year's Day Any change to the hours of operation is subject to review and approval by the Director of Planning and Building Safety The parcel will have 93 parking stalls where 61 spaces are required Planning staff reviewed the application and the Director made the necessary findings to grant an Administrative Use Permit The attached letter specifies all of the required findings for the permit Inter - Departmental Comments The project applications and plans were circulated to the Police Department The Police Department's comments are attached III RECOMMENDATION Receive and File IV. EXHIBITS A Administrative Use Permit Approval Letter, dated May 31, 2006 B Administrative Use Permit application C Inter - Departmental Comments Prepared by Alexis Schopp, Planning Technician Kifnberly ChriptPhsen, AICP, Planning Manager Department o P ammng & Budding Safety s Seimone Jurjis, vr.E.,Ibirector Department of Planning & Budding Safety P \PBS \PROJECTS \701- 725 \EA - 706 \EA- 706PC -SR 6 8 06 doe 2 1 r EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 20, 2006 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: New Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION• Consideration and possible action regarding a new Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) license for a new restaurant under construction at a new shopping center (Plaza El Segundo) located at 2015 Park Place, EA No 709 and AUP No 06 -6 Applicant Salt Creek Grille El Segundo, LLC, AKA Salt Creek Grille (Fiscal Impact None) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION. 1 Determine that the City Council does not protest the issuance of a new Type 47 ABC license at 2015 Park Place and /or, 2 Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION. At Its April 4, 1995 meeting, the City Council directed staff to bring all future ABC licenses to it for review The ABC regulations require a 30 -day review and comment period, for alcohol sales at restaurants, after notification of the local police and planning departments The grounds of a protest should relate to public health, safety or welfare concerns According to the most recent Crime and Arrest statistics report (June 2005 — December 2006, Exhibit Al) prepared by the Police Department, the proposed restaurant Is located In Reporting District (RD) 318 Based on reported data prepared by the Police Department, the district had a total of 20 Part I crimes (criminal homicide, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, (continued on next page ) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1 Crime and Arrest Statistics by Reporting Districts (RD) (Exhibit Al) 2 Police Reporting Districts Map (Exhibit B) 3 Approval Letter to Applicant dated May 31, 2006 (Exhibit C) 4 Planning Commission Staff Report dated June 8, 2006 (Exhibit D) FISCAL IMPACT. None Operating Budget. N/A Amount Requested. N/A Account Number. N/A Project Phase, N/A Appropriation Required: _Yes x No ORIGINATED BY DATE: Seimone Jur&,,'DO6ctor of Planning and Bu DATE: City Man STAFF REPORT: June 20, 2006 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (cont.) larceny- theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson) and 16 felony and misdemeanor arrests The Police Department and the Department of Planning and Budding Safety have no concerns regarding the issuance of the ABC license The approval of the ABC license request would be for the convenience of providing alcoholic beverages which compliment food served to the applicant's customers and not a necessity Anew license is required, since the restaurant is under construction as part of a new shopping center (Plaza El Segundo) and the applicant does not currently hold a Type 47 license On May 31, 2006, the Director of Planning and Building Safety Department approved an Administrative Use Permit application (EA No 709 and AUP No 06 -6) for 2015 Park Place The Director conditioned the approval of the Administrative Use Permit to limit the restaurant hours to 11 a m to 10 p m on Mondays and Tuesdays, 11 am. to 11 p m from Wednesday through Saturday, and 10a m to 10p m on Sundays The bar, lounge and patio hours would be open the same hours as the restaurant with the exception of Thursday, Friday and Saturday when the bar, lounge and patio would be open for an additional hour until 12 a m The Director's decision was forwarded to the Planning Commission on June 8, 2006 The Planning Commission chose to Receive and File the item and the conditions of approval The ABC license review is a separate application from the City's AUP process, which requires mandatory findings that are regulated by the Department of Alcohol Beverage Control The Department of Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) in addition to reviewing the City's AUP approval is responsible for running a complete background check on all alcohol license applicants, as well as conducting site inspections, before the issuance of any type of license P \PBS \PROJECTS \701 - 725 \EA - 709 \EA -709 ccreport doc 1 1 n r EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT RECORDED PERIOD: JUNE - DECEMBER 2005 PART I CRIME AND ARREST STATISTICS BY REPORTING DISTRICT RD RD PART I CRIMES FELON ARREE STS STS TOTAL PERCENTAGE 101 20 9 29 +52% 102 8 9 17 -100/0 103 5 5 10 -47% 104 11 9 20 +50% 105 6 6 12 -370/a 106 9 5 14 -26% 107 15 33 48 +1520/a 108 4 11 15 -210/0 109 5 13 18 -5% 110 5 3 8 -58% 111 0 21 21 +10% 112 13 13 26 +37% 113 4 17 21 +11% 114 3 19 22 +16% 115 0 0 0 0% 116 0 15 15 -21% 201 9 11 20 +5% 202 2 28 30 +58% 203 9 6 15 -21% 204 3 19 22 +16% 205 8 10 18 -5% 206 6 12 18 -5% 207 9 22 31 +63% 208 17 13 30 +58% 209 16 31 47 +147% 210 8 21 29 +53% 211 12 14 26 +37% 212 4 20 24 +26% 301 9 14 23 +210/a 302 5 8 13 -32% 303 6 25 31 +63% 3D4 1 7 8 -58% 305 7 17 24 +26% 306 1 1 2 -890/0 307 0 0 0 0% 306 22 47 69 +263% 309 12 19 31 +630/a 310 2 3 5 -74% 311 5 8 13 -32% 312 8 5 13 -32% 313 0 2 2 -89% 314 4 14 18 -5% 315 0 7 7 -63% 316 4 2 6 -68% 317 1 13 14 -26% 318 20 16 36 +89% 319 26 19 45 +137% 320 3 4 7 -630/. 321 4 4 8 -56% 322 2 0 2 -89% 323 0 1 1 -95% 324 4 2 6 -68% TOTALS 357 633 990 Number of Reporting Districts = 52 Average # of Part I Crimes per Reporting District = 7 Average # of Felony/ Misdemeanor Arrests per Reporting District = 12 Average # of Crimes and Arrests per Reporting District = 19 Results from 06/01/2005 through 12/31/2005 Records /eg Page 1 1/27/2006 s ^1 1[: t/ r M 0 r 0 AR. ern rn e ° N r m e7 it Ll e Y slo m mmmmm 0 rn a Y � T S U JJa 1 4 J u N ,✓ i � I e � waonuou s Yo Y m r cn r m e7 it Ll e Y slo m mmmmm 0 rn a Y � T S U 1 LU J u N ,✓ i � I Y m r cn w.. O I CL r CC co O G C7 m. a o _1 L4 ui M V c � Elected Officials Kelly McDOwelf, M.y., Enc Sua.h, Mayor Pm Tam J1m 8ou1g.ad.a, Coun.li Mambar C.d Jacobson, Coun.il hlamb., Bill Fwhar, Couneil M.mbar Cmdy Morbaan, qty Clark Ralph Lanph.m, City Tn.sumr Appointed Officials Jelfny srewart, CityM.n.g.r Mark D Nanalay Cffy Aftm.y Department Directors 8111 Cm. , Asafamnf Cdy M.n.g., Br f Plumfae, Admmb"U8 S.M .. N.. Angelo, Fin CI Debra Bngblon, Llbmry d C.N. S.,,... SalmoM J4'la, Planning and8uddmg S.lefy J..k Weyt, Polma Chm/ Steven Fen , Pubbc Work. Vac.nf - Recmatmn 6 Perks www eisegundo cry �� Department of Planning and Building Safety May 31, 2006 Peter Truxaw c/o Salt Creek Grille El Segundo, LLC 10750 Bushard Street, Suite 350 Fountain Valley, CA RE Environmental Assessment No. EA -709 and Administrative Use Permit (AUP) No. 06 -6 On -Site Sale and Consumption of Beer, Wine and Distilled Spirits at a New Restaurant (Type 47 State of California Alcoholic Beverage Control License) Address: 2015 Park Place Dear Mr Truxaw In accordance with El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC ") Chapter 15 -22, the Director of Planning and Building Safety Department has APPROVED Administrative Use Permit No 06 -6 for the on -site sale and consumption of beer, wine and distilled spirits The Director has not identified a reason to oppose the issuance of a Type 47 license by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Department for the on -site sale and consumption of beer, wine and distilled spirits at the proposed restaurant at 2015 Park Place The following are the findings and facts in support of each finding for this decision FINDINGS AND FACTS IN SUPPORT OF FINDINGS: Environmental Assessment No 709 Finding 1 • The proposed project for permitting the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages is consistent with uses allowed in the recently approved 425,000 square -foot shopping center on a 110 -acre site The development was approved through Environmental Assessment No 631, Development Agreement No 03 -1, General Plan Amendment Nos 03 -4 & 03 -5, Zone Change Nos 03 -2 & 03- 3, Zone Text Amendment No 04 -1, and Subdivision No 03 -7 (Vesting Tentative Tract No 061630) with conditions A certified 350 Main Street, El Segundo, California 90245 -3813 • r� Phone (310) 524 -2380 FAX (310) 322 -4167 417 - Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was required and approved for the development of the shopping center Facts in Support of Finding 1 1 The applicant proposes to provide for the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits for on -site consumption at a new restaurant CEQA does not require an environmental assessment if the project consists of permitting the sale of alcohol within a previously approved shopping center currently under construction Additionally, no expansion of the building is proposed The subject tenant will be located within the Plaza El Segundo shopping center, which has previously been approved under a certified Final Environmental Impact Report 2 The 8,128 square -foot restaurant is located at 2015 Park Place in a commercial shopping center currently under construction Administrative Use Permit 06 -6 Finding 1 ® There is compatibility of the particular use on the particular site in relationship to other existing and potential uses within the general area in which the use is proposed to be located. Facts in Support of Finding 1 1 The applicant proposes to provide on -site sale and consumption of beer, wine and distilled spirits in a new restaurant The 8,128 square -foot restaurant will be located within the Plaza El Segundo shopping center at 2015 Park Place The restaurant will include a bar and lounge area with live entertainment and a patio The total number of seats proposed within the restaurant, lounge and bar are 274 seats The outdoor patio with bar would provide 51 additional seats 2 The minimum number of required parking spaces for the restaurant and patio (based upon the proposed uses) is 108 stalls of which 58 parking spaces will be provided on -site The remaining 5 parking stalls will be provided on one of the adjacent parcels with excess parking 3 The surrounding land uses include commercial uses, offices, and light and heavy industrial uses The proposed restaurant will be compatible with the surrounding uses which will include other restaurants and a grocery store that will sell and serve alcohol 4 The restaurant must obtain the State of California Alcohol and Beverage Control (ABC) licenses for on -site sale and consumption of alcohol (Type 47) 2 4 2 5 The General Plan land use designation for the site is Commercial Center 6 The zoning for the site is Commercial Center (C-4) Restaurants are a permitted use in this Zoning District in accordance with Section 4 1 5 of the Development Agreement by and between the City of El Segundo and Mar Ventures, Inc , developer of the Plaza El Segundo project The proposed use (on -site sale and consumption of beer, wine and distilled spirits at a restaurant) requires an Administrative Use Permit in accordance with ESMC § 15 -5G-4A 7 On June 8, 2006, the El Segundo Planning Commission is scheduled to Receive and File the Administrative Use Permit request Finding 2 ® The proposed use is consistent and compatible with the purpose of the Zone in which the site is located Facts in Support of Finding 2 1 The General Plan land use designation for the site is Commercial Center 2 The zoning for the site is Commercial Center (C-4) Restaurants are a permitted use in this Zoning District in accordance with Section 4 1 5 of the Development Agreement by and between the City of El Segundo and Mar Ventures, Inc , developer of the Plaza El Segundo project The proposed use (on -site sale and consumption of beer wine and distilled spirits at a restaurant) requires an Administrative Use Permit in accordance with ESMC § 15 -5G-4A 3 The purpose of the Commercial Center (C-4) Zone is intended to provide for developing commercial establishments (retail and services) serving the City and surrounding area The proposed use is consistent with this purpose of the zone in that the restaurants are an allowed use 4 The proposed use is consistent with the Land Use Element in that the Commercial Center Land Use Category is intended to permit a mixture of community- serving retail, restaurants and other commercial service uses in an integrated shopping center design to serve a broad cross section of the City and surrounding area 5 The proposed use is consistent with Land Use Element Goal LU4 in that it provides a stable tax base for the City through development of new commercial uses, primanly within a mixed -use environment, without adversely affecting the viability of Downtown 124 6 The proposed use is consistent with Land Use Element Objective LU4 -1 in that it promotes the development of high quality retail facilities in proximity to major employment centers 7 The surrounding land uses include commercial retail, office, and light and heavy industrial uses The proposed restaurant will be compatible with the surrounding uses Finding 3 • The proposed location and use and the conditions under which the use would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity Facts in Support of Finding 3 1 The restaurant will be located inside of a newly constructed budding with parking provided on -site and on an adjacent parcel 2 The surrounding land uses include commercial, heavy industrial and light industrial uses The proposed restaurant includes a bar and lounge as well as an outdoor patio 3 The restaurant dining hours of operation are limited to 11 am to 10 pm on Mondays and Tuesdays, 11 am to 11 pm from Wednesday through Saturday, and 10 am to 10 pm on Sundays The bar, lounge and patio hours would be open the same hours as the restaurant with the exception of Thursday, Friday and Saturday when the bar, lounge and patio would be open for an additional hour until 12 am Food service would be available in the bar, lounge and patio during the dining hours Finding 4 • Potential impacts that could be generated by the proposed use, such as noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, traffic, and hazards have been recognized and mitigated Facts in Support of Finding 4 1 The sale of alcohol will not create any new impacts that would not be normally associated with the operation of a restaurant with an indoor dining area, entertainment and outdoor patio area 2 The proposed hours of operation for alcohol sales and the location of the proposed restaurant, which is located in a predominantly commercial and i25 industrial zone that is not adjacent to any residential uses, will help to minimize impacts on surrounding uses 3 The restaurant dining hours of operation are limited to 11 am to 10 pm on Mondays and Tuesdays, 11 am to 11 pm from Wednesday through Saturday, and 10 am to 10 pm on Sundays The bar, lounge and patio hours would be open the same hours as the restaurant with the exception of Thursday, Friday and Saturday when the bar, lounge and patio would be open for an additional hour until 12 am Food service would be available in the bar, lounge and patio during the dining hours No residential uses are adjacent to the subject property In addition, ample parking is being provided on the subject site Therefore, there will be no impacts on residential uses in the City 4 In addition to complying with the requirements of the City of EI Segundo and the State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control the restaurant is subject to County Health Department regulations that address and monitor impacts of fumes and odors Finding 5 • The State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control has issued or will issue a license to sell alcohol to the applicant Facts in Support of Finding 5 1 The applicant must obtain one license from the State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (Type No 47) DIRECTOR PLANNING AND BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT ACTION Based on these findings and facts in support of these findings, the Director of Planning and Budding Safety Department APPROVES the proposed project, subject to the following conditions 1 The restaurant dining hours of operation are limited to 11 am to 10 pm on Mondays and Tuesdays, 11 am to 11 pm from Wednesday through Saturday, and 10 am to 10 pm on Sundays The bar, lounge and patio hours must be limited to the same hours as the restaurant with the exception of Thursday, Friday and Saturday when the bar, lounge and patio will be open for an additional hour until 12 am Food service must be available in the bar, lounge and patio during the dining hours Any change to the hours of operation or the hours that alcohol may be served is subject to review and approval by the Director of Planning and Budding Safety 2 The seating within the restaurant must be limited to 200 seats in the dining area, 74 seats in the bar and lounge, and 51 seats in the outdoor patio 3 Any subsequent modification to the project as approved must be referred to the Director of Planning and Building Safety for approval and a determination regarding the need for Planning Commission review of the proposed modification 4 Any subsequent changes to the floor plan and areas where alcohol will be served must be reviewed and approved to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Building Safety Department 5 The applicant must obtain and maintain all licenses required by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act (Business & Professions Code §§ 23300 et seq ) The applicant must obtain and maintain a Type 47 license 6 The applicant must obtain an entertainment permit 7 Live entertainment must be limited to the bar and lounge area The live entertainment provided must not exceed five persons at any given time 8 The restaurant operations including the entertainment must comply with El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) § 7 -2 regulating noise and vibration 9 The applicant must not charge a cover fee for entry 10 The Planning and Building Safety Department and the Police Department must be notified of any change of ownership of the approved use in writing within 10 days of the completion of the change of ownership A change in project ownership may be cause to schedule a hearing before the Planning Commission regarding the status of the administrative use permit 11 The applicant must comply with all regulations of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act and the regulations promulgated by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board including, without limitation, the regulations set forth in 4 Cal Code of Regs §§ 55 et seq 12 The applicant must post a sign in a clear and conspicuous location listing a phone number at which a responsible party may be contacted during all open hours of the establishment to address any concerns of the community regarding noise in the restaurant, patio and parking lot Said contact's name and phone number must also be available through the restaurant staff at all times 13 The applicant must, at all times, display a Designated Dnver sign of at least ten inches by ten inches (10" X 10 ") in the bar and restaurant dining areas at eye level The sign must be worded in a way that reminds patrons who are consuming alcohol to designate a non - drinking driver 6 '27 14 There must be no exterior advertising of any kind or type, including advertising directed to the exterior from within, promoting or indicating the availability of alcoholic beverages Interior displays of alcoholic beverages which are clearly visible to the exterior must constitute a violation of this condition 15 All employees serving alcoholic beverages to patrons must enroll in and complete a certified training program approved by the State Department of Alcoholic Beverages Control (ABC) for the responsible sales of alcohol The training must be offered to new employees on not less than a quarterly basis 16 Any and all employees hired to sell alcoholic beverages must provide evidence that they have either a Completed training from the State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), Inglewood District Office administered Leadership and Education in Alcohol and Drugs (LEAD) Program in the form of an ABC - issued certificate, or, b Completed an accepted equivalent by the ABC, Inglewood District Office to ensure proper distribution of beer, wine and distilled spirits to adults of legal age If any prospective employee designated to sell alcoholic beverages does not currently have such training, then, c The ABC - licensed proprietors must have confirmed with the Planning and Building Safety Department within fifteen (15) days of the Director's decision, or by final project approval, that a date certain has been scheduled within the local ABC Office to complete the LEAD course d Within thirty (30) days of taking said course, the employees, or responsible employer must deliver each required certificate showing completion to the Police Department 17 The licensee must have readily identifiable personnel to monitor and control the behavior of customers inside the building premises Staff must monitor activity outside in the parking lot and any adjacent property under the establishment's control to ensure the areas are generally free of people and are cleared of patrons and their vehicles one -half hour after closing 18 If complaints are received regarding excessive noise, parking availability, lighting, building access, and the like associated with the restaurant, patio, bar and lounge areas, the city may, in its discretion, take action to review the Administrative Use Permit, including without limitation, adding conditions or revoking the permit 19 The outdoor dining /seating areas must comply with ESMC § 15 -2 -16 7 r i ,2 S 20 The building must not be occupied by more persons than allowed by the California Building Code, as adopted by the ESMC 21 The building and any outdoor seating must comply with California Budding and Fire Code requirements, as adopted by the ESMC 22 The Applicant agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against any claim, action, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorney's fees), injuries, or liability, arising from the City's approval of Environmental Assessment No 709 and Administrative Use Permit No 06 -6 Should the City be named in any suit, or should any claim be brought against it by suit or otherwise, whether the same be groundless or not, arising out of the City approval of EA -709 or AUP 06 -6, the Applicant agrees to defend the City (at the City's request and with counsel satisfactory to the City) and will indemnify the City for any judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or otherwise For purposes of this section "the City" includes the City of El Segundo's elected officials, appointed officials, officers, and employees PLANNING COMMISSION Please be advised that this does not conclude the review process This determination will be transmitted to the Planning Commission at its June 8, 2006 meeting with the recommendation that the Planning Commission Receive and File the determination An appeal of this decision may be filed with the Planning Division prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which this decision is to be received and filed If an appeal is filed, the item will be scheduled for a future public hearing (as required by the El Segundo Municipal Code) The City Council will determine whether or not to protest the issuance of the ABC License (Type 47) at its meeting on June 20, 2006 If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact Alexis Schopp, Planning Technician, at (310) 524 -2343 Sincerely, Seimone Jurp Director Department of Zrining and Budding Safety P \Planning & Building Safety \PROJECTSMI - 725 \EA- 709\EA -709 AUP LTR doc 12 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT PUBLIC HEARING: June 8, 2006 SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment No. 709 Administrative Use Permit No. 06-6 APPLICANT: Salt Creek Grille El Segundo, LLC Dba Salt Creek Grille PROPERTY OWNER: Rosecrans Partners 3, LLC REQUEST: A Request for an Alcohol Beverage Licenses for a New Restaurant (Type 47 Alcohol Beverage Control License) PROPERTY INVOLVED: 2015 Park Place The Planning and Building Safety Department received the above referenced application for an Administrative Use Permit to allow an alcohol license for a new restaurant currently under construction at a new commercial shopping center (Plaza El Segundo) located at 2015 Park Place in the Commercial Center (C-4) Zone The applicant is requesting a Type 47 license for the on -site sale and on -site consumption of beer, wine and distilled spirits in the restaurant The restaurant will consist of an indoor dining area, a bar and lounge, and outdoor patio Entertainment consisting of a jazz ensemble or jazz pianist would be offered in the bar and lounge area The following chart describes the proposed dining and seating areas " o 5. -PRO S � � �bP0SED,SQVAREkF Indoor Dining 2,666 SF 200 seats Bar and Lounge 1, 575 SF 74 seats PROPOSED PROPOSED SQUARE FOOTAGE � ' )'� NUMBER OF °SEgTS RESTAURANT � 6 r Outdoor Patio 869 SF 51 seats Total 5,110 SF 325 seats The Administrative Use Permit is required for the new restaurant since there is no previous business with a license at this location Restaurants area permitted use in this Zoning District in accordance with the Commercial Center (C-4) Zone and Section 4 1 5 of the Development Agreement by and between the City of EI Segundo and Mar Ventures, Inc , developer of the Plaza El Segundo project The proposed use (on -site sale and consumption of beer, wine and distilled spirits) requires an Administrative Use Permit (AUP) in accordance with El Segundo Municipal Code § 15 -5G -4A The applicant intends to provide an outdoor patio and bar with 51 seats Outdoor dining is a permitted accessory use Outdoor dining areas greater than 200 square feet in area are subject to providing parking at a ratio of one space for every 75 square feet of area The following chart is the parking analysis for the proposed uses - Yx.t @�Sr��`77r• t; „��• u^ a, ,� �' Wtw `- g4°P� d ' � ° ' �K�ax i ?,.� p ^'; � 6 � + N. Indoor Dining, 7,259 SF — 1 Space /75 SF 96 8 Parking Spaces Lounge and Bar Outdoor Patio 869 SF — 1 Space /75 SF 11 6 Parking Spaces Total 8,128 SF 108 Parking Spaces Note Pursuant to El Segundo Municipal Code §15 -15 -2 G, fractional spaces are rounded to the nearest whole number The proposed indoor dining area, lounge and bar, and food preparation areas is 7,259 square feet which requires 97 parking spaces The proposed outdoor patio adjacent to the bar and lounge and Is approximately 869 square feet and would require approximately 11 parking spaces The total required parking for the proposed restaurant Is 108 parking spaces The parcel has 58 parking spaces on- site The remaining parking will be provided on one of the adjacent parcels with excess parking through a Covenant and Agreement -1 1 .L3.& The hours of operation approved by this permit would be limited to 11 am to 10 pm on Mondays and Tuesdays, 11 am to 11 pm Wednesdays through Saturdays, and 10 am to 10 pm on Sundays The bar, lounge and patio hours would be open an additional hour until 12 am from Thursday through Saturday Any change to the hours of operation or the hours that alcohol may be served is subject to review and approval by the Director of Planning and Building Safety The hours of entertainment would be permitted from 10 am to 9 pm on Sundays, 11 am to 9 pm Mondays through Wednesdays, 11 am to 10 pm on Thursdays, and 11 am to 11 pm on Fridays and Saturdays Planning staff reviewed the application and the Director made the necessary findings to grant an Administrative Use Permit The attached letter specifies all of the required findings for the permit 11. Inter - Departmental Comments The project applications and plans were circulated to the Police Department for review The Police Department's comments are attached. III. RECOMMENDATION Receive and File IV. EXHIBITS A Administrative Use Permit Approval Letter, dated May 31, 2006 B Administrative Use Permit application C Inter - Departmental Comments Prepared by FJpxis Schopp, Planning Technician Kimberly Chri t nsen, AICP, Planning Manager Department of Planning & Building Safety Seimone Jurjis,AE.16rector Department of Planning & Building Safety P \Planning & Building Safety \PROJECTS1701- 7251EA- 709\EA -709 PC -SR doc 3 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA MEETING DATE- June 20, 2006 AGENDA HEADING: Mayor McDowell Consideration and possible action to appoint a member of the City Council as the City of El Segundo's representative on the Southern California Cities Joint Powers Consortium RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Appoint a member of the City Council to serve as the City's representative on the Southern California Cities Joint Powers Consortium, 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION. On May16, 2006, the City Council approved a table listing current Council appointments to intergovernmental agencies, local agencies and subcommittees During the discussion on that item, we inadvertently concluded that the Southern California Cities Joint Powers Authority was no longer a viable entity and had ceased operation Since that time, we have learned that the SCCJPA was still functioning and, in fact, is attempting to schedule a meeting for July 5ti' Accordingly, I am requesting that we reinstate participation in that JPA and that the Council approve Councilmember Bill Fisher as the City's representative ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None FISCAL IMPACT- N/A Operating Budget: Amount Requested. Account Number: Project Phase. Appropriation Required: _Yes _ No ORIGINATED: DATE: June 13, avor KeUk McDowell DATE- June 13, 2006 i- 16