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AGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City- related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and /or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the Meeting During the first Public Communications portion of the Agenda, comments are limited to those items appearing on the Agenda During the second Public Communications portion of the Agenda, comments may be made regarding any matter within the jurisdiction of the City Council Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired Please respect the time limits Members of the Public may place items on the second Public Communications portion of the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p m the prior Tuesday) Other members of the public may comment on these items only during this second Public Communications portion of the Agenda The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes in length In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524 -2305. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2006 - 5:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL Next Resolution # 4496 Next Ordinance # 1403 QUi PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 CLOSED SESSION: The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, at sue) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or confernng with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation, and /or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel), andlor confernng with the City's Labor Negotiators, as follows CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956 9(a)) — 3 matters 1 City of El Segundo v 2221 Park Place, LASC Case No BC319034 2 City of El Segundo vs City of Los Angeles, et al LASC No BS094279 3 Gilbreath v El Segundo, LASC Case No YC053692 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956 9(b) -2- potential cases (no further public statement is required at this time), Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956 9(c) -0- matter DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) -0- matter CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54957 6) -0- matter CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956 8) -0- matter SPECIAL MATTERS: -0- matter 062 AGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City - related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and /or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the Meeting During the first Public Communications portion of the Agenda, comments are limited to those items appearing on the Agenda During the second Public Communications portion of the Agenda, comments may be made regarding any matter within the jurisdiction of the City Council Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired Please respect the time limas Members of the Public may place items on the second Public Communications portion of the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p m the prior Tuesday) Other members of the public may comment on these items only during this second Public Communications portion of the Agenda The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes in lenoth In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524 -2305. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2006 - 7 :00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION — Pastor John Svendsen of First Baptist Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Jim Boulgandes Next Resolution # 4496 Next Ordinance # 1403 vU, PRESENTATIONS - (a) Proclamation honoring John and Shirley Williams, appointed by the City Council on October 17, 2006 as Honorary Citizens of El Segundo for their exemplary citizenry and volunteerism on behalf of the seniors of El Segundo and bestowing upon them the rights and privileges of a Senior citizen of our community (b) Commendation presented to Chris Sherrill and Cindy Mortesen accepting on behalf of the sponsors, supporters and volunteers of the El Segundo Community Christmas Dinner to be held at 1 00 p m on Christmas Day at the Joslyn Center at Recreation & Parks (c) Commendation to Darcy Fullmer and Mike Dugan in recognition of their service on the Library Board of Trustees and CIPAC, respectively ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves poor to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only. Recommendation - Approval B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS Consideration and possible action regarding a public hearing related to the Proposition 218 majority protest process relative to proposed increases to the City's water and wastewater rates for FY 2006 -2007 through FY 2009 -2010 and introduction of Ordinances setting the new water and wastewater rates if it is determined that no majority protest exists. (Potential Fiscal Impact = approximately $570,000 loss in FY 2006 -2007 water revenues and approximately $560,000 loss in FY 2006 -2007 wastewater revenues) Recommendation- (1) Open the public hearing, (2) Receive all wntten and verbal testimony regarding the proposed fee increases, (3) Determine whether there is a majority protest against the proposed fee increases and adopt a resolution certifying the 4 UUt protest ballot results, (4) If no majority protest exists, introduce an Ordinance setting the amount of water rates and charges pursuant to Health and Safety Code § 5471 and El Segundo Municipal Code §11 -1 -5, and (5) If no majority protest exists, introduce an Ordinance setting the amount of wastewater rates and charges pursuant to Health and Safety Code § 5471 and El Segundo Municipal Code §12 -7 -3, (6) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 2. Consideration and possible action regarding the Annual Report of the Community Cable Advisory Committee. Oral presentation to be made by the Committee Chairman. (Fiscal Impact: None) Recommendation — (1) Receive and file the Annual Report of the Community Cable Advisory Committee, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of an item is made, the items) will be considered individually under the next heading of business 3. Warrant Numbers 2556730 to 2556984 on Register No. 5 in the total amount of $1,152,372.24 and Wire Transfers from 11/23/2006 through 12/07/2006 in the total amount of $659,397.40. Recommendation — Approve Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release Ratify Payroll and Employee Benefit checks, checks released early due to contracts or agreement, emergency disbursements andlor adjustments, and wire transfers. 4. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 5, 2006. Recommendation — Approval uu5 5. Consideration and possible action to retain Bob Murray & Associates to conduct an executive search for the position of Director of Planning and Building Safety Services and authorize the City Manager to extend the agreement with Gary Chicots to continue serving as Interim Director of Planning and Building Safety Services during the recruitment process. (Fiscal Impact: Estimated $25,000) Recommendation — (1) Authorize the City Manager to execute a professional services agreement, in a form approved by the City Attorney, with Bob Murray & Associates for an amount not to exceed $25,000, (2) Authorize the City Manager to extend an agreement with Gary Chicots to continue serving as Interim Director of Planning and Building Safety Services, (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 6. Consideration and possible action regarding adoption of the Resolutions per the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) to continue paying and reporting the value of Employer Paid Member Contribution (EPMC) for all City employees and to tax defer member paid contributions. (Fiscal Impact: None) Recommendation — (1) Adopt the required Resolutions, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to these items. 7. Consideration and possible action regarding a status report on the options under evaluation for replacing the Imperial Avenue video surveillance system utilized for monitoring LAX aircraft overflights of El Segundo. (Fiscal Impact: None) Recommendation — (1) Receive and file status report on aircraft surveillance system upgrade project, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 8. Consideration and possible action regarding award of contracts to: G &G Specialty Contractors, Inc. for construction related to Group 14 (29 residences) and Group 18 (27 residences), Tron Construction, Inc. for construction related to Group 15 (25 residences) and Group 16 (30 residences), and S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc. for construction related to Group 17 (27 residences) of the Residential Sound Insulation (RSI) Program. (Estimated construction cost and retention: $6,990,252) Recommendation — (1) Award contract to G &G Specialty Contractors, Inc for Group 14, (2) Award contract to Tron Construction, Inc for Group 15, (3) Award contract to Tron Construction, Inc for Group 16, (4) Award contract to S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc for Group 17, (5) Award contract to G &G Specialty Contractors, Inc for Group 18, (6) Authorize the City Manager to execute construction contracts in a form approved by the City Attorney, (7) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 6 `;U6 9. Consideration and possible action regarding the approval of a Professional Services Agreement between Keyser Marston Associates and the City to provide consulting services (economic analysis) for the City relating to Phase II of the Plaza El Segundo proposed development (located at the northeast corner of Sepulveda Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue between 750 -850 S. Sepulveda Boulevard). (Fiscal Impact: $15,000) Recommendation — (1) Authorize the City Manager to sign a Professional Services Agreement approved as to form by the City Attorney, (2) Alternatively, discuss or take other actions related to this item 10. Consideration and possible action regarding acceptance of the project for installation of security enclosures around reservoir hatches at the six million gallon water reservoir located at 301 Maryland Street — Project No. PW 06 -08. (Final Contract Amount: $16,800) Recommendation — (1) Accept the work as complete, (2) Authorize the City Clerk to file the City Engineer's Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office, (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 11. Consideration and possible action to award a Public Works Contract to MG Enterprizes for the replacement of blue stone crosswalks in the intersection of Grand Avenue at Main Street. Approved Capital Improvement Project — Project No. PW 06 -12 (Contract Amount: $72,900) Recommendation — (1) Authorize the City Manager to execute a Public Works Contract in a form as approved by the City Attorney with MG Enterpnzes in the amount of $72,900 for the replacement of Blue Stone, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 12. Consideration and possible action regarding acceptance of the project for the 2005 -2006 Annual Contract for City-wide Sidewalk, Curb, Curb and Gutter, Handicap Access Ramps and other Minor Improvements — Project No. PW 06 -05. (Final Contract Amount: $92,386) Recommendation — (1) Accept the work as complete, (2) Authorize the City Clerk to file the City Engineer's Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office, (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 7 �Ur F. NEW BUSINESS 13. Consideration and possible action regarding the approval of a Professional Services Agreement between JAS Pacific, Inc. and the City of El Segundo for building inspector services. (Fiscal Impact: $25,000) Recommendation — (1) Authorize the City Manager to sign a Professional Services Agreement approved as to form by the City Attorney, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item G. REPORTS — CITY MANAGER H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY — NONE REPORTS — CITY CLERK J. REPORTS — CITY TREASURER K. REPORTS — CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Fisher - Council Member Jacobson — Council Member Boulgarides — Mayor Pro Tern Busch - Mayor McDowell — 14. Consideration and possible action regarding the annual request of Mr. S. Claus for variances from the Municipal Code. Recommendation — Approve request by Mr S Claus for a waiver of the permits required for doing business within the City of El Segundo as follows, or, alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 1) Approval of a Conditional Use Permit and vU$ waiver of regulations in ESMC Section 15 -23 -4, (2) The use of air rights and waiver of the Santa Monica Radial 160 R procedure (FAA should be contacted), (3) Grant a free business license for a non - profit organization (ESMC 4 -1 -7), (4) Waiver of ESMC 8-4- 11 B (Driveway Permits Required) and ESMC 8 -5 -11 (Parking on Grades), (5) Waiver of the Noise Ordinance to permit the sound of bells (ESMC 7 -2 -3), (6) Waiver of the Trespass Ordinance (ESMC 7 -6 -3) including 6 -5 -11 dealing with trespassing animals, (7) Waiver of the Ordinance on Animal Regulations (ESMC 6 -2 -1), (8) Waiver of the Pooper- Scooper Regulations (ESMC 7 -1 -4) Additionally, Mr S Claus has been directed to the Coastal Commission for clearance over the ocean, D M V for a valid vehicle registration, Department of Health & Welfare to ensure his elves are receiving minimum wage, and the Air Quality Management District to ensure a safe and clear sleigh ride PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have receive value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed MEMORIALS — CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move Into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, Including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et sue) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation, and /or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel), and /or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) ADJOURNMENT POSTED DATE I5 0( TIME -3 NAME 9 UU' V mm Pnb at 6 o a ` Citp of (El 6egunbo, QCa[tforuia WHEREAS, John and Shirley Williams, have volunteered innumerable hours over many years on behalf of El Segundo senior citizens, earning the respect and affection of all who know them. WHEREAS, John and Shirley Williams have been active members of the El Segundo Senior Citizen Club since 1992, volunteering countless hours in numerous capacities and in an abundance of activities including monthly pot luck dinners, weekly Saturday night senior dances, the senior bowling team and weekly Striders activities, as well as on annual special events such as the 4u of July, Elderfest, and Senior Prom. WHEREAS, Shirley Williams has served as Secretary and as Vice - President of the El Segundo Senior Citizen Club Board, and for several years served on the Senior Scholarship Board and as the Membership Chairperson for the Club's approximately 500 members. WHEREAS, 181 senior citizens, El Segundo Senior Citizens Club members and El Segundo residents petitioned the City Council to bestow upon John and Shirley Williams honorary citizenship because they believe that John and Shirley Williams embody the true spirit of volunteerism and are an asset to our community. NOW, THEREFORE, on this 19th day of December, 2006, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, hereby commendJohn and Shirley Williams for their dedication and commitment to El Segundo senior citizens and to the El Segundo Senior Citizens Club and hereby bestow upon them all the rights and privileges of individuals participating in El Segundo Senior Programs and, by so bestowing, deem them Honorary El Segundo Citizens. ��, Tn. zu ommenbation City of AEI *egunDo, California WHEREAS, In 1983, El Segundo resident Bill Coffman conceived the idea of the El Segundo Community Christmas Dinner and solicited the help of local businesses, residents and organizations to fund, cook and serve a traditional Christmas dinner that brought people together to share the holiday spirit WHEREAS, The El Segundo Community Christmas Dinner has become a hometown tradition that has served the community for 23 years The last 18 Christmas dinners have been served at the Joslyn Center WHEREAS, The dinner would not be possible without the financial assistance of community groups and organizations, businesses, associations and volunteers of all ages The El Segundo Community Christmas Dinner has received monetary donations from Chevron, El Segundo Rotary Club, El Segundo Kiwanis Club, Continental Development Corporation and Mattel The turkeys and trimmings are provided by the Stevens family of the Stick & Stein Restaurant, desserts from El Segundo Bakery and the holiday music is provided by DJ and MC, Tony Barthel Once again Cbris Sherrill and Cindy Mortesen will organize the El Segundo Community Christmas Dinner to be held at 1 00 p in on December 25th at the Recreation & Parks Joslyn Center, for the benefit of all those in the community who wish to participate in fellowship and share in some Christmas cheer NOW, 'THEREFORE, on this 19th day of December, 2006, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby commend and thank all sponsors, supporters and volunteers, for their unselfish community service in keeping this hometown holiday tradition alive in El Segundo r. 7 Vij 0 0 0 .ti U —a w O u U •Mr.I V � 0 U a+ PN r 0 v ,Y N O b .4 rd rd r w rl Q TA Q O T" r°a Q) Ul w N w U a x 0 O U w rl •N �y i•I r 'a 0 .M^ 0 .N c V 1 �. f Q w N Q m N w � � r ti Ul y V `v V 1 �. m N 0 y ii Q 4 U W ro U c 0 %44 TA m 4=0 U ..► "u >1 a � � o ,o U x F H 0 A 0 a c x 0 a b v m b C no I J U.fl.J EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 19, 2006 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Special Orders of Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION Consideration and possible action regarding a public hearing related to the Proposition 218 majority protest process relative to proposed Increases to the City's water and wastewater rates for FY 2006 -2007 through FY 2009 -2010 and introduction of ordinances setting the new water and wastewater rates if it is determined that no majority protest exists (Potential Fiscal Impact = approximately $570,000 loss in FY 2006 -2007 water revenues and approximately $560,000 loss in FY 2006 -2007 wastewater revenues) 1) Open the public hearing, 2) Receive all written and verbal testimony regarding the proposed fee increases, 3) Determine whether there is a majority protest against the proposed fee increases and adopt a resolution certifying the protest ballot results, 4) If no majority protest exists, introduce an Ordinance Setting the amount of Water Rates and Charges Pursuant to Health and Safety Code § 5471 and El Segundo Municipal Code §11 -1 -5, 5) If no majority protest exists, Introduce an Ordinance Setting the amount of Wastewater Rates and Charges Pursuant to Health and Safety Code § 5471 and El Segundo Municipal Code §12 -7 -3, and 6) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: On September 7, 2004, the City Council adopted Ordinance Nos 1376 and 1377 which set forth rate Increases for residential and non - residential water and wastewater services provided by the City Ordinance No 1376 provided for six Increases to the City's water rates to be Implemented over a six year period Ordinance No 1377 provided for five Increases to the City's wastewater rates to be implemented over a five -year period To date, two of the Increases have been Imposed for each utility (Continued on following page) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Ordinance Nos 1376 and 1377 Notice and Protest Ballot Mailed to Property Owners Resolution Certifying Results of Protest Ballots Proposed Water Rate Ordinance Proposed Wastewater Rate Ordinance FISCAL IMPACT Operating and CIP Budget Potentially $1,130,000 in lost revenues Amount Requested: NA Account Number* NA Project Phase, NA 1 f, n BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION Continued: 2 or5 The rate schedules Included In the Ordinances were developed through rate studies completed in 2004. The rate studies were conducted to determine the operating, capital and cash reserve needs of the water and wastewater systems. The studies were Intended to assist in developing policies that would address the funding shortfalls in the water and wastewater enterprise fund accounts and to recommend a path to place those enterprise funds in sound condition In the future. City Council established a Task Force to assist in developing the rate schedule. The primary focus of the Task Force was to establish the water and wastewater enterprise funds as self - sustaining and to eliminate the General Fund subsidies that existed at that time. The study recommended three rate schedules for restructuring the water and wastewater rates. The alternatives ranged from aggressive rate increases to quickly eliminate the subsidy to more gradual approaches that maintained the general fund subsidy while the rates could be raised gradually to eliminate the subsidy over a longer period. After much consideration, the Task Force recommended the most gradual alternative. The rate schedule eliminated the general fund subsidy of the water enterprise fund in FY 2004- 2005. The rate schedule recommended for the wastewater enterprise fund, however, would not offset the general fund subsidy entirely until 2013. Today, the water enterprise fund is self sustaining and the wastewater enterprise fund receives and annual general fund subsidy in the amount of approximately $600,000. Comparison with Other Agencies A comparison of water and wastewater rates to those of surrounding agencies is provided below. The proposed FY 2006 -2007 water rates are the lowest of any surrounding agency. The proposed wastewater rates for FY 2006 -2007 are well below average with only five of fourteen agencies with lower rates. Comparison of Monthly Water Charges to Other Agencies M Monthly Water Charge for typical residence using 15CCF �— El Segundo Water Charge (proposed $25 90) —� El Segundo E)asting Charge ($22 60) $6000 sss se 9s 9s woo 733 $4168 S43 03 $43 03 W03 93 � $40 00 $33 78 $2999 $= $30 00 'I $20 00 $ +000 $000 N �_ST L L L V IS ? L ; D j ppM m a. Ir BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION Continued: $4000 $3500 S3000 $2500 $2000 $1500 $1000 $500 $000 Comparison of Monthly Wastewater Charges to Other Agencies M Monthly Wastewater Charge for typical residence using 15CCF -. El Segundo Total Wastewater Charge (Proposed $15 51) .— El Segundo Ewsting Charge ($12 04) w >. m � D C3 m g� ca Y m Y U • � m . the w astew ater charges Y,cWde the Los Angeles County sensation Rstrkt charges L a U rn Recent Legal Precedent Requiring Proposition 218 Procedures 3 of 5 On July 24, 2006, the California Supreme Court concluded in Bighom- Desert View Water Agency v. Beringson that water and wastewater rates are subject to the requirements of Proposition 218 (Article XIIIC and XIIID to the California Constitution). The Bighorn decision specifically overruled a prior California appellate court decision in the case of Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Association v. City of Los Angeles that held that these types of services were not subject to the requirements of Proposition 218. Based upon the Bighorn decision, On October 3, 2006 City Council directed staff to adhere to the Proposition 218 majority protest procedure (explained below) prior to implementing the remaining rate increases that are set forth in Ordinance Nos. 1376 and 1377 Proposition 218 Proposition 218 was approved by the voters of the State of California at the November 5, 1996 general election. Proposition 218 added Articles XIIIC and Article XIIID to the California Constitution Article XIIID requires that any agency imposing or increasing any property- related fee or charge must provide written notice to the record ownerof each identified parcel upon which such fee or charge is to be imposed and must conduct a public hearing with respect thereto. The written notice must be sent to the property owners at least forty -five days prior to the BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION Continued: a of s public hearing The proposed fee or charge may not be imposed or increased if a majority of property owners of the identified parcels file written protests against it prior to the close of the public hearing In addition, Article MID includes a number of requirements applicable to existing fees and charges including provisions to the effect that (i) revenues derived from the fee or charge shall not exceed the funds required to provide the property- related service, (n) such revenues shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which the fee or charge was imposed, (iii) the amount of a fee or charge imposed upon any parcel or person as an incident of property ownership shall not exceed the proportional cost of the service attributable to the parcel and (iv) no such fee or charge may be imposed for a service unless that service is actually used by, or immediately available to, the owner of the property in question Property - related fees or charges based on potential or future use of a service are not permitted. The California Supreme Court concluded in the Bighorn case that a public agency's charges for water and wastewater delivery are "fees and charges" within the meaning of Article XIIID This decision by the Supreme Court specifically overruled a prior California appellate case involving the City of Los Angeles that held such charges were not subject to Article MID The California Attorney General had also previously issued an opinion that water rates were not subject to Article MID Proposed Increases Staff believes that the City's current, and the proposed water and wastewater fees comply with requirements (i) through (iv) set forth above The proposed increases will, at best, result In the water and wastewater operations being self - sustaining so that the City's general fund will not have to continue to subsidize these operations Accordingly, the proposed rates do not exceed the funds required to provide the services provided and the funds are only used forthe operations of these utility enterprises. Water rates are based upon actual consumption of water and meter capacity Due to the correlation between water consumption and wastewater discharge, wastewater fees are charged proportional to the quantity of water consumed and the types of land use discharging. Finally, only property owners utilizing water and wastewater services pay for the use of these services. (Copies of the water and wastewater studies that were prepared in 2004 are available for public review in the City Clerk's Office and will be available at the public hearing) Protest Ballots, Public Hearing and Resolution Certifying Ballot Results On October 3, 2006, City Council directed staff to administer the Proposition 218 majority protest process and set a public hearing on December 19, 2006 for consideration of the proposed water and wastewater rate increases. On October 27, 2006, protest ballots were mailed to the recorded owners of each parcel in the City (ballot sample Is attached) This timeframe exceeds the 45 day notification period required by Proposition 218 In all, 5,224 ballots were mailed To successfully protest the rate increases, a simple majority of property owners (2,613 or more) must return their ballots as instructed As of December 13, 2006, 1,213 Water Rate Protest ballots and 1,197 Wastewater Rate Protest ballots had been properly completed and returned by property owners U i BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION Continued* sore Property owners can turn in (by mad or hand delivery) protest ballots at anytime prior to the close of the public hearing At the public hearing, the Council will be presented with (i) a resolution for purposes of certifying the results of the protest process, and (ii) ordinances reflecting the proposed increases Ordinances The Ordinances recommended for Introduction reflect the proposed water and wastewater rate Increases set forth in the notice mailed with the protest ballots The ordinances cannot be introduced and adopted If a majority of the property owners file written protests. If introduced by City Council, the second reading and adoption of the ordinances would be scheduled for the January 16, 2007 City Council meeting Rate increases, if enacted, would take effect no earlier than February 16, 2007 Water Rate Ordinance The rates proposed In the recommended water rate ordinance are identical to those provided in existing Ordinance 1376 (adopted 09- 07 -04) for fiscal years 2005 -2006 through 2009 -2010 with one exception Under Ordinance 1376, Water Consumption Charges are variable and provide a pass- through wholesale water cost increases or decreases to customers with no cap The proposed water rate ordinance provides a pass through of wholesale water cost increases as well, but places a cap on the annual increases as shown in the proposed ordinance These caps vary from year to year from 4 96% to 4 17% based on West Basin Municipal Water District's projected wholesale water cost increases Wastewater Rate Ordinance The rates proposed in the recommended wastewater rate ordinance are Identical to those provided In existing Ordinance 1377 (adopted 09- 07 -04) for fiscal years 2005- 2006 through 2008 -2009. Lifeline Customers Ordinance Nos 1376 and 1377, and the recommended ordinances provided reduced water and wastewater rates for customers that qualify as low Income Eligible residents pay half the regular rate Public Works staff recently contacted 42 Lifeline customers to verify eligibility Transience and improved economic conditions reduced the number of eligible lifeline customers to 30 The overall lifeline subsidy is approximately $7,200 per year Under Proposition 218, the subsidy for these customers cannot come from funds received from regular rate payers Proposition 218 provides that the subsidy can be funded from interest earned on water revenues or from the City's General Fund The City has elected to fund the Lifeline subsidy from interest earned on water revenues �. i O Existing Water and Wastewater Rate Ordinances ➢ Ordinance 1376 (Existing Water Rate Ordinance) ➢ Ordinance 1377 (Existing Wastewater Rate Ordinance) -% 1 ib6+lpywa+wt�at�,tn�, W dfrw�irllriattl� ATMM 2 4 �., MAa en, 200 t-1 ��6mcvnm. f ORDINANCE NO. 1376M �� at= Sqpaft AN ORDINANCE SETTING THE AMOUNT OF WATER RATES AND CHARGES PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE § 5471 AND EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE § 11 -1 -5. The City Council of the City of El Segundo does ordain as follows: SECTION 1 The City Council finds and declares as follows• A The City of El Segundo requires a reliable supply of water meeting current and anticipated water quality standards to protect the public general welfare, health and safety ' B. The purpose of water rates and charges is to protect the public health, safety and general welfare by providing a reliable and adequate supply of water meeting current and anticipated water quality standards for the residents of the City of El Segundo and to pay for the cost of providing such service C There is a reasonable relationship between the amount of the rates and charges and the cost of services and facilities necessary to deliver water service to the residents and non - residential development of the City D The City Council has previously set water rates and established administrative procedures for billing and collecting water rates. These actions are reflected, without limitation, in Resolution Nos. 4018 (adopted 07- 01 -97), 3922 (adopted 06- 06 -95), 3856 (adopted 03- 01 -94); 3831 (adopted 09- 07 -93); and 3807 (adopted 03- 16 -93) E This ordinance is adopted in accordance with Health and Safety Code § 5471 and El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC ") § 11 -1 -5 to establish the City's current water rates F This Ordinance is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (Cal Pub Res Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA ") and CEQA regulations (Cal. Code Regs tit. 14, §§ 15000, et seq ) because it establishes, modifies, structures, restructures, and approves rates and charges for meeting operating expenses, purchasing supplies, equipment, and materials, meeting financial requirements; and obtaining funds for capital projects needed to maintain service within existing service areas This Ordinance, therefore, is categorically exempt from further CEQA review under Cal Code Regs tit. 14, § 15273 G Notice regarding the water rates included in this ordinance was provided in accordance with Government Code § 54354 5 and a public hearing was held by the City Council on August 3, 2004 and continued to August 17, 2004 U X (J oNinc.,wnx RW.Omi..Jaevi. 0722 730..) Page 1 of 3 H The City Council has considered the evidence and testimony presented at the public hearing. Based in part upon that evidence, and the staff reports presented to the Council regarding this issue, the City Council believes that it is in the public interest to adopt this Ordinance SECTION 2 AMOUNT OF RATES AND CHARGES Pursuant to ESMC § 11 -1- 5, the City Council establishes amount of water rates as set forth in attached Exhibit 'A," which is incorporated by reference ('Water Charges ") SECTION 3 COST ESTIMATES The City Manager, or designee, will periodically, but not less than annually, review the Water Charges to determine whether revenues from such charges are meeting actual cost of services and facilities needed to deliver water service to the residents and non - residential developments within the City. If the City Manager determines that revenues do not adequately meet costs, the City Manager will recommend to the City Council a revised rate and charge schedule to be adopted by this City Council by ordinance SECTION 4 To the extent that Resolution Nos 4018 (adopted 07- 01 -97); 3922 adopted 06- 06 -95); 3856 (adopted 03- 01 -94), 3831 (adopted 09- 07 -93); and 3807 (adopted 03- 16 -93), and any other resolution or ordinance purporting to establish water rates or administrative procedures associated with such rates are incorporated into this Ordinance, they are repealed SECTION 5 Repeal of any provision of the El Segundo Municipal Code, or any other City resolution or ordinance herein will not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before, this Ordinance's effective date. Any such repealed part will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance SECTION 6 If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable SECTION 7. The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting, and, within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law. SECTION 8 This Ordinance will become effective on the thirty -first (31st) day following its passage and adoption �,�� WxerRNeOdin.. Rev1feCO 4 330.) Page 2 of 3 � PASSED AND ADOPTED this ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) 7th day of September Kelly SS I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Ordinance No 1376 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 17th day of August 2004, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 7th day of September 2004, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES McDowell, Gaines, Boulgarides, Busch, Jacobson NOES- None ABSENT- None ABSTAIN None Cindy M8 tesen, City Clerk APPROVED A TORORM Mark D Hen y tto�r i By. arl H. Berger, A sist C� City Attorney V f' O In2mn WarerRare Odman )RemeaE 07 2604 1 W am) Page 3 of 3 4 WATER RATE SCHEDULES EXHIBIT "A" A. Basic Monthly Readiness -To -Serve Charges: Meter Size 2004 -2005 2005 -2006 2006 -2007 2007 -2008 2008 -2009 2009 -2010 5/8 "x3/4" and 3/4" 164 356 549 741 934 1126 5/8 "x3/4" and 3/4" Lifeline 082 1 78 274 371 467 563 1" 1311 1449 15 87 1725 1864 2002 1" Lifeline 655 725 794 863 932 1001 1 -1/2" 1801 1948 2094 2241 2387 2534 2" 2293 2735 3177 36.20 4062 45M 3" 3931 5172 64121 7653 88931 101 34 4" 6060 8452 10843 13234 15625 18016 6" 11629 17411 23192 28973 34755 40536 8" 16379 27516 38653 49790 60927 72064 10" 26206 43484 60763 78042 95321 1,12600 12" 37671 62566 87460 1,12355 1,37249 1,62144 16" 65517 1,10065 1,54613 1,99161 2,43708 2,88256 20" 1,015491 1,713191 2,41089 3,10859 3,80630 4,50400 The basic monthly readiness -to -serve charges are subject to additional adjustment if the local consumer price Index Increases by more than 3.0 percent In a fiscal year Additional charges for water consumed per month are For first 2,000 cubic feet or 56 cubic meters of water used, $1 2460 per 100 cubic feet or $0.4400 per cubic meter For next 3,000 cubic feet or 85 cubic meters of water used. $1 3708 per 100 cubic feet or $0 4842 per cubic meter. For next 5,000 cubic feet or 142 cubic meters of water used $1.4393 per 100 cubic feet or $0 5082 per cubic meter Additional lifeline charges for water consumed per month are. For first 500 cubic feet or 14 cubic meters of water used: $0 6231 per 100 cubic feet or $0 2200 per cubic meter For next 1,500 cubic feet or 42 cubic meters of water used. $1 1924 per 100 cubic feet or $0 421 per cubic meter. For next 3,000 cubic feet or 85 cubic meters of water used $1 3708 per 100 cubic feet or $0.4842 per cubic meter. For next 5,000 cubic feet or 142 cubic meters of water used $14393 per 100 cubic feet or $0.5082 per cubic meter For monthly consumption over 10,000 cubic feet or 283 cubic meters $1.5082 per 100 feet or $0.5324 per cubic meter. Potable water consumption charges will be increased by the same percentage as the West Basin Municipal Water District Increases Its charges to the City For reclaimed water The rate charged by West Basin Municipal Water District, plus $0 3056 per 100 cubic feet or $0 1079 per cubic meter > f. J B. Basic BI- Monthly Readiness -To -Serve Charges: Meter Size 2004 -2005 2005 -2006 2006 -2007 2007 -2008 2008 -2009 2009 -2010 5/8 "x3/4" and 3/4" 328 713 1097 1482 1867 2252 5/8 "x3/4" and 3/4" Lifeline 164 356 549 741 934 1126 1" 2622 2898 31 74 3451 3727 4004 1" Lifeline 1311 1449 1587 1725 18 64 2002 1 -112" 3603 3895 41 88 4481 4774 5067 2" 4586 5470 6355 7239 81 24 9008 T. 78631 10344 128251 15306 177871 20268 4" 121 21 16903 21685 26468 31250 36032 6" 23258 34821 46384 57947 69509 81072 8" 32758 55032 77306 99580 1,21854 1,44128 10" 52411 86969 1,21527 1,56084 1,90642 2,25200 12" 75342 1,251 31 1,74920 2,24710 2,744 99 3,24288 16" 1,31035 2,201 30 3,09226 3,98321 4,87417 5,76512 20" 2,03097 3,42638 4,82178 6,21719 7,61256 9,00800 The basic bi- monthly readiness -to -serve charges are subject to additional adjustment if the local consumer price Index Increases by more than 3.0 percent in a fiscal year. are Additional charges for water consumed per two month period are For first 4,000 cubic feet or 112 cubic meters water used $1 2460 per 100 cubic feet or $0 4400 per cubic meter For next 6,000 cubic feet or 170 cubic meters of water used $1 3708 per 100 cubic feet or $0 4842 per cubic meter. For next 10,000 cubic feet or 284 cubic meters of water used $1 4393 per 100 cubic feet or $0 5082 per cubic meter Additional lifeline charges for water consumed per two month For first 1,000 cubic feet or 28 cubic meters of water used. $0 6231 per 100 cubic feet or $0 2200 per cubic meter For next 3,000 cubic feet or 85 cubic meters of water used: $1.1924 per 100 cubic feet or $0.421 per cubic meter For next 6,000 cubic feet or 85 cubic meters of water used. $1 3708 per 100 cubic feet or $0.4842 per cubic meter For next 10,000 cubic feet or 142 cubic meters of water used $14393 per 100 cubic feet or $0.5082 per cubic meter For bi- monthly consumption over 20,000 cubic feet or 566 cubic meters: $1.5082 per 100 feet or $0.5324 per cubic meter. Potable water consumption charges will be Increased by the same percentage as the West Basin Municipal Water District increases its charges to the City. t- t-4 RECLAIMED WATER: The rate charged by West Basin Municipal Water District, plus $0.3056 per 100 cubic feet or $0.1079 per cubic meters. Where two or more meters are installed in a battery or manifold the service connection size are used for computing the readiness -to -serve charge and the consumption charges are based on the combined total consumption indicated by all the readings of all meters in the battery or manifold C. Monthly Fire Service Charge: Meter Size 2004 -2005 2005 -2006 2006 -2007 2007 -2008 2008 -2009 2009 -2010 2" 2351 2761 31 71 3580 3990 4400 3" 3527 4141 4756 5371 5985 6600 4" 4704 5524 6343 7162 7981 8806 6" 7054 8283 9513 10742 11971 13200 8" 9404 11043 12682 14322 15961 17600 10" 11767 13814 15860 17907 19953 22000 The monthly fire service charges are subject to additional adjustment if the local consumer price index increases by more than 3 0 percent in a fiscal year D. Construction Water Rates Construction water rates are as follows 1. Water used on construction jobs are metered and the cost will be one and one - half times that set forth under the general rates cost; 2. Upon application for service, a charge of one hundred dollars ($100 00) will be made for the initial meter installation and an additional charge of seventy five dollars ($75 00) will be made for each meter relocation in fiscal year 2004 -2005. These charges will increased by the local consumer price index for each subsequent fiscal year, 3. A returnable deposit of three hundred fifty dollars ($350.00) for each meter must be made upon application for service, which deposit shall secure the payment to the City of any damage suffered and of charges for water served and which has not otherwise been paid. E. Unmetered Water Rates: For water use through an unmetered City fire L145 hydrant, a charge will be made to cover the cost of the water used and other related expenses of the City Water System The charge will be one hundred dollars ($100.00) for turning the hydrant on and off and for the first ten minutes of flow in fiscal year 2004- 2005 These charges will be increased by the local consumer price index for each subsequent fiscal year An additional charge of $3 05 will be made for each minute after the initial ten minutes in fiscal year 2004 -2005. Any use of water from a fire hydrant other than by the City will be subject to the foregoing charge The additional charge will be increased in the subsequent fiscal years at the same rate that the West Basin Municipal Water District increases its potable water rates. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING: STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES } Ss CITY OF EL SEGUNDO } ORDINANCE NO. 1376 AN ORDINANCE SETTING THE AMOUNT OF WATER RATES AND CHARGES PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE § 5471 AND EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE § 11 -1 -5. I, Cathy Domann, declare as follows- That I am the Deputy City Clerk, acting as a Secretary to the El Segundo City Council, that a copy of the document listed above for the meeting of September 7, 2004, was posted at the following conspicuous place, City Hall Front Window, on September 13, 2004, at 11.00 a.m I declare under the penalty of penury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on September 13, 2004 111 (Signature) v�7 af offlow ATM 00� ORDINANCE NO. 1377 i t� -- —Ci4 Clack6 coy of a 5680wo AN ORDINANCE SETTING THE AMOUNT OF WASTEWATER RATES AND CHARGES PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE § 5471 AND EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE § 12 -7 -3. The City Council of the City of El Segundo does ordain as follows. SECTION 1. The City Council finds and declares as follows. A The City of El Segundo requires a reliable wastewater discharge system meeting current and anticipated water quality standards to protect the public general welfare, health and safety. B The purpose of wastewater rates and charges is to protect the public health, safety and general welfare by providing a reliable and safe wastewater discharge system that meets current and anticipated wastewater quality standards for the residents of the City of El Segundo and to pay for the cost of providing such service. C. Based upon the record, there is a reasonable relationship between the amount of the rates and charges and the cost of services and facilities necessary to deliver wastewater service to the residents and non- residential development of the City D. This ordinance is adopted in accordance with Health and Safety Code § 5471 and El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC ") § 12 -7 -3 to establish the City's current wastewater rates and charges. E. This Ordinance is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (Cal Pub. Res Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA ") and CEQA regulations (Cal Code Regs tit. 14, §§ 15000, et seq.) because it establishes, modifies, structures, restructures, and approves rates and charges for meeting operating expenses, purchasing supplies, equipment, and materials; meeting financial requirements; and obtaining funds for capital projects needed to maintain service within existing service areas This Ordinance, therefore, is categorically exempt from further CEQA review under Cal Code Regs. Tit 14, § 15273. F Notice regarding the wastewater rates included in this ordinance was provided in accordance with Government�Code § 54354 5 and a public hearing was held by the City Council on August 3, 2004 and continued to August 17, 2004 G The City Council has considered the evidence and testimony presented at the public hearing. Based in part upon that evidence, and obInw�w »�w�eobIM.- ,«Wo,�,so Page 1 of i�b' the agenda reports presented to the Council regarding this issue, the City Council believes that it is in the public interest to adopt this Ordinance. SECTION 2. AMOUNT OF RATES AND CHARGES. Pursuant to ESMC § 12 -7- 3, the City Council establishes amount of wastewater rates as set forth in attached Exhibit "A," which is incorporated by reference ('Wastewater Charges ") SECTION 3 COST ESTIMATES The City Manager, or designee, will periodically, but not less than annually, review the Wastewater Charges to determine whether revenues from such charges are meeting actual cost of services and facilities needed for wastewater discharge services to the residents and non - residential developments within the City. if the City Manager determines that revenues do not adequately meet costs, the City Manager will recommend to the City Council a revised rate and charge schedule to be adopted by this City Council by ordinance SECTION 4 Resolution No 3954 (adopted December 5, 1995) is superseded by this Ordinance and therefore repealed. SECTION 5. Repeal of any provision of the SSMC, or any other City resolution or ordinance herein will not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before, this Ordinance's effective date Any such repealed part will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occumng before the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION 6 If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION 7 The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting, and, within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law SECTION 8 This Ordinance will take effect on the 31st day following its final passage and adoption R.1 a 072" 7 50 ain1 Page 2 of 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED this ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 1 I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Ordinance No 1377 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 17th day of august 2004, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 7th day of September 2004, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES McDowell, Gaines, Boulgarides and Busch NOES- Jacobson ABSENT. None ABSTAIN- �^� None LdX* �L allvm 1i) Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROVED Mark D Hera By: ' < '"Karl K Berger, AAsistant City Attorney r, �00 ON4uM1�We„ewalaf RNe ONinarce(Revis� %2 &Oa 7 90 am) Page 3 of 3 WASTEWATER RATE SCHEDULES EXHIBIT "Arr A. Treatment Charge: Treatment Charges Customer Type and Water Meter Size Fiscal Year 2004 -2005 2005.2006 9M7 Inna 2008 -200 Single Family/Duplex 518"& 3/4" 529 661 794 926 1058 Single Family/Duplex 1" 673 841 1009 1177 1345 Single Family/Duplex 1 -12' 727 9 09 10 91 1273 1455 Single Family/Duplex 2" 772 965 1158 1352 15451 Single Famil /Duplex lufelme 4791 598 718 838 958 Multi Family 5/8" and 3/4" 874 1093 13111 1530 1748 Mulb Family 1" 1224 1531 1837 2143 2449 Muld Family 1 -1/2" 1868 2335 2802 3269 3736 Mulb Family 2" 4189 5237 6284 7331 83.79 Mulb Family 3" 14240 17800 21360 24920 28480 Multi Family 4" 19594 24493 29391 34290, 39188 Commercial West of Sepulveda 5/8" and 314" 624, 780 936 1092 1248 1" 15571 1947 23 36 2726 3115 1 -1/2" 2868 3585 4302 5019 5736 2" 7560 9450 11341 13231 15121 3" 14013 17516 21020 24523 28026 4" 59878 74847 89817 1,04786 1,19756 Industrial West of Sepulveda 5/8" and 3/4" 517 647 776 906 1035 1" 700 875 1050 1225 1399 1 -1 /2" 2021. 2526 30 31 3537 4042 2" 6169 7712 9254 107 97 12339 3" 15466 19332 231 98 27065 30931 4" 21973 27466 32959 38452 43945 Institutional 5/8" and 3/4" 489 611 733. 856. 978 1" 774 968 11 62 1355 1549 1 -1/2" 11 79 1473 1768 2062 2357 2" 1787 2234 2680 3127 3574 3" 4431 5539 6647 7755 $863 4" 5248 6560 7872 9184 10495 6" 25346 3`1682 38019 44355 50692 Chevron 5/8" and 3/4" 329 412 494 676, 658 1" 470 587 7041 8221 939 1 -1/2" 62 43 1804 93651 109 26 12487 2" 397431 496 79 596 15 695 51 79487 3" 1 400001 500 00 600 001 700001 80000 UJ1 B. Wastewater Service Charge: Wastewater Service Charges Customer Type and Water Meter Size Fisni Year 2004- 2005 2005- 2006 2006- 2007 2007 - 2008 200& 2009 Residential Single Family/Duplex 5B'& 314" 1 35 213 292 371 449 Single Family/Duplex 1" 162 256 350 445 539 Single Family/Duplex 1-112" 175 277 380 482 5a4 51 le Fan-WyOuplex 2" 184 299 409 519 629 Single Family/Duplex Lifeline 108 171 234 298 359 Multi Family 5/8" and 3/4" 216 341 467 503. 719 Multi Famiy l" 303 480 657 5341 1011 Multi Family 1-1/2" 458 725 993 1260 1527 Multi Family 2" 1011 16 00 21 90 2780 3369 Mull Family 3" 3504 5548 7592 9636 11680 Multi Family 4" 4717 7489 10220 12971 157 23 Commercial West of Sepulveda 5/8" and 3/4" 148 235 321 408 494 1" 384 608 832 1056 12.80 1 -1/2" 674 1067 1460 1853 2246 2" 1752 2774 3796 4818 5840 3" 37731 59751 81 76 103771 12578 4" 14150 22405 30669 38914 47168 Industrial West of Sepulveda 5 /8"and 314" 135 213 292 371 449 1" 162 256 350 445 539 1 -1/2" 499 790 1080 1371 1882 2" 1482 2347 3212 4077 4941 3" 3773 59 75 8176 10377 125781 4" 5391 8535 11680 14824 17989 Institutional 518" and 314" 135 213 292 371 449 1" 189 299 409 519 629 283 448 613 778 943 2" 404 540 $76 11 12 13 3" 1078 1707 2336 2965 3594 4" 1348 2134 2920 3706 4492 6" 6064 M02 131 40 16677 202 t5 Chevron 5/8" and 3/4" 135 213 292 3711 4491 1" 162 256 350 4451 5391 1 -112" 1348 21,341 2920 3706 2" 9434 149 37 20439 25942 3" 107 81 170 70 233 59 298 48 Commercial East of Se veda 5/8" and 3/4" 1 35 2 13 2 92 3 71 F314 1" 148 235 321 408 1 -1/2" 943 1494 2044 2594 2" 26 95 42 68 58 40 74 12 3" 37 73 59 75 81 76 103 77 4" 80 84 96 02 131 40 16677 6" 15498 24639 33579 428 20 51860 Industrial East of Sepulveda 5/8" and 3/4" 148 2 35 3 21 408 494 1" 1 587 803 1019 1235 4 1087 1460 1853 2246 2 23 47 32 12 40 77 49 41 4 ;256 9602 131 40 16677 2021 4" 4 149 37 204 39 259 42 314 45 6" 5 405 42 554 79 704 15 853 52 C. Quantity Charge: Quantl Charges Customer Type and Water Meta Size Fiscal Year 2004- 2005 2006• 2008 2008• 2�7 2007- 2008 2008 - 20M Remdeneal Single Fam1fYJDup1ex 5/8' & 3/4" 012 022 031 041 050 Single Family/Duplex 1" 012 022 031 041 050 Sm Ie Fam /Du ez 1.1/2" 012 022 031 041 050 Single Fami T 012 022 031 041 050 Sages F (Du L4eIMe 0 12 022 031 041 0 Mu1U Fam 6/8' and 314' 015 026 038 050 062 Muth Fami 1' 015 026 038 0501 062 Mui6 Faml 1 -1/2" 015 026 038 050 062 Muld Fami 2' 015 0261 038 0501 062 MUM Famll 3' 0151 0261 038 050 08 Muth Family 4' 0151 0281 038 050 062 Commensal Wsst of SepuNeda 518"and 314' 017 031 044 058 071 1" 017 031 044 058 071 1-1/2" 017 031 0" 058 071 2" 017 031 044 058 071 3" 017 031 044 058 071 4" 017 031 044 058 071 Industnal West of SepuNeda 5/8" and 314" 017 031 044 0581 0711 1" 017 031 044 0581 071 1 -1/2' 017 031 044 0581 071 2" 017 031 044 0581 071 3- 017 031 044 058 071 4" 017 031 044 058 071 Inshtuhunal 5/8" and 314" 015 026 038 050 062 1" 015 026 038 050 062 1 -ill" 015 026 038 050 062 2" 015 026 038 050 06 3" 0 15 0261 038 0 50 062. 4" 0161 0261 038 050 06 6" 0151 0261 038 0501 0621 Chavmn 518' and 3/4" 017 0311 0 44 058 071 1" 017 031 044 058 071 1 -112" 017 031 044 058 071 2" 017 031 044 058 071 3- 017 031 044 058 071 Commercial East of Sepulveda SW and 3/4" 017 031 044 058 071 1" 017 031 044 058 071 1 -112" 017 031 044 0681 071 2" 017 031 044 058 071 3" 017 031 044 058 071 4" 0 171 0 311 044 058 071 6" 0171 0311 044 058 071 Industrial East of Sepulveda 5/8" and 3/4" 017 031 044 058 071 1" 017 031 044 058 071 1 -1/2' 017 031 044 058 071 T 017 031 044 058 071 3" 017 031 044 058 071 4" 017 031 044 058 071 6" 017 031 0441 0581 071 D. Annual Quality Surcharge Fee. This fee is applicable to all customers with industrial waste permits It is determined pursuant to the following formula C = V [a (SS -250) + b (BOD - 180)] k Where "C" is the quality surcharge fee, "V" is the average daily volume of wastewater discharged in gallons, based on (1) the volume of water supplied to the premises less an amount determined by the Public Works Director to account for water not discharged into the sanitary sewer system, or (2) the metered volume of wastewater discharged into the sanitary sewer system according to a measuring device approved by the Public Works Director, or (3) a figure determined by the Public Works Director based on any other equitable method, "SS" is the suspended solids in the waste discharged, expressed in milligrams per liter "BOD" is the five day biochemical oxygen demand of the waste discharged, expressed in milligrams per liter "a" is the cost assessed for each pound of suspended solids It is established at 0 29 It will be adjusted annually by the local consumer price index "b" is the cost assessed for each pound of biochemical oxygen demand It is established at 0 11. It will be adjusted annually by the local consumer price index. "k" is a dimensional constant to convert C to dollars, currently 0 003044 If the term containing SS or BOD is negative, a value of zero is used for that term Suspended solids and BOD analyses are required to be made in accordance with "Standard Methods " In determining the Annual Quality Surcharge Fee, the Public Works Director may use industrial averages for SS and BOD values The Public Works Director may group permit holders into discharge volume ranges Where volume measurement at the premises of a permit holder is impractical for physical, economic or other reasons, these volume ranges may be used in establishing the quality surcharge fee. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING: STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES } ss CITY OF EL SEGUNDO } ORDINANCE NO. 1377 AN ORDINANCE SETTING THE AMOUNT OF WASTEWATER RATES AND CHARGES PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE § 5471 AND EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE § 12 -7 -3. I, Cathy Domann, declare as follows That I am the Deputy City Clerk, acting as a Secretary to the El Segundo City Council; that a copy of the document listed above for the meeting of September 7, 2004, was posted at the following conspicuous place, City Hall Front Window, on September 13, 2004, at 11 00 a m I declare under the penalty of pequry that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on September 13, 2004. (Signatur ( ;JJ Water and Wastewater Rate Increase Protest Ballot Mailed to 5,224 Registered Property Owners on October 27, 2006 6 J6 L. 1 `1 October 4, 2006 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PARCEL OWNERS REGARDING PROPOSED INCREASES IN WATER AND WASTEWATER SERVICE CHARGES AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON DECEMBER 19, 2006 Dear City of El Segundo Property Owner The City of El Segundo is proposing an increase to the water and wastewater service charges associated with providing water and wastewater services to parcels located in the City of El Segundo The increases are being proposed to pay for the cost of providing water and wastewater services to properties located within the City The proposed rates were calculated through water and wastewater service cost studies reviewed at public hearings before City Council on August 3, 2004 and August 17, 2004 The studies established a multi -year rate schedule to adjust water and wastewater rates in an effort to offset the City's cost of providing these services. The studies and multiyear rate schedules were adopted by Council on September 7, 2004 The FY 2004 -2005 and FY 2005 -2006 increments were previously implemented and the FY 2006 -2007 increase is proposed to be implemented on February 16, 2007 FY 2007 -2008, FY 2008 -2009, FY 2009 -2010 rate increases are proposed for implementation on October 1 of each year Rate changes to Water Consumption Charges, however, are proposed to be implemented by the City when wholesale water cost changes are implemented by the West Basin Municipal Water District. A complete copy of the water and wastewater studies, entitled "City of El Segundo Water Rate Study" and "City of El Segundo Sewer Rate Study ", both dated March 2004 are available in the City Clerks Office at 350 Main Street in the City of El Segundo The proposed new rates are provided on the enclosed "Schedule of Proposed Service Charge Increases " Review these to determine how your specific parcel would be affected Customers are encouraged to review water use history found on prior utility bills Charges are based upon a combination of meter size, type of service, location of service, and actual usage. If you have any questions on the proposed increase please call (310) 524 -2742 for assistance. Any adjustment shown, if enacted, will take effect no earlier than February 16, 2007 IMPORTANT INFORMATION If you oppose an increase to your water and /or wastewater service charges and wish to protest this action you must do so in writing, before the close of the public hearing on December 19, 2006. If you do not oppose an increase, no response is necessary If you want more information, please contact the City's Water Division at (310) 524 -2742 Provided in this packet is a WATER RATE INCREASE PROTEST BALLOT and a WASTEWATER RATE INCREASE PROTEST BALLOT. If you wish to protest implementation of the multi -year water and /or wastewater rate increases, you must 1) check the box on the appropriate ballot(s) indicating that you protest the proposed service charge increases, 2) print and sign your name on the lines provided, 3) deliver the signed ballots to the City Clerk before the close of the public hearing on December 19, 2006 by one of the following methods U S. mad addressed to City Clerk/Water and Wastewater Rates, City of El Segundo, 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245 or hand deliver to the City Clerk's office at the same address ;J7 October 2006 Schedule of Proposed Service Charge Increases Customers are charged for water service through two water service charges as follows 1 Water Consumption Charge. The Water Consumption Charge covers the City's cost to purchase water from the West Basin Municipal Water District (WBMWD) The cost of water purchased from WBMWD changes from time to time On January 1, 2007, WBMWD will increase potable water rates 4 6% Over the previous ten -year period, WBMWD rate changes have varied from -3 4% to +4 95% The proposed Water Consumption Charge in 2006 -2007 reflects the actual water costs accounting for increases to be imposed by WBMWD on January 1 2007 The proposed rates indicated for years 2007 -2008 through 2009 -2010 account for anticipated WBMWD rate increases in those years based on WBMWD projections WBMWD anticipates increasing wholesale water costs by 454 %, 4 35% and 4 17% in years 2007 -2008, 2008 -2009 and 2009 -2010 respectively The City proposes to increase or decrease Water Consumption Charges at the same percentage as increases or decreases implemented by WBMWD up to the maximum of the rate increases anticipated by WBMWD as indicated above The proposed Water Consumption Charges shown in the following tables reflect the maximum charge that could be charged in the corresponding year 2 Readmess- toServe I Operation and Maintenance Charges (RTSIO &M): The RTSIO &M charge covers the City's cost to operate and maintain the water system including, but not limited to, labor, equipment, energy costs and capital improvements These charges are flat fees based on meter size The following tables indicate existing and proposed water rates Water Consumption Char a (Monthly —Per Hundred Cubic Feet Consumed Residents qualifying as low income may take advantage of the following reduced or "Lifeline" Water Consumption Existing Water Proposed 2006 Proposed 2007 Proposed 2008 Proposed 2009 Water Consumption Consumption 2007 Water 2008 Water 2009 Water 2010 Water 2009 Lifeline Charge Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Water Water Charge Char a Charge Charge First 2,000 cubic feet $12693 $13322 $13927- $14533- $1 5139* Next 3,000 cubic feet $1 3964 $14656 $1 5321* $1 5988* $1.6655* Next 5,000 cubic feet $14662 $1 5388 $16087* $1 6786* $1 7486* Over 10,000 cubic feet 1 $15364( $1 6125 $1 6857* $1 7590* $1 8324* *Rate increases will be a pass- through of actual water cost increases imposed on the City by WBMWD The rate indicated anticipates increases in the cost of water purchased by the City for distribution to customers Rate increases passed through to El Segundo customers will not exceed the actual percentage increase imposed by WBMWD up to a maximum of the rate indicated Water Consumption Charges - Lifeline (Monthly — Per Hundred Cubic Feet Consumed) Residents qualifying as low income may take advantage of the following reduced or "Lifeline" Water Consumption Charges Proposed Proposed 2006- Proposed 2007 Proposed 2008- Proposed 2009 - Existing Lifeline 2007 Lifeline Lifeline 2009 Lifeline 2010 Lifeline Water Consumption Water Wate Water Water Water Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Charges Charges Charge Charges Charges Charges Charges Charges First 500 cubic feet $06348 $06662 $ 06964* $07267- $0 7570* Next 1,50D cubic feet $121471 $12749 $1 3328* $1 3908 $1 4488* Next 3,000 cubic feet $139641 $14656 $15321 * $1 5988* $1 6655* Next 5,000 cubic feet $146621 $15388 $16087-1 $1 6786* $1 7486* Over 10,000 cubic feet $153641 $16125 $1 6857* $1 7590* $1 8324* *Rate increases will be a pass- through of actual water cost increases imposed on the City by WBMWD The rate indicated anticipates increases in the cost of water purchased by the City for distribution to customers Rate increases passed through to El Segundo customers will not exceed the actual percentage increase imposed by WBMWD up to a maximum of the rate indicated p City of El Segundo Schedule of Proposed Service Charge Increases Continued Water Consumption Charges for recycled water will be the rate charged by the West Basin Municipal Water District, plus $0 3056 per hundred cubic feet of recycled water consumed Readiness-to-Serve / Operation and Maintenance Charges RTS /O &M) (Monthly) Meter Size Existing (RTS /O &M ) Charge Proposed 2006- 2007 (RTSIO &M) Charge Proposed 2007- 2008 (RTS /O &M) Charge Proposed 2008- 2009 (RTSIO &M) Charge Proposed 2009 - 2010 (RTSIO &M Charge 5/8" x %" and 3/4" $356 $549 $741 $934 $1126 518" x %" and %" (Lifeline) $178 $274 $371 $467 $563 1" $1449 $1587 $1725 $1864 $2002 1" (Lifeline) $724 $794 $863 $932 $1001 1 -1/2" $1948 $2094 $2241 $2387 $2534 2" $2735 $31 77 $3620 $4062 $45 04 3" $5172 $6412 $7653 $8893 $101 34 4" $8452 $10843 $13234 $15625 $18016 6" $17411 $23192 $28973 $34755 $40536 8" $27516 $38653 $49790 $60927 $72064 10" $43484 $60763 $78042 $95321 $1,12600 12" $62566 $87460 $1,12355 $1,37249 $1,62144 16" $1,10065 $1,54613 $1,99161 $2,43708 $2,88266 20" $1,71319 $2,410.89 $3,10859 $3,80630 $4,50406 Fire Service Charge (Monthly) Fire Services are water connections dedicated to emergency fire suppression systems such as budding fire sprinkler systems and private fire hydrants Existing Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed 2009 - Meter Size Fire Service 2006 -Prop Fire 2007 -2008 Fire 2008 -2009 Fire 2010 Fire Service Charge Service Charge Service Charge Service Charge Charge 2" $2761 $31 71 $3580 $3990 $4400 3" $4141 $4756 $5371 $5985 $66.00 4" $5524 $6343 $7162 $7981 $8800 6" $8283 $9513 $10742 $119711 $13200 8" $11043 $12682 $14322 $15961 $17600 10" $138141 $158601 $179071 $199531 $220.00 End of Water Rate Schedule C;j9 City of El Segundo Schedule of Proposed Service Charge Increases Continued Parcels in El Segundo are charged wastewater fees to fund the ongoing operations and maintenance of the City's sewer system The system is composed of underground pipelines and sewer pump stations. Sewage from the City is conveyed through the City's system of underground pipelm4s and pump stations to treatment plants. Charges to maintain and operate the system are collected by the City through the water billing process, due to the correlation between the amount of water consumed on a parcel to the quantity of wastewater discharged into the sewer /wastewater system Parcels west of Sepulveda Boulevard and a few parcels east drain to the Hyperion treatment plant and pay the following charges 1 Treatment Charge — The City pays Hyperion to accept and treat sewage from the City of El Segundo This charge goes to pay for Hyperion treatment costs 2 Service Charge — This charge pays for labor, equipment and energy costs of ongoing operations and maintenance of the City's wastewater pipelines and pump stations 3 Quantity Charge — This charge pays for needed capital improvements such as replacement or lining of sewer mains or upgrading pump stations The majority of parcels east of Sepulveda Boulevard flow to treatment plants operated by the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County Owners of those parcels pay the City's Service and Quantity Charges, and pay the Sanitation Districts through property tax assessments for sewage treatment The following tables indicate existing and proposed wastewater rates Treatment Charge Customer Type and Water Meter Size Existing Treatment Charges Proposed 2006 -2007 Treatment Charges Proposed 2007 -2008 Treatment Charges Proposed 2008 -2009 Treatment Charges Single Family /Duplex 5/8" and 3/4" $661 $794 $926 $1058 Single Family /Duplex 1" $841 $1009 $1177 $1345 Single Family /Duplex 1 -1/2" $909 $1091 $1273 $1455 Single Family /Duplex 2" $965 $11 58 $1352 $1545 Single Family /Duplex (Lifeline) $3305 $397 $463 $529 Muhl Family 5 /8" x' /4" $1093 $13 11 $1530 $1748 Multi Family 1" $1531 $1837 $2143 $2449 Multi Family 1 -1/2" $2335 $2802 $3269 $3736 Multi Family 2" $5237 $6284 $7331 $8339 Multi Family 3" $17800 $21360 $24920 $28480 Multi Family 4" $244.93 $29391 $34290 $391 88 Commercial West of Se ulveda 5/8" x W, $780 $936 $1092 $1248 1" $1947 $2336 $2726 $31 15 1 -1/2" $3585 $4302 $5019 $5736 2" $9450 $11341 $132 M $15121 3" $17516 $21020 $24523 $28026 4" $74847 $89817 $1,04786 $1,197 Industrial West of Seoulveda 5/8" x' /," $647 $776 $906 $1035 1" $875 $1050 $1225 $1399 1 -1/2" $25261 $30311 $3537 $4042 2" $77121 $92541 $10797 $12339 3" $193321 $231981 $27065 $30931 4" $274 66 $329591 $38452 $43945 (l `10 City of El Segundo Schedule of Proposed Service Charge Increases Continued Treatment Charge Customer Type and Water Meter Size Existing Treatment Charges Proposed 2006 -2007 Treatment Charges Proposed 2007 -2008 Treatment Charges Proposed 2008 -2009 Treatment Charges Institutional 5/8" x' /." $611 $7,33 $8 56 $9 78 1" $9 68 $11,62 $1355 $1549 1 -1/2" $1473 $1768 $2062 $2357 2" $2234 $2680 $3127 $3574 3" $5539 $6647 $7755 $8865 4" $6560 $7872 $9184 $104.95 6" $31682 $380 19 $44355 $50692 Refinery 5/8" x' /:' $4 12 $4 94 $576 $6 56 1" $587 $704 $8 22 $939 1 -1/2" $7804 $9365 $10926 $12487 2" $49679 $596 1 $69551 $79487 3" $50000 $600.00 $70000 $80000 Service Charge Customer Type and Water Meter Size Existing Service Charges Proposed 2006 -2007 Service Charges Proposed 2007 -2008 Service Charges Proposed 2008 -2009 Service Charges Single Family /Duplex 5/8" and 3/4" $2 13 $2 92 $371 $449 Single Family /Duplex 1" $2 56 $350 $445 $539 Single Family /Duplex 1 -1/2" $277 $380 $4.82 $5 84 Single Family /Duplex 2" $299 $409 $519 $629 Single Family /Duplex (Lifeline) $1065 $146 $1 86 $225 Multi Family 5/8" x 3/4" $341 $4 6 $593 $719 Multi Family 1" $4.80 $6 57 $8 34 $1011 Multi Family 1 -1/2" $725 $993 $1260 $1527 Multi Family 2" $1600 $21 90 $2780 $3369 Multi Family 3" $5548 $75 92 $9636 $116 B Multi Family 4" $7468 $10220 $12971 $15T23 Commercial West of Sepulveda 518" x 3/4" $235 $321 $408 $4 94 1" $608 $8 32 $1056 $1280 1 -1/2" $1067 $1460 $1853 $2246 2" $2774 $3796 $4818 $5840 3" $5975 $81 76 $10377 $125.78 4" $22405 $30659 $38914 $47168 Industrial West of Sepulveda 518" x 3t4" $2 13 $292 $371 $4 49 1" $256 $350 $445 $539 1 -1/2" $7.90 $10801 $13 71 $1662 2" $2347 $32121 $40 77 $4941 3" $5975 $81 76 $103771 $12578 $8535 $116801 $148241 $17969 641 City of El Segundo Schedule of Proposed Service Charge Increases Continued Service Charge Customer Type and Water Meter Size Existing Service Charges Proposed 2006 -2007 Service Charges Proposed 2007 -2008 Service Charges Proposed 2008 -2009 Service Charges Institutional $022 $031 $041 $050 5/8" x 314" $213 $292 $371 $446 1" $299 $409 $519 $629 1-1/2" $448 $613 $778 $943 2" $640 $876 $11 12 $1348 3" $1707 $2336 $2965 $3594 4" $21 34 $2920 $3706 $4492 6" $9602 $13140 $16677 $20219 Refinery $026 $038 $050 $062 l8" x 3/4" $213 $292 $371 $449 1" $256 $350 $445 $539 1 -112" $21 34 $2920 $3706 $4492 2" $14937 $20439 $25942 $31449 3" $17070 $23359 $29648 $359 37 Commercial East of Sepulveda 5/8" x 3/4" $213 $292 $371 $449 1" $235 $321 $408 $494 1 -1/2" $1494 $2044 $25 94 $31 45 2" $4268 $5840 $7412 $8984 3" $5975 $8176 $10377 $12578 4" $9602 $13140 $16677 $20215 6" $24539 $33579 $42620 $51660 Industrial East of Sepulveda 5/8" x 3/4" $235 $321 $408 $49-4 1" $587 $803 $1019 $1235 1 -1/2" $1067 $1460 $1853 $2246 2" $2347 $3212 $4077 $4941 3" $96 02 $131401 $166771 $20215 4" $14931 $204391 $259421 $31445 6" $405421 $554791 $704151 $85352 Quantity Charges Customer Type and Water Meter Size Existing Quantity Charges Proposed 2006 -2007 Quantity Charges Proposed 2007 -2008 Quantity Charges Proposed 2008 -2009 Quantity Charges Single FamdylDuplex 518" and 3/4" $022 $031 $041 $050 Single FamilytDuplex 1" $022 $0,31 $0 41 $0 Single Family /Duplex 1 -1/2" $022 $031 $041 $050 Single Family /Duplex 2" — $022 $031 $041 $050 Single FamdylDuplex (Lifeline) $0 11 $0155 $0205 $025 Multi Family 5/8" x 3/4" $026 $038 $050 $062 M ulti Family 1" $026 $038 $050 $062 Multi Family 1 -1/2" $026 $038 $050 $062 Multi Family 2" $026 $038 $050 $062 Multi Family 3" $026, $038, $050, $0 62 Multi Family 4" $0261 $0381 $0501 $0 62 ��4 City of El Segundo Schedule of Proposed Service Charge increases Continued Quantity Charges Customer Type and Water Meter Size Existing Quantity Charges Proposed 2006 -2007 Quantity Charges Proposed 2007 -2008 Quantity Charges Proposed 2008 -2009 Quantity Charges Commercial West of Se ulveda 5/8" x 3/4" $031 $044 $058 $071 1" $031 $044 $058 $071 1 -1/2" $031 $044 $058 $071 2" $031 $044 $0 58 $071 3" $031 $044 $058 $0 71 4" $031 $044 $058 $071 Industrial West of Sepulveda 5/8" x 3/4" $031 $044 $058 $071 1" $031 $044 $0 58 $071 1 -1/2" $031 $044 $058 $071 2" $031 $044 $0 58 $071 3" $0 31 $044 $058 $071 4" $031 $044 $058 $071 Institutional 5/8" x 3/4" $026 $038 $0 50 $0.62 1" $0 26 $0 3 $0 50 $0 62 1 -1/2" $0 26 $036 $0 50 $062 2" $026 $038 $050 $062 3" $026 $038 $0 50 $062 4" $026 $0.38 $0 50 $062 6" $0 26 $0 38 $0 50 $0 62 Refinery 518" x 3/4" $031 $044 $058 $071 1" $031 $044 $058 $071 1 -1/2" $031 $044 $0 58 $071 $031 $044 $0 58 $071 3" $0 31 $0 44 $0 58 $071 Commercial East of Sepulveda 5/8" x 3/4" $031 $044 $0 58 $071 1" $031 $044 $058 $071 1 -1/2" $031 $044 $058 $071 2" $0,31 $0 44 $0 5 $071 3" $0 31 $044 $0 58 $071 4" $031 $044 $0 58 $0 71 6" $031 $044 $058 $0 71 Industrial East of Sepulveda 518" x 3/4" $0 31 $044 $0 5 $0 71 1" $031 $044 $0 58 $071 1 -1/2" $031 $0441 $0 58 $071 2" $031 $044 $0 58 $0 71 3" $031 $044 $0581 $071 4" $031 $044 $0 5 $0 71 6" $0 31 $044 $o 56 $071 End of Wastewater Rate Schedule End of Schedule of Proposed Service Charge Increases 4 3 OWNER OF RECORD. Property Address Please make sure that you re-fold and insert this sheet so that your name and mailing address shows through the upper left window of the Return Envelope Property Owner Mailing Address WATER RATE INCREASE PROTEST BALLOT ❑ I rp otest the proposed water service charge Increases for FY 2006 -2007 through 2009 -2010 WASTEWATER RATE INCREASE PROTEST BALLOT OFFICIAL BALLOT CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Provided below Is a WATER RATE INCREASE PROTEST BALLOT and a WASTEWATER RATE INCREASE PROTEST BALLOT If you wish to protest Implementation of the multi -year water and /or wastewater rate Increases, you must 1) check the box on the appropriate ballot(s) below Indicating that you protest the proposed service charge Increases, 2) print and sign your name on the lines provided, 3) deliver the signed ballot(s) to the City Clerk before the close of the public hearing on December 19, 2006 by one of the following methods U S mall address to City Clerk/Water and Wastewater Rates, City of El Segundo, 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245 or hand deliver to the City Clerk's office at the same address APN ❑ I rp otest the proposed wastewater service charge Increases for FY 2006 -2007 through 2008 -2009 APN Pnnt Legibly— Full Name I own the property at Information for Parcel APN Return to: City Clerk/Water and Wastewater Rates, City of El Segundo, 350 Main Street, El Segundo CA 90245 prior to close of the public heanng to be conducted by the City Council on December 19, 2006. (%44 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE PROCEEDINGS FOR ADOPTING WATER AND WASTEWATER CHARGES IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE XHID OF THE CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION. The City Council of the city of El Segundo does resolve as follows SECTION 1 The City Council finds and declares as follows A On December 19, 2006, the City Council held a public hearing to consider the results of protest proceedings conducted in accordance with California Constitution Article XIIID, § 6(a)(2), and B After receiving documentary and oral testimony, the City Council declared the public hearing closed and considered whether written protests were received from property owners representing a majority of properties subject to the water and wastewater charges SECTION 2 The total number of protest ballots mailed or provided to property owners eligible to file a protest ballot was 5,224 The number of valid protest ballots received by the City at the end of the December 19`h public hearing was SECTION 3 The number of valid protest ballots required to prevent adoption of the proposed water and wastewater charges is 2613 Because the number of valid protest ballots received by the City ❑ does ❑ does not represent a majority of property owners eligible to protest, the City Council ❑ may ❑ may not adopt the proposed water and wastewater charges SECTION 4 The City Clerk will certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution and enter it into the book of original resolutions SECTION 5 This Resolution will become effective immediately upon adoption PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of 2006 Kelly McDowell, Mayor 1- C4J CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five, that the foregoing resolution, being RESOLUTION NO was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the day of 2006, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTENTION NOT PARTICIPATING WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this day of , 2006 APPRC Mark E Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk Of the City of El Segundo, California (SEAL) miey -2- ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE SETTING THE AMOUNT OF WATER RATES AND CHARGES PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE § 5471 AND EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE § 11 -1 -5. The City Council of the City of El Segundo does ordain as follows SECTION 1 The City Council finds and declares as follows A The City of El Segundo requires a reliable supply of water meeting current and anticipated water quality standards to protect the public general welfare, health and safety B The purpose of water rates and charges is to protect the public health, safety and general welfare by providing a reliable and adequate supply of water meeting current and anticipated water quality standards for the residents of the City of El Segundo and to pay for the cost of providing such service C There is a reasonable relationship between the amount of the rates and charges and the cost of services and facilities necessary to deliver water service to the residents and non - residential development of the City D The City Council previously set water rates and established administrative procedures for billing and collecting water rates. These actions are reflected, without limitation, in Ordinance 1376 (adopted September 7, 2004) E Notice regarding the water rates included in this ordinance was provided in accordance with California Constitution Article XIIID, § 6(c) and Government Code § 54354 5 F On December 19, 2006, the City Council held a public hearing to consider the results of the protest proceeding and to consider whether to adjust the water rates as proposed G This Ordinance is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (Cal Pub Res. Code §§ 21000, et seq , "CEQA ") and CEQA regulations (Cal Code Regs tit 14, §§ 15000, et seq ) because it establishes, modifies, structures, restructures, and approves rates and charges for meeting operating expenses, purchasing supplies, equipment, and materials, meeting financial requirements, and obtaining funds for capital protects needed to maintain service within existing service areas This Ordinance, therefore, is categorically exempt from further CEQA review under Cal Code Regs tit 14, § 15273 Page 1 of 5 e� H This ordinance is adopted in accordance with Health and Safety Code § 5471 and El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC ") § 11 -1 -5 to establish the City's current water rates I The City Council has considered the evidence and testimony presented at the public hearing Based in part upon that evidence, and the staff reports presented to the Council regarding this issue, the City Council believes that it is in the public interest to adopt this Ordinance. SECTION 2 AMOUNT OF RATES AND CHARGES Pursuant to ESMC § 11 -1- 5, the City Council establishes amount of water rates as set forth in attached Exhibit "A," which is incorporated by reference ("Water Charges ") SECTION 3 COST ESTIMATES The City Manager, or designee, will periodically, but not less than annually, review the Water Charges to determine whether revenues from such charges are meeting actual cost of services and facilities needed to deliver water service to the residents and non - residential developments within the City If the City Manager determines that revenues do not adequately meet costs, the City Manager will recommend to the City Council a revised rate and charge schedule to be adopted by this City Council by ordinance SECTION 4 This Ordinance was adopted to comply with the California Supreme Court decision in Bighorn -Desert View Water Agency v. Vegtl (2006) 39 Cal 4th 205 To the extent any provision of this Ordinance repeals or supersedes Ordinance No 1376, such repeal or replacement will not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before, this Ordinance's effective date Any such repealed or superseded part of Ordinance No. 1376 will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION 5. If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable SECTION 6 The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and, within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law. Page 2of5 k;4s& SECTION 7 This Ordinance will become effective on the thirty-first (31st) day following its passage and adoption PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of 2007 Kelly McDowell, Mayor ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Ordinance No was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the day of 2006, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of 2007, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES - NOES. ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPR( Mark E M_ Page 3 of 5 � I! J, Water Consumption Charge (Monthly— Per Hundred Cubic Feet Consumed) Residents qualifying as low income may take advantage of the following reduced or "Lifeline" Existing Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Wane 2006 -2007 2007 -2008 2008 -2009 2009 -2010 Water Consumption Consumption Water Water Water Water Lifeline Water Charge Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Charge Charge Charge Charge First 2,000 cubic feet $12693 $1 3322 $1 3927* $14533- $1 5139' Next 3,000 cubic feet $1 3964 $14656 $1 5321 * $1 5988* $1 6655* Next 5,000 cubic feet $1 4662 $1 5388 $1 6087* $1 6786* $1 7486* Over 10,000 cubic $1 5364 $16125 $1 6857* $17590* $1 8324* feet $1 7486* Over 10,000 cubic feet $1 5364 $1 6125 $1 6857* *Rate increases will be a pass- through of actual water cost increases imposed on the City by WBMWD The rate indicated anticipates increases in the cost of water purchased by the City for distribution to customers Rate increases passed through to El Segundo customers will not exceed the actual percentage increase imposed by WBMWD up to a maximum of the rate indicated Water Consumption Charges - Lifeline (Monthly — Per Hundred Cubic Feet Consumed) Residents qualifying as low income may take advantage of the following reduced or "Lifeline" Water Consumption Charges Existing Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Lifeline 2006 -2007 2007 -2008 2008 -2009 2009 -2010 Water Consumption Water Lifeline Water Lifeline Water Lifeline Water Lifeline Water Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Charges Charges Charges Charges Charges First 500 cubic feet $06348 $06662 $ 06964* $0 7267* $0 7570* Next 1,500 cubic feet $1 2147 $1 2749 $1 3328* $1 3908* $14488* Next 3,000 cubic feet $1 3964 $146561 $1 5321 * $1 5988* $1 6655* Next 5,000 cubic feet $1 4662 $1 5388 $1 6087' $1 6786' $1 7486* Over 10,000 cubic feet $1 5364 $1 6125 $1 6857* $1 7590* $1 8324' *Rate increases will be a pass- through of actual water cost increases imposed on the City by WBMWD The rate indicated anticipates increases in the cost of water purchased by the City for distribution to customers Rate increases passed through to El Segundo customers will not exceed the actual percentage increase imposed by WBMWD up to a maximum of the rate indicated Water Consumption Charges for recycled water will be the rate charged by the West Basin Municipal Water District, plus $0 3056 per hundred cubic feet of recycled water consumed Page 4of5 i mil) Readiness-to-Serve / Operation and Maintenance Charges (RTS /O &M) (Monthly) Meter Size Existing (RTS/O &M) Charge Proposed 2006 -2007 (RTS /O &M) Charge Proposed 2007 -2008 (RTS /O &M) Charge Proposed 2008 -2009 (RTS /O &M) Charge Proposed 2009 - 2010 (RTS /O &M) Charge 5/8" x3/." and 3/;' $3 56 $549 $741 $9341 $11 26 5/8" x3/4" and 3/:' (Lifeline) $1 78 $2 74 $371 $467 $563 1" $1449 $1587 $1725 $1864 $2002 1" (Lifeline) $724 $7 94 $863 $932 $1001 1 -1/2" $19 48 $2094 $2241 $2387 $2534 2" $2735 $31 77 $3620 $4062 $4504 3" $51 72 $6412 $7653 $8893, $101 34 4" $8452 $10843 $13234 $15625 $18016 6" $17411 $231 92 $28973 $34755 $40536 8" $27516 $38653 $49790 $60927 $72064 10" $43484 $60763 $78042 $95321 $1,12600 12" $62566 $87460 $1,12355 $1,37249 $1,621 44 16" $1,10065 $1,54613 $1,991 61 $2,43708 $2,88256 20" $1,71319, $2,410 89 $3,10859 $3,806301 $4,504 00 Fire Service Charge (Monthly) Existing Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed 2009 - Meter Size Fire Service 2006 -2007 2007 -2008 2008 -2009 2010 Fire Charge Fire Service Fire Service Fire Service Service Charge Charge Charge Charge 2" $2761 $31 71 $3580 $39 90 $4406 3" $41 41 $4756 $5371 $5985 $6600 $55241 $6343 $71 62 $79 81 $88 00 6" $82831 $9513 $10742 $119711 $13200 8" $110431 $12682 $14322 $159 61 $17600 10" $138141 $15860 $179071 $199531 $22000 End of Water Rate Schedule Page 5 of 5 (1 6 d ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE SETTING THE AMOUNT OF WASTEWATER RATES AND CHARGES PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE § 5471 AND EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE § 12 -7 -3. The City Council of the City of El Segundo does ordain as follows SECTION 1 The City Council finds and declares as follows A The City of El Segundo requires a reliable wastewater discharge system meeting current and anticipated water quality standards to protect the public general welfare, health and safety B The purpose of wastewater rates and charges is to protect the public health, safety and general welfare by providing a reliable and safe wastewater discharge system that meets current and anticipated wastewater quality standards for the residents of the City of El Segundo and to pay for the cost of providing such service C Based upon the record, there is a reasonable relationship between the amount of the rates and charges and the cost of services and facilities necessary to deliver wastewater service to the residents and non- residential development of the City D The City Council previously set wastewater rates and established administrative procedures for billing and collecting wastewater fees These actions are reflected, without limitation, in Ordinance 1377 (adopted September 7, 2004) E Notice regarding the wastewater rates included in this ordinance was provided in accordance with California Constitution Article XIIID, § 6(c) and Government Code § 54354 5 F On December 19, 2006, the City Council held a public hearing to consider the results of the protest proceeding and to consider whether to adjust the wastewater rates as proposed. G This Ordinance is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (Cal Pub Res Code §§ 21000, et seq , "CEQA ") and CEQA regulations (Cal Code Regs tit 14, §§ 15000, et seq.) because it establishes, modifies, structures, restructures, and approves rates and charges for meeting operating expenses, purchasing supplies, equipment, and materials, meeting financial requirements, and obtaining funds for capital projects needed to maintain service within existing service areas This Ordinance, therefore, is categorically exempt Page 1 of 7 LJ� from further CEQA review under Cal Code Regs Tit 14, § 15273 H This ordinance is adopted in accordance with Health and Safety Code § 5471 and El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC ") § 12 -7 -3 to establish the City's current wastewater rates and charges I The City Council has considered the evidence and testimony presented at the public hearing Based in part upon that evidence, and the agenda reports presented to the Council regarding this issue, the City Council believes that it is in the public interest to adopt this Ordinance SECTION 2 AMOUNT OF RATES AND CHARGES Pursuant to ESMC § 12 -7- 3, the City Council establishes amount of wastewater rates as set forth in attached Exhibit 'A" which is incorporated by reference ( "Wastewater Charges. ") SECTION 3 COST ESTIMATES The City Manager, or designee, will periodically, but not less than annually, review the Wastewater Charges to determine whether revenues from such charges are meeting actual cost of services and facilities needed for wastewater discharge services to the residents and non - residential developments within the City If the City Manager determines that revenues do not adequately meet costs, the City Manager will recommend to the City Council a revised rate and charge schedule to be adopted by this City Council by ordinance SECTION 4 This Ordinance was adopted to comply with the California Supreme Court decision in Bighorn - Desert View Water Agency v Verjil (2006) 39 Cal 0, 205 To the extent any provision of this Ordinance repeals or supersedes Ordinance No 1377, such repeal or replacement will not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before, this Ordinance's effective date Any such repealed or superseded part of Ordinance No. 1377 will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurnng before the effective date of this Ordinance SECTION 5. If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable SECTION 6 The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original ordinances, make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting, and, within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law Page 2 of 7 U J ,i SECTION 7 This Ordinance will take effect on the 31st day following its final passage and adoption PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of 2007 Kelly McDowell, Mayor ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 1 I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Ordinance No was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the day of , 2006, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of 2007, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPRi Mark C a Page 3 of 7 L 6-1 Treatment Charge (Monthly) Customer Type and Water Meter Size Existing Treatment Charges Proposed 2006 -2007 Treatment Charges Proposed 2007 -2008 Treatment Charges Proposed 2008 -2009 Treatment Charges Single Family /Duplex 5/8" and 3 /d' $661 $794 $926 $10 58 Single Family /Duplex 1" $841 $1009 $11 77 $1345 Single Family /Duplex 1 -112" $909 $1091 $1273 $14 55 Single Family /Duplex 2" $965 $11 58 $1352 $1545 Single Family /Duplex (Lifeline) $3305 $3 97 $463 $529 Multi Family 5/8" x3/." $1093 $1311 $1530 $1748 Multi Family 1" $1531 $18 37 $2143 $2449 Multi Family 1 -1/2" $2335 $28 02 $3269 $3736 Multi Family 2" $5237 $6284 $7331 $8379 Multi Family 3" $17800 $213 60 $24920 $28480 Multi Family 4" $24493 $29391 $34290 $391 88 Commercial West of Sepulveda 5/8" x 3/;' $780 $9 36 $1092 $12.48 1" $1947 $2336 $2726 $31 15 1 -1/2" $3585 $4302 $5019 $5736 2" $9450 $11341 $13231 $151 21 3" $17516 $21020 $24523 $28026 4" $74847 $89817 $1,04786 $1,19756 Industnal West of Se ulveda 5/8" x3/4" $647 $776 $906 $1035 1" $875 $1050 $1225 $1399 1-1/2" $2526 $3031 $35 37 $4042 2" $7712 $9254 $10797 $123 39 3" $19332 $231 98 $27065 $30931 4" $27466 $32959 $384.52 $43945 Institutional 5/8" x3/." $611 $733 $856 $978 1" $968 $11 62 $1355 $1549 1-1/2" $1473 $1768 $20 62 $23 57 2" $2234 $2680 $31 27 $3574 3" $5539 $6647 $7756 $8863 4" $6560 $78 72 $91 84 $10495 6" $316 82 $38019 $44355 $50692 Refiner 5/8" x3/4" $4 12 $494 $5 76 $6 58 1" $587 $7 04 $8 22 $939 1-1/2" $7804 $9365 $10926 $12487 2" $49679 $59615 $695 51 $794 87 3" $500001 $60000 $70000 $80000 Page 4 of 7 G 6 i Service Charge (Monthly) Customer Type and Water Meter Size Existing Service Charges Proposed 2006 -2007 Service Charges Proposed 2007 -2008 Service Charges Proposed 2008 -2009 Service Charges Single Family /Duplex 5 /8" and 3/4" $213 $292 $371 $449 Single Family /Duplex 1" $2.56 $350 $445 $539 Single Family /Duplex 1 -1/2" $277 $380 $482 $58 Single Family /Duplex 2" $299 $409 $519 $629 Single Family /Duplex (Lifeline) $1 065 $146 $1 86 $225 Multi Family 5/8" x 3/4" $341 $467 $593 $719 Multi Family 1" $480 $657 $834 $10 l l Multi Family 1 -1/2" $725 $993 $1260 $1527 Multi Family 2" $1600 $2190 $2780 $3369 Multi Family 3" $5548 $7592 $9636 $11680 Multi Family 4" $7468 $10220 $12971 $15723 Commercial West of Sepulveda 5/8" x 3/4" $235 $321 $408 $494 V. $608 $832 $1056 $1280 1 -1/2" $1067 $1460 $1853 $2246 2" $2774 $3796 $4818 $5840 3" $5975 $81 76 $10377 $12578 4" $22405 $30659 $38914 $471 68 Industrial West of Sepulveda 5/8" x 3/4" $213 $292 $371 $449 1" $256 $350 $445 $539 1 -1/2" $790 $1080 $1171 $1662 2" $2347 $32 12 $4077 $4941 3" $5975 $81 76 $10377 $12578 4" $8535 $11680 $14824 $17969 Institutional 5/8" x 3/4" $213 $292 $3.71 $449 1" $299 $409 $519 $629 1-1/2" $448 $613 $778 $943 2" $640 $876 $11 12 $1348 3" $1707 $2336 $2965 $3594 4" $21 34 $2920 $3706 $44.92 6" $9602 $13140 $16677 $20216 Refiner 5/8" x 3/4" $213 $292 $371 $449 1" $256 $350 $445 $539 1 -1/2" $21 34 $2920 $37 06 $4492 2" $14937 $204,39 $25942 $31445 3" $17070 $233 59 $29648 $35937 Commercial East of Sepulveda 5/8" x 3/4" $213 $292 $371 $446 1" $235 $321 $4 w $494 1 -1/2" $1494 $2044 $2594 $31 45 2" $42 $5840 $7412 $89 84 3" $5975 $81 76 $103771 $125781 Page 5 of 7 l,Jtr Service Charge (Monthly) Customer Type and Water Meter Size Existing Service Charges Proposed 2006 -2007 Service Charges Proposed 2007 -2008 Service Charges Proposed 2008 -2009 Service Charges 4" $9602 $131 40 $16677 $20215 6" $24539 $33579 $42620 $51660 Industrial East of Sepulveda $022 $0 31 $041 $050 5/8" x 3/4" $235 $321 $408 $494 1" $587 $803 $1019 $1236 1 -1/2" $1067 $1460 $1853 $2246 2" $2347 $3212 $4077 $4941 3" $9602 $13140 $16677 $202 15 4" $14937 $20439 $259421 $31445 6" $40542, $55479, $704151 $85352 Quantity Charges (Monthly - Per Hundred Cubic Feet Consumed) Customer Type and Water Meter Size Existing Quantity Charges Proposed 2006 -2007 Quantity Charges Proposed 2007 -2008 Quantity Charges Proposed 2008 -2009 Quantity Charges Single Family /Duplex 5/8" and 3/4" $022 $031 $041 $0 50 Single Family /Duplex 1" $022 $031 $041 $050 Single Family /Duplex 1 -1/2" $022 $0 31 $041 $050 Single Family /Duplex 2" $022 $031 $041 $050 Single Family /Duplex (Lifeline) $011 $0155 $0205 $025 Multi Family 518" x 314" $026 $038 $0 50 $062 Multi Family 1" $026 $038 $050 $062 Multi Family 1 -112" $026 $038 $0.50 $0 62 Multi Family 2" $026 $038 $0 50 $062 Multi Family 3" $026 $038 $0 50 $062 Multi Family 4" $026 $038 $050 $062 Commercial West of Se ulveda 5/8" x 3/4" $0 31 $044 $058 $071 1" $031 $044 $058 $0 71 1 -1/2" $0 31 $044 $0 5 $071 2" $031 $044 $058 $0 71 3" $031 $0.44 $058 $0 71 4" $031 $044 $058 $0 71 Industrial West of Sepulveda 5/8" x 3/4" $031 $044 $058 $0 71 1" $031 $044 $058 $071 1 -112" $031 $044 $058 $0 71 2" $0 31 $044 $0 58 $071 3" $031 $044 $058 $0 71 4" $031 $044 $0 58 $0 71 Institutional 5/8" x 314" $0 26 $038 $050 $062 1" $026 $0 38 $050 $0 62 $026 $0 38 $050 $062 2" $026 $0 38 $050 $062 3° $026 $0 38 $050 $062 Page 6 of 7 C, J i Quantity Charges (Monthly - Per Hundred Cubic Feet Consumed) Customer Type and Water Meter Size Existing Quantity Charges Proposed 2006 -2007 Quantity Charges Proposed 2007 -2008 Quantity Charges Proposed 2008 -2009 Quantity Charges 4" $026 $038 $050 $062 6" $026 $038 $050 $0 62 Refinery 5/8" x 3/4" $031 $044 $058 $071 1" $031 $044 $058 $071 1 -1/2" $031 $044 $058 $071 2" $031 $044 $058 $071 3" $031 $044 $058 $071 Commercial East of Sepulveda 518" x 3/4" $031 $044 $058 $071 1" $031 $044 $058 $0 71 1 -1/2" $031 $044 $058 $071 2" $031 $044 $058 $071 3" $031 $044 $058 $071 4" $031 $044 $058 $071 6" $031 $044 $058 $071 Industrial East of Sepulveda 5/8" x 3/4" $031 $044 $058 $071 1" $031 $044 $058 $071 1 -1/2" $031 $044 $058 $071 2" $031 $044 $058 $071 3" 1 $0 31 $0441 $0 58 $1171 $0311 $0441 $0 58 $0 71 $0311 $0441 $0 58 $0 71 End of Wastewater Rate Schedule Page 7 of 7 C'68 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT MEETING DATE. December 19, 2006 AGENDA HEADING: Reports of Committees, Boards, and Commissions Consideration and possible action regarding the Annual Report of the Community Cable Advisory Committee Oral presentation to be made by the Committee Chairman (Fiscal Impact None) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Receive and file the Annual Report of the Community Cable Advisory Committee, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: City Council has requested that Committees, Commissions and Boards give an Annual Report updating the Council on their accomplishments over the last year and their goals and objectives for the coming year Committee Chairman, Brian Mitchell, will be on hand to make a powerpoint presentation ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None FISCAL IMPACT. None Operating Budget: Amount Requested: Account Number, Project Phase: Phase II Appropriation Required: _Yes No ORIGINAT D BY DATE: Bill Crowe, Assistant City Manager REVIEW DATE. Je rt, City Manager 2 LJ� \\ {) « ■ ) % j ) _ > ( : (_ [ ( __!« § |] /) \ « §i[ §((! §§!� _[})m -zz !/f = o |! 5 \!! |/ :[\ ! §EEC§•!, ( = =z =jam /!! _ ( <�\ \ \ ,() \ \ }§w §) \( })j \) K N!! = #�lE, |!!�l := §K!!! ; # § ) >!l,a =, = =,__ « ;; ;,: / { / ! /{ � \ \\ ) \,a )\ ( \ / E { /! }\ \\ ( \ § | � / \ \ \( { (( { {§ }x \ } \k\ {\ { ) { � -u ®2`0 R / ) _ > ( : (_ [ ( __!« § |] /) \ « §i[ §((! §§!� _[})m -zz !/f = o |! 5 \!! |/ :[\ ! §EEC§•!, ( = =z =jam /!! _ ( <�\ \ \ ,() \ \ }§w §) \( })j \) K N!! = #�lE, |!!�l := §K!!! ; # § ) >!l,a =, = =,__ « ;; ;,: / { / ! /{ � \ \\ ) \,a )\ ( \ / E { /! }\ \\ ( \ § | � / \ \ \( { (( { {§ }x \ } \k\ {\ { ) { � -u CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 11/23/2006 THROUGH 12/07/2006 Date Payee Amount Description 11/24/2006 Federal Reserve 15000 Employee EE Bonds 11/24/2006 Federal Reserve 15000 Employee I Bonds 11/30/2006 Employment Development 42,429 91 State Taxes 11/30/2006 IRS 196,841 85 Federal Taxes 1214/2006 Health Comp 2,29130 Weekly claims 11/24 12/5/2006 Cal PERS 135,274 91 Health 12/5/2006 Unum Provient 41070 LTC 12/6/2006 Cal PERS 245,860 99 Retirement 12/6/2006 Health Comp 4,11089 Weekly claims 12/1 12/6/2006 Lane Donovan Golf Partners 18,589 57 Lakes payroll transfer 11123- 1217106 Workers Comp Activity 13,287 28 SCRMA checks issued DATE OF RATIFICATION: 12/19 +138 12006 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE. Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by 659, 397 40 1.0 11 p to Date 12-12--06 Date e 659,397,40 Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo l.�l REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2006 - 5 00 P M 5 00 P M SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor McDowell at 5.00 p m ROLL CALL Mayor McDowell Mayor Pro Tem Busch Council Member Boulgandes Council Member Fisher Council Member Jacobson - Present Present Absent Present — Arrived at 5 01 p m Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 CLOSED SESSION The City Council moved into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et seq ) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation, and /or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel), and /or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators, as follows CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956 9(a)) — 3 matters City of El Segundo v 2221 Park Place, LASC Case No BC319034 City of El Segundo vs City of Los Angeles, et al LASC No BS094279 Gilbreath v El Segundo, LASC Case No YC053692 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(b)- -0- potential cases (no further public statement is required at this time), Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956 9(c): -0- matter DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) -0- matter CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54957 6): -0- matter CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956 8) -0- matter SPECIAL MATTERS. -0- matter Council recessed at 6.55 p m `] MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 5, 2006 PAGE NO 1 REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2006 - 7 00 P M 7 00 P M SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor McDowell at 7 00 p m INVOCATION — Chaplain, Major Warren "Chappy" Wattles of the Los Angeles Air Force Base PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member BIII Fisher PRESENTATIONS — a Council Member Fisher presented a Proclamation to Julie Warner inviting the community to all the traditional El Segundo holiday events and proclaiming Sunday, December 10, 2006 as the 43rd Annual El Segundo Holiday Parade b Council Member Jacobson presented a Proclamation to the Loyal Order of the Moose inviting the residents of El Segundo to warmly welcome the members of the Loyal Order of the Moose - El Segundo Moose Lodge as they fudge the 2006 Lighting Up the Community program and proclaiming December, 2006 the month for Lighting Up the Community C. Mayor Pro Tern Busch presented a Commendation to Robert Combs, Police Department's RSVP of the Year for his invaluable contributions to the Retired Senior Volunteer Program d. Council Member Boulgandes presented a Proclamation to Kevin Mortesen in keeping with the annual El Segundo holiday tradition to symbolically change the name of the 1200 block of Acacia to Candy Cane Lane, in order to create a snow - covered Christmas Village for the period of Saturday, December 9, 2006 at 7 00 pm through Saturday, December 23, 2006 ROLL CALL Mayor McDowell - Present Mayor Pro Tern Busch - Present Council Member Boulgandes - Present Council Member Fisher - Present Council Member Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 5, 2006 PAGE NO 2 -63 Liz Garnholz, resident, spoke regarding Item No 3, construction of an Athletic Facility at the northeast corner of the intersection of Mariposa Avenue and Nash Street Requested clarification regarding the fiscal impact Kitty Crowley, resident, spoke regarding the grading of the Athletic Field and the soil used A PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only MOTION by Council Member Jacobson, SECONDED by Council Member Boulgandes to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS Consideration and possible action (Public Hearing) on the proposed projects and budget for the 2007 -2008 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Year Estimated CDBG budget allocation for Program Year 2007 -2008 is approximately $90,000 Estimated General Fund appropriation is $49,750 Mayor McDowell stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a public hearing on the proposed projects and budget for the 2007 -2008 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Year Estimated CDBG budget allocation for Program Year 2007 -2008 is approximately $90,000 Estimated General Fund appropriation is $49,750 Clerk Mortesen stated that proper notice was completed and no written communications had been received in the City Clerk's Office Tina Gall, CDBG Consultant, gave a report MOTION by Council Member Jacobson, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tenn Busch to close the Public Hearing MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 MOTION by Council Member Jacobson, SECONDED by Council Member Boulgandes to adopt the new 2007 -2008 CDBG projects and budget, including the appropriation of $49,750 of unallocated General Fund monies (from the exchange of CDBG funds) and authorize the City Manager to execute the contracts, as to form approved by the City Attorney, with the Los Angeles County Community Development Commission, and with all sub - recipients receiving CDBG funds MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 C UNFINISHED BUSINESS 2 Consideration and possible action to approve a professional services agreement with RRM Design Group in the amount of $551,110 to provide architectural design services for the replacement of Fire Station 2 (Fiscal Impact $551,110) Fire Chief Kevin Smith gave a report. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 5, 2006 PAGE NO 3 L s MOTION by Council Member Boulgandes, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Busch to authorize the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement No 3679 with RRM Design Group in the amount of $551,110 in a form as approved by the City Attorney. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 Consideration and possible action regarding the award of a construction contract to Ohno Construction Company in the amount of $4,560,387 30 for construction of an Athletic Facility at the northeast corner of the intersection of Mariposa Avenue and Nash Street and the appropriation of additional funds in the amount of $930,000 for the protect (Fiscal Impact $4,725,000, construction contract plus contingency). Steve Finton, Public Works Director, gave a report. MOTION by Mayor McDowell, SECONDED by Council Member Boulgandes to waive minor irregularities in the bid received from Ohno Construction Company, Reject the bid protests received from bidders Ford E C. Inc and Valley Crest Landscape Development, Authorize the City Manager to execute a Public Works Agreement No 3680 with Ohno Construction Company in the amount of $4,560,387 30 in a form approved by the City Attorney for construction of the Athletic Facility and authorize a construction contingency in the amount of $164,612 70 for unforeseen additional work, Appropriate Traffic Mitigation Funds in the amount of $350,000 to the Douglas Street Gap Closure Project (Account #301 - 400 - 8203 -8949) from funds currently appropriated to Morgan Stanley Traffic Protects (Account #301 - 400 - 8141 - 8948), Appropriate Federal Transportation Funds (SAFETEA -LU Funds) in the amount of $1,020,000 to the Douglas Street Gap Closure Project (Account #301 -400- 8203 - 8949), Appropriate General Funds in the amount of $890,000 to the El Segundo Athletic Facility project (Account #301- 400- 8202 -8998) from funds currently appropriated to the Douglas Street Gap Closure Project (Account #301 - 400 - 8203 - 8949), and appropriate General Funds in the amount of $40,000 to the El Segundo Athletic Facility project (Account #301 - 400 - 8202 -8998) from funds currently appropriated for construction of retaining walls at Recreation Park (Account #301 - 400 - 8202 -8996) MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 Council directed staff to return in January 2007 with recommendations for potential funding options for the Fire Station No 2 project, including potential external funding, re- allocation of existing funding and /or pursuing the sale of naming rights for the facility D REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 4. Consideration and possible action regarding the positions on Committees, Commissions and Boards (CCBs) that will expire in the year 2007 MOTION by Council Member Boulgandes, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tem Busch to direct staff to open the recruitment process for the positions on the CCBs, as listed, beginning January, 2007 MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 E CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 5, 2006 PAGE NO 4 V f! J 5 Approved Warrant Numbers 2556470 to 2556729 on Register No 04 in the total amount of $2,122,747 94 and Wire Transfers from 11/10/2006 through 11/22/2006 in the total amount of $1,482,422 74 Authorized staff to release. Ratified Payroll and Employee Benefit checks, checks released early due to contracts or agreement, emergency disbursements and /or adjustments, and wire transfers Approved Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of November 21, 2006 PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCIL MEMBER BOULGARIDES 8 Authorized the City Manager to enter into an Agreement No 3678 with US Bank as part of the State of California's Procurement Card (Cal Card) Program for the period December 22, 2006 through December 21, 2011, with one optional two -year extension, as approved to form by City Attorney, and authorized City Manager to sign Addendum to State of California Purchase Card Program Master Services Agreement (DGS MSA 5- 06- 99 -01) as approved to form by City Attorney 9 Rejected bid from S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc for Group 12 Awarded Contract No 3676 to NSA Construction Group, Inc for Group 12 Awarded Contract No 3677 to NSA Construction Group, Inc for Group 13 Authorized the City Manager to execute construction contracts in a form approved by the City Attorney. 10 PULLED BY CITY ATTORNEY UNTIL THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MOTION by Council Member Boulgandes, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tem Busch to approve Consent Agenda Items 5, 6, 8 and 9 MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 7 Consideration and possible action to adopt Ordinance No 1402 amending the El Segundo Municipal Code § 1 -4-4 to allow City Council meetings scheduled for the same date as any regular or special election as defined by Elections Code § 318 to be held on election day (Fiscal Impact None) MOTION by Council Member Jacobson, SECONDED by Mayor McDowell to adopt Ordinance No 1402 amending the El Segundo Municipal Code § 1 -4 -4 to allow City Council meetings scheduled for the same date as any regular or special election as defined by Elections Code § 318 to be held on election day MOTION FAILED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE; AYES MAYOR MCDOWELL AND COUNCIL MEMBER JACOBSON, NOES MAYOR PRO TEM BUSCH, COUNCIL MEMBER BOULGARIDES AND FISHER 2/3 F NEW BUSINESS 11 Consideration and possible action regarding the City of El Segundo's 90th Anniversary and proposed components pertaining to a special event planned for January 18, 2007, and the year -long promotion and celebration of the Anniversary. (Fiscal Impact $12,800) MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 5, 2006 PAGE NO 5 C 6 t/ Richard Brunette, Recreation and Parks Director, gave a report MOTION by Council Member Boulgandes, SECONDED by Council Member Fisher to approve use of a modified City Seal and a 90th Anniversary Logo representing the City's anniversary, the use of which would both sunset on January 18, 2008 and approve an anticipated budget for a celebratory special event on January 18, 2007, and for promotional Items related to the year -long anniversary MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 G REPORTS — CITY MANAGER — Announced the appointment of Dave Cummings as the new Police Chief H REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY — NONE REPORTS — CITY CLERK 12 Consideration and possible action requesting Council consensus to cancel the January 2, 2007 City Council meeting City Clerk Cindy Mortesen gave a report MOTION by Mayor Pro Tem Busch, SECONDED by Council Member Boulgarides to approve cancellation of the January 2, 2007 Meeting MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE AYES. MAYOR MCDOWELL, MAYOR PRO TEM BUSCH, COUNCIL MEMBERS BOULGARIDES AND FISHER, NOES: COUNCIL MEMBER JACOBSON 4/1 J. REPORTS — CITY TREASURER — NONE K REPORTS — CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Fisher— Wished Happy Holidays to all Council Member Jacobson — NONE Council Member Boulgarides — Reported on resident complaint regarding speeding on Main Street Spoke regarding Vistamar School and offering of Mandarin foreign language classes to El Segundo High School students Also requested staff to report back on Public Hearing Policy Mayor Pro Tern Busch — Congratulated Dave Cummings on his appointment as new Police Chief Requested staff report back with ASNAC recommendations for monitoring LAX early turns. Mayor McDowell — Congratulations to Dave Cummings on his appointment as new Police Chief Requested report back with information from the school district regarding number of permit students of military personnel MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 5, 2006 PAGE NO 6 V � PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have receive value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed Richard Arabian, resident, spoke regarding the timing of the Water and Wastewater rate increase ballot election and scheduled December 19, 2006 Public Hearing He stated he was against the proposed increases Liz Garnholz, resident, spoke against the proposed Water and Wastewater rate increase MEMORIALS — NONE ADJOURNMENT at 8 47 p.m. Cathy Domann, Deputy City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 5, 2006 PAGE NO 7 L i J EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 19, 2006 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION. Consideration and possible action to retain Bob Murray & Associates to conduct an executive search for the position of Director of Planning and Building Safety Services and authorize the City Manager to extend the agreement with Gary Chicots to continue serving as Interim Director of Planning and Budding Safety Services during the recruitment process (Fiscal Impact estimated $25,000) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION 1) Authorize the City Manager to execute a professional services agreement, in a form approved by the City Attorney, with Bob Murray & Associates for an amount not to exceed $25,000, 2) Authorize the City Manager to extend an agreement with Gary Chicots to continue serving as Interim Director of Planning and Building Safety Services, 3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION. In July 2006, the former Director of Planning and Building Safety Services announced his resignation to begin a career in the private sector Soon thereafter, the City entered into an agreement with Gary Chicots to serve as the Interim Director of that department The City initiated the recruitment for a permanent director and received ten applications from interested applicants Because of the critical nature of the functions and services performed by the Planning and Building Safety Services, staff has concluded that it would be beneficial to obtain the services of an executive search firm and re -open the recruitment for the Director of Planning and Building Safety Services position. Accordingly, staff recommends the retention of Bob Murray & Associates to conduct the search (Please see attached page marked "Background and Discussion' ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Proposal from Bob Murray & Associates FISCAL IMPACT: $25,000 Operating Budget, Amount Requested: $25,000 Account Number: 001 -400- 2101 -6214 ($12,500), 001.400- 2506 -6201 ($6,250); 001 -400 -2506 -6214 ($6,250) Project Phase: Appropriation Required. _Yes X No ORIGINATED: DATE December 5 Gb9 Background and Discussion (con't): Bob Murray & Associates is the best known of the public sector search services located in California Mr Murray and his staff have conducted over 600 local government searches The firm estimates that it will make final recommendations to the City Manager within 75 to 90 days from commencing the search The workplan includes the publication of ads in Western City, Jobs Available and other trade publications tailored to the profession If approved by the City Council, the cost of the search would not exceed $25,000 To continue the provision of necessary services in the meantime, it is recommended that the City Manager extend the agreement with Gary Chicots to continue serving as Interim Director at the rate of $75 00 /hour for the duration of the recruitment process The funding for Mr Chicots' services will be taken from salary savings from the currently vacant Department Head position v�� BOB MURRAY & ASSOCIATES CXVcR * IN Cxx*Uv#v9 mxA*0m A PROPOSAL TO CONDUCT AN EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT FOR A Director of Planning & Building ON BEHALF OF THE City of El Segundo 1677 Eureka Road, Swte 202 Sacramento, CA 95661 (916) 7844080 ()16) 7841985 fae 7 Y TABLE OF CONTENTS THE RECRUITMENT PROCESS ..... ..............................2 STEP I DEVELOPING THE CANDIDATE PROFILE 1 2 STEP 2 ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN AND RECRUITMENT BROCHURE 2 STEP 3 RECRUITING CANDIDATES 2 STEP 4 SCREENING CANDIDATES .3 STEP 5 PERSONAL INTERVIEWS .. 3 STEP 6 PUBLIC RECORD SEARCH .. 3 STEP 7 RECOMMENDATION. .. .. ....... ... ................ 3 STEP 8 FINAL INTERVIEWS 3 STEP 9 BACKGROUND CHECKS DETAILED REFERENCE CHECKS 4 STEP 10 NEGOTIATIONS . . . . 1 4 STEP I I COMPLETE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANCE 4 BUDGET AND TIMING ................... ..............................5 PROFESSIONAL FEE AND EXPENSES. TIMING 5 5 PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS .............................6 REFERENCES ................................. .............................10 ,I THE RECRUITMENT PROCESS Bob Murray and Associates' unique and client oriented approach to executive search will ensure that the City of El Segundo has quality candidates from which to select the new Director of Planning & Building Outlined below are the key steps in our recruitment process STEP 1 DEVELOPING THE CANDIDATE PROFILE Our understanding of the City of El Segundo's needs will be key to a successful search We will work with the City Manager to learn as much as possible about the organization's expectations for a new Director of Planning & Building We want to learn the values and culture of the organization, as well as understand the current issues, challenges and opportunities that face the City of El Segundo We also want to know the City Manager's expectations regarding the knowledge, skills and abilities sought in the ideal candidate and will work with the City to identify expectations regarding education and experience Additionally, we want to discuss expectations regarding compensation and other items necessary to complete the successful appointment of the ideal candidate The profile we develop together at this stage will drive subsequent recruitment efforts STEP 2 ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN AND RECRUITMENT BROCHURE After gaming an understanding of the City of E1 Segundo's needs, we will design an effective advertising campaign appropriate for the Director of Planning & Building recruitment We will focus on professional journals that are specifically suited to the Director of Planning & Building search We will also develop a professional recruitment brochure on the City Manager's behalf that will discuss the community, organization, position and compensation in detail Once completed, we will mail the profile to an extensive audience, making them aware of the exciting opportunity with the City of El Segundo STEP 3 RECRUITING CANDIDATES After cross - referencing the profile of the ideal candidate with our database and contacts in the field, we will conduct an aggressive outreach effort, including making personal calls to prospective applicants, designed to identify and recruit outstanding candidates We recognize that the best candidate is often not looking for a new job and this is the person we actively seek to convince to become a candidate Aggressively marketing the Director of Planning & Building position to prospective candidates will be essential to the success of the search City of E1 Segundo Page 2 r7 r� STEP 4 SCREENING CANDIDATES Following the closing date for the recrxament, we will screen the resumes we have received We will use the criteria established in our mitial meetings as a basis upon which to narrow the field of candidates STEP 5 PERSONAL INTERVIEWS We will conduct personal interviews with the top 10 to 12 candidates with the goal of determining which candidates have the greatest potential to succeed m your organization During the interviews we will explore each candidate's background and experience as it relates to the Director of Planning & Building position In addition, we will discuss the candidate's motivation for applying for the position and make an assessment of Ills/her knowledge, skills and abilities We will devote specific attention to establishing the likelihood of the candidate's acceptance of the position if an offer of employment is made STEP 6 PUBLIC RECORD SEARCH Following the interviews, we will conduct a review of published articles for each candidate Various sources will be consulted including Lexis- NexisTM, a newspaper /magazine search engine, Google, and local papers for the commumty's in which the candidates have worked This alerts us to any further detailed inquiries we may need to make at this time STEP 7 RECOMMENDATION Based on the information gathered through meetings with your organization, personal interviews with candidates and reference checks, we will recommend a hrinted number of candidates for your further consideration We will prepare a detailed written report on each candidate that focuses on the results of our interviews, reference checks and newspaper reviews We will make specific recommendations, but the final determination of those to be considered will be up to you STEP 8 FINAL INTERVIEWS Our years of experience will be invaluable as we help you develop an interview process that objectively assesses the qualifications of each candidate We will adopt an approach that fits your needs, whether it is a traditional interview, multiple interview panel or assessment center process We will provide you with suggested interview questions and rating forms and will be present at the interveew /assessment center to facilitate the process Our expertise hes in facilitating the discussion that can bring about a consensus regarding the final candidates We will work closely with your staff to coordinate and schedule interviews and candidate travel Our goal is to ensure that each candidate has a very positive experience, as the manner in wluch the entire process is conducted will have an effect on the candidates' perception of your organization City of El Segundo Page 3 r � ° L ! � STEP 9 BACKGROUND CHECKS /DETAILED REFERENCE CHECKS Based on final interviews we will conduct credit, criminal, civil litigation and motor vehicle record checks for the top one to three candidates In addition, those candidates will be the subjects of detailed, confidential reference checks In order to gain an accurate and honest appraisal of the candidates' strengths and weaknesses, we will talk candidly with people who have direct knowledge of their work and management style We will ask candidates to forward the names of their supervisors, subordinates and peers for the past several years Additionally, we make a point of speaking confidentially to individuals who we know have insight into a candidate's abilities, but who may not be on his /hex preferred list of contacts At this stage in the recruitment we will also verify candidates' degrees STEP 10 NEGOTIATIONS We recognize the critical importance of successful negotiations and can serve as your representative during this process We know what other organizations have done to put deals together with great candidates and will be available to advise you regarding current approaches to difficult issues such as housing and relocation We will represent your interests and advise you regarding salary, benefits and employment agreements with the goal of putting together a deal that results in the appointment of your chosen candidate Most often we can turn a very difficult aspect of the recruitment into one that is viewed positively by both you and the candidate STEP 11 COMPLETE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANCE Throughout the recruitment we will provide the City Manager with updates on the status of the search We will also take care of all administrative details on your behalf Candidates will receive personal letters advising them of their status at each critical point in the recruitment In addition, we will respond to inquiries about the status of their candidacy within twenty -four hours Every admimstrative detail will receive our attention Often, candidates judge our clients based on how well these details are handled City of El Segundo Page 4 _ i J BUDGET AND TIMING PROFESSIONAL FEE AND EXPENSES The consulting fee for conducting the Director of Planning & Building recruitment on behalf of the City of El Segundo is $17,500 plus expenses Services provided for the fee consist of all steps outlined in this proposal including three (3) days of meetings on site The City of El Segundo will be responsible for reimbursing expenses Bob Murray and Associates incurs on your behalf We estimate expenses for this protect to be $7,500 Reimbursable expenses include such items as the cost of travel, clerical support, placement of ads, credit, criminal and civil checks, education verification, as well as newspaper searches In addition, postage, printing, photocopying, and telephone charges will be allocated TIMING We are prepared to start work on this assignment Immediately and anticipate that we will be prepared to make our recommendation regarding finalists within seventy five to ninety days from the start of the search City of El Segundo Page 5 l� ( Q PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS BOB MURRAY. PRESIDENT Mr Murray brings over 25 years experience as a recruiter Mr Murray is recognized as one of the nation's leading recruiters He has conducted hundreds of searches for cities, counties, and special districts He has been called on to conduct searches for some of the largest most complex organizations in the country and some of the smallest Mr Murray has conducted searches for chief executives, department heads, professional and technical positions Mr Murray has taken the lead on the firm's most difficult assignments with great success His clients have retained him again and again given the quality of his work and success in fording candidates for difficult to fill positions Prior to creating Bob Murray & Associates, Mr Murray directed the search practice for the largest search practice serving local government in the country Mr Murray has worked in local government and benefits from the knowledge of having led an organization Prior to his career in executive search he served as the City Manager for the City of Olympia, Washington He has also served as an Assistant City Manager and held positions in law enforcement Mr Murray received his Bachelor's degree in Criminology from the University of California at Berkeley with graduate studies in Public Administration at California State University at Hayward REGAN WILLIAMs, VICE PRESIDENT Mr Williams brings 30 years of local government experience to Bob Murray and Associates Most recently, he worked as a private consultant with Deloitte and Touche on various public sector assignments Prior to that, he served as Director of Public Safety with the City of Sunnyvale, CA Mr Williams was involved in the development of some of Sunnyvale's most innovative programs and has a national reputation for excellence in law enforcement He has been responsible for numerous recruitments throughout his career Clients find his insight and expertise in recruitment and selection a valuable asset Mr Williams received his Bachelor's degree in Admmistration of Justice from San Jose State University He is also a graduate of the FBI National Academy City of El Segundo ( Page 6 V 7 '7 JIM ANTONEN, SENIOR MANAGER Mr Antonen brings 29 years of local government experience to Bob Murray and Associates, twenty -seven of those as a City Manager Most recently he served as City Manager in the City of Davis, CA Mr Antonen has been involved in city management for the past twenty seven years both in Minnesota and South Dakota He served on the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust Board for nine years, three of which he was Chair Mr Antonen also served as President of the Minnesota City County Management Association He brings a background of working for both the State and Federal government Mr Antonen has a Masters in Public Administration from the University of South Dakota and a Bachelor's of Science Degree in History and Political Science from Dakota State College He also did graduate work at the American University in Washington, D C Mr Antonen is an ICMA Credentialed Manager and a past Board Member of Cal -ICMA JENNIFER NITRIO, MANAGER Ms Nitrio's diverse background includes extensive expertise working with counties, municipalities, special districts, and other organizations in the western half of the United States conducting recruitments for development, engineering, human resources, library, finance, fire, parks and recreation, planning, public works, redevelopment, technology and transportation professionals to name a few Ms Nitno is know for her personal approach to executive search as she works closely with clients and candidates alike to ensure a successful search Clients and candidates express again and again that it is always a positive and refreshing experience to work with Ms. Nitrio. Ms Ninio is very acnve in the community and serves on the Board of Directors with two local non - profit organizations Her contributions include forming partnerships with the business community, extensive grant writing, chairing large fundraising efforts, recruiting volunteers and writing articles and reports for the organizations Ms Nitric, received her Bachelor's of Arts Degree in Ethnic Studies, summa cum laude, from California State University, Sacramento She is a life member of the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society and the Golden Key Honor Society City of El Segundo Page 7 ,� �� GRETA LAWSON, PRINCIPAL CONSULTANT Ms Lawson actively contributes to Bob Murray and Associates' goal of providing exceptional customer service through close coordination with our clients She conducts research, recruits candidates, and performs detailed background verifications, including reference checks, on candidates She also serves as a liaison between candidates and clients in order to ensure an outstanding recruitment process that results in the selection of the clients' chosen candidate(s) Ms Lawson is uniquely quahfied to assist clients in all aspects of executive recruitment With several years of industry experience, Ms Lawson is noted for her customer service skills and follow through with clients and candidates alike Ms Lawson received her Bachelor's of Art Degree in English from California State University, Sacramento and is a life member of the Golden Key Honor Society RENEE NARLOCH, SENIOR CONSULTANT Renee Narloch has extensive experience in public sector recruitments nationwide She was formerly employed by MAXIMUS as a senior consultant with sole responsibility for executive search efforts in the Southeastern United States She also worked in the Cost Allocation division providing governmental cost accounting and data management services to the public sector, including Alachua County, Florida Ms Narloch has ten years of experience in Executive Recrwtment and has been involved in over 100 national searches Prior to her recruitment career, she worked for three Fortune 500 companies in their sales, marketing and financial accounting divisions Ms Narloch has been responsible for all facets of recruitment including project management, recruiting candidates, conducting preliminary interviews and detailed reference inquires, and assisting clients in final interviews and negotiations Residing in Florida, Ms Narloch currently assists Bob Murray & Associates on an as needed basis with recruitments in the mid -west and east coast as well as with outreach efforts on the west coast Ms Narloch received her Bachelors of Arts degree in Information Studies, summa cum laude, at Florida State University City of El Segundo Page 8 L1J AMANDA SANDERS, CONSULTANT As a consultant with Bob Murray & Associates, Ms Sanders is responsible for research, candidate recrunment and screening, as well as reference checks and background verifications She focuses on client communication and works closely with clients to coordinate candidate outreach and ensure a successful search Ms Sanders brings several years of industry experience as she worked for one of the nation's largest recruitment forms Her insight into the recruitment process is a valuable asset to Bob Murray & Associates Ms Sanders received her Bachelor's of Arts degree in Communications from the University of Wyoming CRYSTAL BET HKE, CONSULTANT As a consultant with Bob Murray & Associates, Ms Bethke is responsible for research, candidate recruitment and screening, as well as reference checks and background verifications She focuses on client communication and works closely with clients to coordinate candidate outreach and ensure a successful search Ms Bethke has a strong background in government relations Her insight into the recruitment process is a valuable asset to Bob Murray & Associates Ms Bethke received her Bachelor's of Science degree in Government from Evangel University, Springfield, MO City of El Segundo Page 9 �vU REFERENCES Clients and candidates are the best testament to our ability to conduct quality searches Clients for whom Bob Murray and Associates has recently conducted searches are listed below CLIENT. City of Palo Alto POSITION. Planning & Community Environment Director, Assistant Director of Planning and Community Environment, Chief Building Official and City Attorney REFERENCE: Mr Frank Benest, City Manager, (650) 329 -2563 CLIENT. • City of Pleasanton POSITION. • Planning Director, Administrative Services Director, City Manager, Deputy City Manager, Finance Director, Police Captains, and Principal Planner REFERENCE. • Mr Nelson Fialho, City Manager, (925) 931 -5048 CLIENT City of Santa Cruz POSITION. • Planning and Community Development Director, Fire Chief, and Public Works Director REFERENCE: Mr Richard Wilson, City Manager, (831) 420 -5010 CLIENT. • City of Yuba City POSITION Chief Building Official, City Manager, and Assistant City Manager of Development Services REFERENCE. • Mr Eric Hellbery, Mayor, (530) 822 -4601 or Mr Steve Johnson, Director of Human Resources, (530) 822 -4765 CLIENT:• City of San Mateo, CA POSITION Building Official, City Attorney, Fire Chief REFERENCE: Mr Arne Croce, City Manager, (650) 522 -7000 City of El Segundo Page 10 U � 1 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 19, 2006 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION- Consideration and possible action regarding adoption of the Resolutions per the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) to continue paying and reporting the value of Employer Paid Member Contribution (EPMC) for all City employees and to tax defer member paid contributions (Fiscal Impact None) COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Adopt the required Resolutions 2) Alternatively discuss and take other action related to these Items BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION, The City currently pays and reports EPMC and offers this benefit to all employee groups The benefit consists of paying 7% for misc employees and 9% for safety employees of the normal contributions as EPMC and reporting the same percentage (value) of compensation earnable as additional compensation During a recent CalPERS review it was brought our attention that "pay and report" language, as noted above, needs to be approved by the City Council to meet the requirements for the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System Additionally, the City is required to implement Government Code Section 20636 (c) (4) pursuant to Section 20691 and the provisions of section 414(h) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) to continue to defer taxes on this compensation Contributions made by the City of El Segundo to the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS), although designated as employee contributions, are being paid by the City of El Segundo in lieu of contributions by the employees who are members of PERS Adoption of the attached resolutions will enable the City to continue to pay and report the contributions designated as employee contributions and paid by the City to PERS on behalf of the employee (continued on page two) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS- Proposed Resolutions FISCAL IMPACT: NONE Operating Budget: Amount Requested. Account Number Project Phase, Appropriation Required: _Yes x No ORIG ATED. DATE. 7 12_-)3-o6 Bret M Plumlee, Director of Administrative Services REVIEWED DATE: i Jeff City Manager i V�� BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (continued from page one) Once these resolutions are adopted, staff will work with PERS and the bargaining associations to address other Issues related to EPMC /PERS reporting percentages X 8 3 RESOLUTION NO. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RESOLUTION FOR EMPLOYER PICK -UP WHEREAS, the City of El Segundo has the authority to implement the provisions of section 414(h)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), and WHEREAS, the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System adopted its resolution regarding section 414(h)(2) IRC on September 18, 1985, and WHEREAS, the Internal Revenue Service has stated in December 1985, that the implementation of the provisions of section 414(h)(2) IRC pursuant to the Resolution of the Board of Administration would satisfy the legal requirements of section 414(h)(2) IRC, and WHEREAS, THE City of El Segundo has determined that even though the implementation of the provisions of section 414(h)(2) IRC is not required by law, the tax benefit offered by section 414(h)(2) IRC should be provided to its employees who are members of the Public Employees' Retirement System NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the City of El Segundo will implement the provisions of section 414(h)(2) Internal Revenue Code by making employee contributions pursuant to California Government Code section 20691 to the Public Employees' Retirement System on behalf of its employees who are members of the Public Employees' Retirement System "Employee contributions" shall mean those contributions to the Public Employees' Retirement System which are deducted from the salary of employees and are credited to individual employee's accounts pursuant to California Government Code section 20691 II That the contributions made by the City of El Segundo to the Public Employees' Retirement System, although designated as employee contributions, are being paid by the City of El Segundo in lieu of contributions by the employees who are members of the Public Employees' Retirement System III That employees shall not have the option of choosing to receive the contributed amounts directly instead of having them paid by the City of El Segundo to the Public Employees' Retirement System IV That the City of El Segundo shall pay to the Public Employees' Retirement System the contributions designated as employee contributions from the same source of funds as used in paying salary V That the amount of the contributions designed as employee contributions and paid by the City of El Segundo to the Public Employees' Retirement System V i on behalf of an employee shall be the entire contribution required of the employee by the Public Employees' Retirement Law (California Government Code sections 20000, et se j) VL That the contributions designated as employee contributions made by City of El Segundo to the Public Employees' Retirement System shall be treated for all purposes, other than taxation, in the same way that member contributions are treated by the Public Employees' Retirement System PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of 12006 Kelly McDowell, Mayor of the City of El Segundo ATTEST I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Resolution No. was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 2006, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk L, 8 RESOLUTION NO. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RESOLUTUION FOR PAYING AND REPORTING THE VALUE OF EMPLOYER PAID MEMBER CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the governing body of the City of El Segundo has the authority to implement Government Code Section 20636(c)(4) pursuant to Section 20691, WHEREAS, the governing body of the City of El Segundo has a written labor policy or agreement which specifically provides for the normal member contributions to be paid by the employer, and reported as additional compensation, WHEREAS, one of the steps in the procedures to implement Section 20691 is the adoption by the governing body of the City of El Segundo of a Resolution to commence paying and reporting the value of said Employer Paid Member Contributions (EPMC); WHEREAS, the governing body of the City of El Segundo has identified the following conditions for the purpose of its election to pay EPMC, • This benefit shall apply to all employees of the Miscellaneous Group • This benefit shall consist of paying 7% of the normal contributions as EPMC, and reporting the same percent (value) of compensation eamable* (excluding Government Code Section 20636(c)(4)) • The effective date of this Resolution shall be December 19, 2006. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the governing body of the City of El Segundo elects to pay and report the value of EPMC, as set forth above PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of 2006 Kelly McDowell, Mayor of the City of El Segundo ATTEST I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Resolution No. was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 2006, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk Mark D M V 2 l.'�! RESOLUTION NO. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RESOLUTION FOR PAYING AND REPORTING THE VALUE OF EMPLOYER PAID MEMBER CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the governing body of the City of El Segundo has the authority to implement Government Code Section 20636(c)(4) pursuant to Section 20691, WHEREAS, the governing body of the City of El Segundo has a written labor policy or agreement which specifically provides for the normal member contributions to be paid by the employer, and reported as additional compensation, WHEREAS, one of the steps in the procedures to implement Section 20691 is the adoption by the governing body of the City of El Segundo of a Resolution to commence paying and reporting the value of said Employer Paid Member Contributions (EPMC), WHEREAS, the governing body of the City of El Segundo has identified the following conditions for the purpose of its election to pay EPMC, • This benefit shall apply to all employees of the Safety Group • This benefit shall consist of paying 9% of the normal contributions as EPMC, and reporting the same percent (value) of compensation earnable* (excluding Government Code Section 20636(c)(4)) • The effective date of this Resolution shall be December 19, 2006 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the governing body of the City of El Segundo elects to pay and report the value of EPMC, as set forth above PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of 2006 Kelly McDowell, Mayor of the City of El Segundo ATTEST I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Resolution No was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 2006, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk 2 ��� EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 19, 2006 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING. Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION. Consideration and possible action regarding a status report on the options under evaluation for replacing the Imperial Avenue video surveillance system utilized for monitoring LAX aircraft overflights of El Segundo (Fiscal Impact None) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (1) Receive and file status report on aircraft surveillance system upgrade project, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this Item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION- At the regular City Council meeting of May 16, 2006, Councllmember Jacobson, serving as liaison to the Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Committee ( ASNAC), requested the Council support ASNAC's recommendation to replace the functionally obsolete Imperial Avenue video camera system Staff was directed to identify a cost - effective aircraft monitoring solution for tracking LAX aircraft overflights and report back to the Council with their findings Staff has been assisted in their research efforts by ASNAC representative Steve Storm and Councilmembers Jacobson and Fisher At the suggestion of Councilmember Jacobson, staff sought out technical support from the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (whose Western regional office is located in El Segundo) to assist with evaluating and procuring the best available technology for monitoring aircraft early turns On behalf of the NLECTC, Director Mike Epstein offered to (Background and discussion continued on next page.) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None FISCAL IMPACT: None Operating Budget: Amount Requested: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required: —Yes _ No ORIGINATED BY. DATE: n"`wc— 1-1-/ ---/bb Bill Crowe, Assistant /I- Manager 7 i;�U Background and Discussion (con't): take the lead and research a range of solution approaches Mr Epstein has recently been focusing upon Sicom Systems' radar -based solution, which is under development for the New York State Police Department. NLECTC reports that Sicom offers a non video -based solution utilizing a marine based -radar system with post - processing capabilities that can effectively meet our aircraft tracking and identification needs. Further, according to the NLECTC, this system might have multi -use application (as example, serving as an additional monitoring system for Chevron's marine terminal) Sicom's base configuration (radar, antenna, server and software) would cost roughly $90,000 Another option under review is a radar -based solution utilizing Geographical Information Systems (GIS) software from ESRI, which would analyze a stream of radar data provided by Megadata through their PASSUR system (currently in use at LAX) The data can be provided through the web including exact location information, as well as, flight numbers and equipment type. This service would likely cost $1,500 per month Hardware (for a server to analyze the data) and software has been roughly estimated to cost an additional $20,000 The GIS software can be set up to identify when a plane crosses into El Segundo's airspace, and can automatically send an email including all pertinent information A similar application is currently in operation at McCarran Airport in Las Vegas The City's evaluation team, consisting of the NLECTC, Councdmembers Jacobson and Fisher, ASNAC representative Steve Storm and staff, plans on meeting with vendor representatives over the next month to further assess each system's capabilities, its ability to address the City's requirements, and each system's respective cost effectiveness With reliance on volunteer support, including the NLECTC's lead role in scoping system requirements and coordinating travel and meetings for demonstrations, the ad hoc committee has encountered some unanticipated delays in reporting back to ASNAC and the City Council Once the evaluation team's findings and recommendations are prepared, staff will take the item back to ASNAC for review prior to returning to the City Council for further consideration and possible action VJi EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE December 19, 2006 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Aqenda Consideration and possible action regarding award of contracts to G &G Specialty Contractors, Inc for construction related to Group 14 (29 residences) and Group 18 (27 residences) Tron Construction, Inc for construction related to Group 15 (25 residences) and Group 16 (30 residences), and S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc for construction related to Group 17 (27 residences) of the Residential Sound Insulation (RSI) Program (Estimated construction cost and retention $6,990,252) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Award contract to G &G Specialty Contractors, Inc for Group 14, 2) Award contract to Tron Construction, Inc for Group 15, 3) Award contract to Tron Construction, Inc for Group 16, 4) Award contract to S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc for Group 17, 5) Award contract to G &G Specialty Contractors, Inc for Group 18, 6) Authorize the City Manager to execute construction contracts in a form approved by the City Attorney, and 7) Alternatively discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: On November 28, 2006 the City Clerk's office opened sealed bids for Group 14 (RSI 06 -14), Group 15 (RSI 06 -15), and Group 16 (RSI 06 -16) of the City's Residential Sound Insulation (RSI) Program The results of the bid openings were as follows Group 14 (RSI 06 -14) 1 G &G Specialty Contractors, Inc $1,306,590 00 2 Tron Construction, Inc $1,335,455 00 (Please see attached page entitled "Background and Discussion (cont ,) ") ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS- 1) B(dder's Proposal and Statement from G &G Specialty Contractors, Inc. for Group 14 2) Bidder's Proposal and Statements from Tron Construction, Inc for Groups 15 and 16 3) Bidder's Proposal and Statement from S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc for Group 17 4) Bidder's Proposal and Statement from G &G Specialty Contractors, Inc for Group 18 FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget. $10,200,000 Amount Requested: $6,990,252 Account Number: 116- 400 - 0000 -8960 Bid Groups. 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 Appropriation Required, X Yes _ No INATED: /`��/ DATE: December , 6 '"" ames S O'Neill, Program Manager REV71/a DATE. Jeff Mana er Q Ur.. Background and Discussion (cont.) Group 15 (RSI 06 -15) 1 Tron Construction, Inc $1,357,400 00 2 S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc $1,380,400 00 3 G &G Specialty Contractors, Inc $1,421,059 00 Group 16 (RSI 06 -16) 1 Tron Construction, Inc $1,300,050 00 2 G &G Specialty Contractors, Inc $1,560,617 00 On December 5, 2006 the City Clerk's office opened sealed bids for Group 17 (RSI 06 -17) and Group 18 (RSI 06 -18) of the City's Residential Sound Insulation (RSI) Program The results of the bid openings were as follows Group 17 (RSI 06 -17) 1 S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc $1,192,300 00 2 G &G Specialty Contractors, Inc $1,501,746.00 Group 18 (RSI 06 -18) 1 G &G Specialty Contractors, Inc $1,198,435 00 A review was performed on the lowest bid for each group, and each was determined to be responsive G &G Specialty Contractors, Inc has performed construction work related to residential sound insulation programs in Tucson, AZ, Phoenix, AZ, and Monterey, CA and has been previously awarded a contract by the City for construction work related to Group 11 of the RSI Program Tron Construction, Inc has performed construction work related to residential sound insulation programs for the City of Fresno, CA, San Jose International Airport, and San Diego International Airport S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc is performing construction work on Groups 5 (31 residences), Group 6 (36 residences), Group 7 (21 residences), Group 8 (24 residences), and Group 9 (25 residences) on the City's RSI Program The amount requested for the contracts is as follows Group 14 (29 residences) G &G Specialty Contractors, Inc $1,437,249 00 Group 15 (25 residences) Tron Construction, Inc $1,493,140 00 Group 16 (30 residences) Tron Construction, Inc $1,430,055 00 Group 17 (27 residences) S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc $1,311,530 00 Group 18 (27 residences) G &G Specialty Contractors, Inc $1,318,278 00 which represents the Total Bid amounts shown on their respective bids and an additional 10% of that Total Bid for potential change orders related to unforeseen conditions As City Council is aware, eighty percent (80 %) of costs associated with the Residential Sound Insulation Program are covered by federal grant funding from the FAA until those funds identified in the Grant Implementation Plan to the City of Los Angeles are exhausted Remaining expenses, with the exception of elective "Owner Upgrades" selected by property owners, are now covered by the new settlement with Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) Upon completion of these five groups, the total number of residences completed by the City's RSI program will be 628 VJJ BIDDERS'S PROPOSAL AND STATEMENT CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Project Number RSI 06 -14 "Residential Sound Insulation Program — Group 14" PROPOSAL To the Mayor and City CounciI City of El Segundo 350 Main St El Segundo, CA 90245 The undersigned declares that he /she has carefully examined the location of the proposed work and has otherwise satisfied himself/herself as to the nature and location of the work, and is full informed as to all conditions and matters which can in any way affect the work or cost thereof, that he /she has examined the Contract Documents, and has read the accompanying "BIDDING INSTRUCTIONS" and hereby agrees to provide the following To furnish all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, and services and to do all the work required for the "Residential Sound Insulation Program — Group 14" in strict conformity with the Contract Documents and at the following lump sum price, to Wit ID Address Description Cost Property Subtotal 1401 737 West Manposa Ave RSI Improvements $44,468 $56,447 Air Conditioning upgrade $ 7.719 Door BUpgrade $ 4,260 1402 714 West Man osa Ave RSI Improvements $42,210 $ 42, 210 1403 423 Hillcrest Street RSI Improvements $36,785 $44,504 Air Conditioning upgrade $ 7,719 1404 645 lbllcrest Street RSI Improvements $ 4?, 679 $47,953 Windows 5 and 7 upgrade $ 274 1405 628 West Oak Avenue RSI Improvements $5.9,253 $ 55, 253 1406 528 Loma Vista Street RSI Improvements $42,496 $50,215 Air Conditioning upgrade $ 7,739 1407 537 Whiting Street RSI Improvements $49,210 $56,929 Air Conditioning upgrade $ 7, 719 1408 703 Virginia Street RSI Improvements $33,710 $41,429 Air Conditioning upgrade $ 7,719 1409 124 West Oak Avenue RSI Improvements $48,44 $49,263 Glass upgrade at windows 14, 15, and 18 $ 822 14 10 202 West Maple Avenue RSI Improvements $64,162 $64,915 HVAC filter upgrade $ 753 Bidder's Proposal and Statement Group 14 City of El Segundo Residential Sound Insulation Program V � �l 14 11 409 West Palm Avenue RSI Improvements $ 34, 198 $34,198 1412 309 West Palm Ave, A RSI Improvements $29,650 $38,749 Air Conditioning upgrade $ 7.719 HVAC filter upgrade $ 753 Door C upgrade $ 627 1413 309 West Palm Ave, E RSI Improvements $27, 343 $27,970 Door A upgrade $ 627 1414 309 West Palm Ave, B RSI Improvements $24, 113 $24,740 Door A upgrade $ 627 14 15 309 West Palm Ave, C RSI Improvements $23,735 $27,102 Electrical upgrade $ 2,740 Door A upgrade $ 627 1416 309 West Palm Ave, D RSI Improvements $24,750 $25, 3'77 Door A upgrade $ 627 14 17 309 West Palm Ave, F RSI Improvements $25,922 $26,549 Door A upgrade $ 627 1418 415 Standard Street RSI Improvements $47,334 $47, 334 1419 417 Standard Street RSI Improvements $36,044 $36,712 Door A upgrade $ 668 1420 320 East Sycamore Ave RSI Improvements $63,733 $ 63,73 3 1421 622 Eucalyptus Drive RSI Improvements $ 46, 081 $53,800 Air Conditioning upgrade $ 7,719 1422 621 Eucalyptus Drive RSI Improvements $50,675 $58,394 Air Conditioning upgrade $ 7,719 1423 1426 East Walnut Avenue RSI Improvements $43,913 $43,913 1424 514 East Maple Avenue RSI Improvements $42,393 $42, 393 1425 200 East Maple Avenue RSI Improvements $47,812 $55,531 Air Conditioning upgrade $ 7,719 1426 840 Penn Street RSI Improvements S58,482 $60,219 Door Cupgrade $ 1,737 1427 901 Center Street RSI Improvements $40,108 $40,749 Window 12 upgrade $ 641 1428 1221 East Acacia Avenue RSI Improvements $43,065 $44,394 Door A glass upgrade $ 660 Glass upgrade at windows 12 and 15 $ 411 Door C glass upgrade $ 258 1429 1201 East Sycamore Ave RSI Improvements $45, 375 $45,61S Window tint upgrade 1 $ 240 Bidder's Proposal and Statement Group 14 City of El Segundo Residential Sound Insulation Program U9J Total Bid (Contract Sum) One Million Three Hundred Six Thousand Five Hundred Ninety Dollars and No Cents 1,306,590 00 (figures) In case of discreoancv between the words and fgures_ the words must prevail P ILLEGIBLE BIDS MUST BE DISQUALIFIED NOTICE: Total Bid (Contract Sum) must equal the total of Schedule of Values. If the Total Bid does not equal the total of the Schedule of Values, it is grounds for rejection of the Bid. Furthermore, inconsistencies between the Schedule of Values and the Plans for each Dwelling are grounds for rejection of the Bid This bid is based upon completing the work as set in the Construction Schedule published in the Contract Documents If awarded the contract for the Work, the undersigned hereby agrees to sign the contract and famish the necessary bonds not more than ten (10) calendar days after Notice to Proceed date Enclosed is a Bidder's Bond, certified check or cashier's check, which is not less than ten percent (10 %), as a guarantee that the undersigned will enter into the contract if awarded to the undersigned The undersigned further agrees that in case of default in executing the required contract with necessary bonds and insurance, within the time hunts above specified, said bonds or check and money payable therein must be fortified to and become the property of the City of El Segundo, State of California Name of Firm G & G specialty contractors, Inc. Address 2209 W 1st Street, Suite 113, Tempe, AZ 85281 Telephone Number (480) 921 -4079 Contractor's License Number 839072 Type of License B - General Building Contractor License Expiration Date. 05/31/2008 Type of Entity ❑ Sole Proprietorship ❑ Partnership ® Corporation ❑ Other I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct Contractor Representative Charles E GoodBallet Bidder's Proposal and Statement 3 City of El Segundo Group 14 Residential Sound Insulation Program BIDDERS'S PROPOSAL AND STATEMENT CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Project Number RSI 06 -15 "Residential Sound Insulation Program — Group 15" PROPOSAL To the Mayor and City Council City of El Segundo 350 Main St El Segundo, CA 90245 The undersigned declares that he /she has carefully examined the location of the proposed work and has otherwise satisfied himself/herself as to the nature and location of the work, and is full informed as to all conditions and matters which can in any way affect the work or cost thereof, that he /she has examined the Contract Documents, and has read the accompanying `BIDDING INSTRUCTIONS" and hereby agrees to provide the following To furnish all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, and services and to do all the work required for the "Residential Sound Insulation Program — Group 15" in strict conformity with the Contract Documents and at the following lump sum price, to Wit ID Address Description Cost Property Subtotal 1501 627 West Oak Avenue RSI Improvements $ 'A? 054 $ 7f l.w Window grills upgrade $ 74 1502 742 Loma Vista Street RSI Improvements 777 990 $ .7 91!1.5 Door C upgrade S /WS 1503 742 % Loma Vista Street RSI Improvements $ oZG,070 $ Zf, Air Conditioning upgrade S 4.SSO Door A hardware upgrade $ 66 1504 723 Loma Vista Street RSI Improvements $ ?5/,4J0 $ 1505 750 Bayonne Street RSI Improvements $ 60'.1 /0 p $ 1 f Y45 _ Air Conditioning upgrade $ f 4.5© Door A hardware upgrade $ /o.5' 1506 532 Virginia Street RSI Improvements $ 7X 050 $ 79e 050 1507 536 Richmond Street RSI Improvements $ ?P 990 Air Conditioning upgrade $ a' -150 Window grilles upgrade $ g/.ZO 1508 542 Richmond Street RSI Improvements $ 75, x.20 $ 7ee, ? /0 Window tint upgrade $ 4/40 1509 508 Richmond Street RSI Improvements $ &-,16 70 Is 70 " Bidder's Proposal and Statement 1 City of El Segundo Group 15 Residential Sound Insulation Program L J 7 15 10 817 Pepper Street RSI Improvements $ J7 10 $ y7 Gis Window grilles upgrade $ x%00 Door A upgrade $ jws Air Conditioning upgrade $ ,.f50 15 11 826 Pepper Street RSI Improvements $ SAS, 606 _ $ 53. 00 Air Conditioning upgrade $ FSS' 15 12 308 East Maple Avenue RSI Improvements $ 112 ,/,SO $ 33.7�457 , Door A upgrade $ j4J' 15 13 327 East Oak Avenue RSI Improvements $ 6&.906' $ 66,900 15 14 329 East Oak Avenue RSI Improvements $ .201 0740 Windows 1 & 2 upgrade $ 600 Air Conditioning upgrade $ e,550 15 15 744 Sheldon Street RSI Improvements $ 6W,V.yd $ (Q .,iii ^ 15 16 900 McCarthy Court RSI Improvements $ 37 910 _ $ .4141.&0 Air Conditioning upgrade $ 6-016 Window #6 upgrade $ &oo Grilles at Door C upgrade $ /610 15 17 601 Lomita Street RSI Improvements $ X,21 "74-0 $ Jy, YYC! 15 18 640 Bungalow Drive RSI Improvements $ 64 96W _ $ (o 7,JV Window glass upgrade $ 4150 15 19 1219 East Acacia Avenue RSI Improvements $ 33 15e) Door A upgrade $ 3.• s 1520 1208 East Acacia Avenue RSI Improvements $ 1916/70 $ C/o Air Conditioning upgrade $ d1a<50 1521 1116 East Acacia Avenue RSI Improvements $ .35,E Door B upgrade $ I ?I Z?-d Window grilles upgrade $ -7" Door A upgrade $ .330 1522 1418 East Walnut Avenue RSI Improvements $ .3"/.090 $ 5-Z a90 15 23 730 California Street RSI Im rovements $ Pd..S /O $ 1524 1500 East Maple Avenue RSI Improvements $ -ISU $ del, 910 Air Conditioning upgrade $ b -550 Window 15 tint upgrade $ X0 1525 1440 East Palm Avenue RSI Improvements $ ,35; 40d $ J5, 600 Total Bid (Contract Sum) hu„ #�40e d n %�dar�g (words) 6Ld $ (figures) In case of discrepancy between the words and figures, the words must preval l NOTICE: BIDDERS WILL NOT BE RELEASED DUE TO ERRORS AND ILLEGIBLE BIDS MUST BE DISQUALIFIED Bidder's Proposal and Statement 2 City of El Segundo Group 15 Residential Sound Insulation Program U � tY NOTICE: Total Bid (Contract Sum) must equal the total of Schedule of Values. If the Total Bid does not equal the total of the Schedule of Values, it is grounds for rejection of the Bid. Furthermore, inconsistencies between the Schedule of Values and the Plans for each Dwelling are grounds for rejection of the Bid This bid is based upon completing the work as set in the Construction Schedule published in the Contract Documents If awarded the contract for the Work, the undersigned hereby agrees to sign the contract and furnish the necessary bonds not more than ten (10) calendar days after Notice to Proceed date Enclosed is a Bidder's Bond, certified check or cashier's check, which is not less than ten percent (10 %), as a guarantee that the undersigned will enter into the contract if awarded to the undersigned The undersigned further agrees that in case of default in executing the required contract with necessary bonds and insurance, within the time limits above specified, said bonds or check and money payable therein must be fortified to and become the property of the City of El Segundo, State of California Name of Finn TRoN 001JSrRi, - i"ioN, 1 Nc. Address PO ODk fS41-9 , Z 2ESNG, CA 83747 Telephone Number (a59) 22,9 -7192 Contractor's License Number �f33i D i Type of License CL(4S5 g - GENC4AL 91Aic -DiNi, License Expiration Date 74 nruga2H 3i , 2ao 7 Type of Entity ❑ Sole Proprietorship ❑ Partnership IR Corporation ❑ Other I declare under penalty of penury that the foregoing is true and correct Contractor Representative Ro" DDNAD5vO Title V2;�BlDOLJf' Signature - -��,r® ell, Dated this 21sT day of N VU6W 13CYb 2006 If Corporation, please attach evidence of authority to sign. Bidder's Proposal and Statement Group 15 City of El Segundo Residential Sound Insulation Program V�� BIDDERS'S PROPOSAL AND STATEMENT CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Project Number RSI 06 -16 "Residential Sound Insulation Program — Group 16" PROPOSAL To the Mayor and City Council City of El Segundo 350 Main St El Segundo, CA 90245 The undersigned declares that he /she has carefully examined the location of the proposed work and has otherwise satisfied himself/herself as to the nature and location of the work, and is full informed as to all conditions and matters which can in any way affect the work or cost thereof, that he/she has examined the Contract Documents, and has read the accompanying "BIDDING INSTRUCTIONS" and hereby agrees to provide the following- To furnish all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, and services and to do all the work required for the "Residential Sound Insulation Program — Group 16" in stnct conformity with the Contract Documents and at the following lump sum price, to Wit- ID Address Description Cost Property Subtotal '16 01 421 Valley Street RSI Improvements $ 5/`/, �;✓� $ -41.5 .Z07 Glass upgrade at Window 14 and Door B $ Door C grilles upgrade $ /OG 1602 443 Loma Vista Street RSI Improvements $ $ 7Y, 95.z Air Conditioning upgrade $ d:-TSO 1603 415 Concord Street RSI Improvements $ '17,1441 _ $ 15i:�.Z /S� Air Conditioning upgrade $ 9 5SO Glass upgrade at Windows 9, 10 and 17 $ ZYO Window tint upgrade at Windows 12 -16 $ 3CfU 1604 408 Concord St, Lower front unit RSI Improvements $ $ 1605 408 Concord St , Upper front unit RSI Improvements $ JX-T54 $.389. 4 Door A upgrade $ 336- Door A hardware upgrade $ J6 1606 408 Concord St , Rear unit RSI Improvements $ dl.4l..211 a� $ al") 5 Door A upgrade $ /�` Bidder's Proposal and Statement Group 16 City of El Segundo Residential Sound Insulation Program - UU 16 07 511 Concord Street RSI Improvements $,5,j „556 $ Pull down stair upgrade $ 6,46 Door A upgrade $ 35 U Air Conditioning upgrade $ ..5S"O 1608 638 West Pine Avenue RSI Improvements $ _ $,3e. �r51 Window 7 glass upgrade $ Air Conditioning upgrade $ 15'S0 Door A upgrade $ 360 Door C upgrade $ d, zoo 1609 206 West Maple Avenue RSI Improvements $ 6.7, 11,7 $ &?w4p ' 1610 613 East Maple Avenue RSI Improvements $ S-d 5.50 $ SSC7 ' 1611 639 Sierra Street, rear RSI Improvements $ 14 /.V 2 0 $ .7 /.y Zu ' 16,12 639 Sierra Street, front RSI Improvements $ 56�9L $„5- ?O9U ' HVAC filter upgrade $ Z-100 16 13 714 Bungalow Drive RSI Improvements $ {19-ZG6 $ S3G6 Doors B & C upgrade $ Y ADO 1614 735 Center Street RSI Improvements $ S.115SO is .5"5!6 Windows 15 and 18 -22 grilles upgrade $ -e, e5o 16 15 1740 East Sycamore Ave Unit 1 RSI Improvements $ a /,120 16 16 1740 East Sycamore Ave Unit RSI Improvements $ 16 17 1740 East Sycamore Ave Unit 2 RSI Improvements $ a /• 5/-2 $ a / �1ao ” 16 18 1740 East Sycamore Ave Units RSI Improvements $ 16 19 1740 East Sycamore Ave Unit 3 RSI Improvements $ .7 /, V-Z 0 $3013.to Window 6 upgrade $ 3150 Air Conditioning upgrade $ ✓'„550 1620 1740 East Sycamore Ave Unit 6 RSI Improvements $ .g /, Y.20 $ 1621 1428 East Maple Avenue RSI Improvements $ ser, 4 rd S 1oQ A6 Air Conditioning upgrade $ P 5 Pull down stair upgrade $ 4"46 1622 1448 East Maple Avenue, Rear unit RSI Improvements $ y 5G L _ $ ad,SG.Z 1623 1448 East Maple Avenue, Front unit RSI Improvements $ ,3G,,St/it $365�/}t ' 1624 1221 East Oak Avenue RSI Improvements $ S% % -f`/ _ $ el" Window 17 upgrade $ ,315 1625 1431 East Elm Avenue RSI Improvements $ d' 31 $ 70 7VV' Door A upgrade $ 2, 2G 16 26 720 Lomita Street I RSI Improvements $ .SOC $ P5 coo ' Bidder's Proposal and Statement Group 16 City of El Segundo Residential Sound Insulation Program a U l 1627 512 Lomita Street, Front unit RSI Improvements $ _ $ 3--30 1628 512 Lomita Street, Rear unit RSI Improvements $ _ $ /'J6t/a Door C upgrade $ y .fw Window 6 upgrade $ „750 1629 717 East Pine Avenue RSI Improvements $ S6"e"52z $ SG./y/d Window glass upgrade $ 5/5® 1630 721 East Pine Avenue RSI Improvements Total Bid (Contract Sum) 0/7d/// //%/0/7 Wo //V,S ¢2., (words) (figures) In case of discrepancy between the words and figures, the words must prevail NOTICE: BIDDERS WILL NOT BE RELEASED DUE TO ERRORS AND ILLEGIBLE BIDS MUST BE DISQUALIFIED NOTICE: Total Bid (Contract Sum) must equal the total of Schedule of Values. If the Total Bid does not equal the total of the Schedule of Values, it is grounds for rejection of the Bid. Furthermore, inconsistencies between the Schedule of Values and the Plans for each Dwelling are grounds for rejection of the Bid This bid is based upon completing the work as set in the Construction Schedule published in the Contract Documents If awarded the contract for the Work, the undersigned hereby agrees to sign the contract and furnish the necessary bonds not more than ten (10) calendar days after Notice to Proceed date. Enclosed is a Bidder's Bond, certified check or cashier's check, which is not less than ten percent (10 %), as a guarantee that the undersigned will enter into the contract if awarded to the undersigned The undersigned further agrees that in case of default in executing the required contract with necessary bonds and insurance, within the time limits above specified, said bonds or check and money payable therein must be fortified to and become the property of the City of El Segundo, State of California Name of Firm T 90AJ 1NG, Address F,0- Boy Sii t,3 , 1 �e sh o, aA q-6-7q, Telephone Number Contractor's License Number. Type of License License Expiration Date ss/�) 2z'i - 7992 4!�-3io7 L'i�55 t3 - G67uevc /+t B�i�c,DrN[, 31, 2o0'? Type of Entity ❑ Sole Proprietorship ❑ Partnership 9 Corporation ❑ Other Bidder's Proposal and Statement 3 City of El Segundo Group 16 Residential Sound Insulation Program i 12/05/2006 09 43 3154718807 5L CONT WICKER BIDDERS'S PROPOSAL AND STATEMENT CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Project Number RSI 06 -17 "Residential Sound Insulation Program — Group 17" PROPOSAL To the Mayor and City Council City of El Segundo 350 Main St E1 Segundo, CA 90245 PAGE 01 The undersigned declares that he /she has carefully examined the location of the proposed work and has otherwise satisfied himselnerself as to the nature and location of the work. and is full informed as to all conditions and matters which can in any way affect the work or cost thereof, that he /she has examined the Contract Documents, and has read the accompanying "BIDDING INSTRUCTIONS" and hereby agrees to provide the following: To furnish all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, and services and to do all the work required for the "Residential Sound Insulation Program — Group 17" in strict conformity with the Contract Documents and at the following lump sum price, to Wit: ID Address Desch tion Cost Property Subtotal 17.01 424 Hillcrest Street RSI Improvements $ (C:fdtm � $ Window 20 upgrade Door A up&2We $ Door D upgrade Air Conditioning up&Lad $ gCfis`' 17.02 525 Hillcrest Street RSI Improvements $ ZVV&� c+ $ 5 Door A upode $ S %^ `o Air Conditioning upELde $ 2 •°' 1703 426 Valley Street, Front unit RSI Improvements $ uY $ 1704 426 Valley Street, Rear unit RSI Improvements $ sxZ4" G Air Conditioning upgrad e $ 17.05 412 Concord Street RSI Improvements $ SSG $ 5 • 17.06 412% Concord Street RSI Improvements $ 3 $ 17.07 416 Richmond Street, Front unit RST Improvements $'L J�Wl •� M� w Door A upg rade °' Air Conditioning uREadc 17.08 1 416 %, Rlehmond Street 1. RSI Im rovements $ $3 i Door C upgrade Bidder's Proposal and Statement Group 17 (Addendum 91) City of E) Segundo Residential Sound Insulation Program H /� 12/05/2006 09:43 3154718807 SL CONT WICKER PAGE 02 17.09 $59 Penn Street RSI I m rovemcnts $ Z �C)w « $� Air Conditioning upgrade $ Y. 17.10 853 Penn Street, Front unit RSI Im rovements $ $ ` WindowsI2-13up, de - Door C u2irade Air Condition in& upgrade 1711 853 Penn Street, Rear unit RSI Improvements q Door A upg rade L" Air Conditioning upfrade ' 17.12 849 Penn Street RSI Improvements $ S.tW; $ A2 , W Wndow grilles $ 17.13 $49'/, Perm Street RSI Im mvements $ $ Air Conditionin u ade $ 17.14 633 Penn Street RSl Im rovements $ 5A w- Door A upgriside CSC- `-' .Door E upgrade Air Conditioning upgrade 17 15 619 Ma land Street RSI Irn rovements mm- 17.16 708 Bungalow Drive RSI Improvements Q $ Window grilles upgrade Door B glass upArade 17.17 731 Center Street, Front unit RSI Improvements S� 17.18 731 Center Street, Rear unit RSI Improvements $ $ kw a 17.19 635 Center Street RSI Improvements S ° $ 17.20 1225 East Mariposa Ave RSI Improvements Window 1 upgrade $32,�Q�� Door A upgrade Air Conditioning u ade 17.21 1227 East Mariposa Ave. RSI Improvements Air Conditioning upgrade 17.22 1217 East Mariposa Ave. RSI Improvements $ Air Conditionin u a °' 17.23 1219 East Mariposa Ave. RSi Improvements $ 2 Door A upgrade SIM, Door B upgrade n& Air Conditioning upgra de 2 � 'SW 17.24 1221 East Mariposa Ave RSI Improvements $ Door A upgrade Air Conditioning upgrade- °' 17.25 1229 East Mariposa Ave. RSI Improvements $ kzp Cw- $ Windows 1 -6 umrade " Door C u rade Air Conditionin upgrade Bidder's Proposal and Statement Group 17 (Addendum #1) City of El Segundo Residential Sound Insulation Program iU� 12/05/2006 09'43 3154718807 SL CONT WICKER PAGE 03 17.26 1236 East Manposa Ave RSI Improvements $ S1 " S Air Conditiomn u ade -'' RVAC filter upgrade 17.27 1630 East Palm Ave, #6 RSI Improvements $ �, &EF I $ 4k �-- t;,M Total Bid (Contract Sum) \ -7 (words) $ \t \�L���•G� (figures) In case of discrepancy between the words and figures, the words must prevail. NOTICE: BIDDERS WILL NOT BE RELEASED DUE TO ERRORS AND ILLEGIBLE BIDS MUST BE DISQUALIFIED NOTICE: Total Bid (Contract Sum) most equal the total of Schedule of Values. If the Total Bid does not equal the total of the Schedule of Values, it is grounds for rejection of the Bid. Furthermore, inconsistencies between the Schedule of Values stud the Plans for each Dwelling are grounds for rejection of the Bid This bid is based upon completing the work as set in the Construction Schedule published in the Contract Documents I£ awarded the contract for the Work, the undersigned hereby agrees to sign the contract and furnish the necessary bonds not more than ten (10) calendar days after Notice to Proceed date. Enclosed is a Bidder's Bond, certified check or cashier's check, which is not less than ten percent (100/9), as a guarantee that the undersigned will eater into the contract if awarded to the undersigned The undersigned further agrees that in case of default in executing the required contract with necessary bonds and insurance, within the time limits above specified, said bonds or check and money payable therein must be fortified to and become the property of the City of El Segundo, State of Califomia, Name offirm: JtL,—C4W .J 4� �U /.Ll %/ VC 3�5s Fro-tn #dc �-) Address' / f Al / %3� /� %z Telephone Number: 9X57-- �T 79r `7 7TH Contractor's License Number: -71&910 Type of License: Z License Expiration Date: Type of Entity:❑ Sole Proprietorship ❑ Partnersh#corporation ❑Other I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct Bidder's Proposal and Statement 3 City of El Segundo Group I7 Residential Sound Insulation Program BUJ BIDDERS'S PROPOSAL AND STATEMENT CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Project Number RSI 06 -18 "Residential Sound Insulation Program - Group 18" PROPOSAL To the Mayor and City Council City of El Segundo 350 Main St El Segundo, CA 90245 The undersigned declares that he/she has carefully examined the location of the proposed work and has otherwise satisfied himself/herself as to the nature and location of the work, and is full informed as to all conditions and matters which can in any way affect the work or cost thereof, that he /she has examined the Contract Documents, and has read the accompanying "BIDDING INSTRUCTIONS" and hereby agrees to provide the following To furnish all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, and services and to do all the work required for the "Residential Sound Insulation Program - Group 18" in strict conformity with the Contract Documents and at the following lump sum price, to Wit ID Address Description Cost Property Subtotal 1801 407 Hillcrest Street RSI Improvements $.JLt5Lq. $ 3 !a5 d 9 1902 345 Loma Vista Street RSI Improvements $ q3smr, $ 2so(� 1803 501 Richmond Street, Rear unit RSI Improvements $ i IS'o $ 8 ` Air Conditioning upgrade $ -) t 1 1804 501 Richmond Street, Front unit RSI Improvements $ &Y 33 $ Lf 3,34 1805 313 West Acacia Avenue RSI Improvements $ Ln ; $ it 6 y Air Conditioning upgrade 3,3/00 '+ 1806 321 East Acacia Avenue RSI Improvements $ S,S 317 Z $ S3 1807 617 Arena Street RSI Improvements $ qJ q57'2- $40,-7// Air Conditioning upgrade -71 11 1 1808 707 Maryland Street RSI Improvements $ tz, Z 3 a a 1 $ 6 a 3 8 L 1809 535 Bungalow Drive RSI Improvements $J`U/ 4 $ 90/(.If 18 10 608 California Street RSI Improvements $ / (o $ Lf f7 Lt Window 5 upgrade 57-5 18 11 771 California Street RSI Improvements $ Y3ooq $ q.3coq 18 12 422 East Imperial Avenue RSI Im rovements $ l 33 $ E'er J Air Conditioning upgrade t Bidder's Proposal and Statement Group 18 City of El Segundo Residential Sound Insulation Program �Uu 18 13 1006 East Manposa Ave RSI Improvements $ $ &S-lo `i Au Conditioning upgrade -I -I I Door D upgrade Q `t L 18 14 1414 East Oak Avenue RSI Improvements $ ?3' i Doors A & B tint upgrade $ .5-V 3- Windows 1 & 2 upgrade $ 1151 Window glass upgrade $ I (oY Doors A and B upgrade Window grilles upgrade $ % l 18 15 1432 East Maple Avenue RSI Improvements $ go Fy $ 55'W.i Door B upgrade ciS7 0 18 16 1633 East Maple Ave, I RSI Improvements $ $ 37 's 18 17 1633 East Maple Ave, 2 RSI Improvements $ S! $ ;L &51 18 18 1633 East Maple Ave, 3 RSI Improvements $ 31 J o $ 31 d-9- 18 19 1633 East Maple Ave, 4 RSI Improvements $ 2r, 51 Z $-2 q I 1820 1633 East Maple Ave., 5 RSI Improvements $ 2 -830 $ Z 83v 1821 1633 East Maple Ave, 6 RSI Improvements $ D /I $ 30 11 1822 1637 East Maple Ave., I RSI Improvements $ U r $ 0 0� 1823 1637 East Maple Ave, 2 RSI Improvements $ 0 I q3 $ 0;Lq 1824 1637 East Maple Ave., 3 RSI Improvements $ �31 50 $ o 1825 1637 East Maple Ave., 4 RSI Improvements $ 2 , 1 Z $ q t 18.26 1637 East Maple Ave, 5 RSI Improvements $ Z-Y 0 (o $ 2 830 1827 1637 East Maple Ave, 6 RSI Improvements $ O // $ 3 ll Total Bid (Contract Sum) 6211c M("-/-cY ©M 11/1,wJ VIV&tyciseyr TIf��L59�D,FpU2.t/ZtNr�:rE� r/11a*:yl= evEDV- -4+Rs. (words) $ I, J IT, tl 3S 0 0 (figures) In case of discrepancy between the words and figures, the words must prevail NOTICE: BIDDERS WILL NOT BE RELEASED DUE TO ERRORS AND ILLEGIBLE BIDS MUST BE DISQUALIFIED NOTICE: Total Bid (Contract Sum) must equal the total of Schedule of Values. If the Total Bid does not equal the total of the Schedule of Values, it is grounds for rejection of the Bid. Furthermore, inconsistencies between the Schedule of Values and the Plans for each Dwelling are grounds for rejection of the Bid This bid is based upon completing the work as set in the Construction Schedule published in the Contract Documents If awarded the contract for the Work, the undersigned hereby agrees to sign the contract and furnish the necessary bonds not more than ten (10) calendar days after Notice to Proceed date Enclosed is a Bidder's Bond, certified check or casluer's check, wluch is not less than ten percent (10 %), as a guarantee that the undersigned will enter into the contract if awarded to the undersigned The undersigned further agrees that in case of default in executing the required Bidder's Proposal and Statement 2 City of El Segundo Group 18 Residential Sound Insulation Program i V 1 contract with necessary bonds and insurance, within the time lunits above specified, said bonds or check and money payable therein must be fortified to and become the property of the City of El Segundo, State of California Nameof Firm G & G Specialty contractors, Inc Address 2209 W 1st Street, Suite 113, Tempe, AZ 85281 Telephone Number (480) 921 -4079 Contractor's License Number 839072 Type of License B - General Building Contractor License Expiration Date. 05/31/2008 Type of Entity 0 Sole Proprietorship 0 Partnership 13 Corporation 0 Other I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct Contractor Representative Charles E GoodBallet Title vice - President Signature r Dated this ,5 day of �,o,e- l + c 2006 If Corporation, please attach evidence of authority to sign. Bidder's Proposal and Statement 3 City of El Segundo Group 18 Residential Sound Insulation Program EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE. December 19, 2006 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING* Consent Agenda Consideration and possible action regarding the approval of a Professional Services Agreement between Keyser Marston Associates and the City to provide consulting services (economic analysis) for the City relating to Phase II of the Plaza El Segundo proposed development (located at the northeast corner of Sepulveda Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue between 750 -850 S Sepulveda Boulevard) (Fiscal Impact- $15,000 00) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION* 1 Authorize the City Manager to sign a Professional Services Agreement approved as to form by the City Attorney, and /or, 2 Alternatively, discuss or take other actions related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION The developer, Rosecrans Sepulveda Partners, LLC is requesting consideration from the City regarding the costs associated with the public improvements with the development of Plaza El Segundo. The public improvements contemplated are roadway, traffic, and drainage improvements coupled with realignment of railways and utilities Based on independent engineering estimates and studies for phase II, the public improvements costs could total over $16 million dollars Rosecrans Sepulveda Partners, LLC, the developer for the site, has indicated that the existing undeveloped condition of the properties places a financial burden on the project. In addition, the developer has cited the City's inclusion of the Park Place extension in the City's Circulation Element of the General Plan, adopted in 2004, as justification for the request According to the developer this, in turn, could impact the eventual outcome of the final product The City has instituted mitigated fees for the purpose of collecting funds to reimburse costs associated with the needed improvements Based on the adopted mitigation fees along with the proposed total build -out of Plaza El Segundo, currently it appears that the fees collected ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Proposal to Provide Real Estate Consulting Services FISCAL IMPACT- $15,000.00 Operating Budget. $100,00000 Amount Requested, $15,00000 Account Number 001 -400- 2101.6214 Project Phase* NIA Appropriation Required: X Yes —No FY 2006 -2007 Director of Planni qrS a d Buildin afety � City Manager P Planning & Building Safety\PROJECTS \Mar Ventures\2006 12 1116 Keyser Marston Staff Report CC 12 -19 -06 doc BUJ it] STAFF REPORT. December 19, 2006 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION- (cont.) Page 2 may be insufficient to fund the public improvements Before initiating any discussions with the developer, an Economic Feasibility Study should be prepared by an independent consultant The consultant would prepare the report under the direction of the City and determine the financial condition of the project, as well as, the financial representations made by the developer. The analysis would include the preparation of a project pro forma which would include a costs analysis and income projections for the project In addition, an analysis of the other sources of funds may be necessary to assist in the total financial packaging for Plaza El Segundo Keyser Marston is considered to be an experienced and knowledgeable consulting firm regarding the analysis of projects similar to Plaza El Segundo. P \Planning & Building Safety\PROJECTS \Mar Ventures \2006 12 11 Q6 Keyser Marston Staff Report CC 12 -19 -06 doc 1 10 KEYSER MARSTON ASSOCIATES ADVISORS IN PUBLIC /PRIVATE REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT ADVISORS IN November 21, 2006 REAL ESTATE REDEVELOPMENT AFEORDARLE HOUSING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SAN FRANCISCO Mr Jeff Stewart A BERRY KEYSER TIMOTHY KELLY City Manager KATE EARLE FUNK City of El Segundo DEBBIE M KERN ROBERT J WETMORE 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 -3613 LOS ANGELES CALVIN E HOLLIS II KATHLEEN H HEAD Re Real Estate Consulting Services — Rosecrans and Sepulveda JAMES RARE PAULC ANDERSON GREGORY D Soo ROO Dear Mr Stewart KEVIN ENGSTROM JULIE ROM£Y SAN DIEGO It was a pleasure meeting with you, Gary and Kimberly yesterday to discuss the retail GERALD M TRIMBLE protect at Rosecrans Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard (Project) Keyser Marston PAUL C MARRA Associates, Inc (KMA) is pleased to present this proposal to provide real estate consulting services to the City of El Segundo (City) related to the feasibility of development of the Project As we understand it, the Developer of the Project has nearly completed Phase 1. Under the development agreement, Phase 1 can have a maximum of 425,000 square feet of commercial space The Dev &loper is completing 388,000 square feet of space The City and Developer are preparing to negotiate a development agreement for Phase 2 of the Project Phase 2 can include up to 410,000 square feet of commercial space. Phase 2 also includes the development of substantial public infrastructure. The Developer has represented that the Project is not feasible if the Developer is responsible for all of the public improvement costs The City wishes to understand whether the Developer's representations have merit I have also enclosed a summary of KMA's qualifications with this proposal 500 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE SUITE 1480 : LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90071 1, PHONE 213 622 8095 ` FAX 213 622 5204 W W W KEYSERMARSTON COM 0811037 KFM.LLR gBE 89900 000 002 Ali ,�(1 Mr Jeff Steward November 21, 2006 City of El Segundo Page 3 Current pro forma for Phase 1 reflecting where Phase 1 is today Pro forma for Phase 2 • Current estimate of public infrastructure scope and costs • Pro forma for any additional phases of the Project • Site plan for the overall Protect • List of prospective tenants, if not included in the pro formas The City has already provided KMA with a copy of the development agreement, infrastructure cost estimates and traffic mitigation fee information As we discussed, KMA also requires circulation maps that show the existing and proposed traffic circulation in the area, and which identifies the infrastructure improvements that are the responsibility of the Developer BUDGET AND SCHEUDLE KMA will undertake the initial feasibility analysis and financial assistance options on a time and materials basis for a not -to- exceed professional fee of $15,000 The City will be billed monthly for time expended and expenses based upon the attached schedule of fees The budget does not include an allowance for participating in negotiations between the City and Developer The budget contemplates a limited number of meetings with and briefings of City staff KMA estimates that the feasibility analysis can be completed within two to three weeks from receiving the pro forma and Protect information from the Developer If the above is acceptable, please prepare a purchase order of professional services agreement Sincerely, KEYSER MARSTON ASSOCIATES, INC James Rabe Principal Attachments cc Gary Chicots, City of El Segundo X14 0811031 KMAJAR abtl 99900000002 1 �? 7 3 STATEMENT QUALIFICATIONS Keyser Marston Associates, Inc (KMA) is a full service real estate, financial, redevelopment and economic consulting firm specializing in real estate advisory and evaluation services, redevelopment services, and financial analyses KMA was incorporated in 1973 and has been serving public agencies and private clients for over 30 years KMA is a privately held corporation whose shareholders are all principals of the firm KMA has one of the largest real estate and redevelopment advisory practices on the West Coast The majority of KMA assignments involve long - standing client relationships with city and county governments, including many of California's largest redevelopment agencies KMA's services fall within the following general areas • Real Estate • Redevelopment • Economic Development • Affordable Housing Fiscal Impact Valuation & Litigation Support Infrastructure Finance The increased complexities of redevelopment and public/pnvate real estate transactions demand strong technical skills in real estate, economics, redevelopment implementation and public finance The firm uniquely possesses this combination of skills Some of the reasons include Over 30 years experience in assisting all levels of public sector clients throughout the State and the West in real estate market and evaluation services, and developer selection and negotiation, structuring public financing of public/private transactions, and redevelopment project implementation services A unique integration of real estate expertise, redevelopment practice, and a strong public finance background, resulting in fiscal and economic analyses appropriate for redevelopment plan feasibility studies, implementation, fiscal consultant due diligence analysis, and affordable housing financial services Commitment of principals who are recognized leaders in redevelopment throughout California The philosophy and structure of our firm results in clients having maximum direct contact with.pnncipals KMA's ability to be cost effective for our clients given our ability to provide comprehensive services relating to market and financial feasibility, economic analysis, direct implementation experience and public finance without the need for multiple consultants i�J Disposition /Owner Participation /Ground Lease Consulting — This seance covers a broad spectrum, in which KMA assists clients in the disposition of real estate holdings These services include preparation of developer solicitation documents, developer selection and review, participation in developer or owner negotiation, and analysis of pending agreements KMA has taken an active role in the negotiation process leading to numerous Ground Leases, DDA's and OPA's Reuse Reports — KMA's real estate experience is used in the analysis and preparation of reuse reports required under Health and Safety Code Section 33433 Fiscal Impact Analysis — As a full service land economics consulting firm specializing in real estate predevelopment and evaluation services, KMA has developed extensive experience in fiscal /economic impact analysis in the assessment of revenue and cost impacts to be generated by proposed developments or implementation of plans The analyses evaluate both capital and annual on -going revenue and service cost impacts, as well as an evaluation of employment and income effects Economic Benefit and Site Specific Revenue Analysis — As a full service land economics consulting firm specializing in real estate predevelopment and evaluation services, KMA has developed extensive experience in fiscalleconomic impact analysis in the assessment of revenue and cost impacts to be generated by proposed developments or implementation of plans The analyses evaluate both capital and annual on -going revenue and service cost impacts, as well as an evaluation of employment and income effects KMA has recently provided site - specific revenue analyses for a number of significant projects including the Hollywood /Highland project and the Grand Central Creative Campus 4 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Revitalization Strategies — KMA has undertaken numerous revitalization studies for public clients Based on sound and in -depth analysis of market conditions, KMA has developed strategies that emphasize implementation The analyses of market conditions include demographic trends, employment patterns, commercial activities, and leakage of retail sales to neighboring communities From these analyses, KMA formulate economic revitalization strategies through the development of a targeted industry retention and attraction program. pp 1 1 ti U 7 and feasibility studies to determine if an area meets the blight test or is financially feasible KMA can also provide market studies or economic development services in coordination with formation of redevelopment project areas to provide a comprehensive approach to revitalization AFFORDABLE HOUSING SERVICES Market and Financial Analysis of Projects with Affordable Housing Component — KMA prepares market and financial analyses that result in identifying an appropriate level of agency participation in a project. We evaluate the impact of burdens and incentives on affordable housing programs and advise on all aspects of project financing, including the use of low income housing tax credits, CHFA, HUD, and Federal Home Loan Bank programs Prepare Affordable Housing Strategies and Implementation Plans — KMA helps redevelopment agencies prepare plans for using 20% set -aside monies and federal funding sources KMA has extensive experience in creating housing programs that balance available resources among housing types and various income groups Prepare Nexus Studies for Housing Linkage Fees — KMA is expert in preparing nexus studies that establish development fees to fund the construction of affordable housing Past KMA studies have aided major California jurisdictions with these programs We participated in the precedent - setting Sacramento case reviewed by the U S Supreme Court These experiences make KMA uniquely qualified to prepare and assist in defense of these programs Design Inclusionary Housing Programs — Several cities have engaged KMA to assist in the development of inclusionary housing programs tailored to local economic conditions! KMA's approach is to work with both agency staff and developers in creating a program reflecting the local market KMA assesses the impact of proposed inclusionary requirements on the production of affordable housing Assess Developer Qualifications — KMA has assisted cities in the evaluation and selection of developers for affordable housing projects The evaluation typically includes a thprough review of the developer's track record, financial strength, management company, and development team ii5 i179 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 19, 2006 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING- Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding acceptance of the project for Installation of security enclosures around reservoir hatches at the 6 million gallon water reservoir located at 301 Maryland Street Project No PW 06 -08 — (Final contract amount - $16,800) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Recommendation — (1) Accept the work as complete, (2) Authorize the City Clerk to file the City Engineer's Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office, and, (3) Alternatively discuss and take other action related to this Item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: The roof structure of the 6 million gallon water reservoir serves as the parking lot for Hilltop Park The project Included installation of two (2) security cages over the access hatches at the northwest and southeast corners of the reservoir roof structure The cages are galvanized steel structures with a tight wire mesh to prevent unauthorized access to the Interior of the reservoir On July 18, 2006, City Council awarded a contract in the amount of $16,800 to California Fence & Supply The work has now been completed to the satisfaction of staff Staff recommends acceptance of this project This project is funded by a grant from the U S Department of Homeland Security, under the Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) FY 2004 -05 grant program ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS- Notice of Completion FISCAL IMPACT. Capital Improvement Program: Amount Requested: Account Number. Project Phase: Appropriation Required: $16,80000 $16,80000 001 - 400 - 3255 -8104 Acceptance of the work No DATE: December 12, 2006 Steke Fenton, Public Works Director REVIEWE - DATE: IV ( l ` Jeff City Manager 10 t i G Recording Requested by and When Recorded Mail To: City Clerk, City Hall 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Project Name Install Security Enclosures Project No PW 06 -08 Notice is hereby given pursuant to State of California Civil Code Section 3093 et seq that 1 The undersigned is an officer of the owner of the interest stated below in the property hereinafter described 2 The full name of the owner is City of El Segundo 3 The full address of the owner is City Flail, 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA, 90245 4 The nature of the interest of the owner is Public Water Facility 5 A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was field reviewed by the City Engineer on December 1, 2006 The work done was Installation of security enclosures 6 On December 19, 2006, City Council of the City of El Segundo accepted the work of this contract as being complete and directed the recording of this Notice of Completion in the Office of the County Recorder 7 The name of the Contractor for such work of improvement was California Fence & Supply 8 The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, and is described as follows City Water Facility 9 The street address of said property is 301 Maryland Street Dated Steve Finton City Engineer VERIFICATION I, the undersigned, say I am the Director of Public Works /City Engineer of the City El Segundo, the declarant of the foregoing Notice of Completion, I have read said Notice of Completion and know the contents thereof, the same is true of my own knowledge I declare under penalty of perjury the foregoing is true and correct Executed on , 2006 at El Segundo, California Steve Finton Director of Public Works /City Engineer Notice of Completions\PW 06 -02 -7, i 1 � EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT MEETING DATE: December 19, 2006 AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda Consideration and possible action to award a Public Works Contract to MG Enterprizes for the replacement of blue stone crosswalks in the intersection of Grand Avenue at Main Street Approved Capital Improvement Project Project No PW 06 -12 (Contract Amount = $ 72,900 00) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION. Recommendation — (1) Authorize the City Manager to execute a Public Works Contract in a form as approved by the City Attorney with MG Enterprizes in the amount of $72,900 for the replacement of Blue Stone, and, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (Background and discussion continued on the next page ) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: Capital Improvement Program: Amount Requested: Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation Required- $100,000 $ 72,900 301 - 400 - 8201 -8512 Award of Contract No December 12, 2006 1 1 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION; (continued) On October 3, 2006, the City Council adopted the plans and specifications and authorized staff to advertise the project for competitive bids On December 5, 2006 the City Clerk received and opened three (3) bids as follows 1 MG Enterpnzes $ 72,900.00 2 Southland Construction 95,000 00 3 M3 Services 117,741 36 The contract includes the stones be removed and replaced with stamped concrete The color and pattern of the stamped concrete would match the existing concrete crosswalks at the intersections of Main Street and Holly Avenue Staff has contacted references of the low bidder and has received favorable responses Staff recommends awarding a Public Works Contract to lowest responsible bidder, MG Enterpnzes in the amount of $72,900 This project is funded through the FY 2006 -2007 Capital Improvement Program Disposition of Blue Stones Staff is attempting to secure approval from the City of Los Angeles to utilize the blue stones removed to beautify the Imperial Highway medians The contract requires the contractor to remove the stones to a location in the El Segundo vicinity If approvals are not received from the City of Los Angeles or if reuse of the stones proves infeasible, staff will direct the contractor to dispose of the stones �iJ EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION: MEETING DATE: December 19, 2006 AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda Consideration and possible action regarding acceptance of the project for the 2005 -2006 Annual Contract for City -wide Sidewalk, Curb, Curb and Gutter, Handicap Access Ramps, and Other Minor Improvements - Project No PW 06 -05 (Final contract amount = $92,386 00) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Recommendation — (1) Accept the work as complete, (2) Authorize the City Clerk to file the City Engineer's Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office, and, (3) Alternatively discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: The project is an annual contract for curb and sidewalk repair throughout the City On June 20, 2006, City Council awarded a contract in the amount of $92,386 00 to Damon Construction Co, The work has now been completed to the satisfaction of staff Staff recommends acceptance of this project ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. Notice of Completion FISCAL IMPACT. Capital Improvement Program, $40,00000 Operating Budget: $60.00000 Amount Requested: $92,38600 Account Number. 106 - 400 - 8203 -8606 ($42,386) 001 - 400 - 4202 -6206 ($50,000) Project Phase- Acceptance of the work Appropriation Required: No ORIGINATED BY. DATE: December 12, 2006 Steve Finton, Public Works Director / � r/oz, /1- 1 2 Recording Requested by and When Recorded Mail To: City Clerk, City Hall 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Project Name Repair of Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter Project No PW 06 -05 Notice is hereby given pursuant to State of California Civil Code Section 3093 et seq that Dated The undersigned is an officer of the owner of the interest stated below in the property hereinafter described The full name of the owner is City of El Segundo The full address of the owner is City Hall, 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA, 90245 4 The nature of the interest of the owner is Public Right -of -Way 5 A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was field reviewed by the City Engineer on October 18, 2006 The work done was Curb and Sidewalk Repair 6 On December 19, 2006, the City Council of the City of El Segundo accepted the work of this contract as being complete and directed the recording of this Notice of Completion in the Office of the County Recorder 7 The name of the Contractor for such work of Improvement was Damon Construction Cc 8 The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, and Is described as follows Various Streets 9 The street address of said property is None Steve Finton City Engineer/ Public Works Director VERIFICATION I, the undersigned, say I am the City Engineer of the City El Segundo, the declarant of the foregoing Notice of Completion, I have read said Notice of Completion and know the contents thereof, the same Is true of my own knowledge I declare under penalty of per jury the foregoing is true and correct Executed on December 1, 2006 at El Segundo, California N \NOTICMPW NOG (01/08/02) Steve Fenton City Engineer /Public Works Director 1f. y EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 19, 2006 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING- New Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION Consideration and possible action regarding the approval of a Professional Services Agreement between JAS Pacific Inc and the City of El Segundo for budding Inspector services (Fiscal Impact $25,000) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION 1) Authorize the City Manager to sign a Professional Services Agreement approved as to form by the City Attorney, (2) alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: There Is an Immediate need to contract for Inspection services due to a recent vacancy in the Building Safety Division Staffing for the Building Safety Division consists of two (2) Inspectors with one (1) supervising Inspector totaling three (3) employees One vacancy currently exists within the division. This position is currently funded by the General Fund Currently the Building Inspector position salary and benefits for one year totals approximately $90,000 00 JAS Pacific proposal at $55 00 an hour would total approximately $114,000,00 Contracting costs would exceed the current funding levels by approximately $25,000 which, therefore, requires appropriation from the General Fund unallocated reserves The vacancy necessitates the need to contract for Inspection services immediately In addition to a concurrent recruitment process (Continued on next page. ) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Proposal from JAS Municipal Consulting and Engineering Services FISCAL IMPACT Operating Budget General fund Unallocated Reserves Amount Requested, $25,00000 Account Number, 001- 400 - 2403 -6214 Appropriation Required. X Yes _ No ORIGINATED- DAT December 12, 2006 Gary Chicots, Interim Director of Plann &din Safet REVIEWE DATE. I? I3 G Jeff 16 a Citv Mana er �/✓ 13 P \Planning & Building Safety \Staff Reports 2006 \12 12 JAS Pacific Inc CC 12 -19 -06 doc n i�ti EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION (cont) MEETING DATE December 19, 2006 Page 2 Staff has contacted several professional firms to provide contract inspection services, however, because of economic conditions, only AS Pacific Inc has been able to provide potential contract inspectors as candidates at this time Staff, therefore, recommends engaging the services of JAS Pacific Inc to provide contract services for Building Safety Department inspection services P \Planning & Building Safety\Staff Reports 2006 \12 12 JAS Pacific Inc CC 12 -19 -06 doc s 4 v A _ a- Municipal Consulting and Engineering Services November 21, 2006 Ms Linda Lidster Senior Building Inspector City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, Ca 90245 Re Building & Safety Services Dear Ms Licster, We appreciate the opportunity to provide our Statement of Qualifications to the City of El Segundo Throughout the years JAS Pacific has proudly delivered exceptional personnel and customer service, and we are confident that we can fulfill the requirements in these areas, with our knowledge of the scope of services JAS Pacific has become a leading provider of municipal consulting services in California, and concentrating on this region has allowed us to be more personal and accessible to our clients, with the addition of new offices in Gardnerwlle Nevada and Tucson Arizona we can now show the same dedicated attention to the Northern and Southwest regions We value and support the communities we serve and believe this is evident in our dealings and work relationships we have formed We invite you to contact our references as we feel these are an ultimate measure of our service JAS Pacific provides' a multitude of Building and Safety support services such as all Budding Inspection all; Plan Review • Planning • Clerical Assistance 61 Full Department Administration W Code Enforcement iv Permit Technician ® Project Management 10 Forensic Inspection 10 Public Works Once again, JAS Pacific, Inc is pleased at the opportunity to present our Statement of Qualifications and Proposal to Provide Services Should there be a specific area not addressed herein, please feel free to contact me at (909) 605 -7777 so that I may accommodate you accordingly Respectfully, N Stormon Nicolle Stormon, Vice President JAS Pacific Consulting Services Corporate 4295 Ju-upa Street Suite 2030ntano California 91761(909) 6057777 Fax 9)9 -605 -0319 'i , �or_ A C O M P A N Y P R O F I L E Founded over a decade ago, JAS Pacific, Inc was established with one idea present in mind, provide "hands -on" superior services JAS Pacific has since become a recognized leader in the provision of professional municipal consulting and engineering consultant services including building inspection, plan review, code enforcement, project management, planning, and public works Currently JAS Pacific provides temporary and permanent staffing to many jurisdictions throughout California While managing this diverse client base we have excelled at offering flexible services that are unique to each jurisdiction and its requirements As a small firm, JAS Pacific is able to provide personalized service to each client, assuring full attention and the best solutions to every project All members of the JAS Pacify staff possess either a professional registration or certificatio from ICBO, CABO, ACI, CIA, and/or other appropriate agencies JAS Pacit: personnel an required to maintain knowledge o current and changing codes �,• .,�:r:.; ;;; °,,_;;,.,., ;,r,y;.' perform _sr�.',,,�. ; . „ and therefore are encourage( to attend meetngs and classes to ``;R14h(jii�gf sustain knoAdge of all current and changing code JAS Pacificdoes not any design o ancillary function � ✓r,;;, perform _sr�.',,,�. ; . „ that might createa conflict of interest We are a complianm- ``;R14h(jii�gf oriented firm Safety and attention to detail ar ®Iways foremost priorities at !AS Pacify '• . In addition, we indemnif our clients by mantaming One Million ($1,000,00000) dollars Lidbd 'Public WDrks' ity Insurance, and Two Million $2000,000 00 dollars Professional Errors and ( ) ( peer -I f n,spectxoir Omissions) Insuranre 1 L I F I C A T! O N S E X P E R I E N C E J AS Pacific is comprised of many professionals offering decades of experience in Budding and Safety support services. We have a proven track record of superb customer service and work hard to uphold this reputation. w z 4 :E Q U A A N D L I F I C A T! O N S E X P E R I E N C E J AS Pacific is comprised of many professionals offering decades of experience in Budding and Safety support services. We have a proven track record of superb customer service and work hard to uphold this reputation. w z 4 :E K E Y P E R S O N N E L Mr J Addison Smith President, JAS Pacific, Inc As President and Chief Executive Officer of JAS Pacific since the company's conception in 1993, Mr Smith directs all functions of the firm and is personally involved with all clients He is the current Project Manager servicing all of the Los Angeles County contracts with JAS Pacific and supervises the delivery of all services as requested by the clients Prior to this he held positions with the City of Las Vegas and the City of Adelanto Mr Smith studied at the University of La Verne majoring in Business Administration Mrs Nicolle Stormon Vice President, JAS Pacific, Inc Riverside & San Diego County Manager, JAS Pacific, Inc In the role of Vice President for JAS Pacific, Mrs Nicolle Stormon oversees all business and administration functions, including accounting and finance, risk management, and human resources She works directly with all clients regarding these aspects throughout the contract period, and would continue to act as the primary contact to the City for all related matters In addition, Mrs Stormon also manages the San Diego and the Riverside County operations Prior to joining the firm in 1994, she was with a private company offering government engineering services Mrs Stormon majored in Business Administration at Victor Valley College Mr Frank Smith Business Development Director, JAS Pacific, Inc Building Official Mr Frank Smith maintains a position as Building Official and Business Development Director for JAS Pacific He began his career with JAS Pacific in 1993 as a Project Inspector on large scale projects Mr Smith' position combines Management and Technical duties such as, overseeing ofjob progress and status, completing assignments and duties, as well as being liaison between City Officials and Developers In addition to his extensive experience in supervising projects he has worked in many Building Departments in several capacities inspecting tract homes, commercial construction, as well as performing plan check and training inspection personnel Mr Smith also held position as Classroom Instructor for ICC building inspection as to prepare students for ICC certifications and Employment Frank holds ICC certifications in Building, Zoning, Combination Inspection and Residential Housing Inspection Frank received a Fire Science degree from Victor Valley College 3 4. 1 C U R R E N T A N D P A S T P R O J E C T S JAS Pacific operates with a focus on meeting the municipal staffing needs of the public sector in an efficient manner, providing the appropriate personnel to meet the individual requirements of each project JAS Pacific does not perform any design or ancillary function that might create a conflict of interest We are a compliance- oriented firm LOS ANGELES COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION Budding Inspection, Code Enforcement, Permit Technician, Deputy Building Official Project Duration December 2000— Current JAS Pacific has provided staffing services to the Los Angeles County Public Works Department for six years on an as- needed basis JAS Pacific Building Inspectors, Permit Technicians, Code Enforcement Officers, and Plan Examiners are at present positioned all over the Los Angeles County area The Los Angeles County Inspection Staff maintains certifications issued by ICBO, in addition to certifications issued by IAPMO, DSA and Contractors License Board JAS Pacific thoroughly enjoys working with all the County staff CITY OF SANTA MONICA BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT Deputy Building Official, Building Inspection, Code Enforcement, Plan Review, Clerical Project Duration September 1999 — Current JAS Pacific ha!4been fulfilling the service needs of the City of Santa Monica Building and Safety Department in the areas of building inspection, code enforcement, plan check and permit technician services for over six years on a full - time basis Competent and well experienced staff members educated in the Building Codes and Code Enforcement laws work in conjunction with all other City departments to sustain a well run city In 2002, JAS Pacific was happy to negotiate a consecutive contract for the continuation of current and expanded services CITY OF LANCASTER BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT Deputy Building Official, Building Inspection, Plan Review, Education Project Duration November 2002— Current JAS Pacific is providing services to the City of Lancaster in several capacities Lancaster celled upon JAS to assist the City in their Budding & Safety Department as well as their education and training department We are proud to work with the City of Lancaster and their entire staff 4 iLn I ")l A C U R R E N T A N D P A S T P R O J E C T S CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT Building Inspection, Plan Review Project Duration June 1999— Current JAS Pacific has worked with the City of La Quinta for many years JAS Pacific provides to the City two full -time Building Inspectors as well as on -staff plan review services Excellent service is the foundation of our continued relationship with the beautiful City of La Quetta DOUGLAS COUNTY BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT Plan Review, Inspection Project Duration April 2006— Present JAS Pacific maintains full -time and as- needed Building Inspection services to Douglas County We as well conduct their plan review for their large -scale projects We are pleased to be part of such a charming County as Douglas CITY OF SANTA CLARITA BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT Building Inspection, Plan Review Project Duration September 2001 — Current The City of Sakta Clanta and JAS Pacific work together to provide the Building and Safety Department with three full -time Building Inspectors, in addition to in -house plan check services The City and JAS Pacific have worked together in the past and we are proud to have renewed our affiliation 4 CITY OF HESPERIA BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT Budding Inspection, Permit Technician Project Duration November 2001 — Current JAS Pacific is pleased to accommodate this growing .jurisdiction by providing as- needed Building Inspection and Permit Technician services on an increasing basis TOWN OF SAHUARITA BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT Building Inspection, Plan Review Project Duration November 2004 — Current JAS Pacific has worked with the Town of Sahuarita for several years, we are pleased of our continued service with the town and staff 5 iA:� n, C U P R E N T A N D P A S T P R O J E C T S COUNT Y OF SANTA BARBARA BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT Plan Review, Building Inspection Project Duration December 2004 - Current JAS Pacific maintains full -time Plan Review and Building Inspection services, on staff, to the County of Santa Barbara for over two years and in the past several months increased our services with the County SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT Plan Review, Building Inspection Project Duration May 2005- Current JAS Pacific began our relationship with the County of San Luis Obispo in early 2005, and we look forward to a long and helpful association CITY OF GROVER BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Official, Building Inspection, Plan Review Project Duration April 2003— Current JAS Pacific proitjdes a full -time Building Official as well as Budding Inspection and Plan Review services to support the Community Development Department of the City of Grover Beach CITY OF HAYWARD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Budding Official, Plan Review Project Duration January 2006 - August 2006 JAS Pacific provided a full -time Building Official and Plans Examiner to the City of Hayward JAS served the City in this capacity for eight months while they sought a full time Building Official for their Building Division We have just begun our service to the City and hope to fulfill all their Building and Safety needs in the future CITY OF YORBA LINDA BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT Budding Inspection Project Duration January 2005 — Current JAS Pacific provides a Combination Building Inspector for full time service to assist The City of Yorba Linda with their complex construction issues 6 s.��J F ah �� ro C U R R E N T A N D P A S T P R O J E C T S CITY OF RENO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building & Safety Administration Project Duration April 2006— Present JAS Pacific was contracted to fulfill the positions of Building & Safety Manager and Supervising Building Inspector in the modernization of the City of Reno' Building & Safety Division JAS is also providing out- sourang plan review of their large -scale projects, on -staff plan review and budding inspection services CITY OF GUADALUPE BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT Building and Safety Administration Project Duration June 2004— Current JAS Pacific is assisting the Building and Safety Department under the guidance of the Planning Director, this includes Building Inspection, Plan Review, Permit Technician and Code Enforcement services JAS Pacific duties are to service the department, represent the City at the ICC Central Coast Chapter as well as enforce the Code Enforcement program that JAS Pacific produced CITY OF NA -ZONAL CITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Budding Official, Building Inspection Project Duration April 2005 - Currrent JAS Pacific has provided Building Inspection services to the City of National City for over one year, we were recently contracted to provide a part -time Building Official to oversee their Building & Safety code interests CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT Building Inspection Project Duration June 2005— Current JAS Pacific worked with the City of Cathedral City for many years We are pleased that they have once again called upon JAS Pacific to assist the Department 7 I Y J 1 C L I E N T R E F E R E N C E We are proud of our history of service and the strong relationships we have forged over the past decade, and encourage you to contact any of our current and past clients for references CITY OF SANTA MONICA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Contact Tim McCormick Contact Raj Patel Director of Building and Safety Building & Safety Supervisor (310) 458 -8355 (626) 458 -3164 CITY OF LA QUINTA d Contact Greg Butler Contact Kevin Gatus, CBO Deputy Building Official Chief Building Official (760) 777 -7015 (775) 887 -2310 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY CITY OF LANCASTER Contact Cheryl Journey N ASV, Chief Budding Official �!l C L I E N T R E F E R E N C E We are proud of our history of service and the strong relationships we have forged over the past decade, and encourage you to contact any of our current and past clients for references CITY OF SANTA MONICA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Contact Tim McCormick Contact Raj Patel Director of Building and Safety Building & Safety Supervisor (310) 458 -8355 (626) 458 -3164 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF CARSON CITY Contact Greg Butler Contact Kevin Gatus, CBO Deputy Building Official Chief Building Official (760) 777 -7015 (775) 887 -2310 STATE OF NEVADA CITY OF BEVERLY HILLS Public Works Board Contact George Chavez Contact Dennis Nolan Director of Building & Safety (775) 684 -4135 (310) 285 -1151 CITY OF HERMOSA BEACH CITY OF YORBA LINDA Contact Sol Blumenfeld Contact Ahmed Tabbaa Director of Community Development Building Official (310) -318 -0239 (714) 961 -7130 CITY OF HESPERIA , CITY OF RENO Contact Tom Harp Contact Susan Schlerf Building Official City Manager (760) 947 -1300 (775) 334 -2211 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY CITY OF LANCASTER Contact Cheryl Journey Contact Robert Neal, PE Chief Budding Official Building Official (805) 781 -1314 a (661) 723 -6150 CITY OF GROVER BEACH CITY OF PISMO BEACH Contact Ron Anderson Contact Randy Bloom Community Development Director Community Development Director (805) 473 -4520 (805) 773 -7040 0 1�.. 1 ![MIMICy J AS Pacific is a small firm; this allows J AS to be personal with each client, assuring each Department that they are receiving the best service. Each staffing request is processed to an efficient manner, thoroughly reviewed, and assigned a qualified professional meeting the requirements of each project , 91 I) � .S J S T A N D =\ R D S E R V i :" E S 1 ![MIMICy J AS Pacific is a small firm; this allows J AS to be personal with each client, assuring each Department that they are receiving the best service. Each staffing request is processed to an efficient manner, thoroughly reviewed, and assigned a qualified professional meeting the requirements of each project , 91 I) � .S J S T A N D A R D S E R V I C E S We would like to begin by thanking the City of El Segundo for the opportunity to present our firm to you We are confident that we can provide these services with the utmost professionalism and expertise The City is an efficient organization and JAS Pacific would be pleased at our affiliation METHODOLOGY Upon reaching an agreement to provide Building and Safety services to the City of El Segundo we shall have resumes for review and those professionals able for an interview JAS Pacific retains hundreds of resumes of professionals at all times with a diverse range of qualifications available to fulfill the City's service needs, and may be in place within one business week of initial request All assigned personnel must be approved by the City and the client is given the opportunity to review resumes and interview any and all staff members prior to placement All new placements will be accompanied by a member of the project management team on the introductory day to ensure compatibility of the assignment In addition, JAS Pacific consistently reviews fob performance and client satisfaction on a calendar basis, or upon clients request JAS Pacific is able to meet all requirements as described in the scope of services without the participation of additional consultants or sub - consultants The City of El Segundo shall not incur additional costs for project management, administration of labor and /or accounting with JAS Pacific All fees documented will represent the provision of qualified consultants on an hourly, as- needed basis r. JAS Pacific can accommodate individual construction projects when the clients request an on -site resident inspector as well as the provision of Part -Time and On -Call Professionals Transportation shall be provided for our inspectors and officers when vehicles are not available SERVICE All requests for services should be directed to Mr J Addison Smith, JAS Pacific President Addison will be the primary account liaison dedicated to providing suitable candidates for selection, reviewing progress and performance, and communication with the City of El Segundo relating to these issues Mrs Nicolle Stormon will also be fully available to ensure complete satisfaction in all aspects of service, as well has excellent support staff to aid 'in providing thorough and prompt response to all inquiries Capable management and administrative personnel are also available to assist when needed Nicolle oversees all financial aspects and risk management functions and should be contacted in regards to these matters 10 �e » S T A N D A R D S E R V I C E S STAFF ]AS Pacific is proud to offer a team of professionals selected for their excellent qualifications, extensive experience, and commitment to service All members of the JAS Pacific staff possess either a professional registration or certification from ICBO /ICC, CABO, ACI, ACIA, and /or other appropriate agencies JAS Pacific personnel are required to maintain knowledge of current and changing codes and therefore are encouraged to attend meetings and classes to sustain knowledge of all currentand charging codes. In addition, the recent increaseof our in -house staff ensures that all account administration requireents aremet and theinterests of our staff and the City are mantamed EDUCATION All members of JAS Pacific staff are required to maintain current and valid certifications while actively employed, and continuing education is encouraged in all pertinent fields Inspectors Examiners Officers and Technicianswill be afforded the funds and the opportunity to maintain their current certifications and to achieve further licenses and certifications CEU requirements will bemetby all staff and JAS Pacifc will provide this for ,ll workforce,all personnel performing New ConstrLttion and Rehab Construction will be certifiedas under the law AB717 In addition, JAS Pacific maintains an up -to -date selection of in -house education materials and training sessions available to all staff members JAS Pacific consistently monitors certification requirements and the status of all staff memba on a calendar and /or a- needed basis BENEFITS JAS Pacific provides an excellent benefits package to encourage loyalty, reliability and dependability We maintain health benefits, 401k retirement program, dental insurance, supplemental disability insurance, and accident and life insurance packages including cancer liabilities Education benefits are in place to make it possible for all staff members to receive industry necessary and /or related training, meet CEU requirements, and to be reimbursed for certification fees, certification renewalsand seminars Staff members are eligible for a set amount of paid holidays and vacation time affar an estaliished period of employment 11 iJJ W O R K P L A N INSPECTION SERVICIS • Revien thoroughly project specifications, plans, reports and calculations prior to inspection to ensure structural and architectural stabile • Perform and document comprehensivefteld inspections on assigned construction projects to determine that all aspects of the project work conform to applicable and adopted Building, Plumbing,Mechamcaland Electrical codes, as well as zoning ordinances, energy conservation and ADA requirement • Review plans for building construction, plumbing, mechanicadnd electrcal systems • Participate in reviews regarding related projects with technical consultants, Fire Officials, Health Officials and other influenced Citof El Segundoand County agencies • Prepare correction notices and notices of non - compliance during inspections and maintain a record of noncomplying items and follm -up to resolutons of such items • Record conferences with contractors, engineers, ehitects and manufacturer= • Utilize the City of El Segundo automated permit tracking system to obtain and record pertinent job information and record • Introduce effective ways to provide thorough documentation and reports for all invesigauons • Establish professional working relationships with all affected City of El Segundo Departments to streamline enforcerent efforts • Ensure that the public interests for a safe enwronmenf'e met • Uphold the preservation of health, safety and welfare of the publ • Provide an ICC certified building inspector highly trained and skilled in every aspect of the adopted model codes • Accommodate construction activity cyes without increasing permanent staf • Be readily availade to accommodate the overload of inspection demanc& in a timely manner 12 1,J6 As an industry leader, J AS Pacific complies with the regulations and certifications issued by the appropriate agencies and conducts its relationships employing fair business principles All staff members are encouraged to uphold these values while representing J AS Pacific 13 B U S T hl E S S P R A C T 1 C c S As an industry leader, J AS Pacific complies with the regulations and certifications issued by the appropriate agencies and conducts its relationships employing fair business principles All staff members are encouraged to uphold these values while representing J AS Pacific 13 M I S C E L L A N E O U S P R O V I S I O N S AS Pacific acknowledges the receipt of the Terms, Condition and all Orders and Purchase Orders and formally accepts these Terms and Conditions AS Pacific complies with all State and Federal Labor Laws including those applicable to Disadvantaged and Equal Employment Opportunity provisions AS Pacific is an equal opportunity employer and agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment to be used in the performance of the obligations of consultant under the proposed agreement on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex or age AS Pacific agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Client harmless from any and all which result directly and indirectly from the wrongful or negligent actions of liability or loss, resulting from any suits, claims or actions brought against the Client, which result directly or indirectly from the wrongful or negligent actions of the consultant in the performance of the services provided AS Pacific agrees to provide all proper insurance and worker's compensation insurance for consultants, employees and agents and agrees to hold harmless and indemnify Chentfor any and all claims arising out of injury, disability or death of any consultants, employees or agents AS Pacific agrees to have Client added to insurance coverage, as an additionally named insured The insurance coverage shall include a provision prohibiting any amendments to the coverage, or cancellation of the coverage, without thirty -(30) days prior written notice being given to the Client At the time of execution of contract, and throughout the term of the contract, AS Pacific agrees to carry General Liability, Professional Liability and Automobile Liability Insurance Such insurance shall be procured from an insurer authorized to do business in the State of California and approved in writing by the Client This proposal and all documents referred to in the specifications and service agreement to be entered into between AS Pacific and the Client, and all, the modifications of said Client documents, shall be construed together as the final agreement between AS Pacific and the Client AS Pacific shall not assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of contract, or his rights, title or interest in or to the same without the previous written consent of the Client 14 M iJ� S C H E D U L E F F E F S 2 Our clients appreciate our consistent attention to budget parameters and our capability to provide the services needed within these constraints. Our R services And fees are adapted to each jurisdiction as each jurisdiction is r unique in its requirements. a 15 -+ C) Yj,i � 4 -i S C H E D U L E O F F E E S JAS Pacific is pleased to provide the following Fee Schedule for Building and Safety Support services for your review For Inspection overtime hours JAS Pacific shall receive time and half SUPPORT STAFF Certified Building Inspector Mileage while performing inspections i $55 00 per hour $ 42 per mile W ,, 4_fFIC INC C r,>o 3te Office Luupa, Swtc 203 On.3nu 90t, h05 %777 f 909 ()0 7) G") I c+ CCA_ACT & REPRESFN IAA I', �oon,> > Smrth, Prmici� nt u9 00 , 7777 Iv "aru i Office „"' I levy ?95, Stc 7 -D Garo,w, o., '70' A, ,-on,, Office 1- 7 1\1'.huich Ste 210, 1, Mountan, Office v6r1 Lakr Drrvc, Arrowhvcd .,h 9- 1" Urnual Coast Office 200 S 13 " Street, Ste 110, Giover 6e3cn 1,,, 93433 IdPtsoun Office 2900 Wilnnrnsburg Terrace, Ste H104 01,,r<Gity, Mc 64079 al Our Vision at J AS Pacific is to provide the support of superior and cost effective Building and Safety services to all local government. With this Vision J AS Pacific has become an invaluable member of many departments and plays a critical role in the assistance and awareness of Life Safety matters 4 JAS PACIFIC, INC Mnnsnpai Cansuhsng and Engsnemng Services Louis Dupuy International Code Council Certified Residential Building Inspector Office 4295 Jumpa Sutte 203 Ontmo Cahfocma 91761 (909) 605 -7777 Fax 909 -605 -0319 Mr Louis Dupuy is a Certified Inspector He has over three months experience performing combination inspections in addition to thirty years experience in the construction field - 09/2005 to 06/2006 Contract Building Inspector / City of Bellflower, CA Served as Project Administrator to ensure construction was performed according to approved plans and necessary specifications were met, provided detailed explanations of projects through reports, corrections notices, and stop work orders, performed residential, industrial, and commercial building inspection duties at various stages of construction, alteration, and repair, reviewed plans and prepAd permit documentation for residential and commercial projects, provided information and assistance to the general public - 02/2002 to 03/2006 Superintendent / Dupuy Construction Over looked all aspects of projects including budgets, cost estimations, ordering of materials and supervision of crew, coordinated with architects, engineers, and inspectors to ensure compliance with necessary codes and procedures, types of construction mcluddd, but not limited to framing, roofing, drywall installation, window /door replacement and electrical fixtures - 06/1993 to 07/1995 Superintendent / Peppers Dupuy Construction - 07/1972 to 11/1996 Superintendent / AJ Padelford & Sons, Inc. M i cam. JAS PACIFIC, INC Mnnenpal Consnlung and Engvaenng Services Wayne Webb International Code Council Certified Plans Examiner International Code Council Certified Commercial Electrical Inspector International Code Council Certified Electrical Plans Examiner Office 4295 Jurupa Site 203 Ontario CaLforma 91761 (909) 605 -7777 Fax 909 -605 -0319 Mr Wayne Webb is a Certified Inspector He has over two years experience performing combination inspections and plans examination in addition to fifteen years experience as an electrician -2003 to Present Plans Examiner & Building Inspector / Town of Prescott Valley, AZ Responsible for ensuring compliance with related building codes, city ordinances and regulations, provided assistance to architects, contractors, builders, home owners and engineers, performed plan review on projects such as hotels, restaurants, office buildings, 200,000 square foot hospital and 6,500 seat „arenas, performed residential and commercial building inspection duties at various stages of construction, alteration, and repair to ensure compliance with bitildmg codes and regulations, prepared permit documentation for residential and commercial projects, provided information and assistance to the general public -1999 to 2002 Field Superintendent / East -West Electric, Inc. Estimated, managed and worked as a the foreman of 18 employees on electrical installations for commercial, industrial, and retail projects, installations included complete electrical systems, fire safety systems, basic enclosed conduit systems for fire alarms, nurse call, duress, telco and lighting control r 1997 to 1999 Asst. Golf Professional / Countryside Country Club, Clearwater, FL Provided golf instruction to members and nonmembers of 1200 member club, managed golf retail shop -1995 to 1997 Journeyman Electrician / Canyon State Electric & Helix Electric, Inc. -1989 to 1995 Owner / Webb Electric � 4� i 0 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT MEETING DATE. December 19, 2006 AGENDA HEADING: Reports — AGENDA DESCRIPTION. Consideration and possible action regarding the annual request of Mr S Claus for variances from the Municipal Code Approve request by Mr S Claus for a waiver of the permits required for doing business within the City of El Segundo as follows, or, alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 1) Approval of a Conditional Use Permit and waiver of regulations in ESMC Section 15 -23 -4, 2) The use of air rights and waiver of the Santa Monica Radial 160 R procedure (FAA should be contacted), 3) Grant a free business license for a non - profit organization (ESMC 4 -1 -7), 4) Waiver of ESMC 8-4 -11 B (Driveway Permits Required) and ESMC 8 -5 -11 (Parking on Grades) 5) Waiver of the Noise Ordinance to permit the sound of bells (ESMC 7 -2 -3), and 6) Waiver of the Trespass Ordinance (ESMC 7 -6 -3) including 6 -5 -11 dealing with trespassing animals, 7) Waiver of the ordinance on Animal Regulations (ESMC 6 -2 -1), 8) Waiver of the Pooper- Scooper Regulations (ESMC 7 -1 -4) Additionally, Mr S Claus has been directed to the Coastal Commission for clearance over the ocean, D.M V. for a valid vehicle registration, Department of Health & Welfare to ensure his elves are receiving minimum wage, and the Air Quality Management District to ensure a safe and clear sleigh ride BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION- Were Mr S Claus required to obtain all of the necessary permits, he would not be able to start his business until after June 1, 2007 Since Mr Claus has shown good faith during previous business endeavors, and his business would be welcomed by the Community as a whole, Council should waive the fees and permits required ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None FISCAL IMPACT: Operating Budget: N/A Amount Requested - Account Number: Project Phase: Appropnati n Required. Yes No ORIGI ED B • DATE. December 11,200 4 M Kelly Mc II REVIEWED DATE: December13 , 2006 'T 14 Jeff St4/art, City Manager