Consideration and possible action regarding a presentation and discussion of changes
proposed by the Council Subcommittee, to the El Segundo Municipal Code Title 15 Chapter
4A regarding the development standards for the Single - Family Residential R -1 Zone (Fiscal
Impact None)
1 Receive staff presentation,
2 Receive comments from public regarding proposed Zoning Code amendments,
3 Direct staff regarding proceeding with the Zoning Code amendments and preparation of
environmental review documents, and /or
4 Alternatively, discuss and take other actions related to this item
At its May 3, 2005 City Council meeting, the City Council established an Ad Hoc Council
Subcommittee and directed Planning and Building Safety staff to work with the Council
on next page )
1 Draft of Proposed Changes to the R -1 Zone Development Standards
2 Existing Single - Family Residential R -1 Zoning Standards
Operating Budget-
Amount Requested:
Account Number:
Project Phase-
Appropriation Required. _Yes X No
Seimone Jurps, Director f Planning and Building Safety
I //�
COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street
The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda Items
Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City- related business that is within the
jurisdiction of the City Council and /or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the
Meeting The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person
Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state Your name and residence and the
organization you represent, if desired Please respect the time limits
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 607 -2208
Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2005 — 7:00 P.M.
ROLL CALL — City Council
ROLL CALL — Planning Commission
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Planning Commission Chair Robin Funk
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30
minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of
another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council
Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250
Consideration and possible action regarding a presentation and discussion of
changes proposed by the Council Subcommittee, to the El Segundo Municipal
Code Title 15, Chapter 4A regarding the development standards for the Single -
Family Residential R -1 Zone.
Recommendation — (1) Receive staff presentation, (2) Receive comments from public
regarding proposed Zoning Code amendments, (3) Direct staff regarding proceeding
with the Zoning Code amendments and preparation of environmental review
documents, (4) Alternatively discuss and take other action related to this item
DATE il�s��Cs
TIME lo'• 05 Ar-\
NAME �h✓' rN
STAFF REPORT November 29, 2005
Page 2
Subcommittee members in the review and preparation of recommendations regarding changes
to the Single - Family Residential R -1 Zone Development Standards. The Council's direction
was in response to concerns discussed at that Council meeting regarding the impacts of large
single - family residential structures being erected throughout the R -1 Zone in the City City
Council members Jim Boulgandes and Carl Jacobson were appointed to the Subcommittee
The Council Subcommittee met on several occasions to review the existing standards
comprehensively, to review statistical data regarding properties within the R -1 Zone, to review
the concerns raised about current development trends, to review other Cities standards, and to
develop recommendations for changes to the existing development standards
The Ad Hoc Council Subcommittee's proposed changes include changes to the R -1 Zone
development standards in the following areas
1 Increased front and side setbacks for dwellings
2 Front setback encroachments for dwellings using architectural design feature incentives
3 Increased lot coverage allowance
4 Addition of floor area ratio requirement
5 Addition of building wall modulation requirements
6 Increased maximum height and number of stories for accessory structures
7 Increased side setbacks for accessory structures and detached garages
8 New side and rear setbacks for second floor accessory structure
9 Garage design and orientation requirements
10 Addition of second floor bay window encroachments into the front setback
11 Addition of fireplace encroachments into the interior side yard setback
12 Addition of 6 -inch setback encroachments for shutters, corbels, dentds and other minor
architectural elements
13 Allow partially enclosed (on 3 sides without a roof) accessory outdoor showers attached
to a budding wall outside of required setbacks
14 Added definitions of architectural terms
A draft of the proposed standards is attached
Once preliminary recommendations were developed by the Ad Hoc Council Subcommittee, the
Council Subcommittee members directed Planning and Budding Safety staff to conduct a
community meeting to inform the public of the proposed changes and to obtain preliminary
comments from the public The community meeting was held on October 12, 2005 and
approximately 50 -60 members of the public attended the meeting and provided comments
STAFF REPORT November 29, 2005
Page 3
Planning and Budding Safety staff recommends that the City Council and Planning
Commission receive comments from the public regarding the proposed Zoning Code
amendments, the City Council and Planning Commission provide comments to staff, and that
the City Council direct staff to proceed with Zoning Code amendments to the R -1 Zone
development standards and to prepare environmental review documents subject to the
requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act
Once the final proposed recommended changes to the R -1 Zone Development Standards
have been drafted and the environmental documents have been completed, staff will present
the proposed changes at public hearings before the Planning Commission and before the City
Council Staff anticipates this process to be completed within the next two months
P \Planning & Building Safety \R -1 Slandards\R1 Standards CC PC Staff Reportl 12905 doc
Proposed R -1 Zone Development Standards
Draft 01/29/05)
Note: Changes to development standards and new development standards
are shown in bold font. If a development standard is not being changed it
is not in bold font.
1. Height
2 stories, 26 feet in height to midpoint of roof (no change)
2. Setbacks
a. Front Setbacks
Minimum 22 feet, Front facing garages must be setback a
minimum of 2 additional feet from the first floor building wall
unless the building has a porch, veranda, courtyard or deck at
least 8 feet in width by 4 feet in depth.
Combined Front and Rear Setback Minimum 30 feet (no change)
Permitted Front Setback Encroachments:
The following encroachments are permitted on the first floor in
the front setbacks only:
1) Porches or verandas not fully enclosed on three sides (railings
and /or columns permitted) may encroach into the front setback a
maximum of six feet in depth and a maximum 50% of the building
width not to exceed 30 feet;
2) The first floor front facing exterior wall of a dwelling may
encroach up to 2 feet for a width not exceeding 30 feet when a
first floor porch or veranda, not fully enclosed on three sides, is
also projecting into the front setback. The total amount of
encroachment may not exceed six feet in depth combined for
both the dwelling and porch or veranda, for a maximum 50% of
the building width not to exceed 30 feet in width;
3) Courtyards (with walls not exceeding 42 inches in height within
the setback) may encroach into the front setback a maximum of
six feet and 50% of the building width not to exceed 20 feet;
4) Raised decks not greater than 24 inches above grade
constructed in conjunction with an lattice deck cover not greater
than 10 feet above grade may encroach into the front setback a
maximum of six feet in depth and 50% of the building width not to
exceed 20 feet;
5) Lattice patio covers not greater than 10 feet above grade may
encroach into the front setback a maximum of six feet in depth
and 50% of the building width not to exceed 20 feet;
6) Architectural elements such as towers or turrets not greater
than 8 feet in diameter may encroach into the front setback a
maximum of 4 feet into the front setback;
7) Pergolas not greater than 10 feet in height that are attached to
the dwelling may encroach into the front setback a maximum of
six feet in depth and 50% of the width not to exceed 20 feet in
8) An arbor or trellis, not exceeding 8 feet in height may encroach
into the front setback.
b. Side Setbacks
Existing =10% of lot width, 3 -foot minimum, 5 -foot maximum
First Floor: 10% of lot width, minimum 3 feet, maximum 6 feet.
Second Floor:
1) A second story not exceeding 500 square feet in area and not
exceeding 20 feet in length along the side property line must
maintain a setback of 10% of the lot width (a minimum of 3 feet, a
maximum of 6 feet).
2) A second story exceeding 500 square feet in area or exceeding
20 feet in length along the side property line, which are located on
lots less than 30 feet wide or on lots with buildings less than 60
feet in length, a minimum of 1/2 of the length of the second -floor
building wall must be setback a minimum of 3 additional feet from
the first floor setback.
3) A second story exceeding 500 square feet in area or 20 feet in
length along the side property line, which are located on lots a
minimum of 30 feet wide or on lots with buildings over 60 feet in
length, a minimum of 2/3 of the length of the second floor building
wall must be setback a minimum of 4 additional feet from the first
floor setback.
c. Rear Setbacks
First Floor Minimum 5 feet (no change)
Second Floor Minimum 5 feet (no change)
d. Building Wall Modulation (For Dwellings)
1. Front: No plane of a building wall greater than 18 feet in height
shall exceed 28 feet in length without a 3 -foot offset for a
minimum length of 6 feet in the wall plane.
2. Sides and Rear: No plane of a building wall greater than 18
feet in height shall exceed 28 feet in length without a 4 -foot offset
for a minimum length of 8 feet in the wall plane.
3. Front porches, verandas and architectural elements such as
towers that are permitted encroachments may be used to meet
building wall modulation requirements.
Accessory structures still may not be used for rental purposes
1. Height
Eliminate restriction that can only be one floor. 1 story, 14 feet or 2
stories, 21 feet with greater setbacks (see setback section); rooftop
decks with required guard railings are permitted on single -story
accessory structures and on single -story portions of 2 -story
accessory structures— rooftop deck guard rails must maintain a
setback of 10% of lot width + one foot; roof top decks are not
permitted on 2 -story accessory structures.
2. Setbacks
a. Front Setbacks
Minimum 22 feet (same as dwellings -no change)
Combined Front and Rear Setback Minimum 30 feet (same as
dwellings -no change)
b. Side Setbacks
Existing =10% of lot width, 3 -foot minimum, 5 -foot maximum
First Floor -10% of lot width, 3 -foot minimum, 6 -foot maximum
Second Floor -10% of lot width + one foot, 4 -foot minimum, 7 -foot
Single -story detached accessory structures, located in the rear one -
third (1/3) of the lot, are allowed zero setback on one interior side lot
line The other side property line must maintain 5 feet minimum
c. Rear Setbacks
Existing 0 feet
First Floor 0 feet (No change)
Second Floor: Minimum 5 feet.
3. Placement of Buildings and Structures
No change to existing standards are proposed except that these
standards only apply to single -story accessory structures These
standards do not apply for second floor accessory structures which have
to comply with the new accessory building second floor setbacks
4. Accessory Structures - Bathrooms
A 1/2 bath (sink and toilet) is permitted but a full bathroom is not (same as
existing regulations in ESMC Section 15- 4A- 6J.3.). Note that % baths
would be permitted for both single -story and 2 -story detached
accessory structures (see existing ESMC Section 15- 4A- 6J.3.). Also
note that a % bath would be permitted in an accessory structure and
a separate % bath would be permitted as part of a garage, whether
the garage is attached or detached to the accessory structure.
C. LOT COVERAGE (For All Structures)
56% if building(s) do not exceed 18 feet in height, 50% for building(s)
over 18 feet in height.
D. FLOOR AREA RATIO (Floor Area Does Not Include Garage)
.7 FAR for lots equal to or less than 8,000 square feet; .4 FAR for any
increment above 8,000 square feet. (New Standard)
1. Number of Spaces
2 spaces in a fully enclosed garage or 3 spaces in a fully enclosed garage
if the dwelling exceeds 3,000 square feet in area (no change)
2. Parking Space Dimensions
10 feet wide by 20 feet deep (outside dimensions) per parking space (no
3. Garage Orientation
a Properties with alley access must provide garages (2 or 3 -car garages)
at the rear of the property
b. Three -car garage will not be permitted to face the front property
line for lots less than 66 feet in width and without a minimum % of
the fagade of the dwelling used for living space.
c. For three -car garages that face the front property line where one of
the stalls is not tandem, the portion of the building that contains the
third stall must be set back 5 additional feet from the front of the
portion of the building that contains the other two stalls.
d. Three -car garages may be constructed as attached or detached
structures at the rear of a lot and are encouraged.
e. Three -car garages facing the side property lines are permitted and
f. Tandem parking for the third fully enclosed parking space is
permitted and tandem parking is encouraged.
In addition to existing permitted encroachments:
Add porches, verandas, decks, courtyards, towers, turrets in the front
yard setback as specified in front setback encroachments listed above.
Add arbors, trellises, pergolas and lattice patio /deck covers in the first
floor front yard setback as specified in front setback encroachments
listed above.
Add bay windows on the second floor facing the front property line
Add fireplaces on the interior side yard setback but the encroachment
may not reduce the setback to less than a minimum of 3 feet.
Add shutters, corbels, dentils up to 6 inches in depth to the existing list
or architectural elements in ESMC Section 15 -2 -M.
Accessory outdoor showers attached to a building wall are permitted.
They may not encroach in a setback and may not be roofed. They may
be enclosed on 3 sides.
Add the following definitions:
Arbor: A shelter of shrubs and branches or of latticework intertwined
with plant material usually comprised of climbing vines and flowers.
Courtyard: A court that is open to the sky and is adjacent to or within a
building mostly or entirely surrounded by walls and /or buildings on all 4
Deck: An open, unroofed porch or platform extending from a house or
other building.
Lattice: A structure of interwoven, crossed strips arranged to form a
regular pattern of open spaces that is usually made of wood or metal.
Pergola: A structure of parallel colonnades supporting an open roof of
beams and crossing rafters or trelliswork, over which climbing plants
are trained to grow.
Porch: A covered platform that is an exterior appendage to a building,
usually having a separate roof from the building, that may have railings
and /or supporting columns, which forms a covered entrance or
vestibule to a doorway.
Porte - cochere: A porte - cochere is a porch roof projecting over a
driveway at or adjacent to the entrance to a building that shelters those
getting in and out of vehicles.
Stoop: A raised platform that is approached by steps at the entrance to
a building. A stoop may have a roof projecting out from the building
wall over the building entrance that does not have any columns
supporting it.
Tower: A building or structure, usually round or square in plan and
characteristically taller than its diameter, forming a part of a larger
building and is often located at a corner of the building.
Turret: A small, slender ornamental tower that begins above ground
level that usually projects from a corner of the building to which it is
Trellis: A system of horizontal latticework supported on posts,
designed to support growing vines and plants.
Veranda: A large, open porch, usually roofed and partly enclosed, as by
a railing, often extending across the front and sides of a house.
15 -4A -1
15 -4A-
15 -4A-
Permitted Uses
15 -4A-
Permitted Accessory Uses
15 -4A-
Large Family Daycare Facilities
15 -4A-
Uses Subject To Conditional Use Permit
15 -4A-
Site Development Standards
15 -4A-
15 -4A-
Off Street Parking And Loading Spaces
15 -4A-
15 -4A -10
Vehicular Access
15 -4A -2
15 -4A -1 • PURPOSE: The purpose of this zone is to provide consistency with and implement
policies related to those locations which are designated single -family on the
general plan land use map and in the general plan text. This zone is to provide for and
promote the development of single -family homes within a safe and healthy environment for
existing and future residents. (Ord. 1212, 11 -16 -1993)
15 -4A -2 PERMITTED USES: The following uses are permitted in the R -1 zone
A Single - family dwellings, provided, that where a dwelling containing seven hundred (700)
square feet or less exists on the rear portion of the lot and was placed thereon prior to,
or for which a building permit was issued prior to December 26, 1947, in conformance to
the requirements of ordinance 293 of the city, a second one - family dwelling may be
erected on the front portion of the lot, whereupon the dwelling on the rear portion of the
lot shall assume the status of a nonconforming use as defined herein, but may be
expanded to a maximum of seven hundred (700) square feet.
B. Parks, playgrounds, recreational areas (publicly owned and operated) but excluding ball
parks, bleachers, swimming pools or other types of facilities where racing or contests
are conducted or public amusement devices are for hire
C The renting of not more than two (2) rooms to not more than four (4) persons per
dwelling unit
August 2005
C ty of El Segundo
15 -4A -2 15 -4A -3
D The keeping of animals and pets in accordance with title 6, chapter 2 of this code
E A state authorized, certified or licensed family care home, foster family home, or group
home serving six (6) or fewer children
F A state authorized, certified or licensed residential facility, residential care facility,
residential care facility for the elderly, intermediate care facility, developmentally
disabled habilitative or nursing, or congregate living health facility, serving six (6) or
fewer persons
G Home occupations
H Small family daycare homes.
Large family daycare homes pursuant to section 15 -4A -4 of this article (Ord 1245,
2 -6 -2996)
J Second dwelling unit, when the side lot line forms a common boundary with a lot or lots
zoned for R -3, P, C -RS, C -2, 0-3, CO, or MU. In no case shall the property used for the
second dwelling unit consist of more than one lot nor be more than fifty feet (50') in
width (Ord. 1245, 2 -6 -1996; amd Ord. 1381, 2 -15 -2005)
K One mobile or manufactured home subject to the following
1 The mobile or manufactured home shall not be permitted unless it has been certified
pursuant to the national manufactured housing construction and safety standards act of
1974, and has not been altered in violation of applicable codes; and (Ord 1245,
2 -6 -1996)
2. The mobile or manufactured home shall be installed on a permanent foundation in
compliance with all applicable building regulations and division 13, part 2 (commencing
with section 18000) of the California Health and Safety Code
L Other similar uses approved by the director of community, economic and development
services, as provided by chapter 22 of this title (Ord 1245, 2 -6 -1996, amd Ord 1315,
1 -18 -2000, 2000 Code)
A Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use
B Detached accessory buildings and structures, including private garages
C Playhouses
August 2005
City of El Segundo
15 -4A -3
15 -4A -4
D Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and Development
Services, as provided by Chapter 22 of this Title (Ord 1286, 3 -17 -1998, amd Ord
1315, 1 -18 -2000)
15 -4A -4 LARGE FAMILY DAYCARE FACILITIES, All large family daycare facilities must
comply with the following provisions for a large family daycare permit
A Apply For Permit Applications for large family daycare permits shall be submitted to the
Director of Community, Economic and Development Services, by a property owner or an
applicant with the consent of the owner(s)
B Notice To Adjacent Property Owners At least ten (10) days prior to the date on which
the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services will make a decision
on the application, the Department of Community, Economic and Development Services
shall give written notice of the proposed use by mail or delivery to all owners shown on
the last equalized assessment roll as owning real property, and all residents within a five
hundred foot (500') radius of the exterior boundaries of the proposed facility, the owner
of the subject property and the project applicant
C Request For Hearing: No public hearing shall be held before a decision is made on the
application unless a hearing before the Planning Commission is requested by the
applicant or a property owner or resident within the five hundred foot (500') notification
radius If a hearing is requested, it shall be provided in accordance with Section 15 -27 -5
of this Title, except, both the owners and all residents within a five hundred foot (500')
radius are required to be notified of the hearing. The applicant shall be required to pay
an additional fee for the cost of the hearing
D Findings Before a large family daycare permit may be granted, the Director of Commu-
nity, Economic and Development Services or Planning Commission shall make the
following findings that the proposed facility
1. Provides one off - street parking space for each employee who drives to the facility and
who requires a parking space
2 Provides drop -off facilities as necessary to avoid interference with traffic and to
promote the safety of children
3. Is not located within three hundred (300) linear feet of an existing large family
daycare facility, provided, however, that the Director of Community, Economic and
Development Services or Planning Commission shall disregard this requirement where
the applicant can demonstrate that
a The existing large family daycare facility is operating at full capacity, or
Cay of El Segundo
15 -4A-4
15 -4A -6
b The proposed facility meets the need for a particular service not provided by the
existing large family daycare facility
4 Complies with the noise element of the City's General Plan
5 Has been or will be licensed for such use by the State
6 Complies with all State Fire Marshall requirements for large family daycare facilities,
and with all local building and fire codes which apply to single - family residences
E The decision of the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services may
be appealed to the Planning Commission, and shall be processed as provided by
Chapter 25 of this Title (Ord 1245, 2 -6 -1996, amd Ord 1315, 1 -18 -2000)
15 -4A -5 USES SUBJECT TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: The following uses shall be
allowed subject to obtaining a conditional use permit, as provided by Chapter 23 of
this Title
A Mobile home parks, subject to all applicable building regulations and division 13, part 2
(commencing with section 18000) of the California Health and Safety Code
B Other similar uses approved by the Director of Community, Economic and Development
Services, as provided by Chapter 22 of this Title (Ord 1212, 11 -16 -1993, amd Ord
1315, 1 -18 -2000, 2000 Code)
15 -4A -6 SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: All uses within the R -1 Zone shall comply
with the development standards contained in this Section.
A General Provisions
1 As provided by Chapter 2 of this Title
2 New dwelling units must be internally integrated and connected
3. An addition to, or extension of, a dwelling unit, except a garage, must share a
common wall and be internally integrated and connected to the existing dwelling unit
B Height The height of all dwelling units shall not exceed twenty six feet (26') and two (2)
stories, except as provided in subsection H of this Section The height of all other
buildings and detached accessory structures, including detached garages, shall not ex-
ceed fourteen feet (14').
City of El Segundo
15 -4A -6
Average of
Highest Gable
C Lot Area A minimum of five thousand (5,000) square feet
D Setbacks
15 -4A -6
i Front And Rear Yard The combined total of setbacks for the front and rear yard shall
be at least thirty feet (30'), with no front yard setback less than twenty two feet (22') and
no rear yard setback less than five feet (5') (Ord 1286, 3 -17 -1998)
2 Side Yard Structures shall maintain a minimum setback on each side of the lot of ten
percent (10 %) of the width of the lot, but shall never be less than three feet (3') and
need not be more than five feet (5') Detached accessory structures, located in the rear
one -third (' /,) of the lot, are allowed zero setback on one interior side lot line Attached
garages on twenty five foot (25') wide lots only, located on the rear one -third (' /,) of the
lot, are also allowed zero setback on one interior side lot line (Ord 1292, 1 -19 -1999)
3 Side Yard, Reversed Corner Reversed corner lots shall have the following side yard
with a triangular area described as follows one angle shall be formed by the rear and
street side property lines, and the sides of this angle shall be fifteen feet (15') in length,
measured along the rear and street side property lines The third side of this triangle
shall be a straight line connecting the two (2) other lines at their endpoints. This
triangular side yard setback area shall be in addition to the other side yard setback
requirements described in subsection D2 of this Section
4 Rear Yard Structures shall maintain a minimum setback of five feet (5') Detached
accessory structures are allowed zero setback on the rear property line
(see following page for figure)
City of El Segundo
C Lot Area A minimum of five thousand (5,000) square feet
D Setbacks
15 -4A -6
i Front And Rear Yard The combined total of setbacks for the front and rear yard shall
be at least thirty feet (30'), with no front yard setback less than twenty two feet (22') and
no rear yard setback less than five feet (5') (Ord 1286, 3 -17 -1998)
2 Side Yard Structures shall maintain a minimum setback on each side of the lot of ten
percent (10 %) of the width of the lot, but shall never be less than three feet (3') and
need not be more than five feet (5') Detached accessory structures, located in the rear
one -third (' /,) of the lot, are allowed zero setback on one interior side lot line Attached
garages on twenty five foot (25') wide lots only, located on the rear one -third (' /,) of the
lot, are also allowed zero setback on one interior side lot line (Ord 1292, 1 -19 -1999)
3 Side Yard, Reversed Corner Reversed corner lots shall have the following side yard
with a triangular area described as follows one angle shall be formed by the rear and
street side property lines, and the sides of this angle shall be fifteen feet (15') in length,
measured along the rear and street side property lines The third side of this triangle
shall be a straight line connecting the two (2) other lines at their endpoints. This
triangular side yard setback area shall be in addition to the other side yard setback
requirements described in subsection D2 of this Section
4 Rear Yard Structures shall maintain a minimum setback of five feet (5') Detached
accessory structures are allowed zero setback on the rear property line
(see following page for figure)
City of El Segundo
15 -4A -6
5,000 sf Mtn
Lot Size
I V 1
,_..AT_ _
50' Mm
at Rear of
Front Yard
Combined Setback Example
Front+ Rear = Combined
22' + 8' = 30'
25' + 5' = 30'
15 -4A -6
5 Exceptions. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection D, the west side yard of
618 W Oak Avenue, more particularly described as the north 142 5 feet of the south
285 feet of the east 50.265 feet of Lot 14, Block 9, Tract No 1685, commencing 63 feet
south of the front lot line and continuing south a distance of 30 feet, shall be three
inches (3 ") in width so long as that certain structure located along that thirty foot (30')
distance which existed on January 11, 1973, remains in existence Upon the removal or
destruction of said budding, this property shall no longer be exempt from this subsection
Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection D, the south side yard of 724 Penn
Street, more particularly described as the south 55 feet of the north 110 feet of Lot 8,
Block 92, El Segundo Sheet No 4, commencing 84 feet east of the front lot line and
continuing east a distance of 20 feet, shall be three feet (3') in width so long as that
certain structure located along that twenty foot (20') distance which existed on January
11, 1973, remains in existence Upon the removal or destruction of said budding, this
property shall no longer be exempt from this subsection D
E Lot Width Every lot created after the effective date hereof shall maintain a width of not
less than fifty feet (50') at the rear line of the required front yard However, any lot or
parcel of land of record on May 14, 1954, having a street frontage not exceeding two
hundred feet (200'), may be subdivided into two (2) or more parcels having a width of
not less than the average width of the narrowest twenty percent (20 %) of the lots
fronting on its block The block is defined as the area on both sides of the street
between the nearest intersecting streets Each parcel must have an area of not less
than five thousand (5,000) square feet
F Building Area. No minimum requirement
CaSy of El Segundo
15 -4A -6 15 -4A -6
G Placement Of Buildings And Structures
1 The distance between buildings shall be governed by the Uniform Building Code, and
2 A detached accessory structure in the rear one -third (' /,) of the lot may be located on
the rear and one interior side lot line, unless one of the following conditions exists
a Where the lot rears upon an alley and the vehicular entrance to the detached
accessory structure is from the alley, such detached accessory structure shall be set
back a distance measured from the opposite side of the alley that will provide a turning
radius as follows
90 degrees - 25 feet
75 degrees - 21 feet
60 degrees - 18 feet
45 degrees - 15 feet
b On the rear third of a reversed corner lot a detached accessory structure may be
built to the interior lot side line, but no budding shall be erected closer than five feet (5')
to the property line of any abutting lot to the rear However, if an alley intervenes and
the vehicular entrance to the detached accessory building is directly from the street side,
a detached accessory building may be built to the rear lot line
H Lot Coverage- All buildings, including detached accessory buildings, shall not cover
more than forty percent (40 %) of the lot area. This coverage may be increased to forty
seven percent (47 %) if the height of the structure is limited to eighteen feet (18') If a
building exceeds eighteen feet (18') in height, the lot coverage shall not exceed forty
percent (40 %) under any circumstances (Ord 1286, 3 -17 -1998)
r i �
A +B =< 40% A +B =< 47%
if bldg height Is if bldg height is
over la' IS' orunder
City of El Segundo
15 -4A -6 15 -4A -9
I Building Wall Modulation Architectural building features, in conformance with the
definition of "architectural budding feature" in Section 15 -1 -6 of this Title, must be
included to modulate the budding walls subject to the approval of the Director of
Community, Economic and Development Services
J Detached Accessory Buildings
1 Any detached accessory building or combination of accessory buildings, except the
garage, shall not be larger in gross floor area than six hundred (600) square feet,
2 Detached accessory buildings shall be limited to one floor, but may include an attic,
which may be used for storage purposes only, provided access to the attic is not from
permanently fixed stairs (pull -down type stairs are permitted), no plumbing is permitted,
and electrical fixtures are limited to the minimum required by the Uniform Building Code
(UBC) and National Electrical Code (NEC),
3 Detached accessory buildings shall not contain a kitchen or kitchen facilities, a
bathtub or shower and shall not be used for sleeping purposes or as an "R" occupancy,
as defined by the Uniform Building Code (UBC), except that they may contain a sink and
a toilet,
4 Detached accessory buildings shall not be rented or used as a separate dwelling unit,
5 Prior to issuance of a building permit for a detached accessory structure, except a
garage, the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services shall require
the recording of a covenant to run with the land, which states that the accessory
structure shall not be used as a dwelling unit or used in violation of this Section (Ord
1286, 3 -17 -1998, amd Ord. 1315, 1 -18 -2000)
15 -4A -7 LANDSCAPING: Landscaping and irrigation shall be provided within the front and
street side setback areas. Those setback areas fronting upon a public street shall
incorporate a combination of soft (plantings) and hard (rock, brick, concrete) landscape
materials, except for those portions devoted to vehicular parking. (Ord 1212, 11 -16 -1993)
15 -4A -8: OFF - STREET PARKING AND LOADING SPACES: Off - street parking shall be
provided as required by Chapter 15 of this Title, but in no case shall a driveway or
curb cut be less than ten feet (10') in width Where the driveway access and curb cut is to a
two (2) car or larger garage which exits directly onto the front street, the driveway and curb
cut shall not be less than sixteen feet (16') in width (Ord 1212, 11 -16 -1993)
15 -4A -9 SIGNS: Signs in the R -1 Zone shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 18 of
this Title (Ord 1212, 11 -16 -1993)
Cay of El Segundo
15 -4A -10
15 -4A -10
15 -4A -10 VEHICULAR ACCESS: Where an R -1 lot abuts an alley, vehicular access to the
lot shall be from the alley, except when eighty percent (80 %) or more of the
properties on the block have existing vehicular access from the street For the purposes of
this Section, the "block" is defined as the properties on the same side of the street between
the nearest intersecting streets Curb cuts and driveways shall be installed in conformance
with Section 15 -4A -8 of this Article and subsection 15 -15 -5F of this Title (Ord 1257,
6 -18 -1996)
City of El Segundo