Exhibit B
Section 21081 6 of the Public Resources Code requires a Lead Agency to adopt a "reporting or
monitoring program for the changes to the project or conditions of project approval, adopted in order to
mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment" (Mitigation Monitoring Program, Section
15097 of the CEQA Guidelines provides additional direction on mitigation monitoring or reporting)
The Planning and Building Safety Department for the City of El Segundo is the Lead Agency for the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development
An Environmental Impact Report has been prepared to address the potential environmental impacts of
the proposed project Where appropriate, this environmental document identified project design
features or recommended mitigation measures to avoid or to reduce potentially significant
environmental impacts of the proposed project This Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
(MMRP) is designed to monitor implementation of requirements for subsequent environmental
documentation' and mitigation measures identified for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza
El Segundo Development The MMRP is subject to review and approval by the Lead Agency as part of
the certification of the EIR and adoption of project conditions The required subsequent environmental
documentation and mitigation measures are listed separately and categorized by impact area, with an
accompanying identification of the following
• Monitoring Phase, the phase of the project during which the mitigation measure must be
Pre - Construction, including the design phase
Post- Construction
• The Implementing Party, the agency with the power to implement the mitigation measure,
In addition to mitigation measures, requirements for the preparation of subsequent environmental analysis and
documentation are identified in the EIR These requirements are intended to provide guidance for
environmental review of future projects that would implement the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning, using
the Program EIR Because these requirements would also work to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the
environment to accordance with PRC Section 21081 6, they have been included in this MMRP
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
El Segundo Development Page 1X -1 ,i ,
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City of El Segundo February 2005
• The Enforcement Agency, the agency with the power to enforce the mitigation measure, and
• The Monitoring Agency, the agency to which reports involving feasibility, compliance,
implementation and development are made
The MMRP performance must be monitored annually to determine the effectiveness of the measures
implemented in any given year and re- evaluate the mitigation needs for the upcoming year
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
No subsequent environmental documentation is required for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development
Mitigation Measures
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Impacts related to visual character and light and glare would be less than significant under the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development No mitigation measures are
required However, the following measures are recommended as Conditions of Approval to ensure that
potential impacts from glare are less than significant
B -1 Expansive areas of highly reflective materials, such as mirrored glass, must not he
permitted Non - reflective building materials must be used to the maximum extent
possible to reduce potential glare impacts
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction, Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Budding Safety Department
B -2 Lighting must be designed to minimize off -site glare
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza
El Segundo Development
Final Environmental Impact Report
Pre - construction, Construction
Planning and Building Safety Department
Planning and Building Safety Department
IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Page IX -2
b :i
City of El Segundo February 2005
Plaza El Segundo Development
Impacts related to visual character and light and glare would be less than significant under the Plaza El
Segundo Development No mitigation measures are required However, the following measures are
recommended as Conditions of Approval to ensure that potential impacts from glare are less than
B -3 Expansive areas of highly reflective materials, such as mirrored glass, must not be
permitted Non - reflective building materials must be used to the maximum extent
possible to reduce potential glare impacts
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction, Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department
B -4 Lighting must be designed to minimize off -site glare
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
Pre - construction, Construction
Planning and Building Safety Department
Planning and Building Safety Department
Subsequent environmental documentation must be prepared for any future development project
proposed within the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site to identify emissions associated with
construction of that specific development The subsequent environmental documentation must address
the following
C -1 Prior to implementation of specific development projects, impacts associated with
construction emissions must be examined in light of this Program EIR to determine
whether a new Initial Study would be required to be prepared leading to either an EIR
or Negative Declaration. This examination must provide quantified estimates of
construction emissions based upon the specific site, schedule and construction
equipment utilization characteristics of the proposed development and compare the
estimated emissions to the SCAQMD thresholds for construction emissions The
analysis must incorporate the mitigation measures identified below as appropriate, along
with any other mitigation measures identified by the project- specific analysis
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
Mitigation Measures
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
C -1 Prior to implementation of specific development projects, impacts associated with
construction emissions must be examined This examination must provide quantified
estimates of construction emissions based upon the specific site, schedule and
construction equipment utilization characteristics of the proposed development and
compare the estimated emissions to the SCAQMD thresholds for construction
emissions The analysis must incorporate the mitigation measures identified below as
appropriate, along with any other mitigation measures identified by the project- specific
Monitoring Phase: Pre- construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department
C -2 The construction area and vicinity (500 -foot radius) must be swept (preferably with
water sweepers) and watered at least twice daily Site wetting must occur often enough
to maintain a 10 percent surface soil moisture content throughout all earth moving
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department, Public
Works Department
C -3 All unpaved roads, parking and staging areas must be watered at least once every two
hours of active operation
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department, Public
Works Department
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and PIaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
C -4 Site access points must be swept/washed within thirty minutes of visible dirt deposition
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department, Public
Works Department
C -5 On -site stockpiles of debris, dirt or rusty materials must be covered or watered at least
twice daily
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Budding Safety Department, Public
Works Department
C -6 All haul trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose materials must either be covered or
maintain two feet of freeboard
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department, Public
Works Department
C -7 All haul trucks must have a capacity of no less than twelve and three- quarter (12 75)
cubic yards
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department, Public
Works Department
C -8 At least 80 percent of all inactive disturbed surface areas must be watered on a dally
basis when there is evidence of wind driven fugitive dust
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department, Public
Works Department
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
C -9 Operations on any unpaved surfaces must be suspended when winds exceed 25 mph
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department, Public
Works Department
C -10 Traffic speeds on unpaved roads must be limited to 15 miles per hour
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department, Public
Works Department
C -11 Operations on any unpaved surfaces must be suspended during first and second stage
smog alerts
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department, Public
Works Department
C -12 The applicant must develop and implement a construction management plan, as
approved by the City of El Segundo, which includes the following measures
recommended by the SCAQMD, or equivalently effective measures approved by the
a Configure construction parking to minimize traffic interference
b Provide temporary traffic controls during all phases of construction activities to
maintain traffic flow (e g , flag person)
c Schedule construction activities that affect traffic flow on the arterial system to off-
peak hours to the degree practicable
d Re -route construction trucks away from congested streets
e Consolidate truck deliveries when possible
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
El Segundo Development Page IX -6
Final Environmental Impact Report -3 +7 1
City of El Segundo February 2005
f Provide dedicated turn lanes for movement of construction trucks and equipment
on- and off -site
g Maintain equipment and vehicle engines in good condition and in proper tune as per
manufacturer's specifications and per SCAQMD rules, to minimize exhaust
h Suspend use of all construction equipment operations during second stage smog
alerts Contact SCAQMD at (800) 242 -4022 for daily forecasts,
1 Use electricity from power poles rather than temporary diesel- or gasoline- powered
1 Use methanol- or natural gas - powered mobile equipment and pile drivers instead of
diesel if readily available at competitive prices
k Use propane- or butane- powered on -site mobile equipment instead of gasoline if
readily available at competitive prices
Monitoring Phase: Pre- construction, Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Budding Safety Department, Public
Works Department
Plaza El Segundo Development
C -13 The construction area and vicinity (500 -foot radius) must be swept (preferably with
water sweepers) and watered at least twice daily Site wetting must occur often enough
to maintain a 10 percent surface soil moisture content throughout all earth moving
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department, Public
Works Department
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Muigat Monttonng and Reporting Program
El Segundo Development Page IX -7 4
Final Environmental Impact Report 'A '7
City of El Segundo February 2005
C -14 All unpaved roads, parking and staging areas must be watered at least once every two
hours of active operation
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department, Public
Works Department
C -15 Site access points must be swept/washed within thirty minutes of visible dirt deposition
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department, Public
Works Department
C -16 On -site stockpiles of debris, dirt or rusty materials must be covered or watered at least
twice daily
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Budding Safety Department, Public
Works Department
C -17 All haul trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose materials must either be covered or
maintain two feet of freeboard
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department, Public
Works Department
C -18 All haul trucks must have a capacity of no less than twelve and three- quarter (12 75)
cubic yards
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department, Public
Works Department
SepulvedalRosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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Final Environmental Impact Report 1
City of El Segundo February 2005
C -19 At least 80 percent of all inactive disturbed surface areas must be watered on a daily
basis when there is evidence of wind driven fugitive dust
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department, Public
Works Department
C -20 Operations on any unpaved surfaces must be suspended when winds exceed 25 mph.
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department, Public
Works Department
C -21 Traffic speeds on unpaved roads must be limited to 15 miles per hour
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department, Public
Works Department
C -22 Operations on any unpaved surfaces must be suspended during first and second stage
smog alerts
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department, Public
Works Department
C -23 The applicant must develop and implement a construction management plan, as
approved by the City of El Segundo, which includes the following measures
recommended by the SCAQMD, or equivalently effective measures approved by the
a. Configure construction parking to minimize traffic interference
b Provide temporary traffic controls during all phases of construction activities to
maintain traffic flow (e g , flag person)
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
c Schedule construction activities that affect traffic flow on the arterial system to off -
peak hours to the degree practicable
d Re -route construction trucks away from congested streets
e Consolidate truck deliveries when possible
f Provide dedicated turn lanes for movement of construction trucks and equipment
on- and off -site
g Maintain equipment and vehicle engines in good condition and in proper tune as per
manufacturer's specifications and per SCAQMD rules, to minimize exhaust
It Suspend use of all construction equipment operations during second stage smog
alerts, Contact SCAQMD at (800) 242 -4022 for daily forecasts
i Use electricity from power poles rather than temporary diesel- or gasoline- powered
Use methanol- or natural gas - powered mobile equipment and pile drivers instead of
diesel if readily available at competitive prices
k Use propane- or butane- powered on -site mobile equipment instead of gasoline if
readily available at competitive prices
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction, Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department, Public
Works Department
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
Subsequent environmental documentation must be prepared for any proposed development project that
includes the northwest comer of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site that has been
identified as potentially containing 0 30 acres of _jurisdictional wetlands area under the ,jurisdiction of
LARWQCB Impacts to any jurisdictional wetlands that may exist in this area must be examined, at the
time the development project is proposed, in light of the Program E1R to determine whether a new
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
Initial Study would be required to be prepared leading to either an EIR or Negative Declaration The
subsequent environmental documentation must address the following
D -1 A site specific analysts must be conducted to determine whether the design of the
proposed development project would impact any of the 0 30 acres identified as potential
jurisdictional wetlands This analysts shall be completed prior to the start of
construction activities for any proposed development within the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site If jurisdictional wetlands would be affected by the development project,
measures shall be identified to reduce impacts to less than significant levels
Subsequent environmental documentation must also be prepared for any proposed development project
within the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site to determine the presence /absence of sensitive
species This information must be examined, at the time the development project is proposed, in light
of the Program EIR to determine whether a new Initial Study would be required to be prepared leading
to either an EIR or Negative Declaration The subsequent environmental documentation must address
the following
D -2 Site specific analysis of potential effects to four sensitive bird species (white tailed kite,
loggerhead shrike, burrowing owl and Belding's savannah sparrow) must be conducted
prior to the start of construction activities for any proposed development within the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site If any of these sensitive species would be affected
by the proposed development, measures must be identified to reduce impacts to these
species to less than significant levels, including, but not limited to, on -site monitoring
by a qualified biologist during grading and /or construction activities
In the preparation of subsequent environmental documentation, as described above, it is not necessary
to re -survey any area that has already been addressed in this EIR or may be surveyed in the course of
preparing subsequent environmental documentation for later projects
Mitigation Measures
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
D -1 A site specific analysis must be conducted to determine whether the design of the
proposed development project would impact any of the 0 30 acres identified as potential
jurisdictional wetlands This analysts shall be completed prior to the start of
construction activities for any proposed development within the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site If jurisdictional wetlands would be affected by the development project,
measures shall be identified to reduce impacts to less than significant levels
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Repotting Program
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Final Environmental Impact Report
i. l
City of El Segundo February 2005
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division
D -2 Site specific analysis of potential effects to four sensitive bird species (white tailed kite,
loggerhead shrike, burrowmg owl and Belding's savannah sparrow) must be conducted
prior to the start of construction activities for any proposed development within the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site If any of these sensitive species would be affected
by the proposed development, measures must be identified to reduce impacts to these
species to less than significant levels, including, but not limited to, on -site monitoring
by a qualified biologist during grading and /or construction activities
Monitoring Phase:
Pre - construction
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
California Department of Fish and Game
Monitoring Agency:
Planning Division
D -3 All construction personnel must receive copies of all pertinent mitigation measures to
reduce impacts to general biological resources and must be instructed on avoiding
adverse impacts to birds encountered on -site
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction, Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Planning Division
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division
D -4 Prior to site remediation or construction grading on parts of the Site where burrowing
owls may occur, a qualified biologist must be retained to conduct surveys for
burrowing owl to determine if it is resident on -site Surveys must be conducted no
more than 30 days prior to commencement of such activities If burrowing owl is
determined to be resident, a qualified biologist must oversee site remediation and
demolition activities in and around any semi - natural areas which could be occupied by
burrowing owl Proposed mitigation measures must be presented to the California
Department of Fish and Game and /or U S Fish and Wildlife Service for approval to
avoid directly harming the owl if it is present on -site during these activities
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction, Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: California Department of Fish and Game, United States
Fish and Wildlife Service
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
Plaza El Segundo Development
D -5 All construction personnel must receive copies of all pertinent mitigation measures to
reduce impacts to general biological resources and must be instructed on avoiding
adverse impacts to birds encountered on -site
Monitoring Phase: Pre- construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Planning Division
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division
D -6 Prior to site remediation or construction grading on parts of the Site where burrowing
owls may occur, a qualified biologist must be retained to conduct surveys for
burrowing owl to determine if it is resident on -site Surveys must be conducted no
more than 30 days prior to commencement of such activities If burrowing owl is
determined to be resident, a qualified biologist must oversee site remediation and
demolition activities in and around any semi - natural areas which could be occupied by
burrowing owl Proposed mitigation measures must be presented to the California
Department of Fish and Game and /or U S Fish and Wildlife Service for approval to
avoid directly harming the owl if it is present on -site during these activities
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction, Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: California Department of Fish and Game, United States
Fish and Wildlife Service
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division
D -7 Prior to issuance of building permits, evidence must be provided to the City of El
Segundo that all necessary approvals for any wetland dredge /fill contemplated by such
permit have been obtained from the Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los
Angeles Region or equivalent documentation, or a waiver stating that no permit is
presently required pursuant to the regulations of that agency If required, conditions
for permit approval by LARWQCB must include, but may not be limited to the
• Mitigation of any unavoidable impacts to wetland values and functions to the
satisfaction of the permitting agency,
• Incorporation of buffers to the wetland areas;
• On -site treatment of runoff to improve water quality, and
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Repotting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
• Compliance with best management practices during construction
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
Pre - construction
Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board
Planning Division
Subsequent environmental documentation must be prepared for any proposed development on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site to determine the presence or absence of methane The subsequent
environmental documentation must address the following:
E -1 A methane study must be conducted to determine the levels at which methane is or is
not present in the area of any proposed development If methane is determined to be
present at or above levels which require action, then the report must include
recommendations and mitigation measures which must be followed
Mitigation Measures
Sepulveda/Rosecrans Site Rezoning
E -1 A methane study must be conducted to determine the levels at which methane is or is
not present in the area of any proposed development If methane is determined to be
present at or above levels which require action, then the report must include
recommendations and mitigation measures which must be followed
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Planning and Building Safety Department
Monitoring Agency: Building Safety Division
E -2 All soil disturbance and travel on unpaved surfaces must be suspended if winds exceed
25 miles per hour
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Building Safety Division, Public Works Department
Sepulveda/Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Momtonng and Reporting Program
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Plaza El Segundo Development
E -3 All sod disturbance and travel on unpaved surfaces must be suspended if winds exceed
25 miles per hour
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: South Coast Air Quality Management District
Monitoring Agency: Building Safety Division, Public Works Department
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
No subsequent environmental documentation is required
Mitigation Measures
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
F -1 The applicant must prepare hydrology studies for each specific development on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site Such studies must be reviewed and approved by
the City of El Segundo and any other applicable agency
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Building Safety Division, Public Works Department
Monitoring Agency: Building Safety Division, Public Works Department
F -2 The applicant must prepare runoff studies for each specific development on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site so that the runoff from one specific project area
would not flow onto another specific project area without the owners consent Such
studies must be reviewed and approved by the City of El Segundo and any other
applicable agency
Monitoring Phase: Pre- construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Building Safety Division, Public Works Department
Monitoring Agency: Building Safety Division, Public Works Department
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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Final Environmenial Impact Repon
City of El Segundo February 2005
F -3 The applicant must prepare a master drainage plan for each specific development on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site This plan must include detailed
hydrology /hydraulic calculations and drainage improvements, showing quantitatively
how the project will eliminate the potential for downstream flooding due to increased
storm water runoff These plans will also identify the proposed BMPs to be
implemented in compliance with the requirements of the Standard Urban Storm Water
Mitigation Plan and the ESMC Such plans must be reviewed and approved by the City
of el Segundo and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works,
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Building Safety Division, Public Works Department
Monitoring Agency: Building Safety Division, Public Works Department
F -4 The applicant must design, for each specific development on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site, a conveyance and detainment system to meet the Los Angeles County
Department of Public Works limits on the storm drains that would convey the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site's discharge
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Public Works Department
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department
F -5 The proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza E1 Segundo Development
must comply with the City of El Segundo Ordinance No 1347 and No 1348, which
establishes storm water and urban pollution controls
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction, Construction, Post - Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Building Safety Division; Public Works Department
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department
F -6 The project owner /developer of a specific development (e g , Plaza El Segundo) on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans site must maintain all structural or treatment control BMPs for the
life of the project
Monitoring Phase: Post - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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Final Environmental Impact Report a
City of El Segundo February 2005
Enforcement Agency: Building Safety Division, Public Works Department, El
Segundo Fire Department
Monitoring Agency: Building Safety Division, Public Works Department, El
Segundo Fire Department
Plaza El Segundo Development
F -7 The applicant must prepare a hydrology study for the Plaza El Segundo site The study
must be reviewed and approved by the City of E1 Segundo and any other applicable
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Building Safety Division, Public Works Department
Monitoring Agency: Building Safety Division, Public Works Department
F -8 The applicant must prepare a runoff study for the Plaza El Segundo site so that the
runoff does not flow onto another area without the owners consent The study must be
reviewed and approved by the City of El Segundo and any other applicable agencies
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Building Safety Division, Public Works Department
Monitoring Agency: Budding Safety Division, Public Works Department
F -9. The applicant must prepare a master drainage plan for the Plaza El Segundo site This
plan must include detailed hydrology /hydraulic calculations and drainage
improvements, showing quantitatively how the project will eliminate the potential for
downstream flooding due to increased storm water runoff These plans will also
identify the proposed BMPs to be implemented in compliance with the requirements of
the Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan and the ESMC Such plans must be
reviewed and approved by the City of El Segundo and the Los Angeles County
Department of Public Works
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Building Safety Division, Public Works Department
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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Final Environmental Impact Report
City of El Segundo February 2005
F -10 The applicant must design a conveyance and detainment system to meet the City of El
Segundo's and Los Angeles County Department of Public Works limits on the storm
drains that would convey the Plaza El Segundo site's discharge
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Building Safety Division; Public Works Department
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department
F -11 The proposed Plaza El Segundo Development must comply with the City of El Segundo
Ordinance No 1347 and No 1348, which establishes storm water and urban pollution
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction, Construction, Post - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Building Safety Division, Public Works Department
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department
F -12 The project owner /developer must maintain all structural or treatment control BMPs for
the life of the Plaza El Segundo Development
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Post - construction
Public Works
Public Works
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
Department; El Segundo Fire
Department, El Segundo Fire
Subsequent environmental documentation must be prepared for any proposed development project
within the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site Conditions related to soil and groundwater
contamination must be examined for the proposed development site, at the time the development project
is proposed, in light of the Program EIR to determine whether a new Initial Study would be required to
be prepared leading to either an EIR or Negative Declaration The subsequent environmental
documentation must address the following
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program o _
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City of El Segundo February 2005
G -I A full characterization of all the parcels that comprise that project site must be
undertaken The City must require that this process be initiated by requiring the project
applicant to conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) or equivalent
investigation and analysis for the specific project site that would be occupied by the
proposed development The Phase I ESA or equivalent document must be prepared by
a licensed professional (Registered Environmental Assessor or equivalent) and
submitted to the City for review
G -2 If indicated by the initial investigation, the City must require the preparation of
subsequent Phase II investigation(s) and submission to the Los Angeles Regional Water
Quality Control Board and /or other appropriate agency The project applicant must
provide to the City copies of all materials submitted to the LARWQCB or any other
regulatory agency
G -3. Remediation of any environmental conditions identified in the Phase I and Phase II site
assessments or investigations must be accomplished to the standards established and
agreed upon by the appropriate regulatory agency(tes) for the contemplated
development, prior to the issuance of grading or building permits for the project The
project applicant must provide to the City copies of any materials received from the
LARWQCB or any other regulatory agency
G -A If the future development project would include any part of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site that currently contains structures, an asbestos and lead survey must be
conducted to determine the presence or absence of these substances Removal of these
substances must be conducted in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations
Mitigation Measures
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
G -1 A full characterization of all the parcels that comprise that project site must be
undertaken The City must require that this process be initiated by requiring the project
applicant to conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) or equivalent
investigation and analysis for the specific project site that would be occupied by the
proposed development The Phase I ESA or equivalent document must be prepared by
a licensed professional (Registered Environmental Assessor or equivalent) and
submitted to the City for review
Monitoring Phase: Pre- construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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Enforcement Agency: Planning Division, El Segundo Fire Department
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division
G -2 If indicated by the initial investigation, the City must require the preparation of
subsequent Phase II investigation(s) and submission to the Los Angeles Regional Water
Quality Control Board and /or other appropriate agency The project applicant must
provide to the City copies of all materials submitted to the LARWQCB or any other
regulatory agency
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board,
Planning Division
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division
G -3 Remedtation of any environmental conditions identified in the Phase I and Phase II site
assessments or investigations must be accomplished to the standards established and
agreed upon by the appropriate regulatory agency(ies) for the contemplated
development, prior to the issuance of grading or building permits for the project, The
project applicant must provide to the City copies of any materials received from the
LARWQCB or any other regulatory agency
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency-
Monitoring Agency:
Planning Division, Los
Quality Control Board
Planning Division
Angeles Regional Water
G -4 If the future development project would include any part of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site that currently contains structures, an asbestos and lead survey must be
conducted to determine the presence or absence of these substances Removal of these
substances must be conducted in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Plaza El Segundo Development
Pre - construction, Construction
Building Safety Division
Building Safety Division
G -5 Remedial investigations, health risk assessments for the contemplated development and
soils remedial action plans for the Plaza El Segundo portion of the project site must be
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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completed and approved to the standards established and agreed upon in conjunction
with the LARWQCB prior to the start of any project activities The project applicant
must provide to the City copies of any materials received from the LARWQCB or any
other regulatory agency
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Pre - construction
Planning Division, Los
Quality Control Board
Planning Division
Angeles Regional Water
G -6 Remediation of shallow soil of the Plaza El Segundo Development site must be
accomplished to the standards for commercial development established and agreed upon
in conjunction with the LARWQCB and a shallow soil closure letter must be issued by
the LARWQCB prior to the issuance of grading permits for construction of the
proposed Plaza El Segundo Development The project applicant must provide to the
City copies of any materials received from the LARWQCB or any other regulatory
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
Pre - construction
Planning Division, Los
Quality Control Board
Planning Division
No subsequent environmental documentation is required.
Mitigation Measures
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
No mitigation measures are required
Plaza El Segundo Development
No mitigation measures are required
Angeles Regional Water
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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Subsequent Environmental Documentation
Subsequent environmental documentation must be prepared for development projects proposed to be
constructed on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans site The subsequent environmental documentation must
address the following
I -1 A project- specific construction noise analysts must be prepared that calculates, based on
project- specific parameters and identification of the site - specific sensitive receptors that
could be affected by construction activities, the noise levels that would be experienced
at sensitive receptors located adjacent to that site If noise levels resulting from
construction activity would result in temporary construction noise levels that exceed 65
dBA at a sensitive receptor, or cause an incremental increase of 5 dBA over the existing
ambient sound level, if the existing ambient sound level at the sensitive receptor
location is 65 dBA or more, then the study must identify feasible mitigation measures to
be applied to that project from the list of mitigation measures provided below
Mitigation Measures
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
I -1 A project - specific construction noise analysts must be prepared that calculates, based on
project - specific parameters and identification of the site- specific sensitive receptors that
could be affected by construction activities, the noise levels that would be experienced
at sensitive receptors located adjacent to that site If noise levels resulting from
construction activity would result in temporary construction noise levels that exceed 65
dBA at a sensitive receptor, or cause an incremental increase of 5 dBA over the existing
ambient sound level, if the existing ambient sound level at the sensitive receptor
location is 65 dBA or more, then the study must identify feasible mitigation measures to
be applied to that project from the list of mitigation measures provided below
• Construction contracts must specify that all construction equipment must be
equipped with mufflers and other applicable noise attenuation devices
• During construction phases, the contractor must store and maintain equipment as
far as possible from the adjacent receptor property locations to the southwest,
north, and east of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
SepulvedalRosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
• As stated in the City of El Segundo Municipal Code, construction must be
restricted to the hours of 7 00 a in to 6 p in Monday through Saturday, and
prohibited at anytime on Sunday or a Federal holiday
• Temporary plywood noise barriers must be constructed along the property lines of
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site during construction, which must be high
enough to block the line-of-site between the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
and receptor property locations to the southwest, north, and east
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Plaza El Segundo Development
Pre - construction, Construction
Planning Division
Planning Division
I -2 Construction contracts must specify that all construction equipment must be equipped
with mufflers and other applicable noise attenuation devices
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Planning Division
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division
I -3 During construction phases, the contractor must store and maintain equipment as far as
possible from the adjacent receptor property locations to the north and east of the Plaza
El Segundo Site
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Planning Division
Monitoring Agency:
Planning Division
I -4 As stated in the City of El Segundo Municipal Code, construction must be restricted to
the hours of 7 00 a m. to 6 p in Monday through Saturday, and prohibited at anytime
on Sunday or a Federal holiday
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Building Safety Division
Building Safety Divsion
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
I -5 Temporary plywood noise barriers must be constructed along the property lines of the
4 5 net acre portion of the Plaza El Segundo site south of the UPRR tracks during
construction, which must be high enough to block the line -of -site (a minimum of 8 feet
above existing grade) between the Plaza El Segundo site and receptor property locations
to the southwest, north, and east
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Planning Division
Budding Safety Division
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
No subsequent environmental documentation is required
Mitigation Measures
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
No mitigation measures are required
Plaza El Segundo Development
No mitigation measures are required
Fire Protection
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
No subsequent environmental documentation is required
Mitigation Measures
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
K 1 -1 The applicant must pay the City of El Segundo a Fire Service Mitigation Fee of $0 14
per gross square foot of budding area prior to the issuance of a certificate of
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Planning Division
Monitoring Agency:
Planning Division
K 1 -2 A fire life safety plan, which must include definitive plans and specifications, must be
submitted to the El Segundo Fire Department (ESFD) for review and approval prior to
commencement of construction of any portion of the proposed development
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Pre - construction
El Segundo Fire Department
El Segundo Fire Department
K 1 -3 The applicant must provide fire access roadways to and throughout the property and
submit a layout plan to the ESFD for approval
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Pre - construction
El Segundo Fire Department
El Segundo Fire Department
K 1 -4 The applicant must provide water flow and on -site fire hydrants as required by the
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction, Construction, Post - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Building Safety Division, El Segundo Fire Department
Monitoring Agency: El Segundo Fire Department
K 1 -5 The following installations require separate Fire Department approval The applicant
must submit separate plans for Fire Department review
• Automatic fire sprinklers,
• Fire alarm system,
• Underground fire service mains,
• Fire pumps,
• Emergency generators, and
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monuoreng and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
• Any aboveground or underground storage tank including elevator sumps and
condensation tanks
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Plaza El Segundo Development
Pre - construction
El Segundo Fire Department
El Segundo Fire Department
K 1 -6 The applicant must pay the City of El Segundo a Fire Service Mitigation Fee of $0 14
per gross square foot of building area prior to the issuance of a certificate of
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Planning Division
Monitoring Agency:
Planning Division
K 1 -7 A fire life safety plan, which must include definitive plans and specifications, must be
submitted to the El Segundo Fire Department (ESFD) for review and approval prior to
commencement of construction of any portion of the proposed development,
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Pre - construction
El Segundo Fire Department
El Segundo Fire Department
K 1 -8 The applicant must provide fire access roadways throughout the property and submit a
layout plan to the ESFD for approval
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Pre - construction
El Segundo Fire Department
El Segundo Fire Department
K 1 -9 The applicant must provide water flow and on -site fire hydrants as required by the
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction, Construction, Post - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Building Safety Division, El Segundo Fire Department
Monitoring Agency: El Segundo Fire Department
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
K 1 -10 The following installations require separate Fire Department approval The applicant
must submit separate plans for Fire Department review
• Automatic fire sprinklers,
• Fire alarm system,
• Underground fire service mains,
• Fire pumps,
• Emergency generators, and
• Any aboveground or underground storage tank including elevator sumps and
condensation tanks
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Police Protection
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
Pre - construction
El Segundo Fire Department
El Segundo Fire Department
No subsequent environmental documentation is required
Mitigation Measures
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
K 2 -1 The applicant must pay the City of El Segundo a Police Service Mitigation Fee of $0 11
per gross square foot of building area prior to the occupancy of each building
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Planning Division
Monitoring Agency:
Planning Division
K 2 -2 A strategic security plan, which must include definitive plans and specifications, must
be submitted to the El Segundo Police Department (ESPD) for review and approval
prior to commencement of construction of any portion of the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development The strategic
security plan must include, but not be limited to, the following item
• Depending upon the size of the structure and its location in relation to the streets,
the size of the displayed address may vary from a minimum of 4" to as much as
• Building entrances and exits must be limited in number and located in a manner to
increase security and visibility of the building
• All landscaping must be low profile especially around perimeter fencing, windows,
doors and entryways taking special care not to limit visibility and provide climbing
• Adequate street, walkway, building and parking lot lighting must be provided to
enhance security
• Provisions for on -site security personnel
Monitoring Phase: Pre- construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: El Segundo Police Department
Monitoring Agency: El Segundo Police Department
Plaza El Segundo Development
K 2 -3 The applicant must pay the City of El Segundo a Police Service Mitigation Fee of $0 11
per gross square foot of building area prior to the occupancy of each building
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Planning Division
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division
K 2 -4 A strategic security plan, which must include definitive plans and specifications, must
be submitted to the El Segundo Police Department (ESPD) for review and approval
prior to commencement of construction of any portion of the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development The strategic
security plan must include, but not be limited to, the following item:
Sepulveda(Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
• Depending upon the size of the structure and its location in relation to the streets,
the size of the displayed address may vary from a minimum of 4" to as much as
• Building entrances and exits must be limited in number and located in a manner to
increase security and visibility of the building
• All landscaping must be low profile especially around perimeter fencing, windows,
doors and entryways taking special care not to limit visibility and provide climbing
• Adequate street, walkway, building and parking lot lighting must be provided to
enhance security.
• Provisions for on -site security personnel
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: El Segundo Police Department
Monitoring Agency: El Segundo Police Department
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
No subsequent environmental documentation is required
Mitigation Measures
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Physical Roadway Improvements
L -1 Et Segundo Boulevard and Sepulveda Boulevard Convert the existing eastbound right -
turn only lane to a shared through /right -tum lane There exists three receiving lanes
on the east leg of the intersection In addition, modify the raised center median to
convert the westbound shared through left -turn lane to a dedicated second left turn lane
and additional through lane
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction, Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Public Works Department, Caltrans
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department, Caltrans
L -2 El Segundo Boulevard and Aviation Boulevard Provide a fair share cost of roadway
construction and striping for a dedicated northbound right -turn lane at this intersection
based upon each project's volume of traffic added to the intersection Another
development project (Los Angeles Air Force Base Land Conveyance, Construction and
Development) will be providing all of the additional right -of -way necessary to
implement this improvement
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Pre - construction, Construction
Public Works Department, City of Hawthorne Public
Works Department
Public Works Department, City of Hawthorne Public
Works Department
L -3 Park Place and Nash Street Provide a new traffic signal at this location Widen and
restripe the eastbound and westbound directions to provide one left-rum lane, one
through lane, and one right -turn only lane
Monitoring Phase:
Pre - construction, Construction
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Public Works Department
Monitoring Agency:
Public Works Department
L -4 Park Place and Douglas Street Provide a new traffic signal at this location
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction, Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Public Works Department
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department
L -5 Rosecrans Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard On the westbound approach of Rosecrans
Avenue dedicate additional right -of -way on the north side of Rosecrans Avenue to
provide a free flow right -turn lane and third left -turn lane Sepulveda Boulevard south
of Rosecrans Avenue may need to be widened to accommodate the third left -tum lane,
depending on the specific design of this lane This widening could take place within
the existing Sepulveda Boulevard right -of -way Widen the east side of Sepulveda
Boulevard along the project frontage to provide the acceptance lane for the free
westbound right -turn lane This additional lane on Sepulveda should be improved to
the new Park Place connection where a right turn lane will be provided This
intersection's jurisdiction is shared with Manhattan Beach and Caltrans Coordination
Sepulveda / Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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i J
City of El Segundo February 2005
and concurrence of these agencies for implementation of these improvements would be
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Pre - construction, Construction
Public Works Department, Caltrans; City of Manhattan
Beach Public Works Department
Public Works Department, Caltrans; City of Manhattan
Beach Public Works Department
L -6 Rosecrans Avenue and Continental Way Provide a new traffic signal at this location
This intersection's ,jurisdiction is shared with Manhattan Beach Coordination and
concurrence of this agency for implementation of this improvement would be required
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Pre - construction, Construction
Public Works Department, City of Manhattan Beach
Public Works Department
Public Works Department, City of Manhattan Beach
Public Works Department
L -7 Rosecrans Avenue and Douglas Street On the westbound approach, widen the north
side of Rosecrans Avenue to provide a dedicated westbound right -turn lane This
intersection's jurisdiction is shared with Manhattan Beach Coordination and
concurrence of this agency for implementation of this improvement would he required
This improvement is included as part of the current Rosecrans /Aviation Widening
(discussed above under "Future Highway System Improvements ") but will be
guaranteed by the project
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Site Trip Reductions
Pre - construction, Construction
Public Works Department, City of Manhattan Beach
Public Works Department
Public Works Department, City of Manhattan Beach
Public Works Department
L -8 Project applicants must promote rideshare programs (bikes, rideshare matching and
transit options) as required by the City of El Segundo Transportation Demand
Management Program (TDM) In addition to the traditional TDM program, project
applicants must promote access to the Commute View System which is being
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
implemented by the City to provide information on congested routes to provide
additional trip reduction measures The Commute View System is an advanced
traveler information system which provides real time travel time information, incident
information, and general traffic conditions through a variety of devices such as the
cable, internet, cell phone and wireless PDA This will provide commuters the ability
to make informed decisions regarding the route, time of travel and mode of
transportation Project applicants must include or share in a transit connection system
to promote use of the existing Metro Green Line service, remote employee lot during
seasonal peaks and local circulator service Based upon estimate usage patterns and
trial studies, an approximately three percent reduction in trips to and from the site
during peak periods is anticipated with these enhancements
Monitoring Phase: Post - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Public Works Department, Planning Division
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department, Planning Division
Intelligent Transportation Systems Connections /Upgrades
L -9 The South Bay area will be enhanced with an area -wide signal system upgrade prior to
project completion in 2012 This system is already funded and will be implemented
with or without the proposed project The improvement will provide for intelligent
transportation systems (ITS) which provide real time adjustment to signal timing based
upon current conditions thereby increasing capacity along major corridors ITS system
enhancements are currently being tested and evaluated which provide further enhanced
capacity These enhancements provide advanced communication upgrades to the users
of the roadway systems Items include Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS)
and Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) ATIS provides commuters with
information to make route and time of day decisions The enhanced ATIS system that
would be included within the South Bay ITS system will enable private sector partners
to disseminate freeway and arterial traffic information to the public via paid
subscription services ATMS manages the traffic system on surrounding streets
Applicants for development projects within the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site must provide for connectivity to the systems described above Project
applicants must provide access to information disseminated by the ATIS system to
patrons and employees by including at least one television monitor or equivalent
equipment that is compatible with and connected to the ATIS system and that displays
current commuter information from the ATIS system during all hours that the
development is open for business. The monitor or equivalent equipment shall be
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
placed in a centralized location within the development, shall be specifically identified
on directory maps of the facility, shall be specifically and clearly identified as the
location for obtaining current travel information and shall be identified elsewhere
throughout the development with signage that directs patrons to the location
Project applicants must also facilitate dissemination of information provided by the
ATIS system to project employees by working with project tenants to offer fully or
partially subsidized monthly subscriptions to employees (currently estimated at full cost
of $5 00 per month per user) Project applicants (or successors in interest) must
provide any new project tenant with information regarding subscription programs
available to employees and costs thereof and shall encourage tenants to provide
subsidized monthly subscriptions to their employees However, because there is no
guarantee that subscription subsidies will be provided by future tenants of
developments within the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site, no additional credit for
these subscriptions can be taken except for the enhancements provided by the South
Bay ITS system as presently designed (7 %, see discussion under "Future Highway
System Improvements" above)
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Local Street - Freeway Inter -Ties
Construction, Post - construction
Public Works Department, Planning Division, Los
Angeles County Public Works Department
Public Works Department, Planning Division; Los
Angeles County Public Works Department
L -10 This mitigation measure is applicable to buildout of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site beyond the Plaza El Segundo Project Development Applicants for development
projects within the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site (excluding the Plaza El
Segundo Project) shall fund or construct upgrades and enhancements to the El Segundo
and /or South Bay ITS systems, and /or the Caltrans ITS system that singly or in
combination cause an increase of 3% in the capacity of the street system served by
these ITS systems The 3% increase shall be measured from the calculated capacity of
the system based upon existing lane configurations, plus a 10% increase on street in the
City of El Segundo, and 7% increase on streets outside the City of El Segundo to
reflect the El Segundo and South Bay ITS systems, respectively The
upgrades /enhancements shall be selected from the following menu and approved by the
relevant ,jurisdictional agency expansion of the fiber optic communication system,
expansion of wireless communication components, provision of software components,
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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supplemental advance system detectors, changeable message signs, closed circuit
television cameras, or any other reasonably feasible upgrade or enhancement approved
by the relevant jurisdictional agency The applicant shall participate in any applicable
fair share fee mitigation program that will otherwise fund the foregoing
upgrades /enhancements and shall receive credit for all fair share payments
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Pre - construction
Public Works Department, Caltrans,
Angeles Department of Public Works
Public Works Department, Caltrans,
Angeles Department of Public Works
Project Parking/Egress Information System for Key AccessJEgress Comdors
County of Los
County of Los
L -11 Project applicants must provide parking /egress information systems in the manner of
Changeable Message Signs (CMS) along key access /egress corridors of Sepulveda
Boulevard, Rosecrans Avenue, and Park Place Currently, Los Angeles County is
installing CMS on major streets in the South Bay area and locations for additional CMS
would be identified in coordination with Los Angeles County A centrally located
kiosk system must be included in project design that can disseminate roadway
conditions along the major routes This information would be utilized by the employee
or patron to determine the least congested access /egress route to /from the project,
thereby minimizing delay on the roadway systems Based upon recent studies in the
South Bay area under trial conditions, implementation of this measure is anticipated to
improve capacity at the site adjacent intersections by three percent, along major
corridors of Rosecrans Avenue, Sepulveda Boulevard, and El Segundo Boulevard by
two percent, and the balance of the study intersections by one percent
Monitoring Phase: Construction, Post - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Public Works Department, Planning Division
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department, Planning Division
Improvements for Cumulative Growth
L -12 In order to assist in addressing future cumulative traffic deterioration, the City of El
Segundo through its Traffic Congestion Mitigation Fee Ordinance will require the
developer of a specific project to make a "fair share" contribution for programmed
roadway improvements In addition, project implementation of the signal system
Sepulveda/Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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enhancements described above will benefit the entire system and reduce cumulative
impacts along the roadway corridors
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Plaza El Segundo Development
Physical Roadway Improvements
Pre - construction
Planning Division, Public Works Department
Planning Division, Public Works Department
L -13 El Segundo Boulevard and Sepulveda Boulevard - Convert the existing eastbound right -
turn only lane to a shared through /right -turn lane There exists three receiving lanes
on the east leg of the intersection In addition, modify the raised center median to
convert the westbound shared through left -turn lane to a dedicated second left turn lane
and additional through lane
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction, Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Public Works Department, Caltrans
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department, Caltrans
L -14 El Segundo Boulevard and Aviation Boulevard - Provide a fair share cost of roadway
construction and striping for a dedicated northbound right -turn lane at this intersection
based upon each project's volume of traffic added to the intersection Another
development project (Los Angeles Air Force Base Land Conveyance, Construction and
Development) will be providing all of the additional right -of -way necessary to
implement this improvement
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction, Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Public Works Department, City of Hawthorne Public
Works Department
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department, City of Hawthorne Public
Works Department
L -15 Rosecrans Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard - On the westbound approach of
Rosecrans Avenue dedicate additional right -of -way on the north side of Rosecrans
Avenue to provide a free flow right -turn lane and third left -turn lane Sepulveda
Boulevard south of Rosecrans Avenue may need to be widened to accommodate the
third left -turn lane, depending on the specific design of this lane This widening could
Sepulveda / Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
take place within the existing Sepulveda Boulevard right -of -way Widen the east side
of Sepulveda Boulevard along the project frontage to provide the acceptance lane for
the free westbound right -turn lane This additional lane on Sepulveda should be
improved to the new Park Place connection where a right turn lane will be provided
This intersection's jurisdiction is shared with Manhattan Beach and Caltrans.
Coordination and concurrence of these agencies for implementation of these
improvements would be required
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Pre - construction, Construction
Public Works Department, Caltrans, City of Manhattan
Beach Public Works Department
Public Works Department, Caltrans, City of Manhattan
Beach Public Works Department
L -16 Rosecrans Avenue and Continental Way - Provide a new traffic signal at this location
This intersection's jurisdiction is shared with Manhattan Beach Coordination and
concurrence of this agency for implementation of this improvement would be required
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Site Trip Reductions
Pre - construction, Construction
Public Works Department, City of Manhattan Beach
Public Works Department
Public Works Department, City of Manhattan Beach
Public Works Department
L -17 The project applicant must promote rideshare programs (bikes, rideshare matching, and
transit options) as required by the City of El Segundo Transportation Demand
Management Program (TDM) In addition to the tradition TDM program and to
provide additional trip reduction measures, the project applicant must promote access
to the Commuter View System which is being implemented by the City to provide
information on congested routes The project applicant must provide a transit
connection system must be established and /or shared with other nearby retail projects
to promote use of the existing Metro Green Line service, remote employee lot during
seasonal peaks and local circulator service Based upon typical usage patterns, an
approximately three percent reduction in trips to and from the site during peak periods
is anticipated with these enhancements
Monitoring Phase: Post - Construction
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Public Works Department, Planning Division
Monitoring Agency:
Public Works Department, Planning Division
Intelligent Transportation System Connections /Upgrades
L -18 The South Bay area will be enhanced with an area -wide signal system upgrade prior to
project completion In 2012 This system is already funded and will be implemented
with or without the proposed project The improvement will provide for intelligent
transportation systems (ITS) which provide real time adjustment to signal timing based
upon current conditions thereby increasing capacity along major corridors ITS system
enhancements are currently being tested and evaluated which provide further enhanced
capacity These enhancements provide advanced communication upgrades to the users
of the roadway systems Items include Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS)
and Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) ATIS provides commuters with
Information to make route and time of day decisions The enhanced ATIS system that
would be included within the South Bay ITS system will enable private sector partners
to disseminate freeway and arterial traffic information to the public via paid
subscription services ATMS manages the traffic system on surrounding streets
Applicants for development projects within the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site must provide for connectivity to the systems described above Project
applicants must provide access to information disseminated by the ATIS system to
patrons and employees by including at least one television monitor or equivalent
equipment that is compatible with and connected to the ATIS system and that displays
current commuter information from the ATIS system during all hours that the
development is open for business The monitor or equivalent equipment shall be
placed in a centralized location within the development, shall be specifically identified
on directory maps of the facility, shall be specifically and clearly identified as the
location for obtaining current travel information and shall be identified elsewhere
throughout the development with signage that directs patrons to the location
Project applicants must also facilitate dissemination of information provided by the
ATIS system to project employees by working with project tenants to offer fully or
partially subsidized monthly subscriptions to employees (currently estimated at full cost
of $5 00 per month per user) Project applicants (or successors in interest) must
provide any new project tenant with information regarding subscription programs
available to employees and costs thereof and shall encourage tenants to provide
subsidized monthly subscriptions to their employees However, because there is no
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
guarantee that subscription subsidies will be provided by future tenants of
developments within the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site, no additional credit for
these subscriptions can be taken except for the enhancements provided by the South
Bay ITS system as presently designed (7 %, see discussion under "Future Highway
System Improvements" above)
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Improvements for Cumulative Growth
Construction, Post-Construction
Public Works Department, Planning Division, Los
Angeles County Public Works Department
Public Works Department, Planning Division, Los
Angeles County Public Works Department
L -19 In order to assist in addressing future cumulative traffic deterioration, the project
applicant must comply with the City of El Segundo Traffic Congestion Mitigation
Fee Ordinance and make a "fair share" contribution for programmed roadway
improvements In addition, project implementation of the signal system
enhancements described above will benefit the entire system and reduce cumulative
impacts along the roadway corridors
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
Pre - construction
Planning Division, Public Works Department
Planning Division, Public Works Department
Subsequent environmental documentation must be prepared for development projects proposed to be
constructed on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site This information must be examined, at the
time the development project is proposed, in light of the Program EIR to determine whether a new
Initial Study would be required to be prepared leading to either an EIR or Negative Declaration The
subsequent environmental documentation must include the following
M 1 -1 An analysis of sewer service to the proposed development must be prepared which
examines the capacity of existing sewer lines to serve the development, the projected
Sepulveda(Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
peak sewage generation and shall identify new sewer infrastructure required to serve
the development
Mitigation Measures
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
M 1 -1 An analysts of sewer service to the proposed development must be prepared which
examines the capacity of existing sewer lines to serve the development, the projected
peak sewage generation and must identify new sewer infrastructure required to serve
the development
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Pre - construction
Public Works Department
Public Works Department
M 1 -2 The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site must be annexed to Los Angeles County
Sanitation District No 5
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Pre - construction
Public Works Department,
Sanitation Districts
Public Works Department
Los Angeles County
M 1 -3 Project applicants must be required to obtain a sewer connection permit from the Los
Angeles County Sanitation Districts (District 5) to obtain sanitary sewer service
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Pre - construction
Public Works Department,
Sanitation Districts
Public Works Department
Los Angeles County
M 1 -4 Additional local sewer infrastructure must be provided by the applicant as necessary to
connect the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site with existing sewer infrastructure
This provision must be coordinated with the project applicant and may be the partial
responsibility of the applicant, as determined by the City
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction, Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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20 �
City of El Segundo February 2005
Enforcement Agency: Public Works Department, Los Angeles County
Sanitation Districts
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department
M 1 -5 The applicant must be required to replace or upgrade the sewer infrastructure on or
adjacent to the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site, as needed
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction, Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Public Works Department, Los Angeles County
Sanitation Districts
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department
M 1 -6 Project applicants must comply with the City's Sewer Ordinance No 1093, of the City
of El Segundo Municipal Code, Title 12, Chapter I General Provisions, Policies, and
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Pre - construction
Public Works Department
Public Works Department
M 1 -7 Prior to a building permit being issued the project applicant must submit the Final
Working Drawings to the City of El Segundo Planning and Building Safety Department
and the Public Works Department for review and approval
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Pre - construction
Planning Division,
Works Department
Planning Division,
Works Department
Building Safety Division, Public
Building Safety Division, Public
M 1 -8 Closed circuit television (CCTV) inspection of existing on -site and adjacent off -site
sewer mains must be conducted to determine the present condition of the infrastructure
which the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning project will connect to
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Pre - construction
City of El Segundo
Public Works Department
Public Works Department
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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Final Environmental Impact Report `2 LI f j
City of El Segundo February 2005
M 1 -9 All future developments must be discharged to the existing twelve -inch sanitary sewer
main in Rosecrans Avenue
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Public Works Department
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department
M 1 -10 New businesses that generate Fats, Oils, or Greases (e g , restaurants and grocery
stores) must be required to install grease interceptors with a minimum 30 minute
retention period to ensure these contaminants do not block the sewerage system
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Plaza El Segundo Development
Building Safety Division, Public Works Department
Building Safety Division, Public Works Department
M 1 -11 The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site must be annexed to Los Angeles County
Sanitation District No 5
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Pre - construction
Public Works Department,
Sanitation Districts
Public Works Department
Los Angeles County
M 1 -12 The project applicant must be required to obtain a sewer connection permit from the
Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts (District 5) to obtain sanitary sewer service
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Pre - construction
Public Works Department;
Sanitation Districts
Public Works Department
Los Angeles County
M.1 -13 Additional local sewer infrastructure must be provided by the applicant as necessary to
connect the Plaza El Segundo site with existing sewer infrastructure This provision
must be coordinated with the project applicant and may be the partial responsibility of
the applicant, as determined by the City
Monitoring Phase: Pre- construction, Construction
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Public Works Department,
Sanitation Districts
Public Works Department
Los Angeles County
M 1 -14 The existing 15 -mch sanitary sewer line must be removed and replaced with an 18 -inch
line Plans must identify the point of connection for the proposed ten -inch sanitary
sewer to the existing sanitary sewer main on Allied Way
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction, Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Public Works Department, Los Angeles County
Sanitation Districts
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department
M 1 -15 Protect applicants must comply with the City's Sewer Ordinance No 1093, of the City
of El Segundo Municipal Code, Title 12, Chapter 1 General Provisions, Policies, and
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Public Works Department
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department
M 1 -16 Prior to a building permit being issued the project applicant must submit the Final
Working Drawings to the City of El Segundo Planning and Building Safety Department
and the Public Works Department for review and approval
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Pre - construction
Planning Division,
Works Department
Planning Division,
Works Department
Building Safety Division, Public
Building Safety Division, Public
M 1- 17Closed circuit television (CCTV) inspection of existing on -site and adjacent off -site
sewer mains must be connected to determine the present condition of the infrastructure
which the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning project will connect to
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction
Implementation Party: City of El Segundo
Enforcement Agency: Public Works Department
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
M.1 -18 New businesses that generate Fats, Oils, or Greases (e g , restaurants and grocery
stores) must be required to install grease interceptors with a minimum 30 minute
retention period to ensure these contaminants do not block the sewerage system
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Building Safety Division, Public Works Department
Monitoring Agency: Building Safety Division, Public Works Department
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
Subsequent environmental documentation must be prepared for development projects proposed to be
constructed on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site This information must be examined, at the
time the development project is proposed, in light of the Program EIR to determine whether a new
Initial Study would be required to be prepared leading to either an EIR or Negative Declaration The
subsequent environmental documentation must include the following
M 2 -1 An analysis of water service to the proposed development must be prepared which
examines the capacity of existing water lines to serve the development and projected
water demand and must identify new water infrastructure required to serve the
Mitigation Measures
SepulvedalRosecrans Site Rezoning
M 2 -1 An analysis of water service to the proposed development must be prepared which
examines the capacity of existing water lines to serve the development and the projected
water demand and must identify new water infrastructure required to serve the
Monitoring Phase: Pre- construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Public Works Department
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department
M 2 -2 New streets shall be connected through the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site to
adjacent existing streets, with no gaps or disconnects, so as to allow connections to
existing infrastructure contained in the existing streets
SepulvedalRosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Repotting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Public Works Department
Public Works Department
M 2 -3 Water distribution mains must be installed in the through streets in order to complete
the existing water grid and provide water distribution to the interior of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site Connecting pipes must be a minimum of ten
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction, Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Public Works Department
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department
M 2 -4 New water lines must be connected to the existing water line located in Allied Way to
provide a continuous public water line beginning from Sepulveda Boulevard to an
existing line in Allied Way
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Public Works Department
Public Works Department
M 2 -5 Development on the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site must include dual
water connections to allow for landscaping to be irrigated by reclaimed water
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Planning Division, Building Safety Division, Public
Works Department
Planning Division, Building Safety Division, Public
Works Department
M 2 -6 Reclaimed water must be used as the water source to irrigate landscaped areas on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
Monitoring Phase: Post - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Public Works Department, Planning Division
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Repotting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
M 2 -7 Efficient irrigation systems must be installed which minimize runoff and evaporation
and maximize the water which will reach plant roots (e g drip irrigation, automatic
sprinklers equipped with moisture sensors)
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction, Construction, Post - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Recreation and Parks Department
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division, Budding Safety Division
M 2 -8 Automatic sprinkler systems must be set to irrigate landscaping during early morning
hours or during the evening to reduce water losses from evaporation Sprinklers must
also be reset to water less often in cooler months and during the rainfall season so that
water is not wasted by excessive landscape irrigation
Monitoring Phase: Post - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Planning Division
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division
M 2 -9 Selection of drought - tolerant, low water consuming plant varieties must be used to
reduce irrigation water consumption
Monitoring Phase:
Pre - construction, Construction
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Recreation and Parks Department
Monitoring Agency:
Planning Division, Recreation and Parks Department
M 2 -10 Project applicants must comply with the City's Conservation Program, Ordinance No
1194, of the City of El Segundo Municipal Code, Title 10 -Parks and Recreation,
Chapter 2 Water Conservation in Landscaping and Resolution No. 3806
• Prior to a building permit being issued the project applicant must submit the Final
Working Drawings to the City of El Segundo Planning and Building Safety
Department for review and approval relative to compliance with the City's Water
Conservation Ordinance and Guidelines for Water Conservation in Landscaping
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Recreation and Parks Department
Monitoring Agency: Recreation and Parks Department
SepulvedalRosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
Plaza El Segundo Development
M 2 -11 Water distribution mains must be installed in the eastward extension of Park Place and
the extension of Allied Way to Park Place in order to complete the existing water grid
and provide water distribution to the interior of the Plaza El Segundo site Connecting
pipes should be a minimum of ten inches
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction, Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Public Works Department
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department
M 2 -12 Development on the proposed Plaza El Segundo Site must include dual water
connections to allow for landscaping to be irrigated by reclaimed water
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Planning Division,
Works Department
Planning Division,
Works Department
Building Safety Division, Public
Building Safety Division, Public
M 2 -13 Reclaimed water must be used as the water source to irrigate landscaped areas on the
Plaza El Segundo Development
Monitoring Phase: Post - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Public Works Department, Planning Division
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department
M 2 -14 Efficient irrigation systems must be installed which minimize runoff and evaporation
and maximize the water which will reach plant roots (e g drip irrigation, automatic
sprinklers equipped with moisture sensors)
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction, Construction, Post - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Recreation and Parks Department
Monitoring Agency: Public Works Department, Building Safety Division
M 2 -15 Automatic sprinkler systems must be set to irrigate landscaping during early morning
hours or during the evening to reduce water losses from evaporation Sprinklers must
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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Final Environmental Impact Report 1 4
City of El Segundo February 2005
also be reset to water less often in cooler months and during the rainfall season so that
water is not wasted by excessive landscape irrigation
Monitoring Phase: Post - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Planning Division
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division
M 2 -16 Selection of drought - tolerant, low water consuming plant varieties must be used to
reduce irrigation water consumption
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction; Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Recreation and Parks Department
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division, Recreation and Parks Department
M 2 -17 The project applicant must comply with the City's Conservation Program, Ordinance
No 1194, of the City of El Segundo Municipal Code, Title 10 -Parks and Recreation,
Chapter 2 Water Conservation in Landscaping and Resolution No 3806
• Prior to a building permit being issued the project applicant must submit the Final
Working Drawings to the City of El Segundo Planning and Building Safety
Department for review and approval relative to compliance with the City's Water
Conservation Ordinance and Guidelines for Water Conservation in Landscaping
Monitoring Phase: Pre- construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Recreation and Parks Department
Monitoring Agency: Recreation and Parks Department
Solid Waste
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
No subsequent environmental documentation is required
Mitigation Measures
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
M 3 -1 Where economically feasible, the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning project
must incorporate the use of recycled materials in building materials, furnishing
operations and building maintenance,
Sepulveda/Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
Monitoring Phase: Construction, Post - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Planning Division
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division
M 3 -2 The proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning project must recycle all construction
debris in a practical, available, and accessible manner, to the maximum extent feasible,
during the demolition and construction phases
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Building Safety Division
Building Safety Division
M 3 -3 The design of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning project must allocate
space for a recycling collection area for use by both on -site employees and visitors, the
design of which will adhere to siting requirements in the City's recycling ordinance
The design of the collection area will facilitate source separation and collection of
additional materials that may be designated as recyclable by the City in the future
Monitoring Phase: Pre- construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Planning Division
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division
Plaza El Segundo Development
M 3 -4 Where economically feasible, the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development must
incorporate the use of recycled materials in building materials, furnishing operations
and building maintenance
Monitoring Phase: Construction, Post - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Planning Division
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division
M 3 -5 The proposed Plaza El Segundo Development must recycle all construction debris in a
practical, available, and accessible manner, to the maximum extent feasible, during the
demolition and construction phases
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Planning Division
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division
M 3 -6 The design of the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development must allocate space for a
recycling collection area for use by both on -site employees and visitors, the design of
which will adhere to siting requirements in the City's recycling ordinance The design
of the collection area will facilitate source separation and collection of additional
materials that may be designated as recyclable by the City in the future
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Planning Division
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division
Natural Gas
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
No subsequent environmental documentation is required
Mitigation Measures
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
No mitigation measures are required
Plaza El Segundo Development
No mitigation measures are required
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
No subsequent environmental documentation is required
Mitigation Measures
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
M 5 -1 The applicant must consult with SCE during the design process of the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning project regarding potential energy conservation
measures for the project Examples of such energy conservation measures include
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
• Design windows (i e , tinting, double pane glass, etc ) to reduce thermal gain and
loss and thus cooling loads during warm weather, and heating loads during cool
• Install thermal insulation in walls and ceilings that exceed requirements established
by the State of California Energy Conservation Standards
• Install high - efficiency lamps for all internal streetlights and outdoor security
• Time control interior and exterior lighting These systems must be programmed to
account for variations in seasonal daylight times
• Finish exterior walls with light- colored materials and high- emissivity characteristics
to reduce cooling loads Finish interior walls with light- colored materials to reflect
more light and thus increase lighting efficiency
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction, Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Planning Division, Building Safety Division, Southern
California Edison (SCE)
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division, Building Safety Division
M 5 -2 All on -site electrical lines must be placed underground, except for high voltage
transmission lines located along Rosecrans Avenue
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Building Safety Division, Public Works Department,
Monitoring Agency: Building Safety Division, Public Works Department
M 5 -3 Electrical transformers must be screened from view from the public right -of -way
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Planning Division
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division
Sepulveda / Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
Plaza El Segundo Development
M 5 -4 The applicant must consult with SCE during the design process of the proposed Plaza
El Segundo Development regarding potential energy conservation measures for the
project Examples of such energy conservation measures include
• Design windows (e g , tinting, double pane glass, etc ) to reduce thermal gain and
loss and thus cooling loads during warm weather, and heating loads during cool
• Install thermal insulation in walls and ceilings that exceed requirements established
by the State of California Energy Conservation Standards
• Install high - efficiency lamps for all internal streetlights and outdoor security
• Time control interior and exterior lighting These systems must be programmed to
account for variations in seasonal daylight times
• Finish exterior walls with light- colored materials and high emissivity characteristics
to reduce cooling loads Finish interior walls with light- colored materials to reflect
more light and thus increase lighting efficiency
Monitoring Phase:
Pre - construction, Construction
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Planning Division, Building Safety Division, SCE
Monitoring Agency:
Planning Division, Building Safety Division
M 5 -5 All on -site electrical lines must be placed underground, except for high voltage
transmission lines located along Rosecrans Avenue
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Building Safety Division, Public Works Department,
Monitoring Agency: Building Safety Division, Public Works Department
M 5-6 Electrical transformers must be screened from view from the public right -of -way
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Planning Division
Sepulveda / Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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City of El Segundo February 2005
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
Subsequent environmental documentation shall be prepared for development projects proposed to be
constructed on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site The subsequent environmental documentation
shall include the following.
N -1 A records search and /or Phase I Archaeological Survey must be conducted by a
qualified archaeologist prior to the start of construction activities (including grading) for
any development on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site If the survey identifies
resources within the construction area, follow on studies shall be conducted in
accordance with the recommendations of the records search prior to commencement of
N -2 Further analysis of Cultural Resource 19- 186856 is required, that meets the
requirements of CEQA Guidelines Section 15064 5(a)(2), to determine potential
eligibility for the California or National Register of Historic Places prior to any
construction activities occurring on the H Kramer portion of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site If further analysis identifies that the resource is eligible, then the
recommendations identified in that analysis shall be followed
Mitigation Measures
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
N -1 A records search and /or Phase I Archaeological Survey must be conducted by a
qualified archaeologist prior to the start of construction activities (including grading) for
any development on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site If the survey identifies
resources within the construction area, follow on studies must be conducted in
accordance with the recommendations of the records search prior to commencement of
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Planning Division
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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Final Environmental Impact Report
City of El Segundo February 2005
N -2 Further analysis of Cultural Resource 19- 186856, that meets the requirements of CEQA
Guidelines Section 15064 5(a)(2), is required to determine potential eligibility for the
California or National Register of Historic Places prior to any construction activities
occurring on the H Kramer portion of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site If
further analysis identifies that the resource is eligible, then the recommendations
identified in that analysis must be followed and measures identified to reduce impacts to
less than significant levels
Monitoring Phase: Pre - construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Planning Division
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division
N -3 In the event that archaeological or paleontological resources are encountered during the
course of grading or construction, all development must temporarily cease in these
areas until the resources are properly assessed and subsequent recommendations are
determined by a qualified archaeologist /paleontologist
Monitoring Phase:
Implementation Party:
Enforcement Agency:
Monitoring Agency:
Plaza El Segundo Development
Planning Division, Building Safety Division
Planning Division, Building Safety Division
N -4 In the event that archaeological or paleontological resources are encountered during the
course of grading or construction, all development must temporarily cease in these
areas until the resources are properly assessed and subsequent recommendations are
determined by a qualified archaeologist/paleontologist
Monitoring Phase: Construction
Implementation Party: Applicant
Enforcement Agency: Planning Division, Building Safety Division
Monitoring Agency: Planning Division, Building Safety Division
P \Planting & Building Safety\PROJECTS \626- 650 \EA - 631 \Council Agenda Packet \2 -15 -05 hearing \EA -631 reso cc Exhibit B
MMRP doe
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza IX Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
El Segundo Development Page IX -53 ry
Final Environmental Impact Report
�.1 ,
3 Land Use Element
Commercial Neighborhood Commercial
Designations Permits neighborhood - serving retail, neighborhood - serving office, and
limited residential on a single floor above the commercial ground floor
Residential uses are limited to a maximum density of 10 dwelling units
per acre. This designation is intended to provide integrated
neighborhood - serving commercial areas adjacent to the residential
neighborhoods The maximum floor area ratio (FAR) is 0 5
Downtown Commercial
Permits community serving retail, community serving office, and
residential on the floor above street level only if commercial is on the
street level Residential uses are limited to a maximum density of 10
dwelling units per acre This designation is intended to provide an
integrated community serving commercial area downtown. The
maximum floor area ratio (FAR) allowed is 10
General Commercial
Permits all retail uses, including hotel uses, and mayor medical
facilities, at a maximum floor area ratio (FAR) of 10 Office uses are
not permitted except for those providing personal services not
exceeding 5,000 square feet such as travel and insurance agents
Corporate Office
Permits a mixture of office and food - serving uses in single -tenant or
multi -tenant buildings with limited retail uses permitted in the lobby
area Research and development uses are permitted east of Sepulveda
Boulevard Hotels and motels are permitted east of Sepulveda and west
of Aviation Boulevards with a discretionary application. The maximum
allowed floor area ratio (FAR) is 0 8. A maximum FAR of 1 086 is
permitted for the property commonly referred to as 888 North
Sepulveda Boulevard (Assessor's Parcel Number 4138 - 005 -055),
pursuant to Development Agreement No 00 -2 A maximum FAR of
196 is permitted for the property referred to as 455 Continental
Boulevard (Assessor's Parcel Number 4138- 007 -043) (Reso 4361,
GPA 03 -3, 2/3/04, Ord 1331, GPA 00 -2, 3/20/01)
Commercial Center
Permits a mixture of community - serving retail, restaurants and other
commercial service uses in an integrated shopping center design This
designation is intended to serve a broad cross section of the Cif
surioundmg aiea The maximum floor area ratio (FAR) is limited to
0 2751 (Reso GPA 03 -4, GPA 03 -5, / / )
Smoky Hollow Mixed -Use
Permits primarily light industrial uses including light manufacturing,
research and development, warehousing, and office uses The
maximum floor area ratio (FAR) for newly constructed projects is 0 6
I n
D O •
3 -7
3 Land Use Element
designation allows retail and hotel uses The site along El Segundo
Boulevard, east of Aviation Boulevard (3 8 ac), as well as the site at the
northeast corner of Sepulveda Boulevard and Manposa Avenue (3 2 ac)
are already in commercial use The site on the southeast corner of
Sepulveda Boulevard and Manposa Avenue (7 1 ac) is currently vacant,
except for an existing bank building. The site at the southeast corner of
Sepulveda Boulevard and Imperial Avenue (7 3 ac) is currently used for
office, but the land use designation of General Commercial would allow
recycling of the site to a commercial use
The area bounded by Nash Street, Maple Avenue, Lairport Street, and
Imperial Avenue is designated as light industrial, which is consistent
with the uses currently operating in that area, primarily the Hughes
facility (50 4 ac)
The area bounded generally by Aviation Boulevard, El Segundo
Boulevard, and Douglas Street is currently a U S Government Air
Force Base (48 5 ac), which is expected to remain for the life of the
Plan The Federal Government designation placed on this area will
allow the types of uses that are existing
The narrow parcel near the northwest intersection of El Segundo
Boulevard and Aviation Boulevard (3 93 ac), between El Segundo
Boulevard and 124th Street, is a Specific Plan area ( "A124th Street
Specific Plan") which encourages primarily warehousing and storage
uses, however, a City Water Facility may also be developed on the site
(Ord 1309, GPA 99 -1, 8/17/99)
Southeast Quadrant
The majority of the southeast quadrant is designated light industrial
356 1343 --9 ac) This category allows for a mixture of light industrial
and office uses, similar to what is now existing in some of the business
parks between Douglas Street and Aviation Boulevard
The southern portion of the quadrant, along Rosecrans Avenue west of
Aviation Boulevard, is designated as Urban Mixed -Use South, allowing
a mixture of office, hotel, and retail uses This area totals 70 6 acres
The northeast corner of Rosecrans Avenue and Sepulveda - Boulevard
(85 8848 ac), eurfen l• ae ,. ied b A ,. P feduets and A n, ,a !'heni.,...1
is designated Commeicial Centel, allowmg a mixture of retail office
and food- ser\,lce usesare designated for hea y industrial, There is a
small commercial piece (0 9 ac) along Sepulveda Boulevard, just south
of El Segundo Boulevard (Ord _42-7-2, GPA 03W -4-1, GPA 03 -5.
The remaining land in the southeast quadrant is designated as public
T 1 1 E C
D O •
1992 General Plan
Summary of Existing Trends Buildout
Land Use Category
Dwelling Units
Square Footage
Single- Family Residential
357 2
- --
Two- Family Residential
- --
Planned Residential
5 7
- --
Multi -Family Residential
- --
Neighborhood Commercial
7 1
85 *
Downtown Commercial
18 *
General Commercial
Corporate Office
211 2
- --
Commercial Center
85 8
Smoky Hollow
94 1
Urban Mixed -Use North
- --
Urban Mixed -Use South
- --
124th Street Specific Plan
Aviation Specific Plan
- --
Downtown Specific Plan
25 8
232 *
Corporate Campus Specific Plan
- --
- --
- --
Light Industrial
356 1
- --
Heavy Industrial
1001 0 1986 8
- --
- -- **
Public Facilities
- --
- --
Federal Government
- --
- --
Open Space
- --
- --
Street & Railroad R O W
- --
- --
1 7,850
56.765.106 Sli nT ,tub
Population Projection
Existing construction and recently constructed, renovated commercial centers and legal nonfonforming residential uses
at densities that are currently higher than allowed by the land use designations in this plan will not realistically
be converted to mixed commercial /residential uses and these buildings are expected to remain for the life of the Plan
** The heavy industrial shown on this plan includes the Chevron Refinery and former Southern California Edison Generation Station, A*
nese racilaies nave processing equipment and tanks ratner man buildings and are
expected to remain for the life of the Plan Therefore, no estimated building square footage is shown
Source City of El Segundo Planning Department and The Lightfoot Planning Group
Amendments Ord 1209 1112193, Ord 1244, 216196, Ord 1272, 6117197 Ord 1279, 1017197, Ord 1309, 8117199 Ord 1314, 1217199,
Ord 1309, 8/17/99, Ord 1314 12/7/99, Ord 1319, 8/112000, Ord 1345, 1/2102, Ord _
rai F'ian exhibit
Summary of Existing Trends Buildout LU -3 ,, y
The following conditions shall be binding upon Mar Ventures, Inc, the property owner(s) and
their successors in interest, including without limitation occupants of the property The following
conditions for the City of El Segundo's approval of Environmental Assessment No 631,
( "Protect
shall be fully complied with as set forth below
All mitigation measures in the Environmental Impact Report for the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo development protect are
incorporated by this reference into these conditions of approval
2 Unless the contrary is stated or clearly appears from the context, the following definitions will
govern the construction of the words and phrases used in these conditions
A "P,B S Director" means the City of El Segundo Director of Planning and Building Safety,
or designee
B "EIR" means the Final Environmental Impact Report for the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo development project (SCH
No 2003121037), El Segundo, California
C "ESMC" means the El Segundo Municipal Code
D "Project Area" refers to each of the 20 developable lots on the Plaza El Segundo
development Protect Site as shown on Vesting Tentative Tract Map No 061630 which
comprise the Project Site
E "Protect Site" refers to the 43 3 -acre site generally located south of Hughes Way, east of
Sepulveda Boulevard, west of Douglas Street, and north of Rosecrans Avenue
F "Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site" refers to the approximately 110 acres generally
located south of Hughes Way, east of Sepulveda Boulevard, west of Douglas Street, and
north of Rosecrans Avenue which is the subject of a General Plan and Zoning Code
Amendment that is being considered concurrently with the land use entitlements for the
Protect Area and the Project Site
G Except as otherwise specified in these Conditions of Approval, conditions must be
satisfied before the issuance of a Building Permit for each building within the Protect
3 Before the issuance of the first Building Permit in the Project Area, the applicant must
submit a Lighting Master Plan for the Project Area for the review and approval of the P B S
Director and the Police Chief A Lighting Plan (construction drawings) and Photometric
Study, consistent with the Lighting Master Plan must be reviewed and approved by the
P B S Director and the Police Department before the issuance of each Building Permit and
must be installed before the issuance of each Certificate of Occupancy in the Project Area
The Lighting Plan and Photometric Study must demonstrate that the proposed project allows
minimum off -site illumination but still complies with Police Department safety requirements
The Lighting Master Plan must include, without limitation
A Specific details for Foot - candle intensity,
B Specific lighting detail for parking areas and structures, pedestrian walkways, and
access ways in and around buildings,
C On -site light fixtures that have been designed to direct the light downward and internal to
the proposed protect site to minimize off -site illumination,
D Specific detail regarding the location, type and height of lighting devices,
E Specific detail to illustrate compliance with the ESMC, and,
F Weather and vandal resistant covers on lighting fixtures
4 Before the issuance of each Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant must provide evidence
to the P B S Director and the Police Chief that outdoor lighting design has been installed in
compliance with the approved Lighting Master Plan for the budding that is the subject of the
Certificate of Occupancy
Materials and Design
5 Before the issuance of the first Budding Permit in the Project Area, the applicant must
submit Final Working Drawings to the P B S Director for design review The applicant must
provide a Budding Materials Sample Board of the materials, colors, and elevation drawings
to be utilized to the P B S Director for review and approval The design review must include,
without limitation, the following design guidelines
A All colors, textures, and materials on exterior elevation(s) must be coordinated to
achieve a continuity of design,
B Exterior budding materials must be compatible with developments in the vicinity,
C At least two primary exterior building materials (including, without limitation, stucco,
stone, rock, and brick) must be used throughout the Plaza El Segundo project,
D The buildings must have contrasting accent features Building materials must be of non -
reflective coatings and glazings,
E The plans must demonstrate substantial compliance with plans and conditions approved
and on file with the Planning and Budding Safety Department Any subsequent
modification to the protect as approved must be referred to the P B S Director for a
12/15/04 2 ti
determination regarding the need for Planning Commission review of the proposed
modification in accordance with the provisions of the Development Agreement,
F All buildings must be in accordance with the Project Site's Conditions, Covenants and
Restrictions (CC &R's),
G All buildings must utilize energy efficient floor plans and controlled HVAC and heat
generating equipment to reduce energy use for cooling and ventilation,
H All roof - mounted mechanical equipment and communications devices must be hidden
behind building parapets or screens to screen these devices from off -site ground level
I Ground level mechanical equipment, refuse collectors, storage tanks, monitoring wells,
generators, and other similar facilities must be screened from view with dense
landscaping and walls of materials and finishes compatible with adjacent buildings,
J Service, storage, maintenance, utilities, loading, and refuse collection and other similar
areas must be located out of the view of public roadways and buildings and screened by
dense landscaping and solid walls, unless the PBS Director determines such is not
practicable No chain link fences may be used for such screening,
K Walls along the north property boundary of the Project Site and walls used to screen
service and storage areas must be of the same materials, colors, and finishes as
adjacent buildings or compatible finishes and colors,
L A six -foot high solid wall must be constructed along the southern property line of Lot 15
of Vesting Tentative Tract Map No 061630 for at least a length of 200 feet from the
eastern edge of the Sepulveda Boulevard right -of -way and along the northern property
line of Lot 19 of Vesting Tentative Tract Map No 061630 for at least a length of 200 feet
from the eastern edge of the Sepulveda Boulevard right -of -way A six -foot high wall or a
fence constructed of vinyl chain link or other material must be constructed along the
remaining property lines of the Project Area abutting the Union Pacific Railroad right -of-
way with screening of the right -of -way with the use of landscaping, including, without
limitation, vines, hedges and /or trees to the satisfaction of the P B S Director,
M Chain -link fences are not permitted, except as described above, and as temporary
construction fencing,
N Budding design will meet the City's standards for the attenuation of interior noise,
O All service areas must be located so that service vehicles have clear and convenient
access and do not disrupt vehicular and pedestrian circulation,
P No loading will be permitted directly from public streets, except in designated areas as
approved by City P B S Director,
Q All on -site utility systems including without limitation, water, electricity, gas, sewer and
storm drains, must be installed underground,
12115104 3 �� ��
R No Certificate of Occupancy may be issued unless there is substantial compliance with
the aforementioned development standards and,
S The Project Area site plan must be revised to provide sidewalks or other designated
pathways following direct and safe routes from the Park Place right -of -way to buildings H
through A -7, from the Park Place right -of -way to Pad D, and from the Sepulveda
Boulevard right -of -way to Budding No 2, and any other budding that may developed that
is set back more than 200 feet from a public right -of -way, subject to the review and
approval of the P B S Director
Landscaaino and Irrioation
6 Before the issuance of the first Building Permit in the Project Area, the applicant must
submit a Master Landscape and Irrigation Plan for the Project Area The Master Landscape
and Irrigation Plan must be reviewed and approved by the City P B S Director, the Director
of Recreation and Parks, and the Police Chief Landscaping for each building in the Project
Area must be installed in accordance with the approved Master Landscape and Irrigation
Plan before the issuance of each Certificate of Occupancy The Master Landscape and
Irrigation Plan must include, without limitation, the following
A All landscaped areas must be provided with a permanent automatic watering or irrigation
B All on -site landscaped areas must be maintained by the owner in a neat and clean
manner at all times,
C All landscaped areas must be designed to ensure efficient access to fire hydrants,
D Dual plumbing must be installed for reclaimed water irrigation,
E All landscaped areas must be irrigated with reclaimed water to the extent reclaimed
water is available for use in the Project Area Until such time as reclaimed water is made
available, potable water may be utilized for irrigation,
F All landscaping and irrigation must comply with the City's Water Conservation
regulations and Zoning Code requirements,
G All landscaping must be designed to enhance site security in accordance with Police
Department policies,
H All public rights -of -way abutting the site must be landscaped,
I Landscaping that includes trees, vines, and or hedges must be incorporated along
property line walls and fences for screening purposes
J All landscaped areas must include a majority of mature landscaping, including trees that
are a minimum 24 -inch box size, and,
K Landscaping must be installed along property perimeters and evenly distributed
throughout the employee /customer parking areas
12/15/04 4
7 Before the issuance of the first Building Permit in the Project Area, the applicant must
provide a Landscape Plan and Architectural Plan (i a construction drawings), consistent
with the Master Landscaping Plan, to the P B S Director, Director of Recreation and Parks,
and the Police Chief for review and approval The Landscape Plan and Architectural Plan
must demonstrate that errant nighttime illumination is generally screened from other
potentially sensitive uses, through building design and landscape treatments
8 Where feasible (as determined by the P B S Director), the applicant must comply with the
City's Water Conservation Program as set forth in the ESMC and the City's Guidelines for
Water Conservation in Landscaping Before the issuance of each Building Permit in the
Project Area, the applicant's Landscape Plans must be submitted to the P B S Director for
review and approval
9 Before the issuance of the first Building Permit in the Project Area, the applicant must
submit to the P B S Director for review and approval an overall Master Sign Program for the
Project Area Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for each building within the
Project Area, the applicant must submit construction sign plans substantially consistent with
the approved Master Sign Program for the review and approval of the P B S Director
Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, signs must be installed in accordance
with the approved Master Sign Program The overall Master Sign Program must include,
without limitation
A Compliance with the ESMC,
B Not withstanding any other provisions in the ESMC, a maximum of three freestanding or
pole signs with a maximum height of 35 feet each are permitted along the Sepulveda
Boulevard street frontage of the Project Area,
C Not withstanding any other provisions in the ESMC, a maximum of two freestanding or
pole signs with a maximum height of 25 feet are permitted along the Park Place street
frontages of the Project Area,
D Not withstanding any other provisions in the ESMC, a maximum of two freestanding or
pole signs with a maximum height of 25 feet are permitted along the Allied Way street
frontages of the Project Area,
E Not withstanding any other provisions in the ESMC, no freestanding or pole signs,
except as described in Condition No 10 below, are permitted along the Rosecrans
Avenue frontage of the Project Area,
F All signs must be architecturally compatible with the proposed buildings,
G All signs must be compatible with the aesthetic objectives of the General Plan, and,
H No sign must impede traffic or pedestrian safety
10 Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the first building in the Protect Area,
the applicant must construct and maintain a monument sign at the northeast corner of
Sepulveda Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue announcing the entrance to the City The sign
is subject to review and approval by the P B S Director The sign should be compatible with
the design of the Master Sign Program for the Plaza El Segundo development protect
11 During grading and construction, dust control measures must be required in accordance
with the City's Dust Control Ordinance (Chapter 7 -3 of the ESMC) Grading must be
discontinued during first -stage smog alerts and suspended when wind velocity exceeds 15
miles per hour All hauling trucks must have loads covered or wetted and loaded below the
sideboards to minimize dust
12 The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) has promulgated rules and
applicable standards including, without limitation, the following Rule 402 - Nuisances, Rule
403 - Fugitive Dust, and Rule 2202 - On -Road Motor Vehicle Mitigation Options The
applicant must use best management practices in compliance with Rule 402 during the
operation of construction equipment Construction activities must be limited between the
hours of 7 A M to 6 P M , Monday through Saturday, unless such hours are extended
pursuant to a Noise Permit issued by the P B S Director During the construction phase, all
unpaved construction areas must be wetted at least twice daily during excavation, grading,
and construction and temporary covers for stockpiles must be used to reduce dust
emissions by as much as 50 percent The applicant must ensure that all materials
transported off -site will be either sufficiently watered or securely covered in compliance with
Rule 403 Resultant peak daily exhaust emissions from diesel- and gasoline- powered
construction equipment must be monitored to control emission levels that exceed SCAQMD
screening thresholds During construction, trucks and vehicles in loading or unloading
queues must keep their engines off, when not in use, to reduce vehicle emissions
Construction activities must be phased and scheduled to avoid emission peaks, and
construction must be discontinued during first- and second -stage smog alerts On -site
vehicle speed during construction must be limited to 15 mph Before issuance of a Grading
Permit for each Protect Area, the applicant must provide a Construction Management Plan
to the P B S Director for review and approval relative to compliance with the appropriate
SCAQMD standards during the construction phase Daily records of construction hours and
activities must be maintained by the applicant throughout the construction phase
13 Before the issuance of a Building Permit in the Protect Area, the applicant must provide an
Energy Conservation Plan to the P B S Director for review and approval The Energy
Conservation Plan must incorporate energy conservation features in accordance with the
requirements of the City and State Before the issuance of each Certification of Occupancy,
the applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director that the approved energy
conservation features have been installed and will be maintained
14 If a substation will be constructed, the Applicant must develop plans, protected loads, and a
master plan for scheduling to the satisfaction of Southern California Edison,
12/15/04 6
15 Before the issuance of a Building Permit in the Project Area, the applicant must provide Fire
Life Safety Plans to the P B S Director and the Fire Chief for review and approval, which
include, without limitation, the following*
A Fire lanes,
B Fire lane signing,
C Fire lane access easements or other recorded documents to the reasonable satisfaction
of the City Attorney,
D Fire lane accessibility,
E Gas detection systems,
F Minimum acceptable flow from any fire hydrant must be 2,500 gallon per minute,
calculated at 20 psi,
G Sprinklers within structures,
H Underground looped fire mains, sprinklers, fire pumps, and fire alarms,
I Emergency generators,
J Any above ground or underground storage tanks including elevator sumps and
condensation tanks,
K Documentation that the on -site fire mains will be maintained, and,
L Before the issuance of each Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant must demonstrate to
the Fire Department that the development complies with the Fire Life Safety Plan, and
that any required easements were properly dedicated and recorded
16 Before the issuance of a Building Permit in the Project Area, the applicant must develop and
submit an Evacuation Plan and Procedures for review and approval by the Fire Department
Before the issuance of each Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant must provide evidence
to the P B S Director, and the Fire Department that the approved Evacuation Plan and
procedures were implemented or are operational as appropriate
17 Before the issuance of a Grading or Building Permits in the Project Area, the applicant must
provide a Construction Safety Plan to the P B S Director and Fire Department for review
and approval The Construction Safety Plan must document construction and staff training
procedures to ensure that best management practices during project grading and
construction will be utilized The Construction Safety Plan must identify an awareness
program for the subgrade installation of utilities and the potential for worker exposure to
related emissions, especially during excavation Compliance with this measure must be
verified by the P B S Director before permit issuance
18 Before the issuance of each Budding Permit in the Project Area, all hydrants determined
necessary by the Fire Department and the P B S Director must be installed in accordance
with approved plans and specifications Fire hydrants must be spaced no greater than 300
feet apart One private hydrant must be provided for each structure and each structure must
be spnnklered in accordance with the California Building Code (CBC) and the National Fire
19 Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for each building, the applicant must pay
a Fire Service Mitigation Fee based upon the applicable Fire Service Mitigation Fee in effect
at the time of issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy Currently, the fee is $0 14 per gross
square foot of floor area, but the fee is subject to change Compliance with this measure
must be verified by the P B S Director before issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for
each budding
20 Before the issuance of a Grading Permit for the Project Area or a portion thereof, the
applicant must prepare and submit a Grading Plan for review and approval by the P B S
Director and the Director of Public Works The Grading Plan must include, without limitation
A The Grading Plan must demonstrate compliance with applicable provisions of the ESMC
and City policies and requirements,
B The Grading Plan must show cross sections for any grading purpose and the location of
and extent of existing and planned sewer easements and facilities,
C Grading depths must not encroach upon or damage the existing sewer lines on the
D Haul routes for import/export trucks and other heavy construction related vehicles must
be approved by the Director of Public Works,
E No haul routes may travel through the City of Manhattan Beach during A M or P M
peak hours,
F All grading must be accomplished in accordance with the recommendations of a
independent Geotechmcal and Geological Report to be submitted by the applicant and
reviewed and approved by the City,
G The Grading Plan must detail where special restrictions apply due to soil contamination,
if applicable,
H Additional information, as required through the plan check process, must be included as
I Final grading activities must be coordinated with the City Engineer at the time the
Grading Permit is issued, and,
J Compliance with the above measures must be verified by the P B S Director before
issuance of each Certificate of Occupancy
12/15/04 8
21 Before the issuance of a Grading Permit for the Protect Area or a portion thereof, the
applicant must submit documentation from the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control
Board ( "LARWQCB ") evidencing approval of completion of the Interim Remediation
Measures and approval of the Final Remedial Action Plan for the Project Area for the area
covered by the Grading Permit
22 The applicant must comply with any permit requirements imposed by the LARWQCB and /or
the Department of Toxic Substances Control ( "DTSC "), or any other applicable regulatory
agency related to development and /or grading on the site
23 Before the issuance of a Grading Permit, the applicant must provide any appropriate
hazardous materials safety training for all City employees needed to implement the project
If required, the training must be related specifically to safety issues that may arise during site
grading and construction due to the soil contamination that may exist in the site All training
must be completed to the reasonable satisfaction of the P B S Director, and the Fire Chief
24 During the construction phase of the project, activities will be allowed between the hours of
7 A M to 6 P M , Monday through Saturday, and prohibited at any time on Sundays and
federal holidays, unless such hours are extended pursuant to a Noise Permit issued by the
P B S Director Compliance for the operations phase will meet with the placement,
screening, and maintenance standards for all external mechanical equipment The
proposed project must be designed to ensure that noise generated by the proposed project
operations does not exceed the City's noise standards, as established by the ESMC, for on-
site or off -site receptors A noise monitor must be designated according to the relevant
codes Before issuance of a Grading Permit for each Project Area, the City must designate a
Noise Ordinance ComplianceNerification Monitor Before the issuance of a Budding Permit
for each Project Area, the applicant's Final Working Drawings must be submitted to the
P B S Director for review and approval relative to compliance with the City's Noise
25 Before the issuance of the first Building Permit, the applicant must submit an overall Security
and Crime Prevention Plan, to the P B S Director and the Police Department for review and
approval, which must address, without limitation, the following
A Lighting,
B Addressing (minimum height of 4" to 24 "),
C Telephones,
D Trash dumpsters (including space for recyclable materials),
E Indoor and outdoor security cameras installed at strategic locations, including employee
and other vehicle parking areas,
F Parking lots and structures,
G Fences, walls,
H Security hardware,
I Office,
J On -site security personnel,
K Locker rooms,
L An Evacuation Plan and Procedures,
M The employment of security personnel who will monitor and patrol the proposed Project
Site, including employee and other vehicle parking areas, and coordinate with public
safety officials,
N The installation of lighting in entryways, elevators, lobbies, and parking areas designed
to eliminate potential areas of concealment,
O A diagram of the proposed project, which will include access routes, and any information
that might facilitate emergency response,
P Compliance with all applicable items on Police Department checklist memo dated April
12, 2004, attached as Exhibit F- 1/C -1, with the exception that parking is permitted on the
north side of the Project Area between the main row of buildings and the northern
property line, and,
Q All Security and Crime Prevention Plan measures must be installed in conformance with
the approved plans and must be operational before the issuance of a Certificate of
26 Before issuance of the first building permits, the applicant must submit a photometric light
study to the Police Department for review and approval
27 Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for each building, the applicant must pay
a Police Service Mitigation Fee based upon the applicable Police Service Mitigation Fee in
effect at the time of issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy Currently, the fee is $0 11 per
gross square foot of floor area, but the fee is subject to change Compliance with this
measure must be verified by the P B S Director before issuance of a Certificate of
Occupancy for each building
12/15/04 10
28 The City of El Segundo requires development project applicants to prepare and submit Final
Working Drawings for review and approval The applicant must provide Final Working
Drawings that comply with Policies and Requirements and these conditions of approval The
Final Working Drawings must indicate proposed uses, building sizes and heights, and the
specific location of structures, loading docks, staging areas, parking layout, landscaped
areas and recreational amenities The Final Working Drawings must include vehicular,
pedestrian and bicycle access, on- and off -site circulation, and linkage to other key elements
in the site vicinity, including the MTA Green Line The Final Working Drawings must indicate
building materials and architectural design elements that will be utilized in the construction
of the proposed structures The Final Working Drawings must include information on
security lighting and hardware and other detail required for compliance with the City's
security, safety and crime prevention standards The Final Working Drawings must
demonstrate compliance with the California Building Code, California Mechanical Code,
California Plumbing Code, California Fire Code, California Sign Code, and California
Electrical Code, and approved Fire Life Safety Systems In addition, the Final Working
Drawings must clearly indicate the location of all entrances and exits, including emergency
vehicle access All parcel buildings and structures must be located in proximity to the
proposed parcel lines such that they meet all requirements for exterior wall and opening
protection Additional information, as required through the plan check process, must be
included as appropriate Before the issuance of a Building Permit for the Project Area, the
applicant must coordinate with all applicable City and applicable County agencies to prepare
and submit Final Working Drawings to be approved by the P B S Director, the Department
of Public Works, the Fire Department and the Police Department Before the issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy for each budding, the applicant must provide evidence to the
P B S Director, the Department of Public Works, the Police Department, and the Fire
Department that Code and policy requirement conditions have been met
29 The Plaza El Segundo development project is allowed to develop up to a maximum of
425,000 square feet consisting of a combination of uses as permitted by the C -4 Zone and
as limited by the Development Agreement as long as the total AM, PM peak, daily, and
Saturday midday peak trip generation established in the EIR for the project as a whole is not
30 The maximum project size may be reduced as determined by the vehicle trip generation for
each use The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo development
project permit the following vehicle trips
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Plaza El Segundo Development
The trip generation for each use and building must be determined using the rates identified
below, adjusted for internal capture and pass by discount rate consistent with the traffic
study for EA No 631
12/15/04 11
Shopping Center (per 1,000 sf ) — LU 820
Daily Ln(T) = 0 65 Ln(A) + 5 83
AM Peak Hour Ln(T) = 0 60 Ln(A) + 2 29, I/B =61 %, 0/13=39%
PM Peak Hour Ln(T) = 0 66 Ln(A) + 3 40, I/B =48 %, O/B =52%
Saturday Ln(T) = 0 65 Ln(A) + 3 77, I/B =52 %, O/B =48%
Grocery Store (per 1,000 sf) — LU 850
Daily T = 66 95(A) + 1391 56
AM Peak Hour Ln(T) = 1 70 Ln(A) — 1 42, I/B =61 %, O/B =39%
PM Peak Hour Ln(T) = 0 79 Ln(A) + 3 20, I/B =51 %, O/B =49%
Saturday Ln(T) = 0 74 Ln(A) + 3 47, I/B =51 1, O/B =49%
Free Standing Discount Store (per 1,000 sf) — LU 815
Daily T = 56 02(A)
AM Peak Hour T = 0 84 (A), I/B =68 %, O/B =32%
PM Peak Hour T = 5 06 A), I/B =50 %, O/B =50%
Saturday T = 7 58 (A), I/B =51 %, O/B =49%
Electronics Superstore (per 1,000 sf) — LU 863
Daily T = 45 04 (A)
AM Peak Hour T = 3 46 (A), I/B =53 %, O/B =47%
PM Peak Hour T = 4 50 (A), I/B =49 %, O/B =51 %
Saturday [N/A]*
Health Club (per 1,000 sf) — LU 493
Daily T = 43 0 (A)
AM Peak Hour* T = 3 06 (A), I/B =58 %, O/B =42%
PM Peak Hour T = 5 76 (A), I/B =63 %, O/B =37%
Saturday [N /A]*
Fast -food Restaurant with Drive- Through Window (per 1,000
sf) — LU 934
Daily T = 496 12 (A)
AM Peak Hour T = 53 11 (A), I/B =51 %, O/B =49%
PM Peak Hour T = 34 64 (A), I/B =52 %, O/B =48%
Saturday T = 59 20 (A), I/B =51 %, O/B =49%
High- Turnover (Sit -Down) Restaurant (per 1,000 sf) — LU 932
Daily T = 127 15 (A)
AM Peak Hour T = 11 52 (A), I/B =52 %, O/B =48%
PM Peak Hour T = 10 92 (A), I/B =61 %, O/B =39%
Saturday T = 20 00 (A), I/B =63 %, O/B =37%
T = trip ends A = building area in 1,000's of square feet
I/B = inbound percentages LU = ITE land use code
O/B = outbound percentages
Trip Generation, 7th Edition, Institute of Transportation
Engineers, 2003
* Saturday information unavailable — PM Peak hour utilized
31 The City of El Segundo requires development project applicants to prepare and submit a
Construction Management Plan for each Project Area for review and approval by the P B S
Director and Director of Public Works The Construction Management Plan must consider all
stages of construction, including grading, dirt hauling, employee travel, materials delivery,
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etc The Construction Management Plan is also required for review and approval by the
P B S Director and Department of Public Works for the installation of any utilities, including
telecommunication utilities, in the public right -of -way Such a plan must include, without
limitation, traffic control measures for any lane closures The Construction Management
Plan must identify the types and approximate number of construction vehicles to be utilized
and must provide haul routes, staging area information and needed road or lane closures
The plan must include, but not be limited to construction hours, construction trailer locations,
construction and staging areas, construction crew parking, parking /access plan (including
truck haul routes), construction methods and schedules No haul routes are permitted
through the City of Manhattan Beach during A M and P M peak hours All staging areas
must be on -site During construction, the areas of construction must be enclosed by a six -
foot high chain link fence, except those areas that have additional fencing requirements
Gates of site fencing must be located at driveways and must not open over sidewalk /public
right -of -way During construction, trash must be removed from the Project Site regularly and
promptly At the end of each construction day, all open trenches must be completely closed
or covered, or secured in accordance with Cal OSHA standards All gates and access
points to the construction area must be locked and /or fully secured at the end of
construction each day The applicant must provide a twenty -four hour, every day contact
person /liaison to receive and respond to complaints during construction
32 Before the issuance of a Grading or Building Permit for the Project Area, the applicant must
provide evidence to the P B S Director that grading or any construction on property or within
easements not owned or controlled by the applicant has been approved by the property
owner or easement holder Separate Grading and /or Budding Permit(s) must be obtained
by the applicant with the easement holder as co- applicant, if needed
33 Before the issuance of a Building Permit for the Project Area, the applicant must submit
plans and specifications for any new curbs, sidewalks, driveway approaches, wheelchair
ramps, and asphalt concrete (A C ) pavement, that must be constructed /reconstructed in the
public right -of -way for any missing public segments /areas on the perimeter of the Project
Site, as reasonably required by the Director of Public Works Any existing driveways and
other paved areas on the perimeter of the Project Site that will not be incorporated into the
development must be removed and replaced with standard curb and sidewalk Before
issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the budding that is the subject of the Building
Permit, the applicant must install the required public improvements per the approved plans
to the reasonable satisfaction of the Director of Public Works
34 The applicant must dedicate approximately 3 47 -acres of the "Project Site" to the City for the
construction of the extensions of Park Place and Allied Way, as required in Development
Agreement No 04 -1 and as depicted on Vesting Tentative Map 061630 Such dedication
shall occur through and upon recordation of the Final Map
35 The applicant must dedicate approximately 0 50 -acres of the "Project Site" to the city for
roadway widening along the east side of Sepulveda Boulevard, as required in Development
Agreement No 04 -1 and as depicted on Vesting Tentative Map 061630 Such dedication
shall occur through and upon recordation of the Final Map
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36 Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy Permit for each budding, the applicant
must pay a Library Service Mitigation Fee based on the applicable Library Service Mitigation
Fee in effect at the time of issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy Currently, the fee is
$0 03 per gross square foot of floor area, but the fee is subject to change Compliance with
this measure must be verified by the P B S Director before issuance of each Certificate of
Occupancy for each building
37 The applicant may modify the location of the parcel boundaries as approved on Vesting
Tentative Tract Map No 061630, consistent with the development standards in the C -4
Zone to accommodate the size and location of the individual buildings, before recordation of
Final Tract Map No 061630, provided a maximum of 20 parcels are created
38 Before the recording of the Final Map, the applicant must record a lot tie covenant if any
buildings are to be constructed across existing lot lines or if any building location does not
meet the development standards of the Commercial Center (C -4) Zone due to the location
of the existing lot lines No Certificates of Occupancy shall be granted for any use or
structure until the recording of the Final Map Accordingly, construction that proceeds
before the recording of the Final Map is done at the Developer's risk that a Certificate of
Occupancy will not be issued
39 After the recording of the Final Map, the applicant must submit a Lot Line Adjustment
application, if necessary, to realign any parcels to match the proposed locations of the
buildings to maintain conformity with the development standards in the ESMC
40 The applicant must maintain all existing easements on the site if the easement is still
required by its grantee
41 The applicant must provide reciprocal access agreements, subject to review and approval
by the City Attorney, between any parcels that do not have independent direct vehicle
access to a public right -of -way Such agreements must be recorded before issuance of any
Certificate of Occupancy for a budding on an affected parcel
42 Before the issuance of a Rough Grading Permit for the Project Area, the applicant must
provide funds in trust to the P B S Director to cover the reasonable costs, including City
consultants' and legal costs and fees, of the monitoring of the conditions of approval and
adopted mitigation measures associated with rough grading Before the issuance of a Final
Grading Permit, the applicant must provide funds in trust to the P B S Director to cover the
first year costs, including City consultants' and legal costs and fees, of the monitoring of the
conditions of approval and adopted mitigation measures, not associated with rough grading
Costs may include, without limitation, costs for traffic reviews, stormwater review, biological
resource monitoring, soil remediation review, and review of easements, dedications and
other agreements Costs that would be associated with rough grading do not include costs
for traffic reviews and review of easements and dedications Annually thereafter, the
applicant must replenish funds as deemed necessary by the P B S Director to cover the
reasonable costs, including City consultants' costs for each year The P B S Director, at his
discretion, may hire a consultant to coordinate and monitor compliance,
43 Before the issuance of a Grading Permit, Building Permit, or Certificate of Occupancy, as
the case may be, the applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director that all adopted
4. #
12/15104 14
mitigation measures have been or will be implemented pursuant to the project's mitigation
monitoring plan Compliance with this measure must be verified by the P B S Director
44 All work within the City public right -of -way must be in accordance with the latest edition of
the Standards Specifications for Public Works Construction and City of El Segundo
Standard Specifications No work must be performed in the public right -of -way without first
obtaining a Public Works Encroachment Permit
45 Before the issuance of a Grading or Building Permit for the Project Area, the applicant must
provide evidence to the reasonable satisfaction of the P B S Director that all applicable
permits from other agencies have been obtained including, without limitation, LARWQCB,
Caltrans, State Water Quality Control Board's National Pollution Discharge Elimination
Systems (N P D E S) Permit, South Coast Air Quality Management District, and Los Angeles
County Department of Public Works
46 Following the receipt of all requisite permits, the applicant must notify the P B S Director of
the date that construction will commence
47 At such time deemed necessary by the P B S Director, the applicant must provide an on-
site inspection office trailer for the use of City inspection personnel
48 The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board has promulgated rules and
standards including, without limitation, obtaining an NPDES Permit and regulations related
to underground and above ground storage tanks The applicant's compliance with
LARWQCB will ensure compliance with the applicable sections of the California Water Code
(Section 13260), the Clean Water Act, and the Porter - Cologne Water Quality Control Act
The applicant must ensure that any on -site tanks for use in the storage of fuels, wasted oil,
solvents or other chemicals, which are located either above ground or underground, must be
placed, constructed and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the LARWQCB
49 The applicant must adhere to any relevant requirements of the LARWQCB regarding
development of the site The applicant must prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Plan ( SWPPP) which will demonstrate best management practices relevant to compliance
with LARWQCB requirements and the California General Construction Permit Before the
issuance of a Grading Permit for the proposed project, the applicant must provide a SWPPP
to the LARWQCB, the P B S Director and Fire Department for review and approval relative
to compliance with the provisions and requirements of the LARWQCB Before issuance of a
Building Permit for each Project Area, the applicant must apply for the appropriate
notifications and /or registrations for any on -site storage tanks The applicant must provide a
copy to the City of the Notice of Intent required by the LARWCQB
50 Before the issuance of a final Grading Permit and /or Building Permit for each building in the
Project Area, the applicant must provide a drainage plan for that portion of the Project Area
affected that eliminates pollutants to surface runoff as required by NPDES requirements
The drainage plan must be reviewed and approved by the P B S Director and Director of
Public Works Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for each building, the
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applicant must demonstrate that the drainage plan has been implemented and is effective to
the reasonable satisfaction of the P B S Director and Director of Public Works
51 Before the issuance of a Building Permit for the Project Area, the applicant must provide
evidence to the P B S Director and Director of Public Works that pavement on -site must be
adequately applied to prevent sod erosion Further, paved areas on -site must be regularly
maintained (i e , all cracks repaired and debris removed on a regular basis) to prevent soil
erosion The applicant must install improvements pursuant to the approved plans before
final sign -off of the Permit Before the issuance of a Grading or Building Permit for each
building in the Protect Area, the applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director and
Director of Public Works that on -site drainage must be directed to existing storm drains The
applicant must install said improvements per the approved plans before final sign -off of the
52 Before the issuance of any Grading or Building Permit for the Protect Area, the applicant
must prepare a Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) and provide evidence
to the P B S Director and Director of Public Works that the project area that is the subject of
the Grading or Building Permit complies with City of El Segundo Urban Runoff Pollution
Prevention Controls (Title 5 - Health and Sanitation, Chapter 7 - Standards Urban
Stormwater Mitigation Plan Implementation of the El Segundo Municipal Code) The
applicant must install said improvements per the approved plans before final sign -off of the
53 Before the issuance of a Grading or Building Permit for each budding in the Project Area, the
applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director and Director of Public Works that
A Collection basins to reduce silts in storm water before runoff drainage to the Los Angeles
Flood Control System have been adequately incorporated into the project design,
B On -site catch basins have been designed and constructed to screen out larger matter to
prevent flooding of the protect site resulting from debris caught in the drainage canal,
C Drainage channels within parking lot and paved areas have been be designed and
constructed to direct storm water and /or irrigation run -off to collection basins provided
on -site,
D On -site drainage and hydrology improvements have been designed in conformance with
applicable standards of the City of El Segundo and the Los Angeles County Department
of Public Works, including policies in the Public Safety Element of the City's General
The project is in compliance with applicable permit requirements of the Los Angeles
County Department of Public Works or Los Angeles County Flood Control District,
F On -site drainage and hydrology improvements have been designed using the necessary
hydraulic /hydrology and structural calculations required for permitting by the Los
Angeles County of Department of Public Works and,
G All on -site development is consistent with a Hydrology and Drainage Study and the Final
Working Drawings, as approved by the City, and,
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H Before the issuance of any subsequent Permit `Final Inspection Approval' for the
proposed project, the applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director and Public
Works that all the improvements herein have been constructed in compliance with the
appropriate regulations and specifications
54 If the Los Angeles Congestion Management Plan (CMP) requires the City to track the
debits /credits associated with development in the City, before the issuance of the first
Building Permit for the Project Site, the applicant must provide Los Angeles County
Congestion Management Plan (CMP) Debit/Credit Calculations, and a Phasing Plan for
CMP related improvements, to the P B S Director and Public Works for review and
approval The calculations must include only programs which meet all the minimum criteria
(e g , density) contained in the CMP Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for
the building, the applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director that the proposed
project CMP debits /credits related improvements were implemented and balanced on the
Project Site in accordance with the approved phasing plan Compliance with this measure
must be verified by the P B S Director before permit issuance As may be applicable, the
City will give credit for CMP related improvements towards the applicant's traffic mitigation
impact fee, as appropriate
55 Before the issuance of a Building Permit for the Project Area, the applicant must provide a
Pedestrian Access /Circulation Plan to the P B S Director, Recreation and Parks Director,
and Police Chief for review and approval The Plan must identify the location of pedestrian,
bicycle accesses and indicate linkage to other key elements in the site vicinity, and within
the project itself, including parking areas, budding entrances, bicycle racks, recreational
elements, etc The Plan must reflect a safe movement pattern, which does not significantly
conflict with vehicular movement and parking access areas Before the issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy for each Project Area, the applicant must provide evidence to the
P B S Director, Recreation and Parks Director, and Police Chief that the approved
pedestrian and bicycle access features have been installed and will be adequately
maintained per the approved plan
56 Before the issuance of each Building Permit in the Project Area, the applicant must submit a
detailed Traffic, Circulation and Parking Plan, prepared by a licensed traffic engineer, for
review and approval by the Director of Public Works, the P B S Director, the Police Chief,
the Fire Chief, and the City's Traffic Engineer Alternatively, such a plan may be submitted
for a number of buildings at one time if that group of buildings will be completed within a
reasonable time period of each other The Traffic, Circulation and Parking Plan must
include, without limitation, the following
A An analysis of the estimated traffic generation for the building(s),
B Sight distances for each structure and parking area associated with the building(s),
C An analysis of the traffic volumes at each driveway or intersection associated with the
building(s) in order to determine if any offsite improvements are warranted (i a,
deceleration lanes, left -turn pockets, new or modified traffic signals, etc ) that were not
analyzed in the EIR due to the approximation of building locations in the EIR,
12/15/04 17
D Any new traffic signals or modifications to existing traffic signals must be subject to the
review and approval of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works The
applicant must pay the applicable county costs to provide plan check and inspection
E The applicant must dedicate any on -site land required to accommodate any required
intersection and roadway improvements (e g , deceleration lanes) and the new Park
Place and Allied Way roadway extensions through the recording of the Final Map, which
may be after budding permit issuance, but must occur before issuance of a Certificate of
Occupancy for any budding in the Project Area,
F All truck circulation,
G Customer /employee parking,
H All access points to the project site, which should be aligned with existing driveways and
intersections where possible,
Off -site circulation improvements,
J All median modifications, if necessary,
K All dead end aisles eliminated to satisfy City Codes,
L All truck turning radii,
M The location of required loading spaces,
N An analysis that shows the location and the timing of construction of the required parking
for the budding or Project Area,
O Pedestrian crossing areas of the public roadways must be called out on the plans and
appropriately designated,
P All parcels and structures must be connected by an accessible route of travel that meets
the requirements of Title 24 of the California Budding Code and,
Q Final site plan approval for each building(s) must be contingent upon fulfillment of the
above traffic design review requirements All Circulation and Parking Plan improvements
which require installation must be installed before the issuance of each Certificate of
Occupancy for the building(s) which are the subject of the Traffic, Circulation and
Parking Plan Compliance with these requirements must be verified by the Director of
Public Works, the P B S Director, the Police Chief, the Fire Chief, and the City's Traffic
Engineer before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy
57 The applicant must install "No Parking" and other traffic signs on the Park Place and Allied
Way roadway extensions, as required by the Public Works Department
12/15/04 18 2' 4 1
58 The applicant must provide handicap accessible pedestrian walkways, with a minimum five -
foot width Any roadways dedicated to the City as public roadways may have handicap
accessible pedestrian walkways within the public right -of -way instead of locating them on
private property
59 Before the issuance of the first Budding Permit for the Project Area, the applicant must
submit Final Working Drawings to the P B S Director for review and approval that shows
that all handicapped, carpool, vanpool, motorcycle, and bicycle parking and other TDM and
TSM physical requirements have been provided as required by the City All TDM/TSM
physical improvements required by City regulations must be installed before the issuance of
each Certificate of Occupancy
60 Before the construction of the portion of the Park Place roadway for the proposed project
that would intersect Sepulveda Boulevard and any other improvements on Sepulveda
Boulevard, the applicant must secure a Caltrans Encroachment Permit to alter Sepulveda
Boulevard as set forth in the EIR The alterations to Sepulveda Boulevard must be in
accordance with relevant Caltrans Encroachment Permit requirements and conditions and
must be shown on the Final Working Drawings The applicant is responsible for the costs of
modifications and construction of all the roadway extensions and widemngs that will be
dedicated to the City Before the issuance of a "Final Inspection Approval' of the roadway
improvements, the applicant must install the intersection improvements The improvements
must be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer, and P B S Director
61 Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any building constructed north of the
Union Pacific /Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad right -of -way in the Project Area, the
new roadways, including any medians, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters must be constructed in
accordance with applicable Department of Public Works construction standards for a public
roadway with the minimum dimensions required by the Circulation Element of the El
Segundo General Plan, and must comply with applicable requirements of the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA), as well as City requirements for traffic signage, street lighting,
drainage plans, and underground utility service, subject to the review and approval of the
Director of Public Works The applicant must be responsible for the design and construction
of the new roadways
62 The applicant must install off -site traffic related mitigation measures as set forth in the EIR
and MMRP at the time when amount of building (floor area or vehicle trips) triggers the
impact for which the mitigation measure is based, as documented in the required Traffic,
Circulation, and Parking Plan
63 Before the issuance of each Building Permit for the Project Area, the applicant must submit
a temporary lane closure plan for review and approval by the Director of Public Work, Fire
Chief and Police Chief if lane closures will be required during construction for a particular
building to insure construction vehicles, equipment and supplies do not interfere with local
emergency response routes and incidences
64 Driveway entrances must be clearly marked, as well as different areas of the parking lot, to
ensure visiting vehicles do not accidentally enter the truck staging area
65 The applicant must coordinate construction lane closures with the Director of Public Works,
Police Chief and Fire Chief
66 Before the issuance of each Certificate of Occupancy for a budding in the Project Area, the
applicant must pay a Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee The amount will be based upon the
adopted Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee in effect at the time of issuance of a Certificate of
67 Shower and lockers for employees must be provided in sufficient number, as determined by
the P B S Director for each tenant in the Project Area exceeding 50,000 square feet
68 The applicant must submit a Transportation
the requirements of Chapter 15 -17 of the
Certificate of Occupancy in the Project Area
System Management (TSM) Plan, pursuant to
ESMC within 90 days of issuance of the first
69 Before the issuance of the first Building Permit for the Project Area, the applicant must
provide a Utility Plan to the P B S Director and Public Works for review and approval The
Utility Plan must demonstrate that all on -site utilities, including fiber optic utility lines from
each building to the public right -of -way, are placed underground The applicant must
assume the costs for the relocation of all utilities, without limitation, light poles, electrical
vaults, and fire hydrants within the Project Area or Project Site Before the issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy for each building that is the subject of the Building Permit, the
applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director and the Director of Public Works that
the approved Utility Plan improvements has been installed and appropriate access provided
per the approved plan
70 Before the issuance of the first Building Permit for the Project Area, the applicant must
provide evidence to the P B S Director and the Director of Public Works that proposed utility
service improvements will be of a quality reasonably acceptable to the P B S Director The
developer must encourage and promote a high quality, efficient, and sustainable
development through the incorporation and utilization of the best and most cost - effective
electrical, natural gas, communications, sewage handling, water conservation, and solid
waste disposal equipment and systems Compliance with this measure must be verified by
the P B S Director before Building Permit issuance
71 On -site utilities on private property within the project site, including without limitation, storm
drains, stormwater detention basins, water and sewer mains, must be owned and
maintained by the developer and a connection point to a public main established
72 Before the issuance of a building permit, the applicant must obtain utility easements for the
utilities located on private property within the Project Area that cross through adjacent
private property and /or utilities that are used or shared by two or more parcels
73 Encroachment Permits for work in the public right -of -way must be obtained from the
Engineering Division of the Public Works Department A Grading Permit is also required
when import or export of dirt exceeds fifty cubic yards
74 Overload permits are required for dirt and material hauling on City streets
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75 No material storage is allowed in the public right -of -way except by Encroachment Permit
issued by the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department If material storage is
allowed in the public right -of -way, it must be confined to parkway areas and street parking
areas, as long as safe and adequate pedestrian and vehicular passage is maintained at all
times as determined by the Engineering Division Storage beyond these areas in the public
right -of -way requires prior approval of the Public Works Director and must be limited to a
maximum period of 24 hours
76 Before the issuance of the first Building Permit for the Project Area, the applicant must
submit Street and Public Right -of -Way Improvement Plans for review and approval to the
Director of Public Works and P B S Director Said plans must include any required
dedications and sidewalks in accordance with City standards necessary for the building that
is the subject of the Permit Sidewalks are required on both sides of all public streets within
the Project Area Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for each building that is
the subject of the Permit, the applicant must dedicate any required right -of -way and install
all sidewalks in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the City Alternatively,
the applicant may submit Street and Public Right -of -Way Improvement Plans, if required, for
a Project Area or a number of buildings at one time if that group of buildings will be
completed within a reasonable time period of each other
77 The Los Angeles County Sanitation District requires a Bwldover Permit for construction over
its sewer easements The applicant must demonstrate through its Grading Plans in the
Project Area that all alterations to final sewer easements, relocation of sewer manholes, and
rights of way must be in accordance with relevant Bwldover Permit(s) to allow the
construction of the proposed project and other project components over any sewer
easements Before the issuance of the affected Grading Permits for the proposed project,
the applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director that any necessary Buldover
Permit(s) has been obtained or the easement(s) has been relocated
78 Before issuance of the first building permit
the existing sewer laterals that connect to
circuit television (CCTV) to determine the
serve the project
in the Project Area, the applicant must inspect
the City sewer mains in the area with closed
condition of the existing infrastructure that will
79 If new sewer laterals are required and constructed in the public right -of -way, they must be a
minimum of six inches inside diameter Material must be "vitreous clay pipe " Each lateral
must have a six -inch clean -out brought to grade at the property line and securely capped A
B9 size box must be placed around the clean -out for protection The box must have a cover
properly marked with the word "sewer" If in a traffic area, the cover must be traffic
approved All elevations of planned sewer connections must be reviewed and approved by
the Director of Public Works before starting construction Existing sewer laterals must be
plugged at the sewer mainline and capped at the property line Existing six -inch wyes may
be reused if approved by the Director of Public Works Any required sewer laterals must be
installed before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the building to be served
80 If any off -site upgrades are required due to changes in the proposed peak demands in
sewer services, a program for the implementation of the upgrades must be provided to
demonstrate capacity availability before occupancy Before the issuance of a Certificate of
Occupancy for each building within a Project Area, the applicant must provide evidence to
the P B S Director that adequate sewer capacity is available to accommodate the building
12/15/04 21
that is the subject of such Certificate of Occupancy Alternatively, the applicant may submit
any sewer upgrade plans, if required, for a Project Area or a number of buildings at one time
if that group of buildings will be completed within a reasonable time period of each other
81 If any off -site upgrades are required due to changes in the proposed peak demands in water
and wastewater service, a program for the implementation of the upgrades must be
provided to demonstrate capacity availability before occupancy Before the issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy for each budding within a Project Area, the applicant must provide
evidence to the P B S Director that adequate water and wastewater capacity is available to
accommodate the budding that is the subject of such Certificate of Occupancy
Alternatively, the applicant may submit any water and wastewater upgrade plans, if required,
for a Project Area or a number of buildings at one time if that group of buildings will be
completed within a reasonable time period of each other
82 Before issuance of a first Certificate of Occupancy for any budding in the Project Area north
of the Union Pacific Railroad right -of -way, the applicant must replace the 15 -inch sewer line
located to the north of the project site with an 18 -inch sewer line as depicted on the Phase 1
Utility Layout plan
83 Businesses that generate fats, oils, or greases are required to install grease interceptors
with a minimum 30- minute retention period on appropriate sewer connections
84 Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for each building within the Project Area,
the applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director and the Director of Public Works
that the appropriate additional on -site water and wastewater improvements as identified by
the El Segundo Water and Wastewater Division, or an equivalent service provider, have
been installed Such additional measures must include separate services for potable and fire
water systems, a separate water meter for each building, and potable system to be a
combined irrigation and domestic, or separated into domestic and irrigation meters
Separate fire services with double detector check valves and backflow preventers are
required Upon completion of the site plan, the exact size and number of fire lines will be
determined Alternatively, the applicant may submit any improvement plans, if required, for a
number of buildings at one time if that group of buildings will be completed within a
reasonable time period of each other
85 If any off -site upgrades are required due to changes in the proposed peak demands for
telecommunication services, a program for the implementation of the upgrades must be
provided to demonstrate capacity availability before occupancy Before issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy for each budding within the Project Area, the applicant must
provide evidence to the P B S Director and the Director of Public Works that adequate
facilities are available to accommodate the building that is the subject of such Certificate of
Occupancy Alternatively, the applicant may submit any improvement plans, if required, for
a number of buildings at one time if that group of buildings will be completed within a
reasonable time period of each other
86 Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for each building within the Project Area,
the applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director and the Director of Public Works
that any appropriate additional improvements for on -site telecommunication services as
identified by Pacific Bell, or an equivalent service provider, have been installed to
accommodate the budding that is the subject of such Certificate of Occupancy If the existing
12/15/04 22
facilities serve adjacent properties, the services may require relocation Alternatively, the
applicant may submit any improvement plans, if required, for a number of buildings at one
time if that group of buildings will be completed within a reasonable time period of each
87 If any off -site upgrades are required due to changes in the proposed peak demands in
natural gas service, a program for the implementation of the upgrades must be provided to
demonstrate capacity availability before occupancy Before the issuance of a Certificate of
Occupancy for each budding within the Protect Area, the applicant must provide evidence to
the P B S Director and the Director of Public Works that adequate facilities are available to
accommodate the building that is the subject of such Certificate of Occupancy Compliance
with this measure must be verified by the P B S Director before permit issuance
Alternatively, the applicant may submit any improvement plans, if required, for a number of
buildings at one time if that group of buildings will be completed within a reasonable time
period of each other
88 Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for each budding within the Protect Area,
the applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director and the Director of Public Works
that any appropriate additional on -site natural gas service improvements as identified by
The Gas Company, or an equivalent service provider, have been installed to accommodate
the building that is the subject of such Certificate of Occupancy Compliance with this
measure must be verified by the P B S Director and before the issuance of the Certificate of
Occupancy Alternatively, the applicant may submit any improvement plans, if required, for a
number of buildings at one time if that group of buildings will be completed within a
reasonable time period of each other
89 If any off -site upgrades are required due to changes in the proposed peak demands for
electrical service, a program for the implementation of the upgrades must be provided to
demonstrate capacity availability before occupancy Before the issuance of a Certificate of
Occupancy for each building within the Project Area, the applicant must provide evidence to
the P B S Director and the Director of Public Works that adequate facilities are available to
accommodate the building that is the subject of such Certificate of Occupancy Alternatively,
the applicant may submit any improvement plans, if required, for a number of buildings at
one time if that group of buildings will be completed within a reasonable time period of each
90 Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for each building within the Protect Area,
the applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director and the Director of Public Works
that any appropriate additional on -site electrical service improvements as identified by The
Edison Company, or an equivalent service provider, have been installed to accommodate
the building that is the subject of such Certificate of Occupancy Alternatively, the applicant
may submit any improvement plans, if required, for a number of buildings at one time if that
group of buildings will be completed within a reasonable time period of each other
91 Before the issuance of the first Building Permit for each building within the Protect Area, the
applicant must submit Off -site Reclaimed Water Facility Plans to the P B S Director and the
Director of Public Works for review and approval Said plans for the off -site improvements
12/15/04 23
must include an approval from West Basin Municipal Water District, the supplier of
reclaimed water
92 Before the issuance of a Budding Permit for each building within the Project Area, the
applicant must submit Final Working Drawings that incorporate On -site Irrigation Plans to
the P B S Director and the Director of Public Works for review and approval Such plans
must indicate that reclaimed water must be utilized in the irrigation systems for all landscape
areas and other uses, as approved by the Department of Public Works, when available from
the West Basin Municipal Water District or other supplier of reclaimed water Such plans
must include the installation of a dual water line system on -site to accommodate distribution
of potable water for landscaping until reclaimed water for landscaping becomes available for
the Project Area In addition to the utilization of reclaimed water for irrigation, other water
conservation features such as low -flow devices and automated shut -offs must be included
throughout the Project Site Water management systems must include both water
conservation and wastewater reduction features
93 Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for each building within the Project Area,
the applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director and the Director of Public Works
that the connection with the City's reclaimed water system has been provided, the approved
water management systems and water - saving devices have been incorporated into project
development, and that the water facilities have been installed per the approved plans If the
water provider is unable to make reclaimed water available before the issuance of the
Certificate of Occupancy, then potable water may be utilized and the Certificate of
Occupancy must be issued
94 The applicant must install a loop water distribution system for the Project Site with service
connections to each of the water mains in the streets surrounding the project, subject to the
review and approval of the Director of Public Works Before the issuance of each Building
Permit in the Project Area, the applicant must submit a construction phasing plan for the
water service, which must include, without limitation, how the budding which is the subject of
the permit will be connected to the looped water distribution system
95 Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for each building within the Project Area,
the applicant must pay the applicable water meter installation fees Compliance with this
measure must be verified by the P B S Director before issuance of the Certificate of
96 Before the issuance of a Budding Permit for each budding within the Project Area, the
applicant must pay the applicable sewer connection fees and charges Compliance with this
measure must be verified by the P B S Director before Permit issuance
97 Before the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy for a budding in the Project Area,
those areas not already part of County Sanitation District must be annexed to County
Sanitation District No 5
98 The Developer must defend, indemnify and hold the City and its elected and appointed
officials, officers, employees and agents harmless from and against any claims, legal or
equitable actions, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorney's fees), injuries, or
ti 4...,
12115104 24
liability of whatsoever kind or nature, arising from the City's approval of the project, Including
but not limited to the CEQA determination, General Plan Amendment, Zoning Code
Amendment and /or the Tentative Tract Map approval
99 Mar Ventures, Inc must acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the Project Conditions by
executing the acknowledgement below
By signing this document, Mar Ventures, Inc certify that they have read, understood, and
agrees to the Project Conditions listed In this document and represents and warrants that It has
the authority to execute this document on behalf of the property owner and acknowledges that
the conditions set forth above shall run with the land and be binding upon all owners and
occupants of the land
Mar Ventures, Inc
Allan Mackenzie
Its President
{If Corporation or similar entity, needs two officer signatures or evidence that one signature
binds the company}
P \Planning & Budding SafeW PROJECTS\526- 650 \EA - 631 \Council Agenda Packet\2 -15 -05 hearing \Honeywell Conditions of
Approval CC doc
12/15/04 25
City of El Segundo
Inter - Departmental Correspondence
April 12, 2004
To: Jim Hansen, Director of Community, omic & Development Services
From: Jack Wayt, Chief of Police
Subject: Environmental Assessment EA -No 631
Address 850 S Sepulveda Blvd
Applicant MAR Ventures
Property Owner Honeywell, General Chemical, Air Products,
Kramer & Co and others
The Police Department's has revised some of the comments stated in the
December 10, 2003 memo There is also a revision to the lighting requirements
listed in the Crime Prevention Checklist The revised Checklist is attached for
your convenience
As the plans are still in the conceptual stages, it is difficult to make
recommendations until speck businesses or types of business are
identified and studied as to their relationship with one another.
However, in reviewing the schematic master plan, the following are the
preliminary comments from the Police Department
Attached please find a "Crime Prevention Checklist' to use as general, but not
site - speck guidelines
Historically, malls and strips centers where parking spaces are to the rear of
the businesses experience came problems Consumers and employees are
not comfortable parking and walking in this area because it is remote and
secluded This leaves the area free for legitimized loitering, thus resulting in
crimes such as rape, robbery, drug transactions, vandalism, theft and
prostitution It is recommended the parking behind buildings Al through A6
be eliminated and moved to the front
o If Al and A6 have glass windows surrounding three sides of these
businesses, the parking spaces that wrap around them could remain
because the windows will provide natural surveillance by store
Door viewers, specifically for fire -rated doors, shall be installed in the rear
entrance /delivery doors of all businesses
"No loitering" signs should be posted along the backside of the buildings
(2 4CJ
850 S Sepulveda Blvd
Police Department comments
Page Two
• For the employees' personal safety, individual store leases should not require
employees to park in the back during hours of darkness
• Trash dumpsters should be placed away from the back doors of the
businesses to prevent employee theft
• The entire project shall be lighted with a maintained minimum of one
footcandle of light during hours of darkness See the Crime Prevention
Checklist for details
• A wall shall be used to separate this project from the businesses along
Hughes and Allied Ways
• Depending on the time of delivery, delivery trucks trying to access building A7
may pose a danger to pedestrians using the rear parking area
• The plans note stairs in buildings A4 and A7 If the stairs are not contained
within the individual stores, stairwell recommendations listed in the Crime
Prevention Check list may be required
• Where will the delivery doors be located for the restaurants?
• To prevent burglaries, roof ladders should be situated within the individual
• What type of activity will be occurring at the public amenities /park? How will
this area be secured after hours to prevent loitering?
• The wall along the north side of the property shall continue along the east
property line behind budding A -7 This will to keep public amenity users from
parking behind A -7, using the open /well -Id parking spaces instead
Traffic Division (Sat Al Graham)
• For access, easement and traffic flow during peak hours Allied Way should be
pushed through or propose to be pushed through to Rosecrans The same
should apply from Sepulveda Blvd. to Allied Way
City of El Segundo
TO: Jim Hansen, Director of Community, Economic & Development Services
FROM: Laurie Risk, Crime Prevention Specialist
SUBJECT Police Department Crime Prevention & Security Checklist
The following checklist is r:FNFRAL INFORMATION on budding security and crime prevention
issues from the El Segundo Police Department Because each project is different and unique,
no single list could possibly cover every situation It is the project designer's responsibility to
obtain specific guidelines from the El Segundo Police on crime prevention as it relates to his /her
specific project
t IGHT/Nr.
Each project will require individual lighting needs according to its usage and location (i a the
different lighting needs between a gas station, Industrial, commercial, light retail, parking lots or
structures, fast food, etc) General lighting guidelines may begin as follows During hours of
darkness, a maintained minimum of one footcandle of light on the ground surface shall be
provided around all sides of any building(s) and parking structure(s), open parking lots, carports
and guest parking Wall packs shall be placed over shipping /receiving doors and trash
dumpsters with one footcandle minimum maintained Aisles, passageways and recesses
related to and within all sides of the building complex shall be illuminated with a maintained
minimum of 25- 50 footcandles during hours of darkness Lighting devices shall be enclosed
and protected by weather and vandal resistant covers
Depending on the size of the project and its location in relation to the street, the address needs
may vary from a minimum of 6" to as much as 24" Street numbers should be visible from the
street, of contrasting color to the background and illuminated during hours of darkness Any
building (residential, commercial, industrial, retail, etc ) which has alley access, shall have
additional addressing on the alley side The alley addressing shall meet the same requirements
as stated above
Entrances and exits shall be limited to keep control and visibility of the building
Bike racks shall be located in a busy, well -lit location This will provide optimum security for
persons and property
All landscaping shall be low profile around perimeter fencing, windows, doors and entryways
taking special care not to limit visibility and provide climbing access Floral or grass ground
cover is recommended Bushes shall be trimmed to 1 to 2 feet and away from buildings
Dense bushes should not be clumped together, this provides a hiding place for criminal activity
Trees should be trimmed up to 7 feet
Although berms are aesthetically pleasing, they do conceal any natural surveillance into a
facility and its parking lot by patrol and passersby 13erms have always been known to provide
criminals with the opportunity for concealment in order to commit crimes Therefore, berms,
especially those with landscaping on top would not be recommended
Although berms are aesthetically pleasing, they do conceal natural surveillance into a facility by
passersby and patrol, and they provide criminals with the opportunity for concealment in order
to comma crimes Therefore, berms, especially those with landscaping on top would not be
All main entry doors (including entry doors from a garage into a residence) shall be of solid core
construction with a minimum thickness of 1 3/4 inches (Commercial, retail and industrial doors
may be constructed of metal, 1 3/4" thick)
Entry doors shall have a deadbolt locking device The deadbolt throw shall have a
1 -inch projection The cylinder guard shall be of case hardened steel, with the outer edge
angled or tapered and free spinning The exterior part of the lock shall be connected to the
inside portion of the lock with bolts at least 1/4 inch in diameter and constructed of steel The
locking mechanism shall contain a minimum of a 5 -pm tumbler
Main entry doors with glass constructed in or within 40 inches (including windows along the side
of the entry door) of the locking mechanism should either reverse the swing of the door if a
window is positioned within 40 inches of the locking mechanism, OR reverse the position of the
window to be opposite the locking mechanism, OR all glass should be replaced with
polycarbonate materials, or of fully tempered glass, or rated burglary resistant glazing
All doors accessible from a corridor shall be of solid core construction and be equipped with a
deadbolt lock
A panoramic door viewer (180 -190 degrees) shall be installed in each main entry door, delivery
doors and entry doors off a corridor or hallway
Strike plates shall be made with a minimum 16 U.S gauge steel, bronze or brass and secured
to the lamb by a minimum of two screws, off -set and which must penetrate at least 2 inches into
solid backing beyond the surface to which the strike plate is attached
Sliding glass doors shall have a secondary locking device (i a locked by a key or a
twisting /tummg devicelCharhe bar) This device shall limit any up and down or sideways
movement while the window is in the closed /locked position
Double or french doors shall have a secondary locking device, such as a cane or flush bolt in
addition to a deadbolt The inactive leaf of double door(s) shall be equipped with metal flush
bolts having a minimum embedment of 5/8 inch into the head and threshold of the door frame
A latch guard shall be placed over double glass entry doors
Perimeter walls shall be a minimum height of 6 feet street side and of solid construction Walls
shall limit climbing access (i e, concrete walls shall not have varied sections were decorative
blocks allow for stepping over the wall or part of the wall consists of wrought iron) Wood,
wrought iron, steel tubular or mesh perimeters shall bp 6 feet high and all horizontal members
shall be on the inside of the perimeter Where wrought iron or steel tubular fencing is used,
the horizontal members shall run along the top and bottom portion of the fence Wrought iron
or steel tubular fencing is always recommended around a perimeter as it provides maximum
visibility Chamlink fencing shall not have plastic or metal slats weaved within it This limits
visibility into the facility
Trash dumpsters shall be enclosed with wrought iron or steel tubular fencing All dumpsters not
enclosed this way shall be constructed in a way which fully encloses the dumpster (roofing
connected to the side walls) Fencing shall be locked and a wall pack or light standard directly
over the dumpster This will provide employees maximum visibility when they are taking out
trash during hours of darkness
As internal theft is a large percentage of the loss to industry, employee parking should not be
located by shipping /receiving docks or dumpsters
Permanently affixed ladders leading to roofs shall be fully enclosed with sheet metal to a height
of 10 feet This covering shall be locked against the ladder with a case - hardened hasp,
secured with non - removable screws or bolts Hinges on the cover will be provided with non -
removable pins when using pin -type hinges If a padlock is used, it shall have a hardened steel
shackle, locking at both heel and toe, and a minimum 5- pin tumbler operation with a non -
removable key when in an unlocked position
2 J.;
Loading docks shall have wall packs placed directly over the roll -up door Roll -up door(s)
should have two interior locking devices located on each side of the door (padlocks or cane
bolts can be used)
Loading docks shall have wall packs placed directly over the roll -up door Roll -up door(s)
should have two interior locking devices located on each side of the door (padlocks or cane
bolts can be used) A V x5" vision panel can be installed in the roll -up door
Entry and exit should be limited to one area for control and observation If there is more than
one entry or exit, a card access system should be used
• perimeter wall or fencing should fully enclose the first floor to limit access
• transitional lighting plan shall be established, with every level therein Lighting fixtures shall
be placed over vehicles vs down aisles Florescent, high- pressure sodium or mercury vapor
lighting is recommended
Condo parking- Units having common parking should have numbered or lettered spaces, which
do not correspond to the unit number
Parking structures with numerous parking levels extended below the ground floor inhibit police
patrol from dispatching additional units for help when dealing with criminal activity Parking
structures shall be designed in such a way as to incorporate communication that will enhance
two -way radio transmissions
Wherever possible, elevators and stairs shall be located on the perimeter to permit natural
surveillance from exterior public areas via glass back elevators and glass around stairs and
elevator lobbies Openness will enhance natural surveillance and provide natural ventilation
Openness on two sides would be an-acceptable minimum, four sides is preferable
Exit doors from the parking structure should be "Emergency Only" with panic hardware There
should be no hardware on the exterior
Lighting of Parking C r u _t r
REVISED Passing from light to dark areas creates a problem for drivers because of the eye's
inability to adjust rapidly Therefore, a transitional lighting plan within the parking structure shall
be established with a maintained minimum of two footcandles of light on the ground surface
Light must be put into the edges of parking stalls rather than just onto driving aisles Lighting
fixtures should be placed over vehicles vs down aisles Florescent, high- pressure sodium or
mercury vapor lighting is recommended
2J -,
Passing from light to dark areas creates a problem for drivers because of the eye's inability to
adjust rapidly It is also imperative to get light into the edges of parking stalls rather than dust
onto driving aisles A transitional lighting plan within the parking structure shall be established
with a minimum maintained of two foot candles of light on the surface
White staining concrete is a cost - effective method of increasing general brightness, and when
applied to ceilings, walls and beam soffits, reflects light, thereby increasing uniformity and
creating a sense of well -being
Large complexes such as, but not limited to, hotels shall have a site directory placed at
entrances, stairwells, elevators, in courtyards and in parking lots Appropriate room numbering
and lettering shall be affixed to the building
Directories located at entrances and in parking lots shall be large enough for patrol and guests
seated in a car to read
Pool area shall be enclosed with barred fencing, a minimum of 6 feet high for safety and
Public phones shall not be located in a remote area of the protect Such locations encourage
loitering and drug transactions Public telephones shall be "call out" only
Security cameras should be placed, monitored and recorded by shipping, receiving dock areas,
cash handling areas, counting areas, vital access doors, parking lots, cash registers, drive -up
windows and driveways and ANY OTHER AREAS DEEMED NECESSARY
Cameras should monitor and record. - vehicle occupants and the license plate number as they
enter /exit, vital access doors, loading docks and lobbies
Panic/robbery alarms shall be installed in, but not limited to, all cash handling areas, registers,
box offices, cash counting areas, reception desks or guest counters
Contractors who install home security alarms systems, be they audible or monitored by a
security company, shall inform the perspective residents that an alarm permit is required by the
City of El Segundo and a False Alarm Ordinance is enforced by the El Segundo Police
Security personnel may be requested to be stationed in certain areas of the project to provide
additional or necessary security
Counter cache units should be installed by registers and a safe in the manager's office All
safes should be anchored in concrete and cache drops anchored to the counter
Signs should be placed on front doors stating the premise has a time drop safe or counter
cache drop in use
All coolers shall be equipped with an interior unlocking or release mechanism in the event
employees are locked inside during a robbery
Depending on the project, bullet resistant enclosures may be required
Public restrooms should be locked Entrance can be made by asking for a token or key
Outdoor benches and tables should be constructed in such a way (curved) as to limit the
number of people seated at one time or for long penods of time This will discourage loitering
These benches and tables should be positioned in such a way as to provide natural surveillance
of the parking lots
Ail cash registers shall be clearly visible from the street and bolted down to the counter
Aisles between gondolas shall be designed so that personnel can clearly see in all directions
Gondolas shall not be so high as to obstruct personnel's view of interior
Decorative seating walls shall be no higher than 3 feet and should be angled and constructed of
material which limits sitting time and deters loitering
Menu order boards should be elevated approximately 2 -3 feet Round tube steel pipes should
be used as support beams.
Depending on the project, certain cashier stations should be elevated for maximum visibility
ATMs shall follow those set forth per the California guidelines
� r u�
Hotels /motels shall install a changeable electronic key card locking system for guest room and
specific rooms (i a laundry, gymnasium, etc )
Depending on the project, a buzz -in system may be required to secure specific areas or
Counter tops for cash registers and service -type desks with a smooth finish such as glass,
polished granite or marble enables evidence technicians to lift fingerprints and palm prints after
a crime has been committed
The landscaping around the island of the booth shall be ground cover only
The booth shall be lit on all sides with a minimum of one footcandle of light The lighting shall
be installed and angled out in such a way that it does not present a glare on the glass limiting
the attendant's visibility to the immediate surrounding area or out to the street
A mirror shall be installed on the interior of the booth This will allow the attendant to see who
may be coming from behind them
A camera(s) should be installed. The camera(s) should be angled in such a way as to capture
license plate numbers and facial images as the guests are conversing with the parking
A drop safe /time release safe should be installed Signs should then be posted that state a
If the attendant is taking in tokens and parking tickets only, signs should be posted stating "NO
The attendant should have a radio, phone or panic alarm in which to make contact with security
personnel in the event of an emergency
Issues which the Traffic Division would be concerned with, but are not limited to an adequate
number of parking spaces per users, location of loading dock areas in relation to project traffic
flow or street traffic flow, the project's impact on street traffic (i a additional signals, traffic,
signage, etc ), driveways, ingress and egress locations
The City Council of the City of El Segundo does ordain as follows
SECTION 1 The City Council finds and declares that
A On November 17, 2003, Mar Ventures, Inc filed an application for an
Environmental Assessment (EA -631), General Plan Amendment (GPA
No 03 -4), Zone Change (ZC No 03 -2) and Subdivision (SUB 03 -7,
Vesting Tentative Tract Map No 061630) to redesignate and rezone an
approximately 54 9 -acre property at the northeast corner of Sepulveda
Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue On June 28, 2004 and July 26, 2004,
Mar Ventures, Inc filed additional applications requesting a Zone Text
Amendment (ZTA No 04 -2) and Development Agreement (DA No 03 -1)
If these matters are approved, the applicant proposes to develop a
425,000 square foot shopping center, known as Plaza El Segundo,
B On November 13, 2003, the City of El Segundo filed an application for a
General Plan Amendment (GPA No 03 -5) and Zone Change (ZC No 03-
3) to redesignate and rezoning an approximately 30 -acre property at the
northeast corner of Sepulveda Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue from
Heavy Industrial (M -2) to Commercial Center (C -4) On April 26, 2004, the
City of El Segundo filed an application requesting a Zone Text
Amendment (ZTA No 04 -1) to amend the El Segundo Municipal Code
C The applications from Mar Ventures, Inc and the City of El Segundo were
reviewed by the City's Planning and Building Safety Department for, in
part, consistency with the General Plan and conformity with the El
Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC "),
D In addition, the City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under
the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§
21000, et seq , "CEQA "), the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal
Code of Regulations § §15000, et seq , the "CEQA Guidelines "),
E An Initial Study was prepared pursuant to the requirements of CEQA The
Initial Study demonstrated that the project could cause significant
environmental impacts Accordingly, a Draft Program /Project
Environmental Impact Report ( "DEIR ") was prepared and circulated for
public review and comment between October 5, 2004 and November 19,
F The Planning and Budding Safety Department completed its review and
scheduled a special public hearing regarding the application before the
Planning Commission for November 15, 2004,
G On November 15, 2004 the Commission held a special public hearing to
receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the applications
including, without limitation, information provided to the Commission by
City Staff, public testimony, and representatives of Mar Ventures, Inc , and
continued the public hearing to December 15, 2004,
H On December 15, 2004, the Planning Commission held the continued
public hearing and adopted Resolution No 2575 recommending City
Council approval of Environmental Assessment No 631, Development
Agreement No 03 -1, General Plan Amendment No 03 -4 & 03 -5, Zone
Change No 03 -2 & 03 -3, Zone Text Amendment No 04 -1, and
Subdivision No 03 -7 (Vesting Tentative Tract No 061630),
On February 15, 2005 the City Council held a public hearing and
considered the information provided by City staff, public testimony and
Mar Ventures, Inc, and adopted Resolution No _ approving
Environmental Assessment No 631 and General Plan Amendment No
03 -4 & 03 -5,
J This Ordinance and its findings are made based upon the testimony and
evidence presented to the Council at its February 15, 2005 hearing
including, without limitation, the staff report submitted by the Planning and
Building Safety Department
SECTION 2 Factual Findings The City Council finds that the following facts exist
A The approximately 110 -acre irregularly shaped subject property is located
in the southern portion of the City of El Segundo The site is comprised of
13 separate parcels of varying sizes, ranging from 1 8 acres to 29 2 acres
The entire subject property is roughly bounded by Hughes Way to the
north, Douglas Street to the east, Rosecrans Avenue to the south, and
Sepulveda Boulevard to the west
B The majority of the site was historically devoted to industrial chemical
manufacturing facilities Honeywell International, Inc and General
Chemical, and their predecessors in interest, had operational facilities on
the site until 2003 At that time the facilities were closed and demolished
� J ;j
for resale and reuse Remediation activities for on -site sod contamination
has also commenced on the Honeywell International property
C A 7 -acre portion of the site along Rosecrans Avenue is currently used by
Air Products Inc for the production of industrial gases Air Products also
owns an 8 9 -acre vacant parcel of land in the interior of the project site
D Other current uses of the project site include a lumber yard operated by
Learned Lumber on land leased from the Los Angeles County
Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) at the east end of the protect
site Foundation remains from a brass foundry building are located in the
north east end of the project site on a portion of an 11 -acre property
owned by H Kramer & Company Additionally, the elevated Metro Green
Line light rail traverses the property in a north -south alignment near the
east end of the project site
E The proposed redesignation and rezoning of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Site Rezoning would change the General Plan land use designation of
approximately 85 8 gross acres of the 110 -acre subject property to a new
Commercial Center designation and rezone the area to a new Commercial
Center (C -4) Zone
F As applied to the whole of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning, the
proposed Commercial Center land use designation and C -4 zoning would
permit up to 850,000 square feet of commercial shopping center
development within approximately 85 8 -acre site The proposed FAR for
the Commercial Center land use designation is 0 275 1
G The existing lumber distribution use (Learned Lumber) that is presently
located within the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would also retain
its current Light Industrial (M -1) zoning classification The land on which
the lumber yard sits is expected to be reconfigured in the future to
accommodate the realignment of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe
railroad tracks It is anticipated that the size of the lumber yard will remain
comparable to today
H As part of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning the Air Products facility
may also relocate to a new smaller facility on the portion of the project site
that will remain zoned Heavy Industrial (M -2)
The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning project anticipates possible
expansion of an existing recreational vehicle (RV) storage facility located
on H Kramer & Company property within the boundaries of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning project area
J The applicants are not requesting entitlements for 66 7 gross acres that
are part of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning, but not included with
the proposed Plaza El Segundo development The Program DEIR
identifies the additional environmental evaluation required for developing
those 66 7 acres
K The proposed Plaza El Segundo would be constructed on approximately
43 3 gross acres within the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and
would implement the new C -4 zoning on that portion of the site The
proposed Plaza El Segundo would be located on approximately 37 3
gross acres located north of the Union Pacific Railroad tracks and
approximately 4 7 gross acres located immediately at the northeast corner
of Sepulveda Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue
L The proposed Plaza El Segundo project is a shopping center of up to
425,000 square feet The shopping center would contain large retail
stores, specialty retail, and other uses which could include a fitness
center, spa, and a variety of sit -down restaurants and fast food
restaurants The types of retail tenant categories could include a Whole
Foods grocery store, home improvement, department store, electronics
and appliances, home furnishings, pet supply, books, soft goods and
sporting goods
M The proposed shopping center would consist of several one- and two -
story buildings with a maximum height of 65 feet All development within
the proposed Plaza El Segundo would conform to the C-4 development
N The proposed FAR for this development would be 0 2756 1 based on
425,000 square feet of development on 38 1 net acres The proposed
subdivision of the Plaza El Segundo site would include 20 parcels These
parcels would range from 0 5 to 5 5 acres in size As a result, FARs on
individual parcels may range from approximately 0 00 1 to 0 49 1
O The proposed C -4 Zone would provide for the transfer of density rights
within the development area to insure that the overall density of the site is
consistent with the C -4 Zoning Any donor parcels for FAR purposes will
have covenants recorded stating the maximum FAR permitted on the
P The full buildout of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning includes an
extension of Park Place (a four -lane east -west street) from its current
terminus at Nash Street that would connect to Sepulveda Boulevard The
roadway extension would include a signalized intersection at Sepulveda
Boulevard south of Hughes Way The roadway would also include a grade
separation structure to allow the roadway to pass beneath the Union
�, 6 1
-4- `- i
Pacific Railroad and realigned Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad
tracks that bisect the project site
Q Primary ingress and egress to the proposed Plaza El Segundo would be
provided from Sepulveda Boulevard via a new traffic signal halfway
between Hughes Way and Rosecrans Avenue The eastern leg of this
intersection will be served by the new east -west Park Place roadway
extension, constructed to El Segundo roadway standards consistent with
the adopted Circulation Element
R A second new roadway extension would be constructed to roadway
standards consistent with the Circulation Element of the City's General
Plan in a north -south alignment to connect the new segment of Park Place
to Hughes Way via Allied Way, which presently terminates at the northern
boundary of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
S The Plaza El Segundo portion of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
is proposed to be constructed as one phase Construction is expected to
commence in 2005 and to be completed in 2007
T An interim on -site stormwater retention pond would be constructed within
the proposed Plaza El Segundo site to retain storm water runoff Portions
of an existing 42 -inch reclaimed water line that crosses the site from north
to south approximately 5 to 7 feet below the existing ground surface may
be relocated The proposed Plaza El Segundo would connect into the
existing water and sewer lines
U Parking for the Plaza El Segundo portion of the Sepulveda/ Rosecrans
Site Rezoning is proposed to be located in surface parking lots that will
surround the proposed shopping center buildings Based on a total of
425,000 square feet, including 380,000 square feet of commercial /retail
space and 45,000 square feet of restaurant floor area in the Plaza El
Segundo development as described in the Environmental Impact Report,
1,580 parking spaces are required The developer proposes to provide
2,164 parking spaces, which exceeds the City's parking requirements
SECTION 3 Zone Change Findings Based on the factual findings of this Ordinance,
the proposed Zone Change is necessary to carry out the proposed project because the
proposed General Plan Amendment would change the land use classification on
portions of the project site from Heavy Industrial to Commercial Center The proposed
Zone Change is necessary to maintain consistency with the proposed General Plan
land uses designation of Commercial Center
SECTION 4 Zone Text Amendment Findings Based on the factual findings of this
Ordinance, the proposed Zone Text Amendment is necessary to carry out the proposed
project to create the proposed Commercial Center (C -4) Zone, which would allow
-5- c. �)
commercial development of the project site Without an amendment to the ESMC, the
current zoning would not permit commercial development An amendment to add
Chapter 5 -5G to the ESMC is necessary for consistency with the General Plan
Additionally, ESMC § 15 -15 -6 is proposed to be revised to establish loading area
development standards for the proposed C-4 Zone An amendment to ESMC § 15 -3 -1
to list the C -4 as a zoning classification within the City is necessary for consistency with
the General Plan
SECTION 5 Development Agreement Findings The project approved as part of the
Development Agreement would be as generally described in Section 2 above Pursuant
to City Council Resolution No 3268, adopted June 26, 1984, the City Council finds that
A The project is consistent with the objectives, policies, general land uses,
and programs specified in the general plan and any applicable specific
plan The Development Agreement would provide the following public
benefits, in addition to the other rights and benefits flowing to the City
through the Agreement, in exchange for valuable development rights
(eight -year entitlement)
1 Development of a property that is currently vacant and
2 The project would facilitate the environmental remediation of
existing subsurface soil and groundwater contamination on and
around the property associated with the previous use of the project
3 Re- designation and rezoning of industrial property for more
productive commercial uses
4 Elimination of blighted areas and providing an attractive urban
5 Increasing and further stabilizing the City's tax base through
development of new commercial businesses
6 Providing both short-term construction employment and long -term
employment (approximately 952 jobs would be associated with the
Plaza El Segundo Development) within the City of El Segundo
7 Increase in employment opportunities for the City's residents
8 The Plaza El Segundo Development will add to the diversification of
the economic base in the City by providing for new larger format
retail uses and services that do not currently exist in the City
9 The development will provide significant fiscal benefit to the City by
generating additional business license and sales tax revenue for
the City's General Fund
10 Increasing City revenues through the generation of taxes that
outweigh the City cost of services
11 The Plaza El Segundo Development is estimated to generate an
annual net fiscal benefit (revenues versus City expenses) that
would range from approximately $1,254,983 to $1,980,775 in the
-6- �. h
first year of operation, rising to a range of approximately
$1,520,608 to $2,413,241 in the eighth year of operation
12 The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning is immediately adjacent
to the 2,000,000 square -foot Continental Park office development ,
the 2,000,000 square -foot Raytheon campus, and other office
buildings along the Rosecrans Avenue commercial corridor The
proposed project will provide additional retail uses and services to
these employment centers
13 Development of a project that is consistent with the Elements of the
General Plan as set forth in Resolution No
14 The project would provide a comprehensive and coordinated
design of the entire protect site, including landscape amenities to
substantially improve the aesthetic appearance of the site and the
surrounding area
15 The project would reduce the maximum permitted floor area ratio
on the property from 0 6 1 to 0 275 1
16 Funding planned on -site and off -site Circulation Element
improvements, including new and widened roadways, intersections,
signals, medians and landscaping in the project vicinity at no cost
to the City
17 The project will include the construction of two new roadways (Park
Place and Allied Way extensions) that will further the City's goal of
implementing the 2004 Circulation Element Master Plan of Streets
and improving the circulation system in the southeast quadrant of
the City
18 The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development will include the widening of Sepulveda Boulevard on
the east side of the street to provide acceleration and deceleration
lanes to serve the project and widening a portion of the north side
of Rosecrans Avenue to provide a dedicated right -turn lane The
developer will dedicate property for the lane widening providing a
public benefit to the entire City
19 Expansion of the planned ITS network that will increase its
effectiveness in relieving congestion
20 Contribution of $1,500,000 to City aquatic- related recreational uses
21 Contribution of $250,000 to enhance, promote, and maintain the
public improvements adjacent to businesses and property owners
in the Downtown Specific Plan area of El Segundo
22 Contribution of approximately $250,000 in traffic impact mitigation
fees to offset the impacts of the project on public roadway
23 Contribution of approximately $119,000 in police, fire, and library,
mitigation fees to offset the impacts of the project on public
B The project is compatible with the uses authorized in, and the regulations
prescribed for, the land use district in which the real property is located
The proposed project includes a new land use designation and zoning
classification, which establishes the permitted uses and development
standards that would apply to the project These uses and development
standards are similar and compatible with the other commercially zoned
districts in the City
C The project is in conformity with the public convenience, general welfare
and good land use practice The proposed reduced project permits a lower
floor area ratio than allowed under the current M -2 zoning (0 275 1 vs
0 6 1) The project would facilitate constructing public roadways, through
the dedication of land The project would also be designed to support and
encourage public transportation uses and contribute to the continued
diversification of the southeast quadrant of the City by providing a broad
range of commercial uses
D The project, taken as a whole, will not be detrimental to the health, safety
and general welfare, but rather will promote the health, safety and general
welfare of the City The proposed project will not create any negative
environmental impacts, with the exception of traffic, operational and
temporary construction related air quality, and temporary construction -
related noise impacts, and cumulative solid waste and traffic impacts The
City Council has determined that there are overriding considerations,
which outweigh the identified unavoidable environmental consequences of
the project
E The project will not adversely affect the orderly development of property or
the preservation of property values The proposed C -4 development
standards and development agreement will ensure that the project will be
developed in an orderly fashion All mitigation measures will be
implemented at the time and place impacts occur
F The project would also be designed to support and encourage public
transportation uses and contribute to the continued diversification of the
southeast quadrant of the City
SECTION 6 Subdivision Findings
A The proposed Vesting Tentative Tract Map No 061630 is consistent with
applicable general and specific plans as specified in Government Code §§
65451 and 65454 Each proposed lot will be consistent with the minimum
lot size and minimum street frontage requirements proposed in the C -4
Zone All parcels will have frontage on a public street
B The design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with
the General Plan Each proposed lot would be consistent in size and lot
frontage with other parcels in the surrounding area
C The site is physically suitable for the type of development The vacant
110 -acre Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning site is generally flat with several
unlined natural depressions on the site The proposed project is physically
accessible by existing streets and the MTA Green Line
D The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning site is physically suitable for the
proposed density of development The floor area ratio of individual parcels
within the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El
Segundo development would not have cumulative densities exceeding
0 275 1, due to the requirement in the proposed C -4 zone that the overall
FAR not exceed an overall FAR of 0 275 1 This density is well within FAR
standards for commercial developments
E The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely
to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably
inure fish or wildlife or their habitat The proposed project is located in a
built out urban environment and poses no threat to fish or wildlife habitats
located on the project site Most of the project site was also previously
developed with heavy industrial uses from 1920 to 2003 The proposed
layout of the development does not contribute to the unavoidable
significant traffic and air quality impacts identified in the Draft EIR
F The design of the subdivision or type of improvements are not likely to
cause serious public health problems The size and shape of all lots will
protect public health The proposed Park Place and Allied Way roadway
extensions to serve the subdivision will be designed to provide safe and
efficient vehicle and pedestrian movements throughout the project site
Subdivision improvements will be required to comply with the Americans
with Disabilities Act The Site is being remediated in accordance with
applicable federal and state regulations
G The design of the subdivision or type of improvements will not conflict with
easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of
property within the proposed subdivision The project applicant will
relocate or build over the 42 -inch reclaimed water easement on the
property The MTA aerial easement will not be disturbed by the design of
the proposed project
SECTION 7 Approvals The City Council approves the following
A The City Council amends the current Zoning Map to reflect a change of
the area bounded by Hughes Way on the north, Douglas Street on the
east, Rosecrans Avenue on the south, and Sepulveda Boulevard on the
west from Heavy Industrial to Commercial Center The corresponding
changes to the Zoning Map as set forth in attached Exhibit "A," which is
incorporated into this Ordinance by reference
B The City Council adopts the Development Agreement by and between the
City of El Segundo, and Mar Ventures, Inc as set forth in attached Exhibit
"B," which is incorporated into this Ordinance by reference
C The City Council amends Section 1 of Chapter 3, Title 15, of the ESMC to
read as follows
In order to classify, regulate, restrict and segregate the uses of
lands and buildings, to regulate and restrict the height and bulk of
buildings, to regulate the area of yards and other open spaces
about buildings, and to regulate the density of population, the
classes of use zones are by this title established, to be known as
R -1
Single -family residential zone
R -2
Two - family residential zone
R -3
Multi -family residential zone
Planned residential development zone
Downtown commercial zone
C -2
Neighborhood commercial zone
C -3
General commercial zone
C -4
Commercial center zone
Corporate office zone
Urban mixed -use north zone
Urban mixed -use south zone
M -1
Light industrial zone
M -2
Heavy industrial zone
Small business zone
Medium manufacturing zone
Medium density residential zone
Grand avenue commercial zone
Multimedia overlay district
O -S
Open space zone
Automobile parking zone
P -F
Public facilities zone"
D The City Council adds Article G to Chapter 5, Title 15, of the ESMC to
read as follows
n b 6.,
46 r
15 -5G -1: PURPOSE
15 -5G -9: SIGNS
15 -5G -1: PURPOSE:
The purpose of this Zone is to provide consistency with and
implement policies affecting property designated as Commercial
Center on the General Plan Land Use Map and in the General Plan
text This Zone is intended to provide for developing commercial
establishments serving the City and surrounding area Regulations
are designed to promote and control growth of Commercial Center
projects such as retail and service uses
The following uses are permitted in the C -4 Zone
A Fitness centers (indoors only)
B General offices not exceeding five thousand (5,000) square
C Pet supplies and services including veterinary services
D Restaurants, coffee shops and cafes.
E Retail sales uses (excluding off -site alcohol sales)
F Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and
Building Safety, as provided by Chapter 22 of this Title
A Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use
B Drive -thru or walk -up services, including financial operations,
but excluding drive -thru restaurants
C Open storage of commodities sold or utilized on the
D Parking structures and surface parking lots
E Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and
Budding Safety, as provided by Chapter 22 of this Title
A The on -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants,
coffee shops, delicatessens, and cafes
B Off -site sale of alcohol at retail establishments
C Video arcades with three (3) or fewer video or arcade
D Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and
Budding Safety, as provided by Chapter 22 of this Title
The following uses are allowed subject to obtaining a conditional
use permit, as provided by Chapter 23 of this Title
A On -site sale and consumption of alcohol at bars
B Video arcades with four (4) or more video or arcade
C Other similar uses approved by the Director of Planning and
Budding Safety, as provided by Chapter 22 of this Title
All uses in the C -4 Zone must comply with the development
standards contained in this Section
-12- 268
A General Provisions
1 All uses must be conducted within a fully enclosed
building except
a Outdoor restaurants, cafes or seating areas,
complying with the provisions of Section 15 -2-
16 of this Title,
b Outdoor wholesale or retail activities
customarily conducted outdoors, including,
without limitation, lumber yards, nurseries, and
periodic outdoor sales, and,
c Outdoor recreational activities
2 Before the City approves any development project,
the project must meet all requirements of the
transportation demand management (TDM) and trip
reduction criteria as set forth in Chapter 16 of this
3 Other provisions as set forth in Chapter 2 of this Title
B Lot Area A minimum of ten thousand (10,000) square feet
C Height
No budding or structure may exceed sixty -five (65') feet
D Setbacks
1 Front Yard Twenty five feet (25') minimum
2 Side Yard Zero (0') minimum, unless one of the
following conditions exists
a If the side yard adjoins a dedicated street, at
least twenty five feet (25') must be provided,
ti b'
b If the side yard abuts property with a different
classification, the side yard setback is the
average of the two (2) side yard setbacks, but
not less than ten feet (10')
3 Rear Yard Fifteen feet (15') minimum unless one of
the following conditions exists
a If the rear yard adjoins an alley, dedicated
street, public right -of -way, or if the primary
access is through the rear yard, at least twenty
five feet (25') must be provided,
b If the rear yard adjoins a railroad right -of -way,
at least ten feet (10') must be provided, and,
c If the rear yard abuts property with a different
classification, the rear yard setback is the
average of the two (2) side yard setbacks, but
not less than ten feet (10')
Other C -4 Alley or Street
Zone Zone I
;Q C
C-4 Zone 1
C -4 M,
C-4 Zone, other 1 '
Zone Zone N 2
0' 10' Min
Min � Min c
i rOnL
E Lot Frontage
1 Each lot must provide a minimum frontage on a public
street of one hundred feet (100'), or,
2 Flag lots are permitted with a minimum stem width of
twenty feet (20') at a public street If the flag lot does
not provide physical access to a public street, a
permanent access easement must be provided from
the lot across any contiguous lot or lots which
conform with the minimum lot frontage requirement to
-14- w I�
a public street The easement, and any proposed
modification to the easement, requires City review
and approval
F Building Area The total net floor area of all buildings may
not exceed the total net square footage of the property
multiplied by 0 275 or an FAR 0 275 1 However additional
FAR may be granted by the City pursuant to a Development
= 10,000 sf
F.A.R. = 0.275
Bldg, Area = 2,750 sf
G Transfer of Development Rights The transfer of
development density from one or more donor parcels to any
other receiving parcel or parcels is permitted within the C -4
Zone, provided that the requirements of this Section are met
1 Location of Transfer Parcels The donor and
receiving parcels must each be located entirely within
the C-4 Zone
2 Maximum Net Floor Area (NFA) for a receiving parcel
The NFA on any receiving parcel increased in density
pursuant to this Section cannot exceed an FAR of 0 6
3 Reduced NFA for a donor Parcel The permitted NFA
on any donor parcel decreased in density pursuant to
this Section must be reduced by the amount of NFA
transferred to one or more receiving parcels
4 Budding Standards for Parcels All buildings must
comply with the budding standards of the C -4 Zone
5 A transfer of development rights may be initiated by a
person submitting a written application for a transfer
to the Planning and Building Safety Department that
identifies the donor parcel(s), receiving parcel(s), the
amount of NFA proposed to be transferred, and the
proposed uses of the donor and receiving parcels
2 '71
6 Review by the Director of Planning and Budding
Safety The Director of Planning and Budding Safety
must approve, conditionally approve or deny a
transfer plan at a public hearing The Director of
Planning and Building Safety must use the following
criteria in making a determination
a That the transfer meets the objectives of this
Title and the purposes of the C -4 Zone
b That the proposed transfer will not be
detrimental to the public health, safety or
welfare, or materially injurious to properties or
improvements in the vicinity,
C That the proposed transfer complies with each
of the applicable provisions of this Chapter,
d That the proposed transfer recognizes and
compensates for potential impacts that could be
generated by the proposed transfer, such as
aesthetics, noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration,
odors, traffic and hazards, and,
e That the proposed transfer plan is consistent
with the General Plan
7 Notice and Hearing Upon filing of an application for a
transfer plan by a property owner or an applicant with
the consent of the owner, the Director of Planning and
Budding Safety must give public notice, as provided in
Chapter 27 of this Title of the intention to consider at
a public hearing the granting of a transfer plan
8 Appeal to Planning Commission The applicant or
any person affected by the Director of Planning and
Budding Safety's decision respecting a transfer plan
can appeal that decision to the Planning Commission
pursuant to Chapter 25 of this Title
9 Appeal to City Council The applicant or any person
affected by the Planning Commission's decision
respecting a transfer plan can appeal the Planning
Commission's decision to the City Council pursuant to
Chapter 25 of this Title
10 Final Approval A transfer plan approved by the
Director of Planning and Budding Safety, Planning
Commission and /or City Council becomes final upon
the completion of all applicable conditions of approval
and the following
a Legal Assurances A covenant or other
suitable, legally binding agreement in a form
approved by the City Attorney must be
recorded against the affected donor and
receiving parcels confirming the transfer of
NFA between /among parcels and setting forth
any conditions of approval imposed by the City
The covenant must be executed by all parties
that have a legal or equitable interest in the
affected donor and receiving parcels The
covenant must confirm that from the date of
recording of the covenant, the affected parcels
will be burdened by the covenant in perpetuity
and the covenant will run with the land and the
FAR for the donor parcel and receiving parcel
will be set in the covenant pursuant to the FAR
allowed at the time of approval of the transfer,
11 Removal /Modification The Director of Planning and
Budding Safety may approve the removal or
modification of a covenant if the transfer has not been
entirely utilized by a receiving parcel or a different
parcel has been identified as a donor parcel The
legal and equitable owners of the affected parcels
must execute a removal or modification covenant in a
form approved by the City Attorney
H Walls And Fences Walls and fences must comply with the
location requirement of Chapter 2 of this Title A minimum
six -foot (6) high masonry wall must be provided along
property lines for those yards abutting residential zones A
six -foot (6) high wall or fence must be provided along
property lines for those yards abutting industrial zones
Access All development projects must provide adequate
access and facilities for various modes of transit, as required
by the City's transportation demand management program in
Chapter 16 of this Title In addition, all development projects
must provide pedestrian access between buildings and
transit facilities located on -site and /or off -site, if within
adjoining public rights of way If the budding is part of a multi -
budding development project, then safe and convenient
pedestrian access must be provided between buildings
Landscaping must be provided as required by Section 15 -2 -14 of
this Title
Off - street parking and loading spaces shall be provided as required
by Chapter 15 of this Title
15 -5G -9: SIGNS:
Signs in the C -4 Zone must comply with the requirements of
Chapter 18 of this Title "
E The City Council should amend ESMC § 15 -15 -6 to read as follows
Every budding hereafter established, erected, enlarged or
expanded for commercial, manufacturing or institutional purposes
in the Commercial or Manufacturing Zones listed below must be
provided with loading space as set forth below However, for any
budding or use enlarged or increased in capacity, additional loading
spaces are required only for such enlargement or increase All
required loading spaces are in addition to the required on -site
parking spaces set forth in Section 15 -15 -3 and must be developed
and maintained in accordance with Section 15 -15 -2 Loading
spaces may be provided either completely or partially within a
budding when such building is designated to include adequate
ingress and egress to the loading spaces
13 feet
50 feet
16 feet
-18- l
Required loading spaces for hotel or institutional uses must be
provided as set forth in the following schedule
Building Floor Area
Loading Spaces
Loading Spaces
0 — 999 sq ft
Budding Floor Area
0 - 10,000 sq ft
10,000 - 25,000 sq ft
C -3, CO, MU -N, MU-
0 - 999 sq ft
S, M -1, M -2
1,000 - 25,000 sq ft
C -3, C -4, CO, MU -S,
25,001 - 100,000 sq ft
MU -N, M -1, M -2,
100,001 - 250,000 sq ft
Each additional 100,000 sq ft or
fraction thereof
Over 1,000,000 sq ft
1 for every 5
Each space
13'W x 501
x 16'H
0 - 25,000 sq ft
(single- tenant bldg )
C 4
0 - 25,000 sq ft
1 for each
(multi- tenant bldg)
tenant over
10,000 sq ft
Required loading spaces for hotel or institutional uses must be
provided as set forth in the following schedule
Building Floor Area
Loading Spaces
Waiting Spaces
0 — 999 sq ft
_19_ l ;,
1,000 - 15,000 sq ft
15,001 - 75,000 sq ft
Each additional 100,000 sq ft or
fraction thereof
Over 1,000,000 sq It
Loading spaces within the boundaries of the Smoky Hollow Specific
Plan should be located on the side or in the rear of buildings
whenever possible If located in the front yard, the loading platform
must be set back from the front property line a minimum of 30 feet
Commercial or manufacturing zoned lots or parcels that are less
than 6,000 square feet in area must provide an on -site loading
space area that is not less than 12 feet wide and comprised of an
area equal to not less than 8% of the lot or parcel area and in no
case can such loading area be less than 360 square feet "
F Subject to the conditions listed on the attached Exhibit "C," which are
incorporated into this Ordinance by reference, the City Council approves
Development Agreement No 03 -1, General Plan Amendment No 03-4 &
03 -5, Zone Change No 03 -2 & 03 -3, Zone Text Amendment No 04 -1,
and Subdivision No 03 -7
SECTION 8 If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court
of competent jurisdiction, the city council intends that such invalidity will not affect the
effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions
of this Ordinance are severable
SECTION 9 This Resolution will remain effective until superseded by a subsequent
SECTION 10 The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this
Ordinance, cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original
ordinances, make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting,
and, within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it
to be published or posted in accordance with California law
SECTION 11 This Ordinance will become effective on the thirty-first (31st) day
following its passage and adoption
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of March 2005.
Kelly McDowell, Mayor
I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that
the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing
Ordinance No was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting
held on the 15th day of February 2005, and was duly passed and adopted by said City
Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a
regular meeting of said Council held on the 1st day of March, 2005, and the same was
so passed and adopted by the following vote
Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk
Mark D Hensley, City Attorney
P \Planning & Building Safety \Protects \626- 650\Ea- 631 \Council Agenda Packet\2 -15 -05 hearing \EA -631 ord 2 -15 -05 doc
�. l f
City Council Ordinance No.
350 Main Street
El Segundo, California 90245
Pursuant to Government Code § 6103
CODE §65868 5
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366v10
1 Recitals 1
2 Property Subject to this Agreement 3
3 Binding Effect 3
3 1 Constructive Notice and Acceptance 3
3 2 Rights to Assign 3
3 3 Liabilities Upon Transfer 3
4 Development of the Property 4
4 1 Permitted Uses, Density 4
4 2 Development Standards 5
4 3 Building Standards 5
4 4 Fees, Exactions, Mitigation Measures, Conditions, Reservations and Dedications 5
4 5 Use of Easements 1 6
5 Vesting of Development Rights 6
5 1 Applicable Rules 6
5 2 Entitlement to Develop 6
5 3 Subsequent Enactments 6
5 4 Future Approvals 6
5.5 Plan Review 8
5 6 Timing of Development 8
5 7 Term 8
5 8 Issuance of Building Permits 9
5 9 Satisfaction of Mitigation Measures and Conditions 9
510 Moratorium 1 9
44386\1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 1
4 is 1
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 it
5 11 Performance of City Planning and Building Safety Director Duties
Developer Agreements
6 1 General
6 2 Development Fees
6 3 Maintenance Obligations
6 4 Term of Map(s) and Other Project Approvals
6 5 Sales and Use Tax
6 6 Aquatic Payment
6 7 Future Construction Activity
6 8 Contribution to Downtown
City/Developer Agreements
7 1 Expedited Processing
7 2 Processing Cooperation and Assistance
7 3 Processing During Third Party Litigation
Demonstration of Good Faith Compliance
9 1 Review of Compliance
9 2 Good Faith Compliance
9 3 Information to be Provided to Developer
9 4 Notice Of Non - Compliance, Cure Rights.
9 5 Determination of Developer's Compliance
9 6 Failure of Periodic Review,
Excusable Delays
Default Provisions
111 Default
4 is 1
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 it
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 ul
�: 8 Z
112 Content of Notice of Violation
11 3 Remedies for Breach
12 Mortgagee Protection
121 Mortgage Not Rendered Invalid
122 Request for Notice to Mortgagee
123 Mortgagee's Time to Cure
124 Cure Rights
125 Bankruptcy
126 Disaffirmation
Estoppel Certificate
Administration of Agreement
141 Appeal of Staff Determinations
142 Operating Memoranda
143 Certificate of Performance
Amendment or Termination by Mutual Consent
16 1 Indemnification
16 2 Defense of Agreement
Time of Essence
Effective Date
Entire Agreement
Relationship of the Parties
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 ul
�: 8 Z
24 No Third Party Beneficiaries
25 Recordation of Agreement and Amendments
26 Cooperation Between City and Developer
27 Rules of Construction
28 Joint Preparation
29 Governing Law and Venue
30 Attorneys' Fees
31 Counterparts
32 Weekend/Holiday Dates
33 Not a Public Dedication
A -1
B -1
C -1
D -1
IV 44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 4�"
This Development Agreement (the "Agreement ") is made and entered into by and between the
CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation (referred to hereinafter as "City ") and
ROSECRANS- SEPULVEDA PARTNERS, LLC, a California limited liability company
(referred to hereinafter as "Developer ") as of this day of 2005 City and
Developer are referred to hereinafter individually as "Party" and collectively as "Parties " In
consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement, City and
Developer agree as follows
1 Recitals This Agreement is made with respect to the following facts and for the
following purposes, each of which is acknowledged as true and correct by the Parties
1 1 Pursuant to Government Code Section 65865 et sea , City is authorized to
enter into a binding contractual agreement with any person having a legal or equitable interest in
real property for the development of such property
12 Developer has an option to acquire from the property owner and has been
authorized to execute this Agreement by the property owner with respect to approximately 42
acres of real property located in the City, as more specifically described by the legal description
set forth in Exhibit "A ", which exhibit is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this
reference (the "Property" or "Area A ")
13 Developer desires to develop the Property as a retail complex comprised
of approximately four - hundred twenty -five thousand (425,000) square feet that is projected to
include large retail stores, specialty retail stores, sit -down restaurants and other uses, which may
include a fitness center and spa and a small recreational area (the "Projeef')
14 City has certified a Final Environmental Impact Report for Environmental
Assessment No 631 (SCH No 2003121037) (the "EIR "), and has approved the Mitigation
Monitoring Plan for the EIR, General Plan Amendment No 03 -4, Zone Change No 03 -2, Zone
Text Amendment No 04 -2, Subdivision No 03 -7 (Vesting Tentative Tract No 061630), and this
Development Agreement No 03 -1 (the foregoing are collectively referred to as the "Project
Approvals ") Developer's application for the Project Approvals was deemed complete by the
City on November 10, 2004 Concurrently with the City's approval of the Project Approvals,
City has also, as part of General Plan Amendment No 03 -5, Zone Change No 03 -3 and Zone
Text Amendment No 04 -1, re- designated and rezoned other property in the vicinity of the
Property with a "Commercial Center (C -4)" land use and zoning designation (the "Other CA
Property ") a portion of which (approximately 13 acres) Developer has an option to acquire from
Owner and the balance of which (approximately 42 acres) is owned by third parties
1 5 By this Agreement, City desires to obtain the binding agreement of
Developer to develop the Property in accordance with the Project Approvals, Applicable Rules
and this Agreement In consideration thereof, City agrees to limit the future exercise of certain
of its governmental and proprietary powers to the extent specified in this Agreement
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 1 February 8, 2005 UU el
16 By this Agreement, Developer desires to obtain the binding agreement of
City to permit the development of the Property in accordance with the Project Approvals, the
Applicable Rules (as hereinafter defined) and this Agreement In consideration thereof,
Developer agrees to waive its rights, if any, to challenge legally the limitations on density and
use imposed upon development of the Property and other restrictions and obligations set forth in
this Agreement
17 City and Developer have acknowledged and agreed that the consideration
that is to be exchanged pursuant to this Agreement is fair, ,just and reasonable and that this
Agreement is consistent with the General Plan of City
18 This Agreement is intended to provide flexible entitlements, within the
parameters set forth herein and subject to the terms and conditions hereof, to meet the changing
market demands that are likely to occur throughout the buildout of the Project
1.9 The proposed Project uses are consistent with the City's General Plan, as
amended, (the "General Plan")
1 10 Development of the Project will further the comprehensive planning
objectives contained within the General Plan, and will result in public benefits, including, among
others, the following
1 10 1 Fulfilling long -term economic and social goals for City and the
1 10 2 Providing fiscal benefits to City's general fund in terms of
increased employment and utility, business license, property and other tax revenues, which are
anticipated to exceed $1,000,000 annually,
1 10 3 Providing both short-term construction employment (estimated to
be approximately 250 persons) and long -term permanent employment (estimated to be
approximately 952 persons) within City,
1 10 4 Phasing the construction of public infrastructure improvements
with private development,
1 10 5 Eliminating blighted areas and providing an attractive urban
1 10 6 Facilitating environmental remediation on and around the
1 10 7 Funding planned circulation element improvements at no cost to
the City, and
1 10 8 Creating significant offsite public improvements, including streets,
signals, medians and landscaping
r, u
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 2 February 8, 2005
1 11 On November 15, 2004, the Planning Commission of the City commenced
a duly noticed public hearing on this Agreement, continued the public hearing to December 15,
2004 and at the conclusion of the hearing recommended approval of the Agreement
1 12 On _, 2005, the City Council of the City ( "City Council ")
commenced a duly noticed public hearing on this Agreement, and at the conclusion of the
hearing certified the EIR by Resolution No and approved this Agreement by Ordinance
No (the "Enabling Ordinance ")
2 Property Subiect to this Agreement All of the Property shall be subject to this
3 Binding Effect ffect The burdens of this Agreement are binding upon, and the benefits of the
Agreement inure to the City and the Developer to the extent the Developer ultimately exercises
its option to purchase the Property and each successive successor in interest thereto and
constitute covenants that run with the Property Any and all rights and obligations that are
attributed to the Developer under this Agreement shall run with the land
3 1 Constructive Notice and Acceptance Every person who acquires any
right, title or interest in or to any portion of the Property in which the Developer r has a legal
interest is, and shall be, conclusively deemed to have consented and agreed to be bound by this
Agreement, whether or not any reference to this Agreement is contained in the instrument by
which such person acquired such right, title or interest
32 Rights to Assign Developer may assign or transfer its rights and
obligations under this Agreement with respect to the Property, or any portion thereof, to any
person at any time during the term of this Agreement without approval of the City
33 Liabilities Upon Transfer Upon the delegation of the duties and
obligations under this Agreement and the sale, transfer or assignment of all or any portion of the
Property, Developer will be released from its obligations under this Agreement with respect to
the Property, or portion thereof, so transferred ansmg subsequent to the effective date of such
transfer, if (i) Developer has provided to the City prior or subsequent written notice of such
transfer and (u) the transferee has agreed in writing to be subject to all of the provisions hereof
applicable to the portion of the Property so transferred by executing an Assignment and
Assumption Agreement in the form of Exlubit `B" attached hereto Upon any transfer of any
portion of the Property and the express assumption of Developer's obligations under this
Agreement by such transferee, the City agrees to look solely to the transferee for compliance by
such transferee with the provisions of this Agreement as such provisions relate to the portion of
the Property acquired by such transferee Any such transferee shall be entitled to the benefits of
this Agreement as "Developer" hereunder and shall be subject to the obligations of this
Agreement applicable to the parcel(s) transferred A default by any transferee shall only affect
that portion of the Property owned by such transferee and shall not cancel or diminish in any way
Developer's rights hereunder with respect to any portion of the Property not owned by such
transferee, The transferee shall be responsible for satisfying the good faith compliance
requirements set forth in Section 9 below relating to the portion of the Property owned by such
44386\060366x11 vs 106036600 3 February 8, 2005
transferee, and any amendment to this Agreement between the City and a transferee shall only
affect the portion of the Property owned by such transferee.
4. Development of the Property The following provisions shall govern the subdivision,
development and use of the Property
41 Permitted Uses, Density The permitted and conditionally permitted uses
of the Property are those set forth in the City's Municipal Code which are applicable to the
Property/Project, except
4 1 1 Food To Go Restaurant "Food to go" restaurants (defined
in Section 15 -1 -6 of the El Segundo Municipal Code) are not permitted or conditionally
permitted uses
4 12 Grocery Store For a period of one (1) year following the
date that the permitted 425,000 of developable floor area of the Project is ninety percent (90 %)
occupied (the "Whole Foods Period "), a grocery store will only be a permitted use to the extent it
is a "Whole Foods" grocery store During the Whole Foods Period, the Developer shall have the
right to request that the City Council approve of a grocery store other than "Whole Foods" and
the Council may approve or deny such request in its sole discretion
4 1 3 Fast Food Restaurants Unless such use is incidental to the
primary business of an occupant of a building, "Fast food" restaurants shall not be allowed
within 150 feet of Sepulveda Boulevard, or south of the current locations of the Union Pacific
Railroad or the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad lines "Fast food" restaurant is defined as
"A restaurant where customers purchase food and beverages and either consume the food and
beverages on the premises within a short period of time or take the food and beverages off the
premises Typical characteristics of a fast food restaurant include but are not limited to, the
purchase of food and beverages at a walk -up window or counter, no table service by a server,
payment for food and beverages prior to consumption, and the packaging of food and beverages
in disposable containers A restaurant shall not be considered a fast food or take -out restaurant
solely on the basis of incidental or occasional take -out sales "
4 14 Banks and Day Spas One Bank shall be permitted One
day spa with a minimum floor area of 5,000 square feet shall be permitted
4,1 5 Restaurants A minimum of two (2) full service, sit down
restaurants that serve both lunch and dinner, which have at least 6,000 square feet of floor area
(including outdoor dining facilities) ( "Full Service Restaurant ") shall be constructed, provided,
however, if Developer is not able to lease space to a second Full Service Restaurant within two
(2) years following the date the Project is ninety percent (90 %) occupied, the requirements of
this Section 4 1 5 shall be reduced from two (2) to one (1) Full Service Restaurant
4 1 6 Health Clubs and Fitness Centers
44386 \10603001 vs 1060366v10 4 February 8, 2005
No health club or fitness center shall be permitted
42 Development Standards All design and development standards that shall
be applicable to the Property ( "Development Standards ") are set forth in the El Segundo General
Plan, the El Segundo Municipal Codes, the Applicable Rules, the Project Approvals, and this
Agreement Additionally, the following restrictions apply
4 2 1 Tenant Lease Space No uses within the Project shall exceed
125,000 square feet of floor area in size
4 2 2 Limitations on Minimum Square Footage of Buildings and Space
Except with respect to the two restaurants identified in Section 4 15 above, a maximum of
75,000 square feet of the allowable building area allowed on the Property can be developed
and/or utilized for uses that occupy less than 10,000 square feet of building space With respect
to such 75,000 square feet, a maximum of 8 building pads (exclusive of the "Full Service
Restaurants" referred to in Section 4 15 above) may be less than 10,000 square feet each
Moreover, no building pads on the Property may be less than 5,000 square feet in size
Additionally, with respect to the 75,000 square feet, only those uses identified on Exhibit "C"
shall be allowed to occupy less than 1,500 square feet of building space or uses which are the
reasonable equivalents of the specific businesses listed in Exhibit "C" as determined by the
Planning and Building Safety Director in his or her sole discretion In addition, the Developer
shall have the right to request that the City Council approve of deviations from the restrictions
set forth in this Section 4 2 2 and the City Council may approve or deny such requests in its sole
discretion As used in this Agreement, the term "building pad" shall be defined to mean the total
ground floor area of any individual building constructed on the Property
4 2 3 Transfer of Development Rights The Developer shall have the
right to transfer floor area between parcels that are created within Area A as a part of the Project
Approvals so long as no parcel exceeds a floor area ratio of 0 6 1 Such transfers of floor area
shall be recorded against the properties involved in the transfer of floor area in accordance with
the requirements of the C -4 Zoning The Planning and Building Safety Director or designee must
review the application for transfer of floor area to ensure conformity with the requirements of
this Section 4.2 3. This review shall not be subject to a public hearing process. Transfer of floor
area from properties located outside of Area A to any parcel within Area A is strictly prohibited
43 Building Standards All construction on the Property shall adhere to the
California Building Code, the California Electrical Code, the California Mechanical Code, the
Uniform Sign Code, the Uniform Code for Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, and Uniform
Administrative Code in effect at the time the plan check or permit is approved and to any federal
or state building requirements that are then in effect (collectively the `Building Codes ")
44 Fees, Exactions, Mitigation Measures, Conditions, Reservations and
Dedications All fees, exactions, mitigation measures, conditions, reservations and dedications
of land for public purposes that are applicable to the Project or the Property are set forth in the
Applicable Rules, the Protect Approvals and this Agreement Additionally, Developer shall pay
all applicable fees that are in effect at the time that fees are required to be paid pursuant to
� � c
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 5 February 8, 2005
Section 6 2 of this Agreement This Section shall not be construed to limit the authority of City
to charge normal and customary application, processing, and permit fees for land use approvals,
building permits and other similar permits, which fees are designed to reimburse City's actual
expenses attributable to such application, processing and permitting and are in force and effect
on a City -wide basis at such time as said approvals and permits are granted by City
45 Use of Easements Notwithstanding the provisions of the Applicable
Rules, easements dedicated for vehicular and pedestrian use shall be permitted to include
easements for underground drainage, water, sewer, gas, electricity, telephone, cable,
environmental remediahon and other utilities and facilities so long as they do not unreasonably
interfere with pedestrian and/or vehicular use
Vesting of Development Rights
5 1 Applicable Rules The Applicable Rules shall consist of the following.
5 1 1 The General Plan, as it exists on the Effective Date,
5 12 The City's Municipal Code, including the Zoning Code, as the
Municipal Code exists on the Effective Date;
5 1 3 Such other laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and official
policies governing permitted uses of the Property, density, design, improvement, and
construction standards and specifications applicable to the development of the Property in force
at the time of the Effective Date, which are not in conflict with this Agreement
52 Entitlement to Develop The Developer is hereby granted the vested right
to develop the Project on the Property subject to the Applicable Rules, the Project Approvals and
any future approvals applied for by the Developer and granted by the City for the Project or the
Property (the "Future Approvals "),
53 Subsequent Enactments Any change in the Applicable Rules, including,
without limitation, any change in any applicable general plan or specific plan, zoning, or
subdivision regulation, adopted or becoming effective after the Effective Date, including,
without limitation, any such change by means of an ordinance, initiative, resolution, policy, order
or moratorium, initiated or instituted for any reason whatsoever and adopted by the City Council,
the Planning Commission or any other board, agency, commission or department of the City, or
any officer or employee thereof, or by the electorate, as the case may be (collectively the
"Subsequent Rules "), which would, absent this Agreement, otherwise be applicable to the
Property, shall not be applied by the City to any part of the Property
54 Future Approvals
5 4 1 Minor Modifications to Protect Developer may make minor
changes to the Project and Project Approvals ( "Minor Modifications ") without amending this
Agreement upon the administrative approval of the City of El Segundo Director of Planning and
Building Safety (the "City Planning and Building Safety Director ") or designee, provided that
such modifications are consistent with the Development Standards, Applicable Rules and Project
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 6 February 8, 2005
Approvals The City shall not unreasonably withhold or delay approval of any Minor
Modification The City shall have the right to impose reasonable conditions in connection with
Minor Modifications, provided, however, such conditions shall not (a) be inconsistent with the
Applicable Rules, the Project Approvals or with the development of the Project as contemplated
by this Agreement, (b) directly or indirectly, unreasonably hinder, delay, impede, obstruct,
interfere with, or place unreasonably burdensome or restrictive measures or requirements upon
development of the Project or the Property or any portion thereof, or (c) impose additional
dedications, infrastructure or public improvement obligations, fees, or exactions in excess of
those identified in the Applicable Rules, the Project Approvals, or this Agreement
5 4 2 Modification of Project Approvals It is contemplated by City and
Developer that Developer may, from time to time, pursuant to Section 5 4 1 seek amendments to
one or more of the Project Approvals Any such amendments are contemplated by City and
Developer as being within the scope of this Agreement as long as they are authorized pursuant to
this Section 5 4 2 and shall, upon approval by City, continue to constitute the Project Approvals
as referenced herein The parties agree that any such amendments shall not constitute an
amendment to this Agreement nor require an amendment to this Agreement
5 4 3 Modifications Requiring_ Amendment to this Agreement Any
proposed modification to the Project which results in any of the following shall not constitute a
Minor Modification but rather shall constitute a Major Modification and shall instead require an
amendment to this Agreement pursuant to Section 14 below-
(a) Any decrease in the required building setbacks as set forth
in the C -4 Zone,
(b) Any increase in the total developable square footage of the
entire Property in excess of the maximum FAR allowed under the C -4 Zone,
(c) Any increase in height of buildings or structures on the
Property above 65 feet,
(d) Any decrease in the minimum required lot area as set forth
in the C -4 Zone,
(e) Any decrease in the minimum required lot frontage as set
forth in the C -4 Zone,
(f) Any change to the requirements of the transfer of
development rights as set forth in the C -4 Zone,
(g) Any increase in the maximum number of A M and P M
peak hour vehicle trips for the Project as specified in the conditions of approval and Mitigation
Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), unless a subsequent traffic report has been
prepared to the reasonable satisfaction of the City's Planning and Building Safety Director that
identifies potential impacts and proposes feasible mitigation measures to mitigate such impacts
and otherwise complies with CEQA,
A- 1 1
44386V060366v11 vs 1060366v10 7 February 8, 2005
(h) Any change in use to a use which is not permitted under
this Agreement,
(i) Any deviation from the uses and development standards or
limitations set forth in Section 4 1 and Section 4 2 of this Agreement, except to the extent these
Sections specifically provide for the Council to approve of alternative uses or square footage
requirements, and,
�) Any material modification to Developer's obligation to
dedicate the public roadways to the City as provided in the conditions of approval and the
Other than the Major Modifications listed above, all other modifications to the Project shall be
considered "Minor Modifications "
5 5 Plan Review Plans for each building on the Property, including plans for
signage, trash enclosures and screening and landscaping, shall be reviewed and approved by the
City Planning and Building Safety Director prior to issuance of a building permit, provided,
however, that, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Applicable Rules, the
sole purpose of such review shall be to verify consistency with the Development Standards,
Applicable Rules and Project Approvals The City Planning and Building Safety Director shall
approve all features which are consistent with the Development Standards, Applicable Rules or
Project Approvals or are otherwise specifically approved by this Agreement and shall have no
authority to disapprove or conditionally approve any features or matters which are consistent
with or otherwise which have been specifically approved by this Agreement
5.6 Timing of Development In Pardee Construction Co v City of Camarillo
(Pardee), 37 Cal.3d 465 (1984), the California Supreme Court held that the failure of the parties
therein to provide for the timing or rate of development resulted in a later- adopted initiative
restricting the rate of development to prevail against the parties' agreement City and Developer
intend to avoid the result in Pardee by acknowledging and providing that Developer shall have
the right, without obligation, to develop the Property in such order and at such rate and times as
Developer deems appropriate within the exercise of its subjective business judgment subject to
the term of this Agreement
In furtherance of the Parties' intent, as set forth in this Section, no future
amendment of any existing City ordinance or resolution, or future adoption of any ordinance,
resolution or other action, that purports to limit the rate or timing of development over time or
alter the sequencing of development phases, whether adopted or imposed by the City Council or
through the initiative or referendum process, shall apply to the Property However, nothing in
this Section shall be construed to limit City's right to enforce Developer's obligation pursuant to
this Agreement to provide all infrastructure required by the Project Approvals and this
5 7 Term This Agreement shall be in effect for a period of eight (8) years
from the effective date of the Ordinance establishing this Agreement However, Developer or
City shall be entitled to, by written notice to the other Party prior to the Agreement's expiration,
< ill
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 8 February 8, 2005
one (1) five (5) -year extension, provided that the requesting Party is not in material default of its
obligations hereunder at such time
5 8 Issuance of Building Permits No building permit, final inspection or
Certificate of Occupancy will be unreasonably withheld, conditioned, or delayed from the
Developer if all infrastructure required to serve the portion of the Property covered by the
building permit, final inspection or Certificate of Occupancy is in place or is suitably guaranteed
to be completed (by covenant, bond, letter of credit or otherwise) to the reasonable satisfaction of
the City prior to completion of construction and all of the other relevant provisions of the Project
Approvals, Future Approvals and this Agreement have been satisfied
59 Satisfaction of Mitigation Measures and Conditions In the event that any
of the mitigation measures or conditions required of Developer hereunder have been
implemented by others, Developer shall be conclusively deemed to have satisfied such
mitigation measures or conditions, consistent with CEQA. If any such mitigation measures or
conditions are rejected by a governmental agency with jurisdiction, the Developer may
implement reasonably equivalent substitute mitigation, consistent with CEQA, to the City's
satisfaction, in lieu of the rejected mitigation measures or conditions Such substitution shall be
deemed to be a Minor Modification pursuant to Section 5 4 1 above
5 10 Moratorium The City shall not impose a moratorium on the Property
unless such is necessary to protect a significant threat to the health, safety and welfare of the
5 11 Performance of City Planning and Building Safety Director Duties If the
City determines at any time during the term of this Agreement that the duties to be performed by
the City Planning and Building Safety Director under this Agreement will be performed by one
or more staff members other than the Planning and Building Safety Director, the City shall
endeavor to notify the Developer of such change The City shall ensure that a person or persons
are designated at all times to carry out the duties of the Planning and Building Safety Director set
forth in this Agreement
Developer Agreements
6.1 General The Developer shall comply with (i) this Agreement, (u) the
Project Approvals, including without limitation all mitigation measures required by the
determination made pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, and (iii) all Future
Approvals for which it is the applicant or a successor in interest to the applicant
62 Development Fees Subject to the provisions of Section 4 4 above,
Developer shall pay the development fees in effect at such time that building permits are issued
for the project The Developer shall be entitled to credits against the City's traffic mitigation
fees to the extent off -site traffic improvements that are required by the Project Approvals are
included in any subsequent traffic fee mitigation program adopted by the City pursuant to
Government Code Section 66000 et seq Such credits shall be based upon the actual audited
costs and shall only be granted to the extent such improvements are constructed in accordance
with all applicable state and local laws The Developer waives any and all rights it may have to
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 9 February 8, 2005
challenge development fees that are currently applicable to development within the City and the
City's right to amend its current development fees and/or impose additional development fees
However, the Developer retains the legal right to challenge the amount of any such amended or
increased development fees to the extent such are not in compliance with the requirements of
Government Code Section 66000 et seq as well as it right to receive credits against such
amended or increased fees
63 Maintenance Obligations The Developer shall maintain all portions of
the Property in its possession or control, and any improvements thereon, in a first class clean,
neat and orderly manner. The Parties' respective maintenance obligations shall survive any
termination or expiration of this Agreement
64 Term of Maps) and Other Project Approvals Pursuant to California
Government Code Sections 66452 6(a) and 65863 9, the term of any subdivision or parcel map
that has been or in the future may be processed on all or any portion of the Property and the term
of each of the Project Approvals shall be extended for a period of time through the scheduled
termination date of this Agreement as set forth in Section 5 10 above
65 Sales and Use Tax
(a) In the event the contract price for any work on the Project
is valued at five million dollars ($5,000,000) or more, Developer agrees to report, on a State
Board of Equalization Tax Return, any purchases of tangible personal property made in
connection with the finishing of and/or installation of materials, or fixtures for the Project, when
such purchases were made without sales or use tax due Developer shall indicate the City as a
registered job site location on the State Board of Equalization Tax Return In such event,
Developer shall also obtain a permit or a sub - permit from the State Board of Equalization
indicating the City as the registered,job site location, in accordance with State Board of
Equalization Operations Memorandum No 1023
(b) Developer further agrees that if Developer retains
contractors or subcontractors to perform a portion of work in the Project, and said contracts or
subcontracts are valued at five million dollars ($5,000,000) or more, said contracts or
subcontracts shall contain the provisions set forth in Subsection (a) above.
(c) The Director of Administrative Services of the City is
authorized to relieve Developer, and Developer's contractors and subcontractors, from the
requirements set forth in this Section 6 5 upon proof to the reasonable satisfaction of the Director
of Administrative Services that Developer and/or its contractors or subcontractors have made
good faith efforts to obtain said permit or sub - permits, but were denied the same by the State
Board of Equalization
66 Aquatic Payment Developer upon issuance of the first building permit for
the Project shall pay the City $1 5 million for purposes of the City using the funds to repair,
improve, and/or construct aquatic facilities within the City
67 Future Construction Activities The development of the C4 Zone, which
Zone was established concurrently with this Agreement, will likely involve the construction of
44386\1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 10 February 8, 2005
significant public infrastructure improvements in the future (for example, public roadways and
utilities) The Developer, owners and occupants of the Property are hereby on notice that such
construction activities may result in a reduced but not a lack of access to the Property and other
temporary physical and financial negative impacts to the Property and the uses thereon due to
noise, dust, vibration and other normal and temporary construction related impacts Developer,
owners and occupants of the Property agree not to file any claims or legal or equitable actions
against the City or the developers of the C -4 Zone relating to, or ansmg from, such temporary
negative impacts associated with such public improvement construction activities that seek to
enjoin the construction activities or seek damages based upon or ansmg out of alleged or actual
temporary business interruption to or temporary business financial losses incurred by the
Developer, owners or occupants of the Property This provision shall survive the termination of
this Agreement and shall remain in effect for a period of 30 years from the effective date of this
68 Contribution to Downtown Developer agrees to pay the City $125,000
upon the earlier of (1) the expiration of the statute of limitation for challenging the Project
Approvals with no challenge having been filed, or (2) upon a final court judgment or settlement
of litigation which results in the Developer being allowed to proceed with development of the
Property, Thereafter, developer shall pay the City an additional $125,000 within one year of the
date upon which the developer was obligated to make the first $125,000 payment to the City
These funds paid to the City shall be used for purposes of enhancing, promoting, or maintaining
the public right of ways adjacent to the business and properties within the Downtown Specific
Plan area The City shall form a subcommittee with representatives from the City and business
community for purposes of forming recommendations to the City Council with respect to the
expenditure of such funds
69 Third -Party Agreements Restricting Uses on Property Developer
warrants and represents that it has not and will not enter into any agreements with third - parties,
or record any restrictions against the Property, which directly or indirectly limit the potential
uses or building standards for the Property in any respect, including but not limited to the
particular retailers, types and/or sizes of structures or businesses, types of uses, or the owners of
any businesses allowed on the property The Developer may request that the City consent to any
such restriction which consent may be withheld in the City's sole discretion The provisions of
this Section 6 9 shall not apply to, or affect or restrict the terms of (a) any lease between the
Developer and a bona fide tenant of the Property for purposes of restricting competition relating
to the tenant's business, (2) any purchase and sale agreement between the Developer and a retail
business /purchaser of one or more parcels of the Property for purposes of restricting competition
relating to the retailer's business, or (3) any agreement or permit between the Developer and any
federal, state or regional regulatory agency (not including counties or cities), such as the Corps
of Engineers, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Fish and Wildlife, the
Department of Toxic Substances Control, the Public Utilities Commission, the Regional Water
Quality Control Board and the California Department of Fish and Game relating to hazardous
materials or sensitive or protected biological habitats or species located on or near the Property
7 City/Developer Agreements
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 ] ] February 8, 2005
7 1 Expedited Processing The City shall process, at Developer's expense, in
an expedited manner all plan checking, excavation, grading, building, encroachment and street
improvement permits, Certificates of Occupancy, utility connection authorizations, and other
ministerial permits or approvals necessary, convenient or appropriate for the grading, excavation,
construction, development, improvement, use and occupancy of the Protect in accordance with
the City's accelerated plan check process under the Applicable Rules Without limiting the
foregoing, if requested by Developer, the City agrees to utilize private planners and plan
checkers (upon Developer's request and at Developer's cost) and any other available means to
expedite the processing of Project applications, including concurrent processing of such
applications by various City departments.
72 Processing Cooperation and Assistance To the extent permitted by law,
the City shall reasonably cooperate with the Developer in securing any and all entitlements,
authorizations, permits or approvals which may be required by any other governmental or quasi -
governmental entity in connection with the development of the Projector the Property Without
limiting the foregoing, the City shall reasonably cooperate with the Developer in any dealings
with federal, state and other local governmental and quasi - governmental entities concerning
issues affecting the Property The City shall endeavor to keep the Developer fully informed with
respect to its communications with such agencies which could impact the development of the
73 Processing During Third Party Litigation The filing of any third party
lawsuit(s) against the City or the Developer relating to this Agreement, the Project Approvals,
any Future Approvals or to other development issues affecting any portion of the Property or the
Project shall not hinder, delay or stop the development, processing or construction of the Project,
approval of the Future Approvals, or issuance of ministerial permits or approvals, unless the third
party obtains a court order preventing the activity
8 Modification/Suspension Pursuant to Government Code Section 65869 5, in the event
that any state or federal law or regulation, enacted after the Effective Date (as defined in Section
18), precludes compliance with any provision of this Agreement, such provision shall be deemed
modified or suspended to the extent practicable to comply with such state or federal law or
regulation, as reasonably determined necessary by City Upon repeal of said law or regulation or
the occurrence of any other event removing the effect thereof upon the Agreement, the
provisions hereof shall be restored to their full original effect
Demonstration of Good Faith Compliance
91 Review of Compliance In accordance with Government Code Section
65865 1, this Section 9 and the Applicable Rules, once each year, on or before each anniversary
of the Effective Date ( "Periodic Review "), the City Planning and Building Safety Director shall
review the extent of the Developer's good faith substantial compliance with the terms and
provisions of this Agreement as well as the performance by the City of its obligations under this
92 Good Faith Compliance During each Periodic Review, the Developer
shall demonstrate by written status report that, during the preceding twelve (12) month period,
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 12 February 8, 2005
that it has been in good faith compliance with this Agreement For purposes of this Agreement,
the phrase "good faith compliance" shall mean that the Developer has demonstrated that it has
acted in a commercially reasonable manner (taking into account the circumstances which then
exist) and in good faith in and has substantially complied with the Developer's material
obligations under this Agreement
93 Information to be Provided to Developer The City shall deliver to the
Developer a copy of all staff reports prepared in connection with a Periodic Review, any prior
staff reports generated during the review period, written comments from the public and, to the
extent practical, all related exhibits concerning such Periodic Review, but in no event later than
six (6) business days prior to the City Planning and Building Safety Director's submittal of a
report setting forth his or her determination as to the results of the Periodic Review Subject to
the provisions of Section 14 1 below, upon the Developer's request, the Developer shall be given
a full and adequate opportunity to be heard orally and in writing regarding its performance and,
at its option, the City's performance under the Agreement prior to the completion of the City
Planning and Building Safety Director's Periodic Review
94 Notice Of Non - Compliance, Cure Rights Subject to the provisions of
Section 14 1 below, if at the completion of any Periodic Review, the City Planning and Building
Safety Director reasonably concludes on the basis of substantial evidence that as to any parcel or
parcels comprising the Property (1) the Developer has not demonstrated that it is in good faith
compliance with this Agreement, and (u) that the Developer is out of compliance with a specific
substantive term or provision of this Agreement, then the City Planning and Building Safety
Director may issue and deliver to the Developer a written Notice of Violation as set forth in
Section 11 1 below
95 Determination of Developer's Compliance If the City Planning and
Building Safety Director determines that the Developer has demonstrated that it is in good faith
compliance with this Agreement, the City Planning and Building Safety Director's determination
shall be deemed final and non - appealable If the Developer appeals to the Planning Commission
a determination by the City Planning and Building Safety Director that the Developer is not in
compliance with this Agreement and the Planning Commission determines that the Developer
has demonstrated that it is in good faith compliance with this Agreement, the Planning
Commission's determination shall be deemed final and non - appealable If the Developer appeals
to the City Council a determination by the Planning Commission that the Developer is not in
compliance with this Agreement and the City Council determines that the Developer has
demonstrated that it is in good faith compliance with this Agreement, the City Council's
determination shall be deemed final and non - appealable
96 Failure of Periodic Review The City's failure to review, at least annually,
compliance by the Developer with the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall not
constitute or be asserted by any Party as a breach by any other Party of this Agreement
10 Excusable Delays Performance by any Party of its obligations hereunder shall be
excused during any period of "Excusable Delay," as hereinafter defined, provided that the Party
claiming the delay gives notice of the delay to the other Party as soon as reasonably possible
after the same has been ascertained For purposes hereof, Excusable Delay shall mean delay that
44386\1060366vll vs 1060366v10 13 February 8, 2005
directly affects, and is beyond the reasonable control of, the Party claiming the delay, including
without limitation (a) act of God, (b) civil commotion, (c) not, (d) strike, picketing or other
labor dispute, (e) shortage of materials or supplies, (f) damage to work in progress by reason of
fire, flood, earthquake or other casualty, (g) reasonably unforeseeable delay caused by a
reasonably unforeseeable restriction imposed or mandated by a governmental entity other than
City, (h) litigation brought by a third party attacking the validity of this Agreement, a Project
Approval, a Future Approval or any other action necessary for development of the Property, (1)
delays caused by any default by City or the Developer hereunder, or 0) delays due to the
presence or remediation of hazardous materials The term of this Agreement shall be extended
by any period of Excusable Delay
11 Default Provisions
11 1 Default Either Party to this Agreement shall be deemed to have breached
this Agreement if it materially breaches any of the provisions of this Agreement and the same is
not cured within the time set forth in a written notice of violation (the "Notice of Violation ")
from the non - breaching Party to the breaching Party, which period of time shall not be less than
ten (10) days for monetary defaults, and not less than sixty (60) days for non - monetary defaults
from the date that the notice is deemed received, provided if the breaching Party cannot
reasonably cure a non - monetary default within the time set forth in the notice, then the breaching
Party shall not be in default if it commences to cure the default within such time limit and
diligently effects such cure thereafter If the City determines that a default may have occurred,
the City shall give written notice to the Developer of its intention to terminate this Agreement
and comply with the notice and public hearing requirements of Government Code Sections
65867 and 65868 At the time and place set for the hearing on termination, the Developer shall
be given an opportunity to be heard If the City Council finds based upon the evidence that the
Developer is in breach of this Agreement, the City Council may modify or terminate this
112 Content of Notice of Violation Every Notice of Violation shall state with
specificity that it is given pursuant to this Section of the Agreement, the nature of the alleged
breach, (including references to the pertinent provisions of this Agreement), the portion of the
Property involved, and the manner in which the breach may be satisfactorily cured The notice
shall be deemed given in accordance with Section 19 hereof
113 Remedies for Breach The Parties agree that the remedies for breach of
this Agreement shall be limited to the remedies expressly set forth in this subsection The
remedies for breach of this Agreement by City or Developer shall be limited to injunctive relief
and/or specific performance
12 Mortgagee Protection This Agreement shall not prevent or limit the Developer, in any
manner, at Developer's sole discretion, from encumbering the Property or any portion thereof or
any improvements thereon by any mortgage, deed of trust or other security device The City
acknowledges that the lender(s) providing such financing ( "Mortgagee ") may require certain
Agreement interpretations and agrees, upon request, from time to time, to meet with the
Developer and representatives of such lender(s) to provide within a reasonable time period the
City's response to such requested interpretations The City will not unreasonably withhold its
44386A1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 14 February 8, 2005
consent to any such requested interpretation, provided that such interpretation is consistent with
the intent and purposes of this Agreement Any Mortgagee of a mortgage or a beneficiary of a
deed of trust or any successor or assign thereof, including without limitation the purchaser at a
.judicial or non - judicial foreclosure sale or a person or entity who obtains title by deed -in-lieu of
foreclosure on the Property shall be entitled to the following rights and privileges
12 1 Mortgage Not Rendered Invalid Neither entering into this Agreement nor
a breach of this Agreement shall defeat, render invalid, diminish, or impair the priority of the hen
of any mortgage or deed of trust on the Property made in good faith and for value No
Mortgagee shall have an obligation or duty under this Agreement to perform the Developer's
obligations, or to guarantee such performance, prior to taking title to all or a portion of the
122 Request for Notice to Mortgagee, The Mortgagee of any mortgage or
deed of trust encumbering the Property, or any part thereof, who has submitted a request in
writing to the City in the manner specified herein for giving notices, shall be entitled to receive a
copy of any Notice of Violation delivered to the Developer
123 Mortgagee's Time to Cure The City shall provide a copy of any Notice
of Violation to the Mortgagee within ten (10) days of sending the Notice of Violation to the
Developer The Mortgagee shall have the right, but not the obligation, to cure the default for a
period of thirty (30) days after receipt of such Notice of Violation Notwithstanding the
foregoing, if such default shall be a default which can only be remedied by such Mortgagee
obtaining possession of a Property, or any portion thereof, and such Mortgagee seeks to obtain
possession, such Mortgagee shall have until thirty (30) days after the date of obtaining such
possession to cure or, if such default cannot reasonably be cured within such period, to
commence to cure such default, provided that such default is cured no later than one (1) year
after Mortgagee obtains such possession
124 Cure Rights Any Mortgagee who takes title to all of the Property, or any
part thereof, pursuant to foreclosure of the mortgage or deed of trust, or a deed in lieu of
foreclosure, shall succeed to the rights and obligations of the Developer under this Agreement as
to the Property or portion thereof so acquired, provided, however, in no event shall such
Mortgagee be liable for any defaults or monetary obligations of the Developer ansing prior to
acquisition of title to the Property by such Mortgagee, except that any such Mortgagee shall not
be entitled to a building permit or occupancy certificate until all delinquent and current fees and
other monetary or non - monetary obligations due under this Agreement for the Property, or
portion thereof acquired by such Mortgagee, have been satisfied
125 Bankruptcy If any Mortgagee is prohibited from commencing or
prosecuting foreclosure or other appropriate proceedings in the nature of foreclosure by any
process or injunction issued by any court or by reason of any action by any court having
.jurisdiction of any bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings involving the Developer, the times
specified in Section 12 3 above shall be extended for the period of the prohibition, except that
any such extension shall not extend the tern of this Agreement
44356 \1060366vll vs 1060366v10 15 February 8, 2005
126 Disaffirmation If this Agreement is terminated as to any portion of the
Property by reason of (1) any default or (u) as a result of a bankruptcy proceeding, this
Agreement is disaffirmed by a receiver, liquidator, or trustee for the Developer or its property,
the City, if requested by any Mortgagee, shall negotiate in good faith with such Mortgagee for a
new development agreement for the Project as to such portion of the Property with the most
senior Mortgagee requesting such new agreement This Agreement does not require any
Mortgagee or the City to enter into a new development agreement pursuant to this Section
13 Estoppel Certificate At any time and from time to time, the Developer may deliver
written notice to City and City may deliver written notice to the Developer requesting that such
Party certify in writing that, to the knowledge of the certifying Party (1) this Agreement is in full
force and effect and a binding obligation of the Parties, (u) this Agreement has not been
amended, or if amended, the identity of each amendment, and (iii) the requesting Party is not in
breach of this Agreement, or if in breach, a description of each such breach The Party receiving
such a request shall execute and return the certificate within thirty (30) days following receipt of
the notice. The failure of the City to deliver such a written notice within such time shall
constitute a conclusive presumption against the City that, except as may be represented by the
Developer, this Agreement is in full force and effect without modification, and that there are no
uncured defaults in the performance of the Developer The City Planning and Building Safety
Director shall be authorized to execute, on behalf of the City, any Estoppel Certificate requested
by the Developer City acknowledges that a certificate maybe relied upon by successors in
interest to the Developer who requested the certificate and by holders of record of deeds of trust
on the portion of the Property in which that Developer has a legal interest
14 Administration of Agreement
141 Appeal of Staff Determinations Any decision by City staff concerning
the interpretation or administration of this Agreement or development of the Property in
accordance herewith may be appealed by the Developer to the Planning Commission, and
thereafter, if necessary, to the City Council pursuant to the El Segundo Municipal Code The
Developer shall not seek judicial review of any staff decision without first having exhausted its
remedies pursuant to this Section
All decisions by the City Staff concerning the administration of this
Agreement and the Project which is the subject hereof are appealable to the Planning
Commission and thereafter, if necessary, to the City Council Final determinations by the City
Council are subject to judicial review subject to the restrictions and limitations of California law
142 Operating Memoranda The provisions of this Agreement require a close
degree of cooperation between City and Developer During the Term of this Agreement,
clarifications to this Agreement and the Applicable Rules may be appropriate with respect to the
details of performance of City and Developer If and when, from time to time, during the terms
of this Agreement, City and Developer agree that such clarifications are necessary or
appropriate, they shall effectuate such clarification through operating memoranda approved in
writing by City and Developer, which, after execution, shall be attached hereto and become part
of this Agreement and the same may be further clarified from time to time as necessary with
future written approval by City and the Developer. Operating memoranda are not intended to
�l 9,J
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 16 February 8, 2005
and shall not constitute an amendment to this Agreement but are mere ministerial clarifications,
therefore public notices and hearings shall not be required The City Attorney shall be
authorized, upon consultation with, and approval of, the Developer, to determine whether a
requested clanfication may be effectuated pursuant to this Section or whether the requested
clanfication is of such character to constitute an amendment hereof which requires compliance
with the provisions of Section 15 below The authority to enter into such operating memoranda
is hereby delegated to the City Planning and Building Safety Director, and the City Planning and
Building Safety Director is hereby authorized to execute any operating memoranda hereunder
without further City Council action
143 Certificate of Performance Upon the completion of the Project, or the
completion of development of any parcel within the Protect, or upon completion of performance
of this Agreement or its earlier revocation and termination, the City shall provide the Developer,
upon the Developer's request, with a statement ( "Certificate of Performance ") evidencing said
completion or revocation and the release of the Developer from further obligations hereunder,
except for any ongoing obligations hereunder. The Certificate of Performance shall be signed by
the appropriate agents of the Developer and the City and shall be recorded in the official records
of Los Angeles County, California Such Certificate of Performance is not a notice of
completion as referred to in California Civil Code Section 3093
15 Amendment or Termination by Mutual Consent Except as otherwise set forth herein,
this Agreement may only be amended or terminated, in whole or in part, by mutual consent of
City and the Developer, and upon compliance with the provisions of Government Code Section
16 Indemnification/Defense
16 1 Indemnification. The Developer shall indemnify, defend with counsel
reasonably acceptable to the City, and hold harmless the City and its officers, employees and
agents from and against any and all losses, liabilities, fines, penalties, costs, claims, demands,
damages, injuries or judgments ansing out of, or resulting in anyway from, the Developer's
performance pursuant to this Agreement except to the extent such is a result of the City's
negligence or intentional misconduct.
Developer shall indemnify, defend with counsel reasonably acceptable to
the City, and hold harmless the City and its officers, employees and agents from and against any
action or proceeding to attack, review, set aside, void or annul this Agreement or the Project
Approvals or any provisions thereof, including without limitation the CEQA determination and
rezoning relating to those portions of the C -4 Zone which are not the subject of this Agreement
162 Defense of Agreement If the City accepts Developer's indemmfication
and defense as provided in Section 16 1 above, the City agrees to and shall timely take all actions
which are necessary or required to uphold the validity and enforceability of this Agreement and
the Applicable Rules This Section 16 shall survive the Termination of tlus Agreement.
17 Time of Essence Time is of the essence for each provision of this Agreement of which
time is an element
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 17 February 8, 2005
18 Effective Date This Agreement shall become operative on the date the Enabling
Ordinance becomes effective (the `Effective Date ") pursuant to Government Code Section
19 Notices Any notice shall be in writing and given by delivering the same in person or by
sending the same by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, with postage prepaid,
by overnight delivery, or by facsimile to the respective mailing addresses, as follows
If to City City of El Segundo
350 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
Attention City Clerk
With a Copy to Jenkms & Hogm LLP
Manhattan Towers
1230 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 110
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Attention Mark D Hensley, Esq
If to Developer Rosecrans - Sepulveda Partners, LLC
c/o Mar Ventures, Inc
2050 West 190th Street, Suite 201
Torrance, CA 90504
Attention Allan W Mackenzie
With a Copy to Continental Development Corporation
2041 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 265
El Segundo, CA 90245
Attention Leonard E Blakesley, Jr
Comstock Crosser & Associates
321 12th Street, Suite 200
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Attention Daniel D Crosser
Law Offices of Daniel Romano
11661 San Vicente Blvd, Suite 802
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Daniel Romano, Esq
Cox, Castle & Nicholson LLP
2049 Century Park East, Suite 2800
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Attention Ronald I. Silverman, Esq.
Either City or Developer may change its mailing address at any time by giving written notice of
such change to the other in the manner provided herein at least ten days prior to the date such
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366vt0 18
February 8, 2005
change is effected All notices under this Agreement shall be deemed given, received, made or
communicated on the earlier of the date personal delivery is effected or on the delivery date or
attempted delivery date shown on the return receipt, air bill or facsimile.
20 Entire Agreement This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the Parties
regarding the subject matter hereof, and all prior agreements or understandings, oral or written,
are hereby merged herein. This Agreement shall not be amended, except as expressly provided
21 Waiver No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any
other provision, whether or not similar, nor shall any such waiver constitute a continuing or
subsequent waiver of the same provision No waiver shall be binding, unless it is executed in
writing by a duly authorized representative of the Party against whom enforcement of the waiver
is sought
22 Severability If any provision of this Agreement is determined by a court of competent
jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall be effective to
the extent the remaining provisions are not rendered impractical to perform, taking into
consideration the purposes of this Agreement
23 Relationship of the Parties Each Party acknowledges that, in entering into and
performing under this Agreement, it is acting as an independent entity and not as an agent of any
other Party in any respect Nothing contained herein or in any document executed in connection
herewith shall be construed as creating the relationship of partners, joint ventures or any other
association of any kind or nature between City and Developer, jointly or severally
24 No Third Party Beneficiaries This Agreement is made and entered into for the sole
benefit of the Parties and their successors in interest No other person or party shall have any
right of action based upon any provision of this Agreement
25 Recordation of Agreement and Amendments This Agreement and any amendment
thereof shall be recorded with the County Recorder of the County of Los Angeles by the City
Clerk of City
26 Cooperation Between City and Developer City and Developer shall execute and deliver
to the other all such other and further instruments and documents as may be reasonably
necessary to carry out the purposes of this Agreement. Upon satisfactory performance by
Developer, and subject to the continuing cooperation of the Developer, City will commence and
in a timely manner proceed to complete all steps necessary for the implementation of this
Agreement and development of the Project or Property in accordance with the terms of this
27 Rules of Construction The captions and headings of the various sections and subsections
of this Agreement are for convenience of reference only, and they shall not constitute a part of
this Agreement for any other purpose or affect interpretation of the Agreement Should any
provision of this Agreement be found to be in conflict with any provision of the Applicable
Rules or the Project Approvals or the Future Approvals, the provisions of this Agreement shall
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 19 February 8, 2005
28 Joint Preparation This Agreement shall be deemed to have been prepared Jointly and
equally by the Parties, and it shall not be construed against any Party on the ground that the Party
prepared the Agreement or caused it to be prepared,
29 Governing Law and Venue. This Agreement is made, entered into, and executed in the
County of Los Angeles, California, and the laws of the State of California shall govern its
interpretation and enforcement Any action, suit or proceeding related to, or ansing from, this
Agreement shall be filed in the appropriate court having Jurisdiction in the County of Los
30 Attorneys' Fees. In the event any action, suit or proceeding is brought for the
enforcement or declaration of any right or obligation pursuant to, or as a result of any alleged
breach of, this Agreement, the prevailing Party shall be entitled to its reasonable attorneys' fees
and litigation expenses and costs, and any Judgment, order or decree rendered in such action, suit
or proceeding shall include an award thereof
Attorneys' fees under this Section shall include attorneys' fees on any appeal and any
post judgment proceedings to collector enforce the Judgment This provision is separate and
several and shall survive the merger of this Agreement into any Judgment on this Agreement
31 Counterparts This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which
shall be deemed an original, but all of which constitute one and the same instrument
32 Weekend/Holiday Dates Whenever any determination is to be made or action to be
taken on a date specified in this Agreement, if such date shall fall upon a Saturday, Sunday or
holiday observed by federal savings banks in the State of California, the date for such
determination or action shall be extended to the first business day immediately thereafter
33 Not a Public Dedication Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, nothing herein
contained shall be deemed to be a gift or dedication of the Property, or of the Project, or any
portion thereof, to the general public, for the general public, or for any public use or purpose
whatsoever, it being the intention and understanding of the Parties that this Agreement be strictly
limited to and for the purposes herein expressed for the development of the Project as private
property The Developer shall have the right to prevent or prohibit the use of the Property, or the
Project, or any portion thereof, including common areas and buildings and improvements located
thereon, by any person for any purpose which is not consistent with the development of the
Project Any portion of the Property conveyed to the City by the Developer as provided herein
shall be held and used by the City only for the purposes contemplated herein or otherwise
provided in such conveyance, and the City shall not take or permit to be taken (if within the
power or authority of the City) any action or activity with respect to such portion of the Property
that would deprive the Developer of the material benefits of this Agreement, or would in any
manner interfere with the development of the Project as contemplated by this Agreement
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 20 February 9, 2005
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Developer and City of El Segundo have executed this Development
Agreement on the date first above written,
Cindy Mortesen
City Clerk
Mark D Hensley, City Attorney
CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation
Kelly McDowell, Mayor
California limited liability company
By _
By _
The Owner Honeywell International, Inc hereby consents to the recording of this Agreement
with respect to the Property and agrees to take all steps necessary to cause the Agreement to be
recorded and acknowledges that this Agreement and the Project Approvals represent burdens and
benefits that will run with the land
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 21 Febmary 8, 2005
44386 \1060366v11 vs 106036600 A_1 February 8, 2005
3 0 C
44386 \1060366vll vs 1060366v10 A_2 February 8, 2005
Recording Requested By and
When Recorded Mall To
Cox, Castle & Nicholson, LLP
2049 Century Park East, Suite 2800
Los Angeles, California 90067
Attn Ronald I Silverman, Esq.
This ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT ( "Agreement ") is made and
entered into by and between ROSECRANS- SEPULVEDA PARTNERS, LLC, a California
limited liability company ("Assignee'), and a
( "Assignee ")
A The City of El Segundo ( "City ") and Assignor entered into that certain
Development Agreement dated , 2005 (the "Development Agreement "), with
respect to the real property located in the City of El Segundo, State of California more
particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto (the "Project Site "), and
B Assignor has obtained from the City certain development approvals and permits
with respect to the development of the Project Site, including without limitation, approval of
for the Project Site (collectively, the "Project Approvals ")
C Assignor intends to sell, and Assignee intends to purchase that portion, of the
Project Site more particularly described in Exhibit `B" attached hereto (the "Transferred
Property ")
D In connection with such purchase and sale, Assignor desires to transfer all of the
Assignor's right, title, and interest in and to the Development Agreement and the Project
Approvals with respect to the Transferred Property Assignee desires to accept such assignment
from Assignor and assume the obligations of Assignor under the Development Agreement and
the Project Approvals with respect to the Transferred Property
THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows-
1 Assignment Assignor hereby assigns and transfers to Assignee all of Assignor's
right, title, and interest in and to the Development Agreement and the Project Approvals with
respect to the Transferred Property Assignee hereby accepts such assignment from Assignor
2 Assumption Assignee expressly assumes and agrees to keep, perform, and fulfill
all the terms, conditions, covenants, and obligations required to be kept, performed, and fulfilled
by Assignor under the Development Agreement and the Project Approvals with respect to the
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 B -1 February 8, 2005
Transferred Property, including but not limited to those obligations specifically allocated to the
Transferred Parcel as set forth on Exhibit "C" attached hereto
3 Effective Date The execution by City of the attached receipt for this Agreement
shall be considered as conclusive proof of delivery of this Agreement and of the assignment and
assumption contained herein This Agreement shall be effective upon its recordation in the
Official Records of Los Angeles County, California, provided that Assignee has closed the
purchase and sale transaction and acquired legal title to the Transferred Property
4 Remainder of Project Any and all rights or obligations pertaining to such portion
of the Project Site other than the Transferred Property are expressly excluded from the
assignment and assumption provided in Sections 1 and 2 above
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the
dates set forth next to their signatures below
California limited liability company
Date By-
Date By
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 B -2 February 8, 2005
The attached ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT is received by the
City of El Segundo on this _ day of ,
) SS
Planning and Building Safety Director or
2005, before me,
a Notary
Public, personally appeared , personally known to me (or proved
to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the
within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she executed the same in his/her authorized
capacity, and that by his/her signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of
which the person acted, executed the instrument
WITNESS my hand and official seal
) SS
On , 2005, before me, , a Notary
Public, personally appeared , personally known to me (or proved
to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the
within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she executed the same in his/her authorized
capacity, and that by his/her signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of
which the person acted, executed the instrument
WITNESS my hand and official seal
vj )
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366v10 B -3 February 8, 2005
IT:; e
Kate Spade Collection
Apparel/Family Apparel/Farnily
Speedo Authentic Fitness
Apparel/Family Apparel/Family
Beyond the Beach
Apparel/Family Apparel/Family
Cashmere House
Apparel/Family Apparel/Family
Geor iou Retail Stores
Maternity Works
Bang & Olufsen
Arts /Crafts
Color Me Mine
Mrs Beasle 's
Mrs Field's Cookies
Beauty Supply
Beauty Supply
Beauty Supply
Aida Grey
Upstart Crow Books & caf6
Ethel M Chocolates
Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory
See's Candies Inc
Godiva Chocolatier
Cards /Stationer
Card Fever
Coffee /Juices
Gloria Jean's Gourmet Coffees
Coffee /Juices
Tull 's Coffee
Coffee /Juices
Robeks Juice
Coffee /Juices
Kelly's Coffee & Fudge Factory
Coffee /Juices
Market City Caffe
Coffee /Juices
Torrefazione Italia
Coffee /Juices
Jamba Juice
Coffee /Juices
Seattle's Best Coffee
Coffee /Juices
Urth Caffe
Coffee /Juices
Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
Coffee /Juices
Peet's Coffee & Tea
Diedrich Coffee
Coffee /Juices
Starbucks Coffee
Apple Computer
Ex etec Biz
EB Games - Electronics Boutique
Eye Care
Sterling Optical
n R �
.j 16
44386U060366v11 vs 1060366010 C_1 February 8, 2005
Approved Plans
Area .......... ...
Building Pad
Certificate of Performance
City Planning and Building Safety Director
City Council
Development Standards
Effective Date
Enabling Ordinance
Excusable Delay
Fast Food Restaurant
Food To Go Restaurant
Full Service Restaurant
Future Approvals
General Plan
Good Faith Compliance
Minor Modifications
Notice of Violation
Other C -4 Property
Party /Parties
Periodic Review .
Project Approvals
Project Site
Subsequent Rules
Transferred Property
Whole Foods Period
1 12
1 12
5.4 1
11 1
Exhibit B, Recital A
Exhibit B, Recital C
P \Planning & Budding Sa1ety\Prolects \626- 650 \Ea -63 t \Development Agreement Docs\Plaza DA February 8 2005 doe
44386 \1060366v11 vs 1060366vt0 D_1 February 8, 2005
The following conditions shall be binding upon Mar Ventures, Inc, the property owner(s) and
their successors in interest, including without limitation occupants of the property The following
conditions for the City of El Segundo's approval of Environmental Assessment No 631.
Conditions ") shall be fully complied with as set forth below
All mitigation measures in the Environmental Impact Report for the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo development project are
incorporated by this reference into these conditions of approval
2 Unless the contrary is stated or clearly appears from the context, the following definitions will
govern the construction of the words and phrases used in these conditions
A "P B S Director" means the City of El Segundo Director of Planning and Budding Safety,
or designee
B "EIR" means the Final Environmental Impact Report for the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo development project (SCH
No 2003121037), El Segundo, California
C "ESMC" means the El Segundo Municipal Code
D "Project Area" refers to each of the 20 developable lots on the Plaza El Segundo
development Project Site as shown on Vesting Tentative Tract Map No 061630 which
comprise the Project Site
E "Project Site" refers to the 43 3 -acre site generally located south of Hughes Way, east of
Sepulveda Boulevard, west of Douglas Street, and north of Rosecrans Avenue
F "Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site" refers to the approximately 110 acres generally
located south of Hughes Way, east of Sepulveda Boulevard, west of Douglas Street, and
north of Rosecrans Avenue which is the subject of a General Plan and Zoning Code
Amendment that is being considered concurrently with the land use entitlements for the
Project Area and the Project Site
G Except as otherwise specified in these Conditions of Approval, conditions must be
satisfied before the issuance of a Budding Permit for each budding within the Project
Before the issuance of the first Building Permit in the Project Area, the applicant must
submit a Lighting Master Plan for the Project Area for the review and approval of the P B S
Director and the Police Chief A Lighting Plan (construction drawings) and Photometric
Study, consistent with the Lighting Master Plan must be reviewed and approved by the
P B S Director and the Police Department before the issuance of each Budding Permit and
must be installed before the issuance of each Certificate of Occupancy in the Protect Area
The Lighting Plan and Photometric Study must demonstrate that the proposed project allows
minimum off -site illumination but still complies with Police Department safety requirements
The Lighting Master Plan must include, without limitation
A Specific details for Foot - candle intensity,
B Specific lighting detail for parking areas and structures, pedestrian walkways, and
access ways in and around buildings,
C On -site light fixtures that have been designed to direct the light downward and internal to
the proposed project site to minimize off -site illumination,
D Specific detail regarding the location, type and height of lighting devices,
E Specific detail to illustrate compliance with the ESMC, and,
F Weather and vandal resistant covers on lighting fixtures
4 Before the issuance of each Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant must provide evidence
to the P B S Director and the Police Chief that outdoor lighting design has been installed in
compliance with the approved Lighting Master Plan for the building that is the subject of the
Certificate of Occupancy
Materials and Desion
5 Before the issuance of the first Building Permit in the Protect Area, the applicant must
submit Final Working Drawings to the P B S Director for design review The applicant must
provide a Building Materials Sample Board of the materials, colors, and elevation drawings
to be utilized to the P B S Director for review and approval The design review must include,
without limitation, the following design guidelines
A All colors, textures, and materials on exterior elevation(s) must be coordinated to
achieve a continuity of design,
B Exterior building materials must be compatible with developments in the vicinity,
C At least two primary exterior building materials (including, without limitation, stucco,
stone, rock, and brick) must be used throughout the Plaza El Segundo protect,
D The buildings must have contrasting accent features Building materials must be of non -
reflective coatings and glazings,
E The plans must demonstrate substantial compliance with plans and conditions approved
and on file with the Planning and Building Safety Department Any subsequent
modification to the project as approved must be referred to the P B S Director for a
12/15/04 2
determination regarding the need for Planning Commission review of the proposed
modification in accordance with the provisions of the Development Agreement,
F All buildings must be in accordance with the Project Site's Conditions, Covenants and
Restrictions (CC &R's),
G All buildings must utilize energy efficient floor plans and controlled HVAC and heat
generating equipment to reduce energy use for cooling and ventilation,
H All roof - mounted mechanical equipment and communications devices must be hidden
behind budding parapets or screens to screen these devices from off -site ground level
I Ground level mechanical equipment, refuse collectors, storage tanks, monitoring wells,
generators, and other similar facilities must be screened from view with dense
landscaping and walls of materials and finishes compatible with adjacent buildings,
J Service, storage, maintenance, utilities, loading, and refuse collection and other similar
areas must be located out of the view of public roadways and buildings and screened by
dense landscaping and solid walls, unless the PBS Director determines such is not
practicable No chain link fences may be used for such screening,
K Walls along the north property boundary of the Project Site and walls used to screen
service and storage areas must be of the same materials, colors, and finishes as
adjacent buildings or compatible finishes and colors,
L A six -foot high solid wall must be constructed along the southern property line of Lot 15
of Vesting Tentative Tract Map No 061630 for at least a length of 200 feet from the
eastern edge of the Sepulveda Boulevard right -of -way and along the northern property
line of Lot 19 of Vesting Tentative Tract Map No 061630 for at least a length of 200 feet
from the eastern edge of the Sepulveda Boulevard right -of -way A six -foot high wall or a
fence constructed of vinyl chain link or other material must be constructed along the
remaining property lines of the Project Area abutting the Union Pacific Railroad right -of-
way with screening of the right -of -way with the use of landscaping, including, without
limitation, vines, hedges and /or trees to the satisfaction of the P B S Director,
M Chain -link fences are not permitted, except as described above, and as temporary
construction fencing,
N Budding design will meet the City's standards for the attenuation of interior noise,
O All service areas must be located so that service vehicles have clear and convenient
access and do not disrupt vehicular and pedestrian circulation,
P No loading will be permitted directly from public streets, except in designated areas as
approved by City P B S Director,
Q All on -site utility systems including without limitation, water, electricity, gas, sewer and
storm drains, must be installed underground,
12/15/04 3
R No Certificate of Occupancy may be issued unless there is substantial compliance with
the aforementioned development standards and,
S The Project Area site plan must be revised to provide sidewalks or other designated
pathways following direct and safe routes from the Park Place right -of -way to buildings H
through A -7, from the Park Place right -of -way to Pad D, and from the Sepulveda
Boulevard right -of -way to Building No 2, and any other building that may developed that
is set back more than 200 feet from a public right -of -way, subject to the review and
approval of the P B S Director
Landscaping and Irrigation
6 Before the issuance of the first Budding Permit in the Project Area, the applicant must
submit a Master Landscape and Irrigation Plan for the Project Area The Master Landscape
and Irrigation Plan must be reviewed and approved by the City P B S Director, the Director
of Recreation and Parks, and the Police Chief Landscaping for each budding in the Project
Area must be installed in accordance with the approved Master Landscape and Irrigation
Plan before the issuance of each Certificate of Occupancy. The Master Landscape and
Irrigation Plan must include, without limitation, the following
A All landscaped areas must be provided with a permanent automatic watering or irrigation
B All on -site landscaped areas must be maintained by the owner in a neat and clean
manner at all times,
C All landscaped areas must be designed to ensure efficient access to fire hydrants,
D Dual plumbing must be installed for reclaimed water irrigation,
E All landscaped areas must be irrigated with reclaimed water to the extent reclaimed
water is available for use in the Protect Area Until such time as reclaimed water is made
available, potable water may be utilized for irrigation,
F All landscaping and irrigation must comply with the City's Water Conservation
regulations and Zoning Code requirements,
G All landscaping must be designed to enhance site security in accordance with Police
Department policies,
H All public rights -of -way abutting the site must be landscaped,
I Landscaping that includes trees, vines, and or hedges must be incorporated along
property line walls and fences for screening purposes
J All landscaped areas must include a majority of mature landscaping, including trees that
are a minimum 24 -inch box size, and,
K Landscaping must be installed along property perimeters and evenly distributed
throughout the employee /customer parking areas
12/15/04 4 `� 'j
7 Before the issuance of the first Budding Permit in the Project Area, the applicant must
provide a Landscape Plan and Architectural Plan (i a construction drawings), consistent
with the Master Landscaping Plan, to the P B S Director, Director of Recreation and Parks,
and the Police Chief for review and approval The Landscape Plan and Architectural Plan
must demonstrate that errant nighttime illumination is generally screened from other
potentially sensitive uses, through budding design and landscape treatments,
8 Where feasible (as determined by the P B S Director), the applicant must comply with the
City's Water Conservation Program as set forth in the ESMC and the City's Guidelines for
Water Conservation in Landscaping Before the issuance of each Budding Permit in the
Project Area, the applicant's Landscape Plans must be submitted to the P B S Director for
review and approval
Before the issuance of the first Budding Permit in the Project Area, the applicant must
submit to the P B S Director for review and approval an overall Master Sign Program for the
Project Area Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for each budding within the
Project Area, the applicant must submit construction sign plans substantially consistent with
the approved Master Sign Program for the review and approval of the P B S Director
Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, signs must be installed in accordance
with the approved Master Sign Program The overall Master Sign Program must include,
without limitation
A Compliance with the ESMC,
B Not withstanding any other provisions in the ESMC, a maximum of three freestanding or
pole signs with a maximum height of 35 feet each are permitted along the Sepulveda
Boulevard street frontage of the Project Area,
C Not withstanding any other provisions in the ESMC, a maximum of two freestanding or
pole signs with a maximum height of 25 feet are permitted along the Park Place street
frontages of the Project Area,
D Not withstanding any other provisions in the ESMC, a maximum of two freestanding or
pole signs with a maximum height of 25 feet are permitted along the Allied Way street
frontages of the Project Area,
E Not withstanding any other provisions in the ESMC, no freestanding or pole signs,
except as described in Condition No 10 below, are permitted along the Rosecrans
Avenue frontage of the Project Area,
F All signs must be architecturally compatible with the proposed buildings,
G All signs must be compatible with the aesthetic objectives of the General Plan, and,
H No sign must impede traffic or pedestrian safety
10 Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the first building in the Project Area,
the applicant must construct and maintain a monument sign at the northeast corner of
Sepulveda Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue announcing the entrance to the City The sign
is subject to review and approval by the P B S Director The sign should be compatible with
the design of the Master Sign Program for the Plaza El Segundo development project
11 During grading and construction, dust control measures must be required in accordance
with the City's Dust Control Ordinance (Chapter 7 -3 of the ESMC) Grading must be
discontinued during first -stage smog alerts and suspended when wind velocity exceeds 15
miles per hour All hauling trucks must have loads covered or wetted and loaded below the
sideboards to minimize dust
12 The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) has promulgated rules and
applicable standards including, without limitation, the following Rule 402 - Nuisances, Rule
403 - Fugitive Dust, and Rule 2202 - On -Road Motor Vehicle Mitigation Options The
applicant must use best management practices in compliance with Rule 402 during the
operation of construction equipment Construction activities must be limited between the
hours of 7 AM to 6 P M , Monday through Saturday, unless such hours are extended
pursuant to a Noise Permit issued by the P B S Director During the construction phase, all
unpaved construction areas must be wetted at least twice daily during excavation, grading,
and construction and temporary covers for stockpiles must be used to reduce dust
emissions by as much as 50 percent The applicant must ensure that all materials
transported off -site will be either sufficiently watered or securely covered in compliance with
Rule 403 Resultant peak daily exhaust emissions from diesel- and gasoline- powered
construction equipment must be monitored to control emission levels that exceed SCAQMD
screening thresholds During construction, trucks and vehicles in loading or unloading
queues must keep their engines off, when not in use, to reduce vehicle emissions
Construction activities must be phased and scheduled to avoid emission peaks, and
construction must be discontinued during first- and second -stage smog alerts On -site
vehicle speed during construction must be limited to 15 mph Before issuance of a Grading
Permit for each Project Area, the applicant must provide a Construction Management Plan
to the P B S Director for review and approval relative to compliance with the appropriate
SCAQMD standards during the construction phase Daily records of construction hours and
activities must be maintained by the applicant throughout the construction phase
13 Before the issuance of a Building Permit in the Project Area, the applicant must provide an
Energy Conservation Plan to the P B S Director for review and approval The Energy
Conservation Plan must incorporate energy conservation features in accordance with the
requirements of the City and State Before the issuance of each Certification of Occupancy,
the applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director that the approved energy
conservation features have been installed and will be maintained
14 If a substation will be constructed, the Applicant must develop plans, projected loads, and a
master plan for scheduling to the satisfaction of Southern California Edison,
12/15/04 6 317
15 Before the issuance of a Budding Permit in the Project Area, the applicant must provide Fire
Life Safety Plans to the P B S Director and the Fire Chief for review and approval, which
include, without limitation, the following
A Fire lanes,
B Fire lane signing,
C Fire lane access easements or other recorded documents to the reasonable satisfaction
of the City Attorney,
D Fire lane accessibility,
E Gas detection systems,
F Minimum acceptable flow from any fire hydrant must be 2,500 gallon per minute,
calculated at 20 psi,
G Sprinklers within structures,
H Underground looped fire mains, sprinklers, fire pumps, and fire alarms,
I Emergency generators,
J Any above ground or underground storage tanks including elevator sumps and
condensation tanks,
K Documentation that the on -site fire mains will be maintained, and,
L Before the issuance of each Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant must demonstrate to
the Fire Department that the development complies with the Fire Life Safety Plan, and
that any required easements were properly dedicated and recorded
16 Before the issuance of a Budding Permit in the Project Area, the applicant must develop and
submit an Evacuation Plan and Procedures for review and approval by the Fire Department
Before the issuance of each Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant must provide evidence
to the P B S Director, and the Fire Department that the approved Evacuation Plan and
procedures were implemented or are operational as appropriate
17 Before the issuance of a Grading or Building Permits in the Project Area, the applicant must
provide a Construction Safety Plan to the P B S Director and Fire Department for review
and approval The Construction Safety Plan must document construction and staff training
procedures to ensure that best management practices during project grading and
construction will be utilized The Construction Safety Plan must identify an awareness
program for the subgrade installation of utilities and the potential for worker exposure to
related emissions, especially during excavation Compliance with this measure must be
verified by the P B S Director before permit issuance
18 Before the issuance of each Building Permit in the Project Area, all hydrants determined
necessary by the Fire Department and the P B S Director must be installed in accordance
with approved plans and specifications Fire hydrants must be spaced no greater than 300
feet apart One private hydrant must be provided for each structure and each structure must
be sprinklered in accordance with the California Budding Code (CBC) and the National Fire
Code (NFC)
19 Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for each budding, the applicant must pay
a Fire Service Mitigation Fee based upon the applicable Fire Service Mitigation Fee in effect
at the time of issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy Currently, the fee is $0 14 per gross
square foot of floor area, but the fee is subject to change Compliance with this measure
must be verified by the P B S Director before issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for
each budding
20 Before the issuance of a Grading Permit for the Project Area or a portion thereof, the
applicant must prepare and submit a Grading Plan for review and approval by the P B S
Director and the Director of Public Works The Grading Plan must include, without limitation
A The Grading Plan must demonstrate compliance with applicable provisions of the ESMC
and City policies and requirements,
B The Grading Plan must show cross sections for any grading purpose and the location of
and extent of existing and planned sewer easements and facilities,
C Grading depths must not encroach upon or damage the existing sewer lines on the
D Haul routes for import/export trucks and other heavy construction related vehicles must
be approved by the Director of Public Works,
E No haul routes may travel through the City of Manhattan Beach during A M or P M
peak hours,
F All grading must be accomplished in accordance with the recommendations of a
independent Geotechnical and Geological Report to be submitted by the applicant and
reviewed and approved by the City,
G The Grading Plan must detail where special restrictions apply due to sod contamination,
if applicable,
H Additional information, as required through the plan check process, must be included as
I Final grading activities must be coordinated with the City Engineer at the time the
Grading Permit is issued, and,
J Compliance with the above measures must be verified by the P B S Director before
issuance of each Certificate of Occupancy
12/15/04 8
21 Before the issuance of a Grading Permit for the Project Area or a portion thereof, the
applicant must submit documentation from the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control
Board ( "LARWQCB ") evidencing approval of completion of the Interim Remediation
Measures and approval of the Final Remedial Action Plan for the Project Area for the area
covered by the Grading Permit
22 The applicant must comply with any permit requirements imposed by the LARWQCB and /or
the Department of Toxic Substances Control ( "DTSC "), or any other applicable regulatory
agency related to development and /or grading on the site
23 Before the issuance of a Grading Permit, the applicant must provide any appropriate
hazardous materials safety training for all City employees needed to implement the project
If required, the training must be related specifically to safety issues that may arise during site
grading and construction due to the soil contamination that may exist in the site All training
must be completed to the reasonable satisfaction of the P B S Director, and the Fire Chief
24 During the construction phase of the project, activities will be allowed between the hours of
7 AM to 6 P M , Monday through Saturday, and prohibited at any time on Sundays and
federal holidays, unless such hours are extended pursuant to a Noise Permit issued by the
P B S Director Compliance for the operations phase will meet with the placement,
screening, and maintenance standards for all external mechanical equipment The
proposed project must be designed to ensure that noise generated by the proposed project
operations does not exceed the City's noise standards, as established by the ESMC, for on-
site or off -site receptors A noise monitor must be designated according to the relevant
codes Before issuance of a Grading Permit for each Project Area, the City must designate a
Noise Ordinance ComplianceNerification Monitor Before the issuance of a Building Permit
for each Project Area, the applicant's Final Working Drawings must be submitted to the
P B S Director for review and approval relative to compliance with the City's Noise
25 Before the issuance of the first Budding Permit, the applicant must submit an overall Security
and Crime Prevention Plan, to the P B S Director and the Police Department for review and
approval, which must address, without limitation, the following
A Lighting,
B Addressing (minimum height of 4" to 24 "),
C Telephones,
D Trash dumpsters (including space for recyclable materials),
n n -)
J !- j
E Indoor and outdoor security cameras installed at strategic locations, including employee
and other vehicle parking areas,
F Parking lots and structures,
G Fences, walls,
H Security hardware,
I Office,
J On -site security personnel,
K Locker rooms,
L An Evacuation Plan and Procedures,
M The employment of security personnel who will monitor and patrol the proposed Project
Site, including employee and other vehicle parking areas, and coordinate with public
safety officials,
N The installation of lighting in entryways, elevators, lobbies, and parking areas designed
to eliminate potential areas of concealment,
O A diagram of the proposed project, which will include access routes, and any information
that might facilitate emergency response,
P Compliance with all applicable items on Police Department checklist memo dated April
12, 2004, attached as Exhibit F- 1/C -1, with the exception that parking is permitted on the
north side of the Project Area between the main row of buildings and the northern
property line, and,
Q All Security and Crime Prevention Plan measures must be installed in conformance with
the approved plans and must be operational before the issuance of a Certificate of
26 Before issuance of the first building permits, the applicant must submit a photometric light
study to the Police Department for review and approval
27 Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for each building, the applicant must pay
a Police Service Mitigation Fee based upon the applicable Police Service Mitigation Fee in
effect at the time of issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy Currently, the fee is $0 11 per
gross square foot of floor area, but the fee is subject to change Compliance with this
measure must be verified by the P B S Director before issuance of a Certificate of
Occupancy for each building
12/15/04 10
28 The City of El Segundo requires development project applicants to prepare and submit Final
Working Drawings for review and approval The applicant must provide Final Working
Drawings that comply with Policies and Requirements and these conditions of approval The
Final Working Drawings must indicate proposed uses, budding sizes and heights, and the
specific location of structures, loading docks, staging areas, parking layout, landscaped
areas and recreational amenities The Final Working Drawings must include vehicular,
pedestrian and bicycle access, on- and off -site circulation, and linkage to other key elements
in the site vicinity, including the MTA Green Line The Final Working Drawings must indicate
budding materials and architectural design elements that will be utilized in the construction
of the proposed structures The Final Working Drawings must include information on
security lighting and hardware and other detail required for compliance with the City's
security, safety and crime prevention standards The Final Working Drawings must
demonstrate compliance with the California Building Code, California Mechanical Code,
California Plumbing Code, California Fire Code, California Sign Code, and California
Electrical Code, and approved Fire Life Safety Systems In addition, the Final Working
Drawings must clearly indicate the location of all entrances and exits, including emergency
vehicle access All parcel buildings and structures must be located in proximity to the
proposed parcel lines such that they meet all requirements for exterior wall and opening
protection Additional information, as required through the plan check process, must be
included as appropriate Before the issuance of a Building Permit for the Project Area, the
applicant must coordinate with all applicable City and applicable County agencies to prepare
and submit Final Working Drawings to be approved by the P B S Director, the Department
of Public Works, the Fire Department and the Police Department Before the issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy for each building, the applicant must provide evidence to the
P B S Director, the Department of Public Works, the Police Department, and the Fire
Department that Code and policy requirement conditions have been met
29 The Plaza El Segundo development project is allowed to develop up to a maximum of
425,000 square feet consisting of a combination of uses as permitted by the C -4 Zone and
as limited by the Development Agreement as long as the total AM, PM peak, daily, and
Saturday midday peak trip generation established in the EIR for the project as a whole is not
30 The maximum project size may be reduced as determined by the vehicle trip generation for
each use The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo development
project permit the following vehicle trips
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Plaza El Segundo Development
The trip generation for each use and building must be determined using the rates identified
below, adjusted for internal capture and pass by discount rate consistent with the traffic
study for EA No 631
12115104 11
Shopping Center (per 1,000 sf ) — LU 820
Daily Ln(T) = 0.65 Ln(A) + 5 83
AM Peak Hour Ln(T) = 0 60 Ln(A) + 2 29, 11B =61 %, O/B =39%
PM Peak Hour Ln(T) = 0 66 Ln(A) + 3 40, I/B =48 %, O/B =52%
Saturday Ln(T) = 0 65 Ln(A) + 3 77, I/B =52 %, O/B =48%
Grocery Store (per 1,000 sf) — LU 850
Daily T = 66 95(A) + 1391 56
AM Peak Hour Ln(T) = 1 70 Ln(A) — 142, I/B =61 %, O/B =39%
PM Peak Hour Ln(T) = 0 79 Ln(A) + 3 20, I/13=51 %, O/B =49%
Saturday Ln(T) = 0 74 Ln(A) + 3 47, I/B =51 1, O/B =49%
Free Standing Discount Store (per 1,000 sf) — LU 815
Daily T = 56 02(A)
AM Peak Hour T = 0 84 (A), I/B =68 %, O/B =32%
PM Peak Hour T = 5 06 A), I/B =50 %, 016 =50%
Saturday T = 7 58 (A), I/B =51 %, O/B =49%
Electronics Superstore (per 1,000 sf) — LU 863
Daily T = 45 04 (A)
AM Peak Hour T = 3 46 (A), I/B =53 %, O/B =47%
PM Peak Hour T = 4 50 (A), I/6 =49 %, O1B =51 %
Saturday [N/A J*
Health Club (per 1,000 sf) — LU 493
Daily T = 43,0 (A)
AM Peak Hour* T = 3 06 (A), I/B =58 %, O/B =42%
PM Peak Hour T = 5 76 (A), I/B =63 %, O/B =37%
Saturday [N /A]*
Fast -food Restaurant with Drive - Through Window (per 1,000
sf) — LU 934
Daily T = 496 12 (A)
AM Peak Hour T = 53 11 (A), I/13=51%, 016 =49%
PM Peak Hour T = 34 64 (A), I/B =52 %, O/B =48%
Saturday T = 59 20 (A), I/B =51 %, O/B =49%
High- Turnover (Sit -Down) Restaurant (per 1,000 sf) — LU 932
Daily T = 127 15 (A)
AM Peak Hour T = 11 52 (A), I/B =52 %, O/B =48%
PM Peak Hour T = 10 92 (A), I/B =61 %, O/B =39%
Saturday T = 20 00 (A), I/B =63 %, O/B =37%
T = trip ends A = building area in 1,000's of square feet
I/B = inbound percentages LU = ITE land use code
O/B = outbound percentages
Trip Generation, 7th Edition, Institute of Transportation
Engineers, 2003
* Saturday information unavailable — PM Peak hour utilized
31 The City of El Segundo requires development project applicants to prepare and submit a
Construction Management Plan for each Project Area for review and approval by the P B S
Director and Director of Public Works The Construction Management Plan must consider all
stages of construction, including grading, dirt hauling, employee travel, materials delivery,
J t�
12/15/04 12
etc The Construction Management Plan is also required for review and approval by the
P B S Director and Department of Public Works for the installation of any utilities, including
telecommunication utilities, in the public right -of -way Such a plan must include, without
limitation, traffic control measures for any lane closures The Construction Management
Plan must identify the types and approximate number of construction vehicles to be utilized
and must provide haul routes, staging area information and needed road or lane closures
The plan must include, but not be limited to construction hours, construction trailer locations,
construction and staging areas, construction crew parking, parking /access plan (including
truck haul routes), construction methods and schedules, No haul routes are permitted
through the City of Manhattan Beach during A M and P M peak hours All staging areas
chain During those areas that have additional fencing requirements
Ink fence, ex requirrements
Gates of right-of-way During lconstruction, trash must beremoved from the Project Site dregularly uand
promptly At the end of each construction day, all open trenches must be completely closed
or covered, or secured in accordance with Cal OSHA standards All gates and access
construction ct the construction are must provide and/or fully secured at the end of day contact
construction each day The applicant
person /liaison to receive and respond to complaints during construction must
32 Before r I lgrading ty 1ti t
provide evidence o the P B S Director that orr any on property orwith n
easements not owned or controlled by the applicant has been approved by the property
owner or easement holder Separate Grading and /or Budding Permit(s) must be obtained
by the applicant with the easement holder as co- applicant, if needed.
33 Before the issuance of a Budding Permit for the Project Area, the applicant must submit
plans and specifications for any new curbs, sidewalks, driveway approaches,
ramps, and asphalt concrete (A C ) pavement, that must be constructed /reconstructed in the
public right -of -way for any missing public segments /areas on the perimeter of the Project
Site, as reasonably required by the Director of Public Works Any existing driveways and
other paved areas on the perimeter of the Project Site that will not be incorporated into the
development must be removed and replaced with standard curb and sidewalk Before
issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the budding that is the subject of the Budding
Permit, the applicant must install the required public improvements per the approved plans
to the reasonable satisfaction of the Director of Public Works
34 The applicant must dedicate approximately 3 47 -acres of the "Project Site" to the City for the
construction of the extensions of Park Place and Allied Way, as required in Development
Agreement No 04 -1 and as depicted on Vesting Tentative Map 061630 Such dedication
shall occur through and upon recordation of the Final Map
35 The applicant must dedicate approximately 0 50 -acres of the "Project Site" to the city for
roadway widening along the east side of Sepulveda Boulevard, as required in Development
Agreement No 04 -1 and as depicted on Vesting Tentative Map 061630 Such dedication
shall occur through and upon recordation of the Final Map
12/15/04 13
36 Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy Permit for each budding, the applicant
must pay a Library Service Mitigation Fee based on the applicable Library Service Mitigation
Fee in effect at the time of issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy Currently, the fee is
$0 03 per gross square foot of floor area, but the fee is subject to change Compliance with
this measure must be verified by the P B S Director before issuance of each Certificate of
Occupancy for each budding
37 The applicant may modify the location of the parcel boundaries as approved on Vesting
Tentative Tract Map No 061630, consistent with the development standards in the C -4
Zone to accommodate the size and location of the individual buildings, before recordation of
Final Tract Map No 061630, provided a maximum of 20 parcels are created
38 Before the recording of the Final Map, the applicant must record a lot tie covenant if any
buildings are to be constructed across existing lot lines or if any building location does not
meet the development standards of the Commercial Center (C -4) Zone due to the location
of the existing lot lines No Certificates of Occupancy shall be granted for any use or
structure until the recording of the Final Map Accordingly, construction that proceeds
before the recording of the Final Map is done at the Developer's risk that a Certificate of
Occupancy will not be issued
39 After the recording of the Final Map, the applicant must submit a Lot Line Adjustment
application, if necessary, to realign any parcels to match the proposed locations of the
buildings to maintain conformity with the development standards in the ESMC
40 The applicant must maintain all existing easements on the site if the easement is still
required by its grantee
41 The applicant must provide reciprocal access agreements, subject to review and approval
by the City Attorney, between any parcels that do not have independent direct vehicle
access to a public right -of -way Such agreements must be recorded before issuance of any
Certificate of Occupancy for a building on an affected parcel
42 Before the issuance of a Rough Grading Permit for the Project Area, the applicant must
provide funds in trust to the P B.S Director to cover the reasonable costs, including City
consultants' and legal costs and fees, of the monitoring of the conditions of approval and
adopted mitigation measures associated with rough grading Before the issuance of a Final
Grading Permit, the applicant must provide funds in trust to the P B S Director to cover the
first year costs, including City consultants' and legal costs and fees, of the monitoring of the
conditions of approval and adopted mitigation measures, not associated with rough grading
Costs may include, without limitation, costs for traffic reviews, stormwater review, biological
resource monitoring, sod remediation review, and review of easements, dedications and
other agreements Costs that would be associated with rough grading do not include costs
for traffic reviews and review of easements and dedications Annually thereafter, the
applicant must replenish funds as deemed necessary by the P B S Director to cover the
reasonable costs, including City consultants' costs for each year The P B S Director, at his
discretion, may hire a consultant to coordinate and monitor compliance
43, Before the issuance of a Grading Permit, Building Permit, or Certificate of Occupancy, as
the case may be, the applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director that all adopted
12/15/04 14 `J
mitigation measures have been or will be implemented pursuant to the project's mitigation
monitoring plan Compliance with this measure must be verified by the P B S Director
44 All work within the City public right -of -way must be in accordance with the latest edition of
the Standards Specifications for Public Works Construction and City of El Segundo
Standard Specifications No work must be performed in the public right -of -way without first
obtaining a Public Works Encroachment Permit
45 Before the issuance of a Grading or Building Permit for the Project Area, the applicant must
provide evidence to the reasonable satisfaction of the P B S Director that all applicable
permits from other agencies have been obtained including, without limitation, LARWQCB,
Caltrans, State Water Quality Control Board's National Pollution Discharge Elimination
Systems (N P.D E S) Permit, South Coast Air Quality Management District, and Los Angeles
County Department of Public Works
46 Following the receipt of all requisite permits, the applicant must notify the P B S Director of
the date that construction will commence
47 At such time deemed necessary by the P B S Director, the applicant must provide an on-
site inspection office trader for the use of City inspection personnel
46 The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board has promulgated rules and
standards including, without limitation, obtaining an NPDES Permit and regulations related
to underground and above ground storage tanks The applicant's compliance with
LARWQCB will ensure compliance with the applicable sections of the California Water Code
(Section 13260), the Clean Water Act, and the Porter - Cologne Water Quality Control Act
The applicant must ensure that any on -site tanks for use in the storage of fuels, wasted oil,
solvents or other chemicals, which are located either above ground or underground, must be
placed, constructed and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the LARWQCB,
49 The applicant must adhere to any relevant requirements of the LARWQCB regarding
development of the site The applicant must prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Plan ( SWPPP) which will demonstrate best management practices relevant to compliance
with LARWQCB requirements and the California General Construction Permit Before the
issuance of a Grading Permit for the proposed project, the applicant must provide a SWPPP
to the LARWQCB, the P B S Director and Fire Department for review and approval relative
to compliance with the provisions and requirements of the LARWQCB Before issuance of a
Building Permit for each Project Area, the applicant must apply for the appropriate
notifications and /or registrations for any on -site storage tanks The applicant must provide a
copy to the City of the Notice of Intent required by the LARWCQB
50 Before the issuance of a final Grading Permit and /or Building Permit for each budding in the
Project Area, the applicant must provide a drainage plan for that portion of the Project Area
affected that eliminates pollutants to surface runoff as required by NPDES requirements
The drainage plan must be reviewed and approved by the P B S Director and Director of
Public Works Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for each budding, the
12/15/04 15
applicant must demonstrate that the drainage plan has been implemented and is effective to
the reasonable satisfaction of the P B S Director and Director of Public Works
51 Before the issuance of a Building Permit for the Project Area, the applicant must provide
evidence to the P B S Director and Director of Public Works that pavement on -site must be
adequately applied to prevent soil erosion Further, paved areas on -site must be regularly
maintained (i e , all cracks repaired and debris removed on a regular basis) to prevent sod
erosion The applicant must install improvements pursuant to the approved plans before
final sign -off of the Permit Before the issuance of a Grading or Budding Permit for each
building in the Project Area, the applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director and
Director of Public Works that on -site drainage must be directed to existing storm drains The
applicant must install said improvements per the approved plans before final sign -off of the
52 Before the issuance of any Grading or Building Permit for the Project Area, the applicant
must prepare a Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) and provide evidence
to the P B S Director and Director of Public Works that the project area that is the subject of
the Grading or Building Permit complies with City of El Segundo Urban Runoff Pollution
Prevention Controls (Title 5 - Health and Sanitation, Chapter 7 - Standards Urban
Stormwater Mitigation Plan Implementation of the El Segundo Municipal Code) The
applicant must install said improvements per the approved plans before final sign -off of the
53 Before the issuance of a Grading or Budding Permit for each budding in the Project Area, the
applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director and Director of Public Works that
A Collection basins to reduce silts in storm water before runoff drainage to the Los Angeles
Flood Control System have been adequately incorporated into the project design,
B On -site catch basins have been designed and constructed to screen out larger matter to
prevent flooding of the project site resulting from debris caught in the drainage canal,
C Drainage channels within parking lot and paved areas have been be designed and
constructed to direct storm water and /or irrigation run -off to collection basins provided
on -site,
D On -site drainage and hydrology improvements have been designed in conformance with
applicable standards of the City of El Segundo and the Los Angeles County Department
of Public Works, including policies in the Public Safety Element of the City's General
E The project is in compliance with applicable permit requirements of the Los Angeles
County Department of Public Works or Los Angeles County Flood Control District,
F On -site drainage and hydrology improvements have been designed using the necessary
hydraulic/hydrology and structural calculations required for permitting by the Los
Angeles County of Department of Public Works and,
G All on -site development is consistent with a Hydrology and Drainage Study and the Final
Working Drawings, as approved by the City, and,
12/15/04 16
H Before the issuance of any subsequent Permit `Final Inspection Approval' for the
proposed project, the applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director and Public
Works that all the improvements herein have been constructed in compliance with the
appropriate regulations and specifications
54 If the Los Angeles Congestion Management Plan (CMP) requires the City to track the
debits /credits associated with development in the City, before the issuance of the first
Budding Permit for the Project Site, the applicant must provide Los Angeles County
Congestion Management Plan (CMP) Debit/Credit Calculations, and a Phasing Plan for
CMP related improvements, to the P B S Director and Public Works for review and
approval The calculations must include only programs which meet all the minimum criteria
(e g , density) contained in the CMP Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for
the building, the applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director that the proposed
project CMP debits /credits related improvements were implemented and balanced on the
Project Site in accordance with the approved phasing plan Compliance with this measure
must be verified by the P B S Director before permit issuance As may be applicable, the
City will give credit for CMP related improvements towards the applicant's traffic mitigation
impact fee, as appropriate
55 Before the issuance of a Building Permit for the Project Area, the applicant must provide a
Pedestrian Access /Circulation Plan to the P.B.S Director, Recreation and Parks Director,
and Police Chief for review and approval The Plan must identify the location of pedestrian,
bicycle accesses and indicate linkage to other key elements in the site vicinity, and within
the project itself, including parking areas, budding entrances, bicycle racks, recreational
elements, etc The Plan must reflect a safe movement pattern, which does not significantly
conflict with vehicular movement and parking access areas Before the issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy for each Project Area, the applicant must provide evidence to the
P B S Director, Recreation and Parks Director, and Police Chief that the approved
pedestrian and bicycle access features have been installed and will be adequately
maintained per the approved plan
56 Before the issuance of each Budding Permit in the Project Area, the applicant must submit a
detailed Traffic, Circulation and Parking Plan, prepared by a licensed traffic engineer, for
review and approval by the Director of Public Works, the P B S Director, the Police Chief,
the Fire Chief, and the City's Traffic Engineer Alternatively, such a plan may be submitted
for a number of buildings at one time if that group of buildings will be completed within a
reasonable time period of each other The Traffic, Circulation and Parking Plan must
include, without limitation, the following
A An analysis of the estimated traffic generation for the building(s),
B. Sight distances for each structure and parking area associated with the building(s),
C. An analysis of the traffic volumes at each driveway or intersection associated with the
building(s) in order to determine if any offsite improvements are warranted (i a,
deceleration lanes, left -turn pockets, new or modified traffic signals, etc ) that were not
analyzed in the EIR due to the approximation of building locations in the EIR,
12/15/04 17 v 2 8
D Any new traffic signals or modifications to existing traffic signals must be subject to the
review and approval of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works The
applicant must pay the applicable county costs to provide plan check and inspection
E The applicant must dedicate any on -site land required to accommodate any required
intersection and roadway improvements (e g , deceleration lanes) and the new Park
Place and Allied Way roadway extensions through the recording of the Final Map, which
may be after budding permit issuance, but must occur before issuance of a Certificate of
Occupancy for any building in the Project Area,
F All truck circulation,
G Customer /employee parking,
H All access points to the project site, which should be aligned with existing driveways and
intersections where possible,
I Off -site circulation improvements,
J All median modifications, if necessary,
K All dead end aisles eliminated to satisfy City Codes,
L All truck turning radii,
M The location of required loading spaces,
N An analysis that shows the location and the timing of construction of the required parking
for the budding or Project Area,
O Pedestrian crossing areas of the public roadways must be called out on the plans and
appropriately designated,
P All parcels and structures must be connected by an accessible route of travel that meets
the requirements of Title 24 of the California Budding Code and,
Q Final site plan approval for each building(s) must be contingent upon fulfillment of the
above traffic design review requirements All Circulation and Parking Plan improvements
which require installation must be installed before the issuance of each Certificate of
Occupancy for the building(s) which are the subject of the Traffic, Circulation and
Parking Plan Compliance with these requirements must be verified by the Director of
Public Works, the P B S Director, the Police Chief, the Fire Chief, and the City's Traffic
Engineer before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy
57 The applicant must install "No Parking" and other traffic signs on the Park Place and Allied
Way roadway extensions, as required by the Public Works Department
12/15/04 18
58 The applicant must provide handicap accessible pedestrian walkways, with a minimum five -
foot width Any roadways dedicated to the City as public roadways may have handicap
accessible pedestrian walkways within the public right -of -way instead of locating them on
private property
59 Before the issuance of the first Budding Permit for the Project Area, the applicant must
submit Final Working Drawings to the P B S Director for review and approval that shows
that all handicapped, carpool, vanpool, motorcycle, and bicycle parking and other TDM and
TSM physical requirements have been provided as required by the City All TDM/TSM
physical improvements required by City regulations must be installed before the issuance of
each Certificate of Occupancy
60 Before the construction of the portion of the Park Place roadway for the proposed project
that would intersect Sepulveda Boulevard and any other improvements on Sepulveda
Boulevard, the applicant must secure a Caltrans Encroachment Permit to alter Sepulveda
Boulevard as set forth in the EIR The alterations to Sepulveda Boulevard must be in
accordance with relevant Caltrans Encroachment Permit requirements and conditions and
must be shown on the Final Working Drawings The applicant is responsible for the costs of
modifications and construction of all the roadway extensions and widenings that will be
dedicated to the City Before the issuance of a "Final Inspection Approval' of the roadway
improvements, the applicant must install the intersection improvements The improvements
must be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer, and P B S Director
61 Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any building constructed north of the
Union Pacific /Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad right -of -way in the Project Area, the
new roadways, including any medians, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters must be constructed in
accordance with applicable Department of Public Works construction standards for a public
roadway with the minimum dimensions required by the Circulation Element of the El
Segundo General Plan, and must comply with applicable requirements of the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA), as well as City requirements for traffic signage, street lighting,
drainage plans, and underground utility service, subject to the review and approval of the
Director of Public Works The applicant must be responsible for the design and construction
of the new roadways
62 The applicant must install off -site traffic related mitigation measures as set forth in the EIR
and MMRP at the time when amount of budding (floor area or vehicle trips) triggers the
impact for which the mitigation measure is based, as documented in the required Traffic,
Circulation, and Parking Plan
63 Before the issuance of each Building Permit for the Project Area, the applicant must submit
a temporary lane closure plan for review and approval by the Director of Public Work, Fire
Chief and Police Chief if lane closures will be required during construction for a particular
budding to insure construction vehicles, equipment and supplies do not interfere with local
emergency response routes and incidences
64 Driveway entrances must be clearly marked, as well as different areas of the parking lot, to
ensure visiting vehicles do not accidentally enter the truck staging area
65 The applicant must coordinate construction lane closures with the Director of Public Works,
Police Chief and Fire Chief
12/15/04 19
66 Before the issuance of each Certificate of Occupancy for a building in the Project Area, the
applicant must pay a Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee The amount will be based upon the
adopted Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee in effect at the time of issuance of a Certificate of
67 Shower and lockers for employees must be provided in sufficient number, as determined by
the P B S Director for each tenant in the Project Area exceeding 50,000 square feet
68 The applicant must submit a Transportatior
the requirements of Chapter 15 -17 of the
Certificate of Occupancy in the Project Area
System Management (TSM) Plan, pursuant to
ESMC within 90 days of issuance of the first
69 Before the issuance of the first Building Permit for the Project Area, the applicant must
provide a Utility Plan to the P B S Director and Public Works for review and approval The
Utility Plan must demonstrate that all on -site utilities, including fiber optic utility lines from
each building to the public right -of -way, are placed underground The applicant must
assume the costs for the relocation of all utilities, without limitation, light poles, electrical
vaults, and fire hydrants within the Project Area or Project Site Before the issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy for each building that is the subject of the Budding Permit, the
applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director and the Director of Public Works that
the approved Utility Plan improvements has been installed and appropriate access provided
per the approved plan
70 Before the issuance of the first Building Permit for the Project Area, the applicant must
provide evidence to the P.B S Director and the Director of Public Works that proposed utility
service improvements will be of a quality reasonably acceptable to the P B S Director The
developer must encourage and promote a high quality, efficient, and sustainable
development through the incorporation and utilization of the best and most cost - effective
electrical, natural gas, communications, sewage handling, water conservation, and solid
waste disposal equipment and systems Compliance with this measure must be verified by
the P B S Director before Building Permit issuance
71 On -site utilities on private property within the project site, including without limitation, storm
drains, stormwater detention basins, water and sewer mains, must be owned and
maintained by the developer and a connection point to a public main established
72 Before the issuance of a building permit, the applicant must obtain utility easements for the
utilities located on private property within the Project Area that cross through adjacent
private property and /or utilities that are used or shared by two or more parcels
73 Encroachment Permits for work in the public right -of -way must be obtained from the
Engineering Division of the Public Works Department A Grading Permit is also required
when import or export of dirt exceeds fifty cubic yards
74 Overload permits are required for dirt and material hauling on City streets
12/15/04 20
I� ORDINAN Exhibit «p„
73 No material st CONo1TIONS CE No. `-- Exhibit „C.,
Issued by the °r age is allow OF APPROVA
allowed in the Engineering Dr�iin the public n
Mmes, as long as Public right-of-way, on of the Pubnght -of -way exec
right oas determined fe and adeufeMust be confi� oft DeParfm by Encroach ent maximum requires pno a Engrneerin edestnan and tlphic arkwayea Qasf material storage Permit maxi
Period of approval of he Division, ub) e b Pass and street ge is
76 Before th issuance 24 hours Storage age is maint parking
sub Mlt e Works Dir@ d these are arned at all
'rector Of and Pub, �t a first Building per for and must be in the public
dedica °f Public 9ht- mit f Irrrrited to a
bons a Works Way lrn or the
is the rid side and B Proverne Project
SU the Sub JeCtlect Oft Befoe1 tin ac walk ce withtCit s laid Plansrmu�stew and applicant must both all sidewalk of the Perrrreit,t t issuance of re required on lards necessary
include any approval to the for th ah p opeCc A emaY subm t Str -th p sins a d u dedicate �ccuPancY for public St build that
77 completed within a rean abereof bui Ub9s RlghtfioatWas approved
y theta t ayland ,n t �n
8ht -of-
The Los An time Period of cache time if that ement plans,if Alternatively
its sewer easeme is r Sanitati Distn other group of buildin req
urred for
°Jeot Area that all ts. The a on
rights of way mu alter pplr°ant must fequires a Build g tl e
s w I b
construction ahons to final v
of sf be in ace sewer eamonstratp th Qer Permit for Con
easements Beforhe proposed ortlance with sements reloca Ito its Grading p�action over
the applicant a the issua prolect and relevant BUtld n of sewer ns n the
Permit(s) has must provide rice of the affect other pro. over Per manhole
been obtained evidence ed Gradinfect components it($)
or th to the g Permits for overt a allow t
78 Before rssu P'BS Dre the
the existing se a easement {s) has b ctor that any face Proposed Pr
rice of the first
cmcurt televisio wer later building Permit been relocated Cessary Bu'dovc
serve the pr lion (CCN to deter °n ectrto these Project Area, the app SP
of SIX inChs are required mine the congiCon of he exstrri I the rea with in ct
have es inside and constru infrastructure that closed
B9 size box six -inch clean_ diameter cted rn the will
Properly ust be pla out brought t Material must public right-of.
Y marked With ced around the o grade at the be vitreous way, the
the Di approved All elevabonthe word "sew clean -out for Property aria Pipe " Each It be a
Piu99ed cloy °f Public s of planned er," If in protection The securel lateral Work installed d If approved Mai Wine and before sf sewer onnscbons must be the caover musav a traf q
ease a cover
celled before the ss by the Direct capped at the construct 'or' Existing gViewed and approved t t by Ic
80 Se any off -site upgra euance of a Certificate off Owo Works Any r e E sting six-inch
atera must be
demonstrate c ' a Program required d uparicy for squired budrn Sewer late als meusmay
Occupanc capacity avails for the im due to changes r g to be served be
the p B S Director hat l rWihineaopro upantcyn Before the Proposed peak demands I. Agra the Ust be
t2i15ioa adequate pr capacity is available yant must pr, ertlfi ate f
sew a,
accommodate the building
v ��
1- Exhibit «p,.
that is the CONDITI DINANCE NO. � Bxhlbit , °C„
If nh sewer uPgrad VectofsUch certificate ONS Op APPROVAL
at grouP of building ans' If requr ed for Occupancy Alte
81 If any off, site g will te completed ,ro1ectArea Or rnatively the applicant
P o�ided tewatePgsedecere required due within a reasonable time of b ms may submit
Certificate Of derponstrate a Program fog° changes in the Period of each othet trine
evidence of Occupanc capacity availability 'mPlem PropOsed
accomm to the P B S Y for each building before occutahon of the Peak demands in water
Alter to
he Director that ad g within a pr Pancy Bef, Pgrades
natively the or that equate °fact Area the applicant for a the applicant m 's the water and w he Issua cesofbe
ay submit at sublect Of astewater capacity s Mu
completed withrnea or a number Y water and such Ce st r v
Of build' P ° ide
8z Before a reasonabl one tine rf at ®r upgrade f 1 Occupancy
issuance a t'me Period gs at
Of the Union p Of a first Certificate of each Ober that group of Plans, if requlregy
located to the Pacific Railroad igt - of OOC but will be
83 Businesses that ut Plan north of the Protect see w h� ane applicant ch . must rePla in a the the protect Area
With that generate er line e I &inch north
a minimum 30 minute retention or greases as depicted on sew line
84 Before the are re the Phase I
the aPpbca Issuance of a Ce n PenOd on aPprO required to install
that the aPP omust Provide enden to of OccuPan Pnate sewer connect ons se interceptors
the Pnate addit vi ce to the P B sy for
t I Segundo Water and on -site Director burldin
been Installed Suc Waste water and g within the Protect
Water sYsterns h addition water Drvisio wastewternmthe Director of P Area
combined irngat odeParate wa eeasures must include an equivalen Vernents as identified tiff dohs
required eUre servicesnwilhOmesticrno�esefor each buildi�aratesery� es foe Provider, have
determined Pon cornpletrOn Ofdouble detectorarated into qo and or r Potable and fire
number O f build ngsrvat ' the apPhcant PI an, the valves andtib and Irrrgat %� to be a
reasonable t, applicant exact size acknow meters
85, an site a Period of each otherf that gro uP Mit any of buildings nroer, ur P ansf fr @reinest will are
If Y off -
provided to'catroarservi0as required due gs will be cOmpleted r ,f, as be
Certificate Of pmonstrate ' a Program forO changes in the p
Provide ccupan0 avail the rm rO os
facilities evidence to th y for each ability bimPernentation of the Peak de
Occu a available e P B S Dir building within th °ccupanc upgrades ands for
a Pancy Alternatively' accomm0 actor and the e PrOJect Y Before rssu must be
number Of ativelY the date the Director of p Area, the a ance of a
reasonable tlmeuildings at' OnealPnhcant maY subng that is the sub h, Works that must
86 Bef °re the Period of each Other if that group of any improvement of such Ceradequate
the a nplicant must Provide Certificate Ot buildings will be, if required, for Issuance Of that plate
bfred appro within
)den y 1 appropriate evidence IM to the Occupancy S for each a
°mmodate thecbuildBell, or an' ero nts tb ion- and the Dir the Prole
eme rector building within
9 that is th q Ivalent site tele0 actor Of Ares
e subject ofsUOrvice providecOmrnunicafiOn Public Work
12115 04 h Certificate have b services as
of Occupancy instal
If l t the installed
A r O NZ 11I i 1 �e7 r, E3 •T� II1:T •P t�
facilities serve adjacent properties, the services may require relocation Alternatively, the
applicant may submit any improvement plans, if required, for a number of buildings at one
time if that group of buildings will be completed within a reasonable time period of each
87 If any off -site upgrades are required due to changes in the proposed peak demands in
natural gas service, a program for the implementation of the upgrades must be provided to
demonstrate capacity availability before occupancy Before the issuance of a Certificate of
Occupancy for each budding within the Project Area, the applicant must provide evidence to
the P B S Director and the Director of Public Works that adequate facilities are available to
accommodate the budding that is the subject of such Certificate of Occupancy Compliance
with this measure must be verified by the P B S Director before permit issuance
Alternatively, the applicant may submit any improvement plans, if required, for a number of
buildings at one time if that group of buildings will be completed within a reasonable time
period of each other
88 Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for each building within the Project Area,
the applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director and the Director of Public Works
that any appropriate additional on -site natural gas service improvements as identified by
The Gas Company, or an equivalent service provider, have been installed to accommodate
the budding that is the subject of such Certificate of Occupancy Compliance with this
measure must be verified by the P B S Director and before the issuance of the Certificate of
Occupancy Alternatively, the applicant may submit any improvement plans, if required, for a
number of buildings at one time if that group of buildings will be completed within a
reasonable time period of each other
89 If any off -site upgrades are required due to changes in the proposed peak demands for
electrical service, a program for the implementation of the upgrades must be provided to
demonstrate capacity availability before occupancy Before the issuance of a Certificate of
Occupancy for each budding within the Project Area, the applicant must provide evidence to
the P B S Director and the Director of Public Works that adequate facilities are available to
accommodate the budding that is the subject of such Certificate of Occupancy Alternatively,
the applicant may submit any improvement plans, if required, for a number of buildings at
one time if that group of buildings will be completed within a reasonable time period of each
90 Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for each building within the Project Area,
the applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director and the Director of Public Works
that any appropriate additional on -site electrical service improvements as identified by The
Edison Company, or an equivalent service provider, have been installed to accommodate
the building that is the subject of such Certificate of Occupancy Alternatively, the applicant
may submit any improvement plans, if required, for a number of buildings at one time if that
group of buildings will be completed within a reasonable time period of each other
91 Before the issuance of the first Building Permit for each budding within the Project Area, the
applicant must submit Off -site Reclaimed Water Facility Plans to the P B S Director and the
Director of Public Works for review and approval Said plans for the off -site improvements
r) , 4
J `t
12/1 5/04 23
must include an approval from West Basin Municipal Water District, the supplier of
reclaimed water
92 Before the issuance of a Budding Permit for each building within the Project Area, the
applicant must submit Final Working Drawings that incorporate On -site Irrigation Plans to
the P B S Director and the Director of Public Works for review and approval Such plans
must indicate that reclaimed water must be utilized in the irrigation systems for all landscape
areas and other uses, as approved by the Department of Public Works, when available from
the West Basin Municipal Water District or other supplier of reclaimed water Such plans
must include the installation of a dual water line system on -site to accommodate distribution
of potable water for landscaping until reclaimed water for landscaping becomes available for
the Project Area In addition to the utilization of reclaimed water for irrigation, other water
conservation features such as low -flow devices and automated shut -offs must be included
throughout the Project Site Water management systems must include both water
conservation and wastewater reduction features
93 Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for each budding within the Project Area,
the applicant must provide evidence to the P B S Director and the Director of Public Works
that the connection with the City's reclaimed water system has been provided, the approved
water management systems and water - saving devices have been incorporated into project
development, and that the water facilities have been installed per the approved plans If the
water provider is unable to make reclaimed water available before the issuance of the
Certificate of Occupancy, then potable water may be utilized and the Certificate of
Occupancy must be issued
94 The applicant must install a loop water distribution system for the Project Site with service
connections to each of the water mains in the streets surrounding the project, subject to the
review and approval of the Director of Public Works Before the issuance of each Budding
Permit in the Project Area, the applicant must submit a construction phasing plan for the
water service, which must include, without limitation, how the building which is the subject of
the permit will be connected to the looped water distribution system
95 Before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for each building within the Project Area,
the applicant must pay the applicable water meter installation fees Compliance with this
measure must be verified by the P B S Director before issuance of the Certificate of
96 Before the issuance of a Budding Permit for each building within the Project Area, the
applicant must pay the applicable sewer connection fees and charges Compliance with this
measure must be verified by the P B S Director before Permit issuance
97 Before the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy for a budding in the Project Area,
those areas not already part of County Sanitation District must be annexed to County
Sanitation District No 5
98 The Developer must defend, indemnify and hold the City and its elected and appointed
officials, officers, employees and agents harmless from and against any claims, legal or
equitable actions, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorney's fees), injuries, or
J .J
12115104 24
liability of whatsoever kind or nature, arising from the City's approval of the project, Including
but not limited to the CEQA determination, General Plan Amendment, Zoning Code
Amendment and /or the Tentative Tract Map approval
99 Mar Ventures, Inc must acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the Project Conditions by
executing the acknowledgement below
By signing this document, Mar Ventures, Inc certify that they have read, understood, and
agrees to the Project Conditions listed In this document and represents and warrants that it has
the authority to execute this document on behalf of the property owner and acknowledges that
the conditions set forth above shall run with the land and be binding upon all owners and
occupants of the land
Mar Ventures, Inc
Allan Mackenzie
Its President
{If Corporation or similar entity, needs two officer signatures or evidence that one signature
binds the company}
P \Planning & Building Safety\PROJECTS \626- 650\EA- 631 \Council Agenda Packet\2 -15 -05 heanngVHoneywell Conditions of
Approval CC doc
3.3 C'
12/15/04 25
City of El Segundo
Inter - Departmental Correspondence
April 12, 2004
To: Jim Hansen, Director of Community, onomic & Development Services
From: Jack Wayt, Chief of Police �Y�9
Subject: Environmental Assessment EA -No. 631
Address 850 S Sepulveda Blvd
Applicant MAR Ventures
Property Owner. Honeywell, General Chemical, Air Products,
Kramer & Co and others
The Police Department's has revised some of the comments stated in the
December 10, 2003 memo. There is also a revision to the lighting requirements
listed in the Crime Prevention Checklist The revised Checklist is attached for
your convenience
As the plans are still in the conceptual stages, it is difficult to make
recommendations until speck businesses or types of business are
identified and studied as to their relationship with one another.
However, in reviewing the schematic master plan, the following are the
preliminary comments from the Police Department
• Attached please find a "Crime Prevention Checklist" to use as general, but not
site - specific guidelines
• Historically, malls and strips centers where parking spaces are to the rear of
the businesses experience crime problems Consumers and employees are
not comfortable parking and walking in this area because it is remote and
secluded This leaves the area free for legitimized loitering, thus resulting in
crimes such as rape, robbery, drug transactions, vandalism, theft and
prostitution It is recommended the parking behind buildings Al through A6
be eliminated and moved to the front.
o If Al and A6 have glass windows surrounding three sides of these
businesses, the parking spaces that wrap around them could remain
because the windows will provide natural surveillance by store
• Door viewers, specifically for fire -rated doors, shall be installed in the rear
entrance /delivery doors of all businesses
• "No loitering" signs should be posted along the backside of the buildings
850 S Sepulveda Blvd
Police Department comments
Page Two
• For the employees' personal safety, individual store leases should not require
employees to park in the back during hours of darkness
• Trash dumpsters should be placed away from the back doors of the
businesses to prevent employee theft
• The entire project shall be lighted with a maintained minimum of one
footcandle of light during hours of darkness See the Crime Prevention
Checklist for details
• A wall shall be used to separate this project from the businesses along
Hughes and Allied Ways
• Depending on the time of delivery, delivery trucks trying to access budding A7
may pose a danger to pedestrians using the rear parking area
• The plans note stairs in buildings A4 and A7 If the stairs are not contained
within the individual stores, stairwell recommendations listed in the Crime
Prevention Check list may be required.
• Where will the delivery doors be located for the restaurants?
• To prevent burglaries, roof ladders should be situated within the individual
• What type of activity will be occurring at the public amenities /park? How will
this area be secured after hours to prevent loitering?
• The wall along the north side of the property shall continue along the east
property line behind budding A -7. This will to keep public amenity users from
parking behind A -7, using the open /well -lit parking spaces instead.
Traffic Division (Sgt. Al Graham)
• For access, easement and traffic flow during peak hours Allied Way should be
pushed through or propose to be pushed through to Rosecrans The same
should apply from Sepulveda Blvd to Allied Way
10 ,1 0
City of El Segundo
TO: Jim Hansen, Director of Community, Economic & Development Services
FROM- Laurie Risk, Crime Prevention Specialist
SUBJECT. Police Department Crime Prevention & Security Checklist
The following checklist is f4FNFRAL INFORMATIQN on building security and crime prevention
issues from the El Segundo Police Department Because each project is different and unique,
no single list could possibly cover every situation It is the project designer's responsibility to
obtain specific guidelines from the El Segundo Police on crime prevention as It relates to his /her
specific project
Each project will require Individual lighting needs according to its usage and location (i a the
different lighting needs between a gas station, Industrial, commercial, light retail, parking lots or
structures, fast food, etc) General lighting guidelines may begin as follows During hours of
darkness, a maintained minimum of one footcandle of light on the ground surface shall be
provided around all sides of any building(s) and parking structure(s), open parking lots, carports
and guest parking Wall packs shall be placed over shippingireceiving doors and trash
dumpsters with one footcandle minimum maintained Aisles, passageways and recesses
related to and within all sides of the building complex shall be Illuminated with a maintained
minimum of 25- 50 footcandles during hours of darkness Lighting devices shall be enclosed
and protected by weather and vandal resistant covers
Depending on the size of the project and Its location In relation to the street, the address needs
may vary from a minimum of 6" to as much as 24" Street numbers should be visible from the
street, of contrasting color to the background and illuminated during hours of darkness Any
building (residential, commercial, industrial, retail, etc ) which has alley access, shall have
additional addressing on the alley side The alley addressing shall meet the same requirements
as stated above
Entrances and exits shall be limited to keep control and visibility of the budding
Bike racks shall be located in a busy, well -lit location This will provide optimum security for
persons and property
All landscaping shall be low profile around perimeter fencing, windows, doors and entryways
taking special care not to limit visibility and provide climbing access Floral or grass ground
cover is recommended Bushes shall be trimmed to 1 to 2 feet and away from buildings
Dense bushes should not be clumped together, this provides a hiding place for criminal activity
Trees should be trimmed up to 7 feet
Although berms are aesthetically pleasing, they do conceal any natural surveillance into a
facility and its parking lot by patrol and passersby Berms have always been known to provide
criminals with the opportunity for concealment in order to commit crimes Therefore, berms,
especially those with landscaping on top would not be recommended
Although berms are aesthetically pleasing, they do conceal natural surveillance into a facility by
passersby and patrol, and they provide criminals with the opportunity for concealment in order
to commit crimes Therefore, berms, especially those with landscaping on top would not be
All main entry doors (including entry doors from a garage into a residence) shall be of solid core
construction with a minimum thickness of 1 3/4 inches, (Commercial, retail and industrial doors
may be constructed of metal, 1 3/4" thick)
Entry doors shall have a deadbolt locking device The deadbolt throw shall have a
1 -inch projection The cylinder guard shall be of case hardened steel, with the outer edge
angled or tapered and free spinning The exterior part of the lock shall be connected to the
inside portion of the lock with bolts at least 1/4 inch in diameter and constructed of steel The
locking mechanism shall contain a minimum of a 5 -pm tumbler
Main entry doors with glass constructed in or within 40 inches (including windows along the side
of the entry door) of the locking mechanism should either reverse the swing of the door if a
window is positioned within 40 inches of the locking mechanism, OR reverse the position of the
window to be opposite the locking mechanism, OR all glass should be replaced with
polycarbonate materials, or of fully tempered glass, or rated burglary resistant glazing
All doors accessible from a corridor shall be of solid core construction and be equipped with a
deadbolt lock
A panoramic door viewer (180 -190 degrees) shall be installed in each main entry door, delivery
doors and entry doors off a corridor or hallway
r) ,
Strike plates shall be made with a minimum 16 U S gauge steel, bronze or brass and secured
to the iamb by a minimum of two screws, off -set and which must penetrate at least 2 inches into
solid backing beyond the surface to which the strike plate is attached
Sliding glass doors shall have a secondary locking device (i a locked by a key or a
twisting /turning device /Charlie bar) This device shall limit any up and down or sideways
movement while the window is in the closed /locked position
Double or french doors shall have a secondary locking device, such as a cane or flush bolt in
addition to a deadbolt The inactive leaf of double door(s) shall be equipped with metal flush
bolts having a minimum embedment of 516 inch into the head and threshold of the door frame
A latch guard shall be placed over double glass entry doors
Perimeter walls shall be a minimum height of 6 feet street side and of solid construction Walls
shall limit climbing access (i a concrete walls shall not have vaned sections were decorative
blocks allow for stepping over the wall or part of the wall consists of wrought iron). Wood,
wrought iron, steel tubular or mesh penmeters shall by 6 feet high and all horizontal members
shall be on the inside of the perimeter Where wrought iron or steel tubular fencing is used,
the horizontal members shall run along the top and bottom portion of the fence. Wrought iron
or steel tubular fencing is always recommended around a perimeter as it provides maximum
visibility Chainlmk fencing shall not have plastic or metal slats weaved within it This limits
visibility into the facility
Trash dumpsters shall be enclosed with wrought iron or steel tubular fencing All dumpsters not
enclosed this way shall be constructed in a way which fully encloses the dumpster (roofing
connected to the side walls) Fencing shall be locked and a wall pack or light standard directly
over the dumpster This will provide employees maximum visibility when they are taking out
trash during hours of darkness
As internal theft is a large percentage of the loss to industry, employee parking should not be
located by shipping /receiving docks or dumpsters
Permanently affixed ladders leading to roofs shall be fully enclosed with sheet metal to a height
of 10 feet This covering shall be locked against the ladder with a case - hardened hasp,
secured with non - removable screws or bolts Hinges on the cover will be provided with non -
removable pins when using pin -type hinges If a padlock is used, it shall have a hardened steel
shackle, locking at both heel and toe, and a minimum 5- pin tumbler operation with a non -
removable key when in an unlocked position
`' 4
Loading docks shall have wall packs placed directly over the roll -up door Roll -up door(s)
should have two interior locking devices located on each side of the door (padlocks or cane
bolts can be used)
Loading docks shall have wall packs placed directly over the roll -up door Roll -up door(s)
should have two interior locking devices located on each side of the door (padlocks or cane
bolts can be used) A 1" x5" vision panel can be installed in the roll -up door
Entry and exit should be limited to one area for control and observation. If there is more than
one entry or exit, a card access system should be used
• perimeter wail or fencing should fully enclose the first floor to limit access
• transitional lighting plan shall be established, with every level therein. Lighting fixtures shall
be placed over vehicles vs down aisles. Florescent, high - pressure sodium or mercury vapor
lighting is recommended
Condo parking* Units having common parking should have numbered or lettered spaces, which
do not correspond to the unit number
Parking structures with numerous parking levels extended below the ground floor inhibit police
patrol from dispatching additional units for help when dealing with criminal activity Parking
structures shall be designed in such a way as to incorporate communication that will enhance
two -way radio transmissions
Wherever possible, elevators and stairs shall be located on the perimeter to permit natural
surveillance from exterior public areas via glass back elevators and glass around stairs and
elevator lobbies. Openness will enhance natural surveillance and provide natural ventilation
Openness on two sides would be an-acceptable minimum, four sides is preferable
Exit doors from the parking structure should be "Emergency Only" with panic hardware There
should be no hardware on the exterior
i ig ting of Parking Rtmctc�re
REVISED Passing from light to dark areas creates a problem for drivers because of the eye's
inability to adjust rapidly Therefore, a transitional lighting plan within the parking structure shall
be established with a maintained minimum of two footcandles of light on the ground surface
Light must be put into the edges of parking stalls rather than just onto driving aisles Lighting
fixtures should be placed over vehicles vs down aisles Florescent, high- pressure sodium or
mercury vapor lighting is recommended
J +
Passing from light to dark areas creates a problem for drivers because of the eye's inability to
adjust rapidly It is also imperative to get light into the edges of parking stalls rather than just
onto driving aisles A transitional lighting plan within the parking structure shall be established
with a minimum maintained of two foot candies of light on the surface
White staining concrete is a cost - effective method of increasing general brightness, and when
applied to ceilings, walls and beam soffits, reflects light, thereby increasing uniformity and
creating a sense of well -being
Large complexes such as, but not limited to, hotels shall have a site directory placed at
entrances, stairwells, elevators, in courtyards and in parking lots Appropriate room numbering
and lettering shall be affixed to the building
Directories located at entrances and in parking lots shall be large enough for patrol and guests
seated in a car to read
Pool area shall be enclosed with barred fencing, a minimum of 6 feet high for safety and
Public phones shall not be located in a remote area of the project, Such locations encourage
loitering and drug transactions Public telephones shall be "call out" only
Security cameras should be placed, monitored and recorded by shipping, receiving dock areas,
cash handling areas, counting areas, vital access doors, parking lots, cash registers, drive -up
windows and driveways and ANY OTHER AREAS DEEMED NECESSARY
Cameras should monitor and record - vehicle occupants and the license plate number as they
enter /exit, vital access doors, loading docks and lobbies
Panic/robbery alarms shall be installed in, but not limited to, all cash handling areas, registers,
box offices, cash counting areas, reception desks or guest counters
Contractors who install home security alarms systems, be they audible or monitored by a
security company, shall inform the perspective residents that an alarm permit is required by the
City of El Segundo and a False Alarm Ordinance is enforced by the El Segundo Police
Security personnel may be requested to be stationed in certain areas of the project to provide
additional or necessary security
J 4 .I
Counter cache units should be installed by registers and a safe in the manager's office All
safes should be anchored in concrete and cache drops anchored to the counter
Signs should be placed on front doors stating the premise has a time drop safe or counter
cache drop in use
All coolers shall be equipped with an interior unlocking or release mechanism in the event
employees are locked inside during a robbery
Depending on the project, bullet resistant enclosures may be required.
Public restrooms should be locked Entrance can be made by asking for a token or key
Outdoor benches and tables should be constructed in such a way (curved) as to limit the
number of people seated atone time or for long penods of time This will discourage loitering
These benches and tables should be positioned in such a way as to provide natural surveillance
of the parking lots
All cash registers shall be clearly visible from the street and bolted down to the counter
Aisles between gondolas shall be designed so that personnel can clearly see in all directions
Gondolas shall not be so high as to obstruct personnel's view of interior
Decorative seating walls shall be no higher than 3 feet and should be angled and constructed of
material which limits sitting time and deters loitering
Menu order boards should be elevated approximately 2 -3 feet Round tube steel pipes should
be used as support beams
Depending on the project, certain cashier stations should be elevated for maximum visibility
ATMs shall follow those set forth per the California guidelines
0 4 ;
Hotels /motels shall install a changeable electronic key card locking system for guest room and
specific rooms (i a laundry, gymnasium, etc)
Depending on the protect, a buzz -in system may be required to secure specific areas or
Counter tops for cash registers and seance -type desks with a smooth finish such as glass,
polished granite or marble enables evidence technicians to lift fingerprints and palm prints after
a crime has been committed
The landscaping around the island of the booth shall be ground cover only
The booth shall be lit on all sides with a minimum of one footcandle of light The lighting shall
be installed and angled out in such a way that it does not present a glare on the glass limiting
the attendant's visibility to the immediate surrounding, area or out to the street.
A mirror shall be installed on the interior of the booth This will allow the attendant to see who
may be coming from behind them
A camera(s) should be installed The camera(s) should be angled in such a way as to capture
license plate numbers and facial images as the guests are conversing with the parking
A drop safettime release safe should be installed Signs should then be posted that state a
If the attendant is taking in tokens and parking tickets only, signs should be posted stating "NO
The attendant should have a radio, phone or panic alarm in which to make contact with security
personnel in the event of an emergency
Issues which the Traffic Division would be concerned with, but are not limited to an adequate
number of parking spaces per users, location of loading dock areas in relation to project traffic
flow or street traffic flow, the project's impact on street traffic (i a additional signals, traffic,
signage, etc ), driveways, ingress and egress locations