FEBRUARY 15, 2005
Mayor Kelly McDowell
Mayor Pro Tern John Gaines
Council Member Jim Boulgarndes
Council Member Eric Busch
Council Member Carl Jacobson
Cindy Mortesen
- City Clerk
Ralph Lanphere
- City Treasurer
Cathy Domann
- Deputy City Clerk
Mary Strenn
- City Manager
Jeff Stewart
- Assistant City Manager
Jessie LeMay (2)
- Executive Assistant To City Manager
Mishta Jennings
- Administrative Specialist
Mark D Hensley
- City Attorney
Karl Berger
- Assistant City Attorney
Julia Abreu
- Executive Assistant
Bret Plumlee
- Administrative Services Director
Richard Hogate
- Risk Management/Purchasing
James Hansen
- Economic Development Director
Kimberly Christensen
- Planning Manager
Seimone Jurps
- Planning and Budding Safety Director
Roger Groman
- General Services
Debra Brighton
- Library Director
Stacia Mancini
- Recreation and Parks Director
Jack Wayt
- Police Chief
Norm Angelo
- Fire Chief
Fire Station #2
Public Copy - Library
Master Copy - City Clerk
E S Herald
Chamber of Commerce
Jerry A Saunders
El Segundo Unified School District
Nicky Wislocky
Jennifer Evans
Andrea Sudano
Adam Ruseling
- Continental Development Corp.
- Superintendent
- Beach Reporter
- Daily Breeze
- Easy Reader
COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street
The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items
Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City- related business that is within the
jurisdiction of the City Council and /or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the
Meeting During the first Public Communications portion of the Agenda, comments are limited to those items
appearing on the Agenda During the second Public Communications portion of the Agenda, comments may be made
regarding any matter within the jurisdiction of the City Council Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public
Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments is five (5)
minutes per person
Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state Your name and residence and the
organization you represent, if desired Please respect the time limits
Members of the Public may place items on the second Public Communications portion of the Agenda by submitting a
Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00
p m the prior Tuesday) Other members of the public may comment on these items only during this second Public
Communications portion of the Agenda The request must include a brief general description of the business to be
transacted or discussed at the meeting Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings
if they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes
in length
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this
meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524 -2305. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to
make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2005 — 5:00 P.M.
Next Resolution # 4413
Next Ordinance # 1382
PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30
minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on
behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to
addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable bye fine of $250
0 1
The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government
Code Section §54960, at sue) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or
conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation, and /or discussing matters covered under
Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel), and /or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators, as follows
1 City of El Segundo v City of Los Angeles, et al LASC No BS094279
2 Michael Ward v City of El Segundo, at al , LASC No BC325247
3 El Segundo v Stardust West Apartments, LASC No Y0031364
4 Irene Chen v City of El Segundo, LASC No YC049424
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956 9(b) -2- potential case (no further public
statement is required at this time), Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956 9(c) -1- matter
DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) —1 matter
1 Public Employment (position to be filled)
Title City Manager
CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54957 6) — 0 matter
U Fl
COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street
The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items
Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City- related business that is within the
jurisdiction of the City Council and /or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the
Meeting During the first Public Communications portion of the Agenda, comments are limited to those items
appearing on the Agenda During the second Public Communications portion of the Agenda, comments may be made
regarding any matter within the jurisdiction of the City Council Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public
Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments is five (5)
minutes per person
Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state Your name and residence and the
organization you represent, if desired Please respect the time limits
Members of the Public may place items on the second Public Communications portion of the Agenda by submitting a
Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00
p m the prior Tuesday) Other members of the public may comment on these items only during this second Public
Communications portion of the Agenda The request must include a brief general description of the business to be
transacted or discussed at the meeting Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings
if they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes
in length
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this
meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524 -2305. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to
make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2005 - 7:00 P.M.
INVOCATION — Pastor Jon Feldschau of El Segundo Foursquare Church
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Eric Busch
Next Resolution # 4413
Next Ordinance # 1382
(a) Presentation of the 2004 Annual Service Awards to City employees
(b) Certificate of Appreciation to Ron Swanson for his contribution of industrial shelving to
the El Segundo Fire Department and Recreation & Parks Department's Urho Saari Swim
(c) Proclamation in recognition of Rotary International's 100 years of service to improving
the human condition in local communities around the world, and proclaiming February
23, 2005 as Rotary International Day in El Segundo
(d) Certificates of Recognition to Tom Overmire, Los Angeles County Lifeguard, and
members of the Recreation & Parks Aquatics staff Elizabeth Price, Heather Henry,
Bruck Solomon and Deric Parsoneault for their teamwork, quick response to danger, and
application of life- saving skills which helped save the life of a swim participant at the
Urho Saari Swim Stadium
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30
minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on
behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to
addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all
comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The
Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed
Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title
Recommendation — Approval
Consideration and possible action (Public Hearing) regarding: (1) the
redesignation and rezoning of approximately 85.8 acres of property within the City
of El Segundo located on the Northeast corner of Rosecrans and Sepulveda
Boulevards currently designated as for industrial uses to a new Commercial
Center (C-4) classification ( "Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning "); and (2)
approval of land use entitlements, including a development agreement, for a
proposed shopping center development project located on 43.3 acres within the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning area ( "Plaza El Segundo project "); and (3) the
adoption of an Environmental Impact Report ( "EIR ") pursuant to the California
Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
and the Plaza El Segundo project.
Recommendation — (1) Open Public Hearing, (2) Discussion, (3) Adopting a Resolution
approving Environmental Assessment No. 631 (El R) and General Plan Amendment Nos
03 -4 and 03 -5 for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and the Plaza El Segundo
project, (4) Introduction of Ordinance for Zone Change Nos 03 -2 and 03 -3 and Zone
Text Amendment No 04 -1 for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El
Segundo Project, and Development Agreement No 03 -1 and Subdivision No 03 -7 for
the Plaza El Segundo Project, (5) Schedule second reading and adoption of Ordinance
on March 1, 2005, (5) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item
2. Consideration and possible action (Public Hearing) to adopt a Resolution
approving the Recreation and Parks Commission's proposed increase for
Recreation Identification Card fees, and Co-ed Softball League fees. (Fiscal
Impact: $29,500 revenue).
Recommendation — (1) Adopt a Resolution approving the Recreation and Parks
Commission's recommendation to increase resident identification cards, and Co -ed
softball league fees, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action regarding this item
3. Consideration and possible action regarding sale of future payment by the State
to compensate the City for $283,135.86 loss in Vehicle License Fee (VLF) revenues
for the period beginning June 20, 2003 and ending prior to October 1, 2003
through the California Communities Statewide Development Authority (California
Communities) program. (Fiscal Impact: $283,136).
Recommendation — (1) Approve attached Resolution and Purchase and Sale Agreement
to sell future payment by the state to compensate the City for $283,135 86 loss in VLF
funds for the period beginning June 20, 2003 and ending prior to October 1, 2003
through the California Communities program, (2) Deposit estimated proceeds of just over
$250,000 into the Economic Uncertainty Fund, (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other
action related to this item
5 U)
All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of
an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business
4. Warrant Numbers 2545648 to 2545879 on Register No. 9 in the total amount of
$1,243,232.73 and Wire Transfers from 1/21/2005 through 2/03/2005 in the total
amount of $302,404.18.
Recommendation — Approve Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release
Ratify Payroll and Employee Benefit checks, checks released early due to contracts or
agreement, emergency disbursements and /or adjustments, and wire transfers
5. City Council Meeting Minutes of February 1, 2005.
Recommendation — Approval
6. Consideration and possible action regarding a resolution in support of retaining
the Los Angeles Air Force Base (LAAFB) during the upcoming Base Closure and
Realignment Commission (BRAC) process.
Recommendation — (1) Adopt a resolution in support of the Los Angeles Air Force Base
during the upcoming BRAC process; (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action
related to this item
7. Consideration and possible action regarding the approval of the examination plan
for the Personnel Merit System job classification of Meter Reader /Repairer.
Recommendation — (1) Approve the Examination Plan, (2) Alternatively, discuss and
take other action related to this item
8. Consideration and possible action regarding the second reading and adoption of
Ordinance No. 1381 adding a new Article E to Chapter 15-4 of the El Segundo
Municipal Code pursuant to California Government Code 65852.2 affecting second
dwelling units.
Recommendation — (1) Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No 1381 by title
only, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item
6 06
Consideration and possible action to withdraw award of the contract to HH
Construction and award a contract to Premium Construction for replacement of
playground equipment at the Holly- Kansas Park — Approved Capital Improvement
Project — Project No. PW 04 -09. (Fiscal Impact: $81,810)
Recommendation — (1) Withdrawal award of the contract with HH Construction, (2)
Award contract to the second lowest responsible bidder, Premium Construction, (3)
Authorize the City Manager to execute the construction contract on behalf of the City, (4)
Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item
10. Consideration and possible action regarding the authorization of a license
agreement for the encroachment of an awning located at 319 Main Street.
Recommendation — (1) Approve License Agreement as to form approved by the City
Attorney, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item
11. Consideration and possible action regarding adoption of plans and specifications
for four (4) public works projects at the George E. Gordon Community Clubhouse
(at 300 Pine Avenue): Interior Painting Project — Project No. PW 05 -03 (Estimated
cost: $16,000); Plumbing Refurbishment Project — Project No. PW 05 -02
(Estimated cost: $15,000); HVAC Refurbishment and Maintenance Project —
Project No. PW 05 -04 (Estimated cost: $31,000); Roof Refurbishment and
Maintenance Project — Project No. PW 05 -05 (Estimated cost: $16,500)
Recommendation — (1) Adopt plans and specifications, (2) Authorize staff to advertise
the four (4) projects for receipt of bids; (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action
related to this item
12. Consideration and possible action to approve and send a letter supporting the
West Basin Municipal Water District's Proposition 50 grant applications to develop
the West Basin Seawater Desalinization Project and Demonstration of Integrated
Membrane Seawater Desalinization Project.
Recommendation — (1) Authorize the Mayor to forward the attached letter supporting the
West Basin MWD's Proposition 50 grant applications, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take
other action related to this item
U 'r
13. Consideration and possible action to approve an amendment to a license
agreement between Southern California Edison Company and the City of El
Segundo to provide pedestrian access from Douglas Street to the Metro Green
Line Station. (Estimated Cost: $6,070)
Recommendation — (1) Approve amendment to license agreement, (2) Authorize the City
Manager to execute the agreement on behalf of the City, (3) Approve a payment of
$6,070 to Southern California Edison Company, (4) Alternatively, discuss and take other
action related to this item
14. Consideration and possible action regarding approval of a piggyback purchase on
the County of Orange Contract #TSZ12 for the purchase of two full size sedans
with police packages. The total purchase price will not exceed $40,300.
Recommendation (1) Approve the purchase of two full size sedans with police
packages, (2) Pursuant to El Segundo Municipal Code Sec 1 -7 -10, waive the formal
bidding process based upon a piggyback purchase on the County of Orange Contract
#TSZ12, (3) Approve the auction sale of the two replacement vehicles and place those
funds back into the General Fund Account (001- 300 - 0000 - 3901), (4) Alternatively,
discuss and take other action related to this item
15. Consideration and possible action regarding a request to waive fees for city
services for the El Segundo Little League and Girls Softball Opening Day parade.
(Fiscal lmpact: $1,979)
Recommendation (1) Waive fees for city services needed for securing the parade, (2)
Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item
16. Consideration and possible action regarding a Special Permit request to waive
fees for the El Segundo Neighborhood of the Angeles Girl Scout Council for their
Annual Tasting Bee and Cultural Fair. (Fiscal Impact: $144)
Recommendation — (1) Approve Special Event Permit request to waive fees for El
Segundo Neighborhood of Angeles Girl Scout Council to host their Annual Tasting Bee
and Cultural Fair at the El Segundo Teen Center on Saturday, February 26, 2005, (2)
Alternatively, discuss and take other action regarding this item
17. Consideration and possible action regarding the purchase of Self Contained
Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) from Alistair Fire Equipment, Inc., utilizing funds from
the USFA/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 2004 Assistance to
Firefighters Grant Program. (Fiscal Impact: $121,200 /General Fund Fiscal Impact:
Recommendation — (1) Approve the purchase of twenty -six (26) complete SCBA units
and forty -one (41) SCBA face pieces, under the FEMA 2004 Assistance to Firefighters
Grant Program, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item
18. Consideration and possible action to replace a marked police vehicle that was
totaled in a collision. City to seek pro rata compensation from the other involved
party. (Fiscal Impact: $33,200)
Recommendation — (1) Approve purchase of replacement unit, (2) Alternatively, discuss
and take other action related to this item
19. Consideration and possible action on the Police Department utilizing $50,000 of
existing Citizens Option for Public Safety (COPS) grant funds to operate on an
overtime basis, special enforcement details during the calendar year. (Fiscal
Impact: $50,000 from COPS grant fund)
Recommendation — (1) Approve the use of COPS grant funds for special enforcement
details, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item
20. Consideration and possible action regarding the authorization of a median cut on
Continental Boulevard for the purposes of ingress and egress for the Computer
Science Corporation (CSC) at 2100 E. Grand Avenue. (Estimated Cost: Paid by
Recommendation — (1) Authorize the cut in the median as per plan, (2) Alternatively,
discuss and take other action related to this item
21. Consideration and possible action regarding the award of a contract with
Telecommunications Management Corporation to provide cable franchise renewal
consulting services with Time Warner Cable (TWC). (Fiscal Impact: $10,000 for
2004/2005 and $10,000 for 2005/2006, Total is $20,000)
Recommendation — (1) Approve the award of a contract with Telecommunications
Management Corporation, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other actions related to this
22. Consideration and possible action to award a Professional Services Agreement to
Answer America, LLC for the operation of the City's Hyperion and Aircraft Noise
Complaint Hotline (640- CITY).
Recommendation — (1) Award a professional services agreement to Answer America,
LLC, (2) Authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement in a form approved by the
City Attorney, (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item
Council Member Boulgarides —
Council Member Busch —
Council Member Jacobson —
Mayor Pro Tern Gaines —
Mayor McDowell —
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30
minute limit total) Individuals who have receive value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on
behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves pnor to
addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all
comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The
Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed
10 i0
The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government
Code Section §54960, et sue) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or
conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation, and /or discussing matters covered under
Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel), and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators
DATE 1/7/0 S
TIME /' `3 a')O y' `�j',� _ 1
NAME t4&� 1' `'—y
61 40'
COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street
The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items
Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City- related business that is within the
jurisdiction of the City Council and /or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the
Meeting During the first Public Communications portion of the Agenda, comments are limited to those items appearing
on the Agenda During the second Public Communications portion of the Agenda, comments may be made regarding
any matter within the jurisdiction of the City Council Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item
on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per
Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state Your name and residence and the
organization you represent, if desired Please respect the time limits
Members of the Public may place items on the second Public Communications portion of the Agenda by submitting a
Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00
p m the prior Tuesday) Other members of the public may comment on these items only during this second Public
Communications portion of the Agenda The request must include a brief general description of the business to be
transacted or discussed at the meeting Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if
they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes in
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this
meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524 -2305 Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to
make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2005 — 5:00 P.M.
Next Resolution # 4413
Next Ordinance # 1382
PUBLIC COMMUNICATION - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30
minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on
behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing
the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250
The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government
Code Section §54960, et sue) for the purposes of confemng with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or conferring
with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation, and /or discussing matters covered under Government Code
Section §54957 (Personnel), and /or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators, as follows
1 City of El Segundo v City of Los Angeles, at al LASC No BS094279
2 Michael Ward v City of El Segundo, at al , LASC No BC325247
3 Irene Chen v City of El Segundo, LASC No YC049424
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956 9(b) -3- potential case (no further public
statement is required at this time), Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956 9(c) A - matter
DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) -1 matter
1 Public Employment (position to be filled)
Title City Manager
CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54957 6) - 0 matter
COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street
The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items
Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City- related business that is within the
jurisdiction of the City Council and /or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the
Meeting During the first Public Communications portion of the Agenda, comments are limited to those items appearing
on the Agenda During the second Public Communications portion of the Agenda, comments may be made regarding
any matter within the jurisdiction of the City Council Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item
on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per
Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state Your name and residence and the
organization you represent, if desired Please respect the time limits
Members of the Public may place items on the second Public Communications portion of the Agenda by submitting a
Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00
p m the prior Tuesday) Other members of the public may comment on these items only during this second Public
Communications portion of the Agenda The request must include a brief general description of the business to be
transacted or discussed at the meeting Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if
they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes in
In compliance With the Americans With DiSabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate In this
meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524 -2305 Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to
make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2005 - 7:00 P.M.
Next Resolution # 4413
Next Ordinance # 1382
INVOCATION — Pastor Jon Feldschau of El Segundo Foursquare Church
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Eric Busch
21. Consideration and possible action regarding the award of a contract with
Telecommunications Management Corporation to provide cable franchise renewal
consulting services with Time Warner Cable (TWC). (Fiscal Impact: $10,000 for
2004/2005 and $10,000 for 2005/2006, Total is $20,000)
Recommendation — (1) Approve the award of a contract with Telecommunications
Management Corporation, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other actions related to this
22. Consideration and possible action to award a Professional Services Agreement to
Answer America, LLC for the operation of the City's Hyperion and Aircraft Noise
Complaint Hotline (640- CITY).
Recommendation — (1) Award a professional services agreement to Answer America,
LLC, (2) Authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement in a form approved by the
City Attorney, (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item
Council Member Boulgarides —
Council Member Busch —
Council Member Jacobson —
Mayor Pro Tern Gaines —
Mayor McDowell —
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to Citv Business Onlv — 5 minute limit per person, 30
minute limit total) Individuals who have receive value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf
of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the
City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are
welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond
to comments after Public Communications is closed
1. Request by various residents to address the construction activities at 916 Sheldon Street.
The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government
Code Section §54960, et seq) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or conferring
with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation, and /or discussing matters covered under Government Code
Section §54957 (Personnel), and /or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators
TIME 13�f,
NAME t� ""' )`
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cap of et §kwmbe. CE&UM
WHEREAS, On February 23, 1905, in Chicago, Illinois, an invitation by Attorney Paul Hams to three
business associates was the foundation of Rotary International, the world's first and one of the
largest non -profit service organizations Today, there are over 12 million Rotary club members
comprised of professional and business leaders in over 31,000 clubs in more than 165 countries In
the State of California, there are some 39,000 plus members in 740 Rotary clubs
WHEREAS, The El Segundo Rotary Club was chartered in 1952 and like all Rotary Clubs in the world,
sponsors service projects to address such critical issues as poverty, health, hunger, literacy, and the
environment, locally and abroad Rotary funds club projects and sponsors volunteers with
community expertise to provide medical supplies, health care, clean water, food production, job
training, and education to millions in need, particularly in developing countries
WHEREAS, The Rotary motto "Service Above Self" inspires members to provide humanitarian service,
encourages high ethical standards and promotes good will and peace in the world
WHEREAS, In 1985 Rotary launched its Polio Plus program and spearheaded efforts with the World Health
Organization, U S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and UNICEF to immunize the
children of the world against polio Polio cases have dropped by 99 percent since 1988 and the
world stands on the threshold of eradicating the disease
WHEREAS, Rotary International is the world's largest privately- funded source of international scholarships and
promotes international understanding through exchange programs, scholarships, and humanitarian
grants Since the death of Paul Hams in 1947, more than 35,000 students from 110 countries
have studied abroad as Rotary Ambassadorial Scholars Rotary's Group Study Exchange program
has helped more than 46,000 young professionals explore their career fields in other countries, and
8,000 secondary- school students each year experience life in another country through Rotary's
Youth Exchange Program
NOW, THEREFORE, the Mayor and the Members of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, on
this 15th day of February, 2005 proclaim February 23, 2005, as Rotary ]nte wational Day in El &gundo, and
recognize Rotary International for 100 years of service to improving the human condition in local communities
around the world
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AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Special Orders of Business - Public Hearing
Consideration and possible action to open a public hearing regarding (1) the redesignation
and rezoning of approximately 85 8 acres of property within the City of El Segundo located on
the Northeast corner of Rosecrans and Sepulveda Boulevards currently designated as for
industrial uses to a new Commercial Center (C-4) classification ( "Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning "); (2) approval of land use entitlements, including a development agreement, for a
proposed shopping center development project located on 43 3 acres within the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning area ( "Plaza El Segundo project "), and (3) the adoption
of an Environmental Impact Report ( °E(R ") pursuant to the California Environmental Quality
Act ( "CEQA ") for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and the Plaza El Segundo project
Open Public Hearing,
Adopting a
General Plan
Rezoning and
Resolution approving Environmental Assessment No 631(EIR) and
Amendment Nos 03 -4 and 03 -5 for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
the Plaza El Segundo protect,
of Ordinance for Zone Change Nos 03 -2 and 03 -3 and Zone Text
No 04 -1 for the SeDulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El
Segundo Project, and Development Agreement No 03 -1
the Plaza El Segundo Project,
and Subdivision No 03 -7 for
5) Schedule second reading and adoption of Ordinance on March 1, 2005, and /or,
6) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item
(Begins on next oaae 1
A Draft Resolution (including Findings /SOC, Conditions, and other attachments)
B Draft Ordinance (including Zoning Map, Development Agreement, and Conditions)
C Planning Commission Staff Report, dated December 15, 2004
D Adopted Planning Commission Minutes, dated November 15 and December 15, 2004
E Letter from Applicant, dated January 24, 2005
F Manhattan Beach Settlement Agreement Memo, Settlement Agreement, and Attachments
G Chronology of Project Milestones
H Shuttle Service Analysis by Crain & Associates
I Final Environmental Impact Report (Distributed separately on February 3, 2005)
Operating Budget.
Amount Requested
Account Number.
Project Phase
Mary Strenn, City Madager
STAFF REPORT February 15, 2005
Page 2
On November 15 and December 15, 2004, the Planning Commission held public hearings
on the above proposed project entitlements After receiving testimony and documentary
information, the Commission adopted Resolution No 2575, recommending City Council
certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report with a Statement of Overriding
Considerations and approval of the related entitlements The staff report prepared for the
December 15, 2004 Planning Commission hearings (Exhibit C) contains a full project
description The draft minutes from the Planning Commission meetings are also included
(Exhibit D)
The proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo project
consists of two components within a 110 -acre project site The
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning is the redesignation and rezoning of
approximately 85 8 acres of property within the City of El Segundo currently and
formerly used for industrial purposes to a new Commercial Center (C-4)
classification The Plaza El Segundo project involves the construction of a shopping
center development on a 43 3 gross acre portion of the Rezoning Site
II. Project Description
There are eight planning applications associated with the project that require action
by the City Council
1) EA No. 631 - A Program /Project EIR is proposed for this project pursuant to the
requirements of CEQA The public review and comment period for the
Environmental Document began on October 5, 2004 and ended on November
19, 2004
2) DA No. 03 -1 - A Development Agreement is proposed to allow the developer
sufficient time to build the Plaza El Segundo portion of the project and to provide
the City with some assurances regarding the uses that will be located in the
project, and provide a mechanism for the contribution of funds for aquatic
related uses and economic development support for the downtown
3) GPA No. 03-4 and ZC No. 03 -2 — A General Plan Amendment and Zone
Change are requested by the applicant in order to amend the Land Use Element
of the General Plan and the Zoning Map to re- designate the 54 9 gross acre
property owned by Honeywell International Inc from Heavy Industrial to a new
Commercial Center (C-4) land use designation Forty two of these acres are
part of the Plaza El Segundo portion of the project area and 12 9 acres are part
of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
4) GPA No. 03 -5 and ZC No. 03 -3 — A General Plan Amendment and Zone
Change are requested by the City in order to amend the Land Use Element of
the General Plan to re- designate approximately 30 9 gross acres of land owned
by General Chemical, Air Products Inc, Chevron, Union Pacific Railroad, and
the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad from Heavy Industrial to a new
Commercial Center (C-4) land use designation
STAFF REPORT February 15, 2005
Page 3
5) ZTA No. 04 -1 - An amendment to Section 15 -3 -2 of the El Segundo Municipal
Code (ESMC) is required to list the proposed Commercial Center (C-4) Zone as
one of the zoning classifications within the City Additionally anew chapter (15-
5G) which defines the uses and development standards that would regulate the
new C-4 Zone would also be added to the Municipal Code Finally, Section 15-
15-6 of the Municipal Code would be amended to add loading area development
standards for the new C-4 Zone
6) SUB No. 03 -7 - The Plaza El Segundo project area would be subdivided into
twenty parcels with lots ranging in size from approximately 0 5- to 5 5 -acres
through Vesting Tentative Tract Map No 061630
III. Analysis
A Site Description and Surrounding Land Uses
The subject property studied in the Draft EIR (DEIR) is located in the southern
portion of the City of El Segundo at the northeast corner of the intersection of
Sepulveda Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue The entire Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site is roughly bounded by Hughes Way to the north, Douglas Street
to the east, Rosecrans Avenue to the south, and Sepulveda Boulevard to the
west Two railroad spurs run through the middle of the site The northern spur
belongs to the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) and the southern spur belongs to
the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railroad and both serve the Chevron
Oil Refinery
The majority of the site was historically devoted to industrial chemical
manufacturing facilities Honeywell International and General Chemical had
facilities on the site until 2003, when demolition commenced. The Honeywell
portion of the site is currently undergoing remediation as approved by the
Regional Water Quality Control Board and will comply with the Boards'
requirements to accommodate commercial development A 7 -acre portion of the
site along Rosecrans Avenue is currently used by Air Products Inc for the
production of industrial gases Air Products also owns an 8 9 acre vacant parcel
of land in the interior of the project site
Learned Lumber operates a lumber yard on land leased from the Los Angeles
County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) at the east end of the
project site Foundation remains from a brass foundry budding are located in the
north east end of the project site on a portion of an 11 acre property owned by
H Kramer & Company The elevated Metro Green Line light rail traverses the
property in a north -south alignment near the east end of the project site
B Project Characteristics — Land Use
j Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
STAFF REPORT February 15, 2005
Page 4
The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would take place within an
approximately 858-acre area located at the northeast corner of the
intersection of Sepulveda Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue in the City of El
Segundo This site is currently zoned Light Industrial (M -1) and Heavy
Industrial (M -2) under the City of El Segundo Municipal Code The proposed
redesignation and rezoning of a portion of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
would change the General Plan land use designation of this area to a new
Commercial Center designation and rezone the area to a new Commercial
Center (C4) Zone
As applied to the whole of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site, the
proposed C-4 zoning would permit up to 850,000 square feet of commercial
shopping center development within the approximately 85 8 -acre site The
Air Products facility could remain as a legal non - conforming use in the C-4
Zone However, it is anticipated that the Air Products, Inc facilities would
relocate onto an approximately 0 5 to 1 0 acre portion of the 3 8 acre portion
of the project site that would retain its current Heavy industrial (M -2) zoning
The Learned Lumber yard would also retain its current Light Industrial (M -1)
zoning classification The land on which the lumber yard sits is expected to
be reconfigured to accommodate the realignment of the Burlington Northern
Santa Fe railroad tracks The size of the lumberyard will remain comparable
to today The project also anticipates possible expansion of an existing
recreational vehicle storage facility currently located outside the boundaries
of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site on the H Kramer & Company
property This use may be expanded onto a portion of the H Kramer &
Company property that would be within the boundaries of the subject
u Plaza El Segundo Development
The proposed Plaza El Segundo would be constructed on approximately
43 3 gross acres within the 85 8 acre Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
and would implement the new C-4 zoning on that portion of the site The
proposed Plaza El Segundo project would consist of a shopping center of up
to 425,000 square feet The shopping center would contain large retail
stores, specialty retail, and other uses which could include a fitness center,
day spa, and a variety of sit -down restaurants and limited fast food
restaurants The types of retail tenant categories could include a Whole
Foods grocery store, home improvement, department store, electronics and
appliances, home furnishings, pet supply, books, soft goods and sporting
goods The-proposed-shopping center would consist of several one- and
two -story buildings with a maximum height of 65 feet All development within
the proposed Plaza El Segundo would conform to the proposed C-4
development standards
iu Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative
On January 19, 2005, the applicant submitted a letter (Exhibit E) requesting
the City Council adopt the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation
STAFF REPORT February 15, 2005
Page 5
Alternative instead of the proposed project analyzed in the draft
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Under the proposed Plaza El Segundo
Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative, the maximum floor area would still
be 425,000 square feet and uses would still be governed by the proposed C-
4 Zone However, as analyzed in the Draft EIR, the mix of uses would
include 165,000 square feet of shopping center, 185,000 square feet of large
scale retail, 50,000 square feet of grocery store (Whole Foods only), 10,000
square feet of fast food restaurants, and 15,000 square feet of sit -down
The principal effect of this request would be to reduce the potential
development opportunities and environmental impacts of the project,
compared to the Plaza El Segundo Development because the mix of
commercial uses included within the alternative as analyzed in the draft EIR
would be limited to fewer vehicle trips than the mix of uses contained in the
proposed Plaza El Segundo project Total daily vehicle trips from the Plaza
El Segundo development would be reduced by approximately 13 percent
from approximately 19,151 to 16,645 trips Other impacts, which are the
byproduct of vehicle traffic (i a air quality and traffic noise impacts) would
also be reduced if the City Council were to approve the Plaza El Segundo
Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative for the Plaza El Segundo portion of
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
The proposed Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative
would not alter the shopping center mix of uses contemplated on the
remaining portions of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and would not
reduce the environmental impacts associated with the non -Plaza El Segundo
portions of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
If the Council were to adopt the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic
Generation Alternative, then the maximum number of vehicle trips, that is
established in draft Condition of Approval No 30 could be reduce to the
levels analyzed in the Final EIR This would assure that the impacts from this
alternative would be reduced and enforced
C Density
i Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
The proposed project envisions up to a maximum of 850,000 net square feet
of built floor area (as defined in Section 15 -1 -6 of the El Segundo Municipal
Code) on approximately 85 -8 gross acres of land in the C-4 Zone Based on
the net floor area, the overall Sepulveda Rosecrans Site Rezoning floor area
ratio (FAR) for the project would be 0 275 1 The 0 2751 FAR would
exclude the planned extensions of Park Place and Allied Way
n Plaza El Segundo
The proposed Plaza El Segundo development consists of 43 3 gross acres
(38 1 net acres) The proposed FAR for this development is 0 256 1 based
STAFF REPORT February 15, 2005
Page 6
on 425,000 square feet of development on 38 1 net acres The proposed
subdivision of the Plaza El Segundo site includes 20 parcels These parcels
range from 0 5 to 5 5 acres in size As a result, FARs on individual parcels
may range from approximately 0 00 1 to 0 49 1 One of the proposed parcels
(Parcel 10) would have no FAR at all because it is the proposed location for
a stormwater retention basin The proposed C-4 Zone would provide for the
transfer of density rights within the development area to insure that the
overall density of the site is consistent with the C-4 Zoning limitation Parcels
utilized for FAR transfer purposes will have covenants recorded against them
stating the maximum FAR permitted on the parcel.
The following table provides a breakdown of the proposed FAR by parcel
1 3
1 5
1 7
0 15
1 6
1 7
ni Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative
Since the proposed density of the Plaza El Segundo development would
remain at 425,000 square feet and a 0 275 FAR, the Reduced Traffic
Generation Alternative would have the same land use characteristics and a
similar site design as the proposed project The applicant has not developed
a separate site plan or Vesting Tentative Tract Map to reflect the potential
development of this alternative
i? :r
STAFF REPORT February 15, 2005 Page 7
D Circulation
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
The full buddout of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning includes an
extension of Park Place from its current terminus at Nash Street to
Sepulveda Boulevard The roadway extension would include a signalized
intersection at Sepulveda Boulevard south of Hughes Way The roadway
would also include a grade separation structure to allow the roadway to pass
beneath the Union Pacific Railroad and realigned Burlington Northern Santa
Fe Railroad tracks that bisect the project site This roadway extension is not
part of the Plaza El Segundo portion of the development
u Plaza El Segundo Development
Primary ingress and egress to the proposed Plaza El Segundo would be
provided from Sepulveda Boulevard at a new traffic signal located halfway
between Hughes Way and Rosecrans Avenue The eastern leg of this
intersection will be served by the portion of the new east -west Park Place
roadway extension that will be constructed as part of Plaza El Segundo This
roadway will have a maximum right -of -way width of 80 feet and extend
eastward approximately 1,000 feet A second new roadway extension will be
constructed to connect the new segment of Park Place to Hughes Way via
Allied Way, which presently terminates at the northern boundary of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site Sepulveda Boulevard would also be
widened along the project site to provide an additional north bound lane to
act as an acceleration and deceleration lane for the project
ui Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative
The circulation patterns for the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic
Generation Alternative would be the same as for the proposed project
E Phasing
The Plaza El Segundo portion of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning is
proposed to be constructed as one phase and completed in 2007 However,
market conditions can always result in construction being delayed a number of
years Additional entitlements will also have to be approved by the City for any
development of the remaining 425,000 square feet of commercial uses that are
to occur southeast of the Plaza -El Segundo project within the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning site
Phasing would be unaffected by the Plaza EI Segundo Reduced Traffic
Generation Alternative
F Utilities
In order to accommodate the development that would be permitted on the
STAFF REPORT February 15, 2005
Page 8
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site infrastructure improvements to drainage
facilities, water, sewer, and reclaimed water lines would be required The BNSF
railroad line will be moved to a new alignment dust south of and parallel to the
UPRR Storm water retention basins would be constructed as development
occurs A 15 -inch diameter sewer pipeline that is located north of the Plaza El
Segundo site would be also be replaced with an 18 -inch diameter pipeline in
order to serve the protect
Once full buddout of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning is undertaken, the
interim stormwater retention basin on the Plaza El Segundo site would be
replaced with a larger retention basin that will serve the full development
The utility requirements and modifications for the Plaza El Segundo Reduced
Traffic Generation Alternative would be the same as for the proposed Plaza El
Segundo Development.
G Parking and Loading
The developer proposes to provide 2,164 parking spaces for the Plaza El
Segundo development, which exceeds the City's parking requirements of 1,580
parking spaces
The required parking for the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation
Alternative would be slightly less than the proposed Plaza El Segundo
Development because there would be less floor area devoted to restaurants
Since restaurants require more parking per square foot than retail uses, the total
required parking would be reduced Staff anticipates that the total parking
provided would remain about the same (2,164 spaces) for the Plaza El Segundo
Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative as for the proposed Plaza El Segundo
H Development Agreement
The proposed Development Agreement sets an eight -year duration of the
Agreement Either the developer or the City would also be allowed to extend the
Agreement for an additional five -year term
The applicant has proposed to contribute $1,500,000 to assist the City in
developing and improving the recreational aquatic facilities in the City
The applicant has proposed to contribute $250,000 over a two -year period to the
City to assist the City in enhancing the downtown business environment
In order for the City to adequately support the increase traffic associated with the
project, a number of off -site traffic improvements were identified in the EIR, The
developer will be required to construct these improvements and pay a traffic
mitigation fee at the time Certificates of Occupancy are issued The City is
preparing to update the Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program to incorporate the
proposed improvements that were adopted as part of the Circulation Element
Update If this update is completed before the Plaza El Segundo is constructed,
� i
STAFF REPORT February 15, 2005
Page 9
the amount of Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee is likely to be different than the
amount that would be required under the current program Staff has no way of
estimating the potential change in the mitigation fee until the program is
updated As drafted, the development agreement and conditions of approval
require payment of fees based upon the fees in effect at the time budding
permits are issued Additionally, as drafted, the development agreement allows
the application of a fee credit if the City adopts an updated Traffic Impact
Mitigation Fee Program includes traffic improvements that the developer is
required to construct as part of the Plaza El Segundo project There is the
potential fora dispute arising between the City and the developerwith respect to
such credits as the developer has retained the right under the development
agreement to challenge the amount of the fees and /or its right to credits in the
event the City adopts a new fee program It is important to note that while the
applicant has requested a credit against the traffic impact mitigation fees to be
paid to the City of El Segundo, the applicant has at the same time agreed to a
Draft Settlement Agreement with the City of Manhattan Beach to fund additional
traffic improvements in El Segundo and Manhattan Beach that are not required
by the EIR The City of Manhattan Beach estimated that the cost of these
additional traffic improvements would be $3,000,000 and the applicant has
agreed to bond for $3,450,000 to pay for these improvements (See Exhibit F
regarding additional information about the Settlement Agreement between the
applicant and the City of Manhattan Beach)
In order to ensure that the Plaza El Segundo Development is designed for retail
tenants that will enhance one of the entrances to the City and avoid the
aesthetic appearance of a large strip mall, there are a number of requirements
limiting structure and tenant sizes set forth in the Development Agreement The
total floor area that could be devoted to tenants with less than 10,000 square
feet is 75,000 square feet Of the 75,000 square feet, a maximum of 8 budding
pads may be less than 10,000 square feet each No budding pads on the
property may be less than 5,000 square feet in size, and no primary use of the
property shall occupy less than 1,500 square feet with the exception of the
specific retail tenants identified in Exhibit C to the Development Agreement The
Agreement also limits the maximum size of any single budding or tenant to
125,000 square feet This would help deter "superstore" sized tenants who may
be interested in the site in the future After staff and the applicant completed
negotiations on the terms of the proposed Development Agreement, staff
learned that a "superstore' size tenant recently opened a 125,000 square foot
store in a Southern California city Consequently, the Development Agreement
limitation would not guarantee that such a tenant slightly smaller than 125,000
square feet would not occupy the project
The applicant desires to lease one of the buildings to a "Whole Foods ", specialty
grocery store tenant The development agreement prohibits any grocery store
tenant other than Whole Foods for one year following 90% occupancy of the
The Development Agreement would limit the number and type of restaurants
that would be permitted in the Plaza El Segundo development In order to
maintain high quality tenants, no drive- through or "food- to -go" restaurants would
STAFF REPORT February 15, 2005
Page 10
be allowed "Fast Food" as defined in the draft Development Agreement, would
not be permitted within 150 feet of the Sepulveda Boulevard street frontage or
south of the two railroad lines extending south to the northeast corner of
Sepulveda Boulevard and Rosecrans Boulevard One full - service restaurant
would be required at project start-up and one additional full - service restaurant
would be required within 2 years of 90% occupancy
The Development Agreement also would permit one bank and one day spa with
a minimum floor area of 5,000 square feet
Although not mentioned in the applicants letter requesting approval of the Plaza
El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative, staff is aware that the
applicant is interested in including a health club in the project as part of the
Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative and as part of the
proposed Plaza El Segundo Development Apart from any concerns related to
how such a use is addressed in the draft EIR, staff has concerns about the
inclusion of a health club in the project and recommends that a health club
specifically be excluded from the project through the development agreement for
several reasons
Staff has concluded that there are few benefits to be gained from a health club
as part of the Plaza El Segundo project The area is already served by several
full service health /fitness clubs (Spectrum Club, 24 Hour Fitness, and Manhattan
Beach Country Club) According to the developer's own estimates and
confirmed by the City's consultants, there is minimal revenue generated from
health clubs compared to other retail uses of similar sized buildings Health
clubs also have high traffic generation rates, particularly in the p m. peak period
Based on the foregoing, staff has included Section 416 into the draft
Development Agreement prohibiting health clubs in the Plaza El Segundo
Development Health clubs would still be an allowed use elsewhere in the
proposed C-4 Zone and a health club could still locate potentially in the
remaining portion of the Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning in the future
Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative
The Development Agreement would require several revisions to clarify that the
Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative is the basis for the
Project Approvals, as defined in the Agreement All of the other specific
provisions for the grocery store, fast food restaurants, banks and spas,
downtown and aquatic payments would remain applicable to the Plaza El
Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative
The Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative is part of the
consideration that is being discussed between the developer and Manhattan
Beach with respect to the settlement negotiations relating to the project Due to
concerns that the developer might attempt to limit the potential uses on the site
pursuant to such a settlement agreement, the development agreement has been
revised to add Section 6 9 which prohibits such a restriction of uses on the site
except as between the developer and bonafide tenants relating to competition
restrictions and restrictions imposed by federal or state regulatory agencies
STAFF REPORT February 15, 2005 Page 11
relating to hazardous materials on the site
IV. General Plan Consistencv
The December 15, 2004, Planning Commission Staff Report (Exhibit C) contains a
detailed discussion of the General Plan consistency findings Staff believes that the
project as proposed is consistent with the General Plan as it is proposed to be
amended The following two paragraphs contain the findings for the proposed
Policies ED1 -2 1 and ED1 -2 2, both seek to promote land uses, which improve the
City's retail and commercial tax base Since the stated purpose of the Commercial
Center Land Use Designation is to provide for retail and other commercial services,
it is appropriate to examine the potential fiscal impacts of the proposed project and
compare them with other potential uses of the property This will enable the Council
to determine if the fiscal impact might be similar to land uses, which promote growth
and diversification of the tax base The Fiscal Impact Analysis shows that the fiscal
benefits for the City would be consistent with the estimates that were prepared for
the Campus El Segundo project
The applicant for the Plaza El Segundo portion of the project prepared a brief Fiscal
Benefit Analysis This Fiscal Benefit Analysis for the proposed project concluded
that the project could generate an annual marginal fiscal benefit (project versus
existing conditions) of $2,319,421 Staff has used the City's recently revised Fiscal
Impact Model to also prepare an estimate of the fiscal benefits of the project The
results of the City's model indicates the net fiscal benefit of the Plaza El Segundo
development would be approximately $1,980,000 in the first year rising to
$2,413,241 in the eighth year of operation If ultimately approved, the additional
425,000 square feet development on the remaining portions of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning could generate an additional $2,170,000
The Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative
The applicant has explained to staff that the applicant's efforts to attract high quality
tenants to the proposed project have lead to the realization that the protect tenant
line up that is now expected would not generate as much traffic as originally
contemplated Consequently, the applicant has stated to staff that approval of the
Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative would not affect the limit
the applicant's choices of tenants
Staffs assessment of -the proposed protects conformance with the Economic
Development Element of the General Plan was predicated on the fiscal impact
assumptions of the types of uses and tenants that were initially anticipated by the
developer to occupy the Plaza El Segundo portion of the project It appears that the
tenant mix now envisioned by the applicant and limited by the protect description for
the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative in the draft EIR, could
likely result in significantly less revenue and fiscal benefits than the proposed Plaza
El Segundo protect as initially envisioned This could be considered a loss in the
potential opportunity to maximize revenue from the protect
3 t;
STAFF REPORT February 15, 2005
Page 12
Staff has prepared a Fiscal Impact Analysis of the Plaza El Segundo Reduced
Traffic Generation Alternative incorporating the mix of uses in the draft EIR and has
also prepared an analysis based on the current leasing plan prepared by the
applicant The proposed leasing plan includes a full service health club that is not
specifically listed in the alternative's land use mix As with the original fiscal impact
analysis, estimates for sales per square foot for different land use types and retail
categories were provided by the applicant
The City's Fiscal Impact Model compares the estimated revenue to be generated
from a project (i e , property taxes, sales taxes, hotel taxes, business license fees,
etc ) to the cost of providing city services (police, fire, library, and other government
functions) to the project The net fiscal impact of the Plaza El Segundo
Development is described below
The results of the City's model indicate the net fiscal benefit of the Plaza EI
Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative would be approximately
$1,611,400 in the first year rising to approximately $1,959,000 in the eighth year of
operation The current leasing plan would generate slightly higher revenue of
approximately $1,715,300 in the first year, rising to approximately $2,100,000 in the
eighth year The Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative and the
current leasing plan each would generate approximately $265,000 less revenue
than the original mix of uses in the Plaza El Segundo Development
Developer Estimated Sales Tax Revenue
Fiscal Impact Model
Fiscal Impact Model
$ 1,356,644
Original Mix (2 -3 -04)
Reduced Protect Alternative
Current Leasing Plan
Difference (original- Current)
- 265,442
- 334,606
Staff also utilized the services of a retail consultant and researched other sources
(with the help of a sales tax consultant) in an effort to confirm the sales per square
foot estimates for different uses provide by the applicant Staff estimates the
following net fiscal benefit for the proposed project, Plaza El Segundo Reduced
Traffic Generation Alternative and current leasing plan to be significantly less when
utilizing the sales per square foot estimates provided by our consultants as shown
Citt Estimated Sales Tax Revenue
Fiscal Impact Model
Original Mix With Retail Consultant
$ 1,356,644
$ 1,645,638
Original Mix with Sales Tax
$ 1,254,983
$ 1,520,608
Consultant Estimate
Reduced Project Alternative with Retail
$ 1,084,544
$ 1,310,990
Consultant Estimate
Reduced Project Alternative with Sales
$ 1,307,922
STAFF REPORT February 15, 2005
Page 13
Tax Consultant Estimate
Current Leasing Plan with Retail
$ 1,177,331
$ 1,416,960
Consultant Estimate
Current Leasing Plan with Sales Tax
$ 993,433
$ 1,190,789
Consultant Estimate
Difference (Original Mix- Leasing Plan
$ _363,211
$ - 454,849
with Sales Tax Consultant Estimate
When comparing the Original mix of uses using the developer's sales tax estimates
to the City's sales tax consultant estimates of the current leasing plan, the potential
net fiscal benefit is reduced by $987,342 in the first year rising to $1,222,452
However, it is important to note that the figures listed above provide a range of what
net fiscal benefits can be anticipated The City's sales tax consultant estimates are
conservative in that they are based upon a statewide average, which includes urban
and rural areas and a range of communities economically Staff anticipates that the
developer's estimates are optimistic Based upon performance in the El Segundo
and the South Bay area, staff anticipates actual net fiscal benefits will fall in
between the developer's estimates and the City's sales tax consultant's estimate,
closer to the City's retail consultant's estimates. Irrespective of the mix of uses
described in the EIR, the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative,
or the current leasing plan, the revenues are not guaranteed and can change over
time as the project matures
As the foregoing analysis indicates, the potential revenue from the Plaza El
Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative may be considerably less than the
originally proposed Plaza El Segundo Development This may have some bearing
on the how the City Council considers making the findings of consistency with the
Economic Development policies in the General Plan Based on the foregoing fiscal
analysis, Staff concluded that the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation
Alternative would meet all of the same General Plan goals as the proposed Plaza El
Segundo Development but to a lesser degree due to the potential of reduced fiscal
benefits from the project
Zoning Consistency
The Plaza El Segundo Development is also consistent with the development
standards proposed in the new C-4 zoning classification as outlined in the
December 15 Planning Commission staff report
The overall FAR in the C -4 Zone would not be permitted to exceed 0 275 1 As part
of the proposed C-4 zoning regulations, individual parcels within the Plaza El
Segundo development could exceed 0 275 1 as long as the overall FAR was not
exceeded A Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) procedure is proposed to be
included in the C-4 Zone and Development Agreement to ensure the overall FAR
does not exceed the limits in the zone The Development Agreement allows a "by
right" transfer of FAR between individual parcels within Plaza El Segundo project so
long as no parcel exceeds a 0 6 1 FAR Additionally, the Development Agreement
prohibits the transfer of FAR from properties located outside the Plaza El Segundo
STAFF REPORT February 15, 2005
Page 14
Project to properties located within the project The overall FAR for the Plaza El
Segundo development would be 0 26 1
The proposed C-4 zone would establish a standard street frontage of 100 feet on a
public right -of -way. Staff is also proposing that flag lots be permitted with a minimum
street frontage of 20 feet Four such flag lots are proposed as part of the Plaza El
Segundo development to facilitate the applicant's desires to create separate parcels
for each budding Due to the roadway configuration and the desire on the applicant's
part to provide some parking on each parcel, it was not feasible to establish a
subdivision of the property in which all lots could meet the 100 foot lot frontage
criteria that is typical of other zones in the City The 20' lot frontages on flag lots will
provide sufficient safeguards for access to public rights -of -way for each property In
order to accommodate the applicant's desire to have one row of buildings with
separate property owners, the applicant has requested the C-4 Zone permit a zero
interior side yard setback standard,
Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative
The Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative would meet all of the
same development standards as the Plaza El Segundo Development
VI. Environmental Review
An Environmental Impact Report(EIR)was prepared for this project pursuant to the
requirements of CEQA The City hired the firm of Christopher A Joseph and
Associates (CAJA) to prepare the EIR with Crain & Associates preparing the traffic
analysis for the project and Terracor preparing the biological study
The public review and comment period for the Draft EIR extended from October 5,
2004 to November 19, 2004 Revisions to the Draft EIR, responses to comments
received from the public by November 19, 2004, as well as written comments from
the public, governmental agencies, and other interested parties during the public
review period, have been be prepared and are included in the Final Environmental
Impact Report (Final EIR) A chronology of the project milestones is attached
(Exhibit G) The City Council's role in the environmental review process is to
determine whether or not to certify the Environmental Impact Report and adopt a
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program based upon mitigation measures they
may adopt
A Program /Project EIR
The EIR is structured as a Program EIR and a Project EIR in one document The
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning is analyzed at a "program level" Since
there are a number of factors that could not be studied in sufficient detail to
conduct a "project level" review of the entire proposed 850,000 square foot
project, the Program EIR includes a review of the issues that could be fully
addressed, and establishes a mechanism for determining what additional
information will have to be provided and studied in order for a "project level"
review to be conducted in the future Until these various environmental issues
are resolved, a "project level" analysis of the specific impacts of development on
STAFF REPORT February 15, 2005
Page 15
these portions of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning cannot be
determined No entitlements to construct any buildings can be approved until the
subsequent environmental analysis is conducted and approved by the City
All of the environmental conditions associated with development on the Plaza El
Segundo Development could be fully analyzed Because of this, a "protect level"
review was prepared to implement the Program EIR requirements for that
portion of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning If the EIR is certified, the
Plaza El Segundo Development could be approved and constructed without any
further environmental review
As required by CEQA, the EIR also includes an analysis of alternatives to the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development projects The alternatives include a No Project Alternative, a
Reduced Traffic Generation Commercial Alternative, and an Alternative Land
Use (Industrial) Alternative For the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning, an
additional Rezoning of the Plaza El Segundo Development Site Only Alternative
is also included in the Draft EIR
B Summary of EIR Conclusions
The Draft EIR concluded that ail potentially significant project- related impacts
identified in the Draft EIR, with the exception of traffic, operational and
temporary construction related air quality, and temporary construction - related
noise impacts, are at a less than significant level Table 1 -1 on page 1 -68 of the
Draft EIR summarizes the potential environmental impacts, the proposed
mitigation measures, and the level of significance of each potential impact after
1 Air Qualitv
According to the Draft EIR, when comparing the proposed emissions from
mobile sources associated with the proposed project to the South Coast Air
Quality Management's (AQMD) significance thresholds for criteria pollutants,
the EIR concluded that the project would exceed the thresholds for Carbon
Monoxide (CO), Reactive Organic Compounds (ROC), Nitrous Oxides (NO),),
and Particulate Matter (PM10) The Plaza El Segundo portion of the project
would also exceed the AQMD significance thresholds for ROC, CO, NO),, and
Because the degree of "excess" emissions substantially exceeds the strict
AQMD limits, the Draft EIR concluded that the impact could not be mitigated
to insignificant levels Asa result, the projects' impacts will remain significant
and unavoidable
The Draft EIR also concluded that the daily construction impacts associated
with the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would exceed AQMD daily
thresholds for ROC, CO, NOX, and PM10. These are significant and
unavoidable short-term environmental impacts The Draft EIR concluded that
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Page 16
the Plaza El Segundo portion of the project would exceed AQMD
construction emission thresholds for ROC and NO, Between 2007 and
2012, emissions from construction activities from the portion of the
Sepulveda/ Rosecrans Rezoning Site south of the Union Pacific Railroad
tracks may occur simultaneously with operation of the Plaza El Segundo
Development Combined emissions would exceed the SCAQMD's
significance threshold for ROC, CO, NO,, and PM10 These three
construction- related impacts would be significant and unavoidable because
there is no feasible mitigation available to reduce the impacts below the
significance thresholds
Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative
Under the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative, the
Plaza El Segundo site would still be developed with approximately 425,000
square feet of commercial /retail uses, however the mix of uses would be
different in order to reduce the amount of traffic trips generated Short-term
construction- related air quality impacts associated with the Plaza El Segundo
Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative would be comparable to the
construction- related air quality impacts identified under the proposed Plaza
El Segundo Development (because the same area of land would be
disturbed in order for construction to proceed and the square footage of the
development would be roughly the same size) and would remain significant
and unavoidable However, during operation of the development, the
number of vehicles trips anticipated would be reduced during the p m peak
hour and in total daily traffic This change in the mix of uses would reduce
the level of traffic generated to approximately 1,477 vehicle trips during the
p m peak hour and 16,645 vehicle trips on a daily basis This decrease in
vehicle trips over the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development would
reduce the amount of air emissions generated by vehicles utilizing the Plaza
El Segundo site on a daily basis, but would not be sufficient to reduce
emission levels below SCAQMD significance thresholds. Therefore, the air
quality impacts associated with the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic
Generation Alternative would be less than the air quality impacts associated
with the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development, but would still be
significant and unavoidable
2 Noise
The Draft EIR identified a significant and unavoidable construction- related
noise impact at two locations (FedEx facility at 645 Allied Way and Pacific
Theatres at 831 South Douglas Street) adjacent-to the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Site Rezoning A potential construction related noise impact to residents on
Oak Avenue in the City of Manhattan Beach can be fully mitigated by
Mitigation Measure 1 -1, which requires a temporary plywood noise barrier be
constructed at the southern end of the project site during construction There
would be a significant unavoidable construction— related noise impact at just
the FedEx facility at 645 Allied Way with the Plaza El Segundo Development
Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative
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Page 17
Under the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative, the
development on the Plaza El Segundo site would be 425,000 square feet
with a different mix of uses than the proposed Plaza El Segundo
Development Therefore, noise impacts as a result of grading and
construction activities would be similar for the Reduced Traffic Generation
Alternative as they are under the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development
and would be significant and unavoidable However, noise impacts
associated with the traffic generated by the development under the Reduced
Traffic Generation Alternative would be slightly less than the proposed Plaza
El Segundo This is due to the decrease in the number of trips generated by
the Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative development. Additionally, the
impacts from on -site noise sources would be less than the proposed Plaza El
Segundo Development
3 Traffic
As part of the Draft EIR, Crain & Associates prepared a Traffic Impact Study
to analyze the potential traffic impacts associated with the proposed project
The Study analyzed the project traffic impacts on 25 intersections in the area,
and factored in several planned roadway improvements, and other planned
and approved projects in the area These included major projects, such as the
improvements of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), the Campus El
Segundo project, the El Segundo General Plan Circulation Element update,
and redevelopment of the Los Angeles Air Force Base As a result, the traffic
study takes a very conservative approach to measuring growth from projects
that may affect traffic in the City Based on the applicant's estimated project
completion in 2007 for the Plaza El Segundo project and 2012 for the
Sepulveda/Rosecrans Site Rezoning, the future traffic conditions with the
proposed project were estimated
The Traffic Impact Study concluded that the forecasted average daily trip
generation for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would be 28,334, of
which 1,167 trips would be in the A M peak hour, 2,657 trips would be in the
P M peak hour, and 3,515 would be during the Saturday midday peak hour
The Traffic Study concluded that the Plaza El Segundo portion of the overall
project would generate 19,151 average daily trips, 915 A M peak hour trips,
1,790 P M peak hour trips, and 2,344 Saturday midday peak hour trips
For the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning, the Study identified no
intersections which would require mitigation during the A M peak hour only
Eight intersections during the P M peak hour only and three intersections
during the A M and P M peak hours would require mitigation to reduce project
related impacts to a level of insignificance One intersection would also have
impacts during the P M peak and Saturday midday peak
(Rosecrans /Aviation) For the Plaza El Segundo development portion of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning, the study identified one intersection in
the A M peak hour only, two in the P M peak hour only, two in the A M. and
PM, one in the A M , P M and Saturday midday peak, and one intersection in
STAFF REPORT February 15, 2005
Page 18
the Saturday midday peak only would require mitigation to reduce project
impacts to a less than significant level
The Draft EIR also analyzed the traffic impacts of the project on the adjacent
freeway system and concluded that the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
and Plaza El Segundo Development would create significant traffic impacts for
the southbound 1-405 between the 1 -105 interchange and El Segundo
Boulevard during the P M peak hour No feasible mitigation measures were
identified, which would enable these impacts to be reduced to an insignificant
Additionally, since the intersection of El Segundo Boulevard/ Sepulveda
Boulevard is part of the Los Angeles County Congestion Management Plan
network, the significant unavoidable P M peak period traffic impact at this
intersection is also considered as a significant impact to the CMP network
An analysis of the cumulative traffic from 52 nearby projects was also
conducted to determine the percent contribution of the proposed project to
overall /cumulative traffic growth in the area. The study identified 15
intersections that would be significantly impacted by cumulative growth in
conjunction with the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and 13 of these 15
significantly impacted intersections with just the Plaza El Segundo
Development CEQA does not require a project to mitigate all cumulative
growth, only its fare share contribution toward cumulative impacts
The Draft EIR recommends a number of mitigation measures (L -1 through L-
20) to reduce the number of vehicle trips associated with the proposed project
and several potential roadway improvement projects (Mitigation Measures L -1
though L -7) to improve the traffic flow at the intersections directly impacted by
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning Mitigation measures would include
intersection improvements at El Segundo Boulevard /Sepulveda Boulevard (L-
1), El Segundo Boulevard /Aviation Boulevard (L -2), Park Place/Nash Street (L-
3), Park Place/Douglas Street (L-4), Rosecrans Avenue /Sepulveda Boulevard
(L -5), Rosecrans Avenue /Continental Way (L -6), and Rosecrans
Avenue /Douglas Street (L -7) For the Plaza El Segundo development,
mitigation measures L -1, L -2, L -5, and L -6 would be required to improve
However, the study concluded that proposed mitigation measures L -1 which
affects the intersection of El Segundo Boulevard /Sepulveda Boulevard would
not reduce the significant P M peak hour traffic impacts to a level of
- insignificance for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning Additionally, the
intersection of Rosecrans Avenue /Aviation Boulevard would also have a
significant impact that could not be mitigated during the midday Saturday peak
period only The intersection of El Segundo Boulevard /Sepulveda Boulevard
would also remain a significant impact for the Plaza El Segundo Development
in the P M only even with mitigation measure L -1 No feasible mitigation
measures were identified which could eliminate the impacts at these two
intersections As a result, significant unavoidable project related traffic impacts
would remain at these intersections The proposed mitigation measures at the
3 �i
STAFF REPORT February 15, 2005
Page 19
other identified impacted intersections would reduce the traffic impacts to
insignificant levels
Additionally, since the final design of the project has not been developed,
staff has drafted condition No 56 to require the submittal of a Traffic,
Circulation and Parking Plan prior to the issuance of each budding permit to
ensure that site specific traffic issues have been fully evaluated Since the
precise mix of land uses may differ from those described above, Condition
No 31 would institute a trip cap based on trip generation identified in the
EIR The trip cap would limit the number of project generated vehicle trips for
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning to 28,334 per day and limit the
Plaza El Segundo portion of the development to 19,151 average daily vehicle
trips This would insure that no matter the mix of commercial, restaurant and
other uses permitted in the C-4 Zone that are ultimately developed on the
project site, the traffic impacts would not exceed the levels evaluated in the
Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative
Under the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative, the
size of the proposed development would be the same, however, the mix of
uses would be different in order to reduce the amount of traffic generated
Under this alternative, it is estimated that the development on the Plaza El
Segundo site would generate a total of approximately 16,645 daily trips, with
779 a m peak hour trips, 1,477 p m peak hour trips, and 2,205 Saturday
mid -day peak period trips
Of the 25 study intersections analyzed, it is anticipated that the Plaza El
Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative would significantly impact
six intersections during the a m peak hours, p m peak hour, Saturday mid-
day peak hour, or combinations thereof (see Table VI -14) This is one less
impacted intersection (Manhattan Beach Boulevard /Aviation Boulevard) than
the seven intersections would be impacted under the proposed Plaza El
Segundo Development Therefore, traffic impacts associated with the Plaza
El Segundo Reduced Traffic Alternative would be less than those under the
proposed Plaza El Segundo Development
Additionally, because the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Alternative
would generate fewer vehicle trips, the draft EIR concluded that several
mitigation measures that are required for the Plaza El Segundo Development
would no longer be required The additional (third) left -turn lane for west
bound Rosecrans Avenue at Sepulveda Boulevard would no longer be
needed and the new traffic signal at the intersection of Continental
Way /Rosecrans Avenue would also be eliminated
Both the City of Manhattan Beach and Caltrans had commented that the new
triple left -turns at the Sepulveda Boulevard /Rosecrans Avenue intersection
would be problematic to implement, and the City of Manhattan Beach and
the applicant had questions the need and benefit of installation of the signal
at Continental Way /Rosecrans The City's traffic consultant, Crain &
STAFF REPORT February 15, 2005
Page 20
Associates, conducted a feasibility study of implementing the triple left -turn
(See Final EIR Volume II, Pages VIII -80 and VIII -81, and Response 8 -15)
and has determined that it is physically feasible with minor modifications to
improvements in the public right -of -way Furthermore, Crain & Associates re-
examined the new required signal at the intersection of Rosecrans Avenue
and Continental Way and determined that no substitute mitigation could be
provided for the Plaza El Segundo Development However, adoption of the
Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative would address the
concern of these agencies and the applicant since these two improvements
would not longer be required
4 Utilities
In the course of preparation of the Final EIR, the City's environmental
consultant uncovered an error in the calculations of sewerage and water
generation for two of the project alternatives in the Draft EIR An incorrect
sewerage generation rate of 350 gallons per day per thousand square feet
was used for large scale retail instead of 100 gallons per thousand square
feet in the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning Reduced Traffic Generation
Alternative and Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative
and an incorrect water generation rate of 390 gallons per day per thousand
square feet instead of 120 gallons per day per thousand square feet was
used for Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning Reduced Traffic Generation
Alternative and the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation
Alternative The Final EIR contains revised calculations which show that the
use of these utilities is less than described in the Draft EIR and the potential
environmental impact for these utilities is less than estimated in the Draft
EIR The impacts remain less than significant
C Cumulative Impacts
The Draft EIR concluded that the Sepulveda Rosecrans Site Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development would contribute to a significant cumulative
impact on traffic, solid waste disposal capacity, and population and housing
caused by regional growth There are no feasible mitigation measures available
to reduce the cumulative regional impact
Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative
The cumulative impacts of the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation
Alternative would be the same as the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development.
D Final EIR
Statement of Overriding Considerations
For project with significant unavoidable environmental impacts, CEQA requires
that the project cannot be approved unless special findings of overriding
considerations can be made by the City Council A Statement of Overriding
Considerations acknowledges that a project has significant environmental
STAFF REPORT February 15, 2005
Page 21
impacts, but finds that other aspects of the project, such as economic benefits,
outweigh the unavoidable environmental impacts of the project
A Statement of Overriding Considerations must be adopted by the City Council
stating the specific reasons why the project's benefits outweigh its significant
environmental impacts Based on the consistency of the project with the General
Plan as described earlier, the creation of approximately 1,904 jobs, remediation
of a Brownfield site, rezoning of obsolete property to a productive use, providing
additional retail and commercial opportunities for residents and business,
elimination of blighted areas and providing an attractive urban destination, the
contribution to recreational facilities and downtown improvements, the dedication
of land for public roadway improvements, and other economic and social
benefits that will derive to the City, and the nature of the unavoidable impacts,
staff recommends that the Council find that the overriding benefits of the project
outweigh the environmental impacts and adopt a Statement of Overriding
Considerations as required by CEQA (as described in Exhibit A to the draft
VII. Application Findings
In order to approve the project, the City Council must take certain actions related to
the environmental review, General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Zone Text
Amendment, Development Agreement, and Subdivision applications The required
findings for each application are attached as Exhibit 5 to the December 15, 2004
Planning Commission staff report and a detailed discussion of each required finding
is contained in the December 15, 2004 Planning Commission staff report
Based upon our review, it is staffs opinion that the City Council should make the
required findings to certify the EIR and to approve each application as outlined in
the Draft Resolution and Ordinance
VIII. Planning Commission Hearing
The Planning Commission held its public hearings on the Circulation Element
update on November 15 and December 15, 2004 At these hearings the
Commission took public testimony, reviewed the Draft EIR, and considered the
proposed project The applicant and 26 members of the public, representing
residents of El Segundo and Manhattan Beach, presented testimony at the public
hearings The Commission's deliberations focused on procedural matters related to
the review of the Final EIR, a potential shuttle service for the project, the option of
only rezoning the Plaza El Segundo portion of the project, and the purpose of
creating a new C -4 Zone instead of using an existing commercial zone for the
A Shuttle Service
As part of its motion to recommend approval of the project, the Planning
Commission recommended that the City Council study and consider the addition
of a requirement that a shuttle service be incorporated into the project to provide
additional traffic mitigation
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Page 22
Staff has researched some of the potential benefits and limitation of requiring a
shuttle service to be provided by the developer to serve the Plaza El Segundo
project The City's traffic consultant, Crain & Associates, also prepared a report
(Exhibit H) evaluating potential shuttle service for the Plaza EI Segundo
There are several different public transit services that already provide service in
the vicinity of the Plaza El Segundo Development The Metropolitan
Transportation Authority (MTA) operates bus service on Rosecrans Avenue
(Route 125) and Sepulveda Boulevard (Route 232) The project is also within
the service area for the City's dial -a -ride service
Important considerations for a potential shuttle service to the project include the
effectiveness as mitigation, frequency, route, convenience, and costs of such a
shuttle service Staff looked at the potential traffic impacts of the project and
how a new shuttle service would help reduce the traffic impacts of the Plaza El
Segundo Development The primary traffic impact associated with the Plaza El
Segundo Development is during the midweek PM peak hour and the Saturday
midday peak An effective shuttle service for traffic mitigation would operate at
these times and service a resident or employee population in the protect vicinity
that is likely to want to shop at those times of day Potential shuttle routes could
serve the residential portions of El Segundo, the employment center in the
northeast quadrant of El Segundo, and /or possibly serve the employment and
shopping areas along the Rosecrans Avenue corridor Based on a review of
Plaza El Segundo's traffic impacts, it is staffs opinion that there would not be a
sufficient demand for a dedicated shuttle service to the protect that would lessen
the impacts at the intersections that are significantly impacted by the Plaza El
Segundo Development
Staff has learned from the City's experience with the Downtown lunch time
shuttle that convenience and reliability are key factors for ensuring the
successful implementation of a shuttle service Staff would not recommend that
the current lunchtime shuttle routes be altered to also serve the Plaza El
Segundo Development, because the route times would have to be lengthened
too much, which would jeopardize the main purpose of the lunch time shuttle
Any mid -week lunchtime shuttle to the Plaza El Segundo Development would
not provide traffic mitigation for the proposed protect at the time of day when
mitigation is needed Furthermore it is difficult to envision a shuttle service that
circulated through the commercial and office developments along the Rosecrans
corridor between Sepulveda and Aviation Boulevards or extending all the way to
the -1-495 freeway drawmg-enough passengers who would want to take public
transit from one shopping center to another in lieu of using a automobile for
these short trips Unless parking was in such short supply at the businesses
along the corridor as to cause customers to consider transit use, it is not like a
Rosecrans corridor shuttle would effectively reduce traffic impacts
Based upon the foregoing, there does not appear to be a route or a target
population in the vicinity that lends itself to supporting a shuttle service to the
Plaza El Segundo Development Distance from the residential portions of the
STAFF REPORT February 15, 2005
Page 23
City and the employment center in the northeast quadrant of the City are limiting
factors for establish a route that would be convenient for riders and actually
reduce traffic commuting to the development
Staff recommends that the City Council not require the developer to provide
private shuttle service to the Plaza El Segundo Development because it would
not likely be effective in reducing traffic impacts from the project
IX. Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative Analysis
There are several issues that deserve special attention related to the applicant's
January 19, 2005 request for the City Council to consider adopting the Plaza El
Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative instead of the originally proposed
Plaza El Segundo Development One is the potential implication for future land uses
on the site and the long term revenue generating potential of the project Another
issue relates to the applicant's plans to have a health club as part of the Plaza El
Segundo Development that was not specifically studied in the draft EIR as part of
the mix of uses in the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative
Certain entitlement documents (i e„ Resolution, Ordinance, Conditions of Approval)
would require revisions to incorporate the approval of the Plaza El Segundo
Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative, should the Council choose to approve it
A Land Use and Revenue
When the project was originally proposed to the City, the applicant contemplated
a mix of uses that might include a home improvement store, 5,000 square feet
more of restaurants and other differences that resulted in the estimated fiscal
benefit described above Staff is concerned that if the Plaza El Segundo
Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative is adopted it might preclude the
developer from attracting other larger retail uses that might generate better
revenue because such big box retail might generate too much traffic to fit within
the mix of uses and maximum traffic generation that would be permitted with the
Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative Looking at the long
term prospects for the Plaza El Segundo Development, staff wants to ensure
that there is enough flexibility in the entitlements, if approved, to allow new uses
or other uses that have not been contemplated yet to be able to replace the
initial tenants as the project evolves over time Staff is appreciative of the
applicant's desire to meet the City's desire to create an up -scale development
with quality tenants The tenant mix that includes Whole Foods, Borders Books,
Best Buy, possibly Crate & Barrel and quality restaurants combined with the high
quality architecture and design of the project should make the project unique in
the area and help ensure its long term success. Staff does not want that
success to be unduly limited by a traffic generation limitation that would have to
be imposed by the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative As
the developers come closer to completing negotiations with a number of the
initial tenants, staff thinks there is no compelling reason to adopt the Plaza El
Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative Staff is comfortable that the
full Plaza El Segundo Development provides a comprehensive range of
mitigation measures to address the traffic impacts associated with the mix of
uses analyzed While the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation
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Page 24
Alternative would guarantee a traffic reduction of approximately 13 percent, it is
not possible to predict if this will be to the detriment of the projects' ability to
attract high quality tenants over the long run
B Health Club
As mentioned earlier, the applicant is proposing to include an Equinox Health
Club in the Plaza El Segundo Development on the lot on the east side of Allied
Way Even though staff recommends denial of this request, in order for the City
Council to consider this as part of the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic
Generation Alternative, additional analysis of the traffic generation of the Plaza
El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative was conducted which
included a health club in the mix of uses to determine if such a mix would be
consistent with the analysis performed in the draft EIR for the alternative The
traffic analysis, performed by Crain & Associates, concluded that introduction of
a health club as a substitute for approximately 50,000 square feet of retail use
would not change the conclusions of the impacts of the Plaza El Segundo
Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative No new significant impacts would be
created by a health club being part of the mix of uses in the Plaza El Segundo
Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative Therefore, if the Council desires to
adopt the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative with a
health club, the EIR has provided adequate analysis of the health club as part of
the alternative
C Entitlement Documents
Staff prepared the draft Resolution, Ordinance, Conditions of Approval, CEQA
Findings, and Statement of Overriding Considerations (SOC) based on staffs
recommendation to approve the full Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development If the consensus of the Council is to approve
the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative, revisions to the
entitlement documents would be necessary in a number of places For instance
the maximum traffic generation allowed for the project in draft Condition of
Approval No 30 would have to be lower to match the traffic generation studied
in the Draft EIR for the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation
Alternative The fiscal benefits in the Development agreement findings and SOC
would require revisions as well
X. Conclusion
Staff recommends that the Council approve the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development as described in the Final EIR (not
the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative) and adopt the draft
Resolution approving Environmental Assessment No 631 with a Statement of
Overriding Considerations and General Plan Amendment No. 03-4 & 03 -5, and,
introduction of the draft ordinance to adopt Development Agreement No 03 -1, Zone
Change No 03 -2 & 03 -3, Zone Text Amendment No 04 -1, and Subdivision No 03-
7 (Vesting Tentative Tract No 061630)
P \Plannmg & Budding SafetytPRCJECTSV 26- 6501EA- 631\Counat Agenda Packet @ -15 -05 heanng%Ea -631 ass 2 -15 -05 doc
2 J
The City Council of the City of El Segundo does resolve as follows
SECTION 1 The City Council finds and declares that
A On November 17, 2003, Mar Ventures, Inc filed an application for an
Environmental Assessment (EA -631), General Plan Amendment (GPA
No 03-4), Zone Change (ZC No 03 -2) and Subdivision (SUB 03 -7,
Vesting Tentative Tract Map No 061630) to redesignate and rezone an
approximately 54 9 -acre property at the northeast corner of Sepulveda
Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue On June 28, 2004 and July 26, 2004,
Mar Ventures, Inc filed additional applications requesting a Zone Text
Amendment (ZTA No 04 -2) and Development Agreement (DA No 03 -1)
If these matters are approved, the applicant proposes to develop a
425,000 square foot shopping center, known as Plaza El Segundo,
B On November 13, 2003, the City of El Segundo filed an application for a
General Plan Amendment (GPA No 03 -5) and Zone Change (ZC No 03-
3) to redesignate and rezoning an approximately 30 -acre property at the
northeast corner of Sepulveda Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue from
Heavy Industrial (M -2) to Commercial Center (C -4) On April 26, 2004, the
City of El Segundo filed an application requesting a Zone Text
Amendment (ZTA No 04 -1) to amend the El Segundo Municipal Code,
C The applications from Mar Ventures, Inc and the City of El Segundo were
reviewed by the City's Planning and Building Safety Department for, in
part, consistency with the General Plan and conformity with the El
Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC "),
D In addition, the City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under
the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§
21000, et seq , "CEQA "), the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal
Code of Regulations § §15000, et seq , the "CEQA Guidelines "),
E An Initial Study was prepared pursuant to the requirements of CEQA The
Initial Study demonstrated that the project could cause significant
environmental impacts Accordingly, a Draft Program /Project
. 'j
Environmental Impact Report ( "DEIR ") was prepared and circulated for
public review and comment between October 5, 2004 and November 19,
F The Planning and Budding Safety Department completed its review and
scheduled a special public hearing regarding the application before the
Planning Commission for November 15, 2004,
G On November 15, 2004 the Commission held a special public hearing to
receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the applications
including, without limitation, information provided to the Commission by
City Staff, public testimony, and representatives of Mar Ventures, Inc , and
continued the public hearing to December 15, 2004,
H On December 15, 2004, the Planning Commission held the continued
public hearing and adopted Resolution No 2575 recommending City
Council approval of Environmental Assessment No 631, Development
Agreement No 03 -1, General Plan Amendment No 03 -4 & 03 -5, Zone
Change No 03 -2 & 03 -3, Zone Text Amendment No 04 -1, and
Subdivision No 03 -7 (Vesting Tentative Tract No 061630),
On February 15, 2005 the City Council held a public hearing and
considered the information provided by City staff, public testimony and
Mar Ventures, Inc , and,
J This Resolution and its findings are made based upon the testimony and
evidence presented to the Council at its February 15, 2005 hearing
including, without limitation, the staff report submitted by the Planning and
Building Safety Department
SECTION 2 Factual Findings The City Council finds that the following facts exist
A The approximately 110 -acre irregularly shaped subject property is located
in the southern portion of the City of El Segundo The site is comprised of
13 separate parcels of varying sizes, ranging from 1 8 acres to 29 2 acres
The entire subject property is roughly bounded by Hughes Way to the
north, Douglas Street to the east, Rosecrans Avenue to the south, and
Sepulveda Boulevard to the west
B The majority of the site was historically devoted to industrial chemical
manufacturing facilities Honeywell International, Inc and General
Chemical, and their predecessors in interest, had operational facilities on
the site until 2003 At that time the facilities were closed and demolished
for resale and reuse Remediation activities for on -site soil contamination
has also commenced on the Honeywell International property
C A 7 -acre portion of the site along Rosecrans Avenue is currently used by
Air Products Inc for the production of industrial gases Air Products also
owns an 8 9 -acre vacant parcel of land in the interior of the project site
D Other current uses of the project site include a lumber yard operated by
Learned Lumber on land leased from the Los Angeles County
Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) at the east end of the project
site Foundation remains from a brass foundry budding are located in the
north east end of the project site on a portion of an 11 -acre property
owned by H Kramer & Company Additionally, the elevated Metro Green
Line light rail traverses the property in a north -south alignment near the
east end of the project site
E The proposed redesignation and rezoning of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Site Rezoning would change the General Plan land use designation of
approximately 85 8 gross acres of the 110 -acre subject property to a new
Commercial Center designation and rezone the area to a new Commercial
Center (C -4) Zone
F As applied to the whole of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning, the
proposed Commercial Center land use designation and C-4 zoning would
permit up to 850,000 square feet of commercial shopping center
development within approximately 85 8 -acre site The proposed FAR for
the Commercial Center land use designation is 0 275 1
G The existing lumber distribution use (Learned Lumber) that is presently
located within the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would also retain
its current Light Industrial (M -1) zoning classification The land on which
the lumber yard sits is expected to be reconfigured in the future to
accommodate the realignment of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe
railroad tracks It is anticipated that the size of the lumber yard will remain
comparable to today
H As part of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning the Air Products facility
may also relocate to a new smaller facility on the portion of the project site
that will remain zoned Heavy Industrial (M -2)
The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning project anticipates possible
expansion of an existing recreational vehicle (RV) storage facility located
on H Kramer & Company property within the boundaries of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning project area
J The applicants are not requesting entitlements for 66 7 gross acres that
are part of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning, but not included with
the proposed Plaza El Segundo development The Program DEIR
identifies the additional environmental evaluation required for developing
those 66 7 acres
K The proposed Plaza El Segundo would be constructed on approximately
43 3 gross acres within the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and
would implement the new C-4 zoning on that portion of the site The
proposed Plaza El Segundo would be located on approximately 37 3
gross acres located north of the Union Pacific Railroad tracks and
approximately 4 7 gross acres located immediately at the northeast corner
of Sepulveda Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue
L The proposed Plaza El Segundo project is a shopping center of up to
425,000 square feet The shopping center would contain large retail
stores, specialty retail, and other uses which could include a fitness
center, spa, and a variety of sit -down restaurants and limited fast food
restaurants The types of retail tenant categories could include a Whole
Foods grocery store, home improvement, department store, electronics
and appliances, home furnishings, pet supply, books, soft goods and
sporting goods
M The proposed shopping center would consist of several one- and two -
story buildings with a maximum height of 65 feet All development within
the proposed Plaza El Segundo would conform to the C -4 development
N The proposed FAR for this development would be 0 2756 1 based on
425,000 square feet of development on 38 1 net acres The proposed
subdivision of the Plaza El Segundo site would include 20 parcels These
parcels would range from 0 5 to 5 5 acres in size As a result, FARs on
individual parcels may range from approximately 0 00 1 to 0 49 1
O The proposed C-4 Zone would provide for the transfer of density rights
within the development area to insure that the overall density of the site is
consistent with the C -4 Zoning Any donor parcels for FAR purposes will
have covenants recorded stating the maximum FAR permitted on the
P The full buddout of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning includes an
extension of Park Place (a four -lane east -west street) from its current
terminus at Nash Street that would connect to Sepulveda Boulevard The
roadway extension would include a signalized intersection at Sepulveda
Boulevard south of Hughes Way The roadway would also include a grade
separation structure to allow the roadway to pass beneath the Union
Pacific Railroad and realigned Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad
tracks that bisect the project site
Q Primary ingress and egress to the proposed Plaza El Segundo would be
provided from Sepulveda Boulevard via a new traffic signal halfway
between Hughes Way and Rosecrans Avenue The eastern leg of this
intersection will be served by the new east -west Park Place roadway
extension, constructed to El Segundo roadway standards consistent with
the adopted Circulation Element
R A second new roadway extension would be constructed to roadway
standards consistent with the Circulation Element of the City's General
Plan in a north -south alignment to connect the new segment of Park Place
to Hughes Way via Allied Way, which presently terminates at the northern
boundary of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
S The Plaza El Segundo portion of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
is proposed to be constructed as one phase Construction is expected to
commence in 2005 and to be completed in 2007
T An interim on -site stormwater retention pond would be constructed within
the proposed Plaza El Segundo site to retain storm water runoff Portions
of an existing 42 -inch reclaimed water line that crosses the site from north
to south approximately 5 to 7 feet below the existing ground surface may
be relocated The proposed Plaza El Segundo would connect into the
existing water and sewer lines
U Parking for the Plaza El Segundo portion of the Sepulveda/ Rosecrans
Site Rezoning is proposed to be located in surface parking lots that will
surround the proposed shopping center buildings Based on a total of
425,000 square feet, including 380,000 square feet of commercial /retail
space and 45,000 square feet of restaurant floor area in the Plaza El
Segundo development as described in the Environmental Impact Report,
1,580 parking spaces are required The developer proposes to provide
2,164 parking spaces, which exceeds the City's parking requirements
SECTION 3 Environmental Assessment The City Council makes the following
environmental findings
A The Draft EIR was completed in compliance with CEQA, Guidelines §
15090 A Program /Project Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) was
prepared for this project pursuant to the requirements of CEQA A Notice
of Preparation of the Draft EIR was prepared and circulated for public
review from November 26, 2003 to December 26, 2003 A Revised Notice
of Preparation was also prepared and circulated for public review from
March 25, 2004 to April 30, 2004 The public review and comment period
for the Draft EIR began on October 5, 2004 and ended on November 19,
2004 A Notice of Completion was filed with the State Clearinghouse on
October 5, 2004,
B The City received twenty -two comment letters on the DEIR from public
agencies, groups and individuals,
C A Final Environmental Impact Report ( "FEIR ") was prepared, which
includes the DEIR, comments regarding the DEIR and written responses
to such comments, a summary of changes to the DEIR, and all technical
D The FOR for the proposed Project, entitled "Report Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development Final Environmental
Impact Report", prepared by Christopher A Joseph and Associates under
contract to the City and under the supervision of the City Planning and
Budding Safety Department on January 7, 2005 (State Clearinghouse No
2003121037), is incorporated by reference,
E The City, acting as lead agency, has reviewed and edited as necessary
the Draft EIR and the Final EIR to reflect its own independent judgment to
the extent of its ability, including reliance on City technical personnel from
other departments as well as professional consultants retained by the City
in order to provide technical advice an assistance in evaluating
environmental impacts associated with the Project,
F Pursuant to Public Resources Code § 21082 1(c)(3), the City Council
independently reviewed and analyzed the FEIR Based upon that review
and analysis, and recommendations made by the City's Planning Agency
as set forth in Planning Commission Resolution No 2575, the City Council
finds the FEIR is an accurate and complete statement of the potential
environmental impacts resulting from the Project The FEIR reflects the
City's independent judgment as lead agency,
G Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines § 15091, any changes or alterations
required for the Project, or incorporated into the Project, which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect are identified for
the FEIR Any potential changes or alterations that may be made to the
proposed mitigation measures are addressed and analyzed in the FEIR,
H The DEIR and FEIR were made available for public review and comment
in the time and manner prescribed by CEQA,
The FEIR generally concluded that, with mitigation, the Project would not
have a significant, adverse effect on the environment Those mitigation
measures are desirable and feasible,
J The FEIR also identified three project- related environmental impacts that
cannot be mitigated
i Traffic impacts at several intersections City intersections,
u Operational and temporary construction related air quality
impacts, and
in Temporary construction related noise impacts
K The FEIR also identified three cumulative environmental impacts that
cannot be mitigated
i Solid waste impacts,
u Population and housing impacts, and
ui Regional traffic impacts
L Based upon a review of all relevant matters in the record, the City Council
finds that the proposed construction of planned roadway and intersection
improvements will improve the overall circulation system of the City and
reduce long -term air quality impacts Therefore, the temporary
construction impacts are offset by the long -term benefits,
M In accordance with § 15091 of the CEQA Guidelines, the record on which
the City Council's findings are based is located at the Planning and
Building Safety Department, City of El Segundo, 350 Main Street, El
Segundo, California 90245 The custodian of records is the Director of
Planning and Building Safety,
N There is no evidence that the project will have the potential for an adverse
effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends,
because the project is in a built -out urban environment,
O The City reviewed the FEIR for the project and considered the public
record on the project, including, without limitation, the following
1 Staff reports prepared by the Planning and Building Safety Department
and the DEIR and FEIR prepared by Christopher A Joseph &
Associates for the City,
2 Staff presentations at public hearings and meetings,
3 All applicable regulations and codes,
4 Public comments, both written and oral, received and /or submitted at
or prior to the public hearings and meetings, supporting or opposing
the proposed project, and,
5 All related documents received and /or submitted at or before the public
P Because of the facts identified in this Resolution, specifically the creation
of significant unavoidable environmental impacts as described above, the
FEIR found that a Statement of Overriding Considerations would be
required in order for the project to be approved
SECTION 4 General Plan The proposed project conforms with the City's General
Plan as follows
A The General Plan contains a number of relevant Goals, Objectives, and
Policies in the Economic Development Element The goal of Objective
ED1 -1 is budding "support and cooperation among the City of El Segundo
and its businesses and residential communities for the mutual benefits
derived from the maintenance and expansion of El Segundo's economic
base " The benefits of the development will be shared and supported by
all constituencies in the City The development will provide significant
fiscal benefit to the City by generating additional business license and
sales tax revenue for the City's General Fund
B According to Policy ED1 -1 2, long -run efforts for economic development
should focus on "diversification of El Segundo's economic base in order to
meet quality of life goals " The project will add to the diversification of the
economic base in the City by providing for a new larger format retail uses
that do not currently exist in the City Therefore, these uses will meet
quality of life goals by benefiting the residential and business communities
with more diverse retail uses not currently available in the City
C Objective ED1 -2 also directs diversification of the economic base "on
targeted industries that meet the City's criteria for job creation, growth
potential, fiscal impact and fit with local resources" The City's Economic
Development Advisory Council (EDAC) prepared a list of targeted
industries, which was approved by the City Council These industries are
eligible for certain financial incentives because they meet the criteria
described in Objective ED1 -2 The retail and restaurant uses would be on
the list of targeted industries that the City is recruiting in order to meet its
diversification efforts Therefore, the proposed project does meet the
diversification criteria established in the General Plan, by the EDAC, and
the City Council
D Due to the City's tax structure, a significant portion of the fiscal benefit
derived from most proposed development would be attributed to the
number of employees in a new development The Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Site Rezoning is proposed to generate approximately 1,904 full time fobs
in El Segundo when fully developed Of these, approximately 952 fobs
would be more immediately generated by the development of the Plaza El
Segundo portion of the development Currently there is virtually no
permanent employment on the Plaza El Segundo site and limited
employment on the Air Products and Learned Lumber sites Therefore, the
protect meets the job creation Objective (ED1 -2) in the General Plan
E Policies ED1 -2 1 and ED1 -2 2, both seek to promote land uses, which
improve the City's retail and commercial tax base The stated purpose of
the Commercial Center Land Use Designation is to provide for retail and
other commercial services which provide a fiscal benefit to the City The
Fiscal Impact Analysis for the Plaza El Segundo development concluded
that the project could generate an estimated annual net fiscal benefit
(protect revenue versus City costs) ranging from approximately
$1,254,983 to $1,980,775 in the first year operation rising to a range of
$1,520,608 to $2,413,241 in the eighth year of operation
F The proposed project meets the City's policy of seeking balance between
enhanced economic development and available resources and
infrastructure capacity (Policies ED1 -2 3 and LU7 -1 2) As adequate
resources are currently available within the City to serve the proposed
protect or will be developed as part of the protect, as supported by the
Draft EIR, a substantial new commitment of resources or infrastructure is
not required The protect also proposes several roadway improvements to
ensure that the project would not overburden the existing roadway
infrastructure. Based on this, the proposed project is consistent with Policy
ED1 -2 3
G Implementation of the proposed project will meet relevant goals and
policies with regard to the Land Use Element The project will help the tax
base through the development of new commercial uses without adversely
affecting the viability of downtown (Goal LU4) The types of products and
services expected to be provided for the most part are not already
available in El Segundo The Plaza El Segundo portion of the
development is likely to include electronics goods, a department store,
home furnishings, pet supplies and other merchandise in stores which due
to their size will be able to provide a different range of products than the
smaller stores in downtown
H Objective LU4 -1 encourages high quality retail facilities in proximity to
mayor employment centers The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site is
immediately adjacent to the 2,000,000 square -foot Continental Park office
development, the 2,000,000 square -foot Raytheon campus and other
office buildings along the Rosecrans Avenue commercial corridor The
proposed project will provide additional services to these employment
The project will be conditioned to require maintenance and permanent
upkeep on all the landscaping developed in conjunction with the project as
required by Policy LU4 -1 1
J Any development on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would be
required to meet all health and safety and environmental regulations and
would be built to meet all current seismic safety standards, as overseen by
the City of El Segundo's Building Safety Division The appropriate
regulatory agencies, including the Regional Water Quality Control Board
(LARWQCB) would be required to approve remediation of the existing soil
and water contamination on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
(Policy LU4 -1 2 and Policy LU4 -1 4)
K The redesignation and rezoning of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site would allow for the productive reuse of an area that was previously
and is currently utilized, on a limited basis, for chemical manufacturing and
industrial uses Any proposed development would comply with all the
zoning regulations and development standards for the C-4 Zone (Policy
LU4 -2 1)
L Although the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning is not located within a
quarter -mile of a Green Line Station, two are located within relatively close
proximity The Douglas /Rosecrans Station is located approximately 0 4
miles east and El Segundo /Nash Station is located approximately 0 5
miles north (Policy LU44 4) which will help encourage transit ridership to
the project
M The redesignation and rezoning of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site would allow for the development for a blighted former
industrial /chemical use area into a new shopping /retail opportunity for the
surrounding area This redevelopment would occur through the combined
efforts of the City of El Segundo and private applicants and would conform
to the new C-4 development standards (Objective LU5 -3)
N The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site is only partially served by water
and sewer lines Additional facilities will be installed as development is
approved on a project by project basis (Policy LU7 -1 2)
O As development on the site is approved, stormwater retention basin(s)
would be required to contain the stormwater runoff The size of these
basin(s) would depend on the size of the individual developments and
would be determined through completing a hydrology study (Policy LU7 -
1 4)
P All new on -site utilities required for development(s) on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site will be placed underground with the
construction of the individual project (Policy LU7 -2 3)
Q Landscaping, in compliance with the development standards for the
Commercial Center (C -4) Zone, would be required for any development on
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site (Policy 7 -2 5)
R The proposed project will be required to have strategic safety plans and a
fire life safety plan in place (Policy LU 7 -1 1 and Policy LU 7 -1 2) All on-
site utilities will be placed underground (Policy LU7 -2 3)
S The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning will include the construction of
two new roadways that are included in the 2004 Circulation Element
update Master Plan of Streets The extension of Park Place and Allied
Way will be built to the standards contained in the General Plan (Policy
C1 -1 2, Policy C1 -1 4, and Policy C1 -1 11)
T Access to development on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would
be provided from Sepulveda Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue
Additional access will be provided from Allied Way and potentially from a
road connecting Sepulveda Boulevard with Nash Street via Park Place
This would allow emergency vehicle access to the site from all four sides
of the subject property (Policy C1 -1 10)
U Any new roadway links proposed for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site would be constructed in accordance with the City of El Segundo
roadway standards (Policy C1 -1 10 and Policy C1 -1 11)
V The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning will include the widening of
Sepulveda Boulevard on the east side of the street to provide acceleration
and deceleration lanes to serve the project The developer will dedicate
property for the lane widening (Policy C1 -1 14)
W The Traffic Study for the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
and Plaza El Segundo Development was conducted in June 2004 This
traffic study analyzed the potential traffic related impacts associated with
the full buildout of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site under the new
C -4 Zone and recommended mitigation measures as required by Policy
C1 -1 14
X The names of Park Place and Allied Way will be retained for the
extensions of the two streets ensuring uniformity of street naming on a
continuous roadway link (Policy C1 -1 18)
Y Future development of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would
include landscaping, internal walkways and other amenities (e g ,
pedestrian benches, gathering places, etc) which would facilitate
pedestrian movements and ensure that any future uses were accessible
and visitor friendly (Policy C2 -1 3)
Z Future development on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would
incorporate sidewalks along project boundaries and any new roadways
(Policy C2 -1 4)
AA The Plaza El Segundo development will have sidewalks around the
perimeter and other internal pedestrian walkways with linkages to
surrounding properties and public transit stops (Policies C2 -1 3, C2 -1 6,
and C2 -3 3)
BB While future development projects on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site, other than the Plaza El Segundo Development, are currently
unknown, most projects of this type provide on -site amenities such as
internal bicycle lanes or pathways that lead to the adjacent roadway
system, bicycle racks or lockers that are distributed throughout the site
and on -site shower facilities and clothes lockers for employees It is
therefore, assumed that future developments on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would provide these types of
amenities (Policy C2 -2 2) The Plaza El Segundo development will be
required to provide bicycle racks and /or bicycle lockers that are distributed
throughout the site
CC The proposed project will adhere to any applicable regulations regarding
preferential parking areas or promotion of ride share (Policy C2 -5 1) The
proposed project will provide sufficient on -site parking and loading (Policy
C3 -2 1 and C1 -3 2) as required by the El Segundo Municipal Code
DD Parking would be provided on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site in
accordance with the City of El Segundo's parking requirements for the
Commercial Center (C -4) Zone (Policy C3 -2 1)
EE Policy C3 -1 1 requires all project- related transportation impacts to be
mitigated, where feasible, by the developer The traffic impact study
identified a number of intersections in the City that would require
mitigation and identified mitigation measures to address the traffic
impacts However, because two of the proposed mitigation measures are
infeasible due to right -of -way constraints, not all traffic impacts can be
mitigated to an insignificant level In order for the City Council to approve
the project with significant impacts, the City Council must adopt a
Statement of Overriding Considerations finding that there are positive
aspects of the project, that when taken as a whole, outweigh the
unavoidable negative environmental impacts
FF Implementation of the proposed project will meet the policies of the City's
Open Space and Recreation Element as the Development Agreement
includes a contribution by the developer to the City to assist the City in
developing and improving the recreational aquatics facilities in the City
This would help potentially expand the recreational opportunities for
residents and employees in the City (Goal OS1, Objective OS1 -1, and
Objective OS1 -3)
GG The construction of plumbing to accommodate the use of reclaimed water
for irrigation systems, when available, and the application of the City's
Water Conservation in Landscape regulations (Title 10- Chapter 2 of the
ESMC), as required by mitigation measures M 2-4, M2 5, M2 6, M 2 -10,
M2 -13, and M2 -16 and Condition of Approval No 8, would be consistent
with and further Policies CN2 -5, CN2 -7, CN2 -12
HH All development on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site, including the
Plaza El Segundo development, would be required to include a
comprehensive and coherent design for the development, including
landscaping and amenities, in order to improve the existing aesthetic
appearance of the site (Policy CN2 -7)
II All development on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site, including the
Plaza El Segundo development, would be required to include facilities
capable of holding stormwater runoff resulting from the development
Additionally, reclaimed water would be used to the extent possible in the
irrigation of the landscaping (Policy CN2 -11)
JJ All development on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would be
required to utilize reclaimed water for landscaping to the extent feasible
(Policy CN2 -12)
KK The protect would provide a comprehensive and coordinated design of the
entire protect site, including landscape amenities to substantially improve
the aesthetic appearance of the site and the surrounding area as
encouraged by Policy CN5 -6
LL The protect has identified and is currently under Los Angeles Regional
Water Quality Control Board (LARWQCB) orders to remediate soil and
ground water contamination as contemplated by Goal CN3 and Policy
CN3 -2 to protect groundwater from contamination
J t�
MM The implementation of transportation demand management programs, as
required by Mitigation Measure L -8 (bike, rideshare matching, and transit
options), and as required by Chapters 15 -16 and 15 -17 of the El Segundo
Municipal Code will demonstrate compliance with air quality objectives to
encourage alternative commuting strategies (AQ1 -1), reduce vehicle trips
(AQ3 -1 1, AQ3 -1 2), and promote non - motorized transportation (AQ4 -1 1)
NN Approximately $250,000 in Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees based upon
current applicable fees (and potentially additional fees if the City amends
its current Traffic Mitigation Fees) and over $5,000,000 in costs for off -site
traffic mitigation measures must be paid to the City to offset development
impacts (AQ5 -12) related to the proposed Plaza El Segundo
Development project
00 The project will implement a number of traffic improvements, as required
by mitigation measures L -1, L -2, L -3, L-4, L -5, L -6, L -7, L -9, L -10, L -11, L-
14, L -15, L -16, L -17, and L -19 which will improve traffic flow (Policy AQ 7-
1 1, AQ 7 -2 1)
PP Mitigation measure M 5 -1 provides that the proposed project will
incorporate energy conservation devices (i e , motion - sensitive light
activation switches, etc) consistent with City (Policy AQ12 -1 2)
QQ Implementation of the proposed project, subject to mitigation measures I-
1, 1 -2, 1 -3, 1 -4, and 1 -5 which address construction hours, equipment
mufflers, construction equipment staging, and noise barriers, will be
consistent with relevant policies of the City's Noise Element (Policies N1-
2 1, N1 -2 16, N1 -2 1C, N1 -3 1, N1 -3 5, and Program N1 -2 1A)
RR The development on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site will end
eighty years of industrial use by several companies which will significantly
reduce the quantity of many hazardous materials that have been handled
on the site (Objective PS3 -1)
SS The developer will remediate sod and groundwater contamination under
the authority of the LARWQCB (Policy PS4 -1 1)
TT Public Safety Element Policy PS6 -1 2 to continue efforts to reduce fire
hazards would be furthered by preparation of fire life safety plans
(mitigation measures K1 -2, K1 -5, K 1 -7, and K -1 10) and the reduction of
fire prone industrial facilities
UU As required by mitigation measures K1 -3 and K 1 -8, fire access roads will
be provided throughout the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site (Policy
PS6 -1 2E)
J 1i
W As a re -use of a previously developed industrial site, that will be
remediated to the satisfaction of the appropriate regulatory agencies and
will not pose any health hazard to employees, patrons or visitors to the
site, the protect is consistent with Policy HM3 -1 1 requiring compliance
with hazardous materials handling laws Mitigation measure G -1 and G -2
will ensure that site contamination is remediated
SECTION 5 Approvals
A The City Council adopts Findings of Facts and a Statement of Overriding
Considerations as set forth in Exhibit "A ", which are incorporated into this
Resolution by reference
B In accordance with the requirements of Public Resources Code Section
21081(a) and 21081 6, the City Council adopts a Mitigation Monitoring and
Reporting Program (MMRP) as set forth in attached Exhibit "B," which is
incorporated into this Resolution by reference The City Council hereby
adopts each of the mitigation measures expressly set forth herein as
conditions of approval of the protect The other protect conditions of approval
and compliance with applicable codes, policies, and regulations will further
assure that the environmental impacts of the proposed protect will not be
greater than set forth in the FEIR and these findings
C The City Council amends the land use designations ( "commercial
designations ") and the proposed Land Use Plan ( "Southeast Quadrant'
subsection) of the Land Use Element of the General Plan to reflect the
change of the area bounded by Hughes Way on the north, Douglas Street on
the east, Rosecrans Avenue on the south, and Sepulveda Boulevard on the
west from Heavy Industrial to Commercial Center The corresponding
changes as set forth in attached Exhibit "C" are incorporated into this
resolution by reference
D The City Council amends the 1992 General Plan Summary of Existing Trends
Buildout (Exhibit LU -3) of the Land Use Element to reflect the change of the
area bounded by Hughes Way on the north, Douglas Street on the east,
Rosecrans Avenue on the south, and Sepulveda Boulevard on the west from
Heavy Industrial to Commercial Center The corresponding changes to the
Land Use Element as set forth in attached Exhibit "D," which is incorporated
into this Resolution by reference
E The City Council amends the General Plan Land Use Map to reflect the
change of the area bounded by Hughes Way on the north, Douglas Street on
the east, Rosecrans Avenue on the south, and Sepulveda Boulevard on the
west from Heavy Industrial to Commercial Center The corresponding
changes to the Land Use Map as set forth in attached Exhibit "E," which is
incorporated into this Resolution by reference
F Subject to the conditions listed on the attached Exhibit "F," which are
incorporated into this Resolution by reference, the City Council certifies the
Environmental Impact Report of Environmental Impacts for Environmental
Assessment No 631, Development Agreement No 03 -1, General Plan
Amendment No 03-4 & 03 -5, Zone Change No 03 -2 & 03 -3, Zone Text
Amendment No 04 -1, and Subdivision No 03 -7
SECTION 6 Reliance on Record Each and every one of the findings and
determinations in this Resolution are based on the competent and substantial evidence,
both oral and written, contained in the entire record relating to the project The findings
and determinations constitute the independent findings and determinations of the City
Council in all respects and are fully and completely supported by substantial evidence in
the record as a whole
SECTION 7 Limitations The City Council's analysis and evaluation of the project is
based on the best information currently available It is inevitable that in evaluating a
project that absolute and perfect knowledge of all possible aspects of the project will not
exist One of the major limitations on analysis of the project is the City Council's lack of
knowledge of future events In all instances, best efforts have been made to form
accurate assumptions Somewhat related to this are the limitations on the City's ability
to solve what are in effect regional, state, and national problems and issues The City
must work within the political framework within which it exists and with the limitations
inherent in that framework
SECTION 8 Summanes of Information All summaries of information in the findings,
which precede this section, are based on the substantial evidence in the record The
absence of any particular fact from any such summary is not an indication that a
particular finding is not based in part on that fact
SECTION 9 This Resolution will remain effective until superseded by a subsequent
SECTION 10 According to the El Segundo Municipal Code, a copy of this Resolution
shall be mailed to Mar Ventures, Inc , and to any other person requesting a copy
SECTION 11 This Resolution is the City Council's final decision and will become
effective immediately upon adoption
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of February 2005.
Kelly McDowell, Mayor
I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that
the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing
Resolution No was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and
signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 15th day of February, 2005, and the same was so passed and
adopted by the following vote
Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk
Mark D Hensley, City Attorney
P \Planning & Building Safety\Protects \626- 650\Ea- 631 \Council Agenda Packel\2 -15 -05 hearing \EA -631 reso cc doc
Exhibit A
After receiving, reviewing, and considering all the information in the administrative record for
Environmental Assessment No 631, Development Agreement No 03 -1, General Plan
Amendment No 03 -4 & 03 -5, Zone Change No 03 -2 & 03 -3, Zone Text Amendment No 04 -1,
and Subdivision No 03 -7 (Vesting Tentative Tract No 061630), including, without limitation, the
factual information and conclusions set forth in this Resolution and its attachment, the City
Council finds, determines, and declares as follows
Public Resources Code § 21081 and CEQA Guidelines § 15091 require the City, before
approving a project, to identify significant impacts of the project and, if significant impacts are
identified, make one or more of three allowable findings based upon substantial evidence in the
record for each significant impact
A The first allowable finding is that "changes or alterations have been required in,
or incorporated into, the Protect which avoid or substantially lessen the significant
environmental effect as identified in the Final EIR" (CEQA Guidelines § 15091(a)(1))
B The second allowable finding is that "such changes or alterations are within the
responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency and not the agency making the
finding Such changes have been adopted by such other agency or can and should be
adopted by such other agency" (CEQA Guidelines § 15091(a)(2))
C The third allowable finding is that "specific economic, social, or other
considerations make unfeasible the mitigation measures or Project alternatives identified
in the Final EIR" (CEQA Guidelines § 15091(a)(3))
A. Potential Impacts Found to be Insianificant by the Initial Study.
The Initial Study identified the following environmental effects as not potentially
significant Accordingly, the City Council finds that the Initial Study, the FEIR, and the
record of proceedings for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El
Segundo Development do not identify or contain substantial evidence identifying
significant environmental effects of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza
El Segundo Development project with respect to the areas listed below
1 Agricultural Resources
2 Mineral Resources
B. Impacts Identified as Potentially Significant in the Initial Study But Which
Did Not Exceed Sianificance Thresholds in the DEIR.
Although the Initial Study identified the following environmental effects as
potentially significant, the City Council finds that the Initial Study, the FEIR, and the
record of proceedings in this matter do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the Project with respect to the areas listed
below for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development
1 Aesthetics
a) Facts /Effects
(1) Scenic Vista The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
was previously developed with a variety of industrial and chemical
manufacturing uses, which are currently in various stages of
demolition and site remediation Two industrial uses (Air Products
and Learned Lumber) are currently active within the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site An industrial gas
production facility and RV storage area would be permitted under
the proposed C-4 zoning, as would continuation of the existing
lumber distribution facility use in its current location
(2) Scenic Vista The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site is
located in an urbanized area, with no prominent natural visual
features or other attributes that would qualify the site or project
vicinity as scenic Buildings in the vicinity of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site range in height from one
story to approximately ten stories In addition, there are no scenic
highways or corridors in the project area Therefore, the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza Del Segundo Project
would not result in a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista
(3) Scenic Resources While the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site does contain areas of vegetation, it does not
contain any scenic resources such as trees, rock outcroppings, or
historic buildings that could be affected by the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza Del Segundo Protect
Additionally, the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site is not
located within a State or County designated scenic highway The
closest highways to the project site are California Highway No 1
(Sepulveda Boulevard), the Century Freeway (1 -105), and the San
Diego Freeway (1 -405), none of which are designated as scenic
highways in the vicinity of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site Therefore, the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
and Plaza Del Segundo Project would not substantially damage
scenic resources, including, but not limited to trees, rock
outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic highway
(4) Shade /Shadow There are no sensitive uses (e g ,
residences) immediately adjacent to the project site Therefore,
the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza Del
Segundo Project would not result in any significant shade /shadow
b) Mitigation
(1) No mitigation measures are required to reduce impacts
below a level of significance for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning or Plaza El Segundo Development
C) Finding
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development project with respect to Aesthetics
2 Air Quality
a) Facts /Effects
(1) Objectionable Odors Construction and operation activities
associated with the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
and Plaza El Segundo Development are not likely to produce
objectionable odors Most objectionable odors are typically
associated with industrial projects involving the use of chemicals,
solvents, petroleum products, and other strong smelling elements
used in manufacturing processes, as well as sewage treatment
facilities and landfills These types of uses would not be allowed
under the new Commercial (C -4) zoning and the proposed Plaza
Eel Segundo does not include any of these types of uses
(2) Objectionable Odors An industrial gas production facility
would be permitted within the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site under the proposed C -4 zoning, as would continuation of the
existing lumber distribution facility use in its current location
However, these uses do not generate objectionable odors While
the previous uses on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
included chemical manufacturing processes, remedjation of
conditions resulting from these processes would not generate
(3) Objectionable Odors The proposed Plaza El Segundo
Development would include a variety of fast food and sit -down
type restaurants which may produce odors as a result of cooking
processes However, these odors would be minimized through
the various permitting processes required for restaurants No
significant impacts are anticipated as a result of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Project
b) Mitigation
(1) No mitigation measures are required to reduce impacts below
a level of significance for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
and Plaza El Segundo Development
C) Finding
(1) The City Council finds that the FOR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development protect with respect to Air Quality
Biological Resources
a) Facts /Effects
(1) Tree Preservation The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site does not contain any trees or vegetation that are considered
by any local policies or ordinances to be protected Additionally,
there are no local tree preservation policies or ordinances within
the City of El Segundo Therefore, the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development would not conflict with any local policies or
ordinances protecting biological resources, such as a tree
preservation policy or ordinance No impact is anticipated
(2) Habitat Conservation Plans The Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site is located in a highly urbanized area and was
previously developed with industrial and chemical manufacturing
uses There are no known locally designated natural communities
on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site or in the immediate
vicinity There are no conservation plans in the City of El
Segundo Therefore, the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Project is not subject to, and therefore would
not conflict with, the provisions of any adopted Habitat
Conservation Plan, Natural Conservation Community Plan, other
approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan There
are no such conservation plans in the City of El Segundo No
impact is anticipated
b) Mitigation
(1) No mitigation measures are required to reduce impacts below
a level of significance for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
and Plaza El Segundo Development
C) Finding
(1) The City Council finds that the FOR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to Biological Resources
4 Cultural Resources
a) Facts /Effects
4 Y
(1) Historic Resources The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site was previously developed with industrial and chemical
manufacturing uses The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
has been disturbed and the existing structures have either been
demolished or are in the process of being demolished There are
no known historic resources located on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site Implementation of the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development would not cause a substantial adverse change in the
significance of a historical resource No impact is anticipated
(2) Human Remains There are no known human remains
within the boundaries of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
Development of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
and Plaza El Segundo Project is not anticipated to disturb any
human remains including those interred outside of formal
cemeteries No significant impacts are anticipated
b) Mitigation
(1) No mitigation measures are required to reduce impacts
below a level of significance for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development
C) Findin
(1) The City Council finds that the FOR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to Cultural Resources — Human
Geology and Soil
a) Facts /Effects
(1) Earthquake Faults The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site is located within the seismically active Southern California
region and is subject to similar risks as other developments of
comparable size and type located in the region Active faults
known to exist in the vicinity of the City of El Segundo include the
San Andreas, Newport- Inglewood, Elysian, San Fernando, Sierra
Madre, and Verdugo Faults The Newport- Inglewood Fault is
located approximately 3 miles from the project site Alquist -Paolo
zones are fault surface rupture zones According to the City of El
Segundo General Plan Draft EIR, no active faults or Algwst- Priolo
zones are located within the City of El Segundo Therefore, the
risk of surface rupture due to faulting is minimal No impacts to
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development are anticipated
(2) Landslides The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site and
the surrounding areas are predominantly flat, with no large hills or
slopes No landslides exist on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site or in the project vicinity The Sepulveda /Rosecrans
and Plaza El Segundo Project is not at risk of impacts from
landslides No impact is anticipated
(3) Septic Tanks The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site is
located in an urbanized area and would be connected to the
existing sewer infrastructure No septic tanks or alternative waste
water systems would be utilized on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site No impact associated with the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Project is
b) Mitigation
(1) No mitigation measures are required to reduce impacts
below a level of significance for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development
C) Finding
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to Geology and Sods
6 Hazards and Hazardous Materials
a) Facts /Effects
(1) School Proximity The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site is not located within one - quarter mile of an existing or
proposed school Proposed development under the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development would not emit hazardous emissions and would use
and store only limited quantities of packaged hazardous
substances No acutely hazardous materials would be handled on
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site During
cleanup /remediation of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site,
contaminated soil will be handled in accordance with all applicable
federal and state laws and regulations Therefore, no impact
associated with the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza El
Segundo Development is anticipated
(2) Airport Land Use Plan The Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site is not located within the boundaries of the Los
Angeles International Airport's (LAX) land use plan The
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site is not located within 2 miles
of any other airport Therefore, the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development would not result in
6 6G
a safety hazard for people residing or working in the protect area
No impacts are anticipated
(3) Private Airstrip The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
is not located within the vicinity of a private airstrip and therefore,
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development would not result in a safety hazard for people in the
protect area No impact is anticipated
(4) Emergency Response Plan Development of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would be required to
conform to all applicable City of El Segundo emergency response
and /or emergency evacuation plans With full development of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site under the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning, the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site would be accessible from Sepulveda Boulevard,
Rosecrans Avenue, Park Place, and Allied Way The Plaza El
Segundo Development would be accessible to emergency
vehicles from Sepulveda Boulevard, Rosecrans Avenue and Allied
Way The proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza
El Segundo Development would be required to comply with all
applicable Fire Department and Public Works Department
regulations pertaining to emergency access and evacuation With
adherence to City regulations, impacts associated with the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development would be less than significant
(5) Wildland Fires The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site is
located in an urbanized area and is not situated near any
wildlands No impact related to wildfires would occur as a result of
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
b) Mitigation
(1) No mitigation measures are required to reduce impacts
below a level of significance for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development
C) Finding
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Hydrology and Water Quality
a) Facts /Effects
(1) Flooding (Housing)_ The
Site is not located within a 10(
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
- or 500 -year floodplain and the
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development does not involve the construction of housing No
flood impacts on housing are anticipated
(2) Flood Flows The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site is
not located within a 100- or 500 -year floodplain The proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development would not place structures within a 100 -year flood
hazard area which would impede or redirect flood flows No flood
impact is anticipated
(3) Levee or Dam Failure The Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site is not located in a 100 or 500 year floodplam
Additionally, there are no waterways or mayor dams located near
the City of El Segundo' or the project site Therefore, the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development would not expose people or structures to a
significant risk of loss, injury or death involving flooding, including
flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam
(4) Seiche, Tsunami, Mudflows The relatively flat
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site is located approximately 1 5
miles east of the Pacific Ocean The Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site does not contain any enclosed bodies of water and
is not located near any other large bodies of water Therefore, the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development would not be subject to inundation by seiches,
tsunami, or mudflows
b) Mitigation
(1) No mitigation measures are required to reduce impacts
below a level of significance for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development
C) Finding
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to Hydrology and Water Quality
8 Land Use
a) Facts /Effects
(1) Divide Established Community The proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development would not disrupt the physical arrangement of any
established community The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
was previously developed with a variety of chemical and industrial
uses The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site is divided by two
El Segundo General Plan —1992, Public Safety Element
railroad spurs belonging to the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) and
the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railroad, which run
through the middle of the site These railroad spurs would remain
with implementation of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development The Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site is located adjacent to other commercial and
industrial land uses Therefore, the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development would not
physically divide an established community
(2) Habitat Conservation Plans The Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site is located within an urbanized area containing a
variety of commercial and industrial uses The
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site is not included within and
therefore would not conflict with any established habitat
conservation plan or natural community conservation plan
Therefore, the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza El
Segundo Development would not conflict with any applicable
habitat conservation plan or natural communities conservation
plan No impacts would occur
b) Mitigation
(1) No mitigation measures are required to reduce impacts
below a level of significance for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development
C) Finding
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to land use
a) Facts /Effects
(1) Airport Noise The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site is
not located within the boundaries of the Los Angeles International
Airport's land use plan Therefore, the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development would not expose
people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise
levels No impacts are anticipated
(2) Private Airstrip Noise The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site is not located within the vicinity of a private airstrip
Therefore, the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development would not expose persons to
excessive noise levels associated with a private airstrip No
impact is anticipated
b) Mitigation
(1) No mitigation measures are required to reduce impacts
below a level of significance for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development
C) Finding
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to noise
Population, Housing, and Employment
a) Facts /Effects
(1) Replacement Housing The Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site does not contain any residential land uses As
such, the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza El
Segundo Development would not result in the displacement of
persons or homes No impact is anticipated
(2) Replacement Housing The Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site does not contain any residential land uses As
such, implementation of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development would not result in
the displacement of persons or homes Therefore, construction of
replacement housing is not required No impact is anticipated
b) Mitigation
(1) No mitigation measures are required to reduce impacts
below a level of significance for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development
C) Finding
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to population and housing
Public Services
a) Facts /Effects
(1) Public Schools The proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development do not include any
residential uses that could directly increase the population within
the City of El Segundo and increase existing demands for public
schools However, the potential indirect population increase from
the new fobs created by the project may increase existing
demands for public schools The project site is located in the
Wiseburn Elementary School District and the Centmela Valley
School District It is anticipated that full development (850,000
square feet) of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site under the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning would generate
approximately 25 students (see Table 1) The proposed Plaza El
Segundo Development would account for 12 of the 25 students
As seen in Table 1 of the Revised Initial Study, very few students
would be generated by the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development The number of
students generated would constitute a less than significant impact
on the schools Payment of required school impact fees to the
Wiseburn and Centinela Valley School Districts would ensure that
there are no impacts to public schools from the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
(2) Libraries The City of El Segundo has one main library
located at 111 W Mariposa Avenue No residential uses are
proposed as part of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
and Plaza El Segundo Development Therefore, the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza Ell Segundo
Development would not result in a direct increase in library use as
a result of new city residents A slight increase in use may occur
as a result of new fobs, but the increase is anticipated to be less
than significant and no new or expanded library facilities would be
required Additionally, developers within the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would be required to pay a
City library service mitigation fee of $0 03 per square foot of
development Impacts would be less than significant
b) Mitigation
(1) No mitigation measures are required to reduce impacts
below a level of significance for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development
C) Finding
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to public services
12 Recreation
a) Facts /Effects
(1) Parks No residential uses would be permitted under the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El
Segundo Development Therefore, no increase in the City's
permanent population would be anticipated and no direct impacts
to parks and recreation facilities would occur The proposed new
General Plan designation and rezoning of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would result in increased
employment of approximately 1,904 persons This increase in
employment could result in an indirect increase in demand for
recreation and parks services A potential indirect impact to parks
and recreation may occur as a result of employees of the project
utilizing existing facilities However, employees typically do not
enjoy long periods of time during work hours to make use of park
or recreational facilities
(1) Parks Many of the employees from the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site and Plaza El Segundo
Development are likely to be residents of El Segundo, Manhattan
Beach, and other nearby communities that currently make use of
the area parks and recreational facilities Therefore, the increase
in employment as a result of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development would not
generate sufficient demand to result in the need for new or
physically altered facilities or cause substantial physical
deterioration of existing facilities to occur or be accelerated
Impacts to recreation facilities associated with the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development would be less than significant
b) Mitigation
(1) No mitigation measures are required to reduce impacts
below a level of significance for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development
C) Finding
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to recreation
13 Transportation and Circulation
a) Facts /Effects
(1) Air Traffic Patterns Due to the nature and scope of the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development, implementation of the project would not have the
potential to result in a change in air traffic patterns at LAX or any
other airport in the area No impact is anticipated
(2) Emergency Access With full development of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site under the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning, the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
12 L"
Rezoning Site would be accessible from Sepulveda Boulevard,
Rosecrans Avenue, Park Place, and Allied Way The proposed
Plaza El Segundo Development would be accessible to
emergency vehicles from Sepulveda Boulevard, Rosecrans
Avenue and Allied Way This would provide emergency access to
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site from all directions The
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development would be required to comply with all applicable Fire
Department and Public Works Department regulations regarding
emergency access and evacuation With adherence to City
regulations, impacts would be less than significant
b) Mitigation
(1) No mitigation measures are required to reduce impacts
below a level of significance for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development
C) Finding
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to transportation and circulation
14 Utilities and Service Systems
a) Facts /Effects
(1) Wastewater Treatment Wastewater generated by the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development would be of similar quality to that generated by other
commercial projects, for which wastewater is treated by standard
(primary, secondary, and tertiary) treatment processes
Improvements associated with the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development would comply with all applicable wastewater
treatment requirements of the Regional Water Quality Control
Board The proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Plaza
El Segundo Development would not dispose of industrial wastes
into the wastewater system
(2) Solid Waste Regulations Disposal of solid waste
generated by the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development construction and operation
phases will be subject to the requirements of applicable federal,
state, and local statutes and regulations as enforced by the City of
El Segundo Budding Safety Division Impacts related to solid
waste disposal would be less than significant
b) Mitigation
(1) No mitigation measures are required to reduce impacts
below a level of significance for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development
C) Finding
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to utilities and service systems
C. Impacts Identified as Potentially Sionificant But Which Can Be Reduced to
Less - Than- Sianificant Levels or Which Can Be Avoided.
The City Council finds that although the following environmental effects were
identified as potentially significant in the FOR, changes or alterations within the
responsibility and jurisdiction of other public agencies and not the City have been
adopted by such other agencies or can and should be adopted by such other agency to
avoid or lessen the potential significant environmental effects listed below to a level of
1 Aesthetics
a) Facts /Effects
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) As a result of new construction at the previous low density,
and now largely vacant, Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site, the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El
Segundo Development would be visible from multiple locations
Views of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would likely be
available from more off -site locations than at present as existing
fencing and landscaping would be removed Existing off -site trees
and vegetation would screen some public views of the project
from these locations The increased visibility of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site from these locations would
not be a significant impact because the surrounding area is
already urbanized, and future development on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would comply with the
development standards of the City of El Segundo to provide a
consistent design and landscaping that would present a pleasing
visual appearance
(2) The height and mass of any commercial development
proposed on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would be
consistent with surrounding commercial, industrial and office uses
The appearance of retail development would represent a
noticeable improvement over existing remnant industrial facilities
Impacts associated with the change in visual character that could
14 7 Ll
be associated with the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning would be less than significant
(3) A greater number of view lines through the site would be
opened up as a result of removing fencing and landscaping along
the boundary of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site,
although some of these view lines could be blocked by future
buildings This effect would be less than significant because no
views of scenic resources would be affected
(4) The Proposed Circulation Element Update Draft EIR
requires analysis of potential impacts related to increased night
lighting for later projects that would implement the proposed
Circulation Element Update Improvements to the Sepulveda
Boulevard /Rosecrans Avenue intersection that would be required
in order to address potential traffic impacts of the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning would constitute a project that
implements the Circulation Element Update policies Based upon
the analysis below, construction of this component of the
proposed Circulation Element Update would not result in new
effects related to night lighting that were not examined in the
Program EIR for the proposed Circulation Element Update
(5) Increased on -site lighting associated with the permitted
uses would increase on -site lighting levels substantially from the
currently low levels of light emitted from the project area
Additionally, enhanced street lighting could be provided in
conjunction with potential improvements to the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans intersection The resulting lighting levels
would be consistent with existing ambient light levels on
Rosecrans Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard and would be less
than significant In addition, the impacts of increased street
lighting at the Sepulveda /Rosecrans intersection would be minimal
compared to the effects of increased lighting of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site The closest sensitive
receptors are separated from the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site by Sepulveda Boulevard, Rosecrans Avenue, and
commercial developments along Rosecrans Avenue These
intervening uses would block light generated by development on
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site and therefore, impacts to
sensitive receptors from lighting would be less than significant
(6) Development of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
to the levels allowed under the new Commercial Center (C-4)
zoning would substantially increase the amount of reflective
materials located on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
from the current levels However, the resulting levels of glare
would be consistent with the existing levels currently found on
Rosecrans Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard In addition, use of
non - reflective materials in the construction of any proposed
developments would ensure that these glare impacts would be
less than significant Potential glare impacts to sensitive receptors
15 75
would be less than significant for the same reasons identified
Plaza El Segundo Development
(7) The proposed Plaza El Segundo Development would be
visible from multiple locations The increased visibility of the
Plaza El Segundo Development would not be a significant impact
because the surrounding area is already urbanized, and proposed
development would consist of an attractive shopping center with a
consistent design and landscaping that would present a pleasing
visual appearance The height and mass of proposed
development would be consistent with surrounding commercial,
industrial and office uses The proposed Plaza El Segundo
Development would be visually compatible with the office and
retail buildings located along Hughes Way and Rosecrans
Avenue The appearance of the proposed shopping center
development would represent a noticeable improvement over
existing remnant industrial facilities Impacts associated with the
change in visual character of the area as a result of development
of Plaza El Segundo would be less than significant
(8) The development of the low intensity Plaza El Segundo
Site has the potential to substantially alter the nighttime lighting
characteristics of the Plaza El Segundo site and vicinity Due to
the high ambient level of night lighting that presently exists in the
areas surrounding the Plaza El Segundo site, and the distance of
the sensitive receptors from the Plaza El Segundo site, night -
lighting impacts of the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development
would be less than significant
(9) Development of the Plaza El Segundo Development would
substantially increase the amount of reflective materials located
on the Plaza El Segundo Site from the current levels However,
the resulting levels of glare would be consistent with the existing
levels currently found on Rosecrans Avenue and Sepulveda
Boulevard and would be less than significant with the use of non -
reflective materials in the construction of the Plaza El Segundo
b) Subsequent Environmental Documentation
(1) No subsequent environmental documentation is required
C) Mitigation
Sepulveda / Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) Expansive areas of highly reflective materials, such as
mirrored glass, must not be permitted Non - reflective building
materials must be used to the maximum extent possible to reduce
potential glare impacts (B -1)
(2) Lighting must be designed to minimize off -site glare (B -2)
16 76
Plaza El Segundo
(3) Expansive areas of highly reflective materials, such as
mirrored glass, must not be permitted Non - reflective building
materials must be used to the maximum extent possible to reduce
potential glare impacts (B -3)
(4) Lighting must be designed to minimize off -site glare (B -4)
d) Finding
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the Protect with
respect to Aesthetics
(2) Changes or
incorporated into the
Plaza El Segundo
substantially lessen
identified in the FEIR
2 Air Quality
a) Facts /Effects
alterations have been required in, or
Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and
Development project which avoid or
the significant environmental effect as
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) Maximum daily emissions from a typical construction
protect associated with the Proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning will not exceed SCAQMD's daily thresholds for Sox
(2) Between 2007 and 2012, emissions from construction
activity may occur simultaneously with operational emissions
associated with the proposed Plaza El Segundo Combined
emissions would not exceed the SCAQMD's thresholds for SOx
Impacts associated with SOx emissions would be below the
significance threshold and less than significant
(3) State and federal 1 -hour and 8 -hour CO standards would
not be exceeded under the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning and CO levels would be well below the more stringent
state standards Thus, impacts with respect to CO concentrations
would be less than significant
(4) The proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would
be consistent with the 2003 AQMP
Plaza El Segundo
(5) Maximum daily emissions associated with the construction
of the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development will not exceed
SCAQMD's daily thresholds for CO, NOx, and PM10 Therefore,
17 7 %
emissions of these pollutants would fall below the significance
(6) Impacts associated with CO concentrations in 2012 under
the full build out of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would
be less than significant The number of vehicles at the analyzed
intersections in 2007 would be less than those occurring during
2012 Therefore, the State and federal 1 -hour and 8 -hour CO
standards would not be exceeded as a result of traffic generated
by the proposed Plaza El Segundo Thus, impacts with respect to
CO hotspots would be less than significant
(7) The proposed Plaza El Segundo would also be consistent
with the 2003 AQMP
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
(1) Prior to implementation of specific development projects,
impacts associated with construction emissions must be examined
in light of this Program EIR to determine whether a new Initial
Study would be required to be prepared leading to either an EIR
or Negative Declaration This examination must provide
quantified estimates of construction emissions based upon the
specific site, schedule, and construction equipment utilization
characteristics of the proposed development and compare the
estimated emissions to the SCAQMD thresholds for construction
emissions The analysis must incorporate the mitigation
measures identified below as appropriate, along with any other
mitigation measures identified by the project- specific analysis (C-
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Construction Emissions
The following is a list of feasible control measures that the
SCAQMD recommends for construction emissions of PM10
These mitigation measures must be implemented for all areas
where construction activities associated with the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would occur
Fugitive Dust, PM10
Compliance with SCAQMD Rule 403, including but not limited to
the following
(1) Prior to implementation of specific development projects,
impacts associated with construction emissions must be
examined This examination must provide quantified estimates of
construction emissions based upon the specific site, schedule,
and construction equipment utilization characteristics of the
proposed development and compare the estimated emissions to
the SCAQMD thresholds for construction emissions The analysis
must incorporate the mitigation measures identified below as
appropriate, along with any other mitigation measures identified by
the project- specific analysis (C -1)
(2) The construction area and vicinity (500 -foot radius) must
be swept (preferably with water sweepers) and watered at least
twice daily Site wetting must occur often enough to maintain a 10
percent surface soil moisture content throughout all earth moving
activities (C -2)
(3) All unpaved roads, parking and staging areas must be
watered at least once every two hours of active operations (C -3)
(4) Site access points must be swept/washed within thirty
minutes of visible dirt deposition (C -4)
(5) On -site stockpiles of debris, dirt or rusty material must be
covered or watered at least twice daily (C -5)
(6) All haul trucks hauling sod, sand, and other loose materials
must either be covered or maintain two feet of freeboard (C -6)
(7) All haul trucks must have a capacity of no less than twelve
and three - quarter (12 75) cubic yards (C -7)
(8) At least 80 percent of all inactive disturbed surface areas
must be watered on a daily basis when there is evidence of wind
drive fugitive dust (C -8)
(9) Operations on any unpaved surfaces must be suspended
when winds exceed 25 mph (C -9)
(10) Traffic speeds on unpaved roads must be limited to 15
miles per hour (C -10)
(11) Operations on any unpaved surfaces must be suspended
during first and second stage smog alerts (C -11)
(12) For all construction emissions, the following measure must
The applicant must develop and implement a construction
management plan, as approved by the City of El Segundo, which
includes the following measures recommended by the SCAQMD,
or equivalently effective measures approved by the SCAQMD
a Configure construction parking to minimize traffic
b Provide temporary traffic controls during all phases of
construction activities to maintain traffic flow (e g , flag
19 jo
c Schedule construction activities that affect traffic flow on
the arterial system to off -peak hours to the degree practicable
d Re -route construction trucks away from congested streets
e Consolidate truck deliveries when possible
f Provide dedicated turn lanes for movement of construction
trucks and equipment on- and off -site
g Maintain equipment and vehicle engines in good condition
and in proper tune as per manufacturer's specifications and
per SCAQMD rules, to minimize exhaust emissions
h Suspend use of all construction equipment operations
during second stage smog alerts Contact the SCAQMD at
(800) 242 -4022 for daily forecasts
i Use electricity from power poles rather than temporary
diesel- or gasoline- powered generators
Use methanol- or natural gas - powered mobile equipment
and pile drivers instead of diesel if readily available at
competitive prices
k Use propane- or butane - powered on -site mobile
equipment instead of gasoline if readily available at
competitive prices (C -12)
Plaza El Segundo
Construction Emissions
The following is a list of feasible control measures that the
SCAQMD recommends for construction emissions of PM10
These mitigation measures must be implemented during
construction activities associated with the proposed Plaza El
Fugitive Dust, PMfO
(13) The construction area and vicinity (500 -foot radius) must
be swept (preferably with water sweepers) and watered at least
twice daily Site wetting must occur often enough to maintain a 10
percent surface soil moisture content throughout all earth moving
activities (C -13)
(14) All unpaved roads, parking and staging areas must be
watered at least once every two hours of active operations (C -14)
(15) Site access points must be swept/washed within thirty
minutes of visible dirt deposition (C -15)
20 8 U
(16) On -site stockpiles of debris, dirt or rusty material must be
covered or watered at least twice daily (C -16)
(17) All haul trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose materials
must either be covered or maintain two feet of freeboard (C -17)
(18) All haul trucks must have a capacity of no less than twelve
and three - quarter (12 75) cubic yards
(19) At least 80 percent of all inactive disturbed surface areas
must be watered on a daily basis when there is evidence of wind
drive fugitive dust (C -19)
(20) Operations on any unpaved surfaces must be suspended
when winds exceed 25 mph (C -20)
(21) Traffic speeds on unpaved roads must be limited to 15
miles per hour (C -21)
(22) Operations on any unpaved surfaces must be suspended
during first and second stage smog alerts (C -22)
(23) The applicant must develop and implement a construction
management plan, as approved by the City of El Segundo, which
includes the following measures recommended by the SCAQMD,
or equivalently effective measures approved by the SCAQMD
a Configure construction parking to minimize traffic
b Provide temporary traffic controls during all phases of
construction activities to maintain traffic flow (e g , flag
c Schedule construction activities that affect traffic flow on
the arterial system to off -peak hours to the degree practicable
d Re -route construction trucks away from congested streets
e Consolidate truck deliveries when possible
f Provide dedicated turn lanes for movement of construction
trucks and equipment on- and off -site
g Maintain equipment and vehicle engines in good condition
and in proper tune as per manufacturer's specifications and
per SCAQMD rules, to minimize exhaust emissions
h Suspend use of all construction equipment operations
during second stage smog alerts Contact the SCAQMD at
(800) 242 -4022 for daily forecasts
i Use electricity from power poles rather than temporary
diesel- or gasoline- powered generators
21 81
Use methanol- or natural gas - powered mobile equipment
and pile drivers instead of diesel if readily available at
competitive prices
k Use propane- or butane - powered on -site mobile
equipment instead of gasoline if readily available at
competitive prices (C -23)
d) Finding
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to Air Quality
(2) Changes or alterations have been required in, or
incorporated into the Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development project which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as
identified in the FEIR
(3) With Respect to Mitigation Measures C -2, C -3, C -4, C -5,
C -6, C -7, C -8, C -9, C -10, C -11, C -12, C -13, C -14, C -15, C -16, C-
17, C -18, C -19, C -20, C -21, C -22, and C -23, changes or alteration
are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public
agency and not the agency making the finding Such changes
have been adopted by such other agency or can and should be
adopted by such other agency
(4) If mitigation is not adopted by the other jurisdiction(s), the
impact would remain significant and unavoidable and the City
Council this includes the impact within the ambit of the Statement
of Overriding Considerations (SOC)
3 Biological Resources
a) Facts /Effects
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) A small, human - induced marsh was identified at the
northwest corner of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
Subsequent investigation indicated that 0 30 acres of wetlands
falling under the jurisdiction of the LARWQCB may be present in
this area Construction activities occurring within a wetland
habitat, or loss of wetland habitat could represent a substantial
adverse effect on a riparian habitat or sensitive natural
community Thus, impacts on wetlands resulting from
development of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would be
potentially significant, subject to the findings of project- specific
subsequent environmental analysis described under Subsequent
Environmental Documentation and Mitigation Measures
(2) Field surveys identified a number of native and non - native
wildlife species that were either observed directly or inferred to
utilize the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site Most of these
species are common in urban areas and with the exception of the
loggerhead shrike would not be considered sensitive species
Impacts to other wildlife species that could result from
development of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would
not represent a substantial adverse effect on any species
identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in
local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California
Department of Fish and Game or U S Fish and Wildlife Service
and would therefore be less than significant
(3) The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site was assessed as
unlikely to play any significant biogeographic role in the movement
of animals through the region Thus activity associated with the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning would not have the potential to
interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or
migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native
resident or migratory wildlife corridors or impede the use of native
wildlife nursery sites No impacts related to wildlife corridors and
habitat linkages would result from potential development on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
(4) No sensitive plant species were identified on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site during field surveys
Therefore, development of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site would not impact sensitive plant species No endangered
mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish or invertebrate species
were detected on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
Therefore, development of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site would not impact endangered animal species
(5) One threatened bird species, two bird species of special
concern, and one bird species covered by the Migratory Bird
Treaty Act were either detected on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site or could potentially use the site, based on known
distributions of species white - tailed kite, loggerhead shrike,
Belding's savannah sparrow, and burrowing owl The Belding's
savannah sparrow is listed as a State Threatened species The
white -tailed kite and loggerhead shrike are both listed as
California Species of Special Concern The burrowing owl has no
formal protected status at this time, as both the state and federal
governments have declined to list the species as threatened or
endangered, but burrowing owl nests are covered by the Migratory
Bird Treaty Act Development activities associated with the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would have the potential to
result in the impacts to these species from
• Grading activities on -site will generate noise, which is
considered detrimental to wildlife utilization of remnant habitat
areas over the construction life of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Site Rezoning The impact, however, is temporal in nature
and would be less than significant as long as no endangered
or threatened organisms are present on -site during the
construction activity
• Construction personnel have the potential to be destructive to
all forms of plant and animal life Small mammals and reptiles
are particularly subject to disturbance from harassment,
capture, or destruction Such activities that affect the four
sensitive species listed above could have a substantial
adverse effect on a species identified as a candidate,
sensitive, or special status species and would be significant
• Grading and construction activities within the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site could negatively affect
increasingly rare organisms, including those identified above
These activities could have a substantial adverse effect on a
species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status
species and would be significant
(6) Although the general biological assessment of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site identified the potential for
vernal pools to occur within the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site, a follow -on investigation ruled out this possibility
Development of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would
therefore not affect this sensitive natural community and no
impacts related to vernal pools would occur
Plaza El Segundo
(7) The analysis provided regarding potential jurisdictional
wetlands and sensitive species within the Plaza El Segundo
Development site is in accordance with the mitigation measures
for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning that require site -
specific evaluation of potential wetlands impacts
(6) Based upon the assessment of potential jurisdictional
wetlands within the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development site,
approximately 0 30 acres of wetlands under the jurisdiction of the
LARWQCB may exist within the site No waters of the U S or
waters of the State are present on the proposed Plaza El Segundo
site Therefore, construction of the proposed Plaza El Segundo
Development would not impact any ACOE or CFDG jurisdictional
wetland areas, but could potentially affect approximately 0 30
acres of LARWQCB jurisdictional wetlands Construction
activities occurring within a wetland habitat, or loss of wetland
habitat could represent a substantial adverse effect on a riparian
habitat or sensitive natural community Thus, impacts on
wetlands resulting from potential future development of the
proposed Plaza El Segundo Development would be significant
(9) The four sensitive bird species detected on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site or that could potentially use
the site could also occur on the proposed Plaza El Segundo site
24 84
Development activities associated with the proposed Plaza El
Segundo Development would have the potential to result in the
following impacts to these species
• Grading activities on -site will generate noise, which is
considered detrimental to wildlife utilization of remnant
habitat areas over the construction life of the Plaza El
Segundo The impact, however, is temporal in nature and
would be less than significant as long as no endangered or
threatened organisms are present on -site
• Construction personnel have the potential to be destructive
to all forms of plant and animal life Such activities that
affect the three sensitive species listed above could have a
substantial adverse effect on a species identified as a
candidate, sensitive, or special status species and would
be significant
• Grading and construction activities within the proposed
Plaza El Segundo site could negatively affect increasingly
rare organisms, including white tailed kite, loggerhead
shrike, Belding's savannah sparrow, and burrowing owl
These activities could have a substantial adverse effect on
a species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special
status species and would be significant.
b) Subsequent Environmental Documentation
Subsequent environmental documentation must be prepared for
any proposed development project that includes the northwest
corner of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site that
has been identified as potentially containing 0 30 acres of
jurisdictional wetlands area under the jurisdiction of LARWQCB
Impacts to any jurisdictional wetlands that may exist in this area
must be examined, at the time the development project is
proposed, in light of the Program EIR to determine whether a new
Initial Study would be required to be prepared leading to either an
EIR or Negative Declaration The subsequent environmental
documentation must address the following
(1) A site specific analysis must be conducted to determine
whether the design of the proposed development project would
impact any of the 0 30 acres identified as potential jurisdictional
wetlands This analysis must be completed prior to the start of
construction activities for any proposed development within the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site If jurisdictional wetlands
would be affected by the development project, measures must be
identified to reduce impacts to less than significant levels (D -1)
Subsequent environmental documentation must also be prepared
for any proposed development project within the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site to determine the
presence /absence of sensitive species This information must be
examined, at the time the development project is proposed, in light
of the Program EIR to determine whether a new Initial Study
would be required to be prepared leading to either an EIR or
Negative Declaration The subsequent environmental
documentation must address the following
(2) Site specific analysis of potential effects to four sensitive
bird species (white tailed kite, loggerhead shrike, burrowing owl
and Belding's savannah sparrow) must be conducted prior to the
start of construction activities for any proposed development
within the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site If any of these
sensitive species would be affected by the proposed development,
measures must be identified to reduce impacts to these species to
less than significant levels, including, but not limited to, on -site
monitoring by a qualified biologist during grading and /or
construction activities (D -2)
C) Mitigation
(1) A site specific analysis must be conducted to determine
whether the design of any proposed development project within
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning site would impact any of the
0 30 acres identified as potential jurisdictional wetlands This
analysis must be completed prior to the start of construction
activities for any proposed development within the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site If jurisdictional wetlands
would be affected by the development project, measures must be
identified to reduce impacts to less than significant levels (D -1)
(2) Site specific analysis of potential effects to four sensitive
bird species (white tailed kite, loggerhead shrike, burrowing owl
and Belding's savannah sparrow) must be conducted prior to the
start of construction activities for any proposed development
within the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site If any of these
sensitive species would be affected by the proposed development,
measures must be identified to reduce impacts to these species to
less than significant levels, including, but not limited to, on -site
monitoring by a qualified biologist during grading and /or
construction activities (D -2)
(3) All construction personnel must receive copies of all
pertinent mitigation measures to reduce impacts to general
biological resources and must be instructed on avoiding adverse
impacts to birds encountered on -site (D -3)
(4) Prior to site remediation or construction grading on parts of
the Site where burrowing owls may occur, a qualified biologist
must be retained to conduct surveys for burrowing owl to
determine if it is resident on -site Surveys must be conducted no
more than 30 days prior to commencement of such activities If
burrowing owls are determined to be resident, a qualified biologist
must oversee site remediation and demolition activities in and
around any semi- natural areas which could be occupied by
26 8c
burrowing owls Proposed mitigation measures must be
presented to the California Department of Fish and Game and /or
U S Fish and Wildlife Service for approval to avoid directly
harming the owl if it is present on -site during these activities (D-4)
Plaza El Segundo
The following mitigation measures must be required for the Plaza
El Segundo Development
(5) All construction personnel must receive copies of all
pertinent mitigation measures to reduce impacts to general
biological resources and must be instructed on avoiding adverse
impacts to birds encountered on -site (D -5)
(6) Prior to site remediation or construction grading on parts of
the Site where burrowing owls may occur, a qualified biologist
must be retained to conduct surveys for burrowing owl to
determine if it is resident on -site Surveys must be conducted no
more than 30 days prior to commencement of such activities If
burrowing owls are determined to be resident, a qualified biologist
must oversee site remediation and demolition activities in and
around any semi- natural areas which could be occupied by
burrowing owls Proposed mitigation measures must be
presented to the California Department of Fish and Game and /or
U S Fish and Wildlife Service for approval to avoid directly
harming the owl if it is present on -site during these activities (D -6)
(7) Prior to issuance of building permits, evidence must be
provided to the City of El Segundo that all necessary approvals for
any wetland dredge /fill contemplated by such permit have been
obtained from the Regional Water Quality Control Board — Los
Angeles Region, or equivalent documentation, or a waiver stating
that no permit is presently required pursuant to the regulations of
that agency If required, conditions for permit approvals by
RWQCB must include, but may not be limited to the following
• Mitigation of any unavoidable impacts to wetland values
and functions to the satisfaction of the permitting agency
• Incorporation of buffers to the wetland areas
• On -site treatment of runoff to improve water quality
• Compliance with
construction (D -7)
d) Findinq
best management practices during
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
27 8 '�
Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to Biological Resources
(2) Changes or alterations have been required in, or
incorporated into the Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development project which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as
identified in the FOR
(3) With Respect to Mitigation Measures D -1, D -2, D -4, D -6,
and D -7, changes or alteration are within the responsibility and
jurisdiction of another public agency and not the agency making
the finding Such changes have been adopted by such other
agency or can and should be adopted by such other agency
(4) If mitigation is not adopted by the other junsdiction(s), the
impact would remain significant and unavoidable and the City
Council this includes the impact within the ambit of the Statement
of Overriding Considerations (SOC)
4 Geology and Soils
a) Facts /Effects
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) No evidence of faulting was observed during the field
investigation and no active faults cross the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site or are located in the immediate site vicinity The
City of El Segundo does not contain any Alquist -Paolo Earthquake
Fault Zones Based on the available geologic data, active or
potentially active faults with the potential for surface fault rupture
are not known to be located directly beneath or projecting toward
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site Therefore, development
of Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would not expose people
to significant impacts related to surface fault rupture
(2) The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site is located within
the Southern California region that is known for its seismic activity
Additionally, the location of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site relative to known active or potentially active faults indicates
that it could be subjected to significant ground shaking
Compliance with the State of California Building Code, with its
local amendments, would ensure that potential seismic and
ground shaking impacts would be less than significant
(3) According to the State of California Seismic Hazards Map,
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site is not located in an area
at risk for liquefaction Therefore, development of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would not expose people to
significant liquefaction impacts
(4) The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site is not within an
area identified as having a potential for slope instability
28 U
Additionally, the site is not located within an area identified as
having a potential for seismic slope instability There are no
known landslides near the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site,
nor is the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site located in the path
of any known or potential landslides Therefore, the development
of Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would not result in or
expose people to significant impacts related to slope stability
(5) No subsidence associated with fluid withdrawal, peat
oxidation, or hydrocompaction has occurred in the City of El
Segundo Therefore, development of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site would not result in or expose people to significant
impacts related to subsidence
(6) The City of El Segundo is not within an area of known
expansive soils Therefore, the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site would not result in or expose people to significant impacts
related to expansive sods
(7) The Proposed Circulation Element Update Draft EIR
requires analysis of potential impacts related to expansive soils for
later protects that would implement the proposed Circulation
Element Update The proposed connection of Park Place
between Sepulveda Boulevard and Nash Street and connection of
Park Place to Hughes Way via Allied Way through the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would constitute a project
that implements the Circulation Element Update policies Based
upon the analysis above, construction of this component of the
proposed Circulation Element Update would not result in new
effects related to expansive soils that were not examined in the
Program EIR for the proposed Circulation Element Update
(8) The City of El Segundo is within an oil field and there are
documented producing wells located near the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site Due to the presence of oil
and natural gas wells near the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site, there is a potential for methane to be present in the soil
Impacts associated with methane levels on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would be potentially
significant, subject to the findings of project-specific environmental
analysis described under Subsequent Environmental
Documentation and Mitigation Measures
(9) Removal of contaminated sods that may occur on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would be separate activity
which will be accomplished prior to grading activities For a
discussion of soil contamination on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans site
and its removal, see Section IV G of this EIR
(10) Earth movement activities in and around the unlined
depressions could result in an increase of impervious surfaces at
the site and expose soils to potential wind -borne erosion
29 c�
Therefore, the potential for erosion as a result of the development
of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would be significant
Plaza El Segundo
(11) The proposed Plaza El Segundo Development site would
not expose people or structures to potentially adverse effects or
otherwise result in significant impacts with respect to surface fault
rupture, seismicity and ground shaking, liquefaction and seismic
settlement, slope stability, subsidence, expansive sods, landform
alteration, building foundations, or grading Impacts of the
proposed Plaza El Segundo Development would be less than
significant with respect to these issues
(12) The City of El Segundo is within an oil field and there are
documented producing wells located near Plaza El Segundo A
methane study was conducted to determine the presence or
absence of methane on the Plaza El Segundo site This study
meets the requirement for subsequent environmental
documentation for development on the proposed Plaza El
Segundo Site Seventeen methane samples and one duplicate
sample were collected from nine locations on the Plaza El
Segundo site on January 5, 2004 Methane was detected during
the sampling, however, it was not detected at levels that require
further analysis or sampling Therefore, impacts associated with
methane would be less than significant on the Plaza El Segundo
(13) Unlined natural depressions could result in an increase of
impervious surfaces at the site and expose soils to the effects of
wind -borne erosion Therefore, the potential for erosion at the site
as a result of the development of Plaza El Segundo would be
significant There is also potential for erosion to occur during the
grading process during periods of heavy precipitation The
development of Plaza El Segundo would result in potentially
significant impacts related to erosion
b) Subsequent Environmental Documentation
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Subsequent environmental documentation must be prepared for
any proposed development on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site to
determine the presence or absence of methane The subsequent
environmental documentation must address the following
A methane study must be conducted to determine the levels at
which methane is or is not present in the area of any proposed
development If methane is determined to be present at or
above the levels which require action, then the report shall
include recommendations and mitigation measures which shall
be followed (E -1)
30 � G
C) Mitigation
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) A methane study must be conducted to determine the
levels at which methane is or is not present in the area of any
proposed development If methane is determined to be present at
or above the levels which require action, then the report must
include recommendations and mitigation measures which must be
followed (E -1)
(2) All soil disturbance and travel on unpaved surfaces must
be suspended if winds exceed 25 miles per hour (E -2)
Plaza El Segundo
(3) All soil disturbance and travel on unpaved surfaces must
be suspended if winds exceed 25 miles per hour (E -3)
d) Finding
(1) The City Council finds that the FOR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the Project with
respect to geology and soils
(2) Changes or alterations have been required in, or
incorporated into the Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development project which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as
identified in the FEIR
(3) With Respect to Mitigation Measures E -2 and E -3,
changes or alteration are within the responsibility and jurisdiction
of another public agency and not the agency making the finding
Such changes have been adopted by such other agency or can
and should be adopted by such other agency
(4) If mitigation is not adopted by
impact would remain significant and
Council this includes the impact within
of Overriding Considerations (SOC)
5 Hydrology and Water Quality
a) Facts /Effects
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
the other junsdiction(s), the
unavoidable and the City
the ambit of the Statement
(1) The Proposed Circulation Element Update Draft EIR
requires analysis of potential impacts related to drainage and
storm drain systems for later projects that would implement the
proposed Circulation Element Update The proposed connection
of Park Place between Sepulveda Boulevard and Nash Street and
31 91
connection of Park Place to Hughes Way via Allied Way through
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would constitute a
protect that implements the Circulation Element Update policies
The analysis provided below includes the master drainage plan
and storm drain and detainment system designed required by the
Proposed Circulation Element Update Draft EIR Based upon the
analysis provided below, construction of this component of the
proposed Circulation Element Update would not result in new
effects related to drainage that were not examined in the Program
EIR for the proposed Circulation Element Update
(2) The hydrology calculations demonstrate that the entire
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site can be protected from
flooding through the use of on -site storm drains in conjunction with
an on -site retention basin without increasing discharge rates from
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site At full bwldout the total
50 -year flow discharging into the retention basin is 117 cubic feet
per second (cfs) with a total retention volume of 4 acre -feet or
175,000 cubic feet With the construction of the retention basin
and the mitigation measures below, the development of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site at full buildout would not
result in significant impacts related to hydrology
(3) The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site is not located in
a 100 or 500 year floodplam Therefore, the future development
of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would not result in or
expose people or property to significant impacts related to
(4) The development of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site does not involve deep excavations that have the potential to
intercept existing Aquifers, nor would it involve additions (with the
exception of normal water percolation from rainfall /landscape
irrigation) or withdrawals of groundwater Therefore, the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would not result in significant
impacts related to groundwater
(5) Since the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
involves clearing, grading, and the excavation of 5 or more acres,
a General Construction Activity Storm Water Permit must be
obtained from the SWRCB prior to the start of construction The
NPDES requires that a NOI be filed with the SWRCB By filing an
NOI, the developer agrees to the conditions outlined in the
General Permit One of the conditions of the General Permit is
the development and the implementation of a SWPPP The
SWPPP identifies which structural and nonstructural BMPs will be
implemented, such as sandbag barriers, temporary destltmg
basins near inlets, gravel driveways, dust controls, employee
training, and general good housekeeping practices With the
implementation of the required BMPs and the mitigation measures
listed below, short-term impacts on water quality from construction
materials, site grading, and equipment maintenance would be less
than significant
32 92
(6) If not properly designed and constructed, the proposed
development could increase the rate of urban pollutant
introduction into storm water system As required by the SUSMP,
detailed plans for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site's
compliance with the SUSMP will be submitted to the City as part
of the development plan approval process prior to issuance of
building and grading permits With compliance with the SUSMP
requirements, the project's operational impacts on storm water
quality will be less than significant
Plaza El Segundo
(7) Runoff from the Plaza El Segundo site would drain across
the Plaza El Segundo Site to the proposed retention basin located
in the eastern portion of the Plaza El Segundo site The total 50-
year flow discharging into the retention basin from the portion of
the Plaza El Segundo site located north of the railroad tracks is
anticipated to be 57 cfs The total volume of the retention basin is
8 09 acre -feet or 352,000 cubic feet for the Plaza El Segundo site
The total 50 -year flow discharging from the portion of the Plaza El
Segundo site located south of the railroad tracks is 11 cfs Since
this does not represent an increase in runoff from the existing
condition, no detention is required for this area With the
construction of the retention basin and the mitigation measures
below, development of Plaza El Segundo would not result in
significant impacts related to hydrology
(8) Plaza El Segundo is not located in a 100 or 500 year
floodplain Therefore, the proposed Plaza El Segundo
Development would not result in or expose people or property to
significant impacts related to flooding
(9) The development of the Plaza El Segundo site does not
involve deep excavations that have the potential to intercept
existing Aquifers, nor would it involve direct additions or
withdrawals of groundwater Therefore, the proposed Plaza El
Segundo Development would not result in significant impacts
related to groundwater With the implementation of the required
BMPs, and the mitigation measures listed below short-term
impacts on water quality from construction materials, site grading,
and equipment maintenance would be less than significant
(10) If not properly designed and constructed, the proposed
development on Plaza El Segundo could increase the rate of
urban pollutant introduction into storm water system In
compliance with the SUSMP requirements, the proposed
development on Plaza El Segundo will provide for the
treatment/filtration of on -site storm water runoff before it enters the
public storm water conveyance system Applicable BMPs will also
be selected from those approved sources identified in the
Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan for Los Angeles
County and Cities in Los Angeles County Additionally, a
preventive maintenance program, including regular street and
33 y,,
parking lot sweeping with equipment designed for removal of such
compounds, should be provided to reduce the potential water
quality impact to a less- than - significant level As noted above, the
Plaza El Segundo site will provide structural or treatment control
BMPs designed to mitigate storm water runoff With compliance
with the SUSMP requirements, the project's operational impacts
on storm water quality will be less than significant
b) Subsequent Environmental Documentation
(1) No subsequent environmental documentation is required
C) Mitigation
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) The applicant must prepare hydrology studies for each
specific development on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
Such studies shall be reviewed and approved by the City of El
Segundo and any other applicable agency (F -1)
(2) The applicant must prepare runoff studies for each specific
development on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site so that
the runoff from one specific project area would not flow onto
another specific protect area without the owners consent Such
studies must be reviewed and approved by the City of El Segundo
and any other applicable agency (F -2)
(3) The applicant must prepare a master drainage plan for
each specific development on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site This plan must include detailed hydrology /hydraulic
calculations and drainage improvements, showing quantitatively
how the project will eliminate the potential for downstream flooding
due to increased storm water runoff These plans will also identify
the proposed BMPs to be implemented in compliance with the
requirements of the Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan
and the ESMC Such plans must be reviewed and approved by
the City of El Segundo and the Los Angeles County Department of
Public Works (F -3)
(4) The applicant must design, for each specific development
on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site, a conveyance and
detainment system to meet the Los Angeles County Department
of Public Works limits on the storm drains that would convey the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site's discharge (F -4)
(5) The proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development must comply with City of El
Segundo Ordinance No 1347 and No 1348, which establishes
storm water and urban pollution controls (F -5)
(6) The project owner /developer of a specific development
(e g , Plaza El Segundo) on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans site must
34 94
maintain all structural or treatment control BMPs for the life of the
project (F -6)
Plaza El Segundo
The following mitigation measures have been identified as
pertaining specifically to the Plaza El Segundo Development
(7) The applicant must prepare a hydrology study for the Plaza
El Segundo Site The study must be reviewed and approved by
the City of El Segundo and any other applicable agencies (F -7)
(8) The applicant must prepare a runoff study for the Plaza El
Segundo Site so that the runoff does not flow onto another area
without the owners consent The study must be reviewed and
approved by the City of El Segundo and the any other applicable
agencies (F -8)
(9) The applicant must prepare a master drainage plan for the
Plaza El Segundo Site This plan must include detailed
hydrology /hydraulic calculations and drainage improvements,
showing quantitatively how the project will eliminate the potential
for downstream flooding due to increased storm water runoff
These plans will also identify the proposed BMPs to be
implemented in compliance with the requirements of the Standard
Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan and the ESMC Such plans
must be reviewed and approved by the City of El Segundo and the
Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (F -9)
(10) The applicant must design a conveyance and detainment
system to meet the City of El Segundo's and Los Angeles County
Department of Public Works limits on the storm drains that would
convey the Plaza El Segundo Site's discharge (F -10)
(11) The proposed Plaza El Segundo Development must
comply with City of El Segundo Ordinance No 1347 and No
1348, which establishes storm water and urban pollution controls
(F -11)
(12) The project owner /developer must maintain all structural or
treatment control BMPs for the life of the Plaza El Segundo
Development (F -12)
d) Finding
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to hydrology and water quality
(2) Changes or alterations have been required in, or
incorporated into the Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development project which avoid or
35 J
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as
identified in the FEIR
(3) If mitigation is not adopted by the other junsdiction(s), the
impact would remain significant and unavoidable and the City
Council this includes the impact within the ambit of the Statement
of Overriding Considerations (SOC)
Hazards and Hazardous Materials
a) Facts /Effects
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) The parcels that comprise the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site are known to contain soil
and groundwater contamination due to past activities However,
at this time, the extent and type of contamination for all the parcels
is not known Without this information, based upon previous
activities that have taken place on the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site, conditions of site
contamination would have the potential to expose workers and
visitors to the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site to
soil and groundwater contamination levels that are above
established remediation thresholds and expose workers and
visitors to the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site to
cancer and /or non cancer risks that exceed health risk thresholds
Thus impacts of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning related to soil and groundwater contamination would be
(2) Asbestos and lead surveys have not been conducted for
any of the structures that exist on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site with the exception of the Honeywell International
Inc parcels However, it is assumed that these structures contain
asbestos containing material and lead due to the age of the
facilities Thus demolition and development activities on the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would have the
potential to expose workers to hazards associated with asbestos
and lead Impacts of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning would be significant with respect to asbestos and lead
Plaza El Segundo
(3) Upon completion of interim remediation of the project site,
potential health risk impacts to individuals from site contamination
would be less than significant with respect to the proposed Plaza
El Segundo Development Implementation of additional measures
to address soil gas and groundwater contamination would not
affect the risks associated with construction and operation of the
proposed Plaza El Segundo Development since the workers,
employees and patrons of the proposed Plaza El Segundo would
36 9 E
not be exposed to chemicals that would be remediated through
these processes
(4) After removal of the asbestos containing materials from the
various facilities, the facilities on the Plaza El Segundo site were
demolished There are no structures or asbestos containing
materials presently located on proposed Plaza El Segundo site
Therefore, impacts to individuals or the environment from
asbestos fibers would be less than significant Lead -based paint
surveys revealed no significant results
b) Subsequent Environmental Documentation
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Subsequent environmental documentation must be prepared for
any proposed development project within the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Conditions related to soil and
groundwater contamination must be examined for the proposed
development site, at the time the development project is
proposed, in light of the Program EIR to determine whether a new
Initial Study would be required to be prepared leading to either an
EIR or Negative Declaration The subsequent environmental
documentation must address the following
(1) A full characterization of all the parcels that comprise that
project site must be undertaken The City must require that this
process be initiated by requiring the project applicant to conduct a
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) or equivalent
investigation and analysis for the specific project site that would
be occupied by the proposed development The Phase I ESA or
equivalent document must be prepared by a licensed professional
(Registered Environmental Assessor or equivalent) and submitted
to the City for review (G -1)
(2) If indicated by the initial investigation, the City must require
the preparation of subsequent Phase II investigation(s) and
submission to the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control
Board and /or other appropriate agency The project applicant
must provide to the City copies of all materials submitted to the
LARWQCB or any other regulatory agency (G -2)
(3) Remediation of any environmental conditions identified in
the Phase I and Phase II site assessments or investigations must
be accomplished to the standards established and agreed upon
by the appropriate regulatory agency(ies) for the contemplated
development, prior to the issuance of grading or building permits
for the project The project applicant must provide to the City
copies of any materials received from the LARWQCB or any other
regulatory agency (G -3)
(4) If the future development project would include any part of
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site that currently contains
37 91
structures, an asbestos and lead survey must be conducted to
determine the presence or absence of these substances
Removal of these substances shall be conducted in accordance
with all applicable rules and regulations (G -4)
C) Mitigation
Further mitigation measures for site specific projects would be
identified by the Mitigation Measures described below Before
development is allowed on any part of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site, the part of the site proposed for development
would need to be remediated to the standards required for
commercial development by LARWQCB
(1) A full characterization of all the parcels that comprise a
specific protect site must be undertaken The City must require
that this process be initiated by requiring the protect applicant to
conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) or
equivalent investigation and analysis for the specific protect site
that would be occupied by the proposed development The Phase
I ESA or equivalent document must be prepared by a licensed
professional (Registered Environmental Assessor or equivalent)
and submitted to the City for review (G -1)
(2) If indicated by the initial investigation, the City must require
the preparation of subsequent Phase II investigation(s) and
submission to the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control
Board and /or other appropriate agency The protect applicant
must provide to the City copies of all materials submitted to the
LARWQCB or any other regulatory agency (G -2)
(3) Remediation of any environmental conditions identified in
the Phase I and Phase II site assessments or investigations must
be accomplished to the standards established and agreed upon
by of the appropriate regulatory agency(ies) for the contemplated
development, prior to the issuance of grading or building permits
for the protect The protect applicant must provide to the City
copies of any materials received from the LARWQCB or any other
regulatory agency (G -3)
(4) If the future development protect would include any part of
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site that currently contains
structures, an asbestos and lead survey must be conducted to
determine the presence or absence of these substances
Removal of these substances must be conducted in accordance
with all applicable rules and regulations (G-4)
Plaza El Segundo
(5) Remedial investigations, health risk assessments for the
contemplated development and final soils remedial action plans
for the Plaza El Segundo portion of the protect site must be
completed and approved to the standards established and agreed
38 98
upon by the LARWQCB
The project applicant r
materials received from
agency (G-5)
prior to the start of any project activities
lust provide to the City copies of any
the LARWQCB or any other regulatory
(6) Remediation of shallow soil of the Plaza El Segundo
Development portion of the project site must be accomplished to
the standards for commercial development established and
agreed upon in con /unction with the LARWQCB and a shallow soil
closure letter must be issued by the LARWQCB prior to issuance
of grading permits for construction of the proposed Plaza El
Segundo Development The project applicant must provide to the
City copies of any materials received from the LARWQCB or any
other regulatory agency (G -6)
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to hazards and hazardous materials
(2) Changes or alterations have been required in, or
incorporated into the Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development project which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as
identified in the FEIR
(3) If mitigation is not adopted by the other jurisdiction(s), the
impact would remain significant and unavoidable and the City
Council this includes the impact within the ambit of the Statement
of Overriding Considerations (SOC)
Land Use
a) Facts /Effects
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) The rezoning of a 70 8 net acre portion of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site from Heavy and Light
Industrial to Commercial Center would allow for the development
of commercial and retail uses Any future development on the site
would be required to meet the zoning and development standards
associated with the C -4 designation Compatibility with the
surrounding land uses would be ensured through compliance with
these development standards The existing uses (e g ,
lumberyard, Air products facility, and RV storage) would continue
to operate and would be consistent with the M -1 and M -2 zones
Therefore, no land use compatibility issues are anticipated as a
result of future development on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site
(2) The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would be
consistent with the applicable adopted plans and policies,
including the El Segundo General Plan and SCAG's RCPG
Future development on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
would be consistent with both the General Plan and the RCPG
Therefore, no land use impacts are associated with the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Plaza El Segundo
(3) The Plaza El Segundo Development would include a mix
of large retail stores, specialty retail and other uses including a
fitness center /spa, and fast food and sit -down restaurants The
shopping center would replace the former chemical manufacturing
and industrial uses that had previously occupied the Plaza El
Segundo site and would be compatible with the surrounding
commercial, industrial, public facilities, and open space uses The
proposed development would conform to the development
standards of the new Commercial Center (C -4) Zone
(4) None of the adjacent uses are considered sensitive and
the placement of the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development
adjacent to them would not interfere with the daily operation of
these uses The closest residential use, located in the City of
Manhattan Beach approximately a quarter mile southwest of the
intersection of Sepulveda Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue In
addition, the proposed development would be landscaped in
accordance with the development standards established for the
Commercial Center, C-4, Zone, which would work to create a
buffer between the proposed development and the adjacent land
uses Impacts related to land use compatibility resulting from the
development of Plaza El Segundo would be less than significant
(5) Additional information regarding noise impacts to the
surrounding area during construction and operation (vehicular)
can be found in Section IV I Traffic impacts associated with the
operation of the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development are
discussed in Section IV L These analyses show that with
implementation of the identified mitigation measures, the protect
would not result in significant, short-term or long -term, land use
compatibility impacts
(6) The proposed Plaza El Segundo Development would not
conflict with any of the applicable policies of the El Segundo
General Plan and would work to implement a number of those
policies A General Plan Amendment is proposed to change the
land use designation from Heavy Industrial to Commercial Center
The explanations provided under the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning discussion (see Table IV H -1 of the Draft EIR) are
applicable to the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development with
the following exceptions
• Policy 3 03 The proposed Plaza El Segundo Development is
anticipated to provide approximately 952 lobs to the local
(7) Overall, the proposed development of the Plaza El
Segundo Development would be consistent with applicable City
and regional planning policies
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
(1) No subsequent environmental documentation is required
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) Because no significant impacts related to land use have
been identified, no mitigation measures are required
Plaza El Segundo
(2) Because no significant impacts related to land use have
been identified, no mitigation measures are required
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to land use
(2) Changes or alterations have been required in, or
incorporated into the Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development project which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as
identified in the FEIR
8 Noise
a) Facts /Effects
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Operational Noise
(1) The incremental increase in noise from traffic is expected
to be less than 1 dB(A) at both sensitive receptor locations Thus,
traffic- related operational noise impacts for the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning are anticipated to be less
than significant All other sensitive receptors in the area would
experience lower increases in noise levels as a result of vehicular
traffic because the analyzed roadways represent the highest
levels of project- related traffic The potential increase in noise
41 101
levels would not be audible at these locations and thus the impact
would be less than significant
(2) The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would have the
potential to generate noise from day -to -day activities During
project operation, it is anticipated that the primary sources of noise
occurring with the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would be
loading dock and parking lot activity All these activities will be
similar and consistent with activities occurring at the immediately
adjacent non - residential uses These activities would be within
ambient noise levels and thus would not change the existing noise
environment As such, impacts related to parking lot and loading
dock noise would be less than significant
Plaza El Segundo
Operational Noise
(3) Noise increases associated with the Plaza El Segundo
Development traffic generation would not be perceptible along any
of the modeled roadways in the vicinity of the project, where
sensitive receptors are located Therefore, impacts from traffic
associated with the Plaza El Segundo Development would be less
than significant
(4) During project operation, it is anticipated that the primary
sources of noise occurring with the Plaza El Segundo site would
be loading dock and parking lot activity All these activities will be
similar and consistent with activities occurring at the immediately
adjacent non - residential uses These activities would be within
ambient noise levels and thus would not change the existing noise
environment As such, impacts related to parking lot and loading
dock noise would be less than significant
b) Subsequent Environmental Documentation
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Subsequent environmental documentation must be prepared for
development projects proposed to be constructed on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans site The subsequent environmental
documentation must address the following
(1) A project - specific construction noise analysis must be
prepared that calculates, based on project - specific parameters
and identification of the site - specific sensitive receptors that could
be affected by construction activities, the noise levels that would
be experienced at sensitive receptors located adjacent to that site
If noise levels resulting from construction activity would result in
temporary construction noise levels that exceed 65 dBA at a
sensitive receptor, or cause an incremental increase of 5 dBA
over the existing ambient sound level, if the existing ambient
sound level at the sensitive receptor location is 65 dBA or more,
42 102
then the study must identify feasible mitigation measures to be
applied to that project from the list of mitigation measures
provided below (1 -1)
c) Mitigation
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
The following mitigation measures are required to minimize
construction related noise impacts associated with the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) A project- specific construction noise analysis must be
prepared that calculates, based on project- specific parameters
and identification of the site - specific sensitive receptors that could
be affected by construction activities, the noise levels that would
be experienced at sensitive receptors located adjacent to that site
If noise levels resulting from construction activity would result in
temporary construction noise levels that exceed 65 dBA at a
sensitive receptor, or cause an incremental increase of 5 dBA
over the existing ambient sound level, if the existing ambient
sound level at the sensitive receptor location is 65 dBA or more,
then the study must identify feasible mitigation measures to be
applied to that project from the list of mitigation measures
provided below
• Construction contracts must specify that all construction
equipment shall be equipped with mufflers and other
applicable noise attenuation devices
• During construction phases, the contractor must store and
maintain equipment as far as possible from the adjacent
receptor property locations to the southwest, north and east of
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
• As stated in the City of El Segundo Municipal Code,
construction must be restricted to the hours of 7 00 a m to 6
p m Monday through Saturday, and prohibited at anytime on
Sunday or a Federal holiday
• Temporary plywood noise barriers must be constructed along
the northern and eastern property lines of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site during construction,
which must be high enough to block the line -of -sight between
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site and receptor property
locations to the southwest, north and east (1 -1)
Plaza El Segundo
The follow mitigation measures are required to minimize
construction related noise impacts associated with the Plaza El
Segundo Development
(2) Construction contracts must specify that all construction
equipment must be equipped with mufflers and other applicable
noise attenuation devices (1 -2)
(3) During construction phases, the contractor must store and
maintain equipment as far as possible from the adjacent receptor
property locations to the north and east of the Plaza El Segundo
site (1 -3)
(4) As stated in the City of El Segundo Municipal Code,
construction must be restricted to the hours of 7 00 a m to 6 p m
Monday through Saturday, and prohibited at anytime on Sunday
or a Federal holiday (1 -4)
(5) Temporary plywood noise barriers must be constructed
along the 4 5 acre portion of the Plaza El Segundo site south of
the UPRR tracks during construction, which must be high enough
to block the line-of-sight (a minimum of 8 feet above existing
grade) between the Plaza El Segundo site and receptor property
locations to the southwest, north and east (1 -5)
(1) The City Council finds that the FOR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to noise
(2) Changes or alterations have been required in, or
incorporated into the Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development project which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as
identified in the FEIR
Population, Housing, and Employment
a) Facts /Effects
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) Construction of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development would result in
increased employment opportunities in the construction field,
which could potentially result in increased permanent population
and demand for housing in the vicinity of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site However, the employment
patterns of construction workers in Southern California are such
that it is not likely that they would relocate their households as a
consequence of the construction employment associated with the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El
Segundo Development
44 104
(2) Operation of the development permitted under the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would provide
employment for approximately 1,904 persons by project
completion in the year 2012 Employment resulting from the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would be
consistent with SCAG projections for the City of El Segundo and
the South Bay Cities Subregion through 2015 Therefore, impacts
associated the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning related to
employment would be less than significant
(3) The City of El Segundo is a jobs rich city, with far more
employment opportunities than the available housing stock can
accommodate From the SCAG data presented in Section IV J it
can be seen that the vast majority of employees in the City of El
Segundo commute to work from other communities, and will
continue to do so in the future While the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Site Rezoning is expected to generate approximately 1,904 new
fobs, for several reasons, it is not expected to generate a demand
for 1,904 housing units It is reasonable to expect, therefore, that
many of the new employees will be drawn from the local labor force
in the City of El Segundo and surrounding communities
(4) It is expected that the maximum housing demand
generated by the project could be accommodated by the existing
housing stock within the average 9 7 -mile commute distance from
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site, without generating
demand for new housing construction Therefore, the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would result in less than
significant impacts related to housing
Plaza El Segundo
(5) Operation of the proposed Plaza El Segundo would
provide employment for approximately 952 persons The Plaza El
Segundo's estimated employee generation would account for
approximately 6 8 percent of SCAG's forecasted total employment
growth for the City of El Segundo during this period Employment
resulting from the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development
would be consistent with SCAG projections for the City of El
Segundo and the South Bay Cities Subregion through 2010
Therefore, the Plaza El Segundo would result in a less than
significant impact regarding employment
(6) The additional housing demand associated with the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would be
accommodated by existing housing supply in the South Bay Cities
Subregion and surrounding cities to the north and northeast of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site The proposed Plaza El
Segundo would implement the proposed C -4 zoning on a portion
of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site Thus the proposed
Plaza El Segundo would not pose additional issues related to
increased employment and housing demand The proposed
45 IVY
Plaza El Segundo would result in less than significant impacts
related to housing
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
(1) No subsequent environmental documentation is required
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) As no significant impacts on population, housing and
employment associated with the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo would occur, no mitigation
measures are required There are no available mitigation
measures to address the incremental contribution of the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo to the
significant cumulative impact related to population growth and
housing demand
Plaza El Segundo
(2) As no significant impacts on population, housing and
employment associated with the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo would occur, no mitigation
measures are required There are no available mitigation
measures to address the incremental contribution of the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo to the
significant cumulative impact related to population growth and
housing demand
(1) No significant impacts were identified and no mitigation
measures were required No impact is anticipated to employment
or population growth as a result of implementing the
Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
(2) The City Council finds that the FOR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to population, housing, and
(3) Changes or alterations have been required in, or
incorporated into the Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development project which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as
identified in the FEIR
46 106
10 Public Services —Fire Protection
a) Facts /Effects
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) Emergency access to the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site would be provided at several driveways along Sepulveda
Boulevard, Rosecrans Avenue and from Allied Way Internal fire
access roadways would be provided throughout the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site Emergency response times
are not anticipated to be significantly impacted by project traffic,
as the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site is located less than
one mile southwest of ESFD Station No 2 and within two miles of
the proposed relocation site for Station No 2 Additional City
streets and public fire hydrants would be provided on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site The provision of street
continuation through the site is proposed as part of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Project, which would improve
access to the southern edge of the City Water flow and fire
hydrants would be provided in accordance with ESFD
Regulations, and installation of automatic fire sprinklers and a
complete life- safety alarm system within each building shall be
undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform
Fire Code to further preclude the need for additional fire
protection The proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning would
not require new or physically altered fire protection facilities in
order to maintain acceptable fire service ratios, response times, or
other performance standards and would have a less than
significant impact on fire protection services
(2) A Fire Service Mitigation Fee of $0 14 per gross square
foot is required and would be provided by future development
within the proposed Sepulveda/Rosecrans Rezoning Site in order
to address fire service impacts The Fire Service Mitigation Fee is
set by the City at a level which adequately reflects the impacts on
fire services caused by new development
Plaza El Segundo
(3) Because the full development permitted under the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning would not significantly
impact fire protections services, the proposed Plaza El Segundo
would also result in less than significant impacts on fire protection
(4) The proposed Plaza El Segundo Development would be
responsible for paying the Fire Service Mitigation Fee of $0 14 per
gross square foot set forth in the El Segundo Municipal Code
The Fire Service Mitigation Fee is set by the City at a level which
adequately reflects the impacts on fire services caused by new
47 10,11
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
(1) No subsequent environmental documentation is required
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Although impacts of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning would be less than significant with respect to fire
protection facilities, the City of El Segundo imposes the following
standard conditions of project approval to offset protect impacts
(1) The applicant must pay the City of El Segundo a Fire
Service Mitigation Fee of $0 14 per gross square foot of budding
area prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy (K -1 1)
(2) A fire life safety plan, which must include definitive plans
and specifications, must be submitted to the El Segundo Fire
Department (ESFD) for review and approval prior to
commencement of construction of any portion of the proposed
development (K -1 2)
(3) The applicant must provide fire access roadways to and
throughout the property and submit a layout plan to the ESFD for
approval (K -1 3)
(4) The applicant must provide water flow and on -site fire
hydrants as required by the ESFD (K -1 4)
(5) The following installations require separate Fire
Department approval The applicant must submit separate plans
for Fire Department review
• Automatic fire sprinklers,
• Fire alarm system,
• Underground fire service mains,
• Fire Pumps,
• Emergency generators, and
• Any aboveground
including elevator
(K -1 5)
Plaza El Segundo
or underground storage tank
sumps and condensation tanks
Although impacts of the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development
would be less than significant with respect to fire protection
facilities, the City of El Segundo imposes the following standard
conditions of protect approval to offset protect impacts
I(J 8
(6) The applicant must pay the City of El Segundo a Fire
Service Mitigation Fee of $0 14 per gross square foot of budding
area prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy (K -1 6)
(7) A fire life safety plan, which must include definitive plans
and specifications, must be submitted to the El Segundo Fire
Department (ESFD) for review and approval prior to
commencement of construction of any portion of the proposed
development (K -1 7)
(8) The applicant must provide fire access roadways to and
throughout the property and submit a layout plan to the ESFD for
approval (K-1 8)
(9) The applicant must provide water flow and on -site fire
hydrants as required by the ESFD (K -1 9)
(10) The following installations require separate Fire
Department approval, The applicant must submit separate plans
for Fire Department review
• Automatic fire sprinklers,
• Fire alarm system,
• Underground fire service mains,
• Fire Pumps,
• Emergency generators, and
• Any aboveground or underground storage tank
including elevator sumps and condensation tanks
(K -1 10)
d) Findings
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to fire services
(2) Changes or alterations have been required in, or
incorporated into the Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development project which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as
identified in the FOR
11 Public Services — Police Protection
a) Facts /Effects
49 U `�
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) The additional commercial uses on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site that would be permitted
under the proposed C -4 zone could potentially generate an
increase in the number of service calls Responses to thefts,
vehicle burglaries, damage to vehicles, traffic- related incidents,
and crimes against persons are anticipated to result from an
increase in traffic on adjacent streets and an increase in transient
(2) ESPD has not identified any need for new or altered
facilities that would be required to serve development permitted
under the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Therefore, impacts to police services associated with development
of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would be
less than significant In addition, development permitted under the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would be required
to pay the required Police Service Mitigation Fee, which has been
set by the City at a level which reflects the impacts on police
services caused by new development
Plaza El Segundo
(3) Because the full development permitted under the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning would not significantly
impact police services, the proposed Plaza El Segundo would also
result in less than significant impacts on police services The
proposed Plaza El Segundo Development would incorporate a
security plan into the project design, to include visible budding
addresses, limited entrances and exits, low profile landscaping,
adequate lighting, and provisions for security personnel The
security plan would work to reduce crime and thus reduce police
service calls and need for new or physically altered police
facilities Additionally, as stated above, payment of the Police
Service Mitigation Fee, which has been set by the City at a level
which reflects the impacts on police services caused by new
development, would also be required
b) Subsequent Environmental Documentation
(1) No subsequent environmental documentation is required
C) Mitigation
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Although impacts of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning would be less than significant with respect to police
facilities, the City of El Segundo imposes the following standard
conditions of project approval to offset project impacts
50 siG
(1) The applicant must pay the City of El Segundo a Police
Service Mitigation Fee of $0 11 per gross square foot of building
area prior to the occupancy of each building (K 2 -1)
(2) A strategic security plan, which must include definitive
plans and specifications, must be submitted to the El Segundo
Police Department (ESPD) for review and approval prior to
commencement of construction of any portion of the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development The strategic security plan must include, but not be
limited to, the following items
• Depending on the size of the structure and its location in
relation to the streets, the size of the displayed address
may vary from a minimum of 4" to as much as 24"
• Budding entrances and exits must be limited in number and
located in a manner to increase security and visibility of the
• All landscaping must be low profile especially around
perimeter fencing, windows, doors and entryways taking
special care not to limit visibility and provide climbing
• Adequate street, walkway, budding and parking lot lighting
shall be provided to enhance security
Provisions for on -site security personnel (K 2 -2)
Plaza El Segundo
Although impacts of the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development
would be less than significant with respect to police facilities, the
City of El Segundo imposes the following standard conditions of
project approval to offset project impacts
(3) The applicant must pay the City of El Segundo a Police
Service Mitigation Fee of $0 11 per gross square foot of building
area prior to the occupancy of each building (K 2 -3)
(4) A strategic security plan, which must include definitive
plans and specifications, must be submitted to the El Segundo
Police Department (ESPD) for review and approval prior to
commencement of construction of any portion of the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development The strategic security plan must include, but not be
limited to, the following items
• Depending on the size of the structure and its location in
relation to the streets, the size of the displayed address
may vary from a minimum of 4" to as much as 24"
• Building entrances and exits must be limited to keep
control and visibility of the budding
• All landscaping must be low profile especially around
perimeter fencing, windows, doors and entryways taking
special care not to limit visibility and provide climbing
• Adequate street, walkway, building and parking lot lighting
must be provided to enhance security
• Provisions for on -site security personnel (K 2 -4)
d) Findings
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to police protection
(2) Changes or alterations have been required in, or
incorporated into the Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development project which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as
identified in the FEIR
12 Transportation and Traffic
a) Facts /Effects
SSe ulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) The proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would
significantly impact 13 intersections during the a m peak hour,
p m peak hour or Saturday mid -day peak hour (or combinations
of the above)
(2) The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning is estimated to
contribute approximately 272 trips in the southbound direction on
the San Diego Freeway between the 1 -105 interchange and El
Segundo Boulevard During the afternoon peak hour, this number
of trips would cause the D/C ratio to increase by 0 03, with a
resulting LOS of F(0), which would constitute a significant impact
at this location The remaining freeway segments would not be
significantly impacted by the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Plaza El Segundo
(3) The proposed Plaza El Segundo Development would
significantly impact a total of seven intersections during the a m
52 11
peak hour, p m peak hour or Saturday mid -day peak hour (or
combinations of the above)
(4) The proposed Plaza El Segundo Development is
estimated to contribute approximately 189 trips in the southbound
direction on the San Diego Freeway between the 1 -105
interchange and El Segundo Boulevard During the afternoon
peak hour, this number of trips would cause the D/C ratio to
increase by 0 02, with a resulting LOS of F(0), which would
constitute a significant impact at this location The remaining
freeway segments would not be significantly impacted by the
proposed Plaza El Segundo Development
b) Subsequent Environmental Documentation
(1) No subsequent environmental documentation is required
C) Mitigation
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
The following mitigation measures are required to reduce traffic
impacts from the full implementation of the proposed C -4 zone
under the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Physical Roadway Improvements
(1) El Segundo Boulevard and Sepulveda Boulevard Convert
the existing eastbound nght4urn only lane to a shared
through /right -turn lane There exists three receiving lanes on the
east leg of the intersection In addition, modify the raised center
median to convert the westbound shared through left -turn lane to
a dedicated second left turn lane and additional through lane (L-
(2) El Segundo Boulevard and Aviation Boulevard Provide a
fair share cost of roadway construction and striping for a
dedicated northbound right -turn lane at this intersection based
upon each project's volume of traffic added to the intersection
Another development project (Los Angeles Air Force Base Land
Conveyance, Construction and Development) will be providing all
of the additional right -of -way necessary to implement this
improvement (L -2).
(3) Park Place and Nash Street Provide a new traffic signal
at this location Widen and restripe the eastbound and westbound
directions to provide one left -turn lane, one through lane, and one
right -turn only lane (L -3)
(4) Park Place and Douglas Street Provide a new traffic
signal at this location (L-4)
(5) Rosecrans Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard On the
westbound approach of Rosecrans Avenue dedicate additional
53 11;
right -of -way on the north side of Rosecrans Avenue to provide a
free flow right -turn lane and third left -turn lane Sepulveda
Boulevard south of Rosecrans Avenue may need to be widened to
accommodate the third left -turn lane, depending on the specific
design of this lane This widening could take place within the
existing Sepulveda Boulevard right -of -way Widen the east side of
Sepulveda Boulevard along the project frontage to provide the
acceptance lane for the free westbound right -turn lane This
additional lane on Sepulveda should be improved to the new Park
Place connection where a right turn lane will be provided, This
intersection's jurisdiction is shared with Manhattan Beach and
Caltrans Coordination and concurrence of these agencies for
implementation of these improvements would be required (L -5)
(6) Rosecrans Avenue and Continental Way Provide a new
traffic signal at this location This intersection's jurisdiction is
shared with Manhattan Beach Coordination and concurrence of
this agency for implementation of this improvement would be
required (L -6)
(7) Rosecrans Avenue and Douglas Street On the westbound
approach, widen the north side of Rosecrans Avenue to provide a
dedicated westbound right -turn lane This intersection's
jurisdiction is shared with Manhattan Beach Coordination and
concurrence of this agency for implementation of this
improvement would be required This improvement is included as
part of the current Rosecrans /Aviation Widening (discussed under
"Future Highway System Improvements ") but will be guaranteed
by the project (L -7)
Site Trip Reductions
(8) Project applicants must promote rideshare programs
(bikes, rideshare matching and transit options) as required by the
City of El Segundo Transportation Demand Management Program
(TDM) In addition to the traditional TDM program, project
applicants must promote access to the Commute View System
which is being implemented by the City to provide information on
congested routes to provide additional trip reduction measures
The Commute View System is an advanced traveler information
system which provides real time travel time information, incident
information, and general traffic conditions through a variety of
devices such as the cable, internet, cell phone and wireless PDA
This will provide commuters the ability to make informed decisions
regarding the route, time of travel and mode of transportation
Project applicants must include or share in a transit connection
system to promote use of the existing Metro Green Line service,
remote employee lot during seasonal peaks and local circulator
service Based upon estimate usage patterns and trial studies, an
approximately three percent reduction in trips to and from the site
during peak periods is anticipated with these enhancements (L -8)
Intelligent Transportation Systems Connectrons/Upgrades
(9) The South Bay area will be enhanced with an area -wide
signal system upgrade prior to project completion in 2012 This
system is already funded and will be implemented with or without
the proposed project The improvement will provide for intelligent
transportation systems (ITS) which provide real time adjustment to
signal timing based upon current conditions thereby increasin
capacity along major corridors g
ITS system enhancements are
currently being tested and evaluated which provide further
enhanced capacity These ITS
provide advanced
communication upgrades to the users of the roadway systems
Items include Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS) and
Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) ATIS provides
commuters with information to make route and time of day
decisions The enhanced ATIS system that would be included
within the South Bay ITS system will enable private sector
partners to disseminate freeway and arterial traffic information to
the public via paid subscription services ATMS manages the
traffic system on surrounding streets
Applicants for development projects within the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site must provide for connectivity
to the systems described above Project applicants must provide
access to information disseminated by the ATIS system to patrons
and employees by including at least one television monitor or
equivalent equipment that is compatible with and connected to the
ATIS system and that displays current commuter information from
the ATIS system during all hours that the development is open for
business The monitor or equivalent equipment shall be placed in
identified on diirrectory mapis of he facility, shall belspec specifically ally and
clearly identified as the location for obtaining current travel
information and shall be identified elsewhere throughout the
development with signage that directs patrons to the location
Project applicants must also facilitate dissemination of information
provided by the ATIS system to project employees by working with
project tenants to offer fully or partially subsidized monthly
subscriptions to employees (currently estimated at full cost of
$5 00 per month per user) Project applicants (or successors in
interest) must provide any new project tenant with information
regarding subscription programs available to employees and costs
thereof and shall encourage tenants to provide subsidized monthly
subscriptions to their employees However, because there is no
guarantee that subscription subsidies will be provided by future
tenants of developments within the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site, no additional credit for these subscriptions can be
taken except for the enhancements provided by the South Bay
ITS system as presently designed (7 %, see discussion under
"Future Highway System Improvements" above) (L -9)
Local Street- Freeway Inter -Ties
(10) This mitigation measure is applicable to buildout of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site beyond the Plaza El
Segundo Project Development Applicants for development
projects within the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site (excluding
the Plaza El Segundo Project) shall fund or construct upgrades
and enhancements to the El Segundo and /or South Bay ITS
systems, and /or the Caltrans ITS system that singly or in
combination cause an increase of 3% in the capacity of the street
system served by these ITS systems The 3% increase shall be
measured from the calculated capacity of the system based upon
existing lane configurations, plus a 10% increase on street in the
City of El Segundo, and 7% increase on streets outside the City of
El Segundo to reflect the El Segundo and South Bay ITS systems,
respectively The upgrades /enhancements shall be selected from
the following menu and approved by the relevant jurisdictional
agency expansion of the fiber optic communication system,
expansion of wireless communication components, provision of
software components, supplemental advance system detectors,
changeable message signs, closed circuit television cameras, or
any other reasonably feasible upgrade or enhancement approved
by the relevant jurisdictional agency The applicant shall
participate in any applicable fair share fee mitigation program that
will otherwise fund the foregoing upgrades /enhancements and
shall receive credit for all fair share payments (L -10)
Project parking /egress information system for key access/egress
(11) Project applicants must provide parking /egress information
systems in the manner of Changeable Message Signs (CMS)
along key access /egress corridors of Sepulveda Boulevard,
Rosecrans Avenue, and Park Place Currently, Los Angeles
County is installing CMS on major streets in the South Bay area
and locations for additional CMS would be identified in
coordination with Los Angeles County A centrally located kiosk
system must be included in project design that can disseminate
roadway conditions along the major routes This information
would be utilized by the employee or patron to determine the least
congested access /egress route to /from the project, thereby
minimizing delay on the roadway systems Based upon recent
studies in the South Bay area under trial conditions,
implementation of this measure is anticipated to improve capacity
at the site adjacent intersections by three percent, along major
corridors of Rosecrans Avenue, Sepulveda Boulevard, and El
Segundo Boulevard by two percent, and the balance of the study
intersections by one percent (L -11)
Plaza El Seoundo
From the list of mitigation measures required to address the
complete implementation of the C -4 zone on the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site, the following specific
mitigation measures must be required to address the traffic
impacts of the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development
Physical Roadway improvements
(12) El Segundo Boulevard and Sepulveda Boulevard —
Convert the existing eastbound right -turn only lane to a shared
through /right -turn lane There exists three receiving lanes on the
east leg of the intersection In addition, modify the raised center
median to convert the westbound shared through left -turn lane to
a dedicated second left turn lane and additional through lane (L-
(13) El Segundo Boulevard and Aviation Boulevard — Provide a
fair share cost of roadway construction and striping for a
dedicated northbound right -turn lane at this intersection based
upon each project's volume of traffic added to the intersection
Another development project (Los Angeles Air Force Base Land
Conveyance, Construction and Development) will be providing all
of the additional right -of -way necessary to implement this
improvement (L -14)
(14) Rosecrans Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard — On the
westbound approach of Rosecrans Avenue dedicate additional
right -of -way on the north side of Rosecrans Avenue to provide a
free flow right -turn lane and third left -turn lane Sepulveda
Boulevard south of Rosecrans Avenue may need to be widened to
accommodate the third left -turn lane, depending on the specific
design of this lane This widening could take place within the
existing Sepulveda Boulevard right -of -way Widen the east side of
Sepulveda Boulevard along the project frontage to provide the
acceptance lane for the free westbound right -turn lane This
additional lane on Sepulveda should be improved to the new Park
Place connection where a right turn lane will be provided This
intersection's jurisdiction is shared with Manhattan Beach and
Caltrans Coordination and concurrence of these agencies for
implementation of these improvements would be required (L -15)
(15) Rosecrans Avenue and Continental Way-- Provide a new
traffic signal at this location This intersection's jurisdiction is
shared with Manhattan Beach Coordination and concurrence of
this agency for implementation of this improvement would be
required (L -16)
Site Trip Reductions
(16) The project applicant must promote rideshare programs
(bikes, rideshare matching, and transit options) as required by the
City of El Segundo Transportation Demand Management Program
(TDM) In addition to the traditional TDM program and to provide
additional trip reduction measures, the project applicant must
promote access to the Commuter View System which is being
57 11 °1f
implemented by the City to provide information on congested
routes The project applicant must provide a transit connection
system that may be shared with other nearby retail projects to
promote use of the existing Metro Green Line service, remote
employee lot during seasonal peaks and local circulator service
Based upon typical usage patterns, an approximately three
percent reduction in trips to and from the site during peak periods
is anticipated with these enhancements (L -17)
Intelligent Transportation System Connections/Upgrades
(17) The South Bay area will be enhanced with an area -wide
signal system upgrade prior to project completion in 2012 This
system is already funded and will be implemented with or without
the proposed project The improvement will provide for intelligent
transportation systems (ITS) which provide real time adjustment to
signal timing based upon current conditions thereby increasing
capacity along major corridors ITS system enhancements are
currently being tested and evaluated which provide further
enhanced capacity These enhancements provide advanced
communication upgrades to the users of the roadway systems
Items include Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS) and
Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) ATIS provides
commuters with information to make route and time of day
decisions The enhanced ATIS system that would be included
within the South Bay ITS system will enable private sector
partners to disseminate freeway and arterial traffic information to
the public via paid subscription services ATMS manages the
traffic system on surrounding streets
Applicants for development projects within the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site must provide for connectivity
to the systems described above Project applicants must provide
access to information disseminated by the ATIS system to patrons
and employees by including at least one television monitor or
equivalent equipment that is compatible with and connected to the
ATIS system and that displays current commuter information from
the ATIS system during all hours that the development is open for
business The monitor or equivalent equipment shall be placed in
a centralized location within the development, shall be specifically
identified on directory maps of the facility, shall be specifically and
clearly identified as the location for obtaining current travel
information and shall be identified elsewhere throughout the
development with signage that directs patrons to the location
Project applicants must also facilitate dissemination of information
provided by the ATIS system to project employees by working with
project tenants to offer fully or partially subsidized monthly
subscriptions to employees (currently estimated at full cost of
$5 00 per month per user) Project applicants (or successors in
interest) must provide any new project tenant with information
regarding subscription programs available to employees and costs
thereof and shall encourage tenants to provide subsidized monthly
subscriptions to their employees However, because there is no
guarantee that subscription subsidies will be provided by future
tenants of developments within the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site, no additional credit for these subscriptions can be
taken except for the enhancements provided by the South Bay
ITS system as presently designed (7 %, see discussion under
"Future Highway System Improvements" above) (L -18)
(1) Implementation of the mitigation measures would reduce
traffic- related impacts from Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
to less than significant levels with the exception of El Segundo
Boulevard and Sepulveda Boulevard during the p m peak hour
and Rosecrans Avenue and Aviation Boulevard for the Saturday
mid -day peak hour
(2) In addition, improvements at three intersections require
coordination and concurrence of Caltrans and /or other agencies
In the event that the concurrence of other jurisdictions cannot be
obtained, impacts at these intersections would be significant and
(3) Implementation of the mitigation measures would reduce
traffic- related impacts from the Plaza El Segundo Development to
less than significant levels with the exception of the intersection of
El Segundo Boulevard and Sepulveda Boulevard
(4) In addition, improvements at two intersections require
coordination and concurrence of Caltrans and /or other agencies
for the Plaza El Segundo Development In the event that the
concurrence of other jurisdictions cannot be obtained, impacts at
these intersections would be significant and unavoidable
(5) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to transportation and traffic
(6) Changes or alterations have been required in, or
incorporated into the Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development project which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as
identified in the FOR
(7) If mitigation is not adopted by
impact would remain significant and
Council this includes the impact within
of Overriding Considerations (SOC)
13 Utilities - Sewer
a) Facts /Effects
the other jurisdiction(s), the
unavoidable and the City
the ambit of the Statement
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) The estimated sewage generation associated with the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would be 277,375
gpd Sewage generation would be associated with the proposed
Plaza El Segundo uses and additional development up to the
levels permitted under the proposed C -4 zone Continuation of
the existing lumber yard in its current location would not result in
any net change in sewage generation from this use The
production process associated with the industrial gas production
facility permitted under the proposed C-4 zone does not generate
sewage Expansion of the existing RV storage facility onto the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would not involve
generation of sewage As such, these facilities would not require
additional infrastructure or generate demand for sewage
conveyance and treatment
(2) As there is no sewer infrastructure directly serving the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site, a significant impact to
sewage service would be created unless it is mitigated by the
addition of sewer infrastructure directly serving the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
(3) Additionally, a large portion of the site is not located within
County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County jurisdiction, and
would therefore need to be annexed into County Sanitation District
5 prior to project approval Upon annexation, local sewer
infrastructure would carry sewage to County Sanitation Districts of
Los Angeles County infrastructure and ultimately to the JWPCP
According to the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts, sewer
service will be provided up to the levels legally permitted
Because JWPCP has sufficient treatment capacity to
accommodate the sewage flows associated with the existing
development, there would be no impacts associated with sewage
treatment Once the necessary infrastructure is established in
conjunction with development that occurs within the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site in accordance with the
proposed C -4 zone, there would be a less than significant impact
on sewer capacity and treatment services
Plaza El Segundo
(4) The analysis regarding sewer service and infrastructure
within the Plaza El Segundo Development site is in accordance
with the mitigation measure for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning that requires project specific evaluation of potential
sewer impacts and no further analysis beyond that set forth in the
following mitigation measures is required The analysis
demonstrates that this component of the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would not result in new
effects related to sewer service and infrastructure that were not
examined in the Program EIR for the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
60 111 �
(5) The proposed Plaza El Segundo would generate an
estimated 139,250 gpd of sewage As there is no sewer
infrastructure directly serving the Plaza El Segundo site, the
proposed Plaza El Segundo would include the construction of
sewer infrastructure providing sufficient capacity to handle sewage
flows that would be generated by the proposed Plaza El Segundo
According to the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts, sewer
service will be provided up to the levels legally permitted
Because JWPCP has sufficient treatment capacity to
accommodate the sewage flows associated with the existing
development, there would be no impacts associated with sewage
capacity or treatment Once the necessary infrastructure is
constructed, there would be a less than significant impact on
sewer capacity and treatment services
b) Subsequent Environmental Documentation
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Subsequent environmental documentation must be prepared for
development protects proposed to be constructed on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site This information must be
examined, at the time the development project is proposed, in light
of the Program EIR to determine whether a new Initial Study
would be required to be prepared leading to either an EIR or
Negative Declaration The subsequent environmental
documentation must include the following
(1) An analysis of sewer service to the proposed development
must be prepared which examines the capacity of existing sewer
lines to serve the development, the projected peak sewage
generation and must identify new sewer infrastructure required to
serve the development (M -1 1)
C) Mitigation
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
The following mitigation measures are required for the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning to ensure compliance with all
code and ordinance requirements
(1) An analysis of sewer service to the proposed development
must be prepared which examines the capacity of existing sewer
lines to serve the development, the projected peak sewage
generation, and must identify new sewer infrastructure required to
serve the development (M 1 -1)
(2) The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site must be
annexed to Los Angeles County Sanitation District No 5 (M 1 -2)
(3) Project applicants must be required to obtain a sewer
connection permit from the Los Angeles County Sanitation
Districts (District 5) to obtain sanitary sewer service (M 1 -3)
61 1211
(4) Additional local sewer infrastructure must be provided by
the applicant as necessary to connect the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site with existing sewer infrastructure This provision
must be coordinated with the project applicant and may be the
partial responsibility of the applicant, as determined by the City
(M -1 4)
(5) The applicant must be required to replace or upgrade the
sewer infrastructure on or adjacent to the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site, as needed (M -1 5)
(6) Project applicants must comply with the City's Sewer
Ordinance No 1093, of the City of El Segundo Municipal Code,
Title 12, Chapter I General Provisions, Policies and Procedures
(M -1 6)
(7) Prior to a budding permit being issued the project applicant
must submit the Final Working Drawings to the City of El Segundo
Planning and Building Safety Development Services Department
and the Public Works Department for review and approval (M -1 7)
(8) Closed circuit television (CCTV) inspection of existing on-
site and adjacent off -site sewer mains must be conducted to
determine the present condition of the infrastructure which the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning project will connect to (M-
1 8)
(9) All future developments must be discharged to the existing
twelve -inch sanitary sewer main in Rosecrans Avenue (M -1 9)
(10) New businesses that that generate Fats, Oils, or Greases
(e g , restaurants and grocery stores) must be required to install
grease interceptors with a minimum 30 minute retention period to
ensure these contaminants do not block the sewerage system (M-
1 10)
Plaza El Segundo
The following mitigation measures are required for the proposed
Plaza El Segundo Development to ensure compliance with all
code and ordinance requirements
(11) The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site must be
annexed to Los Angeles County Sanitation District No. 5 (M -1 11)
(12) The project applicant must be required to obtain a sewer
connection permit from the Los Angeles County Sanitation
Districts (District 5) to obtain sanitary sewer service (M -1 12)
(13) Additional local sewer infrastructure must be provided by
the applicant as necessary to connect the Plaza El Segundo Site
with existing sewer infrastructure This provision must be
coordinated with the project applicant and may be the partial
responsibility of the applicant, as determined by the City (M -1 13)
62 12 c
(14) The existing 15 -inch sanitary sewer line must be removed
and replaced with an 18 -inch line Plans must identify point of
connection for the proposed ten -inch sanitary sewer to the existing
sanitary sewer main on Allied Way (M -1 14)
(15) Project applicants must comply with the City's Sewer
Ordinance No 1093, of the City of El Segundo Municipal Code,
Title 12, Chapter I General Provisions, Policies and Procedures
(M -1.15)
(16) Prior to a budding permit being issued the project applicant
must submit the Final Working Drawings to the City of El Segundo
Planning and Building Safety Department and the Public Works
Department for review and approval (M -1 16)
(17) Closed circuit television (CCTV) inspection of existing on-
site and adjacent off -site sewer mains must be conducted to
determine the present condition of the infrastructure which the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning project will connect to (M-
1 17)
(18) New businesses that that generate Fats, Oils, or Greases
(e g , restaurants and grocery stores) must be required to install
grease interceptors with a minimum 30 minute retention period to
ensure these contaminants do not block the sewerage system (M-
1 18)
d) Findings
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to sewer facilities
(2) Changes or alterations have been required in, or
incorporated into the Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development project which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as
identified in the FEIR
(3) If mitigation is not adopted by the other jurisdiction(s), the
impact would remain significant and unavoidable and the City
Council this includes the impact within the ambit of the Statement
of Overriding Considerations (SOC)
14 Utilities - Water
a) Facts /effects
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) The estimated water consumption associated with the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would be 322,850
63 1�0
gpd Continuation of the existing lumber yard in its current
location would not result in any net change in water consumption
from this use The production process associated with the
industrial gas production facility permitted under the proposed C -4
zone does not use water Expansion of the existing RV storage
facility onto the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
would not involve additional water consumption As such, these
facilities would not require additional infrastructure or generate
demand for water supply or infrastructure Given the anticipated
land uses at the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning and Site, and
the water consumption rate of 322,850 gpd, impacts to water
supply would be less than significant
(2) As minimal water distribution infrastructure exists on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site, provision of water supply
infrastructure would be included in development permitted under
the proposed C-4 zone Additional water infrastructure would be
required to serve future development within the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site Additionally, because new
infrastructure is required to adequately serve the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site, temporary disruptions may
occur, lasting up to four hours at a time, during construction of
new infrastructure and subsequent connection As the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development requires the expansion of existing water
infrastructure, a significant impact to water service would occur
(3) A water needs assessment determined that the City of El
Segundo has sufficient water supplies to supply to proposed
Plaza El Segundo
(4) The analysis provided below regarding water service and
infrastructure within the Plaza El Segundo Development site is in
accordance with the measures for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning that require project specific evaluation of potential water
service impacts and no further analysis of this issue is required
beyond that set forth in the following paragraphs, would be
required for the Plaza El Segundo Development The analysis
demonstrates that this component of the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would not result in new
effects related to water service and infrastructure that were not
examined in the Program EIR for the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(5) The proposed Plaza El Segundo would consume an
estimated 167,100 gpd of water The Department of Public Works
has sufficient water to supply the proposed Plaza El Segundo
Development's estimated demands at the site Impacts to water
supply would therefore be less than significant
(6) As minimal water distribution infrastructure exists on the
Plaza El Segundo site, provision of required infrastructure would
be included as part of the proposed Plaza El Segundo
Development Additionally, because new infrastructure is required
to adequately serve the Plaza El Segundo site, temporary
disruptions may occur, lasting up to four hours at a time, during
construction of new infrastructure and subsequent connection As
the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development requires the
expansion of existing water infrastructure, a significant impact to
water service would occur
(7) Development of the proposed Plaza El Segundo would
implement the proposed C -4 zoning on a portion of the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site and would be within the
parameters used to develop the water supply assessment for the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
b) Subsequent Environmental Documentation
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Subsequent environmental documentation shall be prepared for
development projects proposed to be constructed on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site This information shall be
examined, at the time the development project is proposed, in light
of the Program EIR to determine whether a new Initial Study
would be required to be prepared leading to either an EIR or
Negative Declaration The subsequent environmental
documentation shall include the following
(1) An analysis of water service to the proposed development
must be prepared which examines the capacity of existing water
lines to serve the development and the projected water demand
and must identify new water infrastructure required to serve the
development (M 2 -1)
C) Mitigation
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
The following mitigation measures must be implemented to
address significant impacts related to water distribution
(1) An analysis of water service to the proposed development
must be prepared which examines the capacity of existing water
lines to serve the development and the projected water demand
and must identify new water infrastructure required to serve the
development (M 2 -1)
(2) New streets must be connected through the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site to adjacent existing streets,
with no gaps or disconnects, so as to allow connections to existing
infrastructure contained in the existing streets (M 2 -2)
65 1 C ,J
(3) Water distribution mains must be installed in the through
streets in order to complete the existing water grid and provide
water distribution to the interior of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site Connecting pipes should be a minimum of ten
inches (M 2 -3)
(4) New water lines must be connected to the existing water
line located in Allied Way to provide a continuous public water line
beginning from Sepulveda Boulevard to an existing line in Allied
Way (M 2 -4)
(5) Development on the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site must include dual water connections to allow for
landscaping to be irrigated by reclaimed water (M 2 -5)
(6) Reclaimed water must be used as the water source to
irrigate landscaped areas on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site (M 2 -6)
(7) Efficient irrigation systems must be installed which
minimize runoff and evaporation and maximize the water which
will reach plant roots (e.g drip irrigation, automatic sprinklers
equipped with moisture sensors) (M 2 -7)
(8) Automatic sprinkler systems must be set to irrigate
landscaping during early morning hours or during the evening to
reduce water losses from evaporation Sprinklers must also be
reset to water less often in cooler months and during the rainfall
season so that water is not wasted by excessive landscape
irrigation (M 2 -8)
(9) Selection of drought - tolerant, low water consuming plant
varieties must be used to reduce irrigation water consumption
(M 2 -9)
(10) Project applicants must comply with the City's
Conservation Program, Ordinance No 1194, of the City of El
Segundo Municipal Code, Title 10 -Parks and Recreation, Chapter
2 Water Conservation in Landscaping and Resolution No 3806
(M 2 -10)
Prior to a budding permit being issued the project applicant
must submit the Final Working Drawings to the City of El
Segundo Planning and Budding Safety Department for review
and approval relative to compliance with the City's Water
Conservation Ordinance and Guidelines for Water
Conservation in Landscaping
Plaza El Segundo
The following mitigation measures shall be implemented to
address significant impacts related to water distribution
66 12 G
(11) Water distribution mains must be installed in the eastward
extension of Park Place and the extension of Allied Way to Park
Place in order to complete the existing water grid and provide
water distribution to the interior of the Plaza El Segundo site
Connecting pipes must be a minimum of ten inches (M 2 -11)
(12) Development on the proposed Plaza El Segundo Site must
include dual water connections to allow for landscaping to be
irrigated by reclaimed water (M 2 -12)
(13) Reclaimed water must be used as the water source to
irrigate landscaped areas on the Plaza EI Segundo Development
(M 2 -13)
(14) Efficient irrigation systems must be installed which
minimize runoff and evaporation and maximize the water which
will reach plant roots (e g drip irrigation, automatic spnnklers
equipped with moisture sensors) (M 2 -14)
(15) Automatic sprinkler systems must be set to irrigate
landscaping during early morning hours or during the evening to
reduce water losses from evaporation Sprinklers must also be
reset to water less often in cooler months and during the rainfall
season so that water is not wasted by excessive landscape
irrigation (M 2 -15)
(16) Selection of drought - tolerant, low water consuming plant
varieties must be used to reduce irrigation water consumption
(M 2 -16)
(17) The project applicant must comply with the City's
Conservation Program, Ordinance No 1194, of the City of El
Segundo Municipal Code, Title 10 -Parks and Recreation, Chapter
2 Water Conservation in Landscaping and Resolution No 3806
Prior to a building permit being issued the project applicant
must submit the Final Working Drawings to the City of El
Segundo Planning and Building Safety Department for review
and approval relative to compliance with the City's Water
Conservation Ordinance and Guidelines for Water
Conservation in Landscaping (M 2 -17)
d) Findings
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to water service
(2) Changes or alterations have been required in, or
incorporated into the Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development project which avoid or
1 � /
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as
identified in the FEIR
15 Utilities — Solid Waste
a) Facts /effects
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezonm
(1) The existing structures on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site have been or are in the process of being
demolished Approximately 75 percent of the solid waste
generated during construction as a result of the Rezoning has
been recycled and salvaged Through the remainder of
construction such solid waste would continue to be recycled and
salvaged at this rate Materials not recycled would be disposed of
at local landfills The amount of solid waste generated by the
construction of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning project
would not be significant as it would not create a need for new
facilities, systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to local or
regional solid waste disposal facilities
(2) The estimated solid waste generation associated with the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would be
approximately 4,250 pounds per day Continuation of the existing
lumber yard in its current location would not result in any net
change in solid waste generation The production process
associated with the industrial gas production facility permitted
under the proposed C-4 zone does not generate solid waste
Expansion of the existing RV storage facility onto the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would not involve additional
solid waste generation As such, these facilities would not
generate demand for solid waste disposal facilities
(3) Although existing landfills in Los Angeles County are near
capacity, potential landfill expansion could accommodate the
projected growth for the region The Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site would be required to comply with the City's SSRP,
which the City has implemented as a means of achieving the
goals and requirements of AB 939 Therefore, long term
operational impacts to landfills and solid waste service would be
less than significant
Plaza El Segundo
(4) With the recycling of most of the solid waste generated by
the construction phase of the Plaza El Segundo, short -term
construction impacts to landfills and solid waste service would be
less than significant
(5) The development at Plaza El Segundo would generate
approximately 2,125 pounds of solid waste per day Solid waste
generated on -site would be disposed in accordance with all
applicable federal, state and local regulations related to solid
waste The Plaza El Segundo site would be required to comply
with the City's SSRP, which the City has implemented as a means
of achieving the goals and requirements of AB 939 Therefore,
long term operational impacts to landfills and solid waste service
would be less than significant
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
(1) No subsequent environmental documentation is required
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Development of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning project must comply with all applicable City, County,
and State requirements regulating solid waste disposal
Cumulative impact is the responsibility of local, regional, and state
agencies and therefore no project level mitigation measures are
available The City of El Segundo imposes the following standard
conditions of project approval to offset project impacts
(1) Where economically feasible, the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning project must incorporate the
use of recycled materials in building materials, furnishing
operations and budding maintenance (M 3 -1)
(2) The proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning project
must recycle all construction debris in a practical, available, and
accessible manner, to the maximum extent feasible, during the
demolition and construction phases (M 3 -2)
(3) The design of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning protect must allocate space for a recycling collection
area for use by both on -site employees and visitors, the design of
which will adhere to siting requirements in the City's recycling
ordinance The design of the collection area will facilitate source
separation and collection of additional materials that may be
designated as recyclable by the City in the future (M 3 -3)
Plaza El Segundo
(4) Where economically feasible, the proposed Plaza El
Segundo Development must incorporate the use of recycled
materials in building materials, furnishing operations and building
maintenance (M 3-4)
(5) The proposed Plaza El Segundo Development must
recycle all construction debris in a practical, available, and
accessible manner, to the maximum extent feasible, during the
demolition and construction phases (M 3 -5)
(6) The design of the proposed Plaza El Segundo
Development must allocate space for a recycling collection area
for use by both on -site employees and visitors, the design of
which will adhere to siting requirements in the City's recycling
ordinance The design of the collection area will facilitate source
separation and collection of additional materials that may be
designated as recyclable by the City in the future (M 3 -6)
Findm s
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to solid waste
(2) Changes or alterations have been required in, or
incorporated into the Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development project which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as
identified in the FEIR
16 Utilities — Natural Gas
a) Facts /effects
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) The estimated natural gas consumption associated with
the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would be
approximately 82,166 cf per day Continuation of the existing
lumber yard in its current location would not result in any net
change in natural gas consumption The production process
associated with the industrial gas production facility would utilize
less natural gas than the existing Air Products facility located
within the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
Expansion of the existing RV storage facility onto the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would not involve additional
natural gas consumption As such, these facilities would not
generate additional demand on natural gas supplies and
infrastructure According to the Southern California Gas
Company, the demand for natural gas of the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning can be accommodated by
the existing natural gas supply available and infrastructure in the
project area Therefore, natural gas impacts from the
development of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning would be less than significant
Plaza El Segundo
(2) The estimated natural gas
Segundo is approximately 41,083
Southern California Gas Company
consumption by the Plaza El
cf per day According to the
the demand for natural gas at
the Plaza El Segundo can be accommodated by the existing
natural gas supply available and infrastructure in the project area
Therefore, natural gas impacts from the development of the
proposed Plaza El Segundo would be less than significant
b) Subsequent Environmental Documentation
(1) No subsequent environmental documentation is required
C) Mitigation
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) As no significant natural gas service impacts have been
identified, no mitigation measures are required
Plaza El Segundo
(2) As no significant natural gas service impacts have been
identified, no mitigation measures are required
d) Findings
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to natural gas service /supply
17 Utilities — Electricity
a) Facts /effects
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) The estimated electricity consumption associated with the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would be
approximately 40,090 kilowatt hours (kwh) per day Continuation
of the existing lumber yard in its current location would not result
in any net change in electricity consumption The production
process associated with the industrial gas production facility would
utilize less electricity than the existing Air Products facility located
within the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
Expansion of the existing RV storage facility onto the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would not involve additional
electricity consumption As such, these facilities would not
generate additional demand on electricity supplies and
infrastructure SCE has indicated that they can accommodate the
electricity demands of the proposed Sepulveda/Rosecrans Site
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo protect Therefore, impacts
related to electricity would be less than significant
71 1 Jf
Plaza El Segundo
(2) The estimated electricity consumption by the Plaza El
Segundo is approximately 24,313 kwh per day SCE has
indicated that they can accommodate the electricity demands of
the proposed Plaza El Segundo Therefore, impacts related to
electricity would be less than significant
Subsequent Environmental Documentation
(1) No subsequent environmental documentation is required
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Although the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
project would not result in any significant electricity impacts, the
City of El Segundo imposes the following standard conditions of
project approval to offset project impacts
(1) The applicant must consult with SCE during the design
process of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
project regarding potential energy conservation measures for the
project Examples of such energy conservation measures include
• Design windows (i e , tinting, double pane glass, etc) to
reduce thermal gain and loss and thus cooling loads during
warm weather, and heating loads during cool weather
• Install thermal insulation in walls and ceilings that exceed
requirements established by the State of California Energy
Conservation Standards
• Install high - efficiency lamps for all internal streetlights and
outdoor security lighting
• Time control interior and
must be programmed to
daylight times
exterior lighting These systems
account for variations in seasonal
• Finish exterior walls with light- colored materials and high-
emissivity characteristics to reduce cooling loads Finish
interior walls with light- colored materials to reflect more
light and thus increase lighting efficiency (M 5 -1)
(2) All on -site electrical lines must be placed underground,
except for high voltage transmission lines located along
Rosecrans Avenue (M 5 -2)
(3) Electrical transformers must be screened from view from
the public right -of -way (M 5 -3)
Plaza El Segundo
Although the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development would not
result in any significant electricity impacts, the City of El Segundo
imposes the following standard conditions of project approval to
offset project impacts
(4) The applicant must consult with SCE during the design
process of the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development
regarding potential energy conservation measures for the project
Examples of such energy conservation measures include
• Design windows (e g , tinting, double pane glass, etc) to
reduce thermal gain and loss and thus cooling loads during
warm weather, and heating loads during cool weather
• Install thermal insulation in walls and ceilings that exceed
requirements established by the State of California Energy
Conservation Standards
• Install high - efficiency lamps for all internal streetlights and
outdoor security lighting
• Time control interior and exterior lighting These systems
must be programmed to account for variations in seasonal
daylight times
• Finish exterior walls with light- colored materials and high
emissivity characteristics to reduce cooling loads Finish
interior walls with light- colored materials to reflect more
light and thus increase lighting efficiency (M 5 -4)
(5) All on -site electrical lines must be placed underground,
except for high voltage transmission lines along Rosecrans
Avenue (M 5 -5)
(6) Electrical transformers must be screened from view from
the public right -of -way (M 5 -6)
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to electricity
(2) Changes or alterations have been required in, or
incorporated into the Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development project which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as
identified in the FEIR
130" J J
18 Cultural Resources
a) Facts /effects
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) The Proposed Circulation Element Update Draft EIR
requires analysis of potential impacts related to cultural resources
for later projects that would implement the proposed Circulation
Element Update The proposed connection of Park Place
between Sepulveda Boulevard and Nash Street and connection of
Park Place to Hughes Way via Allied Way through the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would constitute a project
that implements the Circulation Element Update policies The
analysis provided below meets the requirement for a records
search to be conducted prior to development of Circulation
Element facilities within the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Based
upon the analysis, construction of this component of the proposed
Circulation Element Update would not result in new effects related
to cultural resources that were not examined in the Program EIR
for the proposed Circulation Element Update
(2) As no known archaeological resources are known to exist
on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site, no impacts to
archaeological resources are anticipated as a result of future
developments It is not anticipated that any developments on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would encounter
archaeological resources during construction activities
(3) No paleontological resources are known to exist on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site Therefore, no impacts to
paleontological resources are anticipated as a result of the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning project
(4) One historic resource has been identified on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site This resource has been
identified as the brass foundry foundation located on the H
Kramer portion of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
Future development on the H Kramer portion of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site could significantly impact
this resource Further evaluation is necessary to determine
whether this resource is eligible for listing on the California or
National Registers,
Plaza El Segundo
(5) The records search provided above is in accordance with
the mitigation measures for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning that requires site specific evaluation of potential cultural
resources issues and no further analysis of this is beyond that set
forth in the preceding section would be required for the proposed
Plaza El Segundo Development The analysis demonstrates that
construction of this component of the proposed
74 1 - t
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would not result in new
effects related to cultural resources that were not examined in the
Program EIR for the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
(6) As no known archaeological resources are known to exist
on the Plaza El Segundo Site, no impacts to archaeological
resources are anticipated Therefore, it is not anticipated that any
archaeological resources would be encountered during
construction activities associated with the Plaza El Segundo
(7) No paleontological resources are known to exist on the
Plaza El Segundo Site Therefore, no impacts to paleontological
resources are anticipated as a result of the proposed Plaza El
Segundo Development
(8) No historic resources have been identified on the Plaza El
Segundo Site All structures associated with the former industrial
uses have been demolished and the Plaza El Segundo site is
currently undergoing soil characterization Therefore, the Plaza El
Segundo Development would not impact any historic resources
and no mitigation measures are required
b) Subsequent Environmental Documentation
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Subsequent environmental documentation must be prepared for
development projects proposed to be constructed on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site The subsequent
environmental documentation must include the following
(1) A records search and /or Phase I Archaeological Survey
must be conducted by a qualified archaeologist prior to the start of
construction activities (including grading) for any development on
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site If the survey identifies
resources within the construction area, follow on studies shall be
conducted in accordance with the recommendations of the
records search prior to commencement of construction (N -1)
(2) Further analysis of Cultural Resource 19- 186856 is
required, that meets the requirements of CEQA Guidelines
Section 15064 5(a)(2), to determine potential eligibility for the
California or National Register of Historic Places prior to any
construction activities occurring on the H Kramer portion of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site If further analysis identifies
that the resource is eligible, then the recommendations identified
in that analysis must be followed (N -2)
C) Mitigation
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
75 i J J-
The following mitigation measure must be required for any future
development on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
(1) A records search and /or Phase I Archaeological Survey
must be conducted by a qualified archaeologist prior to the start of
construction activities (including grading) for any development on
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site If the survey identifies
resources within the construction area, follow on studies must be
conducted in accordance with the recommendations of the
records search prior to commencement of construction (N -1)
(2) Further analysis of Cultural Resource 19- 186856, that
meets the requirements of CEQA Guidelines Section
15064 5(a)(2), is required to determine potential eligibility for the
California or National Historic Register of Historic Places prior to
any construction activities occurring on the H Kramer portion of
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site If further analysis
identifies that the resource is eligible, then the recommendations
identified in that analysis must be followed and measures
identified to reduce impacts to less than significant levels (N -2)
(3) In the event that archaeological or paleontological
resources are encountered during the course of grading or
construction, all development must temporarily cease in these
areas until the resources are properly assessed and subsequent
recommendations are determined by a qualified
archaeologist/paleontologist (N -3)
Plaza El Segundo
(4) In the event that archaeological or paleontological
resources are encountered during the course of grading or
construction, all development must temporarily cease in these
areas until the resources are properly assessed and subsequent
recommendations are determined by a qualified
archaeologist/paleontologist (N-4)
d) Findings
(1) The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of
proceedings do not identify or contain substantial evidence
identifying significant environmental effects of the
Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development with respect to cultural resources
(2) Changes or alterations have been required in, or
incorporated into the Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development project which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as
identified in the FEIR
The City Council finds that in response to each adverse impact identified below,
changes or alterations have been required or incorporated in the Project, which lessen
the significant adverse environmental impact However, these impacts cannot be totally
avoided or reduced to a level of insignificance if the Project is implemented
Air Quality
a) Facts /Effects
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Construction Emissions
(1) Maximum daily emissions from a typical construction
project associated with the Proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning will exceed SCAQMD's daily thresholds for CO, ROG,
NOx, and PM10 Therefore, emissions of these pollutants would
result in significant short-term impacts
(2) Between 2007 and 2012, emissions from construction
activity may occur simultaneously with operational emissions
associated with the proposed Plaza El Segundo Combined
emissions would exceed the SCAQMD's thresholds for CO, ROG,
NOx and PM10, which would constitute a significant impact
Operational Emissions
(3) Operation of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning in the buildout year of 2012 is anticipated to result in
emissions that exceed the SCAQMD significance thresholds for
four of the five criteria pollutants CO, PM10, ROG, and NOx
Thus, a significant impact related to these four criteria pollutants
would occur
Plaza El Segundo
Construction Emissions
(4) Maximum daily emissions associated with the construction
of the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development will exceed
SCAQMD's daily thresholds for ROG and NOx Therefore,
emissions of these pollutants would result in significant short-term
Operational Emissions
(5) Operation of the proposed Plaza El Segundo is anticipated
to result in emissions that exceed SCAQMD significance
thresholds for four of the five criteria pollutants CO, PM10, ROG,
and NOx Thus, a significant impact related to these four criteria
pollutants is anticipated
b) Subsequent Environmental Documentation
(1) Prior to implementation of specific development projects,
impacts associated with construction emissions must be examined
in light of this Program EIR to determine whether a new Initial
Study would be required to be prepared leading to either an EIR
or Negative Declaration This examination must provide
quantified estimates of construction emissions based upon the
specific site, schedule, and construction equipment utilization
characteristics of the proposed development and compare the
estimated emissions to the SCAQMD thresholds for construction
emissions The analysis must incorporate the mitigation
measures identified below as appropriate, along with any other
mitigation measures identified by the project- specific analysis (C-
C) Mitigation
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Construction Emissions
The following is a list of feasible control measures that the
SCAQMD recommends for construction emissions of PM10
These mitigation measures must be implemented for all areas
where construction activities associated with the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would occur
Fugitive Dust, PM10
Compliance with SCAQMD Rule 403, including but not limited to
the following
(1) Prior to implementation of specific development projects,
impacts associated with construction emissions must be
examined This examination must provide quantified estimates of
construction emissions based upon the specific site, schedule,
and construction equipment utilization characteristics of the
proposed development and compare the estimated emissions to
the SCAQMD thresholds for construction emissions The analysis
must incorporate the mitigation measures identified below as
appropriate, along with any other mitigation measures identified by
the project- specific analysis (C -1)
(2) The construction area and vicinity (500 -foot radius) must
be swept (preferably with water sweepers) and watered at least
twice daily Site wetting must occur often enough to maintain a 10
percent surface soil moisture content throughout all earth moving
activities (C -2)
(3) All unpaved roads, parking and staging areas must be
watered at least once every two hours of active operations (C -3)
78 iJ�y
(4) Site access points must be swept/washed within thirty
minutes of visible dirt deposition (C -4)
(5) On -site stockpiles of debris, dirt or rusty material must be
covered or watered at least twice daily (C -5)
(6) All haul trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose materials
must either be covered or maintain two feet of freeboard (C -6)
(7) All haul trucks must have a capacity of no less than twelve
and three - quarter (12 75) cubic yards (C -7)
(8) At least 80 percent of all inactive disturbed surface areas
must be watered on a daily basis when there is evidence of wind
drive fugitive dust (C -8)
(9) Operations on any unpaved surfaces must be suspended
when winds exceed 25 mph (C -9)
(10) Traffic speeds on unpaved roads must be limited to 15
miles per hour (C -10)
(11) Operations on any unpaved surfaces must be suspended
during first and second stage smog alerts (C -11)
(12) For all construction emissions, the following measure must
The applicant must develop and implement a construction
management plan, as approved by the City of El Segundo, which
includes the following measures recommended by the SCAQMD,
or equivalently effective measures approved by the SCAQMD
a Configure construction parking to minimize traffic
b Provide temporary traffic controls during all phases of
construction activities to maintain traffic flow (e g , flag
c Schedule construction activities that affect traffic flow
on the arterial system to off -peak hours to the degree
d Re -route construction trucks away from congested
e Consolidate truck deliveries when possible
f Provide dedicated turn lanes for movement of
construction trucks and equipment on- and off -site
g Maintain equipment and vehicle engines in good
condition and in proper tune as per manufacturer's
specifications and per SCAQMD rules, to minimize
exhaust emissions
h Suspend use of all construction equipment operations
during second stage smog alerts Contact the
SCAQMD at (800) 242 -4022 for daily forecasts
i Use electricity from power poles rather than temporary
diesel- or gasoline- powered generators
1 Use methanol- or natural gas - powered mobile
equipment and pile drivers instead of diesel if readily
available at competitive prices
k Use propane- or butane - powered on -site mobile
equipment instead of gasoline if readily available at
competitive prices (C -12)
Operational Emissions
Regional emissions of CO, ROG, PM10, and NOx are associated
with vehicular traffic No feasible mitigation measures are
available to reduce vehicle travel and related tail pipe exhaust
emissions associated with the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Site Rezoning
Plaza El Segundo
Construction Emissions
The following is a list of feasible control measures that the
SCAQMD recommends for construction emissions of PM10
These mitigation measures must be implemented during
construction activities associated with the proposed Plaza El
Fugitive Dust, PM10
(13) The construction area and vicinity (500 -foot radius) must
be swept (preferably with water sweepers) and watered at least
twice daily Site wetting must occur often enough to maintain a 10
percent surface soil moisture content throughout all earth moving
activities (C -13)
(14) All unpaved roads, parking and staging areas must be
watered at least once every two hours of active operations (C -14)
(15) Site access points must be swept/washed within thirty
minutes of visible dirt deposition (C -15)
(16) On -site stockpiles of debris, dirt or rusty material must be
covered or watered at least twice daily (C -16)
(17) All haul trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose materials
must either be covered or maintain two feet of freeboard (C -17)
(18) All haul trucks must have a capacity of no less than twelve
and three - quarter (12 75) cubic yards (C -18)
(19) At least 80 percent of all inactive disturbed surface areas
must be watered on a daily basis when there is evidence of wind
drive fugitive dust (C -19)
(20) Operations on any unpaved surfaces must be suspended
when winds exceed 25 mph (C -20)
(21) Traffic speeds on unpaved roads must be limited to 15
miles per hour (C -21)
(22) Operations on any unpaved surfaces must be suspended
during first and second stage smog alerts (C -22)
(23) The applicant must develop and implement a construction
management plan, as approved by the City of El Segundo, which
includes the following measures recommended by the SCAQMD,
or equivalently effective measures approved by the SCAQMD
a Configure construction parking to minimize traffic
b Provide temporary traffic controls during all phases of
construction activities to maintain traffic flow (e g , flag
c Schedule construction activities that affect traffic flow
on the arterial system to off -peak hours to the degree
d Re -route construction trucks away from congested
e Consolidate truck deliveries when possible
f Provide dedicated turn lanes for movement of
construction trucks and equipment on- and off -site
g Maintain equipment and vehicle engines in good
condition and in proper tune as per manufacturer's
specifications and per SCAQMD rules, to minimize exhaust
h Suspend use of all construction equipment operations
during second stage smog alerts Contact the SCAQMD at
(800) 242 -4022 for daily forecasts
i Use electricity from power poles rather than temporary
diesel- or gasoline- powered generators
81 141
I Use methanol- or natural gas - powered mobile
equipment and pile drivers instead of diesel if readily
available at competitive prices
k Use propane- or
equipment instead of
competitive prices (C -23)
Operational Emissions
butane - powered on -site mobile
gasoline if readily available at
Regional emissions of CO, ROG, PM10, and NOx are associated
with vehicular traffic No feasible mitigation measures are
available to reduce vehicle travel and related tail pipe exhaust
emissions associated with the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Site Rezoning
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) The City finds that incorporation of such changes or
alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of the City
The City finds that although the temporary construction related air
quality CO, ROG, NOx, and PM10 impact will remain significant
and unavoidable, no feasible mitigation measures are available to
avoid or lessen the impact below a level of significance The
Project benefits set forth in the Statement of Overriding
Considerations outweigh this significant unavoidable impact
(2) The City finds that incorporation of such changes or
alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of the City
The City finds that although the operational related air quality CO,
PM10, ROG, and NOx impact will remain significant and
unavoidable, no feasible mitigation measures are available to
avoid or lessen the impact below a level of significance The
Project benefits set forth in the Statement of Overriding
Considerations outweigh this significant unavoidable impact
Plaza El Segundo
(3) The City finds that incorporation of such changes or
alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of the City
The City finds that although the temporary construction related air
quality ROG and NOx impact will remain significant and
unavoidable, no feasible mitigation measures are available to
avoid or lessen the impact below a level of significance The
Project benefits set forth in the Statement of Overriding
Considerations outweigh this significant unavoidable impact
(4) The City finds that incorporation of such changes or
alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of the City
The City finds that although the operational related air quality CO,
PM10, ROG, and NOx impact will remain significant and
unavoidable, no feasible mitigation measures are available to
avoid or lessen the impact below a level of significance The
Project benefits set forth in the Statement of Overriding
Considerations outweigh this significant unavoidable impact
a) Facts /Effects
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Construction Noise
(1) The non - residential receptor property locations located at
the closest northern (FedEx facility) and eastern (Pacific Theatre)
edges of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would
be significantly impacted due to an increase in ambient noise
levels at these locations of 26 0 and 14 0 decibels, respectively
(2) In addition, construction activity on the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would cause the ambient
noise levels at the Oak Avenue residential locations to exceed 65
dBA As such, construction noise impacts associated with the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would be
Plaza El Segundo
Construction Noise
(3) Ambient noise levels will not increase at the Oak Avenue
location as a result of construction noise sources from the Plaza
El Segundo site This analysis reflects the greater distance
between the Oak Avenue residential and the main part of the
Plaza El Segundo Development site However, when construction
activities are taking place on the 4 7 acre portion of the Plaza El
Segundo Development site located immediately northeast of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans intersection, the effects would be the same
as for construction activities occurring under the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and a significant impact
related to construction noise would occur
(4) Construction activities on the proposed Plaza El Segundo
Development site would impact the receptor locations located to
the north and east of the Plaza El Segundo site, due to their
proximity Specifically, ambient noise levels at these locations will
experience temporary and occasional increases of 13 to 19
decibels (13 decibels at the Pacific Theatre and 19 decibels at the
FedEx facility) Impacts to these receptor locations would be
b) Subsequent Environmental Documentation
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
83 14 �
Subsequent environmental documentation must be prepared for
development projects proposed to be constructed on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans site The subsequent environmental
documentation must address the following
(1) A project- specific construction noise analysis must be
prepared that calculates, based on project- specific parameters
and identification of the site - specific sensitive receptors that could
be affected by construction activities, the noise levels that would
be experienced at sensitive receptors located adjacent to that site
If noise levels resulting from construction activity would result in
temporary construction noise levels that exceed 65 dBA at a
sensitive receptor, or cause an incremental increase of 5 dBA
over the existing ambient sound level, if the existing ambient
sound level at the sensitive receptor location is 65 dBA or more,
then the study must identify feasible mitigation measures to be
applied to that project from the list of mitigation measures
provided below (1 -1)
C) Mitigation
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
The following mitigation measures are required to minimize
construction related noise impacts associated with the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) A project- specific construction noise analysis must be
prepared that calculates, based on project- specific parameters
and identification of the site - specific sensitive receptors that could
be affected by construction activities, the noise levels that would
be experienced at sensitive receptors located adjacent to that site
If noise levels resulting from construction activity would result in
temporary construction noise levels that exceed 65 dBA at a
sensitive receptor, or cause an incremental increase of 5 dBA
over the existing ambient sound level, if the existing ambient
sound level at the sensitive receptor location is 65 dBA or more,
then the study must identify feasible mitigation measures to be
applied to that project from the list of mitigation measures
provided below
• Construction contracts must specify that all construction
equipment shall be equipped with mufflers and other
applicable noise attenuation devices
During construction phases, the contractor must store and
maintain equipment as far as possible from the adjacent
receptor property locations to the southwest, north and
east of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
As stated in the City of El Segundo Municipal Code,
construction must be restricted to the hours of 7 00 a m to
6 p m Monday through Saturday, and prohibited at
anytime on Sunday or a Federal holiday
Temporary plywood noise barriers must be constructed
along the northern and eastern property lines of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site during construction,
which must be high enough to block the line-of-sight
between the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site and
receptor property locations to the southwest, north and
east (1 -1)
Plaza El Segundo
The follow mitigation measures are required to minimize
construction related noise impacts associated with the Plaza El
Segundo Development
(2) Construction contracts must specify that all construction
equipment must be equipped with mufflers and other applicable
noise attenuation devices (1 -2)
(3) During construction phases, the contractor must store and
maintain equipment as far as possible from the adjacent receptor
property locations to the north and east of the Plaza El Segundo
site (1 -3)
(4) As stated in the City of El Segundo Municipal Code,
construction must be restricted to the hours of 7 00 a m to 6 p m
Monday through Saturday, and prohibited at anytime on Sunday
or a Federal holiday (1 -4)
(5) Temporary plywood noise barriers must be constructed
along the 4 5 acre portion of the Plaza El Segundo site south of
the UPRR tracks during construction, which must be high enough
to block the line-of-sight (a minimum of 8 feet above existing
grade) between the Plaza El Segundo site and receptor property
locations to the southwest, north and east (1 -5)
d) Finding
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezonin
(1) Temporary construction noise impacts at the Fed Ex and
Pacific Theatres locations would be significant and unavoidable
even with the implementation of all feasible mitigation measures
Plaza El Segundo
(2) Temporary construction noise impacts at the FedEx facility
would be significant and unavoidable even with the
implementation of all feasible mitigation measures
(3) The City finds that incorporation of such changes or
alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of the City _
85 14
The City finds that although the temporary construction related
noise impacts will remain significant and unavoidable, no feasible
mitigation measures are available to avoid or lessen the impact
below a level of significance The Project benefits set forth in the
Statement of Overriding Considerations outweigh this significant
unavoidable impact
3 Transportation and Circulation
a) Facts /Effects
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) The proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would
significantly impact two intersections during the p m peak hour or
Saturday mid -day peak hour These intersections are Sepulveda
Boulevard/El Segundo Boulevard in the p m peak hour and
Rosecrans Avenue /Aviation Boulevard in the Saturday mid -day
peak period
(2) The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning is estimated to
contribute approximately 272 trips in the southbound direction on
the San Diego Freeway between the 1 -105 interchange and El
Segundo Boulevard During the afternoon peak hour, this number
of trips would cause the D/C ratio to increase by 0 03, with a
resulting LOS of F(0), which would constitute a significant impact
at this location
(3) Significant impacts were identified for the southbound 1-
405 between the 1 -105 Interchange and El Segundo Boulevard for
the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning The nearest arterial
CMP monitoring stations are located at the intersections of
Rosecrans Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard and El Segundo
Boulevard and Sepulveda Boulevard These intersections would
be significantly impacted by the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning Impacts of the proposed Sepulveda/Rosecrans Site
Rezoning with respect to the CMP would be significant
Plaza El Segundo
(4) The proposed Plaza El Segundo Development would
significantly and unavoidably impact one intersection during p m
peak hour (Sepulveda Boulevard/El Segundo Boulevard)
(5) The proposed Plaza El Segundo Development is
estimated to contribute approximately 189 trips in the southbound
direction on the San Diego Freeway between the 1 -105
interchange and El Segundo Boulevard During the afternoon
peak hour, this number of trips would cause the D/C ratio to
increase by 0 02, with a resulting LOS of F(0), which would
constitute a significant unavoidable impact at this location
(6) Significant unavoidable impacts were identified for the
southbound 1 -405 between the 1 -105 Interchange and El Segundo
86 _`ill
Boulevard for the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development The
nearest arterial CMP monitoring stations are located at the
intersections of Rosecrans Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard and
El Segundo Boulevard and Sepulveda Boulevard These
intersections would be significantly impacted by the proposed
Plaza El Segundo Development Impacts of the proposed Plaza
El Segundo Development with respect to the CMP would be
b) Subsequent Environmental Documentation
(1) No subsequent environmental documentation is required
C) Mitigation
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) El Segundo Boulevard and Sepulveda Boulevard Convert
the existing eastbound right -turn only lane to a shared
through /right -turn lane There exists three receiving lanes on the
east leg of the intersection In addition, modify the raised center
median to convert the westbound shared through left -turn lane to
a dedicated second left turn lane and additional through lane (L-
Plaza El Segundo
From the list of mitigation measures required to address the
complete implementation of the C-4 zone on the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site, the following specific
mitigation measures must be required to address the traffic
impacts of the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development
(2) El Segundo Boulevard and Sepulveda Boulevard —
Convert the existing eastbound right -turn only lane to a shared
through /right -turn lane There exists three receiving lanes on the
east leg of the intersection In addition, modify the raised center
median to convert the westbound shared through left -turn lane to
a dedicated second left turn lane and additional through lane (L-
d) Finding
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) Because no additional mitigation measures are available,
impacts would be significant and unavoidable at the two
intersections where the City's level of service standard would be
(2) The two intersections that would exceed the City's level of
service threshold, even after implementation of all feasible
intersection improvements, are
87 X47
• Sepulveda Blvd /El Segundo Blvd
• Aviation Blvd /Rosecrans Ave
(3) There is no mechanism available for providing fair share
contributions to mitigate freeway impacts Therefore impacts to
one freeway segment (southbound San Diego Freeway between
the 1 -105 interchange and El Segundo Boulevard) would be
significant and unavoidable
(4) In addition, improvements at three intersections require
coordination and concurrence of Caltrans and /or other agencies
In the event that the concurrence of other jurisdictions cannot be
obtained, impacts at these intersections would be significant and
Plaza El Segundo
(5) Because no additional mitigation measures are available,
impacts would be significant and unavoidable at one intersection
where the City's level of service standard would be exceeded
(6) The intersection that would exceed the City's level of
service threshold, even after implementation of all feasible
intersection improvements, are
• Sepulveda Blvd /El Segundo Blvd
(7) In addition, improvements at two intersections require
coordination and concurrence of Caltrans and /or other agencies
In the event that the concurrence of other jurisdictions cannot be
obtained, impacts at these intersections would be significant and
(8) The City finds that incorporation of such changes or
alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of the City
The City finds that although the transportation and circulation
impact will remain significant and unavoidable, no feasible
mitigation measures are available to avoid or lessen the impact
below a level of significance The Project benefits set forth in the
Statement of Overriding Considerations outweigh this significant
unavoidable impact
E. Insignificant Cumulative Impacts.
The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of proceedings in this matter
do not identify or contain substantial evidence which identifies significant adverse
cumulative environmental effects associated with the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development in conjunction with the related Projects
identified in Section III B of the DEIR (collectively, the "Related Projects ") with respect to
the areas listed below
88 i J
2 Air Quality
3 Agricultural Resources
4 Biological Resources
5 Cultural Resources
6 Geology and Soils
7 Hydrology and Water Quality
8 Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Land Use
Mineral Resources
Public Services
Natural Gas
The City Council finds that although the following cumulative environmental
effects were identified as potentially significant in the FEIR for the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development, changes or alterations within the
responsibility and jurisdiction of other public agencies and the City have been adopted
by such other agencies or can and should be adopted by such other agency to avoid or
lessen the potential significant environmental effects listed below to a level of
1 Transportation and Circulation
a) Facts /Effects
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) Traffic resulting from the 52 related projects could
contribute to potential future deterioration at the study
intersections This cumulative analysis was based on a worst -case
89 L 14 J
set of assumptions where all of the related projects were
constructed and built to the intensity currently envisioned In
addition, none of the traffic enhancements which may be
associated with the 52 related projects were included in the
analysis It is likely that traffic conditions would be better than
noted in the EIR analysis
(2) The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would contribute
to a significant cumulative impact at six intersections
(3) The cumulative effects identified are anticipated to occur
with or without the project with the exception of the impact at the
Park Place and Nash Street, Park Place and Douglas Street, and
Rosecrans Avenue and Douglas Street intersections These
impacts are reduced to a level of insignificance with traffic
improvements proposed with the exception of p m peak hour
period at Rosecrans Avenue and Douglas Street This is a worst -
case analysis which does not include specific improvement
measures which may be required of the cumulative projects,
therefore, conditions are anticipated to be better than stated in the
Draft EIR
Plaza El Segundo
(4) The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would contribute
to a significant cumulative impact at six intersections
(5) The cumulative effects identified are anticipated to occur
with or without the project with the exception of the impact at the
Rosecrans Avenue and Douglas Street intersection (p m peak
hour) and the Rosecrans Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard
intersection during the Saturday mid -day peak These impacts are
reduced to a level of insignificance with traffic improvements
proposed by the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning project with
the exception of the p m peak period at Rosecrans Avenue and
Douglas Street This is a worst case analysis which does not
include specific improvement measures which may be required of
the cumulative projects, therefore, conditions are anticipated to be
better than noted However, the incremental effect of the proposed
Plaza El Segundo Development, in connection with the effects of
past, present and probable future projects would be cumulatively
considerable at thirteen intersections
b) Subsequent Environmental Documentation
(1) No subsequent environmental documentation is required
C) Mitigation
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) In order to assist in addressing future cumulative traffic
deterioration, the City of El Segundo through its Traffic Congestion
Mitigation Fee Ordinance will require the developer of a specific
90 iJ�
project to make a "fair share" contribution for programmed
roadway improvements In addition, project implementation of the
signal system enhancements described above will benefit the
entire system and reduce cumulative impacts along the roadway
corridors (L -12)
Plaza El Segundo
(2) In order to assist in addressing future cumulative traffic
deterioration, the project applicant must comply with the City of El
Segundo Traffic Congestion Mitigation Fee Ordinance and make a
"fair share" contribution for programmed roadway improvements
In addition, project implementation of the signal system
enhancements described above will benefit the entire system and
reduce cumulative impacts along the roadway corridors (L -19)
d) Finding
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) Payment of the El Segundo Traffic Mitigation Fee would
reduce impacts related to cumulative traffic growth at intersections
that are wholly or partly within the City of El Segundo to less than
Plaza El Segundo
(2) Payment of the El Segundo Traffic Mitigation Fee would
reduce impacts related to cumulative traffic growth at intersections
that are wholly or partly within the City of El Segundo to less than
(3) The City Council finds that
proceedings do not identify or
identifying a significant cumulative
unavoidable environmental effects
Transportation and Traffic
G. Significant Unavoidable Cumulative Impacts.
the FEIR and the record of
contain substantial evidence
contribution to any significant
of the Project with respect to
The City Council finds that in response to each impact identified below, changes
or alterations have been required or incorporated into the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development, which lessen the significant adverse
environmental impact However, these impacts cannot be totally avoided or reduced to
a level of insignificance if the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El
Segundo Development is implemented The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development contribution to these impacts would be cumulatively
considerable under CEQA
Population. Housing, and Employment
a) Facts /Effects
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
91 151
(1) A review of the related projects listed in Table III -1 of the
Draft EIR, confirms the projections for slow housing growth in the
region, only 10,628 new housing units are currently proposed In
addition, approximately 62,646 jobs would be created by the same
list of cumulative projects (see Table IV J -3 of the EIR)
(2) Based on the substantial disparity between projected
subregional fob growth and housing construction, there will be a
significant cumulative impact on population growth and housing
b) Mitigation
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) There are no available mitigation measures to address the
incremental contribution of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Site Rezoning to the significant cumulative impact related to
population growth and housing demand
Plaza El Segundo
(2) There are no available mitigation measures to address the
incremental contribution of the proposed Plaza El Segundo to the
significant cumulative impact related to population growth and
housing demand
C) Finding
(1) The City Council finds that although mitigation can be
incorporated into the Project to reduce the severity of the Project-
specific population growth and housing demand impacts, no
feasible mitigation measures exist to address significant and
unavoidable cumulative population and growth and housing
demand impacts The Project benefits set forth in the Statement
of Overriding Considerations outweigh these significant
unavoidable impacts
2 Transportation and Traffic
a) Facts /Effects
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(1) The impacts of cumulative traffic growth were incorporated
into the traffic modeling for the Project
(2) There is no mechanism available for providing fair share
contributions to improvements that would mitigate cumulative
traffic impacts at intersections located wholly outside the City of El
Segundo Therefore, cumulative traffic impacts would be
significant and unavoidable at the following intersections (although
such impacts would exist with or without the protect)
92 J
• Rosecrans Avenue and Hindry Avenue, p m peak hour
• Rosecrans Avenue and 1-405 SB Off -Ramp, a m and
p m peak hour
• Marine Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard, a m and
p m peak hour
• Marine Avenue and Aviation Boulevard, a m and p m
peak hour
• Manhattan Beach Boulevard and Sepulveda Boulevard,
a m and p m peak hour
• Manhattan Beach Boulevard and Aviation Boulevard,
a m and p m peak hour
(3) No sub - regional traffic impact fee has been established or
proposed for "fair- share" contributions to regional transportation
improvements that might reduce the severity of cumulative traffic
Plaza El Segundo
(4) There is no mechanism available for providing fair share
contributions to improvements that would mitigate cumulative
traffic impacts at intersections located wholly outside the City of El
Segundo Therefore, cumulative traffic impacts would be
significant and unavoidable at the following intersections
• Rosecrans Avenue and Hindry Avenue, p m peak hour
• Rosecrans Avenue and 1 -405 SB Off -Ramp, a m and p m
peak hour
• Marine Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard, a m and p m
peak hour
• Marine Avenue and Aviation Boulevard, am and p m
peak hour
• Manhattan Beach Boulevard and Sepulveda Boulevard,
a m and p m peak hour
• Manhattan Beach Boulevard and Aviation Boulevard, a m
and p m peak hour
b) Finding
(1) The City Council finds that although mitigation can be
incorporated into the Project to reduce the severity of the Project -
specific traffic impact, no feasible mitigation measures exist to
address significant and unavoidable cumulative traffic impacts
outside the City of El Segundo The Project benefits set forth in
the Statement of Overriding Considerations outweigh these
significant unavoidable cumulative impacts
Solid Waste
a) Fact/Effects
(1) Implementation of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning in conjunction with the various related projects identified
in Section III B of the Draft EIR as well as cumulative growth in the
County of Los Angeles would further increase demand on landfill
capacity Additional capacity to accommodate the cumulative
disposal needs of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning and related projects is the responsibility of local, county,
and state solid waste management agencies and may become
available as these agencies develop solutions to meet the future
disposal needs at a regional level (e g , expanding existing
landfills, transporting waste to other landfills, converting waste to
energy, recycling and waste reduction)
(2) Similar to the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning, the related projects would be subject to the source
reduction and recycling requirements established by the local
jurisdiction in accordance with AB 939 (1 e., divert 50 percent of
the solid waste generated from landfills through waste reduction,
recycling and composting) As with the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning, future projects would be
required to participate in recycling programs, thus reducing the
amount of solid waste to be disposed of at the landfills described
(3) However, because tl
need for landfill capacity are
of other agencies, the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
contributions of related
b) Finding
ie precise solutions to meeting the
not known and are the responsibility
incremental contribution of the
Rezoning, in conjunction with the
projects, would be cumulatively
(1) The City Council finds that while mitigation is not needed to
reduce Project- specific solid waste impacts, no feasible mitigation
measures exist to address significant and unavoidable cumulative
impacts caused by solid waste generation The Project benefits
set forth in the Statement of Overriding Considerations outweigh
these significant unavoidable impacts
H. Protect Alternatives.
Alternatives Eliminated From Further Consideration
Various alternatives to the Proposed Action were considered and
dismissed without further study because they faded to accomplish the objectives of the
Project or were otherwise not feasible
94 154
CEQA Guidelines § 15126 6(c) requires EIRs to identify any alternatives
that were considered by the lead agency but were rejected as infeasible during the
scoping process, and briefly explain the reasons underlying the lead agency's
determination Alternatives involving residential development were dismissed as being
infeasible for two reasons First, it may not be possible to remediate the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site to the levels required in order to develop residential
uses In the event that it is possible, it is likely cost prohibitive Second, the City of El
Segundo does not permit residential developments east of Sepulveda Boulevard
because the City cannot adequately support residential developments in this area with
City services
2 Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
a) No Proiect Alternative
(1) Description
Under the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning No
Project Alternative, the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would remain under its
current Industrial General Plan designation and zoning classifications Reasonably
foreseeable activities that would occur within the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site under the No Project Alternative include 1) characterization and
remediation activities that are currently ongoing on a portion of the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would continue under the oversight of the cognizant
regulatory agencies, 2) existing operative uses within the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site (Air Products, Learned Lumber) would remain in their current locations,
and 3) no new development would occur on the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site No new development is anticipated because, other than the existing
operating uses, there is no known interest in development of the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site, other than the proposed Plaza El Segundo
Development The proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning No Project Alternative
therefore assumes the continuation of existing conditions on the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site as well as development of the related projects
described in Section III B (Related Projects) of the EIR
(2) Comparison to Project
Under the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning No Project
Alternative, no additional traffic would be generated The existing uses on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would remain in their present locations and there
would be no change in current operations Traffic generated by these uses would
remain unchanged
Aesthetics, air quality, biological resources, geology and soils
(except sod erosion impacts), hydrology, land use, noise, population, housing and
employment, public service, transportation and traffic, utilities, and cultural resources
impacts would be less than the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and less
than significant
Hazards and hazardous materials impacts of the No Project
alternative would be greater than the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
because only a portion of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would be
characterized and remediated
95 153
b) Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative
(1) Description
Under the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative, the standards of the proposed C -4 zone would
be modified to limit the mix of land uses permitted within the 70 8 net acre portion of the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site that would be redesignated in the
General Plan for Commercial Center use and rezoned to Commercial Center (C -4) in
order to reduce total traffic generation from the Site Total permitted square footage
within the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would remain the same
(850,000 total square feet), but the mix of uses would be limited to the following 590,000
square feet of shopping center, 185,000 square feet of large scale retail, 50,000 square
feet of grocery store, 10,000 square feet of fast food restaurants, and 15,000 square feet
of sit -down restaurants Total traffic generation under this alternative would be reduced
by approximately 11 7% in the p m peak hour and approximately 8 8% on a daily basis
All other components of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning, including
the construction of new roadways, relocation of railroad rights -of -way, and stormwater
retention basin would remain the same as the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning under this alternative
(2) Comparison to Protect
Under this alternative, it is estimated that the development on the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would generate a total of approximately 25,859
daily trips, 1,033 trips in the a m peak hour, 2,346 trips during the p m peak hour, and
3,379 trips during the Saturday mid -day peak period
Of the 25 study intersections analyzed, it is anticipated that the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning Reduce Traffic Generation Alternative would
significantly impact 13 intersections during the a m peak hour, p m peak hour, or
Saturday mid -day peak, or combinations thereof (see Table VI -1 of the Draft EIR) The
same number of impacted intersections and the same specific intersections as identified
would be impacted under the alternative as under the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Site Rezoning protect Therefore, traffic impacts associated with the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative would be
the same as those associated with the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
and would be significant and unavoidable
Air quality would be less than the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Site Rezoning and less than significant, but would remain significant and unavoidable
Utility impacts related to sewer, water and electricity would be slightly less than the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning The protect- related utility impacts would
remain less than significant
Aesthetics, biological resources, geology and soils, hazards and
hazardous materials, hydrology, land use, noise, population, housing and employment,
public services, utilities (solid waste and natural gas), and cultural resources impacts
would be the same as than the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning The
short-term noise and traffic impacts would be significant and unavoidable
96 1156
C) Alternative Land Use Alternative
(1) Description
Under the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Alternate Land Use Alternative, the existing zoning of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site would be modified to allow development of proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site with industrial uses at a maximum floor area ratio
(FAR) of 0 42 1 This would result in the development of approximately 1,548,000
square feet of industrial park within the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
and represents a reduction in the development density permitted under the existing
zoning of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site The current zoning would allow a
O6 FAR (2,211,142 square feet of industrial uses) Roadway extensions through the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would be provided, although likely in a
different configuration than under the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Storm water detention facilities would be provided that would be sufficient to handle
storm water runoff generated under this alternative and railroad rights -of -way would be
relocated as necessary
(2) Comparison to Protect
Under the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning Alternate Land
Use Alternative, the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would be permitted to be
developed with up to 1,548,000 square feet of industrial park Under this alternative, it is
estimated that the development on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning site would
generate a total of approximately 10,774 daily trips, 1,300 in the a m peak hour, 1,331
trips in the p m peak hour, and 542 trips during the Saturday mid -day peak hour This is
less traffic than would be produced by the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning However, an increase in the amount of truck traffic in the area is anticipated
under this alternative Under this alternative, 9 intersections would still be significantly
impacted during the a m peak hour, p m peak hour or Saturday mid -day peak hour, or
combinations thereof (Table VI -7) This is four less significantly impacted intersections
than under the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning Therefore, traffic
impacts associated with the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning Alternate Land Use
Alternative would be less than the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Air quality impacts would be less than the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning, but would remain significant and unavoidable
Operational noise impacts would be slightly less than the Plaza El Segundo
Public services (police protection) and utility (sewer and water)
impacts would be less than the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning The
project-related impacts would remain less than significant
Biological resources, geology and soils, land use, construction
noise, and cultural resources would be the same as the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Site Rezoning The short-term noise and traffic impacts would be significant and
Aesthetics, air quality (construction and operational emissions),
hydrology, hazards and hazardous materials, population, housing and employment,
15 �'
public services (fire protection), and utility impacts (solid waste, natural gas, and
electricity) would be slightly greater than the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning, but
would remain as insignificant impacts The sewer and water usage would increase by
negligible amounts The project- related impacts would remain less than significant
d) Rezoning of Plaza El Segundo Development Site Only
(1) Description,
Under this alternative, the City would not take action with respect
to the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning project, but rather would approve
the General Plan Amendment and rezoning of the proposed Plaza El Segundo
Development site to the new Commercial Center land use designation and Commercial
Center (C -4) zone Uses presently located within the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site, but outside the boundary of the proposed Plaza El Segundo
Development would remain the same No new development is anticipated in this portion
of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site because, other than the existing operating
uses, there is no known interest in development of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Rezoning Site, other than the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development
(2) Comparison to Protect
Under this alternative, impacts would be the same as identified
throughout this EIR for the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development The only
difference from the analysis presented in this EIR would relate to land use compatibility
Under the alternative, the uses adjacent to the proposed Plaza El Segundo
Development would be industrial, rather than ultimately commercial, as would occur
under the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning Placing commercial and
industrial land uses adjacent to one another would not result in land use conflicts and no
impacts related to land use compatibility would occur Impacts of this alternative would
be similar to the proposed Sepulveda/Rosecrans Site Rezoning with respect to land use
compatibility and the same as the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development for all other
3 Plaza El Segundo
a) No Proiect Alternative
(1) Description
Under the Plaza El Segundo No Protect Alternative, the proposed
Plaza El Segundo Development site would remain under its current Industrial General
Plan designations and zoning classifications Reasonably foreseeable activities that
would occur within the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development site under the No
Protect Alternative would include 1) characterization and remediation activities that are
currently ongoing on a portion of the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development site
would continue under the oversight of the cognizant regulatory agencies, and 2) no new
development would occur on the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development site No
new development is anticipated because there is no known interest in development of
the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development site, other than the proposed Plaza El
Segundo Development The proposed Plaza El Segundo No Protect Alternative
therefore assumes the continuation of existing conditions on the proposed Plaza El
98 158
Segundo Development site as well as development of the related protects described in
Section III B (Related Protects) of the EIR
(2) Comparison to Protect
Under the Plaza El Segundo No Protect Alternative, no additional
traffic would be generated The existing uses on the Plaza El Segundo site would
remain in their present locations and there would be no change in current operations
Traffic generated by these uses would remain unchanged
Aesthetics, air quality, biological resources, geology and sods
(except sod erosion impacts), hydrology, hazards and hazardous materials, land use,
noise, population, housing and employment, public seances, transportation and traffic,
utilities, and cultural resources impacts would be less than the proposed Plaza El
Segundo site and less than significant
b) Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative
(1) Description
Under the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation
Alternative, the Plaza El Segundo site boundaries and total proposed square footage
would remain the same (425,000 square feet), but the mix of uses within the proposed
Plaza El Segundo would be modified to result in an approximately 17% reduction in p m
peak hour traffic generation and an approximately 13% reduction in daily traffic
generation The mix of uses that would be contained within the proposed Plaza El
Segundo under the Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative would include 165,000
square feet of shopping center, 185,000 square feet of large scale retail, 50,000 square
foot grocery store, 10,000 square feet of fast food restaurants, and 15,000 square feet of
sit -down restaurants The proposed land uses and density would be within the
requirements of the proposed C-4 zone All other components of the proposed Plaza El
Segundo, including the construction of new roadways (Park Place east of Sepulveda
and Allied Way within the Plaza El Segundo site) and storm water retention basin would
remain the same as the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development under this alternative
(2) Comparison to Protect
Under the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation
Alternative, the size of the proposed development would be the same, however, the mix
of uses would be different in order to reduce the amount of traffic generated Under this
alternative, it is estimated that the development on the Plaza El Segundo site would
generate a total of approximately 16,645 daily trips, with 779 a m peak hour trips, 1,477
p m peak hour trips, and 2,205 Saturday mid -day peak period trips
Of the 25 study intersections analyzed, it is anticipated that the
Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative would significantly impact six
intersections during the a m peak hours, p m peak hour, Saturday mid -day peak hour,
or combinations thereof (see Table VI -14) This is one less impacted intersection than
would be impacted under the proposed Plaza El Segundo protect Therefore, traffic
impacts associated with the Plaza El Segundo Reduced Traffic Alternative would be less
than those under the proposed Plaza El Segundo protect
Air quality would be less than the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Site Rezoning and less than significant, but would remain significant and unavoidable
15 ?i
Operational noise impacts would be slightly less than the Plaza El Segundo
development Utility impacts related to sewer, water and electricity would be slightly less
than the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning The project- related utility
impacts would remain less than significant
Aesthetics, biological resources, geology and soils, hydrology,
hazards and hazardous materials, land use, construction noise, population, housing and
employment, public services, and utility impacts (solid waste and natural gas), and
cultural resources would be the same as than the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning The short-term noise and traffic impacts would be significant and
C) Alternative Land Use Alternative,
(1) Description
Under the Plaza El Segundo Alternate Land Use Alternative, the
proposed Plaza El Segundo Development site would be developed with industrial uses
at a floor area ratio (FAR) of 0 42 1 This would result in the development of an
approximately 730,000 square foot industrial park within the proposed Plaza El Segundo
Development site Roadway extensions through the proposed Plaza El Segundo
Development site would be provided, although likely in a different configuration than
under the proposed Plaza El Segundo Storm water detention facilities would be
provided that would be sufficient to handle storm water runoff generated under this
(2) Comparison to Project
Under the Plaza El Segundo Alternate Land Use Alternative, the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site would be developed with up to 730,000 square feet
of industrial park uses Under this alternative, it is estimated that the development would
generate approximately 5,081 daily trips, 613 a m peak hour trips, 628 p m peak hour
trips, and 256 Saturday mid -day peak period trips This is less traffic than would be
produced under the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development, although truck traffic
would increase under this Alternative However, under this alternative, three
intersections would be significantly impacted during the a m peak hour, p m peak hour,
Saturday mid -day peak hour, or combination thereof (Table VI -21) This is four fewer
than would be significantly impacted under the proposed Plaza El Segundo
Development Therefore, traffic impacts associated with the Plaza El Segundo Alternate
Land Use Alternative would be lower than the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development
Air quality impacts would be less than the proposed Plaza El
Segundo development, but would remain significant and unavoidable Operational noise
and public services (police), utility (sewer, water and electricity) impacts would be lower
than the Plaza El Segundo development
Geology and soils, land use, and cultural resources would be the
same as than the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
Aesthetics, air quality (short-term construction emissions),
biological resources, hydrology, hazards and hazardous materials, short-term
construction noise, population, housing and employment, public services (fire), utility
100 60
(solid waste and natural gas) impacts would be greater than the Plaza El Segundo
development, but would remain as insignificant impacts
d) Rezoning of Plaza El Segundo Development Site Only
(1) Description
There is no equivalent alternative for the Plaza El Segundo site
because this alternative would approve only the Plaza El Segundo portion of the
Sepulveda Rosecrans Site Rezoning
(2) Comparison to Project
There is no equivalent alternative for the Plaza El Segundo site because
this alternative would approve only the Plaza El Segundo portion of the Sepulveda
Rosecrans Site Rezoning so no comparison is necessary
4 Findings Regarding Alternatives
a) Reasonable Range of Alternatives
The City Council finds that that (a) the FOR describes a reasonable
range of alternatives to the Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development, which could feasibly attain most of the basic objectives of the
Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development and would
avoid or substantially lessen any significant effects of the Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development, and (b) the City Council evaluated the
comparative merits of the alternatives
b) Environmentally Superior Alternative
CEQA Guidelines § 15126 6 requires that an analysis of alternatives to
the Project identify one alternative as the environmentally superior alternative
Furthermore, if the environmentally superior alternative is the "No Project" alternative,
the EIR must also identify the environmentally superior alternative from among the other
Sepulveda Rosecrans Site Rezoning
The No Project Alternative would be environmentally superior to the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning, as it would avoid the significant and
unavoidable impacts of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning related to
traffic, construction and operational air emissions and construction noise However, the
No Project Alternative would not meet any of the objectives of the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
The Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative would be environmentally
superior to the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning as it would reduce the
traffic impacts of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and reduce
significant and unavoidable operational air emissions compared to the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning, although not to less than significant levels The
Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative would meet most of the objectives of the
proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
101 L
The Rezoning of Plaza El Segundo Development Site Alternative would
be environmentally superior to the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning as it
would constitute a reduced project (425,000 total square feet) compared to the full
buddout of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning (850,000 square feet) As
such, impacts of this alternative would be lower with respect to all issue areas since the
alternative would be smaller and would utilize less site area than would the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning The Rezoning of Plaza El Segundo Development
Site Alternative would not meet the objectives of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans
Site Rezoning, but would meet the objectives of the Plaza El Segundo Development
Therefore, the Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative would be the environmentally
superior alternative because it would reduce impacts compared to the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and meets most of the project objectives
Plaza El Segundo
The No Project Alternative would be environmentally superior to the
proposed Plaza El Segundo Development, as it would avoid the significant and
unavoidable impacts of the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development related to traffic,
construction and operational air emissions and construction noise However, the No
Project Alternative would not meet any of the objectives of the proposed Plaza El
Segundo Development
The Reduced Traffic Generation Alternative would be environmentally
superior to the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development as it would reduce the traffic
impacts of the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development and reduce significant and
unavoidable operational air emissions compared to the proposed Plaza El Segundo
Development, although not to less than significant levels The Reduced Traffic
Generation Alternative would meet most of the objectives of the proposed Plaza El
Segundo Development
The City Council finds on the basis of the FEIR and the record of proceedings in for the
Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development that
A. Growth Inducing Impacts
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would foster economic growth by
adding new employees and customers to the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site, who could,
in turn, patronize other local businesses and services in the area Additionally, as described in
Section IV J (Population, Housing & Employment), short-term employment opportunities would
be provided during the construction of developments on the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning
Site With the full implementation of the site rezoning, the developments would provide
employment for approximately 1,904 persons The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning does
not include housing and therefore would not include (direct) permanent population growth
Should the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning cause newly - generated employees to relocate
to the City of El Segundo or the surrounding community, it is expected that the maximum (worst -
case) housing demand generated by the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning could be
accommodated by the existing housing stock within the average 9 7 -mile commute distance
from the project site, without generating demand for new housing construction Therefore, no
significant population, housing or employment impacts would be created by the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
The protect site is located within a highly developed urban setting Off -site water
mains, sewer mains, storm drains, and utility infrastructure adjacent to the site would adequately
service the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning Further, with mitigation, the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would be adequately served by existing public services
such as fire /emergency and police in the vicinity of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Rezoning Site
The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would not induce growth in an area that is not already
developed with infrastructure to accommodate such growth Therefore, the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would not result in significant growth inducing impacts
Plaza El Segundo
As described in Section IV J (Population, Housing & Employment), short-term
employment opportunities would be provided during the construction of the Plaza El Segundo
Upon completion of the Plaza El Segundo, it would provide employment for approximately 952
persons The Plaza El Segundo Development does not include housing and therefore would not
include (direct) permanent population growth Should the Plaza El Segundo Development cause
newly - generated employees to relocate to the City of El Segundo or the surrounding
community, it is expected that the housing demand could be accommodated by the existing
housing stock within the average 9 7 -mile commute distance Therefore, no significant
population, housing or employment impacts would be created by the Plaza El Segundo
The Plaza El Segundo site is located within a highly developed urban setting
Off -site water mains, sewer mains, storm drains, and utility infrastructure adjacent to the site
would adequately service the Plaza El Segundo Further, with mitigation, the Plaza El Segundo
Development would be adequately served by existing public services such as fire /emergency
and police The Plaza El Segundo Development would not induce growth in an area that is not
already developed with infrastructure to accommodate such growth Therefore, the Plaza El
Segundo Development would not result in significant growth inducing impacts
B Significant Irreversible Environmental Changes
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning
The type and level of construction associated with the proposed
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning would consume limited, slowly renewable, and non-
renewable resources Such resources would include the following construction supplies lumber
and other forest products, aggregate materials used in concrete and asphalt such as sand,
gravel, and stone, metals such as steel, copper, and lead, petrochemical construction materials
such as plastics, and water Fossil fuels such as gasoline and oil would also be consumed in the
use of construction vehicles and equipment
Subsequent use and maintenance of the proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning would also require the long -term consumption of these nonrenewable resources at
reduced levels typical for commercial development These would include energy resources such
as electricity and natural gas, as well as petroleum -based fuels required for the increased
number of vehicle trips to be generated by the project The proposed Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site
Rezoning would add traffic to local roads, and would result in long -term increases in ambient air
pollution and noise levels Potential irreversible damage from environmental accidents
associated with the project are unlikely and would be avoided by compliance with the mitigation
103 1 G 3
measures proposed in this EIR as well as existing city, county, state, and federal safety
Plaza El Segundo
Similar to that discussed above, the proposed Plaza El Segundo Development
would consume limited, slowly renewable, and non - renewable resources during construction
Such resources would include the following construction supplies lumber and other forest
products, aggregate materials used in concrete and asphalt such as sand, gravel, and stone,
metals such as steel, copper, and lead, petrochemical construction materials such as plastics,
and water. Fossil fuels such as gasoline and oil would also be consumed in the use of
construction vehicles and equipment Subsequent use and maintenance of the proposed Plaza
El Segundo would also require the long -term consumption of these nonrenewable resources
These would include energy resources such as electricity and natural gas, as well as petroleum -
based fuels required for the increased number of vehicle trips to be generated by the Plaza El
Segundo The proposed Plaza El Segundo would add traffic to local roads, and would result in
long -term increases in ambient air pollution and noise levels Potential irreversible damage from
environmental accidents associated with the project are unlikely and would be avoided by
compliance with the mitigation measures proposed in this EIR as well as existing city, county,
state, and federal safety regulations
The City Council finds on the basis of the FEIR and the record of proceedings in this
matter that the unavoidable significant impacts of the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and
Plaza El Segundo Development are acceptable when balanced against the benefits of the
Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development This determination is
based on the following factors and the substantial public, social, economic, and environmental
benefits flowing from the Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo
Development as identified in the FEIR and the record of proceedings in the matter Each benefit
set forth below constitutes an overriding consideration warranting approval of each project,
independent of other benefits, despite each and every avoidable impact
(a) Development of a property that is substantially vacant and is currently
(b) The project would facilitate the environmental remediation of existing
subsurface soil and groundwater contamination on and around the property
associated with the previous use of the project site
(c) Re- designation and rezoning of industrial property for more productive
commercial uses
(d) Elimination of blighted areas and providing an attractive urban destination
(e) Increasing and further stabilizing the City's tax base through development of
new commercial businesses
(f) Providing both short-term construction employment and long -term permanent
employment (approximately 1,904 fobs for the Rosecrans/ Sepulveda Site
Rezoning of which approximately 952 lobs would be associated with the
Plaza El Segundo Development) within the City of El Segundo
(g) Increase in employment opportunities for the City's residents
104 ,1
t )'r
(h) The Plaza El Segundo Development will add to the diversification of the
economic base in the City by providing for new larger format retail uses that
do not currently exist in the City
(1) The development will provide significant fiscal benefit to the City by
generating additional business license and sales tax revenue for the City's
General Fund
()) The development will Increase City revenues through the generation of taxes
that outweigh the City's cost of services
(k) The Plaza El Segundo Development will generate an annual net fiscal benefit
(revenues versus City expenses) that would range from approximately
$1,254,983 to $1,980,775 in the first year of operation, rising to a range of
approximately $1,520,608 to $2,413,241 in the eighth year of operation
(1) The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning is immediately adjacent to the
2,000,000 square -foot Continental Park office development, the 2,000,000
square -foot Raytheon campus, and other office buildings along the
Rosecrans Avenue commercial corridor The proposed project will provide
additional retail uses and services to these employment centers
(m) Development of a project that is consistent with the Elements of the General
(n) The protect would provide a comprehensive and coordinated design of the
entire protect site, including landscape amenities to substantially improve the
aesthetic appearance of the site and the surrounding area
(o) The protect would reduce the maximum permitted floor area ratio on the
property from 0 6 1 to 0 275 1
(p) Funding on -site and off -site Circulation Element planned improvements,
including new and widened roadways, intersections, signals, medians and
landscaping in the protect vicinity at no cost to the City
(q) The Project will include the construction of two new roadways (Park Place
and Allied Way extensions) that will further the City's goal of implementing
the 2004 Circulation Element Master Plan of Streets and improving the
circulation system in the southeast quadrant of the City
(r) The Sepulveda /Rosecrans Site Rezoning will include the widening of
Sepulveda Boulevard on the east side of the street to provide acceleration
and deceleration lanes to serve the protect and widening a portion of the
north side of Rosecrans Avenue to provide a dedicated right -turn lane The
developer will dedicate property for the lane widening providing a public
benefit to the entire City
(s) Expansion of the planned ITS network that will increase its effectiveness in
relieving congestion
(t) Contribution of $1,500,000 to the City aquatic related recreational uses
105 �,�
(u) Contribution of approximately $250,000 to enhance, promote and maintain
the public improvements adjacent to businesses and property owners in the
Downtown Specific Plan area of El Segundo
(v) Contribution of approximately $250,000 in traffic impact mitigation fees to
offset the impacts of the project on public roadway infrastructure
(w) Contribution of approximately $119,000 in police, fire, and library, mitigation
fees to offset the impacts of the project on public services
(x) A development agreement, including all of the consideration and benefits
received by the City thereunder, which provides the City with certainty
respecting the development process, including but not limited to the potential
uses that will be developed on the property
A Facts
1 The City received comments on the DEIR from members of the public
and from public agencies in both written and oral form The FEIR contains
written responses to all comments ('Responses to Comments ") received on the
DEIR as of December 15, 2005 Some comments were incorporated into the
FEIR as factual corrections and minor changes The FEIR includes all factual
corrections and minor changes to the DEIR
B Finding
Pursuant to CEQA Guideline § 15088 5 and Public Resources Code § 21092 1, and
based on the FEIR and the record of proceedings in for the Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site
Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development, the City Council finds that
1 Factual corrections and minor changes are set forth as additions and
corrections to the DEIR, and
2 The factual corrections and minor changes to the DEIR are not
substantial changes in the DEIR that would deprive the public of a meaningful
opportunity to comment on a substantial adverse environmental effect of the
Rosecrans /Sepulveda Site Rezoning and Plaza El Segundo Development, a
feasible way to mitigate or avoid such an effect, or a feasible Protect alternative,
3 The factual corrections and minor changes to the DEIR will not result in
new significant environmental effects or substantially increase the severity of the
significant effects previously disclosed in the DEIR, and
4 The factual corrections and minor changes to the DEIR will not involve
mitigation measures or alternatives which are considerably different from those
analyzed in the DEIR that would substantially reduce one or more significant
effects on the environment, and
5 The factual corrections and minor changes to the DEIR do not render the
DEIR so fundamentally inadequate and conclusory in nature that meaningful
public review and comment would be precluded
106 i
.t fir,
Thus, the City Council finds that none of the conditions set forth
15088 5 or Public Resources Code § 21092 1 requiring recirculation of
impact report were met The City Council further finds that incorp
corrections and minor changes to the DEIR into the FEIR does not reau
recirculated for public comment
in CEQA Guideline §
a draft environmental
oration of the factual
ire that the FEIR to be
The City Council finds and declares that substantial evidence for each and every finding
made herein is contained in the FEIR, which is incorporated herein by this reference, and in the
record of proceedings in the matter To the extent applicable, each of the other findings made
by the City Council in connection with its approval of the entitlement applications listed in
Section I above are also incorporated herein by this reference
P \Planning & Building Safety \Proiects\626 - 650 \Ea - 631 \Council Agenda Packet \PA -631 CEQ4 Resolution findings Exh
A doc