2005 AUG 16 CC PACKETAGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City- related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and /or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the Meeting During the first Public Communications portion of the Agenda, comments are limited to those items appearing on the Agenda During the second Public Communications portion of the Agenda, comments may be made regarding any matter within the jurisdiction of the City Council Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired Please respect the time limits Members of the Public may place items on the second Public Communications portion of the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p m the prior Tuesday) Other members of the public may comment on these items only during this second Public Communications portion of the Agenda The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes in length In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524 -2305. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2005 - 7:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. SESSION (Adjourn to 7:00 P.M. Session) 7:00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER Next Resolution # 4434 Next Ordinance # 1386 INVOCATION — Pastor Rob McKenna of the El Segundo Foursquare Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Eric Busch PRESENTATIONS — 1 Introduction to the community of Steve Napolitano, Deputy to Supervisor, 4th District, Don Knabe 2 Proclamation presented to Lila Hummel in recognition of her years of public service as the most senior official in the State of California, as she celebrates her 95th birthday on August 22, 2005 ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves poor to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title Recommendation — Approval B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS Consideration and possible action (Continued Public Hearing) regarding adoption of the Recreation and Park Commission's recommendation to increase Swim Lesson fees, Recreation Park Identification Card fees, and Co -ed Softball League fees. (Fiscal Impact: $60,800 revenue) Recommendation — (1) Open Public Hearing and continue to September 6, 2005, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action regarding this item 002 C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 2. Consideration and possible action regarding adoption of a Resolution and introduction of an Ordinance for: 1) the implementation of job classification and salary range changes in the 2005 -06 fiscal year operating budget; and 2) amending the El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) to eliminate the Economic Development Department and the position of Director of Economic Development, and correct the title of Department and Department Head to the Library and Cable Services Department and Director of Library and Cable Services. (Fiscal Impact: $178,850 salary and benefits savinas) Recommendation — (1) Adopt the Resolution establishing a salary range for the new fob classifications of Senior Program Coordinator and Senior Video Technician, (2) Approve the proposed class specifications for the new job classifications of Senior Program Coordinator and Senior Video Technician and the revised class specifications for Assistant City Manager and Assistant Finance Director, (3) Approve the examination plan for Assistant Finance Director, (4) Introduction of Ordinance and waive first reading, (5) Schedule second reading and adoption of Ordinance on September 20, 2005, (6) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 3. Consideration and possible action regarding the Annual Report of the Recreation and Parks Commission. Presentation to be made by Recreation and Parks' Chair. (Fiscal Impact: None) Recommendation — (1) Receive and file Annual Report of Recreation and Parks Commission, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 4. Consideration and possible action regarding a recommendation by the Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Committee to appoint a new member to the Committee. Recommendation — (1) Approve the nomination of Mr Richard Hurst to the Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Committee, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 003 E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business 5. Warrant Numbers 2548627 to 2548883 on Register No. 21 in the total amount of $1,025,008.98 and Wire Transfers from 712212005 through 8/4/2005 in the total amount of $1,425,305.02. Recommendation — Approve Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release Ratify Payroll and Employee Benefit checks, checks released early due to contracts or agreement, emergency disbursements and /or adjustments; and wire transfers 6. City Council Meeting Minutes of August 2, 2005 and Special City Council Meeting Minutes of July 25, 2005. Recommendation — Approval 7. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed revisions to the Firefighter class specification. Recommendation — (1) Approve the proposed class specification, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 8. Consideration and possible action regarding approval to sell or dispose of all property that has become unsuitable for City use including unclaimed Police property. (Fiscal Impact: Unknown) Recommendation — (1) Recommend that City Council declare vehicles, equipment and miscellaneous supplies identified in staff report as surplus and authorize the Risk Manager /Purchasing Agent to sell items at auction, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 9. Consideration and possible action regarding award of contract to S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc. for construction related to the Residential Sound Insulation Program's Group 7 (24 residences). (Estimated construction cost and retention: $792,110) Recommendation — (1) Award contract to S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc, (2) Authorize the City Manager to execute a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney, (3) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item, 004 4 10. Consideration and possible action regarding a Special Event Use Permit from the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce for the Annual Richmond Street Fair on Saturday, October 8, 2005. (Fiscal Impact: $1,500) Recommendation — (1) Approve Special Event Use Permit to provide use of city equipment and services and to waive all fees associated with use of said services and equipment for the 2005 Annual Richmond Street Fair, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item 11. Consideration and possible action regarding the request of the El Segundo Police and Fire Associations to host their Annual Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, September 10, 2005 in front of Fire Station 1. (Fiscal Impact: $800) Recommendation — (1) Waive fees for city services associated with the Pancake Breakfast, (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA F. NEW BUSINESS G. REPORTS — CITY MANAGER — NONE H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY — NONE I. REPORTS —CITY CLERK — NONE J. REPORTS — CITY TREASURER K. REPORTS — CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Boulgarides — Council Member Busch — Council Member Jacobson — Mayor Pro Tem Gaines — Mayor McDowell — UUJ PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have receive value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any Item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed MEMORIALS - CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et sue) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation, andlor discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel), and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) ADJOURNMENT POSTED DATE /t0 TIME NAME L Oa 006 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE. August 16, 2005 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Soecial Orders of Business Consideration and possible action (Continued Public Hearing) regarding adoption of the Recreation and Park Commission's recommendation to increase Swim Lesson fees, Recreation Park Identification Card fees, and Co -ed Softball League fees (Fiscal Impact $60,800 revenue) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1) Open Public Hearing and continue to September 6, 2005, 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION, On July 19, 2005 the City Council continued the public hearing regarding adoption of the Recreation and park Commission's recommendation to increase Swim Lesson fees, Recreation Park Identification Card fees and Co -ed Softball Leagues fees until August 16, 2005 It is recommended that this Public Hearing be continued to September 6, 2005 ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. None FISCAL IMPACT: NONE Operating Budget: Amount Requested: Account Number: Project Phase. Appropriation Required: ORIGINATED BY: DATE: August 9, 2005 1�1u1�oMNtu� i Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk City Manager 007 1 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE August 16, 2005 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING. Unfinished Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION. Consideration and possible action regarding adoption of a Resolution and Introduction of an Ordinance for 1) the Implementation of fob classification and salary range changes in the 2005 -06 fiscal year operating budget and 2) amending the El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) to eliminate the Economic Development Department and the position of Director of Economic Development, and correct the title of Department and Department Head to the Library and Cable Services Department and Director of Library and Cable Services Fiscal Impact $178,850 salary and benefits savings RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION' 1) Adopt the Resolution establishing a salary range for the new fob classifications of Senior Program Coordinator and Senior Video Technician, 2) Approve the proposed class specifications for the new job classifications of Senior Program Coordinator and Senior Video Technician and the revised class specifications for Assistant City Manager and Assistant Finance Director; 3) Approve the examination plan for Assistant Finance Director, 4) Introduction of Ordinance and waive first reading, 5) Schedule second reading and adoption of Ordinance on September 20, 2005, 6) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION On July 25, 2005 at the Strategic Planning Session, Council provided direction to Staff to move forward with the job classification and salary range changes reflected In this agenda Item - continued on next page - ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS 1) Resolution establishing basic monthly salary ranges 2) Class specifications for Senior Program Coordinator, Senior Video Technician, Assistant City Manager and Assistant Finance Director 3) Ordinance amending ESMC FISCAL IMPACT; $178,850 salary and benefit savings Operating Budget Amount Requested Account Number Project Phase Appropriation Required. _ Yes X No ORIGINATED BY- DATE. August 3, 2005 R Bret Plumlee, Director of Administrative Services City Manager agenda535 003 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION (continued), Adoption of the Resolution, approval of the class specifications and approval of the examination plan is necessary in order to begin to implement the approved organizational changes be effective October 1, 2005 following adoption of the 2005 -2006 fiscal year budget With the Assistant City Manager position assuming responsibility for the City's Economic Development program, elimination of the Economic Development Department and the position of Director of Economic Development from Chapter 6 of the ESMC is required Additional admimsterial changes to this Chapter are also being made to reflect the correct title of the Library and Cable Services Department and Director ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER The positions of Assistant City Manager and Director of Economic Development are currently vacant Staff is proposing to eliminate the Director to Economic Development position and incorporate those duties into the Assistant City Manager position The characteristic duties to be performed by the individual selected to fill the position would include, the following ■ Assist the City Manager in administering the laws and ordinances governing the City, ■ Manage and coordinate all program activities related to business recruitment and retention for the City, ■ Establish and maintain effective working relationships with the local real estate community and business organizations, ■ Develop and manage budget for Economic Development Division of City Manager's office, • Develop and implement advertising campaigns appropriate to the City's Economic Development effort, • Assist in preparation of annual budget for individual departments or staff to ensure appropriate program and service delivery, • Resolves discrepancies and procedural problems and /or responds to program delivery problems to ensure appropriate delivery of services; • Works closely with members of the City Council and the public in responding to requests for service and /or resolving concerns related to the delivery of services; • As a member of the Executive Management Team, participates in the management of the City and may serve on various committees, boards and task forces The primary function of the restructured Assistant City Manager position would be the management of the City's Economic Development program However, as is traditional with such positions, the individual serving in that capacity would also perform "generalist" duties, such as serving as Acting City Manager in the City Manager's absence, assuming a primary role in the annual budget process and assisting the handling of daily operations, such as agenda preparation, assembly and distribution 009 The combination of the two positions would allow full integration of the Economic Development function into the City Manager's office, as envisioned by the City Council during last year's budget deliberations Staff recommends that the salary and benefits currently in place for the Assistant City Manager position be retained The current salary range for that position is $9,577 to $11,669 /month Combining the Assistant City Manager and Director of Economic Development functions would result in the elimination of one Department Head position — thus saving up to $183,300 in salary and benefits If Council approves the elimination of the Director of Economic Development position and the incorporation of those duties into the Assistant City Manager position, the Human Resources Division would initiate the recruitment, testing and selection process necessary to fill the position It is anticipated that this process will take approximately ten to twelve weeks ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR The Assistant Finance Director (AFD) position was eliminated afterthe previous incumbent left the City in August 2004, and a new position of Senior Administrative Analyst (SAA) was created The majority of the previous duties of the AFD were shifted to the Director of Administrative Services and supplemented through the use of professional services throughout FY 2004 -2005 The objectives of creating the SAA were two -fold In the short-term, many of the duties previously handled by the AFD were to be shifted to both the Director of Administrative Services and the SAA The duties of the SAA would also have included providing administrative support to other departments on various citywide protects The long -term objective was to train the SAA to the point of being able to coordinate the Citywide budget, overseeing payroll and benefits personnel, and possibly moving it back into a management position The initial attempt to fill this position was done through a closed promotional recruitment, which proved unsuccessful Staff then went outside of the City to recruit a candidate The City received many applications for the position, but there were a limited number of qualified candidates that could have met both the short-term and long -term objectives of City Management As a result, the recruitment was cancelled and staff is now recommending reinstating the AFD position The AFD position is critical in the City to provide the budget and general project support and financial expertise to the City Council, City Manager, and all departments as well as assisting the Director of Administrative Services to run the day -to -day operations of the Administrative Services Department Without the position, the Director of Administrative Services position becomes much too hands on and the management of the day -to -day operations in the department as well as the ability to provide support to the organization and the public suffers If Council approves the reinstatement of the Assistant Finance Director position, the Human Resources Division would initiate the recruitment, testing and selection process necessary to fill the position It is anticipated that this process will take approximately eight to ten weeks nI() Staff is recommending no change to the current salary range ($7121 - $8676 /month) for the Assistant Finance Director job classification EXAMINATION PLAN FOR ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR The following position's exam plan has never been established and is now being submitted to the City Council for approval For departments other than the Police and Fire Departments, the plan may consist of any one or combination of the following techniques 1 Written, 2 Oral, 3 Demonstration, 4 Any evaluation of education, experience, or skills or physical fitness, which fairly evaluated the relative capacities of the applicants Police and Fire Departments The examination plan, for entrance or promotional, for the Police and Fire Departments, shall consist of a written examination and one or more of the following Oral, Demonstration, Any evaluation of education certification, experience, or skills or any test of manual skills or physical fitness, which fairly evaluates the relative capacities of the applicant ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR Structured, Technical and Career Preparation Oral Interview (Open- Competitive) Weighted 100% SENIOR PROGRAM COORDINATOR Staff proposes to reclassify the position of Program Coordinator to a Senior Program Coordinator position Currently, the position of Program Coordinator oversees the Residential Sound Insulation (RSI) program for the City In addition to the Program Coordinator responsibilities, the Senior Program Coordinator position will be responsible for overseeing the Hyperion Citizens Forum and representing the City at the LAX Airport / Community Noise Roundtable One of the Senior Program Coordinator's new responsibilities would be to represent the City at the Hyperion Citizen's Forum This requires the Senior Program to attend monthly meetings, effectively communicate with residents, manage the City's mitigation monitor and other City consultants, and address any of Hyperion's operational impacts that may affect the City Oil The Senior Program Coordinator will also be responsible for representing the City at the LAX Airport/Community Noise Roundtable meetings This requires the Senior Program Coordinator to attend bimonthly meetings, effectively communicate with attending residents, and address LAX's operational impacts on the City The expected total cost (with benefits) for reclassifying the position from Program Coordinator to Senior Program Coordinator is $19,300 per year at the top step of E The first year fiscal impact will be $4,450 because, if approved, the incumbent will begin at step B in the new salary range The recommended salary range is $5534 - $6743 /month Staff proposes to fund the reclassified position through the City's RSI program which is made up 80% by FAA federal funds and 20% by homeowners participating in the program Staff will monitor the time spent on the additional assignments and if it is determined to take more than 10% of staff's time then during the next budget cycle, staff will propose to offset the equivalent salary amount through the General Fund The fob classification will be represented by the Supervisory and Professional Employees Association SENIOR VIDEO TECHNICIAN Currently, the Community Cable Division utilizes three part-time, non - benefited fob classifications, Video Technician I, II, and III The majority of the employees in these fob classifications are students who require direct supervision The individual hired for the new part-time fob classification of Senior Video Technician would have primary responsibility for 1) supervising the Video Technicians during evening, weekend and additional hours when the division's full -time employees are not available and 2) training and developing the skill levels of part-time staff, which is a critical ongoing division need Establishment of the Senior Video Technician job classification would provide the Community Cable Division with both increased technical resources and options to better utilize current full time staff members. A part-time Senior Video Technician would provide the technical and supervisory skills needed during evenings and weekends to accomplish tasks normally required by the permanent division staff members This more highly - skilled and responsible position would fill a supervisory level need, use existing part-time hours to reduce overtime pay, and contribute to the overall quality of service within the division Senior Video Technician would be paid at the same hourly pay level as it's counterpart in Recreation Division operations, Recreation Leader IV The position is budgeted to work 20 -25 hours per week The recommended salary range is $14 69 -$17 90 /hour 012 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A SALARY RANGE FOR THE NEW JOB CLASSIFICATIONS OF SENIOR PROGRAM COORDINATOR AND SENIOR VIDEO TECHNICIAN BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of El Segundo as follows SECTION 1 The City Council approves the following basic monthly salary range for the new lob classification of Senior Program Coordinator STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E Range 46s $5534 $5814 $6108 $6418 $6743 SECTION 2 The City Council approves the following basic monthly salary range for the new lob classification of Senior Video Technician STEP A STEP B E Range 31 pt $1469 $1544 $1790 STEP C STEP D STEP $1622 $17.04 SECTION 3 The City Clerk will certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution; will enter the same in the book of original Resolutions of said City, and will make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the record of proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted SECTION 4 This Resolution will remain effective until superseded by a subsequent resolution SECTION 5 This Resolution will become effective immediately upon adoption PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of August, 2005 Kelly McDowell, Mayor 013 ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) 1, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five, that the foregoing resolution, being RESOLUTION NO. was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 16th day of August 2005, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote NOES ABSENT' ABSTENTION NOT PARTICIPATING WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this 16th day of August, 2005 APPRi Mark C M Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk Of the City of El Segundo, California TEAL) 014 City of El Segundo, CA Job Description Job Code: 105 SENIOR PROGRAM COORDINATOR Definition: Under general supervision, coordinates internal and external staff, consultants, contractors, resources, functions and activities of, and provides professional management and administrative support to the City's Residential Sound Insulation Program (RSI) Essential Functions, Essential functions, as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act, may include the following duties and responsibilities, knowledge, skills and other characteristics This list of duties and responsibilities is ILLUSTRATIVE ONLY, and is not a comprehensive listing of all functions and tasks performed by positions in this class Characteristic Duties and Responsibilities: Positions in this classification typically perform a full range of duties at a level of complexity represented by the following types of responsibilities Coordinates and facilitates administrative and/or management functions including accounting, purchasing and related activities for the RSI Program Administers designated contract and grant- funded program activities Participates in the development of program, grant and /or contract goals and objectives Participates in budget development and preparation for federal grants Monitors and analyzes budget related activities Participates in the supervision of Office Specialist I position Attends and participates in the Hyperion Citizen Forum Meets with Hyperion staff to address ongoing plant operation impacts to the community Meets with residents to address plant operation concerns Monitors, coordinates and facilitates work of externai consultants Leads or participates in committee activities, represents the City and /or a department and coordinates activities among City departments, agencies and organizations, and the community; may serves as coordinator, facilitator and point of contact Monitors, coordinates and facilitates work of external consultants and contractors Manages and administers construction contracts, - inspects and reviews project sites, construction schedules, change orders, and construction quality Conducts research and statistical analyses, prepares and presents reports of findings and recommendations Attends, pareticipates, and represents the City in airport related functions and activities 01-3 May- Pprovides administrative and management assistance to City executives, management, other City personnel and the public regarding administrative, fiscal or operational issues, and other policies and procedures May- pProwdes professional -level staff support to City committees, boards and other groups, including coordinating meeting schedules and agendas, facilitating meetings, etc , represents the City at meetings and commits the department to a course of action, may coordinate and facilitate Citywide functions and events Characteristic Duties and Responsibilities (Continued): Responds to inquiries from other City employees and the public regarding the City's RSI program Provides public and media relations for programs and advisory committees, including developing and producing promotional and information materials Knowledge, Skills and Other Characteristics. Knowledge of principles of municipal organization and administration Knowledge of organization and functions of the assigned department Knowledge of computer applications in administrative functions Knowledge of related laws, ordinances and regulations Knowledge of principles of research, statistical analysis and report preparation Knowledge of construction management - Skill in performing complex professional administrative and analytical work Skill in interpreting and applying laws, ordinances and policies Skill in conducting research, analyzing statistical and other data, and preparing and presenting reports Skill in providing information and explaining laws, policies and procedures to others Skill in communicating effectively orally and in writing Skill in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with other City employees and the public Licensing /Certification Requirements: A valid California Driver's license is required Working Conditions. Typical office environment and exposure to environmental conditions presented at community businesses, homes and other locations Qualifications: A Bachelors degree in Business Administration, Public Administration, Construction Management or a closely related field, and four (4) years of increasingly responsible program 016 administration and/or management experience, or an equivalent combination of education and experience 0 11 City of El Segundo, CA Senior Video Technician Job Description Definition Under direct supervision of the Cable Manager, this position assists in planning, developing, and producing most aspects of live, taped and remote Community Cable television production and operation Essential Functions Essential functions, as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act, may include the following duties and responsibilities, knowledge, skills and other characteristics This list of duties and responsibilities is ILLUSTRATIVE ONLY, and is not a comprehensive listing of all functions and tasks performed by positions in this class Characteristic Duties and Resnonsibilitres. Perform pre -to -post video production duties Duties include, producing, production set -ups, directing, camera operation, editing and talent roles Produce feature segments, Direct multi-camera production van remotes, full - length programs, public service announcements and promotional materials Coordinate with appropriate Elected Officials, City Departments and public for any special programming and /or requests Conducts Cable operations in absence of Program Manager, Production Specialist and Computer Gi aphics Designer Knowledge. Skills and Other Characteristics Knowledge of television and video production theory and practices Knowledge of editing systems and video production equipment Knowledge of computers and associated software programs used in video production Skill in development and production of cable television programs Skill analyzing technical problems and implementing effective corrective action Skill developing and implementing effective program procedures Skill researching and developing program ideas and concepts Skill utilizing public relations techniques responding to inquiries and complaints Skill training, evaluating and motivating employees, volunteers and students Skill in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with Cable staff, Elected Officials, City Departments staff and the local public Working Conditions Typical cable studio and office environment Exposure to various environmental conditions during field production shoots Position works flexible schedules assigned by Program Manager Flexible production demands will fluctuate hours worked that include evenings and weekends Licensing/ Certification Requirements A %alid California driver's license Minimum Qualifications. One year experience in video broadcast media or television production U18 City of Ell Segundo, CA ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER Job Description Job Code. 102 Definition: Under administrative direction, assists in planning, directing and managing the overall operations of the City Essential Functions: Essential functions, as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act, may include the following duties and responsibilities, knowledge, skills and other characteristics This list of duties and responsibilities is ILLUSTRATIVE ONLY, and is not a comprehensive listing of all functions and tasks performed by positions in this class Characteristic Duties and Responsibilities. Assists the City Manager in administering laws and ordinances governing the City, including business recruitment and retention for the City, establish and maintain effective working relationships with the local real estate community and business organizations, provides professional administrative and analytical assistance to the City Manager and City officials, assists departments and the City Manager in the development of short- range, long -range and strategic plans and project management, gathers, interprets and prepares data for studies, reports and recommendations, directs and /or conducts assigned protect and program activities, administers assigned contracts, prepares various comprehensive reports on City administrativeioperationai activities, makes presentations to the City Council, boards, commissions, civic groups and the public, coordinates staff and activities with other departments and agencies as needed Develop and manage budget for Economic Development Division of City Manager's office, develop and implement advertising campaigns appropriate to the City's Economic Development effort Works closely with members of the City Council and the public in responding to requests for service and /or resolving concerns related to the delivery of services Assists in the preparation of annual budgets for individual departments and the City's comprehensive annual budget, monitors revenues and expenditures, and performs cost control activities Coordinates Fiscal Operations activities with activities of other programs, departments or staff to ensure program delivery according to appropriate policies, procedures and specifications Resolves discrepancies or procedural problems and responds to program administration and /or program delivery questions, ensuring necessary follow -up occurs, controls program records for operational and budget accountability Confers with and advises staff and the public by providing advice, problem solving assistance, answers to questions and interpretation of City goals and policy As a member of the City's Executive Management team, participates in the management of the City and may serve on various committees, boards and task forces U1� Assistant City Manager Directly and through subordinate supervisors, hires, directs work efforts and evaluates staff, provides for and /or conducts staff development, establishes work methods and standards, initiates corrective and /or disciplinary action and responds to grievances and complaints according to established personnel policies and procedures and in consultation with Human Resources Knowledae. Skills and Other Characteristics: Knowledge of organization, administration and operations of municipal government Knowledge of principles, practices and policies of public personnel administration Knowledge of the principles and practices of effective leadership, management and supervision Knowledge of project management principles and practices Skill in administrative program development, implementation, operations and evaluation Skill in preparing complex financial and statistical reports Skill in assessing objectives and operational requirements to develop and implement strategic plans, appropriate operational policies and procedures Skill in analyzing, evaluating and recommending improvements to City operations, programs and services Skill in managing, developing, motivating and evaluating professional and support staff Skill in managing special projects, activities and programs Skill in conducting research and preparing clear, concise and comprehensive reports Skill in understanding and applying complex regulations, procedures and guidelines Skill in communicating effectively orally and in writing Skill in using personal computers and office software in a Windows -based operating environment Skill in working under pressure, handling significant problems and tasks that arise simultaneously and /or unexpectedly Skill in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with governmental officials, City employees, the media and the public Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in Public Administration, Business Administration or a directly related field, and seven (7) years of municipal administration experience, including four (4) years of management and supervisory experience, or an equivalent combination of education and experience 020 City of El Segundo, CA ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR Job Description Job Code: 302 Definition: Under general direction, assists in the development, management, operation and evaluation of fiscal affairs and operations for the City Essential Functions: Essential functions, as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act, may include the following duties and responsibilities, knowledge, skills and other characteristics This list of duties and responsibilities is ILLUSTRATIVE ONLY, and is not a comprehensive listing of all functions and tasks performed by positions in this class Characteristic Duties and Responsibilities: Assists in the planning, direction and coordination of activities and services within the €manse Administrative Services Department, participates in the development of policy and procedures, recommends and participates in the development of departmental goals, objectives and policies, assists in the administration of contracts for department services and ensures services are provided according to contract provisions Assists in the implementation and administration of fiscal management programs including budget monitoring, forecasting, collection /disbursement of revenues, internal and external audits and preparation of the City's annual budget, prepares financial reports according to federal and state rules, regulations and laws, City policies and procedures, and generally accepted accounting principles Prepares financial, statistical, budgetary and analytical studies and reports, prepares detailed financial statements, verifies fund balances, prepares revenue projections, audits revenues, expenditures and grants In collaboration with the Director, provides leadership, program development, administration and coordination of fiscal operations and services, serves as liaison with the community, professional groups and other external contacts and resources on behalf of the City Coordinates fiscal operations activities with activities of other programs, departments or staff to ensure program delivery according to appropriate policies, procedures and specifications Resolves discrepancies or procedural problems and responds to program administration and /or program delivery questions ensuring necessary follow -up occurs, controls program records for operational and budget accountability, confers with and advises staff and program participants by providing advice, problem solving assistance, answers to questions and interpretation of program goals and policy Directly and through subordinate supervisors, recruits, directs work efforts and evaluates staff, provides for and /or conducts staff development, establishes work methods and standards, initiates corrective and /or disciplinary action and responds to grievances and complaints according to established personnel policies and procedures and in consultation with Human Resources Knowledge, Skills and Other Characteristics: Knowledge of fiscal operations and generally accepted accounting principles and practices Knowledge of automated business computing systems Knowledge of the principles and practices of effective leadership, management and supervision Knowledge of project management principles and practices Skill in program development, implementation and evaluation Skill in preparing complex financial and statistical reports Skill in managing, developing, motivating and evaluating professional and support staff Skill in managing special projects, activities and programs Skill in assessing objectives and operational requirements to develop and implement appropriate operational policies and procedures Skill in the use of personal computers and office and financial related software Skill in conducting research and preparing clear, concise and comprehensive reports Skill in understanding and applying complex regulations, procedures and guidelines Skill in communicating effectively orally and in writing Skill in working under pressure, handling significant problems and tasks that arise simultaneously and /or unexpectedly Skill in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with staff, other City employees, and the public Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, Finance or a directly related field; and five (5) years of progressively responsible government accounting experience including two (2) years of management and supervisory experience, or an equivalent combination of education and experience 02,41 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE §§ 1-6-3 AND 1 -6 -5 REGARDING CITY DEPARTMENTS AND DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS. The city council of the city of El Segundo does ordain as follows- SECTION 1 The City Council finds as follows. A The El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC ") provides that the City Council may from time to time by Ordinance designate departments, appointive officers, or employees of the City; B It is in the best interest of the City to list all existing City departments in the Municipal Code and officers excluded from the Personnel Merit System, and C It is in the best interest of the City to eliminate the Economic Development Department and the position of Director of Economic Development D It is in the best interest of the City to correct the title of the Department and Department Head to Library and Cable Services Department and Director of Library and Cable Services SECTION 2 ESMC § 1 -6 -3 is amended in its entirety to read as follows "Sec 1 -6 -3 CITY DEPARTMENTS Effective October 1, 2005, the organization of city government consists of the following departments Administrative Services Department City Administration Fire Department Library and Cable Services Department Planning and Building Safety Department Police Department Public Works Department Recreation and Parks Department" ESMC § 1 -6 -4 is amended in its entirety to read as follows "Sec 1 -6 -4 EXCLUSIONS 023 Those officers and members of departments in addition to department heads and elected officers who are expressly excluded from the merit system are Assistant City Manager City Attorney City Engineer City Manager Street Superintendent Water and Sanitation Superintendent" ESMC § 1 -6 -5 is amended in its entirety to read as follows* "Sec 1 -6 -5• DEPARTMENT HEADS For the purpose of this chapter and for the purpose of initiative Ordinance 586 and for the purpose of ordinances expanding the coverage of initiative Ordinance 586, and not by way of limitation, effective October 1, 2005, the term "Department Head" includes Chief of Police City Manager Director of Administrative Services Director of Planning and Building Safety Director of Public Works. Director of Recreation and Parks Fire Chief Director of Library and Cable Services " Repeal of any provision of the ESMC herein will not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before, this Ordinance's effective date Any such repealed part will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the city council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable 024 The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and, within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law This Ordinance will become effective on the thirty -first (31st) day following its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _ day of 2005 Kelly McDowell, Mayor ATTEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Ordinance No. was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the day of 2005, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of 2005, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROVED Mark D Hen M H. Berger, KsVstant City 025 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE- August 16, 2005 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Committees Commissions and Boards AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding the Annual Report of the Recreation and Parks Commission Presentation to be made by Recreation and Parks' Chair (Fiscal Impact: None) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1. Receive and File Annual Report of Recreation and Parks Commission; 2 Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION. City Council has requested that Committees, Commissions and Boards give an Annual Report updating the Council on their accomplishments over the last year and their goals and objectives for the coming year The Recreation and Parks Commissions appointed a sub - committee to meet and prepare the attached report for Council's review. Accomplishments, goals and objectives along with some Department statistics are included in the attached report. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Annual Recreation and Parks Commission Report FISCAL IMPACT: None Operating Budget: Account Number: Amount Requested: Project Phase: Appropriation Required: _ _yes _ No ORIGINATED: DATE: Debbie Bundy, Recreation and Parks Commis on Chair /V] City Manager 3 wnn�naa��.rn aptiviniau Lwu %.,unumssioners to worK wim [;ommunity groups and staff in establishing guidelines for the Operation of Camp Eucalyptus. Camp Eucalyptus has been operating smoothly for about a year. There are approximately 300 reservations a year, for approximately 4,500 participants. company. In addition to Recreation programs the Recreation and Parks Commission help Park Staff to set priorities for service. The City has 20 parks to maintain, over 82 acres. They maintain 51/2 miles of landscaped median islands, and over 4000 026 027 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 16, 2005 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING Committees, Commissions and Boards AGENDA DESCRIPTION Consideration and possible action regarding a recommendation by the Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Committee to appoint a new member to the Committee. RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION, 1) Approve the nomination of Mr Richard Hurst to the Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Committee, 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION Councilmember Jacobson, as liaison to the Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Committee, requested that this item be placed on the City Council agenda under Reports from Committees, Commissions and Boards The City Council approved the updated and amended by -laws of the El Segundo Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Committee (ASNAC) on September 20, 1994 Section III of the by -laws states that "(a)pplication for membership may be made to the chairperson, who shall present the name of the applicant to the committee for vote " Section IV states that "all committee members must be approved by the City Council " The Council last took action to appoint a member of ASNAC in April 2000 The individual who has applied to ASNAC and is being recommended for appointment currently is Richard Hurst ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. Application for membership in ASNAC and copy of by -laws governing new committee appointments FISCAL IMPACT: N/A Operating Budget Amount Requested. Account Number: Project Phase, Appropriation Required: _Yes _ No In 030 APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP IN THE, EL SEGUNDO AVIATION SAFETY AND NOISE ABATEMENT COMMITTEE Nominee's Full Name. /?I I C t4 13 RV) U RST (Please Print) Nominees Street Address: L K Z V1 t2 c� l N i )' � Sf Nominee's Phone Number. (Home) 310 32 Z — Z 66 S (Work) I have read and understand the by -laws of the El Segundo Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Committee and my responsibilities if accepted as a member of that Committee. (Nom (nee's Si ture) Date ----------------------------------------------------------- The El Segundo Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Committee has voted upon this nomination and fully supports this nominee's application. CO �� /Lieaarnhol7, Chair Date 031 BY -LAWS lcont.nued) SECTION III. Application for membership may be made to the chairperson, who shall present the name of the applicant to the committee for vote SECTION IV All committee memaerb must be approved by the City Council SECTION V Members may become eligible for service awards after two years of active participation ARTICLE IV VOTING SECTION I A ma3ority of voting status members, in attendance, shall be necessary for the passage of any issue before the committee unless a 2/3 vote of the committee is required Reference Roberts Rules of Order, latest edition ARTICLE V OFFICERS SECTION I The officers of this committee shall consist of a chairman, and a vice - chairman, elected by this committee, and a non - voting secretary- treasurer orovided by the City SECTION II. The length of the term of officers shall be for one year, term to begin first meeting subsequent to July 1st SECTION III, standing /special committees, with respective chair appointed by the committee chairman, shall carry on the work and e,ecute the plans of the committee A standing committee is a long term committee A special committee is a short term, specific goal oriented committee ARTICLE VI DUTIES OF OFFICERS SECTION I The duty of the chairman is to preside at the meetings The chairman shall have general supervision of all plans for carrying on the work of the committee, and shall appoint any member of the committee to assist in eeecuting any R,,.,<d 9,1994 1 of rar 0340 BY -LAWS (concluded) phase of the work The chairman shall be an ex officio member of any standing or special committees SECTION II The vice- chairman shall serve in the absence of the chairman SECTION III The secretary- treasurer shall be responsible for the minutes of the meetings, execute the correspondence of the committee, and shall be responsible for disbursements and financial recordkeeping for all moneys disbursed as directed by the chair ARTICLE VII MEETINGS SECTION I The regular meeting of this committee shall be on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 00 PM, in the E1 Segundo City Hall SECTION II Special meetings may be called by the chair or the committee secretary- treasurer ARTICLE VIII. STANDING COMMITTEES OR SPECIAL COMMITTEES SECTION I Standing or special committees, whose chair shall be appointed by the committee chairman, shall carry on the plans and projects of the committee, and standing or special committee SECTION II Standing or special committees may be formed at the discretion of the chair ARTICLE I% AMENDMENT OF BY -LAWS SECTION I: Phese by -laws may be amended or altered by a two - thirds (213) vote of voting members, in attendance, at any regular or special meeting, providing the notice for the meeting includes the proposals for amendments Any proposed amendment or alterations shall be submitted to the members in writinq, at least ten (10) days before the meeting at which they are to be acted upon R<, ,s<d 9, 1994 1013 033 z SLL Z m W J N F W � >O>i tp U � 3 w W r N N W K N N N J li J Q yO Q n $ o m e n v 9 vmi $ fi r $ N 0 m 0 w a W b A U�� U m jean u5�op 13 °3 `-145 xp$yq me aY�W a'vnE O u u p pa;££vz xSFF° W n o x T win EY °- � u�vA3 m U pv 5 `o _ w U K m N � W � z C--1 0 O W t13.� w o z w LL N i W J f LL K > U a Om m W > LL F K W U Z 3 2 m 0 0 0 D Z wY KKKK m O 5Z 00 n LL . (j W -Z. R 'j U 2 2 N <p Z F F Z Qj� $ LL Z m W LL Y KO¢ 2 Cj m ZU ¢ Q U W W Q O O LL IJi , 6' Q LLLLUK�M1nf9� y pwwwLL LL�gW OW Z Ky»w o���mNQiQz� LLQ h O LL W> w 0KZ U w K Z M1 j N W LL Q K F Z Z oz 00 2 N Q Q UU� 6 U 11YH Y Y W LL' 2W LL _ y Q W J K 2w p O O aw Nci �a ° z 0 LL ? LL 3 3 t� ¢ w o - m 0 w a W b A U�� U m jean u5�op 13 °3 `-145 xp$yq me aY�W a'vnE O u u p pa;££vz xSFF° W n o x T win EY °- � u�vA3 m U pv 5 `o _ w U K m N � W � z C--1 0 O W t13.� Z W i Z 4 OZ W J O N UY W 2 U O m O > Q O S o m p u S E E Q Fc S n p u y O D y u v K Y o n $ o x d m o y x E B v o z < Oz _ a U LLO b o N — U Z a 0 x 6 9 OU OU rc �i _ u m 0 w a W b A U�� U m jean u5�op 13 °3 `-145 xp$yq me aY�W a'vnE O u u p pa;££vz xSFF° W n o x T win EY °- � u�vA3 m U pv 5 `o _ w U K m N � W � z C--1 0 O W t13.� CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 7/22/2005 THROUGH 8/4/2005 Date Payee Amount Description 7/11/05 West Basin 830,676 55 H2O Payment (7/21 wire memo) 7/20105 La Salle 43,725 00 ABAG monthly payment (7/21 wire memo) 7/22/05 Cal PERS 239,17314 PERS Retirement 7/27/05 Health Comp 1,40000 Weekly claims 7/22 7/28/05 IRS 194,722 28 Federal Taxes 7/28/05 Employment Development 41,138 01 State Taxes 7/29/05 Federal Reserve 20000 Employee I Bonds 7/29/05 Federal Reserve 20000 Employee EE Bonds 8/1/05 La Salle 44,837 50 ABAG monthly payment 8/4105 Lane Donovan Golf Partners 18,858 90 Golf Course Payroll Transfer 8/4/05 Health Comp 8000 Weekly claims 7/29 7/22 - 8/4/05 Workers Comp Activity 10,293 64 SCRMA checks issued DATE OF RATIFICATION: 8/16/05 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE' Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by 1,425,305 02 Date Director of nistrative Service Date �,/ (U l City er D to Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo 1,425,305.02 035 REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 2005 — 5 00 P M 5 00 P M SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor McDowell at 5 00 p m. ROLL CALL Mayor McDowell - Present Mayor Pro Tem Gaines - Present Council Member Boulgarides - Present Council Member Busch - Present Council Member Jacobson - Present SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS Discussion and possible action regarding appointing Jeff Stewart, City Manager, as Labor Negotiator with respect to El Segundo Firefighter's Association Inc , I A F F Local 3682 MOVED by Council Member Boulgandes, SECONDED by Council Member Jacobson to appoint Jeff Stewart, City Manager, as Labor Negotiator with respect to El Segundo Firefighter's Association Inc., I A F F Local 3682 MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 City Attorney Mark Hensley announced that Council would be meeting in closed session pursuant to items identified on the agenda CLOSED SESSION The City Council may moved into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et seq.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation; and /or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel), and /or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators; as follows MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6 AUGUST 2, 2005 PAGE NO 1 036 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956.9(a)) — 5 matters 1 City of El Segundo v City of Los Angeles, et al , LASC No BS094279 2 Re Variance Application of City of Los Angeles, Department of Airports for Los Angeles International Airports, Department of Transportation, State of California, Case No 2009060244 3 City of El Segundo v 2221 Park Place, LASC Case No. BC319034 4 City of El Segundo v CTF2 Alaska, LASC Case No BC319033 5. Ward v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No BC325247 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956 9(b) -1- potential case (no further public statement is required at this time), Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956 9(c) 2- matters DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) — 0 matter CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54957 6) -1- matter Labor Negotiations Represented Group El Segundo Firefighter's Association Inc, I A F F Local 3682 City Negotiator Jeff Stewart CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956 8) -0- matter SPECIAL MATTERS - 0- matter Council recessed at 6.55 p.m. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 2, 2005 PAGE NO 2 0 J '1 REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 2005 - 7 00 P M 7 00 P M SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor McDowell at 7 00 p m INVOCATION — Rabbi Allen Freehling, Executive Director of the Los Angeles City Human Relations Commission PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Jim Boulgarides PRESENTATIONS — (a) Introduction to the community of Linda Conkey, Manager, Government and Public Relations, Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems ROLL CALL Mayor McDowell - Present Mayor Pro Tern Gaines - Present Council Member Boulgarides - Present Council Member Busch - Present Council Member Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed Liz Garnholz, Resident, requested clarification on item E -4, the adoption of an Ordinance to prohibit smoking on the beach within the City of El Segundo She stated that the beach in question belongs to the City of Los Angeles A PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 2, 2005 PAGE NO 3 038 MOVED by Council Member Jacobson, SECONDED by Council Member Boulgandes to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 B SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS Consideration and possible action (Public Hearing) regarding a Resolution of the City of El Segundo, California, finding the City to be in conformance with the annual Congestion Management Program (CMP) and adopting the annual CMP Local Development Report, in accordance with California Government Code Section 65089 Mayor McDowell stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a public hearing regarding a Resolution of the City of El Segundo, California, finding the City to be in conformance with the annual Congestion Management Program (CMP) and adopting the annual CMP Local Development Report, in accordance with California Government Code Section 65089. Clerk Mortesen stated that proper notice of the hearing was given and no communication was received by the City Clerk's Office. Steve Finton, Director of Public Works, gave a brief report MOVED by Council Member Jacobson, SECONDED, by Mayor ProTem Gaines to close the public hearing MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read by title only: RESOLUTION NO 4432 A RESOLUTION FINDING THE CITY TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (CMP) AND ADOPTING THE CMP LOCAL DEVELOPMENT REPORT PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE § 65089 MOVED by Council Member Boulgardes, SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Gaines to adopt Resolution No. 4432 finding the City to be in compliance with the Congestion Management Program and adopting the CMP local Development Report MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 C UNFINISHED BUSINESS D REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS E CONSENT AGENDA All items fisted are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 2, 2005 PAGE NO 4 039 Z Approved Warrant Numbers 2548389 to 2548626 on Register No 20 In the total amount of $1,663,893 00 and Wire Transfers from 7/8/2005 through 7/21/2005 In the total amount of $833,300 74 Authorized staff to release. Ratified Payroll and Employee Benefit checks, checks released early due to contracts or agreement; emergency disbursements and /or adjustments, and wire transfers 3 Approved City Council Meeting Minutes of July 19, 2005 4 Adopted Ordinance No 1385 adding a new Section 10 -3 -12 to Chapter 3 of Title 10 of the El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) entitled "Beach Regulations" to prohibit smoking at the public beach within the City of El Segundo 5 Approved Resolution No 4433 authorizing the annual destruction of Identified records in accordance with the provisions of § 34090 of the Government Code of the State of California (Fiscal Impact Not to exceed $1,000) 6 Received and filed the FY 2005 -2006 Preliminary Operating Budget and Five Year Capital Improvement Project Plan and published key budget dates of a) Budget Workshop — August 16, 2005, 5 00 p m , b) Public Hearing — September 6, 2005, 7 00 p m , c) Continued Public Hearing and Adoption — September 20, 2005, 7 00 p m 7 Accepted the FAA Grant Agreement No 3499 for Project No AIP 3 -06- 0139 -32 for a $2,000,000 grant from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to be used for the Residential Sound Insulation (RSI) Program Authorized the Mayor to execute the Agreement 8 Approved an operation permit located at 600 S Allied Way to allow Empire International Ltd , a chauffeured transportation business, to transport passengers on the City's public streets 9 Approved License Agreement No 3500 between the City of El Segundo and Viacom Outdoor to provide, install, maintain and repair bus shelters, with and without advertising, and bus benches at various bus stop locations in the City (Projected Income $70,000 annually) Authorized the Mayor to execute the Agreement 10. Approved Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Los Angeles (SPCALA) Contract No 3501 for animal sheltering services (Fiscal Impact $26,400) Authorized the Mayor to execute the Contract 11 Approved payment of the invoice from Enforcement Technology, Inc , a collection service for delinquent police department parking citations (Fiscal Impact $16,92360) MOVED by Council Member Busch, SECONDED by Council Member Jacobson to approve Consent Agenda Items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 MAYOR PRO TEM GAINES ABSTAINING ON ITEM #3 AS HE WAS ABSENT FROM THE MEETING MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 2, 2005 PAGE NO 5 040 CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA F NEW BUSINESS 12 Consideration and possible action regarding a new Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) license for on -site sale and consumption of alcohol (Type 41 — On Sale Beer and Wine) at an existing restaurant, El Segundo Fish Company, located at 210 East Grand Avenue, EA No 671 and AUP No 05 -01. Applicant Allen Shadgoo Council Member Jacobson left the dais due to a potential conflict regarding the location of his employer Seimone Jugis, Director of Planning and Building Safety, gave a brief report MOTION by Mayor McDowell, SECONDED by Council Member Busch not to protest the issuance of the new Type 41 ABC licenses at 210 East Grand Avenue. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 4/0 COUNCIL MEMBER JACOBSON NOT - PARTICIPATING DUE TO A POSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTEREST Council Member Jacobson returned to the dais 13 Consideration and possible action regarding a new Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) license for on -site sale and consumption of alcohol (Type 41 — On Sale Beer and Wine at a new restaurant located at 422 Main Street, EA No 672 and AUP No 05 -02 Applicant Sylvie Gabriele and Ali Mosavi Nejad Seimone Jurps, Director of Planning and Building Safety, gave a brief report MOTION by Mayor McDowell, SECONDED by Council Member Boulgandes not to protest the issuance of the new Type 41 ABC licenses at 422 Main Street. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 14 Consideration and possible action to support a regional application by the El Segundo School Unified District and nine other South Bay school districts for a 2005 Emergency Response and Crisis Management (ERCM) Grant to enhance their local disaster preparedness (Fiscal Impact* None) Bruce Auld, Superintendent of Schools, responded to Council questions MOVED by Council Member Busch, SECONDED by Council Member Jacobson to authorize the Mayor to sign the Partnership Agreement No 3502 and authorize the Fire Chief and Police Chief to sign their respective sections of the Partnership Agreement MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 G REPORTS — CITY MANAGER — NONE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 2, 2005 PAGE NO 6 041 H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY — Announced the granting of a Variance to City of Los Angeles, Department of Airports, for Los Angeles International Airport LAX, with stipulations, stated in Agreement No 3503 REPORTS — CITY CLERK — NONE REPORTS — CITY TREASURER - NONE K REPORTS — CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Boulgarides — NONE Council Member Busch — Complimented Andy Delenbach for spearheading the no smoking on the beach campaign Council Member Jacobson — NONE Mayor Pro Tern Gaines — Announced that a Homeland Security, Council of Governments meeting will be held in Lawndale on August 17, 2005, at 9 00 a m Mayor McDowell — Announced that the City of Los Angeles, Department of Airports released a draft EIR on the development of a south runway at LAX and a public workshop will be held by LAWA, on August 10, 2005, 4 00 p m , at Loyola Marymount University Comments may be submitted in writing on or before September 15, 2005 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have receive value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves pnor to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed Andy Delenbach, Surfrider Foundation, complimented Council on the adoption of the Ordinance banning smoking on the El Segundo Beach MEMORIALS — Wray Jacobs, brother of Karl Jacobs, Betty Jones, spouse of Past District Governor of Rotary, Jack Jones, Roberta (Kathy) Plaice, step mother of Denise Gordon and Rudolf ten Velden, Executive Chef at the Hacienda Hotel CLOSED SESSION - NONE ADJOURNMENT at 7 38 p m Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 2, 2005 PAGE NO 7 042 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (EOC) IN POLICE BUILDING 348 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245 Monday, July 25, 2005, 9 00 a m 9 00 A M SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor McDowell at 9 00 a m ROLL CALL Mayor McDowell - Present Mayor Pro Tern Gaines - Present Council Member Boulgandes - Present — arrived at 9.15 a.m. Council Member Busch - Present Council Member Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a tine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed John Gaines, resident, spoke regarding "mansionization" and construction and developer issues that negatively impact neighborhoods SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS Strategic Planning Session regarding the City's Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2005/2006 (The purpose of the session is to provide the Council and the public with preliminary budget information and to receive preliminary council direction regarding revenue and expenditure issues Final decisions regarding the budget are expected to be made at a public hearing scheduled for a regular City Council Meeting held in September) A Jeff Stewart, City Manager, gave an introduction and summary of preliminary direction given by City Council at the May 20, 2005 Strategic Planning Session Review of Budget Balancing Options from May 20, 2005 Strategic Planning Session (Exhibit #1) Bret Plumlee, Administrative Services Director, gave an overview B Discussion of updated Preliminary FY 2005 -2006 General Fund Budget Page 1 of 3 043 Presentation of Budget Balancing Strategies by all Departments (Exhibit #2) Presentations by individual Departments on their budget balancing strategy Mayor Pro Tern Gaines and Council Member Carl Jacobson requested a detailed list of reductions and how reductions impact service level in each Department C Summary of New Programs proposed by all City Departments included in the FY 2005 -2006 Budget Presentations regarding requested new programs in FY 2005 -2006 Budget (Exhibit #3) Presentations by individual Departments on their new programs request(s) Staff to research the possibility of developing an in -house training program for city -wide Customer Service Training and Human Resources being trained as the "trainer" Regarding funding for the El Segundo Sister City Program, Council direction to reduce the funding and find another alternative to City funding. Staff to contact the Sister City Committee to find out what the Committee does and what contributions they make Regarding the Security Audit in Information Services, Council Member Jacobson requested that the system be modified to allow Council access to the City Hall network server from offsite locations Jack Wayt, Police Chief, stated that the Police Department Air Support Services new program request was being deleted from the budget and that the program would be funded through the COPS Grant Regarding consulting support to research the feasibility of regional aided dispatch and /or Records management System, this item is earmarked for grant funding Council requested a briefing regarding an overview of the regional communications system With regard to the Wellness Program, Bret Plumlee, Administrative Services Director, to check with ICRMA regarding the possibility of sharing the cost of funding City Clerk to e-mail website addresses for cities presently using Questys Agenda Publishing and Questys Web Module Preliminary Council direction to proceed with requested new programs in FY 2005 -2006 Budget as listed in Exhibit #3 D Presentation regarding the Fire Department Staffing Statement of Intent from the Labor Agreement between the City and the EI Segundo Firefighters Association and its impact on FY 2005 -2006 Budget Discussion of the implementation of the Statement of Intent regarding minimum staffing Page 2 of 3 044 Norm Angelo, Fire Chief, gave a report Council consensus to agendize for Closed Session Meeting on August 2, 2005 E Presentation and discussion of recommended Personnel changes in FY 2005 -2006 Budget 1 Reclassify Program Coordinator to Senior Program Coordinator 2 Eliminate Economic Development Director position and incorporate duties into Assistant City Manager position 3 Reinstate Assistant Finance Director eliminated last year 4 Fill vacant Police Officer position with Administrative Lieutenant 5 Create a Senior level part-time position in Cable Preliminary Council direction to proceed with requested personnel changes in the FY 2005- 2006 Budget Staff to follow up at a later meeting requesting formal Council approval F Presentation of Recommended Capital Improvement Protects in FY2005 -2006 Budget Steve Finton, Public Works Director, reported on Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee ( CIPAC) recommendations included in the FY 2005 -2006 Preliminary Budget Mayor Pro Tern Gaines requested a detailed list of City Hall Improvements (item 17) completed to date The Main Street at Imperial Entry Enhancement Project and the Main Street/Impenal Irrigation Replacement Project to be combined in order to utilize gas tax funds Preliminary Council direction to proceed with the CIPAC recommendations in the FY 2005- 2006 Budget. G Presentation on Status of Grant Funding utilized by City to fund programs and equipment in the Fire, Police, Planning and Building Safety and Public Works Departments (Exhibit #4) Council consensus to agendize as a "receive and file" report for a future Council meeting H Council Discussion and Preliminary Direction Regarding Issues Related to FY 2005 -2006 Budget ADJOURNMENT at 11 20 a m Cathy Domann, Deputy City Clerk Page 3 of 3 045 C, 00 N -n o C CO 7 O �? ffl Q; co Q O ,Ny O v O CD 7 Q < W O l CD v v � c v �l< co , .A O C) (D n 7 CD c cn 3 O Q1 m C N (D N N (D 7 -n N O O N O O O m M CD v Q co CD ca 7 7 v� G) CD (D C 7 Q cy C Q cc CD cn S O O 69 14 N w O O O O O N � On � V\ CA -J O cn p w -no v C-) CL � ,^m < O O O O O v �. 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� 0 §0)10 a -2m - = o § , a 0 CD M CD C, L \ 0CD3> E \ * � D=) /[/ \ 0 \ zrl< ( \ \� // 2/« 7 { % \ / \ Cl 7gp/ &,ƒ$/ _§ ��0 £EaE g@E E IUD CD /i qfx q� m }/2 ,K /{ ® w§E - E CD o QL ]E;g a £ƒ2 cr \k� »\ 70=0 ��E m = =r m»c am$» aa& EEms )\» \ E0 cn g m §E\ a f � c � � � 0 � � � A � » � 2 n » rot- CA � � � � � � � � � � lot � � 0 � � � � � � IN 059 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 16, 2005 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION Consideration and possible action regarding proposed revisions to the Firefighter class specification RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION• 1) Approve the proposed class specification, 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this Item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION As part of the preparation for the upcoming Firefighter recruitment, testing and selection process, staff reviewed the current "Qualifications Guidelines" section of the class specification and is proposing that "Successful completion of a California State Fire Marshal Certified Academy" be added as a minimum requirement for candidates seeking appointment to a Firefighter position with the El Segundo Fire Department It is anticipated that four Firefighter positions will be filled in fiscal year 2005 -2006 - Continued on next page - ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Firefighter class specification FISCAL IMPACT Operating Budget Amount Requested Account Number Project Phase Appropriation Required _ Yes X No ORIGINATED BY Q DATE August 3, 2005 Bret Plumlee, Director of Administrative Services REVIEWE DATE. 7 i' `� Jeff Ltyanager agenda536 7 060 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION (continued) Addition of the academy graduation requirement will insure that the Department has the best possible pool of applicants from which to fill the four firefighter positions It will also result in considerable budgetary savings by eliminating the need for and costs associated with new employees attending a 10 -week local fire academy Selection of candidates who are academy graduates will allow the Fire Department to augment it's resources immediately upon their appointment, much as the Police Department does when a Peace Officer's Standards and Training (POST) certified Lateral entry Police Officer is selected for appointment The department intends to fill the four positions in February 2006 In addition to academy graduation, firefighter candidates must meet the following criteria • Minimum 18 years of age at time of application filing. • Possession of a valid California class "C" drivers license at time of application filing • Graduation from high school or possession of a GED or equivalent. • Possession of a current EMT certification • Proof that the candidate has achieved a score of 70% or higher on the CWH Written exam, approved by the Los Angeles Area Fire Chiefs Association, within the 12 months prior to the application filing deadline • Proof that the candidate has passed either the Candidate Physical Agility Test (CPAT) or the Biddle Physical Agility Test, within the 12 months prior to the application filing deadline • Must be a United States Citizen at time of appointment • Ability to successfully complete, subsequent to a conditional fob offer, a comprehensive medical evaluation (including drug screen), an extensive professional background investigation, Department of Justice fingerprint check, polygraph evaluation, psychological evaluation and a credit check Employment applications will be accepted for thirty days, starting in late August, 2005, at the conclusion of which a lottery draw, if necessary, will select a maximum of 300 candidates for participation in the City's testing process The testing process will consist of a structured, career preparation interview, weighted 100 %, before a panel consisting of representatives of the Fire Department and the Community Depending on the size of the candidate group, the City may utilize multiple interview panels so that the process is concluded as soon as practical The employment eligibility list resulting from the testing process will remain in effect for up to 24 months Current employees of the City of El Segundo meeting all Firefighter selection criteria, in addition to the maximum lottery draw of 300, will also be invited to participate in the testing process 061 Date Adopted CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FIREFIGHTER DEFINITION Under general supervision, fights fires, mitigates hazardous materials emergencies, performs medical, rescue work, other non -fire emergency response work, participates in fire prevention inspections, station maintenance, and training activities, performs the duties of a paramedic on a special assignment basis, performs related duties as required EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following 1 Responds to fire calls and participates in fire extinguishment, ventilation, salvage, rescue, and other operations, operates various firefighting /control equipment such as pumps, hoses, ladders, and extinguishers, lays hose lines and directs water streams onto fires 2 Provides emergency medical aid to individuals in need of such care, depending on qualifications, provides care consistent with standards and permitted procedures established for emergency medial treatment 3 Inspects, cleans, services, drives and operates various firefighting equipment and apparatus, performs routine and preventive maintenance on equipment as necessary, assists in maintaining clean and orderly conditions in and about the fire station 4 Attends and participates in special drills and other training activities, may perform duties of a Fire Engineer in a training or relief capacity 5 Conducts inspections of public and commercial buildings for fire prevention and target hazard identification and review 6 May participate in special projects, develop and /or conduct training, and perform work assignments while serving on various committees, responds as required when called in from off -duty 7 When performing paramedic duties on a special assignment basis, responds to and may direct others at medical emergencies, treats and transports patients, administers life saving /support techniques and systems, communicates with medical personnel regarding patient and /or procedural status, prepares related reports, inspects and maintains specialized equipment and supplies related to paramedic activity QUALIFICATIONS GUIDELINES Education and /or Experience Any combination of education and /or experience that has provided the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for satisfactory lob performance Example combinations include graduation from high school or equivalent 062 Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Working knowledge of fire safety laws and ordinances, basic fire prevention and suppression techniques and practices Ability to learn and apply firefighting principles and techniques, think and act quickly and effectively in emergency situations, understand and apply mechanical and physical principles related to fire suppression, learn and apply fire code provisions and arson/ fire investigation techniques, work effectively and cooperatively with others, understand and follow verbal and written directions Special Requirements Successful completion of a California State Fire Marshal Certified Academy Possession of or ability to obtain a valid California Class C driver's license, and a satisfactory driving record Eighteen years of age Possession of a current EMT and CPR certification Possession of a State Firefighter I certificate is desirable Depending upon assignment a current EMT - Paramedic Certification may be required 063 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT MEETING DATE: AUGUST 16, 2005 AGENDA HEADING: Consent Consideration and possible action regarding approval to sell or dispose of all property that has become unsuitable for City use including unclaimed Police property (Fiscal Impact Unknown) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION, (1) Recommend that City Council declare vehicles, equipment and miscellaneous supplies identified in staff report as surplus and authorize the Risk Manager /Purchasing Agent to sell items at auction, (2) Alternatively discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION The purpose of this request is to sell unclaimed property and surplus City property pursuant to City of El Segundo Municipal Code Section 1 -10 -6 that has become unsuitable for City use The City has a limited amount of storage space available and therefore needs to periodically dispose of obsolete equipment and supplies The attached list of items to be sold combines unclaimed property with property deemed surplus /unsuitable to City needs All of the property on the attached list was either originally purchased by the individual departments or is property that was seized as part of a Police Department investigation (Continued on page 2) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Exhibit "A" — Master Surplus List / August 2005 FISCAL IMPACT Operating Budget. Amount Requested: Account Number: Project Phase, Appropriation Required NIA NIA 001 - 300 - 0000 -3901 (Revenue Account) -Yes X No ORIGINATED BY DATE. Bret M Plumlee, Director Administrative Services REVIEWEI?BY• DATE 11L,. . City Manager 8 064 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION (Continued): Staff is recommending the items listed on Exhibit "A" be declared surplus property The property listed is not re- assignable to other City departments because of age or physical condition All departments were given an opportunity to review the inventory in order to allow redeployment where appropriate By selling unusable property the City receives revenue from the sale that's handled by a third party auction company The last request for disposal of surplus items was approved by City Council on October 5, 2004 065 AS OF JULY 11, 2005 MASTER SUPLUS LIST / AUGUST 2005 EXHIBIT "A" Administrative Services IN SVC DATE ITEM DESCRIPTION (INCLUDING MODEL NO) Unknown desk Unknown one box old office supplies Unknown Keyboard tray Unknown 7 -Boxes of dishes Unknown 3 - Tables Unknown 2 - Credenza's Unknown 1- Desk Unknown 2 - Panels Unknown 1 - Xerox Fax Unknown 1 -Pro) ctor Unknown 1 File cabinet Unknown 1 - small box of Nextel accessories Jun -03 2- Nextel 160c cell phone liquid damage) Jun -03 1 - Nextel 190c cell phone (liquid damage) Unknown 1 - Nextel 15Osx cell phone Unknown 2 - Nextel chargers for 11000 Unknown 1 -clip for 11000 Unknown 2 - back covers for 185sr 10/28/1998 DELL OPTIPLEX GX 1 1017/1999 DELL OPTIPLEX GX 1 10/29/1998 DELL OPTIPLEX GX 1 6/12/2001 DELL OPTIPLEX GX 110 6/12/2001 DELL OPTIPLEX GX 110 12/15/2000 DELL OPTIPLEX GX 110 10/3/2000 DELL OPTIPLEX GX 110 6119/2001 DELL OPTIPLEX GX 110 1011212000 DELL OPTIPLEX GX 110 1/4/2001 DELL OPTIPLEX GX 110 3/7/2000 DELL OPTIPLEX GX 110 10/12/2000 DELL OPTIPLEX GX 110 11/8/2000 IDELL OPTIPLEX GX 110 12/1/2000 HP 7110 PRINTER Unknown (1) box obsolete Motorola & AT &T cell phones, accessories, chargers, & batteries Fire IN SVC DATE ITEM DESCRIPTION (INCLUDING MODEL NO) Unknown 1 box B10 -Com Medical Equipment (orange /blue) Unknown 1 white desk w/ five drawers Unknown 1 "Showtlme" rotisserie and barbeque Unknown 1 Gurney (red) Unknown 1 box Miscellaneous 02 bottle /hose parts Unknown 2 Stair chairs (orange) Unknown 1 Stainless steel shelve Unknown 1 Small Hoover vacuum Unknown 1 Five horsepower shop vacuum (black) Unknown 2 boxes Headsets & Cords, Brackets Unknown 1 Broken Rescue mannequin Unknown 1 Red box Descenter System Unknown 1 box Overhead protection, battery chargers, headsets Unknown 1 Yellow metal box Unknown 8 boxes Miscellaneous Radio parts Unknown 1 box Medtronic brackets . Unknown 1 Black bullet -proof vest Unknown 1 box David Clarke headsets Unknown 3 Blue Air mats Unknown 1 Empty Maklta Box (blue) Unknown 2 boxes "Cams & Brothers" helmet flaps Unknown 1 Bic Com charging unit Unknown 1 box of 6 battery chargers, radio Unknown 1 box of 4 battery chargers, radio Unknown 2 boxes Miscellaneous headset Master Surplus List - Revised 7- 11 -05BP As (-)66 AS OF JULY 11, 2005 MASTER SUPLUS LIST / AUGUST 2005 EXHIBIT "A" Fire IN SVC DATE ITEM DESCRIPTION (INCLUDING MODEL NO) Unknown 1 box of six battery chargers, radio Unknown 1 Portable Aspirator medical equipment) Unknown 3 Coleman sleeping bags (in boxes) Unknown 1 bucket of Hydrant wrench, pressure gauge Unknown 1 Pick Unknown 1 Sledge O Matic Unknown 1 -19" QuasarTV/VHS, with cord and remote control Unknown 1 -NEC VCR, with cord and remote control Unknown 1 -NEC VCR, with cord and remote control Unknown 1 -RCA TeleTV (old satellite unit) Unknown 4 -Kodak Carousel slide trays Unknown 2- Apollo Carousel slide trays Library IN SVC DATE ITEM DESCRIPTION (INCLUDING MODEL NO) 1998 Sony Viewfinder DXF -40 1998 Sony Viewfinder DXF -40 1998 Yamaha Speaker YST -MSW10 Unknown MAG COMPUTER MONITOR DX15FE Unknown Panasonic Color Monitor BT- S130ON 2001 Telex Headset V -220 Unknown Panasonic Triple Monitor WV -5203B Unknown Shintron Audio Amp 201 Unknown ADC Pro Patch 1997 Video Toaster 4000 Unknown Commadore Amiga 2500 Unknown Hitachi Waveform Monitor V -099 Unknown Bogen Video Head 3063 Unknown Tascam Audio Mixer M -106 Unknown Panasonic VCR AG -5210P Unknown ITE Tripod Unknown ITE Tripod Unknown ITE Tripod Unknown Misc Video wires /Equip Unknown Panasonic Color Monitor Unknown Probe PC Unknown Probe PC Unknown Probe PC Unknown Probe PC Unknown Probe PC Unknown Computer Eq Cabinets (2) Unknown Computer Keyboards (2) Unknown Computer Mouse (2) Unknown Black Office Chairs (2) 90/91 Sony Hi -8 Camera I DXC -325 90191 Sony Camera Adaptor I CA -325 95196 Sony HI -8 Camera EVW -300 90/91 Sony HI -8 Video Camera I DXC -325 Unknown Sony VCR I EVV-9000 95/96 Sony CCU I CCU -M5 95/96 Sony CCU 1 CCU -M5 X95/96 Sony CCU I CCU -MS Unknown Panasonic Color SEG WJ -55008 Unknown Panasonic Color SEG WJ -55008 Unknown Panasonic Color SEG WG -46008 98/99 Sony Color Video Camera I DXC -3000 98199 Sony Color Video Camera I DXC -3000 98199 Sony Color Video Camera I DXC -3000A 98/99 Sony Electronic View Finder DXF -50 98199 Sony Electronic View Finder DXF -50 98/99 Sony Electronic View Finder DXF -40 Master Surplus List - Revised 7- 11 -05BP xis 061 1 AS OF JULY 11, 2005 MASTER SUPLUS LIST / AUGUST 2005 EXHIBIT "A" Library IN SVC DATE ITEM DESCRIPTION (INCLUDING MODEL NO) 90191 Sony Camera Adaptor I CA -325 95196 Sony Electronic View Finder I DXF -J01 Unknown Sony Intercoms DR -100 Unknown Sony Intercoms DR -100 Unknown Shure Mic Mixers M67 Unknown Shure Mic Mixers I M67 Unknown Epson Color Stylus 880 1 P156A 98/99 Sony Electronic View Finder I DXF -40 97198 Pro Sound 6 -Ch Snake 97/98 Hi -8 CCU Cable 97/98 Hi -8 CCU Cable Unknown Demodulator Model 6250 90/91 Sony Camera Adaptor CMA -8A 90/91 Sony Camera Adaptor CMA -8 90/91 Sony Camera Adaptor CMA -8A 90/91 Sony CCU CCU -M3 90/91 Sony CCU CCU -M3 90/91 Sony CCU CCU -M3 Unknown Fu inon SRD 97/98 Fu mon -TV Z (Lens) I Al2 X 9B Police IN SVC DATE ITEM DESCRIPTION (INCLUDING MODEL NO) n/a Schwinn, Sierra, 10 speed Boy's Bike, black n/a Schwlnn, Beach Bike, silver n/a Honda, HRC Showa, Boy's Bike, red n/a Unknown Make 20" Boy's Bike, silver n/a Huffy, Boy's Mountaan Bike, 18 speed, black n/a Trek, 700, 26" Boy's, 21 speed, purple n/a Huffy, Maxx, Boy's Bike, green n/a Roadmaster, Boy's Bike, blue n/a Giant, Mountain, 24" Boy's Bike, gray /black n/a Dyno, 20" Boy's Bike, black/brown n/a Murray, Backtrack, 18 speed Bike, red n/a Giant, Chmok, Boy's Bike, red n/a GT, Boy's BMX Bike, silver n/a Tank, Freestyle, 21 speed Bike n/a Tropical Blast, Girl's Bike, purple n/a Unknown Make, Boy's BMX Bike, white n/a Unknown Make, Boy's Bike, black n/a Unknown Make, 5817 -62, Girl's Bike, blue/ green n/a Magna, BMX, 14" Boy's Bike, blk/grn /purple n/a Scott, Seattle, 10 speed Boy's Bike, purple n/a Mongoose, FuzzExtreme, 14" Boy's Bike, black n/a Kent, Retro Child's Bike, blue, w /helmet n/a Royce Union, Ravage, 24" Boy's Bike, sil /red n/a Xgames,Twister, 20" Boy's Bike, white n/a Mongoose, Haywire, Boy's Bike, red n/a Magna, Girl's Bike, pink n/a Fatboy, Hemi, Boy's Bike, gry/wht/blk/yel n/a RCA Satelite Dish n/a Dish Arm Extension n/a Terk Antenna n/a Gateway Computer Monitor n/a Gatewway Tower n/a Gateway Keyboard n/a American Computer Greeting Cards (new) n/a American Computer Greeting Cards (new) n/a Honda Car Stereo n/a Multi -Mode Power Amplifier "Hitron" n' a Kenwood Amplifier KAC -959 Master Surplus List - Revised 7- 11 -05BP As • =; AS OF JULY 11. 2005 MASTER SUPLUS LIST / AUGUST 2005 EXHIBIT "A" Police IN SVC DATE ITEM DESCRIPTION (INCLUDING MODEL NO) n/a Mobile Authority 1200 Watts Amplifier n/a JVC CD Receiver n/a Visoneer Scanner n/a Misc Computer accessories n/a Mitsubishi Computer Monitor n/a Compaq Monitor n/a Arti Scanner n/a Computer Tower n/a RCA Media Box n/a RCA Media Box n/a Gateway CPU n/a Misc pots, pans & cooking utensils n/a Burgundy coat Paradox fake fur n/a Misc phone chargers (3) n/a Misc computer cables n/a Motorola digital cable box n/a Sharp VCR n/a GE 19 in TV n/a Epson Stylus Printer n/a Fisher Radio w /speakers n/a Nintendo 64 w/1 game & Controller n/a Misc computer parts & Keyboard (Dell) n/a 7 Music CD's n/a Zire Palm Pilot n/a Kodak Advantix C650 Camera n/a Fu /i Camera n/a Supersonic Radio /Cassette Car Stereo n/a "Learning 2000" CD's (39 CD's) n/a Rockwood Radio /Cassette Car Stereo n/a Emerson radio /Cassette Player n/a 2 Uniden Walkie Talkies n/a Absolut Vodka Bottles (3) n/a Far Niente Wine Bottles (4) n/a Mum Champagne Bottles (3) n/a Veuve Chcquot Ponsardin Champagne Bottles (4) n/a Moat Chandon Champagne Bottles (2) n/a Sunbeam Iron n/a Walking Cane n/a Bed in a Bag Begging n/a Queen size comforter n/a Queen size comforter n/a XL Warm Up Suit (Top & Bottoms) n/a Medium Black Stretch Pants n/a Large Pullover Shirt n/a Large Womens Black Top n/a Large Stretch undershirt n/a Calphalon 12" Omelette Pan n/a Skate Board n/a V3 FX Racing Wheel for Playstation n/a Cardio Force Exercise machine n/a White metal ring with clear stones n/a White metal ring with purple stone n/a 14 watches (various brands) n/a 27 items (misc costume jewelry) n/a ProAudio Car Stereo n/a Jensen Car Stereo n/a Gun Cleaning Kit n/a Gun Lock n/a Gun Case - Bianchi n/a IRincon, Giant, boys 15 -speed Master Surplus List - Revised 7- 11 -05BP As 069 AS OF JULY 11, 2005 MASTER SUPLUS LIST / AUGUST 2005 EXHIBIT "A" Police IN SVC DATE ITEM DESCRIPTION INCLUDING MODEL NO) n/a Magna, id's 18-speed, green /silver n/a Mongoose, Threshold, black n/a JC Penny, 5-speed, white n/a Schwinn, Varsity, mountain bike, green n/a Murray, 10- speed, black, n/a Roolo, yellow, no fromt wheel n/a D nastar, BMX, gray n/a Motobecane, 10- speed, silver n/a GT, boy's 1- speed, silver n/a Huffy, 18-speed, gray n/a Magna, Outreach, mountain bike, red n/a 8MX, Rhino, boy's 1- speed, silver n/a Beach Cruiser, black n/a Mongoose, boys 1-speed, black n/a Rhino, Mountain, 21- speed, silver n/a Motiv, Schimano, 12-speed, purple n/a Pacific, Trail Blaster, blue/ ray n/a Mongoose, Sierra, black n/a Gaint, Bowder, mountain bike, green n/a BMX, black Oct -99 Dell Monitor P1991 Oct -99 Dell Monitor P1991 Oct -99 Dell Monitor P1991 Oct -99 Dell Monitor P1991 Oct -99 Dell Monitor P1991 Oct -99 Dell Monitor P1991 Apr -00 Dell Monitor P110 Apr -00 Dell Monitor P110 Apr -00 Dell Monitor P110 Jul -97 Dell Monitor D1025tm Oct -99 Dell PC GX1 Oil -99 Dell PC GX1 Oct -99 Dell PC GX1 Apr -99 Dell PC GX1 Oct -98 Dell PC GX1 Apr -00 Dell PC GX1 10 Apr -00 Dell PC GX1 10 Apr -00 Dell PC GX1 10 Apr -00 Dell PC GX110 Apr -00 Dell PC GX1 10 Apr -00 Dell PC GX1 10 Apr -00 Dell PC GX1 10 Apr -00 Dell PC GX1 10 Apr -00 Dell PC GX1 10 1999 Fellows Shredder 1999 Dell GX3000 1999 Dell GX3000 1999 Dell GX3000 1999 Dell GX3000 1998 Dell GX1 1998 Dell GX1 1996 Dell GXMT5133 1999 Dell Monitor 1999 Dell Monitor 1999 Dell Monitor 1999 Dell Monitor 1998 Dell Monitor 1998 Dell Monitor 1998 Dell Monitor 1998 Dell Monitor Master Surplus List - Revised 7- 11 -05BP As 076 AS OF JULY 11, 2005 MASTER SUPLUS LIST / AUGUST 2005 EXHIBIT "A" Police IN SVC DATE IT DESCRIPTION (INCLUDING MODEL NO) 1995 HP LaserJet4 1995 HP LaserJet 4 1995 HP Scanner Public Works IN SVC DATE ITEM DESCRIPTION (INCLUDING MODEL NO Unknown Seven (7) surplus chairs outside the Direcoes office 99/00 Sedan Patrol, Crown Victoria 99100 Sedan Patrol, Crown Victoria 00/01 Sedan Patrol, K -9 99/00 Sedan Patrol, Crown Victoria 99/00 Sedan Patrol, Crown Victoria 99/00 ISedan Patrol, Crown Victoria 00 /01 Sedan, Crown Victoria - RSVP 99/00 Sedan Patrol, Crown Victoria 96197 Sedan Patrol, Crown Victoria 89/90 Sedan, Ford Taurus 94/95 Sedan, Regal 96/97 Utility vehicle, John Deere 93/94 Radar Trailer 92193 Sedan, Crown Victoria 02/03 Sedan Patrol, Crown Victoria 2004 Ford Expedition/ Liability claim purchase 1997 Mitsubishi Montero Sport/Liability claim purchase Unknown 20 - Modular Cubicle Panels Unknown 11 - Modular Cubicle Counter Tops Unknown 8 - Modular Cubicle Horz Storage Cabinet Unknown 1 - Modular Cubicle Table Unknown 1 - Lot Hardware for Modular Cubicles Unknown 1 - Wooden Desk (Broken) Unknown 1 - 4drawer legal file cab Unknown 1 - Plastic desk floor mat n/a = Unclaimed Police Evidence Property 0 "1 Master Surplus List - Revised 7- 11 -05BP As EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 16, 2005 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda Consideration and possible action regarding award of contract to S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc for construction related to the Residential Sound Insulation Program's Group 7 (24 residences) (Estimated construction cost and retention $792,110) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION. 1) Award contract to S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc , 2) Authorize the City Managerto execute a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney, and 3) Alternatively discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION. On August 2, 2005 the City Clerk's office opened sealed bids for the City's Residential Sound Insulation Program Group 7 (RSI 05 -09) Three bids were received and the result of the bid opening was as follows 1 S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc $720,10000 2 NSA Construction Group, Inc $783,00000 3 G &G Specialty Contractors, Inc $866,63900 A review of the Bid from S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc was performed, and proved to be responsive S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc has performed Residential Sound Insulation work for airports throughout the country, Including Tulsa, Oklahoma, Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio, Detroit, Michigan, and San Diego and currently is performing construction work on the City of El Segundo's Groups 5 (31 dwellings) and 6 (36 dwellings) (Please see attached page entitled "Background and Discussion ") ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. Bidder's Proposal and Statement from S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc FISCAL IMPACT Operating Budget: $2,500,000 Amount Requested: $792,110 Account Number: 116 -400- 0000 -8960 Bid Group, 7 Appropriation Required: _ Yes X No 'i4. 9 Background and Discussion (cont.) The amount requested includes the Total Bid of $720,100 00 from S &L Specialty Contracting, Inc and an additional 10% of that Total Bid for potential change orders due to unforeseen conditions As City Council is aware, eighty percent (80 %) of costs associated with the Residential Sound Insulation Program are covered by federal grant funding from the FAA with the remaining twenty percent (20 %) of improvement costs paid for by the property owners To date, the RSI Program has completed work on 252 Dwellings It is anticipated that an additional 136 Dwellings will be completed by September of 2006 and will leave an estimated balance of $830,000 with the expectation of future grant money from the FAA for continued support 073 08/02/2005 09.52 3154718807 S &L WICKER PAGE 01/06 BIDDERS'S PROPOSAL AND STA�IVIENT CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Project Number RSI 05-09 "Residential Sound Insulation Program — Group 7" PROPOSAL To the Mayor and City Council City of El Segundo 350 Main St El Segundo, CA 90245 The undersigned declares that he /she has carefully examined the location of the proposed work and has otherwise satisfied himself/herself as to the nature and location of the work, and is full informed as to all conditions and matters which can in any wa affect the work or cost thereof. that he/she has examined the Contract Documents, d has read the accompanying "BIDDING INSTRUCTIONS" and hereby agrees to provide the following To furnish all labor. materials, equipment, transportation, and services and to do all the work required for the "Residential Sound Insulation Program — Gr up 7" in strict conformity with the Contract Documents and at the following lump sum price, to Wit: ID Address Descri tiou Cost Property Subtotal 7.01 770 W ImEmal Ave. 466 RSI Improvements $ ° $ -°Q 7.02 770 W. Imperial Ave #94 RSI Improvements $ p p $ 7xj 703 212 E. Imperial Ave. A RSI Improvements $ Tint all windows and sliding lass door $ 20 Upgrade door A from EP19 to EP1 $ 4�oa 704 212 E 'Imperial Ave B RSI Improvements $ $ -?z, �bm Tint all windows and LA lass door $ 20 Upgrade door A from EP19 to EPl grl 7.05 212 E Imperial Ave. D RSI Improvements $ s6k IM6 °° -sA,NzMM Tint all %wndows and sliding lass door $ ZCfJ�' Upgrade door A from EP19toEPI $ Bidder's Proposal and Statement 1 City of El Segundo 071 Group 7 Residential Sound Insulation Program 08/02/2005 09.52 3154718807 S &L WICKER PAGE 02/06 7.06 212 E. Imperial Ave E RSI Improvements $ '2:,A Mv- , $ 3A "� . Tmt all windows and sliding glass door $ Upgrade door A from EP19 to EPI $ 40t�OA 7.07 212 E. Imperial Ave. F RSI Improvements 4, Tint all windows and sliding lass door $ 'ZOO°' Upgrade door A from EP19 to EPI $ AZ '" 7 08 212 E Imperial Ave G RSI Improvements $ vco•m $ e. Tint all windows and slidin lass door $ Zo[s" Upgrade door A from EP19 to EPI $ Am' 7.09 212 E. Imperial Ave H RSI Improvements $ &L:�t+- „a $ 31* %bp0 Tint a] I windows and slaiddIng glass door Upgrade door A from EP19 to EPI $ 4C✓D 7.10 1 212 E. Impenal Ave. I RSI Improvements $ bp0 $ . Tint all windows and sliding lass door $ 2Qvo Upgrade door A from EP19 to EPI $ 4tit'aa 711 728 W Acacia Ave RSI Improvements $ 33�ro�•• Upgrade door A from EP21toEP1 $ LC�Ca'°' 7.12 704 W Acacia Ave RSI improvements $ A'a "7-m Upgrade Door B from EP15 and SL1 to EP17 $ \ v'2AO 7 13 636 W Acacia Ave. RSI Improvements Upgrade Door C from EP15 and SLI to EPI 7 $ 4A %_zG $ AZ,2m -z $ Lma 7.14 215 W. Acacia Ave. RSI Improvements $ .. $ 7j� ,5oC1 Provide new windows at Windows 12 and 13 $ Z %QDO Provide new door at Door F $ \ .544 7.15 845 Main St I RSI Improvements S 7 Upgrade Door B from EP19 to EP32 $ 7 16 845 % Main St RSI Improvements $ 'z tip $ DcC7'" 7 ] 7 655 W. Ma le St RSl Improvements $ -L z= o* $ T°1 Bidder's Proposal and Statement 2 City of El Segundo _ Group 7 Residential Sound Insulation Program ' I 08/02/2005 09 52 3154718807 S &L WICKER PAGE 03/06 7.18 751 W. Sycamore Avc. RSI Im rovements $ °0 Upgrade Doors A from EP19toEP7 Upgrade Door C from EP15 and SLI to EP17 7.19 512 W. Sycamore Ave RSI Improvements $ t tin $ *a tM"°' 7.20 933 Virginia St. RSI Improvements $ °° Queen Anne Grilles for windows $ Az� p 7 21 748 Yucca St RSI Im rovements $ 3 `'° Upgrade Door B from EP 19 to EP 17 with sidelights Total Bid (Contract S`u^m -)� \,_ (words) (figures) In case of discrepancy between the words and figures, the words mast prevail. NOTICE: BIDDERS WILL NOT BE RELEASED DUE TO ERRORS AND ILLEGIBLE BIDS MUST BE DISQUALIFIED NOTICE: Total Bid (Contract Sum) must equal the total of Schedule of Values. If the Total Bid does not equal the total of the Schedule of Values, it is grounds for rejection of the Bid. Furthermore, inconsistencies between the Schedule of Values and the Plans for each Dwelling are grounds for rejection of the Bid This bid is based upon completing the work as set in the Construction Schedule published in the Contract Documents. If awarded the contract for the Work, the undersigned hereby agrees to sign the contract and furnish the necessary bonds not more than ten (10) calendar days after Notice to Proceed date Enclosed is a Bidder's Bond, certified check or cashier's check. which is not less than ten perocni (10 %) as a guarantee that the undersigned will enter into the contract if awarded to the undersigned The undersigned further agrees that in case of default in executing the required contract with necessary bonds and insurance, within the time limits above specified, said bonds or check and money payable therein must be fortified to and become the property of the City of El Segundo. State of California Name of Firm �t --' L 1 ED� N rDll( T��C — ( 7z • sa(� C4- �ee-F Address X 04cs -e, tom/.! 1 32p2—, Telephone Number 6/5- 47e— 17.2 Bidders Proposal and Statement 3 City of El Segundo 076 Group 7 Residential Sound Insulation Program EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT DESCRIPTION: MEETING DATE- August 16, 2005 AGENDA HEADING: Consent Consideration and possible action regarding a Special Event Use Permit from the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce for the Annual Richmond Street Fair on Saturday, October 8, 2005 (Fiscal Impact. $1,500) RECOMMENDED 1) Approve Special Event Use Permit to provide use of city equipment and services and to waive all fees associated with use of said services and equipment for the 2005 Annual Richmond Street Fair; 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action on related to this Item. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION The El Segundo Chamber of Commerce's, 2005 Richmond Street Fair application has been received, accompanied by a letter requesting the city's support by waiving fees for services and equipment requested. The Annual Richmond Street Fair is scheduled to take place on Saturday, October 8 2005, on the 100, 200 and 300 blocks of Richmond Street and the 100 and 200 blocks of Grand Avenue and Franklin Avenue Requested services include the use of the show mobile, portable sink, sound system, tech staff and park staff, street posting, street sweeping immediately following the event, electrical equipment, tables, chairs, risers, access to public parking areas, traffic control if deemed necessary, pop -ups for Chamber Office booths only, two city generators, notification to MTA for rerouting for bus services and Fire Inspector services where needed Site map to be confirmed with all necessary department staff and all associated insurance requirements are due to the City Clerks Office one month prior to the event The Richmond Street Fair is a long standing annual event with this request being similar to previous years for city support ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS' Letter of Request from the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce ,500 Operating Budget: Amount Requested: Account Number: Project Phase, Appropriation required. ORIGINATED: Stacia Jeff Wal 108 - 400 -5210 -4103 - Overtime and 108 - 400 -5210 -4102 - Part time Director of Yes x No DATE, $•g;'�� I '7 7 L u El Segundo TheCHAM3ER The Voice 4r Buo UMJd July 7, 2005 Ms. Stacia Mancini, Director Recreation and Parks City of El Segundo 339 Sheldon Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Dear Stacia- The El Segundo Chamber of Commerce respectfully requests the support of the City of El Segundo for the 29"' Annual Richmond Street Fair, scheduled from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturday, October 8s', 2005. The Fair will take place in the 100, 200, and 300 blocks of Richmond Street and the West 100 and 200 blocks of Grand and Franklin Avenues. All businesses and residences in the affected areas will be notified to min,mi their inconvenience. One of the most significant elements of the Richmond Street Fair is its intended mix of local community groups and organizations with professional fair exhibitors and vendors. The City of El Segundo's continuing support through the years has been the key to the success of the event and enjoyment of all those who attend and participate. This year, the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce respectfully requests the following City assistance and waiver of all permit and use fees: Recreation and Parks Department a. Use of the Show Mobile for the Adult Stage b. Use of the City's portable hot sink for the Food Court c. Risers for the Children's Stage d. Portable sound system for the Children's Stage e. Folding tables and folding chairs for the food court and other areas f. Use of electrical cables and covers (Farmers Market items) 2. Public Works Department a. Street closures to thru traffic between 6:00 am and 7:30 pm in the 100, 200, and 300 blocks of Richmond Street and the West 100 and 200 blocks of Grand and Franklin Avenues with appropriate barricades and signage b. "No Parking" signage posted on the above streets at the appropriate advance time for notification c. Permits to hang two banners or signs at locations to be determined on Sepulveda Boulevard 427 Main Street • El Segundo, CA 90245 •310.322 1220 • Fax 310.322.6880 078 Email info@ elsegundochamber org d. Street cleaning 1.5 hours following the close of the Fair e Use of City parking lot at Richmond Street and Franklin Avenue f. Use of City electrical outlets where available g. Use of Sanitation Division generators and associated cables 3. Planning and Building Safety Department a Electrical and amplified sound permits 4. Police Department a Notification to MTA of bus rerouting from 6.00 am to 7:30 pm b. Traffic and parking enforcement assistance as needed c. Waive Permit Parking in the Parking Structure located in 100 block West Grand 5. Fire Department a Fire inspection as necessary b. Fire Extinguishers Exact quantities of items and location plans will be worked out with each department. Per City requirements, the Chamber will furnish the City with the Chamber's insurance certificate naming the City of El Segundo as additional insured. The Chamber is requiring each exhibitor and vendor to furnish their own insurance certificate naming the City and Chamber as additional insured. The insurance is for $1 million as requested by the City Again, our sincere appreciation to you and the City of El Segundo for your time and significant assistance in continuing an El Segundo tradition of over a quarter of a century! If there are any clarification needs, please notify me. Sincerely, >u) &",6 Arlys Wyant Interim Executive Director t!'79 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 16, 2005 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action regarding the request of the El Segundo Police and Fire Associations to host their Annual Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, September 10, 2005 in front of Fire Station 1 (Fiscal Impact. $800) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION- 1) Waive fees for city services associated with the Pancake Breakfast, 2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: The Annual Pancake Breakfast is hosted each year by the El Segundo Police and Fire Department Associations. The breakfast is provided by the Associations and serves as an annual fundraiser. The event starts at 8 00 a.m , ending at 1230 p m. Live entertainment, displays, police and fire novelty sales, a hot breakfast and air bounce will all be part of the program this year The Recreation and Parks Department and Public Works have this event encumbered in their current special event budget allocation. All items requested per the permitting process (site map, insurance) will be received and filed two weeks prior the event ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Letter of Request from El Segundo Firefighter /Paramedic, Dina Carr FISCAL IMPACT: $800 Operating Budget. Parks Overtime and Operating [Recreation part time/ Public Works equipment Amount Requested: Account Number: 001- 400 - 5102 - 6206,001 - 400 -5102 - 4103,001- 400 - 520104102,001- 400 -2601 -5207 Protect Phase. Appropriation Required: _Yes x No ORIGINATED: DATE: Stacia Mancini, Director of Recreation and Parks 1 080 August 1, 2005 Jeff Stewart City Manager City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Dear Mr Stewart 1 am writing to request that the Fire and Police Association be put on the City Council's August 16"' Agenda We would like to ask for the City Council's approval of the 5"' annual Fire and Police Association Pancake Breakfast, which will be held in El Segundo on Saturday, September 10"' at Fire Station Headquarters All proceeds from the event go to local chanties The Fire and Police Association requests the same assistance and fee waivers as in previous years 1 The following street closures from 7 00 am — 130 pm Grand Avenue and Main Street, Holly Avenue and Main Street 2 Street barricades 3 Disposable trash receptacles and liners from public works 4 Use of the show mobile- portable stage 5 Tables and chairs from Parks and Recreation 6 Sound System All equipment and materials can be dropped off September 9"' after 2 00 pm or at 7 00 am September 10"', at Fire Station Headquarters As in previous years, we would like to work with Judy Andoe and Stacia Mancini regarding logistics involving the City of El Segundo and their services Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Dina Carr Firefighter/Paramedic 314 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 524 -2734 181