2004 JULY 16 CC PACKET -SPEC%SED AGENDA "UNDO CITY COUNCIL DOUBLETREE HOTEL Manhattan Room —1985 East Grand Avenue, El Segundo, CA 90245 The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City - related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and /or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the Meeting. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person. Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state: Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524 -2305. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. NOTE: ADDITION TO ATTACHMENT E POSTED: DATE: TIME: NAME: SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL FRIDAY, JULY 16, 2004 - 7:30 A.M. MANHATTAN ROOM, DOUBLETREE HOTEL 1985 EAST GRAND AVENUE, EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 AGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL DOUBLETREE HOTEL MANHATTAN MEETING ROOM — 1985 East Grand Avenue, El Segundo, CA 90245 The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City - related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and /or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the Meeting. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person. Before speaking to the City Council, please come to the podium and state: Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524 -2305. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL FRIDAY, JULY 16, 2004 — 7:30 A.M. MANHATTAN ROOM, DOUBLETREE HOTEL 1985 EAST GRAND AVENUE, EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 7:30 A.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. 7:30 A.M. — 8:00 A.M. — CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS It should be noted that all time periods are estimates and that the actual times could vary significantly. _ 8:00 A.M. — 8:15 A.M. Welcome by Mayor Kelly McDowell 11. Objectives for this session by City Manager, Mary Strenn 8:15 A.M. — 8:45 A.M. III. Restatement and Summary of City Council Members' individual priority principles /policies and issues for the City of El Segundo from July 15, 2004 Special Council Meeting (see Attachment A). Note: There is no Attachment B to this Agenda. 8:45 A.M. —11:30 A.M. IV. Discuss, prioritize and receive direction from the Council on Fiscal Year '04 -05 proposed projects and program revisions for purposes of preparing the Fiscal Year '04 — 05 Budget (final action to be taken at future Council Meetings). 1. Capital Improvement Projects (see Attachment C) 2. Unfunded New Program Requests (see Attachment D) 3. Proposed Reductions/Transfers /Changes in Program Services (see Attachment E) 4. Potential Revenue /Fee Adjustments (see Attachment F) 11:30 A.M. — 12:00 NOON V. Council Comments 12:00 NOON — LUNCH ADJOURNMENT ,/ POSTED' DATE: t �/ h#o // TIME: NAME: 2 Attachment A City of El Segundo Council Members' individual priority principles /policies and issues for the City of El Segundo 1. Discussion about expenditure policies Fully fund capital improvement projects in advance of design and construction to the extent possible. Support school district when funding is available. 2. Discussion about revenue policies Discuss philosophy of whether to use one -time funds for one -time projects 3. Discussion about budget guidance Maintain a balanced budget. Adhere to previously adopted fund balance policy. Maintain a pay -as -you go philosophy with the objective of keeping total debt very low. 4. Discussion about community expectations Maintain service levels. Maintain Public Safety as a core service. Keep City's infrastructure well maintained. Try at all levels in the organization to be leaders in the region. Develop natural resources and provide recreational /open space. Evaluate if desired City wide service levels can. best be accomplished through in -house staff or contractual services 5. Discussion about fund balances Maintain self - sustaining Enterprise funds Review fund balances in all funds. 6. Return of Economic Development function from the Community, Economic and Development Services Department to the City Managers' Office 7. Discuss the possibility of facilitating joint meeting between the chairs of all of the City's boards, committees and commissions and the City Council. 8. Discussion about the possibility of implementing a City Council Code of Ethics. 9. Discussion about campaign finance reform. 10. Discussion about the possibility of having a citywide wireless computer network. 11. Discussion about undergrounding of utilities in residential neighborhoods 12. Discussion about traffic safety in residential neighborhoods 13. Discussion about the use of defibrillators in city facilities. 14. Discussion about the compensation of City Council members. 15. Discussion about street cleaning schedule. 16. Discussion about out -of -area travel. 17. Discussion about 4th of July City sponsored fireworks program. 18. Update and discussion regarding the Community Center. NOTE: THERE IS NO ATTACHMENT B TO THIS AGENDA Attachment C PRESENTATION ON FY '04 -05 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS FY04 -05 CIP — General Fund Projects Fire Department Cosv Dept Completion Funding Heads Council Project Date Source Priority Priority Fire Station No. 2 $250,000 1 Comments: CIPAC Recommended Description: Construction of a new 13, 000 sq. Fire Station in the proposed El Segundo Campus development site on Mariposa Avenue between Nash and Douglas Streets. 2 FY04 -05 CIP — General Fund Projects Public Works Cos" Dept Completion Funding Heads Council Project Date Source Priority Priority Eliminate Sewer /Storm $300,000 I Drain Connections Comments: CIPAC Recommended Description: This project will eliminate existing sanitary sewer connections that drain low areas in alleys that collect storm water. This project proposes to construct storm drains from these low areas to connect to the nearest existing street storm drain. FY04 -05 CIP — General Fund Projects Public Works Cosy Dept Completion Funding Heads Council Project Date Source Priority Priority Main Street and Imperial $50,000 5* ,4 venue Irrigation Replacement 'tinder the mnditian of Water Well Protect elimination Comments: CIPAC Recommended Description: This project will replace the old and non-functioning irrigation system for the landscaped median islands on both the east and west sides ojMain Street, on Imperial Avenue. FY04 -05 CIP — General Fund Projects Project Recreation Park Electrical Phase 3 'Under the condition of Water Well Project elimination Public Works Completion Funding D I Source Comments: CIPAC Recommended Description: $98,000 Heads Council Priority Priority 5* Re- wiring of old wiring for the park's sports lighting poles and fixtures. This is the final phase of a 3 -phase project out of which the first 2-phases have been completed. FY04 -05 CIP — General Fund Projects Public Works Cost/ Dept Completion Funding Heads Council Project Date Source Priority Priority Annual Roof Replacement $125,000 5* Program -Under the condition of Water Well Project eliminaton Comments: CIPACDeferred Description: 77ie roofs at City Hall are more than 20 years old and have outlived their useful lives. It has endured several building modifications and repairs, and continue to leak during the rainy season. Replacement is recommended by city staff and a certified roofing Consultant. Replacemeni will include a 5 -year maintenance program. 6 FY04 -05 CIP — General Fund Projects Public Works Cost/ Dept Completion Funding Heads Council Project Date Source Priority Priority Fiber Optic /Data and $137,500 5* Telephone: Joslyn Center to Maintenance Facility -Under the condition of Water Well Project eltminatmn Comments: CIPACDeferred Description: This first year of a two (2) year project will include running underground conduit and installing fiber -optic cable from the point of connection at Recreation Park to the Ciry, Water Plant at 400 Lomita and then continue onto the City Maintenance Facility at 150 Illinois. The second year of the project wills provide fiber optics along Main Street, between El Segundo Boulevard and Mariposa Avenue. FY04 -05 CIP — Gas Tax Funded Projects Requested by St. Anthony's Church Cost/ Dept Completion Funding Heads Council Project Date Source Priority Priority Handicapped Access Ramp $4,100 5 on Grand Avenue at St. Anthony's Church Comments: CIPAC Recommended Description: The church has submitted a request for the City to construct a handicapped access street curb cut and ramp on the south side of Grand Avenue, west of Lomita Street, to allow handicapped patrons of the church to access the Church. Currently there is a handicapped street parking (blue curb) adjacent to the Church and the ramp has been requested approximately at this stall location. FY04 -05 CIP — Gas Tax Funded Projects Public Works Cost/ Dept Completion Funding Heads Council Project Date Source Priority Priority Five -year Street $215,900 5 Rehabilitation Program Comments: CIPAC Recommended Description: Annual pavement rehabilitation of City Streets. Rehabilitation could include partial reconstruction, grinding and overlay depending on the condition of the street to be rehabilitated. Proposed street rehabilitation projects: Imperial Ave -East of California St Continental Blvd - El Segundo Blvd to Grand Ave Mariposa Ave - Continental Blvd east 800 ft. Mariposa Ave - 800 ft east of Continental Blvd to Nash St Mariposa Ave - Sepulveda Blvd to Continental Blvd Mariposa Ave - Nash St to Douglas St 9 FY04 -05 CIP — Gas Tax Funded Projects Public Works Cost/ Dept Completion Funding Heads Council Project Date Source Priority Priority Concrete Cross Gutters $45,000 5 Comments: CIPAC Recommended Description: This project will replace old, high maintenance asphalt drainage cross gutters at street intersections with low maintenance concrete gutters. Main Si at Oak Ave - West side, going from North to South Main St at Oak Ave - East side, going from North to South Oak Ave at Sheldon St - South side of the intersection, going East to West Pine St at Guaymas St - South side going East to West Douglas St at Park Place - West side going North to South 10 FY04 -05 CIP — Gas Tax Funded Projects Public Works COSY Dept Completion Funding Heads • Council Project Date Source Priority Priority Maple Avenue —Nash $45,000 5 Street Drainage Improvements Comments: CIPAC did not recommend Description: Design of drainage improvements at the Maple Avenue/Nash Street intersection. This proposal includes a design study to evaluate the options of construction of 24 "storm drain approximately 1300j1 in length to discharge to an existing storm drain on Nash St south oflmperial Highway, or reconstructing curbs and gutters to address the problem by surface drainage at a less expensive cost. FY04 -05 CIP — Gas Tax Funded Projects Public Works Cost/ Dept Completion Funding Heads Council Project Date Source Priority Priority ; Sidewalk Construction $35,000 Carryover Phase 1— Grand and FY03 -04 Franklin Avenues Funds Comments: CIPAC recommended Description: Sidewalk Construction Phase I (Grand and Franklin Ave) was approved FY 200111002. Phase 1. Grand & Franklin included: construct sidewalks between curb and chainlink fence (the current condition is dirt). This would alleviate the ongoing erosion, weed and debris problems. Also, children use this walkway going to and from school. Phase II includes constructing a concrete apron from the new sidewalk up to the property line. This project ivill inf ll the full 8-ft perimeter with concrete covering the remaining dirt area. 2 FY04 -05 CIP — Sewer Fund Projects Public Works Cost, Funding Source Dept Heads Priority Council Priority Cost/ Dept $35,000 5 3Million Gallon Potable Completion Funding Heads Council Water Storage Reservoir Project Date Source Priority Priority Description: Annual Sewer Main Repair reservoir at 400 Lomita St. $1,200,000 1 Comments: CIPAC did not recommend funding Description: A. future program starting in FY 1005 -2006 to annually refurbish sewer lift stations in the City as recommended in the Sewer Master Plan. The following phases are proposed: Pump Station 7: Design in 2005 -06 — construction in 2006 -08 Pump Station 8: Design in 2008 -09 — construction in 2009 -10 FY04 -05 CIP — Water Fund Project Public Works Project Completion Date Cost, Funding Source Dept Heads Priority Council Priority Seismic Evaluation of $35,000 5 3Million Gallon Potable Water Storage Reservoir Comments: CIPAC recommended funding Description: An engineering seismic evaluation study, of the 3 million gallon water reservoir at 400 Lomita St. FY04 -05 CIP — Water Fund Project Public Works Cost/ Dept Completion Funding Heads Council Project Date Source Priority Priority Waste /Wastewater $350,0001 1 Telemetry System $175,000W Program $175,000G Comments: CIPAC recommended funding Description: Replacement of the existing outdated 9 -year old telemetry system for City staff to monitor the functioning of water /wastewater pump stations and other facilities. This replacement system will provide an increased level of 16 protection in preventing raw sewage spills while also keeping up with advancements in technology. The proposed system will be used to monitor 14 pumping stations, 5 metering stations, 1 water reservoirs, a valve vault and a water storage tank. It will allow staffto monitor these sites on a 24- hour basis, provide information no the systems and immediately alert sta4r, to any emergencies. FY04 -05 CIP — Water Fund Project Public Works COSY Dept Completion Funding Heads Council Project Date Source Priority Priority Waste /Wastewater Water $195,000 5 Main Replacement Program Comments: CIPAC recommended funding Description: Annual program to replace old, high maintenance water mains in the area bounded by Sierra Street, Center Street, Mariposa Avenue and Maple Avenue. One hat f of this project is being done in March, 2004. 16 FY04 -05 CIP — Water Fund Project Public Works Project Completion Date Cost/ Funding Source Dept Heads Priority Council Priority Elevated Water Storage $62,000 1 Tank- Cathodic Protection System Description: Resealing of the roof deck of the 6 million gallon water reservoir at 400 Lomita Street. This street is currently used for public parking. Comments: CIPAC did not recommend funding Description: Design and build a cathodic protection system to protect the 200,000 gallon steel elevated water storage tank at 400 Lomita Street from damage caused by corrosion. 17 FY04 -05 CIP — Water Fund Project Public Works Project Completion Date Cost/ Funding Source Dept Heads Priority Council Priority Replacement of 6MG $160,000 1 Reservoir Deck Coating Comments: CIPAC did not recommend funding Description: Resealing of the roof deck of the 6 million gallon water reservoir at 400 Lomita Street. This street is currently used for public parking. is Attachment D FY 04 -'05 UNFUNDED NEW PROGRAM REQUESTS FY04 -05 Unfunded New Program Requests City Clerk Cost/ Dept Completion Funding Heads Council Project Date Source Priority Priority Web Posting of City FY '04 -05 $11.800 3 Council Agenda Packet General Fund Description. Making the City Council Agenda Packet available on the internet. will provide a mechanism to do business more efficiently and more. importantly address the City s goal of making governance more convenient to citizens by providing access to the agenda packet on the City website. Request to purchase software to enable the electronic agenda packet be accessed via the Cin, website and implementation of an electronic agenda building too. Savings of up to $3, 000 per year in reduced reproduction cost. FY04 -05 Unfunded New Program Requests City Manager Cost/ Dept Completion Funding Heads Council Project Date Source Priority Priority Annual Department Audit FY'04 -05 $20,000 2 Program General Fund Description: The City Manager would select a department that would be analyzed by a qualified independent consultant from the standpoint of rationalizing and making more effective the services provided. The City Manager would select a consultant to work with the department head and key staff in analyzing core 'services and making recommendations to improve the methods and operations of the department. FY04 -05 Unfunded New Program Requests Non- Department Cost! Dept Completion Funding Heads Council Project Date Source Priority Priority School District contribution FY 04 -05 $250,000 1 General Fund Description: Pursuant to an agreement with the El Segundo School District, the City provides 5250.000 in funding to support ongoing services. This item is to consider postponement of 5250,000 contribution to the El Segundo School District. This recommendation is based on the Ciry s impact of the StaW budget cuts and the recently adopted School District development fees administered by the City. Based on the latest State budget proposal brought forward by the Governor, schools were placed in a more favorable position while cities and counties stand to take additional cuts for at least the next two focal likely without the constitutional protection of local revenues. 4 FY04 -05 Unfunded New Program Requests CEDS Cost/ Dept Completion Funding Heads Council Project Date Source Priority Priority LAAFB Regional Alliance FY 04 -05 $20,000 5 General Fund Description: This program request will provide funding to support the efforts of the LAAFB Regional Alliance, a group formed to direct the effort of protecting the LA Air Force Base in the upcoming Base closure round. The Alliance is part of the South Bay Association of Chambers of Commerce and has brought together diverse business and municipal interests for the common goal of retaining the Base. s FY04 -05 Unfunded New Program Requests CEDS Cost/ Dept Completion Funding Heads Council Project Date Source Priority Priority Smokv Hollow EIR Specific FY04 -05 $250,000 I Plan Update General Fund Description: The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update and EIR would entail a study of land uses allowed in the Plan area and the zoning regulations, including floor area ratio requirements, to determine if changes should be made to these regulations. This effort would include an EIR as required by the California Environmental Quality Act. The $250,000 consists of $168.000 for specific plan and $82,000 for EIR. FY04 -05 Unfunded New Program Requests CEDS Project Completion Date Cost/ Funding Source, Dept Heads Priority Council Priority Expansion of Recreation FY 04 -05. $'100,000 1 Park North Parking Lot General Fund Description: The expansion of the north parking lot, located off Pine Avenue of Recreation Park would add 40 additional parking spaces to the park. These additional spaces would be helpful during sporting events or special events that demand more parking then is currently available. FY04 -05 Unfunded New Pro am Requests CEDS Project Completion Date Cost/ Funding Source Dept Heads Priority Council Priority Downtown Business FY 04 -05 $37,000 5 Development General Fund Description: This program will provide funding (at a reduced level) to continue implementation of the Downtown Specific Plan including the Business Improvement District (BID), Banners, Signage and Marketing Materials. 4 FY04 -05 Unfunded New Program Requests Fire Dept Project Completion Date Cost/ Funding Source Dept Heads Priority Council Priority Expansion of Automatic FY 04 -05 $4,300 5 External Defibrillator (paid for (AED) Program by an and industry ICRMA Description: Request direction as to priority to fund $2,500 for this subscription ant Segundo, other local agencies, and City of El Segundo staff. Information is related to potential incident facts or advisories. Description: Request to seek a grant for $4,300 through ICRMA to purchase two (2) additional AEDs. One(]) to be placed at the Library and the other within the Administrative Services area. FY04 -05 Unfunded New Program Requests Fire Dept. Project Completion Date Cost/ Funding Source Dept Heads Priority Council Priority NC4 Subscription Service — FY04 -05 $2,500 1 internet service linking General government with business Fund and industry Description: Request direction as to priority to fund $2,500 for this subscription service. Service is used to share information between businesses with El Segundo, other local agencies, and City of El Segundo staff. Information is related to potential incident facts or advisories. 10 FY04 -05 Unfunded New Program Requests Fire Dept. Cost/ Dept Completion Funding Heads Council Project Date Source Priority Priority Cadet Program FY04 -05 $2,000 3 General Fund Description: Request approval of $1, 000 for volunteers, who aspire to afire service career, to support (not replace) staff with routine non - technical tasks, primarily within the Environmental Services Division. At the same time it would provide the volunteer practical intern time related to their area ol'interest. The funds would be used for uniforms and other selection processes. FY04 -05 Unfunded New Program Requests Rec and Parks Project Completion Date Cost/ Funding Source Dept Heads Priority Council Priority Pool Maintenance Project FY04 -05 $57,000 1 General Fund Description: Contract out all pool maintenance due to the age and complexity of our pool equipmem system. 12 FY04 -05 Unfunded New Program Requests Library Cost/ Dept Heads Council Completion Funding Priority Priority Project Date Source Community Cable $10,000 4 Franchise Renewal FY 04 -05 General Fund Project Phase I $10,000 Phase FY 05 -06 General Fund Description: The current franchise agreement between El Segundo Community Cable (ESCO and Time Warner Communication (TWC) expires Sept 3'06. Staff recommends hiring a consultant over a two-year period in order to complete all the necessary tasks before negotiations begin in 2005106. Phase ! includes performing a franchise compliance audit and a community needs assessment (F)' 04 -05 for $10,000). Phase 11 consists of evaluating the two (2) studies in Phase 1 providing recommendations for negotiation strategies, and offering assistance during the negotiation meetings with TWC. (FY 05 -06for $10,000). 13 Attachment E FY104 -05 Proposed Reductions/Transfers /Changes in City -wide Program Services Gap Closure Options I. If the water well projeci is eliminated, transfer $510, 000 from the Infrastructure Replacement fund to the General Fund to payfor FY 2004 -2005 General Fund Capital improvements. 1. Transfer 5560,000 from the Infrastructure Replacement fund to the Sewerfund. This will fret up the General fund loan to the Sewer furd_for wte near and will help close the gap. 3. Transfer $500, 000 to S 1.000,000 from Emergencv Reserve Fund out of o total fund balance of S2, 000, 000. The recommended transfer would be for one year only and would be reviewed at the end of the fiscal year to determine if it is needed to balance the budget. If revenues come in higher than anticipated or there are expenditure savings, this monev would be transferred back into the Emergency Reserve at the end ofjscal year 2004- 20U 4. Transfer am Fiscal Year 2003 -1004 savings into FY 2004 -1005. 5. Transfer an additional 5300,000 from the General Liability fund. 5. Make additional Equipment Replacement reductions up to $50,000. 6. Eliminate all facitities maintenance funding City Clerk (Estimated) Dept Council Completion Cost Heads ' Priority Project Date Savings Priority Reduction of the current FY 04 -05 $7,500 5 .5 FTE Office Specialist I to .25 FTE Description: Reduction of current .5 Part Time Ojfce Specialist I to .25 (10 hours per week). Will allow for at least minimum staffing for scheduled vacations and schedule sick leave. Records and document imaging program could be maintained (day forward) at a minimal level but reduction will impeded existing staff's ability to implement Web Posting of the City Council Agenda Packet. Will also reduce ability to assist City staff in research projects and create delays in responding to such requests. CEDS (Estimated) Completion Cost D.H. C.C. Project Date Savings Priority Priority Senior Plans FY 04 -05 $38,200 5 Examiner position reclassified to a Plans Examiner. Description: One (1) Senior Plans Examiner position would be reclassified to Plans Examiner. Savings approximately $38,200. CEDS Project Completion Date (Estimated) Cost Savings D.H. Priority C.C. Priority Eliminate Economic FY 04 -05 $137,000 5 Development Manager position and restore $100,000 to Business Recruitment Initial program cost reduction was $65,000. Il is now proposed to be funded at $37,000. Source offunding will come from the $137,000 of savings from eliminating the Economic Development Manager position resulting in a savings of $28.000. Program. Description: Economic Development Manager is eliminated saving $137,000. Of that amount $100,000 is restored to overall advertising budget (of the original $200,000). The balance of $37,000 goes to fund the Downtown Business Development Program. CEDS Project Completion Date (Estimated) Cost Savings D.H. Priority C.C. Priority d Eliminate Downtown FY 04 -05 $28,000 5 Specific Plan business development objectives Description: Initial program cost reduction was $65,000. Il is now proposed to be funded at $37,000. Source offunding will come from the $137,000 of savings from eliminating the Economic Development Manager position resulting in a savings of $28.000. FY04 -05 Proposed Reductions/Transfers/ Changes in City -wide Program Services Administrative Services (Estimated) Dept Completion Cost Heads Council Project Date Savings Priority Priority Decentralize Cashier FY04 -05 850,000 1 5 CJII,II,[145: Restructure the curreni.vocant cashier (Account Specialist tt) position from a centralized unction to a decentrali-ed function with an emphasis on streamlining the current function and improving customer service. This will be accomplished by outsourcing the payment processing ofthe most frequent daily cashier transactions such as parking citation and water payments. Establish a customer service kiosk with a customer service phone and terminal to improve resolution of customer service questions and increase payment options such as and credit card phone and City web site payment options. The remaining cashier transactions would eventually be transferred to the functional deportment /Recreation & Park, Library, Business License, Building & Planning etc.) with new cashiering software to deliver improved customer service throughout the City. As part of the restructuring of the function. two part-time positions will be eliminated. Non - Department (Estimated) Dept Completion Cost Heads Council Project Date Savings Priority Priority Consider elimination of FY 04 -05 $10,000 5 Sister Cip Program Comments: The Sister City program is a national town affiliation program. On October 9, 1962, El Segundo selected the City of Guaymas, Mexico, as its Sister City. Funding for this program supports events to contain and maintain the Citv's affiliation with the City of Guaymas. A 4 Non - Department Project Completion Date Cost Savings Heads Priority Council Priority Consider elimination of . FY 04 -05 $20,000 R.O.A.D. Program (Reach ($10,000 Out Against Drugs) General Fund $10, 000 Asset Forfeiture) Comments: R.O.A.D. Reach Out Against Drugs program provides drug /alcohol education programs to El Segundo's youth and adult population. The City's contribution in 2003 -2004 totaled $20,000. 9 Non - Department Completion Cost Heads Council Project Date Savings Priority Priority Consider elimination of FY 04 -05 $3,950 5 Volunteer Recognition Comments: Programs recognicing the contributions of City volunteers. These include such programs as the Volunteer Picnic. Library Volunteer Recognition Luncheon and Police Dept Retired Senior Volunteer Program (R.S.V.P.) Award luncheon. io 61 Non - Department Project Completion Date (Estimated) Cost Savings Dept Heads Priority Council Priority Consider elimination of FY04 -05 $8,500 5 Emplovee Banquet Comments: An amoral banquet recognizing the service of City employees over the past year, current vear retirees, and paying special recognition to those employees reaching 5, 10, 15 and 25 year service milestones. Non - Department (Estimated) Dept Completion Cost Heads Council Project Date Savings Priority Priority LAX Master Plan FY 04 -05 $6,500 5 Committee Comments: The LAX Master Plan Committee was formed (or the express purpose of assisting the City Council in reviewing the LAX Master Plan and opposing the expansion of LAX This proposal is to eliminate the funds for this committee. 12 Non - Department Project Completion Date (Estimated) Cost Savings Dept Heads_ Priority Council Priority Reduction infundingfor FY 04 -05 $250,000 5 LAX Master Plan Completion Cost Heads Intervention Account Project Date Comments: Priority Priority Staff recommends a reduction in funding in this account to a total of S 250.000. Terminate membership in FY 04 -05 FY04 -05 Proposed Reductions/Transfers/ Changes in City -wide Program Services Non - Department (Estimated) Dept Completion Cost Heads Council Project Date Savings Priority Priority Terminate membership in FY 04 -05 $2,800 5 California Contract Cities Association Comments: Staff recommends that the Ciro does not renew its membership with the California Contract Cities Association. A decision to terminate that membership would result to an annual savings of $2,800. 14 Police Dept (Estimated) Dept . Completion Cost Heads Council Project Date Savings Priority Priority Freezing two (2) Part -time FY 04 -05 $93,050 5 Cadets and eliminating the Range Master Position Comments: Freeze 2 part time cadet positions and eliminate one part time range master. Will impact the department's ability to enforce parking violations (loss of parking citation revenues) and reduces administrative services. Sworn personnel will be assigned to conduct monthly range training. Department will lose the expertise of seasoned range master /gun smith. is Project Eliminating one (1) Lieutenant Position and replacing with Police Comments: Police Dept Completion Cost Heads Council Date Savings Priority Priority FY04 -05 $67,850 5 Eliminate one (1) lieutenant position from assignment at L.A. Impact. A new police officer will be hired in lieu of. The department will maintain 68 sworn positions with two (1) sworn positions frozen from fiscal year 03 -04. Impacts the ability to provide supervision and guidance to subordinate employees, reduces management staff and its ability to respond to executive staffs requests. Hinders job growth for the lieutenants and the department looses the prestige of having a lieutenant as an assistant director to a major Los Angeles County crime taskforce. ic-1 Project Elimination of Crime Scene Investigators (CSI) Program Police Dept Completion Cost Date Savings FY04 -05 IS184,000 Heads Council Priority Priority 5 Comments: Elimination of the CSI program. Impacts the department's ability to process crime scenes, collect evidence and oversee the property room. Workload will be transferred to investigative personnel, administrative Officer and Field Training Officers. n Police Dept (Estimated) Dept Completion Cost . Heads Council Project Date Savings Priority Priority Modifv Animal Control FY04 -05 $15,000 5 Program Comments: Elimination of Animal Control Program. Contract with Los Angeles County Animal Control for animal control services at an approximate cost of$110,000. Animal Control Officer (ACO) will be transferred to Jail/front desk duties, eliminating one PSO position. 1e 0J FY04 -05 Proposed Reductions/Transfers/ Chang s in City -wide Program Services Fire Department (Estimated) Dept Completion Cost Heads Council Project Date Savings Priority Priority Run Short up to 4 FY 04 -05 $545.300 5 Suppression staff (one (1) per rank/position) as vacant on a daily basis Comments: Run short no further than a daily suppression staffing level of 14, as staff is on leave, we would not rehire for the I" vacant position in each ranklspecial assignment. Based on past experience and frequency of incidents, the department can meet minimum requirements to handle a simple single family residential fire. More complex or multiple incidents would require a greater reliance on mutual and automatic aid. Projected % ofyear at 14- 9°.% on a daily basis — majority of the time staffing will be between 15 -18, 91 % of year. Both Paramedic Rescues remain in service all year. Resume staffing at 18 when financial need was met. Public Works (Estimated) Dept Completion Cost Heads Council Project Date Savings Priority Priority Delay replacement of FY 04 -05 $206,300 5 vehicles. Comments: Each Department (PW & PD) conducted an independent analysis of their vehicle replacement budgets. In total, staff recommends deferring replacement for 27 vehicles. The equipment replacement program includes available funding for the emergency replacement of4 vehicles if the need arises. It should be noted that the equipment maintenance budget has been increased to provide for anticipated additional repairs. 20 s 10 Public Works (Estimated) Dept Completion Cost Heads Council Project Date Savings Priority Priority Deferral of Maintenance FY 04-05 $15,000 5 Projects Comments: The Government Building maintenance budget has been reduced by $15,000. To meet the goal, staff recommends deferringplanned rehabilitations for two restraint; facilities at City Hall and the Joslyn Center. Both will remain functional. Public Works (Estimated) Dept Completion Cost Heads Council Project Date Savings Priority Priority Elimination of FY 04 -05 $510,000 5 Groundwater Development Project (Water Well) Comments: Staff recommend that the Citv Council discontinue efforts to implement additional groundwater development in the City through the construction of new water well and redesignate the S510,000 set asidefor that project n u 11 Public Works Project Completion Date (Estimated) Cost Savings Dept Heads Priority Council Priority Slurp- Seal Program (east FY 04 -05 $100,000 Of Sepulveda) Comments: Pavement rehabilitation/slurry seal decreased as a result-of revised Pavement Rehabilitation Program. Fiscal Year 04 -05 cyclical funding = $50, 000 for pavement rehabilitation. Public Works Project Completion Date (Estimated) Cost Savings Dept Heads Priority Council Priority Reorganization of Public FY 04 -05 5100,000 Works Water /Wastewater Division and Engineering Division. ' Comments: The reorganization would result in the elimination ofthe Utilities Manager position effective October]. 2004, the reassignment o(the Water /Wastewater functions to the General Services Division of the Public Works Department and the reclassification of one (1) principal Engineer. ?3 24 12 Rec & Park Project Completion Date (Estimated) Cost Savings Dept Heads Priority Council Priority Reduction in mailing of FY 04 -05 $5,000 Recreation and Park Program brochures Comments: Need to printJewer brochures, since staff will not be mailing to every Reduction in postage costs; brochure on web and in public facilities. 2s Rec & Park Project Completion Date (Estimated) Cost Savings Dept Heads Priority Council Priority Printingfewer Quarterly FY04 -05 $18,000 Inside Et Segundo and the Recreation Brochure Comments: Need to printJewer brochures, since staff will not be mailing to every resident. The brochure will be available on the web and in public facilities. 26 13 Rec & Park Project Completion Date (Estimated) Cost Savings Dept Heads Priority Council Priority Reduction in hours at the FY 04 -05 $14,000 Recreation Checkout Completion Cost Heads Council Building, located in Project Date Savings Recreation Park Priority Reduction /elimination of Comments: Reduce office hours and close on rainy days. n FY04 -05 Proposed Reductions/Transfers/ Changgs in itv -wide Program Services Rec & Park (Estimated) Dept Completion Cost Heads Council Project Date Savings Priority Priority Reduction /elimination of FY 04 -OS $5.000 concerts certs in the park Comments: Look for private sponsorship. zs 14 14 Rec & Park Project Completion Date (Estimated) Cost Savings Dept Heads Priority Council Priority Change in general fund FY 04 -05 $81,000 supported drama program to a contract service Close on Sunday during Spring, Winter and Fall program Comments: Eliminate city - staffed programs and provide drama program using contract instructors whose fees are offset by participant revenue. 29 Rec & Park Project Completion Date (Estimated) Cost Savings Dept Heads Priority Council Priority Reduction in hours at the FY04 -05 $2,000 JoslYn Center Comments: Close on Sunday during Spring, Winter and Fall 30 15 Library Project Completion Date (Estimated) Cost Savings Dept Heads Priority Council Priority Reduction in operating FY 04 -05 $21,000 hours at the Main Library (.5 FTE) Comments: Hours reduced from 69 to 65 hours per week. Friday hours changed from 9: 00 am — 6: 00 pm to 1: 00 pm — 6:00 pm. 31 Library Project Completion Date (Estimated) Cost Savings Dept Heads Priority Council Priority Reduction in staffing (5 FY04 -05 $17,100 FM at the school libraries Comments: One (/)part time Clerk at Richmond Street School. 32 16 Attachment F Potential Revenue/Fee Adjustments Estimated Dept Completion Revenue/ Heads Councit Project Date Fee Increase Priority Priority New Business Application FY 04 -05 $25,000 5 Processing Cost Recovery Fee Comments: This is a one -time new application processing fee that would bring the City in line with other cities cost recovery. The processing fee would pay far administrative time in preparing and processing a new application including application review. input new account data, process and balance cash transactions. scan documents, file paperwork, issue and mail business license certificates. The fiscal impact is estimated to be s25.000 annitally. Estimated Dept Completion Revenuel Heads Council Project Date Fee Increase Priority Priority Revenue Enhancement FY04 -05 $153,000 5 Program Comments: This program will provide ongoing revenues by discovering tar mtsallocations and unlicensed businesses. The City will use a consultant to train staff in detecting sales tax leads, submit reports to State Board of Equalization for sellers without permits, find leads on unlicensed businesses, and established one -on -one contact with targeted businesses. This will ensure that City receives sales and use tax based on the point of sale in El Segundo. The program is designed to fund itselffrom unrealized revenue. FY04 -05 Potential Revenue/Fee Adjustments Administrative Services Estimated Dept Completion Revenuel Heads Council Project Date Fee Increase Priority Priority Increase in Transient FY 04 -05 $400,000 5 Occupanep Tar rate (from 8' , to 10 %) Comments: This would be a proposed increase in the current TOT rate from 8% to 10 %. A sun,ex of surrounding cities shows E! Segundo has one of the lowest rates. a 2 FY04 -05 Potential Revenue/Fee Adjustments dmi ervices Estimated Dept Completion Revenue/ Heads Council Project Date Fee Increase Priority Priority Increase in Utilitv Users FY 04 -05 (range ofl 5 Tar (from 3 %too %or $1.7to$2.2 5 %) Million for Comments: every 1% This would be a proposed increase in indexing of Business License Fees based on annual CPI. Comments: 6 This would be a proposed increase in the current UUT rate from 3% to 4% or 5 %. This would apply to gas, electric and water. The proposed increase for telephone UUT would befrom 2 %to 3 %or 4 %. A survey of surrounding cities shows El Segundo has some of the lowest rates. s FY04 -05 Potential Revenue/Fee Adjustments Administrative Services Estimated Dept Completion Revenue/ Heads Council Project Date Fee Increase Priority Priority Implement indexing of FY 04 -05 $150, 000 to 5 business license fees based $300.000 on annual CP1 increase Comments: This would be a proposed increase in indexing of Business License Fees based on annual CPI. 6 Completion Revenue/ Heads Council Project Date Fee Increase Priority Priority Federal Grant FY04-05 J$35,000 1 5 Comments: This consists of three (3) new proposed Federal Grants including State Homeland Security Grant Program, Urban Area Security Initiative, and Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program. Project Completion Date Estimated Revenue/ Fee Increase Dept Heads Priority Council Priority Update Paramedic /Rescue FY 04 -05 $25,500 5 iransporifees (revenue) Comments: Proposal to increase Paramedic /Rescue transport fees to be comparable to increased LA County authorized rates. The County Health Department has raised the schedule of transport rates four (4) times, since the City's last resolution. There will be no co pay or out ofpocket costs to residents. 8 FY04 -05 Potential Revenue/Fee Adjustments Public Works Estimated Dept Completion Revenue/ Heads Council Project Date Fee Increase Priority Priority AB939 Compliance Fee FY 04 -05 $100,000 5 . (Estimated revenue in FY 04 -05 & $100,000 every year thereafter Comments: Staffproposes an "AB 939 Compliance Fee "in amount equal to ten percent (19%) of gross receipt (billings or invoices) from fees and charges related to the collection ofsolid wastefrom commercial accounts in the City. Thefees would offset the costs of implementing AB 939 programs, maintaining City streets and the residential curbside recycling program. Recommended implementation in January 2005. Estimated revenue it $100,000 in FY 04105 and $100,000 in subsequent years. 9 ee ustments Estimated Dept Completion Revenue/ Heads Council Project Date Fee Increase Priority Priority Changes in Class Fees FY04 -05 $179,100 5 Comments: This is a review of several department fees and charges including aquatics, sports, picnic area, and tennis court fees. io E FY04 -05 Potential Revenue/Fee Adjustments Library Estimated Dept Completion Revenue/ Heads Council Project Date Fee Increase Priority Priority Increase overdue books, FY 04 -05 834.000 5 videos and D6Dfines Comments: It has been over 10 years since the majority of the library's finer & fees have been raised. A fines & fee study of30local libraries has been conducted. Staff recommends increasing fines for overdue books & video /DVD materials, 12 resulting in an additiona1810,000 per year based on previous year revenues of the same items. Increasing fees for video /DVD rental, inter - library loan fees, and meetine room rentals would net an additional 814.000 revenues oer vear. FY04 -05 Potential RevenuelFee Adjustments CFDS Estimated Dept Completion Revenue/ Heads Council Project Date Fee Increase Priority Priority CEDS Planning and FY 04 -05 895.000 5 Building Safety Fee Study Comments: The fees charged for permits have not been adjusted since 1989. This study would compare El Segundo's fees to the average ofseveral local ties. Staff would return to City Council with recommendations on the fee adjustments. 12 0