2001 MAR 06 CC PACKETREVISED AGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The City Council with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City- related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and -or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the Meeting Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person Before speaking to the Citt Council, please come to the podium and state Your name and residence and the organization you represent ifdesned Please respect the time limits Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda by submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p in the prior Tuesday) The request must include a brief general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are submitted to the City Clerk two (2) working days prior to the meeting and they do not exceed five (5) minutes in length In compliance wtth the Americans with Disabilities Act, if sou need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524 -2305 \onDcanon 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Cns to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 2001 - 5:00 P.M. Next Resolution # 4205 Next Ordinance #-1331 5:00 PM Session ROLL CALL CLOSED SESSION: The City Council may move Into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code §54950, et seq ) for the purposes of confemng with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and/or confemng with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation, and/or discussing matters covered under Gov't Code §54957 (Personnel), and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators as follows CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956 9(a)) 1 City of El Segundo v Bd of Airport Commissioners, et al , LASC Case No BC 220609 2 Phillips Petroleum, et al v County of Los Angeles, et al, USDC No 1938 -NW (MANx) 3 Shell Chemical Company, et al v County of Los Angeles, et al, USDC No 1917 -GHK (RCx) 4 Jeffrey Capistran v. El Segundo, LASC Case No. YC 038535. 5 In re Randall's Island Family Golf, Case No OOB41065 (SMB) 6 Lucas v El Segundo, LASC Case No L04721 7 El Segundo v Tno Manufacturing, LASC Case No YC038567 8 Glover v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No YC039465 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956 9(b) -0- potential case (no further public statement is required at this time), Initiation of litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956 9(c) -2- matters DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL 11IATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) — None CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR - (Gov't Code §54957 6) — None CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956 8) — None DATE TIME NAME 030601 agr ., nid G-tot Y O,t+ {`S8G0�4 AGENDA 1 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 350 Main Street The Cin Council w ith certain statutory exceptions can onlv tale action upon properly posted and listed agenda items Unless others ise noted in the Agenda, the Public can onls continent on City- related business that is within the junsdictton of the Ciry Council and or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the Meeting Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item The time limit for comments is fix e (;) minutes per person Before speaking io the CIA Council please conic to the podium and state lour name and residence and the organization you represent i /desired Please respect the time limite Members of the Public may place items on the Agenda b% submitting a Written Request to the City Clerk or City Manager's Office at least six days prior to the City Council Meeting (by 2 00 p in the prior Tuesday) The request must include a bnef general description of the business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting Playmg of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if then are submitted to the Cits Clerk ns o (2) working days pnor to the meeting and they do not exceed fix e (5) minutes in length In compliance %nh the americans with Disabilities .act if sou need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk 524 -2305 x01i0cation 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the If in to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAI, M ARCH 6, 2001 - 7:00 P.M. Next Resolution # 4205 Next Ordinance # 1331 7:00 PM Session C ALL TO ORDER IN\ OCATION AND PRESENTATION OF FLAG — Job's Daughters PRESENTATIONS— (a) Commendation presented to the International Order of Job's Daughters, Bethel 295 in El Segundo, in recognition of their programs to promote leadership, fund- raising, public speaking, community service, and the fundamentals of parliamentary procedure (b) Commendation to Beth Muraida as the Switzer Center "South Bay Woman of the Year" and hononng her for making a difference In our community 03 (c) Commendation to Donna Kahl as the Switzer Center "South Bay Woman of the Year" and honoring her for making a difference in our community ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of 850 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalfofanother, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of 5250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only Recommendation - Approval. B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS — Public hearing on a Development Agreement and General Plan Amendment The applicant requests approval to demolish a 12 -story office building and construct a new six -story, 120.610 square foot office building, which exceeds the floor area ration (FAR) in the Corporate Office (CO) Zone, at 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard (Environmental Assessment No EA -535, Development Agreement No 00 -2, and General Plan No 00 -2 ) Property owner W9 1SEP Real Estate Limited Partnership Recommendation — a) Open Public Hearing; b) Discussion; C) Reading of Resolution approving environmental determination; and, Ordinance (approving revised Development Agreement and denying General Plan Amendment) by title only; d) Schedule second reading and adoption of Ordinance on March 20, 2001; and /or e) Other possible action /direction. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE D REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS - NONE E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business Warrant Numbers 251 5863- 25 161 16 on Register No 10 in total amount of $600,046.28, and Wire Transfers in the amount of S1,058,072 56 Recommendation - Approve Warrant Demand Register and Authorize staff to release. Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and /or adjustments; and wire transfers from 02/10/01 to 02/23/01. 04 City Council meeting minutes of February 20, 2001 Recommendation - Approval. 4 City Council to authorize the release of $9,315 in block grant funding to the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office from the (OCJP) /Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) Recommendation — Approve the City Manager to sign the Waiver of Direct Subgrant Award form and return it to the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office. Request to approve SPCA contract for animal sheltenne services Recommendation — Approve the SPCA contract for animal sheltering services. Request for the City Council to extend the blanket purchase orders with Long Beach Uniform through September 30, 2002 for Police uniforms and safety equipment Recommendation — Approve the extension of Bid #97 -07 with Long Beach Uniform and authorize staff to continue to issue an annual blanket purchase order in an amount not to exceed $44,000 plus applicable taxes. .Amendment No 4 to the Professional Services Agreement (Contract No 2645) between the City of El Segundo and Meyer, Mohaddes Associates, Inc - Re-striping (amendment amount S15,00000) Recommendation — Approve Amendment No. 4 and authorize the Mayor to execute the amendment on behalf of the Citv. A« and of contract for the installation of two (2) banner poles on Sepulveda Boulevard, proximately 150 feet north of Holly Avenue (contract amount = $34,374,00) Recommendation — Reject the lov, bid of CT & F as being non- responsive, award construction contract to the lowest responsible bidder TDS Engineering and authorize the Mayor to execute the standard public works contract. Farmer's Market Financial Report Recommendation — Receive and file. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA F NER BUSINESS — 10 Request to distribute an RFP for a master plan for Recreation Park and architectural design for a community center Recommendation — Approve RFP and authorize staff to distribute to interested architectural firms. 05 11 Inclusion of the 100 -200 blocks of Main Street and Grand Avenue from Standard Street to Concord Street in the first phase of the implementation of the Downtown Specific Plan as recommended by the Downtown Subcommittee Recommendation — Authorize staff to include the 100 -200 blocks of Main Street and Grand Avenue between Standard and Concord Streets in the first phase of improvements and direct staff to estimate the tasks and related costs of the additional improvements. G. REPORTS - CITY MANAGER - NONE H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY - NONE REPORTS - CITY CLERK - NONE J. REPORTS - CITY TREASURER - NONE K. REPORTS - CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member MCDORell - NONE Council Member Gaines - NONE Council Member Wernick - NONE Mayor Pro Tern Jacobs - NONE Mayor Gordon — NONE PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Onlv - 5 minute limit) Individuals who have rec en ed i ahie of S50 or nmre m communicate io the Citi Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their emplover must so idennth ihcmcch es prior to addressing the Cai Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 Witte hde all conimentc are u elcome the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond in comments alter Public Communications is dosed MEMORIALS CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Sec 54960, et Le ) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and/or confemng with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation; and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code section 54957 (Personnel), and/or confemng with the City's Labor Negotiators, as follows Continuation of matters listed on the City Council Agenda for 5 00 p m , March 6, 2001 under "Closed Session" (if needed) 0G REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) ADJOURNMENT POSTED DATE o TIME f p NAME 030601ag 07 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE. March 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING. Special Orders of Business- Public Hearing AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Public hearing on a Development Agreement and General Plan Amendment The applicant requests approval to demolish a 12- story office building and construct a new six -story, 120,610 square foot office building, which exceeds the floor area ratio (FAR) in the Corporate Office (CO) Zone, at 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard (Environmental Assessment No EA- 535, Development Agreement No 00 -2, and General Plan No 00 -2 ) Property owner W9 /SEP Real Estate Limited Partnership RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION 1) Open Public Hearing, 2) Discussion, 3) Reading of Resolution approving environmental determination, and, Ordinance (approving revised Development Agreement and denying General Plan Amendment) by title only, 4) Schedule second reading and Adoption of Ordinance on March 20, 2001, and /or, 5) Other possible action /direction BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: The applicant is requesting approval of a Development Agreement to allow the construction of a six -story, 120,610 square foot office to replace an obsolete, 12 -story 140,000 square foot building on the same property The applicant's request includes a General Plan Amendment to allow a 1 086 1 FAR for the project, which would exceed the current maximum 0 8 1 FAR standard in the Corporate Office land use designation ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS 1 Draft City Council Resolution No 2 Draft City Council Ordinance No 3 Draft Development Agreement (Redline) 4 Planning Commission Staff Report and Attachments, February 22, 2001 5 Draft Planning Commission Minutes, February 22, 2001 6 Adopted Planning Commission Resolution No s 2496 & 2497 FISCAL IMPACT, Amount Requested: N/A Account Number- N/A Project Phase: N/A Appropriation required: NIA ORIGINATED, DATE, James M Hansen, Director of Community, Economic and Development Services Mary Strenn, C6Qanager Z,Ly/ �8 1 EA -535, DA 00 -3, GPA 00 -3 City Council Staff Report March 6, 2001 BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: (Continued) Page 2 The Development Agreement application also includes a reduction in the number of loading spaces that would be required on -site from three spaces to two spaces and a reduction in the size of the required loading spaces from 13 feet in width by 50 feet in length to 13 feet in width to 30 feet in length. The Development Agreement proposes a ten -year term and includes an offer by the applicant to contribute $150,000 to benefit public improvement projects along Sepulveda Boulevard As part of the Development Agreement, the applicant would agree to permanently discontinue an existing temporary Park - and -Ride operation located in the parking structure that serves the project Planning Commission Action On February 22, 2001, the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed project and recommended approval of the Development Agreement with modifications to the Agreement to allow a maximum FAR of 0 8, as permitted in the Corporate Office Zone This would allow a budding with a maximum size of approximately 88,862 square feet (31,748 square feet less than requested) Consequently, they recommended denial of the proposed General Plan Amendment since the project would be in conformance with the General Plan if the FAR were reduced The Commission also recommended the elimination of the applicant's proposed $150,000 contribution for public improvement projects on Sepulveda Boulevard, after considering the offer to be an inappropriate donation included in the application The Commission recommended that the Council not approve the proposed reduction in the number of loading spaces The Commission did recommend approval of the size reduction of the required loading spaces Recommended Council Action Based on the recommendation of the Planning Commission to deny the General Plan Amendment, staff has revised the draft Development Agreement to reflect the modifications proposed by the Commission If approved, the revised draft Development Agreement would grant the applicant a ten year entitlement to construct an office building with a maximum floor area of approximately 88,862 square feet This entitlement would maintain a maximum 0.8 FAR for the property even if the City took action in the future to reduce or modify the FAR allowed in the Corporate Office land use designation The entitlement would also allow the three required loading spaces to be 30 feet long instead of 50 feet long The park- and -nde operation would also have to be discontinued prior to occupancy of the new building As revised, there would be no contribution by the applicant toward public improvements in the Development Agreement EA -535, DA 00 -3, GPA 00 -3 City Council Staff Report March 6, 2001 Page 3 The following table summarizes the key points of the proposed project as proposed by the applicant and as modified by the Planning Commission A complete project description, analysis, and background information is included in the accompanying Planning Commission staff report and selective (non - duplicative) attachments P Ptanning 6 Budding SafetylPROSECTS\526- 550%EA- 535 \EA -535 ais doc 7 O Applicant Request Commission Recommendation Term of Agreement 1 10 years 10 years Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 1 086 1 0.81 Budding Size 120,610 square feet 88,862 square feet # of Loading Spaces 2 3 Size of Loading Spaces 13' x 30' 13' x 30' Public Benefit $150,000 contribution No contribution Park - and -Ride Permenantly discontinued Permanently discontinued A complete project description, analysis, and background information is included in the accompanying Planning Commission staff report and selective (non - duplicative) attachments P Ptanning 6 Budding SafetylPROSECTS\526- 550%EA- 535 \EA -535 ais doc 7 O RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. EA -535 AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO 00 -2 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW OFFICE BUILDING AT 888 NORTH SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD. PETITIONED BY: LEGACY PARTNERS WHEREAS, a Development Agreement (DA No 00 -2) and General Plan Amendment (GPA No 00 -2) application have been received from Legacy Partners, which requests approval to demolish a vacant office budding and the construction of a new office budding at 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard In the Corporate Office (CO) Zone, and, WHEREAS, an Initial Study was prepared pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA "), Cal Public Resources Code Section 21000 et sea The Inital Study demonstrated that the project would not cause any environmental impacts that cannot be mitigated to a level of insignificance Accordingly, a Mitigated Negative Declaration ( "MND ") was prepared and circulated for public review and comment between January 18 and February 7, 2001, and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application and supporting evidence with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act, State CEQA Guidelines and the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (Resolution 3805), and, WHEREAS, at the duly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo on February 8 and 22, 2001, duly advertised public hearings were held on this matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and, Planning Commission adopted Resolution No 2496, recommending approval of the proposed project with modifications, and, WHEREAS, at the duly scheduled meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo on March 6, 2001, duly advertised public hearing were held on this matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and, WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons present to speak for or against the findings of Environmental Assessment No 535, Development Agreement No 00 -2, and General Plan Amendment No 00 -2, and, WHEREAS, at said hearing the following facts were established The proposed project is a ten -year Development Agreement (DA No 00 -2) between the City of El Segundo and W9 /SEP Real Estate Limited Partnership for demolition of an existing vacant 12- story 140,000 square foot office building and construction of a new six -story 120,610 square foot office building in its place An existing temporary airport park- and -ride business located in the parking structure at 892 North Sepulveda Boulevard would be permanently discontinued The airport park- and -ride use was approved through Environmental Assessment No 356 and Administrative Use Permit (AUP) No RESOLUTION NO _ APPROVING EA -535, GPA 00 -3, and DA 00 3 2114101 PAGE NO I 11 94 -6 in 1994 The AUP allowed the airport park- and -nde use as an interim use of the 817 spaces in the parking structure while the two office buildings at 888 and 898 North Sepulveda Boulevard were vacant The AUP requires that once these buildings become occupied, the airport park -and- ride operation would have to be discontinued, since the parking structure would once again be required to meet the parking requirements for the two office buildings The size of the required loading spaces would be reduced from 13 feet in width by 50 feet in length to 13 feet in width by 30 feet in length A General Plan Amendment is proposed to permit the proposed office building to establish a floor area ratio (FAR) for the protect of 1 086 1, which is greater than the maximum 0 8 1 FAR permitted = in the Corporate Office land use designation The proposed office building would be smaller than the existing office building This proposed General Plan Amendment would not increase the maximum FAR in the Corporate Office land use designation, it would only affect this property The Planning Commission recommended reducing the maximum size of the proposed building to a maximum of 88,862 net square feet, which would be the maximum allowed under the current 0 8 1 FAR in the Corporate Office land use designation NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that after considering the above facts, the testimony presented at the public hearings, and study of proposed Environmental Assessment No 535, Development Agreement No 00 -2, and General Plan Amendment No 00 -2, the City Council makes the following findings and approves the Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts of proposed Environmental Assessment No 535 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT That the City of El Segundo has prepared an Initial Study, and, an accompanying Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared demonstrating that the Project would not cause any significant environmental impacts that cannot be mitigated to a level of insignificance That when considering the whole record there is no evidence that the protect will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends, because the protect involves the in -fill development on an existing parking lot in an urban setting That the City Council authorizes the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services to file with the appropriate agencies a Certificate of Fee Exemption and De Minimis finding pursuant to California Assembly Bill (AB) No 3158 and the California Code of Regulations Within twenty-four hours of this approval, the applicant shall submit to the City of El Segundo a fee of $25 00 required by the County of Los Angeles for the filing of this certificate along with the required Notice of Determination As approved for in AB No 3158, the statutory requirements of CEQA will not be met and no vesting shall occur until this condition is met and the required notices and fees are filed with the County NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council approves the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts of proposed Environmental Assessment No EA -535 for Development Agreement No 00 -2 and General Plan Amendment No 00 -2, subject to the following conditions RESOLUTION NO APPROVING EA -535, GPA 00 -3 and DA 00 -7 2114/01 PAGE NO 2 1 � Air Quailty The applicant shall implement Transportation Demand Management (TDM) programs and adopt Transportation System Management (TSM) plans and provide incentives for the provision of transit support facilities in accordance with SCAQMD and City regulations Cultural Resources In the event that paleontological or archaeological resources are encountered dunng the course of grading, all development must cease in these areas until the paleontological or archaeological resources are properly assessed and subsequent recommendations are determined by a qualified paleontologist or archaeological Geology and Soils 3 The development shall conform to the California Building Code Hazards and Hazardous Materials All identified asbestos containing building materials (AGMs) shall be removed in accordance with all federal, state, SCAQMD and local regulations by an asbestos abatement contractor who is certified by and registered CAUOSHA for removal of asbestos If any suspect asbestos containing materials not previously identified are encountered during demolition, these materials would be required to be sampled by a qualified person and analyzed by an accredited laboratory. If these materials are confirmed as ACMs, they shall be removed and disposed of in accordance with applicable regulations All debris shall be cleared, including waste oil and waste oil impacted materials, from the southeastern corner of the proposed project site All removed material shall be handled and disposed of in accordance with applicable regulations 6 Prior to issuance of a demolition permit, the applicant shall submit a demolition safety plan for review and approval by the Department of Community, Economic and Development Services which demonstrates that the chosen method of demolition will be in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations Hydrology and Water Quality The project applicant shall ensure that an effective erosion control program is in place throughout the demolition and site preparation phases of the project The project applicant shall provide perimeter retainage around the site to minimize sediment runoff to the storm drain system The project applicant shall install fossil fuel filters or other fuel /oil separators at all parking structure storm drain collectors RESOLUTION NO _ APPROVING EA -535, GPA OOJ, and DA 00 -3 2/14/01 PAGE NO 3 13 10 Landscape design shall maximize rainwater retention in landscaped areas 11 The project applicant shall incorporate all applicable design measures set forth In the Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan for Los Angeles County and Cities in Los Angeles County Public Services 12 The project applicant shall install automatic fire sprinklers 13 The protect applicant shall install full fire alarm systems, subject to the review and approval of the Fire Department 14 The project applicant shall provide for review of site plans by the El Segundo Fire Department for placement of on -site fire hydrants and fire access lanes Utilities and Service Systems 15 A recycling program shall be instituted for the project to the satisfaction of the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services to reduce the volume of solid waste going to landfills 16 Recycling bins shall be provided at appropriate locations to promote recycling of paper, metal, glass and other recyclable material BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that according to the El Segundo Municipal Code, a copy of this Resolution shall be mailed to the owner at the address shown on the application and to any other person requesting a copy of same PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of March 2001. Mike Gordon, Mayor RESOLUTION NO APPROVING EA -535, CPA OOJ, and DA 00 -3 2/14/01 PAGE NO 4 14 ATTEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Resolution No _ was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 6th day of March, 2001, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM ark D sley, ity ney RESOLUTION NO APPROWNG EA -535, GPA 00 -3, and DA-60-3 2/14/01 PAGE NO 5 15 ORDINANCE NO. _ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 00 -2 AND DENYING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 00-2, FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW OFFICE BUILDING AT 888 NORTH SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD. PETITIONED BY: LEGACY PARTNERS. WHEREAS, a Development Agreement (DA No 00 -2) and General Plan Amendment (GPA No 00 -2) application have been received from Legacy Partners, which requests approval to demolish a vacant office building and construct a new office building at 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard in the Corporate Office (CO) Zone, and, WHEREAS, an Initial Study was prepared pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA "), Cal Public Resources Code Section 21000 et sea The Initial Study demonstrated that the project would not cause any environmental impacts that cannot be mitigated to a level of insignificance Accordingly, a Mitigated Negative Declaration ( "MND ") was prepared and circulated for public review and comment between January 18 and February 7, 2001, and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application and supporting evidence with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act, State CEQA Guidelines and the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (Resolution 3805) and adopted Resolution No 2496 recommending approval of a Mitigated Declaration of Environmental Impacts for the proposed project, and, WHEREAS, at the duly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo on February 8 and 22, 2001, duly advertised public hearings were held on this matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and notices of the public hearings were given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law and the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No 2497 recommending approval of the Development Agreement No, 00 -2, with modifications, and, WHEREAS, on March 6 2001, the City Council did hold, pursuant to law, a duly advertised public hearing on such matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and notice of the public hearing was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law, and, WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons present to speak for or against the findings of Environmental Assessment No 535, Development Agreement No 00 -2, and General Plan Amendment No 00 -2, and, WHEREAS, at said hearing the following facts were established The proposed project is a ten -year Development Agreement (DA No 00 -2) between the City of El Segundo and W9 /SEP Real Estate Limited Partnership for demolition of an existing vacant 12- story 140,000 square foot office building and construction of a new six -story 120,610 square foot office budding in its place ORDINANCE NO APPROVING EA -535 and DA 00 -2 2/26/01 PAGE NO 1 16 An existing temporary airport park- and -ride business located In the parking structure at 892 North Sepulveda Boulevard would be permanently discontinued The airport park- and -ride use was approved through Environmental Assessment No 356 and Administrative Use Permit (AUP) No 94 -6 in 1994 The AUP allowed the airport park- and -nde use as an interim use of the 817 spaces in the parking structure while the two office buildings at 888 and 898 North Sepulveda Boulevard were vacant The AUP requires that once these buildings become occupied, the airport park -and- ride operation would have to be discontinued, since the parking structure would once again be required to meet the parking requirements for the two office buildings The size of the required loading spaces would be reduced from 13 feet in width by 50 feet in length to 13 feet in width by 30 feet in length A General Plan Amendment is proposed to permit the proposed office building to establish a floor area ratio (FAR) for the protect of 1 086 1, which is greater than the maximum 0 8 1 FAR permitted in the Corporate Office land use designation The Planning Commission recommended reducing the maximum size of the proposed building to a maximum of 88,862 net square feet, which would be the maximum allowed under the current 0 8 1 FAR in the Corporate Office land use designation NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that after considering the above facts, the testimony presented at the public hearings, and study of proposed Environmental Assessment No 535 and Development Agreement No 00 -2, and General Plan Amendment No 00 -2, the City Council makes the following findings approving Development Agreement No 00 -2 and denying General Plan Amendment No 00 -2 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT On March 6, 2001, the City Council adopted Resolution No _, approving a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for the proposed project GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING CONSISTENCY Since the revised draft development agreement would limit the size of the proposed office building to the maximum FAR permitted in the Corporate Office land use designation, the density of the proposed project would be consistent with the current General Plan, and an amendment to the General Plan Land Use Element would not be required DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT The revised draft Development Agreement is consistent with the goals, policies, and objectives of the General Plan because the Development Agreement would provide public benefits (replacement of an obsolete budding) In exchange for valuable development rights (ten -year entitlement) The project, as recommended by the Planning Commission, is in conformity with the public convenience, general welfare and good land use practice, because the Development Agreement proposes a project which would be consistent with the development standards In the Corporate Office Zone and would require the elimination of a temporary airport park- and -nde operation upon project occupancy ORDINANCE NO APPROVING EA -535 and DA 00 -2 2/26/01 PAGE NO 2 17 3 The proposed project, as recommended by the Planning commission, will not adversely affect the orderly development of property in the Corporate Office Zone since no additional development rights would be granted to one property that would not apply equally to other properties in the Zone 4 The project will not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare The Initial Study concluded that there would be no environmental impacts associated with the project that could not be mitigated to a level of insignificance Therefore, the location of the use and conditions under which it would operate would not be detrimental or materially Injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the City Council approves Development Agreement No 00 -2, with modifications, subject to the following conditions Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit plans, which indicate that the project is in substantial conformance with plans and conditions approved and on file with the Department of Community, Economic and Development Services The plans shall be modified to indicate that the proposed building shall not exceed a maximum floor area ratio of 0 8 1 Any subsequent modification to the project as approved shall be referred to the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services for a determination regarding the need for Planning Commission review of the proposed modification 2 Prior to the issuance of a budding permit, the Development Agreement shall be recorded with the Los Angeles County Registrar /recorder 3 Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall pay a one -time Library Services Mitigation Fee of $0 03 per gross square foot of building floor area for either renovation or reconstruction 4 Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall pay a one -time Fire Services Mitigation Fee of $0 14 per gross square foot of building floor area for either renovation or reconstruction 5 Prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall pay a one -time Police Services Mitigation Fee of $0 11 per gross square foot of building floor area for either renovation or reconstruction 6 Prior to approval of the building plans, the applicant shall submit plans which demonstrate conformance with the elements outlined in the memo from the Police Department, dated January 29, 2001, which is on file in the Planning Division The secunty measures shall be Installed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or implemented prior to operation, as appropriate Prior to approval of the budding plans, the applicant shall submit a Fire /Life Safety Plan to the Fire Chief which includes, but is not limited to, the following A Fire protection systems, including sprinklers, standpipes, and fire alarm systems, B Fire lane signage and accessibility, ORDINANCE NO _ APPROVING EA -535 and DA 00.2 2/26/01 PAGE NO 3 i C Fire mains and hydrants, and, D High rise fire systems for buildings in excess of 55 feet in height All Fire /Life Safety Plan requirements must be installed and operational, and any required easements or documents recorded, prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy The applicant shall pay the City Attorney's fees and costs for preparing or reviewing any fire lane access easements, or any such easements or agreements required A Landscaping and Irngation Plan shall be submitted by the applicant to the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services, Director of Recreation and Parks, and Police Chief prior to approval of the budding plans Any new landscaped areas shall be provided with a permanent automatic watering or imgation system and shall be permanently maintained in a neat and clean manner The applicant, if feasible, shall incorporate provisions for the use of reclaimed water in the Landscaping and Irrigation Plan The Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services, Director of Recreation and Parks, and Police Chief, and installed per the approved plans by the applicant prior to the Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 10 Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall submit a Master Sign Plan to ensure compatibility with the surrounding area, as well as to ensure that signs do not impede traffic or pedestrian safety The Master Sign Plan shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services and Police Chief and all signs shall be installed per the approved plan prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 11 During construction, the entire project site shall be enclosed by a six -foot high chain link fence Gates for site fencing shall not open over sidewalk/public nght -of -way A fencing plan shall be submitted by the applicant and reviewed and approved by the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services prior to installation 12 All work within the City public right -of -way shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction and City of El Segundo Standard Specifications No work shall be performed in the public nght -of -way without first obtaining a Public Works permit 13 All work within the Sepulveda Boulevard Caltrans public right -of -way shall be in accordance with Caltrans standard specifications No work shall be performed In the Sepulveda Boulevard public right -of -way without first obtaining a Caltrans permit 14 Prior to approval of the building plans, plans shall indicate that all proposed utilities shall be placed underground to the satisfaction of the City Engineer The applicant shall assume the costs for the relocation of all utilities, including but not limited to, light poles, electrical vaults, and fire hydrants which are affected by the proposed project 15 Encroachment permits must be obtained from the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department for demolition haul -off Permits must be obtained at the same time the permit for demolition is issued An encroachment permit for grading is also required when import or export ORDINANCE NO APPROVING EA -535 and DA 00 -2 2/26/01 PAGE NO 4 19 of dirt exceeds fifty cubic yards Demolition and grading may be listed on one encroachment permit 16 Prior to approval of the building plans, plans shall show the location and design of all proposed trash enclosures to the satisfaction of the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services and the Police Chief Plans shall also indicate that the trash area will incorporate adequate space for the collection of recyclable materials 17 If new sewer laterals are required and constructed in the public right -of -way, they shall be a minimum of six inches inside diameter Material shall be "vitreous clay pipe" Each lateral shall have a six -inch clean -out brought to grade at the property line and securely capped A B9 size box shall be placed around the clean -out for protection The box shall have a cover emblazoned with the word "sewer" If in a traffic area, cover shall be traffic approved All planned sewer connections shall be checked for elevation prior to starting construction Existing sewer laterals shall be plugged at the sewer mainline and capped at the property line Existing six -inch wyes may be reused if approved by the Director of Public Works 18 No material storage is allowed in the public right -of -way except by permit issued by the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department If material storage is allowed in the public right -of -way it shall be confined to parkway areas and street parking areas, as long as safe and adequate pedestrian and vehicular passage is maintained at all times Storage beyond these areas in the public right -of -way requires pnor approval of the Public Works Department and shall be limited to a maximum period of 24 hours 19 Prior to Certificate of Occupancy, new curbs, sidewalk, driveway approaches, wheelchair ramps and A C pavement, including alleys, shall be constructed /reconstructed as required by the Director of Public Works Existing driveways and other concrete work not to be incorporated into the construction shall be removed and replaced with standard curb and sidewalk 20 Should any previously unrecorded archeological or cultural resources be encountered during construction of the project, all work will be stopped and the Department of Community, Economic and Development Services will be notified immediately At the applicant's expense a qualified archeologist will be consulted to determine the potential significance of the find, and his findings shall be submitted to the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services prior to the commencement of work 21 The applicant shall submit the appropnate documentation to show conformance with or exemption from the State Water Quality Control Board's National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for construction related stormwater run -off to the Director of Public Works prior to the approval of the building plans 22 During construction dust control measures shall be required in accordance with the City's Dust Control Ordinance Grading will be discontinued dunng first -stage smog alerts and suspended during periods of high wind (i a over 15 miles per hour) All hauling trucks shall have loads covered or wetted and loaded below the sideboards to minimize dust ORDINANCE NO APPROVING EA -535 and DA-65 2 2/26/01 PAGE NO 5 20 23 The applicant shall indemnify, defend, protect, and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, actions, causes of action, proceedings or suits which challenge or attack the validity of the City's approval of Environmental Assessment No EA -535 and Development Agreement No 00 -2 SECTION 1. This Ordinance shall become effective at midnight on the thirtieth (30) day from and after the final passage and adoption hereof SECTION 2 The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance, shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original ordinances of said City, shall make a note of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted, and, shall within 15 days after the passage or adoption thereof cause the same to be published or posted in accordance with the law PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20' day of March. 2001. Mike Gordon, Mayor ORDINANCE NO _ APPROVING EA -535 and DA 00 -2 2/26/01 PAGE NO 6 21 ATTEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five, that the foregoing Ordinance No _ was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 6th day of March, 2001, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 20`" day of March, 2001, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM irk D He sl , i Att ey ORDINANCE NO APPROVING EA -535 and DA 00 -2 2126/01 PAGE NO 7 22 EXEMPT FROM RECORDER'S FEES Pursuant to Government Code §§ 6103,2 -383 Recording Requested B% and When Recorded Return to CITY CLERK CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 350 M APB STREET EL SEGUNNDO, CA 90143 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Bl AND BETWEEN THE CITI OF EL SEGUNDO AND '*t9 /SEP REAL ESTATE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE RECORDED WITHIN TEN DAYS OF EXECUTION B1 ALL PARTIES HERETO PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF GOVERNMENT CODE §65868 5 23 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Thus Development Agreement ( "Agreement ") is made this day of 2001, by and between the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a City to the State of California ( "City"), and W9 /SEP REAL ESTATE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Delaware limited partnership (the "Developer ") In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement, the City and Developer agree as follows I Recitals This Agreement is made with respect to the following facts and for the follo" ing purposes, each of w hick are acknowledged as true and correct by the parties A The Cu,, is authorized pursuant to Government Code Sections 65864 through 65869 5 to enter into binding agreements with persons or entities having legal or equitable interests in real propem for the development of such property in order to establish cenamty in the development process B The Developer is the owner of certain real property, located at the southeast comer of Sepulveda Boule%ard and " alnut Avenue (the "Site "), commonly known as SSS \ Sepulveda Boulevard 892 \ Sepuheda Boulevard, and 898 N Sepulveda Boulevard (collecu%eh, the "Site ") Currently 89S \ Sepulveda Boulevard is improved with an eight (8) - ston eightv-fi%e thousand (85 000) square foot office building, which Developer recently caused to be remodeled and retrofitted S98 \ Sepulveda Boulevard is hereinafter referred to as "Parcel I" and is legalty described on Exhibit "A -1" attached hereto. Currently, 888 N Sepuh eda Boule%ard is improv ed w ith a m eh e ( 12) -story, one hundred forty thousand (140 000) square foot office building w hich has been Natant for approximately ten (10) years, contains asbestos and requires e\pensiN e retrofitting Located on 892 N Sepulveda Boulevard is a siv (6) -ston parking structure proN iding required parking for the buildings located on Parcel I and Parcel_ and for a separate airport parking business operated by a Developer known as ' Airport 105 Parking " 888 \ Sepuh eda Boulevard and 892 N Sepulveda are collectively referred to and herein as "Parcel 2 ", and are legally described on Exhibit "A -2" attached hereto C The Parties desire to enter into this Agreement in conformance with the Govemment Code and the CttN of El Segundo Municipal Code in order to achieve the development of the Site as expressly prov ided under the terms of this Agreement D The Developer proposes to demolish the existing twelve (12) -story office building, and construct a six (6) -story office building consisting of a maximum of eighty - eiht thousand etghts+-,� hundred and stxty-twoten (88,8621- ?9,19) square feet w ith a Floor Area Ratio ( "FAR ") of 0 8 1 086 Parking for the new six (6) -story building would be prm ided by the existing parking structure located on Parcel 2, with an additional se%enteen (17) surface parking stalls (the "De%elopment Project ") The Development Project is hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Project'' All parking required for Parcel 1 shall be pro%ided on Parcel 2 E The City desires to obtain the binding agreement of the Developer for the dev elopment of the Site in accordance w ith the provisions of this Agreement F The Developer desires to obtain the binding agreement of the City to permit the Developer to develop the Project in accordance with the "Applicable Rules" (as hereinafter defined), as modified by this Agreement In consideration thereof, Developer agrees to waive its rights to legally challenge the limitations and restrictions imposed upon the development of the Property pursuant to the Project approvals and this Agreement and to provide the public benefits and improvements specified in this Agreement G Developer has applied to the City in accordance with applicable procedures for approval of this mutually binding Agreement The Planning Commission and City Council of the City have given notice of intention to consider this Agreement and, have conducted public hearings thereon pursuant to the Government Code H This Agreement is consistent with the present public health, safety, and w elfare needs of the residents of the City of El Segundo and the surrounding region. The City has specifically considered and approi ed the impact and benefits of this Project upon the welfare of the region I This Agreement will bind the City to the terms and obligations specified in this Agreement and kill limit, to the degree specified in this Agreement and under State law, the future exercise of the City's ability to delay, postpone, preclude or regulate development of the Project on the Site except as pro%ided for herein J This Agreement eliminates uncertainty to plaruung and provides for the orderly del elopment of the Project, and generally serves the public interest within the City of El Segundo and the surrounding region K The Cm is entering into this Agreement in part because it anticipates that the Project, once completed, w ill replace an obsolete structure which has been vacant for approximately ten ( 10) years w ith an attractn a structure acting as a gateway and landmark for the northern portion of the City The development of the Protect will eliminate an obsolete building in the City in the form of the currently %acant twelve (12) -story structure, and the remoll al of asbestos from the vacant twelve (12) -story structure 2 Definitions In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires. (a) "Applicable Rules" means (i) statutes, ordinances, the rules, regulations, and official policies of the City in force as of the "Effective Date" (as hereinafter defined) goveming zoning, development, density, permitted uses, growth management, environmental consideration, and design criteria applicable to the Project as modified by Section 6(f) of this Agreement, and (u) the mitigation measures adopted by the City and the conditions imposed by this Agreement and the Project's Discretionary Approvals (b) " Discretionan Actions, Discretionary Approvals" are actions which require the exercise ofjudgment or a decision, and which contemplate and authorize the imposition of revisions or conditions, by the City, including any board, commission, or department of the City and any officer or employee of the City, in the process of approving or disappro� mg a particular acts it), as distinguished from an activity which merely requires the City, including any board, commission, or department of the City and any officer or employee of >cx �R„� c1h -2- 25 the City, to determine whether there has been compliance with applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, or conditions of approval (c) "Effective Date" shall be the date the applications for Discretionary Approvals were approved by City Council (d) "Subsequent Applicable Rules" means the rules, regulations, and official policies of the City, as they may be adopted, operative after the Effective Date of this Agreement which, other than as provided for in this Agreement, would govern the zoning, development, density, permitted uses, growth management, environmental considerations, and design criteria applicable to the Project and Site The parties intend the development of the Project and the Site to be subject to Subsequent Applicable Rules only to the extent specified in paragraph (a) of Section 8 of this .Agreement (e) "Zoning Ordinance" is the Zoning Ordinance for the City of El Segundo contained in the El Segundo Municipal Code, as it exists on the Effective Date 3 Interest of Developer The Developer represents to the City that, as of the Effectve Date, it owns the Site in fee subject to encumbrances, easements, covenants, conditions restrictions and other matters of record 4 Binding Effect This Agreement, and all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall run w ith the land comprising the Site and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respecu%e assigns, heirs, or other successors in interest \egation of Agenci The Parties acknowledge that, in entering into and performing under this Agreement each is acting as an independent entity and not as an agent of the other in am respect Ivothmo contained herein or in any document executed in connection herexk ith shall be construed as making the Cit% and Developer joint venturers, partners or employer employee 6 Development of the Propem The following specific restrictions shall govern the use and del elopment of the Project as described herein and in Exhibit "B ", and without the need for any additional Discretionan, Actions (a) Permitted Uses of the Proper Nothing set forth in this Agreement shall be deemed to require Developer to complete the Project, however, the City and the Developer agree that the permitted, conditional and permitted uses of the Property shall be as provided in the Applicable Rules, as modified by subsection (1) herein below, (b) Density and Intensity of Use The City and Developer agree that the maximum densities and intensities for the permitted use of the Project shall be as set forth in this Agreement and the Discretionary Approi als (c) Maximum Height and#ri Size of Proposed Building The City and Dei eloper agree that the maximum height and size of the building proposed for the Project shall be as set forth in this Agreement 1,ot OC Olt' ,a ny in -3- 11 _ C 1 (d) Development Standards All design and development standards applicable to the development of the Project shall be in accordance with the Applicable Rules, as modified by subsection (f) herein below, the conditions of the Discretionary Approvals as adopted, amended or modified in the future by mutual consent The sole exactions, conditions, and mitigation measures to be required for the Project shall be those contained in the Applicable Rules, the conditions imposed by the Project's Discretionary Approvals, and this Agreement (e) Adherence to Building Code All construction on the Property shall adhere to the California Building Code, including the Fire Resistive Design Manual, the National Electrical Code, the Uniform Plumbing Code, the Uniform Mechanical Code, the Uniform Housing Code the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildsngs, the Uniform Code for Building Conservation and the Uniform Administrative Code in effect at the time the plan check or permit is approved and to any federal or state building requirements that are then in effect (collectively "the Building Codes ") (f) Exceptions to Development Standards The Developer shall be permitted to design and construct the Project a ith the folio« mg exceptions to the current Zoning Ordinance De% elopment Standards as ma% reasonably be required to carry out the Project, including "ithout limitation, the follov,mg (1) In connection with Development Project, the existing "Administrati,,e Use Permit" (EA No -356, and AUP No 94 -6), for Developer's currenth existing "Park and Ride" business shall be permanently re%oked and the use shall be discontinued upon the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the first tenant improvement associated with the Development Project, excluding occupancy of a building managementfleasmg office which shall not trigger such revocation, (u) Threet+ e ( =2) loading spaceseach with a width of thirteen (13) feet and a depth of thirty (30) feet shall be required to serve Parcel 2 instead of the three (3) loading spaces with a width of tlurteen (13) feet and depth of fifty (50) feet as required by Section 20,54 060 of the City's Zoning Ordinance 7 Acknow ledgments, Agreements and Assurances on the Part of the Developer The parties acknowledge and agree that Developer's faithful performance in developing the Project on the Site, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and in constructing and installing public improvements, making payments and complying with the Applicable Rules will fulfill substantial public needs The City acknowledges and agrees that there is good and valuable consideration to the City resulting from Developer's assurances and faithful performance thereof and that same is in balance with the benefits conferred by the City on the Project and the Det eloper by this Agreement In consideration of the foregoing and the City's assurances set out in Section 8 beloti, Developer makes the covenants set forth in this Agreement 8 Acknowledgments Agreements and Assurances on the Part of the City In order to effectuate the provisions of this Agreement, and in consideration for the Developer to obligate itself to cam, out the cox enants and conditions set forth in the preceding Section 7 of this .- . 27 I U�6 2 ]aOI=- J-+-41 mq Oh '4' I Agreement, the City hereby agrees and assures Developer that Developer will be permitted to carry out and complete the development of the Project within the Site, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the conditions of the Project Approvals and the Applicable Rules, as modified by this Agreement. Therefore, the City hereby agrees and acknowledges that. (a) Entitlement to Develop The Developer is hereby granted the vested right to develop the Project on the Site to the extent and in the manner provided in this Agreement, subject to the Applicable Rules, as modified by this Agreement, and, should the City make the findings set forth below in this subparagraph (a), any "Subsequent Applicable Rules" Any change in the Applicable Rules, including, without limitation, any change in the General Plan, anv applicable Specific Plan, Zoning Ordinance, growth management regulations, design standards or any subdivision regulation of the City, adopted or becoming effective after the Effective Date, shall not be applied by the City to the Project on the Site Subsequent Applicable Rules can be applied to the Site by the City only if, after public hearing, (1) the City determines that the failure of the City to apply Subsequent Applicable Rules will place residents of the City in a condition substantially dangerous to their health or safety, which condition cannot otherwise be mitigated in a reasonable manner and (2) it is applied consistently and evenly to all other similar del elopments in the City Subsequent Applicable Rules with regard to increases in existing permit fees imposed by the City (i e , fees intended to cover the City's processing costs) and not otherwise restricted by the terms of this Agreement, may, notwithstanding the above, be imposed on Developer In the ei ent that a state or federal laµ or regulation is enacted after this Agreement has been entered into x %hich would prevent or preclude compliance with one or more provisions of the Agreement, such provisions of the Agreement shall be modified or suspended as may be necessan to comply µ ith such state or federal laµ or regulation (b) Subsequent Discreuonar, Actions With respect to any Discretionary Action or Discreuonar, Appror al that is, or may be required subsequent to the execution of this Agreement, the City agrees that it will not unreasonably withhold from Developer or unreasonably condition or delay any such Discretionary Action or Discretionary Approval which must be issued by the City in order for the development of the Project Site to proceed unless the City determines that (1) the failure to impose such condition would place residents of the City in a condition substantially dangerous to their health or safety, which condition cannot otherwise be mitigated in a reasonable manner and (2) such condition is applied consistently and evenly to all other similar developments in the City Moreover, in the event that a state or federal law or regulation is enacted after this Agreement has been entered into, which would prevent or preclude compliance with one or more provisions of the Agreement, such provisions of the Agreement shall be modified or suspended as may be necessary to comply with such state or federal law or regulation 9 Vesting of Development Rights In Pardee Construction Co v City of Camarillo, 37 Cal 3d 465 (1984), the California Supreme Court held that the failure of the parties therein to provide for the timing or rate of development resulted in a later- adopted initiative restricting the rate of development to pre%ail against the parties' agreement City and Developer intend to avoid the result in Pardee b% acknowledging and providing that Developer shall have the right, without obligation except as otherwise specifically set forth herein, to develop the Property in such order and at such rate and times as Developer deems appropriate within the exercise of its subjective business judgment subject to the term of this Agreement In furtherance of the City's and Developers intent, as set forth in this Section, no future amendment of any existing City ordinance or resolution, or future adoption of any ordinance, resolution or other action, that purports to limit the rate or timing of development over time or alter the sequencing of development phases, whether adopted or imposed by the City Council or through the initiative or referendum process, shall apply to the Site However, nothing in this section shall be construed to limit City�s tight to enforce Developer's obligation pursuant to this Agreement to provide all infrastructure required by the Project Approvals and this Agreement 10 Benefits to the City The City will benefit from the elimination of the existing obsolete building as a result of the fe — r emohtion of the existing, vacant twelve (12) - story building located on the Site, the abatement of asbestos located in such vacant building, and the development of a new, image enhancing development project within the northern portion of the City The City will benefit from increased sales taxes denved from retail sales to occupants of the Project– r FEhe_ the De ,.1. pep aeffees ..1.we to the Gtt , the s e fOn,, Rand..e,l F 4 TL,,. gang n_n„_s (S159.000) f9F the cest of landseap trig ..,than . .al and I D 1 Site T1. City shall, e 1 9£�3C�fH }iprd�2R#L�RF5 �6 S.fetiHr�- 2�vvFia-IP43fd -FH tl#2 F#ffiiiiry- 0�iliELVrs�= rrreTn7 ornirr- 8rii'T."�m2 perfemied b! the a 11 Cooperation and Implementation The City agrees that it will cooperate with Developer to the fullest extent reasonable and feasible to implement this Agreement Upon sausfacton performance b} Dex eloper of all required preliminary conditions, actions and payments the City w ill commence and in a timely manner proceed to complete all steps necessary for the implementation of this Agreement and the development of the Project or Site in accordance %% ith the terms of this Agreement Developer shall, in a timely manner, provide the City with all documents, plans, and other information necessary for the City to carry out its obligations under this agreement 12 ReN iew of Compliance (a) Periodic Rey iew The Cm Manager of the City shall review this Agreement annually, on or before the anniversary of the Effective Date, to accordance with the procedure and standards set forth in this Agreement and the El Segundo Municipal Code in order to ascenain compliance by the Developer w ith the terms of this Agreement (b) Special Review The City Council of the City may order a special review of compliance with this Agreement at any time but not to exceed twice per year The Director of Planning and Building Safety or the City Council, as determined by the City Council, shall conduct such special reviews (c) Procedure During either a penodic review or a special review, the Developer shall be required to demonstrate good faith compliance with the terms of this Agreement The burden of proof on this issue shall be on the Developer The parties acknowledge that failure by the Developer to demonstrate good faith compliance shall constitute grounds for termination or modification of this Agreement in accordance with Government Code § 65865 1 (d) Cure of Default If, on the basis of review of this Agreement, the Director of Planning and Building Safety concludes that the Developer has not complied in good faith w ith the terms of this Agreement, then the Director of Planning and Building Safety may issue a wntten "Notice of Non - compliance" specifying the grounds therefore and all facts demonstrating such non - compliance After receipt of said Notice, the Developer shall, within thirty (30) days, indicate to the City in venting the method for curing the alleged non - compliance The Developer's failure to cure the alleged non - compliance within one hundred twenty (120) days for non - monetary defaults and thirty (30) days for monetary defaults after receipt of said notice (or, if not susceptible to being cured in such time, then Developer's failure during such time to commence such cure, and thereafter to diligently pursue such cure to completion), shall constitute a default under this Agreement, subject to possible termination of the Agreement as prov ided belo%% upon completion of a periodic review or a special review, the Director of Commumt\ Economic and Development Services shall submit a report to the City Council setting forth the evidence concerning good faith compliance by the Developer with the terms of this .Agreement and the recommended finding on that issue 13 Default Provisions (a) Default Either party to this Agreement shall be deemed to have breached this Agreement if it materially breaches any of the provisions of the Agreement and the same is not cured " ithin the time set forth in a written notice of violation from the non - breaching party to the breaching party, which penod of time shall not be less than ten (10) days for monetary defaults, and not less than sixty (60) days for non - monetary defaults from the date that the notice is deemed recen ed pro% ided if the breaching patty cannot reasonably cure a non - monetary breach A ithin the time set forth in the notice then the breaching party shall not be in default if it commences to cure the breach µ uhm such time limit and diligently effects such cure thereafter If the Cm determines to proceed with termination of this Agreement, the City shall give wntten notice to the Developer of its intention to terminate this Agreement and comply with the notice and public heanng requirements of Government Code Sections 65867 and 65868 At the time and place set forth in the hearing on termination, the Developer shall be given an opportunity to be heard If the City Council finds based upon the evidence that the Developer is in breach of the Agreement, the Council may modify or terminate this Agreement (b) Content of Notice of Violation Every notice of violation shall state with specificity that it is given pursuant to this Section of the Agreement, the nature of the alleged breach, and the manner in which the breach may be satisfactonly cured The notice shall be deemed given on the date that it is personally delivered or on the date that is three (3) business days after it is deposited in the united States mail, in accordance with Section 21 hereof (c) Remedies for Breach The Parties agree that remedies for breach of the Agreement shall be limited to the remedies expressly set forth in this subsection The remedies for breach of the Agreement by City or Dev eloper shall be limited to injunctive relief and/or c,n -7- specific performance except in the event of a monetary default by Developer the City shall be entitled to seek any remedy available to it at law or in equity 14 Mortgagee Protection At the same time that City gives notice to the Developer of a breach, City shall send a copy of the notice to each holder of record of any deed of trust on the portion of the Site in which Developer has a legal interest ( "Financier "), provided that the Financier has given prior written notice of its name and mailing address to City and the notice makes specific reference to this Section 14 The copies shall be sent by United States mail, registered or certified, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, and shall be deemed received upon the third (3rd) day after deposit Each Financier that has given prior notice to City pursuant to this Section shall have the right, at its option and insofar as the rights of City are concerned, to cure any such breach within sixty (60) days after the receipt of the notice from City If such breach cannot be cured within such time period, the Financier shall have such additional period as may be reasonably required to cure the same, provided that the Financier gives notice to City of its intention to cure and commences the cure within sixty (60) days after receipt of the notice for City and thereafter diligently prosecutes the same to completion City shall not commence legal action against Developer b} reason of Developer's breach without allowing the Financier to cure the same as specified herein Nom ithstanding any cure by Financier, this Agreement shall be binding and effective agamst the Financier and every owner of the Site, or part thereof, whose title thereto is acquired by foreclosure, trustee sale or otherwise 15 Proceedings L pon Termination If the City determines to proceed with termination of this Agreement, the Cit} shall give written notice to the Developer of its intention to terminate this Agreement and comply w ith the notice and public hearing requirements of Goi ernment Code §S 65868 and 65867 At the time and place set for the hearing on termination the Developer shall be gi, en an opportunity to be heard If the City Council finds, based upon substantial evidence, that the Developer has not reasonably complied in good faith w ith the terms or conditions of this Agreement the City Council may modify or terminate this A greem en t 16 Estoppel Certificate At anytime and from time to time, Developer may deliver wntien notice to City and City may deliver written notice to the Developer requesting that such party certify in writing that, to the knowledge of the certified party (t) this Agreement is in full force and effect and a binding obligation of the parties, (u) this Agreement has not been amended, or if amended, the identity of each amendment, and (iii) the requesting party is not in breach of this Agreement, or if in breach, a description of each such breach. The party receiving such a request shall execute and return the certificate within thirty (30) days following receipt of the notice City acknow ledges that a certificate maybe relied upon by successors in interest to the Developer who requested the certificate and by holders of record of deeds of trust on the portion of the Site in which that Developer has a legal interest 17 Modification Amendment or Cancellation Subject to the notice and hearing requirements of Section 65867 of the Government Code, this Agreement may be modified or amended from time to time by mutual consent of the parties or their successors in interest in accordance w ith the pro% isions of the El Segundo Code and Section 65868 of the Government Code Ii me _ ]tinny..µ rmi qn -S- 3 1 t 18 Term of Agreement This Agreement shall become operative and commence upon the Effective Date and shall remain in effect for a term of ten (10) years, unless said term is terminated, modified, or extended by circumstance set forth in this Agreement or by mutual consent of the parties hereto Following the expiration of said term, this Agreement shall be deemed terminated and of no further force and effect, provided, such termination shall not automatically affect any right of the City or Developer arising from City approvals on the Project prior to the expiration of the term or arising from the duties of the parties as prescribed in this Agreement 19 Remedies For Default It is acknowledged by the Parties that the City would not hai e entered into this Agreement if it were to have unlimited liability and damages under this Agreement, or with respect to this Agreement, or the application thereof The Parties agree and recognize that, as a practical matter, it ii ill not be possible physically, financially, and as a matter of land use planning, to restore the Project to its prior state once the construction is commenced Moreoi er Dei eloper has invested a considerable amount of time and financial resources in planning the time location, intensity of use, improvements and structures for the development of the Project For these reasons, the Parties agree that it %k ill not be possible to determine an amount of monetary damages which would adequately compensate the parties Therefore, the Parties agree that monetan damages will not be an adequate remedy for either party should the other fail to perform its duties under this Agreement The Dei eloper's remedies under this Agreement shall be limited to the nght to specifically enforce the terms of this Agreement The City's remedies under this Agreement shall also include the nehi to specifically enforce the terms of this Agreement 20 Administration of Aeeement and Resolution of Disputes All decisions by the Cit% staff concerning the interpretation and, administration of this Agreement and the Project ii hich is the subject hereof are appealable to the City Council and all like decisions by the City Council shall be final Ho A ei er, decisions of the City Council shall also be subject to judicial re% iec% pursuant to Code of Ctitl Procedure Section 1094 5 so long as such action is filed to a court of competent jurisdiction not later than ninety (90) days following the date on which the City's decision becomes final pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094 6 21 Notices All notices under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be effecili e w hen personally delivered or upon the third (3rd) day after deposit in the United States mail as registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the following representatii es of the parties at the addresses indicated below If to City City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 Ann Director of Community, Economic and Development Services With a copy to Burke, Williams & Sorensen 611 West Sixth Street, 25th Floor ,,, x 9 Los Angeles, California 90017 Ann Mark Hensley If to Developer Legacy Partners Commercial, Inc 30 Executive Park, Suite 100 Irr me, Cali forma 92614 -6741 Attention Mr Michael Moms With a copy to Allen Matkms Leck Gamble & Mallory LLP 1900 Main Street, 5th Floor In me California 92614 -7321 Attention R Michael Joyce, Esq .Any party may, from time to time b} written notice to the other, designate a different address ii hich shall be substituted for the one above 22 Se%erabilit), and Termination If any provision of this Agreement is determined b% a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, or if any provision of this Agreement is superseded or rendered unenforceable according to any law which becomes effectti e after the Effecti%e Date the remainder of this Agreement shall be effective to the extent the remaining pro%isions are not rendered impractical to perform, taking into consideration the purposes of this Agreement 23 Time of Essence Time is of the essence for each provision of this Agreement of hich time is an element 24 Force Maieure In the ei ent of changed conditions, changes in local, state or federal laN�s or regulations floods dela,,s due to strikes, inability to obtain materials, civil commotion fire acts of God or other circumstances which substantially interfere with carrying out the Project as approi ed by the City or ti ith the ability of either party to perform its obheauons under this .Agreement and ii hich are not due to actions of Developer and are beyond its reasonable control, the parties agree to bargain in good faith to modify such obligations to achiei e the goals and presen e the original intent of this Agreement _'s Wan er No a aii er of any pro% ision of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of am other pro%ision, whether or not similar, nor shall any such waiver constitute a continuing or subsequent waiver of the same provision No waiver shall be binding, unless it is executed in ii nting by a duly authorized representam e of the party against whom enforcement of the waiver is sought 26 Entire Agreement This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the Parties regarding the subject matter hereof and all prior agreements or understandings, oral or �%nuen, are hereby merged herein This Agreement shall not be amended, except as expressly prodded herein 2-1 Relationship of the Parties Each party acknowledges that, in entering into and performing under this Agreement it is acting as an independent entity and not as an agent of any of the other Pam in any respect Nothing contained herein or in any document executed in connection herewith shall be construed as creating the relationship of partners, joint ventures or any other association of any kind or nature between City and Developer, jointly or severally 28 Rules of Construction The captions and headings of the various sections and subsections of this Agreement are for convemence of reference only, and they shall not constitute a part of this Agreement for any other purpose or affect interpretation of the Agreement Should anv provision of this Agreement be found to be in conflict with any pro%ision of the Project .Approvals or the Subsequent Approvals, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail over the Project Appro%als 29 Constructive Notice and Acceptance Every person who, now or hereafter, owns or acquires am right. title or interest in or to any portion of the Project Site is, and shall be, conclusi%eh deemed to have consented and agreed to every provision contained herein, whether or not am reference to this .Agreement is contained in the instrument by which such person acquired such nght, title or interest in the Project Site 30 \o Third Pam Beneficiaries This Agreement is made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit of the Panies and their successors and assigns No other person shall ha%e am nght of action based upon an% pro%ision of this Agreement 31 Attomev's Fees In the e%ent an} action, suit or proceeding is brought for the enforcement or declaration of any nght or obligation pursuant to, or as a result of any alleged breach of this Agreement, the pre%aihn_z party shall be entitled to its reasonable attorneys' fees and liugauon expenses and costs, and am judgment, order or decree rendered in such action, suit or proceeding shall include an a%%ard thereof Attorneys' fees under this section shall include attomevs' fees on am appeal and am post - judgment proceedings to collect or enforce the udgment This prov ision is separate and se%eral and shall survive the merger of this Agreement into anv judgment on this Agreement Incomoration of Exhibits The follow mg Exhibits are pan of this Agreement and each of a hich are incorporated herein by this reference Exhibit A -1 Legal Description of Parcel I Exhibit A -2 Legal Description of Parcel 2 Exhibit B Description of the Projects Exhibit C Form of Assignment and Assumption 33 Entire Agreement. Conflicts This Agreement represents the entire agreement of the parties Should any or all of the pro%isions of this Agreement be found to be in conflict with am prov ision or provisions found in the Project .Approvals, Applicable Rules, or Subsequent Applicable Rules, then the provision(s) of this Agreement shall prevail 34 Release Upon Transfer Upon the sale or transfer of the Developer's interest in am portion of the Property, except as other%` tse provided herein, Developer shall be released from its obligations a ith respect to the portion so sold or transferred subsequent to the effective date of the sale or transfer and the City's sole remedy shall be against the assignee or its successor or assign, pro%ided that (i) De%eloper is not in breach of this Agreement at the time of the sale or transfer and (ii) prior to the sale or transfer, Developer delivers to City a written assignment and assumption agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "C ", duly executed by the purchaser or transferee and notanzed by a notary public, whereby the purchaser or transferee expressly assumes the obligations of Developer under this Agreement with respect to the sold or transferred portion of the Property Failure to provide a written assumption agreement hereunder shall not negate, modify or otherwise affect the liability of the purchaser or transferee pursuant to this Agreement Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to grant to City discretion to approve or deny any such sale or transfer 35 Hold Harmless The Deg eloper hereby agrees to and shall defend, protect, save and hold the Cit} and its elected and appointed boards, commissions, officers, agents and employees harmless from an} and all claims, costs, losses, fines, penalties, demands, injuries, Judgments and or liabilities for an} damages ansutg out of, or resulting from, the City's approval of this Agreement or either panys performance pursuant to this Agreement, provided, however, that the Developer shall not be required to indemnify the City from its negligence or willful misconduct, and further pros ided that the Developer may elect to legally challenge the City's implementation or interpretation of this Agreement 36 Joint Preparation This Agreement shall be deemed to have been prepared Jointly and equalty b} the Parties. and it shall not be construed against any party on the ground that the Pam prepared the Agreement or caused it to be prepared 37 Governing Lau and \ enue This Agreement is made, entered into, and executed in the County of Los Angeles. California and the laths ofthe State of California shall govern its int: rpretation and enforcement And action suit or proceeding related to, or ansing from, this Agreement shall be tiled in the appropriate court having Jurisdiction in the County of Los Angeles 38 Countemarts This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of hich shall be deemed an onginal, but all of %� hich shall constitute one and the same instrument I\ WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hay e each executed this Agreement of the date first «ntten abo,,e CITY OF EL SEGUNDO a Mike Gordon, Mayor ATTEST Cindy Monesen, City Clerk 35 Approved as to form Mark D Hensley, City Attorney W9 /SEP REAL ESTATE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Delaware limited partnership By W 9 /SEP Gen -Par Inc, a Delaware corporation, General Partner BN Name Its Vice President EXHIBITS Exhibit -\-I - Leeal Descnpnon of Parcel I E\hibn 4 -2 - Le,al Descnpnon of Parcel Exhibit B - Description of Proiect EN hibu C - Assim- ment and 4ssump[ ion 36 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) On , 2001, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said state, personally appeared and known to me to the persons who executed the within instrument as Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, of the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, the public agency therein named, and acknowledged to me that such Commission executed the w ithin instrument pursuant to its bylaws or a resolution of its members WITNESS my hand and official seal STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss COt NT1 OF LOS ANGELES Name (typed or printed) On 2001 before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State personalh appeared LnOw n to me to be the President of and known to me to be the Secretary of the corporation that executed the w ithin instrument, known to me to be the persons %% ho executed the k+ ithin instrument on behalf of , the Corporation therein named, and acknow ledged to me that such Corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its byla%� s or a resolution of its board of directors «-IT \ESS m� hand and official seal 3� -14- EXHIBIT A -1 Leval Description of Parcel 1 (898 North Sepulveda Boulevard) Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No 11008, in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as shown on the Map filed in Book 133, Page I of Parcel Map in the Office of the County Recorder of said County E \HIBIT A -1 p nh -1- 3A EXHIBIT A -2 Leval Description of Parcel 2 (888 North Sepulveda Boulevard and 892 North Sepulveda Boulevard) Parcel 2 of Parcel Map No 11008, in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as shown on the Map filed in Book 123, Page I of Parcel Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said Counn E \HIBIT A. lL\ llln T t � it Lam_ IJ�h:_6 q=— LU.�rtni Ci� -1- EXHIBIT "B" Description of Project The Project consists of the demolition of the existing 12 -story office building, and the development of a 6 -story office building consisting of a maximum of 88,862128;6.1.0 net square feet, w rth parking provided by the existing parking structure located on Parcel 2, with an additional 17 surface parking stalls The existing "Park and Ride" business would be permanently re%oked and the use would be discontinued upon the issuance of a Certificate of occupancy for the first tenant tmpro� ement associated with the Project, provided that the occugancN of a building management. leasing office shall not trigger such revocation E \HIBIT rni o.� B -%a Tin Q I ��o `•col cJ-Wi rmJ qh - EXHIBIT "C" ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION This Assignment and Assumption is entered into as of this _ day of , 2001, by and between W91SEP Real Estate Limited Partnership ( "Assignor ") and ( "Assignee ") ss ith respect to the following facts RECITALS A Assignor is the "Des eloper" w ith respect to that certain Development Agreement dated , (the "Development Agreement ") by and between Assignor and the City of El Segundo a cit} in the State of California ( "GtN ") B The Des elopment Agreement pertains to that certain real property located in the Cm consisting of 888. 892 and S98 \orth Sepulveda Boulevard (collectively, the "Site ") C B} this Assignment and Assumption, Assignor desires to assign all its right, title and interest in and to the Des elopment Agreement to Assignee and Assignee desires to assume all of Des eloper's interest and obligations w ith respect to the Development Agreement \M� THEREFORE, for good and other s aluable consideration, the receipt and sufficient% of a hich is herebs acknow ledged, Assignor and Assignee hereby agree as follows I Assignment of Des elopment Agreement Assignor hereby grants, assigns, transfers com evs and delis ers to Assignee all of its n6t, title and interest in and to the Des elopment Agreement and Assignee hereb} accepts such assignment 2 As -Is Non- Recourse Assignee hereby acknowledges and represents that Assignee has had a full and complete opportunity to ei aluate the Development Agreement and the Site Assignee acknowledges and represents that Assignee accepts the assignment of Assignor's interest in the Development Agreement on an "AS IS" basis, without any recourse to Assignor, and without any representation or warranty of any kind with respect to the terms and conditions of the Development Agreement and or the obligations of "Developer" under the Development Agreement 3 Assumption of Obligations B} acceptance of this Assignment, Assignee hereby assumes and agrees to perform and to be bound by all the terms, conditions, covenants and obligations imposed upon or assumed b} Assignor under the Development Agreement Miscellaneous (a) Notices All notices or other communications provided for or permitted hereunder shall be made in w ntmg b% hand - delivery, or pre -paid first -class mail E \H1BIT "C' 4 1 -I- If to Assignor W9 /SEP Real Estate Limited Partnership If to Assignee ALL SUCH NOTICES AND COMMUNICATIONS SHALL BE DEEMED TO HAVE BEEN DULY GIVEN WHEN DELIVERED BY HAND, IF PERSONALLY DELIVERED, AND TWO BUSINESS DAYS AFTER BEING DEPOSITED IN THE MAIL, POSTAGE PRE -PAID, IF %I AILED AS AFORESAID ANY PARTY MAY FROM TIME TO TIME, BY WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE OTHER, DESIGN ATE A DIFFERENT ADDRESS WHICH SHALL BE SLBSTITUTED FOR THAT SPECIFIED ABOVE (b) Captions and Headings The captions and headings in this Assignment for con%emence of reference only and shall not limit or otherwise affect the meaning hereof (c) Time of Essence Except as otherwise provided herein, time is of the essence w ith respect to all pro% isions of this Assignment in which a definite time for performance is specified, pro%ided however that the foregoing shall not be construed to limit or depnr e a pan of the benefit of am _race period provided for m this Assignment (d) Interpretation and Go%emmg Law This Assignment shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Califorma applicable to agreements made and to be performed %%uhm the state The provisions of this Assignment shall be interpreted in a reasonable manner to effect the purpose of the parties and this Assignment ACCOComLl% any rule of law (including California Civil Code Section 1654) or legal decision that w ould require interpretation of am ambiguities in this Assignment against the party that has drafted it is not applicable and is waned (e) %. ai% er of Jun Trial The parties hereby waive their respective Tight to trial b% dun of am cause of action, claim, counterclaim or cross - complaint in any action, proceeding or hearing brought b} a party hereto or its successors and assigns on any matter w hatsoe%er arising out of, or in anyway connected with, this Assignment, the relationship of the parties hereto, or the enforcement of any remedy under any law, statute, or regulation, ememenc% or others ise, now or hereafter in effect (f) Severability In the e%ent that any one or more of the provisions contained herein or the application thereof in any circumstances, is held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect for any reason, the %andity, legality and enforceability of any such provision in every other respect and of the remaining provisions hereof shall not be in any way impaired or affected, it being intended that all other nghts and privileges shall be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law (g) Attorneys' Fees In any, action or proceeding brought to enforce or interpret any pro,, ision of this Assignment or w here any provision hereof is validly asserted as a defense, the pre%atling party shall be entitled to recover actual attorneys' fees and all other lineation costs including w ithout limitation costs awardable pursuant to California Code of Civil X E \HIBIT "C' o,y— tw..,,,9gh -2' 49 Procedure Section 1033.5 and amounts payable to expert witnesses ( "Costs ") in addition to any other available remedy In addition to the fees and Costs recoverable under the preceding sentence, the parties agree that the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover actual attorneys' fees and Costs incurred in connection with the enforcement of a judgment ansng from such action or proceeding (h) Entire Agreement This Assignment is intended by the patties as a final expression of their agreement and is intended to be a complete and exclusive statement of the agreement and understanding of the parties hereto in respect of the subject matter contained herein This Assignment supersedes any and all prior restrictions, promises, representations, "arrannes, agreements, understandings and undertakings between the parties with respect to such subject matter and there are no restrictions, promises, representations, warranties, agreements, understandings or undertakings with respect to such subject matter other than those set forth or referred to herein (i) Waiver No delay on the part of any party hereto in exercising any right, po%�er or pn%ilege hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any waiver on the part of an% pan hereto of an,. right, pox %er or pm ilege hereunder operate as a waiver of any other n--ht poN%er or privilege hereunder. nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or pn%ilege hereunder preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right po%%er or pm ilege hereunder U) Amendments Neither this Assignment nor any term hereof maybe changed %� aiN ed discharged or terminated orally or in writing, except that any term of this - yssi- rnment may be amended by a µ nting signed by the parties, and the observance of any such term may be % % awed (either generally or in a particular instance and either retroactively or prospecnvek) by a venting signed by the party against whom such waiver is to be asserted (k) Successors and kssiens This Assignment shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and permitted assigns of each of the parties (1) No Third Party Beneficiaries Nothing expressed or mentioned in this Assignment is intended or shall be construed to give any person, other than the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns, any legal or equitable right, remedy or claim under or in respect of this Assignment or any pro%isions herein contained, this Assignment and any conditions and pro%isions hereof being intended to be and being for the sole and exclusive benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns, and for the benefit of no other person (m) Counterparts This Assignment maybe executed in any number of counterparts and by the parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which when so executed shall be deemed to be an original and all of w hich taken together shall constitute one and the same agreement 5 Facsimile This Assignment may be executed by a patty's signature transmitted by facsimile ( "far "), and copies of this Assignment executed and delivered by means of faxed signatures shall have the same force and effect as copies hereof executed and delivered with , .HtatT „C.' 4 1 -3- original signatures All parties hereto may rely upon faxed signatures as if such signatures were originals Any party executing and delivering this Assignment by fax shall promptly thereafter deliver a counterpart signature page of this Assignment containing said party's onginal signature All parties hereto agree that a faxed signature page maybe introduced into evidence in any proceeding ansmg out of or related to this Assignment as if it were an original signature page "ASSIGNOR" W9 /SEP Real Estate Limited Partnership "ASSIGNEE" By W9 /SEP Gen -Par Inc, a Delaware corporation, General Partner 31 Name Its E \HIBIT "C 44 -4- CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT PUBLIC HEARING: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: REQUEST. PROPERTY INVOLVED- Introduction February 22, 2001 Environmental Assessment No. 535, Development Agreement No. 00 -2, and General Plan Amendment No. 00 -2 Legacy Partners W9 /SEP Real Estate Limited Partnership Development Agreement for demolition of vacant office and construction of new office building. 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard The proposed project is a ten -year Development Agreement between the City of El Segundo and W9 /SEP Real Estate Limited Partnership and a General Plan Amendment for the demolition of an existing vacant 12 -story 140,000 square foot building and construction of a new six -story 120,610 square foot office budding The property is located at 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard in the Corporate Office (CO) Zone Recommendation Planning staff recommends that the Planning Commission review the facts as contained within this report, and adopt Resolution No. 2496 (Exhibit A), recommending approval of Environmental Assessment No. 535. Staff also recommends that the Commission adopt Draft Resolution No. 2497 (Exhibit B) recommending approval of the proposed Development Agreement No 00 -2 with a maximum floor area ratio of 0 8 1, and recommending denial of General Plan Amendment No 00 -2 1 45 III. Background The proposed project is a Development Agreement (Exhibit C) for demolition of an existing 12 -story, 140,000 square foot vacant office building and the construction of a new six -story, approximately 120,610 square foot office building at the same location Parking would be provided in an existing six -story parking structure at 892 North Sepulveda Boulevard, which also serves a recently renovated 89,000 square foot office budding at 898 North Sepulveda Boulevard Refer to photo simulations (Exhibit D) The proposed Development Agreement includes the following provisions 1) An existing temporary airport park- and -nde business located in the parking structure at 892 North Sepulveda Boulevard would be permanently discontinued The airport park- and -nde use was approved through Environmental Assessment No 356 and Administrative Use Permit (AUP) No 94 -6 (Exhibit E) in 1994 The AUP allowed the airport park- and -nde use as an interim use of the 817 spaces in the parking structure while the two office buildings at 888 and 898 North Sepulveda Boulevard were vacant The AUP requires that once these buildings become occupied, the airport park- and -nde operation would have to be discontinued, since the parking structure would once again be required to meet the parking requirements for the two office buildings 2) The required number of loading spaces for the proposed project would be reduced from three to two and the size of the required loading spaces would be reduced from 13 feet in width by 50 feet in length to 13 feet in width by 30 feet in length 3) A General Plan Amendment is proposed to permit the proposed office building to establish a floor area ratio (FAR) for the protect of 1.0861, which is greater than the maximum 0 8 1 FAR permitted in the Corporate Office land use designation The proposed office budding would be smaller than the existing office building This proposed General Plan Amendment would not increase the maximum FAR in the entire Corporate Office land use designation, it would only affect this property 4) The proposed Development Agreement contains an offer by the applicant to contribute $150,000 to the City as a public benefit to facilitate aesthetic, landscaping, and other improvements along Sepulveda Boulevard. The original application and public hearing notice included a request for approval of an alternative scenano in which the existing 140,000 square foot office budding would be converted into a 300 -room hotel use The applicant has withdrawn that portion of the application and only seeks approval of the Development Agreement and General Plan Amendment to allow for the construction of the new office budding to replace the existing office budding. 2 46 IV. Analysis Site Description and Surrounding Land Uses The proposed project is located within the northeast portion of the City of El Segundo, with convenient access to the San Diego (1 -405) Freeway and Glenn Anderson (1 -105) Freeway This portion of the City is designated as an office and commercial region, which primarily contains the single tenant and mixed -use office buildings, as well as light industrial and hotel uses. The proposed project site is currently developed with a 12 -story, 140,000 square foot vacant office budding, built in 1969, commonly known as 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard The proposed project site also includes an 817 space, six - story parking structure at 892 North Sepulveda Boulevard adjacent to the existing building, which is the subject of this request An eight -story, 89,000 square foot building, commonly known as 898 North Sepulveda Boulevard is located on the adjacent parcel to the north of the 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard budding The 888 North Sepulveda Budding was built in 1979 and has recently undergone a $7,200,000 renovation by the proposed protect applicant. The existing parking structure would provide parking supply to serve both the office use at 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard, as well as the recently renovated 898 North Sepulveda Boulevard building As the 898 North Sepulveda Boulevard building is owned by the protect applicant, it is considered an integral part of this project, as the design of the proposed 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard office building will relate and match with the recently remodeled building The 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard building currently contains asbestos - containing materials (ACM), requires structural reinforcement to meet current seismic building code requirements, and has obsolete building systems (plumbing, electrical, mechanical, and elevators). The proposed office site is covered virtually in its entirety with buildings and paved surfaces and generally slopes toward the southeast corner of the property. The site is sparsely landscaped, with no significant trees or other landscaping on the site. There are no items of cultural, historical or scenic significance or aspects on the site. The proposed project site is generally surrounded by commercial and industrial uses The areas located to the south, east and north of the proposed project site are developed with low -rise industrial buildings with minimal landscaping. Most of the buildings are from the 1950s and 1960s and have undergone minimal improvements visually from the outside Directly across the street on Sepulveda Boulevard is a Bank of America, and a vacant older brick medical office building. Farther west of the Bank of America on Walnut Avenue, is a newer six -story, 118,532 square foot office building called E Tech Center Diametrically opposite from the site at the northwest comer of Walnut Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard are two older office towers and a parking structure One of the towers is currently occupied by Boeing Satellite Systems, while the other building was built in the 3 47 1960s and is currently undergoing a major renovation. There are no items of cultural, historical or scenic significance in the surrounding area There is also no evidence of animal life since all the land is either developed or paved. The surrounding land uses may be summarized as follows Land Use North: Office, R & D, industrial South: Office East: industrial R & D West: Office, Residential Zone Corporate Office (CO) Corporate Office (CO) Corporate Office (CO) Corporate Office (CO) and Multi -Family Residential (R -3) The following site development standards apply to new projects in the CO Zone Setbacks Front (Grand Avenue) 25' min 25' Interior (North & South) 15' min 3l' -49' Rear (East) 10' mm 97' min. Landscaping a) Vehicular Use Area - 5 %ofVUA(1,013sf) b) Budding perimeter - S mm c) Property perimeter - Fully landscaped 3,958 s f 5' Full on north, south, and east 4 4R PROPOSED CO ZONE PROJECT REQUIREMENTS STANDARDS SCENARIO Building Area 0 8 1 FAR 1 08.1* (Floor Area Ratio) (Dev Agr. & GPA) Building Height 200' max 97' Setbacks Front (Grand Avenue) 25' min 25' Interior (North & South) 15' min 3l' -49' Rear (East) 10' mm 97' min. Landscaping a) Vehicular Use Area - 5 %ofVUA(1,013sf) b) Budding perimeter - S mm c) Property perimeter - Fully landscaped 3,958 s f 5' Full on north, south, and east 4 4R PROPOSED CO ZONE PROJECT REQUIREMENTS STANDARDS SCENARIO Parking Spaces 576 spaces 496 (office) 339 (898 Sep.) 835 TOTAL Loading Spaces 3 spaces 2 spaces" (Dev. Agr.) 13' by 50' 13' by 30' " (Dev. Agr.) The proposed office building would exceed the maximum 0 8 FAR in the CO Zone A General Plan Amendment is proposed to modify the Corporate Office land use designation to allow this property to exceed the maximum 0 8 FAR limit This Amendment would only apply to subject property The building would also be smaller than the existing legal non - conforming office building, which is currently at a 1 26 FAR The Development Agreement would permit a reduction in the required number of loading spaces from three to two and a reduction in the required length of the loading spaces from 50 feet to 30 feet General Plan Consistency The General Plan land use designation for the site is Corporate Office This designation allows offices, restaurants, and research and development The proposed use is permitted in the CO Zone The maximum FAR permitted in the Corporate Office land use designation is 0.8-1 The existing FAR is 1.26.1 and the proposed FAR would be 1 086 1 The proposed new office budding structure would exceed the current maximum 0 8-1 FAR in the Corporate Office land use designation A maximum of 88,862 square feet could be built under the current FAR standard. Even though the current office budding (140,000 square feet) is larger than the proposed budding (120,610 square feet), the legal non - conforming rights to this larger amount of floor area would be lost when the office budding is demolished. At that point, all future construction must comply with the current density standards in the General Plan Since the proposed office budding would exceed the maximum FAR by approximately 31,476 square feet, it would not be consistent with the General Plan Consequently, the applicant has requested an amendment to the General Plan Land Use Element to increase the maximum allowed FAR in the Corporate Office land use designation for this property. The proposed amendment would 5 49 only apply to the subject property and would not increase the FAR throughout the whole Corporate Office land use designation. Therefore, if the proposed amendment were approved, the density of the proposed office development would be consistent with the amended General Plan. While staff believes a new office use would be consistent with and further the goals of the Corporate Office land use designation, the use of a General Plan Amendment to increase the permitted density of one property in the Corporate Office land use designation would essentially amount to "spot zoning" and potentially set a negative precedent for future land use development. When the General Plan was adopted in 1992, it established a maximum development envelope under which all future development was expected to be contained As presented to staff, the need for the additional floor area beyond the maximum 88,862 square feet that could be constructed under the 0 8 FAR in the Corporate Office designation is based on financial considerations to offset the high cost of demolishing the existing structure that has a large amount of asbestos The City is being asked to forgo the General Plan density limits in order for the developer to replace an obsolete building with a "Class A" office budding Staff has been told that without the increased density, the office scenano would not be a financially viable project When balancing the ments of the office scenano with the impact on the goals and objectives of the General Plan, staff believes that approval of the General Plan Amendment would not be good land use planning and it would be detrimental to the long term development of the City. Consequently, staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend denial of the General Plan Amendment to the City Council. Development Agreement Criteria Section 65864 of the California Government Code authonzes the City to enter into Development Agreements with property owners to ensure projects may be built in accordance with the applicable policies, rules, and regulations at the time of approval of the project A Development Agreement may specify the duration of the Agreement, permitted uses of the property, and provisions for dedications of land for public purposes The proposed Development Agreement sets a ten -year duration of the Agreement, and established exceptions to the Corporate Office Zone development standards for the project These are the number loading spaces and the minimum size of loading spaces The development agreement proposed to permit two loading spaces to meet the requirements of the Zoning Code instead of three spaces The size of the two loading spaces would also be 13 feet in width and 30 feet in depth, instead of 15 feet in width and 50 feet in depth. The proposed Development Agreement offers two primary benefits to the City First, the proposed Development Agreement would enable the elimination of an obsolete building and replacement with a new image enhancing development 50 project within the northern portion of the City The applicant has also proposed contributing $150,000 toward the funding of several City projects along Sepulveda Boulevard that would provide a public benefit (e.g. Sepulveda median landscaping and Sepulveda banner poles) Staff has prepared a fiscal impact analysis of the proposed project (Exhibit G), which estimates that the proposed project would provide a negligible annual marginal fiscal cost to the City of approximately $1,100 after five years compared to the existing vacant office building and airport park- and -nde use The Planning Commission is authorized by City Council Resolution No 3268 to make a recommendation to the City Council to approve a Development Agreement if the following findings can be made 1 The project is consistent with the objectives, policies, general land uses, and programs specified in the general plan and any applicable specific plan, 2 The project is compatible with the uses authorized in, and the regulations prescribed for, the land use district in which the real property is located, 3 The project is in conformity with the public convenience, general welfare and good land use practice, 4 The protect will not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare, and 5 The project will not adversely affect the orderly development of property or the preservation of property values Staff believes the proposed Development Agreement provides limited public benefits to the City, while granting a significant development right to the applicant (i a approximately 31,000 square feet of floor area above the maximum FAR in the CO Zone) Staff believes there is no land use constraint that would prevent the applicant from effectively developing a smaller office building As currently proposed, the Development Agreement grants a reduction in the number and size of loading spaces and ten years to build the project in addition to the increased FAR Staff believes the $150,00 contribution toward public infrastructure and aesthetic improvements alono Sepulveda Boulevard does not outweigh the primary benefit (increased FAR) that the development would receive. Without the increased FAR, the Development Agreement would be more balanced between public benefit ($150,000 infrastructure contribution) and private entitlement (ten -year term and loading space reductions) 7 5f Staff has seen recently that three other seemingly obsolete, vacant office buildings have been renovated and brought back onto the market without the need of special entitlements An office building at 2300 East Imperial Highway and 898 North Sepulveda Boulevard were in similar conditions as 888 North Sepulveda and have been successfully renovated The office building at 999 North Sepulveda Boulevard is also in the process of being renovated without the need for discretionary entitlements or density bonuses beyond what the General Plan and Zoning Code authorize for existing buildings According to the applicant, if the existing office building were renovated, it would not be possible to bring the building up to "Class A" office standards because the budding has low floor -to -floor heights which can not be modified. Based on these factors, staff believes the proposed Development Agreement would not meet all the criteria for approval, due to the limited benefit afforded to the City in the agreement in exchange for the valuable development rights that would be granted Additionally, the proposed Development Agreement would not be consistent with the General Plan without the proposed General Plan Amendment Approval of the project at such a scale would not be good land use practice and would adversely impact the orderly development of the Corporate Office Zone by allowing one building to exceed the FAR when other project have not been permitted to increase density Consequently, staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council modify the proposed Development Agreement to reduce the proposed FAR to a maximum of 0.8 1 as allowed in the CO Zone Interdepartmental Comments The project plans, draft Development Agreement, and draft Initial Study were circulated to all inter - departmental staff and their comments are attached to the report (Exhibit H) The Library, and Recreation and Parks Departments, as well as the City Manager and Building Safety Manger, had no comments on the project The comments of the Finance Director related to the onginal hotel scenano, which has been withdrawn by the applicant The Public Works Department commented that any construction work in the Sepulveda Boulevard nght -of -way would require approval and encroachment permits from Caltrans Since Sepulveda Boulevard is a state highway (Highway 1), Caltrans has jurisdiction over construction within the nght -of -way It is not anticipated that any construction work would be required to take place in Sepulveda Boulevard. A condition of approval has been added to Draft Resolution No 2496 and No 2497 to require Cattrans approval of construction work in the Sepulveda Boulevard right -of -way The Police Department provided comments related to lighting issues, stairwell exits, elevator lobby security, addressing, and guestroom security hardware The Fire Department commented (Exhibit H) that the new office budding might also 8 S� be considered as a high -rise (over 55 feet in height), which would require enhanced fire life safety systems beyond those required for a shorter building. The project will be conditioned to comply with all local and State requirements for fire protection V. Environmental Review A revised Draft Initial Study (Exhibit F) was prepared by staff for the protect, based on an Initial Study applicant questionnaire prepared for the applicant by Christopher A Joseph & Associates The original Draft Initial Study included analysis of the proposed hotel conversion, which has been withdrawn by the applicant The revised Initial Study includes analysis of the office only The Initial Study identified potential adverse environmental impacts related to hazards & hazardous materials, noise, and transportation/traffic No significant adverse environmental impacts were identified which could not be mitigated to an insignificant level, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts is proposed The original Draft Initial Study was circulated for inter - departmental review and comments, as required by City Council Resolution No 3805 and State CEQA guidelines. All departments have concurred with the staff recommendation to approve a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact The existing office building contains Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM), which may become hazardous if disturbed During demolition of the existing office building, the ACMs will be required to be removed and disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations. With the imposition of Mitigation Measure No 4, the potential impact of asbestos would be less than significant. A noise impact analysis was prepared by Terry A. Hayes & Associates for the applicant to study the noise impact of the proposed project on the environment and to determine the impact of existing noise sources (i e. Los Angeles International Airport) on the occupants of the project to ensure that the project could be constructed and operated without significant noise impacts. The study concluded that the proposed project would not create significant noise impact on the environment and the construction materials would protect the occupants of the proposed project from potentially significant exterior noise levels Finally, the Draft Initial Study analyzed potential traffic impacts from the proposed project A Traffic Impact Study was prepared for the applicant by RKJK & Associates, a licensed traffic engineering firm The study examined the impact of the traffic generation on the intersections in the surrounding area. The report concluded that the increase in trip generation for would not significantly impact traffic circulation or the operation of any intersection in the surrounding area 9 5� Vi. Conclusion Based on the analysis contained in this report, staff recommends that the Commission adopt Draft Resolution No. 2496 recommending that the City Council approve the Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts (Environmental Assessment No 535) for the proposed project, subject to the conditions contained therein Staff also recommends that the Planning Commission adopt Draft Resolution No. 2497, recommending approval of a Development Agreement No 00-2 subject to a reduction in floor area ratio for the proposed budding from 1.086 1 to 0 8:1 and denial of the associated General Plan Amendment No 00 -2, subject to the conditions contained therein VII. Exhibits -R Draft Resultibon No 2496 a 9m# Rese' tmem Ne 7497 D Photo Simulations E Administrative Use Permit 94 -6 Approval Letter F Revised Draft Initial Study/ Mitigated Negative Declaration G Fiscal Impact Analysis H Inter - departmental Correspondence I Project Application and attachments J Plans Paul Garry, Senior Planner J es M Hansen, rec 0r of Community, Economic and Development Services P \Planning & Budding Safety\PROJECTS\526- 550 \EA- 535\EA -535 sr3 doc 10 54 10 1 Elf S. LAVA zp Aw Att TA 19 S. LAVA ft ' I 17r t>• � Y 1 [ _'� e 11 11 � jl f _ ;f• ' � 11 s a At F f ' I ,� i '^_.l X14 1 HYRUM B FEDJE Director November 9, 1994 Mr Gerard Ngo 9210 Steele Street Rosemead, CA 91770 le gal DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING SAFETY Qu HaL • 350 Alain Strict El Segi.noo Cabfornia 90275-0989 • (310) 322 -4670 FtiY i310i 322 -4167 Re EnN ironmental Assessment EA -3561 Administrative Use Permit 94 -6 Use of existing office parking garage for long -term 24 -hour public airport parking Address 888 -898 N Sepulveda Blvd Dear Nlr Ngo In accordance w ith Chapter 20 72 of the City of El Segundo Zoning Code, the Planning Di%ision has revieµ ed your application for the above referenced project and the Director of Planning and Building Safety has approved your Administrative Use Permit The follow ing are the facts and findings for the decision ESTABLISHED FACTS 1 The applicant, Gerard Ngo, is proposing to use the parking garage for two (2) office buildings, located at 888 and 898 N Sepulveda Boulevard, for public parking The operation consists of using the required parking for two vacant office buildings for long -term 24 -hour public airport parking as an interim use until the office buildings are leased The proposed business will use 2,000 square feet of the ground level of the office building located at 898 N Sepulveda Blvd. for office use, the 60 -space surface parking lot for employee support parking, and the 705 -space parking structure for public parking 2 The project site, which consists of two separate parcels owned by the same property owner, is in escrow to be purchased by the applicant. Parcel 1 is 21,860 square feet in area with an eight (8) story office building and Parcel 2 is 86,077 square feet in area with a twelve (12) story office building, a seven (7) story 705 space parking structure, and a 60 -space surface parking lot. The parking structure located on Parcel 2 is the required parking for both office buildings located 888 and 898 N Sepulveda Blvd (Parcels 2 & 1) There exists a recorded parking co,,enant between Parcels 1 and 2, allowing the owner or successors of Parcel 1 IBM (corner lot) the right to park no more than 280 vehicles within the parking structure 3 The operation is proposed to operate 24 -hours a day, 7 -days a week and will employ a total of thirty (30) people, including one 24 -hour on -site security personnel who will patrol the surface parking areas and parking structure. 4 All vehicular access points onto the property will be controlled by 24 -hour parking attendants 5 The operation will utilize 4 -5 vans and each van will shuttle customers to LAX once every hour 6 The General Plan land use designation for the site is Corporate Office 7 The existing zoning for the site is Corporate Office (CO) The proposed use is not a principal permitted use under the Corporate Office zone and the Director of Planning and Building Safeti has made an administrative determination that the use is subject to approval or an Administrative Use Permit (AUP) 6 The surrounding land uses are manufacturing to the north, south and east, and commercial to the west The surrounding zorung is Corporate Office (CO) to the east, µ est and south, and General Commercial (C -3) to the north. FL,MPqGS BASED ON ESTABLISHED FACTS 1 The proposed project is e%empt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301, Class 1, as an existing facility Z The surrounding land uses to the north, south, east and west are compatible with the proposed project The proposed operation is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of Corporate Office 3 The proposed use is a permitted use, subject to approval of an Administrative Use Permit (AUP), in accordance with Chapter 20.72, Administrative Determinations. 4 The proposed long term public parking use will generate less traffic than the Previous office use, particularly dunng the A M. and P.M. peak hours, and will not have an adverse impact on the existing traffic and circulation system Based on these facts and findings, the Director of Planning and Building Safety approves the proposed project Kith the folio%%ing conditions 1 The applicant shall obtain a Business License prior to commencement of business 2 519 2 Written authorization from the current property owner for this application shall be provided prior to obtaining a business license. If escrow closes and the applicant is the new owner, proof of ownership shall then be provided instead. 3 Any new landscaping around the parking structure and the property shall be limited to ground cover for safety purposes. All landscaping shall be kept low profile and maintained to restrict any climbing access. Bushes and trees shall be trimmed low and away from buildings, avoiding cover for criminal activity. 4 The addressing of the parking structure shall be a minimum of 24- inches high, of contrasting color to the background, illuminated during dark hours and clearly visible from the street 5 The parking attendants at the access points and the security guard shall have access to communication devises (e g phone) at all times for emergency purposes 6 Every level of the parking structure shall be brightly lit at all times during dark hours for personal and vehicle safety Lighting in the parking structure and surface lot shall be maintained with a minimum of one -foot candle of illumination 7 The property shall be completely secured with walls or fences prior to obtaining a business license Wall or fencing plans shall be submitted to the Director of Planning and Building Safetti for review and approval prior to installation of the walls or fences This determination Aill be transmitted to the Planning Commission for their November 17, 1994, meeting as a received and file item An appeal of this decision by the Director of Planning and Building Safety may be filed with the Planning Division prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which this decision is to be received and filed. If an appeal is filed, the item will be scheduled for a public hearing Should you have any questions, please contact Naima Greffon, or any other Planrung Division staff, at 322 -4670, ext 405 Sincerely,— Ky dj Direct B Fe e / Director of Planning and Building Safety cc Anthony Wong, Realtor 7 EA -356 AUP 5') City of El Segundo DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY, 350 Main Street ECONOMIC AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 524 -2300 FAX (310) 322 -4167 www.elsegundo.org REVISED INITIAL STUDY/ ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM PROJECT No EA No 535 DA No 00 -2, GPA No 00 -2 BACKGROUND I Protect Tale Development Agreement No 00 -2 and General Plan Amendment No 00 -2 for replacement of budding with new office building 2 Lead Agency Name and Address City of El Segundo, 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 3 Contact Person and Phone Number Paul Gam, Senior Planner. (310) 524 -2342 4 Project Location 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard 5 Project Sponsor's Name and Address W91SEP Real Estate Limited Partnership Legacy Partners Commercial, Inc 30 Executive Park, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92614 -6741 Ann Edwin Sundareson, Protect Manager 6 General Plan Designation Corporate Office 7 Zoning Corporate Office (CO) 8 Description of Project (Describe the whole action involved, including but not limited to later phases of the project and any secondary support, or off -site features necessary for its implementation Attach additional sheets if necessary) The protect applicant is proposing to demolish the existing 12 -story, 140,000 square foot vacant office building and construct a 6 -story approximately 120,610 net square foot office budding at 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard The proposed office budding would be a Class A office ouilding designed to increase the employment base of the City of El Segundo, which would likely draw tenants and employees from throughout the region The fit and finish of the building would be similar to the recently renovated 898 North Sepulveda Boulevard office budding located immediately north of the proposed project site The applicant intends to use aqua blue green glass for the new 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard building and champagne - colored canopy and mullion system along with colored concrete and limestone composite material at the base of the building all of which would be similar to the adjacent office budding Parking for the facility would be provided within the existing 6 -story parking structure located at 892 North Sepulveda Boulevard adjacent to the proposed office building A total of 835 parking spaces. or approximately 4 0 spaces per 1 000 square feet, would be provided within this structure This .1 total would exceed the City requirement of 576 total parking spaces for the proposed new office building as well as the recently renovated office budding at 898 North Sepulveda Boulevard which is also served by this parking structure The facility will also provide two loading dock spaces of 13 feet by 30 feet at the rear of the building which is an exception to the loading dock requirements of three loading docks with dimensions of 13 feet by 50 feet Because the existing General Plan land use designation, which applies to the proposed project site, would only allow construction of an 88,000 square foot building, an amendment to the General Plan to permit the additional budding square footage which is sought by the applicant, is also being requested This amendment would apply to this specific project site 9 Surrounding Land Uses and Setting (Briefly describe the project's surroundings) The proposed project site is currently developed with a 140,000 square foot 12 -story vacant office buttding, built in 1969 commonly known as 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard The proposed project site also includes an 817 space, 6 -story parking structure adjacent to the existing 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard building (see Photo 2) An 8 -story, 89,000 square foot building commonly known as 898 North Sepulveda Boulevard is located on the adjacent parcel to the north of the 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard budding This building was built in 1979 and has recently undergone a S7 2 million dollar renovation by the proposed project applicant As the B98 North Sepulveda Boulevard budding is owned by the project applicant, it is considered an integral part of this project as the design of the proposed 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard office bu ldinc will relate and match with the recently remodeled budding The 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard budding currently contains asbestos - containing materials, requires structural reinforcement to meet current seismic budding code requirements, and has cosolete building systems (plumbing electrical, mechanical, and elevators) The existing parking structure would provide parking to serve the proposed office use at 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard as well as the recently renovated 898 North Sepulveda Boulevard building The proposed office site is covered virtually in its entirety with buildings and paved surfaces and generally slopes toward the southeast comer of the property The site is sparsely ancscaped with no significant trees or other landscaping on the site There are no items of cultural historical or scenic significance or aspects on the site The proposec project site is generally surrounded by commercial and industrial uses The areas located to the south east and north of the proposed project site is composed of low -rise industrial buildings with minimal landscaping Most of the buildings are from the 1950's and 1960 s and have undergone minimal improvements visually from the outside Directly across the street on Sepulveda Boulevard is a Bank of America, and an older brick medical office building Farther west of the Bank of America on Walnut Avenue, is a newer 6 -story, 118,532 square foot office budding called E Tech Cente, Diametrically opposite from the site at the northwest corner of Walnut and Sepulveda Boulevard are two older office towers and a parking structure One of the towers is currently occupied by Boeing Satellite Systems, while the other building was built in the 1960 s and is undergoing renovations There are no items of cultural, historical or scenic significance in the surrounding area There is also no evidence of animal life since all the land is either developed or paved 9 Other Public Agencies Whose Approval is Required (e g, permits, financing approval, or participation agreement ) None 2 61 11. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: The environmental factors checked below (X ) would be potentially affected by this project, Involving at least one Impact that is a Potentially Significant Impact as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. Aesthetics X Hazards & Hazardous I Public Services Materials Agncultural Resources Hydrology/Water Quality Recreation Air Quality Land Use /Planning , X I Transportation/Traffic Biological Resources Mineral Resources I Utilities/Service Systems Cultural Resources X Noise Findings of r Slgrnficance I Geology'So is Population/Housing III DETERMINATION. On the basis of this initial Study of Environmental Impact, the Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo finds the following find tna' the proposed p,oject COULD NOT nave a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared � • -d 'na' a nojg ^, the proposed project could nave a significant effect on the environment, there will c oe a s cn,f can, eflect in this case because revisions in the project have been made by or agreed X _ . the c,ojec' proponent A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared d 'ra t ^e Proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an I z'. - CNi4zNTA_ fr.51AC' REPORT is required I d ina' the proposed project MAY have a -potent al significant impact" or "potentially significant I -mess m;ugated impact on the environment but at least one effect (1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and (2) has been addressed p,, miLgabon measures based on the eanie• analysis as described on attached sheets An NVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is reouirec but c must analyze only the effects that remain to _e addressed f nil tha' although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, because a ootent ally significant effects (a) have been analvzec n an earlier EIR or NEGATIVE ECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to -a caner EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION inGudinq revisions or mitigation measures that are —posed upon the proposed project nothing furrne, is required Hansen C c' Community Economic and Deveiopmew Services and o` -e Plan- ingComm,ssion Se -cc February 12, 2001 Date Issues and Supporting Information pommily Signitimt LM than Signtfitant LM; n a Sip t I t No hyll Input with tnW I Mruganon . AESTHETICS Would the project a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? I X b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not limited to trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic I X highway'? c) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site I I X and its surroundings' d 1 Create a new source of substantial light or glare which would adversely I I i X _ affect day or nighttime views in the area- A pro)ect - related significant adverse effect could occur if the project were to introduce incompatible visual elements within a field of view containing a scenic vista However the proposed project site is located in a developed commercial area within the City of El Segundo No scenic vistas cu,rently exist in this area No impacts related to scenic vistas would occur A project- related s,gmficant adverse effect cowc occur if the project were to introduce incompatible visual elements on the c, oiec' site or visua elements wh ch would be inco ^,oat ole with the character of the area surrounding the project site Tne proposed replace the existing 12 -story vacan, o" ce owlding with a 6 -story office budding The exterior of the existing budding would be upgraded and designed to be compatible with the adjacent 898 North Sepulveda Boulevard building The appearance o` the existing parking structure woufc not cnange under the proposed project The proposed project woWd be localec in ar, area of the City of E, Segundo cnaraciernzed by similar, predominantly commercial, land uses, ong with simna• build no height and mass The proposed project would be visually compatible with the appearance of =rnerc a' corridor located along Sepulveda Bou�evarc No impacts related to visual compatibility would occur r pro ec - re,aiec significant adverse effec, could occv ` the project were to introduce new sources of light or glare on the o'o e_ s :e wn,c^ would be inCornoatiOle wR^ the areas surrounding the project site or which would pose a safety hazard ,c — woris-s „t hznnc aolacent streets The existing vacant office building would be demolished and replaced with a 6 -story of c ; v.^ c^ would include new sources of on, Thus the proposed project could incrementally increase fighting levels w ;n ^ the Project site However as a major commercial corridor in this area of El Segundo, existing ambient lighting e�eis along Sepulveda Boulevard are already relatively high Thus any increase In lighting, which may occur under the c•000sed project would not likely be perceptible In addition although traffic levels would increase somewhat under the c- oposed project increased light generation from headlights would likely not be perceptible because of existing high traffic .o i.mes on Sepulveda Boulevard Under the proposed project, existing levels of light and glare generation would not be erected to change substantially from current conditions No new hazards from lighting or glare would be introduced --cac,s would be less than significant roc -^itgauon is required 2 AGRICULTURE RESOURCES In determining whether impacts to agricultural resources are significant e�wronmental effects lead agencies may refer to the California Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment I'ooel (1997) prepared by the California Department of Conservation as an optional model to use in assessing impacts agriculture and farmland Would the project> a Convert Prime Farmland Unique Farmland or Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland) as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to X 'tee Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency to non - agricultural use's ;onflict with existing zoning for agricultural use or a Wilkamson Act _ontract'� r3 Issues and Supporting Information rorcnnaiiy Less thin Less Tbw Sigmfttysir Significant ( SipitBnnt Ingsact With impact Mniption c) Involve other changes In the existing environment which, due to their location or nature, could result In conversion of Farrnli to non- X agricultural use? A significant impact may occur if the proposed project were to result in the conversion Of State - destgnated agricultural land from agricultural use to another non - agricultural use The California Department of Conservation, Division of Land Protection lists Prime Farmland Unique Farmland and Farmland of Statewide Importance under the general category of - Important Farmtand " The Extent of Important Farmland Map Coverage maintained by the Division of Land Protection indicates that the project site is not included in the Important Farmland category ' The proposed project site has been deve oped for its current office uses since 1966 The project site is located in a developed commercial corridor in the City of E Segundo and does not include any state- destcnated agricultural lands No impact on farmland or agricultural resources would occur The proposed project is located in the Corporate Office (CO) Zone Therefore, it will not convert any farmland or otherwise affect any farmland There is no Williamson Act contracted land in the City of El Segundo 3 AIR QUALITY Where availaple the significance criteria established by the applicable air quality management or air ooly on coniro; distnc: may be relied upon to make the foiiowing determinations Would the project ai Corfhct with o, obst'uc' inp ementahon of the aooi,canle air quality plan') I X b i Violate any air duawv standard or contribute suostanUaw to an existing X c- erojectec a,r quarry violation c Result in a cumuiat vei, considerable net increase of any criteria DolWtan' fo' whit^ the o'Olec' region is non- attainmert unee' an aooncao a federal o, state ambient air quality sta ^care (including X ,e eas no emissions wn cn exceed quant,tat ve mreshoics fo" ozone D•e�.:-sors�' I C Exaose se ^sit se receptors to substant,a po' „,a ^' corce­rations'? X e --,ea:e dniectionaoie odors affective a suostanpai numoer o` peopled i ' X Ar „rnr,. Dtparrmtnr o/ Constn,urnr Dnuuv or Land Resource Protection Extent of Important Farmland Afap tt Ivi6 w nt'p 'i "" cunsn c„ eo, .Lip Ftltfp into him-Farmland Afap Categories and hv� //wiii consm ca .., r tMP ”' ", L 111a:aS : nn,,,p _ / /(' r m '4 Issues and Supporting Information Potenuaily Significant LM111an Significant tsssThan "olmpan Significant htyact With Impact Mitigation incorporated A significant impact may occur if the project is not consistent with the applicable Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) or would in some way represent a substantial hindrance to employing the policies or obtaining the goals of that plan The City of El Segundo is located on the western edge of the South Coast Air Basin (Basin), within the jurisdiction of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) SCAQMD has adopted criteria for consistency with regional plans and the regional AQMP in its CEQA Air Quality Handbook (Handbook) These include 1) identifying whether the project would increase frequency or severity of existing air quality violations or cause or contribute to new air quality violations, and 2) identifying whether the project would exceed the assumptions utilized in preparing the AQMP A significant impact may occur if a project is inconsistent with the growth assumptions upon which the regional AQMP was based The most current version of the AQMP was adopted in 1997 and was based upon population, housing and employment growth projections adopted by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) The proposed project consists of approximately 120.610 square feet of office space The proposed project site would result in employment growth within a plan - designated corporate office area (see Section 12) The SCAG projections for the City of El Segundo are based upon adopted City plans and the proposed project is consistent with adopted City plans Therefore the project- generated employment would be within SCAG and AQMP growth projections for the area The proposed project thus would not be in conflict with nor would it obstruct implementation of the 1997 AQMP The project would have a less than significant impact wan regard to air quality plans A sicnificani effect related to ai, quality could occu' )' the proposed project were to generate air emissions during construction or operations that could affect sensitive receptors The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) m its CEQA Air Quality Handbook (SCAQMD Handbook), has established screening thresholds for ceierm,ning whether a project has the potential to result in significant air quality impacts According to Table 6-2 of the SCAQMD Hand000k a potentially significant air cualay impact may occur if an office project is larger than 139,222 square feet Since the proposed project would include an office building which would total approximately 120,610 square feet, no significant air quality impacts related to operation o` the proposed project would occur According to Table 6 -3 of the �AOMD Handbook a potentially significant construction air quality impact could occur if an office project is larger than ,59 000 square feet or if demolition exceeded 23 214 000 cubic feet Demolition volume associated with removal of the ex -sti ^g building would total approximately 1 750 000 cubic feet Since the proposed project would be smaller than these — resnoics no significant impacts related to construction air quality would occur Air quality impacts of the proposed :D-o ec• wojic oe below SCAQMD significance thresholds and would be less than significant A s c ca moat' related to air movement moisture or temperature, or climatic change would occur only if the o•oposec project were of sufficient size and included activities or processes that resulted in temperature or humidity c ^aces trial could Potentially result in the creation of a `micro - climate" that would have the potential to result in larger scare climatic changes The proposed project consists of urban development that does not include activities or processes tna' would have the potential to produce such effects No impact would occur ro ;ect- related Significant adverse effect could occur if construction or operation of the project would result in generation c ocors which would be perceptible in adjacent sensitive areas The proposed project would consist of urban ce eiarment tnat does not include activities or processes that would generate substantial odors Moreover, no sensitive -ses are presently located adjacent to the existing use No impact would occur T -e following mitigation measures would minimize the effects of air emissions which could be associated with the c-ccosed project MM -1 The applicant shall implement Transportation Demand Management (TDM) programs and adopt Transportation System Management (TSM) plans and provide incentives for the provision of transit support facilities in accordance with SCAOMD and City regulations a BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Would the project ` r5 Issues and Supporting Infortnatioa pO101ZWIY L=am L"sTMn No bripact srgnifietint signifitsit sipificam hirWact With lrtyact Minpnon hit tcd a) Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, X or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U S Fish and I Wildlife Service? b) Have a substantially adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, X regulations or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U S Wildlife Service) cl Have a substantial adverse effect on feoeraOy p- otected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (,nclutling but not hmded X to marsh vernal pool coastal etc ) through direct removal tilling, hydrological interruption or other means? I C, Interfere substantially with the movement of any resident or migratory 1 fps^ or wildlife species or with established native resident migratory X wildlife corridors or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? e Confi,ct wan any wca' poi ces or ordinances protecting biological X resources sucn as a tree preservation policy or wa riance? fl Conflict witn the provisions of an adopted Hapi ar Conservation Plan, Natural Conservation Community Plan other approved local regional, X o- state nabitat conservation plan? s gn.` cart impact would occur where the proposed project would remove or modify habitat for any species identified or des grated as a candidate sensitive or special status spec es in local or regional plans, policies, or regulation, or by the s ale o• federal regulatory agencies cited The proposec protect site is located in an area, which has been previously c st_-Oed ln•ouch its construction as a parking structure and as an office budding, and is also within the urbanized area of Securco No riparian o, other sensitive nabitat areas are presently located on or adjacent to the protect site Imd e^ entai on of the proposec project would not result in any adverse Impacts to endangered, threatened, or rare soe_ es o- ne - napaats No impact would occur s gr car' mpacr would occur where the proposed project would remove or modify habitat for any species identified or ces c -,atec as a candidate sensitive or special status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulation, or by the s,z: e c, federal regulatory agencies cited The proposed project site is located in an area, which has been previously c s• ,see through its construction as a parking structure and as an office budding, and is also within the urbanized area of Secunoo No riparian or other sensitive habitat areas are presently located on or adjacent to the project site No o:a . eeso ialed species are found on the proposec project site Implementation of the proposed project would not ,es- ^ any adverse impacts to locally designated species No impact would occur s crficant impact would occur where riparian habitat or any other sensitive natural community identified locally, ,ec c ^ally or by the state and federal regulatory agencies cited were to be adversely modified without adequate m :;a, on The proposed project site is located in an area which has been previously disturbed through its construction �s a parking structure and as an office building and is also witnin the urbanized area of El Segundo No riparian or other se- s ' .e habitat areas are presently located on or adjacent to the project site No locally designated species are found on ._e c-000sed project site Implementation of the proposed project would not result in any adverse impacts to locally ces c -atee natural communities No impact would occur s `icant impact would occur where federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act __ c ne modified or removed without adequate mnigauon The proposed project site is located in an area, which has nee- p'eviously disturbed through its construction as a parking structure and as an office building, and is also within the --ea. , urbanized area of El Segundo No riparian or other sensitive habitat areas, such as wetland habitats, are ese ^ny located on or adjacent to the projecr site Implementation of the proposed project would not result in any aC e,5e imodcis to wetland habitats No impact would Occur MR Issues and Poi Un o stgmficmt I signifinrit sigplf1=1 Impact With Li Wct M1upti n A significant impact would occur if the proposed project would interfere or remove access to a migratory wildlife corridor or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites The proposed project site is located in an area, which has been previously disturbed through its construction as a parking structure and as an office building, and is also within the urbanized area of El Segundo No wildlife dispersal or migration corridors areas are presently located on or adjacent to the project site Implementation of the proposed project would not result in any adverse impacts to wildlife dispersal or migration corridors No impact would occur A significant impact may occur if the proposed project used non - renewable resources in a wasteful and inefficient manner The proposed project represents an urban milli project which would not result in the consumption of non - renewable resources at a rate greater than any other urban development project in the City of El Segundo or the Southern California region The land upon which the proposed project would be developed is already in urban development and is planned roe development as proposed under the project No impact would occur a sienfcant impact may occur if the proposed project site is located in an area used or available for extraction of a regionaliy;mponant mineral resource and the project converted an existing or potential future regionally - important mineral extraction use to anotner use or if the project affected access to a site used or potentially available for regionally- important mineral resource extraction Tne General Plan designation for the project site does not Identify the project site as a ocient,a% location to, future mineral resource recovery The proposed project site has never been used for mineral resource recovery There would be no impact to the loss of availability of a known mineral resource There are no known rare unique or endangereC plant or animal species associated with the proposed project or within the Immediate vicinity Tne progeny was previously developed wan industrial buildings from the mid- 1950'5 until 1999 The site was cleared and c•acec r 1999 As a result there are no rare or endangered plant species on the property Therefore, the proposed o,o -ect wit, not oroeuce signtficant changes to the number of rare or endangered plant species in the project area raucinc trees srrubs grass crops and micro floral nor would it impact wetlands, migratory corridors, or conservation c ins :) CULTURAL RESOURCES Would the orolec' a La.,se a s- osiant,al adverse change in the significance of a historical I X ,esc --ce as cenned in Section 15064 51 Cause a substantial adverse change in the Significance of an j X a'_' aeo,og,ca' resources pursuant to Section 15064 5) c D ,ecuv or and rectiy destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or X in,que geologic feature) c 5slurb any human remains including those interred outside of formaF 1 cemetenesl X :- s cr ficam impact may occur if grading or excavation acbwues associated with the proposed project woulddisturb ba eonlolog cal resources or geologic features which presently exist within the project site No unique geologic features c_,,enuy exist within the protect site, which has been previously disturbed through its construction as an office budding a-c surface parking lot Limited grading would be associated for the construction of the proposed project No impacts tr ba eontological resources would occur e mere is no evidence that paleontological resources are located on the project site, there is still the possibility that e Construction phase of the proposed office building could encounter paleontological resources, which in turn could res- , in potentially significant paleontological resource impacts However, provided the mitigation measure listed belov. --b emented the project would not have any potential to cause a substantial adverse change in significant paleontolog ,esz_,ces s ^d can: impact may occur if grading or excavation activities associated with the proposed project would disturb ^aeological resources or geologic features which presently exist within the project site No unique geologic feature, _. e ^uy exist within the project site which has been previously disturbed through its construction as an office budding s_-ace barksng lot While there is no evidence that archaeological resources are located on the project site, theft Issues and Supporting Information P01O10 ly slitpi in Le" it= SipnfAml I= Thm No t sipnifitmt lirswi With Ingiacr Minpnon X In[ rated 1 still the possibility that the construction phase of the project office budding could encounter archaeological resources, which in turn could result in potentially significant archaeological resources impacts However, provided the mltigabon measure listed below is implemented, the proposed project would not have any potential to cause a substantial adverse change in significant archaeological resources Section 15064 5 of the State CEQA Guidelines defines an historical resource as (1) a resource listed in or determined to be eligible by the State Historical Resources Commission, for listing in the California Register of Historical Resources, (2) a resource listed in a local register of historical resources or identified as significant In an historical resource survey meeting certain state guidelines, or (3) an object budding structure, site, area, place, record or manuscript which a lead agency determines to be significant in the architectural engineering, scientific, economic, agricultural, educational, social, political military or cultural annals of California provided that the lead agency's determination is supported by substantial evidence in light of the whole record A project - related significant adverse effect could occur if the proposed project would acve,sely, affect an historical resource meeting one of these definitions Currently the proposed project site is developed will) an office budding which was constructed in the 1960 s No buildings presently listed in, or identified as eligible for I ring in the California Register of Historical Resources are located on the project site Similarly no resources listed in a coca resister of historical resources or within a historical resources survey are located within the project site Finally, none o` the existing structures nave ever contributed to the architectural engineering, scientific, economic, agricultural, ecucanona' social political' military or cultural annals of California The project would thus not have any potential to a`fec' s,andicanl nistDncai resources as defined in Senior) 15064 5 t, s cnifican• mpact may occur if a proposed proiec' was located in an area where it could cause a physical change, which would affect a unique etnnic community or culture The proposed project site is located in an urbanized area of the City of Segundo wn cn does not nave culturai or einn c sicnif dance No impacts would occur t, s cn ',can, ;mpac• may occur if a proposed prolec' was located in an area where it could impact religious or sacred uses T ^e p-cposec p'o ec' sites located in a^ u•nar Zec a'ea o` the City of El Segundo, which does not have religious or s sic -i,firance No impacts would ecc✓ —_ +e. e- provided the mitigation measure i sled below is imdlernented the proposed project would not have any potential -a-se a s„os,ani a aove•se orange �- s cn lloant paleontological and archeological resources is ;' 2 I- the event trial oaleontolocical or arcnaeol=cal resources are encountered during the course of c as c al development must cease i^ these areas until the paleontological or archaeological resources are property assessed and sunsequen• recommendations are determined by a qualified paleontologist or a-cnaeoiogtcal 6 GEOLOGY AND SOILS Would the orolect r _noose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects including the risk of loss, injury or death involving R..oture of a known earthquake taut' as delineated on the most recen' Alquist -Pndlo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other substantial evidence X o' a known fault? Refer to Division of Mmes and Geology Special _ Dubiicalion 42 Strong seismic ground shaking? I X Se sm c- related ground failure including quefaclior� X _ancs(tdes') X _-sift in substantial sod erosion or the loss of loos Ode ` X oe 'ocatec c^ a geologic unit or sod that is unstable or that would _e.ome unstable as a result of the project and potentially result in on- z c" -site landslide lateral spreading subsidence liquefaction or X _: aose" 10 68 Issues and Supporting Information Potma.ity Sip16car1 i2ssthan Srpr16i:an1 Lew Thu sipi6wit Notrici wil" t With Impact Minguion htc ted J) Be located on expansive soil, as defined in Table 18 -a -B of the Uniform Budding Code (1994), creating substantial risks to life or property? X e) Have sods incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative waste water disposal systems where sewers are not X available for the disposal of waste water? A significant impact may occur if a project site is located within a state - designated Alquist -Paolo Zone or other designated fault zone and appropriate budding practices are not employed The project site is located in the vicinity of the Newport- Inglewood Fault Zone and the Elysian Thrust Fault Zone (see Environmental and Public Facilities Maps Alquist- Prfolo Special Study Zones and Fault Rupture Study Areas in the City of Los Angeles)" The Newport- Inglewood Fault Zone is 75 km in length with a probable magnitude of 6 5 -7 4 The potentially active Elysian Thrust Fault Zone is 34 km in length with a probable magnitude of 6 7 The project will be required to comply with current codes which reduce seismic risks to an acceptable level thus the proposed project will have a less than significant impact with regard to fault rupture A significant impact may occur if a proposed project represents an increased risk to public safety or destruction of property by exposing people property or infrastructure to seismically induced ground shaking hazards that are greater than the average risk associated with locations in the Soutnern California region As with all properties in the seismically active Southern California region the project site is susceptible to ground shaking during a seismic event Potential impacts from seismic ground shaking are pfesen• throughout Southern California and would be of comparable intensity at the project site as it would be for large parts of the City of El Segundo and the region The project will be required to comply with existing codes which reduce seismic nsxs to an acceptable level, thus, the proposed project will have a less than significant impact with regard to seismic ground snaking Impacts would be less than significant -- ssen f cant imoa_­ may occur if a proposed project is located in an area identified as having a high risk of liquefaction -c mt canon measures required within such designatec areas are not incorporated into the project Liquefaction is a ondition where the soil undergoes continued deformation at a constant low residual stress due to the build -up of high oo,ewate, pressures The possibility of liquefaction occurring at a given site is dependant upon the occurrence of a s�cnjfjoant earthquake in the vicinity sufficient groundwater to cause high pore pressures, and on the grain size, relative densit and confining pressures of the sod at the site The regional groundwater is approximately 110 feet below ground s..rl ace in the vicinity of the proposed project site The proposed project site is located in a zone of the City that is cons tiered to have a low potential for liquefaction based upon on -site sod types and topographic and subsurface conc Lions - There would a less than signfcant impact involving seismic ground failure, including liquefaction A s gnificant impact may occur if the proposed project site was sufficiently close to the ocean to be potentially at risk of the erects of se sm tally induced tidal phenomena (seiche and tsunami) The proposed project site is located approximately :.c miles from Santa Monica Bay and the Pacific Ocean The coastal portion of the City and adjacent portions of the City o` Los Angeles are identified by the State as tsunami hazard areas, and as a result, there is the potential for damage to E son and Chevron facilities and the Hyperon Treatment Plant However, the residential portions of the City and the o•coosed project site are located above the potential hazard area and are not at high nsk There are no volcanic hazards w�'nin the proposed project area or region Impacts involving seiche, tsunami, or volcanic hazards would be less than sicnJscant A s cnificant impact may occur if the proposed project site were located in a hillside area with soil conditions that would s .::gest high potential for sliding The proposed protect site is not located in a hillside area and therefore would not be S_. , ect to potential landslide conditions `rte Cn of Los angeies Em irpnmental av4 Puhitc_Facrirner ifapc (September / 19961 are available for review during normal ,usmess hours at the Cm o1 El Segundo Communin Economic and Development Services Department, 350 Main Street, El J�eun�io CA 90'13 5. l Emrronme,ral assessment trcLa:,n Harr l,, 11 69 Issues and Supporting Information Po=uWiy sipnftnttt tus tun Sipuficant Uss lion tro I,t pan stpnfi= ,o✓ -e :,a"spor use or c sposal of hazardous maie- ais' brryan with Impact -,ea e a s pit' ca— hazarc to the publ c o, the envi,o —en, through m1uption reasc-a:', foreseeabje upset anc acc,pen' cond t ohs involving the X Incorpomw A significant impact may occur If the proposed project site would expose large areas to the erosional effects of wind or water for a long period of time The proposed project area is highly developed and the project site is entirely paved The potential for substantial erosion or changes in topography would therefore not be present under the proposed project No impact would occur A significant impact may occur if the proposed project would cause subsidence of the land The proposed project site is completely paved and developed The proposed project would involve the demolition of the existing office budding, no major site preparation activities would be required No withdrawals of subsurface fluids, which could potentially cause subsidence would be associated with the proposed project In addition, the regional groundwater is approximately 110 feet below the ground surface of the vicinity of the proposed project site ` No impact would occur A significant impact may occur if the proposed project would be built in an area characterized by expansive sods or other unstable sod conditions without proper site preparation or design features to provide adequate foundations for project bubo ngs tnus posing a hazard to life and Property The proposed project site is characterized as having groundwater tables underlain by sand dune formations - Construction must comply with the City of El Segundo Uniform Building Code, wnich is designed to assure safe construction inci -Cing buuding foundation requirements appropriate to site conditions Therefore the proposed project will have less Ina- significant impacts involving expansive sods A significant impact may occu, if the proposes pro,ec' site o• immediate surrounding area contained unique geological or phvs,ca' features The o'oposec project site is locale: in an area which has been previously disturbed through its cons'ruction as a� office ouildino and parKing struct --e anc is also within the urbanized area of El Segundo There are no unique geologic or pnysical features in the area No impact would occur Wan rncorpo-at or o` the mitigation measures llsiec perow rnpacts would be less than significant NIM -3 Tne C t, cevejooment sna:, conto-- to the California Building Code 7 HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS •, of-- the project? a Create a s.dntficant hazard to the public or the environment through the l ,o✓ -e :,a"spor use or c sposal of hazardous maie- ais' X -,ea e a s pit' ca— hazarc to the publ c o, the envi,o —en, through reasc-a:', foreseeabje upset anc acc,pen' cond t ohs involving the X re +ease of nazardous naleria�s into the environment' _ emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous - atenals substances or waste witnin one - quarter mile of an exiting or proposed school) - X C Be located on a site which is included on a list o' naza,aous materials s'es comp led pursuant to Government Code Sect on 65962 5 and as a result would it create a significant hazard to the p..ol,c or the X environment) e =o' a project located within an airport land use plan d' where such a _ an has not been adopted within hvO miles of a public airport or public _tee airport WOUItl the pf0)ebt result in a safety hazard for people I X 'es4mg or working in the project area) 'E" rnrrr tr ,�' a�tc sinrtn llcLartn h✓ lr, �. J• 'tin ,�, pi-' i2 1 Q Issues and Supporting Information Poiioally S.®rficant Less v"o slpifi mt t,= Thm sigmficmt No it" =t i npw with ttttpact Mampnixt tacorpomted For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project X areal g) Impair implementation of, or physically interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan X h) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death Involving wddland fires, Including where wildlands are adjacent to X urbanized areas or where residences are intermixed with wildlands7 A significant impact may occur if a proposed project utilizes substantial quantities of hazardous materials as part of its routine operations and could potentially pose a hazard to nearby sensitive receptors under accident or upset conditions The proposed project would use, at most minimal amounts of hazardous materials for routine office cleaning and landscaping and therefore would not pose any substantial potential for accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials No impact would occur A significant impact may occur if the proposed project were to interfere with roadway operations used in conjunction with an emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan or would generate sufficient traffic to create traffic congestion that would interfere with the execution of such a plan Construction of the proposed project would not substantially Impede public access or travel upon public rights- of•way and would not interfere with any adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan Project impacts to area traffic would have no significant impacts on nearby roadways or Intersections (see Section 15 below) In addition the proposed project would generate less daily trips then the existing office building if it were to be re -occup ed due to the reduction in square footage from 140,000 square feet to 120,610 ware feet The traffic circulation on -site would also remain the same The proposed project would not interfere with an ergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan No impact would occur The proposed project would not erfere with an emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan No impact would occur A s cnif cant impact may occur if a proposed project involves use or disposal of hazardous materials as part of its routine cce,atic ^s arc would have the potential to generate toxic or otherwise hazardous emissions that could adversely affect sensitive receotors Uses sensitive to hazardous emissions (i e , sensitive receptors) in the area include some residential aoa,tmerts Located to the west of the property A significant impact may occur if a proposed project involved the exposure of people to existing sources of potential health - .a_ards Based on a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment prepared for the project site by McLaren /Hart, Inc , potential sources and conditions related to hazardous materials were found A four -foot by nine -foot waste oil stained a,ea and several containers of waste oil (opened and closed) were observed in the southeast comer of the proposed p-o ect site In addition Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) was found to be contained in the existing structure Non- ao a asoestos was identified to the vinyl floor tde floor me mastic roof tar patch, roof tar, and )omt compound materials nermore since the construction of the existing office budding began in 1964 it is likely that a lead -based paint was ,;sec s cnificant impact may occur if a proposed project increased fire hazards in areas with flammable brush, grass, or trees T -e oroposed project site is located in an urbanized portion of the City of El Segundo that does not include wddlands or lire hazard terrain or vegetation All areas of the project site are paved and developed No impact would occur on =eased fire hazards The existing 12 -story office budding would be demolished The likely method of demolition is a floor -by -floor demolition v •- a wrecking ball An alternative method being considered is implosion of the existing building Either method could ,es- • in hazards from falling debris Potential impacts can be mitigated through the implementation of a Demolition Safety in accordance with applicable CAL/OSHA regulations - incorporation of the mitigation measures listed below impacts would be less than significant on exposure of people es sting sources of potential health hazards '3 71 Issues and Supporting Information Potmuwly Siptificait I= 11= Sip ifitnnt LM Thu Significant No Impact brill With Impact 141tul a X Inc orawd MM-4 Prior to any demolition, all identified ACM shall be removed in accordance with all federal, state, SCAQMD and local regulations by an asbestos abatement contractor who is certified by and registered CAL/OSHA for removal of asbestos If any suspect asbestos containing materials not previously identified are encountered during demolition, these matenals would be required to be sampled by a qualified person and analyzed by an accredited laboratory If these materials are confirmed as ACMs, they shall be removed and disposed of in accordance with applicable regulations MM -5 All debris shall be cleared including waste oil and waste oil impacted materials, from the southeastern corner of the proposed project site All removed material shall be handled and disposed of in accordance with applicable regulations MM -6 Prior to issuance of a demolition permit the applicant shall submit a demolition safety plan for review and approval by the Department of Community, Economic and Development Services which demonstrates that the chosen method of demolition will be in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations 8 HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY Woulc the project a) Violate any wale, quality standards or waste discharge requirements? X b) Substantially degrade groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level (e g , X the production rate of pre - existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which permits have been dranled c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a 1 X manner wnicn woulC result in substantial erosion o, siltation on- or off- site? C) 5- nstant ally alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area includinc through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, Or X subs :antianv increase the rate or surface runoff in a manner which wowc result in flooding on- or off site? e) Create or contribute runoff which would exceed the capacity of existing o- planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial X additional sources of polluted runoff? ' i Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? X g; puce housing within a 100 -year floociplain as mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other Flood X hazard delineation map? h) Pace within a 100 -year Flood hazard area structures which would irnpede or redirect Flood Flows? X E%Dose people or structures to a significant risk of loss injury or death involving Flooding including flooding as a result of the failure of a levee X or dam? li Inuncation by seiche tsunami or muciflow? I X A sigrificant impact may occur if the proposed project resulted in increased runoff volumes during construction or operation of the project which would result in flooding conditions affecting the project site or nearby properties No stream or river courses are currently located in the vicinity of the project Site The proposed project would reduce the arno�rt of moervious surface on the project site because it will replace existing paved and developed surfaces within the 14 72 Issues and Supporting Information r I I l l flY Las tiun trss 71un No Itttpact Stpttfiaant Stgnfitant Srpufiant Intact with impact Mitigation oject site with urban landscaping The proposed project would increase the quality, quantity and variety of plant material and landscape currently at the site While the proposed project site at present is occupied virtually in its entirety by buildings or paved surfaces, the proposed project would include approximately 14,000 square feet of landscaped area Therefore, the proposed project would not generate any additional storm water runoff to the stone drain system and would likely reduce storm water runoff to the storm drain system Impacts would be less than significant A significant impact may occur if the proposed project resulted in exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding The proposed project is located within Flood Hazard Zone C of the National Flood Insurance Program (I e not at risk of a 100 -year or 500 -year flood) and there are no major dams or waterways located near proposed project site No impact would occur A significant impact may occur if the proposed project included potential sources of water pollutants, which would have the potential to degrade water quality During construction of the proposed project, demolition of the existing 12 -story Office budding would take place and the proposed project site could be exposed to precipitation, which could increase runoff of eroded materials The project will be required to comply with the applicable regulations of the General Construction Activity Storm Water Permit issued by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board and acm n stered by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works and the City of El Segundo However, by incorporating the relevant Best Management Practices (BMPS) set forth in this permit for erosion control into the project construction process impacts on wale, quality from construction runoff would be limited With implementation of the m i:ioaI measures se' form below impacts of the proposed project related to construction runoff would be less than sIcnrf,canl D.:• nc operations the proposed project would use a' most minimal amounts of hazardous materials for routine office c caning and landscaping vehicular activities associated with the proposed project could result in the deposition of paler als witnin the oarKing structure and on surrounding roadways would have the potential to contribute metals, oil and crease so,ven,s nycrocarbons and suspended soles to storm water runoff The proposed project would be subject to aver a set forth in the Standard Urban Store Water Mitigation Plan for Los Angeles County and cities in Los �e es Cc..n•y as administered by the City of El Segundo and the County of Los Angeles These design measures .%O� c ­q m Ze the conveyance of pollutants in storm water runoff Therefore, with implementation of the mitigation —eas.,,es se' for^ below the proposed project would not substantially degrade water quality :. s c� ` ca-' impact may occur if the proposed project resulted in changes in the amount of surface water in any water coc 7e p•odosec Project would involve the demolition of the 12 -story existing office budding and the development of a es o s'o o`r ce ou le ng in a densely oeveloped Portion of the City of El Segundo The amount of impervious surface " t ^e clo)ect site would be decreased with the construction of new landscaped areas under the either project sce -a- o There would be no alterations to the amount of surface water as the nearest body of water is two miles away, — Santa Monica Bay and the Pacific Ocean No impact would occur s ,ndIcant impact may occur if the proposed project resulted in changes in currents, or the course or direction of water — emen's The proposed project would involve the demolition of the 12 -story existing office budding and the ce e opment of a new 6 -story office budding in a densely developed portion of the City of El Segundo There would be no - -a -ges in currents or the course or direction of water movements as the nearest body of water is two miles away, the Sa- a Monica Bay and the Pacific Ocean as a result of ether scenario No impact would occur s ., ficant impact may occur if a proposed project included deep excavations which had the potential to interfere with _ -,water movement or included withdrawal of groundwater or paving of existing permeable surfaces important to z-c--owaler recharge The proposed project site is presently covered entirely with impermeable surface (i e , structures, - ✓ele and asphalt) The proposed project under ether scenario would increase the amount of permeable surfaces ,..gn increased landscaped area and would not include any excavation Therefore, the proposed project would have °c eject on groundwater quality or recharge s ::, ` cant impact may occur if a proposed project included deep excavations, which had the potential to interfere with - -,water movement The proposed project site is covered entirely with impermeable surface (t e , structures, concrete aspnall) No excavations would be included in the proposed project The proposed project would not result in altered - - on of groundwater flows No impact would occur 15 73 Issues and Supporting Information P°""°a0y Stpttfiont tlss w"' Stpltfiant 1cm ho Itt pact , ant Impact With act r Mmgauon Incorpoirited A', A slgnt� act may occur If the proposed project Includes potential sources of water pollutants that would have the potential to substantially degrade water quality The proposed project would use, at most, minimal amounts of hazardous i materials for routine office cleaning and landscaping, the proposed project does not include other potential sources of contaminants, which could potentially degrade water quality Therefore, the proposed project would not degrade water quality No Impact would occur A significant Impact may occur if the proposed project Included deep excavations, which had the potential to substantially reduce the amount of groundwater otherwise available for public water supplies The proposed project site would not include any subsurface excavation Thus the proposed project would not substantially reduce the amount of groundwater which would otherwise be available for public water supplies No Impact would occur Impacts would be less than significant with mitigation measures Incorporated MM -7 Tne project applicant shall ensure that an effective erosion control program Is In place throughout the demolition and site preparation phases of the project MM -8 The proeec' applicant shall provide perimeter retainage around the site to minimize sediment runoff to the sto-- gran system MM -9 Tne Droiec, apps cant shall instal 'ossP filters or other fuelloll separators at all parking structure storm cram correctors MM -10 Lancscaoe design shall maximize rainwater detention In landscaped areas MM -11 The project applicant shall Incorporate all applicable design measures set forth In the Standard Urban Storm v, ater Mitigation Plan for Los Angeles County and Cities In Los Angeles County 9 LAND USE AND PLANNING Would the p,ojec' a °^ rscaln a,, de an established commun,ty't I I 1 1 X I c' wa' a^ abpucable land use plan policy o, regulation of an ace -c. wr'^ rj, sdlct on over the project (including but not limited to the ce,e-a, p,a, specific plan local coastal program or zoning ordinance) aceDted for the pu,pose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental e "e c' n with any apolicable habitat conservation plan o, natural _emmunliles conservation plan s c- `,can; impact may occur If the proposed project is Inconsistent with the General Plan or zoning designations C-1 enn, applicable to the project site and would cause adverse environmental effects, which the General Plan and zoning a,c -a -ce are designed to avoid or mitigate The project site Is located within the City of Et Segundo The El Segundo c oar Code a pan of the General Plan of the City of El Segundo, designates the protect site as "Corporate Office" and e s e s zoning Is CO _ Z C Zcne permits eeneral office use The proposec project exceeds the parking regulation required for parking at ca'K rc spaces De, 1 000 souare fee, compared to the City s requirement of 2 7 parking spaces per 1,000 square lee 'ms project wIu meet all development regulation and standards required with the exception of the floor area ratio _. recuirement The current FAR limitation applicable to the project site Is 0 80 and the proposed development would ,e�-'e a 1 086 FAR The applicant is requesting an amendment to the General Plan for this specific project site to permit -" rec -ested BAR Additionally the property owner Legacy Partners, is requesting an exception to the loading dock e" 'e—e -s r, om t ^,ee (13 feet by 50 feet) load nc cocks to two (13 feet by 30 feet) loading docks This is due to the 71 Issues and Supporting Information pawnaily Srpnfinnt Las""" Significant Less it= Signtfiant 1.0 t"W"c oe of value to the region and the residents of the state' tmpm With Impact D Result in the loss of availability of a locally - important mineral resource mit'j n X is -c use p:anr Inc red A s cn,ticant impact may occur if the proposed project used non - renewable resources in a wasteful and inefficient manner 1, e proposed project represents an urban Infill project which would not result In the consumption of non-renewable nited amount of surface area available on site and the ability of two office buildings to share the loading docks (this includes the adjacent office building at 898 N Sepulveda Boulevard to the north) Approval of a General Plan Amendment and Development Agreement for the additional square footage and the loading dock exception is required If the City approves the General Plan Amendment and Development Agreement, there would be no impact on the general plan designation or zoning A less than significant Impact would occur Under an existing Administrative Use Permit the existing Park - and -Ride operation is currently temporarily allowed as long as the 888 N Sepulveda Boulevard building remains vacant Under the proposed Development Agreement, the Park -and- Ride would be permanently discontinued A less than significant impact would occur A protect- related significant adverse effect could occur if the proposed project site were located within an area governed by a habitat conservation plan or natural community conservation plan The project site and its vicinity are not part of any draft or adopted Habitat Conservation Plan Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional or state habitat conservation plan The project site is located in an area, which has been previously disturbed through the construction of a parking structure and an office building and is also within an urbanized area of El Segundo No project impact to any adopted habitat or conservation plans would occur No impact would occur A significant impact may occur if a proposed project would be incompatible with adjacent sensitive land uses (i e residential) The proposed new office building would be compatible and integrate with the recently completed 898 North Sepulveda Boulevard office building Stmua• mate•,a,s finishes and landscaping will be used on the proposed project site This includes using similar aqua blue -green medium performance glass, metal accents in the canopy and the mullion system and similar colored concrete and limestone composite materials at the base of the building and in the lobby In addition the proposec project would be consistent wrn surrounding commercial and office developments in the area No residential uses are located in the immediate vicinity o' the proposed project site No impact to sensitive land uses would occur , MINERAL RESOURCES Would the proiec' a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mine-a resource that would X oe of value to the region and the residents of the state' D Result in the loss of availability of a locally - important mineral resource recover; site delineated on a local general plan specific plan or other If X is -c use p:anr A s cn,ticant impact may occur if the proposed project used non - renewable resources in a wasteful and inefficient manner 1, e proposed project represents an urban Infill project which would not result In the consumption of non-renewable • esources at a rate greater than any other urban development project In the City of El Segundo or the Southern California ,eg on The land upon which the proposed protect would be developed is already in urban development and is designated i- 'rte General Plan for development as pr000sed under the project No impact would occur - s p ^ificant impact may occur if the proposed project site is located in an area used or available for extraction of a rec onally- important mineral resource and the project converted an existing or potential future regionally- important mineral exaction use to another use or if the project affected access to a site used or potentially available for regionally- Important -Aral resource extraction The General Plan designation for the project site does not Identify the project site as a co ert,al location for future mineral resource recovery The proposed project site has never been used for mineral -es-- ,rce recovery There would be no Impact to the loss of availability of a known mineral resource 11 NOISE Would the project result in a � Exoosure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or X apolicable standards of other agencies'? Exdosure of persons to or generation of excessive groundborne . cration or groundborne noise levels') X 17 Issues and Supporting Information Poin oally Less than Less Tian No Moat stpufign[ Stpttficant sigoifiunt Impact With Impact Mnipi,on Inc ted c) A substantial permanent Increase in ambient noise levels In the project X vicinity above levels existing without the projects d) A substantially temporary or periodic Increase in ambient noise levels in I X the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? e) For a project located within an airport land use plan, or, where such a plan has not been adopted within two miles of a public airport or public X use airport would the project expose people residing or working In the project area to excessive noise levels') f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip would the project I expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive X nose levels A nose Impact analysis was conducted for the proposed project by Terry A Hayes Associates (October 2000), which examined the potential noise Impacts of operauona, noise sources (stationary and mobile) for both scenarios on surrc- -iding noise sensitive receptor locations Tne basic unit of measurement for sound is the decioel (dB) To better account for human sensitivity to sound, decibels are measurec on the -4 weighted- scale abbreviated CBA On this scale, the range of human hearing extends from approximately 3 to 140 dBA The smallest derceotible sound level change is about 3 dBA, while a 10 dBA Increase is oerce veil by most people as a doubling of the sound level Tne pr000see project site is located in an uroan developed environment The existing noise environment is characterized by the mix of lane uses within it which includes commercial developments, residences and the Los Angeles International Aroo^ (LAX) The project site is outside the 65 dBA nose contour of LAX The primary source of noise in the vicinity of ' -e o-o ec' sae is vehicular noise on Sepulveda Bouieea,d Tne c-te,ia 'o, determination of a significant nose moaci ate set forth in the City of El Segundo Noise Ordinance" A - ,o -ec, would normally nave a significant ooerauonal noise Impact if the project causes the ambient noise level measured a 're o,openy i ne of affected uses to increase by 5 CBA in Community Equivalent Noise Level (CNEL) above the acceotec a-"bient noise level of 65 dBA CNEL CNEL is a 24 -hour weighted noise measurement, in which noise during even nc ane n grin me hours is given an increased weight to account for increased sensitivity to noise during those hours =o-' ^e proposed proyect the predominant noise source is anticipated to be additional vehicular traffic The greatest —cacts would occur at sensitive receptors located on or near Sepulveda Boulevard The two closest such receptors are LAX Travelodge Hotel at 1804 East Sycamore Avenue located approximately 175 feet southwest of the project site; c t2 t a residence located at 1754 East Sycamore Avenue, located approximately 300 feet southwest of the project site e esuit;ng nose levels with the addition of project - related traffic from either scenario, would increase by no more than c3A which would be imperceptible and less than the City Noise Ordinance standard of 5 dBA Operational noise ^ca_'s would be less Irian significant e -o se study conducted for the proposed project examined the potential for severe noise levels to be generated during c'o ect construction Construction activities would require the use of numerous noise - generating types of equipment such as acti hammers pneumatic impact equipment saws and tractors which generate noise levels ranging on average from '2 !o 89 dBA To ascertain worst -case noise impacts at sensitive receptor locations, construction noise was modeled by r'rocunng the noise level associated with the finishing phase of a typical development project, generating a noise level of 8� c34, at a reference distance of 50 feet Based on this analysis construction activities would add less than 4 dBA to a-- meet noise conditions at each sensitive receptor location This increase would be less than the City significance trresnolC of 5 dBA Construction noise impacts would be less than significant ' ^e rose study also reviewed the potential impact of noise associated with Los Angeles International Airport on the -•e o, nose levels that would be experienced inside the office budding According to the study, an acceptable intenor L ,ar., tf.u,ic n,il Cod, S,clion 9 06 um .5 7G Issues and Supporting Information POGttwiy stpu5ant LM th i soli i K' TWit Silil No bract X tirtpact with impact P) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing necessitating the Mtnplim construction of replacement housing elsewhere incorporated oise level for a office Is approximately 45dBA, which is consistent with state standards for multi -family residential development Based on the proposed construction materials to be used to the offae, the study concluded that the interior noise level would be approximately 30dBA Based on this analysts, no Impact would occur 12 POPULATION AND HOUSING Would the project a) induce substantial population growth to an area either directly (for example, by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly (for X example, through extension of roads or other infrastructure)° P) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing necessitating the ( X construction of replacement housing elsewhere c) Displace substantial numbers of people necessitating the construction X of replacement housing elsewhere'? A significant impact may occur if the proposed protect cumulatively exceeded the official regional or local population projections The Citv of El Segundo s General Plan Objective ED1 -1, Policy ED1 -1 1, to maintain economic development as one of the City s and the business and residential communities' top priorities, would be Implemented through the development of the proposed project The proposed office development would create jobs, expand business, and create additional revenue for the City The proposed project would not include residential development and would not include permanent ;population growth in the City Therefore the proposed project would not exceed official regional or local population projections No impact would occur A sicnd cant impact may occur if a proposed projec• were to locate new development such as homes, businesses or infrastructure with the effect of substantially inducting growth that would otherwise not have occurred as rapidly or to as --eat a magrntuoe The proposed project is located in an urbanized area, with all major urban infrastructure systems ,eadv in place The protect would fit into the existing pattern of development to this area of the City Under this project, ne existng 12 -story 140 000 square foot office budding would be replaced with a 6 -story, 120,610 square foot office pudding Tnerefore the proposed project would not induce substantial growth be developing a project In an undeveloped area or extension o` major infrastructure No impact would occur = s c-jf cant j—pac' may occur if a proposed project would result in displacement of existing housing units, necessitating co^s•,Lct on o' replacement housing elsewhere The proposed project would Involve the replacement of an existing 12- sto,� ci - ce owiding with a 6 -story 120 610 square foot office building The proposed project would not displace existing rc,,sing because no residential uses are presently associated with the proposed project site No impact would occur 13 PUBLIC SERVICES Would the project result insubstantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision or new or Physically altered government facilities need for new or physically altered government facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives for any of the public services a Fire protection? X o Police protection? X C sonools'? X C Parks? X e Dmer public facilities? X - s cn ficant impact may occur if the City of El Segundo Fire Department (ESFD) could not adequately serve the proposed c-o ect oases upon response time access or fire hydrant/water availability The proposed project site is served by two -e stations the Headquarters Station located at 314 Main Street and Station 2, located at 2161 East El Segundo _�evard Headquarter Station has two engine companies and a rescue team Station 2 has an engine company, .9 Issues and Supporting Information Potentially Signtfitant Ins d- u" StiDttficant ins TLaa s,gn,fiont No Unwt Murder impact with Invact 0 Rae i Mitigation 2 +100 Robbery 23 Inc Mrated 25 -36 rescue team, and a truck company Existing staffing levels are not expected to be adversely Impacted by the proposed project' Adequate water is available to the site, as discussed below in Section 8 Furthermore, the minimum required fire flow has been met The Fire Department requires approximately 25 gallons per minute (gpm) or 20 pounds per square inch (psi) The Public Works Department has stated that the proposed project site has a water pressure of 90 -95 psi A significant impact may occur if a proposed protect resulted in an increase in demand for police services that would exceed the capacity of the police department responsible for serving the site Police service for the proposed project site is provided by the EI Segundo Police Department fESPD) which is located at 348 Main Street, in the City of El Segundo a Table 12 shows a three -year summary of crime statistics for the City of El Segundo The proposed project would increase on -site population which could generate a demand for additional security The extent of additional protection needed would vary in accordance with the type of use and expected number of visitors and employees on -site However, ESPD has indicated the existing staffing and equipment levels are adequate to accommodate the proposed project i0 Therefore, the proposed Droject would nave less than significan, impacts on police service Table 12 Crime Comparison for the City of El Segundo %oWr Ociobrr 6 =000 pn i, , D,p,irtm, r, Laura, Ri3A rr,rrt ilxrndt nn October 16 2000 20 7 11 1997 1998 1999 199811999 Comparison % Murder L 0 0 0 Rae i 1 2 +100 Robbery 23 26 25 -36 Assaults 2- 33 8 -757 Residential Burglary <8 35 29 -171 Commercial Burglary 9C 69 75 -157 Auto Burglary 303 192 203 +57 Theft 289 235 287 -143 Auto Theft 116 147 120 -183 Total 897 858 749 -12.7 City of E/ Segundo Police Department %oWr Ociobrr 6 =000 pn i, , D,p,irtm, r, Laura, Ri3A rr,rrt ilxrndt nn October 16 2000 20 7 11 Issues and supporting Information POf°noavi St®nfirant siti u,:r Sgjn +ficattt t� rain No tnipac1 Stgrltficant lttpact With Impact Mmganon Inc tcd significant Impact may occur if a proposed project Includes substantial employment or population growth, which could generate demand for school facilities that exceeds the capacity of the school district(s) responsible for serving the project I site The proposed project Involves the demolition of an existing 140,000 square foot 12 -story office building and development of an approximately 120,610 square foot 6 -story office building The City of El Segundo General Plan i describes the City as an employment -led community In addition, as no residential units are proposed, the proposed project would not result In an Increase in permanent population, which could impact public schools administered by the El Segundo Unified School District Therefore the proposed project would not result In a significant Indirect Increase in permanent residential population, which could affect local schools No impact on schools would occur A significant impact may occur if a proposed project Includes substantial employment or population growth, which could generate a demand for new or altered government service The proposed project Involves the demolition of an existing - 140 000 square foot 12 -story office building and construction of a 120,610 square foot 6 -story office budding, no residential development Is proposed as a pan of the proposed project The proposed project therefore would not increase permanent residential population within the City of El Segundo With no Increase of permanent residential population created by the proposed project there wouid not be a significant increase In the demand for public facilities, including roads No impact would occur A signif caul impact may occu, If a proposed project Includes substantial employment or population growth, which could generate a demand to, otne, pubic facilities (such as libraries) which exceeds the capacity available to serve the project site As cetaiiec above the project involves the demolition of an existing 140,000 square foot 12 -story office budding and construction o' z 120 610 square foot 6 -story office building no residential development is proposed as a part of the p-oposec projec' The proposed project therefore would not Increase permanent residential population within the City of E Segundo V -,, no increase of permanent residential population created by the proposed project there would not be a sicni' car? increase I^ the demand for governmen, services No Impact would Occur n �e s cq fica ^' impacts are not anticipated the mitigation measures below restate project design features and City i-,,emer,s wh — wouic assure less tnan significant project impacts 11M 12 The proiec' applicant shall install automatic fire sprinklers Tne p,o;ect applicant snail install full Safety Alarm Systems f ° Tne o,oiec' applicant shall provide to, review of site plans by the El Segundo Fire Department for placement of on -site fire hydrants and fire access lanes 14 RECREATION oulc the project Increase the use of existing neighbornood or regional .,arks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical �e,enoraiion of the facility would occur or be accelerated) Does the project Include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment'? - s cndicant Impact may occur if a proposed project Includes substantial employment or population growth, which could ce-e,ate demands for public park facilities that exceed the capacity of existing parks, and causes premature deterioration park facilities The proposed project involves the demolition of an existing 140,000 square foot 12 -story office ..., c ng and construction of a 120,610 square foot 6 -story office building No residential development is proposed as a _2-- o' the proposed project The proposed project therefore would not increase permanent residential population within - _ �: tri of El Segundo Maintenance of public parks and public recreational facilities in El Segundo are funded largely .cn the City general fund As demand for park services by the proposed project is considered to have no impact, sac's on maintenance of those facilities would likewise not be significant The project would not increase the demand -e gnbornood or regional parks or other recreational facilities No impact would occur 21 issues and Supporting information Pornoa ly signifi=t L=i thw sliii iant l Thar signifim No timid substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trips the volume to hiripact With Impan bI Exceed either individually or cumulatively a level of service standard Mmgauon estabhsned by the county congestion management agency for I X Incorponted I A significant impact may occur if a project includes the construction or expansion of park facilities and such construction would have a significant adverse effect on the environment The proposed project involved the construction of a commercial project and not the construction of parks No impact would occur on existing recreational opportunities 15 TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC Would the project a) Cause an increase in the traffic which Is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system (e result Ina X I substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trips the volume to capacity ratio on roads or congestion at Intersections)? bI Exceed either individually or cumulatively a level of service standard estabhsned by the county congestion management agency for I X designated roads or highways 2 c , Result In a change in air traffic patterns Includlno either an Increase In traffic leve,s o• a cnange in location that results In substantial safety X -IS KS'? C SJbs:an Ually increase naza'ds to a design fea:u•e (e g Snarp curves or X ca�oe•ous tnte'sect,onsi o' incompatible uses (e y tarr-,, edwpment)'? I e Resu" ^ madec. ate emergency acces0 X ' Resu" i- nadecuate parKing capacil X c c-^ c' w,:^ acopiec p06cies or programs su000nrig alternative X � -a- spo^at or (e c bus tu-nouls blcvcle racks) s c ' ca -: —zac• related to traffic cone tons wou c occu• I a proposed project generated traffic that exceeded the s c- ca ^ce : ^,esnole o` tre jurisdiction in wn cn a potent any affected Intersection were located A traffic study was cc -.:-c e, g. RKJK & Associates for the p,ocosec p,olec' wnicn examined the potential traffic Impacts at 5Intersections Sec.. eca Bc., e.a•c Boulevard Imper a H,gnway • Sec_ .eca Bouievarc Boulevard/Mapie Avenue • Sep.., +era Boule.a,c Boulevard'Manposa Avenue • Sepulveda Boulevard Boulevard /Grand Avenue Sepj vela Boulevard Boulevard/El Segundo Boulevarc - I a° c study estimated the traffic wnlcn would be generated by the proposed project and added that traffic to the ,. _ e_•eC future traffic volumes at these five Intersections Future traffic volumes at these Intersections included existing :.o umes determined by traffic counts future traffic generated by development projects expected to occur in the City, _ could contribute traffic at these intersections and a bacKground growth factor of 2% per year Future Intersection _ ors were determined using the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) methodology utilized by the City of El 5----co Intersection operations are characterized by Level of Service (LOS) which indicates the projected traffic _ --es as compared to the theoretical capacity of the intersection LOS varies from LOS A (free flow) to LOS F - zestec operation) Currently the five study Intersections operate at acceptable LOS D or better, with the exception Sep .veca Bouleva•c Bowevardnmpena, Hignway - LOS E In the AM peak hour, LOS F In the PM peak hour Sec- Seca Boule�a,d Boulevard'GranC Avenue - LOS E In the PM peak hour • Sec,, .eca Bojle,a,c BoulevarC E' Secunco Bo„ ie�arc - LOS E In the AM and PM peak hours 22 80 Issues and Supporting Information Potmnatiy Stpnfi=t tas than stpuficant Lc Thin snpnfimt No ttrtpact bripact With Impact Mitigation Inca orated i I The traffic study projected the future conditions at the 5 study intersections without Implementation of the proposed project by estimating the traffic which would be generated by other development projects, along with growth In background traffic volumes, and adding these volumes to existing traffic volumes The traffic study determined that 8 other development projects in the City of El Segundo could produce additional traffic at the study area Intersections in addition, to account for ambient traffic growth on study area roadways future traffic volumes were Increased by an annual growth rate of 2 0 %, which was obtained from the City of El Segundo and is consistent with the observed overall traffic volume growth In this area of the City With the addition of traffic from other development projects and ambient growth, the LOS at 'Sepulveda Boulevard Boulevard /Grand Avenue would decline from LOS D to LOS E In the AM peak hour, and from LOS E to LOS F in the PM Peak hour The intersection of Sepulveda Boulevard Boulevard /El Segundo Boulevard would decline from LOS E to LOS F in the AM Peak hour while continuing to operate at LOS E during the PM peak hour Sepulveda Boulevard Boulevard /Imperial Highwav would continue to operate at LOS E in the AM peak hour and LOS F in the PM peak hour All other intersections would operate at LOS D or better during the AM and PM peak hours The City of El Segundo has established a significance threshold for traffic Impacts within the City that identifies a significant impact whenever either of the following occurs (1) a project causes an Intersection to decline from LOS D or better to LOS E or worse or (2) a project contributes traffic that causes the volume /capacity (V /C) ratio at an Intersection trial is forecast to operate at LOS E or LOS F to increase by 0 02 or more If either of these two thresholds is exceeded, the impact is considered significant With the addition of project traffic at the two intersections that are forecast to operate at LOS D or better (Sepulveda Boulevard /Mariposa Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard /Maple Avenue), these Intersections would continue to operate a LOS D or better Therefore the proposed project would not cause these intersections to decline from LOS D or better to LOS E or worse Project impacts at Sepulveda Boulevard /Manposa Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard /Maple Avenue would be less than significant ,e remaining three study intersections are forecast to operate at LOS E or F The addition of project traffic at Sepulveda Dulevard -Grand Avenue would result in an increase of 0 007 in the V/C ratio during the AM peak hour, and an Increase of 0 006 durinc the PM peak hour The addition of project traffic at Sepulveda Boulevard/El Segundo Boulevard would result in an increase of 0 005 in the V/C ratio during the AM peak hour, and an increase of 0 004 during the PM peak nou, The adcrtion o' project traffic at Sepulveda Boulevard'Imperial Boulevard would result in an increase of 0 006 in the V,C ratio during the AM peak hour and an increase of 0 015 during the PM peak hour All projected V/C increases would be oe ow the 0 02 threshold and would be less than significant Traffic impacts of the proposed office development would be less inan significant A oroject- related significant adverse effect could occur if inadequate parking areas were provided during construction or oaerat on of the proposed project such that employee and visitor parking would spill over Into adjacent areas During construction parking demand would increase because of the need to accommodate construction equipment and worker ven cles This parking would be provided within the project site and would be sufficient to accommodate demand During oce,ation of the proposed project parking would be provided in the adjacent parking structure located at 892 North Secuiveda Boulevard This structure which contains 817 parking spaces, is sufficiently sized to accommodate the pal-King required for the proposed protect under City code (331 spaces) and the parking required for the adjacent 898 No-In Sepulveda Boulevard budding (245 spaces) without resulting in spillover into surrounding areas In addition, 18 surface parking spaces would be provided within the 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard site, for a total of 835 spaces b•o�,ded No impacts related to parking would occur , o•olect- related significant adverse effect could occur it project design did not allow for emergency access meeting the recurements of the Fire Department such that an existing hazard to the project and adjacent uses would be exacerbated Access to the project site would be provided from Walnut Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard, which would be consistent w — Fire Department requirements for two separated access points to the site The Fire Department would approve access locations through site plan review No impacts related to emergency access would occur -oject- related significant adverse effect could occur if the project included new roadway design or introduced a new ,c use into an area with specific transportation requirements and characteristics, which had not been previously exoenenced in that area The proposed project does not include any new roadways The proposed project would also 23 81 Issues and Supporting Information Pint tuilly Significant leas than significant ins Than snitinrieant "° Impact i signalized and provide crosswalks and pedestrian crossing signals to ensure pedestrian safety The proposed project Impact With Impact A project- related significant adverse effect could occur if the project would Involve modification of existing alternative transportation facilities located on- or off-site No of- -site construction would be associated with the proposed project On. site construction would occur in areas that do not Include any existing alternative transportation facilities No impacts Mitigation A project-related significant adverse effect could occur if the project included rail, port or airport facilities, or had the potential to Impact suer facilities The proposed pro.ec* Is a commercial development that does not include any rail, port o- airport facilities Tne only such facilities Iocatee i- :ne vicinity of the project site are the former Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad riont -of -way adjacent to the protec' site and Los Angeles Intemational Airport (LAX) to the north The Incorporated way The proposed project Is sufficiently distant from L.Ax trial it would not impact operations at that facility No Impacts Mould occur ,..ni „rlu „rrr•P nnrl nerkinci land uses, which are consistent with the urban development already existing In this area of the City of EI Segundo Automobile and truck traffic associated with these uses would be consistent with existing traffic pattems No Impact would occur A project- related significant adverse effect could occur If the project were to Increase traffic hazards In such a manner as Ito pose safety hazards or otherwise preclude pedestrian and bicycle movements As noted above, the proposed project (would Increase traffic at certain Intersections within the City of El Segundo However, these Intersections are currently i signalized and provide crosswalks and pedestrian crossing signals to ensure pedestrian safety The proposed project would not Impact these signals and would thus not impact pedestrian safety The proposed project would not significantly impact any of the study intersections and thus the proposed project would not preclude the use of the roadway system by bicycles Impacts to pedestrian and bicycle movements under the proposed project would be less than significant A project- related significant adverse effect could occur if the project would Involve modification of existing alternative transportation facilities located on- or off-site No of- -site construction would be associated with the proposed project On. site construction would occur in areas that do not Include any existing alternative transportation facilities No impacts related to alternative transportation facilities would occur A project-related significant adverse effect could occur if the project included rail, port or airport facilities, or had the potential to Impact suer facilities The proposed pro.ec* Is a commercial development that does not include any rail, port o- airport facilities Tne only such facilities Iocatee i- :ne vicinity of the project site are the former Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad riont -of -way adjacent to the protec' site and Los Angeles Intemational Airport (LAX) to the north The proposed protect would not Include any development tnat would infringe upon or otherwise impact the railroad nght -of- way The proposed project Is sufficiently distant from L.Ax trial it would not impact operations at that facility No Impacts Mould occur 16 UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS woulc —e orojec• a) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of tre applicable Regional X water Quality Control Board? l b) Reeuire o- result in construction of new wale' or wasiewate' treatment facilities or expansion of existing facilities the construction of which X co„'C cal se sicn flcant environmental effects' c Reeulre o- resu” in the construction of new sto'm wale, drainage -7 taclities o- expansion of existing facillties the construction of which X coi d cause significant environmental effec's� Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project from existing entitlements and resources or are new or expanded X entitlements needed e Result In a determination by the wastewater treatment provider which se-vlces or may serve the project determined that it has adequate X capacity to serve the projects projected demand in addition to the I provider s existing commitments? `r Be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to 'zcommodate the projects solid waste disposal needs) X :omply with federal state and local statues and regulations related to solid wastes X s gn,ficant Impact may occur if a proposed project includes substantial employment or population growth, which could cene-ate a demand for new systems or substantial alterations to power or natural gas The Southern California Gas Company (TGC) provides natural gas to the City of El Segundo, including the proposed project site The proposed project s e s located in TGC s Pacific Region which Includes all coastal areas between Long Beach and Ventura ' ^e a.ailability of natural gas is based upon presen, conditions of gas supply and regulatory policies As a public utility, s unite, the jurisdiction of the California Pi,plic Util,aes Commission but can also be affected by actions of federal 24 l3 � ""Is' lOfO1-mahpA = gulato , °'�a.n 7 a9encie s pnfiI Sir � mu service is available,"` w i Sr s Should th no gas service agenC, ill I A significant , pact ero ce would be prO deaaoY action which affects � `�ao� 1 generate m may accord CLs r vides local I nd for ne��temProposed project Inc, ance � gas or the conditions SLI s Provid olio �e se s or supplies or sbides trans Provided to the pip ice ,n the City p f I Se substantial nspon over antral alterations m�P10 con ,ncreasexistin posed 9undd Yment or ns Np rider which ' mpact would occur elophone c °f mun,cat,ons sys T ea e n wo o be neeephO epwr esr'ly p Ugh erhead mGUdrnr� pons Population growth ' whch could A s'gnea ant ,m may occur nPact to c°,nmun Systems, anew $ pplr regularly aby 9ra p 59 Fa a4 �'�h I Su l Line a der that thPacr S w f Plies water to pro acity of faCilrU Proposed prdlect would would ' or Substantial t3 System as d Aeed data a system tanh alterations t emends for water POSed current) ould'ncr d the e Boulev Purchased fr project site, Y serving ease existing and om he from 9 the wafer 9 n water cons s mP onncn mains °nnth °Pol,tan ground er 0 cater we� Project cat woul p eXpbon or wastewater ware yen °ugh to serve genera by the side of Otst ct {MVyp) There the Lceeded The Cr generation to o, existing an Proposed r Ut,Avenue The re is a 1p inch OS rna9etes Basin of EI Segundo such fredtm PGOn gener ed 4 d Planned p oject s enr faanrres r at y the devetoor,7 , Water supPlra lines are o n then east is blended C;t 7n °expansion of expfaAOSed prq/ect n the are S for the LOS h pa e t $I of Sepulveda wa rowdier E Segundo Public g facmpes Np would nor require orud,ng the gales Rego^ are the,ndreasea rr�igd JT�eCP hall a desiQate ar therl.056 Partment a154 proV,padt to water treatment f c litre construction dof new The water p� aron0 the b a 72.,ncn Pac,ty of 395 Beres County Sa ides wastewater s would occur w water There is ack wastewater million ifahon Seryr tn. oanmen bo h wasteWaaropenY from din do the west Qeer day {m9d) ens Joint titer the proJeCt area J)ect "I wa °t wWUrd noe�ncrea�e .n we$t ehav Easr t cra Avenue to Ea Se eda aoulev Processes anon T ant ape mains aln No cUrr lion rn esurr, the con ewer e Sufficient enu puly YPOC trot P in are rrearment faalitres wo do 90 subs ant,Y the Pro ea,P 9 eoPha dle the me Aced ao the c mg$ n running S28,g 4 sicnlfc wout t,ai d r e t Svs ant impact or ex can ease Public e ns q, SuPbh may °CCUr rf p e OnrY ,i ,t wer es °� Y Occu a prOPOSea and d e Served by existing wastewater treetrrr orated aeveioDeb 8 10cated 0 slid) alroPOse or ject W ant facrlreseatme would increase �A�ro ope, a ed by the C, to an area not sewer or Sept,, sod hties note e City of El Se served by an ase wastewater No rm act to ssa y nor are then adequate Segundo which , Y rs Se tog sewer stys es This 9U $nobration to result rn Y PrgPosed Pacrry rp ed, b m The k'oon a n 5'C Svstem eN cr ma NO'mpdCf fo Sewer project c NotSept iC lecttion Project Ct site g �af�� for Proposed ject a " sysre Y occur or n, , e. ,tic to rig the P'000setne vO1Ume of sr tanks wp tanks or alto Yance and treat, fis a wo r existing storm d Project site °m' water run uld occur rnatrve disposal S ant system ` u d t of st sit water oun t f Perme s rn $ r01pC noff from rhB pro... cr pos to a level @XC ate are TUUntofstor m o" able an to the storm drain surface within the pfounoN would Project would be�co�t� g the capac, Fa cefi tal 'I than ected rnfrastru Ystem wqurd sect site noon educcreased lan apoppseda s o antl storm bsrann aft decre ugh increased the site Toact w°wd occur C oes to storm cture exist n o r Pacts to the dSCaPI pro/ect, whrc Be," DSL too4r D$L drain faGtrLes Woulld be reQu reanticipated with tmpleme ^taGoo� dieing item �u de h result ,,rrri paParr>ryenr 4f puhlrr !4 p t'P4c6e {/ co,h Fa9� Fo9r drt4r/,0 /931 r , ., _ the proposed Pro ectt Nos 9n Protect nroll .rC� �COOrnrye hr G /p46 /¢ J {O�i� PhOry?C,4� // BOb GiePP t {OIHr,S4Pe/l :�C %O�J sor er 0 an 4jprSe ltarrPNater,sa 4140 �5 Pen'uor October 4, 1400 R3 Issues and Supporting Information Fotatmaliy significant Lcss tit"' signtficani L=i Th m \O Impact significant Facility expansions and new landfills are being sought as existing facility capacity diminishes Also, mandatory City waste impact With Impact A significant impact may occur if a proposed project were to increase water consumption to such a degree that new water sources would need to be identified, or that existing resources would be consumed at a pace greater than planned for by Mtnpation demand for the proposed project, as described in Section 8, above No impact to water service would occur With implementation of C t. waste reduction measures and the project mitigation measures below, no significant impact would occur Inc ted Economic and Development Services to reduce the volume of solid waste going to landfills A significant Impact may occur if a proposed project were to increase solid waste generation to a degree that existing and projected landfill capacity would be insufficient to accommodate the additional solid waste Solid waste generated in the project area is typically disposed at the Puente Hills Landfill, in Whittier and the Nu -Way Live Oak Landfill, in Irwindale, however, other landfills serving commercial properties located within the City are also available for solid waste disposal Facility expansions and new landfills are being sought as existing facility capacity diminishes Also, mandatory City waste reduct-o -, and recycling programs, such as the Source Reduction and Recycling Program (in compliance with the 1 September 1989 California Integrated Solid Waste Management Act, SB 939) are greatly reducing the amount of waste I that would otherwise have entered area landfills A significant impact may occur if a proposed project were to increase water consumption to such a degree that new water sources would need to be identified, or that existing resources would be consumed at a pace greater than planned for by purveyors, distributors and service providers The Department of Public Works is anticipated to be able to meet the water demand for the proposed project, as described in Section 8, above No impact to water service would occur With implementation of C t. waste reduction measures and the project mitigation measures below, no significant impact would occur MM -15 A recycling program shall be instituted for the project to the satisfaction of the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services to reduce the volume of solid waste going to landfills MM -16 Recycling bins shall be provided at appropriate locations to promote recycling of paper, metal, glass and other recyclable material 17 MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE a I Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species cause a fisn or wildlife population to drop below self - sustaining levels threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community reduce the X numbe• or restnc- the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history o' prehistory b i Does the project nave impacts that are individually limited but cumulatively considerable? (- Cumulatively considerable- means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in X connection with the effects of the past projects the effects of other current projects and the effects of probable future projects) c Does the project have environmental effects which will Cause s.Astantial adverse effects on human beings either directly or X indirectly? A s,cndicant impact may occur only if a project would have an identified potentially significant impact for any of the above issues as discussed in the preceding sections The proposed project is located in a densely populated urban area The plocosed project would have no unmitigated significant impacts with respect to biological resources and less than s cn ficant cultural resource impacts provided the mitigation measures listed above are implemented The proposed crojeci would not degrade the quality of the environment reduce or threaten any fish or wildlife species (endangered or oinerwise) or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or pre - history A s cn ficant impact would occur only if a proposed project were to result in short-term environmental effects that would substantially affect or preclude the ability of a jurisdiction to achieve long -term environmental goals The proposed project cues not include any significant short-term environmental effects that cannot be mitigated and therefore would not impact tc acn.evemem of long -term environmental goals No impact would occur 26 84 Issues and Supporting Information Potentially Lc man L�s rmn significant Signiftcam Sipttftcam trvact With Impact Mitigation I significant impact may occur if a project, in conjunction with other related protects In the area of the project site, would result in impacts which are less than significant when viewed separately, but would be significant when viewed together Although there are other past, current and probable future protects in the area surrounding the protect site, the project's contribution to cumulative traffic, air quality, and other impact areas would be de mlmmis (i e , environmental conditions would essentially be the same whether or not the proposed protect is implemented) A significant impact may occur if a protect has the potential to result in significant impacts, as discussed in the preceding sections As noted in the evaluations above the proposed protect would not result in any unmitigated significant impacts Tnjs the proposed protect would not have the potential to result in substantial adverse effects on human beings 27 P 5 Draft Mitigation Measures Air Quailty MM -1 The applicant shall implement Transportation Demand Management (TDM) programs and adopt Transportation System Management (TSM) plans and provide incentives for the provision of transit support facilities in accordance with SCAQMD and City regulations Cultural Resources NIM -2 In the event Ina' paleontological or arcnaeological resources are encountered during the course of grading, all development mus' cease in tnese areas until the paleontological or archaeological resources are properly assessed and subsequent recommendations are determined by a qualified paleontologist or archaeological Geology and Soils ,%l 3 Tne deve opme— sna' conform to the Ca ,'orn a Building Code Hazards and Hazardous Materials 610.1 -< Al ice n ;�nec ACM19 snau be removes in accordance with all federal, state, SCAQMD and local regulations by an asbestos aoate rent contracto, who is cell f ed by anc registered CALIOSHA for removal of asbestos If any sL.soec' asbestos containing materials no' previously identified are encountered during demolition, these Ta,e-,a s v o ,'c be required to be same ec by a qualified person and analyzed by an accredited laboratory If : -ese - ^a ;ena s a,e confirmed as ACA1s iney snau be removed and disposed of to accordance with applicable cu'a, ohs cec-s sna' be c'eareC inc uc nc waste o,i and waste oil impacted materials, from the southeastern corner of ^e p,000sec broiect site Ali removed material snag be handled and disposed of in accordance with applicable rec —aeons P,,o' tc ssuance of a demolition perm,• Ine applicant shall submit a demolition safety plan for review and apc,oval by the Department of Community Economic and Development Services which demonstrates that the chosen method of demolition will be in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations Hydrology and Water Quality Tne p,oiect applicant shall ensure that an eftecbve erosion control program is in place throughout the demolition and site Preparation phases of the project Tne project applicant shall provide penmete, re ;ainage around the site to minimize sediment runoff to the storm c•a n system Tne project aPDl cant shall install fossil fine,s P, other fuel /oil separators at all parking structure storm drain collectors Lancscaae cesign snali maximize ra nwate' detention in landscaped areas Tne project applicant snau incorporate all applicable design measures set forth in the Standard Urban Storm :. are, III,: gat,on Pan for Los Angeles County and Cities in Los Angeles County �6 Public Services y1M -12 The project applicant shall Install automatic fire sprinklers MM -13 The project applicant shall install full Safety Alarm Systems MM -14 The project applicant shall provide for review of site plans by the El Segundo Fire Department for placement of on -site fire hydrants and fire access lanes Utilities and Service Systems MM -15 A recycling program shall be instituted to, the project to the satisfaction of the Director of Community, Economic and Deveiooment Services to reduce the volume of solid waste going to landfills MNI -16 Recycling bins shall be orowdec at apbrcoriale locations to promote recycling of paper, metal, glass and other recyclable material z^^ ; 5 Building Safety\aROJECTS\526550 \EA- 535\EA -535 Initial Study rev doc -y R7 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS REPORT NUMBER PROPOSED DEVELOPMEN - - 'JSE 1 C OA -_ ANALYSIS PREPARE_' 2G PROJECT NAME 3 ; vEAR PR,,JE_'T FIRST OCCJP'E2 DCPULATION EMPLOYMEN -- NEV. REST ✓ENT POPULATION-7, TOTA_ NE. ', PERPJANEN7 EMPL OVAENT-- :� A_ 3 DES _DP:'EN'T VALUE ES7IL1A -E 'SC:, ^- E E_OPr.'E VA -J_ (S- -'- _ ...E GENERATION (SO_- - __S AND USE TAX 7-X =N- DJPA %Z, 7" 1= =_S - _' =BABY 'OTA- Office Feoruary 9 2001 New Office Development 2002 536 2 608 12 470 15 078 TOTAL 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 SC7 97 99 101 104 1071 135 26 27 27 28 28 436 3 87 3 873 873 873 87 3 449 87 88 90 91 931 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 0 180 N/A N/A NIA N/AI i4 i 14 1 NIA NIA N/A NIA 3 B6 386 NIA NIA NIA NIA 135 139 NIA N/A NIA NIA 581 4 144 2 1086 109 1 1095 1100 C --Y �:_'S -S OF SERVICES (SGCC' - POD CE '95 5 36 9 380 39 1 402 41 4 =IRE 1904 359 370 380 392 403 PUBLIC WORKS 88 6 167 172 177 182 187 3„ -DING SAFETY 41 2 7 8 80 82 85 8 7 Ll6RARt 27 05 05 05 05 05 P. RKS AND RECREATION 18 9 36 3 7 38 39 40 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 656 124 127 13 1 135 139 jT A_ 6C28 1138 1171 1205 1240 12761 NE- "SC ^'. It _27 15,_;,1 (21 4) 304 (8 4) ------ - (11 4) - -- -- -- = (14 4) - --- -- (17 6), 14 ....." S-C_ 304 220 106 (38) l21G11 ----------------------------------- CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS REPORT NUMBER COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS PROPOSED PROJECT vs EXISTINNG DEVELOPMENT 1 0 DATE ANALYSIS PREPARED 2 C PROJECT NAME I 30 ANNUAL REVENUES(S000,- PROPERTITAX SAES AND USE TAX EUSIrJESS RE�ISTRATIOrJ =__ �RN : 'S= -.+X TR,NSIEN- C --CUPANC" 7. ST--E S�6'.EN7IONS NN CCU S POLICE RE C V.ORKS 5il_DIf.3 SAFET" LIBRARY PARKS AND RECREATION GENERAL GOVERNMENT VACANT LAND (ALL COSTS INC_UDED, February 9 2001 New Office Development 108 41 4 MARGINAL EXISTING PROPOSED FISCAL CONDITIONS DEVELOPMENT IMPACT 34 107 73 00 28 28 81 873 791 00 93 93 00 00 00 00 00 00 115 1100 985 108 41 4 306 105 403 298 00 187 187 23 87 64 01 06 04 10 40 29 36 139 103 00 00 00 392 127 6 991 SC -_ tL1PAC- (S300 t27 7) (17 6) (06) Q 7 El Segundo Fire Department Plan Review Check List Protect Address 5 Owner - Z T 1 `- A The existing High-rise budding is required by City ordinance to be retrofitted with an automatic fire sprinkler system Conversion of the budding from a Group B office building to an R -1 Occupancy requires that the entire structure be brought up to complete code compliance as an R -1 occupancy, based upon the 1998 California Budding Code This will enta l the construction of a fire control room, the installation of a smoke remova! system fire o„mps and a reservoir, a complete fire alarm system, pressur zee exit enclosures an:: a stand pipe system B Demolmon of the existing bui o­ig anc the subsequent development of a six -story, Group B office budding may also be considered as a high rise budding due to the moarfication of the definition of a h gn -rise budding in the Uniform Fire Code, as adooted by City Council in ordinance no 1298 and approved in 1999 In short, the new aef nit on of a High-Rise building is as follows High-Rise Structure means every budding of any type of construction or occupancy type wilt- floors used for human occupation located more than 55 feet above the lowest level having fire Department access, except buildings used as hospitals As stated above, this will entail the construction of a fire control room, the installation of a smoke removal system fire oumos and a reservoir, a complete fire alarm system, „ressurized exit enclosures and a stand pipe system El Segundo Fire Department Plan Review Check List Proiec: Address I�7 tPv] G `� Occ /Owner Z2 i Case Numoer 1 EVSTING B['ILDLNG REQL IRMENTS A Tne etisune Hier'- ^,s- ouuotr- i- reeuired bs Ctn ordinance to be retrofitted with an automatic fire sonnkit, s�sterr B Core -sion of me owiein_ •ru^ - Group B building to an R -1 Occupant} requires that the enure be orough, ur n, c=a:ete code compliance as an R -1 occupancy based upon the 1995 Calil=iz Bald: Coat Tin- still entail the construction of a fire control room smoke remosal fire vu—p- arc restso,- - co•-•c,cte fire alarm system presuenzed exit enchusures and a stand pipoe <%, _ '%1AI\C A\Tt H) DRAM T4; 1 A:a I, _ : rs any shoi.:c oe :- ,c- i,t c co'nbusuble building material being allowed on site -2 s -a` no esceec ?00 '11 aIc nsar3nD , ^, of It% e tc n\ ene Fire Department and shall require a Fire Prevention De— ---')P � to- ,rs a':ano- P - %a.e _2 a -c - %c-ants shall be in accordance with public standards a-c \FP-. ro ,inu to the c..iic g o tat x p,m C 20 ps.i as determined using the California Fire �e , FC, Acctncn M -A FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS i F. e accira•uc access roads are reached to- tie taaun building or portion of a building when any portion o me taahis or am portior u ire fig ua- tucated more than 150 feet from the fire apparatus access a, meas_rc o. an appro.ed route around the esieno, of the facilin or building Fi - tart, i Fi,c apparatus access roads i requirement, A idth rrunimum 20 feet unobstructed µner restricted to fire apparatus only Vertical clearance nuinmum is o inches unobstructed Turning radius rrun _0 t• outside 25 ft inside, Fie :ants sha!, be posted in accordance kit me CFC ant the California % ehtcle Code (C V C ) Section -'_500 1 unich regmrts 1 A si-r cmn_ C % C 2-2-500 1 ou,tec t runediately adjacent to, and visible from, the - ae,ig-tatee place uearh s[x:ng ma ;he pace is a fire lane fah P 3 2170) J _ -_.__ - rtiD.IKJS,' do, 91 El Segundo Fire Department Plan Review Check List 2 Oudming or pamung the place m red and in contrasting color marking the place with the words 'FIRE 1...',-N"E which are s isible from the vehicle OR by a red curb or red paint on the edee of the roadwa% which is clearh marked the words "FIRE LANE' 4 Dead ends 4ccess roads greater than 150 fee, in length shall have an approved means for turning around fire apparatus FIRE PROTECTION Sl STEMS 1 F.,e pmiecoon, s%sie --. incIumng so -n„ e-, ,:.Incp:pe, fire exunguishmg system and fire alarm s \stems shall be •e, iewed o, ire F re Dep ane requirec ., Fi-e Presention PeiTnii (FPP) S araoipes snu: oe reciutree in accmaa�.e wim CFC Table 1004-k ALTOM4TIC FIRE EXTIIGLISHI \G SISTE%S FIRF Al ARV 4Z1 CTFMr Fire alarm �%atem, shall be required in the follnu m2 Incatiom and occupancies- 111C,11 RISF iBUJdm -1s in excess of =5 feet o,L-e. ies, .,._ -,_r, See 79� -ec . 'ed to- v'e,, _ c. See CBC 905 S 1 e_ ,., j, ou.,m o a.e , ^e. �-..' eo to the roof surface Stairwa} doors shall be locked at arc sra union` w ^o.. u i a _ a signal from the central control station or the fire and , _ _,_ —_ >%Ster o- uro- ,au:re o uec_ c_ rove- See CBC 1003 3 3 11 F \ITS XND EMT SIGN - - - - G 7 o.�,.0 c._ JAN 3 0 2001 IU� City of El Segundo PLANNING DIVISION Inter - Departmental Correspondence January 29, 2001 To: Jim Hansen, Director of Community, Economic & Development Services From- Tim Grimmond, Chief of Pol� Subject- Environmental Assessment No 535, Development Agreement No 00 -2 and General Plan Amendment 00 -2 Hotel or Office Redevelopment of Vacant Office Building Address 888 North Sepulveda Blvd Applicant and Property Owner Legacy Partners The Police Department has reviewed the plans for EA No 535, Development Agreement No 00 -0 and General Plan Amenamen• 00 -_ The following checklist is a guideline on building security and cnme prevention issues as they reiate to the project (Conceptual Plans A & Bl submitted to date Should there be any changes to Plans A & B they will be reviewed for further comments OFFICE BUILDING RECOMMENDATIONS: LIGHTI %G Aisles passageways and recesses related to and within the building complex shall be illuminated with an intensity of at least 50 footcandles during hours of darkness Surface parking, driveways around the buildings, dock doors dumpsters, and walkways between buildings (i e between the existing and new office buildings and between the parking structure and the existing and new office buildings) shall provide a maintained minimum of one footcandle of light on the ¢round surface during hours of darkness 'A all packs shall be placed over shipping/receiving doors and dumpsters with one footcandle minimum maintained Lighting devices shall be protected by weather and vandal resistant covers A PHOTOAIETR1C STUDI IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO APPROVAL 4DDRESSIM1NG Addressing shall be a minimum of 6' 'numerals shall be visible from the street, of contrasting color to the background and illuminated during hours of darkness BIKE R9 CK Bike racks shall be located in a busy well -in location This will provide optimum security for persons and property 43 888 N Sepulveda Page two LANDSC4PL'VG All landscaping shall be low profile especially around perimeter fencing, windows, doors and entryways, taking special care not to limit visibility and provide climbing access Floral or grass ¢round cover is recommended Bushes should be tnmmed to I to 2 feet and awas from buildines Dense bushes shall not be clumped together, this provides a hiding place for criminal activity Trees shall be trimmed up to - feet PERIMETER k 4LLS OR FENCI %G 4ny perimeter "alts shall be a minimum height of feet and of solid construction Walls shall limit climbing access (i a concrete µalls should not have vaned sections where decorative blocks alloµ for stepping over the µall or pan of the wall consisting of wrought iron) Wood, wrought iron, barred or mesh perimeters shall be 6 feet high and any horizontal members should be on the inside of the perimeter 'A rought iron fencing is always recommended around a perimeter as it provides maximum %isioilm Chainlink fencing should not have plastic or metal slats µeased µchin it Ttus limits %tsioili•.\ into the facility DCNIPSTERS Trash dumpsters should be enclosed µiin wrought iron fencing All dumpsters not enclosed by sTOUght iron shall be constructed in a µas which fully encloses the dumpster Fencing should be locked �\ wall pack or hen, sianOare snail be located directly over the dumpster (see h2hi=) This will provide employees maximum risibility when they are emptying the trash ounnc nours of darkness E\7ERIOR L-IDDERS Permanentk affixed ladders leading to roof; shall be fully, enclosed with sheet metal to a height o: 1 C feet Tlr s cosenne shall be locked acains: the ladder with a case hardened hasp, secured µ ith non - removable sereµ s or bolts Fbnees on the cover will be provided with non - removable pins µhen using pin -type hinges If a padlock is used, it shall have a hardened steel shackle, locking at both heel and toe, and a minimum 5 -pin tumbler operation with a non - removable key µhen in an unlocked position DOCK- 4RE4 Loading docks shall have µall packs placed directly, over the roll -up door (see lighting) Roll -up door(s) shall have two interior locking deices located on each side of the door (padlocks or cane bolts can be used) TELEPHONES Public phones should not be located in a remote area of the project Such locations encourage loitering and drug transactions Public telepnones shall be "call out" only -1 Tifs 4T%ls should folloµ those set forth per the California guidelines 94 888 N Sepulveda Page three HOTEL RECOMMENDATIONS: SITE DIRECTORY A site directory shall be placed at stairwells and elevators TELEPHONES Public phones should not be located in a remote area of the hotel Such locations encourage loitering and drug transactions Public telephones shall be "call out" only SAFES/COUN'TER CACHE UNITS The safe(s) should be installed in the manager's office and offices of the shops All safes shall be anchored in concrete Counter cache units can be installed by registers and anchored to the counter COOLERS If there are an% coolers, the% shall be equipped with an interior unlocking or releasing mechanism in the event employees are locked inside during a robbery ATAIs AT\1s should folloµ those set forth per the California guidelines HOTEL KEY CARD S I STEW A changeable electronic ke% card locking system shall be installed for guest rooms, specific rooms (i e laundr}, gymnasium., etc ) and exterior doors Exterior doors shall be locked at all times and entn made by the ke% card onh BUZZ -LV ENTRY A buzz-in., intercom system shall be installed to secure the main lobby entrance after dark COUNTER TOP FOR SERI7CE DESKS Counter tops for service -type desks (i a hotel registration, the shop's counter) shall have a smooth finish such as glass marble or polished granite, this will enable evidence technicians to lift fingerprints and palm prints after a crime has been committed ADDRESSING Addressing shall be a minimum of 6" 'numerals shall be visible from the street, of contrasting color to the background and illuminated during hours of darkness BIKE RACK Bike racks shall be located in a bus), well -In location This will provide optimum security for persons and propem 95 888 N Sepulveda Page four LIGHTING Aisles, passageways and recesses related to and within the building complex shall be illuminated with an intensity of at least 50 footcandles during hours of darkness Surface parking, driveways to the front entrance and to the parking structure, the front entrance, dock doors, dumpsters, and walkways between buildings (i a between the existing office building and the hotel and between the parking structure and the existing office building and the hotel) shall provide a maintained minimum of one footcandle of light on the ground surface during hours of darkness Wall packs shall be placed over shippingtreceiving doors and dumpsters with one footcandle minimum maintained Lighting devices shall be protected by weather and vandal resistant covers A PHOTOMETRIC STUDY IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO APPROVAL L4- ti'DSC4 PI %G All landscaping shall be low profile especialh around perimeter fencing, windows, doors and entryways taking special care not to limn visibility and provide climbing access Floral or grass ground cover is recommended Bushes should be trimmed to 1 to 2 feet and away from buildings Dense bushes should not be clumped together, this provides a hiding place for criminal acti-,m Trees should be trimmed up to 7 feet H4 RD li'4 RE1DOORS1" N DO H 5 All entry doors to guest rooms offices utilin rooms, etc shall be of solid core construction with a minimum thickness of 1 3i4 inches thick Entn doors shall have a deadbolt locking device The deadbolt throw shall have a 1 -inch proiection The cvlinder guard shall be of case hardened steel, with the outer edge angled or tapered and free spinning The menor part of the lock shall be connected to the inside portion of the lock with bolts at least 114 inch in diameter and constructed of steel The locking mechanism shall contain a minimum of a 5 -pin tumbler Nlain entry doors with glass constructed in or within 40 inches (including windows along the side of the entry door) of the locking mechanism should reverse the swing of the door OR reverse the position of the window to be opposite the locking mechanism OR all glass should be replaced with polycarbonate materials OR of fully tempered glass OR rated burglary resistant glazing A panoramic door viewer (180 -190 degrees) shall be installed in each guest room door, manager's orrice door, deliver} doors cash handling areas and entry doors off a corridor or hallway Strike plates shall be made with a minimum 16 U S gauge steel, bronze or brass and secured to the jamb by a minimum of two screws, off -set and which must penetrate at least 2 inches into solid backine beyond the surface to which the strike plate is attached 9 f 888 N Sepulveda Page five First floor windows and sliding glass doors or other accessible windows shall have a secondary locking device (i e locked by a key or a twisting/turning device or a ntght/ventdation bolt) This device shall limit any up and down or sideways movement while the window is in the closed/locked position Double or french doors shall have a secondar}, locking device, such as a cane or flush bolt in addition to a deadbolt The inactive leaf of double door(s) shall be equipped with metal flush bolts having a minimum embedment of 5/8 inch into the head and threshold of the doorframe PERLVETER HALLS OR FENCING Arty perimeter walls shall be a minimum height of 6 feet and of solid construction Walls shall limit climbing access (i a concrete walls should not have vaned sections where decorative blocks allow for stepping over the wall or part of the wall consisting of wrought iron) Wood, wrought iron, barred or mesh perimeters shall be 6 feet high and any horizontal members shall be on the inside of the perimeter " rought iron fencing is always recommended around a perimeter as it prop ides maximum visibilit% Chainiink fencing should not have plastic or metal slats "caved within it This limits .isibilit% into the facility D CHPSTERS Trash dumpsters shall be enclosed "nn "TOUght iron fencing All dumpsters not enclosed by ,kTOUght iron shall be constructed in a "a% "hich fully encloses the dumpster Fencing should oe locked A wall pack or light standard shall be located directly over the dumpster (see chung) This "ill pro%ioe employees ma\tmum visibility when they are emptying the trash eanne hours of darkness EATERIOR L4DDERS Permanenti% affixed ladders leading to roofs shall oe fully enclosed with sheet metal to a height of 10 feet This covering shall be locked against the ladder with a casehardened hasp, secured "ith non - removable screws or bolts hinges on the cover will be provided with non - removable pins "hen using pin -type hinges If a padlock is used, it shall have a hardened steel shackle, locking at both heel and toe, and a minimum ' pin tumbler operation with a non - removable key "nen in an unlocked position DOCK AREA Loading docks shall have "all packs placed directly over the roll -up door (see lighting) Roll -up door(s) shall have two interior locking deices located on each side of the door (padlocks or cane bolts can be used) BRE4KFAST AREA 'A ill there be a breakfast area' If there is it snould be placed where employees and other guests can monitor it This "ill deter the problem of distraction thefts %% hat is BOH located north of the fitness center" 4' 888 N Sepulveda Page six FOR BOTH PROJECTS: SECURITY CAMERAS Security cameras should be placed monitored and recording by shipping/receiving dock areas, cash handling areas, service counters, vital access doors, parking lots, dnveways, entrances and exits to the parking structure the hotel or the office building's main lobby and ANY OTHER AREAS DEEMED NECESSARY ALARMS & PANIC ALARMS Pamc/Robbers alarms should be installed in, but not limited to, all cash handling areas, cash counting areas or guest counters and reception desks SECURIT) PERsa -NEL 'A ill tnere be securits personnel stationed on either site' P,ARFLNG LOTSA.AD PARKI %G STRUCTURES Entrances and exits should be limited for control and observation If there is more than one entrance or exit a card access system should be used Perimeter galls or fencing shall fully enclose the first floor limiting access to only entrances and exits A transiticral lighting plan shall be established, Aith every level therein Lighting fixtures should be placed over vehicles s do-wn aisles Florescent, high pressure sodium or mercury ,aaor hurting is recommended All parking levels shall be illuminated with a maintained minimum of fit e footcandles of light on the ground surface during hours of darkness Lighting devices shall be protected by weather and sandal resistant covers A PHOTOMETRIC STUD1 IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO APPROVAL PAP I%G BOOTHS Tnere should be access control to the parking structure The landscaping around the island of the booth shall be ground cover only The booth shall be lit on all sides with a minimum of one footcandle of light The lighting shall be installed and angled out in such a Has that it does not present a glare on the glass limiting the attendant's s istbihty to the immediate surrounding area or out to the street A mirror shall be installed on the interior of the booth This will allow the attendant to see who mas be coming from behind them 98 888 N Sepulveda Pageseven A camera(s) should be installed The camera(s) shall be angled in such a way as to capture license plate numbers and facial images as the guests are conversing with the parking attendant The attendant should be supplied with a panic alarri% radio or telephone in which to make emergency contact with hotel or office personnel What will be the method of cash handling' (Drop safe/time release safe ?) TRAFFIC DIVISION CONCERN'S Issues which the Traffic Division would be concerned with, but are not linuted to an adequate number of parking spaces per users location of loading dock areas in relation to project traffic flow or street traffic flow, the project s impact on street traffic (i a additional signals, traffic, signage, etc ) dnveways, ingress and ec,ess locations Prior to approvat, the plans must indicate the re%isions or corrections listed To the left of the corrections please indicate the sheet number of the plans on which the correction has been made CLOUD ALL CORRECTIONS ON PLANS RETtiHN THIS SHEET «ITB ORIGIN AL AN-D REVISED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS «HEN CORRECTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE. Q9 City of El Segundo COMMUNITY, ECONOMIC AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA. 90245 (310) 322 -4670 FAX (310) 3224167 APPLICATION FOR A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Date 09/31/00 Tne Apolicant Attention: Edwin Sundareson .,ecac partners Co=erc:a— :._ , 3C Executive Park, Suite 100, Ir"ine, CA 92614 - Name AOdress 6741 (Applicant must have legal or egwtable interest in the real property Attach evidence ) (If not owner, a written statement from owners stating they are aware of this application ) W? - -E-A:- ESTATE LIF:TE:� PAPPh ERSHIP 3. -,ne -s Name Accress Phone -CCem Situated at See Attached Faae (&tact legal description If legal description is by metes and bounds, attach a copy) Sene -a� -CZ:af`ons c -`- Ser -: eta between Walnut 5 Maple Avenue Accress ane Stree' Avenue Street, Avenue =x stlnc men nc -_ Exlstnc Gene al Plan /Specific Plan GEQUEST Under the provisions of City Council Resolution No 3268 and Government Code Sec 65864 -65869 5, application for consideration of a Development Agreement for the above described property Descnbe the proposed project In its entirety Include Information on the type of construction proposed, materials to be used, and type of uses involved (I e , bank, general office, restaurant, etc ) Provide details on square foo=es helah!s number of stones, number of parking spaces etc See a::acnmenc I 0 ' 0 00 -2; GAq cap -Z 110 Provide a detailed explanation of how the proposed protect is consistent with the goals, objectives, policies, and programs specified in the General Plan and any applicable Specific Plan Specifically reference the applicable General Plan and Specific Plan sections See attachment. 3 Descnne how the proposed project is compatible with the uses and regulations prescribed for the zenina distnct in which it is located See attachment < Descnoe ho.v the proposed proiec:s design would be compatible and integrated with, and not be oetn rental to existing develooment on adjacent and surrounding neighboring properties See 2ttzc"c =a.. Submit a scaled site plan showing the location and dimensions of all existing and proposed buildings, dimensions of the property, abutting streets, utilities, easements, ingress and egress, parking areas, loading area, landscaping, etc , along with elevations, sections, floor plans, etc., of all existing and proposed buildings and structures (See Plot Plan Checklist) See attachment. Attach the proposed Development Agreement The Development Agreement shall include the duration of the agreement, permitted uses of the property, density or intensity of use, maximum height and size of all buildings, and provisions for reservation or dedication of land for public purposes See attathee ^t and OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT [,(We) the undersigned, depose and say that (I am/We are) the OWNER(S) of the property Involved in this application and that I(we) have famlllanzed myself(ours elves) with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application and that the foregoing statements herein contained and the information on all documents and plans attached hereto are in all respects true and correct to the best of my /our knowledge and belief t7E SE° =EAL ESTATE UMITE pa'tnersh( E '.•7 Sc per -P Inc a De aware port- < Meyer VP AGENT AUTHORIZATION — �1ate Date 19 I hereby aut ^o -ze —' I'L V . -F:'- to act for me in all matters relevant to tnls aopnoabon I understand tnat this person will be the exclusive contact on the project and will oe sent all Informaton and con- a5oonoe„'e ��--- W9jSEP REAL ESTATE 1` a DelaM re LmaeD Dann e, Y:g'SEP Geryi a Deia.rar coi R Pau( Meyer VP �e� R rp IT AFFIDAVIT i (VV� enk H Hansen, Sr % . P the undersigned, depose and say that (I amilANnes) the AGENTW) of the property involved in this application and that I(vi" have familiarized myself (os) with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this applicaton and that the foregoing statements herein contained and the information on all - documents and plans, attached hereto are in all respects true and correct to the best of my1we F nowledge and belief _eFac� °arcni - O „ear t a,d 'i.- Signature Date Signature Date 102 Procedures for filino aooiicatton 1 File completed application with the Planning Division along with completed Initial Study Applicant Questionnaire Signature of the owner /owners, lessee (if applicant), and /or agent shall be required on all applications 2 Provide all information, drawmos and other materials as Indicated on the Notice to Applicants 3 Pay flung fee (See fee schedule) G Applicant and affected property owners will be notified of time of hearing 5 Applicant should be present at the nearing and may offer additional evidence to support his /her revues' c' There shall be an additional fee fo• filing an appeal Planning Staff Date received Signature EA DA Revised 1125/00 p \plan- =rn \other\dvpagrTnI\app 103 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR 888 AND 898 NORTH SEPULVEDA PARCELS 1 AND 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO 11008, IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, ST4TE OF CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN ON THE MAP FILED IN BOOK 123 PAGE 1 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE CM:%T1 RECORDER OF S�%.ID COUNTY JN 500771 W %5W771WAMVARUNCE IEGALdx August 31, 1999 -i 888 N. Sepulveda, El Segundo October 2000 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT APPLICATION Response to questions For 888 N. Sepulveda 1 Describe the proposed project in its entirety. Include information on the type of construction proposed, materials to be used, and type of uses involved (i.e. bank, general office, restaurant, etc.) Provide details on square footages, heights, number of stories, number of parking spaces etc. Scenario A- Conversion 888 N Sepulveda to a Hotel, from a vacant office building, and to provide a permanent Park and ride. This would involve the rehab of the 12 stop steel frame, 140 000 Square Feet office building, built to the 1960's It would include 53 rrulhon dollars o` asbestos remo%al, major structural upgrades, a full retro fit or Duilamg systems and imD, o%ements for a 200 -300 room hotel The hotel requires apDro�al b% the Cm to develop in the Corporate Office (CO) Zone The hotel we are targeting could be a business class note! "ith one or two small conference rooms (for small meetings) and no restauran. This scenano would also require oermanent approval of the existing Park and ride operation called "104 Arrow Parkine The existing Park and ride at this location is iemporanh permitted unaer at, Adnurostrauve Use Permit, until both buildings are occupied Legac% Partners is reouesune permanent approval of the Park and ride rusIness The adjacent 898 office building currently requires 242 parking spaces, the note] (888 building) would onl% require 1'5 parking spaces (200 room) to 225 parking spaces (300room) ieavmg 400 to 350 erra parking spaces for the existing park and ride operation The existing Park and noe µould be substantially down scaled from its current size to allow for the hotel parking The rehab of the 888 building to a hotel is not feasible financially, unless the existing Park and ride operation is alloµed to stas as a permanent use on the site Legacy Partners needs the additional income of the Part, and Ride to pay for the additional capital required to remove the asbestos and structurally reinforce the 888 building In this scenano Legacy Partners could improve the neighborhood, and provide a valuable set�-ice in the hotel and the park and ride business Scenario B - Development of a ne% office building - This scenario would involve the demolition of the existing 888 N Seoulveda vacant office building The present building is outdated for the existing office market due to 8' floor to firush ceiling height, E,-S35 antiquated 1960's budding systems (elecincal, plumbing, HVAC, Fire Life Safety and DA CO - Z Elesators) structural deficiencies and the asbestos throughout the budding The cost to U�'A CO -2L correct all of these deficiencies would cost more than a new office building Additionally, Legact Partners Commercial Inc Development Agreement Application Page 1 105 888 N. Sepulveda, El Segundo October 2000 since the building does not have much architectural significance, Legacy Partners proposes to demolish the building and build a new office building Unfottunatel), the financials do not work for a new office building, due to the addtuonal cost to remove asbestos and to demo the building The additional capital regwres Legacy Partners to obtain additional rental income through the construction of a 120,610 Square Feet six story office buildme The current FAR (0 8 FAR) allows us to build an 88,862 Square Feet buildme The existing 888 building is 140,000 Square Feet (1 26 FAR), 12 stor} building -160 feet hieh building we are proposing to replace it with a 130,610 Square Feet 0 085 FAR) six ston 97 feet high building The site is currently "over parked' L rider the new scenario of building a 120,610 Square Feet building, we would be prosiding more than enough pa-king a, 4 parking spaces per 1,000 Square Feet compared to the nt% requirement of = " parking spaces /1000 Square Feet Bs allow-ine Legacy Partners to build a new office building at this location, The City of El Seeunao would be removing blivn; and allowing Legacy Partners to remove an outdated asbestos ridden office bu,ld.ng bud; in the 60's, that has been sitting vacant for 10 sears or Sepulveda Bhd This ncv protect and building would dramatically improve the appearance o" El Segundo a; the intersection at Sepulveda and Imperial Hwy, which is one of the major gateways into E' Segundo from the North Bs aooros-inc this de%elopmen, ac•e ^:nen: the health and safety of El Segundo residents and office corkers will be protected . ^om environmentally hazardous materials (asbestos) and structural failure The evicessrs a cos: in correcting these deficiencies is part of the reason the building has been satinc saran: far 10 vears The rent and the revenue is not e-iou_,h a: this rime to cover ine cos: of cigar up of the asbestos and the structural retrofit o`;ne building 2 Pros ide a detailed explanation of how the proposed project is consistent with the goals, objectives, policies, and programs specified in the General Plan and any applicable Specific Plan Specificall-, reference the applicable General Plan and Specific Plan sections. The proposed project is consisten: the coals and objectives of the General Plan SECTIONS OF GENERAL PLAN ECONOMIC DEVELOP %IENT ELEMENT SECTION This project meets Goal EDIA (Economic Base) To create in El Segundo a strong, healthy economic community in which all diverse stakeholders may benefit. Legaci Partners Commercial Inc Development Agreement Application Page 2 r r, , 888 N. Sepulveda, El Segundo October 2000 This project would assist in creating a strong economic base by, upgrading the existing building stock to retain high tech businesses to the area and promoting the most efficient and highest and best use of land The hotel and the Park and nde project also creates a strong economic base by providing jobs, much needed services for businesses in the area, and a revenue base for the City i e the hotel bed tax and special parking tax (if approved by the voters) This project is addressing objective EDI -1, Policy EDI -1.1 to maintain economic development as one of the Cin s and the business and residential communities' top priorities Through the development of this project as either an office building or a hotel with an park and ride the requirement to create lobs, expand businesses and create additional revenue for the Cirs are met This project also addresses Policy EDI -1.2 under the Economic Base goal to focus short -run economic development efforts on business retention and focus longer -run efforts on the diversification of El Segundo s economic base in order to meet qualitti, of life goals The office building proposed meets the business retention goal of meeting the neeas and demands of mans of the existine aerospace companies in El Segundo looking for space The office project also meets the longer -term goals of diversification by attracting numerous dot com and technology companies, looking for space, to El segurtao Mans of the companies are coming from the Santa Monica area due to hmited space and hieh rents The proposed hotel and Park and tide project also meets the need to retain businesses in the area and also assists in the effort to diversify the economic base Tnis protect also meets Objective EDI -2. Policy EDI -2.1 to seek to expand El Segundo s retail and commercial base so that the diverse needs of the City's business and resiaential communities are met This protect expands the commercial base by the aes elopment of the office or hotel Park and Ride scenario which both meet the needs of businesses and residents of the Cin of El Segundo This project also meets Policy EDl- 2.2 goal of maintaining and promoting land use that improves the City's Tax base, balancing economic development and quality of life goals The redevelopment of this land and building promotes a higher and better use of this land, through the development of the office and hotel/Park and Ride scenario and improves the City Tax base (through increased property tax, the hotel bed tax and potentially a special parking tax), and qualin of life for its residents and businesses (bv providing a valuable service to businesses and residents) This project also meets Goal ED2 — 1 (Business Climate) To provide a supportive and economically profitable environment as the foundation of a strong local business community. The ness office building proposed will assist in improving the business environment by providing a state of the art ness building for technology companies, to replace an outdated ouilatng at the site Nev, buildings like the project Legacy Partners' has proposed are needed to retain companies in the El Segundo Market Legaci Partners Commercial Inc Development Agreement Application Page 3 1 n i 888 N. Sepulveda, El Segundo October 2000 The hotel development will assist in providing a valuable service to businesses and residents in the community The hotel will also provide additional revenue through the ciry hotel bed tax The Park and ride also proposed will provide a supportive and valuable service to businesses and residents in El Segundo The Park and nde will potentially also provide additional revenue through the new special parking tax if approved by the City LAND USE ELEMENT This project meets Goal Lt 4: provision of a stable tax base for El Segundo through commercial uses. This protect encourages a stable tax base b} Objective LU4 -3 of providing for new office space in the CiG, which in turn encourages retail and residential demand and a stable tax vase This project also meets Oolectiv e LC 4 -4 to provide areas where development has the flexibilrn to mix uses in an effort to provide synergistic relationships, which have the potential to maximize economic benefit reduce traffic impacts, and encourage pedestrian em ironments Legacy Partners will oe accomplishing this by proposing an office, with hotel and a part, and nde faaltn 411 of which encourage synergistic relationships, interaction and also complement each other Many of the office building tenants, hotel customers and Part. and Ride customers we believe will use each other services We also belie% e the shuttle for the part, and nee will reduce traffic to the airport and congestion at the intersections since hotel customers and office budding tenants from our building and surrounding buildings would be using trus service as a park and nde service, thus reducing the v el icle counts at intersections adjacent to the airport Tne once tenants may require a hotel for out of town visitors and may require a shuttle from the 4irpori Many businesses tenants locate in El Segundo due to the proxututy to the airport and we see park and nde as another service to make the City of El Segundo attractive to business tenants This pro also meets Goal LU7. Provision of Quality Infrastructure, by providing up to sate utdttN service, which includes Fiber Service to the building and the possibility to provide emergency generator service to its tenants CIRCULATION ELEMENT SECTION The amount of daily trips generated from the new Office building will be less than the existing building was when occupied due to the reduced square footage from 140,000 Square Feet to 120,610 Square Feet The amount of daily trips generated for a hotel and the park and nde will be less than would be for the office buildmg when it was occupied Legaci Partners Commercial inc Development Agreement Application Page 4 1 (- P 888 N. Sepulveda, El Segundo October 2000 This project meets Goal C2 (Provisions for Alternative Mode of Transportation) by providing a circulation system that incorporates alternatives to the single - occupant vehicle, to create a balance among travel modes based on travel needs, costs, social values, user acceptance, and air quality consideration. The Park and nde should reduce the volume of traffic at the intersections adjacent to the airport by providing a shuttle bus for patrons or customers The shuttle bus will also prostde shuttle service to the airport for the office and hotel patrons of 898 and 888 N Sepulveda The Park and ride customers include El Segundo business men and women and residents of the CitN of El Segundo This should alleviate some of the congestion going %onh on Sepulveda adjacen• to the Airport This project addresses Objecty a C2 -3, which is to ensure the provision of a safe and efficient transit st stem that will offer the residents, workers, and visitors of El Segundo a viable aliernotne to the automobile OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION ELEMENT Ttus oroiec: meets the open space requirement and Goal OSl: provision and maintenance of Open Space To crovide and maintain high quality open space that meets the needs of employees witnm the Cin of El Segundo Legacy Partners is committed to pro%idmg hign qualm open spaces within its projects, this can be seen in the cur -em coumard bemeen buildings which yy ,ill be expanded as part of the new ee�elopment project proposed CONSERN ATION ELENIE%T SECTION This project meets Goal CV; ( Lrban Landscape) to enhance, and increase the amount and quality or the urban landscape to maximize aesthetic and em tronmental benefits. This project also addresses Polic-, CNS-8 (Increase the quantity ofplant material) and Policy CN5 -9 (Increase the diversin of plant species) Ttus neti project will promote urban tanescape b} increasing the quantity, quality and \ anet% of plant material and landscape currently at the site Legacy Partners intends to use high -end plant materials and landscaping for a class A office building or Hotel An example of the level of landscaping is e\iaent in the recently renovated 898 N Sepulveda office building courtyard area AIR QL ALM' ELEMENT This protect meets Goal AQ4 Reduced motorized transportation This to part is accomplished with the development of the park and ride, and the shuttle service it pro%ides for business men and women to our 898 it Sepulveda office building and the Le.oaci Partners Commercial Inc Development Agreement Application Page 5 Irq 888 N. Sepulveda, El Segundo October 2000 proposed hotel Goal AQ5: 'Vehicle Work and Non Work Trip reduction is also met with the use of the shuttle bus Policy AQ5 -1.1 is also being met to reduce and discourage the use of single occupant vehicles in congested areas of the City Legacy Partners is providing this by providing a park and ride service for business people and residents in the city, with an option to be shuttle to the airport thus reducing the congestion at intersections adjacent to the airport to the City of El Segundo HAZxkRDOL'S MATERIALS 41D "ASTE MANAGEMENT ELEMENTS This project meets Goal HN11 to protect the health and safety of citizens and businesses within El Segundo and neighboring communities. By approval of this project Legac-- Partners would be able to remove the asbestos currently contained in the 888 building The approval of the additional Square Feet or approval of the hotel and the permanent appro� al of the park and nde would allow Legacy Partners to financially be aole to remove the asbestos in the evstinv building, in the case of the hotel structurally reuo fi• the buitdme and in the case o' the office building safely demolish the building 3 Describe how the proposed project is compatible with the uses and regulations prescribed for the zoning district in which it is located. Scenario A — Conversion to a hotel use and permanent Park and Ride i ; he hotel is very compatible u-jth the office and the commercial retail uses in the Co -porate Office (CO) zone Legac% Partners believes the hotel will provide a a uaole service to commerna! users and other users in the CO zone The hotel .� i; also male the CO zone more user mendly for the businesses and companies ,o: aced on Sepulveca Bouie%and and in the CO zone This project Will meet all eevelopment regulations and standards required in this zoning district The park and ride js also ven compatible with the uses in the CO zone and oro�ldes a .aluable support sen�ce to businesses in the CO zone and more soecificalh in our new project at 898 and 888 N Sepulveda, the mixed use office and hotel project The Part, and ride provides an easy and convenient way for ousmess people in El Segundo to part, their car in El Segundo and be shuttled to the airport This is an excellent service that makes conducting business in El Segundo more business fnendh desirable, and more convenient Scenario B — Development of a new office building b) The office use is ven compatible uith the existing uses in the area, which is pnmani} office The proposed project exceeds the parlang regulation required by the Cit,, of El Segundo This project will meet all development regulation and standards required with the exception of the FAR requirement for the office scenano 4ddmonalk Legacy Partners is requesting an exception to the loading cock requirements from three (13 feet by 50 feet) loading spaces to two (13 feet Lc> aci Partners Commercial Inc Development Agreement Application Page 6 I;0 888 N. Sepulveda, El Segundo October 2000 by 30 feet) loading spaces This is due to the limited amount of surface area available on site and the ability of both buildings to share the loading spaces 4. Describe how the proposed projects' design would be compatible and integrated with, and not be detrimental to. existing development on adjacent and surrounding This response is for Scenario 4 and Scenario B The proposed 888 IN' Sepulveda building design will be compatible and integrate with the recenth_ completed 898N Sepulveda office building Legacy Partners intends to use sirrular matenals, firushes and landscaping with that of the recently remodeled $7 2 million dollar office buildine renov ation next door This includes using similar aqua blue - green medium performance glass metal accents in the canopy and the mullion system, and sim lar colored concrete and limestone composite materials at the base of the building and in the lobby The intention is to create a cohesive and integrated office/hotel comolev The traffic circularnor oain on the site would remain the same In addition, the parl,ine would remain the same and would be provided in the parking structure Bot' the recenth remodeled 898 o.iiicine and the proposed new 888 building will be a dramatic improvement in iooh anc tirvsr to the adiacent older industrial buildings Legaci Partners Commercial Inc Development Agreement Application Page 7 111 The Applicant COMMUNITY, ECONOMIC AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 350 Main S El Segundo, CA 90,,5 (310) 3Z2 -4670 FAX (310) 3223167 APPLICATION FOR A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT PROJECT NO EA-,535; pyo,. C0 - Z,G?k00o2. c, °ar:ners Commercial, 1 Name (Check One) Owner _ Lessee Agent Property Owner Date- 10/19/00 30 Executive Park, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 Address Phone S--° Feal Estate - _a.tec same as above 949/261 -9871 Name Address Phone Property Situated at See Y:acnme (Exact legal description Provide attachment if necessary) General Location HE 1, Sepulveda between Walnut Avenue and Maple Avenue Address or Street/ Avenue Street/ Avenue Street/ Avenue Existing General Plan Land Use Designation Corporate Office (Co.) Describe the proposed amendment and /or proposed land use redesignation that is requested with this application See attachment. Does public necessity require the proposed amendment and /or proposed land use redesignation? (Fully explain your answer considering the surToundmg properties as well as the subject property) See attacn�ent v- 535 l hill CP2; CaiFi M-Z t n i Is the property involved in the proposed land use redesignation and /or amendment more suitable and consistent with the purposes, objectives, goals and policies, of the applicable General Plan Elements than the present designations (Answer completely Give all reasons for your answer and specifically cite applicable General Plan sections ) See attachment. Would the use(s) permitted by the proposed land use redesignation and /or amendment be detrimental in any way to the surrounding properties? (Explain reasons supporting your answers ) See attachment Are there any deed or other restnct ons concerning the type and class of uses on the property involved? If so give expiralion Cate of the restrictions and attach a copy of the restrictions See attacnment Explain how the proposed redesignauon and/or amendment would be integrated, internally consistent and compatible =th all of the Elements of the General Plan, as a whole (Cite specific applicable General Plan sections ) See attachment. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT . _ being duly swom depose and say that I/We am ine OWNER of the property involved in this application and that Uwe have familiarized myself (ourselves) with the rules and regulations) of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application and that ;he foregoing statements herein contained and the information on documents and all plans attached hereto are in all respects true and correct to the best of my /our knowledge and belief Signature T-� E OF CALIFORNIA, ) Court. of Los Angeles )ss Date 19 ll3 ' Q w ti : -�?ENMER k � COrt;rr':Sr,Q'1# Il51Ee6 >& Notary Pvatic . Cal rar•t.di So-+ Mateo Covnty My ; = n IbCxes Sew I izi On this / `S� day of 1110 yE-^4 It)e fL 40 WOO , before me, the undersigned Notary Put, In and for said County and State, personally appeare d PAut,E✓�� to me to be the person whose name 15 Instrument, and acknowledged to me that hersl)� executed the same WITNESS my hand and official seat Notary Public in and for said AGENT AUTHORIZATION within I hereby authonze to act for me in all matters relevant to this application I undev$tand that this person will be the exclusive contact on the project and will be sent all Information and correspondence. M W9/SEP REAL ESTATE LI ED TNERSHID a Delaware limited pan hip O�^ By W9'SEP Gev ar' I _ Paw Meyer Li� rGENT AFFIDAVIT n. I a; - : being duly sworn depose and say that IA*O- am d.., 1ppticaticn and that INrs.have familiarized myself (49a,-akmr4 with the rules and regulation of the City of El Segundo with respect to preparing and filing this application and that the foregoing statements herein contained and the Information on documents and all plans, attached hereto are in all respects true and correct to the best of knowledge and lief _ecac °aaCre'a aze- erc:al Inc ��\ � l0 Z% Signature Date ST,;TE OF CALIFORNIA Oran_ze Cr) this -.1, day of October ,,02000 , before me, the undersigned Notary Public and for said County and State, personally appeared Erik M. Hansen Sr.' Vice President known t_ me to be the person whose name is subscnb to the within 1l- Inlnent and acknowledged tome that hena+rsexecuted the same `. ITr:FSS my hand and official seal e ea Q' Tlr� c IiL r Notary Public In 'roCgduLES for filrna �Ll(ICation File application property completed in the office of the Planning Division Signature of the owner, owners. lessee andlor agent shall be notarized before a Notary Public Applicant shall provide all Information drawings and other materials as requested by the Planning Division 114 State of Caltforma County of Orange Ertl. M Hansen subscnbed and swore to me, Maureen J Heaton, Notary Public, on this 27th day of October, 2000 V,'ITNESS m\ hand and official sea] o Sianature of Notar% Public LUU REEK 1 r,E,I u, Ca Mm • 1Zi��SW EE � wotQy R d blc C'an0 t Qaige Cwrry My Ca-rL 5pra Sep 113'IIl 115 3 Pay filing fee 4 Applicant and affected property owners will be notified of time of hearing 5 Applicant must be present at the hearing and may offer additional evidence to support his/her request o There shall be an additional fee for filing an appeal Planning Staff Date received Signature __ E. G.P.A. revised 09104/97 I I G 888 N. Sepulveda, EI Segundo October 1000 City of El Segundo Application For A General Plan Amendment Response to questions For 888 N. Sepulveda 1 Describe the proposed amendment and or proposed land use redesignation that is requested with this application Legac% Partners Commercial Inc is requesting an amendment to the General Plan for this particular site at 888 '\ Sepuh eda which is in the Corporate Office Zone, to allow for 1 086 Floor Area Ratio (FAR) which would allow for a 120,618 Square Feet office oullcmg The evsune building is currentn la, 000 Square Feet (1 26 FAR) After further analysts it µas determined that the ouilcnne is too antiquated (extremely old and inoperable ouildmc systems structuraln date 1oµ floor to ceiling heights) to make sense to rehab �l e later learned if we u ere to redevelop the building we could only build 88,862 Square Feet (0 8 FAR) thus losing the evsnne Square Feet (all the additional Square Feet we paid fo- i e%en though we µour ne nuildinc a neµ building in its place Legacy Partners is requesting an amendment to the General Plan for this specific site to allow us to build oack ine building with new and efficien: Duilding systems and a smaller overall building mass o,, ". 20 6) 0 Square Fee: (1 086 F AR) compared to what is currently out there at 1-:0 000 Sajare Feet bu: large- tha ,µhat is currently allowed Additionally the D- 000sed new builainc µill be sia stones in height as opposed to the 12 story existing ouiiamg In exchange the City the commurutn and Legacy Partners would be getting a contemporary, attractive and more efficient building 2 Does public necessity require the proposed amendment and /or proposed land use reciesignation' (Fully explain }our answer, considering the surrounding properties as well as the subject propem.) '� es Dubhc necessity does require the proposed amendment, otherwise the building wouid continue to sit vacant as it has for ten years, and be a public safety and public hazard concern The amendment µill allow Legacy Partners to redevelop the property, bi allowing Legac% Partners to build a larcer building and obtain additional revenue to recoup the cost of remosang asbestos from the building and demolition a structurally S35 oecient building The consideraole cost of upgrading the building has hindered Legac9W00-2. Partners and two former owners from redes eloping the building over the past ten years Legacy Partners Commercial Inc General Plan Amendment Page 1 117 888 N. Sepulveda, El Segundo October 2000 The land value and building value are not sufficient to recoup the cost at this time, for this area and section of town If this amendment is not approved it maybe another ten vears before this project would be financially feasible and be redeveloped, due to the excessive cost to clean the budding and structurally retrofit the building Furthermore, There is more than enough parking, at 4 parking spaces per 1,000 sq ft than what is required b,, the Cm, to build the proposed building What makes this building differen from other buildings in El Segundo, such as 898 N Sepulveda and 2300 East Imperial that have recently undergone asbestos removal and a major remodel is the excess amount of asbestos, the unusually low floor to ceiling heights and age of the buildine built in the 1960's, versus 1970's for the other buildings No amount of money and impro%ements can correct this problem, of low floor to ceiling heights and make this buitdine a Class A office budding with Class A rents to recoup the cost of the remodel This is a maior problem that has prevented this budding from being redeveloped The only wa% Lecac% Partners can recoup the cost of the asbestos aoatemerrt and removal of the anncua,ed buiidme is build additional sq ft for additional revenue to pay to- the work Addnionalh the approval of this amendment would benefit the adjacent property owners b% removing an environmental hazard (asbestos) and safety hazard (structural) from the area The building does no; mee• current seismic requirements of the Uniform Building Code The new amendment would aLou Legact to build a six story, smaller and shorter, ou,luing that could not tower and c%er shadow the adjacent low -rise buildings. Thus, reduce the tunnel affect or. Sepuleda Bi%d It would also improve the appearance of the a -ea n% allow-ing for the rede%elop-nen of the site wvtth a new contemporary office building 3 Is the property insolved in the proposed land use redestgnation and /or amendment more suitable and consistent with the purposes, objectives, goals and policies, of the applicable General Plan Elements than the present designation' (Anssser completely Give all reasons for your answer and specificalh cite applicable General Plan sections.) ) es, the redesienation and the outcome of the redestgnation , namely the new building would be more suitable and consistent with the General Plan The present designation does not financially allow for redevelopment of the site, and would not meet many of purposes objectives, goals and policies of the General Plan The outcome of the redesivnation, the new building, would meet the following criteria of the general plan SECTIONS OF GENERAL PLA` Lej;act Pawners Commercial Inc General Plan Amendment Page 2 t 888 N. Sepulveda, El Segundo October 2000 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT SECTION This project meets Goal EDI -1 (Economic Base) To create in El Segundo a strong, healthy economic community in which all diverse stakeholders may benefit. This project would assist to creating a strong economc base by, upgrading the existing building stock to retain high tech businesses in the area and promoting the most efficient and highest and best use of land This project is addressing Objective EDI -1, Policy EDI -1.1 to maintain economic development as one of the Cin s and the business and residential eommuntttes' top priorities Through the development of this project as an office building the requirement to create jobs, expand businesses and create additional revenue for the City are met The current outdated building in its current condition does not meet this objective This project also addresses Polic. EDI -1.2 under the Economic Base goal to focus short -run economic development efforts on business retention and focus longer -run of orts on the diversification of El Segundo's economic base in order to meet quality of life goals The office building vrovosed meets the business retention goal of meeting the needs and demands of manN of the existing aerospace companies in El Segundo loolang for space to expand into The office project also meets the longer -term goals of ci%ersification b� attracting numerous dot com and technology companies, looking for space in El Segundo Man% of the companies are coming from the Santa Monica area cue to limited space and high rents Tms protect also meets Objectne EDI -2, Pope} EDI -2.1 to seek to expand El Segundo s retail and commercial base so that the diverse needs of the City's business and residential communities are met This pro iect expands the commercial base by the ae%elovmeni of the office buildmg cinch meets the needs of businesses in the City of El Segundo This project also meets Polio, EDI -2.2 goal ofmaintainingandpromoting land use that improves the Citt 's Tar base, balancing economic development and quality of life goals The redevelopment of this land and building promotes a higher and better use of this land, through the development of the office, and improves the City Tax base (through increased propem tax), and improves the quality of life for its residents and businesses (b} improving the appearance of the community and providing modern up to date facilities for its businesses) The current outdated building in its current condition does not meet this objective This project also meets Goal ED2 — 1 (Business Climate) To provide a supportive and economicalh, profitable environment as the foundation of a strong local business community The neu office building proposed loll assist in improving the business environment by providing a state of the an new building for technology companies, to replace an outdated building at the site Neu buildings like the project Legacy Partner's has proposed are needed to retain companies in the El Segundo Market Legaci Partners Commercial Inc General Plan Amendment Page 119 888 N. Sepulveda, El Segundo October 2000 LAND USE ELEMENT This project meets Goal LU4: provision of a stable tax base for El Segundo through commercial uses. This project encourages a stable tax base by Objective LU4-3 of providing for new office space in the City Which in turn encourages retail and residential demand and a stable tax base The current outdated building in its current condition does not meet this objecm,e This project also meets Goal LL'7. Provision of Quality Infrastructure, by providing up to date uuht} service, which includes Fiber Service to the building, and the possibility to provide emergencN generator service to its tenants With development of the new building Legacy will have enurel\ neu budding systems serving the building including new electrical, mechanical, plumbing Not only will the service be new but also the efficiencN of the building systems (i a mechanical HVAC) will be greatly Improved CIRCULATION ELEMENT SECTION The amount of dal% trips generated from the new Office building will be less than the exisunc %tiding when occupied due to the reduced square footage from 140,000 Square Feet to 120 610 Square Feet OPE's SPACE AND RECREATION ELEMENT This project meets the open space requirement and Goal OSI: provision and maintenance of Open Space. To provide and maintain high quality open space that meets the needs of employees within the City of El Segundo Legacy Partners is committed to providing tugh quality open spaces within its projects, this can be seen in the current courtyard between buildings which will be expanded as part of the new development project proposed CONSERVATION ELEMENT SECTION This project meets Goal CN5 (Urban Landscape) to enhance, and increase the amount and qualtt} of the urban landscape to mazimize aesthetic and environmental benefits. This project also addresses Polic-, C.N5 -8 (Increase the quantity of plant material) and Polic} CN5-9 (Increase the diversity of plant species) Legaci Partners Commercial Inc General Plan Amendment Page 4 888 N. Sepulveda, El Segundo October 2000 This new project will promote urban landscape by increasing the quantity, quality and variety of plant material and landscape currently at the site Legacy Partners intends to use high -end plant materials and landscaping for a class A office building An example of the level of landscaping is evident in the recently renovated 898 N Sepulveda office building courtyard area Additionally, the amount of landscape area on the site will be increased with development of the new building, currently a majority of the site is paved over As part of our development plan Legacy Partners also intends to set back the new building to provide for additional landscaping and 25 feet palm trees along Sepulveda Boulevard to improve and enhance the urban landscape along the Sepulveda frontage HAZARDOUS MATERL4LS AND WASTE MANAGEMENT ELEMENTS This project meets Goal HMI: to protect the health and safety of citizens and businesses within El Segundo and neighbonng communities. By approval of this amendment and project Legacy Partners would be able to remove the asbestos currently contained in the 888 building Approval of this amendment for the additional Square Feet would also financialh allow Leean Partners to build a new building and remove a building that does not meet current seisrruc, handicapped and fire hfe safety code requirements Thus, protecting the health, safety and welfare of its Citizens and businesses within E1 Segundo A «ould the use(s) permitted bi the proposed land use redesignation and /or amendment be detrimental in an,, wa} to the surrounding properties? (Explain reasons supporting your answers) \o the proposed land use redesienation would not be detrimental to the surrounding properties since the new building proposed would be smaller than what is currently there The building would be a newer budding, would improve property values and w ould not overshadow the adjacent buildings as much as the current buildings S. Are there any deed or other restrictions concerning the type and class of uses on the property involved? If so, gig a expiration date of the restrictions and attach a cop} of the restrictions. No, there are no deed restrictions concerning the type or class of uses on the property 6. Explain how the proposed redesignation and /or amendment would be integrated, internally consistent and compatible with all of the Elements of the General Plan, as a whole. ific applicable General Plan The proposed redestgnation and amendment, and the new building that would result, would be more compatible with the General Plan than the current building, which is Legacy Partners Commercial inc General Plan Amendment Page 5 121 888 N. Sepulveda, El Segundo October 1000 overbuilt for the site, outdated and vacant The redesignation or amendment for the additional Square Feet would allow for a new building at the site, since the additional Square Feet would pay for the asbestos abatement work and would make the project financially feasible The redesignation or amendment would allow for a new building, which would result in a building more in line with the current elements of the general plan There are two options for the site The first is to keep the existing building in place and vacant due to the excessive cost to abate and remodel The second option is to obtain approval for the larger building, whtch would pay for the abatement and make sense financially The new building would be more consistent with the general plan and integrate more with the surrounding site and the adjacent buildings The General plan sections include SECTIONS OF GENERAL PLAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT SECTION This project meets Goal EDI -1 (Economic Base) To create in El Segundo a strong, health,, economic community in which all diverse stakeholders may benefit. This protect would assist to creating a strong economic base by upgrading the existing building stock to retain tugh tech businesses in the area and promoting the most efficient and highest and best use of land TSus project is addressing objective ED1 -1, Policy EDI -1.1 to maintain economic development as one of the Cin s and the business and residential commumnes' top priorities Through the development of this project as an office building the requirement to create jobs, expand businesses and create additional revenue for the City are met Tlus project also addresses Policy ED1 -1.2 under the Economic Base goal to focus short -run economic development efforts on business retention andfocus longer -tun efforts on the diversification of El Segundo's economic base to order to meet quality of life goals The office building proposed meets the business retention goal of meeting the needs and demands of many of the existing aerospace companies in El Segundo looking for space to expand into The office project also meets the longer -term goals of diversification by attracting numerous dot com and technology companies, looking for space, in El Segundo Many of the companies are coming from the Santa Monica area due to limited space and high rents This project also meets Objective EDI -2, Policy EDI -2.1 to seek to expand El Segundo's retail and commercial base so that the diverse needs of the City's business and residential communities are met This project expands the commercial base by the development of the office building, which meets the needs of businesses in the City of El Segundo This project also meets Policy ED) -2.2 goal of maintaining and promoting Legact Partners Commercial Inc General Plan Amendment Page 6 122 ag N. Sepulveda, El Segundo October 2000 land use that improves the City's Tar base, balancing economic development and quality of life goals The redevelopment of this land and building promotes a higher and better use of this land, through the development of the office, and improves the City Tax base (through increased property tax), and improves the quality of life for its residents and businesses (by improving the appearance of the community and providing modern up to date facilities for its businesses) This project also meets Goal ED2 — I (Business Climate) To provide a supportive and economically profitable environment as the foundation of a strong local business community. The new office building proposed will assist in improving the business environment by providing a state -of -the -art new building for technology companies, to replace an outdated building at the site New buildings, like the project Legacy Partners' has proposed are needed to attract new companies and retain existing companies in the El Segundo Market LAND USE ELEMENT This project meets Goal LU4: provision of a stable tax base for El Segundo through commercial uses. This project encourages a stable tax base b,, Objective LU4 -3 ofprovidingfor new office space in the Cin Wl}uch in turn encourages retail and residential demand and a stable tax base This project also meets Goal Lti7: Provision of Quality Infrastructure, by providing up to date utibry service, which includes Fiber Service to the building, and the possibility to provide emergency generator service to its tenants CIRCL-LATION ELEMENT SECTION The amount of daily trips generated from the new Office building will be less than the existing building when occupied due to the reduced square footage from 140,000 Square Feet to 120,610 Square Feet OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION ELEMENT This project meets the open space requirement and Goal OSl: provision and maintenance of Open Space. To provide and maintain high quality open space that meets the needs of employees within the City of El Segundo Legacy Partners is committed to providing high quality open spaces within its projects This is evident in the current courtyard between buildings, which will be expanded as part of the new proposed development project In the courtyard Legacy intends to have a coffee and sandwich kiosk as an additional amenity to enhance the courtyard and open space Legacy Partners also intends to install 25 feet palm trees in the courtyard and along Sepulveda Legaci Partners Commercial Inc General Plan Amendment Page 7 123 888 N. Sepulveda, El Segundo October 2000 Boulevard to create an interesting environment and identity for the building and the open space CONSERVATION ELEMENT SECTION This project meets Goal CN5 (Urban Landscape) to enhance, and increase the amount and quality of the urban landscape to maximize aesthetic and environmental benefits. This project also addresses Polic} CN5-8 (Increase the quantity of plant material) and Polic-, CN5 -9 (Increase the diversity of plant species) This new project wtll promote urban landscape by increasing the quantity, quality and ,.anety of plant material and landscape currently at the site Legacy Partners intends to use high -end plant materials and landscaping for a class A office buildmg An example of the level of landscaping is evident in the recently renovated 898 N Sepulveda office building courtyard area AdditionalIN the amount of landscape area on the site will be increased with development of the new building, currently a majority of the site is paved over The development of this project will clearly improve the appearance of section of Sepulveda Blvd and El Segundo HAZARDOUS INIATERLALS AND W ASTE MANAGEMENT ELEMENTS This project meets Goal HMI: to protect the health and safety of citizens and businesses µRhin El Segundo and neighboring communities. By approval of this amendment and project Leeacti_ Partners would be able to remove the asbestos currently contained in the 888 building The approval of the additional Square Feet would allow Leeac} Partners to financial!} be able to remove the asbestos in the existing building safeh and demolish the building Appro,. al of this amendment for the additional Square Feet would also financially allow Legacy Partners to build a new building and remove a building that has some seismic and structural issues Thus, protecting the health, safety, and welfare of its Citizens and businesses within El Segundo Legaci Partners Commercial Inc General Plan Amendment Page 124 0 5 0 N D� �m WO �W Wy n� w 3 m f q r- Q t'— C 1 O 0 � O w uo O j O O�Jw IT ., 1 0 5 0 N D� �m WO �W Wy n� w 3 m f q r- Q t'— C 1 O 0 � O w uo O j O O�Jw F rl >I W� m W 195 VJ W {z. Q U Q __I -4 0 o W 9,9 r •5 t • I i F --- --- -- A <b5 -• �^ - -- — RAiLROAD Pr G44— / ��, ^ I W I J�tJW � r„Y- r v W 1 YY Y�tI ' I L - r-;-- > --r- -r i--- >--�'- r- -� - -e- < -J .6 F � I � { _ y° LLj • F/`� /Fed. � � L 1• }rl ` �Snrt I � ail i n 08YA3-inos Y43Aind3S Q� W a v c �lI Ip OF �e� n CQ o_ F 0 o W 9,9 r •5 t • I i F --- --- -- A <b5 -• �^ - -- — RAiLROAD Pr G44— / ��, ^ I W I J�tJW � r„Y- r v W 1 YY Y�tI ' I L - r-;-- > --r- -r i--- >--�'- r- -� - -e- < -J .6 F � I � { _ y° LLj • F/`� /Fed. � � L 1• }rl ` �Snrt I � ail i n 08YA3-inos Y43Aind3S in Olt I r = :SAY as �{ n J Q) O U \W r L z J¢ U OF Q y w W 2 2 Q II V uj J r?6 Q� W a v c CQ o_ F in Olt I r = :SAY as �{ n J Q) O U \W r L z J¢ U OF Q y w W 2 2 Q II V uj J r?6 °_71 —s= I 3nN3AV LnNIVM 0 i° Y w m mW �i wm g cm m� 3' rN Wm 0 W� m m< W w� 6 aim Om ¢m om m g< � W J� W ti 00 e w 3m G Q� �a W Z �eQ O J J W Upr >z O j 0 �Qo o jy4 a w� y rz LU Z Q Y U Q W J 3 � / N m A u 4 u n — — — — — — — ° --- -- - -- • O N 0 LL N ca Q = S �C • a Q � 1 Z J e mLp O Uo U U Q O O O N W Wo Q1 U C Q) W rz U e �UA 128 I I« I R i � I o R R ,z Ia i8 SIR I° e iR i e ° a ! 1R I I 0 in 8 18 8 N• S,M1 In �� e c z o q ¢ � I$ Y 4 S i• M la I� o A u 4 u n — — — — — — — ° --- -- - -- • O N 0 LL N ca Q = S �C • a Q � 1 Z J e mLp O Uo U U Q O O O N W Wo Q1 U C Q) W rz U e �UA 128 DRAFT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA FEBRUARY 22, 2001 Chairman Crowley called the regular meeting of the El Segundo CALL TO ORDER Planning Commission to order at 7 05 P M in the Council Chamber of the City of El Segundo City Hall, 350 Main Street, El Segundo, California Commissioner Rickard led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag PRESENT CROWLEY, FRICK, KRETZMER, MAHLER, RICKARD ABSENT None Chairman Crowley presented the Consent Calendar Chairman Crowley pulled the Minutes from the Consent Calendar With regard to Page No 3, third paragraph, third line, Chairman Crowley requested the following wording displays of at least 30 seconds would " Vice -Chair Kretzmer moved, seconded by Commissioner Frick, to approve the January 11, 2001, Minutes as amended Passed 5 -0 None None PLEDGE TO FLAG ROLL CALL CONSENT CALENDAR CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT CALENDAR MOTION PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Crowley presented Item H -2, Environmental Assessment No, PUBLIC HEARINGS, 535, Development Agreement No 00 -2. and General Plan Amendment CONTINUED No 00 -02 Address. 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard Applicant HEARINGS, EA 535 Legacy Partners Commercial, Inc Property Owner W9 /SEP Real Estate Limited Partnership Planning Manager Ketz reviewed staff report (of record) related to this matter, and with regard to Master Page No 7 of staff report, second paragraph, line eight, she stated that the correct address of the property El Segundo Planning Commission Minutes, February 22, 2001 129 DRAFT which was recently renovated should reflect 898 North Sepulveda Boulevard Planning Manager Ketz explained for Chairman Crowley that the Applicant currently has an excess of parking for the two buildings Assistant City Attorney Luebberke stated for Chairman Crowley that the Applicant's $150,000 contribution to the City is a no- strings- attached gift for nonspecific improvements to be used near this site, such as median or street improvements Chairman Crowley opened the public hearing in regard to this matter Eric Hansen, principal of Legacy Partners Mr Hansen noted that the 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard property has been vacant since the 1980's, advised that it is full of asbestos and that disposal will be costly, that its mechanical systems are in poor working order, and he expressed his belief that it would be in the best interest of the Applicant and the City to tear this building down and to build a new, Class A building in its place — pointing out that to rehabilitate the old building will, at best, create a Class B budding Mr Hansen explained that the traffic study reflects that with the use of the old building, this site will generate 1,500 daily automobile trips versus 1,300 daily automobile trips with a new, smaller building Mr Hansen expressed his belief that this situation is unique enough to warrant deviating from the General Plan such that there's a desire to tear down the existing budding and put up a new, smaller budding, the 12 -story versus the six -story, 140,000 square feet versus 121,000 square feet, old versus new, and he urged the Planning Commissions support of the new six -story budding Addressing Vice - Chairman Kretzmer s inquiry, Mr Hansen stated that limiting the project to the existing conditions within the General Plan for the FAR makes the new, six -story building proposal financially impractical, and explained that if the Applicant is not able to gain approval for the new, six -story building, the Applicant will most likely proceed with the alternative plan to rehabilitate the existing budding In order for the Planning Commission to deviate from the General Plan, Vice- Chairman Kretzmer explained for the Applicant that he must provide strong evidence which would support and justify a deviation from the General Plan, and he expressed concern that granting the Applicants request could set a precedence for future applicants requesting similar proposals - El Segundo Planning Comrtussion Minutes, February 22, 2001 130 DRAFT Mr Hansen reiterated what he believes the project supports varying from the General Plan — a smaller, more attractive building which has a decreased impact upon traffic In response to Commissioner Rickard's inquiry, Mr Datos, Project Architect, explained that the reduction from three loading spaces to two loading spaces should be sufficient for the type of current traffic use on site, stated that the bulk of deliveries are currently being handled offsite and are not utilized within this area — believing that this scenario will effectively work for this type of market and product, and noted that the size of the loading spaces adequately accommodates the typical UPS or Federal Express vehicles Believing that loading space will be needed from time to time for semi - trucks on this site, Chairman Crowley suggested that three loading spaces be developed instead of two loading spaces, and suggested that the size of one loading space be increased in order to be able to provide an additional space for semi- trucks Chairman Crowley stated that the loadingfunloading of trucks should not cause any inconveniences to individuals utilizing this site Mr Datos explained that there currently exists plenty of room for semi - trucks to access the site and safely maneuver, and pointed out that a lot of the businesses moving onto or from this property occurs after -hours and that these activities should not impact traffic flow. Mr. Datos explained that the bulk of the parking comes off of Walnut Avenue into the parking structure, that these activities will not have an impact upon traffic flow, and stated that additional space is available to accommodate more loading space if it should be required — pointing out that they currently exceed parking requirements Mr Hansen noted for Vice- Chairman Kretzmer that the Applicant would be amenable to a restriction that the larger semi- trucks only utilize the areas for deliveries in the off - business hours There being no further input, Chairman Crowley closed the public hearing in regard to this matter Vice - Chairman Kretzmer stated that the Applicant has made some valid points for tearing down the old, unattractive budding for a new, smaller building, noted that he believes this is somewhat of a unique situation which should meet consideration of varying from the existing FAR in the General Plan, and expressed his belief that the new budding will have a more superior aesthetic impact than rehabilitating the old building El Segundo Planning Commission Minutes, February 22, 2001 131 DRAFT Vice - Chairman Kretzmer reiterated his concern with the possibility of setting a precedent, questioning whether a solid case can be made to conclude that this is unique enough to warrant varying from the current FAR. Commissioner Rickard expressed his belief that the ten -year timeline for the development agreement is too long, and stated that limiting it from five to seven years would be more logical Assistant City Attorney Luebberke mentioned that a ten -year development agreement is generally not out of the ordinary but that in this case, he believes that it is a little excessive Addressing Commissioner Rickard's concern with the parking structure and future changes in ownership of the buildings, Planning Manager Ketz stated that a parking covenant would be required for a lot split to be placed on this site Chairman Crowley reopened the public hearing in regard to this matter Mr Hansen, responding to Commissioner Rickard's concern, explained that there currently exists a recorded CCBR which rides with the life of the structure Chairman Crowley suggested that the Applicant consider purchasing the railroad right -of -way at the back of the property, which would decrease the FAR requirement Mr Hansen expressed his belief that a similar option had been explored previously and that it was not available at that time, but noted that it will be explored once again The public hearing was closed in regard to this matter Planning Manager Ketz, responding to Vice- Chairman Kretzmer's question, explained that as a result of the proposed decrease in square footage for the new building, the traffic analysis reflects that traffic impacts will be insignificant Vice - Chairman Kretzmer stated that because some broad evidence /issues have been identified to support the uniqueness of this proposal, he would be in favor of the variance from the current restrictions in the FAR for this project, but pointed out that in doing so, it is incumbent upon the Planning Commission to detail the uniqueness of this project and why it ments a deviation 4 El Segundo Planning Conmussion Minutes, February 22, 2001 132 !:_ 1 Vice- Chairman Kretzmer stated that the Applicant's proposal will beautify this site and create less of a traffic impact. Chairman Crowley expressed his belief that granting the Applicant's request creates spot zoning; that he does not believe the Applicant has presented any justification for a variance, commented on his concern with setting a precedence, reiterated his suggestion that the Applicant investigate the possibility of purchasing the railroad right -of -way; and stated that he would like to see some improvements with trucking activities on site Chairman Crowley stated that he does not see the need for the $150,000 donation and suggested that the Applicant use this money for the possible purchase of the railroad right -of -way Commissioner Rickard noted his concurrence with staffs recommendation, expressed his preference that donations from Applicants not be associated with applications, and stated that this Applicant has not provided a compelling case this evening for the FAR exception Commissioner Mahler noted his opposition to spot zoning, commented on the possibility of setting a precedence, and expressed his belief that this case is not unique enough to warrant a deviation from the General Plan Commissioner Frick expressed her support of staffs recommendation Vice-Chairman Kretzmer expressed his belief that the Planning Commission should not take an absolute /inflexible stance when considering sensitive issues such as this — pointing out that projects like this may well deserve some additional consideration He noted the value of removing old, unattractive buildings in the City, and commented on the Planning Commission's obligation to consider under different and varying circumstances whether a proposal makes sense over all in what the City is trying to achieve Chairman Crowley requested that three loading spaces be provided, suggested that the Applicant limit the size of one loading space to at least accommodate one semi -truck at all times, with regard to Master Page No 016, Item 3, he noted his preference that the words "reduced from three to two loading spaces" be deleted, with regard to Master Page 017, Item 9, that it read "fossil fuel filters ", with regard to Master Page 017, Item 10, that the word "detention" be replaced with the word 'retention ", with regard to Master Page No 017, Item 13, requested that more specific language be included to reflect what type of safety alarm systems are to be installed, and with regard to Master Page No 020, that Item 5 be deleted El Segundo Planning Commission Minutes, Februan 22, 2001 133 DRAFT Planning Manager Ketz advised that if the Planning Commission concurs with Chairman Crowley's comments, the same amendments will be made in both Resolutions for this proposal The Planning Commission supported Chairman Crowley's changes Commissioner Frick moved, seconded by Commissioner Mahler, to adopt Resolution No 2497, approving Development Agreement No. 00- 2, with the above - mentioned (page no 5) modifications made by Chairman Crowley, and to deny General Plan Amendment No 00 -2 Motion carved, with Vice - Chairman Kretzmer voting no Commissioner Rickard moved, seconded by Commissioner Mahler, to MOTION adopt Resolution No 2496, with the above - mentioned (page no 5) modifications made by Chairman Crowley Motion camed, with Vice - Chairman Kretzmer voting no Chairman Crowley presented Item 1 -3, Environmental Assessment No 529, Conditional Use Permit No 00 -8 and Variance No 00 -5 Address 216 East Imperial Avenue Applicant Sprint PCS, c/o JM Consulting Group Property Owner Monte Ung Planning Technician Huerta reviewed staff report (of record) related to this matter, and noted the following changes to staff report: heights should reflect that the lowest height on the structure is currently 30 feet and that the proposal is to increase that height to 35 feet, and that the highest point on the structure is currently 44 feet and that the proposal is to increase that height to 49 feet Planning Technician Huerta noted for Commissioner Mahler that this is not a pre- approved location for a cell site Planning Technician Huerta stated that the Applicant is planning to construct a five -foot high parapet wall (constructed of ngid matenal) around the perimeter of the roof Chairman Crowley opened the public hearing in regard to this matter. Vance Pomeroy, JM Consulting Group Mr Pomeroy stated that the Applicant concurs with the conditions of the Resolution, noted that the five -foot parapet wall will be compatible with the existing architecture of the building, and explained that the current guest parking space is not a required parking space PUBLIC HEARINGS, NEW BUSINESS, EA N0. 529, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 00-8, AND VARIANCE NO. 00 -5 6 El Segundo Planning Conumsion Minutes, February 22, 2001 1 3 4 RESOLUTION NO 2496 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 535 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 00-2 AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO 00 -2 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW OFFICE BUILDING AT 888 NORTH SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD PETITIONED BY LEGACY PARTNERS WHEREAS, Development Agreement (DA No 00 -2) and General Plan Amendment (GPA No 00- 2) applications have been received from Legacy Partners, which request approval to demolish a vacant office building and the construction of a new office budding at 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard in the Corporate Office (CO) Zone, and, WHEREAS, an Initial Study was prepared pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Cal Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seo The Initial Study demonstrated that the project would not cause any significant environmental impacts Accordingly, a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) was prepared and circulated for public review and comment between January 18 and February 7, 2001, and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application and supporting evidence with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act, State CEQA Guidelines and the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (Resolution No 3805), and, WHEREAS, at the duly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo cn February 8 and 22, 2001 duly advertised public hearings were held on this matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and WHEREAS, opportunity was given to alf persons present to speak for or against the findings of Environmental Assessment No 535, Development Agreement No 00 -2, and General Plan Amendment No 00 -2, and, WHEREAS, at said hearing the following facts were established The proposed project is a ten -year Development Agreement (DA No. 00 -2) between the City of El Segundo and W9 /SEP Real Estate Limited Partnership for demolition of an existing vacant 12- story 140,000 square foot office building and construction of a new six -story 120,610 square foot office building in its place An existing temporary airport park- and -nde business located in the parking structure at 892 North Sepulveda Boulevard would be permanently discontinued The airport park- and -nde use was approved through Environmental Assessment No 356 and Administrative Use Permit (AUP) No 94 -6 (Exhibit D) in 1994 The AUP allowed the airport park- and -nde use as an interim use of the 817 spaces in the parking structure while the two office buildings at 888 and 898 North Sepulveda Boulevard were vacant The AUP requires that once these buildings become occupied, the airport park- and -nde operation would have to be discontinued, since the parking structure would once again be required to meet the parking requirements for the two office buildings 135 3 The size of the required loading spaces would be reduced from 13 feet in width by 50 feet in length to 13 feet in width by 30 feet in length 4 A General Plan Amendment is proposed to permit the proposed office building to establish a floor area ratio (FAR) for the project of 1 086 1, which is greater than the maximum 0 8 1 FAR permitted in the Corporate Office land use designation The proposed office building would be smaller than the existing office building This proposed General Plan Amendment would not increase the maximum FAR in the Corporate Office land use designation, It would only affect this property NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that after considering the above facts and study of proposed Environmental Assessment No 535, Development Agreement No 00 -2, and General Plan Amendment No 00 -2, the Planning Commission finds as follows ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT That the City of El Segundo has prepared an Initial Study, and, an accompanying Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared demonstrating that the Projectwould not cause anysignficant environmental impacts That when considering the whole record, there is no evidence that the project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends, because the project involves the rn -fill development on an existing parking lot to an urban setting That the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council authorize the Director of Community Economic and Development Services to file with the appropriate agencies a Certificate of Fee Exemption and De Minimis finding pursuant to California Assembly Btli (AB) No 3158 and the California Code of Regulations Within 24 hours of this approval, the applicant shall submit to the City of El Segundo a fee of 825 00 required by the County of Los Angeles for the filing of this certificate along with the required Notice of Determmabon As approved form AB No 3156 the statutory requirements of CEQA will not be met and no vesting shall occur until this condition is met and the required notices and fees are filed with the County NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council adopts a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts and approves Environmental Assessment No 535 for Development Agreement No 00 -2 and General Plan Amendment No 00 -2, subject to the following conditions Air Quality The applicant shall implement Transportation Demand Management (TDM) programs and adopt Transportation System Management (TSM) plans and provide incentives for the provision of transit support facilities in accordance with SCAQMD and City regulations Cultural Resources 2 In the event that paleontological or archaeological resources are encountered during the course of grading, all development must cease in these areas until the paleontological or archaeological resources are properly assessed and subsequent recommendations are determined by qualified paleontologist or archaeological 13G Geology and Soils The development shall conform to the California Building Code. Hazards and Hazardous Materials 4 All identified asbestos containing budding materials (ACMs) shall be removed in accordance with all federal, state, SCAQMD and local regulations by an asbestos abatement contractor who is certified by and registered CALIOSHA for removal of asbestos If any suspect asbestos containing materials not previously identified are encountered during demolition, these materials would be required to be sampled by a qualified person and analyzed by an accredited laboratory If these materials are confirmed as ACMs, they shall be removed and disposed of in accordance with applicable regulations All debris shall be cleared, including waste oil and waste oil impacted materials, from the southeastern comer of the proposed project site All removed material shall be handled and disposed of in accordance with applicable regulations Prior to issuance of a demolition permit, the applicant shall submit a demolition safety plan for review and approval by the Department of Community, Economic and Development Services which demonstrates that the chosen method of demolition will be in accordance with all applicable federal state, and local regulations Hydrology and Water Quality 7 The project applicant shall ensure that an effective erosion control program is in place throughout the demolition and site preparation phases of the project 8 The project applicant shall provide perimeter retainage around the site to minimize sediment runoff to the storm drain system S The project applicant shall install fossil fuel filters or other fuelloil separators at all parking structure storm drain collectors 10 Landscape design shall maximize rainwater retention in landscaped areas 11 The project applicant shall incorporate all applicable design measures set forth in the Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan for Los Angeles County and Cities in Los Angeles County Public Services 12 The project applicant shall install automatic fire sprinklers 13 The project applicant shall install full fire alarm systems, subject to the review and approval of the Fire Department 14 The project applicant shall provide for review of site plans by the El Segundo Fire Department for placement of on -site fire hydrants and fire access lanes r Utilities and Service Systems 15 A recycling program shall be Instituted for the project to the satisfaction of the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services to reduce the volume of solid waste going to landfills 16 Recycling bins shall be provided at appropriate locations to promote recycling of paper, metal, glass and other recyclable material BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that according to the El Segundo Municipal Code, a copy of this Resolution shall be mailed to the applicant at the address shown on the application and to any other person requesting a copy of same The decision of the Planning Commission asset forth in this Resolution shall become final and effective ten calendar days after the date of the Planning Commission action, unless an appeal in writing is filed with the City Council PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of February, 2001, Jafnes M Hansen, Director of �ommumty, Economic and Development SeAnces, and, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo California VOTES - B Crowley - Aye M Kretzmer - No P Mahler- Ave G Rickard -Aye C Frick -Aye Brian Crowley, Chairman of the Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo, California P'Planning & Bolding SafetNPROJECTS 1526- 550%EA- 5351ea -535 reso-CEQA 2 doc 13 3 RESOLUTION NO. 2497 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 00 -2 WITH MODIFICATIONS AND DENY GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 00-2, FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW OFFICE BUILDING AT 888 NORTH SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD PETITIONED BY: LEGACY PARTNERS WHEREAS, a Development Agreement (DA No 00 -2) and General Plan Amendment (GPA No 00 -2) application have been received from Legacy Partners, which requests approval to demolish a vacant = office building and construct a new office building at 888 North Sepulveda Boulevard in the Corporate Office (CO) Zone, and, WHEREAS, an Initial Study was prepared pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Cal Public Resources Code Section 21000 et sea The Initial Study demonstrated that the project would not cause any significant environmental impacts Accordingly, a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MIND) was prepared and circulated for public review and comment between January 18 and February 7 2001, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application and supporting evidence with the authority and cnteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act, State CEQA Guidelines and the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (Resolution No 3805) and adopted Resolution No 2496 recommending approval of a Mitigated Declaration of Environmental Impacts for the proposed project, and, WHEREAS, at the duly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo on February 8 and 22, 2001 duly advertised public heanngs were held on this matter in the Council Cnamoer of the City Hall 350 Main Street and WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons present to speak for or against the findings of Environmental Assessment No 535 Development Agreement No 00 -2, and General Plan Amendment No 00 -2, and, WHEREAS, at said hearing the following facts were established The proposed project is a ten -year Development Agreement (DA No 00 -2) between the City of EI Segundo and W91SEP Real Estate Limited Partnership for demolition of an existing vacant 12- story 140 000 square foot office building and construction of a new six -story 120,610 square foot office budding in its place An existing temporary airport park- and -nde business located in the parking structure at 892 North Sepulveda Boulevard would be permanently discontinued The airport park- and -nde use was approved through Environmental Assessment No 356 and Administrative Use Permit (AUP) No 94 -6 (Exhibit D) in 1994 The AUP allowed the airport park- and -nde use as an interim use of the 817 spaces in the parking structure while the two office buildings at 888 and 898 North Sepulveda Boulevard were vacant The AUP requires that once these buildings become occupied, the airport park- and -nde operation would have to be discontinued, since the parking structure would once again be required to meet the parking requirements for the two office buildings I ' r) The size of the required loading spaces would be reduced from 13 feet in width by 50 feet in length to 13 feet in width by 30 feet in length A General Plan Amendment Is proposed to permit the proposed office budding to establish a floor area ratio (FAR) for the project of 1 086 1, which is greater than the maximum 0.8.1 FAR permitted in the Corporate Office land use designation The proposed office budding would be smaller than the existing office building This proposed General Plan Amendment would not increase the maximum FAR in the entire Corporate Office land use designation, it would only affect this property NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that after considering the above facts and study of proposed Environmental Assessment No 535 and Development Agreement No 00 -2, and General Plan Amendment No 00 -2, the Planning Commission finds as follows ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT On February 22, 2001, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No 2496, recommending approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for the proposed project GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING CONSISTENCY Since the proposed new office budding structure would exceed the maximum FAR in the Corporate Office land use designation by approximately 31,476 square feet, it would not be consistent with the General Plan, without an amendment to the General Plan Land Use Element to Increase the density allowed on the property Since the proposed amendment would only apply to the subject property and would not increase the FAR throughout the whole Corporate Office land use designation, the proposed amendment would create an Internally Inconsistent density standard The proposed General Plan Amendment would be "spot zoning" and conflict with the uniform density standards in all the other land use designations In the City DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT The portions of the Development Agreement requesting approval of an increase in the floor area ratio to 1 086 1 are not consistent with the goals, policies and objectives of the General Plan because the Development Agreement provides minimal public benefits to the City, while granting a significant development right to the applicant (i a approximately 31,000 square feet of floor area) There is no land use constraint that would prevent the applicant from effectively developing a smaller office building, above the maximum FAR in the CO Zone without the need for a FAR increase proposed in the Development Agreement As proposed, the Development Agreement grants a reduction in the size of loading spaces and ten years to build the project There is a limited public benefit proposed by the applicant (replacement of an obsolete building) in the Development Agreement in exchange for the valuable development nghts that the applicant would receive (ten -year entitlement and increased FAR) The project, as proposed, is not good land use planning because the Development Agreement relies on the approval of a General Plan Amendment to increase the floor area ratio for the proposed project Other projects in the surrounding area have been able to remodel or renovate existing buildings without requiring grants of additional floor area beyond the maximum areas permitted in the General Plan and Zoning Code Without the requested FAR increase, the Development Agreement would promote the equitable land use growth in the community, 140 The proposed project will adversely affect the orderly development of property in the Corporate Office Zone by granting development rights to one property that would not apply equally to other properties in the Zone by granting a 1 086 1 FAR to the proposed project while the remaining properties in the CO Zone would be limited to the current FAR standard of 0 8.1 The proposed Development Agreement would be consistent with the current General Plan and would not award special consideration for one property if the proposed floor area ratio were reduced to a maximum of 0 8 1 as allowed in the corporate office land use designation The project will not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare The Initial Study concluded that there would be no environmental impacts associated with the protect that could not be mitigated to a level of insignificance Therefore, the location of the use and conditions under which it would operate would not be detrimental or matenally injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council approve Development Agreement No 00 -2, with modifications and deny General Plan Amendment No 00 -2, subject to the following conditions Prior to issuance of a budding permit, the applicant shall submit plans, which indicate that the project is in substantial conformance with plans and conditions approved and on file with the Department of Community, Economic and Development Services The plans shall be modified to indicate that the proposed building shall not exceed a maximum floorarea ratio of 0 8 1 The plans shall also indicate that three loading spaces are provided Any subsequent modification to the project as approved shall be referred to the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services for a determination regarding the need for Planning Commission review of the proposed modification 2 Prior to the issuance of a building permit the Development Agreement shall be recorded with the Los Angeles County Registrar /Recorder The Development Agreement shall be modified to indicate that the proposed project shall not exceed a maximum floor area ratio of 0 8 1 and that no reduction in the number of loading spaces is included 3 Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall pay a one -time Library Services Mitigation Fee of $0 03 per gross square foot of building floor area for either renovation or reconstruction 4 Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall pay a one -time Fire Services Mitigation Fee of $0 14 per gross square foot of building floor area for either renovation or reconstruction 5 Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall pay a one -time Police Services Mitigation Fee of $0 11 per gross square foot of building floor area for either renovation or reconstruction 6 Prior to approval of the building plans the applicant shall submit plans which demonstrate conformance with the elements outlined in the memo from the Police Department, dated January 29, 2001 which is on file in the Planning Division The security measures shall be installed pnorto issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or implemented prior to operation, as appropriate 141 7 Prior to approval of the budding plans, the applicant shall submit a Fire /Life Safety Plan to the Fire Chief which includes, but is not limited to, the following A Fire protection systems, including sprinklers, standpipes, and fire alarm systems, B Fire lane signage and accessibility, C Fire mains and hydrants, and, D High rise fire systems for buildings in excess of 55 feet in height All Fire /Life Safety Plan requirements must be installed and operational, and any required easements or documents recorded prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 8 The applicant shall pay the City Attorney's fees and costs for preparing or reviewing any fire lane access easements, or any such easements or agreements required 9 A Landscaping and Irrigation Plan shall be submitted by the applicant to the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services, Director of Recreation and Parks, and Police Chief prior to approval of the building plans Any new landscaped areas shall be provided with a permanent automatic watering or irrigation system and shall be permanently maintained in a neat and clean manner The applicant, if feasible, shall incorporate provisions for the use of reclaimed water in the Landscaping and Irrigation Plan The Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services, Director of Recreation and Parks, and Police Chief and installed per the approved plans by the applicant prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 10 Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall submit a Master Sign Plan to ensure compatibility with the surrounding area, as well as to ensure that signs do not impede traffic or pedestrian safety The Master Sign Plan shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services and Police Chief and all signs shall be installed per the approved plan prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 11 During construction, the entire project site shall be enclosed by a six -foot high chain link fence Gates for site fencing shall not open over sidewalk/public right -of -way A fencing plan shall be submitted by the applicant and reviewed and approved by the Director of Community, Economic and Development Services prior to installation 12 All work within the City public right -of -way shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction and City of El Segundo Standard Specifications No work shall be performed in the public nght -of -way without first obtaining a Public Works permit 13 All work within the Sepulveda Boulevard Caltrans public right -of -way shall be in accordance with - altrans standard specifications No work shall be performed in the Sepulveda Boulevard public right -of -way without first obtaining a Caltrans permit 14 Prior to approval of the building plans plans shall indicate that all proposed utilities shall be placed underground to the satisfaction of the City Engineer The applicant shall assume the costs for the relocation of all utilities, including but not limited to, light poles, electrical vaults, and fire hydrants which are affected by the proposed project 14 2 Division of the Public Works Engineenng a Ume the 'Permit for obtained from the obtained at the sa hen Import or export of errnits must be Permits must be +s also required W chment permit olition haul off ttfor grading be listed on one encroa 15 Encroac ant for demo rail railing rti+ay Departm issued An encroachment perm design of all proposed demoliUOp is ands- Demolition a g tion and mic and Development cubic Y 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Control Or periods of the City, its elected and minimize us during Periods of high loaded below the sideboards to m less actions, red or wetted and hold hainst any and all claims royal cove protect, and from and against validity of the City's app l cant shall indemnify. defend. P ees rats and employe or attack ant No 00 2 23 The aPP officers. age r suits which °h ment Agree, aPPo,ted off cials, o veloP roceedings 535 and De causes of action. P Assess No 1 4 ? of Environmental 5 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that according to the El Segundo Municipal Code, a copy of this Resolution shall be mailed to the applicant at the address shown on the application and to any other person requesting a copy of same The decision of the Planning Commission asset forth in this Resolution shall become final and effective ten calendar days after the date of the Planning Commission action, unless an appeal in writing is filed with the City Council PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of February, 2001. ame5 M Hansen, Director of Community, Economic and Development Services, and, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo, California VOTES - B Crowley - Aye M Kretzmer - No P Mahler -Aye G Rickard -Aye C Frick -Aye Brian Crowley, Chairman of the Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo, California P Planning & Bustling Safety\PROJECTS\526- 550 \EA- 535\ea -535 reso-DABGPA 2 ooc 14 4 � § ( -� \\ , }( \ _ \()�( / z §�}=!0 0 4 ;l,l:z, = :l.!! ) : / \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ )k {} ) ; \ iv \ . � \\ , }( \ _ \()�( / z §�}=!0 0 4 ;l,l:z, = :l.!! ) : / \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ )k {} ) ; \ 0 45 iv \ !- !,)\ ; }: /� \§ « |lf7� Lj {k| )!) ` ! |) |zk ! { \ 0 45 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 2/10/2001 THROUGH 2/23 /2001 Date Payee Amount Description 2/13/01 West Basin 793,861 92 Water Payment 2/14/01 Health Comp Weekly claims 2/09 2/15/01 IRS 171,668 27 Federal Taxes PR 17 2/15/01 Employment Development 32,495 54 State Taxes PR 17 2/16/01 Federal Reserve Bank 25000 Emp Savings Bond PR17 EE 2/16/01 Federal Reserve Bank 15000 Emp Savings Bond PR17 1 2/20/01 Wells Fargo Bank 15,000 00 TPT Golf Course Payroll 2/21/01 Health Comp 2,28055 Weekly claims 2/16 2/10- 2123/01 Workers Comp Activity 42,366 28 SCRMA checks issued 1,058,072 56 DATE OF RATIFICATION 03107/01 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by Mrr�� Deputy Treasurer -:2 1,2-1'0/ Date Finance Director 1 7 / Date City ManagerJ2�� Date 1,058,072.56 Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurers Office of the City of El Segundo 146 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2001 - 5:00 P.M. 5:00 PM Session CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs at 5 00 p m ROLL CALL Mayor Gordon Mayor ProTem Jacobs Council Member Gaines Council Member McDowell Council Member Wernick Present - Arrived at 5;05 p m Present Present Present Present MOVED by Council Member McDowell, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Jacobs to discuss an item that arose after the posting of the Agenda, concerning the City's representative on the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles County West Vector Control District MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES- MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBS, COUNCIL MEMBERS GAINES, MCDOWELL, WERNICK, NOES. NONE, ABSENT: MAYOR GORDON. 410 Council Member McDowell stated that because of a conflict in meeting times of this Board and ICA, he would be resigning from the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles County West Vector Control District MOVED by Council Member Gaines, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to approve of the appointment of Mayor Pro Tern Sandra Jacobs to the Boar d County West Vector Control District, effective March 1, 200 1 MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS GAINES, MCDOWELL, WERNICK; CLOSED SESSION: of Trustees of the Los Angeles , and notify District of appointment MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBS, NOES: NONE; ABSENT: MAYOR The City Council moved into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code §54950, et sec ) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation, and /or discussing matters covered under Gov't Code §54957 (Personnel), and /or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators as follows CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956 9(a)) 1 City of El Segundo v Bd of Airport Commissioners, et al , LASC Case No BC 220609 2 Phillips Petroleum, et al v County of Los Angeles, et al , USDC No 1938 -MRP (MANx) 3 Shell Chemical Company, et al v County of Los Angeles, et al , USDC No 1917 -GHK (RCx) MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 20 2001 ^ PAGE NO 1v� 147 4 Jeffrey Capistran v El Segundo, LASC Case No YC 038535. 5 In re Randall's Island Family Golf, Case No 0OB41065 (SMB) 6 Lucas v El Segundo, LASC Case No L04721 7 Partlow v El Segundo, WCAB Case No MON0243177 8 El Segundo v Trio Manufacturing, LASC Case No YC038567 9 Glover v City of El Segundo, LASC Case No YC039465 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL -ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956 9(b) -0- potential case (no further public statement is required at this time), Initiation of litigation pursuant to Gov't Code §54956.9(c) -2- matters DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) - None CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR - (Gov't Code §54957 6) - None CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956 8) - None Council returned to Open session at 7 00 P M REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2001 - 7:00 P.M. 7.00 PM Session CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Pro Tern Jacobs at 7 00 p m INVOCATION - Father Manuel Magallanes, Saint Anthony's Roman Catholic Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Council Member Kelly McDowell PRESENTATIONS (a) Council Member McDowell read a Proclamation, to be presented in Guaymas, reaffirming El Segundo's 39th year commitment to foster the ideals of the Sister City Program and encouraging the participation of the citizens of El Segundo in the Guaymas-El Segundo Sister City Association (b) Mayor Pro Tern Jacobs presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Carl Jacobson in recognition of his years of service as the city's representative on the Los Angeles County West Vector Control District ROLL CALL Mayor Gordon - Absent - On City Business Mayor ProTem Jacobs - Present Council Member Gaines - Present Council Member McDowell - Present Council Member Wernick - Present MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 20 2001 PAGE NO 2 ?48 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed Peggy Tyrell, resident, spoke against the downtown project Liz Garnholz, resident, spoke regarding Agenda Item No 11, Farmers' Market Financial Report and LAX Issues Carly Day, Tree muskateers, spoke about the "One in a Million" campaign Katy Gibson, Tree Muskateers, spoke regarding recycling program Jeff Graham, resident, spoke regarding the former Ralphs' site Suggested a temporary use for the building, i e "Paint Ball" or Laser Tag" Mark Renner, resident, spoke regarding LAX Issues Dorothy Kent, resident, spoke regarding LAX Issues and the Main Street project Sandra Mason, resident, spoke regarding Airport issues Charles Kala, resident, requested information on a proposed project which he received notice of by mail A PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only MOVED by Council Member McDowell, SECONDED by Council Member Gaines, to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE. AYES. MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBS, COUNCIL MEMBERS GAINES, MCDOWELL, WERNICK, NOES: NONE; ABSENT: MAYOR GORDON. 410 B SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS 1 Forty -five day extension of public review period on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the update of the Circulation Element (Environmental Assessment No 454 ) Jim Hansen, Director of Community, Economic and Development Services, gave a report MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 20 2001 PAGE NO 3 149 MOVED by Council Member McDowell, SECONDED by Council Member Gaines, to extend the public review period for the Circulation Element EIR until April 14, 2001. MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBS, COUNCIL MEMBERS GAINES, MCDOWELL, WERNICK; NOES: NONE; ABSENT: MAYOR GORDON. 410 C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 2 Presentation by James W Reede, Jr, Project Manager of the Energy Facility Siting & Environmental Protection Division of the California Energy Commission, to review procedures related to the Power Plant Project application (15 min presentation) Council received and filed report 3 Request for City Council to approve an Ordinance amending Title Six of the El Segundo Municipal Code and adopt new Animal Control Fee Resolution Mary Strenn, City Manager, gave a report Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read the following ORDINANCE NO 1330 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 6 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ANIMAL CONTROL MOVED by Council Member McDowell SECONDED by Council Member Gaines, to approve Ordinance No 1330, amending Title 6 of the El Segundo Municipal Code relating to Animal Control MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBS, COUNCIL MEMBERS GAINES, MCDOWELL, WERNICK; NOES: NONE; ABSENT- MAYOR GORDON 4/0 Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read the following RESOLUTION NO 4204 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING ANIMAL CONTROL FEES. MOVED by Council Member Gaines, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell, to approve Resolution No, Adopting Animal Control Fees MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES. MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBS, COUNCIL MEMBERS GAINES, MCDOWELL, WERNICK; NOES NONE; ABSENT: MAYOR GORDON. 410 4 Further Update on the Water Well Project Mike Rudinica, RBF, gave an update MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 20 2001 PAGE NO 4 150 Andy Santamana, Director of Public Works, gave a report Council Received and filed report D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS - NONE E. CONSENT AGENDA All Items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of an Item is made, the item(s) will be considered Individually under the next heading of business 5 Approved Warrant Numbers 2515587 - 2515862 on Register No 9 In total amount of $1,260,115 72, and Wire Transfers in the amount of $393,497 34 6 Approved City Council meeting minutes of February 6 and 9, 2001 7 PULLED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GAINES 8 Approved creation of an Ad Hoc City Council Revenue Subcommittee consisting of two City Council members, City Manager and Director of Finance 9 Adopted plans and specifications for the reconstruction of two public parking lots (total estimated cost = $47,000) and authorized staff to advertise the project for receipt of construction bids 10 Authorized staff to retain an executive search firm for recruitment of the position of Fire Chief 11 PULLED BY CITY MANAGER TO BE AGENDIZED AGAIN ON MARCH 6. 2001 MOVED by Council Member Wernick, SECONDED by Council Member Gaines to approve consent agenda items 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10 MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES. MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBS, COUNCIL MEMBERS GAINES, MCDOWELL, WERNICK; NOES. NONE; ABSENT: MAYOR GORDON 410 CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 7 Approved Annual funding of FY 1999 -2000 Fund Balance Reservations, Designations and Continuing Appropriations In the FY 2000 -2001 Budget Council Member Gaines requested official reporting system for tracking expenses against planned expenditures MOVED by Council Member Gaines, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to approve annual funding of FY 1999 -2000 Fund Balance Reservations, Designations and Continuing Appropriations In the FY 2000 -2001 Budget MOTION PASSED BY THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 20 2001 PAGE1N0 $ FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBS, COUNCIL MEMBERS GAINES, MCDOWELL, WERNICK; NOES: NONE; ABSENT: MAYOR GORDON. 4/0 F. NEW BUSINESS - NONE G REPORTS - CITY MANAGER - 12 Oral Report on the City's efforts to conserve energy Mary Strenn, City Manager, gave a report Council received and filed report H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY - Announced Council gave authority to represent Officers Howden and Garcia, LASC Case No YC039465, Glover v City of El Segundo REPORTS - CITY CLERK - NONE J REPORTS - CITY TREASURER - NONE K REPORTS - CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member McDowell - Noted his next office hours would be March 3 2001, from 10 00 a m to 12 00 p m at the Joslyn Center Council Member Gaines - Discussed the Air Force Base and letter from Senator Pete Domenic of New Mexico Council Member Wernick - Spoke regarding the El Segundo Electrical Power Plant Hearing Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs - Spoke regarding the Guaymas trip and anticipated schedule of events PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of S250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed Mark Renner, resident spoke regarding the power plant project Also spoke about animal control MEMORIALS - Jack Niel CLOSED SESSION - NONE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 20 2001 PAGE NO 6 152 ADJOURNMENT at 9 00 P M Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 20 2001 PAGE NO 7 153 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT MEETING DATE: March 6, 2000 AGENDA HEADING. Consent AGENDA DESCRIPTION City Council to authorize the release of $9,315 in block grant funding to the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office from the (OCJP) / Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION Approve the City Manager to sign the Waiver of Direct Subgrant Award form and return it to the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION The Office of Criminal Justice Planning has made grant funding available toward juvenile accountability in the criminal justice system The 2000 -2001 allocation to the City of El Segundo is $9,315 The Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office has requested that we again consolidate our funds with those of the incorporated cities of Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, Lawndale and Torrance to create a Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition The funds will be used to retain Alton Knight, a Deputy District Attorney in the Inglewood Juvenile Court, who administers the Juvenile Offender Intervention Network (JOIN) JOIN, now in its fifth year, is a diversion program forfirst time, non-violent juvenile offenders from within the Inglewood Juvenile Court jurisdiction During the past fiscal year 154 juveniles were referred to JOIN Of these 47 were rejected from program participation and 107 were placed with a hearing officer to receive positive intervention ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Staff report to Mary Strenn, City Manager Waiver of Direct Subgrant Award form FISCAL IMPACT (Check one) Operating Budget ❑ Capital Improvement Budget: ❑ Amount Requested $0 Project/Account Budget Project/Account Balance $0 Date February 13, 2001 Account Number Project Phase Appropriation Required - Yes ❑ No ORIGINATED Date: February 13, 2001 .' 7// ACTION TAKEN 7 51 M City of El Segundo Inter - Departmental Correspondence February 1, 2001 To: Mary Strenn, City Manager From: Tim Gnmmond, Chief of Polio / Subject: Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant BACKGROUND Last year the City of El Segundo released their portion of the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) to the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office for the collaborative purpose of retaining a Deputy District Attorney in the Inglewood Juvenile Court This year's grant allocation for the City of El Segundo is $9,315 The Juvenile Offender Intervention Network (JOIN) is a diversion program for first -time, non - violent Juvenile offenders that occur %% ithin the Inglewood Juvenile Judicial District Of the � anous programs being administered by the D A 's office through this grant, this program more closely addresses the needs of our community DISCUSSION The police agencies in the incorporated cities of Torrance, Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach and Lawndale have again agreed to pool our individual funds and take a regional approach to Ju%emle enforcement and prosecution The District Attorney's Office once again w ill be coordinating our efforts The program meets the needs of the fi� e cities The Juvenile Offender Intervention Network (JOIN) has implemented a community based diversion program for first time youthful offenders JOIN holds the youth of our communities accountable for their actions while avoiding the costs and time delays inherent in most court proceedings The Ju%emle Accountability Incenme Block Grant programs administered by the DA's Office has proven to be successful in not only the South Bay but throughout Los Angeles Counh RECOMMENDATION It is my recommendation that we continue to release our portion of JAIBG funding and participate in the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office JOIN program Reducing Juvenile crime by sharing our resources in a regional approach would be far more effective than the efforts w e as indn idual agencies, could realize separately All that is required this year is your signature on the Waiver of Direct Subgrant Award (attached) The waiver should then be forwarded to the City Clerk's Office for imprinting of the Clerk's Seal Upon return of this waiver to the DA's Office the funds will be directh awarded to them 155 Elected Officials Mike Gordon Mayor Sandra Jacobs Mayor Pro Tom Nancy Wemmk Co"'d Member John G Ganes council Member Kelly McDowell Cpunce Member Cindy Mort a-- Gty Glert Ralph Lanphere City The aaore, Appointed Officials Mary Slrann City Manager Mark D Hensley City Attorney ,,epartment Directors leHrey $f¢wan As a.sfanl City Manager James Hansen Commurety Economic and Development Services Oral an ¢ FinPlance Director Craig Pedega Fire chief Debra Onghlon Library Timothy Gnmmond Police Cluel Andres Sarramena Pvblic Works G,eg Johnson Re[,e.h.n d Parks www elsegundo org i 0- Mary Strenn, City Manager WAIVER OF DIRECT SUBGRANT AWARD I, Man Strenn, the legally authorized City Manager for the City of El Segundo, authorize the State of California, Office of Criminal Justice Planning, to transfer a« and funds allocated under the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) 2001, in the amount of 59,315, to the Los Angeles County, District Attorney's Office Man Strenn Citv Manager Executed February, 2001 at EI Segundo, California 90245 Attest Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk 350 Main Street, El Segundo, Cahfornia 90245 -3895 Phone (310) 524 -2302 FAX (310) 322 -7137 1,5(-) 157 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION: MEETING DATE: March 6, 2001 AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda Request to approve SPCA contract for animal sheltering services RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approved the SPCA contract for animal sheltering services BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: On October 17, 2000, the City Council gave staff the go ahead to proceed with the new animal control project Funding for SPCA Animal Care Services and a contract with the SPCA were approved in concept by City Council at that time $25,000 was set aside to fund the service contract SPCA has quoted a price of $2,100 per month for providing animal sheltering services Total funds prorated for the remainder of the year to fund the contact is $14,700 Final approval of the contract is being submitted at this time ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. SPCA Contract FISCAL IMPACT. Operating Budget: Amount Requested Account Number: Project Phase: Appropriation required: IGINATED- immond, Chie of Police RR I�Y: ary enn, City Manager 5190,000 $14,700 001 -400- 3108 -all Implementation DATE: February 21, 2001 DATE: '"!1/ 5 2'21101 4 31 PM 158 AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA HUMANE SOCIETY TO PROVIDE ANIMAL SHELTERING FOR THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO MARCH 1, 2001- FEBRUARY 28, 2002 This agreement is entered into on this I " day of March, 2001 by and between the Cm of El Segundo a Municipal Corporation, whose address is 348 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245, hereinafter referred to as the "City" and the Southern California Humane Society , a Corporation whose address is 5026 West Jefferson Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90016, hereinafter referred to as the `Agency" This contract supersedes, replaces, and revokes anN and all pnor contracts between the Agency and the City. Additionally, this contract contains the entire understanding between the parties Any modifications to this documentation must be to writing and executed by both parties RECITALS ?. The City requires animal sheltering services due to the number of animals present within the Cit} B Tne agencN is possessed of the skills requisite and necessary to furnish animal sheltenne services for the City and the City desires to contract with the Agenc\ to proN ide the same NO%% THEREFORE in consideration of the performance by the parties of the stipulations herein contained the parties agree as follows. 1. Service A The agenc,, aerees to se -, e as the Director of Animal Sheltering for the Cat% in accordance with applicable ordinances of the City and laws of the State of California The Aeenc% agrees to furnish an animal shelter to be located at 1'910 Yukon Avenue in the City of Hawthorne, California and to maintain the said animal shelter throughout the term of this agreement 155 B The Agency shall enforce all City ordinances and laws of the State of California within the City limits relative to the keeping, harboring and disposition of animals These duties shall include• a The investigation of animal cruelty complaints brought to the Agency's attention by City personnel 2. Compensation The cost of providing animal sheltering services outlined in this contract is Two Thousand One Hundred (2,100) dollars for each month of service 3. Collection of Fees. The Agency will bill on a monthly basis for the cost of providing animal sheltenne service $2,100 4. Term. This agreement will commence on March 1, 2001 and terminate February 28, 2002, unless sooner terminated as provided for thereafter, and ma} be extended or amended by mutual written consent of the parties herein 5. Indemnification. The agenc. agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Cit}. its Council members, its officers and employees, from and against all claims and demands whatsoever arising out of or connected with this Agreement 6. Insurance. Duane the term of this Agreement the Agency shall maintain policies of general liability, automobile and worker's compensation insurance in an amount not less than one million dollars (51,000,000) each insuring the Agency against liability arising out of or connected with the Agenc,, s performance of this Agreement. Such policy shall name the Cit-,, its officers and employees as additionally insured and shall provide that it shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days written notice to the Cit,- and be in form approved by the City Attornev 7. Compliance with Laws. The Agency agrees to abide by all local and state laws governing its operations S. Independent Contractor. The agency is and shall at all times remain as the Civ, a w holl,, independent contractor Neither the City nor any l00 of its officers, employees or agents shall have control over the conduct of the Agency or any of the Agency's officers, employees or agents, except as expressly set forth in this Agreement. The Agency shall not at any time or in an) manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the Cnv No employee benefits shall be available to Agency in connection with the performance of this agreement Except as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pa) salaries, wages, or other compensation to Agency for performing sen ices hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation of or indemnification to Agency for injury or sickness ansing out of performing services hereunder 9. Termination This agreement ma,, be terminated at anv time by either parr upon sixty (60) days written notice 10. Entire Agreement. Tne text herein shall constitute the entire Agreement between the parties )ti ''VIT\"ESS THEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and vear first above written Cit', of El Segundo By .Attest B-, Deputy Cin Clerk Southern Califorfiia Humane Societ,, Madeline Bernstein President BtteS: her. B-ook%� ell CFO II � �T i • a 161 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent Agenda AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Request for the City Council to extend the blanket purchase orders with Long Beach Uniform through September 30, 2002 for the Police uniforms and safety equipment RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve the extension of Bid # 97 -07 with Long Beach Uniform and authorize staff to issue an annual blanket purchase order in an amount not to exceed $44,000 plus applicable taxes BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION The original contract was approved by City Council on August 19, 1997 This extension clause of Bid # 97 -07 will provide a continuation of acceptable current services through September 30, 2002 In the spring of 2002 this bid will be circulated among vendors and new bids will be received The current services are within guidelines and there is not reason that we should not extend unit it is re -bid ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS' None FISCAL IMPACT Operating Budget Amount Requested Account Number' Protect Phase: Appropriation required $47,000 $47,000 001400- 3102 -4215 ORIGINATED DATE. T of rl mond, Chief o Police R EWWEJ Y' DATE: ary Fri, City Manager �6 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION MEETING DATE March 6, 2001 AGENDA HEADING Consent Agenda Amendment No 4 to the Professional Services Agreement (Contract No 2645) between the City of El Segundo and Meyer, Mohaddes Associates, Inc — Re- striping (amendment amount $15,000 00) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION Approve Amendment No 4 and authorize the Mayor to execute the amendment on behalf of the City BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION On October 17, 2000, the City Council authorized staff to retain a traffic engineer for an amount not to exceed $25,000 to design the re- striping of Main Street and to perform before and after studies Subsequently, Amendment No 2 to the General Plan Circulation Element Update contract was executed with Meyer, Mohaddes Associates, to provide the Main Street design services (See attached discussion) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS 1►R6=1 FISCAL IMPACT Capital Improvement Project Operating Budget Amount Requested Account Number Project Phase Appropriation Required ORIGINATED BY REVIEWED BY $2,500,000 $15,000 301 - 400 -8201 -8573 Engineering Study No Date. TEB 2 7 2001 COUNCIL 031MARCH06 02 (Tuesday 2/27/0113 Im A M) 7 163 DISCUSSION (continued) Subsequent to the commencement of design services, the City requested Meyer, Mohaddes to provide additional services beyond the scope of the original authorized amount of $25,000 These additional services include additional field observations to evaluate the installed striping, development of several alternate striping configurations (including parallel and diagonal parking options) as directed by City Staff This additional design effort is estimated to cost $10,885 00 Including contingencies for additional design work, on an as needed basis, staff is requesting approval of Amendment No 4 in an amount not to exceed $15,000 to complete the re- striping project OUNCIL 01MARCH06 02 lrueSday 2/27101 9 00 A M ) -1 AMENDMENT NUMBER FOUR TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (CONTRACT NO. 2645) BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND MEYER, MOHADDES ASSOCIATES, INC. The Professional Services Agreement between the City of El Segundo, Municipal Corporation of the State of California (hereinafter "CITY" and Meyer, Mohaddes Associates, Inc , (hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT") is hereby amended as follows As provided by "Section 6 Additional Services of Consultant' The consultant is hereby authorized to provide additional traffic engineering work to evaluate temporary downtown specific plan improvements for Main Street, between Grand Avenue and Mariposa Avenue The cost of these additional services shall not exceed $15,000 00 All terms and provisions of the Agreement which are not inconsistent or in conflict with this Amendment Number Four shall remain in full force and effect and neither party waives any rights it may have arising out of past performance, or lack thereof, of the other party APPROVALS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO By Mike Gordon, Mayor Date ATTEST- Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk CONSULTANT- MEYER, MOHADDES ASSOCIATES, INC. M Gary Hamrick, Principal Date APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mar! sley Cl Attorney 165 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION MEETING DATE: March 6, 2001 AGENDA HEADING. Consent Agenda Award of contract for the Installation of two (2) banner poles on Sepulveda Boulevard, approximately 150 feet north of Holly Avenue (contract amount = $34,374 00) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION Reject the low bid of CT & F as being non - responsive, award construction contract to the lowest responsible bidder TDS Engineering and authorize the Mayor to execute the standard public works contract BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION On December 19, 2000, the City Council adopted plans and specifications and authorized staff to advertise the project for installation of two (2) banner poles (Please see attached discussion) ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Letter from CT & F withdrawing its bid FISCAL IMPACT Capital Improvement Protect Operating Budget Amount Requested Account Number, Protect Phase Appropriation Required $60,00000 $34,37400 301 -400 -8201 -8471 Award of construction contract No ORIGINATED BY A Date Antirac Cantamana nirontnr of Pnhl,r 1A(nrlrc FEB 2 2 2001 REVIEWED BY Date Mary Strenn. Ci v Ma aer Z/ 7/41 166 N %COUNCIL 03\MARCH06 01 (Tuesday 2220/01 4 00 PM) Q Discussion: On Tuesday, February 6, 2001, the City Clerk received and opened the following bids CONTRACTOR BID AMOUNT CT & F $19,780 (bid withdrawn — non - responsive bid) TDS Engineering $34,374 (responsible low bidder) Bob Lange $45,885 Metropole $48,810 Zondiros $49,900 ALR Construction $58,800 CT & F has requested that its bid be withdrawn due to a mathematical error in computing the bid CT & F's bid also did not Include a price for the optional bid item for furnishing the banner support cable assembly Staff recommends rejection of the CT & F bid as non - responsive and award of the construction contract to TDS Engineering 167 u `,COUNCIL 03 %MARCH06 01 (Tuesday WGI01 4 00 PM) 2- 20-201 3.31PM FROM C. T. " F INC 562 927 4171 C. K a F., /aa ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P, 2 7228 SCOUT AVE • BELL GARDENS, CA 90201 • PHONE (562) 927 -2339 • FAX (562) 92717 iii February 7, 2001 City of El Segundo 350 Main St El Segundo, CA 90245 Attention Beellur Devaraj Regarding Project No PW 00 -15, Banner Poles on Sepulveda Blvd Dear Mr Devearaj, In regards to the above referenced project, C T & F , Inc is hereby requesting a withdrawal on the bid proposal dated 2/6101 There was a critical mathematical error in the proposal, and C T. & F., Inc requests to be claimed a non - responsive bidder It is our understanding that the bidder's bond will be released back to T &F, Inc If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me immediately at (562) 927 -2339 extension x 35 Thank you C. T. & F., Inc. Todd Simmons, E hmating Mana 168 X1PDCISYSIDATAIEST alDFAM\Ed5300kA0025115 Id is requesting rckase doc 169 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Consent AGENDA DESCRIPTION Farmer's Market Financial Report RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION Receive and File BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION Council requested financial statistics on the Farmer's Market The information was compiled by the Finance Department for Council review and is included with this report The Market has been a successful addition to downtown El Segundo, and a source of pride for the community ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Financial review of the Farmer's Market, FY 1999 -2000 FISCAL IMPACT None Operating Budget Amount Requested Account Number Protect Phase Appropriation Required nson, Recreation and Parks Director Mary Wenn, City Manager DATE. February 23, �-7/i 170 Cit% of El Segundo Farmers Market - Net Income For the Period October 1, 1999 Through September 30, 2000 Operating Revenues Expenditures Salaries & Benefits Operating Supplies Sen Ice Char,-,es Ad%enlsim-, Othcr Pnnnne & Binduie Professional & Technical Total Sen Ice Charees Total Operating Expenditures Total Operating Net Income Other Expenditures Supplies C.ipltal Equipment 3,739 1,536 10,200 Fiscal Year 1999 -2000 S 30,535 4,878 6,726 15,475 27,079 3,456 8,450 ** 9,899 * ** Total Other Expenditures 18,349 Total Net Income After Other Expenditures (14,893) Beginning Fund Balance 12,461 Ending Fund Balance S (2,432) Notes ' Other Expenditures represent one -time expenditures that are not expected to be Incurred in future years One time expenditures electrical cabling for lighting and other electrical outlet needs One time expenditure for Health Department required sink 171 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: New Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Request to distribute an RFP for a master plan for Recreation Park and architectural design for a community center RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION. Approve RFP and authorize Staff to distribute to interested architectural firms BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION City Council approved funds for a Recreation Park Master Plan and architectural design for a new Community Center in the FY2000 /2001 budget Staff from the Recreation and Parks and Public Works Departments have worked together to develop the attached RFP, which was forwarded to Council members a few weeks ago for preliminary review Included in the RFP, is a request to conduct a needs assessment within the community to determine community center interest levels, needs for facilities and services, and to assist the architect with the scope of the proposed project Staff has also received a proposal from California State University , Dominguez Hills to conduct the needs assessment through their Public Policy Research Center The Master Plan is a blue print for the entire park that will assist staff in park development, parking and ball field issues, playground upgrades, ADA accessibility, and more Anytime a significant development is planned for a major community park, a master plan process is highly recommended in order to evaluate the impact of the development on the entire facility and the community ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS RFP for Master Plan and Community Center Design FISCAL IMPACT. Operating Budget- $360,000 Amount Requested Account Number 301 -400- 8202 -8481/ 301 -400- 8202 -8490 Protect Phase. 1$t ApproKiation required No Recreation and Parks Director City Manager DATE- February 26, 2001 10 172 February 26, 2001 Public Works Department Andres Santamaria, Director REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The City of El Segundo is seeking proposals from qualified architects for the development of construction plans and specifications for a new Community Recreation Center/ Gymnasium and a Master Plan for the City Recreation Park The proposed Community Center will be located on the site of the existing Clubhouse Building at 300 East Pine Avenue The Clubhouse will be demolished in conjunction with the construction of the new center The new center will provide facilities for a number of recreational and community activities These activities will include but not be limited to musk drama, dance classes, arts and crafts, Indoor sports activities non - credit adult enrichment classes, infant/toddler programs, seminars and corporate meetings youth activities and computer programs The facility may Include multi- purpose rooms kitchen activity room offices a gymnasium, locker rooms, restrooms, storage rooms dance room and a weight training /workout area This Community Center will be the focal point for leisure activities in El Segundo Additionally, the City intends to develop a Master Plan for all recreational facilities within Recreation Park including operations in existing City -owned buildings such as the Joslyn Community Center and the Check -out Buildings The recommendations of this Master Plan need to be incorporated into the design and functionality of the proposed Community Center It Is important to note that the new Community Center Is not a stand -alone facility but rather functions as one element of the larger Recreation Park facility N RIP S REC CENTER CVR 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245.3895 - TEL 310 -524 -2300 FAX 3110-6404489 f 7 3 Proposals should include the following tasks Task 1 - Vistonina: Meet with City staff and the Steering Committee (two (2) meetings) to obtain a thorough understanding of the existing facilities, programs and services, and the goal and vision of the City for the entire Recreation Park Master Plan and the proposed Community Center Conduct community workshops (two (2)) to solicit input from various community members and groups Prepare a conceptual Master Plan and scope of the proposed Community Center based on community input Conceptual renderings of the Community Center, with at least three (3) alternate concepts and cost comparisons are included Analysis should include discussion of parking needs and provisions for additional parking as needed It is important that the proposed center blend in with the surrounding park and residential area Conduct public workshops (three (3)) with the community to present the conceptual vision and obtain input The final product will be a master plan for Recreation Park and a detailed conceptual floor plan simple elevations a color rendering, and a detailed preliminary cost estimate The plan will be presented by the architect (total three (3) meetings) to City Commissions and ultimately to the City Council for approval Upon approval of the design the consultant will create a scale model of the facility for public viewing and to assist in sharing the facility vision with the community The purpose of this task is to obtain a consensus from the community and the elected officials of a final concept consistent with the developed Master Plan prior to proceeding with preliminary design Task 2 - Preliminary Des!gn After obtaining approval to proceed prepare preliminary construction plans and specifications consistent with City Budding and Planning Codes and Federal /State ADA guidelines for review by the City staff and after incorporating the comments, submit the plans for a plan check approval by the City Building Safety Division and the Fire Department The scope of this work includes Evaluation of site and existing conditions Utility research and coordination Asbestos investigations/mitigation for the existing Clubhouse to prepare for its demolition N RPR S REC CENTER GYM 101'22 0 1 , 1 1 7 4 Soil testing and site survey • Assistance to obtain environmental (CEQA) certification for the proposed Community Center • Any needed street, curb, sidewalk, driveway improvements Landscaping plans for the building site Identification of construction staging areas Parking need assessment and parking lot layout if parking, in addition to available street parking, is necessary Task 3 - Final Design, After incorporating the comments received the plans shall be submitted to the City Building Safety Division for a plan check approval Architect shall respond and make noted corrections and will be responsible to obtain the plan check approval Task 4 — Bidding Period • Assist the City in developing a pre - qualification requirement for prospective bidders • During the bidding period be available to answer bidder's questions and attend a pre - bid conference to provide assistance to the bidders and to provide them with a good understanding of the project Prepare addendum to the plans and specifications if necessary after the pre -bid conference • Review construction bids received make bidder's reference checks and make a recommendation to the City for contract award to the lowest qualified bidder Task 5 - Construction Phase • Attend a pre - construction meeting with the successful contractor • During construction, answer contractors request for information, review shop drawings, progress payment requests, change orders and other submittals and make recommendations on change orders • Attend regularly scheduled lob site meetings to review progress and compliance of construction with project plans • Participate in a final job walk to develop a punch list of corrective work N RFP S REC CENTER GYM (Cl 22.0, 2 1 / 5 Make recommendation to the City for final acceptance of the work Note. Daily inspection, construction management (clerk -of- works) and special inspection and testing services are not to be included Optional Proposal for Needs Assessment: Consultant shall submit an optional proposal to conduct a needs assessment to determine the community's interest and need in the development of a Community Center, including the elements the community envisions for a multipurpose center The elements of the needs assessment can include • One (1) meeting with staff to discuss the community, existing facilities, and perceptions of future needs, • Recruitment and facilitation of a Focus Group to interview a cross section of citizens and community groups to get their input on the proposed protect, Survey (telephone and/or postcard survey) development, • Survey distribution - Determine the most cost - effective way to distribute the survey instrument • Survey compilation and analysis • Summary of findings and recommendations The proposals, at a minimum, should include the following information 1 Architect's understanding of the project and a description of how the architect will approach the project with specific milestones and deliverables 2 Architect's qualifications and prior recent experience within the last five (5) years as the prime architect of record completing a project of a similar nature and scope with names and current telephone numbers of references that can be contacted In this regard, the City is only interested in the architect's experience in implementation of similar Park Master Plan Community Center / gymnasium projects 3 Architect's project team, including name of project manager, and sub - consultants (structural landscaping, etc ) 4 Scope of Services to be provided with a breakdown of different tasks N RFP S,REC CENTER GYM 101 22 01 i 3 , 7 C Architect's estimated fee for the protect, broken down separately for each of the tasks The fee shall be based on architect's employee rate schedule with a not to exceed amount, which should include the estimated costs for mileage, reproduction and other reimbursable costs Please submit employee rate schedule with the proposal Architect fee will not be used as the sole basis for the selection, however will be a factor for consideration A separate cost proposal for the Master Plan, the Community Center / gymnasium protect and the needs assessment is required 6 Time schedule to implement this protect after receiving the Notice to Proceed Include adequate time for City staff review, community / City Council workshops, and plan approval process A statement that architect is agreeable to execute the enclosed City- Consultant agreement, to provide proof of insurance as noted in the agreement and to obtain and maintain a City Business License for the duration of the architectural services N RFP5,REC CENTER GvM i01122101) 4 1 / 7 Selection Process: City staff will review all received proposals The top rated architects may be requested to come to an interview with City staff, which will make a recommendation to the City Recreation and Parks Commission, which will make the final recommendation to the City Council for award of the consultant contract An original and six (6) hard copies of your proposal (facsimile and e-mail proposals are not acceptable) are to be submitted by 4.00 P M , Friday, April 27, 2001 ATTENTION Office of the City Clerk " City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 -3895 " Please mark the outside of the mailing envelope "REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS" CONTACT Mr Greg Johnson Director of Recreation and Parks Recreation and Parks Department Telephone 310- 524 -2707 A pre - proposal conference is scheduled in the Gordon Clubhouse at 300 East Pine Avenue, El Segundo, CA, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, March 28, 2001. in order to familiarize prospective architects with the project, meet City staff, and to provide additional information It will be very helpful if written questions are sent previously to the City so that answers can be prepared and shared with other consultants at the above pre - proposal meeting Sincerely, Bellur K Devaral N RFP S,REC CENTER GYM i01 2Z0l 5 178 City Engineer BKD dr Enclosure RFP 5 REC CENTER GYM lot 2zo, � 7 n RECENT* EXPERIENCE ON PARKS MASTER PLAN / COMMUNITY CENTER GYMNASIUM PROJECTS SIMILAR TO THE ONE CURRENTLY BEING CONSIDERED Please use a separate sheet for each project Architect must be the prime architect of record on the project reported below 1 2 3 4 5 Name of Architect Name and location of project Owner /agency of project Brief scope of work Name of architects project manager F Agency reference Contact person s name /title Telephone number Role in project 7 Construction completion date 8 Cost details (a) Architect's estimate before bid opening = (b) Actual low bid amount = tc) Final actual cost of project - (d) Percentage of total change order cost relative to low bid amount S Schedule Design time schedule per contract Actual time taken to complete design 1 C Was a needs assessment done by your firm for this project If yes please provide a brief summary on work accomplished • [Last five (5) years] Yes No 130 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE. March 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: New Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Inclusion of the 100 -200 blocks of Main Street and Grand Avenue from Standard Street to Concord Street in the first phase of the implementation of the Downtown Specific Plan as recommended by the Downtown Subcommittee RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION Authorize staff to include the 100 -200 blocks of Main Street and Grand Avenue between Standard and Concord Streets in the first phase of improvements and direct staff to estimate the tasks and related costs of the additional improvements BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION On February 20, 2000, the Downtown Task Force reviewed the ongoing effort to implement the Specific Plan As part of the discussion, the Task Force recommended that the 100 -200 blocks of Main Street are included in the Phase I infrastructure improvements for Main Street (water, electric and fiber optic lines) The Downtown Subcommittee recommends that the sidewalk, tree and street lighting improvements also be included in the Phase I improvements ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS None FISCAL IMPACT Operating Budget Amount Requested Account Number Protect Phase Appropriation required $2,500,000 To be calculated 301 400- 8201 -8573 Design and Construction Funds for engineering and resurfacing need to be appropriated from the existing capital budget ORIGINATED DATE Chris Ketz, Planning Manager I James Hansen, Director of Community, Economic and Development Services ry,S "nn, City Manager k/ P Jos,ketz,CC tfrpt100block 18 1 • 1